Inspiration Ch. 06 free porn video

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All and any Breath Play displayed in this story and all MY stories should NEVER be attempted without the proper education and caution and precautions and trustworthy partner.


Author Note:

This chapter is dedicated to a particular correspondent I’ve had the recent pleasure sharing feedback with. She’ll know who she is!



Around and around, wrap by snug wrap the red silk rope bound Rosangela’s wrists.

It was the first time in her life she ever experienced the sensation of rope bondage and the experience was beyond her imagination or expectations. She was in awe, not only about being bound by the brilliant red rope but completely awed by the concentration and focus throughout Victor Hardway’s expression.

She felt as if she were truly witnessing the development of true art as his hands worked the rope expertly. His eyes were focused and followed every motion of his hands and fingers. She could almost see the reflection of his actions within the nearly black depths of his brown eyes. She realized, she was taking part of his true artistic medium, an artist who worked with the softness of silken rope in a chosen brilliant red.

Her eyes and head followed each of his movements as his hands intricately coiled the rope around and around the length of her arms. She anticipated the moment the two ends of the rope would come together, curious to where they would meet on her body.

Every brush of his fingertips sent her anticipation higher and each twist and wrap of the rope raised the level even higher. She felt as if she were a blank human canvas being swirled by pure red that grew more and more vibrant against the paleness of her skin and the pure black of the vinyl corset.

Once her arms were snugly coiled by the rope they were guided raised above her head. The binding around her wrists was attached to a dangling hook which was linked by rope with a pulley rigging bolted to the high ceiling of the loft bedroom.

Her eyes peered forward as he stepped back then watched as he turned and moved towards a brick foundation beam. Her eyes remained wide, watched him unwrap a rope from the hook bolted to the brick. Her head slowly titled back as her eyes peered upward at the pulley.

The pulley moved, the rope linked to her wrists was guided. Bit by bit she felt the rope begin to tug as the pulley softly squeaked with its turns. Slowly, the rope tensing, she rose up on her knees while atop the bed. Her arms straightened at the elbows as the rope was guided tighter and higher. Soon she was on her knees, unable to lower by the firm tension.

Her head dropped and eyes looked to him as he snugly secured the rope wrapping it around the wall hook. Her heart quickly pounded as it raced within her chest which steadily heaved. The fleshy mounds of her tits were more exposed by the upward stretch of her arms, nipples half exposed.

Her eyes remained widely focused on him, watched him momentarily remove his fedora then remove the v-neck sweater.

Atop his head the fedora was returned then he returned before her.

Without skipping a beat, he returned to his masterful art of coiling and wrapping her body with the lengthy rope. Crisscrossed over her chest, the rope was twisted and snug between her vinyl encased tits. Around her torso the rope was wrapped then knotted as he worked down to the curve of her hips.

She was silent throughout it all, focused on him and his undoubted concentration of his expertise. Each little tightening tug of the rope jolted her excitement. Every twist and knot secured her further within his artistic vision. She felt every graze of his hands and fingers as the rope was brought into the crease of her thighs and hips. The silken rope rubbed against the outer sides of her anticipating pussy, stimulating the neatly trimmed hairs and silky against the cleanly shaven bikini line.

The roping of red throughout her body was finished. The rope secured in a harness form, it was given a final knotting at her hips.

He took a step back on bare feet and admired the bold red which played beautifully against her pale skin and the rich black of the corset. Yes, he thought, perfect.

He stepped further back, neared the tripod with the camera set atop. Behind the tripod and camera he stepped. His eye peered at her through the camera lens, perfectly he adjusted the angle and focus. His finger pressed a button.

Her eyes blinked upon the sound of the first camera click which was followed within seconds by another then another. She refocused on him, he had left the tripod, the camera left to automatically snap photos at a steady rate. She watched as he stepped to the open doorway of a what she assumed was a closet.

Her eyes frowned then she questioned, ‘What ya doing?’ She continued to frown, he said nothing and entered the closet.

She took a deep breath, in a quite precarious situation she was in. She was basically bound helpless, only use was the lower half of her body. There was no choice but to sit there propped on her knees while the camera continuously snapped photos.

He stepped out the closet with another tripod and different camera then approached the bed.

She immediately recognized in his hand was a video camera and questioned, ‘Making a movie?’

He set up the tripod, glanced at her with a grin then explained, ‘Since you’ve come into my inspirational line of sight,’ he proceeded to set up the video camera, ‘Many things have changed.’ his eyes looked into hers and held them, ‘Isn’t that what you suggested, a change in my process?’

A deceptively innocent smile crossed her lips then with a nod, she agreed, ‘Yeah, I did.’

He focused on the video camera, checked the focus and stated, ‘Well, change achieved.’

He stepped around the video camera.

Through the eye of the recording video camera Rosangela’s brightly red entwined torso was in perfect view as he stepped up to her.

She slightly had to peer up at him, loved the focused expression within the detailed features of his handsome face, especially his eyes. His eyes were always the one direct feature she always admired within all those author images at the back of his many books. His eyes were the most expressive but became more so when every other distinct feature about his face came to life which she witnessed throughout those short few days.

His eyes shifted in the direction his hand lifted and aimed towards. His right hand index fingertip very lightly touched against the smooth labret pierced within the center of her full bottom lip. As if the tip of an artist’s pencil, he feathery traced his fingertip over the very edge her mouth’s lovely shape.

Eyes focused on his actions, he confessed, ‘I never considered videoing until now.’ his fingertip pressed along the crease of her lips, ‘I want to capture every little detail in any way imaginable at my disposal until I’m permitted to capture you on canvas.’

She loved his voice, the manner he spoke and his tone. There was such a difference hearing the voice of the man who fed all her fantasies with the written word. She had always tried to imagine his voice but was so pleased that she was far from what it truly was, for his voice was much more than expected.

Her eyes studied him as his did her then they shifted as he stepped to the right.

He lifted his hand and gestured she had to wait with his finger.

His bare feet stepped silently over the sealed concrete floor, moved to an antique side table.

He lifted the lid of an intricately carved cigar box, removed a cigar then closed the lid. He tucked the cigar between his lips as he turned, dug his lighter from his pants pocket.

His eyes focused on her as he lit the cigar. He deeply inhaled as the cigar glowed cherry then returned the lighter into his p
ocket. His hand reached back to the brass handle of the side table drawer. Without deviating his eyes from her, the drawer was slid open then he reached inside fetching something particular which was quickly tucked into his pants pocket.

Drawer closed, he casually strolled her direction, drew back the cigar then exhaled and questioned with a puff of smoke, ‘Do you or have you ever smoked?’ His hand reached and fetched the amber toned ashtray from the chair side table. He continued forward.

Her mind screamed, he was beyond sexy when he smoked those fragrant cigars and more so that he was shirtless wearing his signature fedora.

She answered with a confession, ‘I’m an opportunist smoker as in on occasions with friends.’

He continued to step forward with slow casual steps, took another lengthy drag. Another stream of smoke, he asked, ‘Have you heard of forced smoking?’

Her eyes slightly frowned, she heard the term, and answered, ‘Yeah.’

He grinned, stopped just near the corner of the bed. Curiously his head titled then he inquired, ‘How far have you gone into breath play?’

She thought for a moment, wondered what was with all the questions. Her eyes trailed a bit, felt somewhat awkward having a Q&A session in the midst of her being bound and stretched while propped on her knees. She was definitely ready to get the show on the road.

Back to his curious expression her eyes returned then she asked, ‘Why?’

He answered with another question, ‘Have you gone beyond bagging or is that all you have experienced, besides the little hand over mouth trick?’ He took another casual drag followed by an exhale through his nostrils.

Her lips slightly puckered as her eyes suspiciously narrowed at him. She questioned him, ‘What ya getting at?’

‘Hmm,’ he hummed, stepped before her and took another drag. He held the smoke and asked, ‘Tonight,’ he set the cigar in the ashtray then touched the side of her face, dragged his fingertips down along the oval shape, ‘How would you like for me to make you breathless?’ He slowly exhaled through his nose.

Her eyes continued to eye him with suspicion then she commented, ‘I’m predicting you have your own idea concerning how, Mr. Hardway, and,’ she slightly tugged against the rope making the pulley chime, ‘I have no means to stop your idea but,’ she tilted her head, ‘I bet, you’re experience with all this goes way beyond mine.’

He smirked, took a drag, then exhaled and slyly questioned, ‘Are you granting me freedom to do as I please?’

She quickly answered with a reminder, ‘A little release, Mr. Hardway, not full release.’ she slyly grinned and added, ‘Well, you can have a full release when you fuck me.’ then she stated, ‘But, as for my breathlessness,’ her brow curiously lifted, ‘That you have the freedom to choose.’

He took a lengthy drag with a deep inhale then slowly exhaled with a drawn out huff of annoyance. There was a little glimmer of hope for a minute that he just might receive complete freedom with his creativity. His eyes glanced at the unused canvas perched on the easel then returned to her.

Another drag, he agreed, ‘Fine.’

Widely she smiled up at him.

He stepped to the side of the bed and stated, ‘First a warm up, hmm?’

He maneuvered onto the bed behind her, set the ashtray down beside him then flicked an ash. Taking another drag from the cigar, he dug his hand in to his pants pocket then withdrew a brilliant red silk. He tucked the cigar between his lips and teeth then maneuvered his arms between hers and her head.

Her eyes shifted upward, saw the bright red. Her eyes looked forward as the red moved before her eyes. Her lips formed an intrigued grin.

He pressed the makeshift blindfold over her eyes, guided the ends back and worked them into a snug knot. He explained with suggestion, ‘Lets focus on the senses of touch, sound, and smell, hmm.’

The blindfold secure, he brought his left hand down against the full outer roundness of her left ass cheek as the right drew the cigar back from his lips, flicked an ash into the ashtray. Very lightly he massaged his hand in circles against the plump flesh of her ass and subtly kneaded his fingers.

He instructed, ‘Focus on what you’re feeling, what I’m making you feel.’

She continued to grin, lightly chewed the side of her bottom lip. Without knowledge of what was developing in his mind made the scenario all the more exciting. Her blindness raised the excitement bar further. His questions were hints, she knew that much but oblivious to the extent of what those hints meant. She simply indulged in every step, the sensation of his warm hand against the bare flesh of her ass was a tender beginning.

A loud crack with an instant sting caused her to loudly gasp with surprise. Her eyes were wide behind the blindfold, felt the lingering sting against her ass. Her head snapped to the right but nothing could be seen but she heard a definite amused chuckle come from him.

Another strong crack was heard and definitely felt across her ass, her body shook and the pulley clanged. The sting lasted longer as his hand gently massaged the cracked cheek of her ass.

Again another quick and loud crack, she loudly gasped with a mingled groan. The sting tingled across the three times struck cheek of her ass.

Another sudden and harsh crack against the same stinging cheek caused her to slightly whine with another gasped groan. The growing sting seemed to send a burst of tingles to shiver over her and gather within the moistening center between her tensing thighs.

He flicked the cigar ash. His left hand abandoned her reddened ass cheek, moved up against the smooth vinyl of her back then upward onto her bare neck. His fingers lightly massaged against the gathered ringlets then gripped a handful and jerked her head back. He leaned, brought the cigar to his lips then took a lengthy drag filling his lungs.

Her lips were lightly gaped as steady heightened breaths breathed passed. Her eyes shifted blindly behind the blindfold. She could smell the fragrant aroma from his cigar.

She felt him tighten the grip of her hair then guide her head turned his direction. She smelled the heavy smoke, felt it blow against her lips then lightly tasted it as she inhaled.

He took another lengthy drag then brought his lips nearly touching hers. He slowly exhaled against her parted lips.

She again inhaled, the cigar smoke moved passed her lips then filled her mouth with the rich flavor. She felt the thin smoke fill her lungs, held her breath for a moment then exhaled. She had tasted that flavor many times when kissed by him which now became another signature that represented him.

Again he took another lengthy drag but this time he pressed his lips against hers and exhaled the smoke directly passed her lips. As she inhaled he firmly kissed her, delivered his tongue full into her mouth.

He felt her hold her breath as he continued to kiss her. Steadily he kissed her, provoking her to hold the smoke as long as she could. He listened to her softly groan the moment she exhaled, tasted the very thin smoke against his exploring tongue.

He drew back then brought the tip of his nearly completed cigar to her lips. He watched her instinctively bring her lips around the cigar tip. His lips grinned, the cherry of the cigar brightened as she deeply inhaled. Then he instructed, ‘Hold it.’

She did as told, held the inhaled smoke deep inside her chest. The bed slightly shifted.

He quickly snuffed out the cigar. His right hand tightened the grip of her hair then swiftly he clasped his hand over her mouth and pinched off her nose. His lips grinned the moment he listened to grunt in response, her body startled and caused the pulley to chime.

She again grunted, her chest tensed as she was forced to hold the smoky air inside her chest by his firmly clasped hand. Behind the blindfold
her eyes remained wide.

She heard about such things as forced smoking but never thought she would experience it. Such a new rush for her and her body. Plain and simple suffocation has always been her experience but with the addition of the smoke, a new high developed and aroused her body to a new level.

He held firm, her mouth latched by his hand and nose pinched off. He achieved his own rush which was delivered by the control he so loved and enjoyed to conduct. Each of her grunts heightened his rush, each grunt came quicker and louder as the suffocation was prolonged. Yet, her body beautifully responded, the pulley chimed with each of her excited hippy grinds.

His hand finally released her, she loudly gasped with a quick inhale. Each following breath was quick and erratic but her body was overjoyed. A lazy and dazed smile formed over her lips.

A quiver jolted over her the moment his hand released her hair. Her head subtly dropped back, her every muscle felt relaxed by the rush of air filling her steadily heaving chest.

She felt him move against her from behind, his right arm moved around her cinched waist. Her head lifted, his lips were felt against her ear and she again quivered with anticipation of hearing his voice within the blindfold’s darkness.

He pressed his right hand firm against her abdomen, enjoyed the slick smoothness of the black vinyl and feel of her body heat penetrated through the thick material.

He spoke into her ear, ‘That was just a little sample of forced smoking.’ his left hand moved to the base of her throat, ‘Since I’m only allowed some release, the full experience will have to wait.’

He slid his hand up from the base of her throat, guided her head back against his bare shoulder. He again spoke, ‘But I’m far from finished with my permitted little release.’

Her lips again smiled and she breathed, ‘Yay.’

His lips smirked in response to her simple comment that only provoked him to continue. Again, his hand clasped over her mouth and pinched of her nose. Her reaction was immediate, she sounded a muffled groan as her body again startled and caused the pulley to again chime.

He held her suffocated as his right hand very slowly inched down her abdomen as her hips again excitedly shifted. He nearly chuckled in her ear with question, ‘You want my hand between your legs, don’t you?’ He listened to her grunt in attempt to answer as her head struggled to nod.

His fingertips brushed against the hair coating her soft pussy mound then slowly inched further down as her hips eagerly begged. His middle finger very lightly brushed against the crease of her pussy lips, felt the dampness.

He released the pinch of her nose, she swiftly inhaled through her flared nostrils as she whined with relief. But the moment she inhaled a second time her nose was again firmly pinched with his hand firm over her mouth. The ache in her just was immediate but her mind focused where his hand tormentingly remained, desperately waited for his touch within the slickness of her desiring pussy.

His grin broadened, indulged in her muffled vocals. He slyly, with tormenting purpose, slipped his middle finger within the slicked lips of her pussy, only brought the pad against her heated and swollen clit but refused to stimulate. He listened to her muffled whine and chuckled in her ear, knew how badly she wanted her clit stroked as he suffocated her.

He stated, ‘Not yet.’ Again he chuckled the moment she loudly whined through his clasped hand.

His hand drew back from her pussy, again she whined. Then he fully released her from suffocation.

She immediately breathed as heavily as possible yet she groaned with frustration. She felt his fingers undo the blind fold and in seconds she was able to open her eyes. Her eyes immediately shifted his direction the moment she felt him get off the bed. She commented, ‘You’re mean.’

He loudly chuckled, strolled back to the side table.

She nearly panted as her eyes glared at him then stated, ‘That’s just wrong to do that.’

He laughed, slid open another drawer with his back to her.

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It was late, far later than my Catholic parents would ever have let me stay up. My eyes were drowsy, closing on their own accord in two-minute intervals. Part of me was aware of a tingling reaction to "Dirty Dancing, " which Lisa had just watched with me for the first time, but the rest of me was nearing exhaustion. I would have already been asleep but for the fact that Lisa was still talking, still trying to elicit responses from me. "Ohmygod, do you think I should dance like that with Tony at...

2 years ago
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Inside a Spunk Filled Cunt

When women glory in gangbangs, they adore being called sluts. These are women who know what they want; they get it by pleasing the men who circle them.A slut has special hands. Hardening men’s shafts is her hand’s essential job. She knows that when a cock feels a hand with rings on the finger it puts even more metal into the hardening rod. A hand isn’t enough though to prepare a man, a slut’s tongue and mouth are needed to send further electrical shocks from the point of contact straight...

4 years ago
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July 2017 Meeting 3 Sally is recognised by Lee

I suppose it was inevitable that Sally would be recognised at some stage especially now I had her profile posted on a number of forums and dating sites. Sally was involved in the setup of each of the profiles so it really should not have come as a surprise when someone actually knew who she was. Having said that Sally could have not have predicted this to happen only a couple of months after creating these profiles. A lesson learned and just emphasised that we probably need to be more discreet...

Wife Lovers
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In The Darkness

In the darkness, I felt very alone – but in a strange way very turned on. Movement was impossible and all my senses worked overtime. Why had I agreed to this? I hadn’t even been drunk ! A little bit of male attention was enough to persuade me to enter this unfamiliar world. Lets face it, I was bored…. Mid forties, kids, husband who all too often works abroad – sounds familiar doesn’t it. Nice things to have don’t get me wrong, but, somewhere inside, something was missing. They say a woman can...

4 years ago
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Chaos Calls 02 The First RescueChapter 02

One thing I know from my studies and training is you should make the best use of the weapons available and you should learn how to use them to their best effect. I already know how to use a bow and a sword, but I now spend a lot more time practising with other bows and swords to become better with them. I study how they’re made and how I can make better ones within the technological limits of Chaos too. I also look at changing what I’m studying at school. The whole school now knows I’m...

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My friends wife

When I was younger, I had several good friends including Markus and Katie.I met them at college, and back then Markus was a tall well built guy who played on the college football team, and Katie was young blonde chubby girl who was studying to become a Nurse.Anyway, after college we went our separate ways, I moved away and began my career and they got married and had their careers, and apart from messages and the odd phone call through the year, I hardly ever saw them.Then a few years later, I...

2 years ago
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Too Late To Turn BackChapter 8

Jen and Mike were deep in another discussion about their Game, about the next step Mike wanted Jen to take with Steve. "Jen, I want you to go off the pill." Jen looked stunned. "What?" Mike took a deep breath. "I want you to go off the pill. Off all birth control. I know there's a risk of getting pregnant with Steve, but — but..." Mike searched for the right words. Understanding hit Jen. "But the risk excites you," she said softly. Jen saw in her husband's eyes that her guess...

2 years ago
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The Weekend Part Five

I opened one eye. Gail was next to me, her face buried partly under the bed covers. “Are you awake,” I asked. “What time is it?” was her sleepy response. “A little past 9:30,” I told her. If we hurried we could make the hotel breakfast which ended at 10:00 a.m. “Can’t we just have room service send up some coffee?” she said, offering more of a suggestion than posing a question. I rolled over, found the phone and called room service. Back under the covers, I asked how she was feeling. ...

Oral Sex
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The Lonely Wife Chapter 3

Chapter 3That night I arrived home just as my husband and daughter got there. My daughter is xx years old and has her Dad’s red hair and my blue eyes. She is just starting to show her real figure but still looks kind of like a tom boy.“So did you have a good day today Jenny?” I asked of my daughter“It was ok. What’s for dinner?” she asked“I thought we order pizza.” I said“That sounds good Mom!”“I could use a shower first. How about you order Jack?”“OK” my husband saidI went upstairs and thought...

3 years ago
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Black Cock Warning Pt5

I get up and start to walk slowly to my room, having a difficult timebalancing on my high hells, my knees red and aching from being on the floorand weak from the pounding I just took, my ass throbbing and dipping cumall over my legs. Despite having swallowed as much as I could, I have somecum on my chin and on the sides of my lips, my hair all messed up frombeing grabbed, my nipples red from being played with, my thong wet from myown cum. I am thoroughly fucked and I look it. Everyone who sees...

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 53 Doing the Right Thing

April 1982, Chicago, Illinois and Washington, DC Sunday evening, after dinner, I excused myself and called Joyce. I knew she’d have good advice for me, knowing the full situation. “Shit,” Joyce said, “That is really bad. Some of those guys don’t care about age. In fact, they want the teenagers because they attract clients and they can actually charge more. Grandfather absolutely forbids his guys from using girls who are under eighteen. One time he found out about a girl who was only...

4 years ago
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The Last Police ChiefChapter 19

The night before the first day of work with the project humanity builders, I was too nervous to sleep. had no idea how things would work out with my part time job. I sure as hell wouldn’t be dropping my real job to be a pretend carpenter. Nonetheless I skipped my morning hike opting for a real breakfast instead. While ridding the scooter to the job site, I carried my tools in the small knapsack on my back. Mine was the only three wheel moped in town and was therefore a curiosity. I didn’t...

2 years ago
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A couple like to play rough

She was tough, alright, just as advertised. Tall, blonde, blue-eyed and fiery, and loved her bondage sessions. She had a very high tolerance for pain too, maybe that was what I really admired about her; that she could take anything I could dish out, and then some, and that she truly loved every minute of it! I think the best time we had was when she came to me begging, pleading for me to really torture her breasts, now, how could I possibly refuse a request like that? Well, I couldn’t,...

1 year ago
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The Doctor Part 6 Doc and Sophie

Sophie and I were still in the office tidying up after Tessa left.I realised that Tessa had forgotten to take her toys, and I indicated as much to Sophie.“Tessa forgot to take the toys I bought for her,” I said.“Oh, that is interesting,” she replied. “Besides the nipple clamps, what else did you get her?”“Orgasm balls, and a clit clip,” I said. “I also got you something but you have to wait for it.”“Oh my,” she said. “I’m intrigued. I know orgasm balls from porn, but I don’t know what a clit...

3 years ago
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Ek Ghar Ke Nange Armaan Part 2

Please send your feedback at Thand ke dine shuru rahe the. Ab mai aur didi kaafi khul gaye the. Jo hamne ek ghante wali game se shuru kiya tha woh ab hamare baatchit ka tarika ban gaya tha. Mere liye didi sirf ek sharir thi jiske har ched me mera lund daalna tha. Waise se hum log itne karib aa gaye the ki mai kabhie bhi didi ko patak kar kutiya ke jaisa chod askta tha. But usme mazaa kahan tha. Jo mazaa tarasne aur khelne me hota hai woh khelne wale hi jaane. Aur mere mann me didi ke gaand...

2 years ago
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GI Dick

My dad was in the military back in the day when the base-exchange (PX) carried some of the raunchiest adult magazines. I may have been young, but I always found the opportunity to look through a few without someone giving me shit. Getting my little cock to stand at attention at the most inopportune time was my only issue. The exchange was like a small mall, with venders, a barber and food service areas. They were all closed by now, and the exchange was the last store that was open. While...

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Fiances Encounter With a Pony

March 2012 My wife and I are best friends with another married couple who have been our dearest friends since grade school. This other married couple is also a bit unusual as they have two other women living with them and they as well were in school with us. It was well known in high school these four were exceptional close. We did not know how close until over time we spent many very intoxicated nights over the years sharing a hot tub or pool shedding inhibitions only as best friends could,...

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So me and my brother,both grew up on WELFARE under a single parent who turn out to be an ALCOHOLIC.All of us lived in the Ghetto.He dropped out of school to help support us,basicly pay the rent and buy food,Because Mom was to busy getting her drink on.Me on the other hand became rebellious.I refused to be some strongout whore,and being pimped.So I got involved with d**gs as a dealer.I enjoyed that FAST LIFE AND FASTMONEY,until i got caught the first time was 6 months Probation,the second time...

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My first anal experience

Now that I am older, I find myself thinking back to my teenage years, big hair, and short skirts, and how much fun I had, growing up in a small, mid west college town. There was one particular evening that I remember quite vividly. It kinda formed how I feel about certain sex through out my adult life. It was Friday night, and my best friend Kathy and I are at our other friend, Gail's house. Usually on a weekend night we find a Frat party to go to on campus, but Gail's parents have taken their...

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Kana Kaanum Kaalangal 8211 Part 2

Aval kangalil kaneer kasiya ennai kaathalikiren endru solli en sunniyai innum urinthu vegamaaga sappa aarambithaal. Ennal sugathai thaangi kola mudiyaamal naan en kangalai irukamaaga mudi avalin thalaiyai irukamaaga pidithu en sunniyai aval vaaiyil vitu konde irunthen. En kaathali ennai evalavu kaathal seigiraal endru aval en sunniyai umbuvathil kanbithaal. Enaku avalai naan evalavu kaathal seigiren endru kanbika aasaiyaaga irunthathu, aval ennai sorgathirku azhaithu sendral. Aval vegamaaga...

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Loves MastersChapter 6 Holiday Revelations

The next day, Joey and Brad had a basketball game, and my dad surprised us when he came with the twins to watch it. During the game, it was easy for me to get caught up in the struggle between the two teams, especially when the twins were into it as well. My dad and Suzi were used to feeling the twins’ excitement at games, but with the three of us together, we usually had to sit apart to prevent our combined empathic abilities from causing everyone else around us to go nuts when something...

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Queer Halloween

A Halloween Present for my TG Co-Respondents! Not very TG this time, but it does have some merit I think. I hope. For those whose reality includes fantasy, not for those who fantasize reality, not for those who can't tell the difference, and not for those under legal age. I guess that about covers it. Queer Halloween by Vickie Tern i. Oh, there's the waiter. I'm so pleased we could get...

2 years ago
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Friend And Brother Help Sister

This story dates back to my college days. My both parents were working but we lived on modest income like typical middle-class family. I had one younger sister. I was in the final year, sister was in a 1st year and our colleges were morning shift. Both of us were home by 12 noon when our parents were already gone. I used to solve difficulties of my sister in her studies. The whole afternoon was left to us bro and sis duo. My name is Sunil. Sister is called Anita. I had a very thick buddy (even...

4 years ago
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RhykovChapter 6

Slutsk was predominantly a Jewish town of about 15 to 20 thousand in 1900. In 1920, near Slutsk, Belarusian Nationalists had fought losing battles against the Red Army's Omsk Brigade in the Civil War. Many of the inhabitants had fled to Poland who'd, traditionally, a relaxed attitude to Jews compared to many European countries. The countryside was one of the poorest in Belarus, but the citizens had been adept for centuries at looking after themselves. Any arable land was used for...

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My Ex is a great porn site that has real people and amateurs who are real ex-gfs. They are chicks who have done bad things like cheating on someone or just being rude to their boyfriends. There are also girls who just want to get some attention online so they put their own pics up there for everyone to see.Right on the front page, you will see chicks and the details of why they are on the site. Some of them are accused as gold diggers, some were just controlling and others who are bonafide...

Amateur Porn Sites
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little sister becomes my cum dump part 1

Introduction: lily has to take care of her older brother and she does the light turned green at the four-way intersection and I pushed on the gas. without warning another car T-bones me from the right. slamming my car into another. I felt both my arms break and my left leg as the metal of the car crushed in on me. after that everything went black. I woke up looking up at a hospital ceiling the first thing I noticed was I could not move my arms or left leg without pain shooting through me. I...

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Sisters and Me

Back when I was growing up, my sisters treated me like I was their private fuckboy ... sorry, language. But true. See, I was the only male boy in this household of eight. My five sisters, my mom, my daddy, and of course, me. Well, most of the time, it was a house full of just women folks and me, as daddy was a truck driver. He drove tractors and combines in the season and long hauls the rest of the time. My sisters, well, they weren’t really my sisters ‘cause I were adopted. Mama and daddy...

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To Hunt the Hunters

Jane took a deep, steadying breath as she looked at the grime covered manhole that would take her down into the sewers and eventually to the lair of the monsters she was here to slay. For nearly her entire life Jane had been trained to fight monsters, creatures that most humans believed were confined neatly to storybooks. The monastery had books on every type of monster that had been cataloged, and Jane had studied them all. She had sparred with the brothers and sisters at the temple. She had...

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The Landlords ProtgChapter 4

Both Susan and Victor realised in their different ways that their relationship had taken a step forward. Susan felt attracted to the man but was wary of committing herself beyond friendship. Victor felt he was falling in love with her, but thought that it was hardly likely that she would reciprocate his feelings. Each of them decided privately to keep things very cool and platonic. However, this did not prevent Susan accepting a regular Friday evening date with Victor, bringing the children...

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Only Time I Was Caught Masturbating Ever

This is an account of the one and only time I was caught masturbating.I was 15 and it was the summer between 10th and 11th grade.My best friend at that time, Jeff, were in school bands together and inseparable running mates for several years. We both had paper-routes, loved riding our bikes - all the typical stuff youngsters do at that age.His family lived near mine so we'd do overnights at each other's house fairly often. His dad flew for the Air force and would be gone quite a bit but his mom...

3 years ago
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The Life of RyanChapter 19 Surprising Amy

When Chad left after lunch, Ryan returned to his suite and properly pampered his body with its “beauty treatments”, took care of his hair and teeth, and took stock of himself in the mirror. Satisfied that he looked incredible, with even a nice pumped-up look to his muscles after all the weight-lifting, he selected some black shorts that sagged down to his pelvic bones and hung just right, open-toed sandals, and a chain of small puka shells for his neck, and put on some cologne and his...

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My Ghost House Ch 2

Over the next couple of weeks, my loan application was approved, and I was on my way to being a home owner. Trina tried to be happy for me, but after reading the articles, she was worried that I was in over my head. Lucky for me, the previous owner state d that the house be sold fully furnished. She was donating the period furniture with the house when she died. So, I got an amazing deal. Moving day came, and I was so excited that I could barely drive. Trina told me earlier in the week that she...

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Two Slutty Daughters Chapter One

A story originally edited and broken down into chapters by me.Chapter 1When Anita Loper touched her drippy little pussy with her warm, soft fingers, her whole body jumped."Ohhhh," she sighed to her friend, Diane Sager, "I'm so horny I could run out and fuck the first cock I see!""Really," Diane agreed, her own fingers massaging her own aching cunt-mound. "We gotta figure something out. If we don't start getting fucked soon, we might have to start fucking each other!""Oh!" Anita exclaimed,...

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