- 2 years ago
- 32
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All and any Breath Play displayed in this story and all MY stories should NEVER be attempted without the proper education and caution and precautions and trustworthy partner.
Author Note:
This chapter is dedicated to a particular correspondent I’ve had the recent pleasure sharing feedback with. She’ll know who she is!
Around and around, wrap by snug wrap the red silk rope bound Rosangela’s wrists.
It was the first time in her life she ever experienced the sensation of rope bondage and the experience was beyond her imagination or expectations. She was in awe, not only about being bound by the brilliant red rope but completely awed by the concentration and focus throughout Victor Hardway’s expression.
She felt as if she were truly witnessing the development of true art as his hands worked the rope expertly. His eyes were focused and followed every motion of his hands and fingers. She could almost see the reflection of his actions within the nearly black depths of his brown eyes. She realized, she was taking part of his true artistic medium, an artist who worked with the softness of silken rope in a chosen brilliant red.
Her eyes and head followed each of his movements as his hands intricately coiled the rope around and around the length of her arms. She anticipated the moment the two ends of the rope would come together, curious to where they would meet on her body.
Every brush of his fingertips sent her anticipation higher and each twist and wrap of the rope raised the level even higher. She felt as if she were a blank human canvas being swirled by pure red that grew more and more vibrant against the paleness of her skin and the pure black of the vinyl corset.
Once her arms were snugly coiled by the rope they were guided raised above her head. The binding around her wrists was attached to a dangling hook which was linked by rope with a pulley rigging bolted to the high ceiling of the loft bedroom.
Her eyes peered forward as he stepped back then watched as he turned and moved towards a brick foundation beam. Her eyes remained wide, watched him unwrap a rope from the hook bolted to the brick. Her head slowly titled back as her eyes peered upward at the pulley.
The pulley moved, the rope linked to her wrists was guided. Bit by bit she felt the rope begin to tug as the pulley softly squeaked with its turns. Slowly, the rope tensing, she rose up on her knees while atop the bed. Her arms straightened at the elbows as the rope was guided tighter and higher. Soon she was on her knees, unable to lower by the firm tension.
Her head dropped and eyes looked to him as he snugly secured the rope wrapping it around the wall hook. Her heart quickly pounded as it raced within her chest which steadily heaved. The fleshy mounds of her tits were more exposed by the upward stretch of her arms, nipples half exposed.
Her eyes remained widely focused on him, watched him momentarily remove his fedora then remove the v-neck sweater.
Atop his head the fedora was returned then he returned before her.
Without skipping a beat, he returned to his masterful art of coiling and wrapping her body with the lengthy rope. Crisscrossed over her chest, the rope was twisted and snug between her vinyl encased tits. Around her torso the rope was wrapped then knotted as he worked down to the curve of her hips.
She was silent throughout it all, focused on him and his undoubted concentration of his expertise. Each little tightening tug of the rope jolted her excitement. Every twist and knot secured her further within his artistic vision. She felt every graze of his hands and fingers as the rope was brought into the crease of her thighs and hips. The silken rope rubbed against the outer sides of her anticipating pussy, stimulating the neatly trimmed hairs and silky against the cleanly shaven bikini line.
The roping of red throughout her body was finished. The rope secured in a harness form, it was given a final knotting at her hips.
He took a step back on bare feet and admired the bold red which played beautifully against her pale skin and the rich black of the corset. Yes, he thought, perfect.
He stepped further back, neared the tripod with the camera set atop. Behind the tripod and camera he stepped. His eye peered at her through the camera lens, perfectly he adjusted the angle and focus. His finger pressed a button.
Her eyes blinked upon the sound of the first camera click which was followed within seconds by another then another. She refocused on him, he had left the tripod, the camera left to automatically snap photos at a steady rate. She watched as he stepped to the open doorway of a what she assumed was a closet.
Her eyes frowned then she questioned, ‘What ya doing?’ She continued to frown, he said nothing and entered the closet.
She took a deep breath, in a quite precarious situation she was in. She was basically bound helpless, only use was the lower half of her body. There was no choice but to sit there propped on her knees while the camera continuously snapped photos.
He stepped out the closet with another tripod and different camera then approached the bed.
She immediately recognized in his hand was a video camera and questioned, ‘Making a movie?’
He set up the tripod, glanced at her with a grin then explained, ‘Since you’ve come into my inspirational line of sight,’ he proceeded to set up the video camera, ‘Many things have changed.’ his eyes looked into hers and held them, ‘Isn’t that what you suggested, a change in my process?’
A deceptively innocent smile crossed her lips then with a nod, she agreed, ‘Yeah, I did.’
He focused on the video camera, checked the focus and stated, ‘Well, change achieved.’
He stepped around the video camera.
Through the eye of the recording video camera Rosangela’s brightly red entwined torso was in perfect view as he stepped up to her.
She slightly had to peer up at him, loved the focused expression within the detailed features of his handsome face, especially his eyes. His eyes were always the one direct feature she always admired within all those author images at the back of his many books. His eyes were the most expressive but became more so when every other distinct feature about his face came to life which she witnessed throughout those short few days.
His eyes shifted in the direction his hand lifted and aimed towards. His right hand index fingertip very lightly touched against the smooth labret pierced within the center of her full bottom lip. As if the tip of an artist’s pencil, he feathery traced his fingertip over the very edge her mouth’s lovely shape.
Eyes focused on his actions, he confessed, ‘I never considered videoing until now.’ his fingertip pressed along the crease of her lips, ‘I want to capture every little detail in any way imaginable at my disposal until I’m permitted to capture you on canvas.’
She loved his voice, the manner he spoke and his tone. There was such a difference hearing the voice of the man who fed all her fantasies with the written word. She had always tried to imagine his voice but was so pleased that she was far from what it truly was, for his voice was much more than expected.
Her eyes studied him as his did her then they shifted as he stepped to the right.
He lifted his hand and gestured she had to wait with his finger.
His bare feet stepped silently over the sealed concrete floor, moved to an antique side table.
He lifted the lid of an intricately carved cigar box, removed a cigar then closed the lid. He tucked the cigar between his lips as he turned, dug his lighter from his pants pocket.
His eyes focused on her as he lit the cigar. He deeply inhaled as the cigar glowed cherry then returned the lighter into his p
ocket. His hand reached back to the brass handle of the side table drawer. Without deviating his eyes from her, the drawer was slid open then he reached inside fetching something particular which was quickly tucked into his pants pocket.
Drawer closed, he casually strolled her direction, drew back the cigar then exhaled and questioned with a puff of smoke, ‘Do you or have you ever smoked?’ His hand reached and fetched the amber toned ashtray from the chair side table. He continued forward.
Her mind screamed, he was beyond sexy when he smoked those fragrant cigars and more so that he was shirtless wearing his signature fedora.
She answered with a confession, ‘I’m an opportunist smoker as in on occasions with friends.’
He continued to step forward with slow casual steps, took another lengthy drag. Another stream of smoke, he asked, ‘Have you heard of forced smoking?’
Her eyes slightly frowned, she heard the term, and answered, ‘Yeah.’
He grinned, stopped just near the corner of the bed. Curiously his head titled then he inquired, ‘How far have you gone into breath play?’
She thought for a moment, wondered what was with all the questions. Her eyes trailed a bit, felt somewhat awkward having a Q&A session in the midst of her being bound and stretched while propped on her knees. She was definitely ready to get the show on the road.
Back to his curious expression her eyes returned then she asked, ‘Why?’
He answered with another question, ‘Have you gone beyond bagging or is that all you have experienced, besides the little hand over mouth trick?’ He took another casual drag followed by an exhale through his nostrils.
Her lips slightly puckered as her eyes suspiciously narrowed at him. She questioned him, ‘What ya getting at?’
‘Hmm,’ he hummed, stepped before her and took another drag. He held the smoke and asked, ‘Tonight,’ he set the cigar in the ashtray then touched the side of her face, dragged his fingertips down along the oval shape, ‘How would you like for me to make you breathless?’ He slowly exhaled through his nose.
Her eyes continued to eye him with suspicion then she commented, ‘I’m predicting you have your own idea concerning how, Mr. Hardway, and,’ she slightly tugged against the rope making the pulley chime, ‘I have no means to stop your idea but,’ she tilted her head, ‘I bet, you’re experience with all this goes way beyond mine.’
He smirked, took a drag, then exhaled and slyly questioned, ‘Are you granting me freedom to do as I please?’
She quickly answered with a reminder, ‘A little release, Mr. Hardway, not full release.’ she slyly grinned and added, ‘Well, you can have a full release when you fuck me.’ then she stated, ‘But, as for my breathlessness,’ her brow curiously lifted, ‘That you have the freedom to choose.’
He took a lengthy drag with a deep inhale then slowly exhaled with a drawn out huff of annoyance. There was a little glimmer of hope for a minute that he just might receive complete freedom with his creativity. His eyes glanced at the unused canvas perched on the easel then returned to her.
Another drag, he agreed, ‘Fine.’
Widely she smiled up at him.
He stepped to the side of the bed and stated, ‘First a warm up, hmm?’
He maneuvered onto the bed behind her, set the ashtray down beside him then flicked an ash. Taking another drag from the cigar, he dug his hand in to his pants pocket then withdrew a brilliant red silk. He tucked the cigar between his lips and teeth then maneuvered his arms between hers and her head.
Her eyes shifted upward, saw the bright red. Her eyes looked forward as the red moved before her eyes. Her lips formed an intrigued grin.
He pressed the makeshift blindfold over her eyes, guided the ends back and worked them into a snug knot. He explained with suggestion, ‘Lets focus on the senses of touch, sound, and smell, hmm.’
The blindfold secure, he brought his left hand down against the full outer roundness of her left ass cheek as the right drew the cigar back from his lips, flicked an ash into the ashtray. Very lightly he massaged his hand in circles against the plump flesh of her ass and subtly kneaded his fingers.
He instructed, ‘Focus on what you’re feeling, what I’m making you feel.’
She continued to grin, lightly chewed the side of her bottom lip. Without knowledge of what was developing in his mind made the scenario all the more exciting. Her blindness raised the excitement bar further. His questions were hints, she knew that much but oblivious to the extent of what those hints meant. She simply indulged in every step, the sensation of his warm hand against the bare flesh of her ass was a tender beginning.
A loud crack with an instant sting caused her to loudly gasp with surprise. Her eyes were wide behind the blindfold, felt the lingering sting against her ass. Her head snapped to the right but nothing could be seen but she heard a definite amused chuckle come from him.
Another strong crack was heard and definitely felt across her ass, her body shook and the pulley clanged. The sting lasted longer as his hand gently massaged the cracked cheek of her ass.
Again another quick and loud crack, she loudly gasped with a mingled groan. The sting tingled across the three times struck cheek of her ass.
Another sudden and harsh crack against the same stinging cheek caused her to slightly whine with another gasped groan. The growing sting seemed to send a burst of tingles to shiver over her and gather within the moistening center between her tensing thighs.
He flicked the cigar ash. His left hand abandoned her reddened ass cheek, moved up against the smooth vinyl of her back then upward onto her bare neck. His fingers lightly massaged against the gathered ringlets then gripped a handful and jerked her head back. He leaned, brought the cigar to his lips then took a lengthy drag filling his lungs.
Her lips were lightly gaped as steady heightened breaths breathed passed. Her eyes shifted blindly behind the blindfold. She could smell the fragrant aroma from his cigar.
She felt him tighten the grip of her hair then guide her head turned his direction. She smelled the heavy smoke, felt it blow against her lips then lightly tasted it as she inhaled.
He took another lengthy drag then brought his lips nearly touching hers. He slowly exhaled against her parted lips.
She again inhaled, the cigar smoke moved passed her lips then filled her mouth with the rich flavor. She felt the thin smoke fill her lungs, held her breath for a moment then exhaled. She had tasted that flavor many times when kissed by him which now became another signature that represented him.
Again he took another lengthy drag but this time he pressed his lips against hers and exhaled the smoke directly passed her lips. As she inhaled he firmly kissed her, delivered his tongue full into her mouth.
He felt her hold her breath as he continued to kiss her. Steadily he kissed her, provoking her to hold the smoke as long as she could. He listened to her softly groan the moment she exhaled, tasted the very thin smoke against his exploring tongue.
He drew back then brought the tip of his nearly completed cigar to her lips. He watched her instinctively bring her lips around the cigar tip. His lips grinned, the cherry of the cigar brightened as she deeply inhaled. Then he instructed, ‘Hold it.’
She did as told, held the inhaled smoke deep inside her chest. The bed slightly shifted.
He quickly snuffed out the cigar. His right hand tightened the grip of her hair then swiftly he clasped his hand over her mouth and pinched off her nose. His lips grinned the moment he listened to grunt in response, her body startled and caused the pulley to chime.
She again grunted, her chest tensed as she was forced to hold the smoky air inside her chest by his firmly clasped hand. Behind the blindfold
her eyes remained wide.
She heard about such things as forced smoking but never thought she would experience it. Such a new rush for her and her body. Plain and simple suffocation has always been her experience but with the addition of the smoke, a new high developed and aroused her body to a new level.
He held firm, her mouth latched by his hand and nose pinched off. He achieved his own rush which was delivered by the control he so loved and enjoyed to conduct. Each of her grunts heightened his rush, each grunt came quicker and louder as the suffocation was prolonged. Yet, her body beautifully responded, the pulley chimed with each of her excited hippy grinds.
His hand finally released her, she loudly gasped with a quick inhale. Each following breath was quick and erratic but her body was overjoyed. A lazy and dazed smile formed over her lips.
A quiver jolted over her the moment his hand released her hair. Her head subtly dropped back, her every muscle felt relaxed by the rush of air filling her steadily heaving chest.
She felt him move against her from behind, his right arm moved around her cinched waist. Her head lifted, his lips were felt against her ear and she again quivered with anticipation of hearing his voice within the blindfold’s darkness.
He pressed his right hand firm against her abdomen, enjoyed the slick smoothness of the black vinyl and feel of her body heat penetrated through the thick material.
He spoke into her ear, ‘That was just a little sample of forced smoking.’ his left hand moved to the base of her throat, ‘Since I’m only allowed some release, the full experience will have to wait.’
He slid his hand up from the base of her throat, guided her head back against his bare shoulder. He again spoke, ‘But I’m far from finished with my permitted little release.’
Her lips again smiled and she breathed, ‘Yay.’
His lips smirked in response to her simple comment that only provoked him to continue. Again, his hand clasped over her mouth and pinched of her nose. Her reaction was immediate, she sounded a muffled groan as her body again startled and caused the pulley to again chime.
He held her suffocated as his right hand very slowly inched down her abdomen as her hips again excitedly shifted. He nearly chuckled in her ear with question, ‘You want my hand between your legs, don’t you?’ He listened to her grunt in attempt to answer as her head struggled to nod.
His fingertips brushed against the hair coating her soft pussy mound then slowly inched further down as her hips eagerly begged. His middle finger very lightly brushed against the crease of her pussy lips, felt the dampness.
He released the pinch of her nose, she swiftly inhaled through her flared nostrils as she whined with relief. But the moment she inhaled a second time her nose was again firmly pinched with his hand firm over her mouth. The ache in her just was immediate but her mind focused where his hand tormentingly remained, desperately waited for his touch within the slickness of her desiring pussy.
His grin broadened, indulged in her muffled vocals. He slyly, with tormenting purpose, slipped his middle finger within the slicked lips of her pussy, only brought the pad against her heated and swollen clit but refused to stimulate. He listened to her muffled whine and chuckled in her ear, knew how badly she wanted her clit stroked as he suffocated her.
He stated, ‘Not yet.’ Again he chuckled the moment she loudly whined through his clasped hand.
His hand drew back from her pussy, again she whined. Then he fully released her from suffocation.
She immediately breathed as heavily as possible yet she groaned with frustration. She felt his fingers undo the blind fold and in seconds she was able to open her eyes. Her eyes immediately shifted his direction the moment she felt him get off the bed. She commented, ‘You’re mean.’
He loudly chuckled, strolled back to the side table.
She nearly panted as her eyes glared at him then stated, ‘That’s just wrong to do that.’
He laughed, slid open another drawer with his back to her.
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IncestChapter #9 Jennifer aka Ricky, took a deep breath and walked out of the dining room carrying the two sodas like planned. He gave a big smile as he walked pass all the girls, who were trying to figure out who this boy really was. Once in the living room he stooped down and placed the sodas on the coffee table, making sure he didn't show off his frilly panties to all the other girls. Jennifer then stood up turning to face the questioning the girls. Then for some reason he said in a...
Pirates Treasure Lindsey enjoyed Halloween. For her, dressing up in a costume and hiding behind a mask removed all inhibitions. And nothing said Halloween more than a costume that allowed her to show off her body. An experienced motion picture sound technician, Lindsey was also a skilled seamstress. Each Halloween, she made her own costume as well as the one Steven would wear. This year, she’d decided on a pirate theme. Black is sexy, she told herself as she unrolled the bolt of soft jersey...
ExhibitionismCopyright© I rounded the corner, and saw the flickering neon sign — Hotel Eden. It was famous, or should that be notorious, as an establishment that catered to sex. Rooms could be had by the hour, as well as by night, and it had a discrete bar frequented by lonely housewives as well as prostitutes — although it was sometimes difficult to tell them apart. The rooms were clean and cheap, and visiting businessmen who liked a woman to share their bed regularly stayed there. For a moment I...
Hi everyone, mera naam rahul hai. Mai mumbai me rehta hu.Age 23 hai. Muze sex stories padhne ka bahut shouk hai. Ye kahani mere life ghati hui hai. Aur diwali aa rahi thi. Usi waqt meri relative ki aunty unke bete ke sath aayi thi . Unka beta mere se do saal se chota tha. Isliye hm dono kafi acche se khelte the. Meri aunty school me teacher hai. Wo bahut simple lagti thi lekin uski gaand bhare huve the aur chuchiya bhi bade bhare huve the. Mai chota hone ke kaaran une bahut baar mithi maarta...
‘WHAT!!! YOU GOT MARRIED?? BUT HOW?’ Wendy shouted unbelievably at Aida. Greg on the other hand looked at her as if she had just told them a sick joke. A terribly sick joke. ‘It’s not funny Aida,’ said Greg. Aida looked at the floor, hands in her jeans, ‘I am not, Greg,’ said Aida with dead seriousness in her voice. Aida then related to both the brother and sister about her bail right up to the business transaction with Alex Jefferson. ‘Aida, do you know what you got yourself into? Why does...
The immediate effect of this was on our sex life. At 23, I was still horny day or night but Cat, only a year younger, was more selective about when and how we made love. She was also less inventive than when we met, anything more than straight coupling was infrequent. Cat's body was, however, a reward in waiting for the man lucky enough to bed her and was the main reason I persevered with our off and on relationship. A good 5' 8" she fitted my frame perfectly and her body had full...
Welcome to the next multi-chapter story! Like Mistaken Identity, you will find chapters alternating between two protagonists: Stanley and Delphina. Unlike MI, I won't do chapter 1A and 1B, instead I will simply tell Stanley's chapters in the odd numbered ones, and Delphina in the even numbered ones. Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually...
I was trying to surprise my wife. I had been away in Chicago on business and I manage to wrap things up a day early so I caught a flight from O'Hare that arrived at Regan National around 8pm. Traffic was light and I rolled into my Northern Virginia driveway a few ticks before 9pm ready to enjoy some alone time with my wife.There was an unfamiliar car in front of the neighbor's house but that wasn't unusual since they were always entertaining, even on Thursday nights. The lights were out...
Ally’s flat was very impressive. It was open plan, all in minimalist style, with light oak wooden floors, leather couch, individual chairs, and glass-top occasional tables. There was a balcony from which the lights of the town could be seen about two miles away. I followed her into a kitchen of gleaming chrome and granite work surfaces, everything was pristine as if food preparation could not sully it’s magnificence. Not for Ally was there a kettle and granule coffee, she got out a large...
Mana World Comics doesn’t have one of those openly filthy names that tells you it’s fapping time even before you take a look. There’s no confusion when you click a link to a site like CrazyXXX3DWorld, Duke’s Hardcore Honeys, or OrgyMania, but this one sounds like it could easily be a clean, wholesome fantasy comic about wizards and dragons. I wonder just how many innocent eyes have been corrupted by the big-titted purple elf girl on the Adults Only warning you see first. Sorry, mom, I thought...
Premium Porn Comic SitesSo, my husband and I had some really great sex last night, which started as it often does with us talking about sex. This time the subject was nipples. I've almost been brought to orgasm several times by having my nipple kissed and licked and my husband (Jasper) tells me that he gets aroused by having his nipples suckled as well. I have rather large boobs, so he asked me if I'd ever licked my own nipples.It's funny, but it hasn't been since my 20's that I have. I used to masturbate and lick at...
It was the holiday season and I always had a hard time finding a gift for my wife. So I decided to ask her mother if she had any ideas that might help me. She took it one step better and offered to go shopping with me one evening after she got off of work. I thought this was a great idea so I agreed. She was a good looking woman about 45 at the time, nice tits, dark hair, slim and about 5' 2". I had thought for along time that she was attracted to me by the way she sometimes dressed if she knew...
It was a Saturday morning and I was at work. I just stood there thinking about what happened the previous day. I cheated on my wife of twenty years with a girl I don't even know, not even her name. And I did it at work, in the men's room. "I fucked the cleaning girl," I said under my breath. I said it again to myself, "I really fucked the cleaning girl." I thought, "Damn! Where did that come from?" And the bad thing, or good thing, whichever it may be, is that I am still horny as hell this...
Hi, my name is bhargav. I am from Gujarat, and currently living in thane (mumbai), 5’8” with above average looks, good body and 7.5” tool I am 21 years of age. This story is about me and my sister – Maya(name changed). Her pet name was Pallo. She is 24 right now and she was just going to get married. I had a serious passion on females. I am a very frustrated person. My sister has a very sexy figure. She has a sexy body with huge boobs and great tits. She has a tight ass too. I must have...
IncestI can't believe this. I'm getting fired? I joined here just two days ago. And I'm getting fired for misplacing ONE document? The boss was silent for a while after he told me the news."Look Clinton, I don't hate you. But I hate carelessness. I think you have a lot of that. And I don't want that in my office," Evan smiled the whole time while he was lecturing me on why I was careless. I could have just stormed out of the room. But I didn't. I got this job after two years of unemployment. If not...
Sunday - Day 23 I woke up to an entirely different feel on my cock. I looked down and I realized that my entire cock was buried in Becky's mouth. She looked up at me and swallowed, and I could feel it on the head of my cock! She slowly pulled off and then smiled at me. "I told you that I'd get it!" she said. She worked her mouth back down my cock, even managing to stick her tongue out and lick my balls while my cock was buried in her throat. She started swallowing and moving just...
Phone ringed. “honey what are all colors you want?”my mom asked. I said “except red and green any thing is okay”. That was the last conversion with my mom. She went for buying sketch pens for my exams, but she didn’t return home that day. We searched every where. My father approached police station and private detectives. But we couldn’t find her. Every one in the city gossiped that she ran away with somebody. If you tell a lie many times sure it will become true, so finally my dad thought...
IncestRobert is 26 and works a desk job that he doesn't much care for. He lives in a small apartment just outside the city. Standing 5 foot 8 with an average build and short brown hair he's definitely not model status, just your average looking guy. He had a couple girlfriends in high school and even a couple friends with benefits in the past, however he hadn't been with a woman in almost 4 years. Stuck in the same dull routine every day, with no new faces he didn't know how to get himself...
~~~~~J~~~~~I heard her laugh as she closed the door on me. Damn, she was going to cook me dinner, and we were going to spend the night together. This was happening like in a novel or a movie. In two days, not even full days yet, I had gone from a years-long, secret voyeur of a woman I worshiped at a distance, to her lover! And that laugh after my comment... she had to enjoy anal.I had to control myself, and not get carried away. This still could be just a fun fling for her, a temporary...
Straight SexI heard the Lonely Island song, I Jizzed In My Pants, the other day and it reminded me of one of my first sexual experiences when I did just that. This is a true story…I can't say how old I was exactly, but let's just say I was old enough to work but needed a work permit to do so. I worked at a little italian joint washing dishes. There was a waitress there, Rachel, that was sooo fucking beautiful. Picture Raquel Darrian, the gorgeous porn star from the 90's. I mean, at that age it didn't...
Babykins By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "I think you should try it, just to see how hard it is!" "Nope," I said firmly. "Being pregnant is for women!" "Well, yes, that's true, but you have no idea how hard it is around here! You never help!" "I'll help," I stated in typical male fashion. "Yes, I know you will, because if you don't, your little secret will get out, and we don't want that do we?" She knew damned well that my dressing up was between us, and for...
Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My wings fluttered. Though I was already married to Sven through Zanyia’s trickery, which made our marriage even more naughty, I had vowed to be married to all his women. I only said it once, but I repeated it two more times beneath my breath. Things said thrice bound my race. I had so many wives. “Mmm, I can feel it,” I moaned as Sven rolled off of Ava. She trembled on the...
I continued my job at the works and maintenance yard during the summer and on weekends throughout the school year. I dated a few girls, but never made a connection with any of them. I don't know how to describe it, but certain girls just click with me. They either have it or they don't. Most, it seems, don't have that special something. It wasn't about beauty, either. Heck, Sym wasn't the prettiest girl on campus. A lot of guys would tell you she was a "Plain Jane." But to me, she had...
I was staying in my father’s brother’s house for college studies in Lahore and I use to call my father’s brother as uncle and her wife as aunty. He is a production manager and normally has a regular trip to outstation. I like to say about my aunt, her name is Sakina, 28 yrs sexy shaped Indian wife, her breasts are so huge and can’t be hold one of it in one hand. She had just given birth to a child before one year. I had the chance to see her big breast naked for first time when she was feeding...
IncestIt took eight weeks for Hugo’s ID to show. Irving apologized for the delay, but I think he was more antsy for himself than for us. He wanted Hugo now. And it was a busy eight weeks for us. As I promised Hugo I would before we drove back to the cabin, I shifted immediately to trying to give him the basics of dollar transactions, of what’s worth what and what isn’t, the nuts and bolts. But we hadn’t been at it more than a couple of hours before he stopped me. “Linda, I cannot learn well in...
How It All Started! Full Swap It was last year. My wife and I had been married for 8 wounderful years. We have a great sex life but we have always talked about how to spice things up. We talked about it alot until one day! We had the house to ourselves. The k**s where at the grandparents for a sleep over. So instead of going out to the bars and having to risk getting a DUI we decided to stay home and have friends over. We had our good friends come, Rick and Shannon, we have been good friends...
October came, and a meeting of the elders was held. Jonathan attended it ex officio and because his task was to enforce the decisions of the elders. At first, the discussion revolved mainly around the prospects of the colony. Then, the local issues came up. Here, Wainwright stood. “Brothers, now that proper order is restored in the colony, we must move decisively against the pagans and heretics. All Hallows’ Eve is coming up, and we must be prepared to strike against the ungodly mummery. I...
I'm not sure what I am now but I do know I'm happy being me. When I was younger I would cruise magazine racks looking at the girly magazines. I'd stand there leafing through them, looking at the tits and butts till I would start to get hard. Or until someone from the store would remind me that the magazines are for sale. I'd usually have to buy one and go home . Then, when I would get home I'd invariably go to my room, close the door and jerk off to the one I bought. I soon had a stack of the...
Hello, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. This is my first sex story on Indian Sex Stories. I have been reading a lot of stories on Indian Sex Stories and finally decided to share my first sexual experience. Let me introduce myself, my name is Rohit (changed name). I am 21 years old.I stay in Mumbai. I am 5’8″, I have a very good physique. The story revolves around how I fucked my Mami during my summer vacation. This is the first part of the story and in the second part, I will share how I had...