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Anna was stressed, extremely stressed. The air conditioning at work was stuck on heat and it had been sweltering in her little corner office on the 16th floor of one of the busiest insurance offices in New York. Her underwear was soaked with her sweat, her usually light and airy suit felt rough and tight. Her hair refused to stay put in its bun and stray wisps were wafted about her face by the useless micro desk-fan.

Adding to that, all morning she had had to deal with the most belligerent and obnoxious of her client base. They were the type that did not listen to reason and would swear blind they knew more than her. Her boss had also been his usual lecherous self, openly staring at her bosom, and finding as many opportunities as he could to put his hands on her but without appearing perverse to anyone watching.

At 42 years of age, Anna was not the stick thin girl she had once been but she still held a good figure, if with a few extra pounds here and there; she could still turn men's heads and enjoyed appreciative glances. Right now though, having escaped the office for her lunch break, she was not in the mood. She wanted to just go home and soak in a warm bath but she had to be back in work in an hour. Her friend had recently told her that she had found a quick and easy way to relax that always worked; full body massages. It was not exactly a cheap option but it did the trick every time she had been told.

Anna knew it was probably a long shot at this time of day that she would even be seen, but she pulled out her iPhone and quickly found one not far from her. It was a couple of blocks away in an area she was not familiar with but she did not care right now; if it meant feeling anything but horribly stressed she would take the chance. So she flagged down a cab and had it drop her near by. Using her phone to find the right place she studied the outside. The windows of the building were blacked out and only a small sign above the door even let you know it was a massage parlour. Still, do not judge a book by its covers, her mum had always said, so she opened the door and stepped inside.

In front of her was a set of dingy stairs which she ascended, her stress elevating as she worried if she was making a big mistake, but still she climbed to the door at the top. A little sign said to knock for entry so she knocked and waited. There came a buzzer noise from the door then the lock clicked. She opened the door and went through.

Anna caught her breath; she had just stepped into a small square room, white walled, brightly lit and very clinical looking. In the corner across from the door was a plain white corner-desk that could only be accessed by the matching white door behind it. In the white office chair sat a petite girl in a white uniform dress with white-blonde hair. Even the few chairs and coffee table were white.

“Yes?” the girl asked sweetly as she looked up from her white Mac PC and Anna could instantly tell she was foreign, French perhaps?

Remembering why she was there, Anna moved to the desk, hearing the door shut behind her.

“I’m very, very stressed and I really, really need a relaxing massage, is there any chance of getting one just now?”

“Oui, Madame, Monsieur Vinnae is free just now. If you would take a seat, s’il vous plait?”

Definitely French. Anna crossed to a seat and sat with her briefcase on her knees, gripping and ungripping the handle as she wondered what she was doing; she had to be back at work in twenty minutes. Her shoulders were exceptionally stiff and her stomach was in knots as she thought of what returning to work would mean: more heat, more rude clients, her perverse boss. No, she needed some release before she could face that. While thinking this she noticed the girl speak softly into the mike of her white headset and wait for a reply. The girl acknowledged and then turned to Anna.

“You may enter, Madame. Monsieur Vinnae is ready for you.”

She indicated a door Anna had not noticed before, in the corner opposite the one she had came in by, and made her way towards it. She pushed open the door and went in. She was met by another white square room but not as brightly lit, more atmospheric and there was music softly playing. It was also warmer in here than the other room, but a nice warmth.

By a table across the room from her stood a very fine looking young man. He could not have been more than in his mid-twenties but he looked very professional in his white jacket-shirt and trousers. His skin was lightly tanned and his hair was short in that almost severe way and he had neatly groomed stubble upon his chin. He was broad shouldered and well built from what Anna could make out.

As he stepped towards her, he had a warm smile and his blue eyes flashed. Even as up tight, tension fueled and emotionally drained as she was, Anna had to admit her interest was piqued and she thought just looking at him was helping.

“Madame, I am Monsieur Vinnae, may I know your name, s’il vous plait?”

His voice was deep and husky. She was almost too distracted to reply.

“Anna, Anna Melrose, Monsieur.”

“A pretty name, for a pretty lady,” he beamed at her.

She felt herself blush but knew her already hot face would not show it.

“If you would undress for me, all but your panties for now, then lie face down on the bed, we shall begin.”

He turned away from her back to the table, busying himself with the items there on and she noted his well formed rear. After a few moments she realised he was not going to leave while she undressed so she turned away from him too, a little unnerved. She placed her briefcase on a chair by the door, thinking about how she should be back at work in ten minutes but she was clearly undoing her suit jacket so obviously she was going with the massage instead.

Having removed and neatly folded her clothes and her jewellery atop her case, she moved to the bed. This put her behind him on his left. She was sure he could see her out of the corner of his eye but as far as she could tell he made no indication that he had so she quickly got settled, face down on the bed, resting her head on her crossed hands. He seemed to know she was ready without her saying because he turned back to her almost immediately. She saw him appraising her body with a critical eye.

“You have a very beautiful body Madame, to match your pretty face. It shall be an honour to work with it.”

Anna smiled to herself; she always appreciated compliments about her figure as she herself was self conscious about it. She could feel herself relaxing more with each passing second in his company. First he moved to her side and laid a warmed towel across her pelvic area, covering her buttocks and hips for now. It felt good. With her permission he teased her hair from its bun and ran his fingers gently through it, playing with her scalp as he did so, smoothing the hair out behind her head to expose her neck more. Anna groaned as his cool hands touched her hot back. The thumb of one hand ran the length of her spine, stopping before the towel, and back up while the other hand squeezed and probed at her shoulders.

“You carry a lot of tension, Madame, here in your shoulders, and down your back. We shall take care of this first.”

He moved her arms then so they lay by her side before she heard him applying the massage oil to his hands from a tube. Expecting it to be cold, she tensed and was surprised to find it had been warmed to a nice temperature.

“Relax Madame, Vinnae will take good care of you.”

His hands quickly began to glide across her right shoulder, easing the oil into her stiff skin before slipping down her side one hand over the other, teasing her heated flesh. He pressed harder now as he worked back up to her shoulder. After this he oiled his hands once again before crossing in front of her and repeating the process for her left side. Anna groaned once more as she felt his warm hands bringing her back to life.

“Now you are warmed up we can fix your shoulders, Madame.”

His hands were at her shoulder blades now and he pushed them over her shoulders and around to the front of her neck and back again, squeezing with his fingers and kneading with his thumbs. It felt so good Anna could not help but groan in time to his ministrations. After a minute or two he changed sides again, and took up her left arm. He began by running his hands up the length of her arm, pausing to knead and rub the shoulder joint, repeating the action several times. He then did the same with her right arm. Both arms now felt so undone Anna did not think she could move them even if she wanted too.

Now he came to stand in front of her and leant over her shoulders as his hands placed themselves on her sides, tucked under her armpits. From here they ran down her back, fingers caressing her sides and the thumbs pressing into the depression on either side of her spine, stopping just above the towel once more. Here he paused and his hands massaged her lower back, working his digits into her soft skin. Anna’s groans had became soft moans by now as it no longer hurt as it had when he began, simply pleasurable.

“Yes, Anna, tis good, know?” he said breathily.

The use of her name and the way he spoke caught her attention; she turned her head just enough that she could see the top of his trousers, a few inches away; the bulge there was clearly visible. Instead of being put off, Anna smiled, beginning to be turned on by the fact that working her body was bringing him as much pleasure as it was her. It showed that he enjoyed his work.

Next he moved to the other end of the table. He gently took hold of her right ankle which was swollen from the pressure of her stiff work shoes, holding it while he slowly rotated her foot to ease the joint. It felt good and Anna sighed, bringing her arms up, folding them under her chin and resting her head upon them. He repeated the action with her other foot before moving on to her calves, running a hand up each lower leg, just touching the skin, before pressing harder, gripping the muscles as he slowly dragged his hands back the opposite way. This push and pull motion teased the skin and stretched the muscles, warming her tired legs.

Anna moaned as his hands went higher, fingers running along her outer thighs while thumbs pressed against the back. On the way back down to her knees the fingers kneaded her skin, the thumbs squeezing the back of each. He repeated the action a few times, stopping briefly to re-oil his hands before he turned them the other way so that his pinkies faced away from him up her body. She caught her breath as she felt them placed against her inner thighs, just above the knee. It seemed to her that they crept up the inside of her legs at an agonisingly slow pace, her breath getting shallower and a fire building deep inside her the nearer his hands came to her womanhood.

She gasped quietly as his pinkies just touched that sensitive join between leg and groin, bracketing her now damp mound, before they pulled away, sliding back down to her knees. Then they crept up again, once, twice, three times more, his hands now making small circles as they came. The whole thing took less than a minute but to Anna’s now very heated womanhood it felt like hours as she enjoyed the sensations, gasping for air each time they came near.

She almost missed when his hands withdrew from her body and he spoke.

“Madame Anna, we have reached the time I must ask you a question. Depending on how you answer this is the end of the massage …”

‘No! This can’t be it! I want more,’ she thought.

“With your permission, I can now work on your beautiful derrière, but it requires the removal of your panties, Madame, so I would need your permission?”

‘What? You can’t see I’m dying for more?’ she thought.

She would have ripped them off herself if she was not so comfortable and relaxed, in body at least if not in mind.

“Yes, Monsieur, you have my permission, please continue.”

“Merci, Madame.”

Almost before she had finished, she felt him gently take hold of her underwear and slide it slowly off her rear. She lifted her hips a little and then her legs to aid him. She was so aroused now that she would be surprised if he did not note how damp her panties were.

He moved to stand on her left by her midriff, applying oil once more. His warm hands suddenly were gliding across her right cheek in circular motions, working the oil into her generous amount of flesh. He repeated the action with her left, before returning to the right. Starting from the base of her rear he began softly pinching her skin with his whole hand, hand over hand until he reached her lower back and then descended once more.

Anna moaned now at ever touch, not caring anymore, it just felt so good. His hands performed the same pinching routine on her other cheek and now both were glowing with warmth. He concentrated on just one cheek at a time now, kneaded the skin and pinching it between thumb and finger as his hands swept back and forth, leaving no patch untouched.

He returned to standing in front of her head and leant over her once more, placing his hands on her lower back.

“Part your beautiful legs a little, s’il vous plait, Madame.”

It was not a question and Anna obeyed readily. His hands slowly slid up and over her behind, pressing down partway into her valley and coming to rest on her inner thighs. During, they had came dangerously close to her womanhood, brushing against the outermost regions. Instead of worrying her it had only made her squirm and want more. On the return trip they did the same but in the opposite direction and Anna found that this felt different again but good.

He repeated this three or four times and was about to go again. Anna was so hot now she felt naughty and uninhibited. Daringly, just as his fingers were passing her slit, she jinked her waist almost unnoticeably and the index of his right hand hit the very edge of her outer lips and ran its length. She hissed, sucking breath through clenched teeth at the pleasure it caused.

Immediately, his hands withdrew, and he uttered what she assumed was a curse.

“Madame, please forgive me, I do not know what happened. My deepest apologies, it will not happen again.”

“Why not? I liked it,” she said bravely, “it felt good.”

“Oh no, Madame, it is not permitted. A masseuse should not touch his client like that.”

Even though he was protesting, looking at his face she could see he was warring with himself. This once confident young man now looked flustered and very young suddenly, but she was exceptionally aroused now, wanting more and she knew how to deal with indecisive men; appeal to their base nature.

“Please, Monsieur, it felt so good and I am so very stressed, you would be doing me a great favour.”

This snagged his attention and he looked down at her.

“If you would do this favour for me, I’m sure I could do one for you.”

She gave him the look that would imply exactly what she meant and he gulped. Slowly she felt his hand return to her mound, cautious fingers running the length of her outer lips, brushing her neatly trimmed womanhood. Anna moaned and whispered words of encouragement. He grew noticeably bolder as she felt his middle finger slip between her folds and find her inner lips. She gasped as the tip found her bud and, having obviously regained his confidence, he began to rub it in slow circles. Anna let out a long moan of ecstasy and his ministrations increased in speed.

Anna kept up one long, continuous moan now as his warm fingertips played with her bud. Her hands gripped the edge of the table and her toes curled up as she tensed her whole body, sucking in her stomach to heighten the feelings. It was almost more than she could take when a second finger joined the first and they began to flick back and forth across her clitoris instead of in circles. Anna hissed through clenched teeth to keep from crying out loud as she relished the feelings building up inside her.

“Do not hold it back, Anna, let it out!”

As he said this, his fingers plunged into her already dripping pussy and it tipped Anna over the edge and she gave in to ecstasy. She cried out long and hard as her orgasm crashed through her, her womanhood spasmming around his fingers. She had not felt like this in many a year and longer still since she had had such an orgasm as this one.

Although she was still caught in the last waves of pleasure, Anna could not wait for more. Shifting her chest so she rested more comfortably on her breasts, which had moved during, she reached out and took hold of an ass cheek in each hand, pulling him right up to the table. This put his pelvic area right in front of her, at the perfect height just above the edge of the table. Anna grabbed his belt buckle and began to undo it. She felt him tense and his hand left her rear.

“Madame Anna, what has just happened is one thing, this another. I cannot allow you to do it.”

Anna heard the words and feared for a moment that he really would stop her but they sounded hollow, almost as if he were saying something he thought he should not what he really wanted to. When no further indications of resistance were shown she simply continued, unbuttoned his trousers and slowly drew down the zip. She pushed his trousers down his legs as far as the table angle would allow her arms to reach, revealing white silk boxers.

The boxers were being stretched by the bulge within and tight enough for her to make out the shape and size of his erection as it was held off to the left. Carnal desire burning within her, Anna slipped the first two fingers of each hand under his waistband and lifted the boxers up and over the object of her desire, pushing them down to join his pants and releasing his member from its confinement. It was fully erect now but it still hung pointing straight ahead, not rigidly upright. Anna preferred it when erect cocks could still be manoeuvered like this; it made what was coming next that bit easier.

The very tip was close enough to her mouth that she could easily lick it and so she did, drawing the point of her tongue slowly up the slit. The thing bucked and she grinned when she heard him gasp. Wasting no more time she wrapped her left hand around it at the base and wet her lips. Shimmying forward a little, she brought the head to her pursed lips. It jumped again and he moaned. Slowly she slid the whole head into her mouth, sliding effortlessly onto the shaft beyond aided by his lack of foreskin. She kept her lips in an ‘o’ shape so there were no gaps meaning everything in her mouth was fully enveloped.

When her lips met her hand, his head had reached the back of her throat. There must have been at least four inches within and her hand held about the same again. She began to suck as she pulled off, her tongue gliding up the back of his cock till she was almost fully off before descending once more, faster this time, steadily increasing the pace until she had a good rhythm. She felt his hands placed upon her shoulders, the fingertips digging in a little but gently, heard him moan and suck in his breath in time with her bobbing head.

‘What are you doing?’ she thought, ‘You’re sucking off a guy almost half your age when you should be at work!’

He growled then, a deep guttural sound and she thought, ‘Who fucking cares? I’m enjoying this.’

After a just a few minutes his breath quickened and his fingers gripped her shoulder blades. His moans had become a constant growl, deep and sexy and Anna knew what was coming next. She sucked him for all she was worth as he pumped into her hot, wet mouth and it was not long before she felt him stiffen, his cock throb and the slow rising of cum along his member before it fired into her throat. She gagged on the first load, before managing to swallow the next two, marvelling that she had forgotten how much she loved the taste of cum. It had been far too long and she greedily swirled her tongue around the head, not wanting to miss a drop.

As she pulled her mouth off of him, one last, thick strand stretched between the tip and her lips, remaining suspended long enough for her to notice before it broke and fell to the floor below. She grinned a cum filled smile and wiped the remnants on the back of a hand before slowly licking it off, savouring the taste. While she did this, he was busy removing his trousers and boxers fully. Anna watched him as he moved to stand at the opposite end of the table, pulling his shirt over his head and discarding it to the floor as he did so. A knowing smile graced her lips as she watched him, standing there, tanned body completely on show as he stroked himself back to full erection.

“If it would please you, Anna, I would like to massage your beautiful pussy now, oui?”

She simply returned to looking the other way, giving her consent simply by opening her legs, spreading them as far as the table would allow. He obviously got the message as she felt him kneel on the table between her legs. He had lent forward over her as his right hand was now tucked beside her right breast, his left obviously helping him to position his decent sized member. Anna felt it as it pressed against her entrance and she almost lost it right there. This was something she had not felt it a long time as he slid slowly inside her, spreading her innards, while she let out a long ‘ooo’ of pleasure.

He quickly set the pace, not too fast but hard enough to cause a slapping sound as their hips came together. Each simple thrust tore a gasp or a moan from her lips she could not keep back. She was enjoying this immensely; his other hand had settled against her left bosom now and each stroke caused the sides of his hands to partially rub against the flesh of her breasts, adding to her pleasurable feelings. He then began to change pace, speeding up somewhat, turning her gasps into small squeaks, all she could manage before he slowed down, teasing out soft mumblings of pleasure.

He kept this up for several minutes, bringing her close several times just to deny her her release. But the on the sixth run, just when she knew he would slow down, he did not. He kept on pumping and her breath caught in her throat as she drew nearer and nearer. She gripped the sheets as she gasped for breath before sucking it in and holding it as she stiffened, letting it out as she collapsed on the bed, her orgasm raging through her, little squeaks of pleasure all that she could manage. He kept pumping all the while, at a reduced pace but it was enough to bring about a second wave which hit her almost as hard as the first.

No one had ever made her cum like that before. When Anna came down from the dizzying, light headed state her mind had ascended to, she realised he had left the bed and was standing before her once more. Unable to move her head she simply gazed instead at his bright red penis, inches from her mouth once more, watching him slowly pull at it to keep it hard.

“Anna, I would like to finish myself on you but first I wish to give you one last massage, the only part not to have been so far. May I?”

Anna nodded and he indicated she should turn over. When her body proved unresponsive, utterly content and still caught up in the wonderful euphoria coursing threw her, he assisted her, his strong hands effortlessly manoeuvring her onto her back. He fetched the oil then and squirted a generous amount into both hands. He stepped forward a little and lent over her so he could easily reach her ample breasts, his hands going straight to work, kneading and caressing them both. At his direction, Anna awkwardly managed to slip just the head of his cock into her mouth with her right hand, sucking on it gently while her left found her swollen clitoris and began to rub it in time to his ministrations.

He worked her breasts slowly at first, barely touching the nipples and this drove her crazy, but then the pace began to steadily increase and his thumbs found her hard teats, flicking and rolling them. She moaned around the head in her mouth and played with herself faster to match him. The harder he squeezed and kneaded the harder she sucked and rubbed. He had begun to rock his groin, driving his member in and out of her willing mouth as he sighed while continuing to play with her breasts in earnest now, as she abandoned her clit, slipping two fingers inside her aching pussy instead.

It was not long before Anna could tell they were both ready; he was breathing erratically and her hips were bucking of their accord. Just then he quickly pulled out of her mouth, letting go of her breasts to aim his hot prick.

“Cum on my tits!” she managed to blurt out, gaining the breath from somewhere.

His first shot missed her breasts entirely, splattering across her stomach. The feeling of the warm cum on her fevered skin pushed her to her own ending, her back arching off the table as she gasped triumphantly. This new position of hers apparently helped to improve his aim because the rest of his load landed across or between her tits. Anna was exhausted yet completely relaxed. She gathered the cum from her stomach and brought it to her mouth, licking it slowly off her palm, savouring the salty taste.

His hands returned to her breasts just then and gently massaged the rest of his juices into her chest until the sticky fluid had been absorbed by her skin. She also enjoyed this and was disappointed when he let go, but she knew they were finished. She propped herself up on her elbows and watched him move to a sink she had not noticed before. She watched as he carefully washed his hands before turning back to her.

“Thank you, Monsieur, I believe I am as relaxed as I ever could be. You are very talented.”

“No, thank you, Madame Anna, for the pleasure of allowing me to use my talents on such a beautiful body. If you ever need to be relaxed again, I beg you come see me.”

“Oh, I think I might just do that, Monsieur Vinnae.”

He smiled at her before beginning to retrieve his clothes from the floor. Anna took her cue from this and slipped off the bed. She quietly got dressed back into her clothes which now felt normal once more, no longer tight and rough like they did not an hour ago. She took her purse out of her briefcase and turned towards him. He was fully dressed as well and neither looked as if they had just taken part in the most intimate massage Anna could imagine. He at once spied her purse and held up his hands, palms out.

“No, no, Anna, I could not take money for that. Consider it mutually undertaken and as such paid for already. It was my pleasure, Madame.”

Anna nodded her thanks and, picking up her briefcase, she left the room. There was no one in the waiting area; even the secretary had left her post.

“Most likely on a break,” Anna thought.

Once outside she flagged down another cab and got in. She decided not to return to work that afternoon giving her home address instead; she did not want her warm glow of pleasure to be ruined by her awful boss. She would just tell him tomorrow that she had taken ill over lunch and so had gone home. Besides, if he gave her stress about it, she would simply take Vinnae up on his offer. In fact she believed she may have to go again soon even if not stressed, she simply wanted his hands on her again.

She spent the trip home with her eyes closed and a grin upon her lips. She continuously replayed their encounter over and over in her head until she felt her heart racing and her juices leaking out once more. Her hunger for carnal knowledge, which had lain dormant for so long, had been rekindled and she wanted more. For instance, this cab driver was a decent looking young thing. Maybe, just maybe …

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On the eve of my Master's and my sixth anniversary we laid in bed talking. We talked about everything from how we met, and how things went from friendship, to dating to our Master – pet life. Neither of us had truly been in the lifestyle before each other, but it appealed to the both of us. When it became clear that he was extremely dominant and I was so submissive we did some searching and began our life in the lifestyle. We haven’t looked back. It took us a year of dating to get to the point...

3 years ago
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Innocent Boy Sexy Aunty

Mera nam tanmay hai mai ek software engineer hu ye meri pahli aur jindgi ki sacchi kahani hai bat tab ki hai jab mai kewal 18 sal ka tha. Mai ek bahut introvert aur seedha ladka tha . mujhe ladkio sex insab cheejo ke bare me kuch bhi nahi pata tha Mera bada bhai mujhse ek sal bada tha lekin usko in sab cheejo ka knowledge bahut tha hum sab apne nana ji ke ghar me rahte the hamare sath do mama aur ek mami rahti thi ek din maine dekha bhai subah subah upar ja raha tha mujhe kuch kam tha to mai...

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The Mummy1

-Ray Bradbury, "Something Wicked This Way Comes" *** It was late, and everyone else had gone home. There was no one to keep Sharon company. No one but the dead. Sometimes, when she was alone in the museum like this, she thought of the collection as something she could hear. Most of the artifacts were made to be vessels for some ancient god or spirit, after all, so the building should be crawling with the sounds of old ghosts and gods. If she listened carefully enough, would she...

4 years ago
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I Swear to You

The ceremony was perfect, a dream day made real for her. As Jennifer was carried into the honeymoon suite by her new husband, Keith, she felt a strong pang of sexual excitement. She could feel her skin flush and nipples harden. It was the greatest arousal she had ever felt with Keith. ‘It must be the context,’ she said to herself. A girl only gets married for the first time once. Sure, she intended to divorce Keith and leave him for Christian as soon as Christian’s lawyer buddy said the...

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Taking Their Vows

Candice Sampson crept into her house, carefully avoiding each creaking stair and softly muffling each clicking lock. Whatever she did, she wanted to avoid waking her father. It wasn't that Candice was in trouble, quite the contrary. She was quiet to avoid disturbing a hard-working man who slept poorly at best. Her dad would be thrilled she'd gone to the movies with friends, had fun and stayed out late. She could hear him now. "Goddamn it, Candice Faye, it's not like you died same time as...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 3

In Arizona, the temperature in September can easily be over a hundred. At night, it cools down. If you are a native, it can feel cold. The nicest times of day are the early morning and just after dusk. The worst time of day is three to four in the afternoon. The air, in most places outside of Phoenix, is very dry. A simple mister can lower the effective temperature by fifteen degrees. The natives of the area do not try to get a tan, it’s forced upon them. The men wear long sleeve shirts and...

1 year ago
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Payback from Barbar M

Before Barb's appointment I decided to take a nice soothing shower and relieved myself from not having sex for several days. I figured this would give me a little extra stamina if Barb really meant to follow through on her promise. If you'll recall she wanted to do the same to me that I had done to her last week. She wanted to suck me off and taste my cum; something she had never done, not even with Jim. We'll see what happens. Show time; Barb arrived right on schedule. As usual we...

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Christmas Carol

When I was in college in the early 80's, I met a hot little thing named Carol. We met at a frat party. She was an English Lit. major, I was pre-med. We hit it off immediately and soon were quite the talk of our social circle. I don't specifically remember our first sexual encounter because it is lost in the hurricane that was our time together. Carol was insatiable. She never missed a chance to jump me. Anytime or anywhere!! But this story is about what is the most memorable events of our...

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camping with mom

visit on to see more top rated stories like these It was January 1985 and I was your normal almost 16 year old... always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains to hunt & fish. We'd spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake.... most times without seeing...

3 years ago
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The Process of Impregnation

Have you ever sat down and just thought about what takes place in the process of impregnating a fertile woman?? I was thinking on this over recent days and it's really fucking hot (to coin a phrase) if you imagine the total process from foreplay through conception. I love the experience and process of impregnating a sexy woman. I've done it lots and I hope to do it lots more in the future. But, if you think about it, there's a very simple process involved in the whole fashion practice of...

2 years ago
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Through a Glass Dimly Book 2Chapter 4

We went back to our office for lunch and to get to know Melody better. She’s a nice young woman who has had a limited upbringing though not as limited as Pam’s had been. Pam admitted that she reveled in the physical aspect of being married as much as any other part. Melody was admittedly a little jealous of Lisa and Pam. I could tell she wanted a connection. Lisa talked to her about being choosy. She explained that she waited for me and is glad she did. “I have to admit that I thought I...

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Lost at Sea book 2 Drifters chapter 11 part 1

Will’s head felt like it had been stuffed with cotton. He was cold. He was naked. He was stiff and sore.He was in a bathtub.Uncoiling himself was a process. He caught a whiff of himself and recoiled. What had happened?“Oh. Right,” he croaked as memories came flooding back to him. He reached over and started working the pump. In sputtering bursts seawater came flowing into the tub. It was comfortably warm. Probably daytime. The ocean was usually warm by noon this time of year. The charm hanging...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Suprise package Chapter three

I was suddenly awakened by frantic ringing of the door-bell. Sophie’s head was resting on my arm, she was still sound asleep. I carefully removed my arm from under her, grabbed my boxers and headed for the door. Who on earth it could be, I didn’t know but as I walked towards the door memories of recent events flashed before me and I couldn’t help but break out into a self satisfied smile. I opened the door to see Madie standing, impatiently. She whirled past me and down the corridor...

1 year ago
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How Pooja Gone Wild In Goa 8211 Part 1

Hi, friends…Vishal here. I will tell how I made my girlfriend pooja full of lust and how she enjoyed her sexy young body for the first time. Kindly respond on These are our previous stories (6th) (5th) (4th) (2nd) (3rd) (1st) Still, I will tell how pooja is nowadays. She is 5ft 6 inches. She became more fairer and sexually very active. Her boobs are very milky and round which makes everyone mad. Her waist become very slim which makes me go crazy for her.Her figure is 36_24_36 which is...

2 years ago
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Sexual Encounter With An Online Friend

Hey, this is the Coolguy back with an encounter I had with another woman named Swapna (Name changed). I met her online after . This incident happened towards the end of March 2021. So not giving an elaborate introduction and getting to the story soon. So a brief introduction about me. I am 6 ft tall, 29 years of age, brought up in Chennai. In this story, I will be describing a sexual encounter that I had with a Swapna. I hope you all will enjoy it. An introduction about Swapna. She is 40 years...

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Proving Rumors

I didn't remember much of anything the next day other than screaming a bunch, but later, the night after, I had my first ever wet-dream in which I think I recall what happened to me. Surprisingly, the screaming and event in question aren't related though they should be.... So in the middle of summer, I go to a party at my friend Enzo's house. I had been drinking a lot already because it was my senior year, but I hadn't ever done pot. So as the night carries on, Enzo talks me into...

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Sex ExperimentChapter 8

Adam stirred inside the control booth. He shook his head, alarmed that he had actually been able to fall asleep while an experiment was in progress. He was weary, however, and his eyes felt as though they had stones in them. Nonetheless, the dedicated scientist inspected his instruments and peered into the two-way mirror to see what was going on. He sincerely hoped that it was almost over, for he wanted to get back home. Back home to Helen. Maybe he could convince her that he still loved...

1 year ago
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Mzansi 247! What is the best ebony porn you’ve experienced on the internet? Don’t answer that; it’s a trick question. Well, I come bearing gifts for fans of this kind of content. Mzansi247 is a platform dedicated to showing their users scenes of black girls taking and enjoying massive cocks in their pussies. Dudes that love their berries darkest will obviously have the time of their lives here. Mzansi247 has so much content to offer, and so it’s best to take it one step at a time and learn...

Black Porn Sites
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Anniversary Love

Four Decembers ago, my wife and I had to fly to Montreal for a business trip. We were the last plane to land due to a snow storm shutting down the Montreal airport. At that time we were 36 and viral and are still today at 40. We enjoy inventive sex on a daily basis from not only fucking and 69, but masturbation, feeling, caressing and exploring each others bodies.As we checked in at the Queen Elizabeth, we just had to relieve our sexual tension by taking a shower together. I worship my wife's...

2 years ago
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Ramu Sexual Life Experiences

Coming to the story our family living in a factionists area .In my village Half of the members will be in jail due to group politics. Always rivalry between two political groups in my village. Coming to my family Me, father, Mother, brother My Father work under a political leader. My brother was doing agriculture and my mother also helped him in agriculture . I am going to school near by town. But I have more sexual feelings from childhood onwards because I’m watching village beauties and their...

3 years ago
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All Things to All People Ch 05

Reentry What has gone on before Graduate student Cynthia Halverston was poisoned in a lab accident. The poison transformed her into a sexual chameleon who becomes every man’s sexual fantasy by means of smelling their desires. Before she and her friend Dave can start the search for a cure, she is kidnapped by a gang of meth cookers who expose her to more poisons, blocking most of her memory from her. She tries to survive on the streets, penniless and with no idea who she is by turning tricks...

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Nurse maid

"Where are we headed," Angie asked, as Petra slipped her car into and pulled smoothly into traffic? "It's a surprise," Petra said with a gleam in her eye, "you'll find out when we get there!!! "We're no going to the stables again today," Angie rejoined, "it's too damn cold out side for riding a horse!!!" "Keep you tits in your bra , girl," Petra replied, "we aren't going horse back riding, but if I remember right, the last time we went, you had about a hundred orgasms!!!" "Oh, phooey on you,"...

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Muemen opened his eyes and lay enjoying the familiar and constant roll of the sea. The hazy gray light of early dawn seeped into his dark cabin through the cracks and edges of the door and thin brown curtains of the lone, paneless window. He rolled from his hammock and stretched his stiff muscles, scrounged through his bare pantry for a quick breakfast of blue tubers and a few sardines, and sat himself at his small table before the window. He peeked outside as he ate, the sun had not yet broken...

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The Sacred Band Ch 15

Now the characters are all introduced – and we enter the final part of the story. Thanks to anyone who has maintained enough interest to get to this stage. New readers might care to back-track to the beginning… Chapter fifteen: Rotkoff – fighting back, part one. Dr. and Mrs. W. Butler – Rugby Michael Hanson and Adrian Calke – Birmingham Patrick Kavanagh – Wolverhampton Edgar Abrams – Birmingham Charles and Diane Rollinson – Walsall Ivy was in charge of the Bishop Street reference...

2 years ago
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Top of the WorldChapter 10

Two days later, I received a call from grandma. She appeared excited. "I told Roger about that night." She said over the phone. "What did he say?" "Nothing... but initially he was really pissed off. He lectured about not corrupting young minds." "So." "Don't worry, he immediately changed his tune, when I told him that you've been already fucking Jane for quite some time and that his own daughter desperately wants his cock in her pussy." "Ah... ! That sounds great, so...

4 years ago
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Do Not Disturb A Sequel To Maid Service Requested

DO NOT DISTURB(The sequel to Maid Service Requested) T.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 73 New Record Why Not

“Murphy!” yelled Big John Fontana. The Theodore Roosevelt High School’s head coach and athletic director had just blown the final whistle for Monday morning practice. “Give me a second, son.” Tim Murphy finished his conversation with his friends before turning back toward the coaches. He and the other players were returning to the locker room for showers before beginning their regular school day. “Yeah, Coach?” Tim replied with his helmet under one arm. “I got a call from my old friend...

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The Mall Santa

This story was edited by my friend, ‘Chantal’ who always makes it a much better read. Hope you enjoy it and ‘Happy Holidays’. * I live in a medium-size town in the Midwest. I served four years in the army. When I got out, I went to college for two years and received my Associate Degree in Criminal Law. There weren’t many jobs available, but I was able to land a job in security at the mall. There was a lot of turnover in my profession, but I decided to stay with it and I became head of...

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Wilmington Womans Club Ch 15

Chapter 15 Thanksgiving 1983, the Elopement Once she realized she was pregnant, Val called her mother and told her. Being a practical woman, Mrs. Fitzgibbon suggested elopement as the most viable means of resolving Val’s predicament. Of course, she was also thinking of the family’s social status and how that would be affected with a pregnant bride walking down the aisle. ‘But Mother, I’ve always dreamed of a big wedding…’ Val whined. ‘Of course you have,’ her mother agreed. ‘But from a...

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The Hunting Trip

The Hunting Trip Daddy climbed out of His truck and I followed as we walked into the woods. He carried a bag and had His gun slung over His shoulder. I trailed behind Him carry a small cooler with snacks. We hadn’t walked far when Daddy stopped and said, “This looks like a good spot, baby.” We were at the edge of a grassy clearing, still hidden by the trees. I spread out a small blanket that I had been carrying, thankful that it was a warm day. When I lay down Daddy looked at me. “Take your...

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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 3

Us din fir main college chala gaya. Meri mummy ghar mein thi. Main sham ko aaya toh din bhar rest leke fresh lag rahi thi. Mummy ne nahake dusre kapde badal liye the. Meri mummy ne salwar suit dala hua tha. Usne marron rang ki kurti aur safed salwar pahni thi. Meri mummy ka salwar bohut hi tight tha aur usmese kali panty saf saf jhalak ke dikh rahi thi. Sham ko mummy ne mujhse kaha chai banati hu tabhi gate pe knock hua. Maine gate khole toh mera dost tha waha pe. Mummy ne use dekha aur kaha,...

2 years ago
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Dont push me I might turn into a slut

Like many other husbands, I have fantasies about my wife having sex with another man. Even when we were having sex I would sometimes pretend that someone else was doing it to her. For a long time I never said anything about this to Amy, as I was fearful that she would be angry. I know that she never strayed, but I did notice that she would sometimes gaze at an attractive male at a party, or other function that we were attending. When I mentioned this to her she said, "Yes, I notice when there...

1 year ago
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FilthyTaboo Valentina Dolce French Stepsister Fucks The Blues Away

Tyler Steel is a little bummed, his girlfriend of 6 months wants to move in with him. That’s a big step, it’s too soon! Thankfully, his gorgeous foreign stepsister Valetina Dolce understands this. She uses her sexy accent to encourage him to cheer up. But when she takes off her bikini and exposes her perky tits and then drags him into the pool with her, that’s when Tyler’s mood really changes for the better. Valentina uses both hands to slobber on stepbro’s big...

4 years ago
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A Tale of Submission Day Eight Guests

A Tale of Submission By LindaK Day Eight - Guests escape for the human body. A chance for the body's systems to recharge and for the mind to relax from the day where millions of decisions and actions take place. For Linda, sleep brought some sustenance for the body but the hood, the gag, the training corset and the boots...the agonizing ballet boots all contributed to aches and pains that bordered on the sadistic side of sanity. Those inputs along with memories of the...

4 years ago
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First Night with Alison

I’m a 60 year old man and still have more passion and desire in me then most people half my age. My neighbor Alison always comes to me when she has any kind of small home repair to do. She divorced her husband two years ago after she found out he was screwing other women. This time she called me over just to change a light bulb in her ceiling fan in the master bed room. Nothing that she couldn’t do so I think that it was just an excuse to get me in her panties. I was wearing a t-shire...

2 years ago
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The Black Rose

Night had fallen over Gotham City, and with it a blanket of darkness from which emerged those who would take advantage of its protection to break society’s laws. On most nights, the thought that Batman was also out there in the darkness was enough to give many of those pause, but for tonight at least a free pass had been issued in the form of a front page photo in one of the city’s more irresponsible papers, a photo showing the Caped Crusader on a case in far-off London. As feared at the Dark...

2 years ago
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Anything Can Happen On Vacation Chapter 2

Now, as he finished washing himself and just let the hot water pour down over him, he reflected on everything he knew about himself. His whole life, he had been quiet and reserved, never doing anything wild or crazy; that had been one of the major issues in his previous marriage, with his ex-wife constantly complaining about how boring life was with him. And yet, since he had arrived at this resort with his daughter, Jenna, he had face fucked a beautiful brunette named Terri and then...

2 years ago
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The Checkmate 8211 When Winner Loses 8211 Part IV

Guys its just a fantasy… please respect women…reply on: “You are a fucking cunt, you are meant for fucking” jeets words were storming her mind.. shweta don’t want to continue but she had no other choice left for her.. she had to lie to her husband that she is going for a trip with asmita & other friends all ladies trip. They done shopping. They also bought bridal sari & other things.. shweta was hoping for easy assignments. She will be on assignment for next 3days.. “You better get ready...

1 year ago
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Dont Fuck MY Wife

As I exited her bedroom after having fucked Samatha three times to finally render her comatose, the most serene feeling of my life washed over me like a gentle wave in the Caribbean. All that was left was the complete humiliation of that asshole that started me on my quest. Sorry, I was just thinking back on one of the most satisfying experiences of my life, and I know that you have no idea what I’m talking about, so let me give you the background before I relate my tale. At the time this...

2 years ago
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My exwife Chapter 3 Spending time with Roz

Following my catching Sue cheating on me, life went on. Sue watched me like a hawk seeking out its prey asking numerous questions about what I had been doing if I went anywhere without her. Meanwhile, she lived her free and easy life going out with the girls at least once a week.She had taken up roller skating which was her sport of choice from when she was single and participated every Tuesday and Friday nights. Of course, she expected that I would stay home looking after the k**s which suited...

3 years ago
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My Wifes revenge Part Three

Feeling that this was yet one more day of her punishment, I finished my breakfast and walked back to my room to get ready for ‘Our first girls day out at the mall’, as my wife called it. She told me that she had taken care to lay out a ‘really pretty outfit’, sure to turn some heads. She was right about that! Laying on my bed was a a complete hot pink silk lace panty, bra, and camisole set, with a matching lace garter. A very short grey suede skirt, cropped jacket, lace stockings, and suede...

2 years ago
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The Storm Shelter II Cynthia

Cynthia woke up before most of the people in the storm shelter.  She had slept quite well and considering how much she hated sleeping anywhere other than a bed; it was a small miracle that she had slept at all.   The worst of the storm seemed to have passed, the wind had died down and a steady rain was all that remained of the retreating storm.Cynthia was pleased that she could hear light snoring coming from Jason confirming that he was still asleep.  She needed some time to just think with no...

First Time
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1st time2

Sarah was the girl in school that every guy drooled over. She stood 5'8" with a 36,24,36 body and deep blue eyes highlighted by her natural blond hair. She could have had any guy she wanted but had picked George. She was only 16 when they met and he was only a month older then she was. It was lust at first sight for both of them. They had even slipped away from the crowd of friends to fuck after only knowing each other for a couple hours. George could picture in his mind that first time he...

3 years ago
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Game Monster

As the world loads in you rise up, drawing up your power... before unceremoniously flopping onto the ground. What's the point? The heroes would just waltz through and kill you 20 minutes from now. You didn't even get the satisfaction of killing them over and over again like the bosses did. You were just a creep put here so the heroes could farm XP. The more you think about it the angrier you get and finally you haul yourself up, determined to make this time different. You didn't know how but...

4 years ago
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Art Installation

Once one has attained a certain degree of competence in a chosen field, evidenced as expertise to the knowledgeable observer, what is left to achieve is art. Make no mistake: I an an artist. Desire is my medium, lovers, supplicants and slaves of all stripes my tools, fetishes my color and shadow. I am a professional, yes. But no longer do I check items off a list or recite from a script. My approach has evolved. I take needs, urges, what some call kinks, and bend them, and those who...

1 year ago
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A Story for You

You lay on your bed; the lights in your room are off except for the one by your bed. The storm disturbs you; rain pelting the window as lightning illuminates the room. I come in and see you looking distressed, I ask what’s wrong and you tell me how storms frighten you. I walk over to you and sit on the bed next to you; putting my arm around you I draw you close to me. The smell of your perfume fills my senses as i hug you; I hold you close as the storm releases its full fury around the house....


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