Indiscretions Ch. 10 free porn video

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Passion In James County IX


By D.C. Roi

Chapter ten

Mitch called Bonnie Sunday morning. He knew the diner was closed Sunday, and hoped that her husband wouldn’t answer the phone. ‘Want to go horseback riding with me this afternoon?’ he asked the woman when she answered the phone. ‘I’m supposed to exercise the horses anyhow, and…’

Bonnie’s husband had headed out early for a day of golf and she was sitting around the house, bored. Mitch’s call was an exciting surprise for her. ‘I’d love to,’ she replied. She had an idea. ‘Tell you what, I’ll get some stuff together and we’ll have a picnic. What do you think?’

‘I think that sounds like a super idea,’ Mitch said. ‘I’ll meet you where we met last time, OK?’

‘I’ll be there as soon as I can,’ Bonnie told him. She began putting together a picnic lunch immediately after hanging up the phone.

Mitch went out to the stable, saddled two horses and, leading one of them, started for the place where he was to meet Bonnie.

He wasn’t aware that Melissa had seen him coming of the barn with the pair of saddled horses. ‘I wonder where Mitch is going? And why he does he have a second horse?’ she mused as she watched him ride off across the fields. ‘Is he meeting someone?’

Even though she told herself that what Mitch did, or with whom, was none of her business, Melissa walked to the barn, saddled another horse and, with her heart pounding, started in the same direction their hired man had taken.

Bonnie was waiting when Mitch arrived at their rendezvous spot. She was wearing snug jeans, a loose dark blue plaid shirt, with a white turtleneck under it. As he gazed down at her he was surprised how pretty she looked. ‘She’s almost as pretty as Melissa,’ he found himself thinking. Then he chided himself for comparing her to his employer’s wife.

‘Hi, Mitch,’ Bonnie said. ‘Ready to go?’

‘I sure am,’ Mitch replied. He swung down off his horse, and they came into each other’s arms and kissed. After that, he tied the picnic basket she’d brought to the back of his saddle, then he helped her up on her horse.

Once they were both mounted, they set off through the fields with Mitch leading the way. Eventually he stopped in a shady meadow quite a distance from both the road and the farm buildings.

Melissa, hidden in some trees a safe distance away, saw Mitch meet Bonnie, saw them kiss, then mount their horses. ‘Mitch…he…he’s got a girlfriend,’ she thought, surprised the discovery upset her. When the couple set off, she did too, following them at a safe distance.

‘This is a wonderful place for a picnic, Mitch,’ Bonnie said when they reached the spot her companion had picked for their picnic lunch. ‘How did you know where it was?’

‘I think I’ve covered just about every inch of this place exercising the horses,’ Mitch replied, blushing a little. ‘When you suggested a picnic, this was the first spot I thought of.’

They dismounted and Mitch unsaddled the horses and turned them out to graze. Bonnie spread out the blanket and laid out their lunch on it. They sat down to eat.

Mitch liked being with Bonnie, but he was starting to feel a bit guilty about their relationship. He knew from the beginning their relationship would never be more than what it was, two people who enjoyed making love with each other, and hoped she felt the same way about it. He didn’t want to hurt her, but she was a fun companion and terrific lover, and he didn’t want to give her up. At least not right now.

‘Mitch, I’m talking to you,’ Bonnie said, sounding a little exasperated.

‘I’m sorry, what were you saying?’ Mitch replied, looking at her.

‘This really is a lovely place,’ Bonnie said softly, looking into his eyes. ‘I’ve never been on a nicer picnic.’

Mitch leaned toward her and she moved closer to him. Then their lips were touching. Their arms slid around each other, their lips joined and their tongues probed into each other’s mouths.

Mitch felt the flames of desire flaring in him and, from the way Bonnie was moving against him and the sounds she was making, he was pretty sure she was reacting the same way. With their lips still joined, they fell back on the blanket. Mitch slid his hand under Bonnie’s shirt and turtleneck and cupped one of her breasts which, to his amazement, was bare. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

‘Goddd!!!’ Bonnie moaned as thrills raced through her in response to the man’s touch. ‘Oh, Mitch! That feels so nice!’ She’d been ready to make love when he kissed her when they met that afternoon, and was really ready now. Her hands went to his waist, opened his jeans, slid inside them and grasped his cock which, she discovered, was already swollen and throbbing.

Melissa almost rode out into the clearing where Mitch and Bonnie were lying groping each other’s bodies. Fortunately, she caught herself just in time. She stopped, pulled her horse behind a large pine tree, dismounted, and tied the reins to the tree. Then, chiding herself for spying on Mitch, she found a place where she could watch the couple in the clearing without being seen.

Melissa’s heart pounded even harder and her eyes widened when she realized Mitch and the woman were kissing. They fell backward and she saw Mitch’s hand slide inside the woman’s clothing. All of a sudden, she found it very difficult to breathe.

Mitch shuddered with delight as Bonnie stroked his cock. ‘Oh, God!!! Oh, Bonnie!’ he groaned.

Bonnie lay back on the blanket. Mitch rolled over, pushed her sweater and shirt up to her armpits and began sliding his hands over her smooth, warm skin. His lips moved to her straining nipples.

Bonnie groaned and arched her back, pressing her breasts into his mouth. ‘Uhhhhhh!!! Yessssss!!! Oh, Mitch!!! Yessssss!!!!’ she murmured. Her body strained and twisted as his hands and lips roamed over it.

Melissa’s legs were trembling. Mitch was sucking the woman’s breasts! And, even from where she stood, she could hear the woman moaning with joy. ‘It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything like that,’ Melissa thought. She felt tears forming in her eyes.

Mitch kept his touch as light as he could as he explored Bonnie’s lush, compact body. His caresses continued to evoke loud cries of joy from his gorgeous companion. He wanted to do more, to see more of her! He pushed her slacks down, then slid his hands up the insides of her legs and his fingers began teasing her pussy. Gasps and cries of ecstasy continued to pour from her. When he brushed his fingers over her clit, her gasps turned to wails and her body twisted and strained even more fervently.

Melissa couldn’t believe she was standing behind a bush, watching their hired man make love to some woman. She heard Mitch’s partner groan as he tugged her jeans off, moved between her legs, and began caressing them. Melissa was feeling guilty about what she was doing, but she was getting turned on, too! ‘My God!’ she thought, when she realized what Mitch was about to do, ‘He’s going to…’

Mitch, kneeling between Bonnie’s splayed legs, bent and began kissing her softly rounded belly.

‘Ohhhhhh!!! Ohhhhhhh!!!! Mitch!!! Mitch!!!!’ Bonnie babbled. Her movements became more and more frenzied. She’d never known feelings like those Mitch gave her! Making love with him was always wonderful, the way she’d always dreamed love-making would feel! ‘Uhhhhhhhh!!!!’ she grunted when he thrust a finger into her. Her hips continued to twist insistently and her head rolled from side to side on the blanket.

Mitch, powerfully aroused, kissed through her sparse pubic hair, then he lashed her clit with his tongue while his finger continued plunging into her.

Bonnie’s body arched and she went wild. ‘Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ooooooohhhhhhhhh!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Mitch!!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!’ she groaned. Her movements grew frenzied as an orgasm swept through her.

‘He’s eating her! Oh, God! Oh, God! He’s eating her!!’ Melissa thought as she watched the woman on the blanket writhe and heard her cry out in joy. ‘Oh, God! It must feel so good! Look at the way she’s acting!’ She continued to watch, gasping for breath, and saw Mitch pushing his pants down, then his bare, tight bottom appeared. ‘I…I better leave, right now!’ Melissa told herself, but instead she leaned forward, trying to see better.

Bonnie finally relaxed, and when she did, Mitch, who had shed his jeans and couldn’t wait to have her any longer, rolled on top of her and plunged his erect cock into her.

‘Ohhhhhh!!!’ Bonnie murmured, her eyes opening. ‘Godddddd!!! Yesssss!!! I need you!!! Yesssssss!!! Oh, Mitch!!! Oh, Mitch!!! Oh, Mitch!!!’

Holding himself up on outstretched arms, Mitch thrust against her, his cock penetrating deep. The force of his thrusts made his companion’s body quake and her erect nipples scribed tiny circles in the air. She was so tight, so hot!

‘Bonnie!! Oh, God!!! Bonnieeeeee!!!!’ Mitch groaned as his explosion neared. ‘Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Bonnieeeeeeeee!!!!’ Intense spasms of joy wracked him and his come gushed from him, bathing her insides with moist heat.

‘Mitch!!! Oh, Mitch!!! Ohh!!! Ohhhhh!!! I…I…I can feel you commmminnnnnnggggg!!! It’s so hottttt!!! Oh, God!!! Oh, God!!! Oh, God!!! Mitch!!! Mitch!!!! Aaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! Again!! I’m commmminnnngggg agggainnnnnn!!! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!’ Bonnie cried. Her body went wild, her hips straining, her pubic bone grinding against his, as gratification suffused her.

Spent, the satisfied couple lay in each other’s arms, enjoying the contact of their warm, nude flesh.

‘God, Mitch, that was incredible!’ Bonnie murmured. ‘You make me feel better than I ever thought I could feel! I wanted you so much!!!!’

‘I wanted you, too,’ Mitch said.

‘This is the most wonderful picnic I’ve ever been on!’ Bonnie whispered, turning in his arms so her back was to him, snuggling her firm bottom against him. The afternoon had turned out even better than she thought it would!

‘I…I don’t believe it!!! I don’t believe it!!!’ Melissa thought, sinking to her knees. Her shaking legs were no longer able to hold her. ‘I…I…just watched them make…make love! I…I wish Tom…or somebody…would make me feel like that! It’s…it’s been so long!’

Mitch liked lying there with Bonnie in his arms, but he soon realized the pressure of her snug bottom against his cock was having a decidedly invigorating effect on him.

Bonnie felt her companion’s cock stiffening and reached back between them to make sure she wasn’t imagining things. ‘My God, Mitch!’ she whispered, gripping his thickening penis. ‘You’re getting hard again, aren’t you?’

‘Uh-huh,’ Mitch gasped. He cupped one of her breasts, thumbed the nipple and felt her shudder.

Bonnie had never in her life felt the way Mitch made her feel. He instinctively seemed to know what to do to make her feel good. ‘God, Mitch, you turn me on!’ she purred.

Mitch began stroking one of her breasts, noting with delight that when he did, Bonnie purred softly and pressed against his hand.

Bonnie’s hand wrapped around Mitch’s cock, half-hard and sticky from their recent session of love-making. ‘You really know how to use this thing!’ she giggled softly.

Mitch shuddered as a bolt of delight shot through him. She was making his cock hard again!

Bonnie, feeling a bit wanton, let go of the swelling organ and stood up.

Mitch, who’d been lying there with his eyes closed, enjoying Bonnie’s caresses, realized his cock was untouched, cooling in the soft breezes blowing over the meadow. He opened his eyes, looked up, and saw her standing next to him, grinning. ‘Do you want me again?’ she asked, grinning.

‘You know I do!’ Mitch replied. ‘You going to make me chase you again?’

‘Not today,’ Bonnie said. ‘I’m too damn turned on!’ She straddled him and lowered herself, taking his erection back into her wet, waiting opening.

Melissa was surprised when she heard the couple across the meadow begin to make noise. She looked up and saw the woman, now totally naked, standing over Mitch, whose erection was pointing up from his middle. A soft sigh came from Melissa as she watched the woman impale herself on Mitch’s cock.

‘Oh, yessssss!!!!!’ Bonnie groaned when Mitch raised his hips, jamming his cock all the way into her. ‘Take me, Mitch!! Take me!!! Take meeeee!!!!!’

Mitch lifted his hips off the blanket, shoving himself as far into Bonnie as he could go.

As Mitch lunged into her again and again, his slamming hips forced grunts of delight from Bonnie who rocked and jolted atop him as if she were riding a wild horse. ‘Oh!!!! Oh!!! Ohhh!!!’ she groaned. ‘Yesssss!!! Yessss!!!!! Yessssss!!!!’ She clutched Mitch’s arms and her body slammed down against his as passion flashed between them. ‘Oh, God, Mitch, I need you!!!’ she cried, ‘Take me!!! Eeeeeeeahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Take meeeeeeee!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Take meeeeeeeeee!!! Nowwww!!! Now, please!!! Take me!!! Now!!!! Nowwwwwww!!!!’ Her fingers dug into his biceps as an orgasm erupted through her.

‘Yeahhhhh!!!’ Mitch yelled. He came, too, spewing his seed into her writhing body. ‘Annnnnhhhhhh!!! Annnnnnnhhhhh!!!!!’

‘I can’t believe how intense that was!’ Mitch gasped when they lay side by side on the blanket after their passion had run it’s course.

‘It was wild, wasn’t it?’ Bonnie agreed. She giggled. ‘You know, we haven’t eaten yet, and I did bring all this food.’

Mitch pulled her into his arms and kissed her. ‘No problem, he said. After what we just did, I’m starved!’

Naked, the two of them turned to the food and began to eat.

Across the meadow, in her place of concealment, Melissa watched, tears rolling down her cheeks. ‘I…Tom and I used to make love like that,’ she thought, sniffling softly, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. ‘I…I wonder if I’ll ever get to feel like that again.’

After they finished eating, Mitch and Bonnie lay on the blanket, necking. Like almost everything else he did with Bonnie, it excited Mitch and, from the sounds Bonnie was making and the way her body was writhing against his, it was arousing her, too.

‘You know,’ he said between kisses, ‘if we keep up like this, I’m not sure I’m going to have enough strength to saddle the horses so we can get back.’

‘You really think so?’ Bonnie retorted, an impish gleam in her eye.

‘I just thought I’d mention it,’ Mitch said. He slid his hands onto her buttocks and pulled her against him. Their lips met once more and they didn’t speak for a long time.

‘My God!’ Melissa thought, gazing across the meadow at the couple on the blanket. ‘Are…are they going to do it again?’ Wide-eyed, she continued watching.

After yet another stimulating kiss, Bonnie and Mitch lay beside each other, breathing heavily.

‘I want you again,’ he said.

‘I want you, too,’ Bonnie replied softly.

Mitch leaned over her, bent, and seized one of her nipples between his lips.

‘Ahhhh!!!’ Bonnie gasped while Mitch once more suckled her rigid nubs. While he was doing that, his hands began roaming over her lush body.

Warm breezes wafted over them as their nude bodies met in passionate embrace and two pairs of hands moved everywhere over bare skin.

Without warning, Bonnie pulled out of the embrace and lay back. Her legs were spread and her arms were extended, reaching for Mitch. Instead of entering her with his erection, he instead fell upon her with his lips and tongue, savoring the tart, sweet, dampness of her pussy.

‘Ohhhhhhhhhh!!! Yessssssssss!!!!!’ Bonnie moaned. Her hips began the movements of love. Her fingers tangled in Mitch’s hair and she pressed his face tighter against her.

Cupping Bonnie’s buttocks in his hands, Mitch voraciously sucked her clit and thrust his tongue into her torrid, quavering

‘Yessss!!! Oh, Mitch, yesssssssss!!! Eat meeeeeee!!! Oh, Godddddddddd!!!!’ Moans of ecstasy issued from Bonnie and her body bucked and writhed. Suddenly, she arched off the ground.

‘Nowwwwwwwww!!!! Nowwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!’ she screamed. While she cried out with delight, Bonnie rocked her middle against Mitch’s lips and tongue.

Mitch kept going. It seemed like she’d never stop coming. The woods echoed with her cries. It was as if making it outdoors excited her beyond belief.

Melissa once more found herself a voyeur, watching Mitch give his companion what seemed to be an unbelievable amount of delight. Without realizing what she was doing, she opened her jeans and slid her hand inside them.

At last Bonnie went slack. Mitch continued to hold her bottom, which still occasionally twitched as she experienced sporadic after-shocks of pleasure. When those, too, ceased, he took his hands away and, without pause, slid on top of Bonnie and guided his erection into her. Her eyes opened, she smiled, and her hips moved upward, welcoming him.

‘That’s it! Take me! Yessss!!!’ Bonnie cooed when Mitch’s swollen shaft slid into her.

Mitch drove her against the ground and their bodies strained together. She brought her legs up and locked them behind his as their bodies fought the battle of love on there on the grassy meadow.

Bonnie’s passion rose quickly. Soon she was moving uncontrollably under Mitch, moaning with delight and need. ‘Nowwwwww!!! I can’t wait!!! I can’t wait!!!’ she wailed. ‘Please, Mitch!!!! Please!!! Take me now!!! Take me nowwwwwwwwwwww!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!’

Mitch heard Bonnie’s screams, felt her vagina pulsing, and couldn’t wait any longer. With a loud moan he exploded into her.

Bonnie felt him coming and bawled with joy, her hips going wild, as his explosion of hot juices prolonged her frantic response.

‘Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!’ Melissa whimpered, biting her lip, her hand twirling her clit, as she came with the couple she was watching.

‘Did you hear something a few minutes ago?’ Bonnie asked Mitch after they finished.

‘What do you mean?’ Mitch asked.

Bonnie shrugged. ‘I don’t know, it sounded sort of like moaning,’ she said.

‘Could have been an animal out in the woods, I guess,’ Mitch surmised.

‘I guess,’ Bonnie said.

For a while, Bonnie and Mitch lay, sated, enjoying the silent sounds of nature. It was a beautiful day, made more so by the passion they shared. Mitch looked at his watch.

‘It’s getting late, I guess we ought to get back, huh?’ he said.

Bonnie frowned and nodded. ‘I guess so, but I don’t really want to, you know?’

They got up, kissed deeply, then re-assembled their clothes. They brushed off as much of the grass and leaves that had stuck to their clothes as they could, then Mitch started saddling the horses while Bonnie gathered up the remnants of their picnic.

Melissa realized what she’d done and, still shaking with need, pulled her hand out of her jeans and buttoned them. Then, realizing Mitch and his companion were getting ready to leave, she stood up, slipped around behind the tree, and mounted her horse. She took one last look across the meadow, then rode deeper into the forest and began circling around, urging her mount to go faster so she’d get back to the farm before Mitch did.

‘Did you hear that?’ Mitch said, pausing from what he was doing.

‘Hear what?’ Bonnie asked.

‘I thought I heard a horse blowing,’ he said.

‘I didn’t hear anything,’ Bonnie said.

Mitch shrugged. ‘Maybe it was just a deer or something,’ he said. ‘Whatever it was, it was probably what you heard earlier.’

Once she was sure she was out of hearing distance, Melissa urged her horse into a gallop and got back to the stable as quickly as she could. She unsaddled the horse, rubbed it down, fed it some grain, then headed into the house.

Still simmering with need and feeling unsettled, she decided to take a bath. She took the dildo into the bathroom with her and sat, holding it in her hands, while the tub filled.

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After months of talking about trying more of a cuckold style gangbang Kristi andI finally got a motel room on the eastside and put out some ads on Craigslist for a BBC gangbang. Kristi was always nasty and acted like a total slut in the replys so I know she was wanting it rough and lots of guys. We found a guy that could bring over a bunch of guys at one time so we gave him the room number and got ready. She told me she wants me to be very subish and told the guys to treat me like a sissy. she...

3 years ago
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Generous OffersChapter 2 DAY 1 Dinner

Dinner was simple: spaghetti with homemade meat sauce. Three lettuce, tomato, and carrot salads were already on the table. After we ate I commented, “I can’t decide if the food or the company was the best part of my dinner tonight. Both were wonderful.” I put away the leftovers. (They made twice as much as needed.) My students loaded the dishwasher and made short work of washing the two pans and the spaghetti strainer. I was led to my own bedroom. The covers had been stripped back and two...

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Ben Nancy Ch 05

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Ben immediately recognized Dawn Dillon when the girl walked into his classroom for English composition class. His heart started to pound and his chest felt tight. ‘God! She looks just like her mother must have looked when she was in high school grade!’ he thought when the slim, lovely teenager walked into the room, moved down the aisle between the desks, and took a seat. The classroom full of students sat there, looking at him expectantly. Ben stood...

1 year ago
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December Nights

Okay so its: Arizona, December 22nd, 2006, this was also a Friday. It was raining, pouring, the water seemed to fall faster and harder than in my memories. My pants Soaked, the line where the water was from the puddle jumping was nearly up to my knees. Brendan had gone upstairs after a long day of nothing. Complaining constantly how long and hard his day was. He muttered something about taking a bath, to relax his over worked muscles. I scuffled through the door, right after him, shivering....

4 years ago
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Slut first meeting

I was contacted by the sexy 57 years young woman. I informed her that I was a married Dom and what I was looking for. I told her that there her boundaries would be pushed to her limits, and at times past them. I told her there would rules and protocols she would be required to follow and failure to do so would bring swift discipline. She let me know of her past experience and that she was not familiar with this type of lifestyle. We discussed the lifestyle, she was interested so we decided we...

2 years ago
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My last birthday

That Saturday night was my birthday. All my guests were sitting around the table, listening in silence as Victor talked about his last business trip.Sitting close to me was Michael, the huge black boyfriend of girlfriend Camilla.After another toast, I felt his heavy hand grabbing my hip under the table. Then I sat and clenched tightly my legs, knowing his intentions. At the same time I felt my silk short dress gliding over my skin… I started to be excited.Michael continued to explore my legs...

1 year ago
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The Massage Special

It was actually an early birthday gift from my best friend. Pam knew I had been pretty stressed and wanted to give me something that would help with it. She gave me the gift card, and told me that it would cover any type of massage they offered. Then she told me that when I go in, make sure you tell them you want the special. They will know what you're talking about. Everything is covered in the coupon, including the tip. All you have to do is go in and come out more relaxed than you have ever...

4 years ago
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R R R Recreational Rape and Rapture

       R. R. & R. - Recreational Rape and Rupture.Page 1.        I'd known about it being there, since it opened a year earlier.        My sex radar went up right away and my cock went on high alert and chomped at the possibilities.        A high end, la-di-da woman's spa and get away, way off in the boonies named something like 'The Pampered Ego' or some similar too-cutsie-by-half name aimed at separating well-healed, spoiled women, and the power bitches, from their cash and inducing them...

1 year ago
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Half a Virgin

*Thoraopagus - the most common form of conjoined twin, comprising 35-40% of all conjoined cases. Dana and Diana didn't get out of the house very often. Even growing up, they'd never gone to school like other kids, instead having professional private tutors. They were both brilliant, high IQ's, very talented, very creative. College was a possibility now that they'd turned eighteen but that seemed unlikely for them. Dana wanted to study engineering and Diana wanted to pursue fine arts....

3 years ago
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Eating Out

Eating Out Eddie couldn’t stop himself from sneaking glances at a couple at another table. From the corner of his eye he caught some movement and watched enthralled as the guy slipped his bare foot from his shoe and pushed it between the knees of the girl sitting opposite. She had let her legs part to accommodate the action but was still sitting demurely as if nothing was happening. ‘Well, she wouldn’t be writhing around in a busy restaurant as if she had a big toe in her pussy, would she?’...

1 year ago
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Stalked Raped Part 3

Introduction: Someone asked what this was a fanfic of. Its from Slenderman…yeah the creepypasta stories-the youtube marblehornets clips about Slenderman. In this case-this is of Hoody-one of Slendys proxies. I dont know man, hes hot…I dont get it-hes everywhere. Anyway…If you love it-hate it-leave a comment. I read them like the morning paper …& as always-I love you kinky lil fuckers <,3 There is something about exposure that shames me. Being wide open infront of someone makes me...

2 years ago
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 6

I was drinking coffee when Jim Price announced on the intercom from the security room that Dr. Johnson had arrived. I eagerly rose to greet her outside when she stopped her car on the circular drive in front of my home. I'd rented Arabian mares, and the horses came with a wrangler. The horses were saddled and staged at the rear of my property for our ride into the Superstition Mountains. Leah moved from her car with energy and grace. She wore tight blue jeans, a Western style shirt and...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sexperience With Unexpected Woman

Hello dear readers… Hope you are ready to be aroused by my new unexpected yet wonderful experience. Not delaying any more… here I start my experience :) I am a male bdw ;) and I am staying with my friends in a house. As many guys have that anxiety about woman and their hidden treasures, I was also curious about them and always wanted to have some fun with woman but never got a chance. So… why am I writing this post? It’s because every one is given a fair chance, I also got mine and that too in...

2 years ago
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My first masturbation for strangers

We were working together for a week and I have always had dreams about being watched and watching men masturbate. My partner has been dogging before and had a reliable contact who said "no problem if Penny wants to do a show for guys".He chose a privately owned barn with another dogger who was interested and invited reliable and interested friends.I was quite nervous but had so often wanted to see men masturbate and to show them how I do it too. On Thursday it was pouring with rain and I was...

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Alex and Vicki Rumor Has It

It was almost midnight, and I was on my way home after a long day of meetings that culminated with a few drinks. I was tired, and my drive home takes me down a stretch of road that’s dark and desolate. I was about ten-minutes away from home when I spotted a vehicle on the side of the road with its emergency lights on. As I slowed down to approach the car the front door opened, and then a woman stepped out. I saw what appeared to be a mature woman wearing a short dress. Concerned, I slowed down...

1 year ago
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Erin and Alicias Pharmacy Face Fuck Part I

In the old days, a pharmacy usually was a one or two-person operation. You had your pharmacist and MAYBE an assistant at a small corner location; and all they sold was… well… drugs. But the pharmacist knew everyone, and you always received personalized service. Nowadays, you have huge ‘drug marts’ that sell everything from food and clothes to movies and, sometimes, furniture items. And no one knows you at all. Luckily, at a couple of those big drug marts near where I live, two pretty teen...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Flirting with Death

Sometimes I'm forced to wonder if the outrageous salary that I'm paid is REALLY worth what I have to put up with in this job. When I saw the two men dressed in off-the-rack suits heading across the tarmac of Bremerton Airport towards me, I knew it was one of those times. I sighed as they approached, resigned to what was to follow. That they were FBI agents was without a doubt. They all look alike. Did they really think that after all this time I would finally decide to tell them anything? I...

1 year ago
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Rabi Ne Apni Soteli Maa Se Liya Badla 8211 Part VII

ISS ke sare readers ko Ashu ka pyar. Me ek bar fir hazir hu apne life me ghati ek anokhi ghatna ko lekar. Magar us se pehele me un sabka thanks karna chahata hu jinho ne meri pichli sari kahaniyon ko itna pasand kiya ke unka pyar mujhe e-mail ke zariye mila aur mujhe encorage kiya aur kahani likhne keliye. Isiliye me apne busy shidule me se time nikal kar ye kahani likh raha hu. Ese hi mujhe pyar dete rahiye me kabhi aplogon ko nirash nahi karunga. Iss story ka 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th part...

4 years ago
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slag for use

This all started when I was 18 and just split up from my first boyfriend I was lonely and had been looking on the internet for some fun, a guy messaged me saying he liked my pic and he knew what I was. A dirty little slag... looking for cock!!My cunt twitched as I read it and I replied yes I am. He told me he wanted a slag, he was married and 55 his wife only liked straight sex, what he needed was a cheap young slag who would do what she was told, he gave me a hotel room number and told me to...

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College Teacher Screwed And Lust Satisfied

I am a 22 year old guy living in Mumbai from a couple of years. I am a six footer. Don’t have a girlfriend in Mumbai. I had been quite busy with my life and not really got into any relationship from last few years. That’s about it. you can give your feedback on It was a very humid day and the sun was shining bright. There was so much going on around me like every day. I reached my college around 12 and found out the classes were suspended because of the demise of a faculty member. Students had...

2 years ago
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A Day in the Life Dreams of a Lovely Marriage Conclusion

A Day in the Life: Dreams of a Lovely Marriage Conclusion As I washed my face clean of make-up in our bathroom, having removed everything worn except my pretty dark brown pageboy wig, my bottom radiated both heat and pain from my Mistress' spanking. I allowed myself a glance at it in the full-length mirror on the inside of the closed door and thrilled to see how red it was, also noting my cock extended to its full erective length of five inches. (Even...

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Smita My Sexy Maid

This is a true story about me and my maid servant in India. I lived in an apartment in Pune. I was 20 years old when this incident happened. My parents moved to Mumbai to take care of business and I was in standard 12 then and stayed back in Pune to finish my ISC there. We had a faithful old servant who accompanied my parents to Mumbai. However he and my parents insisted that his young sister stay in the apartment to cook and look after me and the apartment. This girl arrived from her village...

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Sirs Cane

School always had a profound effect on me, By nature I'm a people pleaser so if I displeased anyone I always took it to heart.I was never one to actively seeking trouble but it seemed to find me even when I was trying to be a good boy!!In that respect I always took whatever punishment was coming to me as it was always just but never unfair....Years later I realised that I missed the structure of being mentored and also occasionally disciplined to keep me from "coming off the rails" as once I...

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Computer Repair

I had finished 2 years of tech school and took a job with my dad fixing computers. It was easy work that paid good money, and I was good at it. I would work a lot on my own running the shop so that dad could do things he wanted to do, and I liked being there on my own. Most of the time people would bring stuff in and I could fix right then and there and send them on their way. On this day a very sexy, very classy woman drove up in a BMW-the 7 series. She came in, reddish blonde hair, low cut...

2 years ago
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WeaklingChapter 19 In the Spot Light

On our way to the hospital, I notice that Deana has a black eye and her cheerleader uniform is ripped and she is holding her stomach and moaning in pain, we get to the hospital and they whisk Deana away, who is crying. I’m told that I should wait in the waiting room. I sit down and realize that people are staring at me. I realize that I’m still wearing my football helmet. I take it off and look around embarrassed. It’s my fault. I should have known that something was wrong, when Deana told...

4 years ago
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shopping at the supermarket

My husband loves me wearing very short skirts and a blouse with buttons that shows my clevage so when i go shopping the men all notice me…i have found that if i pretend that my buttons have come undone without me knowing the men get more interested in following me around so i bend down to look at goods on the shelve and they can see right down the top and seeing i dont wear bras they see everything…on the odd ocasion a few off them will stop and talk to me and i can see that they are looking at...

1 year ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 41

When we got there they had just opened the door, so I handed Linda the money for the tickets as I grabbed our skates from the back. “I wondered what those bags were, and a few other things you left in the back. You both have your own skates, Pete?” “Yep. I bought Linda’s sister a set two years ago, that was when she first got into performing. Last year I decided to get a set for Linda, and got a set for myself at the same time. They are better than any pair I’ve ever rented, and they have...

2 years ago
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Orphans Love In Barren World Part 8211 2

The life was so well enjoyed that the three women did not waste any movement. Since the business was dealt from home itself, their home was a paradise for them. People used to hardly see them coming out of the home. The most interested part was the boob sucking of Anitha by Radha and Sumitra. She was also pleasured by pussy licking which was mostly done by Sumitra and Anitha started reciprocating the activities with Radha and Sumitra. Anitha’s love towards both of them was enormous and she...

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Mike paused after he had stepped to the kitchen sink to try and find a clean glass. Outside on the back patio was his twin sister, Michelle. It was obvious that she was planning to lay out and work on her tan; she had a blanket spread out and was wearing her bikini. Although she was his sister he still allowed himself to enjoy looking at her. His friends had said more then once that she had a nice body and he had to agree with his friends. She s*s have a nice figure, ample breasts, not too big...

4 years ago
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Girlish DelightsChapter 15 Dinner With The Prince

Princess Elaheh was bidden to dine in the Emir's suite one evening a few days later and she wondered what this might portend. He had kissed her just the once as a lover might, and she wondered if he intended to make incestuous love to her. She had drawn away in shock and surprise on that occasion, but now she considered the possibility seriously. Clearly if he wanted her in his bed, he could compel her to be there and to cooperate. The whips were all too real, and she did not care to...

2 years ago
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An Unpleasant surprise

An Unpleasant Surprise By Galadriel Ben is six foot two inches tall, thin with long brown hair and deep blue eyes; he has been dating Marie for a year and a half now. Ben proposed to Marie on Boxing Day, getting down on his knees begging her to spend the rest of her life close to him. What he did not bargain for was her taking it literally. Ben wrapped his arms around Marie and kissed her slowly and passionately. "Love you lots," Ben said slowly. "Ditto. Although this is...

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MAU Rules and Authors Notes

Rules for the Morphic Adaptation Unit, Mark 5 Foreward: Some may consider these rules and notes to be extreme. Some may find them offensive. I have been told that I should write "minimal" rules and let people play, like has happened in other universes. I tried that; even with reasonable guidelines, my universes have been radically altered by adventurous authors. If the story universe is to stay open, it is with some stronger guidelines to help keep things in line with my original...

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Six Months to Grow On 10

Six Months to Grow On Chapter 10 - Month Seven Brian James Kelly stared in the mirror as he had done every day for the past four years. This time, a new image stared back at him. He was looking at a girl, a sixteen year old girl named Kelly Bryan. The teen in the mirror was wearing a black lace bra and matching thong. She was smiling at her image. With slender hips and long legs, she was as cute as can be. Kelly used her finger tips to fluff her rich dark hair pausing for...

3 years ago
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Better Off Dead

Hi, folks. We're continuing the "wild and crazy stories," with one that while set in our time period is kind of out there, but Hey! ... It could happen. My thanks as usual to the incredible Mikothebaby for her editing even though she lost 2 computers during the writing of this story she still came through. Okay here we go. SS06 As I stepped up to the gate of the large house, I was so nervous I was vibrating. I didn't know how they'd take seeing me or even if they'd see me. But I just...

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Need for Revenge Chapter 4

Things sure change in a hurry. One day everything is going along fine and the net day "Boom!" everything changes. It was on a Saturday and Kathy was working at Bob Evans. I went and sat in her section. It wasn't as crowded as usual so we had a chance to talk a little. My feelings for her were strong but not much I could do about it. As I was ordering my breakfast I saw her look up at another customer. My back was to them and I had no idea who it was. Then I heard a voice; "Fuck, Kathy,...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Hot Widow 8211 Part I

Hello ISS readers! I have been reading ISS stories for a long time. I really liked some of the stories and they are very exciting too. Thanks to the story submitters and ofcourse ISS. Finally I decided to share with you my own experience too. This happened around 3 years back when I was 27 in Kolkata, where i reside. I went to a shop to buy a digital camera. There were a few sales girls who helped me choose the right camera. I didn’t notice them much as I was more excited about the camera....

1 year ago
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Size Queen Wife Chapter 1 Head Turners

Stiletto heels clacking, hugging a tablet computer to conceal the jiggle of her D-cup breasts, Brandee Coleman hurried down the hallway toward her office. She could feel the pale skin of her face and neck flushing with arousal. She was agitated and craved privacy.Once safely behind her office door, she stripped off her lab coat, tossed the iPad on her desk and sighed with relief. She had made it from the locker room without seeing anyone important, anyone who might take note of her excitement,...

1 year ago
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ISS Story Writing Led To A Sexy Milf

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all me stories, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect Girls, I do. Well, things get exciting, I have been writing stories in ISS for close to a year, should have written some 10 stories, never thought this would lead me anywhere, it was for just fun, I wrote this, I got a mail, in my personal account, asking for my no, I usually avoid sharing my nos to strangers, I didn’t reply, after two days, what I got is a...

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