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I stood hiding in the shadow of the hangar as I watched the big plane touchdown. I was just out of the sight of the crowd that had gathered and was now enthusiastically cheering the plane's succesful landing and the return of those inside it. Only 3 days ago, I'd been on a similar plane and someof those same people had been cheering for me. It was early evening already dark, and the rain wasn't helping any. I pulled my coat closer around me and tucked my head under the hood as I turned and started to leave. I really didn't know why I'd come in the first place. This wasn't the time or the place for what I needed to do. I'd been avoiding this for a little over three weeks, a day or two more wouldn't hurt.

Despite the darkness and the rain, the high-school band played their asses off. Their music, proud, and patriotic only served to remind us all why we'd come here tonight. We were here to welcome the boys and girls home. Not just any boys and girls though. They were the best and bravest among us. They were the ones who put themselves and their own conditions away for a while, to go off to foreign lands during wartime, to defend us and our values.

If the world made any fucking sense, a sacrifice like theirs would get them the kind of accolades, and financial rewards that would make the rest of their lives easy and secure. But instead we reserve that kind of payment for another group of young men, the ones who can jump up and drop a ball in a hoop, or run down a field carrying one, go figure.

A crusty old man tried and succeeded in forcing me inside the hangar, where he swore I'd be able to get a much better view of the heroes, or "hee ruz" as he pronounced it. I told him that I really didn't need to see the ceremony, since I'd been through it myself only three days before. I took off my hood so he could see my face.

"God Damn it, Rob," he snapped. "Why didn't you tell me it was you? I'll bet you can't wait to see Julie, can you?"

He stepped back and snapped his feet together, in a drunken homage to the attention position, and gave me a mock salute. "The whole God Damned town is gonna shit to see the two of you back together," he said. "This is going to be great."

He toddled off to get a better view of the proceedings. He probably wanted to get near the front where he'd be able to get a seat on the hastily erected bleachers that had been provided for all of the servicemen's families.

People rapidly funneled into the hangar, and as I watched, nearly all of the seats were taken up in under five minutes. People always wanted to see everything, whether it was an awards ceremony for their loved ones, or a car wreck on the side of a lonely highway. I guess curiosity is the nature of the human condition. In this case one of the biggest draws was seeing the return of the town's fairy tale romance. They wanted to see Rob and Julie again. I really didn't want to be the one to tell them that the war had changed us, or how.

They'd stood outside in the rain, just so they could watch the plane land. And now that it had touched down safely they all wanted to dash inside, so they could rush over and knock their loved one's down when their names were called, as they stepped off the plane.

I'd dreaded this day for weeks now, and it was finally here. Although to be honest less than a month ago, today was all I had dreamed about. It's funny how 10 seconds of vision and a few words can change the entire path of a life, or actually two lives.

In a moment of clarity, I realized that I didn't belong here, although if you'd asked most of the people assembled, they'd have said just the opposite. "Rob, out of all of us you have the most right to be there," most would have said. They'd have been wrong though because they had no fucking idea of what I'd intended.

Again I turned to go, and was pulled back by the smiling face of Jack Anderson. I'd known the man all my life; he was like a second father to me. "Hey Rob, you're going the wrong way. It must be weird to be back here so soon and seeing this from the other side." he laughed.

I think he saw something in my face because he quieted down, and started talking in a softer tone. Maybe, like all the rest of them, he got it wrong. He thought I was having a flashback or something. But he had the wrong war. He moved closer to the front fighting the crowds all the way and threw a last piece of advice at me before disappearing, "Take all the time you need son. God knows you've earned it."

Maybe he was right about the whole flashback thing because as they announced her name and she stepped off the plane I had one.


8 years ago I was 16 years old. I was going to a party in Connie Hollister's Barn. My date Jill Monroe had just introduced me to a girl. "Rob, this is my cousin Julie," Jill said. "She's not only my cousin, she's my best friend. So I wanted you to meet her."

My world as I knew it ended with that one sentence. Julie was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I think in those first few seconds, I knew that I was going to marry her. My heart was beating so loudly I was sure that Jill could hear it as well. I'd been raised to have manners and morals above all else, so my behavior was in some ways unforgiveable.

The correct thing to do in that situation would have been to smile and say "Pleased to meet you." Maybe I should have made small talk. What I actually did was nothing, I just stood there and stared at her. Her date, Curtis French, was a friend of mine, and he finally saved me. He slapped me on the shoulder and said, "Hey Rob can you help me change the plugs on my Camaro tomorrow?"

That snapped me back into the moment, and I told him I could. Then I went and got a glass of punch for Jill and myself. I danced with Jill a couple of times, but my heart truly wasn't in it. I kept looking around for Julie, but didn't see her anywhere.

That party was my first and last date with Jill. All of my friends thought that I was an idiot. Jill was beautiful. She had long blonde hair, and a great figure already at 16. She was one of the sweetest girls I knew, and also one of the smartest. Everyone in our class told me that she really liked me. I didn't go out with anyone period anymore because in that brief moment at Connie's I'd been smitten by Julie and no one else would do.

It was nearly 2 months before I saw her again. She had only been visiting, on the night of the party. Her family moved into town permanently at the beginning of the summer. As if fate had a hand in it, they even moved onto my street.

Jill was underwhelmed when I talked to her. Those manners and morals again showing their face. When I'd run into her at the store she told me about all of the fun things she'd be doing now that her cousin lived here in town. My face went totally blank, and her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"You've got it too, don't you?" she asked. "It all makes sense now."

"I've got what?" I asked.

"Do you remember Connie's party? Which was the last time you've been seen socially in any capacity that doesn't involve cars or sports?" she asked. "Well right after meeting you, my cousin asked Curtis to take her home. I thought at first that she'd gotten sick. Then I remembered the way that you reacted. You're one of the nicest boys I know, but you didn't say a word to her. I was worried that you didn't like her or something. When I got home later she asked me a lot of questions about you. Every time I've spoken to her since then our conversations always seem to include you."

"Rob, what do you think the first thing she asked me about when she moved into her house the other day was?" asked Jill.

"How should I know?" I asked. "I have no idea what girls talk about."

"She asked me about you," snapped Jill. "I told her that you don't hang out a lot or date much, but I can see by the look in your eyes that's about to change. Come on let's get this over with."

Jill dragged me out of the store down the street, to Julie's family's new house. I'd known the previous occupants, but somehow the house just seemed better now.

"Julie are your parent's home?" screamed Jill.

"No," screamed Julie, equally loud.

"Then get your ass down here, now," screamed Jill, even louder.

Julie came down the stairs and it was like the sky opened up and an angel descended from the heavens. I guess what they say about love goggles making you see things in an altered state of reality is true. Because that's what I saw. She was the most beautiful thing I'd seen, since the first time I saw her.

In actuality she'd been unpacking, and she had smudges of dirt on her face and her dark brown hair was all over the place. She was wearing some baggy old sweat pants and a T-shirt that had seen better days but it didn't matter.

As soon as she came through the door and we saw each other time stopped moving. I'm sure that Jill was talking but neither of us heard it. I tried to memorize each and every pore and line on her face. I stared at every contour of each feature. I swear to you that I could probably see and count the rods and cones in her eyes, I stared at her so hard.

Jill finally left, and we were able to talk for the first time. It gave me the chance to aske her the questions that had been going through my mind for 2 months. "Why didn't you stay at the party?"I asked.

"You're going to think that I'm being really silly," she said smiling at me, with a smile that I later found out could get me to do anything she wanted. "But, once I saw you, I realized that everything was just wrong and I got upset. I was at the party with the wrong guy. And I love my cousin, but every time you danced with her, or even touched her, I got sick. Because in my mind, it should've been me."

From that day we were inseparable. We spent so much time together that a lot of people only counted us as one person. It was always Rob and Julie. You never saw one of us without the other. We went to all of the dances together and everything else. Our town had a few funny rules about certain things though. Like a lot of towns we had that traditional Sadie Hawkins Dance, where the girls got to ask the guys out. The difference was in our town, the guy couldn't say no unless he'd already been asked by someone else.

Bright and early the first day of October, Mona Willis asked me to the dance. I don't know if she actually liked me, or just wanted to pick on Julie, but I smiled and told her that I couldn't go to the dance with her because it would upset Julie. She told me about the rule and I told her that I just wouldn't go to the dance.

It was the most important dance of the year if you weren't a senior. So she told her mother, who was a teacher. Her mother told the principal, and he called me in to his office.

"Rob, what's wrong with Mona Willis? It's only one event," he said. "Everyone in the school will be there. Are you sure you want to miss it. I'm sure Julie will understand."

"Sir, there's nothing wrong with Mona, she's a pretty girl. But I'm a one woman man. If I can't be there with Julie, I won't be there at all."

"Rob, I hope my daughter appreciates, the way you feel about her," he said.

The present

As they called her name, "Corporal Julie Davis," she stepped off the plane's exit ramp and looked around. Her Mom and Dad ran forward and grabbed her up in a big bear hug. My Mom and Dad were right behind them. Mona was there, and I did notice how much older she was. A few cousins and friends and neighbors were there as well. Everyone seemed to want to touch Julie, and hug her and welcome her home. She seemed to be looking around in every direction, but her eyes never settled on the thing or person she was looking for because I wasn't there.

I could hear snatches of conversation over the distance. Just random words, not complete sentences, but enough to let me know what was being said. "Where," was heard several times, My name, "Rob," was mentioned more than once as well. There was much speculation as to where I was, and many assurances that I was probably either on the way, or would be at the dinner. With everyone huddled around her there'd be no time for us to be alone and talk. Tomorrow would be just as goood as tonight, anyway.

I slipped out the back door and walked home. When I got there I checked on my car for the hundredth time that day, and then left again. Once I'd gotten to the house I realized that I just didn't want to be there tonight. I also didn't want to drive the car because it was so fucking pretty and I didn't want to get rain on the paint.


Julie and I spent 18 months in and around Iraq. After we'd both graduated from college, we realized that we were both undereducated in our chosen fields. Our local college was really only a junior college and if we wanted to make it somewhere other than our small town, we both needed more education. An easy way to get the money for that was to enlist. At first I was going to be the only one doing it. But Julie signed up the same day I did. She said she loved me too much to be away from me for 24 months, and we both ended up stationed together in Florida. We were never in the same platoon, but we were lucky and ended up doing basic training in the same base.

It was the worst six months of my life. I called or texted Julie almost hourly. It was so hard seeing her everyday and being within a few feet of her but unable to touch her. We had gotten married halfway through college, and after two years of regular sex with the woman I loved, six months of only sleeping with her while we were on a weekend pass, or an evening pass, was hell. A lot of military couples have to deal with being stationed apart, but let me tell you being stationed together was worse.

I had to listen to guys talk about her, or leer at her and pretend there was nothing going on with us, except for similar last names. What was even worse was when she'd call me or text me because some woman in her unit, mentioned something she'd like to do to me. More than once Julie called me, all pissed off, to warn me of the consequences to my nuts if she even caught me looking at some woman.

When we got shipped out, I was going to confess, that we were married, until I looked at our orders. I was of course going to a patrol unit that would move all over a selected area. Julie was in a base doing support type work. I could easily live with that. It meant I wouldn't have to worry very much about my wife being in danger.

Julie of course, cried her eyes out. She was afraid that I'd be killed by snipers, or a roadside bomb, or an IED. I promised her I'd be extra careful and in only 18 more months we'd be out and have enough money and benefits to finish school. We'd be able to move anywhere in the country we wanted to go, and then we could settle down and raise our family.

Before I started patrols with my unit, I got a chance to make sure that Julie was settled in and okay. Once we got to Iraq, since we were based in different but nearly adjoining cities, the fact that we were married wasn't a problem. Julie's unit handled supplies for a lot of the bases in the area. There were several women, including the nurses in the hospital there. The majority of the men on the base, were older than us and many of them were married. With the bad economy back home, a lot of guys were enlisting to make ends meet.

I drove away from the base confident that no matter what happened to me, Julie would be okay. Her safety mattered more than anything, to me.

The present

One of the things I wondered about, as I walked around my hometown that night was where the hell all of these bars came from? Had they always been here? Had I just never noticed them since Julie and I always opted for quieter times? Our custom since we'd been teenagers was to hang out down by the lake, or near the woods. Except for during the misunderstanding, that was the only dark time in our relationship.

Julie and I had sworn, never to talk about that time, and I'd nearly forgotten it. I guess forgot is kind of strong. Agreed not to think or talk about it, was probably more correct. I had a strong feeling that I knew why now. The dark time was a period, after high school but before we got married that Julie and I weren't together. It was only about four months long, barely sixteen weeks. But it was not a time I liked to think about.

As I walked along the dark rainy streets I thought about it now. I could devote my mind to it because I no longer had to worry about getting any wetter. I was soaked to the skin. After some of the things I had to go through during the war, this really wasn't bad at all. I still didn't understand why taking a walk in the rain was supposed to be so God Damned romantic; I guess it depends on your mood and your company. I didn't feel romantic, I just felt wet. And empty, can't forget the emptiness. I'd been feeling it for so long, that it was a part of me now. There's a funny thing about emptiness, nature abhors a vacuum, so when you're empty, something will always rush in to fill it.


During the dark time, I'd done some things that I wasn't proud of. Julie had probably heard about them. But when we got back together somehow none of the things we'd done seemed nearly as important as the two of being together again. We'd promised not to ever ask about what each other had done. We vowed to just leave our actions while we were apart in the past. Finding out some of those things would have only served to weaken our relationship going forward. Julie was the one who'd decided that, so I never thought that maybe she'd been the one with something to hide.

I guess at the time I was so ashamed of what I'd done, and so confused about my feelings, that it seemed too good to be true. And we both realized that it was something that had been though unpleasant, good for us too in the long run.

We'd been together at only twenty years old for a large chunk of our lives. Neither of us had ever been with anyone else. We had given each other our virginity on Julie's 19th birthday, and had what I thought was a good sex life. But Julie had really started to wonder what it would be like to try someone else.

I was so besotted with her that it had never crossed my mind. I mean I'm a guy, I'm going to look at women. I saw lots of them, some with bigger tits or slightly prettier faces, but Julie was mine, and she was all I wanted. Being in college hadn't helped us. There were so many new things to experiment with. New interesting people to meet and hang out with, that she'd just started to find our relationship stultifying.

There ended up being a few incidents of jealousy, capped off with Julie telling me that we weren't married so she could do what she pleased. She later told me that she hadn't meant it, and had only said it because she was angry. But my reply to her had been equally brutal. I'd told her that we for damned sure weren't married and probably wouldn't ever be.

That was followed by four months of me dating other women, and her doing the same. During that period, I tried going out with a few of the women around campus, since she wasted no time dating other guys. When ever we ran into each other she wouldn't make eye contact with me or speak. It hurt me badly since I couldn't figure out what I'd done wrong. After a while, it just got so painful that I started going home on the weekends to avoid running into her. I dated Mona finally. But I also went out with Connie a couple of times. The thing that to this day I remember the most though was Jill. After my male slut phase had ended and I realized that I truly was a one woman kind of guy. I settled into a really easy relationship with Jill. I don't think to this day, that Julie realizes how close we came to not getting back together.

I wasn't trying to get back at Julie, or even trying to start something new. We just sat down on the porch talking one weekend, and a month later I realized that I wasn't dating around anymore. People around town went from Rob and Julie, to Rob and Jill, in the blink of an eye. It just seemed right. Where I'd begun to feel that Julie took me for granted, Jill seemed to cherish every second we spent together. I started to realize that Julie had been the one to break us up, so I had the right to find happiness elsewhere. After a while I stopped thinking about Julie.

I think Julie came home one weekend while I was there also. My Dad told me she'd been by to see me but I'd missed her. I didn't bother trying to call her, or go see her because I didn't see a reason to. I did think I'd seen her while Jill and I were having a picnic in the woods and lying on a blanket, watching the stars. A group of kids had come by, probably on their way to the lake for a midnight swim. After the kids went by, I thought I saw someone watching us, and something in my mind told me it was Julie, but I didn't dwell on it. After all things seemed to going well for both of us. I'd seen her with several different guys, so she got to do what she wanted, and I had Jill so I was happy as well.

When I got back to school on Monday Julie had called me several times. I again didn't return any of her phone calls, because I didn't see the need to speak to her.

When I got back to my apartment that night Julie was there. I hadn't got my key back from her when she'd moved into the dorms. Seeing her there, sitting on my couch filled me with anger, and I didn't understand why at the time.

"We aren't married and we aren't together anymore, so I'd like my key back, please," I said to her. Maybe as politely as I tried to be about it, some of that anger still bubbled to the surface.

"No," she said. "We need to talk, Rob." Maybe it was being told "No," to what I thought was a reasonable request in my own apartment. Maybe it was the fact that I still loved her so much, and I was just angry at her for breaking us up. It could have been the fact that I knew she'd dated and probably screwed other guys during the four months that we were apart. There was also the fact that I'd thought that I was over her, but realized then that I wasn't.

At any rate, all or some of those issues colored the things I said and did next. "First off, Julie there is no "We," I said coldly. "That means that "We," don't need to do shit. We don't need to talk. I don't have to listen to you. But "You" need to leave my apartment now. I'm not going to hit you or physically throw you out, but I will call security and the police. You can keep the fucking key, Julie. I'll have the locks changed tomorrow."

She looked at me as if she was on the verge of tears. Like her life depended on it. She bit her lip and just told me, "Do what you have to do Rob. This is important."

"Maybe it's important to you, or some of your boyfriends. But I don't care about anything you have to say," I snapped. I was getting louder and angrier. She had a lot of nerve coming into my apartment and telling me what I needed to do. I grabbed my jacket and got ready to leave.

"I'll be here when you get back," she said."Then we can talk, once you've calmed down." But I fooled her. I didn't go back. I went to the building's manager and had him call the police. When the police came I had gone to get something to eat. I let the manager handle the whole situation. The police asked Julie to open the door and she didn't, so the manager used his key and let them in. They charged Julie with trespassing, and unlawful entry. She told them that neither was true, because she had a key. They asked her to see it, and took it from her.

She explained to them that she used to live there, but had left for a while. They asked her if she had been asked to leave. She told them in "Girl logic," that I had asked her to leave, but hadn't really meant it. Like most men they were confused as hell about that.

They told her that I had been serious enough about it to go to the building manager and call the police, so whether I meant it or not, they had to act.

Changing the lock on the apartment door, would have cost me fifty bucks. I ended up paying a hundred and fifty, and didn't get the lock changed.

The hundred and fifty was what it cost me to bail her out of jail. As soon as she got her phone call, she called me to come and get her. I agreed to bail her out in exchange for leaving me, the hell alone.

The next day after my classes were over she was waiting for me in front of my apartment. "I couldn't get in, they took my key," she said.

I walked right past her without saying anything. The next night, our exchange was just as short. "Rob Damn it, this is important," she said.

When she was still there Wednesday I gave her a warning. "Julie, if you keep doing this I'm going to file harassment charges against you," I said.

Thursday night she was desperate. "Rob, give me ten minutes, and I promise you'll never have to worry about me again," she said.

"Five," I counter offered.

"I'll take it," she said. We sat down on the porch in front of my building. I held up my watch. When the second hand got to 12, I said, "Go."

"Rob, we need to get past this and get back together," she began. "I miss you. I love you. This was stupid. It should never have happened. I don't even know why it happened. No, that isn't true. It was my fault. I guess I haven't been very honest with you. Rob, we've been together since we were kids. When we got to school here, I guess I listened to some of the girls talking about some of the things they'd done, and things they do. I started feeling like an old married lady. I wanted to talk to you about us maybe dating some other people, just to see what it would be like. Not permanently, just for a while. And when we argued it just got out of hand. I know that I said the first bad thing, but when you said what you said back, I got even angrier. I expected for you to call me later on so we could make up, but you didn't so in my mind that meant that we were broken up, so I was free to date others and you were too. Every time I saw you with some slut on campus, I was jealous, and got even angrier. That anger, resulted in some actions that were not good for me. Yes Rob, I dated and experienced some othe guys for comparison. And none of them were any better than you, in fact most weren't as good. But after a while I realized that not one of them made me feel as loved as you do, there was no one close. I got tired of feeling like a piece of meat and started trying to find you, but you would disappear every weekend."

"I know I messed up, but this has gone on far too long. I know I hurt you, and made you feel that I didn't love you enough, but Rob I was confused, and I made a mistake. But on the bright side we found out that we aren't just together because we can't get anyone else. We're together because we love each other, and we're the best for each other. So now we know that we're perfect together. There won't be any doubts or needs to try someone else. We've seen what that's like, so we can move forward. It won't ever happen again. Can you forgive me?" she looked at me sadly. I had never been able to resist Julie's sad puppy look.

"Julie, was that, what you wanted to say?" I asked. She smiled at me and nodded her head. "Okay, thanks for stopping by," I said and went into my building. As I closed the door behind me I could see her standing there with her mouth open.

Friday after my last class I got into my truck and drove home for the weekend. That weekend was different though. To begin with I couldn't find Jill, anywhere. I really needed to talk to her, but no matter where I went, I didn't have any luck. Finally Sunday morning she showed up. She wanted to talk to me too.

"I missed you," I told her. She let out a big sigh as I took her hand and rubbed her back. Her whole body seemed to be trying to mold itself to mine. I made up my mind then that Jill was the one I wanted. "I have to drive back up to school in a couple of hours. We didn't have any time together."

"Rob, I don't want you to come home on the weekends anymore," she said sadly. "I don't know what happened or how, but I know what's been going on now. Your coming home on the weekends, as nice as it's been only started because you were hiding here. You can't hide from things Rob. They always seem to come back. I've never stolen anything, or taken anything that wasn't mine. And I have the feeling that, that's what I've been doing, just borrowing someone else's things. Everyone borrows from time to time. But when it's time to give those things back to their owner, you have to."

"Jill, what the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"Rob, you'll figure it out, and when you do, if I'm wrong and I hope that I am, I'll be waiting for you." Then she kissed me and ran into the house. I had the worst feeling ever then. I felt even worse than when I'd broken up with Julie.

As soon as I got back to school, Julie was there on my porch. She didn't smile or anything, I think she knew that I'd felt badly. "Rob can we talk?" she asked.

"You had your five minutes and we're done," I snapped. "I'm feeling bad enough right now as it is. You were right. We did need to get out and try out some other people. I think I met the person I need to be with, and lost her this weekend. The stupid thing is I don't even know why I lost her. I was sure she felt the same way about me. I have to get myself together and figure it out so I can get her back. It's just so out of the blue that I'm still reeling from it. Just like it was with you. I never even had a chance to tell her how I feel about her. Women sure do have a knack for reaching into a guy's heart and ripping his nuts out. I hope you found what you were looking for, but you and I are done. I'm really sure that she feels the same way about me, I just don't know what happened. I do know one thing though, she never would have treated me the way you did. So we're done, the Rob and Julie show is over."

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Copyright 1999 by Elaine Blankenship and Shannen Greggs. All rights reserved. ============================== Esperanza by BoyChiq and Lainie Lee The rain came down hard, harder, hardest near Buttonwillow. I had got stuck behind a couple of big rigs going up a hill. The wet gloom made mid-after-noon into almost-night. Just as I slowed to no more than a walking pace, the right-hand door of my car opened and a girl climbed in. She dripped water on my seat cushions and turned...

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Thank God, this is my last patrol before rotation home. I don't know of anyplace I have hated more than this pisshole of a country. I won't even dignify it by calling it a shithole. You'd think that the people would be grateful for us getting rid of Saddam, but I guess there are too many people who don't know when they are well off. The biggest fools are these so-called insurgents. Shit, if they had just kept their heads down for six months, the Coalition would have left, and they could...

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Payback for Franco

This story takes a slight detour from my previous styles and into the realms of magic, I hope you like it :-). This story is set after my story 'Be Careful What You Say' and involves Eryk the mage. This was to be a longer story but I have left is as a short story. Payback for Franco By Serena Lawhead Chapter 1: A Lesson Learnt Eryk was a local mage of some renown as well as a practising transvestite; he owned a small cottage and grounds outside of town as well as a 'mage...

4 years ago
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Unsatisfied Neha Or Uski Best Friend Simran

Hey dosto, me aapka virat firse haazir hu apni ek or sex story lekar,meri pichli sex story “Meri sexxxy padhosan simran” ko aaplogo ne bohot pasand kiya ye dekhkar me apni ek or sex story aapke saamne pesh kar raha hu, jaisa ki mene bataya tha ki me 21 saal ka hu, sawla rang but smart look hai, body bhi gym jaane ki wajah se achi khasi hai, lund ka size 7.5inch hai..Ab zada bore na karte hue story par aata hu… Ye kuch hi months pehle ki baat hai jab me apni padhosan simran k ghar breakfast k...

3 years ago
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Unusual Love Story With My Maid Simran

This unusual love story happened recently during the lockdown. I live with my parents in a detached home. Just after the strict lockdown was lifted, we hired a maid to do daily chores. Her name was Simran. She was a 46-year-old brown-skinned, chubby woman. She was not sexually attractive. I did not care about her as I was occasionally getting sex from a neighborhood aunty. Simran started working at our home, and she would spend more time near me. I figured out that she was into me. She would...

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Unusual Love Story With My Maid Simran

This unusual love story happened recently during the lockdown. I live with my parents in a detached home. Just after the strict lockdown was lifted, we hired a maid to do daily chores. Her name was Simran. She was a 46-year-old brown-skinned, chubby woman. She was not sexually attractive. I did not care about her as I was occasionally getting sex from a neighborhood aunty. Simran started working at our home, and she would spend more time near me. I figured out that she was into me. She would...

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The year was 1901; the final year of my music studies at the conservatory. Franz was about ten years older than me and occasionally visited our class to lecture or give instruction as he was too young to acquire the position of a professor at the time, though he was on good terms with all of the teachers and many of the students. A respected young conductor, he was a mentor of sorts to me, having already achieved the status I could only dream of someday nearing.I rather looked up to him but he...

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Cab Mate To Bed Mate In Hyderabad With Saranya

This is yash 24 years from hyderabad. I am 5’9 height. Fair and good looking. I work part time for an MNC in Hitech city and im also a call boy too?? (she doesnt know my another life...) . I live in Ameerpet which is 12km far from my office. I get a company car for pickup and drop. I work from 5 pm to 10 pm. So I will be starting at 4 in the evening  in a cab and will be back at 10:30 in the night. Heroine of my story is Saranya. 5’4 height, Milky white skin, 36-28-37 superhot...

5 years ago
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Cab Mate To Bed Mate In Hyderabad With Saranya

This is Rajiv 25years from Hyderabad. I am 5’9 height. Fair and good looking. Please send your feedback at I work for an MNC in Hitech city. I live in Ameerpet which is 12km far from my office. I get a company car for pickup and drop. I work from 1 pm to 10 pm. So I will be starting at 12 in the noon in a cab and will be back at 10:30 in the night. Heroine of my story is Saranya. 5’4 height, Milky white skin, 36-28-37 superhot figure. Disclaimer: I have changed all names of people and local...

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Meri Sexy Padhosi Simran

Hi dosto mera naam virat hai or ye meri pehli story hai…Me Mumbai me rehta hai,meri age 20 hai or height 5.8,gym jata hu to body physics bht achi hai or look wise bhi handsome hu..Ye story meri padosi simran ki hai jisko mene khoob choda hai.. Simran ki age 26 hai but wo lagti kisi 18 saal ki kuwari ladki ki tarah hai..Uska figure 34-30-32 hai,rang bohot hi gora or bohot hi zada khoobsurat hai..Simran ek divorcee hai..Kuch 3 saak pehle uski shadi hui thi but kisi reason ki wajah se uska divorce...

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1st time with a Transwoman

My first time with a transwoman was a very unique experience I must say. Having explored my options on the internet wasn't an easy one. I was nervous and curious about my first experience having sex with a transwoman. I only had sex with biological women throughout my entire sexual life and this was a new experience for me. I checked for several months on Backpage and Craigslist on the dating classifieds ads for transwoman.What I was looking for is an mature erotic, sexy and beautiful...

2 years ago
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Sexy Naukrani

Namaste, mera naam Ankita hai yah kahani meri naukrani ki hai. Woh dikhne mein khoobsurat thi uska ek pati tha lekin use raat ko sone ke liye kam se kam 4 mardo ki jaroorat padti thi. Uska ji uske pati se nahi bharta tha, use bahut shok tha gair mardo ke saath apna muh kala karvane ka. Woh apne sharir ko garam karne ke liye naye naye mardo ki talaash mein rehti thi. Uski is besharami ki vajah se koi bhi shaadishudha aurat use apne ghar mein kaam par nahi rakhti thi kyuki woh kisike bhi pati par...

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Fun with two guys on a Catamaran

My wife and I were on vacation to Mexico for a well-deserved rest. I’m an adapt of water sports and the hotel where we are has at the disposal of their customers catamarans to take without instructors.I sailed a view times during the week, but it's two young guys in a relationship that attracted my attention (Michel & Justin)!After a few days watching them on the beach and them watching me go with the catamaran, I took the chance and invited them for a session on the water.The three of us...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 6 Stapleford Grange

A visit to Stapleford Grange was a matter that Elinor considered for some time before she wrote to the Countess of Bargoed explaining that she had recently discovered that the Emir of Kobekistan was her father, and asking the Countess's permission to telephone her. About noon the next day the telephone rang and a woman's voice asked, cautiously, to speak to Miss Bollington. "Speaking," said Elinor. "I have the Countess of Bargoed for you, please hold the line." Some moments later an...

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Cherry HuntersChapter 4 Kiran

One afternoon when chachi was about to leave school for home a girl approached her and asked, "Chachi, may I ask you something?" Chachi saw a cute fourteen/fifteen year old girl in school uniform standing shyly before her. The girl was shifting from one leg to the other. She was obviously very nervous. "Sure, my dear," chachi replied, "first tell me your name." "My name is Kiran," she said then staring at the floor added, "It is a personal matter." "That is all right, my...

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Massaging sex saali Simran

I have professed my love for simran on this website in the story sex with lovely sister in law. That was a true story and my guilt was reduced as i received a lot of encouraging comments. I thought that women in india are conservative and especially saali-jija relationship has its formal bounds. I guess in the age of late marriages and liberated women, things have changed. Marriage was a bit difficult for simran. She was rejected by god knows many eligible guys. But then she has learned to live...

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This story contains themes of lesbianism and incest, including graphic descriptions of sexual activity. If such material is in any way off-putting or offensive to you, please do not read any further. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The names have been changed to protect the innocent—and those who become a bit less innocent as events run their course. I really hope you enjoy it. I was the only one in our family to call her Francesca. Everyone else had her down as Fran or Aunt Fran,...

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Star Trek The Problems with Transporters

Star Date: 23490723 Time: 5:30 PM (I don't know military time) Location: Star ship Inter lewd, currently orbiting planet Earth The Transporter hums as 5 new crew members appear on the pads. After the transport is complete they look around in awe as they step off the pads. Then as an officer walks in and they snap to attention. "Good evening" the officer said. "Welcome to the Inter lewd. I am Lt. Commander William's, the first officer. I'll take a role call and then we'll move into a...

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Francine Authors note. This story is a continuation of the story called "The Drone" and as such I would encourage you to explore "The Drone" first before continuing with this story. I have written two other stories that I decree, in retrospect need to be trimmed, sanitized, and brought up to a level with which I am happy and comfortable with. Please feel free to read them however as they are, but I will be revisiting these two stories soon and making them better, so consider them...

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"Brian, can you come get me please!" came the distressed voice of my sister Frances down the phone. "Sure, Frances ... what's up?" I asked, though I suspected I knew. "It's Keith. He's been drinking. He's throwing things. Oh, Brian, please, please hurry ... please!" There was a loud crash in the background of the phone call and a distant voice saying, "C'mere bitch!" before the phone went dead. My name's Brian (yeah no kidding). I'm in my early forties and recently divorced....

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raj meera and kiran

I had gone to Bombay to meet my sister in law and there my brother in laws wife meera had also come.I spent about a week at Bombay and as I was coming back to lucknow my sister in law requested me to take meera also along with me as it is not safe for a lone lady to travel in train such a long distance. I agreed to it and told them that only one seat was booked in AC two tier on my name. We thought that we would be able to manage the second seat once we board the train, but the TT refused...

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Frank or Francine

Frank or Francine By Donna Sash [email protected] Her nephew had been with her for three years now. When he came to her house at 15 he was not that much of a discipline problem, but as time went on he was getting worse. He was hanging around with a rough gang. April was at her wits end as to what could be done to keep him in check. His 18th birthday was coming up next week and she knew that either she was to do something right now or loose him forever. Last week at a gathering...

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HotMovies Grannies

Hey! How are you all doing?! I've already reviewed some other categories on, so I started writing this review without opening the page first. The moment someone mentions grannies, I think of fat, saggy-titted amateur European old hoes that suck off young cocks in some sleazy hotel room. In my head, the toothless mamas wear black lingerie, a pair of cheap high-heel shows, and that uber-kinky smirk on their faces during the intense pounding. Grannies are wickedly horny. Maybe it's...

Premium Granny Porn Sites
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[And yes, please vote and leave comments. They are always most appreciated.] I was the only one in our family to call her Francesca. Everyone else had her down as Fran or Aunt Fran, but not I. It was just something I'd started as a little kid. I guess I just adored her name, the exotic way it rolled off my tongue; that, and maybe, the unspoken implication that we enjoyed some bond over and above that shared between her and the rest of our family. Francesca was my Mom's younger sister; baby...

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Threesome With My Beautiful Shruthi Along With Kiran

Hello ISS community, I’m your Nani back with another story. This is the story about how me and my best friend fucked our best friend. Her name is Shruthi of age 21 years with stats 36/28/36 and his name is Kiran of same age. We are the best friends like 3 idiots always hang out together, movies, outings, etc. The incident has happened when we are in our final year of Although we three are the best friends, me and my friend had a great lust on her. She used to be very close to us and she...

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Francis to Frances

Dad always referred to them as Aunt Matilda and Aunt May but actually Matilda is my dad's aunt and May is just her special friend, and they are at least fifty years old and dedicated to each other and dedicated to their local church and it's pastor Pastor Taylour. Dad made all the arrangements and the first time I really met them as a grown up was when I rolled up on their doorstep off the Greyhound bus one late summer afternoon with all my worldly goods in a couple of suitcases. I...

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Francis to Frances

It was never my intention to go to live with Aunt Matilda and Aunt May, in New York state five hundred miles east of Arlsberg but when I was offered a place at Uni a short bus ride from their place that Dad suggested I should see if I could stay with them.Dad always referred to them as Aunt Matilda and Aunt May but actually Matilda is my dad's aunt and May is just her special friend, and they are at least fifty years old and dedicated to each other and dedicated to their local church and it's...

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Rub Rankings

I initially thought RubRankings was going to be another cheap ripoff of ThePornDude, where some boring dude swears a lot while giving his joke-free opinions on free tubes, paysites, and other joints he's rubbed one out to. I was way the fuck off, but can you blame me? I see so many of those guys popping up nowadays that I’m always on guard, even when all that’s slipping into my DMs is an opportunity to get touched tonight. Sorry for the false alarm.In actuality, is a body rub...

Erotic Massage Sites
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A Simple AffairElaine and Francine

Elaine was putting the final touches on her makeup. Another day of teaching beckoned her. As she finished, she thought about the events of the last year.The divorce from Vic was as amicable as she could have hoped. Before it became final, he sat down with her to make sure she had everything she needed. He had come to understand her love for Francine, and even admitted that they made a nice couple.The proceeds from the sale of the house gave them each a tidy sum of money. She banked most of...

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Episode 36 8211 DrRoy8217s 8216Treatment8217 For Kiran

Author: XXXAuthor Kiran had her eyes closed. She had come to Dr. Roy to cure her feeling of guilt, she thought it will be difficult to discuss about such stuff with a counselor. But she had never imagined how such a plain visit to the doctor can turn out to be so thrilling. Dr. Roy, made her very comfortable to start with, and then insisted her to narrate what had happened between her and Reddy. He wanted to hear everything in minute details. Kiran tried to be as explicit as possible, and then...

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The Seduction of Grandad

"Grandad, I've brought your laptop back as promised." "Thank you love, I was going to use it as soon as you brought it, but I can't find the flash drive containing my private files." I stopped searching and went downstairs to greet my granddaughter properly. On entering the living room I found Gemma sitting on the sofa with the laptop across her knees. "Hello love, where's Claire? I thought you two were inseparable." "I wanted to see you on my own because I have...

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Transporter By Deane Christopher Ever since Helen Miller, Felicia Rivers, Daniel Gibbons and Robert Alexander met during their freshmen year at Union Hills Institute of Technology, the four of them had remained close friends. Each of them had earned a Bachelor of Science degree and had elected to continue their education as graduate students at Union Hills. Occasionally, they would find the time to aid in one another's research. And that in a nutshell is how Mr. Daniel Joseph...

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The Grange

Chapter 1 This is a story of pure fantasy. It has no basis in fact as far as I am aware and none of the characters are real life characters. But perhaps this is the way in which politicians do react when their wives get more publicity than they do?. The Prime Minister was not amused as he threw the weekend newspapers on to the cabinet table at 10 Downing Street saying. “Two more headlines about Ministers wives. One even reported catching a ministers wife caught in the act of sucking cock in the...

Erotic Fiction
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Honeymoon With Saranya

Hello dear ISS readers I am Karthick 27 years from Chennai. I am a regular member or ISS from my school days itself but this is my second story writing for ISS. My first story is my dear Saranya about my Saranya, she looks like actress Priyamani. Very fair, height and good physic and her size is 34 30 34. She wears saree regularly. She wears bra very tightly. Her boobs are very strip and steady so that anyone will go mad on her boobs. Please check it my earlier story in couple’s story list....

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Little Johnny and Grandad

Little Johnny was in the chemist with his grandad who was getting some medication for himself. He told Johnny that it’s going to take about ten minutes to fill out and he was not to tough anything but only look around. The ten year old Johnny found something in the shop that he knew all about and thought he would have some fun with the old man by trying to embarrass him. “Grandad, quick come here.” “What Johnny what?” asked grandad. Johnny pointed to a shelf and asked, “what are they...

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Bridge Of Sighs 2 Francesca

As usual I won't recap Bridge Of Sighs, you will have to read it first.So we got to the last - but - one day of our trip. I had suggested to Richard that we .. or I try to get 'our waitress' in for a threesome. I had seen her with her girlfriend so I knew she was gay or bi. I was reasonably confident she'd fancy me, but of course she might have been you know FAITHFUL! MONOGAMOUS! a GOOD girl!I sure hoped not.I told Richard, rather teasing him, that if he approached her she'd think he was an old...

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Another Lesson for Brandi

Brandi waited until Friday after work to return to Michael's shop. As she entered an attractive older woman asked if she could be of service. Brandi's request to see Michael was met with an apology, Michael was out of town and maybe I could help. Thanking the woman Brandi left the store and started to window shop, her mind elsewhere. Mike hadn't lied to Mandy the previous Saturday saying he was not available. Getting her favorite ice cream she continued to window shop. Sitting down to finish...

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Bad Night for Brandi

Brandi knew she was in trouble. The 18-year old college student had been out partying at her friend Jessica's house to celebrate the start of spring break, and as was often the case she'd consumed one wine cooler too many. Her friend Naomi had offered to drive her home but Brandi had refused, knowing she'd be needing her car the next day. When she first saw the police cruiser behind her she had unwisely opted to avoid getting pulled over by making a break for it, and at first it looked as...

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The Inn Kisa and Randall

The Inn: Kisa and Randall By Mr. Pec A young, armored, weary female entered the empty Inn and was instantly recognized by the owner. "Hello Kisa! how've you been?" he bellowed. "G'day, Keep. I'm well, and you?" she responded as she stepped up to the bar. "As good as could be expected. Business has been slow with the war in Tyrin, but we make due on the weekends. What brings you back to the Capital?" "Business. I'm following a lead on a band of bandits in...

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Neat N Naked 02 Brandi

This is the second of 26 installments of the adventures of the Neat N' Naked ladies. They are all stand-alone stories so read them in any order you like. Warning: This story contains adult content including ffm, lesbian sex, straight sex, and oral sex. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story. 8========D "Neat N' Naked...where our girls suck better than Hoovers. How can we help you?" "Hello. My name's Ark. I wanna hire a woman to help me out at home. I've read...

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Calista Four Kaidran Quadrant

Calista Four, Kaidran Quadrant By: Malissa Madison 4/7/2013 Churl remained as close as possible to Calista, his body language emitting both extreme joy as well as Sorrow. Before him on the bridge of the Equinox stood one who was in name the same as his lost love. And yet she seemed so indifferent to his presence. Could she not see how much he already loved her, and what of their kit at home with his parents on Helconia Prime? Alice Dalton studied the Kaidran, who was studying...

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Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn they from bad...

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Being Brandi

Being Brandi I was surprised that Brandi had selected me as her roommate. I had answered her classified ad, and we had met over coffee. She was stunningly beautiful and very sophisticated. She wore a form fitting white suit with gold buttons at that first meeting. The short skirt showed her sleek legs encased in shimmering stockings, and I struggled to maintain eye contact. I was a short, slightly built man wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, and I assumed she would want someone more...

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CapturedChapter 7 Play Date Brandi

Brandon Gates had been the Medical Officer aboard the Futile Gesture. Now she was a sad little girl named Brandi. Brandi had a red tail and was sniffling, standing in a corner when I arrived with Fawn, Babs, Becky, and the Vix named Garma and Silvia. It was a regular circus! Brandi had a mommy named Jewel and a mother named Pam. After being introduced to the adults, I was told to stand next to Brandi until her corner time was over. "Go ahead and put an arm around her," Mommy Jewel ordered....

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Summer With Gran

I was f******n the first time I felt sexual feelings toward my gran one hot summer, back in the sixties. I just happened to come in to the kitchen one morning and saw her rearranging her tan stocking around her chubby leg.Gran had her foot on a chair with her floaty dress hitched up to the top of her leg, way past her stocking top. I stopped dead, looking at her stocking covered chubby leg when she asked “Be a love and get a threepence out from my purse, its in the parlour”I saw her purse and...

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My First Time Was With Gran

I’ve been going around to my gran’s house to cut her lawns and little odd jobs for the last year now since my granda died. I don’t mind as it is extra pocket money for me and another benefit is that when I was tidying the shed out one day I found granda’s old stash of porn magazines that I have read and learnt a lot from.I love the stories and photos from the reader wife’s, they seem more real to life than some model posing on page three. Some how I am drawing to the plumper wife’s photos and...

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Chriss Revenge on Frankie

Frankie having now had quite a few different experiences with woman, with her exploits with the couple, the amazon in the pub toilets, Kelly and her enormous black vibrator and a couple of sessions with Chris as part of a group.Chris rang her and asked if she fancied a girly night at hers while the men went out to play snooker, she had invited Cathy too and got in plenty of wine and nibbles.Ian had agreed to go with Dave and Danny to snooker so it made sense for her to go. Plus she didn’t know...

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Beloved sister Kiran

by Kiran AliI was going 18 at the time and my sister Kiran was almost 20. We are 18 months apart. She was the kind of sister that no brother would have dream of before all our relation changed. I was on a fitness training to take entrance examination into a military academy that involved physical test like fitness, swimming and interview. So I was on almost top physical condition besides I was the school's soccer team. She was always picking up on my study. Something like peeking into my room...

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Beloved sister Kiran

by Kiran AliI was going 18 at the time and my Kiran was almost 20. We are 18 months apart. She was the kind of sister that no brother would have dream of before all our relation changed. I was on a fitness training to take entrance examination into a military academy that involved physical test like fitness, swimming and interview. So I was on almost top physical condition besides I was the school's soccer team. She was always picking up on my study. Something like peeking into my room to check...

5 years ago
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Regional Investigators of the Paranormal

Scott pumped his fist as the reply to his text message came in. He slipped his phone back in his pocket, and snuck out of the corner where he’d hidden to keep his supervisor from seeing the phone. A quick look across the warehouse found Rick talking to Karl, another member of the team. “You’re not going to believe who just texted to set up a case,” he said as he approached his co-workers and fellow part-time investigators of the paranormal. After a suitable pause, he revealed the secret....

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Taking Care of My Four Grannies

I am healthy 60 year old who has discovered the wonderful world of grannies. That’s right! if a women is not over 67 I will just not get involved with them. My grannies (I have four of them) keep me busy from Friday to Tuesday when I have to take a few days off to rest. There is nothing hotter than a hot granny. I can spot one a mile away, the tight jeans, short mini-skirts, fine make up and perfectly coiffured hair and push up bras are a dead giveaway. There is nothing hotter than a granny on...

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Sex with Simran

Hi readers. I am going to tell you a real life incident which had happened with me on my results of 12th standard. I had aced in my school with 98% and my dad had thrown a party for that at our bungalow.Many guests and dad’s friends had arrived at party, dad raised a toast on my name and everybody congratulated me for my grades but too be frank I wasn’t enjoying party,my friends were not present in party all were out in the lawn playing pranks on each other and I was really bored so rather...

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