Tentacle Button_(0) free porn video

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Sophie stood in front of the door, willing herself to give in and knock. It wasn't that she was scared of what or who was behind the door. There were few things that Sophie Meyers feared, and her nerdy classmate would never make that list. Still, something made her pause. Pride, maybe.

Steeling herself, she set her jaw and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the apartment door opened, revealing a tiny Asian girl in glasses and hair that obviously hadn't been brushed or washed for days. She froze in the doorway.

"Hi Tsuki," said Sophie. "I hate doing this to you, but it's kind of an emergency. Can I crash at your place tonight?" She grinned, showing white, perfectly straight teeth.

"Um..." Tsuki started, faltering almost as soon as she tried.

"Great! Thanks." Sophie adjusted the bag hanging from her shoulder and pushed past the much shorter girl. Sophie looked around. She wrinkled her nose.

Tsuki's apartment was exactly what she expected. It was small, bland, and crammed with books on every available hard surface. There weren't any decorations or personal touches in the main room. Even the couch looked like it was the cheapest model Wal-mart sold. It was exactly the kind of apartment a nerdy girl who actually took college seriously would have.

"W-what happened?" asked Tsuki, closing the door and trailing after Sophie like a puppy.

"Hm? Oh, a prank." Sophie dropped her bookbag and purse on top of an open book on what she assumed was the coffee table. "Some jackass thought it would be funny to mess with the girls' water heater in my dorm, and now the place is flooded and I have a test tomorrow. Mind if I use your shower?"

"What? Oh, no!" Tsuki protested, darting in front of Sophie and blocking the way to the bathroom. "You can stay here for a night of course, but my shower is..."

"Ugh, don't tell me it's not working either." Sophie rolled her eyes. Just her luck. The one person who wouldn't have one or more of their classmates begging to couch surf was the one with a busted shower.

"Broken? No, it's...I mean, yes. Yes, it's broken." Tsuki remained very still, staring at the brunette girl.

"Well, that'd explain the hair, then," said Sophie. Her eyes darted from the Asian girl's face up to her dirty, ratty black hair. No, the truth was that the nerd probably just forgot to bathe for a few days. She often seemed to forget.

It was a pity, Sophie reflected. Tsuki could've been pretty if she actually tried. She was a five foot nothing Asian girl at a science focused university. Men went nuts over that. She looked soft and inviting, and her timid nature had to be like crack to the other nerds. Maybe it was the brains who kept the other nerds away. Last Sophie remembered, Tsuki had a full ride and was studying Quantum Physics or some shit Sophie didn't get.

All that mattered was that the girl was friendly, smart, willing to help with some of the bullshit classes to keep Sophie's required B average, and was too much of a pushover to say no. Like, ever.

"Yeah...That's it." Tsuki smiled. It looked as forced as Sophie's had felt.

"Whatever," said Sophie. She planted herself on the cheap couch. "Maybe I can grab a shower at the gym in the morning. Tonight though...What do you know of 17th century French literature?"

"Um." A bit of color came to Tsuki's cheeks. "Not much. I'm afraid I'm not very good at literature. Any trig homework? That stuff's nice and easy."

Sophie stared at Tsuki like she'd grown a second head. She shook her head slowly, pityingly. This was why the girl didn't have much of a social life outside of times Sophie took pity on Tsuki and got her out for a night when she needed help with her homework. She was hopeless, but it was nice to try sometimes. It was like community service.

Oh well. Sophie would take what she could get. Maybe if she got her homework done early, she could call around and find someplace better to crash. She still hadn't made up with Brad, but he was good with his hands and she definitely needed to relieve some tension. She grabbed a battered copy of Swann's Way and opened it.

Tsuki stood there, frozen, staring at the tanned, brunette girl and wondering what to say or do. She knew that the other girl didn't really like her, but it was nice to act like she had friends outside of the advanced mathematics department sometimes. They were stuffy and serious, and treated her like a child. Sophie...Well, it was an improvement.

She uprooted herself and went to the kitchen. After a minute, she came back with a glass of cherry coke. Tsuki set it down on the table next to Sophie and took the other side of the couch. She pulled her book out from under the bag and tried to resume her reading.

"Aw, thanks," said Sophie, grabbing the glass and draining half of it in one go. Her approval made Tsuki squirm.

The two sat there in silence, save for Sophie's occasional complaints about the prose, for nearly an hour before Tsuki got the call.


The cell rang with a prepackaged, bland tone. The sound of it stirred the two girls from their studying stupor. Tsuki fished it out of her pocket and answered it. After a moment, she stood up and stepped to the far side of the tiny apartment, hunched over and engrossed in the call.

Sophie abandoned her book instantly, instead watching Tsuki and trying desperately to overhear whatever was being said. Was it a boy? That'd give her enough to tease Tsuki for at least the rest of the night. Or maybe...Was it a girl, and that's why she was being so secretive about it? Tease fodder for the year, at least.

Tsuki remained hunched over as she listened to the person on the other end. She said little, but nodded a lot and said yes. Sophie craned closer, desperate for anything she could use.

She received nothing. Tsuki hung up and turned around. Sophie forced herself to sit back and look casual.

"Everything alright?" asked Sophie. She fought to keep her face neutral.

Tsuki gave a short, quick nod. "Yes, yes, it's...fine. My mentor is calling me into the lab. One of the experiments has..." she faltered and cleared her throat. "Nothing you care about. Nerd stuff, you know? But it means I have to go in for a couple hours. Will you be okay staying here on your own?" She bit her lip.

Sophie decided to throw her a bone. "Yeah, of course. You take care of whatever you need to do and I'll study and, like, watch youtube or something."

The Asian girl let out a sigh of relief. Not all of the tension left her shoulders, but most of it did. "Good. Help yourself to anything in the fridge. If you get tired, take my bed. And...Whatever you do, don't try the shower. It's not working and you could hurt yourself."

Something about it seemed off. It was such a specific thing to avoid, especially for a pushover like Tsuki to mention it multiple times instead of just letting it go. Slowly, she nodded her understanding, though her curiosity sank its claws in her and dug in.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Missing a shower won't kill me." She looked up and down Tsuki again. The implication was there, and the Asian withered.

"Well. Okay." She grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. She left the apartment in a hurry. A moment the deadbolt turned, and Sophie was completely alone.

Sophie picked up the book on the table. She tried to force herself to care about it, just enough to finish the reading for the night so the test the next day wouldn't break her. She tried. But then she looked up towards the bathroom. The bathroom she was supposed to be careful about.

No one told Sophie Meyers no. She didn't need permission for anything, and certainly not from a spineless nerd like Tsuki. The girl was sweet and knew her place most of the time, but this was different. What could be so dangerous about the shower? Did it only blast hot water? Big deal. Unless.

Her eyes lit up. She let out a high pitched giggle the moment the thought entered her mind and took root. No, there was probably a very good reason Tsuki wanted Sophie to avoid the shower. It probably had all of her sex toys in there!

Yeah, that had to be it. Tsuki was repressed as hell and tense. The poor girl probably masturbated three times a day just to avoid imploding from her course load and complete lack of a social life!

She was up in a flash and in the bathroom before the book hit the coffee table.

Once the light was on, Sophie's excitement spiked. Her heart thudded in her chest. The shower was covered with a blue tarp. Even if it was broken, who would cover it like this? Who would even have a tarp handy? She crept forward.

The chance that it could've really been broken crossed her mind, but she ignored it in favor of the mental image of an entire row of dildos and vibrators. Maybe Tsuki was even naughty enough to have the ones from that site Bad Dragon. She was going to die when Sophie set them out on the coffee table! She'd promise to do all of Sophie's homework in exchange for not telling. For the entire semester at least.

She pulled the tarp off slowly. It pooled on the floor, revealing an enclosed shower behind fully transparent glass. And inside was...

Nothing. Nothing interesting. There was a tub of shampoos and soaps, and a brush for her back. The only thing that was even a little bit weird in the shower was the red button stuck to the wall. It looked like one of those novelty easy buttons from staples that talked when you pressed it. Sophie opened the door and turned the shower on.

Cold water splashed over her hand, quickly warming up to the last position used. It didn't get too hot or suddenly turn cold. It didn't leak and flood the bathroom. There was nothing wrong with it, and there was nothing incriminating to be used against Tsuki. Sophie frowned.

Oh well. She really did need a shower, and getting one would be enough to tweak Tsuki's nose about her warning. She looked over her shoulder. Her spare clothes were in her bag. There was a chance that Tsuki would be back soon, and Sophie could still be in the shower, or walking out naked. The mental image of shock on Tsuki's face made her grin.

She peeled off her clothes and strew them around the bathroom like she owned the place. She didn't know what it was about the girl that made her feel so damned bratty, but it was too fun to resist. Sophie did a little twirl, stopping to admire her reflection and wink at it.

She was almost a perfect opposite to Tsuki. She was just a couple inches shy of six foot. She had a toned, lithe, runner's body that was tanned from hours of carefully sunning herself. Her small b cup breasts suited her thin frame. Her dark brown hair went past her shoulders and was currently tied in a ponytail. She was all legs and slender curves, and in love with everything about her appearance.

Sophie blew a kiss to her reflection and hopped in the shower.

For the next twenty minutes all worries about homework and life evaporated along with the steam. The simple pleasure of hot water beating against her body lifted her up and calmed her down. By the time she'd finished washing and turned the shower off, all thoughts of tormenting her nerdy friend were gone, replaced with quiet contentment.

Until she noticed the button again.


At that point Sophie had forgotten all about Tsuki's warning about her shower. It was clearly safe, and the only weird thing about it was the stupid gimmick button that was stuck to the wall. She stared at it for a moment, considering just ignoring it and maybe ordering a pizza and watching Netflix. She was about to reach for the door when she paused.

Sophie hit the button.

"That was easy!" the button said in its tinny voice.

"Huh," said Sophie. She shrugged and reached for the door.

The wall next to the button rippled.

Sophie froze.

Out of the wall came a long, strange, purple appendage. It grew out of nothing, pushing through the strange dark shimmer of the shower wall. It stretched towards her, forcing her against the door. It waved in the air slowly, like it was swaying to an underwater current. It was a dark purple tentacle, roughly four feet long and as thick around as her waist at the base, tapering off to as thick as her wrist at the tip.

"What the actual fuck," said Sophie. "What? HOW?" Her heart pounded in her chest as the tentacle waved in the air, touching nothing but getting closer and closer to her. The tip landed on her shoulder with a wet plop. It stroked her shoulder and she let out a shriek.

It was warm. That surprised her more than anything. It looked like it should feel cold, rubbery, and fake. It wasn't. It was as warm as the shower water had been. It was wet, but not slimy. As it stroked her shoulder and the suckers played over her skin, the closest comparison she could make was a kiss. It was like the purple tentacle was planting lingering kisses over her skin.

Then it hits her. "Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me," Sophie said. "No way. The nerdy fucking Asian school girl has a tentacle button in her shower!" Laughter wracked her body. She would've fallen to the floor in hysterics if her laughter didn't attract the tentacle. The tip slid upwards to cup her face. Her skin tingled pleasantly where the suckers went.

"Oh, hell no," she said. She slapped the tentacle away, mirth replaced with incredulity. Tsuki was not going to live this down. This was better than a shower full of sex toys, or finding out the girl was secretly dating another nerd girl. When Tsuki found out that Sophie knew her deviant secret, she'd do anything to keep it quiet.

She reached past the tentacle and hit the button again to get rid of the tentacle.

"That was easy!"

The tentacle didn't disappear. The light in the bathroom wavered dark again. She felt warmth at her back, then it was pushing her away from the door. She whirled around to see a thicker, shorter red tentacle hanging from the door.

It reached for her.

Sophie backed away from it, right into the purple tentacle. It wrapped around her from behind, sliding itself between her breasts. It squeezed, gently but firmly and all of the suckers on her skin sucked and kissed at once. She shivered. She could feel her nipples harden.

"Oh god, what the fuck..." she shuddered with disgust, but her body had a much different reaction. The red tentacle reached for her, stretching across the shower to join the purple one. She slapped at it. It drooped for a second, then reached for her again. The purple one curled around her right breast, suckers kissing and nibbling at her flesh as it cupped it.

She slapped at that one too. It squeezed harder and harder until it made her cry out. One sucker found her hard brown nipple and latched on. She froze in place as it sucked and pulled on her sensitive nub. Her knees shook and she let out a low, throaty moan.

"Fuck...No, this isn't funny anymore!" Sophie's heart was in her throat and thudding so loudly she could hear nothing else. She slammed her hand against the button and pressed it repeatedly. "Please go please go please go..." she pleaded.

"That was - that was - that - that was easy!" The button mocked her as more tentacles were brought into existence, covering the surfaces of the shower.

They came in every color and size imaginable. Short yellow ones circled around her ankles, gripping her and holding her in place. A pink one came from the showerhead and wrapped around her throat, squeezing enough to cut off the air without completely choking her. The red one grabbed her arm and pulled her to the center of the shower while a couple of others waved in the air, waiting. Each one moved independently from each other, yet they seemed to have a common goal in controlling the lithe co-ed.

No matter how hard Sophie pulled and tried to break free, the tentacles held fast and squeezed her tighter and tighter with each new struggle. Panic made her thrash for her freedom, but it was futile. She was helpless; a slave to whatever the tentacles wanted to do to her. Fear gripped her, but it wasn't alone.

For as disgusting and unnatural as it was, Sophie couldn't deny the way the suckers made her skin tingle and want more. No matter how hard she fought to get away, it wouldn't stop her from getting wet at the loss of control and the feeling of a hundred kisses across her body, moving and devouring more of her.

For better or worse the tentacles had her. A dark, depraved, repressed side of her wanted them back. She let out a sob as she realized her fate.


There was no doubt in Sophie's mind that the tentacles were at least partially intelligent, or driven by something intelligent. It didn't touch her like a weird animal feeling something new. No, the way it bound her and slid its suckers across her skin screamed knowledge and experience. There was no way the tentacles on her breasts sucking her nipples were an accident.

The two tentacles on her tits cupped them as a lover would. The warm limbs trailed up to caress her face as they slid down at a torturous speed. The slick suckers would latch on to her nipples and the entire thing would writhe in place, sucking hard enough to make her eyes roll into the back of her head and a low whine escape her mouth.

Then it'd drag downwards, letting her nipples out with a pop and a second of relief from that lusty sucking before the next, smaller sucker latched on. Each one came with a squeak and a buckle from her knees, which she struggled to keep together. Try as she might to hate it and stay silent, her traitorous cunt drooled from the treatment.

A fresh tentacle pressed against her pussy. Sophie's legs gave out and she fell. The tentacles around her arms and ankles kept her up, suspended in the hot glass cage she was in. She frantically pressed her knees together. It only served to press the tentacle against her more as it undulated in place, grinding her sensitive slit against it.

"Oh god...Fuck fuck fuck!" Sophie squealed and fought against her bonds. They squeezed back, hard enough to her and force her to stop her fight. All while the three limbs wriggled against her tits and pussy. She clenched her eyes shut and cursed as her body ground against it involuntarily.

"That was easy. That was easy."

Her eyes shot open. A bright blue monstrosity that looked like an anemone pressed against the button on the wall. Two more tentacles came into existence right in front of her. They were bright yellow and resembled a pair of long, slender snakes, right down to what looked like mouths on the end.
The anemone on the wall twitched and the button was pried off. It slid to the bottom of the shower, away from any of the swaying appendages.

"Please...Please stop," Sophie moaned. The two newest tentacles moved in towards her mouth. Her eyes widened and she struggled again, turning her head to the side. Anything to get away from whatever it was they hand planned for her.

The tip of one opened up to show a wide maw. Inside it was ringed with tiny, needlelike teeth. She got to see it for just long enough for her blood to turn to ice before it launched itself at her. She felt a sharp prick on the side of her neck. Pain flared, then melted away into a hot throbbing in her neck and in her blood.

Her entire body suddenly felt loose and hot. The world shrunk down to the throbbing, going from her neck all through her body as she grew weaker and weaker. A moment later she realized it was her heartbeat she could feel, and the rest of the body throbbed in time.

The tentacle on her pussy flicked up and she opened her mouth to gasp. The other snake like tendril shot into her mouth, and those needles latched onto her tongue. She knew she should've been concerned or hurt, but the pain went away even more quickly this time, replaced with euphoria and a sense of her tongue being too big for her mouth.

Then the needles retracted and the orifice closed in on her tongue and more of the tentacles' strange suction soothed it. It sucked in time with the throbbing, in time with the tentacles on her pussy and tits. What little awareness Sophie had outside of her body dimly noted out in sync it all was. She could feel the brace of tentacles all around her body moving to the beat, and her own body responded in time.

Sophie moaned around the tentacle, moving her tongue in and out of it and shuddering with delight at the way it bobbed up and down on her tongue as if her little pink muscle was a cock and the yellow tendril was doing its best to suck it off. It took one last long suck before detaching from her tongue with a wet pop.

The enthralled co-ed licked her lips. Her tongue and throat felt heavenly. "What..." she started, swallowing down a river of saliva. It didn't help. It felt like she was drooling nonstop. "What have you done to me?"

There was something wrong with her voice. It sounded lower, huskier, and tinnier. It was almost as if there were two of her speaking simultaneously. She should've been panicking and fighting. She should've been worried. All she could focus on was the two yellow pythons hovering in front of her face while her bonds moved to her heartbeat.

The two tendrils closed up until those maws were but pinpoints. The tips swelled, becoming more bulbous, closer to a shape Sophie knew and knew well. They snaked forward and one pressed against her lips. Sophie obediently opened her mouth just enough for it to push forward.

She met it with her tongue, flicking over the head and welcoming it in. She puckered her lips and drew them across the head of the tendril like she would any other cock. Unlike a cock, it wasn't too firm to move around in her mouth. It slid in and she opened herself up to it, running her tongue along the underside and sucking on it, unconsciously matching her heartbeat.

It filled her mouth bit by bit and she wanted more. More of that tendril to suck and please, more of the tentacle dutifully grinding against her sopping wet cunt as it enticed her to play with them. She sucked with a fervor she'd never known with a man. The tendrils swelled in her mouth, pausing before pushing against her throat.

Her cry of protest went unheard. The thick yellow head pressed slowly but insistently. She tried pulling away, but the purple tentacle around the back of her neck held her there as she was taken. They undulated, pressing her tongue down as it pushed one more time against her throat before slipping down into it.

Sophie's entire body convulsed. She saw white as a full body tremor wracked her body. She clenched her legs together around that fleshy appendage as her body gave in and came at the intrusion in her throat. Her pussy and throat clenched and unclenched in unison again and again as her body betrayed her need to submit.

The tendril in her throat undulated in a wave, starting at her lips and going down her swallowing throat. Drool pooled from her mouth and dripped onto her covered tits as the tentacle violated her mouth with the same agonizingly steady beat.

Her orgasm drew back just enough to leave her wanting more, grinding her cunt against the tentacle and trying to trigger it again. She wanted it. She needed it. Sophie felt tears running down her face as she kept swallowing and swallowing and breathing as much as she could through her nose.

The second yellow python-like tentacle brushed up against her clit. She jumped and let out another muffled moan. She could feel it open up once more and take her needy nub into its maw and suck on it. Sophie humped forward against it frantically.

Then she felt the needle-like teeth extend and she had just enough time to realize what it meant before they sank into her clitoris. Agonizing heat flooded her pussy for an instant, only to make that throbbing throughout her body crest and peak. Her entire body arched and them crumpled like a marionette with its strings cut.

Sophie came again.

Whatever venom the twin snakes kept pumping into her body, Sophie would've sold her soul for more of it. She lay in the tentacles' grasp helpless to the convulsions that wracked her body without end. The invader in her throat pushed forward until she could feel it halfway down to her stomach.

The orgasm didn't end. It stayed at its peak, locked there and not dying, not finishing, not giving her the satisfaction she needed. She sobbed with every hint of breath she could afford to give, moaning and squealing around the tendril while she continued to drip her drool all over herself.

A new bulge pressed against her lips from the tendril. Sophie struggled to open her mouth wider to let it in while her body continued to shake. The bulge moved inward, against her pulsating throat and stopping. Sophie sucked and swallowed it down, and the dam burst.

The bulge went down her throat in one long motion until it got to the bulbous head. The tendril shuddered and unloaded its thick prize right down her throat.

Sophie's orgasm finally continued. All conscious thought left her as she abandoned herself to the pleasure and the tendril's thick load filled her stomach.

Ten, twenty, thirty seconds passed in a haze as she swallowed everything she could. Still more escaped from her lips and oozed down her chin. It was the thickest cum she'd ever drank and there was just so much of it. It took nearly a full minute before the tendril softened and withdrew.

Sophie gagged and some of it came up. Her head lolled forward and she saw it was a violent shade of purple. Still more felt like it was going to come up. Sophie breathed in and out and struggled to make her thoughts focus, her heart stop beating so fast, her tortured and teased pussy stop leaking.

"Gawwwd..." Her voice was hoarse, but there was very little pain. She moved her jaw in a circle. It hurt, but she seemed okay. Even the tentacles seemed to be quieting down. They slid away from her tits, which now had dark bruises over every visible surface. The ones around her arms slackened, and she fell to the ground.

Sophie rolled over to her side, shuddering. She didn't want to move. Her entire body ached, and the throbbing where the twin tendrils bit wouldn't stop. Sophie hugged herself, only to find her stomach distended.

She felt the swell of her stomach and her hand jerked away with a start. She looked down and gasped. It looked like she was three months pregnant. She swallowed and with horror realized that she was full and close to puking with the creature's seed. Now that it was over, revulsion took over again.

Sophie forced herself to roll over, onto her hands and knees. The tentacles were already stirring from their lethargy. This was her chance. If she was ever going to get away from them, she had to act fast.

The co-ed slowly turned around. She slid her knees along the still wet ground carefully. She didn't think the tentacles could see, but they sure as hell reacted to noise. Most of them were two feet up. If she kept low, she could slip out before they could grab her.

She reached forward for the door and paused. The thick red tentacle was already angling towards her. Sophie surged forward. She grabbed a hold of the door and threw it open. It was now or never. Sophie gathered her strength and leapt.

A tentacle wrapped around her leg and stopped her. The air went out of her the second she crashed on the ground.

"Oh god! Oh god no no no no," she whispered as more gathered around her arms and legs again, eager for a round two. They pulled her up by her limbs, suspending her once more. This time she was face down. This time the tentacles pulled her legs apart, exposing her.

"Please, just let me go," Sophie begged. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Please." Her body cried out for more, but she wanted nothing more than to get away. She should've listened to Tsuki. She shouldn't have gone in the shower just to spite her.
From behind, the two snakelike appendages pressed up against her pussy, writhing around as it sought her hole out.

"No! No!"

They pressed in together.


Sophie didn't know how much time had passed. She was barely able to think, let alone about anything as complicated as the passage of time. After a while, the tentacles had become comfortable. Being suspended wasn't so bad. She felt more or less weightless as the twin tendrils repeatedly pounded her well used pussy.

She'd lost count of how many times they'd twirled together to force a thicker, ribbed member to fuck her with. It was clear they were driven by something intelligent, something with a sick sense of humor that wanted to play with Sophie and overwhelm her past her breaking point. That breaking point had been at least an hour ago, as far as she could tell.

Her entire body shook as the tendrils writhed within her, filling her up all the way to her deepest depths and grinding against it. Sophie shuddered and her body weakly tried to move against it. She didn't have the energy to fuck. She barely had the energy to keep her eyes open and try to avoid dripping copious amounts of violet tinted drool onto the floor.

The rhythm never died. Her heartbeat had slowed down, and the fucking slowed with it. Her pussy was filled with a thump then emptied with a thump, only to be refilled again. Squelching was the only sound in the bathroom as the tentacles displaced old cum as they worked to fill her again with their seemingly never ending load.

She didn't care. She wanted it. Each time those yellow pythons shuddered and filled her again, her entire body would convulse and pure bliss would white out her world. It was only when she could feel cum dripping from her that she'd come down for it and fall further slack in the tentacles' grasp. Sophie's bloated stomach dragged along the floor of the shower.

It was what was meant to happen. She belonged there, being filled and bred for its pleasure. Nothing else mattered. She idly sucked on the end of a small green tentacle, wishing it too would cum for her. Just fill her mouth and make her gag...

Sophie shuddered and rocked her body back to meet the constant thrusts. She let out a low, pleased moan. Her pussy was so sore, but she needed it. She needed it so badly.

"Oh my god..."

Sophie lifted her head up. Though it was blurry behind the fogged glass of the shower, there was no mistaking Tsuki standing in the doorway, horror on her face.

"Oh my god, Sophie, no..." She crept forward, covering her mouth with her hand. "I told you not to go in here! I told you it was dangerous!" Tsuki's voice wavered.

Sophie didn't know why. She was right where she meant to be. She slurped loudly around the green tentacle in her mouth, tongue dancing with the moving tip and feeling the sucker on her swollen, throbbing tongue.

Tsuki rushed in the bathroom and went through the drawers. Whatever she was looking for was nowhere to be seen. She tore her bathroom apart.

The tendrils in Sophie's pussy paused with a shudder. They knew. It was the only explanation Sophie had. They knew what was about to happen, so they doubled their efforts. They disengaged from each other and doubleteamed her the old fashioned way.

One tendril would withdraw right as the other pressed forward. They stretched her out and picked up the pace. They pounded her harder and harder as the rest of the tentacles waved around furiously, warding off the unwelcome invader who was out to ruin their fun.

"Hold on, I promise I'll help!" Tsuki cried out.

Sophie gagged around the tentacle in her mouth. This was too much. This was it. They were going to fuck her to death. She was going to die cumming from a penetrating alien monstrosity, and she was going to love every fucking second of it. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

The twins were a blur, moving in and out and keeping her on the absolute edge while the other tentacles lashed. More than a few hit her body, but she was beyond pain. Every stinging slap against her bloated, used body was ecstasy.

"Aha!" Tsuki held up a similar button, painted black. She slammed her fist against it.

The tendrils thrust one more time, expelling their last load into Sophie's body. She clamped down, entire body failing her as she tensed up tight enough to snap, then fell limp. She fell to the bathroom floor, feeling the fresh batch of cum spilling out of here. There was simply no room left inside of her. Though the tentacles were now gone, the entire bottom of the shower was a dark purple pool from the monster's seed, refusing to go down into the drain.

The shower door opened. Tsuki knelt down beside Sophie, wincing at the disgusting feel of the hot, thick cum against her knees. She reached out and gently touched Sophie's shoulder.

"I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry! I would've been back here sooner, but..." Tsuki swallowed hard. Her voice was failing her now, and she struggled to breathe through the burning in her eyes.

"I promise we'll make this right. We'll make this right, and you'll be okay. Just...god, please forgive me for this."

Sophie's head lolled over to stare somewhere near Tsuki. Her warm brown eyes were glazed over, and had a new purple tint to them, not unlike the pool she was lying in. She licked her lips and spoke, slowly.

"Fucking...Perve. I'm...telling...Everyone." She let out a breathless, pained laugh before the entire world went mercifully black. Her last thought before she passed out was of wishing she'd found that button even sooner.


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Tentacle Party Part 3

You'll need to have read the first two parts for this to make any sense.Part 1: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-tentacle-party-614489Part 2: https://xhamster.com/stories/the-tentacle-party-part-2-615925After a few hours of payback, Sarah decided she'd punished her friends arse enough. She left her and Kat in the abandoned building lying in wide, slimy puddles of cum. She had retrieved her little gold mini dress and was about to head outside when she realized her new tentacle cock was hanging...

3 years ago
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Tentacle Society

The year is 9 TE (decreed as the Tentacle Era, or 2026 if you're going by the Resistance Model) and most of the known world is in a state of blissful, orgasmic peace. After almost twenty years of being molested by infinite hordes of tentacles, humanity has all but forgotten the meaning of "rape". All sex, whether invited or not, has become something to be celebrated - or at least accepted with little comment as you go about your day. This is mostly due to the tentacles themselves, which have no...

3 years ago
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Tentacle Monster Calamari Party Part 2 of 2

June was rolling the sushi while Lorna made another small batch of fried calamari. The luscious tentacles could easily be sliced or diced or shaved, and readily blended into a myriad of sushi styles. Cooking it, though, was trickier than cooking ‘normal’ squid, which was tricky enough by itself. Lorna knew her way around seafood though and soon found the right combinations of marinades and oils, and cooking temperatures and times. The downside, or upside, was having to do all that...

Monster Sex
3 years ago
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Tentacle Queen

Tomorrow will be the happiest day of your life: tomorrow you turn 18! On a woman's eighteenth birthday she is given her first [and typically only] bottle of Perfected Bonding Lube and introduced to three adult tentacle monsters. She must then pick one to be her first bondmate and forever after having sex with that bondmate at least once every lunar month! OH-MY-GOD: you can hardly wait! Sure you've had your flings with the other girls at school, but tomorrow you have SEX! You're considered very...

2 years ago
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Tentacle Party part 5

Michael woke up a few minutes after his tormentors left. He moaned quietly, the taste of his own cum still in his mouth. His cock was at full attention and leaking pre-cum again. His couldn't open his eyes due to the slowly drying cum coating his face. He was still horny as fuck.He rolled over and got up on his knees and started to wipe the cold cum off his eyelids. It was slow going, it felt like four centimeters of cum on his face. Finally, after several minutes, he could pear out at the...

4 years ago
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Tentacle RomanceChapter 2

The Youma shrieked loudly as it bit down upon itself, and sent another pair wrapping around Sailor Venus' wrists before she could react, forcing her arms apart. The Senshi gritted her teeth, continuing to force-feed the Youma, but her efforts only seemed to spurn it on, and as she began feeling a cold tingling creep through the armor that held the Youma's tentacles half an inch away from actual skin contact. "I can't keep this up forever!" Venus grumbled through gritted teeth as she was...

3 years ago
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Tentacle Rape

Before we begin, here's a little background info: You come from a distant planet, searching for live victims to lay your eggs in. On your planet, there are only males, so in order to reproduce you need to lay eggs in humanoids. You appear in the shape of a man, which is a trait your race has so you don't stand out on humanoid worlds. Unlike most humanoids, you are a bright orange color and you do not have just 1 penis like organ. You have MANY. There is the main penis, which is roughly around...

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Tentacle Transformation

It is very cold. You feel uncomfortable. Sweat pours down your sleeping body. Dreams are scattered, unfocused, confused, quick. You feel a powerful tension, as if something is trying to grow from within... With a sharp gasp you wake up from the dream, covered in sweat, your bed sheets twisted and tucked around you, trapping you, forcing you to struggle to free yourself, you walk almost drunkenly to the bathroom, to wash your face, feeling overheated. Looking up into the mirror, you stumble...

4 years ago
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Tentacles! By Enclosed Lady ? enclosedlady (at) yahoo (dot) com ---------------------------- Sci-fi tentacle short story. F/f f/self, insertions, rubber, reluctant. (englishisn't my 1st language) Feedback welcome. ----------------------------- A chemical female scientist tested her new rubber experience to enclose herex-submissive girlfriend. During the process, the female meet some tormentinguninvited guests....  Year 2083 - at 17:00 Paula entered the elevator in secret military base....

2 years ago
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Tentacles penetrating yuki

I’m running late for work! “Yaaaa!” I scramble throughout my closet and grab a white buttoned up dress shirt and a black pencil skirt. I quickly brush my long brunette hair up in a bun, put on my red lipstick and rush through the door with my heels.I’ve been working as a secretary for a large corporation for about 5 years now. My life has been nothing but plain and structured. It’s a typical normal day running errands, taking minutes in back to back board meetings, and scheduling calls for my...

4 years ago
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Tentacle Testing

As your escort leads you through the impressively clean building that is to be your home for the next six months, you can't help but wonder if you made the right choice accepting this job. Sure, the pay will be amazing, free and premium healthcare for life, job perks being rather obvious, but still, are you really willing to devote the next half year to being tested by the scientists of Tentacles Incorporated? "Excuse me, Dr. Banson," you ask the nice woman in a blue business suit who's been...

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Tentacle Monsters And The Women Who Love Them

It was the year 44,444. Slightly over a century ago Humanity's scouts finally found a sapient alien race that had survived the immediate aftermath of inventing the atomic bomb, and it turned out that we were similar enough in our thinking to not only communicate, but socialize. Thing was there were a few small issues... Roughly four centuries ago the human Y chromosome finally became so damaged and degraded that no amount of genetic engineering could allow us to perpetuate the male half of...

2 years ago
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Tentacle street v2

Two men sit in a darkened room filled with computers. A few of the screens illuminate their faces. One of them sips a soda which the other stares intently at his computer screen. The guy holding the soda walks off to through the empty soda can into the trash can. On his way back he trips and hits a switch on a table. He gets up and notices what happened. "Ah fuck...." He quietly whispers to himself. You see, The building which they're sitting in is in fact a top secret research facility....

3 years ago
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Tentacle RomanceChapter 3

Minako let out a long sigh as the tension she felt was finally released with the gentle touch of Yuriko's soft tongue. Watching with great interest, her mind swimming in ecstasy, Minako took twin fistfuls of her bed sheet when she felt the way Yuriko wove her tongue teasingly around and around her clit, avoiding it by mere millimeters, after licking it but once. "Oh! I think you're teasing me way to much!" Minako replied, moaning softly under her breath as Yuriko's tongue sent little...

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After nearly 4 years with the FBI’s biocontainment lab without a promotion she was starting to wonder where this career was actually going. It wasn't that she didn't like the work, each case was unique and interesting it was just that she really needed more money to pay off her student loans then the government was paying these days. After all medical school and a doctorate in biology hadn’t come cheap. “So tell me what you think Dr. Longman.” said a voice from behind her. “Ah...

2 years ago
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Dont Push The Button

DON’T PUSH THE BUTTON When Susan came to, she was still wearing the long red dress from the party. The last thing she could remember was going out onto the hotel balcony due to the effects of one glass of champagne too many and now she was trapped in a padded room with no doors or windows. Susan’s mind regained clarity almost instantly after awaking and her first instinct was to feel around the walls, searching for a way out whilst screaming out for help. Help however, never came. Susan was...

2 years ago
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The Magic Button

My parents have a lot of parties. Most are select neighbors and co-workers. They drink and do stuff, most of the time it is boring. I had finally got my driver license and had a girlfriend. I was ready to get my dick wet, to get my first taste of pussy. I been working my girlfriend up slowly and felt that I was pretty close to finally getting to fuck her. It was Friday night and my parents had one of their parties going on. I was begging for the use of the car, I wanted to go work on getting...

4 years ago
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Love Button

Love Button Emily Banner lies upon her bed. Naked, she swipes right, viewing a sequence of naked men on her favorite erotica-for-women website. She likes what she sees: handsome, buff men with broad shoulders, deep chests, narrow hips, and sinewy thighs. She also likes their thick, long cocks, some of which are flaccid (but still massive), but most of which are erect (and huge). To be featured on this site, a guy had to have at least eight inches. After she clicks the last photo...

3 years ago
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The Magic Button

My parents have a lot of parties. Most are select neighbors and co-workers. They drink and do stuff, most of the time it is boring. I had finally got my driver license and had a girlfriend. I was ready to get my dick wet, to get my first taste of pussy. I been working my girlfriend up slowly and felt that I was pretty close to finally getting to fuck her. It was Friday night and my parents had one of their parties going on. I was begging for the use of the car, I wanted to go work on getting...

3 years ago
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Dont Push the Button

When Susan came to, she was still wearing the long red dress from the party. The last thing she could remember was going out onto the hotel balcony due to the effects of one glass of champagne too many and now she was trapped in a padded room with no doors or windows. Susan's mind regained clarity almost instantly after awaking and her first instinct was to feel around the walls, searching for a way out whilst screaming out for help. Help however, never came. Susan was continuing to pound and...

2 years ago
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Belly Button

I awake to the sounds of the enchanting dawn chorus. Its 5:45am and outside on the silhouetted branches of the tree outside a cluster of our small, feathered friends sing in unison at the rising of the sun. I turn to my side and see the equivalent of a dawn chorus lying beside me. God, you are so beautiful, so perfect and you look oh so fragile right now.The crumpled sheet has fallen away from you and your firm, perky breasts are on full show. Are you dreaming about someone special I wonder?...

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Pressing my Buttons

Pressing my Buttons Magic Remote RP by Kaitlyn & Jeannie Quinn came in from yet another rough day at the mall, "I hate the holidays," he muttered to his friend John. ?"Least I'm off for the next two days. ?What are you doing?" John, who unlike his college buddy and roommate, had gotten a steady salary paying job. ?And along with it came holiday vacation time. ?"Hey, you're the one who wanted to be an artist. ?I'm off for the rest of the week." "Hardy har har," Quinn mocked....

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More Fun Pressing the Buttons

Hi - This story is in the "Pressing my Buttons" Universe created by Jeannie North and Kaitlyn Autofeild. My kudos to the authors for such a clever premise. It inspired me to write my very first story. Please be kind, I hope you enjoy it. -AnonMan [Story may be reproduced anywhere as long as this header is reproduced with it in its entirety] =================== More Fun Pressing the Buttons By AnonMan John showed up at Quinn's with the magic remote. They had used...

4 years ago
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Molly had everything planned out. Alec was going to be there at 7:00 and it was already 6:55. She put on her favorite black laced bra and panties. She slipped into her skirt and button up blouse and put her ipod on her dock and flipped it to Buttons by the Pussycat Dolls. When Alec walked in from the garage the only thing he saw was Molly waiting for him. The minute he closed the door, Molly started toward him. She guided him by the hand to the couch, put her finger to his lips to make sure he...

Straight Sex
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Molly had everything planned out. Alec was going to be there at 7:00 and it was already 6:55. She put on her favorite black laced bra and panties. She slipped into her skirt and button up blouse and put her ipod on her dock and flipped it to Buttons by the Pussycat Dolls. When Alec walked in from the garage the only thing he saw was Molly waiting for him. The minute he closed the door, Molly started toward him. She guided him by the hand to the couch, put her finger to his lips to make sure he...

2 years ago
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Gentle darkness covers my eyes as a soft velvet blindfold encircles my head. I feel it gently tug behind my head. I feel his fingers slowly stroke my hair to my shoulder. I feel a bit of apprehension as his fingers touch my clothed shoulders and softly caress down my arms till they reach my own fingers. Softly he takes my hands in my own and lifts them. Warm moist air covers my palms before his lips brush my finger tips. I feel him pulling me, and I concede, rising to stand before him, his lips...

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Gay Mormon BDSM Training Part 4

James yelped and almost fell over. Seth steadied him with his arm and then started taking over the task of soaping James’ body from behind, the blonde boy offering no resistance. He rubbed his chest first, feeling the pecks on his teenage frame, then around to his arms. Then he rubbed down James’ sides and started kissing his neck under the hot stream of water, making James moan. James spun halfway around and then started kissing Seth on the mouth hard. Water cascaded over their pink lips...

3 years ago
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The Trapped part 2

Dear readers Thank you for your wonderful response to the last story “the Trapped”, my email is This is the second part of my story. A little about me if you have not read the previous story, I am a 26 year crossdresser who now lives by the name of ruchi, married to a 60+ man called Raj. After about 2 months of being married to Raj, he was slowly getting bored of me, so I used to dress up more make up, or do dance when he drinking, make him good food, but slowly he started bringing other CD in...

Gay Male
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Sharons Husband

My wife Sharon is turning the tables on me. She has asked me to write a true story about us. I told her OK; she has been such a willing participant to all my whims. I felt should oblige her and I hope all of you and her enjoy it. First let me tell you she is a wonderful person. I am lucky to have her as my wife. She has this smile that melts my heart; she is amazing in many ways. She loves to take care of her body, by exercising and eating right. She thinks of everyone before herself and does...

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Asha Bhabhi Ki Murad Puri Ki

Baat tab ki hai jab me 2nd year me tha aur diwali ki chutti me ghar par aaya hua tha. Mera ek cousin hai jo mere ghar ke bagal me hi rehta tha, uski ek saal pehle hi shaadi hui thi, asha bhabhi dikhne me badi sexy thi, uska figure bada hi achha tha, unke boobs jyada bade nahi the lekin unka shape kamal ka tha. Unko chalte hue dekhte hi chodne ka man karta tha. Mai bhaiya ki shadi me nahi tha. Isliye me bhabhi se nahi mila tha. Par jab me exam ke baad ghar aya to me bhabhi ko dekh kar dangg reh...

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Karen My lover pt2

was getting much more confident. Her naughtiness kept popping up and she was beginning to experiment sexually. She decided to shave her pubic hair off, which when she showed me for the first time, I just couldn't help myself, I pushed her back into her bed, spread her legs and started working her clit with my tongue, and eating and tasting her pussy, while my fingers worked deep inside her pussy, first just one finger, then two, gripping my fingers hard. Even though my cock is quite...

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Schoolgirl Fantasies Ch 01

Chapter One: The Journal Dezi snuck in from school, tiptoeing through the house silently. Her delicate feet carried her quietly over linoleum in the kitchen, over thick, luxurious carpeting in the living room and hallway, into her bedroom. Her room was the only room in the house that still had a hardwood floor…a pale green oriental rug in the middle of it, covering all but a foot on either side of it, making a perfect rectangle. The walls were painted a soft cream, curtains a deep hunter...

2 years ago
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Rose Petals

I walk into the house and see a trail of rose petals…I follow them into the kitchen where I find a note and a glass of wine. “Take off all your clothes, grab the glass of wine, and follow the rose petals to the master bathroom.” With a smile on my face I do as the note says. Slowly I remove my coat, then I start unzipping that little black dress I wore just for you. I know it’s your favorite. You love the way it hugs my body, showing all my curves. I let my dress fall to the floor and I step...

3 years ago
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Making the MILF List P02

We did not discuss the MILF List for some time. I called it that in my mind, a list of mother's we could fuck. For a month, I stalled and avoided. The other guys made it plain, however, they were on board. Brent, whose mother was Italian and had aged very well, invited me over to his house and then split so when I arrived, I was alone in the house with her. As always, she offered me everything to eat or drink and I finally asked for water. When she went to get water from the tap, the thing...

3 years ago
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The School Court

This is loosely based on real life in the UK where drivers had to face the school children who they put in danger through careless driving. Not the discipline though, which has been added.*Jack Harwood was dreading walking in to the school. He looked again at the form headed, ‘Attendance at School Court.’ He was to attend at four o’clock which was just five minute’s time. He knew he mustn’t be late. Jack was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and slacks. He would usually have worn jeans but felt he...

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Lesbian Seduction At College Hostel

Well, my name is Jessica and this incident took place at my hostel during my semester holidays. Let me tell you about myself. I am 19 with a sexy body as I like to always maintain it that way. Most of the boys in my classes at least once dreamt about me or at least that’s what my boyfriend used to say. Semester holidays started a week ago. I had to stay as my parents are on a business trip. As usual, my boyfriend left for his home and we won’t be seeing each other for a whole month now which...

2 years ago
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Melanies Cookery Class Part Three

Melanie arrived home just before ten. After making herself a cup of tea she changed out of her outfit and put on a rather drab dressing gown. She had decided to Facetime Eamon, partly in the hope catching him out, and partly to set the scene for the following day.“Hello Mel, my darling. How went the beans on toast tutorial?”“Very well dear, but they’re a bit further along than that. How has your day been?”“Very interesting morning sessions, deadly dull this afternoon, but some good networking...

3 years ago
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Box Office Bang P11

I sat back on my haunches as Gemma began to rub her clit. Off to one side, Redhead was listening intently and groaning as Gemma's tale of debauchery continued! I reached into the box at the side of the bed and grabbed a bottle of lube and squirted a generous amount of oil onto my shaft and slowly began to squeeze and wank it as Gemma's story unfolded. "...so anyway, there was no, erm...finesse, I think they call it...and the next thing I know, he'd got me pushed up against this tree, hand round...

4 years ago
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Finding ElvisChapter 11 Cleaning the Kat box

"What?" Gretchen exclaimed. "That's preposterous. Why the hell did you do that?" "It seemed like a good idea at the time," he said with a shrug. I leaned my elbows onto the counter. "But, did you kill them?" I asked quietly. Admittedly, there were a few people that killed and that I missed as suspects, but David just never pinged on my radar. Frankly, I wondered if he was one of those who loved so deeply that he would confess to a crime he did not commit. I had seen it more than...

2 years ago
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My First Time

For most of my life, I led a pretty sheltered existence. I came from a Southern Baptist family and went to a local Christian school throughout elementary to high school. Needless to say, we were raised and taught in a pretty strict way. Sex was something to occur only after marriage, and though I had a girlfriend throughout high school, the farthest I ever got was third base. To be honest, I was surprised I’d even got that far, but I think both of us were too damn horny not to at least try...

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NeEr Do WellChapter 7

Garrett returned to his normal routine, working at the same job, driving the same old Ranger pickup, and dressing and eating the same. Quite rapidly the interest died down and life went on as before. Garrett did take a few more of his meals in the cafe but that was no big deal. After all, several of the single people in town and a few of the married men ate there at least once a day. During his visits to the cafe, Garrett began flirting with Sarah, a waitress about two years younger than he...

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(Written after reading The Story of O, by Pauline Reage, of which Graham Greene said, “A rare thing, a pornographic book well-written and without a trace of obscenity.”) Blindfolded, John and Mary sat in the limo along with Kelly and James. Another Saturday night. Their Toy had convinced them to come along to this rendezvous, sight unseen, for an adventure they had not yet experienced. Another sexual thing. They were assured no pain or humiliation or “discovery” was involved for them....

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Sighs MatterChapter 15 Very Voluminous Vaginal Ventings

The next day, we both awoke fully rested, refreshed and rarin' to go. Tess beamed at me, her radiant face exuding the beauty, charm and grace which first endeared her to me lo those many years ago. She sat up in the cot next to me, rubbed her tummy, and yawned. "Oh, goodness Roddy, all that semen! Did I really drink it all? Why, there must have been two liters of it!" "Yes, my dear, I believe you consumed pretty much every last drop. There may have been an ounce or two that stubbornly...

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As usual, this is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any accidental resemblance to any actual person is entirely unintended. This is adult material. If you are not of age, find something else to read. I read every comment. Thank you so much to everyone who left one. If you want me to reply, either post on the message boards (which I regularly read) or leave an email address on your comment. If anyone wants to make derivative works of any of my stories, you have my permission. Please...

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Fornicating with my English Teacher

I’ve never gotten along with girls my age. All my luck has been with older women. I’ve always carried myself a lot like an older man – a gentleman and I dress more mature than guys my age. I always have. Not to mention my immense size – over 6 foot 3 when I was in high school and my strong work ethic. Perhaps older women are attracted to me because I’m so responsible and knowledgeable? I’ve even been told by my college professors “you remind me of my X-husband” or “you remind me of my...

2 years ago
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Vein Wine

You get off the bus near the edge of the city of Ardetha at eight o'clock in the morning. The other riders had stared at you strangely as you traveled in your only suit. It wasn't the best, a little wrinkled, but it was the best you had. Having grown up in an orphanage, you've taken pride in your ability to get by and make a living but the recession down south has made you head north to this city in search of work. Yesterday you received a call from Carmen Vine, owner of Vein Tavern and Winery...

2 years ago
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Acapulco Pt 2

I was supposed to meet Gigi for breakfast. To my surprise it was noon already. Returning to my room, I saw everyone was gone except for one guy fast asleep. I took a quick shower, got dressed, and called Gigi's room. "Guess we missed breakfast. Sorry, I overslept," I told her. "It doesn't matter; I'll meet you in the lobby in five." When I got down there, Gigi was already there and so was Sandra. "You don't mind me tagging along do you? Rob is fast asleep." Sandra said. "Of course I don't...

Straight Sex
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Third Time Part Fifteen

Author's note: This chapter is the second of final three chapters of this long and sordid tale. Your patience, and your comments - good and bad - have been most appreciated. G.A. The next morning, the small room where Janet spent the night bound, gagged and drugged provided a surreal sight to Elizabetta as she entered. She greeted her victim warmly, much like someone might greet a friend who was ailing in the hospital. Unlike the night before, Elizabetta was now dressed in a...

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My Sister JeanChapter 11 Dry Humpin

Like so many of the good things in our lives, we take them for granted. That was certainly true for me in my family. I took them and their love for granted, for that is the way it always was. I didn't think much about it, if at all. It wasn't something I had to work for so I didn't give it any conscious thought. That taking-for-granted was particularly true with my sister. Like my parents, there was never a time in my life when she wasn't there, so I was hardly grateful for them or...

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Obedient Vivian

Obedient Vivian (MF, reluc) By: Darkdm My wife Vivian was originally from Taiwan. I met her through a friend when she came over to the US for a short term project. She was only 22 years old at the time. When I first laid my eyes upon her, I was in love. Her angelic face, shoulder length silky, black hair, and slender body was everything I wanted in a woman. After spending sometimes with her, I was amazed that she had all the qualities I wanted in a woman as well. She was smart, gentle, and...

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DchasChapter 38

As they walked back to their quarters after dinner, Sarah's Clan was deep in shared thoughts. They had spent part of the afternoon with Cathan and several others from the freighter. With most of Muireann's Clan joining them, they sought to find some leads from their experiences with the flesh peddlers. Cathan was very thorough in her descriptions as she had both a good memory and an eye for detail. Her description of events brought everyone to tears several times. Her mention of her friends...

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The Tunnels

Me and my friends, Sam, Tom and Harry found an entrance to one of these tunnels and being the cocky teenagers we were we didn’t believe the legends and decided to go exploring. That was our first mistake. We got to the entrance all of us ready to explore, some of us were a bit creeped out as the entrance was in a forest which was an ex-military firing range. We managed to eventually pry off the enormous stone slab used as a door to the stone hut and the first thing we see is a wall, we...

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Going Both WaysChapter 6

The three of us woke up hungry and hung over from the bus ride. We put on our workout clothes after a quick shower and headed to the cafeteria. After eating, we went to the weight room and worked for a solid forty five minutes. We signed out and walked back to the dorm feeling a lot better. I suggested, "How about doing our laundry now then getting some stuff and having a picnic out by the lake?" That was a great idea and they girls began gathering their clothes. I went and got mine and we...

5 years ago
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Making My Wife Happy

Introduction: He got what he wanted, but lost what he had… Part I Charlie and Janet had been married three years and they were very happy together. He was a successful business-to-business salesman and she was a loan closer for a large Texas regional bank. They purchased a home less than a year after they married in a suburb west of Dallas six miles from DFW International Airport. They worked hard and had more than enough money, not to mention Charlie had money when they married. Janet was...

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Silver WingsChapter 9

We trotted over to the helicopter pad and reported to the Hatchet Platoon Sergeant, SFC Davis. Davis shook hands with us and put us with a group of six Yards. "I need you two on the second bird so I'll have at least one American on each helicopter. "Shoe will be on the third, and Smithy will ride drag. As soon as you unass the chopper, move out twenty meters to the rear and take up a defensive positions from six to nine o'clock." 'Shoe' was Gary Shumate and 'Smithy' was TJ Smith;...

2 years ago
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Escape For Passion 3

Part 3 Chapter 3A After her shower, as she was standing, nude, at the kitchen sink, Judy heard Sid fumbling around in the exercise room. Sid was always messing around with something around the house or out in the garage/workroom. It really didn't matter to her what he did. Judy was just happy to keep house for him and encourage him to screw her every chance he got. Knowing he was happy made her happy. She was totally wrapped up in doing nice things for him. She especially wanted to...

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Epilogue to Merry Go Round

Epilogue to Merry Go Round By Dale Ribbons, great editing of the whole story by Steve Zink It was barely a week after Natalie's death that state troopers came to town to arrest Tori on extortion and corruption charges. Tori being Tori, she didn't go down without a fight, and even broke two troopers' arms. The local news crews were there to film every glorious moment as she had to be beaten, pepper-sprayed, and shot with a taser to get her down. Absolutely no one was sorry to see her...

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