Redhead's Homecoming free porn video

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I’d say I proved you wrong, Father. I’d say your expectations of me came up short. You said I could never survive without a man to define me; said I could never exist without his protection, his touch, the submission he would demand. But that was before the law brought me to task for my youthful indiscretions. Dragged from my husband by the conscription squad for service in the Public Regiments, I was condemned to distant frontiers until my debt was repaid. As I left our secluded community, perhaps for the last time, I wondered if you were right.

Those grim-faced news broadcasts we watch on TV do not adequately do justice to life on the eastern approaches. The Crown tells us that only a defeated army would send female soldiers to such desperate conditions. So, I guess we are defeated. I learned the truth quickly; my puppy fat curves and innocent belief that I would repay my debt by stacking shelves and peeling potatoes, gone before I reached the headlands. Naivety long evaporated before I saw the jagged sea ice and the coursing ghosts of cutters and troop ships descending from beyond. Before I fired my sidearm into the chest rig of an infiltrator deep within our camp perimeter my eyes were already hard.

During initial selection I began my evolution into the lithe, poised thing I now see when I look in the mirror. They had no use for support personnel, only soldiers. The route marches, the navigation proving that saw others depleted, left where they fell on the frozen mountain trails galvanised me. Atop a heather-covered peak, looking down into the pine forest beyond, blinking back the shards of ice borne on the freezing wind I resolved that I would not wither and die. I would survive to come home.

“Redhead, Arianna, 393?” The Adjutant’s voice shatters my reminiscence, echoing off the corrugated tin walls of the hut, bringing me back to the present.

“Sir?” I brace up, looking expectantly at the drawn, weary man sitting behind his desk. He has seen too many. Wide eyed, quaking people come in and silent, staring spectres go out.

I take the envelope he holds out, bring my heels together and offer a sharp salute, my last ever. He returns a grim smile that props up one side of his thin, dry lips and briefly brings the tips of his fingers to his cap badge in return. Beyond the walls of the makeshift office the wind whines a mournful refrain.

“In this envelope is your severance pay and completed contract, returning you to your civilian status,” he says, “I note your service record is outstanding. The special duties you volunteered for are not for everyone and The Crown offers thanks for your obedient servitude.”

“I am free to go?” The moment seems unreal, devoid of the pomp and ceremony we had been promised, but magnified by the passing of time, no less intoxicating.

He nods, “you’re a free woman, Redhead. Off back to your life. You have someone waiting for you?”

“Yes Sir. I have a husband in the lowlands; a farmer. He is waiting for me,” just thinking about his proximity quickens my pulse, warms the extremities of my body.

The adjutant clenches his jaw and nods, “then go to him and live well. Always remember, many just expect to inherit freedom. You earned yours,” the statement trails into silence and I understand that I am dismissed.

I leave the demob centre in a spluttering ancient transport of welded steel and olive green, driving deep into the night, disgorging our human cargo as we go. We rumble and clank through the slumbering shires and fringes of towns whose lights pick out distant spectres of vast docking plinths and colossal hulls, silhouetted against the starry sky. Mostly, we travel in silence. Excitement, trepidation and uncertainty jostle and ferment within each man and woman. The raucous singing, crude distilled liquor and brazen, communal orgasms of the demob centre long gone as we contemplate what shards of our old lives will remain. For me there is nothing besides excitement. After three long, arduous years, I am coming home to my Felix. I return to his embrace, his stocky build and hard hands; his creamy jade eyes and shock of blonde hair falling about his shoulders. I return to our little house nestled in the foothills, beneath the village. I return to the bosom of our families, to overseeing crop cycles and managing their sale to co-operatives across the Old Border. I return to being pinned to the white linen of our marital bed, my legs splayed as I am impaled on his cock, our bodies colliding as I am fucked into oblivion.

“You look a million miles away, pretty lady.”

The voice startles me, its baritone resonating confidence as he materialises from the darkness and places himself on the bench next to mine. He is athletically poised, coiled and leanly muscled, his eyes sharp, head shaven clean, jawline firm and jutting.

“Can I help you?” I answer tersely, shifting on my bench, resenting being drawn from the reminiscence that has left the gusset of my knickers chafing damply against me.

“Couldn’t help noticing that beautiful black waterfall,” he indicates to my newly washed tresses, flowing loose for the first time in months, “that petulant, regal profile,” he smiles winningly, “not to mention those fucking amazing thighs,” the true nature of his feelings becoming apparent as his gaze settles pointedly on my primly crossed legs.

I smile tolerantly, “so you demobbed without having your balls drained and you somehow think that I might be interested in a quick, dirty ride before I go home?”

“I was a Pathfinder,” he says as though this fact should guarantee my compliance, “I am very fit and have destroyed a great many of theirs.”

“Even so,” I say, “I’m spoken for. I’ve got a husband to go home to.”

He laughs openly at this, bowing and touching his forelock mockingly, “but of course Ma’am! I hope this husband of yours is very patient?”

“Patient enough,” I smile good-humouredly, secure in my convictions.

“I’m glad you are so sure; because three years is a long time in this world. People have a nasty habit of moving on,” he retreats theatrically into recesses of the transport, leaving me alone with my torrid thoughts once more.

An eternity passes. But finally, the time is at hand. Out of the little window I see the outline of familiar mountains, the moonlit tips of familiar forests. Then, the time is now. I am jettisoned wordlessly onto the side of the road, facing track leading into the foothills that shelters my community. I begin to walk the pitted trail, eyes searching for a familiar beacon in the darkness. There it is: a soft, orange light spilling from the first cottage nestled in the trees. I approach, beginning to pick out details. The willow trees we planted in the clearing have already grown strong and tall and Felix has built an awning and some outbuildings along the west wall. The sight of home makes my heart flutter and the hairs on the back of my neck rise as I unlock the door and push into the velvet gloom beyond. Immediately, I am swamped by the familiar smell of apples stored in the cellar, of the stockpot in the kitchen, spices in the larder and the oak we used to carve the staircase.

Upstairs, above me, someone stirs. I hear his footfalls, roused by the noise, descending in the scented dark. Then his voice, glorious and rich like whiskey and fine resin grown in the southern valleys, “Arianna? Is that you? I was dreaming you came home.”

Nothing has changed.

“It’s me,” I say, surprising myself with how girlish and vulnerable my voice sounds, the mask I have worn for three years, discarded in an instant as I see his silhouette on the stairs, “I’m home… I did it.”

“It’s really you,” he says disbelievingly as he surges towards me, “Christ, what have they done to you?”

My eyes thirst for the details of his handsome face, drinking in the outline of his body as he reaches out to gather me up, “do I look okay?” I ask nervily.

“Okay?” The moment I have longed for happens. His fingers, demanding and hungry, clinch my waist, run over my hard, flat abdomen, “look at this,” he kneels before me, his breath, hot on my exposed midriff, yearning upwards, kneading my breasts together,” you look like a Goddess.”

Suddenly I am looking into his eyes, my fingers toying with his thick, mint-scented hair. He has grown a beard: salt and pepper flecked and coarse. It suits him. “I have lived for this moment,” I purr, “it’s all that’s kept me going, all that’s kept me alive these years.”

He handles me with awed reverence as though he cannot believe the creature that has been returned to him, “Army food has made your tits grow bigger!”

I giggle and squirm euphorically in his embrace, “or my waistline smaller?” I deflect the comment, running my fingers down the sides of his face, tracing the countenance that I am used to seeing only in my mind’s eye.

Then, he is on me, feeling for the nape of my neck, pulling me towards him, our lips pressed together, “I am such a fool! So many things I want to tell you,” he gasps, breathing shallow as he pops the button on my jeans, drawing them down over my hips, “but it’s been so long. Now you’re here, this is all I can do…”

“I know,” I am hustled backwards, feeling the cool, smooth wood of the stairs against the bare flesh as I am peeled from my clothes. Sitting in the transport for five hours in a state of some arousal has taken its toll leaving me wet and willing. As I slip my knickers to one side and spread myself for him, I can smell my sex, heavy and musky in the air.

“Talking can wait,” I breathe, “I’ve dreamed of this moment for three years. Please, just lick my pussy out.”

All that time. Pent up, corralled, exposed to the hardship of life and death, day after day, month after month. I am aflame. There is a fury in me that wants only to be immediately and violently sated. All at once it boils over and there is little I can do but grip a fistful of his soft, long hair and tug him against me, jerking him home, time and again, tongue made to fuck at me. I shove myself against his face, rendering him glistening wet, slathered in my juices, unapologetic and selfish as I bring myself to climax. It erupts in a ball of piercing light, convulsing my body, announcing its arrival to the tune of a warm, fragrant geyser that finds his open mouth. Before me he kneels, reduced to the level of an animal, lapping, trying to consume as much of my ejaculation as he can.

“We have to go to bed, now,” I say as he licks the errant droplets of my essence off the floor. He nods, stunned and obedient as though taken aback by my directness, the hard edge to my voice.

I steel myself against the prickly tears that well up when I see our bedroom. With its ivory drapes and crisp cotton it looks painfully like the day I left it. I slink catlike onto the bed and arrange myself like a lioness about to be serviced by a subordinate male. Peeled from my soaking knickers and the little clingy vest that does its best to contain my tits, he rises over me. Knots of muscle in his shoulders undulate beneath bronzed, weathered skin, his cock hard and eager, drawn tight in his fist.

“I thought I’d never see you again,” he whispers, “I can hardly believe I’m looking at you, let alone, how good you look. I can bear the thought of nothing other than to be inside you.”

At the mention of the act, I display my concurrence by cocking my leg slowly, showing myself off, “in here?” I ask. There is no humility as I finger myself open, no ceremony as I wantonly offer up my greedy fuck hole for his attentions.

“Yeah, in there,” his eyes bore into me, body flexed and rigid as we come together.

In a heartbeat, I let myself go soft and weak as I am pinned to the cool sheets. The penetration is seamless and instantaneous; deeper than the ocean. By contrast, the sex that follows is angry, emotional and I thrill as his frustrations are taken out on me, fingernails digging at my skin, tugging at my hair, slamming home, not simply to fuck me, but to possess me, to leave a soul-deep mark which I am eager to bare. When satisfied that I have climaxed a second time he attends to his own need, withdrawing in roaring catharsis, spraying my tits with his cum, clambering astride, coaxing aftershock after beautiful aftershock of the thick, starchy stuff into my open mouth. As the whirling room begins to slow, I suckle him, feasting on his cream until no evidence of it remains.

“I love you so much,” I say, my face resting atop his rising, falling chest.

“I love you too.”

All colour recedes. The room fades to grey as I fall towards the blissful arms of post-coital sleep. Felix disengages himself from me and climbs out of bed, “got to visit the bathroom,” he whispers, “please, don’t go anywhere.”

“Never again,” I say sleepily, rolling over to admire the view as he crosses the room.

Before I drift off I remember something. My eyes fall on the dresser at the foot of the bed. I roll to my feet and cross over to it, pulling open the bottom drawer. I smile inwardly as my fingers locate the pile of disks within, leafing through the cryptic titles of the various sex films we have made together. I settle on the night of my birthday, shortly before I was called up. I had been at the apex of my mania: young, drunk and wild, hanging on the arm of my handsome new husband. Eager to provoke controversy I had dressed that night in a black latex miniskirt barely long enough to cover my bum, stockings that made no pretence of reaching my hemline and corsetry that pinched in places, accentuated in others, exaggerating my natural curves. We had prowled the summer night, ghosting through the alcohol-fuelled parties; jealous, disapproving and lust-filled eyes all over me. Back home, I had stared haughtily into the lens of Felix’s camcorder, posed for him, lowering the tone as I teased, masturbated for his pleasure. As we fucked, the camera never left his hand, documenting the performance of his young Wife’s mouth, her pussy and her ass hole.

Aroused at the memory, I slide the disk into the player, eager for us to relive the moment right now on TV. The screen comes to life and I see the grainy image of Felix stripped to the waist filming himself in the mirror, eyes glinting like the ocean. He turns slowly, panning round our bedroom. A queasy wave of uncertainty crests within me. This is not the way I remember the film beginning. The camera viewfinder locates me on our bed, its autofocus lagging behind, showing nothing more than a blurry outline of a tall, pale skinned girl with a huge waterfall of thick black hair. The image swims into focus.

But the girl is not me.

As I look at her, my heart freezes, stops beating entirely. Everything before me hardens, turning to ice, reality slowing down. Behind me I am vaguely aware of the bathroom door creaking open. Onscreen, the girl stares back at me with her cold, superior countenance. She sits with her legs folded beneath her, wearing exquisite undergarments of black lace, perfectly tailored to her curves, cut from fabrics difficult to obtain. Though she is a few years younger than me, we look strikingly similar. I know her very well. She is my sister.

I feel Felix’s horror as he stands behind me, rooted to the spot. On screen he and my sister touch, the camera lens pointing downward into her snake-like eyes as she begins to suck him off. I watch him taunt her open mouth with his cock, push himself between her pert little tits, smear himself across her belly before pushing languidly between her thighs, bearing down. As he fucks her, the camcorder lingers on her face, her long eyelashes sensually closed and a gloating smile on her lips.

When I turn to face him, I can see by his body language that he is afraid I am going to come at him. I am a big, tall girl, but he is bigger and far stronger. However Felix’s only experience of fighting is occasional altercations with unscrupulous brokers, thieving transients and drunken neighbours. Me, I am fast, agile, honed. Necessity has taught me that to strike must be to kill, to leave an opponent in no condition to counter. Though it is against my nature, I know what it is to extinguish the flame of life from a human being.

“Why?” I ask as the world finally grinds back into life, amazed at how calm I sound. Inside there is no grief, only mute, uncomprehending shock.

He twists on the spot, wrings his hands, in a childish fashion, “three years,” he pleads, “three years apart from you.”

I smile sadly, trying to compose my thoughts. “I know,” I tell him softly, “it has been an eternity, hasn’t it? And I can see now that I have been naïve to hang my everything on our marriage, on returning to you.” He gingerly takes a step towards me, encouraged by the softness in my voice. I allow him to come, waiting until he is almost touching me before I look up, “but Felix, I have been at the ends of the earth with no guarantee I would ever see you again. I was enslaved, unable to do any one thing but fight my way home; home to my love, to his arms, his bed. You would not believe how many, just like me, I have seen die.”

He just stares back, “Talena means nothing to me. I was just so lonely without you.”

“I was lonely too,” I say, “but the difference is that while you were fucking my sister, I was having to fight to keep my vows to you; sleeping with one eye open, living in fear of having my fidelity torn from me.”

There is shame in those jade eyes now. He freezes, fingertips close to my skin; so close to touching me and making me forgive him. But it’s too late. He has left his mark on me for the last time.

“I’ll do anything,” he says. Tell me what do you want me to do?” He sounds like a child, asking for guidance. Control relinquished, he prepares to accept my judgement.

“Just go,” my mind was already made up the moment I saw her callous, cruel beauty staring up at me from the screen. “Go and find her. Let her fuck your pain away.”

He backs away like a hunter retreating from a wounded, crazed animal that he has stumbled upon, “you just need some time by yourself. Before you do anything, just sleep and we’ll talk in the morning.”

I sit on the edge of the bed and watch him diminish, “yeah right, we’ll talk in the morning.” His footsteps creep down the stairs and I hear the click as the front door closes. Less than a minute later a vehicle peels out of the barn behind the house.

I guess you were right, Father. All this time I needed a man to define me. Even though we were apart, I was able to survive knowing that I was his possession. But that was then. Perhaps Felix’s role in my life was to get me through; to allow me survive the eastern approaches. For that, I will always be grateful to him. But I made it; I’m home. Now, I don’t need him anymore.

In the bathroom, just off our beautiful bedroom, so unchanged from the day I left it, there is peroxide and hair dye among my dusty possessions. Silently, impassively, I bleach my hair from root to tip, shocking my jet black tresses until I barely recognise the ashen blonde staring back at me from the mirror. When I am satisfied, I carelessly work the neat red dye in, watching bloody runnels fall from my scalp, dropping in heavy arterial pools, splattering the floor, the sink, the mirror, tainting my flesh. I leave it to sink in for a long time; too long. Finally, I rinse, drying it just enough to leave my newly scarlet locks vast and unkempt.

There is a trunk under our bed that contains some of my favourite clothes; garments that I just had to have, no matter what they cost. Its carved, oiled surface is thick with grime as I flip the catches. I pull the contents out and dress myself in a snug fitting pair of black breeches, a matching bodice with lace sleeves and the same latex miniskirt that I had worn that birthday. Finally, I pull on my polished hide boots, their three inch chrome heels acid etched with images of screaming skulls. I descend the stairs for the last time, catching sight of the scarlet-haired, black-clad huntress in the hall mirror. The respite is over and once more my eyes are hard, just as they were on all those recce patrols and the blood flecked, carbon scorched aftermath of the inevitable ambushes.

Outside, beneath the starry sky I listen to the sounds of the night. They say the world is going to burn. If they are right then perhaps living out my life cossetted in these hills is nothing more than slow self-immolation. I crunch down the trail leading back towards the highway. There is vehicle noise on the distant highways that cut through the black hills like dried up arteries in the carcase of some decomposing beast. Beyond them is the North Eastern Sprawl. That is where I am heading.

**That's it for now. Please check out my other wares and leave a comment!**

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The Homecoming

It’s the end of a busy work week and I can’t wait to finally leave the building and go home. I haven’t seen you for almost 2 weeks and you are the only thing on my mind as I walk out into the bright sunshine. The only way of communication during your business trip are the late night talks on Skype and your sweet messages you leave on my cell. After arriving at the house I realize that I have less then 90 minutes left to prepare for the little surprise I planed for your homecoming. Entering...

3 years ago
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The Homecoming

Introduction: A month without real sex The previous part of my true story dealt with my introduction to a Rampant Rabbit while my husband was working away from home for a month. This part describes what ensued when he came home and the following intimacies between us. The middle narrative, I think, is essential to the story and I was not leaving it out as it means so much. Enjoy! ============================================================= I had driven to the airport to pick up Doug after...

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Dating Kelly Part IIHomecoming

Two weeks after I finally asked Kelly to homecoming, we had the dance. During the time between the two, I started hanging with Kelly more and more. We’d walk to school and back home together, she’d sit at my table at lunch, we’d sit on her front porch swing and talk for hours about ourselves. She was finally getting me out of my shell, but I’d still get goosebumps when she would hold my hand, or kiss my cheek. At the end of each segment of time I spent with her, she’d say, ‘Bye JJ, I can’t...

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She nibbled her lip, nervous, wondering yet again if she had made the right decision. She checked the mirror one last time to be sure she looked okay. Her green eyes stood out against the black eyeliner and double coat of mascara she had painstakingly applied. Her lips were coated with a burgundy stain covered with a shimmering gloss. She had spent a lot of time working on her hair to give it that "effortless" look. Softly hanging to her shoulders, a deep brown with streaks of blonde added here...

Straight Sex
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Surprise Homecoming

Surprise Homecoming  Leaving home earlier that evening it was still warm and pleasant outside so the last thing I expected was rain when I headed home. I was just meeting a couple of friends at the local club and decided to walk so I could have a couple of beers. A couple of hours later I said my goodbyes and left my friends to it. They had just ordered more drinks but I promised Jay I wouldn’t be late and left them to it. Stepping outside I could not believe how the weather had changed in the...

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Valentines Day Homecoming

Jennifer grinned to herself as she finished running the bath water and slid into the tub. Today she would see her fiancé for the first time in six months. Stationed overseas with the Marines, Michael was simply the most amazing person she had ever known. His dark hair and stunning green eyes never failed to make Jennifer's heart melt. He also didn't have a hard time getting her pussy wet. As her thoughts drifted like her fingertips over his skin, her hips moved under the water slowly,...

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My Homecoming

I took the night bus and arrived Saturday morning. I have been thinking about my wife all night long. My cock is throbbing at the anticipation of arriving home to her after my out of state business trip. when I arrived, she was about watering the flowers. On seeing me, she shouted and ran up to meet and embraced me. She said why didn't i inform her of my homecoming, i told her that i wanted to surprise her. She lead me to the door and she looked totally stunning in your sheer see-through...

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The Homecoming

As the plane circled over Heathrow Ned felt a definite tightening of his trousers. He closed his eyes and imagined Clare, the last time he’d seen her she’d looked so pathetic that he’d lost the normal urge to ravage her there and then.Three months in a jungle with snakes, mosquitoes and scorpions and not a hot blooded woman in sight had converted him, and he was now desperate to feel her flesh against his.As the plane descended, Ned felt the pressure build up in his ears and his trousers. He...

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Uncle Dave’s Homecoming Eleven fifteen she thought as she looked at the clock on the V.C.R. Dam I’m not going to get the beach today. Anita had been looking forward to a day at the beach with friends from school for weeks. It was a hot summer’s day in Miami and instead of going to the beach party that she had planed, she was on her way to the airport to pick up her Uncle Dave, a man she hadn't seen in five years. As Anita took the 405 freeway out to Sky Harbor Airport she wonders if she would...

1 year ago
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The Homecoming

The Homecoming By Ricky When he arrived home he was greeted by the blinking red light on the answering machine. Shrugging out of his coat he thought, 'Probably some damn salesman.' It had been a tough day, details nagging and pecking at his soul until his spirit sagged as deeply as the lines on an old man's face. With a weary shrug he pressed the button on the machine. A low, quavering voice broke the stillness of the room. "Peter... Peter it's me. Please... Peter you have...

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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 10 Homecoming

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

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Going Back to Homecoming

It was some years later that our class was invited back to our college, it was customary for the graduating class to invite another previous class to homecoming. There was the normal type of entertainment, we were invited to instruct some classes and to perform in our schools amateur stage shows. On Saturday before the big game we were encouraged to participate in the days activities. After some excruciating sprints and touch football, we were allowed the opportunity to shower and dress in...

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Peter and Dash Homecoming

Hopefully I'll be able to finish off the characters from the Tucker stories here. Then we can get on to much better and more interesting stories. Peter and Dash: Homecoming By Wolverine Almost a year before this story begins, a young man named Tucker came under the possession of a strange entity. The entity corrupted Tucker's soul, his sister's (Whitney), and his mother's (Sherry). Murder, lust, prostitution, and the loss of souls were only a few of the sins they committed. A young...

2 years ago
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The Homecoming

The Homecoming by Heather Ann Scared and worried about how I would be accepted, I walked through the snow toward the front door of the house I grew up in but had not seen for years. The world around me seemed to be holding its breath in anticipation along with me. Standing there for a moment, I took a deep breath and then rang the doorbell. The first face I saw was that of Momma when she opened the door. She looked like I remember only a little bit older, but still a...

3 years ago
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The Homecoming

Note: I posted this story on Crystal's Storysite in 2002. It received a generally positive response. I haven't written anything since, but I am posting it here to give it a wider audience. Aoife Martin, 2004. The Homecoming By Aoife Martin "Miss?" Something shook my shoulder. "We're here Miss. End of the line." It took a little while for my senses to kick in and realise where 'here' actually was. Home. Or, at least, the town I had grown up in. I looked out the window of the...

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Christy’s Homecoming I had been away at college for about eight months when I decided to pay a long over due visit home. Since leaving the comforts of my family it had been a very lonely time for me. I had always had the love and the shelter of my family, growing up as the only girl in a house where five men ruled was not easy, but all that changed the night of my sixteenth birthday, for it was on that night that I became my family’s sex toy and the dynamics of my family changed forever.I had...

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HOMECOMINGIt had been a long tiring trip and I had forgotten to call home to tell my wife I was on my way. “Oh well”, I thought, “She’ll be glad I was coming home early to surprise her” Needless to say I would be the surprised one. I walked around to the rear of my house to put the stuff down that I had bought on my business trip for the house, depositing them on the chaise lounge. The back door was unlocked so I just walked into the living room. I heard some indefinable noise coming from down...

4 years ago
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Transitions Part 2 Homecoming

Transitions. Part 2 The Homecoming. By Colleen Chapter 7. Shopping It was only about five minutes after three when I saw my Aunt's car pull into the lane leading up to the main building. She parked close to the front door and got out of the car then walked to the main doors of the building. Our eyes met as she entered the lobby. "Kevin? Is that you?" she asked. "It used to be," I said in my new lilting voice. "I'm Colleen now Aunt Gwen." "Well I'll be. Kev......

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The Homecoming

It's the end of a busy work week and I can't wait to finally leave the building and go home. I haven't seen you for almost 2 weeks and you are the only thing on my mind as I walk out into the bright sunshine. The only way of communication during your business trip are the late night talks on Skype and your sweet messages you leave on my cell. After arriving at the house I realize that I have less then 90 minutes left to prepare for the little surprise I planed for your homecoming. Entering our...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Neighbor Homecoming

It was summer vacation and I left town helping out a sick relative. My stay lasted a month and a half and I was on my way home. The day was hot but not as bad as it was before I left. Still, it was good to be back home. I got onboard the elevator where I ran into one of my neighbors. He was an old man who always complained about the noises Cynthia and I always made. He just passed me by not bothering to make any eye contact. I had the elevator all to myself and was on my way to the sixth floor....

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The Homecoming

The homecoming By Cassandra Morgan The skies are high in the midwest. Luke always smiled when he heard his neighbors say that. Hell, he imagined the sky was high in New York or Chicago, too. But there was something about the flatness of the land that made the Kansas sky seem higher. The blueness was so vast, so expansive. Even now, Luke McCall looked. One small cloud hovered above. That meant no rain today. That meant he had to turn on the irrigation pumps. Above him, a...

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Uncle Dave’s Homecoming Eleven fifteen she thought as she looked at the clock on the V.C.R. Dam I’m not going to get the beach today. Anita had been looking forward to a day at the beach with friends from school for weeks. It was a hot summer’s day in Miami and instead of going to the beach party that she had planed, she was on her way to the airport to pick up her Uncle Dave, a man she hadn't seen in five years. As Anita took the 405 freeway out to Sky Harbor Airport she wonders if she would...

2 years ago
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A kind of homecoming

A kind of homecoming: My husband Rob had just been demobbed from the army. I went to meet him at the base. I was delighted I no longer would feel the constant fear I had of getting that knock on the door and finding his commanding officer there to tell me he had been killed or maimed fighting some stupid war in some foreign country no one had ever heard of. We had three daughters, Cecilia, Rita and Joan and one son, Bobbie. Bobbie was a keen competitive swimmer. The girls all did...

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Uncle Dave’s Homecoming  Eleven fifteen she thought as she looked at the clock on the V.C.R.  Dam I’m not going to get the beach today. Anita had been looking forward to a day at the beach with friends from school for weeks. It was a hot summer’s day in Miami and instead of going to the beach party that she had planed, she was on her way to the airport to pick up her Uncle Dave, a man she hadn't seen in five years.   As Anita took the 405 freeway out to Sky Harbor Airport she wonders if she...

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A High School Homecoming

A High School Homecoming... The little Clique, made up of my former classmates who had been in charge back in High School, was elated. The very fact that he had bothered to respond at allto their invitation was considered to be quite a feather in their cap. The E-mail sent from his office, no doubt by his Secretary, had simply read: Hello all, Tour schedule permitting, I'll try to make it home this year for our Class Reunion. Warm regards, Smokey Joe I found myself laughing at the...

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Twins Do Homecoming

The Tucker twins' social life was so constantly busy, they were both getting laid at least three times a week that fall, that they had almost forgotten the prep school boys they had met at the beach when they spent a rather frantic weekend with the principal and his buddies. (See "A Pair for the Principal") Then Madison got an e-mail on her cell phone, a question. She showed the message to her sister when Kimberly was through sucking her current best boyfriend and sent him home,...

1 year ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 69 Homecoming

Warren and Sophia pulled out of the campus at 8am on a Saturday morning, heading home for Christmas break. "Springsteen, again?" Sophia asked as he started the CD player. "It's good driving music, Pookie. Besides, you like Springsteen." "Yeah, but you always put him on when we're in the car. It's so... predictable." She giggled. "We're going to be on the road for two days, we'll have time to listen to a whole bunch of stuff. I need Bruce to help me wake up." "Well, OK...

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FaithfulChapter 9 Andrews Homecoming

"Ah Nevers, hah, you are surprised to see me. I'm glad. Please don't get up." "Master Andrew! Well, I must say you are certainly correct," said the overseer. "Thought you were in England." He set aside his spectacles and quill and then donned his wig and patted his crown to settle it. "Right, as usual, as always. Indeed I was, at school in fact. Miserable place, cold and unfriendly. Terrible food, awful, not fit for a field hand." Andrew M'Kenna flipped out the tails of his...

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SophomoreChapter 11 Homecoming

We had already boarded our flight when Shirley asked why I was so quiet. "I guess I've just got a lot on my mind," I said, not wanting to divulge that I had thought of nothing but Darien's letter since Tammy let me read it. If she didn't trust me enough to tell me about the harassing letters and telephone calls from her ex-boyfriend she had no right to know the plan I was forming to put a stop to them. "We'll get to the bottom of this, sweetheart. Maybe it will turn out to be nothing...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 27 Homecoming

September/October 1980, Milford, Ohio On Sunday after I called Karin, I had my weekly ‘play date’ with Debbie V, and she helped me pick out a gift for Karin, as her birthday was coming up and I wanted to send it so she could get it in time. I spent the rest of the day with Beth, working on computer dating and programming stuff. Bethany had come over for a few hours in the afternoon and hung out with us. I also let Beth know that the following Sunday we’d only have a short day because I had a...

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Redheads In Trucks

(Author's note: I do a lot of flying in my work. One day I sat next to an actual Bubba. His total lack of even the basic elements of respect for women caused me to write this satire. Keep in mind the web page is a fake. Also, Sprite, thank you for editing my work. You are a true joy to work with.) The first of Bubba's Laws on Women. "If she ain't got a dick, she wants yours." I love women. I'll look at anything with tits. Big ones, small ones, short ones; tall ones all of 'em receive...

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Small Towns and Homecomings

Hey everybody, long time reader, first time poster. I couldn't get this story out of my head the past few weeks so I decided to put it to (digital) paper. Please feel free to leave a review, or you can contact me at [email protected] if you'd prefer. The usual caveats apply, and please don't repost this without permission. Thanks for reading! _________________________ Small Towns and Homecomings By Akira Marx Where was that line from, "You can never go home again?" Maybe it...

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RedheadsChapter 4

Over the next couple of months, the girls got bigger and prettier at the same time. Annie's sister Claudia moved in and provided me with immediate relief from the girls everyday needs. To add to the hustle and bustle of everything else, I had only talked to Claudia ... and the day she came over, when I opened the door to let her in — she instantly reminded me of Annie. We embraced as old friends often do, although my hands felt strangely comfortable on her. I helped her get her stuff to my...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 40 Homecomings

A weary Mickey McKellar tried not to make a sound as he stepped into his familiar entry hall, but the clink of his keys in the bowl by the door sounded like the gong of a church bell to him in his current hyper-aware state. He glanced down at his stained slacks; his cock was straining against the material – still! – after more sex in this day than he’d ever had in any previous week, or month. His undershorts were long gone, probably left in the back room of the doughnut shop. He would have...

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Enter the DarknessChapter 8 Of Goodbyes and Homecomings

August, 1986 Agent Killian warned us that the people in New York had been talking to the people in Washington, D. C. for the last two years, plotting to kill me. This meant that we were switched from a flight from Syracuse to Dulles to a flight from Buffalo to Baltimore-Washington International Airport. A Sergeant in a Lincoln Continental waited for us at the curb outside of baggage claim with a sign saying "Alexandra and Sgt.-Maj. McKiernan" in medium-sized letters. He nodded respectfully...

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RedheadsChapter 2

I clearly didn't know how to answer that without one of my gorgeous daughters being mad at me, so I meekly conceded, "You choose — it doesn't matter, please will one of you, please put me inside your pussy?" I saw Grace find a coin and said to her sister, "Call it in the air, Sis." "Tails," Emma said? "It is ... Tails — go ahead, Em; I'll take sloppy seconds!" Grace said. "I defer my choice, so I can get him after he's cum the first time," Emma said with amazing...

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The Death of Saema Chapter 4 Homecoming

Later in the afternoon, a private viewing was scheduled for an elderly man who was in the cooler behind a metal door, but Emile knew that they needed to embalm Saema so that they could have her transported up to Pennsylvania without having decomposition set in to any visible degree. She walked up to the slab and pulled off the sheet that was shrouding her corpse, exposing her to the room. “Her family should be emailing in the address of the funeral home that will be handling her final...

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