Transitions- Part 2 - Homecoming free porn video

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Transitions. Part 2 The Homecoming. By Colleen Chapter 7. Shopping It was only about five minutes after three when I saw my Aunt's car pull into the lane leading up to the main building. She parked close to the front door and got out of the car then walked to the main doors of the building. Our eyes met as she entered the lobby. "Kevin? Is that you?" she asked. "It used to be," I said in my new lilting voice. "I'm Colleen now Aunt Gwen." "Well I'll be. Kev... Colleen, you are beautiful," she exclaimed looking me up and down. "But we have to do something about those clothes. My goodness! Track pant's and a tee shirt just won't do for you." It was then that the receptionist came over to us and handed me a package. "This is all your new documentation Colleen, your birth certificate, SIN card, Health card, and your passport are all in there. The Canadian Consulate has also provided you with funds for a wardrobe and other necessities to get you started. I believe that the Canadian Government is also taking care of your school documentation and enrolment in your high school back in London for you." "Thank you," I told her. "You Know Colleen, that even though you'll be back in Canada, you can call us here for support or help if you need it," she informed me. "I do, Thank you." With that I took her hand and then hugged her goodbye. We parted and then I walked out the front door into a world that I was completely new too. I walked to the car and waited for my Aunt to unlock the door for me to get in. "Rachel stayed at home to get things ready for you," she said as she unlocked the car and I climbed in. "It's strange that only a month ago I picked up a nephew at the airport and brought him to our home and now I'm picking up my niece to bring her back to the home 'she' has never been too." "Aunt Gwen," I interrupted her, "I'm still me, I mean obviously I'm different and I've even started thinking differently, but I am still your nephew, sort of. Ok, I see your point. But I am still me." We drove toward the border and sat in silence for a few minutes. Before I remembered that I needed to make a stop somewhere. "Aunt Gwen," I said, "I need to stop somewhere to get some underwear and a few clothes and I need to get a... a..." "A Bra?" Gwen asked smiling. "My goodness I should think so. Your breasts are definitely larger than Rachel's are and you'll definitely need to take care of that before we get home. We'll stop at the mall in Bellingham and you can pick up a few things today before Rachel and I take you out shopping tomorrow." "Thank you Aunt Gwen," I said feeling relieved. We pulled into the mall parking lot and parked the car. We walked into the mall together and Gwen led me down the main corridor to a store that had previously been a complete mystery to me as a boy. Now that I was a girl it was open territory to me. A lingerie store called LaSenza. Aunt Gwen went straight to the oldest clerk there and said to her. "This young Lady is here to be properly fitted for a brazier." "Ah yes, Gwen I'm glad you brought her to me as soon as you had picked her up." The lady who's name tag said her name was Caroline. "Aunt Gwen! You set me up," I said. "You were bringing me here all along" Both Gwen and Caroline were smiling at me. Caroline was the first to speak. "Your Aunt told me of your situation, she also told me that you met my husband at the border. My daughter was also once in your situation so I have a pretty good idea as to what you are going through and how lost you may feel. This is my Job, I am a professional bra fitter. Come in back my dear and we'll take care of you. Your Aunt never got the chance to tell me your name." "I'm Colleen now," I answered her. "Well Colleen, I'll need you to take your top off so we can measure you properly," she told me as she reached her measuring tape. Seeing my heasitation she continued. "Come on, come on, you haven't got anything I haven't seen before." I Smiled at her as I realized that as this was her job and who her daughter is. I rached down and lifted up the hem of my tee shirt then slipped it up exposing my new breasts to this woman. "Oh my goodness, GB really does a good job, your breasts are perfect. There's no sag to them at all." Caroline wrapped her measuring tape around me just under my breasts. "Thirty four inches. That's your band size. Ok?" She wrapped the tape around me again, this time across my breasts making sure to place it just under the points of my pale pink nipples. "Thirty seven inches, that makes you a 34 C. Now your Aunt also asked that I get the rest of your measurements so that you'll know your proper size." She wrapped the tape around me several more times before pronouncing me as a perfect size 8 with measurements of 37, 26, 36. And standing five foot six I was tall but not unusually tall. My sister back home is tall too so I wasn't surprised. "You have perfect measurements my dear," Caroline told me. "Now just wait here and I'll get you a few bras for you to try on." Caroline was gone only a few minutes before she came back with several braziers for me to try on. The first she handed to me was an underwire with plain soft, cushioned cups. She instructed me in how to put it on and adjust the straps and then how to adjust my breasts to get them into the cups comfortably. "Oh, that looks marvellous Colleen." Caroline said. "I do believe that one fits you very well. I chose this one for you for everyday wear it comes in black beige and white so it will work with almost anything you might wear. Now comes the fun stuff. The lace and frills." For the next half an hour I tried on several different bras and panty sets I found that I was most comfortable with an underwire bra and selected several of varying different colours. I had selected several different kinds of panties to match each bra. I found that I liked the feel of 'boy shorts', lacy underwear that highlighted the cheeks of my butt. The only thing I found was strange about them was the seam that ran down the front and pressed into the slit of my pubic mound and pressed gently on my clitoris. The feeling was stimulating but not overwhelmingly so. While I was trying things on, Aunt Gwen was selecting several items and putting them on the checkout counter. Caroline picked up my selections and took them to the counter while I was getting re dressed. I joined Aunt Gwen and Caroline at the counter where Caroline was just finishing ringing through a large pile of underwear and then took my aunts credit card and swiped it through the card reader on her computer. In just a moment the computer printed out the recipt for my aunt. Gwen signed the slip with a flourish. Caroline handed me the two large bags and said that she hard rung through the bra that I was wearing so not to worry about it. "You have a good day now," she smiled at me as Gwen and I left the store. We walked down the mall corridor to another store where Gwen had selected a pair of low rise jeans a pretty blouse and a light blue skirt for me to wear. "You've gotta have something to wear tomorrow when we go out shopping." Gwen smiled as she handed me the bag with the clothes and then we headed back out to the car to head home. As we drove home I dozed a little, the day had exhausted me and I had a hard time to just stay awake. I did sleep briefly and woke only a block from home. Gwen turned into the drive and parked the car in the garage. It was about six in the evening when we finally walked into the foyer behind the kitchen. I took the bags and went straight downstairs to my room. As I was unpacking the bags and laying things out on my bed to figure out where to put everything Rachel came bouncing into the room. She didn't even stop, she just came straight up to me and hugged me. "Oh Colleen, I'm so glad you're home early. I missed you." "But Rachel," I said while pushing her away momentarily to look at her face. Smiling at her I said, "You've never seen me before now." She slapped my arm at that comment. "You know what I mean. Colleen, you were Kevin and now mom tells me you are Colleen. I like that name. How'd you choose that one?" "I remember mom telling me once that when she was pregnant with me she and dad had chosen Kevin if I was a boy and Colleen if I was a girl. So I just went with what they would have named me. It seemed appropriate." She hugged me again and then asked me, "So is this what you picked up on the way home?" "Yes, our Mom and I stopped at a mall back in the states and she got me a few basics to get me started." "You gotta show me!" Rachel exclaimed. I started to lay things out for her on the bed to show everything all at once but she stopped me. "No. Not like that," she said wryly. "You've got to model it all for me. Put it on one at a time and really show me what you look like in it all." "Oh, you want me to just strip down and change in front of you?" "Really Colleen. I'm surprised at you. Not only have you forgotten that when you were Kevin I not only saw you naked and you saw me but we've fucked each other. And now we're both girls so what's the problem now?" I was stunned. "Well, nothing really but I guess I'm a little embarrassed at how I look now." Rachel looked at me like I had just lost my mind. "Colleen, are you crazy? You're beautiful. You're probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. There is no reason for you to be embarrassed by how you look." "I'm just not used to it yet," I replied. "Ok," Rachel said. "I'll give you that but will you just ignore that and show me? It will help you get used to it." "You're right of course, I'm being silly," I conceded and quickly took off my shirt and pants. Rachel whistled softly as I stood before her in my plain white bra and a pair of boy shorts panties." "My god Colleen, You really are beautiful." She stepped closer to me and reached out to put her hand on my left breast. I could feel the heat from her hand in the moment before she made contact. I drew in my breath quickly at the moment her hand was on me. Rachel turned her hand outwards and let her fingertips caress the side of my breast before sliding under it's fullness and pulling her hand slowly away. "Now get those off and show me what you got today," Rachel ordered, snaping me out of the trance I had slipped into while she caressed me. I reached behind me and unhooked my bra then let it slip from my shoulders and onto the floor. I looked up from the white garment at my feet to find Rachel handing me a coral pink bra and panty set that I really liked when at LaSenza. I put the bra on then slipped the boy shorts down and stepped out of them, then replacing them with the high cut panties that Rachel had handed to me I stood up and turned around slowly for my cousin's inspection. "I can't believe how sexy you look Colleen," Rachel said, admiring me. "But there's just one thing we have to do." "What?" I asked. "Your pubes are so thin and wispy that you'd look even better if we wax them off," Rachel said wickedly. "Are you kidding me? That would hurt wouldn't it?" I was shocked at the suggestion. "Nah, not really," Rachel explained. "I do it all the time, I trim with the wax so nothing shows when I'm in my bikini. And the more you do it the less it hurts. And like I said your pubes are so wispy and light that it probably won't hurt at all." Over the next thirty minutes I tried on several more items I had picked out and then we found that Aunt Gwen had purchased several items for me. There was a coral pink silk dressing gown, and she had gotten me a teddy as well. The teddy was black stretch lace and shear fabric and had spaghetti straps and a thong back. Rachel was amazed at how it highlighted my figure. Aunt Gwen had also picked out a black merry widow set with matching thong panties and stockings, there was also a black lace bra and garter set that I could wear instead. My favourite though was a pair of silky tap pants and a matching camisole, that felt much like wearing nothing at all. Gwen had picked up several baby doll nightys for me and various slips and such. At about seven Aunt Gwen had called down to us to come up for dinner and I quickly got dressed in my jeans and tee shirt again before we headed upstairs to join Gwen and Rob for pizza at the dining room table. Uncle Rob was speechless as I sat down at the table. I kept my eyes down shyly not sure of what I could say. "Well Colleen," Rob began, "I'm glad that you are here. It's not often that we get to meet such a beautiful niece for the first time." I smiled at his welcome and we all began to eat. Rob explained that I, as colleen would not be working at the construction site and that he thought it best if I not work the rest of the summer anyway. He figured I would need time to adjust to my new situation. Gwen suggested that if anyone we know asks about "Kevin" then we would simply explain that Kevin couldn't stay any longer and that I, Rachel's cousin Colleen, had come to stay the rest of the summer. After dinner, I went downstairs to my room to get one of the baby dolls and joined Rachel upstairs in her room to watch a movie together. When I got to her closed door I knocked and she called to me to come in. She was naked in front of her dresser looking for something to wear. She found what she was looking for and put on a shear baby doll nighty of her own that closely resembled my own, though I was still dressed in what I had worn to dinner earlier. "Come on Colleen," she told me. "Get changed and put on your nighty and we'll watch the movie." I stripped off my clothes feeling more comfortable in my cousin's presence after my modeling show earlier in the day and was not self conscious at all when I put on an equally shear baby doll that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. We sat down on the love seat together and Rachel pressed play on the remote to start the movie. "You are so beautiful Coleen," Rachel whispered as she snuggled close to me and put her right hand on my thigh while resting her head on my right breast. We sat like that for a while watching the movie then Rachel slid her right leg over my own while simultaneously looking up to me to kiss me on the lips and slipping her right hand which had been resting on my thigh to cup my now moistening and hot cunny through the shear fabric of my panties. Her other hand Reached up to cup my breast as she pushed me back on the loveseat. I moaned as Rachel Climbed on top of me. I could feel her grinding her cunny against my thigh. And I became very wet and my nipples started to feel tight. A tingle radiated from my groin and nipples. Hunched my back and tried to push my cunny against her hand. Rachel slid herself down and opened my baby doll to expose my breasts. "I've dreamt of this Colleen," she said to me. "You've done this to me and now it's my turn to make love to you. I'm gonna show you how girls can make love." Rachel lowered her lips to my nipple and kissed it lightly before taking my hard little nubbin into her mouth. She suckled on my breasts holding herself up with one arm, her other hand fondling the breast she wasn't sucking on. Her thigh pressing into my crotch as I ground against it. She took her own nighty off and was topless allowing her small breasts to gently rub on my tummy. I was moaning softly and breathing in small gasps. "Rachel!" I gasped. "Should we be doing this?" "Colleen. You have to relax, we had sex when you were a boy and now you're a girl. This is more acceptable than that. Now just lie back and enjoy it will you. I'm gonna give you the time of your life." Rachel shimmied down further and soon was pulling my shear panties down to my knees then completely off me. I lay totally exposed to my cousin, revealing my girlhood to her for the first time. Rachel put her hands on my knees and gently pushed them apart. I opened myself to her and as I did so i could feel my wet cunny opening up to my lover. Rachel touched me there for the first time, right on my clitoris. I moaned again and hunched my hips up to meet her touch, causing her fingertip to slide right down my wet slit and lodge right at the opening to my vagina. "Nope, not yet," she told me, then she slid further down and lowered her face to the center of my heat and wetness. Gently she licked my slit from vagina to clitoris, circling my clit lovingly for a minute. My hips began moving in small circles, I wasn't consciously doing it, it was as if my body was trying to push itself harder onto my cousin's face. As Rachel concentrated her oral attention on my clitoris I felt her finger at the entrance to my vagina. She stopped suddenly and looked up at me. "You're a virgin!" she said in surprise. "Well yeah," I said "it makes sense when you think about it. When GB rebuilt my body it made it whole." "Do you want me to continue?" Rachel asked me. "God, don't stop. I feel like I'm gonna explode!" Rachel went back to tonguing my clit. Her finger hovered at the wet entrance to my vagina. I could feel her pressing slightly against my hymen. Quickly she brought me back to the brink and held me there for a moment before my very first orgasm washed over me. It was incredible, when I was a boy, orgasm was very quick and explosive and over just as soon as it started. This female orgasm was different. It slowly washed over me like a series of waves on the beach, starting at my vagina and washing up and over me to my head and exploding behind my eyes. I lost control of my body as my legs spread wide and I bucked my hips up and down. I was is the grip of this orgasmic seizure for what seemed like many long minutes. There was a moment that I felt the sting of pain but that was quickly changed to pleasure. As I came down from my orgasmic high I felt something new. Down at the very center between my legs where my scrotum used to be I felt the new feeling of penetration. I could feel the filling presence in my vagina then I would feel a slight sharp twinge followed by a disappointing void or emptiness. Rachel had broken my hymen at the moment of my orgasm, and now she was slowly finger fucking me, getting me used to the feeling of penetration. After a couple of minutes Rachel inserted a second finger in me. "Oh my God, Colleen!" Rachel Exclaimed. "You are so tight." All I could do in response was to gasp quietly with each thrust of her fingers. Again Rachel bent down and started to kiss and lick at my clitoris. "I love your pussy," she said to me from between my thighs. "Your clit is so tiny and you barely even have inner lips. It looks so young and fresh." I couldn't help but laugh at that. "That's because my pussy is only about a day old anyway." Rachel laughed at that then went back to her ministrations. Again after a few more minutes she had pulled her fingers out of me again then slipped three back into my vagina. "Ahhh," I sighed with pleasure. "Oh My God Rachel, I had no idea." "That's not even half of it yet," she smiled at me from between my legs while pumping three fingers in and out of me. "We're only getting started." She only had her three fingers in me for a minute when she drew them out again and I felt empty. I Knew that I did not like to feel empty. Is this what it felt like for a girl? To always desire something inside me? I wasn't sure of other girls but, I knew that I loved the feeling of something spreading me open, to be inside me, to be stimulated from both inside, and outside, till I exploded in orgasm again and again. My nipples tingled with each new experience and a heat radiated from my breasts to my clitoris as if they were directly connected. Rachel continued to stimulate my clit with her very talented tongue as I closed my eyes and whimpered at the loss of her fingers. Then I felt something return to my void, to the hole in me that was longing to be spread open again and filled. This time it was bigger than the three fingers that were just there and it felt to me as if it just kept coming into me, deeper and deeper. The new invader was reaching deeper inside my hungry vagina than Rachel's fingers could ever go. "Ohhhh!" I breathed. "Rachel, what is that?" Looking down I could see that Rachel had her fingers on a long blue plastic cylinder with a black end, most of the blue was already deep inside my sopping wet cunny hole. She smiled wickedly at me and then using both hands she twisted the back end and the vibrator inside me started to buzz. "Ahhh!" I almost screamed. The feeling deep inside me was more intense than any I had experienced so far. Rachel thrust the vibrator in and out of my vagina rapidly bringing me to an orgasm that was beyond intense. I clutched at the cushions of the couch and arched my back stiffly then all hell broke loose. I rocked and bucked violently as my orgasmic seizure washed over me for the third time that night. My mouth was open in a silent scream and my eyes were rolled back into my head. I had no Idea how long that orgasm lasted but to me it felt like forever before my body relaxed and I could breathe again. When I opened my eyes again I saw Rachel on the other end of the love seat watching me as she slowly rubbed her own clitoris with a moistened finger. I could still feel the vibrator in me but Rachel had turned it off at some point. Still breathing heavily, I smiled at my cousin who just leaned forward and gave me a long lingering kiss on my lips. I could taste my own female juices on her lips and tongue as she gently probed inside my mouth with it. We kissed for a while before we decided it was time to go to bed. Rachel told me to just climb into her bed and we'd sleep together tonight. I felt that was a good idea as I was too tired to go down two floors to get to my own bed. Besides after what we just shared I did not want to be alone. Rachel's vibrator had slipped out of me unnoticed while we made out in the afterglow of my multiple orgasms, and was left on the loveseat as we climbed into her bed. I lay on my side as Rachel slid her smaller body up against my back in the classic spoon position, her right hand cupping my breast as we both fell asleep. In the morning I woke to Rachel gently stroking a finger up and down my already moistened vulva. On each upstroke she would circle my tiny clit a couple of times before sliding back down to just touch the entrance of my vagina. I moaned in pleasure as she pushed her finger into my vagina but gasped as he pushed up against my healed hymen. "Colleen?" Rachel was surprised. "What's going on here? You have a hymen again." "Well yeah," I replied sheepishly. "The Doctor told me that that would happen each time for about a year. It's because of the way that GB works. It will keep your body 'new' for about that long." I was skirting around the fact that GB was artificial because I didn't want to think too much that someone had inflicted this change on me. I was finding already that I liked my new body and that I might be one of the 20% of girls who find themselves to be extatically happy with the change. "What?" Rachel was incredulous. "How?" "I'm not sure I understand it," I lied. "But what it means is that if I cut myself, it will heel completely in a day. I can't get pregnant for about a year but I will be able to in the future. And I will be a virgin for a year no matter how many times I have sex. Unless I take steps to prevent my hymen from closing up again in the first day after having sex." "That's cool!" Rachel squealed. "Are you kidding me?" I asked her. "It hurt when you busted my cherry the first time, why would I want to go through that every time we have sex?" "Sorry Colleen," Rachel said. "I hadn't thought of that. What do you have to do?" "I'll have to keep something in there for a day," I explained. "That's wild," Rachel said. "I've done that and even gone to school like that too. It's such a turn on." "Hmm," I said wryly. Not sure of what to think of Rachel's enthusiasm. "Rachel?" I asked her, my sudden unease thick in my voice. "What's wrong?" she asked me. "Do you think I'm gay now? They said you keep your orientation after the change, but what we did last night, does that make us lesbians? Rachel Laughed. "Of course not, I'm bi, it probably means that you're bi too." "But I've never had sex with a guy before and I've only ever had sex with you." "Colleen," Rachel sighed. "don't worry about it. You'll find a guy when it's right. For now all we're doing is enjoying making each other feel good. Besides, I think you're more a submissive than anything else. I mean it's always me who starts things. I think you need someone to take the lead." I just nodded at that, I had considered that before. Rachel had always been the aggressor in our sexual activities. "Come on, We're going shopping today and we both need to get a shower after last night." We both got out of the bed and showered together. While I was lathering myself up, Rachel took the soap from my hand and told me to turn around, she lathered up my back wrapping her arms around me she used her whole body to rub the soapy lather all over my back. I could feel her breasts pressing into my back as she lathered up my own breasts, paying particular attention to my nipples. She showed just how eager she was by quickly moving from my breasts down to my tummy and then to my cunny. She cupped my cunny with her right hand slipping her middle finger in between my vulva to rub my tiny vestigial labia and my small hardening clit. She slid that finger up and down my slit until I was moaning and cooing softly with pleasure. "Colleen," she whispered in my ear, "you are so easy to get hot." I couldn't make any response to that statement, her finger and the warm water cascading over us was beginning to make my knees tremble and I felt like I was going to collapse. It was true of course. The feelings I got from this new body where so much more intense than when I was a boy. When I was a boy everything was centered in my penis and testicles but, now that I was a girl I found that my erogenous zones were not restricted to my groin. Everywhere was so much more sensitive to touch and sensual stimulation. I was so much more aware of what was touching me and how. Rachel's gentle caress to my neck just under my ear was just as stimulating to me as if she were playing with my nipples and breasts. Rachel was relentless in her stimulation of my clitoris, she kept circling that little bud while rubbing her whole front against my back. I could feel her nipples poking into my back. Then in one massive wave my knees buckled and I dropped to the floor as my orgasm took me. Rachel kept me from hurting myself as I fell and held me as the waves rippled through me. Gradually my orgasm subsided and I was able to recover enough to stand. Rachel helped me rinse off all the soap then we got out of the shower and dried ourselves. Rachel helped me dry my hair as I sat in the chair in front of her vanity mirror. Then she pulled over a chair for herself and braided my hair for me before fastening the end of the pony tail with a small pink hair elastic. I dressed in jeans and a tee shirt over my boy-shorts and a plain white bra while Rachel wore a thong and plain white bra under her jeans and tee shirt. We nearly skipped down the stairs together as we headed to the kitchen to get something to eat before Aunt Gwen took us into Vancouver to go shopping. Our breakfast was simple and quick. And soon we were getting into the car with Gwen who drove us up to surrey. "Mom?" Rachel asked. "Why are we heading into surrey and not Vancouver?" "Part of a shopping trip like this is the experience." Gwen answered. "Colleen hasn't had the opportunity to take the sky-train yet, either as Kevin or as Colleen so, now's as good a time as any. Besides, We'll never get the a parking spot anywhere downtown." We drove all the way to the Sky train station and parked in the lot. Taking the sky train all the way to the downtown core, we got off the train at Burrard Station and went up the stairs to the street level. We made our way the few blocks to the fashion district along Robson. We spent hours going from store to store along Robson, trying on dresses, skirts, blouses and other Items, finding what fits and looks good on me. Aunt Gwen insisted we go to a shoe store and get footwear appropriate for a young girl. I bought several pairs of pumps, some with high heels and others with lower heels. I found a pair of black soft leather slouch boots with narrow two inch heels. Rachel pointed that they would look great with a great pair of tight jeans. So off to another store we went. At about two in the afternoon we stopped for lunch at a small quiet restaurant on Howe St. Rachel finished eating and asked to go pick up a few things for herself and if she could meet us somewhere in about an hour. Gwen told her to meet us at the Eaton's Square Mall at four Thirty. Rachel jumped up and left excitedly. "So, Colleen," Aunt Gwen said as she turned back to me. "How are you feeling? Are you feeling better about your situation?" "You mean as a girl?" I asked her. "I think I'm starting to feel more comfortable about it. I mean I wouldn't have asked for this but now that I am a girl I don't think I want to go back to being a boy even if I could. It somehow feels right to me. I don't know why but I'm starting to feel like I was supposed to be Colleen." "Why do you say that?" she asked me. I felt the heat rising in my neck and face as I blushed furiously. I lowered my eyes to the table and stared at my hands clasped together in front of me. "Well, it just feels..." "Right? Why?" "Well, things are different between boys and girls. Things feel different somehow. Some things are less noticeable and other things are more... intense," If possible I blushed even more than before. "More intense?" Gwen asked me Probing for more but seeing that I was hesitant to continue she smilled knowingly. "I see," she continued, "intimacy, sex and orgasm eh?" "Well... Yeah. It's more overwhelming as a girl. More satisfying somehow." "I thought you would feel that way, Rachel's room is not soundproof you know," she gave me a knowing smile. "You really turned out to be a screamer you know." I felt tears of fear and embarrassment at having been caught. I felt myself trembling. "Aunt Gwen I..." "Colleen, relax," she interrupted me. "It's Ok, there's nothing wrong with two girls giving each other pleasure. I did it when I was younger and so did you mother. There's also no law in Canada that says that sex and even marriage between cousins is wrong. So you and Rachel can relax it's alright." I was shocked. My aunt was approving of my relationship with my Cousin, her daughter. I didn't know what to say. "Colleen, I love you and I love Rachel. Your choices are your own and your uncle Robert and I will support you in whatever you decide. This summer has been hard for you and it only promises to get harder for you when you go home. School will be a challenge and your parents will not be able to begin to adjust to the change until you do go home." "Aunt Gwen, I'm scared, I don't want to go home. I want to stay here, My whole life has been turned inside out and upside down." "Colleen, no," she said to me, "you must go home, at least for your parents. And stay there till you finish high school. If after that you wish to come back, Robert and I will welcome you back. But until then your place is in London with your parents." We looked into each other's eyes for a moment, Gwen broke into a wide smile. "Come on my beautiful niece, We've got to go meet Rachel. We got up and Gwen paid the bill before we left the restaurant and walked the three blocks to meet Rachel. We were carrying several bags each and Rachel had several bags with her. It was only fifteen minutes later when Rachel arrived carrying a couple more bags than she had left us with. She joined us as we began walking back to the Burrard Street Station and we headed home. It took us almost two hours to get home and when we finally did arrive we found Uncle Rob relaxing on the couch in the living room. "Why don't you Girls take all your stuff up to your room and get it all put away. Then come down in about ninety minutes for dinner." Uncle Rob told us. Rachel and I just looked at each other, she looked concerned and I just smiled at her. We grabbed the load of clothing bags and headed upstairs. "What was That?" Rachel asked m as we climbed the stairs, "Dad said to take this stuff up to our room." Rachel opened the door to her room and the first thing we noticed was my dresser had been moved upstairs and now sat beside hers. Rachel looked inquiringly at me. "Do they Know?" she asked me. "Yes," I nodded. "Aunt Gwen tells me I'm a bit of a screamer but they're ok with it." I filled Rachel in on the conversation with my aunt. A wicked little smile came over Rachel's face as she realized the implications of that conversation. She took hold of my shoulders, then kissed me, her tongue exploring my own mouth. Soon our passion rose and we were naked on the bed together. My face buried between her thighs as I lapped and sucked on her cunny. She liked it when my tongue spent time probing her vaginal entrance and it wasn't long before she came in an explosive orgasm. She lay there on the bed panting for a minute before rolling over and pinning me on the bed. Her hand went straight for my cunny and she delved a finger into my slit. "I bought some things for you today, I want you to try them," she said, her finger never stopped rubbing on my now engorged clit. "What did you get?" I asked her. She climbed off the bed and went over to the bags that we had left on the loveseat. After rummaging around in them she came back to the bed where I lay with my own finger now stimulating my tiny clitty. "This is just to start," she told me. "It's a clitoral clamp." Rachel showed me a small metal object shaped similar to a bobby pin with loops on the end where small red crystals hung from narrow silver chains. The wires ran parallel for about an inch and a half and were in contact with each other until they widened into a quarter inch opening where they connected to each other. Rachel moved my hand from my cunny and applied the clamp to my clitoris and tiny labia. My clit was held erect by the device and I could tell that it would stay that way until it was removed. "Just keep that on for the rest of the day," she told me, as she applied one with tiny clear crystals to her own clitoris and labia. I felt a light stimulation every time I moved my legs. "Rachel?" I asked her, "Where did you get these?" She giggled at my question. "I went to a sex shop on Granville while you were talking with mom. I picked up a bunch of things for us to play with." Rachel went back to the loveseat and pulled out a plain dark blue plastic bag and brought it back to the bed. She dumped it out on the sheets between us. She had bought a number of bizarre objects. Objects I recognized as Vibrators, dildos, and plugs. There were some other items that I wasn't sure of but still, I was getting wet just thinking of them all and remembering what Rachel had done to me last night. "Rachel!" I said sounding a little more shocked than I had intended. "You want to use all these on me?" "And me." Was Rachel's reply. "Some of these can be used while you are dressed and walking around in public and no one would even know. Unless you had a screaming loud orgasm." The wicked grin on her face told me in no uncertain terms that that was her intention for me. I was noticing the tingle in my crotch more and more as I became wetter and wetter at the thought of walking around in public with one of these toys hidden in my vagina. Was I really that much of a submissive when I was a boy? What I was told at the GRS led me to conclude that I must have been, While I wasn't gay I did enjoy the pleasure of being submissive to Rachel, both when I was a boy and now that I am a girl. What concerned me was the prospect of a boy or man dominating me like Rachel does. Could I maintain my sense of self if I can be dominated physically emotionally and sexually? Would I be vulnerable? Would I be able to have sex with a guy after enjoying sex with my cousin the way I do? Do I even want to be with a man sexually? I only had a few friends back at school and I couldn't imagine being with any of them in a sexual way. "Here Colleen, try these inside you," Rachel handed me a clear plastic box that held two half inch steel balls on a red velvet cushion. "What are these?" I asked her. "They're called 'Ben Wa Balls'," she answered. "You put them inside your vagina and they give you an incredible feeling when you walk. Mom bought me a pair when I turned eleven and showed me how to use them. I'll show you how to use them later." We cleaned up and put all my new purchases away, finding room for the many dresses and other clothes in her closet and in my dresser. "Now let's get dressed and go downstairs for dinner," she said as she closed the closet door. Chapter 8 The The Next morning I woke to find Rachel's arm around me her hand cupping my breast. We had spent the evening making love again. She didn't penetrate me this time but, she had me use one of the dildos on her. Fucking her pussy with the monstrous piece of rubber for nearly an hour before she collapsed in exhaustion and we both fell asleep. I remembered that I had not pulled the dildo out of her when we were through. I was wondering if it had stayed in her all night when Rachel stirred and woke up with a mumble. She rolled onto her back and pulled her knees up to her chest before setting her feet on the bed just under her bottom. From that position she allowed her knees to swing wide apart exposing her self. I looked down to her now exposed cunny and saw that sometime during the night the dildo had slipped out of her and was nowhere to be seen in the tangle of sheets on the bed. Unconcerned with that I found that with Rachel laying there beside me with her legs spread wide, it was just too much of an open invitation for me to resist. I shimmied myself down so that my face was hovering inches above her wide spread vulva. Her labia were glistening slightly and just starting to part to reveal her vaginal opening. Rachel cooed with pleasure as my breath caressed her cunny. I leaned down and stuck my tongue into her opening hole then parted her labia by licking upward to her clitoris before sucking on that tiny little button. Rachel squirmed and wriggled her hips as I sucked and pulled on her clit like it was a tiny cock, it wasn't long before her body tensed up and she arched her back rigidly with the orgasm that washed over her. "Oh my god," she said gasping for breath as she came down from her ecstasy, "There just isn't a better way to wake up than cumming with someone else's help." "I don't know," I replied, "I haven't been a girl long enough to find out." "Just wait Colleen, I'll show you soon." We got out of bed and showered together, like yesterday Rachel brought me to orgasm quickly with the water pouring over us both. She Knelt down in front of me this time and took hold of my ass with both hands then pulled me forward onto her expert mouth as she licked and sucked on my clitoris and tiny labia till I was moaning and near my own orgasm. Her hands started to caress all over my cunny and ass and I had to grab onto the rails in the shower to keep myself from collapsing. As I came for the first time that day I felt a momentary stinging tear in my vagina again but the pleasure of my orgasm quickly over powered the slight pain of having lost my virginity again. This was going to be a problem if I had to break my hymen every time Rachel and I had sex together. She Kept her finger in my pussy for a couple of minutes as I calmed down from my own ecstasy and the bleeding had stopped. We got out of the shower and dried each other off then walked naked back into the bedroom where Rachel ordered me to lay back down on the bed and spread my legs. She took hold of the small box containing the Ben Wa Balls she had bought for me and pulled them out. After pouring a little lube onto them she lined the first one up with my open vagina and slid it into me as far as she could push it with her finger. as she repeated the process with the second of the small steel balls I could feel the slight metallic clink as the two balls made contact with each other. I could feel a small tingling feeling emanating from deep inside my pussy as she withdrew her finger. "Rachel," I said, "that's so weird. I can feel them tingling, how do they work?" "I have no idea but, they feel even better when you get up and walk around. C'mon, let's get dressed and get some breakfast, I want to go down to the pier today." Rachel went to her drawers and pulled out her turquoise and pink bikini with the string ties on the sides of the bottoms and put it on. I went to my dresser and pulled out one of the bikinis I had bought the day before, it was a light pink with darker pink trim, the bra had underwire to give my C cup breasts a bit more support than Rachel's string top could give, the bottoms were simple bikini briefs though a little high on the sides but not as daring as Rachel liked to wear. I had bought a more revealing bikini but I didn't want to wear it in public, I was still new to being a girl and I felt more than a little self conscious at the thought of going out in public in what amounted to a bra and panties. I looked at myself in the mirror before dressing and asked Rachel if I should take the Balls out before we go out, but she assured me that no one would know and she wanted me to keep them in for the day. I pulled the bikini panties up over my bottom and hips and was fascinated by the smoothness of the material and how it hugged my crotch closely, highlighting the slight mound where my cunny lay nestled between my legs. After putting on the bra I went to the closet and found a light sun dress that I could wear over my bikini as we walked to the pier and around the Whiterock waterfront. I put the sundress on and waited for Rachel to finish getting ready to go. She was slipping on a pair of cut off shorts that didn't cover her butt cheeks then pulled on a white cut off tee shirt that exposed her midriff. We went downstairs and quickly grabbed something to eat for breakfast then after slipping on our shoes we grabbed towels for ourselves and put them in Rachel's big oversized cotton bag style purse. She slung that purse over her shoulder as we left the house and headed down the hills to the beach and pier. As we walked I became acutely aware of the movement from within my vagina. The Ben Wa Balls that Rachel had inserted and I agreed to keep in all day were shifting around inside me with every move that I made. This new experience was becoming difficult to ignore and twice on the way down to the pier I had to stop and sit down to allow the stimulation to calm down enough that I could begin to walk again. By the time we had reached the foot of the pier I was actually panting with the effort of keeping myself from cumming right there in public. "Rachel," I nearly gasped as I grabbed the back of a bench. "Hold on, I've gotta sit for a minute." "Jeeze Colleen," Rachel smiled at me. "Can't you control it?" "I don't see you walking around with these" I whispered back at her. "Well no. I don't do it too often, it gets a little too intense for me too." "Then Why'd you insist I do it?" I asked her stifling a giggle. "Because, every time I use them, I love it. I wanted to share that with you. Give it a little time and you'll find that you can either indulge in it or ignore it... somewhat." We sat together for a few minutes waiting for the intense feeling to subside a little before we continued on to the end of the pier. When we did get up to go I was able to make it all the way to the end of the pier. Once there, Rachel quickly removed her tee shirt and cut off shorts then climbed up onto the rail that everyone dove or jumped off and did a fantastic swan dive into the deep salt water below. I waited for her to get out of the water and come back up to the upper deck where I remained before I took off my own sun dress and shoes revealing my bikini and new body to the world. I was acutely aware of the many eyes staring at me as I climbed to the top rail and looked down momentarily before spreading my arms wide, bending my knees and launching myself straight out from the pier to fall flat towards the water's surface before tucking into a ball at the very last moment. I hit the water in a tight tuck with a resounding sploosh as a fountain of water shot up from the surface i had just punched through. The suicide drop had become a signature dive of mine in the last month, always starting a day at the pier with that very move. I found that I had to dip my head back into the water to get my long hair to lay straight back from my scalp as I climbed out of the cold water to find my skin covered with gooseflesh and my nipples noticeably hardened from the chill. I wrapped my arms around myself to try and warm a little as I climbed up the stairs to get my towel from Rachel's bag. Standing there with Rachel was a friend of Rachel's that we had hung around with during the last month. He was tall with a slight build, sandy blond hair and hazel coloured eyes, and was wearing a pair of board shorts. He was watching me with an odd look on his face, like he was thinking hard about where he had seen me. "Hi Wayne," I said with a smile and then realized that I shouldn't have said anything. Rachel looked as if I had just told a three year old that there is no Santa Clause. "Wayne," Rachel interrupted, "this is Colleen, my cousin. Kevin had to go and Colleen came for the rest of the summer." Wayne looked a bit confused but Rachel's explanation seemed to satisfy him. "Hi Colleen," he said, then taking my hand he continued. "I'm pleased to meet you. That was a pretty impressive dive. Is this your first time diving?" "Yes it is," I answered with a smile. I caught a glimpse of Rachel rolling her eyes at my answer. "You're pretty good, it took Kevin a whole week to learn how to do that," I had begun to notice the slight narrowing of Wayne's eyes as he spoke. "I must be a natural," I said trying to evade where I felt he was going with his questioning. "Yes, you must be," he replied, seeming to be satisfied with my answers. "Come on. Let's just do some diving." We dove off the rail for an hour or so, one after the other, always making sure that one of us stayed with Rachel's bag so that nothing could go missing from it. Other kids joined in and began their own diving. Soon the end of the pier was crowded with kids there to dive or jump off the rail when their turn arrived. Some people I already knew came and introduced themselves to me, 'the new girl', others who I had never met before wanted an opportunity to talk and be seen talking to the new babe in the pink bikini. I saw one person I knew from before my change, his name was Brian but he never came over or approached me to introduce himself, he just watched me with the others. Brian never even joined in the diving that day. At about two in the afternoon the tide had gone out far enough that we felt that it wasn't safe to continue diving. Rachel, Wayne and I grabbed our stuff and covered up to go, Wayne threw on his tee shirt and Rachel put on only her shorts, I slipped my sun dress on to cover my bikini clad body. The three of us walked back to the foot of the pier and went to look for something to eat before finding other things to amuse ourselves. Chapter 9 After eating at a fish and chips place on marine drive. I went to the public washroom to remove the Ben Wa Balls, I didn't want to walk all the way back up the hill having to stop every block to keep from having an orgasm. I dropped them into Rachel's bag and the three of us started to head back up the hill towards our place. We had discussed what to do for the rest of the afternoon and decided that a movie would be appropriate. We let ourselves in and got a few snacks and then sat down in the living room to watch the movie. I sat on one side of the long sofa and Wayne sat on the opposite side while Rachel curled up in the big stuffed chair beside my end of the sofa. It was an old silly movie where Robin Williams played a down and out actor separated from his wife who finds he can see his kids if he dresses up as a woman and gets hired as the kids nanny. What Rachel was thinking when she put that one in the DVD player I will never know. After the movie I stepped out onto the patio deck to look at the water and think, Rachel went upstairs to get changed and Wayne came out onto the deck and leaned on the rail beside me. He watched the activity on the pier in the distance for a minute, then without turning to me he asked. "What's it like?" "What's what like?" I responded, suddenly afraid of where this was leading "Just that," he said. "What's it like turning into a girl?" "What makes you say I..." "Colleen, you and Rachel have been dancing around this ever since you came up to me and already knew my name. The way you dive, the way you talk, you've never mentioned your 'brother' all day, and Rachel puts in Mrs. Doubtfire for us to watch? Come on, you are Kevin, aren't you? Somehow you are now a girl? I can't believe that you are still a boy the way you are dressed and have been all day. But how and why did you change? It's just too impossible." I looked at him with growing apprehension as he spoke wondering how I could explain this too him. "Wayne," I started, "I am Colleen, completely. Yes I was Kevin, yes I was male, but now I am completely female." "Did you have a sex change operation or something?" I Almost laughed hysterically at that. "No Wayne, I did not. If I had I'd still be in the hospital and would still be recovering for weeks. Besides, look at me. Do I look like I've had that kind of surgery? And those who do have that surgery are never whole and complete girls, they can never have a child. They can't get pregnant. I can." Wayne looked stunned. "But, how? Why?" he asked. "The why I can't answer, I don't know why this was done to me. The how, well that's almost as hard to explain." I explained as much as I could about Gender Bimorphism, and how the changes occur. I tried to explain the suspicion of nano technology being a part of it but, I didn't understand enough of it and it did sound like something out of Star Trek as Wayne pointed out. "So, what's it like being a girl now?" He asked again. "It's different, so different I don't think I can explain it. Besides just the physical change it goes even deeper than that, I find that even my thoughts are becoming female. The clothes excite me and conversation is much more important to me now than before. The physical feelings and sensations are really different. I feel more sensitive, I mean, I can feel textures and things more than I could as a boy." "What do you mean 'the clothes excite you'?" he asked me. "Well," I hesitated at that, "I like to look pretty, I like looking sexy. I find I really like to show off my new body." Wayne looked at me a moment before asking his next question. "What about sex? Is it better as a girl?" I blushed furiously at that one, "What? Why would you ask me that?" I finally got out. "Well," he explained, "Most everybody knew that you and Rachel were having sex together when you were a boy. I guess I want to know is it any different as a girl? You know, when you cum?" If it were possible I blushed even more. I was embarrassed by the question, and I was embarrassed by the fact that he knew Rachel and I were having sex. I wondered how anyone else would know and asked him. "Everyone knew by the way you two would look at each other or touch each other. We never had any absolute proof but we all knew that's what was going on." I looked down at my feet in embarrassment, unsure of what could be said to this revelation. Wayne reached out and lifted my chin between his thumb and curled forefinger and looked into my eyes. As he did so I could feel my eyes filling with hot tears, tears of embarrassment. Tears of having been caught with my cousin became tears of relief as I realized that I truly preferred this new body that had been thrust upon me. My new femaleness seemed a step closer to completion. I realized that I could now express myself in ways that I could never have done before GB. I could admit to myself that I am and always had been a submissive, a trait that would have been unacceptable as a boy but was often expected in a girl. Now as Wayne gently held my chin I could let the tears flow. "Colleen, I..." Wayne started. "I didn't mean to upset you, I was just curious. If you don't want to tell me you don't have too." "It's not that," I sniffled. "Well it is a bit, but it's more relief. I like what I've become, I really do. There's no way I'd go back to being a boy. They said that some boys who get GB end up so happy to be a girl that there's no way they'd ever want to change. It's not just acceptance for them it's embracing it. I'm one. I'd never go back, I'm happy this way. I've never been happier." "So does that mean that a girl's or..." He stopped when I looked sharply at him. "So does that mean that a girl's orgasm is better than a boy's?" I completed for him in a sing song voice. He withered a bit at my repetition of his question. When he let go of my chin and his eyes dropped to stare at a place between on the floor between our feet I let him off the hook. With a little laugh I rushed forward and wrapped my slender arms around his torso making sure that his arms were free so that he could hold me in his arms. "Oh my god, yes!" I exclaimed, "When I'd cum as a boy it would feel like I was exploding out through the end of my dick. It was short, intense and focused. But now, when I cum as a girl it takes a long time to build up and then I feel like I'm exploding from everywhere like I'm a firework going off in slow motion and, it feels like it goes on forever. It's amazing and I can't get enough of it." I pressed myself hard into him as he wrapped his arm around me. At that moment Rachel came out onto the deck. Looking at us she gave an exasperated sigh and asked us if we needed a room. Wayne and I separated from each other and we all went back into the living room together. I was still feeling like I was covered in salt and decided that I needed to go and get showered and changed. I told Rachel and Wayne my intention and headed upstairs to remedy the situation. When I got upstairs I quickly removed my sun dress and bikini and padded barefoot to the shower. I stepped into the warm spray and quickly showered. I had to wash my long brown hair of the salt residue and that took longer than washing the rest of me. When I got out of the shower and began to towel myself dry I could hear voices from the bedroom. Rachel was talking with Wayne in our room. Great, now what was I going to do. I was naked in the bathroom with nothing to cover myself but the towels that were in here with me. "Rachel," I called out to my cousin, while I was still trying to dry my long hair. "Are you going to be long out there? I need to get dressed." "It's O.K. Colleen, the coast is clear," she called back to me. I walked out into the bedroom completely naked, still drying my hair with the towel. Rachel was the only one in the room besides myself. I went over to my dresser and opened my top drawer, I selected a matching bra and panty set. Once clad in my bra and panty I opened the closet and chose a pink sundress that buttoned up the front and had laces up the back to cinch the waist. I slipped into the dress and buttoned it up, I was still unfamiliar with buttons on the opposite side of men's clothing and wondered to myself why the difference. Rachel sat in silence while I dressed and pulled my still damp hair into a ponytail and fastened it with a pink scrunchie high on the back of my head. I primped a little at the dressing table, putting on a little light makeup as I caught Rachel's reflection in the mirror. She was watching me intently, a little smile on her face that told me she wanted to do something that would likely get us into trouble. "What is on your twisted mind?" I asked her. "I was just wondering if you'd fuck him?" she said with that wicked grin she has. "Wayne?" I asked her. "Why?" "Well, he knows who you are and who you were," she answered, "He's obviously attracted to you, why not? It's gonna happen sometime, why not with someone who knows what you went through?" "But Rachel, he's a friend, I don't love him. Shouldn't I save my virginity for someone I love?" "Colleen," she looked at me sharply, "you gave me your virginity. Twice. Both as a boy and as a girl." "But that's different," I protested, "I love you very much, but I want my first time with a boy to be something special, not just a bit of cheep fucking. I want it to be like what you and I had before I changed." "Colleen," she grinned again and I knew where she'd go from there. "When we did it the first time it was just some cheep fucking for fucking sake. I wanted sex with you, then later it turned into something special. Go ahead and have sex with him, you've gotta try it. You liked the dildo I used on you the other night? It doesn't compare to a real dick sliding in and out of you. And nothing compares with the feeling of real cum spurting up into your pussy. At the very least you can let him feel you up and see where it leads." "And how do you suggest I do that? Just step out into the hall and ask him to come over and feel this?" I cupped my breasts and lifted them up for emphasis. "Well no," she said, "that would be a little crude and sluttish. But you can sit back down with him as we watch another movie and see where things go. Look, Mom and dad are gone to Seattle for the weekend and we have the place to ourselves that whole time. So, we don't have to worry about them walking in on us." "Us?" I asked incredulously. "Well you, mainly, but I was wanting some too. I need some too ya know, like I said a dildo just doesn't do it and you don't have a dick anymore." We debated for another couple of minutes then went back downstairs to watch another movie. Rachel put the DVD in the player and we all sat down on the sofa, I sat down in the middle of the sofa with Wayne sitting on my right and Rachel on my left. As the movie started, Rachel slipped her head under my arm and put her left hand high on my thigh. I wrapped my right arm around Wayne's shoulders and pulled him close to me. He seemed to resist momentarily before allowing himself to relax into my embrace. While I did so, Rachel had begun to move her hand up and down my thigh, gradually the hem of my dress had been bunched up and her hand had slipped under my dress. I found my thighs opening on their own accord as Rachel continued to caress them. I allowed my own left hand to stray to Rachel's left breast. I could see Wayne out of the corner of my eye as he watched Rachel's hand. He began to squirm uncomfortably in his seat but with my arm around his shoulder he could not go anywhere. "Lift your leg and put it over his thigh," Rachel whispered in my ear then, flicked it lightly with her tongue. I responded with a slight sigh as I lifted my right leg up and opened my thighs even wider before dropping my leg gently over Wayne's left thigh. He looked at me again as I pretended to watch the movie, my left hand cupping Rachel's left breast and fondling her small erect nipple. Rachel moved her hand up to the crotch of my panties and ran her finger tip up and down my cunny. Gradually she had pressed the silky fabric into the furrow between my cunny lips. I hunched my hips forward wantonly, exposing my panty clad cunny to Wayne's viewing pleasure as my dress hiked up over my hips. "Colleen, Rachel," Wayne said, his voice tremulous, "what are you doing?" "Giving you a little show," Rachel answered. "Don't you want to join in?" I sat passively enjoying my cousins touch then, after only a moment's hesitation Wayne joined in and his hand moved to cup my now very hot and wet cunny mound. Rachel began to caress and fondle my breasts as Wayne ran his middle finger up and down the cleft created in my panties as they clung to my tiny inner lips. I could feel the my wetness as it seeped out of my vagina and soaked my panties. I looked over to Wayne and turned my face up to meet his. He leaned forward and our lips met in my first kiss with a boy. I was surprised to find that this did not seem odd as just a week ago I was a boy, in fact I was amazed at how readily I had accepted my new girlhood and the fact that I may be bi- sexual, or at least hedonistic enough to want to enjoy physical pleasure and intimacy with both a boyfriend and a girlfriend. I wondered which I would find more enjoyable, sex with Rachel or, sex with Wayne. Wayne had slipped his hand into my panties and was nor circling my clitoris with his fingertip, pausing every once in a while to dip it into my pooling juices to lubricate his finger. He kissed me again and this time i felt his tongue slip past my lips momentarily, I opened my mouth to him and our tongues danced lightly together. Rachel had not stopped her attention to me, while Wayne fingered my clit, she had deftly undone the buttons up the front of my dress. She slipped it off my shoulders and we paused momentarily to slip it off me, leaving me clad only in my bra and very wet panties. Wayne took that opportunity to pull my panties off me, exposing the lightly haired cunny to himself and my cousin. He guided us into new positions, putting Rachel behind me where she could fondle my breasts as I leaned back on her and opened my thighs wide to allow Wayne to lower his face and mouth to my cunny where he began to lick and tease me. He expertly licked from my cunny hole up to my clitoris pausing to circle it a few times before returning to my vaginal opening where he manage to delve his tongue deeply into me. I felt the tip of his tongue make momentary contact with my hymen; I shuddered at that touch within me. "Are you alright?" he asked me. "Yeah, don't stop," I gasped, "you just hit my cherry is all." "You're a virgin?" he asked me. "Yes and no, now just shut up and eat me." "But I don't want to hurt you if you're a virgin," Wayne protested. Rachel then interrupted with an idea. She had us shift around so that she lay down on the floor with her head close to the front of the sofa, she then directed Wayne to sit down on the sofa above her then I was directed to straddle Rachel's face so that she could eat me out and break my cherry again at the right moment. "But, what about Wayne?" I asked her. "Really Colleen," Rachel exclaimed, "You can't figure that out? You're facing him while I eat you out. You are supposed to go down on him and suck his cock." "But I've never done that before." "So, there's a first time for everything. Besides, didn't you really like it when I sucked your cock?" "Well, Yeah but; I'm a girl now." "So? I'm a girl, I suck cock," she admonished me, "you're a girl so, you can suck cock too." "Ok, I'll try it," I acceded as I smiled at Wayne who had been listening to this exchange without comment. I reached out and un zipped hi

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Coming Back for Homecoming

“That’s crazy. Let’s just stay watch the game. We’re going to get caught.” “No, we’re not. And even if we are, what are they going to do? It’s about two years too late to expel us. And it’s not like they’re not going to call the cops. After all we’re alums. Potential donors.” Clara was right, although that attitude came naturally to her. Although she came from an enormously wealthy family, she was not in the least snobby or stuck up. It was impossible, however, for her to be unaware of how her...

3 years ago
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Transitions III

Transitions III by Desiree Pleasence Chapter 5 - The Works As Sherri put the car in park, rolled up the windows and turned off the ignition, what she had been up to finally penetrated my mind. It was basically trial by fire. Instead of coddling me, she had been pushing the envelope, forcing me to confront my new reality. Rather than waiting for her, I got out of the car and closed the door. When she got out of the car, I was leaning on the roof of the car, arms crossed, looking...

3 years ago
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Transitions V

Transitions V by Desiree Pleasence Chapter 10 - Memories Mmm, what a dream. I'm lying here on my back, still half asleep. The dream was wild! Sherri had discovered my secret desire to live as a woman. Instead of being upset, she had forced my hand. In the dream, she had taken me down to a salon and I had been given a total makeover. I looked beautiful. I had been initiated into something called "The Sisterhood", the initiation consisting of over a dozen women, some of them...

1 year ago
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Dating Kelly Part IIHomecoming

Two weeks after I finally asked Kelly to homecoming, we had the dance. During the time between the two, I started hanging with Kelly more and more. We'd walk to school and back home together, she'd sit at my table at lunch, we'd sit on her front porch swing and talk for hours about ourselves. She was finally getting me out of my shell, but I'd still get goosebumps when she would hold my hand, or kiss my cheek. At the end of each segment of time I spent with her, she'd say, "Bye JJ, I can't wait...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Chapter 14 From Prom Night to Homecoming

The Greatest Lie, Chapter 14 From Prom Night to Homecoming Alexandra Rios [email protected] For me, my hometown, L.A., is not the sexy, sweaty night clubs of West Hollywood nor the porn scene of the North Valley. Though I feel more at home there, that side of L.A. is not my home but rather the world into which my transsexual destiny exiled me. Home is the leafy, moneyed boulevards and side streets of Brentwood and Bel Air, California. Beneath the swaying palms and in the...

4 years ago
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HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she wouldn't have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her two...

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Carl McHenry looked up from the textbook spread out on his dorm room desk and out the window at the now dark sky. He had been trying to understand the last economics problem in the review for the last hour and still couldn't get it. Maybe he was just overtired, he told himself. After all, he had been studying non-stop for the last nine hours. Attending the University on a scholarship, Carl needed to maintain at least a B average. It was because he was having problems in a few of his classes...

1 year ago
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Transitions IV

Transitions IV by Desiree Pleasence Dear Sisters: Thank you so much for your positive feedback and encouragement. I'm new to writing fiction and still working on style and technicalities. For example: after I wrote this installment, I went back and tried to convert it to a consistent present tense, not the mixed tenses of previous installments. Despite three rounds of proof- reading, I suspect that some blunders may remain. If so, I hope they aren't too distracting or annoying. ...

2 years ago
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Transitions VI

Transitions VI by Desiree Pleasence Chapter 12 - Preparing for the Unveiling As we're lying in bed cuddling while Sherri recovers, her phone rings. She curses, "Crap, sometimes I want to throw that thing out the window. Who is it? Blocked number. Probably a spam call." One of the things that's a bitch about is being a Realtor is having to answer the phone. Any call might be a prospective customer. A prospect that might be annoyed having to leave a message. Or, worse yet,...

2 years ago
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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 10 Homecoming

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and Lesbian themes,...

3 years ago
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Paradise Valley 2 Homecoming

Introduction: Banished for chosing the white mans ways, they choose a life with the white men. Paradise Valley 2, Homecoming Tall Elk rode warily, with one eye on the sunset, the other on the canyon ahead. They were minutes from home now. The nearby canyon protected Paradise Valley from outsiders arriving from the south and it was a bad time to be approaching the canyon. With most raiding parties riding south, that is the direction of the greatest threat. Any pursuers would be ambushed there...

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Best friends Lexie and Samantha, (better known as Sam) were really excited that it was working out perfectly to double date to their prom. Both juniors and best friends since third grade, Sam was dating Josh, a football player, who had recently introduced his buddy Zack to Lexie. They hit it off and all agreed to attend the Homecoming Dance together. The girls were both cheerleaders and so very excited about the Friday night game as well as Saturday's dance. The boys, both seniors playing their...

2 years ago
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Homecoming A small Forward: I know some people are looking forward to more stories with images, I'm sorry that I didn't deliver such a thing. I still may in the future, but right now I'm focusing on a different story that involves elements not typically explored in trans-fiction. The next one will most definitely be illustrated, this one...I originally wanted to, but then I felt the writing spoke for itself enough. If I'm wrong, tell me, and if any one's interested in doing some...

3 years ago
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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 13 Homecoming

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 13 Homecoming Before she knew it the date that Beth had been dreading arrived, the Homecoming Mixer with her old fraternity. Beth wasn't sure how she would feel seeing all of her old fraternity brothers. Even though she had Thomas's assurances that she would be recognized, she was still nervous. She tried almost every dress in her closet and in the Governor's Square Mall for the mixer. She went back and forth on how she should dress for...

2 years ago
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GenerationsChapter 15 Homecoming

“Well, it sounds like you had a fun time,” commented Lauren. She was more than a bit nervous about her tutoring Heather in the adult arts, but the damage had already been done. As far as she could tell, Heather planned on going all the way with her boyfriend regardless of what anyone else might think. Abstinence was not a viable option for the girl. “I haven’t told you the best part yet,” replied an excited Heather. She glanced back towards the living room, where Holly was watching...

1 year ago
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Transitions II

Transitions II by Desiree Pleasence Chapter 3 - Renewal As I stepped out of the shower, my limbs and torso totally denuded and smooth, I reached for a towel to dry off. Sitting on the closed commode was a fresh pair of panties and a pair of heels that I had never seen before. They were totally adorable! However much I wanted to revel in and caress my now smooth body, I moved on. "Don't dawdle, honey. Put on your first presents and get that sweet ass out here!" Sherri...

3 years ago
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Dating Kelly Part IIHomecoming

Two weeks after I finally asked Kelly to homecoming, we had the dance. During the time between the two, I started hanging with Kelly more and more. We’d walk to school and back home together, she’d sit at my table at lunch, we’d sit on her front porch swing and talk for hours about ourselves. She was finally getting me out of my shell, but I’d still get goosebumps when she would hold my hand, or kiss my cheek. At the end of each segment of time I spent with her, she’d say, ‘Bye JJ, I can’t...

3 years ago
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Transitions Part 1

Three months after Keith arrived at the University of Liverpool to study for his BSc in anatomy and human biology, he met Ashley. They became friends almost immediately. Ashley was a very likeable guy, ruggedly handsome with short, dark hair, vibrant blue eyes, broad shoulders, trim waist and hips, and strong thighs and legs. He looked like an advert for a health club and tanning salon. Keith kind of envied him and fancied him like mad, although Keith wasn't ugly he would never look as nice as...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact Chapter 24 Homecoming

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-four: Homecoming Visit my blog at “It's time to go home,” I told Mary. “Yes,” Mary sighed happily. “All the sluts miss you so much.” We were lying in my mom's bed, cuddling after we made love. For the last two days, I had been under some spell. A nun had turned my baby sister into a trap that would spring when I slept with her. There was a spell, the Ritual of Mowdah, that would let me recognize a nun by...

2 years ago
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The Homecoming

The middle narrative, I think, is essential to the story and I was not leaving it out as it means so much. Enjoy! ============================================================= I had driven to the airport to pick up Doug after his trip and was standing at the arrivals exit along with all of the other relatives, friends, chauffeurs etc who were waiting to meet and greet their loved ones and associates. Is it just me or does it happen to everyone? I get filled with excitement and a...

3 years ago
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Paradise Valley 2 Homecoming

Tall Elk rode warily, with one eye on the sunset, the other on the canyon ahead. They were minutes from home now. The nearby canyon protected Paradise Valley from outsiders arriving from the south and it was a bad time to be approaching the canyon. With most raiding parties riding south, that is the direction of the greatest threat. Any pursuers would be ambushed there at the narrow valley. He looked around the herd to make sure everyone was present. Now was the time to count,...

1 year ago
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Uncle Dave’s Homecoming Eleven fifteen she thought as she looked at the clock on the V.C.R. Dam I’m not going to get the beach today. Anita had been looking forward to a day at the beach with friends from school for weeks. It was a hot summer’s day in Miami and instead of going to the beach party that she had planed, she was on her way to the airport to pick up her Uncle Dave, a man she hadn’t seen in five years. As Anita took the 405 freeway out to Sky Harbor Airport she wonders if she would...

4 years ago
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Redheads Homecoming

Homecoming I’d say I proved you wrong, Father. I’d say your expectations of me came up short. You said I could never survive without a man to define me, said I could never exist without his protection, his touch, the submission he would demand. But that was before the law brought me to task for my youthful indiscretions. Dragged from my husband by the conscription squad for service in the Public Regiments, I was condemned to distant frontiers until my debt was repaid. As I left our secluded...

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The Homecoming

It’s the end of a busy work week and I can’t wait to finally leave the building and go home. I haven’t seen you for almost 2 weeks and you are the only thing on my mind as I walk out into the bright sunshine. The only way of communication during your business trip are the late night talks on Skype and your sweet messages you leave on my cell. After arriving at the house I realize that I have less then 90 minutes left to prepare for the little surprise I planed for your homecoming. Entering...

3 years ago
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The Homecoming

Introduction: A month without real sex The previous part of my true story dealt with my introduction to a Rampant Rabbit while my husband was working away from home for a month. This part describes what ensued when he came home and the following intimacies between us. The middle narrative, I think, is essential to the story and I was not leaving it out as it means so much. Enjoy! ============================================================= I had driven to the airport to pick up Doug after...

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She nibbled her lip, nervous, wondering yet again if she had made the right decision. She checked the mirror one last time to be sure she looked okay. Her green eyes stood out against the black eyeliner and double coat of mascara she had painstakingly applied. Her lips were coated with a burgundy stain covered with a shimmering gloss. She had spent a lot of time working on her hair to give it that "effortless" look. Softly hanging to her shoulders, a deep brown with streaks of blonde added here...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Surprise Homecoming

Surprise Homecoming  Leaving home earlier that evening it was still warm and pleasant outside so the last thing I expected was rain when I headed home. I was just meeting a couple of friends at the local club and decided to walk so I could have a couple of beers. A couple of hours later I said my goodbyes and left my friends to it. They had just ordered more drinks but I promised Jay I wouldn’t be late and left them to it. Stepping outside I could not believe how the weather had changed in the...

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Valentines Day Homecoming

Jennifer grinned to herself as she finished running the bath water and slid into the tub. Today she would see her fiancé for the first time in six months. Stationed overseas with the Marines, Michael was simply the most amazing person she had ever known. His dark hair and stunning green eyes never failed to make Jennifer's heart melt. He also didn't have a hard time getting her pussy wet. As her thoughts drifted like her fingertips over his skin, her hips moved under the water slowly,...

2 years ago
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My Homecoming

I took the night bus and arrived Saturday morning. I have been thinking about my wife all night long. My cock is throbbing at the anticipation of arriving home to her after my out of state business trip. when I arrived, she was about watering the flowers. On seeing me, she shouted and ran up to meet and embraced me. She said why didn't i inform her of my homecoming, i told her that i wanted to surprise her. She lead me to the door and she looked totally stunning in your sheer see-through...

2 years ago
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Redheads Homecoming

Homecoming I’d say I proved you wrong, Father. I’d say your expectations of me came up short. You said I could never survive without a man to define me; said I could never exist without his protection, his touch, the submission he would demand. But that was before the law brought me to task for my youthful indiscretions. Dragged from my husband by the conscription squad for service in the Public Regiments, I was condemned to distant frontiers until my debt was repaid. As I left our secluded...

Love Stories
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The Homecoming

As the plane circled over Heathrow Ned felt a definite tightening of his trousers. He closed his eyes and imagined Clare, the last time he’d seen her she’d looked so pathetic that he’d lost the normal urge to ravage her there and then.Three months in a jungle with snakes, mosquitoes and scorpions and not a hot blooded woman in sight had converted him, and he was now desperate to feel her flesh against his.As the plane descended, Ned felt the pressure build up in his ears and his trousers. He...

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Uncle Dave’s Homecoming Eleven fifteen she thought as she looked at the clock on the V.C.R. Dam I’m not going to get the beach today. Anita had been looking forward to a day at the beach with friends from school for weeks. It was a hot summer’s day in Miami and instead of going to the beach party that she had planed, she was on her way to the airport to pick up her Uncle Dave, a man she hadn't seen in five years. As Anita took the 405 freeway out to Sky Harbor Airport she wonders if she would...

1 year ago
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The Homecoming

The Homecoming By Ricky When he arrived home he was greeted by the blinking red light on the answering machine. Shrugging out of his coat he thought, 'Probably some damn salesman.' It had been a tough day, details nagging and pecking at his soul until his spirit sagged as deeply as the lines on an old man's face. With a weary shrug he pressed the button on the machine. A low, quavering voice broke the stillness of the room. "Peter... Peter it's me. Please... Peter you have...

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Going Back to Homecoming

It was some years later that our class was invited back to our college, it was customary for the graduating class to invite another previous class to homecoming. There was the normal type of entertainment, we were invited to instruct some classes and to perform in our schools amateur stage shows. On Saturday before the big game we were encouraged to participate in the days activities. After some excruciating sprints and touch football, we were allowed the opportunity to shower and dress in...

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Peter and Dash Homecoming

Hopefully I'll be able to finish off the characters from the Tucker stories here. Then we can get on to much better and more interesting stories. Peter and Dash: Homecoming By Wolverine Almost a year before this story begins, a young man named Tucker came under the possession of a strange entity. The entity corrupted Tucker's soul, his sister's (Whitney), and his mother's (Sherry). Murder, lust, prostitution, and the loss of souls were only a few of the sins they committed. A young...

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The Homecoming

The Homecoming by Heather Ann Scared and worried about how I would be accepted, I walked through the snow toward the front door of the house I grew up in but had not seen for years. The world around me seemed to be holding its breath in anticipation along with me. Standing there for a moment, I took a deep breath and then rang the doorbell. The first face I saw was that of Momma when she opened the door. She looked like I remember only a little bit older, but still a...

3 years ago
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The Homecoming

Note: I posted this story on Crystal's Storysite in 2002. It received a generally positive response. I haven't written anything since, but I am posting it here to give it a wider audience. Aoife Martin, 2004. The Homecoming By Aoife Martin "Miss?" Something shook my shoulder. "We're here Miss. End of the line." It took a little while for my senses to kick in and realise where 'here' actually was. Home. Or, at least, the town I had grown up in. I looked out the window of the...

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Christy’s Homecoming I had been away at college for about eight months when I decided to pay a long over due visit home. Since leaving the comforts of my family it had been a very lonely time for me. I had always had the love and the shelter of my family, growing up as the only girl in a house where five men ruled was not easy, but all that changed the night of my sixteenth birthday, for it was on that night that I became my family’s sex toy and the dynamics of my family changed forever.I had...

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HOMECOMINGIt had been a long tiring trip and I had forgotten to call home to tell my wife I was on my way. “Oh well”, I thought, “She’ll be glad I was coming home early to surprise her” Needless to say I would be the surprised one. I walked around to the rear of my house to put the stuff down that I had bought on my business trip for the house, depositing them on the chaise lounge. The back door was unlocked so I just walked into the living room. I heard some indefinable noise coming from down...

2 years ago
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The Homecoming

It's the end of a busy work week and I can't wait to finally leave the building and go home. I haven't seen you for almost 2 weeks and you are the only thing on my mind as I walk out into the bright sunshine. The only way of communication during your business trip are the late night talks on Skype and your sweet messages you leave on my cell. After arriving at the house I realize that I have less then 90 minutes left to prepare for the little surprise I planed for your homecoming. Entering our...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Neighbor Homecoming

It was summer vacation and I left town helping out a sick relative. My stay lasted a month and a half and I was on my way home. The day was hot but not as bad as it was before I left. Still, it was good to be back home. I got onboard the elevator where I ran into one of my neighbors. He was an old man who always complained about the noises Cynthia and I always made. He just passed me by not bothering to make any eye contact. I had the elevator all to myself and was on my way to the sixth floor....

3 years ago
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The Homecoming

The homecoming By Cassandra Morgan The skies are high in the midwest. Luke always smiled when he heard his neighbors say that. Hell, he imagined the sky was high in New York or Chicago, too. But there was something about the flatness of the land that made the Kansas sky seem higher. The blueness was so vast, so expansive. Even now, Luke McCall looked. One small cloud hovered above. That meant no rain today. That meant he had to turn on the irrigation pumps. Above him, a...

2 years ago
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Uncle Dave’s Homecoming Eleven fifteen she thought as she looked at the clock on the V.C.R. Dam I’m not going to get the beach today. Anita had been looking forward to a day at the beach with friends from school for weeks. It was a hot summer’s day in Miami and instead of going to the beach party that she had planed, she was on her way to the airport to pick up her Uncle Dave, a man she hadn't seen in five years. As Anita took the 405 freeway out to Sky Harbor Airport she wonders if she would...

1 year ago
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A kind of homecoming

A kind of homecoming: My husband Rob had just been demobbed from the army. I went to meet him at the base. I was delighted I no longer would feel the constant fear I had of getting that knock on the door and finding his commanding officer there to tell me he had been killed or maimed fighting some stupid war in some foreign country no one had ever heard of. We had three daughters, Cecilia, Rita and Joan and one son, Bobbie. Bobbie was a keen competitive swimmer. The girls all did...

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Uncle Dave’s Homecoming  Eleven fifteen she thought as she looked at the clock on the V.C.R.  Dam I’m not going to get the beach today. Anita had been looking forward to a day at the beach with friends from school for weeks. It was a hot summer’s day in Miami and instead of going to the beach party that she had planed, she was on her way to the airport to pick up her Uncle Dave, a man she hadn't seen in five years.   As Anita took the 405 freeway out to Sky Harbor Airport she wonders if she...

3 years ago
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A High School Homecoming

A High School Homecoming... The little Clique, made up of my former classmates who had been in charge back in High School, was elated. The very fact that he had bothered to respond at allto their invitation was considered to be quite a feather in their cap. The E-mail sent from his office, no doubt by his Secretary, had simply read: Hello all, Tour schedule permitting, I'll try to make it home this year for our Class Reunion. Warm regards, Smokey Joe I found myself laughing at the...

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Twins Do Homecoming

The Tucker twins' social life was so constantly busy, they were both getting laid at least three times a week that fall, that they had almost forgotten the prep school boys they had met at the beach when they spent a rather frantic weekend with the principal and his buddies. (See "A Pair for the Principal") Then Madison got an e-mail on her cell phone, a question. She showed the message to her sister when Kimberly was through sucking her current best boyfriend and sent him home,...

1 year ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 69 Homecoming

Warren and Sophia pulled out of the campus at 8am on a Saturday morning, heading home for Christmas break. "Springsteen, again?" Sophia asked as he started the CD player. "It's good driving music, Pookie. Besides, you like Springsteen." "Yeah, but you always put him on when we're in the car. It's so... predictable." She giggled. "We're going to be on the road for two days, we'll have time to listen to a whole bunch of stuff. I need Bruce to help me wake up." "Well, OK...

1 year ago
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FaithfulChapter 9 Andrews Homecoming

"Ah Nevers, hah, you are surprised to see me. I'm glad. Please don't get up." "Master Andrew! Well, I must say you are certainly correct," said the overseer. "Thought you were in England." He set aside his spectacles and quill and then donned his wig and patted his crown to settle it. "Right, as usual, as always. Indeed I was, at school in fact. Miserable place, cold and unfriendly. Terrible food, awful, not fit for a field hand." Andrew M'Kenna flipped out the tails of his...

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SophomoreChapter 11 Homecoming

We had already boarded our flight when Shirley asked why I was so quiet. "I guess I've just got a lot on my mind," I said, not wanting to divulge that I had thought of nothing but Darien's letter since Tammy let me read it. If she didn't trust me enough to tell me about the harassing letters and telephone calls from her ex-boyfriend she had no right to know the plan I was forming to put a stop to them. "We'll get to the bottom of this, sweetheart. Maybe it will turn out to be nothing...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 27 Homecoming

September/October 1980, Milford, Ohio On Sunday after I called Karin, I had my weekly ‘play date’ with Debbie V, and she helped me pick out a gift for Karin, as her birthday was coming up and I wanted to send it so she could get it in time. I spent the rest of the day with Beth, working on computer dating and programming stuff. Bethany had come over for a few hours in the afternoon and hung out with us. I also let Beth know that the following Sunday we’d only have a short day because I had a...

2 years ago
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Transition By Holly Forward My good readers, the story you are about to read is a combination of fantasy and reality. You can decide which is which, but I hope that your thoughts will be filled with the possibilities and hopes. Enjoy knowing that the only person depicted that is real is myself, no others are real other than as a combination of people that have helped me in my quest. Transition I had lost track of time, was it a week, two, I didn't know any more and I wasn't...

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Jason sat on the bed with Brianna, a lump in his throat. "What is it," she said, "you are really freaking me out." Jason fumbled his words, straining to maintain eye contact as he looked into her deep beautiful blue eyes. "I'm not sure how to tell you this really so I guess I will just come out and say it." The irony of his choice of words was not lost on him. Five years earlier Brianna's name was Bryan and she came out to Jason telling him her plan to transition to a woman. "I've been your...


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