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Υπόθεση: Αυτό το τρίο φαίνεται αχόρταγο, το ίδιο και ο μικρός που είναι μόνιμα καυλωμένος…

Η ιστορία:

Έμεινα λίγο στο κρεβάτι, αναπολώντας τις προηγούμενες μέρες.. Δεν μπορούσα να πιστέψω ακόμα όλα αυτά που είχαν γίνει. Από το πουθενά, χωρίς να το έχω σχεδιάσει, χωρίς καν να το έχω σκεφτεί ποτέ πριν, είχα γαμηθεί χωρίς καμία συστολή. Από εκεί που δεν το περίμενα, έμαθα ότι μου άρεσε τρελά να γαμιέμαι. Όσο πιο πρόστυχα, τόσο καλύτερα. Όσο τα σκεφτόμουν αυτά, καύλωνα τρελά. Τόσο που όταν ξαναμπήκα στο δωμάτιο και με είδαν ο Σπύρος και η Άννα, έσκασαν στα γέλια. Ο καθένας για δικούς του λόγους βέβαια.

- «Τι έγινε ρε Άννα; Δεν τον ξαλάφρωσες καθόλου τον μικρό όσο έλειπα; Κοίτα τον να δεις! Κάγκελο του έχει γίνει!»

- «Μπα, τον φρόντισα καταλλήλως! Φαίνεται πως καλόμαθε όμως και θέλει κι άλλο! Έτσι είναι ανιψιέ;»

- «Ε, τι να κάνω; Καλόμαθα με τους θείους μου», είπα εγώ γελώντας.

- «Τι είναι αυτό πάλι; Καινούργιο; Πότε συγγενέψαμε με τον μικρό ρε Άννα και δεν το ξέρω;»

- «Ε, να.. Τώρα που έλειπες τον ρωτήσανε τι μας είναι και είπε πως είναι ανιψιός μου…»

- «Ήταν το πρώτο που μου ήρθε στο μυαλό», είπα εγώ προσπαθώντας να δικαιολογηθώ..

- «Δεν πειράζει μικρέ. Μόλις μου έδωσες την κατάλληλη λύση σε κάτι που σκεφτόμουν», μου είπε ο Σπύρος με ένα μισό χαμόγελο. «Έλα εδώ να με ρουφήξεις όσο θα σου εξηγώ..»

Δεν χρειαζόμουν δεύτερη πρόσκληση. Πήγα και ξάπλωσα μπρούμυτα ανάμεσα στα πόδια του και άρχισα να γλείφω το καυλί του λαίμαργα. Γέλασε, λέγοντας μου ότι κι εκείνου του είχε λείψει η πίπα μου και άρχισε να μου εξηγεί, έχοντας το χέρι του πάνω στο κεφάλι μου εμποδίζοντάς με να τραβηχτώ πολύ από το καυλί του. Η Άννα, ανοίγοντας τα πόδια της, άρχισε να χαϊδεύεται απολαμβάνοντας την εικόνα.

- «Κοίτα μικρέ.. Πριν πάω στην Αθήνα μου είχαν πει ότι μπορεί να έρθει στο νησί ένας τύπος που τον κυνηγάω πολύ καιρό για μια συμφωνία στη δουλειά, αλλά αποφεύγει συνέχεια να μου πει το ναι. Τώρα που γύρισα λοιπόν, τον πέτυχα στον δρόμο και με ρώτησε αν θα μπορούσε να χρησιμοποιήσει το μπάνιο του δωματίου γιατί είναι όλα γεμάτα. Του είπα ναι και θα έρθει από εδώ σε καμιά ωρίτσα, μετά από μια συνάντηση που έχει. Σκεφτόμουν λοιπόν να σε χρησιμοποιήσω για να πάρω την δουλειά. Ξέρω ότι του αρέσουν και τα αγοράκια κι εσύ θα του αρέσεις σίγουρα. Είναι ωραίος τύπος, θα σου αρέσει κι εσένα, πάω στοίχημα. Θα περάσεις καλά και θα βοηθήσεις κι εμένα. Και αν την πάρω τη δουλειά, εσύ θα κάνεις διακοπές τζάμπα στο ξενοδοχείο για μια βδομάδα ακόμη. Τι λες;»

Με έφτιαξε τόσο πολύ η ιδέα! Με έκανε να καυλώσω αμέσως. Ήταν πληρωμή για υπηρεσία. Με το στόμα γεμάτο από την πούτσα του, βόγκηξα κουνώντας το κεφάλι καταφατικά. Η Άννα γέλασε, μ’ εκείνο το γέλιο το βραχνό της που με τρέλαινε.

- «Εγώ του το έλεγα ότι είναι μεγάλη πουτανίτσα. Κοίτα που τώρα θα μας το αποδείξει!»

Δεν ήμουν ο μόνος που είχε καυλώσει. Η πούτσα του Σπύρου ήταν πέτρα στο στόμα μου. Η Άννα χώνοντας το χέρι από κάτω μου, με έκανε να σηκωθώ στα γόνατα. Άρχισε να μου τον παίζει αργά, βασανιστικά. Βόγκηξα.

- «Δεν σε περίμενα να εξελιχθείς σε τέτοιο βαθμό τόσο γρήγορα! Να σε ευχαριστήσω κι εγώ λοιπόν αφού θα βοηθήσεις τον Σπύρο. Και μετά το βραδάκι, μια που θα πάει ο Σπύρος με τον πελάτη του θα σε βγάλω έξω να σε κεράσω ένα ποτό μαζί με τους φίλους σου, ναι;»

Και με αυτό, χώθηκε ανάσκελα από κάτω μου. Ένιωσα τα χείλια της να κλείνουν γύρω από τον πούτσο μου και την γλώσσα της να τον χαϊδεύει απαλά μέσα στο στόμα της. Με το ένα χέρι μου χάιδευε τα αρχίδια και με το άλλο ήμουν σίγουρος ότι χαϊδευόταν εκείνη, γιατί άρχισε να βογκάει. Τρελάθηκα! Και από την καύλα της στιγμής και από αυτό που υπονοούσε με το ποτό. Θα ερχόταν να την παρτουζώσουμε με τους φίλους μου το βράδυ. Ένιωθα τέτοια καύλα, που άρχισα να ρουφάω την πούτσα του Σπύρου σαν τρελός! Μόλις ένιωσα την πρώτη έκρηξή του στο στόμα μου, πήρα την πούτσα του στο λαρύγγι μου και κατάπινα, κατάπινα ασταμάτητα. Ταυτόχρονα η Άννα, καταλαβαίνοντας τι γίνεται, με πήρε βαθιά στο στόμα της και έβαλε το άλλο της χέρι στον κώλο μου βάζοντας την άκρη από τα δυο της δάχτυλα στον κώλο μου. Με το άλλο χέρι της, έσφιξε λίγο τα αρχίδια μου. Βγάζοντας με από το στόμα της για δευτερόλεπτα, είπε βραχνά:

- «Έλα πουτανίτσα μου. Όλα στην θεία Άννα!»

Και τον ξανάχωσε στον λαιμό της, κάνοντας με να αδειάσω βογκώντας ενώ έγλειφα την πούτσα του Σπύρου ρουφώντας τις τελευταίες σταγόνες από τα χύσια του. Όταν ηρεμήσαμε, ο Σπύρος γελώντας χωρίς να ξέρει πόσο δίκιο είχε, μας είπε:

- «Σας φτιάχνει αυτό το θεία - ανιψιός, ε; Άντε, ελάτε να δούμε πως θα τα κανονίσουμε για τον Αντρέα…»

Κανονίσαμε λοιπόν να πούνε ότι είμαι ανιψιός της Άννας και να φύγουν για μια ώρα με την δικαιολογία κάτι ξαφνικού, αφήνοντάς μας μόνους στο δωμάτιο. Όταν μου είπαν ότι θα καθόταν μέχρι το βραδάκι γιατί δεν είχε άλλη δουλειά μέχρι να φύγει το καράβι, τους είπα να πουν ότι κοιμάμαι στο δωμάτιο και δεν θέλουν να με ξυπνήσουν σαν δικαιολογία και από κει και πέρα να το αφήσουν επάνω μου. Όσο και αν επέμειναν δεν τους είπα τι είχα σκοπό να κάνω. Στο τέλος το δέχτηκαν έτσι και αφού έκανα ένα μπάνιο πήγα και ξάπλωσα, περιμένοντας…

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The Ring

The ring By: Paradox Author's note: Just a little story I decided to write after reading a caption that had a similar premise. I don't know if it's any good, or if I'll ever do any more... But, hey, why not put this out there? "Come on, Nick. Let's check this place out," Chad called. I sighed as I followed him. He was always dragging me to these places that I had absolutely no interest in. "A magic shop?" I asked. "Why would we want to go in there?" "Could be something...

2 years ago
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Kenshiro HidoriChapter 3

Kenshiro Hidori found himself in ancient Arabia during the time of Mohammed the Prophet. Kenshiro was respected by both his enemies and his allies as a man of honor and faith. As a result he was given the name Ubaid Asad which means "Faithful Lion". As the conflict between the Meccans and their allies against Mohammed's forces went on Kenshiro found himself in a personal conflict. While he disagreed with Mohammed's views this being the main reason for joining the Meccans he came to not...

1 year ago
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I made time to talk with my real dad the other day. He was thrilled that I called him. We decided to meet at the playground, that he used to take me to when I was just a k**. I brought along a picnic basket filled with sandwiches, iced tea, sliced peaches, nectarines, oranges and bing cherries. Along with chips and brownies. I got to the park shortly before my dad did. I had spread the blanket on the ground under a huge oak tree. I had poured me a glass of tea and waited for him to show. ...

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People of the TigerPart 22

As it turned out, none of the fighters in the first sixteen matches were particularly noteworthy, so the first fight was held in the great stadium, though neither of those two fighters rated such a venue. The Green Band and Assan moved to the balcony twenty minutes before the match. The paddocks were being assembled on either side of the octagon, where blocks of thirty seats, ten ringside seats and ten from the next two rows directly behind them, were being segregated from the rest of the...

3 years ago
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The Turn Part 4

Note to the reader: This short chapter is intended as a bridge to take our girls‘ story in a different direction than I originally had in mind. FYI, there are a crazy amount of real details hidden in this story from my own life. Like Monica, I am ready to start taking steps towards what’s next for me, Monika. Given that; I’d like your participation. In this few paragraphs you’ll learn about some teased instructions prepared for her and I’d like to incorporate your ideas into these. I’ll give it...

3 years ago
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Nanbanin Amma Oru Matter

Hi friends, en peyar Vasanth, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Naan adikadi kaama kathaigal padithukonde irupen, athil amma magan kama kathai athigamaaga padipen. En kalluriyil oru naal vidumurai vitargal, andru en nanban veetirku naan sendren. En nanbanuku amma matum thaan irunthargal avanuku appa illlai, amma thanimaiyil thaan irunthargal. En nanban Asif veetirku sendru irunthen, avan amma ilamaiyaaga irunthaargal. Naan ninaithu kuda parka villai, asif amma oru mallu penaaga irupaal endru. Iru...

1 year ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 21 Gia And Keishas Plan Involving Pete And London

POV: Keisha, then Gia "Go see grandma, little London," I said, handing her to London. "There's my cute six-month granddaughter," London mentioned, taking her. I smiled as I saw my mom hold her. "Well, you certainly made her rather happy, Keisha," one of my dads said, pressing his back onto mine and wrapping his arms around me too. "I agree," my other dad added. "Oh, hi, Jake and Al," London greeted them, coming towards them. "Yes, I wasn't planning on being a grandma just yet, but...

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Kevin and my sister

The first time I ever saw Kevin he had come to my sorority house with his cousin (by marriage) and had just gotten out of the military, straight from Iraq! So, needless to say he was about 6'3" with an incredible body, and eyes that made me melt. I had to have this man inside me. About a week after I saw him that night, he came back to my sorority house with his cousin to hang out and sneak a few alcoholic drinks with me and my sisters in my room. We were all having a good time, drinking and...

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My wife pregnant by doctor

My name is Murali, and my wife name is Suganthi. We have no child since 2 years of our Marriage. Our Friends and relatives always tease us for not having child. My wife said to me at any cost I must have a baby soon. Therefore, we went to Chennai to a Famous Doctor for consulting. He took some tests for both of us, and said to us that I have no sperms enough to pregnant my wife. He suggested artificial injection of sperms into my wife. We agreed to this. Doctor asked us to come on next week....

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More with Batters

Batters smoked whlist I layed on the sofa thinking about what just happened. He was in his white loose boxers and I was still naked. Watchin him was makin me horny again. I rubbed my foot on his leg and then nudged his heavy bulge with my toe. he wanted more so he grabbed me after he got hard again and carried me to his bedroom.He snogged me grabbin both my tight little bum cheeks and I felt his dick through his boxers. he threw me on the bed and got on top again. he spat slowly on my pussy...

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CherryPimps Bella Rose Teasing The Neighbor Is Such A Huge Turn On

Bella Rose loves to lay out by the pool to soak in those sun rays. She lately noticed her neighbor lurking and watching; especially when she is wearing almost nothing. At first she was offended but over time it became a turn on to her. Is he fucking his wife thinking of her? Is he masturbating while he watches? She is really beginning to enjoy this and decides to give the ultimate show. She strokes her clit right there and finally beckons him to come out of hiding and fuck her! She knows he...

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Jim the conquest

I'm not sure if I'de ever thrown myself to a man for sex like I did with Jim.He was a friend of my grandmothers,I'de known him for a long time.I've always preferred sex with older men but at 74, he would be the oldest.Even at his age he was quite a physical specimen.At a slender 6'4",he had long arms and legs and giant hands and feet.I'de jacked a load thinking of him dropping his pants and offering me his giant cock for service.My grandmother was at my aunts home,for therapy and doctors...

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Naked News

NakedNews aka nude news! How many times have you been watching the news and about halfway through the broadcast realize that you didn’t catch anything that was said because you were just staring at the female anchors' mesmerizing rack the whole time? Come on, be honest. I know I can’t be alone on this one. We’re guys, we can’t help ourselves.Some of these news anchors, man…god damn. Plus, they’re almost always wearing tops that seem to showcase the tits, with a deep neckline allowing for a full...

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Designer Children Part 2

Chapter 4 I heard the whirring of an industrial strength ceiling fan. I knew the sound because I listened to a legion of them all day long in a previous job- my first LA job. I worked nine hours, loading and unloading shipping containers. Seconds later, I felt a tiny prick of a needle in my leg and then seconds later I blacked out. ......................................................... ........................................... I awoke again, but this time, along with the hum...

4 years ago
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Movie Night fantasy

I hope you still have the image of her in mind lol...A night planed well and suggested by my step mother.I was in the basement watching t.v when I got a call from my step mother,can you pick up some pizza she asked.I said sure,got the order and and she added wine to the purchase.She adds in we are going to have movie night tonight I've picked up some movies so hurry back.I go to the store and get everything requested and return home.My father,two sisters,step mother and I all go to the...

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Young Engineer And Hot Cam Girl

Hello, everyone. I am Vinay and I am from Kerala. I work as a Network Engineer at the airport. This is my true story. I have read many stories on this site and today, I have decided to pen down my experience. After finishing my college course, I bagged this job with the help of my family friend working as a customs officer in the same airport. So, I did not have to try a lot of hunting for the work. I used to see a lot of air hostess in the place I work. You know how a guy would feel when he...

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Summer break

Sue was home from college for the summer. She was glad to be back home as she had missed her father a lot. He was a kind and handsome man. they had been very close as he had to raise her when her mom passed away. This morning she was in the kitchen fixing breakfast wearing just her night gown when her dad came up behind and ran his hands under her gown and cupped her tits. He kissed her neck and told her as he fondled her large breasts "I have really missed these big tits. They feel so good....

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Gang Banging Friends Girlfriend

Hi dear friends. I am a regular reader at ISS. I have found ISS to be the best site for people to express their secrets and fantasies which hardly people have the courage to reveal. I will be narrating one of the personal experiences with you today of how we three friends had a gang bang of one of our friend’s girlfriend. We stay three friends together in Delhi-NCR Sam Prince and me Zaid, enjoying the freedom, company of each other and privacy. On weekends we hangout together and enjoy...

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Wife and Mother in law camping trip experience par SeXStoRY So me, my wife and her parents went on a camping trip this past weekend. We brought two tents. We had them setup for a couple of days. The tents were about 8 or 9 feet apart we setup a hammock between both. My father in law went out to get a few things back home that we forgot. My wife and I went swimming and my mother in law said she wanted to read a book in the hammock. My wife and I went swimming and had a good time. We made our...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 5 Corrupted Love

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Chapter Five: Corrupted Love By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Thirteen: A Painful Blow Princess Ava – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My soul poured into the jade beetle I left in my father's study. It was as close as I could get to him. I needed him so badly. That lust surged through me. It filled me with such passion. I missed him so much. I needed him to breed me. He...

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Sabbatical for the Soul Day 4 Wardrobe Malfunction

The distant caws of seagulls floated into the room, carried by the gleam of the mid-morning rays. "Hmmmmm..." he sighed, relishing the last fragments of sleep as he curled beneath the sheets. The room was cold, cooled by the lingering chills of the evening bygone. Seeking warmth, he snuggled backwards into Tamara's body. She stirred slightly, before nuzzling around his tiny frame. He had never been the little spoon before, but the warmth and pressure of Tamara's embrace was safe....

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Long Lost Friend IV

Long Lost Friend IV By Teri Franken [email protected] Teri has gotten on a plane and headed back to Boston and now Jack needs to come to terms with his feelings and decide what the future holds. I headed back up the stairs to take a shower; a permanent smile etched on my face, but inside I was in turmoil. This had been one of the best weekends of my life, but I was not sure what to do. I hated to see Teri go, our weekend together was amazing, and she had opened so many...

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The ExperimentChapter 9

"Is that your daughter, Sir Alan?" Count Alexander, having taken the Abbot's advice and returned to his responsibilities in England, had been invited to a reception in connection with an Anglo-Russian friendship committee at the house of one of the MPs who belonged to the said committee. The MP in question was Sir Alan Henderson. As soon as he had heard the man's name, Alexander had been reminded of his beloved and vanished Emma. And now that he was Sir Alan's guest he saw her picture...

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