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Haley Forever Belladonna Chapter 1 Hal finished tying the shoe laces of his white and baby blue sneakers. As he finished readying himself with the cheap wig on his head, Hal's two coworkers came by his home and honked the car's horn. Hal grabbed his pompoms and his purse and headed for the door. The two men started to laugh as he walked out, to which Hal responded, "Hey, at least I look good in this." Hal's two coworkers made nearly obligatory derogatory remarks about how they looked in their identical uniforms. The coworker driving was named Chris. He turned around to Hal as he entered the car and said, "Oh, don't you look pretty with your lip gloss." "Just because you can't pull it off, don't bitch to me," Hal mocked. "At least my boobs are the same size, bitch," Chris retorted. "Anything you say there thunder thighs," Hal shot back. The men shot back more insults to each other before they arrived at the door of their coworker, Tom. Tom's wife opened the door and let them in. She smirked as shook her head before she said, "You three are the ugliest bitches I've ever seen." "Thanks," Chris responded. The three walked through the home into the living and went their separate ways. After a couple of drinks, Hal noticed a familiar face across the room. She noticed him as well. It was Hal's ex-girlfriend, Heather. She was dressed in witch's costume that had a short pleated skirt, 3 inch black heels, and black leggings, which accented her thin long legs of her 5'7" frame. The two had dated for nearly two years before they had broken up a little over 6 months earlier. She worked in the building that adjoined to the building that Hal worked in. She was from a wealthy family that owned vast tracts of commercial and residential real-estate. She got a good job with her employer because the President of the company was one of her family's friends. Heather was a naturally domineering personality. Hal always reasoned that it was because of her privileged background. Heather was used to getting what she asked for. In many ways she was his ideal, but she broke up with him because she felt that he was habitually dishonest with her. Of course, Hal knew she was right. However, Hal also knew that the secret he kept from her was the kind of one that would have killed their relationship anyway. Heather smiled as she walked over to Hal and said, "I didn't expect to see you here." "I didn't think you'd be here either. It's good to see you though. How have you been?" "I've been good, you?" "Never better." "Well, you never looked better," she said with a laugh. Hal remembered how he was dressed and responded politely with a smile, "Thanks." "I never would have guessed that you would have gone for something like that?" "Well, it's Halloween. I'm trying to get some people to laugh." "Yah, yah," Heather responded as she waived her hands to try to convey a mock disbelief. "No. Really, that's the only reason I'm dressed like this. Some other guys I came with are...," Hal responded before realizing that he was coming off as defensive. Heather arched an eyebrow at him. Hal feared that his response may have told her more than he wanted her to know. Heather changed the subject and asked, "How's work been?" "It's good. Same old crap. You?" "It's pretty much the same. I'm in the process of moving up. So I'm crossing my fingers." "That's great. I hope you get it," Hal responded with a smile. "Thanks. It will be a lot of work though. You know how it is?" In truth, Hal did not, but he responded, "Of course. It's always difficult to be in charge." "Yes," Heather responded as she tilted her head down a little. "Well, I'd better go make the rounds. But it was great talking to you?" "You too, and let me just say, you look fantastic," Heather said with a smile. "You do too, but you always do." "Thanks. I love your eye shadow." "Oh thank you, it's Expert Wear by Maybelline." "Oh, well it looks fabulous on you. It really brings out the color in your eyes," she said. "That's why I picked it. It would probably great on you. It would go great with your lips. What is that M-A-C lipstick?" Hal responded as a smile grew on Heather's face. Hal blushed as he realized that he was using his hands to help him communicate as he talked about makeup. Hal cursed himself inside his head for lapsing into his desired female alter ego. Heather tilted her head to the side and said, "It's M-A-C. How did you know?" Hal stared at her smiling face and responded with total silence. He tried to figure how he would explain himself. However, Heather did not give him a chance. She broke the silence by asking, "Would you like a drink?" "Yes," Hal hurriedly replied. "I'll go get it for you, what do you want?" "I guess a gin and tonic. But I'll get it. Tell me what you want." "No, that's okay, Hal. I'll get it. Don't fight me or I'll pull up your skirt!" Heather said firmly, but with a smirk that let Hal know she was not being serious. "Oh, all right," Hal responded in mock resignation. A few minutes later Heather returned with their drinks. Hal followed Heather around the room as she led him by the hand as they talked to the various people that they knew. Hal enjoyed every minute of it, and it seemed that Heather enjoyed it as well. They drank and conversed with various people for well over six hours before Hal finally began to feel tired. The last thing he remembered about that night was Heather rubbing his shoulders and stroking his smooth face. Chapter 2 As Hal opened his eyes the next morning, he was met by an oddly familiar sight. He was not in his own bedroom. He was in Heather's. He recognized the painting that hung on the wall directly across from her bed. He turned to look for Heather in the bed, but she was gone. He pulled back the covers and stared down blankly at himself. "Shit," he responded as he realized he was still dressed in his cheerleader uniform. He realized that he must have gone home with her. 'Great', he thought, 'now I have to get a cab dressed like this.' He figured that his embarrassment was making him feel a little off. However, something else felt odd to him. He reached under his skirt and realized that his panties were missing. His eyes searched the room and saw his panties on the floor, a few feet from the bedroom door. He leapt from the bed, and he put them on as quickly as he could. He saw his purse on her night stand and snatched it. He then slowly opened her bedroom door and slinked out of it. Heather smiled at him as she stepped out of the bathroom, approached him and said, "Good morning, Princess." Hal blushed at her greeting before he cleared his throat and responded, "Good morning, Heather." "So how's my sleeping beauty this morning?" Hal cringed and said, "Fine." Heather smirked as she noticed his discomfort. She then asked, "Do you want some breakfast?" "No. I'm good. Thank you anyway, but could you give me a ride home?" Heather looked at him sideways and asked, "Don't you want to stay?" "Well, yes, but I think you want me out of you hair. I want get changed anyway too." "Oh, so you're still going to try to fuck and run on me even when you're dressed like that? You slut!" She responded with a smirk. "No. No. It's nothing like that Heather. I want to stay. I just want to get changed into something a little more manly." "The way your dressed doesn't bother me any." "Well, yah, but still. It's just uncomfortable for me." "All right, Haley, I'll give you a ride, but are you sure you don't want to wait till dark? It's a bit of walk to the car, and it's kind of windy. You know bare legs and a loose skirt are not the best combination in November." It was not the chill that gave Hal pause to think. Heather lived in a two story condo on a crowded street. He figured that he would be better off going out at night. "You know what, Heather; I think I'll stay the day," Hal said. "That's great, Haley!" "Stop calling me that!" "Don't be a whiney bitch about it or I'll call you Princess." Hal rolled his eyes and asked, "Can I use your shower?" "Of course, Haley," Heather responded with extra emphasis on the last word. Hal huffed and put his eyes down and stepped into her bathroom. He disrobed and stepped into her shower. As he lathered the soap in his hands, he heard the door open. He peered around the curtain and saw Heather approaching naked. Heather threw open the curtain and stared at him. As she took him all in she said, "Well, despite that look you're giving me, I'm sure you're happy to see me." She stepped into the shower and said, "Let me help you" Hal watched her lather the soap in her hands. He fought the urge to kiss her as she ran her soapy hands down his smooth legs, arms, and chest. She moved down from his chest to his stomach and lingered around his crotch. Hal's hopes about the cause of her lingering were dashed as she asked, "What's with this hair here?" "It's been there for a while," Hal countered as he tried to hide his disappointment. "Well, I don't like it one bit. Let me shave it for you." "No!" "Don't be so dismissive. I mean, you shaved your arms, legs, chest and armpits for Halloween. And unlike that stuff, you can't see this when you're dressed." "I know. But I would know, I would look a little...." "Smooth." "Yes, let's go with that." "Oh, please, baby, I'll be gentle with the razor." "I don't...." "If you let me do this, I'll give you a treat," Heather said before she clutched his enlarged member. She smiled and said, "Look, Haley, I know the thought makes you happy." Hal's mind raced as he tried to think of what she would give him if he let her shave him. 'It's only hair', Hal thought before he said that she could ahead with the shaving. Heather applied her Nair to his crotch and gently shaved away the hair with the pink razor. Every time Heather's hand errantly struck his hardened member, Hal felt a surge of joy. As Heather finished, she stood up and told Hal, "Finish washing up and meet me in my bedroom." Hal did as she requested. He eagerly finished and redressed himself in the cheerleaders outfit. He rushed into her bedroom where he hoped to find her naked on the bed, but he found her fully clothed. "Okay, Haley, now, it's time for a treat" Hal eyes momentarily opened wider in anticipation. Heather reached into her closet and threw a pair of jeans at him. Hal looked at them. He was confused. They were not his jeans. They looked like an old pair of hers. They were not Heather's most flattering one's either. They were baggy on her and were almost unisexual in appearance. He did not really want to see her in them. "What are these for," Hal asked. "You. We're going shopping, and you can't go out like that." "We're going shopping?" "Yes." "That's my treat?" Hal asked, unable to hide his disappointment. "Yes." "I'll pass." "Now, don't be a baby. I really want your opinion on things." "Okay, I don't like shopping." "No, you don't like shopping for men's clothing. I remember how you looked at girly things." "What does..." Heather would not let him finish. She interjected, "I would really appreciate it, and it's not going to harm you in anyway. All we were going to do was sit around here all day. That just seems like a waste to me. You know?" "Yes, well, I...." "I'm glad you see it my way!" "I...I...didn't...," Hal tried to respond, but gave up. Hal relented and took of his skirt and put the jeans on. As he finished zipping them up, Heather handed him one of her over sized T-shirts and said, "I'll be waiting by the door." 'Oh great', Hal thought as he sulked. Hal pulled off his top and placed the shirt on. He walked out of the room and met her by the door. Heather let him out the door and led him to her car. Heather drove them to a strip of stores he knew that she liked to shop at. Once they exited the car, Heather led Hal into a shoe store. She tried on several pairs and made Hal give her his advice. After his initial reservations passed, he freely told Heather what he thought about how they looked. When his opinion met hers on a pair of 3 inch black pumps, she whispered into his ear, "Thanks for your opinion, Haley." Hal blushed as he realized that he was in fact playing the part of a girlfriend out shopping with a girlfriend, not a boyfriend being dragged around by his girlfriend. Still, Hal enjoyed it too much to let it bother him. He rationalized it to himself, 'It's a lot more fun this way.' Heather wrapped her arm around his and led him into other stores. As she tried on various blouses and dresses she would hand Hal her pocketbook. Hal became so disarmed by how seriously she took his opinion on her clothes that he forgot that he was supposed to be uncomfortable holding a woman's pocketbook. His carefully constructed guise as an alpha male completely disintegrated as he shopped with Heather. The more interest she showed in the him, the less he felt the need to pretend to be disinterested in the clothes she wore. He noticed a woman stare at him oddly as he lapsed into his female alter ego as he talked about a blouse with Heather. Heather did not even seem to take notice of it. As Heather took the blouse into the changing room, the woman walked by him and said, "She's so lucky to have a friend like you." Hal blushed and thanked her. His mind chewed over her statement. 'A friend! She said a friend, not a boyfriend', he thought. Hal had spent a long time manufacturing an image of himself as a tough guy. He began to wonder if anyone he knew saw him acting the way he was. He thought to himself, 'I might go from Hal the tough to Hal the sissy!' As Heather exited the changing room, she asked, "How do I look?" Hal threw his arms to his sides and said in his deepest voice, "You like fine. Like you do in everything else. Just buy it and let's go." She rolled her eyes and said, "There's the Hal the dick I remember." Hal's head tilted towards the floor as she went back into the changing room and put her shirt back on. She came out and placed the shirt on the rack and said with a cold stare, "Come on. I want to go home." As they reached the car, Hal looked at her as she stared straight ahead. He then asked, "What's wrong?" "Nothing. I thought you'd changed, but I was wrong. You're still masquerading." "No, Heather, I swear. I'm not like that," Hal pleaded as he felt his chance to rekindle a relationship with her slipping away. "Yes, you are. You're afraid what others will think of you. You always were." "No. Please, give me another chance to show you I'm not. I was so enjoying our day." Heather smiled and said, "I was ready to leave anyway, but now I've got a little test for you." "Give it to me, Heather. I'll pass it. Just tell me what to do." Heather took her bags off her lap and placed them behind her in the backseat of the car. She then told Hal to get out of the car. He did as she commanded and followed as she led him into a dance store. Hal cringed when he wondered what she would make him do. She led him towards the leotards. Hal's eyes bugged out as she grabbed a pink three quarter sleeved leotard with a sweetheart neckline and a mid scoop back in a size medium. Hal knew that Heather was at a maximum a size small. He knew that she was getting it for him. Heather then grabbed a white, thin strap, halter top leotard in the same size. She then lead him towards the tights and selected two pairs of opaque tights, one white and one ballet pink. She smiled at Hal's grim expression. She then took hold of a box of pink, split-sole, canvas ballet slippers in his size in woman's shoes. She handed the items to Hal and told him to hold them as she walked over and selected a pink, front wrap, chiffon skirt. She gave the skirt to Hal and told him to pay for them. She stood beside Hal as he approached the cashier. The woman stared at Heather as she began to ring up the items. As she checked a size of the pink leotard, the woman said, "Miss, you do know that these are too big for you?" "Of course, they're not for me," Heather said with a smile as she motioned her head and eyes towards Hal. "Oh," was all the cashier could muster in response before she went back to ringing up the items. Hal blushed as Heather winked at him. Hal was embarrassed. He had never purchased woman's clothing in person. He always shopped online to avoid the kind of response the cashier gave him. As the woman finished scanning the items, she told Hal what the total came to. Hal took out his wallet and paid the sum. He then grabbed the bags and followed Heather out of the building. Any feeling of manliness that Hal possessed when he left his home the night before was gone as he walked through the parking lot carrying two bags with large pink lettered words on them. When they reached the car, Hal placed the bags in his trunk. Heather turned to Hal as he situated himself in the car. She looked him in the eyes and said, "You passed, Haley." "Thanks," Hal muttered as he stared at the pavement. "Are you going to tell me that you didn't get any thrill out of being partially exposed like that?" Heather asked inquisitively. Hal shook his head, but admitted that he did. Hal shook his head as he told her that his practical side had told him to try to project himself as the All-American man, but his emotional side told him to act like a woman. Heather kissed him on the cheek and told him that she understood his point. She then asked, "Would you like to come back to my place for a while?" Hal nodded his head and started the car. When they arrived at her home, she carried in her bags, while he carried in the bags from the dance store. After they finished eating the meal that Heather prepared for lunch, Heather asked, "Haley, are you willing to go a step further?" "What do you mean?" "Well, I made you buy those clothes for yourself." "I kind of thought that," Hal responded. "Well, will you put on the pink stuff?" Hal deliberately delayed his response. He badly wanted to wear it, but did not want to seem too eager. He then said, "Well, I don't know..." "Please," Heather responded with a pout. "Fine," Hal responded as he dipped his head to the side and rolled his eyes in mock resignation. Hal picked up the pink leotard, tights, skirt and shoes. He walked into her bathroom and disrobed. He rolled the tights down and slowly worked them up his hairless legs. He felt his member start to harden as it always did when he first put on hosiery. He waited for his member to go limp, and he pulled it between his legs. He then slipped into the leotard. He had never worn one before, but after feeling the way it hugged his arms from just below the elbow up and his body, he hoped to wear one every day. He grabbed the skirt and made it overlap before he tied the ties. He turned and looked at himself in the mirror. Without makeup or a wig, he cringed at how manly he looked while simultaneously appearing so girlish. The skirt was situated on his hips, and it fell halfway between his hips and his knees. He then sat on the toilet and put on the shoes. After he tied the elastic drawstrings on the slippers, he stood up and grabbed the door knob. He hesitated before he opened the door and walked out. He saw Heather staring at him. He stood still and waited for her to laugh. However, she did nothing more than smile. She told him to walk towards her so that she could see him in a better light. She examined him from his neck to his feet. She ran her fingers along his legs and sides and arms. She climbed onto his lap and started to kiss him. They rubbed their hands on each others bodies. Her hand reached down and touched the smooth area of his crotch. Hal briefly cursed his tucked away member before Heather made him forget it. Heather stripped but made him stay fully clothed. The feeling of her smooth body through his body hugging soft apparel made his member throbbing and growing larger as it wriggled harmlessly between his legs. She forced his body down onto the couch. She slowly worked her pussy closer to his lips. Hal sent his tongue to work on her. He loved her taste as he heard her start to moan above him. Hal kept at it, giving more effort than he ever had before when he was with her. Hal kept going. Usually he gave up as he would begin to think about getting pleasure for himself, but the only pleasure that concerned him now was Heather's. Her every moan just made him more determined not to let her down. As he heard her last joyous moan, she fell off him. Any hopes of reciprocation were quickly scuttled as she pulled off him and instead rested herself on top of him on the couch. She fells asleep on top of him as he lay horny and desperate for a release as he dick released nothing but tear like pre-cum between his butt cheeks. After he calmed down, Hal too fell asleep. Hal awoke when she climbed off him to make dinner. He went to get changed before they ate, but Heather asked him not to. Hal felt obligated to comply for reasons that were unclear to him. Heather finished cooking, and they sat together at the table. Heather served them both, and they both started to eat. As Hal chewed, he felt Heather's foot rubbing up against his leg. Once more member started to grow. Heather smiled at him and asked, "Why are you still wearing that?" "Because you asked me to," Hal responded after he finished chewing. As he took another bite, she asked, "Why would you ever wear that?" Hal answered, "Because I...I was told by you to wear it." "Don't you think that's a little odd?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows. Hal put his head down and said, "No. You're a woman, and I'm a man. Men do things for women that they wouldn't usually do." "You wouldn't usually do this?" She asked with a smile Trying to duck the question, "What I mean is, is that men try to please women?" "And why is that?" She asked between bites. "Because they have pussy," Hal responded. "So women make men try to met the standards women set because of their pussies?" Heather asked. "Well, yeah women have the pussies so they make the rules." "Interesting," Heather responded. Hal shrugged at the obviousness of his statement. Heather then asked, "Haley, when we're done eating will you help me do the plates?" "Of course," Hal responded. When they finished, Hal helped Heather do the dishes and then the two sat and watched a show on television, before Hal said that he had to go. Hal changed back into his cheerleader uniform and asked her what she wanted to do with the clothing she had purchased him. Heather smiled and said, "Leave the pink stuff here. But I want you to take the white stuff home." Hal nodded and put the white leotard and tights into their own bag. Heather walked over and looked inside it and said, "Haley, I want you to wear that tomorrow." "What?" Hal shouted before he realized how loud he was. "Not in place of your clothes, but underneath them." "Well, I don't know. Why you do want me to?" "I want to get lunch with you tomorrow, and I want to be able to feel your feminine side." Hal smiled and nodded. She enthusiastically kissed him on the lips and saw him off. As he carried the bag and his pocketbook to the car, Hal began to think about what he had just agreed to. 'I won't be able to pee at urinal. I'll to have to take some of my clothes off to pee. If I keep running into people in the bathroom, what will they think? What if I snag my pants and they can be seen?' As he pondered his situation, Heather rose and grabbed her pocketbook. She told Hal that she would take him home. Hal nodded and picked up his purse and followed her out the door. After a little over a 50 yard walk, they reached her car. Heather smiled as she watched Hal pull at his skirt as he sat in her car. She caressed his hand a few times as she drove him towards his home. When they arrived, she leaned in and kissed him goodbye. Hal smiled and nearly forgot his pocketbook as he exited the car. He strolled to his door and waved at her as he opened it. After Hal entered his home, he put down the bag containing his ballet apparel and strolled into his bathroom. He placed his pocketbook on the sink and cleaned out the contents. He placed his lipstick and eyeliner back into the makeup bag he kept in his medicine closet. He removed the leftover makeup residue from his face and went into his bedroom. He pulled off his wig and placed its headstand. He then went into his closet to pull out the nightie that he had purchased shortly after he broke up with Heather. He slipped out his cheerleader uniform and into the nightie. He stopped and placed the cheerleader uniform in his hamper as he walked back towards the bathroom. He went into the bathroom and picked his purse. After he took his wallet out of the purse, he put the purse away in his closet. He left his wallet on his end table as he turned off his bedroom light. He crawled into bed and turned on his television. While visions flickered before his eyes and voices of talking heads filled his ears, his mind could only see and hear Heather. Chapter 3 After eating breakfast the next morning, Hal decided to call Heather. He hesitated for a moment before he hit the numbers on the key pad. "Hello," he heard Heather answer. "Hi, Heather, this is Hal." "Haley, how are you?" Heather responded. Any aggravation Hal received from being called Haley was more than over come by his delight in her joyful tone. "I'm doing good. And you?" "I'm swell! Why are you calling?" "I just wanted to see what you were up to today?" Hal said as he started to tap his feet. "Why would you want to know that?" Heather said as she laughed a little. "I was just wondering." "Well, I was thinking about going out to lunch. Would you like to tag along?" "Yes," Hall responded as quick as he could. After laughing briefly, Heather asked, "Can you be over here by 1?" "Yes, of course. I can definitely be there by 1." "Fantastic! I'll see you then." "Yes. Certainly. I'll see you then." "Bye, bye then." "Yes, bye," Hal responded before he heard the phone click. Hal knew that this day was going to be different from the others as he hung up the phone. He grabbed the bag containing the leotard he bought the day before and he placed it and the tights on his dresser. He stared at his white leotard and tights on his dresser and walked away from it and then towards it. He wondered for a second about whether he should go back on his decision to wear it, but his excitement at the idea overwhelmed his best judgment. Hal disrobed as he took hold of the tights. He slowly drew them up his leg. After he tucked his away his member, he stepped into his leotard. After making sure the strap around his neck was not bunched or turned at any point, he dressed himself in jeans and a collared shirt. Once he finished dressing, Hal grabbed his wallet and headed for the door. He paced his home and surfed the web to kill time before he left to pick up Heather. When he arrived at Heather's home, he strolled to her door. He knocked upon it and was greeted by her with a kiss. She took a few more minutes to get ready before she followed him out the door. They road down to a restaurant and were seated in a booth by window. Every time he heard a person walk by their table, Hal tried to hide his legs. He kept feeling exposed even though his leotard and tights were not visible. Despite his unease, he enjoyed them. They made him feel good, but they also felt constricting, which made him make occasional annoyed grunts. Hal grew more at ease and comfortable as the minutes went bye. However, the urge to use the bathroom, brought back his reservations. Hal excused himself and headed for the bathroom and looked under the stalls as he went to enter one. Hal quickly unbuttoned his shirt and removed it and his undershirt. He then slipped the strap of his leotard over his head. He slipped his tights down far enough so that he could sit on toilet. He stared down at the tights and the leotard hanging down by his knee with a smile until he heard someone enter the stall next to him. Hal quickly stuffed the leotard into the crotch of his tights. The thrill of the threat of exposure made him so excited. As he finished wiping, Hal made sure to draw up his pants and tights together. He slipped the strap of his leotard back around his neck and quickly places his shirt and undershirt on. Hal then washed up and returned to Heather. Heather smiled and asked, "So, how does it feel?" "What?" Hal asked for clarification Heather smirked and ran her stocking covered foot up the bottom of Hal's right pants leg and rubbed his tights encased leg. Hal smiled and said, "Very good." Hal shifted in his seat to prevent any stares from passerby's that would get a look at the crotch of his pants were his untucked, but restrained member rested. The rush he felt almost made him forget that it was once her idea for him to wear them or that he had ever had any reservations about it. She kept at it as they ate and discussed clothing, people they both knew, and their failed first go around at the relationship. When the bill came, Heather and Hal both reached to pay. Hal attempt was thwarted by Heather's threat to shout out about what he was wearing beneath his clothes. Not wanting exposure, Hal let it go. As Heather paid the bill, she looked at Hal and asked, "Do you want to get married?" "What?" "Married." "Married?" "Yes, do you want to get married?" Heather asked again as she sorted materials in her purse. "Doesn't the ma..." "Well, the man does traditionally ask, but..." Heather began to say as she looked at Hal. Hal nodded his head to signal that he understood, but she took it as a little more. "You want to get married!" Hal smiled uneasily. This was more than he could handle. He was used to be a single guy able to do as he pleased. He had already lost his status as a male in a relationship, and now she was asking him to make it more permanent. "You've made me so happy!," she continued as she motioned for the check. Hal sat in stunned silence as she put the receipt for the bill in her purse and grasped his wrist. Hal face was grim as he stared at Heather's beaming grin as she dragged him along to the car. As she pulled out of the parking spot, Hal finally gathered himself up to speak and asked, "Where are we going?" "I know a little chapel where we can elope," Heather answered. "We're going like this" Hal shouted. "Why not?" "Because I never really pictured myself wearing a leotard beneath my clothes on my wedding day!" "So?" "It's not really my dream wedding?" "You had a dream wedding...Wow, you were never a man, were you?" "I always pictured myself with a woman," Hal retorted. "I never implied you were a fairy, all I meant was you're not a guy." "Than what am I?" Hal shouted. "At the moment, a petulant, noisy bitch," Heather calmly retorted. Hal calmed down and said, "I know I agreed, but right this second? I don't feel like a man should on his wedding day, I think. Maybe I am not that manly, but society demands I..." "Screw social wisdom! There' are only two peoples opinions you should care about, yours and mine. And of the two, only mine really counts." Hal nodded, but he could muster little else as she drove them towards the chapel. They had not even started dating again for two days and now they were getting married. Two days ago he was a single man playing the scene and looking for a girlfriend. Now, he was going to be the wife of his wife. Heather noticed his unease as she drove and asked, "Do you not want to go through with this?" "It's sort of quick," Hal replied. "Don't you love me?" "Of course!" "Then why don't you want to marry me?" "I do want to marry you. I want to wake next you everyday. I want to help you in every way that I can." "Then what's your problem?" Hal fell silent and tried to convince himself that he never wanted to be anything but Heather's loving wife. Heather broke the silence and said, "First, Hal, I think we should set some ground rules before we marry." Hal nodded his head and stared into her eyes. "You're going to move into my place, and we're going to unload yours. We'll move from my place into home when we find something we both like." "Okay, I can agree to that" "Good, darling," Heather replied dismissively prompting a scorned look on Hal's face. "Outside of our house, with friends and coworkers and family, you will be the man. You will dress like one and act like one because that's what society expects from a couple. But when we're alone, I want you to be just like you've been over the last two days." "How have I been?" Hal asked while arching his eyebrows. "You've been subservient, like a dutiful wife obeying her husband's orders." Hal was speechless, but he had in truth done whatever she had told him to do. "Let be frank, Hal, I make more than you. I work longer hours. I'm going to want you to do more around the home than me. I'll help you. I'll help you do chores the way a rare good husband does. But I'm going to need you to make like a good wife and carry most of the load." Hal member stiffened as he thought of playing the wife in the relationship, though he knew that Heather was not interested in playing. "What do you think, Haley?" Hal smiled and said, "I love it." "Good. Now, I want to ask you to do something else when we're alone." "Yes, tell me," Hal asked nearly bursting with anticipation for the command that he could dutifully obey. "I want you to solely wear women's clothing around the home. If we're alone, I want you in either a skirt or a dress. I want to make it clear to you that I alone wear the pants in this household." Hal nodded, and replied, "Of course, I agree." "Fantastic," Heather exclaimed. As he turned away from Heather's joyful eyes, Hal caught a glimpse of the chapel. Suddenly the sexual desires driving his agreement with Heather's plans no longer controlled him. He realized this was not fantasy anymore. This was real. He doubted he could go through with it, but Heather opened his car door and helped him out. Heather's treatment of him as if he was a woman stoked his sexual desires again. They walked towards the chapel doors together, hand in hand. They approached the young woman running the chapel who greeted them. She placed their name on a list and told them to wait until the couple before them finished their vows. As they waited, Heather opened her pocketbook and brought out two gold rings. She placed one in Hal's hand. Hal knew then that the marriage was not a spur of the moment thing in Heather's mind. She had been planning it at least since the morning. Hal looked around the chapel. The walls and ceilings were white. As were the fake flowers that rested upon some of the dark wood colored furniture. After only a few minutes, the minister called them forward. They exchanged vows and rings. Hal looked at their wedding license that both signed. There were their names, Heather Cook and Hal Eltinge. They were two names that were now bonded by law. They kissed again before they entered the car. They kissed before she pulled out of the parking spot. They kissed before they exited the car and walked into her condo. As she closed the door to her Condo, Hal asked, "How do you want to celebrate?" She then smiled and said, "We're going shopping today." Hal noticed that he was not asked if he wanted to do that, but was told what he would be doing. This gave him a strange sense of pleasure so he replied, "Okay." Heather smirked and then added, "And tonight we're going to that cross dressers club two towns over." Hal's hand accidentally smacked the small table that was against the wall in her foyer and caused it to jump from the floor. Hal steadied the table as his eyes darted from side to side before he managed to reply, "What?" "We're going to a cross dressing club." "Why?" "So that I can take you somewhere dressed up. Won't that be fun?" She answered with a smirk. Hal was more nervous than excited at the prospect. He asked, "Are you sure you wouldn't prefer a night in? It's been a hell of a day. I don't want you to change what you normally do just for me." "No. Don't be silly, Haley. I want to show you off. Oh, I can't wait to show off my darling bride!" "That's nice, sweetie, dear. Um...Well, how did you come across this place that you want to take us to on the night of our one and only wedding?" "I've gone there a number of times with my one of my girlfriends. We always got a kick out of guys prancing around. It's a kick." "Are you sure want to go?" Hal asked in a near pleading voice. "Yes, and don't ask again," Heather responded in a more assertive tone. Hal put his head down and nodded. Heather noticed his resignation and added, "Oh, I forgot to tell you. While we were separated, I was promoted." "That's wonderful" Hal responded. "Yes. Yes." "Good for you. You deserve it," Hal continued. "Well, it's a lot more work," Heather bemoaned "But it's at a higher pay," Hal said to try to get Heather to see the more positive side. "Of course. I'm up to 160 grand a year now." "Really?" Hal asked in a meek voice as he realized that she was now making twice as much as him. Heather noticed his tone and said, "Haley, I know you don't make that much. I don't care." "I know. It's just that I've never dated anyone that I knew made that much more than me, and I'm married to one now." "Does that upset you?" Hal smiled and summed up their situation to answer her, "No, because you wear the pants in this household." Heather smirked back at him and nodded. "When do you want to go?" Hal asked. "We're leaving soon. We just came home so I could change shoes. It's easier to shop in flats. I can just slide my feet out of without the straps to undo like on what are on my feet, I'm sure you know." Hal nodded as he looked down. "You're so cute when you're shy about being a girly man!" Hal rolled his eyes as she made her way to her bedroom to grab a change of shoes. She reemerged from her room and led him to her car. She drove them towards the strip mall for the second time in two days. As they drove, Heather laid out their plans for the following weeks. Heather was going to get a moving van and crew to move into storage all of Hal's belongings in his apartment beside his clothes. She was also going to sign him up for culinary classes on Saturdays. Hal struggled to make sense of his feelings as he tried to comprehend why not controlling his life was such a turn on for him. When they reached the strip mall, Hal figured they were looking for her, but Heather made clear they were looking for both of them. Heather led him into a clothing store and asked for his opinion on several pieces of clothing. Hal gladly gave his view. Heather purchased clothing based on what she and Hal agreed would look best on them. As they left the store, Heather shifted the bags into Hal's hands. Hal peered inside and stared at the dress, tights and pumps Heather had purchased for him. He could not wait to wear them for her. Heather stopped at Pizzeria on the way home for a quick bite. It was not Hal's ideal for a wedding night feast, but he dealt with it silently. They grabbed some slices and headed home to eat. Once they finished eating, they headed into their bedroom to dress for the night ahead. Hal dressed in the blue dress and black tights that he had purchased that afternoon. Hal finished off his outfit with the pair of 4 inch black pumps that Heather had picked out for him. Heather put on black pants, a grey shirt, a black jacket, and 2 inch black heels. After they finished dressing, they applied their makeup. As Hal finished Heather appraised his appearance, and said, "You look good tonight, Haley." "Thanks," Hal said as he playfully put his head down and grabbed at the hem of his dress. As Heather led him out of the house, concern struck Hal again. He was anxious of any looks and condemnations he would receive as he strolled to Heather's car. However, he found that no one was in sight. As they entered the car, Hal saw one of Heather's neighbors exiting his home. Hal sunk down in the seat, so Heather took her time starting the car, to let her neighbor get closer to them as he moved towards his car. As he got closer, Heather pulled out of the spot to Hal's relief. Heather drove to the club. After they parked, they walked arm in arm to the door of the building. The bouncer at the door checked their licenses and let them in. As he walked into the building, Hal stared off at the mix of people in the crowd. Hal looked down at his clothing and realized that he was easily the most conservatively dressed. He saw that the other men were dressed in bright colors and patterns that drew attention to themselves. They seemed to have no shame in their appearance. That both comforted Hal and upset him because he failed to share that same confidence in his identity. Heather took Hal's hand and led him towards the bar. She ordered them vodka and tonics and they stared at the crowd. As they sipped on their drinks, Heather pointed at those who had looks that she admired. Hal would give his own judgments on their appearance. As Heather described another, Hal froze. He recognized two women talking to one of the men. Heather looked at Hal's grim expression and stared off in the same general area. She recognized them too. It was Hal's cousin Devin and her friend Alicia. Hal turned his back to them, and asked Heather if they did not see them. Heather shook her head as they started to approach. Hal started to walk away from Heather but Heather clasped his arm. Hal's mind began to race. 'Was this all just a set up to humiliate me?' "Hi, Heather. How are you?" He heard Devin say before she added, "You remember my friend Alicia?" "Yes, of course, I remember her. I've been good, thank you. How have you been?," Heather replied calmly. "I'm good, but who's you're friend?" Devin asked as Hal was still turned away from them. Hal turned around to face them. Devin took a startled a step back. Hal knew that if it was a set up, Devin was in on it. After her initial silence and perplexed stare, she started to laugh. Hal squirmed as Devin's laughter cut through him. He looked at Alicia who was trying to contain her own laughter. After she finished laughing, Devin asked, "Hal could you give me a spin? I want to see how you look." Hal complied with her request. Rather than laughing more, Devin smiled and said, "You look pretty good for a guy?" "Thanks. You look nice too," Hal responded with a bit of unease. "What about me?" Alicia chimed in. "You look nice too," Hal answered. Devin grinned and asked, "Would you and Heather like to head to the bar with us?" Hal looked at Heather who nodded. Hal then responded, "Sure. Why wouldn't we?" As Alicia ordered drinks for them, Devin asked, "How long have you two been coming here?" "This is our first time," Heather answered for them. "I thought you two broke up," Alicia interjected. "We did, but that was before I found out that Hal was keeping this from me?" "Oh so this was Hal's idea?" Devin asked with a smirk. "Of course it was. Right Haley?" Hal nodded uneasily. "Haley? So that's what he's calling himself?" Devin asked. "That's right," Heather answered without explaining that that it was what she called him not how he referred to himself. "So. Haley, how long have you been dressing like?" Alicia asked. "A few years." "Years! And you were able to keep it a secret?" Devin asked in a loud voice. "Don't be so shocked. He kept it from me for 2 years. I always felt he was hiding something, but I was never certain it was this," Heather interjected. "So you always knew?" Devin wondered. "I thought he was, but I was never certain until last week." "It still must have been a shock?," Alicia asked. "Why?" Heather asked. "Because you date a guy for two years and then find out he's gay." "Well, I wouldn't call him that." "What would you call him then?" Alicia wondered. "I'd call him a lesbian," Heather answered. Devin shook her head with a smile on her face. "So you two still..." Alicia went to say before her voice trailed off. "Yes, and he's far more attentive." "More attentive?" Alicia asked for clarification" "Yes, and I can't wait to see how he acts from now on as my bride" "Bride?" Devin shouted. Alicia was taken aback. Heather smiled and said, "Yes, my bride. We married earlier today. Didn't you see our rings?" "I don't know how I missed them," Devin responded as Alicia shook her head trying to comprehend the situation. Devin and Alicia stood silently for a moment before Heather asked, "So what brings you girls down here?" Devin responded, "I'm just a curious person. I like to watch unusual people. Cross dressers are just interesting." "Why is that?" Heather asked. "Because they're more fun than most men or women. They seem less inhibited. They're loud like men, but they're better communicators like women. You know, I think they're out loud personalities that stand out. "So you're looking for a freak show?" Heather asked. "Something like that," Alicia answered. "You girls should really try to pick up one of these guys. They're pretty good at knowing what you need." "No. No," Devin responded hastily. Alicia then added, "I don't like men in drag. I only go for real men." Alicia answer made Hal cringe as he thought about what Alicia and maybe his cousin thought of him. 'If I'm not a man what am I?' He wondered to himself. 'I'm not a woman. Is there something in between?' Devin and Alicia saw the unease on Hal's face and felt badly. Devin said that had to go, but that it was nice seeing them. As Devin went to kiss them good bye, she said to Hal, "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone about Haley." Hal stared over at Devin who nodded her head and waived goodbye to Heather and Hal. As Devin and Alicia walked out the door, Hal turned to Heather and exhaled. She just smiled and led him out to the dance floor. The rest of the night was more enjoyable for them both. It was comprised of nothing but dancing, drinking, and the occasional brief conversation with someone else at the club. A little after one, they headed to the car. Heather would periodically turn and smile at Hal as she drove them towards home. Heather parked the car in her development's parking lot. Heather exited first and walked around to Hal's door. Hal opened it, but Heather took Hal by the arm as he stepped out of the car in the parking lot before the condo. She led him towards the door as he nearly tripped while taking tired, awkward steps in his heels. As they closed the condo's front door behind them, Heather kissed him and said, "I'm so happy you're my darling wife." Hal smiled and responded, "I'm so happy you're my lovely bride." "Well, that's enough with this sappy crap," Heather responded with a smirk while she pulled at his arm. Hal followed her up the stairs and into the master bedroom. As they reached the bedroom, Hal took off his heels and watched her disrobe. Heather then walked over to him and slipped off his dress and bra and pushed him onto the bed. She rubbed Hal's member through his tights for over three minutes before she felt him coming close to orgasm. She pulled away from him and took her time to pull out Hal's teddie from the closet. She handed it to Hal who placed it on. As he fixed the straps on his shoulders, Hal felt Heather slowly drawing his pantyhose down his legs. As she stood up, he felt like taking initiative with her, but resisted because he did not feel that it was his place. Heather turned away from him and dressed in a babydoll. She then beckoned him out of the bedroom and into the living room. She told him to sit in the living room. He sat on the couch and waited for her to return. She came back in carrying two glasses of wine. She handed him a glass and sat beside him. Hal stared into her eyes as she started to speak. "Haley, I'm going to be working a lot." "I know. You need me to carry the load around the home." "Yes, but there's more. I'll be working late many days during the week. So I won't be around here and you as much as I'd like." "Oh, well. We'll still have the weekends and the mornings and lunches when you can swing it." "I'd like more than that." "Well, I would too, but how?" "Maybe we could work together." "You're going to get me a job at your company?" Hal asked. "Yes. Working directly for me." "Isn't that against your company's rules?" "No, and no one will even know we're married. I kept my own name, none of my coworkers or yours know that we're married." Hal was intrigued so he asked, "What will I do?" "You do my paperwork; get me coffee, mostly clerical work." "I'd be a secretary?" "Well, yes. But you'd be a male secretary. I wouldn't want you to present yourself as a transvestite or a transsexual. But, to be honest, I think most will think you're gay, but..." "I don't think so, Heather," Hal interjected. "Why not?" "I just can't do it. It's definitely pay cut." "Well, you'd make 40,000. My company pays well, especially for people to assist me." Hal realized that it was a 40,000 dollar pay cut and he responded, "Well, I was right that a 50 percent pay cut for me. I just can't afford to do that." Heather laughed a little and said, "Yes, you can, Haley. You're married to me. You don't even need to work anymore. What you make doesn't matter." "I just think you should get someone else." "I could easily get someone else, Haley, but I want you there with me. I want to spend more time with you. We can go into work together, and then I'll meet you at home when my work day ends later than yours. If there's a day I don't have to work late, we'll go home together. Please, Haley, come to work for me." Hal nodded and said, "I can start in two weeks. I need to give my company notice." She nodded and said, "It'll be great to have you. If you're not happy with the job after you take, don't feel too badly. It's only temporary." Hal squinted and said "Why's that?" "I want children." "So do I. What does that have to do with anything?" "When we have children, I want you to stay home and raise them." "I guess I could do that." "You will, and considering how dutiful you are, you'll love it. But I have to say, after their born, you can only wear your girl clothes beneath your male clothes, unless we're behind our closed bedroom doors." Hal nodded because her statements made sense. She made more money so she had to keep working. She had also once told him that she did not believe in paying others to raise her children. Hal looked up and saw Heather holding her glass in front of her. He raised his glass and they clinked their glasses together and drank up. They then headed to the bedroom to consummate their bond.

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The room spelled of piss and blood. And the walls looked as if they were covered in it. Forever stepped over old whiskey bottles and lifted her long black skirt to avoid the red and yellowish liquid which covered the floor. Her eyes were black rimmed by brown as she looked around the barely lit basement rooms that had once been her haven only to become her hell in a matter of days. Her nostrals flared as she picked up the scent of rotten meat and and the stale brown smell of old...

2 years ago
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Haleys obsession

Harley's obsession Author: wits11 (more than 22,400 words) My dear joker will not be angry, we Together, you can do something to kill the damn bat I don't want that. Damn my plan is ruined A heavy blow hit Halley's face and she flew out If you hadn't been able to get the bat out of the way, he'd have been in the trap of my design Haley left with a sad cheek over the swollen cheek Sorry, I just wanted to help you It's a stupid woman, I can't think of a more interesting...

2 years ago
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Haleys CometChapter 4

The summer of 2004 was supposed to be a free ride for me. I was planning on a spending 3 months on hiatus from my job to work with the Olympic hockey team. The firm I work for never had too much problem with my absences as they used them for publicity to show the company giving something back and a well rounded employee base. That was before hurricane season of 2004. I happened to be in Florida when Charlie came through. As it bore down on the state I was in the right place at the right...

1 year ago
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Haleys CometChapter 9

We fell asleep like that until about 3 in the morning when I had to get up to pee. I worked my way up without waking her and I covered her. I went back to sleep in my own bed because I didn't want to get into the habit of sleeping together every night. I wanted that to happen, and not be forced. Better to wake together when we could stay in bed together. Our relationship was at the point where we still needed time to be each other. I hoped she understood. In the morning after my radio went...

3 years ago
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Mysti Forever

Introduction: Jaime and Mysti have a scare [This is a continuation of Soothing Mysti. If you have not read it yet please do. As always please leave a comment. Mysti Forever by Thyrite Mysti I have waited for this moment for years. The moment I can claim my brother all to myself. I can put my hands on him and love him without restriction. I may be young still, but I have known my whole life who my soul mate is, consequences be damned. My heart drops to my ass when we pull onto our street and...

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Sometimes your life changes forever

This is a true story of my favorite activity. I was recently eighteen years old and full of excitement as a sissy who was now allowed in the local sex shop. I just couldn't get over the fact that so many men wanted an anonymous blowjob and I was more than happy to oblige any cock that came through the wall. I had become such a regular and was such a good cock sucker that I had accumulated a following during the daily lunch breaks. The store owner took notice and even advertised Little Mike on...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Sometimes your life changes forever

This is a true story of my favorite activity. I was recently eighteen years old and full of excitement as a sissy who was now allowed in the local sex shop. I just couldn't get over the fact that so many men wanted an anonymous blowjob and I was more than happy to oblige any cock that came through the wall. I had become such a regular and was such a good cock sucker that I had accumulated a following during the daily lunch breaks. The store owner took notice and even advertised Little Mike on...

Gay Male
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Valentines Day Forever

On Valentine's Day he brought me two dozen roses, one for each year of my life, a bottle of Cabernet, the same 2001 Beringer that he had brought when I fixed him dinner the first time, a box of hand made chocolates that he had driven to Gatlinburg to buy from from the candy store where we had brought chocolates on our first weekend away together, and a beautiful leather paddle with a pink heart emblazoned on the front. The paddle was the most significant gift because it signified that he was...

Love Stories
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Steele And Jake Forever

10pm. Rain-thuds. Windless. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my neighbourhood houses which looked like giant ships anchored in a dead calm sea of darkness. Depression. Hopelessness. Sensitivity. I'm 18 year old Steele Sanders, and I'm sitting on the rainy front stairs that lead up to my suburban home, lonely, still and blank. My black Nike hoodie drenched, only revealing the lower half of my face, between droplets, I look down, unmoved, like a concrete statue, as if waiting for something...

Gay Male
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Mistress Jasmine Made Me a Slave Forever

Mistress Jasmine made me a slave forever By Greta Since long I haven't written a story so maybe I am a little rusty, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. There are some autobiographic parts in it but most is fantasy, which part is real and which is fantasy I leave to you. Like any other author I do love comments too, whether they are good or bad. So please leave some words of praise or critics. Those critics which help me to become a better author are the...

1 year ago
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Steele And Jake Forever

10pm. Rain-thuds. Windless. Fingers of mist rolled off the roofs of my neighbourhood houses which looked like giant ships anchored in a dead calm sea of darkness. Depression. Hopelessness. Sensitivity. I'm 18 year old Steele Sanders, and I'm sitting on the rainy front stairs that lead up to my suburban home, lonely, still and blank. My black Nike hoodie drenched, only revealing the lower half of my face, between droplets, I look down, unmoved, like a concrete statue, as if waiting for something...

1 year ago
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Being Best Friends Forever

All I want is her press. Her lips and my own; compressing. Our bodies fused and merged. Being in the moment when.... In college my BFF was Meg. Megan Thomas and I did everything together. In the end I felt we did too much together. How now I wish again for that too much which I rejected in its vulnerable first offering. I drift back to when we were listening to music on her bed one Saturday afternoon in our final college year; mid- break: we were just lying back in that close I thought totally...

2 years ago
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Blueberry Fields Forever

I have been cross-dressing in secret since I was in my late teens. Over the years, I have accumulated quite a wardrobe and whenever I get a chance I like to get dressed. When there is little time, I just throw on a sexy bra, panties, and genderless outer clothes like a sweat suit and sneak off to the local adult bookstore in a totally non-passable condition. There I can usually find some dick to suck or someone to fuck my ass. Sometimes when the family is away, I get fully dressed in clearly...

1 year ago
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Events On A Cruise Ship Changes A Marriage Forever

Our sex life was mostly fun then. For a day or two after being apart for so long, we would have sex for hours, and he would make me feel sexy and wanted…always bringing home pretty outfits from fancy boutiques sought out during his travels…black, pink and blue lingerie ensembles…a Chinese geisha gown…and even a St. Pauli Girl get up from Europe that I wore on Halloween one year. Only occasionally back then would he bring up someone different during our bedroom time, and when he did he...

1 year ago
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Donna Kevin Forever

PLEASE NOTE: This is a continuation of the stories ‘Donna from Daycare’ and ‘Donna and Kevin Together.’ Unlike most of my stories, there was a limited amount of sex in those earlier parts, and there isn’t very much in this one either. * Kevin O’Brien woke up and smiled at the sweet face of Donna on the pillow next to the one he was using. He loved her so much as to almost constitute worship, and he knew that she returned his feelings. Both of them had been involved in extremely negative...

4 years ago
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cuckold forever

i was reading a post in here about a guy eating his first creampie from his gf..and i wrote such a long reply that it felt better to cut it short in there and made a full post in here.i've been there and it's such an amazing experience.it's the greatest gift women can give to betas like us..as i said in the reply comment.the shivers of lust and self realisation while we kiss their pussies only to find the juice of an alpha man inside them it's a gift that shocks us and that,no matter what, bind...

3 years ago
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Danny my forever

Danny, My Forever by alexcarr I must be honest and admit it has come to the point when I absolutely crave for Dan, my Danny.Being a month without him - he having a short overseas contract - I miss him to the core and what we do over the mobile phone or even on the web-cam bears no real significance to the real thing, in fact yesterday we both agreed to refrain because it did not seem personal or [private doing that over the net like someone was watching. Maybe that's okay if you are a bit of...

Gay Male
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Best Friends Forever

Best Friends Forever (Who writes the next chapter?) By Teri Franken [email protected] This story has been a big fantasy of mine, ever since I was a little kid. It never happened to me but I fantasized about it throughout my childhood and now into my adult life too. Enjoy, Teri Franken Part 1 Jackie and I were buddies and had been for most of our lives. We grew up living next door to each other, were the same age and came from similar families. We both had older sisters who...

4 years ago
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Forever byArecee "Help me," the old woman croaked. She reached for my arm with her bony, twisted fingers. Her cracked and ragged nails highlighted by a blue- black accumulation of dirt beneath them. "Get away," I said, shoving her hand away from my arm. I looked around the small park for someone to protect me. Protect me from an old and obviously feeble woman. I'm not that sick, yet. "Please help me, mister," she asked again. The words passed...

2 years ago
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Amy 11 Best Friends Forever

Amy 11: Best Friends Forever! by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: Saturday Morning Hangover Saturday I woke up early and rolled over in bed. I just lay there and looked around my room. My cheerleading uniform was lying on the floor, which reminded me of what a shitty time I'd been having...

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Girlfriend With Testing Device 9 Breast Friends Forever

Author's Note: Sorry for the long delay! Life was kicking my ass. Let's get back into it shall we? If you want to see more, I have everything up to chapter 15 posted at razmagurk.deviantart.com and chapter 16 or patreon.com/razmagurk Warning: this chapter is rated a lusty, boobier-than-normal R and includes boobs, tits, melons, pancakes, betrayal, romantic changeroom sex, boob swaps, oblivious friends, oblivious boyfriends, slutty drinks, strippers, girls with dicks, girls without...

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The day my life changed forever

The day my life changed forever! By hornygri1169There is a certain feeling you get when you go to sleep with a dildo in your ass, your sissy cock locked in chastity and your headphones in listening to guys moaning and cumming in a compilation series. It turns you into a breeding little cock craving whore. My nights when on like this for a week, and then I couldn’t take it anymore and starting searching for sex shops in the area.The thoughts were overwhelming, cock, cum, more cock, I want cum,...

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French Maid Forever

French Maid Forever Debra Phil didn't think it was such a big deal. Not really. OK, he probably should not have cheated on his wife, Cindy. Again. With his personal assistant. But he had. And Cindy had caught him. Now she was livid. She was waiving the separate property agreement he had signed the last time this had happened. If she demanded a divorce, and with the pictures she had she would get one. She would own the house, the company and all of the investments. He...

1 year ago
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Shelby and Her Best Friends Forever

"He's so cute." Fourteen year old Shelby Irving heard the statement during her high school lunch break as she approached Emily and Laura, her two Best Friends Forever. The young teen brushed her auburn bangs out of her eyes. It was Emily who had said the statement. "He sure is," said Laura. There was something in Laura's voice that Shelby took as being surprised that Emily said it yet not genuinely surprised. "I'd totally do it with him," said Emily. "Without a doubt." "Who?"...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 45 We Can Last Forever

December 30, 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota “I was beat after WATCHING that last game,” Mary said at the team lunch on Monday. “How can they have so much energy?!” I chuckled, “You’re the physician, Doc; you tell me!” “Adrenaline.” “And sheer willpower. Plus, you heard how much Jesse and Mikey slept. Dima was right about that.” “And about the outcome of the tournament, too,” he said smugly. The game had been, much as the US vs Finland gold medal game had been, anticlimactic. The team from...

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Lady Janice of SterlingChapter 7 Panties Forever

The next day, Janice still hadn't laundered my underwear. "I guess you'll just have to wear a pair of my panties again," she said, brightly, handing me a white pair with at least an inch (2.5 cm) of lace around the hem. "I really don't like wearing these to work," I said. "Tsk," she brushed away my concerns, "who's going to know?" "But..." "Now be a good boy and put these on," she commanded. Where will this end? I wondered to myself, as I slipped the panties on -- the...

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To Live Forever

I came home from work on a Thursday evening to find, of all things, a small baby sparrow, barely able to keep its eyes open and clearly unable to fly, hopping along the wall beneath the window of my apartment as it chirped constantly, pleading for help. At first, I looked around for a hidden nest, surprised that there might be one nearby as I had not noticed any fowl activity around the building in recent days or even weeks. Not surprisingly, I did not find a nest, nor did I see any parents...

2 years ago
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How to End Racism Forever

Brother Samuel here. A name that should require no introduction at this point. Your favorite big and tall, good-looking and openly bisexual Haitian-American author, law student and activist living near Boston, Massachusetts. Sometimes, I wonder why people simply can’t leave well enough alone. Why must they try to fix things that don’t need fixing? Don’t fix anything that’s not broken. Why do idiotic people get their cats and dogs neutered when the animals were perfectly fine the way they were?...

2 years ago
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A trip to the Mall changes the Hill family forever

Sandra is a 5'8" blonde that has long curly blonde hair. Her tall frame carries her 135 pounds well and shows off her shapely hips and ass while her 36C tits are the focus of many mens attention. She married as a 20 year old virgin and has only known her husband’s 7" cock. Samantha is tall like her mother. She is pushing 5'10" and has a look that draws boy’s attention when ever she is out and about. She has slimmer hips than her mother, but her tits are just as large and have the...

4 years ago
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Changed Forever

Yesterday, when I was young, I tasted cum upon my tongue and was forever changed. Now I’m in the twilight of my years, I still crave the taste of cum, as much or more than ever. However, at my advanced age, and having severe ED issues, most men pass me by.Little do they know, I still suck cock as good as ever, and I’m still a very good fuck. Tis sad, as little do they know, what they are missing. I was a mere sixteen when my girlfriend’s father caught me fucking his precious daughter. He...

Gay Male
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A family is changed forever

It was a dark dreary night and the family was getting ready for bed earlier than usual so they would be well rested for their busy Saturday to come. The family was fast asleep by 9 p.m. and dreaming of their ski trip to come. About 11:30 pm, Vicky awoke to make a trip to the bathroom for some Rolaids, and that’s when it happened. As she turned off the lights and headed back to bed, she was grabbed from behind and gagged before she could react. John, a 6'2" 210 pound career criminal handed...

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The Day My Life Changed Forever

I’d like to thank Dominic42 as he was my inspiration for this submission and may our friendship continue to grow with many more ideas. * It was three in the afternoon, sitting here bored with not a thing to do, so I threw on my bathing suit, picked up my keys and headed out the door for a drive along the lakeshore. With the music blaring, I cruised along the stretch of road that has sand dunes on my left and Lake Michigan on my right. I came to a secluded spot, parked my car, grabbed the...

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Maybe Never Forever

Maybe, Never, Forever Once more she heard those horrid words spill from his lips. He was berating himself again, talking about how he was ugly and how no one would ever want him. She automatically looked up from the book she had been perusing. Sometimes she just wanted to smack him as hard as she could. Perhaps she would knock some sense into his head. Other times — Other times she just wanted to talk right over and kiss him firmly on the mouth. How she longed to shove his body down and...

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