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Forever byArecee "Help me," the old woman croaked. She reached for my arm with her bony, twisted fingers. Her cracked and ragged nails highlighted by a blue- black accumulation of dirt beneath them. "Get away," I said, shoving her hand away from my arm. I looked around the small park for someone to protect me. Protect me from an old and obviously feeble woman. I'm not that sick, yet. "Please help me, mister," she asked again. The words passed from her leathery lips and cut through me. Her breath tainted the world with the smell of decay. "Get away crone, take my change and leave," I said throwing a handful of coins at her feet. "I don't want your money, mister; I need your help," she wheezed, her body greedily consuming huge amounts of oxygen. I regretted my decision to allow a wretch of a woman to entwine me with her obvious pitiful life, but couldn't summon the courage to merely walk away. For the last several weeks, since receiving word from my physician that I stood on death's door, my world view had softened. "That's all I can give, what else can I do?" "You can kill me," she responded. A shiver ran through me as her words chilled my blood. Kill me! Her ghastly mouth had actually formed words asking me to kill her, which she delivered with as little emotion as she might have shown ordering a loaf of bread: Her back horribly bent, she used a stick to stand. Rags barely covered a body dreadfully eaten by sores. Her frail skull pushed against wrinkled and weathered skin that threaten to split. Eyes glowed with a demonic shine under brows grown long from years of neglect. She struggled to take each breath; surely she had reached her end. Why would she ask to be killed; and why me? "You look as though death is near," I said, as I tried to walk away. "Just wait, your last will find you soon enough." "As your last will soon find you," she wailed. I spun to confront her. "How do you know about me?" Her face contorted into a moldy smile. "It is my business to know. I've searched for someone like you for years." "Woman- you have days left, you should be making your peace. Not tormenting others who are afflicted." Inoperable is how my doctor had termed my cancer. Untreatable because of its location. I was on my way to see an attorney about certain changes in my will - final responsibilities I couldn't avoid. "You look like you should be in a hospice, surrounded by your loved ones." "I've looked like I do for over two hundred years. Please, mister, end my life for me," she pleaded as she reached for my arm again. I drew back in disgust as her nails grazed my arm. Two hundred years? I didn't want to be touched by a crazy woman and felt horrified just looking at her. "Why ask me to kill? If you're determined to end your life why don't you do it yourself?" I backed away and looked around, hoping to spy someone in authority to take her away from me. She shook and a puff of dust ascended from her matted hair. "The curse won't let me kill myself, or I would have long ago." "What curse?" I asked, knowing I should get away. As repulsive as she was, I couldn't turn from her. "The curse that was cast on me when I escaped from the Russians." She made an effort to spit on the ground to show her disgust with whomever she thought had cursed her, but evidently no longer was able to produce phlegm. This is going nowhere. She sounds more demented with every word. Curses? Escapes? I have to end this nonsense. Turn your back and walk away, Richard! Nothing good will come from this, let her wallow in her insanity. "I'm sorry, lady," I said as I turned my back to her, "but what you're saying is crazy. Leave me alone." "I can give you eternal life, if you do as I ask," she called shrilly. Run, Richard, run. Get away and don't say another word. But who can ignore such an offer? I couldn't help but drop the words from my lips. "You can promise me eternal life?" She smiled like a tent preacher telling his flock how much better he could make their lives as he passed the collection plate. "Only if you kill me." Despite my dread she had me hooked. As an aspiring author, my stories came from the unlikeliest sources and I had to follow this one. It might lead to nothing or, there might be a best-seller lurking in the mist. Even though I was dying, I wanted to track down one last story. "You've tweaked my curiosity," I admitted. "Tell me more." Obviously seeing her advantage she pressed for more. "We must go somewhere, I'm getting cold. Do you have a place?" In for a penny...... "I can take you to my apartment." "That's good," she said with a barely detectable accent I hadn't noticed before. I guided her to my car and opened the passenger door. She lowered herself slowly until she sat, and then pulled her legs in. I closed the door and walked around the car lost I thought. We were soon on our way. Upon arriving I led her to the kitchen, avoiding the bedroom where my secrets had not been hidden before my walk. "Would you like something?" "Some tea would be fine," she said with a degree of grace that would have been at home in high society. I put water on the stove on high, and then moved to the table to see if the crazy woman had anything to offer I coild use in a story. "Do you have a name?" "Nadia." "I see." Ever since the '76 Olympics all the strange women have been named Nadia. "Nadia, you said you're two hundred years old?" "I'm much older than that, three hundred and fifty three to be exact," she responded without so much as a twitch. Three hundred fifty three years old; and she expects me to believe that? I sat in silence for several minutes gathering my thoughts. "I'm sorry, Nadia, but people don't live that long." "You're not the kind to believe only what everyone else believes." "What?" I said moving to serve her. She took a sip of the now ready tea. "People live as long as I have if a spell has been cast on them." I nodded, even though I wasn't buying the whole "spell" thing. "Look at the way I look; people shun me; would you want to look like this?" Would I like to be a woman? Of course I would, but not old and dying. "No--I wouldn't." "I didn't always look like this; I was once a very beautiful woman. I had my choice of any man I wanted. It was two hundred years ago that the spell became a curse." Beautiful? There's no way the filthy ancient remains in front of me had ever been anything but hideous. "How did that happen?" She sighed. "I didn't fulfill my part of the bargain." I rose and poured more tea into Nadia's cup. "Nadia, none of this is making any sense to me. I have to know everything that happened." "Let me warm myself first," she said as she sipped her tea. Her eyes gazed faraway. "I was born in Russia during the year of sixteen fifty- four just outside of Saint Petersburg. My family was very poor and when I turned twelve I was expected to become a man to help support our family. Life expectancy at that time was very short and most children married at fourteen of fifteen. A person was considered old at forty." Nadia apparently had used the word man as a description of responsibility rather than gender. I shifted my weight in my chair. "Be patient young man. I went to Saint Petersburg to find work. At that time things were very bad and you had to know someone to gain a position. The Czar was very rich as were his trusted friends, but the masses starved. I lived in a hovel and worked when I could find a job, which turned out to be seldom. When I was sixteen I stole for the first time. I hadn't eaten for days, so I took a loaf of bread and ran off. It had been easy, so I fell into a life of stealing other people's things. One day before my seventeenth birthday I was caught by a policeman and was being led away. I knew I would be thrown in prison or hanged if I didn't make my escape. I pushed away from the policeman and hit him in the face. Much to my misfortune he fell and struck his head on the frozen ground and died. I was now wanted for murder and fled." "How were you able to overpower a police officer, a woman surely wouldn't be strong enough?" She sucked on her teeth in exasperation. "You haven't been listening. I was a young man." A man? I would wash the cup she drank from with strong soap so I wouldn't catch her dementia. "How could that be; you're a woman?" "That came later." She shook her head and closed her eyes for a few seconds before continuing. "I had to hide, but always seemed to be only a half of a step ahead of the police. One day I was on my way back to my hideout when I was spotted and chased. I was lucky enough to steal a horse. After several days of constant pursuit my horse was shot from under me. I fell wounded, but continued my flight on foot into a dark forest. I stumbled upon a gypsy camp, ran to the first wagon I saw, and dove inside. An old woman asked me who I was and I explained truthfully. Horses drew near; and she told me the only thing I could do was to disguise myself and she would help." I wanted to take notes, but feared if I took out a pen she might lose her train of thought and her story would be gone forever. "She poured evil smelling liquids from three bottles and mixed them carefully. 'Drink this,' she said to me. 'It will make you invisible.' I scoffed. 'How can it do that?'" "I wouldn't have believed her either," I said. "Shhhhh, be silent, so I can finish my tale. 'Trust me,' the gypsy said, 'hurry and drink it.' I drank the foul liquid and waited for something to happen. 'Remove your clothes and lay in the bed,' she said. 'Cover yourself with a blanket.'" The old lady told her story mostly with her eyes closed. I noticed I had left my wig on its form on the counter and wondered if she had noticed it. She coughed and continued, "I did as instructed and the wagon went silent. I felt my body being pulled this way and that. I felt anxious as it was happening and stirred. 'Stay still my little one,' the gypsy hag said, 'the spell is working; rest and you will be fine.' The cover to the wagon flew open and the police entered. 'Where is he?' a man demanded. 'Who?' the woman asked. 'The murderer, where is he?' the man asked as he threw the woman aside." The old woman changed her voice with each character going from obviously gruff policeman to a shrill gypsy. "'I don't know what you're talking about,' the gypsy said in disgust. The man's eyes fell on me in the bed. He grabbed the covers and ripped them off. And if by miracle....he jumped back. 'I'm sorry miss,' he said as his gaze continued. 'I'm sorry." Miss? Her head was addled by her illness. I should call someone. "He threw the covers back on me and continued his search. I was naked and he had apologized for seeing me and called me 'miss.' I wondered how that could possibly be. After the man left the wagon I lifted the covers from my body, gasping when I saw what the spell had done. The sorceress had been right, I had become 'invisible' as a man--for I appeared to be a girl. Inside I remained a man, but outside I was a woman. The police rode away on their horses. I was safe and apparently my wound had been healed." I surveyed the room for my cell phone. I would try to get her into the county hospital. "'What have you done to me?' I asked the woman, who obviously was a witch. 'I helped you escape,' she said sweetly. 'But I'm a girl,' I wailed, 'change me back.'" Her story was too implausible. No reader would accept it. "'That is impossible my dear,' she said with apparent delight, 'this spell cannot be reversed.' I shuddered. 'What am I supposed to do now?' I asked, unable to comprehend a future as a woman. 'You must continue the spell,' she said plainly. 'You're now a beautiful young woman, one that will be desired by any man you see. You have become immortal, you will never die except by one means alone. You cannot take your own life; your life must be taken from you. To end it a wooden stake must be driven through your heart. To keep your beauty you must continue a ritual every day you live, or your health and beauty will fade. To remain young and comely you must bed a man between sunset and sunrise. He must deposit his seed deep within you; and you must drink a drop of his blood. If you fail to do this your life will become a hell with no return.'" Changed into a woman? She knew about my illness, could she possibly also know about me being transgendered? "'I have to bed a man?' I asked the gypsy out of bewilderment. 'Everyday without fail,' she explained. 'But, I'm a man; how am I going to do that?' I asked. She grinned. 'You're a woman in every way but one--your soul--and soon even that will change.' 'When must I start?' I asked, resigned to my fate. 'Today; and you must do it everyday until you die,' she answered. 'You must bite your lover's ear or prick his finger, but you must drink one drop, or you will fail even though you bed your man.'" My blood was throbbing in my temples. There was no denying her story had stirred me. She continued, "'I don't know if I can do this,' I said. 'You must, that is the price you paid to gain freedom from what would have been your death at the gallows,' she said and turned away to end our discussion. I rose from the bed and felt my body. My height had diminished and my new softness left no doubt as to my sex. I was truly a woman." She signaled with her hand to bring her more tea. "The witch brought a man I later learned was her son and he was the first to bed me. He cut his finger and I had my first drop of blood. I slept with every man in the camp and had to leave after that, because I had to bed a different man each night or the spell would end in disaster. I returned to Saint Petersburg and found that making money was easy because of my beauty; and I became in high demand. I could sleep with any man as many times as I wished, but I always had to bed at least one new man each day." A single tear escaped from her eye. "The years passed and I was tired of Saint Petersburg. I moved on and found Paris, where I became a famous courtesan. I dressed in the finest clothes and was waited on hand and foot. My life became a dream for a young boy from Russia, except that I had become a girl. The years became decades: and they became a century. My beauty never faded. I grew weary of the nightly ritual, but knew if I was to stop my mortality would end. I was in the courts of royalty and traveled to the countries of Europe in the finest luxury. I had learned to enjoy what had become of me, the decadence of what I was doing. Feeling a man deep inside of me and taking a drop of his blood never failed to give me a thrill. Yet--there always seemed to be something lacking though and I could never figure out what it was." My mind drifted with envy to the gowns she must have worn. Her life at that time sounded fabulous. "It was in eighteen six that I met Louis. He was a beautiful man, a bit older than me--remember I still appeared to be a seventeen year old girl--and I fell in love for the first time. I finally discovered what I had missed during those years, the feeling of being a woman. I had been nothing more than a receptacle for a man's sperm. When he entered me I thought my world would end, I had never had such a wonderful experience. The thrusts and depth he had made me have my first female orgasm. One hundred fifty years and finally I had my first; I was filled with bliss. He brought me to ecstasy five times that night; and I woke in his arms when the sunlight beamed through the window." "Fear gripped my stomach, I had forgotten to drink blood. I bit his ear and took a drop, but it was too late, the spell had been broken. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and already my beauty was fading, lines covered my face. I screamed and Louis ran to my side. 'My God, what happened to you?' he asked and left me, running from the room. By that night I looked as I do now, like a hundred and fifty year old woman." I listened as the woman talked. I had heard the ramblings of a crazy woman, but yet she had a way of making you believe. Living for more than three hundred and fifty years was impossible--everyone knew that--but... "What did you do after that night?" "I went from city to city and was always cast out as a pariah. Everywhere I went disaster struck and many people were killed, yet I survived. I was in the death camps of Auschwitz. People called me a Jew; and I was arrested. I went to the ovens and thought I would finally end my horror, I suffered atrociously, but the curse kept me from dying. Now I want you to end this for me; I can live no longer." I had seen mindless people walking the streets. It was always the same-- space invaders were coming, the earth was going to open up and swallow us, or my favorite, someone was lurking in the shadows--but a three hundred fifty year old woman? What would be next... flying cows? "Nadia, that was a very interesting story, but it didn't hold any justification for me to commit murder." "You wouldn't be committing murder, you would be assisting me in choosing when my life will end. And, you would be gaining eternal life." "But I would be killing you to have it." "You wouldn't be killing me, you would be putting me out of my misery. Please, Richard. You know you want to experience life as a real woman. I've seen you walking the streets in your dresses." Blood rushed to my face. She was the kind of person who could livei the shadows. She was the kind of person who saw things; not like all those others who walked with their eyes down. I needed to think long and hard about what Nadia had said. I would need proof of some sort. The ramblings of a crazy woman didn't justify murder or a "mercy killing" as she would call it. But, if there was a chance I could have my dream and cheat mortality at the same time, who wouldn't want that? I couldn't believe that I was getting caught up in her tale. I felt as though I was becoming as crazy as her for even listening to what she had said and considering investigating her story. No one lives for as long as she claims to have lived, it isn't possible. "Nadia, I'm tired and will have to sleep on what you told me. I can't turn you out, so you may sleep on the sofa tonight. I'll get some blankets for you and then we can talk more in the morning." The woman made herself comfortable and I covered her. "Goodnight Richard, you're very kind," Nadia said and drifted off to sleep. I brushed my teeth and fell into bed with the hope of a good night's sleep. It wasn't to be however, as my thoughts returned to what the old woman had asked of me. How can she expect me to kill her? I'm the kind of person that captures flies and releases them outside so as not to harm them, I don't even own a fly swatter. Why was I even dwelling on her craziness, I had to think of something else or I would never get to sleep. I tossed and turned all night. My thoughts never drifted far from Nadia's life or her perception of the fiction she believed. I had to disprove what she had told me or I would be drawn into her fantasy. I would be just as mad as her. In a way the story makes sense. Nadia gained greatly by avoiding death at the hands of the executioner. A price has to be paid for gain. That's the way things are. Everything comes with a price. I woke the next morning and felt as though I had been on an all night drinking binge. I padded into the living room and saw that yesterday had not been a dream. Nadia slept soundly on the sofa. I showered and dressed. Since it was Sunday I didn't have to work until the next day. I would have more questions for Nadia. Nadia woke with a start. She groaned as she lifted herself to a sitting position. "Good morning, would you like something to eat?" I asked. "Just a cup of tea." I had anticipated that and served her. "Nadia, I have to ask you some questions about what you told me yesterday. I'm sure you believe what you said to me, but I need some kind of proof as to the veracity of your story. I look at you and see an old woman, but I see old women everywhere, so that is no proof as to your age." "Then you are interested in helping me?" "I'm dying with no hope of a cure. I've wished for as long as I can remember to be magically changed into a female... how can I not be interested?" "I'd like to help." "Proving what I said would be difficult--the gypsy camps have long vanished. I can give you details of my life, but you will have to search to verify them. It would take much time and a bit of money." "I've quit my job to prepare for.... and I have my savings, but your story has me intrigued. I think there might be a story in what you've told me." "When you've finished you might not want anyone to know what you've done." "I'm not going to do anything that I will be ashamed of. I just want to investigate your story." "And if you find it to be true, then what?" Nadia was pushing for me to commit to murdering her. "I'll have to make that decision later; I just don't know what I'll do." I didn't know, that was the truth, there was no way I could ever kill the woman. That was out of the question, but her history was something I could look into. The possibility to have what I had always wanted was too much to simply ignore. "You must have done something to leave a record of yourself. What about a birth certificate?" "That was at a time when many births went unrecorded, especially in the country side." She hacked for a moment, making me think of the cancer that soon would destroy my own lungs. "There's not much. I remember the witch talking about the Cauldron of Cerridwen and the other gypsies called her Madame Awner." I jotted down some notes. "Did anyone write about you?" "Silly boy, who would write about a courtesan?" "There must be something to prove your story," I said. "There might be a way. There is still a small colony of gypsies living in Hungary. You must travel there and seek them out. When you do, you will find your answer." Travel to Hungray? "Nadia, that's crazy. I can't do that." "You said you had some money, why not?" Every part of her body was wracked with age, except her eyes. They flashed bright when she asked her question. "Because this whole thing is crazy. What you've told me can't be true," I snapped. "Please Richard, I'm begging you. If you won't go, then kill me now, end my hell." God, this is so messed up. I can't kill the woman and yet her words haunt me. I have to find an answer to what she has forced upon me. "Alright, Nadia, I'll go to Hungary and see if I can find something about your spell." I knew I would regret the words I had spoken. If I killed her I would be a murderer. And if I didn't she would be living the hell she claimed she was living. I had placed myself into a no win situation. Either way I would suffer thinking of her. Damn, why had I listened to her in the first place? I made arrangements to fly to Hungary. My passport was in order so the hardest thing I had to do was purchase my airline tickets for the round trip. I left Nadia with a key to my apartment and told her she was welcome to stay until I returned. I landed in Budapest and rented a small room near the center of the city that overlooked a small square that looked as though it was the gathering spot for the neighborhood. Mothers walked with their children and met to swing them with others. Old men sat at a table and played chess in the warm afternoon sunshine. I had business to attend to and not much time to linger. I started by asking where I could find gypsies. The responses ranged from humor to indignation. Apparently gypsies weren't well liked. From the gist of the conversations most were thieves and pickpockets. I was finally guided to a small shop several blocks from where I was staying. I opened the door and a bell tinkled. A pleasant looking woman in her forties entered from the rear of the store. She said something to me in Hungarian and I looked puzzled. "I'm sorry, I only speak English." "Ah, a tourest. What brings you to my shop?" "I was told you are an expert on gypsy folklore." The woman laughed. Another woman entered from the back of the store and started dusting the displays. "That's just a rumor," the first woman said. "I sell souvenirs with a gypsy theme, but the gypsies are all gone now. Why do you ask?" I told her about the spell that had been cast on Nadia, leaving out the murder, my chance to cheat cancer and Nadia's offer to make me the woman of my dreams. I explained only that I needed to know if what Nadia had told me could possibly be true. The woman started laughing. "There are many tales such as these; and I don't think any of what she told you is true. I think what you heard was the ramblings of an old woman." My stomach turned as the hope I had been feeling left me. "Is there somewhere else I can look?" "No, there isn't much interest in gypsies anymore. If you would like, I'll sell you a spell book. It's the latest edition." She laughed cruelly. My heart sank. My trip had been a waste. I shook my head and headed toward the door. The other woman had worked her way next to me. "I can help you," she whispered. "Meet me at the caf? around the corner in five minutes." She turned and walked to the rear of the shop--disappearing behind the curtain covering a doorway. I steadied my nerves and steeled myself to be sold another pack of lies, but quickly walked to where she had suggested. The woman approached me at my table. She was in her mid thirties. Her dazzling black hair fell to her waist and framed her rail thin but pleasantly pretty face. Her dark black eyes made me feel as though she looked right through me when she started. "You were asking about gypsy lore?" "Yes, do yo know something about it?" I asked. "I've heard fables, yes. What would you like to know?" "I met a woman who says she's immortal; and I want to know if what she says is true." "And how old is she?" "She says she's three hundred fifty years old," I replied. This is going to be another dead-end. She'll ask for money and will try to fleece me. "Did she say where she was from?" "Yes, Saint Petersburg." "I see. I heard of a powerful sorceress that lived during those times. The legend says thatshe was able to cast spells such as these, but they died with her. To this day no one knows how she did what she did." The woman seemed to be losing interest in me. "But it's just a legend, isn't it? There's no way she could have changed the sex of a person, is there?" I asked. "Don't doubt the power of the spells. If that woman says that the spell was cast on her, then it probably was. I have to go now, good luck mister." "Wait," I said quickly. "The powerful soreress, what was her name?" "Anwar," she said quietly, "supposedly she got her power from the Cauldron of Cerridwen." She left quickly without another word. She seems to feel as though the spell had actually occurred. I'll have to search some more. I went back to the small shop, but the woman was not there. When I asked about her, the shopkeeper claimed to have no idea who she might be. I never saw her again. I spent two weeks looking for more information and none was as positive as the first day with that woman at the caf?. Everywhere I went was a tourist trap and nothing more. I had thought a lot about what I had found and there was only one conclusion, the spell actually existed. I flew home. Nadia was still in my apartment when I returned. "Nadia, I believe you." "Will you kill me?" she asked hopefully. "I don't know." Would I be able to murder the woman? She wanted me to do just that. It wouldn't be a mercy killing, but murder, plain and simple. But, I'm dying and I don't want to die. God, I'm only twenty-six years old. This isn't fair, how can I do what she's asking of me? Is my life so important that I can kill to keep living? Then there's the curse, I would become a woman and if I screwed up I would become like Nadia, a disgusting old crone. God, I'm dying and have a chance to live like I always wanted, but at what cost? I'll be a murderer, but I'll be alive and a woman. All I have to do is drive a stake through her heart and remember to not break the spell. I can do it. Take the stake in my hand and put the point against her chest. Take a mallet and drive it through her flesh. It's simple. I'll have eternal life. I can get over my feelings and kill for once in my life, can't I? Four hundred years later a woman walked down a dark street. She was dressed nicely. She cursed her luck for having worn such high hells. They made it difficult to walk quickly in such a dark place. She felt a hand on her arm as she passed a dumpster. "Help me mister," the repulsive woman groaned. "I have the power to change you into a woman." "H-h-h-how do you know my secret?" he asked incredulously. "I know all about you," the hag said squinting. "Then you know I have no money." "I don't want your money, I want your help." "How can I help you, I can barely take care of myself." "You can kill me." "Kill you?" He staggered back from her in fear, but quickly regained his composure. "You look as though you will be dead soon." "I'll never die unless you take my life from me, you see, I'm over seven hundred years old-------!" The End

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Tabhi usne glass window ka curtain hataya aur mujhe aane ka ishara kiya, maine ishare se usko waha se hatane ka bola to wo darwaje ke bahar aakar khadi ho gayi aur main study room ki taraf furti se lapka. Room ke bahar hi usne mere kaan mein fusfusa kar bola ki sir please kuchh bhi karo us se pehle mujhe bula lena. Jaise hi main room mein enter hua aur maine dekha ki Sweety ne apna top gale tak upar kar rakha hai aur wo apne haatho se apne boobs ko press kar rahi thi. Uske dono boobs uske...

1 year ago
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Construction Workers Slave

Construction Workers' SlaveStory about a straight college k** who has a secret fantasy of being sexually dominated by a couple of guys and turned into a pussyboy sex slave. His fantasy comes true.My name is Ryan. I'm a university student, 20 years old, blonde hair,reasonably athletic looking, 5'8" tall, 160 lbs. I was just finishing up asummer job with a construction company where I was basically a foreman of aroad crew. Kyle and Brad are full time workers and on my crew, probably acouple of...

3 years ago
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Spirit Fox Lightning SwiftChapter 5

The bomb shell that my imaginary friend wasn't imaginary at all was something of a shock. "but ... but ... how can I hear you? And for that matter how can you hear me," I thought. I don't know, said Jessica, Oh, It must be telepathy! You're reading my thoughts!? I sent. I guess so, I don't really know. I can't think of any other explanation. I guess, unable to think of a more plausible explanation, me being crazy seemed high up on the list though. I was a little shocked by the...

3 years ago
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Its All So Dramatic

It Is All So Dramatic Author's Note: Back to school. This story occurred to me and I like the school stories. Enjoy! "This is your Principal, Edna Green, warning you hooligans that you need to stop running in the halls, stay out of your cars in the parking lot except when you are coming or going, and behave yourselves like the little ladies and gentlemen you are supposed to be!" Mr. Billings, the Drama teacher, heard the announcement followed by riotous laughter emanating from...

2 years ago
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2011 summer break

I am going to refer to my sister son as Matt. Matt and my sister were met by me at the airport. They both spent the weekend with me while we got Matt settled into my guest room. Matt and I dropped my sister off at the airport Sunday afternoon. For the next week I would go to work and when I got home Matt would be either on the beach, or, in my basement playing video games. My basement is divided into to two rooms split with a wall that has a pass-through bar. On one side of my basement is...

4 years ago
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Running Ch 4

Brin had pushed three clients and punished herself through exhausting workouts, but she was still filled with nervous energy as she came in through the garage. The delicious smell of onions and peppers sauteing in olive oil hit her immediately, and her stomach made an audible growl. Her dad was across the kitchen, his back to her, stirring the vegetables. He’d changed from his work clothes into running shorts, and when she saw him, all today’s efforts to push away her lurid thoughts were for...

1 year ago
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My novel The passionate dollar

(Kinda a lengthy read but i guarantee you wont be disappointed ....The Dr is back)As i spent another saturday alone in my apartment off of work i was glued to my computer. After about a good hour or so of internet porn and self love i began job hunting. I was willing to take anything. Because anything was better than a cashier at a movie theater. Where they treat you like shit. I applied everywhere. From fast food work, to a janitor at a school to a part time baby sitting job. Anything to pay...

3 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 18 Preparations Gone Awry

The first order of business for the newly operational factory was to extrude the core components of its first clone. Fully half of the station's replicators were tasked with fabricating the supporting equipment and containers that would preprocess the raw materials consumed by the factory. The two factory replicators would be positioned in a line with the raw material entry ends facing one another. The structure housing the 48 industrial replicators that were currently in orbit was...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 554

These Are Compliments of John A Is Proofreading A Dying Art? Man Kills Self Before Shooting Wife and Daughter This one I caught in the Tribune the other day and called the Editorial Room and asked who wrote this. It took two or three readings before the editor realized that what he was reading was impossible! They put in a correction the next day. I just couldn’t help but send this along. Too funny. Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says Really? Police Begin Campaign to Run Down...

3 years ago
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Lonely at Uni Part 1

University was a tough transition for me. Having to leave behind all my family, my friends and my boyfriend. They’d all promised to visit me as soon as they could, but I was still teary-eyed as I said my goodbyes to my parents and siblings and pulled out of the drive to start the 4-hour car journey. I’d refused help with moving my stuff in; it would only drag out the inevitable moment when I’d have to say goodbye. I should introduce myself. My name’s Jessie; I’m 18 with brown eyes, black hair...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Alicia Shelly 04 Swinging

Alicia & Shelly, 04, Swinging * An original work by Happy Pappy aka simaddict. * This story is Fiction. Any resemblence to persons living or dead  is purely coincidental. * All characters are eighteen or older. * Your comments are welcome and desired. I use them to fine-tune  my stories for better reading. ***** I’m Alicia. I just turned eighteen a few months ago. My very best friend, Shelly,  is five months older than I. Not only have we been best friends since the fourth  grade, we...

3 years ago
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Size Matters Chapter 1

Size MattersBy Paul Garland A Cuckold Collection Novella (available on Amazon) All rights reserved by the authorContents copyright 2020 © Paul Garland and Cerulean PublishingThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.The Cuckold CollectionI decided to start a new series...

3 years ago
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Craig HillChapter 52

Mark was awoken in the early hours of the morning. It was just staring to get light and Victoria was struggling in his arms and whimpering. "Darling," he whispered, "what's wrong?" She continued to struggle and when he tightened his arms round her she fought them. "No! No!" she moaned. Mark was alarmed. "Victoria," he said sharply and felt her stiffen. "Victoria, darling," he said more softly, "what's the matter, my sweet?" She turned abruptly in his arms. "Is that really...

2 years ago
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Road Passion

We were on the road from Mysore to Ooty in India. It is a beautiful road, with picturesque lodges along the road, and it passes through Karnataka's richest wildlife sanctuary. For miles, you can just see green trees, densely populating either side of the road. Deer, jackals, gaur (wild bison), peacocks, elephants, and sometimes even tigers can be seen on the road. It is a sure bet to raise a spirit of adventure in anyone travelling the road. Our bike was a powerful Roadking 250 cc...

First Time
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Seasonal Dates a Simple Christmas StoryChapter 5

In the morning, I woke and went in to work. It was a good morning. At a quarter before twelve, I received a page. I had a guest up front. I went up to reception and there was Lois looking really good. I gave her a quick hug and kiss. We went to the back and I introduced her to Kathy and Mack. The four of us went to lunch. It was delightful. When we finished and were back at the office, I walked her out to her car. She said, “I enjoyed meeting your friends. They’re good folks. Now, I want the...

3 years ago
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Pervy Pat

I grew up in a very poor household, raised by my mother as a single child. I can remember being hungry all the time and never getting what I wanted for Christmas and birthdays. That is until my mother met Patrick Donnelly. Pat was a wealthy man who afforded us all the things we’d never had before. My mother fell in love with him and they married a year later.Being twenty-two years older than my mother, Pat was actually old enough to be her dad, and old enough to be my grandpa. My mother was far...

1 year ago
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The New Bosss New Punch and Judy

Best to read the first two "The New Boss's New Punch" stories with this one.  He was taking his pleasure in her, slowly, from behind, when somebody walked onto the balcony.“James, is this the pretty young thing who works for you?” came a woman’s voice. James, startled, paused.“Well, yes, Judy, this is Kelly,” he managed to get out in a fairly normal tone of voice. Stark naked, bent over an oak table with her hands locked behind her back, she was startled too, to say the least. She made to try...

4 years ago
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The Princess New Gown

The Princess' New Gown By Heather Rose Brown Once apon a time, in a land closer than you may think, lived a beautiful kitten princess who had long silky fur the color of midnight. Unlike most princesses, she loved exploring the forest, climbing to the tippy-top of the highest trees, tumbling through wild fields, digging in mudholes and other very messy things. This was very frustrating for her parents, the King and the Queen, who just wanted their daughter to act like other...

1 year ago
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Girlfriends Suprise

I was a lonely geeky kid, never had a girlfriend and was always feeling left out, I had a few geeky friends, all of who was also just like me. I have a confessuon though ... I have always been attracted to penis's, I never liked boys or men per say, just to their parts. There had been many times when my best friend Cho and I would just hang out and talk about girls and even girls with cocks and we would act like it was discussing but we would both have hard cocks when we talked about it. I have...

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CherryPimps Linzee Ryder Linzee Gets More Than Milk From The Horny Milk Man

Linzee Ryder is such a slut. She always is laying around masturbating. No matter the time of day; you can bet her fingers are buried in her pussy. Her Husband is never around to satisfy her sexual cravings and when he is he has a limp dick. Lucky for her; there is a milk man that delivers more than just the daily milk to this horny MILF. Milk man Steve makes Linzee stroke his hard cock milking him for that cum. He buries that cock in that lonely wife; there is no tip like that of a hard long...

3 years ago
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Transformacion de Adrian

Hola a todas, les quiero comentar una aventura que pase hace algunas semanas, para iniciar les comento que soy Heterosexual, travesti de closet ya maduro, inicie con mi travestismo a los 11 a?os pero lo pude reprimir casi hasta los 20 a?os pues en mi ?poca el travestismo se pensaba como algo del demonio y yo, en ese entonces, me lamentaba de tener ese deseo de vestir de chica, como naci en los Estados Unidos, tengo la nacionalidad Norteamericana pero tengo padres Mexicanos asi que puedo estar en ...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Aryana Adin Shows off her giant 36E tits

Aryana Adin brings her beautifully big breasts to meet Manuel and get fucked hard! Aryana is an ebony beauty with a boisterous buxom and thick round ass. She’s dressed in a purple and black lace corset with black fishnets and high heels as she makes her way down the spiral staircase, teasing us along the way. When she makes it to the bottom, Aryana pulls down her top and bounces her jugs all around before twerking for the camera as she makes her way inside. Manuel’s waiting for her on the couch...

2 years ago
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A Smexy Pokemon Adventure

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is my first story, I apologise in advance if I mess up... I plan on working on this everyday. Maybe like 1 chapter a day or so, at MOST 1 chapter a week. That's it... ENJOY!!!!) You've been awake all night. You just can't seem to get some sleep, even though you need it. You turned 18 just a few weeks ago and are about to embark on a brand new journey. You decide to finish up Half Silver Alchemist: Sisterhood to pass the time. You're about to finish the 43rd episode, when...

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Threes a crowd

I was attending a party, at a pub in a town near where I live.Yes, I was dressed up; a black and white frilly skirt that hung to just above mid-thigh, denim knee high boots and a tiny tube top.I was here because someone at work mentioned this place, not recommended you understand, no; he was complaining about it. He spent about twenty minutes telling us on our lunch hour that every thursday night it was tranny night. His precious pub turned "gay" every thursday.Okay, so he's an arsehole, we all...

4 years ago
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A Work PartyChapter 6

My Voyage of Self-Discovery Ends The alleyway we parked in was actually far more spacious than I ever imagined. The single-lane drive was opened into a fairly large parking lot, with brick or concrete- walled buildings on three sides. There were some dank smells about, and the loud of dripping water somewhere, a steady stream of who knows what. Heavy debris and broken or discarded furniture was littered everywhere, and there were some stacks and piles that appeared to be organized lumps of...

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My Fantasy Chapters 1 and 2

This story as you will find out is all wishful thinking. But wouldn't it be fun to have the ability. When I was fifteen I experienced a life changing happening. I was on my paper route about 6:30 one morning when I came upon a single car wreck. A gentleman had gone off the road and hit a tree. The car was pretty smashed up and he was pinned inside. It had just happened because one of the wheels was still turning. I could see the figure of an older guy lying across the...

3 years ago
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The Last 24 HoursChapter 7

I awoke with a start and at first feared it had all been a dream. Then as I fully awakened I felt Beth's warm comforting mass next to me, pinning my right arm, so I relaxed before I disturbed her. I looked and saw the numbers of the digital clock, and realized I had only been asleep for about an hour. I looked down at the wonder sleeping beside me using my breast as a pillow. Moonlight came in through the small space between the curtains and lit the room in an ethereal glow; falling across...

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Cocksucking Adventures Of Cortni Ch2

Cortni couldn't get the thought of sucking guys dirty cocks out of her mind! Her pussy would juice up at school as she thought about how nasty it was to take some guy's filsthy disgusting, unwashed cock in her mouth and suck it until it shot out it's load. She had been going to the adult theatre now for a few weeks, and during that time, she blew over a hundred guys. Most were pretty clean, some were a bit smelly, but two were down right disgusting! The first was that of an old man she seen...

2 years ago
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InescapableChapter 2

It took close to an hour to get the hair ready. Every morning. I always had to take a shower - most girls didn’t wake up each and every day with cum in their hair. Shampoo and oceans of conditioner. I only went to the salon once or twice a week. Most days I’d have one of my ‘sisters’ help me blow dry it, usually Anong. If they were too busy, though, it took even longer. And then, tons of product to shape it just right. They were somewhat annoying at times, but long earrings and long hair...

2 years ago
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BBW and her bisexual husband

Toni was 26 and already a big girl when John met her. After 10 years together, she had grown huge. It had been her large breasts and curvy ass that had first attracted him to her, but now she was enormous all over and it had reached the point that John was having trouble getting aroused enough to have sex with her. It wasn’t that she didn’t want it; in fact she was hornier now then ever, but her body just didn’t do it for him as it once had. Although he sometimes felt bad about it and worried...

2 years ago
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Sharing my sister part 2

This is a continuation of sharing my sister part one; it does reflect true events as they happened.After that initial Saturday , I was buzzing completely and really wanted to rush straight round to my best friend Phil's house and blurt out all that had happened and couldn't understand how she could immediately tell Tina but I wasn't able to tell anyone. But I kept hearing Sharon's words in my head about not telling anyone. I also knew that Phil couldn't be trusted and wouldn't keep it to...

3 years ago
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Speechless Ch 02

Well here is the second installment, a bit longer then the last one. Hope you like it and PLEASE comment or vote to let me know if you do or don’t. Well here is the second installment, a bit longer then the last one. Hope you like it and PLEASE comment or vote to let me know if you do or don’t. * I was shell shocked by the sudden slyness she showed before drying herself and going inside. She wasn’t like this before, were is that sweet shy girl he met yesterday. By the time I reached the...

1 year ago
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Knowing My Feminity

Hi All! This is my first story and if i have done any mistake please forgive me. My Name is Rahul, my age is 18 and my height is 5’6”. The Story is all about feminine in me that turns me into female. When I was 15 my parents and my elder sister died in a car accident, they left me with lot of money. At that I was in shock but slowly I recovered. From child hood I was not having interest in girls. But, I used to play my sister or with girls in my colony because in our colony there were not a...

Gay Male
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 812

“SIX LITTLE STORIES” Well worth the 30 seconds to read! Once all villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella. That’s FAITH. When you throw babies in the air, they laugh because they know you will catch them. That’s TRUST. {3} Every night we go to bed without any assurance of being alive the next morning, but still we set the alarms to wake up. That’s HOPE. {4} We plan big things for tomorrow in...

2 years ago
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Sharing my sister part 7

SHARING MY sister PART 7This a continuation of Sharing My sister stories, although neither of my sisters are involved in this episode. It contains my sister Sharon’s best friend Tina, me and my 3 best friends at the time, Phil, Martin AND Mike.It was now the first Saturday of September and near the end of the school holidays we had spent the afternoon watching West Bromwich Albion (English football team) thrash Swansea 4-1.It was near 7.10pm we had made our way home across town, stopping for...

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I was about 16 when I started to take an interest in how I looked, until then I had been a school uniform or jeans and sweatshirt sort of boy. But as I approached my end of school exams, I noticed girls, not as sex objects like my friends did, but as clothes horses. They wore some amazing things away from school. And unlike my friends, I wanted to share in this joy of taking an interest in how I look. The first thing I did was to take better care of my hair, using my mother's shampoo,...

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Fancy a wank right now

Masturbation Is a wonderful gift we all enjoy. Next to sex with a loved partner, which is not always available when we need it, wanking is fantastic. I don’t know if you thought about it like this, perhaps you just take it for granted, but you can do it anytime you feel like it, practically anywhere, take it slow or make it quick, do it somewhere safe or take a risk in public, use your hands use a vibe or dildo , do it hands free, and unless you want to do it together with someone you only have...

4 years ago
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Meri Bhabhi Ki Moti Gaand

By: Lloydzbankz Hello mates, this is going to be my first story ova here, well yeh baat kuch 3 saal purani hai jab mein first year mein tha muje 12th class se jo moti gaaand ka shauk chada voh abhi tak nhi utar paaya it doesn’t matter to me how beautiful the women is jo matter karta hai voh sirf uski gaand agar uski gaand moti hai toh I’m ready to be a slave for her aur mera shauk hai us moti gaand ko khaana chaatna I can lick those assholes all day n nite long lol. So let’s begin jaldi se...

1 year ago
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Our First Time

It was my birthday, and my Daddy was taking me out for dinner, just the two of us. I liked it this way; it meant that I could flirt playfully with him without prying eyes. Of course at home I didn’t have this problem because my Mother had died in a car accident when I was five, and I was an only child, and Daddy had never seen another woman for more than a few months. However, this night, my birthday night, I knew what I wanted. I was a virgin, as I had only had one boyfriend but never wanted...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 23

The newsman read the story just like every one of the two-thousand and five hundred, or so, other stories he'd read in his long and unimportant career. When you watched, and listened to his delivery, you understood why Springfield, Missouri was as far as his broadcasting career was going to take him. "Just outside Orlando, Florida, police say three people were murdered, execution style, yesterday afternoon. The dead have been identified as Carol Sanderson, forty-two years old, and her two...

3 years ago
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Pogo and Spooky 4

One bottle of corn oil and one can whipped cream. I stared at the open bag resting on the polished bar in front of me, reflecting that this did not likely bode particularly well. Howard was looking over at me with a raised eyebrow, while across the room, Ex was failing to contain a smirk. Monster was apparently ignoring the whole thing while sipping neat rum; I was sure he was tracking though. He doesn’t miss much. The can of whipped cream was still cold, gathering moisture from the air, and...

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Family Football Match

I am a mother of three wonderful children, who I love very much. I have a son named Aaron, 18, who is somewhere near 6 feet, and has brown hair, and blue eyes. My daughters Lucy, 19, and Vikki, 22, both have reddish-brown hair like me, and blue eyes. My girls go to different colleges around the state, and my son to the local high school. I am 37 and also have reddish hair and blue eyes. My husband and I were divorced when Aaron was 10. Since we were all together for the weekend, of course we...

4 years ago
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Carrying OnChapter 37

The first day of August started as a normal, hot sultry day. The sun rose, and so did the temperature. The mosquitoes, which had stayed at bay most of the summer, were out in force. The change of the guard occurred at 0900 hours. It became clear very quickly that something was terribly wrong. The Militia had spent nearly two weeks reinforcing their position in the newly conquered town. They had found this locale so sparsely populated that the threat from the locals or anyone else was...

2 years ago
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Tasting Teresa

Teresa and I attended the same schools when we were young. We were close friends as kids and I always had a soft spot in my heart for her. Once we were in high school though, we shared a few classes but otherwise didn't mix overly much. I was into some things by then that didn’t suit her more innocent nature and she was watched pretty closely by her folks, so we ended up hanging out in different crowds. The truth was she was still a bit gangly for me as a teen anyway and I had other interest to...

College Sex
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 70

This compliments of one of my readers, stupid me never wrote his name ... Sorry but you know who you are. Three girls died and were brought to the gates of heaven. Upon entering the gate, they were halted by St. Peter and his obedient angel. St. Peter asked the girls, "Before entering, you must answer this simple question." "Which is... ?" they replied in unison. "Have you been a good girl?" he asked the first girl. "Oh yes," she said. "I was a virgin before I got married and...

2 years ago
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Hearts BloomingChapter 8 Changes in the Wind

Jennifer’s confidence in her abilities from defeating Patrick helped her gain full control of them. After spending the rest of that week showing her the rest of my tricks, Jennifer was as capable as any other telepath I’d run across. There were some things she would never be able to do, but things like cloak personalities weren’t really something she would ever need with her immunity. I still had hopes we’d find a way to get full two-ways to work, but after trying it once even without the...

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Cinderfella By Heather St. Claire The first nine years of the life of Eldon Ross IV were filled with happiness. He was the only child of Marsha Ross And Eldon Ross III, and he was deeply loved and indulged. Though he was young and innocent, he knew his life was special; it even occurred to him that in some ways he was living a fairy tale. After all, he lived in a wonderful mansion overlooking the great metropolis below. He thought of their home as a castle on a hill; his father was...

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Bridgets NightsChapter 7

The foursome gathered around me. I sat on the couch with Linda on one side and Sue on the other. Pat nestled in her husband's lap in the big chair facing us. I don't doubt that my eyes grew misty and far away. I wasn't seeing the room, but rather the soft rolling green hills and dales of Ireland. I knew that the faint traces that remained of my Irish accent grew stronger the longer I talked. I was born the eighth and final child to my parents, Michael and Mary O'Brien. Five brothers...

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Tiffany Is A Mean Stuck Up Bitch

One of teacher of the student council was speaking on the phone with the principle. The teacher name was “Donald Smith” “Well there you go. I am confessing. I slept with my college student Tiffany and the little bitch now black mailing me. She been doing it for years Ms Henderson” Donald said talking on the phone “mmmmf” Ms Henderson said on the other end “What!!?” “Sorry unless you mmmm have any proof of that said pictures came from her, mmmmm you ooooo have to drop it. So far we only have...

1 year ago
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Patiala Aunty Fucked Part 2

Hello friends my name is vijay singh and I am from punjab patiala city. My gmail id is My age is 20 and my height is 5 fit 5inch body is well muscles and my cock size is 7 inch long and 3 inch thick and I am m.Com 1st year student . I am a regular reader of indian sex stories I read all stories on iss but I am more and more interested in aunty stories kyu jo maza auntys ko chood kar aata hai wo maza kisi ladki ko chood kar nahi aata kyu ki aunts ko sex k bare me jayada pta hota hai aur wo pur...

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