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Loss (Chapter 1)

I sat looking out the window at a cold, grey world. My heart was in pieces after reading the angry, hateful email from my soul mate. She had accused me of wrong doing, thanks all to a manipulative friend of hers whom had expressed her own interest in me.

This all came about just four days before she was to have traveled to have been with me, a new life and lasting love that was meant to be through all eternity.

The emptiness in my heart and soul was beyond description. It felt as though I was falling, just falling down a deep dark endless pit with no hope of hitting the bottom, no hope to stop my fall.

Longingly I looked at the photo of my now lost love that I held in my right hand. Slowly I turned my head, feeling no emotion I stared at the bottle of pills in my left hand. The loss of my love was soul crushing and the only thought in my mind was if I cannot be with her in life, perhaps God would have mercy on my soul and we would be reunited in another life.

Gently I place her photo down on the table next to my bed. I smiled at her as tears flowed from my eyes and I poured out the pills in my hand. With no other thought, consumed with only the pain of my broken heart I swallowed the pills.

Lovingly I took hold of the photo, laying back down in my bed, I laid her photo on chest, over my heart. There I laid, closing my eyes, my only thoughts were of her and my love flowing from the broken pieces of my heart.

I awoke to an eerie silence. I was in my bed, dust covered everything in the room except for my body. Was I alive? I shouldn’t be. Was this my punishment, my hell?

I sat up, experiencing a very odd sense of disorientation. Looking around the room it seemed as though the power was out. I grabbed my phone to look at the time and date but I found it dead. I slid out of my bed, stumbling I bit as I moved to my bedroom door. The haunting silence sent a cold chill down my spine. I staggered from room to room checking the power finding everything was off.

I made my way down the to my front door. I stepped outside as I would have done any other time to see if the entire neighborhood was out of power.

I was greeted to a shock of all my senses. First, I was hit by the odd silence, no sounds of car or of people. Then the smell hit my olfactory sense. It was a very odd sweet smell. I stood in my doorway looking and listening and there was no sound of people, just the birds. I walked down the street, looking at the homes and that is when a sense of dread came over me. I saw homes with their front doors wide open, belonging strewn across the yards. Then as I rounded the corner I saw several cars, doors wide open, one crashed into another.

Cautiously I approached the cars preparing myself for what I would see. As I got closer I began to notice more indications that this was beyond the ordinary. The cars were not running, nor did I hear the chime of the open door warning alert. When I reached the car, expecting to find a person or even a body I found nothing!

There was no indications that anyone had been in the cars. I checked the ignition finding the keys in it and that the car was on when this incident occurred. As I surveyed the car I saw belongings hastily stuffed into suitcases.

I went from car to car examining each one making the same findings. I decided to venture into another home. I made my way to the nearest home with the front door wide open. I had this odd ‘ringing’ in my ears…or more like a strange conversation in my mind, one that was just at the level that I could ascertain it was a conversation but I could not make out the words, it was at that time that I became aware of the burning in my chest.

I popped my head into the door calling out, ‘Hello…anyone here?’ I was greeted by silence. Cautiously I made my way through that home finding the same as in my home, no power, no people, and dust and cob webs.

I started to wonder if I was dead or was I alive. If I was alive, how long had I been in my bed? Then my thoughts immediately went to end of the world thoughts, something has happened to people…to humans on the planet.

Moving quickly I left the home, standing in the middle of the front yard I yelled at the top of my lungs, “HELLO!” I listened for a response and my ears were greeted with silence.

“IS ANYONE HERE?” More deafening silence. I thought for a moment that was probably the dumbest thing I could have done as I probably brought attention to myself. My thoughts then went to my love…was she gone like everyone else?

That is when I noticed I was scratching my chest, my left breast where I had a medical device implanted. I look down my shirt and found that area was bright red…almost glowing as well as it was very warm to the touch. The ‘conversation’ in my mind grew louder but still out of reach to understand the words.

I made my way back to my home, to my own car. I assumed it would not start by at this point I had nothing to lose. I needed to get out of my confined neighborhood to investigate how far spread this was.

I sat in my car and tried starting it with no luck. There was no power. ‘How long have I been out if this is reality?’ I thought to myself. Then I my mind wandered to the other possibility that this was not reality. Then I thought, if this was some sort of horrible dream I could still control my dream as I had done in the past. I placed my hand on the ignition, I pictured power flowing from my body to the car and picturing it starting. I felt a very a strong surge, my body felt as if it was warming like a piece of metal in a forge.

For a moment I felt as though a spot light had been shown on me, as though a million eyes were focused on myself. At that moment my car started and those odd sensations disappeared.

Slowly I drove down the street, expecting some child to dart out in front my car. I looked from house to house seeing the same things. Homes left open, belongings strewn around the yards, cars either in the driveway or in the road as if someone had just left them there.

As I made my way to the highway the scene only became more disheartening. I saw cars and trucks all over the road, crashed into other vehicles or into buildings. Several buildings had burnt down and by observation it had been a long time. I saw no smoking, no signs of smoldering. I thought aloud, ‘My God, what happened? How long was I dead?’

I made my way to the highway, dodging around the cars that had been left all over the roads. I still saw no signs of people…no signs of human life. I glanced up into the sky, looking for jet, planes or helicopters but I only saw birds soaring through the sky, singing away. At one moment I thought I had seen something moving in through the clouds that was man-made however my eyes pulled from their skyward gaze so I could dodge another car in the middle of the road.

I drove slowly along the highway scanning the building, subdivisions and horizon. The scene repeated itself, although I did see black smoke coming from the city. I assumed it was just more burning buildings from unchecked fires. As I drove my thoughts kept drifting back to my love, my Marina. In the back of my mind a song was playing over and over again. The song was Autumn Winds from Jeff Wayne’s musical version of War of the Worlds.

I began to lose myself in thoughts of my soul mate, her touch, her scent, her voice. The pain in my heart resurfaced as did all the love for her.

I nearly ran into a roadblock on the highway as I thought of my love. It was several destroyed military vehicles. Slamming on my brakes, I stopped looking at the destruction. It was the first time I had seen any bodies, burnt skeletons but a first sign of humans. Oddly, I noticed that my thoughts about the skeletons was more analytical than emotional. Placing my car in park, I stepped out to examine the scene. Whatever destroyed the combat vehicles was precise but not explosive. The skeletons appeared to have been struck by some odd weapon. Parts of the rib cage and skulls had signs of being burned through.

Suddenly I felt as if I was two personas in one. I should have been horrified but what I saw but instead I was analyzing the scene, the damage, the bodies as if I was gathering data. Then I noticed the ‘voices’ in mind had become quiet, almost as if they merged into one voice. Again I had this feeling as though millions of eyes were looking at me.

I walked to my car just thinking about the scene behind my back, my thoughts running to Marina. I prayed she was still alive but in my heart I knew she was taken from me again.

At this point I found myself having an odd mental conversation. One part of my mind was telling me to go back a take a weapon for protection. That side of my mind was saying I was making the classic movie mistake by not taking one. The other side of my mind, the logical side thought, and those weapons did nothing to save those military personnel so there would be no point for me take one along.

I drove down the highway deciding to circle around the city. My thoughts kept wandering back to Marina, the life I dreamed for us. My heart was torn again between my love and emptiness. If this was real…was she dead…did she suffer…could she possibly be alive somewhere. I had this odd feeling, a feeling I was being observed. I glanced up into the sky again and saw two objects far above me. I just had a feeling, a thought that I was being observed. A feeling of dread came over me. I felt that whatever it was I was now a target and it would only be a matter of time before whatever unknown entity came for me.

Suddenly I slammed on the brakes as if some reflex had kicked in.

“What the fuck.” I yelled aloud to nobody. Now I heard the voice clearly in my mind telling me to get out of my car and observe. My body felt as though it was a fire, my thoughts were processing at lighting speed. I felt now as though I lost control of all motor function in my body; I was just a passenger in my own body.

My body took me to the edge of the highway, looking out over at a field between to small wooded areas. The voice in my head spoke one word, ‘Observe.’

I watched, feeling as though I could not do anything else. That is when I saw a person come running out of the wooded area. I observed the person running as fast as they could while glancing over their shoulder. I wanted to shout out to them but for some reason I could not, I could only just observe the scene unfolding before me.

The person was about mid-way in the field when I observed a dark, swarming cloud appear from the wooded area from where the person had come from. To me, the cloud looked as though it was a large swarm of bees albeit being swarm about seven feet in height and four feet in width. I watched the swarm move effortlessly towards the running human. The swarm caught up with the human just before they had made it into the other wooded area. The individual glanced over their shoulder one last time, frozen in place. I heard them let out a loud shriek as the swarm encompassed them. Then there was an eerie silence and the swarm moved off. Where the human had been standing there was nothing. No body, no clothes, nothing. It was as if the person had never existed.

I did not feel horrified, shocked or frightened which was odd within itself. I felt nothing. Then I noted that I had not even paid attention or even cared if the person had been a male or female. I felt no emotions for a moment. Then like a balloon popping my thoughts darted to Marina and I wondered if this is what had happened to her. My heart sunk at the thought of that happening to her. No matter what I had transpired between us my love for her was beyond expression. I would have done anything for her, to protect her and if she was still alive somewhere I would find her and protect her.

I was snapped from my dream world to the realization that the swarm was now moving towards me. I stood along the highway just watching the swarm move towards me. Again I felt no fear, no emotions at all. When the swarm moved within a few feet of myself I felt my body surge with an odd power as well as a sense of pure rage. I assumed that maybe I was still dreaming and I just thought or knew I could stop what was about to happen.

I stretched out my arm, raising my hand at the swarm. My chest burned like a steel mill furnace. The feeling moved through my body down my arm and out through my hand. I felt a pulsation emanated from my extended hand, the swarm before me stopped. As the pulses grew, the swarm before me began to compress. My thoughts were like a river flowing in one direction, one thought preservation.

For some odd reason my thoughts then drifted to one word, one memory, Marina. I became enraged, consumed in a firestorm of anger. I thought about her, I thought about how our relationship ended, the cause of it. Then I thought of her being consumed by this swarm. I pictured my rage as a monster, Godzilla in fact. As I was consumed in my rage I had not noticed what was happening to the swarm. I continued to compress it, crushing it into a smaller and smaller ball. My rage over flowed, drowning my thoughts in pure boiling anger. I was snapped from my rage, the explosion from the swarm so close me should have injured me or at least knocked me back.

With just a thought, ‘shield’, not only did I feel but I saw a barrier encompass my body as the fragments and energy from the blast rolled around my body. I observed it happening in slow motion, time nearly slowing down. Once the blast had dissipated the feeling of being observed washed over me again. This time it was not just that strange feeling of being watched, at this moment I knew I had the full attention of someone. A monotone voice spoke in my head, ‘Threat detected. Level one, engage and extinguish’.

I stood there, motionless just thinking about what I had just witnessed. I thought about my love how the last words spoken between us were ones of anger. How I wished I could take it all back. I wish for one more chance to see her, be with her and to tell her I was sorry. However, after what I had just seen and done; I lost all hope she was even still alive. I walked back to my car to continue my journey and as for this voice, I thought my response. ‘Please come and try. You took my beloved and I will have vengeance.’


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”Are you kidding me?” I sighed to the attendant, ”Cancelled?””Yes sir, I'm sorry, ” she confirmed, ”I can get you on the first flight to Dallas tomorrow morning at nine forty-five.”I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. I was trying to get to Dallas for Thanksgiving. Stuck in Wichita for the night due to a snowstorm and a canceled flight. ”Yeah, let's do that,” I said to the attendant.What the hell was I going to do now. All the flights out were canceled. No hotel rooms were available. I could...

2 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 102

~~Antoinette~~ High within her tower, Antoinette perused the latest information she had acquired through her network of spies. Pictures of Terra Den and its enforcers were cropping up, far more than she wished, as were pictures of the various Xnomina thralls and ghouls, moving against them during daylight. Forever a frustration, that a Kindred’s movements and actions were limited to the night, while their far less capable thralls and ghouls could move about freely whenever they desired....

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sandra lets michael into her hotel room 'lets do something kinky' sandra says taking off her top showing her pert tits 'let me tie you to the bed''uh ok but will anyone walk in ''no i'm staying here alone we have the place to ourselves' sandra pulls off her skirt she isn't wearing any panties her cunt is on display 'take your clothes off then i'll tie you down ' she reaches out and strokes his hard cock through his trousersmichael strips not taking his eyes off sandras tits and cunt he knows...

1 year ago
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Me Manu Tarak Madhu And FatherInLaw 8211 Part 2

By this time my FIL and Tarak were fucking Manu like porn stars. Manu was hissing, “Please papa, Tarak, fill me with your juices! Make me happy. I want to feel your hot sperm inside me.” Her father grunted, “Yes beti I am going to cum in your hungry cunt whore.” Manu was buckling between Tarak and her father. The three of them came simultaneously one after another.Exhausted, they remained in the same position for some time. Patiently I strolled back to my room. I downloaded the recording from...

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Sex experience with my mother sister

Hi my Name is Shivu, I am from Karnataka, I have a affair with my mum and sister, .In my home we three mum me sister, mum is 44 years ,sister was 32 working in one of the govt department of Karnataka and she is not married .she and my mum looks like sisters. This happened one day I came from my school due to a strike in the school. I saw a very pain full seen in my life. I just came to home ,the front door was closed from in side, I thought my sister kamalakka may be in the office. I notice...

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Glory Hole

My latest encounter at the glory hole.I went to the pron shop to jerk off and took one of the booths that was in the middle of two, that way I could see through the glory holes at someone one on each side.Both sides had some guy with cock in hand stroking away. I had my pants down, grabing my balls and stroking my cock. Seeing the other guys getting hard only made me harder then usual.Instead of just jerking off and leaving, I finally got up the courage to invite a cock thru so I could jerk it...

1 year ago
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Corruption Of Champions

Corruption of Champions (mod)! I’m always down for some sexy RPGs or fantasy stories involving kinky shit. Just look at Game of Thrones. You think that shit got so popular because of the plot? I doubt it. It was probably the incest scenes. You sick fucks seem to be loving that kind of shit recently. But, anyway, I like a good RPG focused on hot babes and crazy fetishes. There aren’t many out there. The only one that comes to mind that you fucks might have heard of is Monster Girl Quest, which...

Free Sex Games
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Ships Passing in Dreamland

Jamie Moore is a copywriter for an ad agency based out of San Francisco. In her travels between her agency's office in San Fran and Seattle she was able to keep a man in each city until things got too serious with both and they eventually found out about each other leaving Jamie heartbroken, sorry, cold and alone. Looking for an outlet for her feelings she began to write of her exploits with the two in erotic short stories. Jamie developed many fans that wrote her in praise of her work. One...

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FBI It Means Female Body Inspector Part 1

Detective Jay Whitman couldn’t bring his mind to forget. He smiled inwardly, lifted and curled his legs over his desk, and brought his pen to his mouth, “God, what an ass she had! The things I do to that, fuck!” His dick stirred a bit under his pants making him shift uncomfortably at his seat. With that, his mind was back to work, but the stirring image of Carla Martinez’s ass, shapely, high and all-so spankable in those tight tights that all females wear these days, was still firmly etched in...

Straight Sex
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From Innocent to Slave

Karla groaned loudly in agony Karla groaned loudly in agony.? Her head was throbbing and she couldn?t remember how she got here, wherever ?here? was.? She opened her eyes.? Blackness.? Nothingness. ?Where am I?? She thought.? Struggling to sit up, she felt her surroundings; she was in a small room that seemed to be made of metal.? She tried to stand up but found that the ceiling was just low enough so she couldn?t stand up straight.? The only distinguishing feature of the room was the...

4 years ago
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A Christmas Ball to Remember Ch 02

Sarah phoned up to Buffy’s room where she had been since arriving back with her dress. “Hello Buffy, sorry to disturb you but Dawn has just arrived.” “Thanks Sarah, can you show her to her room and tell her that I will see her when I’m showered.” Buffy said. ‘She sounds exhausted’ thought Sarah as she replaced the receiver. Sarah got up checked herself in the mirror that hung on the far side of her office and walked out into the reception hall to greet Dawn. Sarah noticed Dawn getting out of...

2 years ago
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Summer With My Busty Mallu Vallyemma 8211 Part 2

Hi friends, I hope you liked the first part of my fantasy story. Please check it out if you haven’t read it as yet. So, I was stroking my dick, smelling and chewing my mallu Vallyemma’s sweaty panties, and yelling out her name unconsciously. I came suddenly and at that moment, I heard her asking, “What happened son, why are you calling me..?” Suddenly, I came back to my senses. What the fuck I’ve done! I might’ve whispered her name loudly. I told in an artificial panic tone, “Spider.” She...

2 years ago
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Ice Cream

You have just come out of the shower and are lying on the bed in your towel feeling really relaxed. I have been in the kitchen – you have been wondering what I have been up to as I had a huge grin on my face as you were going into the shower -you were hoping I was going to join you but I just went into the kitchen. I come into the bedroom wearing only a pair of sweatpants and carrying your favorite ice cream – chocolate! ‘It’s not what you think sweety – I have a better use for this’ I say...

3 years ago
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Chemystery, by Karin Bishop May 15 I don't know why I'm writing this; something just made me want to start a journal. I'm not doing it for any class or anything; Mom didn't tell me to do it or even hint at it. I just have this ...feeling that I should write down things. Since it's my journal I should say something about myself. They say that people who keep journals or diaries look back years later and are surprised by what they thought 'way back when'. So I guess that's why...

4 years ago
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cock Pussy More Cock

Today, I get to record a fantasy that I have had for some time. It's of me, my friend and his lady. We have come to the desert again and I have decided to take a walk over to my friends house, it being a very pleasant and warm morning. I arrive naked and find my friend and his lady also naked relaxing on their deck drinking coffee. I step onto the deck and your lady stands to give me a big hug. I rap my arms around her and find her very responsive to my hug, in fact somewhat...

1 year ago
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Night Scene part 2

I can't believe what I just did. I just made the decision to take this woman to my hotel. I have never been with another woman before in my life! What was I going to do with her? I heard about what two women did together and I seen my share of porno flicks that gave me an idea but I never thought about it nor did I ever desire it until now. For the first time in a long time I was nervous about being intimate with someone. I took another glass of champagne to relax my nerves. I looked into...

2 years ago
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Girls Night

“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!” says Candace to Nicole as the male strippers remove their legs from behind their shoulders. Shannon and Kelly giggle loudly from behind their gyrating muscular dancers. It was Nicole’s idea for the wild girls’ weekend in Vegas and Candace’s idea to go to the Thunder Down Under show for some sexy entertainment. Although the girls were dressed to impress in small skin-tight black dresses and “fuck me” heels, none of them thought they would get the extra...

Group Sex
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All he wanted was to be happy

Please note : This story is completely fictional! Dave Matherson was in his late thirties, thirty-seven to be exact. It had been about three years since Dave had even touched another woman, much less had sex. His wife had died 18 years ago, while giving birth to his daughter, Garnet. Dave didn't blame Garnet for his wife's death, it wasn't entirely her fault. She was only an infant, it wasn't like she had killed his wife, her mother, on purpose. Sure, he had gone on a few dates, but none of...

1 year ago
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Unusual Business Chapter 2

Jack pulled halfway out of the lane to make room for a lit-up Police car to go past and then nosed back onto the road behind it. It looked like APD Chief Buli ‘Bullet’ Collins was in a hurry, and he steadily pulled away. Not so far away that when he turned, Jack didn’t recognize that it was onto the street he lived on. He picked up the pace to close the gap. When Jack made the turn he saw several more Police cars, including one of the ‘baby shit boxes,’ a County Sheriff’s cruiser...

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The Machine

The Machine My mother was really gonna do it. She was going to put the Machine on my head. And I was just sitting there. Why wasn't I fighting this? I should have been swearing, kicking, threatening to run away. I mean, I was a boy, and boys aren't supposed to use the Machine. But I just sat there. They took me to the chair, and put the Machine on my head. I trembled, and closed my eyes. Finally the Machine was done, and my mother lead me over to the mirror. And...

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The Sweetest Sin Ch 0708

Chapter 7 ‘So what’s your brother’s deal?’ Eowyn asked Tucker ‘His deal? What do you mean?’ ‘Well he seems like he really tries to be a ‘do the right thing’ kind of guy, but yet he can’t make himself leave.’ Tucker looked at her with questioning eyes ‘So you’re saying all of this is wrong?’ ‘No, I’m just saying I think that Jeremy thinks it’s wrong, but he can’t make himself leave. I was just wondering is he was always so conflicted.’ ‘Yeah he pretty much is, he tries to analyze...

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Sheena8217s Defloweration

This is my first submission to this site and if you like it please leave a comment so that and I get to know your feelings. Any suggestions are also welcome in form of comments. all dialog are in Hindi while the narrative is kept in English according to your comments I would come up with complete Hindi or complete English version as soon as possible. Now enjoy the story. I hope you enjoy the experience like I did. Another summer day in Delhi and the mercury was shooting above 40. Sheena was...

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My name is Anthony, although all the kids at school just call me "Nerd Ant". This is my senior year and I'm the school's top honor student with straight A average for my entire 4 years of high school. I'm also probally the last virgin in the entire graduating class. Not one single date in my entire 18 years. Every time I get close to a girl I break out in a rash and on occasion even stammer somewhat. During the class elections for special categories in our year book, my picture appears...

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The PrincessChapter 7

Later that week, Ron and Phillip encountered each other in the hallway, quite by accident. After the initial shock, they spoke quietly to one another, each expressing their understanding of the deception by CeeCee and clearing each other of any other motivation. Being a senior and new to the school, Ron wanted to extract some sense of revenge, this year while he was still here to enjoy it. He told Phillip of his wish, and Phillip responded heartily. They roughed out a plan and agreed to...

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The Devils Pact Ghost of Paris Chapter 9 The Marital Bed

Introduction: The Ghost violates the marriage bed and fucks a wife next to her passed out husband. The Devils Pact, The Ghost of Paris by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Nine: The Marital Bed Tuesday, September 17th, 2013 Paris, Texas It was nearing midnight and Heather Pritchard lay on her side, snoring softly, which was strange to hear coming from such a beautiful, young woman. She was my favorite bedmatea redheaded vixen that loved my cock. Tonight I had made a...

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Brandys deep throat adventures Part 2

Believe it or not, I actually did sleep a bit. And when I woke up, Bonnie and Bill were sleeping in their own bedroom, having placed a sign on the front door of the house that read ‘– ‘“Please do not disturb until 2 p.m.’” Brandy, meanwhile, was right where I’d left her. “Are you awake, Brandy?” I asked her. Again, she wiggled her bum. I looked around. The key was on the table, not that far away. I started to feel like I needed to pee, and considered trying to unlatch myself to go to the...

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