Haley Just Wanted A Quiet Drink With Mom And Her Big Sister free porn video

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This is a continuing saga from the: IT JUST HAPPENED series. If you want more background before reading, then refer back to: It Just Happened, It Just Happened…. Again and It Just Happened….Again….And Again.

The basic information from those stories is: Jim and Lucy have three grown daughters; all of them beautiful, and all of them married to older men. Each daughter had initially married someone their own age, only to replace them after a couple years with someone closer to their Dad's age.

Cathy moved in with her parents while divorcing her second husband and a weak moment leads to an incestuous coupling between her and her father. Lucy has an incestuous affair with her older brother, David while nursing him through a work related injury. A month later David comes to visit Jim and Lucy for a week and is caught having sex with his niece, Cathy, and the ensuing ruckus end in a family orgy with all joyously participating.


Cathy’s final divorce decree is at last signed and she receives a generous settlement from her ex-husband. She and her mother have spent the last three weeks viewing properties for Cathy to buy for her new home. They had just returned home from viewing a property when the phone rings. The caller id reveals it is Lucy’s youngest daughter, Haley.

“Hi, sweetheart; what are you up to?” Lucy asks in a cheerful voice.

“I need to talk with you, Mom,” Haley answers in a gloomy voice.

“What’s wrong, Haley? You sound like your whole world is crashing.”

“My stupid husband is neglecting me again, but I don’t want to go into it on the phone. Can we meet for a drink or something?”

“Did you want to meet right now?”

“Yes, if you can get free.”

“Well…Cathy and I just got back from House Hunting. Is it okay if she comes along?”

There is a short pause and then Haley says, “Sure…why not? We can’t keep any secrets in this family anyway.”

Lucy is bewildered by Haley’s response. She usually didn’t sound so downhearted. She is normally bubbly and happy-go-lucky. Haley’s husband is in his 50’s and he finds it getting harder to keep up with a young wife half his age. Her sexual appetite seems to increase with age and his stamina is decreasing. They both knew they may face this problem some day as he aged, but they have only been married a couple of years. Haley’s restlessness has come much sooner than she expected, and she needs her Mother’s guidance.

“Listen, Haley….If you would rather I come alone, your Sister will understand.” Lucy says.

“No…it’s okay. In fact the more the merrier,” Haley replies.

“Very well…we can both leave right now. Where would you like to meet?”

“How about the Hilton Hotel near your house,” Haley suggests. “It has a nice quiet lounge where we can get a good stiff drink and talk.”

“Oh…A good stiff drink. That sounds like it is going to be much more than just a casual mother-daughter chat.” Lucy exclaims.

“It is. I’ll see you in about twenty minutes,” Haley answers and then breaks the connection.

Haley is anxiously waiting in the extremely busy lobby of the Hilton Hotel when her Mother and Sister arrive. There is an abnormally large crowd checking in at the reception desk because a large pharmaceutical company is holding its national sales meeting over this weekend. Cathy is the first to reach Haley and gives her a big hug. Lucy finally pushes her way through the crowd and joins her two beautiful young daughters. She hugs Haley. They exchange pleasantries and then try to find a quiet corner to talk.

“If I had known it was going to be this crazy at the Hilton I would have suggested meeting someplace else,” Haley shouts above the chatter.

“Well…Do you want to go somewhere nearby?” Lucy asks.

“No…I think I would rather get a good strong drink and just chill for a while.”

The three women make their way to the lounge. They look like Sisters. All three have similar figures and they each dressed fashionably young. However; Haley is 24, Cathy is 27 and Lucy is 48. Haley is wearing a white silk blouse and a dark skirt that hugs her round little butt. The top button of her blouse is unbuttoned allowing a nice view of her ample cleavage. You can vaguely sight through her blouse the outline of a black lacey bra with little blue flowers. Haley is known to wear matching bikini panties and is probably doing so today. Cathy follows wearing a navy blue elegant pleated notch V neck dress. Lucy is bringing up the rear wearing a black Mark Scroll Off-the-Shoulder Dress.

The lounge is packed wall to wall with men and women sales reps attending a national sales meeting. The trio discovers that there is standing room only as they elbow and push their way to the bar. Someone pinches Lucy’s butt as she follows her daughters through the mischievous horde. The lounge is too crowed for Lucy to determine who the guilty party was who pinched her cute round bottom. She is both offended and flattered by the pinch.

Haley stops midway down the bar and says something to man having a drink. He uses his elbows to make a space for her to belly up to the bar. She shouts something else in his ear then points to her Mother and Sister. The man shouts some orders to a companion and the two of them reach out for Lucy and Cathy and drag them up to the bar. They are all quickly swallowed up by the happy hour crowd.

The man introduces himself as John and his companion is Larry. John then offers to buy each of them a drink. Haley asks for a Bloody Mary and Cathy requests a Margarita. Lucy feels awkward letting a strange man buy her drink, but he insists. She shrugs her shoulders and reluctantly orders a Tom Collins. They try to engage in casual conversation, but it is so loud in the lounge they only end up shouting at one another.

Haley wants to tell her Mother that she is getting frustrated in her marriage because she is not getting enough sex. Her Mother is only getting bits and pieces of the conversation. Haley tries repeating, but it is futile. Haley shouts above the noise that she just needs to get fucked really good. And as luck would have it, a lull in the noise occurs and the whole bar crowd hears her declaration. Haley, her Mother and her sister all three want to evaporate into the anonymity of the crowd.

After a while everyone returns to their chatting and drinking. Haley’s remark is forgotten. Haley does get to explain to John that Cathy is her Sister and Lucy is her Mother. No one believes that Lucy is actually old enough to be the Mother of these two beautiful young women. Several of John’s friends gather around and marvel at the fact Lucy is the Mother and Haley and Cathy are really her daughters. They all appear to be so close to the same age.

Larry orders the next round of drinks and the fraternization continues. Lucy is not a big drinker and is already feeling the first drink. She tries to decline the second drink but is voted down by her two daughters. After their second drink, both Haley and Cathy are well into a party mood and agree to a third round.

Lucy is dizzy headed after two drinks and feels like her legs are turning to rubber. She is basically held up only by the crush of the crowd around her. She can’t move an inch in any direction. That why she is startled when she feels someone slide their hand up her dress and begins to slowly massage her pussy. She tries to move away from the errant hand but the crush of the bodies around her keep her from moving.

A single finger from that hand slides under the edge of her panties and finds its way into her already drooling pussy. She can’t determine the source of the offending hand and finger. It gracefully slides in and out of her pussy while gently circling her clit. She feels heat rising from her neck and face. She has trouble catching her breath and thinks she may faint. Within minutes her body is shaking and trembling with a marvelous orgasm. The phantom hand is flooded by her orgasmic juices. She swoons and almost passes out. The soothing hand mysterious disappears as quickly as it had appeared. Lucy grips the bar and waits for her sanity and sense of balance to return.

Cathy is vaguely aware of a man behind her intermittently rubbing his hard cock against her butt. At first she finds it annoying, but after the second drink she is beginning to warm up to its feel. She estimates it is quite large because head seems to extend above his beltline. The man leans in whispers to Cathy his name Bill and he is with the pharmaceutical company. He offers to buy her another drink. She smiles and accepts.

The man excuses himself to go to the restroom and asks her to save his place. She readily agrees and immediately finds herself missing his hard presence against her butt. When he returns she finds herself unconsciously pressing her butt against his hard cock. Bill takes her hand pulls it behind her back and places it on his hard cock. She squeezes it and slowly strokes it as she casually sips her drink. She can tell it is not only long, but has a somewhat thick girth. The crowd is still so substantial, no one is aware of their erotic interaction. The man extends his arm between Cathy and Haley to place his drink on the bar. When he retracts his arm he drags it across Cathy’s breast and gives it gentle squeeze. She feels her panties inundate with her vaginal fluids.

Haley announces to her Mother and Sister that John has graciously invited the three of them to accompany him to the company’s hospitality room in the penthouse. Larry encourages them accept the invitation by adding that the hospitality room has hot hors d’oeuvres and an open bar. Everyone agrees and Bill starts clearing a path to the door. Lucy is still unsteady on her feet and is helped along by Haley and John.

The hospitality room is actually a three bedroom penthouse suite located on top floor of the Hilton Hotel. It has been reserved solely for the enjoyment of the national sales force. There is a small dance floor with a piano player and a female vocalist to provide musical entertainment. When they arrive at the hospitality room Lucy is parked at the end of a very long sofa. She is still very tipsy from the first two drinks. Haley stays with her while John make his way to the open bar for fresh drinks. He returns with another Tom Collins for Lucy and a Bloody Mary for Haley. Before his return he has taken the liberty to covertly drop a little blue ecstasy pill into Haley’s Bloody Mary. Cathy and Bill disappear into the crowd after getting fresh drinks. They are not seen the rest of the evening.

It doesn’t take long for the ecstasy to kick in. Haley has always been an outgoing person; full of energy and generally the life of the party. She insists on dancing. When John tires and decides to sit out a dance she grabs another partner and rules the dance floor. As the ecstasy takes hold she begins to hump and simulate sex acts with her dance partners. Soon there is a circle of men taking turns dancing with her. They are groping her breast, crotch and butt. She is giving it back as good as she gets. At one point she is gripping a man’s cock through his trousers and jacking him off.

Cathy and Bill have slipped away into one of the three bedrooms and lock the door. They quickly lock lips and take turns seeing who can shove their tongue furthest down the other’s throat. Bill unzips his pants and frees his eight inch cock. He places his hand on Cathy’s head and guides her down onto her knees. She is able to take all eight inches down her throat without gagging. She has had plenty of practice swallowing her Dad’s cock and her Uncle David’s cock.

After sucking Bill to a magnificent orgasm and swallowing his enormous load; he repays the favor by pushing her onto her back in the king size bed and licks her to an equally satisfying orgasm. They both strip naked and begin exploring each other’s body with their tongue and lips. For the next twenty-five to thirty minute balls are sucked, nipples are tweaked; assholes are licked and each of the two participants experiences another amazing orgasm before slipping away into a nice peaceful sleep.

Three drunken pharmaceutical sales reps pull Haley into one of the penthouse bedrooms and hang a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door. Every forty-five minutes to an hour one group of reps leave Haley’s bedroom only to be replaced by another group of reps. Word spreads quickly about the nymphomaniac in the hospitality room. Throughout the entire evening groups of three shuffle in and out of the bedroom. In most cases it is a group of three men, but then there is also groups with two men and one woman and then a few with two women and one man. There has also been a couple of groups with just three women. Haley manages to accommodate all and still beg for more.

Lucy has finished her third Tom Collins and is feeling no pain. She is too intoxicated to stand up so she has to ask a young woman to assist her in going to the restroom. The young lady enlists the help of two male colleagues, because she is unable to hold Lucy up by herself. A bathroom is located in each bedroom of the penthouse suite. There are other restrooms in the corridor, but they are too far away to easily maneuver a very inebriated woman. They opt to take her to the spare bedroom. The young lady enters the bathroom to further assist Lucy while two young men wait outside the door.

When she exits the bathroom the two young men lift her by her arms and carry her to king size bed. Her dress is swiftly hoisted over her head and she is strips of her panties and place in the middle of the bed on her back. A large cock is shoved in her mouth and an experienced tongue goes to work on her pussy. A third person removes her bra and begins sucking robustly on her hard nipples. Lucy wants to push the person licking her pussy away, but they are doing such a fantastic job she is fast approaching an orgasm. She caresses the person’s head with her hands and discovers it is the young woman who had assisted in the bathroom. She starts convulsing as the orgasm swiftly travels through her body.

The cock in her mouth explodes releasing an enormous amount of cum down her throat. She is able to swallow it all. As soon as she sucks the drop of sperm from the cock, it is replaced by the woman’s pussy riding her face. The young man sucking her nipples immediately shove his large cock in her pussy and begins rough fucking her. She has two more amazing orgasms before the young man pumps four powerful streams of cum into her sated pussy. The young lady riding her face floods her mouth twice before rolling off.

Lucy’s head is spinning from the alcohol and three magnificent orgasms. She lies there in bed as the trio dress and leave the room. She is too drunk and too weak to get out of bed, but she soon learns there is no need to get up when she hears the door open and another trio enters to use her body some more. She loses count of the coming and going. Sometime later she loses consciousness.

When the first light of morning floods through the bedroom window of the penthouse, Cathy wakes up and looks around the room trying to figure out where she is. She sees Bill lying in bed next to her and remembers the wonderful evening they had spent together drinking, dancing and making gentle love to each other. She studies his naked body and admires his beautiful flaccid cock as he softly snores. She reaches over and caresses first his balls and then the shaft she had enjoyed most of the night.

She leans over and sucks him into her mouth and waits for his cock to grow into the fullness she enjoyed so much the night before. Her tongue flicks out and licks at the slit in the top then swirls around the head of it, occasionally taking time to catch her breath. Bill starts to stir as she swirls her tongue around the head and then down the length of his shaft to his balls. Cathy grasps Bill’s balls in her hand and gently fondles them and he attempts to spread his legs wider as her mouth descends even further down the shaft of his stiff cock.

Cathy feels the firmness of Bill’s shaft in her hand and the smooth skin as it slides over her tongue. She can’t suck a whole lot of it because it is bigger than what she remembers from the night before, but she sucks what she can, moving her mouth up and down and using her tongue to stimulate him where she can.

Bill finally wakes up and smiles as he watches her mouth working over his cock. He is still amazed that it is happening; let alone how fucking great it feels. This is what he imagined when he first saw her in the lounge the previous evening, but never dreamed it would actually happen. Up and down her head bobs as his cock vanishes and reappear from between her soft lips. He can feel himself building towards orgasm as her hand closed on his balls, squeezing them softly as she worked his cock with her mouth.

Before that happens, she suddenly stops and crawls up his chest and straddles his face. She lowers herself down above his face. The smell of her sex is intoxicating. Instinct kicks in as he slides his tongue inside her wet pussy. His tongue continues to move in and out of her as her hips move in rhythm, sliding her wet pussy over his mouth. He intuitively shoves his tongue deeper into her warm wet pussy, seeking her little joy knob. He locates it and clamps down with his lips. He sucks it deeper and deeper as he begins viciously swabbing it with his tongue.

She shudders as he continues licking her pussy, moving his tongue up and down both sides of her swollen lips. As her moans become louder and her body begins to quiver, he focuses on her clitoris with his tongue and pistons two fingers in and out of her slippery vagina. She feels electrical vibrations spreading throughout her entire body. Those sensations turn into electrical jolts as her orgasm breaks free and engulfs her whole body with wonderful convulsive wave after wave. She experiences one last shudder then collapses by his side. He holds her tightly as she slowly recovers.

After she sufficiently recovers, she slowly crawls up and straddles his waist. She reaches between her legs and seizes his hard cock and rubs the head around the wet slippery lips of her pussy. After it is well lubricated she rises up, impales herself and slowly slides down his cock, burying it deeply in her wetness.

She begins a slow rocking motion as he fondles her breast. He rolls her nipples between his thumbs and index fingers. She starts rubbing her clit with her right hand and begins rocking faster and faster. She can feel his cock expanding and pulsating as his balls start churning and boiling toward his explosion. She has a mild orgasm followed by a major orgasm just as his balls erupt sending a flood of sperms deep into her womb. She falls forward onto his chest and he pulls her tightly to his bosom as they both ride their orgasmic union. After they both recover, they roll on their backs and savior the afterglow.

Cathy feels everything is warm and wonderful in the world. She would be content spending the rest of the day snuggled in Bill’s arms. Bill feels the same, but he has responsibilities that he must attend to this morning. Bill looks at the clock and realizes it is nearing time for him to attend the sales meeting breakfast with the rest of his team. Bill has neglected to inform Cathy that he is the National Sales Manager and is expected to attend the breakfast and give opening remarks.

They quickly takes a hot shower together; not taking the time they both want to further enjoy each other’s body. Cathy finishes getting dressed as Bill calls room service and orders coffee and Danish rolls for her. They go out into the common area of the penthouse to wait for room service to arrive with his coffee and her continental breakfast. The common area with the open bar is littered with mounds of trash from the company partiers the night before. There are empty beer bottles and dirty drink glasses on the bar and every table.

They sit and chat for a while before it dawns on Cathy to question the whereabouts of her Mother and Sister at that moment. Five seconds later a bedroom door opens and her Mother staggers out. Her hair and dress is disheveled. As she approaches Cathy and Bill, they notice cum running down the inside of her leg. Cathy get a napkins and rushes to clean her up.

Bill looks at Lucy and says, “Wow…what the hell did you do last night?”

Lucy shrugs her shoulders and answers, “I’m not really sure. I kept drifting in and out of consciousness. However; I do remember thinking several times that I was experiencing some of the most astonishing orgasms.”

“Mother!” Cathy screams. “Don’t say another word. It sounds as if you are still intoxicated.”

“Does anyone know where Haley is right now?” Lucy asks looking questioningly first to Cathy then to Bill. “The last time I recall seeing her, she was dirty dancing with several young men.”

“I don’t remember seeing her at all after we arrived in the hospitality room,” Cathy says.

“Well…I think our first order of business should be to locate Haley,” Lucy demands.

Bill suggests they first search throughout the penthouse before panicking and notifying the hotel staff. She is obviously not in the common area and she isn’t in the room that Bill and Cathy joyously shared. Lucy rushes back to double check the room she had occupied the previous night and find she is not there either.

Bill crosses his fingers and says, “The only other place she can reasonably be is the third bedroom. Let me go check.”

Lucy and Cathy push past Bill and rush to the third bedroom. As soon as they enter the room they are over powered by the strong smell of sex. Haley is lying nude in the middle of the king size bed covered from head to toe with dried cum. Her hair is matted with dried cum and sperm is oozing out of every orifice, including her mouth. She opens her eyes and smile at her Mother.

Bill enters the room and sighs, “Thank God you found her safe. Do you want me to call the hotel staff to help you?”

Cathy places her hand in the middle of Bill’s chest and begins gently pushing him out the bedroom door. She smiles and says, “You go attend your National Sales Meeting. We can handle it from here.”

Bill leans in and gives her tender kiss on her lips and says, “Can I call you later?”

“You better,” She tersely answers closing the door.

Lucy and Cathy help Haley into a hot shower; soaping and scrubbing away all the signs of her ecstasy induced night of adventure. She is so sore she can barely walk. They are able to locate her shoes, skirt and blouse. Everything is located except her panties and bra. They were apparently taken as party souvenirs.

As the three exhausted women make their way to their car; Haley turns to her Mother and says, “Mom…I know I started the night complaining about not getting enough sex, but I can safely assure you that last night I indulged in enough wild lustful sex to last me for quite some time.”

Lucy puts her arm around her youngest daughter, hugs her close and says, “I know what you means, sweetheart. I had a very pleasant evening myself.”


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Main jab 6 saal ka tha merai father ki death ho gaye thi tab meri mon 27 saal ki hi thi or meri ek sister jo 8 yrs ki thi. Jab main 8th class main ah gaya tha or meri sister 10th main . Ghar k halat achai nahi thai meri mom k pass koye job bhi nahi thi or papa ki pension itni kam thi k hum dono k karchai bhi purai nahi hotai thai or ab to study ka karcha bhi bohat jada ho gaya tha meri sister ki 12th k exam k baad us ko study k liye ek acha institute ki jarurat thi par us k liye ghar main itnai...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

2 years ago
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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 1

Ms. Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMContact Author, Email : [email protected] 1The Beginning – Dry Humping My Teacher’s Ass!Starring : South Indian Actress Nandhini aka Kausalya as Nandhini TeacherSchool days, they are the most colorful days of our life, so they say. I don’t know about others but in my case it’s completely true! My school days are the best because I am living the dream of every school boy in the world, yes the ultimate dream every boy wants to happen in...

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Randy And Sherri Ch 02

Sherri waited on the computer the following evening at the time she and Randy normally chatted. She wondered if he would show up tonight. The time of their regular meeting came and went, but no Randy. Sherri did her best not to be too disappointed. After all, he was married and there could have been many reasons he was not able to show up. Sherri waited another 30 minutes, then turned off the computer and slowly went to bed. She did not sleep well that night. There were too many thoughts going...

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Randy And Sherri Ch 01

We were both nervous as we got ready for our first meeting. We had been chatting for several weeks now, both wanting to meet, but then again trying to be discreet and cautious. You were looking for someone that could be romantic and gentle and someone that could make love to you, not just have sex. I was looking for someone to be romantic with. Someone that would enjoy and encourage my romantic nature. Someone that might enjoy reading my erotic stories. We had met each other on the internet....

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MommyMe Series Justina Pt 2

“Hey, Tori!” Justina said, running up the porch steps, her breasts jiggling with every step. “Hi,” I said. She noticed me staring at her boobs and did the unthinkable. She flashed her breasts. I blushed and she winked at me as Mom came towards the door. “Hello Justina,” Mom said. “Hello, Mrs. Ryan,” Justina replied. “You girls are probably hungry, are turkey sandwiches ok with you Justina?” Mom asked. “Yes, thank you,” Justina replied. “Mom, I’m going to show Justina my room,” I told mom. “Ok...

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Randy And Sherri Ch 03

Sherri watched Randy pull away from the hotel and give her a wave as he drove by. She knew he couldn’t see the tears on her cheeks, so she waved back at him. Just to make sure Randy didn’t suspect anything, Sherri started her car and pulled out of the parking lot. She saw Randy turn onto the highway and head toward his home. Sherri drove home slowly, her emotions all mixed up. She was so glad that no one was waiting for her at home. She really wanted to be alone and try to sort all her...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

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Sherrys Mom

Chapter 1 Hello, out there on the World Wide Web. This is Mother Debbie with another edition of my Internet column for those of you who need the kind of advice I offer. Well, let's turn to today's case. It's a little out of the ordinary. I call it: "Sherry's Mom" Dear Mother Debbie, I know you usually help only cuckolded men and wimp wannabes, but I read your very perceptive reply to the young woman in "A Woman Who Loves Men" and I was hoping you could help me as well. My...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

4 years ago
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Mom Stepmom and Sisters

MY MOM  STEP MOM AND MY SISTERS. PART 1   Reflecting on my life: I recently was remembering how not to long ago I had  driven into the circular drive of the home I grew up in, in Beverly Hills as a teenager and seeing my wife trimming the rose bush and thinking how strange life can turn out. How, just three years before I had driven into this same drive because my dad had just died. I remember as I sat in my car that I was sad but also very excited. My step mom who is now my wife was...

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Catherine and Alexander

Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...

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Mandys Big Sister

Mandy?s Big Sister 1Mandy?s Big Sister? 2k6 by Arnold PuttwynNOTE: This is a work of fiction, developed entirely in my own mind.? Any similarities between any persons living or dead are strictly co-incidental, and my good luck.?? Especially if you think it?s yourself.  ????????? Amanda Jenkins successfully graduated from high school, but she didn?t get along well with her mother Alice.? Their fractured relationship fell apart completely within two weeks of the commencement. So Alice...

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bDefacing Mom by MomsBigBoy b

True Story, i****t Introduction: This happened to me a long time ago, I have changed names and obviously spiced it up for your enjoyment Not even in her wildest dreams did Donna ever expect to be in the position she now found herself in. Down on the floor, kneeling in front of her only c***d, the stacked blonde mother had her head tilted back against the edge of her son's bed.She'd come to Michael's apartment for a simple discussion, that was all. But somehow she had ended up like this, about...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

4 years ago
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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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My brother Brandon and I Part 3 Having sex while mom is home

“Brandon is home already from hanging out with his friends?” Julie asked. “Yeah, he got home not longer after me. Which is surprising considering he’s normally home late on Tuesdays. What are we having for dinner?” Kathy asks. “I was thinking of making Lasagna if that’s okay with you guys”. Julie says as she sets down the groceries. “Can you grab the last couple things from the car? And I’ll start dinner”. They both look up at the ceiling as they hear the water shut off in the bathroom. I...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup h.ye nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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The Kringle Sisters Are Ready for ChristmasChapter 2 Gunther the Reindeer Handler Gets Laid

Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! The sound of the holiday song hit Gunther's ears like an ice drift on the open sea. He tried to open his booze-laden eyes to see who was making the racket and saw it was the blasted elves again. Those holiday-enthused cretins were so full of Christmas spirit that they made a nuisance at this time of year as far back as he could remember. He wanted to shout out for them to cease and desist before he made them into little pieces of elves all...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Mrs Fletcher Chapter One Brothers Motherinlaw

I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. My...

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Fun With Mom And Landlady

Ishwar Lal had left his wife, Urmila in charge of everything. Not that he didn’t trust Punjun, but how is a boy supposed to have everything he’d need without wasting a lot of time? After all, this was a crucial year in their lives. Punjun had just turned 18 and decided to take a gap year to prepare for competitions. He had done well enough in school, even made the merit list in his district, but found himself well below the required level of college entrance exams. Despite the urge to blame...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Mom Ke Padosi Ke Sath Sambandh 8211 Part 3

Dosto aap logo ne meri story mom ke padosi ke sath sambandh jarur padi hogi jin dosto ne nhi padi ho jarur pade.Ye story usi story ka next part h..Dosto jaise ki mene aapko apne bare main btaya tha ki mere naam ranvijay hai aur meri family main meri hot mom jinki age 47 years papa unki age 52 aur mera ek bhai h jiski age 6 years h jo ki mera real brother nhi hai wo unhi padosi uncle ki nishani hai jinke sath mom ke nazayaz sambandh the..Pr wo uncle tb chale gye the humari society se..Pr mere...

4 years ago
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Two Moms Two Sons 10 London And Sandra Put On A Sexy Show

"Holy shit, we're dating our hot moms," I said, sitting down on the couch."Where have you been, Joe?" he laughed."I mean, we both actually went on dates with our moms a few weeks ago. Having sex is one thing, but we had dinner, and sat across from our moms, in an intimate setting. You have to admit; things are getting serious, Pete. I've already kissed my mom more in the past two months than in the previous five years before then. I mean, they seem crazy about us. Do you know what I...

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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

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By Oediplex Onward and upward; on you know who (mom), up you know where, wish I were there! I walked into my apartment and found my mother crying in my living room. Now, mom has a key to my place and sometimes she lets herself in to surprise her divorced son with a dinner, which I always was grateful for; though I would have eaten another sort of ‘dish’ of my mother’s if my fantasies ever came true. So I wasn’t too surprised by her being there, but I was most concerned by her...

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Cherish and Justin

100% fiction! Cherish woke up happy today was her 18th birthday and after the party she would be going camping with her twin brother Justin. She had to convince Justin to go camping, cause she had in mind to finally lose her virginity. She wanted her first time to be very special, and she wanted to lose her virginity to someone she loved. She realized this two months earlier when she walked into the bathroom when Justin her twin was taking a shower. She caught him jerking off and she heard him...

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Justice The Tale Of Pandora Trask

JUSTICE: THE TALE OF PANDORA TRASK (C) 2020, 2021 by Anthony Durrant "Dorrie! Dorrie! Can you hear me, Dorrie?" a man's voice whispered in Pandora Trask's ear. "Yuh...youh...yeas!" she cried, and the voice whispered again into her ear, "The surgery's pover and your brain is now in the skull of the frozen body we found in the wilds of Northern Europe. You're now in a private room, and will ramain hre for some time while your body and brain knit together." "But what about...

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Confessions 5 Alessandra fools Father Peter

Father Peter of St. Johns Cathedral in Duketown has a fame for tolerance of sexual sinsHis virtual girlfriends from the net flock from everywhere to do their Confessions at himAlessandra is a local girl, attending mass at Sundays sometimes, when I lead the ceremonyAlessandra prefers private talks though, sometimes she gets a bit too friendly with FatherAlessandra plays a great girlish game with her beloved spiritual Father PeterAlessandra has confessed earlier at me, always being very honest,...

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My 4sum with my Mom Grandmom and Aunt

So if you read the last story about me and my mom and my grandmom then this is part 2 of this amazing weekend.So while we we’re in the country we didn’t do much…but what we did do was fuck and we did a lot of that…So the one night came along and I wish sitting in the living room on the couch watching TV. While my mom and my grandmom were in the kitchen cooking…Now from my seat on the middle of the couch you could turn your head to the left and see the kitchen and vice versa. So while I’m...

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Attending Marriage With Mom And Sister

Hello.. once again here. this time i want to explain a story how i so heaven of my life with help of my own mom and sister.. let me explain my self i am B.E and working in MNC. my sister is married and she is settled in Australia and my mom is housewife. Before my sister marriage always i was finding chance to have sex with my sister, but unfortunately it not happened. We used to sleep together But i squeezed her boobs while sleeping and rubbed her pussy from outside. some time she push me and...

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My Threesome with Mom and grandmom

So if you read my last story about me and my mom fucking in the gas station then here’s what happened next.If you didn’t read my last story about me and my mom in the gas station I highly advise you read that then come and read this one.Now let me get into the story for all my readers.So me and my mom finally reached my grandmom’s house somewhere in the country of South Carolina. You knew you were in the country because there were barely any street lights and her house was on a dirt road and...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 19 Preacher and Preach

Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...

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Mom Dad and me With Sister

My sister name is Tanima, age is 24. My dad’s name is Tamal, age is 56 and my mom name is Madhumita age is 46 years. We stay in Kolkata. My father is a Businessman. I completed my Master degree last 2 years and help dad to his business. My sister Tanima doing her degree course. My mom is house wife. I never think this type of incident will happen but all credit goes to dad.In the eve of kalipuja dad said mom that we go to degha for vacation. Mom agreed. And said me that all of family member...

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