Kayla Comes Home Ch. 03 free porn video

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The din of the water cascading from the showerhead drowned out the sound of Kayla opening the bathroom door softly and closing it behind her as she stepped into the steamy, bathroom. She tip toed to the shower and pulled back the shower curtain stepping inside. With the warmth of the water flowing over her, she wrapped her arms around his soapy, torso. Her hands, roaming over the soap slick, flesh of his chest.

‘Your insatiable you know that,’ he chuckled as he continued to lather his sinewy, torso.

‘What can I say…you bring out the animal in me,’ she retorted her palm’s maundering lazily down over the corrugated, sinews of his stomach. Her sojourning, touch descending lower until her searching, finger’s curled around the flaccid, length of his shaft.

‘Are you purposely trying to kill me,’ he chortled?

‘Aw…now that would defeat my purpose now wouldn’t it,’ she murmured. Her soap, slick finger’s wandering lazily up and down his length. Leisurely, masturbating he, feeling him stiffen slightly in her fist.

With an animal like groan he surrendered to her lascivious, advances. Despite their earlier sexual gymnastics he felt his member stiffen with renewed vigor under her surprisingly adroit ministrations.

Turning around her grasped her arms raising them over her head and pinned her against the wall of the shower, His lip’s descending and finding her lips. His tongue, sliding between the ripe plums of her lip’s to plunder her mouth passionately.

She melded against his muscular, torso. Her arm’s wrapping around his neck as his grip on her arm’s relaxed. Her tongue plundering his mouth ardently.

His hands, slid down her soap slick, torso maundering between their melded, torsos and kneading and fondling the perfection of her breasts. Rolling the stiff, apices of her nipples between his soap, slick fingers.

He scooped her up in his arms. Her legs, locking around his waist, the very tip of him nuzzling the warmth of her velvety, cleft, Slowly, inch by indescribable inch she lowered herself down feeling the flared, plum shaped head separate the downy, folds of her labia. She lowered herself down another inch and felt the large, head at the vestibule of her slick, furrow.

He clutched her firm, buttock’s passionately and supported her as she raised and lowered herself on his stiff, length. The limber, length of his tongue darting repeatedly in and out of her mouth.

His large, calloused palm’s cupping them, molding the undersides. Rolling her tightly, beaded nipple’s between his fingers. There torso’s slamming together bucking and arching and colliding in perfect rhythm.

Sweat dripping from his torso, he moved his lip’s lower and suckled her left, nipple deep into his mouth slaking his thirst. Lashing at the rose colored areola and the tightly, beaded nipple’s each one the color of pale pink tea roses.

She arched and writhed in torment as his thrusts became harder more insistent in a regular, pulsing cadence. She moved against him met his eager, thrusts and matched them. Her breath in breathless, urgent gasps as each thrust forced the breath from her lungs. She came in great shuddering, clenching spasms. Her velvety, sheath milking the thickness of his shaft until with a long low growl, His body shuddering with release he spewed forth a fountain of semen from his testes.

‘Mm…are you positive…you have to go into town today,’ she panted as she tried to catch her breath.

‘Yes I do,’ he replied, withdrawing from her and stepping out of the shower drying him vigorously and wrapping a towel about his waist. He left the steamy, confines of the bathroom and quickly dressed in a tee shirt and jeans meeting her as she emerged from the bathroom a towel wrapped securely about her torso. ‘I’ll be home in a few hours,’ he uttered as he walked by.

She returned to her room and dressed quickly in a yellow sundress and tights as she heard the clamber of his beat up, Ford pickup drive away. Grabbing her laptop she pranced down the stairs and to the kitchen making her a pot of coffee.

Perching herself at the kitchen table she opened her laptop and her mind whirling with the vivid memories of their sexual antics attempted to put the feelings into words. The alluring, aroma of the coffee drawing her attention away as she strode to the coffee maker and poured herself a large, mug fill.

Returning to the table she sat down again took a sip of the aromatic, coffee and turned her attention to her writing. The words seeming to fly from her brain to her finger’s faster then she could type. As she typed she could almost feel the scintillating touch of Trevor’s hands as they caressed her smooth, silken flesh passionately. She squirmed in her seat as she felt the heat of her desire gnawing at her belly again she described their love making in almost vivid detail.

The ardor and dampness between her supple, thighs’ were drawing her finger’s downward. Her finger’s, sojourning beneath the flowing, skirt of the sundress and idly maundering up the nylon clad length of her thigh. Her left hand, straying down to cup the perky swell of her breast through the thin, bodice of the dress, the nipple, was protruding stiffly from the firm, mound.

Her fingers, sojourned higher beneath the skirt. Causing the skirt to bunch up about her waist, her supple, fingertips venturing into the heat of her nylon clad inner thighs, One, insolent digit, tracing the crease of her hair fringed outer fold’s through the flimsy, material of her tights.

She slid her fingers beneath the elastic, waistband of her tights and panties. Her supple, digit’s brushing the springy, nest of curls adorning her mound as they nimbly, sought out the swollen, kernel of her clit straddling the damp, pink petals of her inner fold’s. One solitary, fingertip was slipping between the puffy, hair fringed outer folds and gathering the syrupy nectar drooling from her velvety, sheath.

Her fingers, coated with the slick, syrupy juices flowing from her frothy, depths languidly, circled the swollen, pearl of her clit bathing it with her slick, secretions. Her breathing, coming in quickening pants as her pleasure threatened to reach a turbulent, crescendo.

She could feel the orgasm building within her. Her supple, fingertip circling the now quivering bud of her clit, playing out her orgasm for as long as possible, Her breathing getting ragged now as the waves of pleasure threatened to crest and consume her. Her thigh’s beginning to quiver with the first faint stirrings of climax

Her taut, buttocks clenched and unclenched rhythmically as the tidal wave of her imminent orgasm began to break upon her. Her face contorting in ecstasy, her body trembling on the very edge of ecstasy until with a profound shudder she came in great, shuddering spasms, Her taut buttocks, clenching and unclenching as wave after wave of indescribable pleasure cascaded through her.

‘Whew…,’ she panted as she tried to catch her breath after the turbulent, climax. It was almost as if her years of pent up desire had bubbled to the surface since she had met Trevor.

The sound of the doorbell, breaking her from her reverie, quickly smoothing her skirt down over her legs she arose from the kitchen chair and strode quickly to answer the front door. ‘Who could that be,’ she mused to herself?

She opened the door and saw the uniformed officer standing there and her heart sank. Instinctively sensing something was amiss. ‘Is anything wrong officer,’ she queried?

‘I’m afraid I have some bad news,’ he began, ‘I’m afraid there’s been an accident.’

‘Oh my God…,’ she gasped!

‘Trevor isn’t dead,’ she uttered, fear the worst. Her heart sinking and a lump forming in the pit of her stomach.

‘No he is still alive…but the medics said it didn’t look good,’ the officer added somberly. ‘If you want to go to the hospital I can take you…It’s not a good idea to drive.’

thanks officer I rather drive myself…I’m ok,’ she retorted.

The officer left and Kayla scrambled around gathering up her purse and car keys. Within minutes she was heading down the road towards town hoping he would still be alive when she arrived at the hospital. She drove faster then she had ever driven in her life.

She parked the black, Toyota in front of the sprawling, hospital and strode briskly inside the emergency room entrance. Preparing her for the worst she slowly, walked up to the reception desk.

‘I’m looking for Trevor Watson…he was in a car accident,’ she queried excitedly?

‘If you’ll have a seat I’ll have the doctor who looked after him come out and talk to you,’ the young, lady at the desk answered.

She went and sat in one of the waiting area chairs in the crowded waiting area tapping her foot anxiously. Trying to remain calm, she glanced around the waiting area at the little kid’s with the sniffles that their anxious parents bought in. She wrung her hands anxiously. Her palms, moist with sweat, all kinds of thoughts were running through her mind.

‘Excuse me were you looking for Mr. Watson,’ the young, doctor asked?

‘Yes I am…is he ok…can I see him,’ she asked?

‘I’m afraid he is in surgery right now,’ the doctor replied. ‘It’s touch and go right now.’ The doors to the emergency room burst open and the doctor had to excuse himself abruptly.

She walked up to the reception desk once again and asked the lady there for directions to surgery. The lady pointed her in the direction of the elevators telling her to press the button for the second floor. She courteously, thanked the young, lady and briskly turned and strode off towards the elevators.

She waited anxiously for the elevator. When the doors opened she stepped inside and punched the button for the second floor. The elevator doors shut and began its ascent. In less then a minute the doors whisked open and she stepped out. The antiseptic, odor she hated about hospitals assailing her nostrils she maundered through the labyrinth of the hospitals corridors following the arrows on the floor. Eventually reaching the reception area of the surgical wing, her stomach roiling with anxiety and the almost overpowering odor of antiseptic she fought the urge to vomit.

The lady behind the reception desk looked up acknowledging her presence, ‘may I help you…?’

‘Yes…I’m looking for Trevor Watson…I was told he was still in surgery,’ she inquired?

‘Yes he is…if you would like to wait I will have the surgeon speak to you as soon as he’s done,’ replied the receptionist.

‘Thank you very much…, she murmured as she turned and maundered towards the waiting area. She perched herself in one of the chairs and breath a deep, sigh. Her hands, shaking visibly, anxiously, she watched the clock on the wall. Watching as the seconds turned into minutes.

Spying the coffee urn sitting on a nearby table she arose from her perch and walked slowly towards it. With shaking hands she managed to pour herself some in a Styrofoam cup. This couldn’t be happening to her she thought to herself as she strode back to her seat.

The minutes, ticked by before she spied the surgeon still in his surgical scrubs approaching her, she stood up and met the surgeon halfway.

‘Are you waiting for news on Mr. Watson,’ he inquired?

‘Yes I am…how is he…please tell me he is going to be alright,’ she replied anxiously.

‘Well he is very lucky…’, the surgeon, began, ‘he made it through the surgery fine…his vital signs are stable…we were able to remove the clot putting pressure on his spinal cord…but its too early to tell if there is any permanent damage.’

‘Permanent damage,’ she queried, her heart sinking even more.

‘When he brought in he had some paralysis in his legs…we won’t know for sure for a few days till we do some tests,’ the surgeon explained.

‘When can I see him…, she asked after taking a deep breath to calm herself down?

‘Well right now he is in recovery…probably not until tomorrow’, the surgeon replied, ‘You may as well go home and get some rest…I’ll call you if there is any change….’

The surgeon was right there was nothing she could do there she was emotionally drained. She needed to go home and rest. It would do neither of them any good if she became ill. After leaving her name and number with the receptionist she slowly, navigated the labyrinth of corridors again heading for the elevators.

Eventually she found her way to the entrance she came in and ventured out into the parking lot walking briskly through the gathering darkness to her car. She opened the car door and slid behind the wheel. Sitting behind the wheel she took a deep breath and broke down weeping. It was the first time since she heard of Trevor’s accident that she allowed herself to cry. The tears kept flowing from her eyes as she thought of him lying in that hospital bed alone.

She wasn’t sure how long she had sat there weeping. It could have been minutes or hours. She was broken out of her reverie by the cacophony of rain drops pelting the windshield from a sudden summer storm. She started the car and turned on the windshield wipers as she pulled from the parking lot and drove home.

She drove slowly and carefully on the half hour drive back to the plantation. The pelting, rain making it difficult to see the road even with the wipers running full speed. Pulling onto the lane leading to the plantation she pulled up to the main house. Opening the car door she made a mad dash to the porch.

The house, seemed eerily, quiet without Trevor’s presence as she opened the door and ventured inside shutting it behind her and searching for the light switch. She walked slowly up the staircase to her room. The only sound being the creaking of the stairs and the rain peppering the windows.

She quickly doffed her clothes and donned an oversize tee-shirt and a pair of shorts and slid beneath the coolness of the sheets. The lingering, scent of their love making assailing her nostrils, she lay there for some time, exactly how long she wasn’t sure listening to the insistent, tattoo of the rain against the windows.

The rain stopped as suddenly as it began and the house was eerily, quiet. The only sound was the ticking of the alarm clock on the nightstand. She found herself unable to sleep her eye’s open staring at the ceiling thinking of Trevor. Missing his arm’s enfolding her. His laughter, the warmth of his body next to hers, wondering if she would ever feel that again, rolling over on her side in a fetal position she clutched a pillow and hugged it tightly her eye’s finally shutting as she fell asleep.

The shrill tinkling of the telephone roused her from her restless slumber. ‘Hello’, she answered groggily. Her stomach lurching as she recognized the husky, male voice on the other end of the phone. ‘How did you get this number’, she queried?

‘That’s not important Kayla,’ replied Devon Kincaid, ‘What is important is that I need to see you.’

‘I already told you Devon that it’s over between us…,’ she replied, bile rising in her throat as she fought back a wave of nausea, ‘I don’t think there is anything more to discuss.’

‘Ah but that’s where you’re wrong my dear Kayla,’ Devon’s, husky male voice replied ‘Meet me tomorrow at one o’clock sharp at the Southern Belle Cafe I think you will find it very worthwhile.’

‘I’ll be there, Devon but after that I don’t want to hear from you again…do I make myself clear,’ she said, bitterly.

‘We shall she my dear…we shall see,’ he said hanging up the phone.

The morning sun peeked over the horizon. The beckoning, rays alighting on her slumbering, figure. Her eyelid’s fluttered open. She stretched her willowy, torso and threw the cover’s from atop her sliding her legs out from beneath the sheets. She glanced over at the clock on the nightstand and noticed it was almost seven.
She hardly slept a wink all night tossing and turning as she pondered the meaning behind the late night phone call from her ex lover. Wondering why anyone in their right mind would be awake at this ungodly hour of the morning. The sun, barely peeking over the horizon she made her way downstairs to the kitchen and forced herself to start a fresh pot of coffee. The aromatic aroma filling her nostrils.

Pouring her a steaming, mug of coffee, she sat at the kitchen table quietly reflecting on her life as she sipped the steaming, beverage. Her parents, had endured troubled times in their marriage. Both of them guilty of having illicit affairs, her mother, had remarried an older man. Eventually they divorced when she was just turning twelve. Probably for the better she began to realize as she grew older. After the divorce, she turned her attention to her schoolwork. Graduating from high school with an A average and a scholarship to Harvard University.

Trevor’s accident was forcing her to reevaluate her life. Forcing her to realize just how fragile her very own existence was. How in the blink of an eye it can all change. Forcing her to face the realization that she could lose Trevor forever, her goals she had set for herself. The novel she was working on all that suddenly seemed insignificant in the grand scheme of things all she wanted all she needed was to have him back with her again.

The coffee was helping to rejuvenate her wee bit as she stood up and padded over to the coffee maker in her pink, furry bunny slippers. Pouring herself another steaming cup of liquid energy, glancing at the clock on the wall she found she was running late she had barely enough time to shower, dress and race to the hospital for visiting hours.

She arrived at the sprawling, hospital complex just as visiting hours started. She quickly made her way upstairs to the Intensive Care Unit and caught the young, surgeon from the day before just as he was leaving. ‘Hello doctor…is there any improvement in Mr. Watson’s condition…can I see him…,’ she queried?

‘I wish I could give you better news…’, the surgeon began, ‘he seems to have lapsed into a coma…but his vital signs are stable at this point…yes you can see him…but please just for a few minutes….’ The surgeon opening the door to his room and ushering her inside letting it shut softly behind her.

Her mouth, opened in a silent, gasp as she saw him lying on the hospital bed. Tubes and wires protruding from every orifice, Gathering her courage she walked closer to the bed and pulled up a chair. ‘Trevor I love you so much. You have to come back to me…I’m not ready to lose you…,’ she spoke softly, looking for any sign of response from him. She sensed that he could hear her that he was still with her. She bent over the bed and kissed him softly on the cheek.

She arrived at the restaurant shortly after one o’clock. She spied him almost immediately and get felt a knot form in her stomach. He was standing at the bar. He motioned her over and she moved as if she was in slow motion. ‘Hello Kayla…how nice it is to see you again…,’ he smiled.

‘Cut the crap…,’ she replied, venomously, ‘what is it that you want…?’ Taking a long, lingering look at him she noticed that he was handsome in a rugged sort of way. Obviously his nose had been broken before as it was slightly, misshapen. His skin was tanned with just the shadow of stubble. His eye’s, was dark and mysterious and yes even dangerous. Eyes a woman could lose herself in. The knot in the pit of her stomach growing into a gnawing ache as she continued her cursory, inspection, her eyes, roaming over the rippling, muscles of his chest and the corrugated, washboard like abdomen.

‘Please so much hostility…,’ he said, ‘may I buy you a drink.’

‘Thank you…,’ she smiled at least trying to act civil.

‘Bartender another vodka martini for me and let me guess…a white wine for the lady…,’ he said. ‘This weather down here must be agreeing with you Kayla you look positively radiant.’

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Mikayla meets the newly captured Terri, and together they are thrust unwillingly onto the sales stage.. and sold like meat…Mikayla stood paralyzed with fear, which she had to, with her neck roped up so securely. It was also fortunate for the man kneeling at her feet and wrapping a thick piece a metal around her left ankle. He enclosed the two pieces and then threaded a large bolt thru the eyelet of the cuff’s closing flanges.Attaching a nut on to this bolt with some tools, he grinned up at the...

3 years ago
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Mikayla chapter 2 The Gang stores her away but

“Hold the stupid cunt still.. will you Roman! Jeezus Fuck, she’s still a feisty little thing, isn’t she?”, roared the panting Boss. His pants were down around his ankles and his fat hips were thrusting back and forth demonically, as he further bellowed.“You Like this cunt?! You like havin an old man’s cock plowing into your young pussy? You like getting your young pussy fucked by all sorts of men!” He laughed and then groaned. Yelling this at the young woman he was drilling into with rapid...

4 years ago
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Mikayla a horrible case of mistaken identity Cha

It was an abnormally hot day for this time of year in the city by the mountains. The campus paths were overflowing with girls in their most revealing short dresses and skirts. Not to mention the abundance of short shorts allowing tanned lush legs to delight every man’s glance.Two men were doing just that now, as they sat in their black Cadillac Escalade. Tinted windows hiding their somewhat lecherous gazes, as they searched the bustling crowd for their target. In the passenger seat, a large...

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Kaylas first threeway

Before me and Donald got together, I dated his buddy from college Eric. Eric was fun at times, not the best boyfriend or looker, but he had a nice sized dick and was a great lay. While we dated, Eric liked to have me get dressed and made up kinda slutty before we went to parties or bars so he could grab all over me in front of his friends to make them jealous or envious or something. One night we were supposed to be going to a party at Eric's friend's house, but that wasn't what happened.Turned...

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Mikayla and the Dogmen

She could smell the cool moisture of the water radiating up to her. Was that even possible, to smell a river, perhaps even feel and taste it at such a distance? Or, was her formidable thirst triggering the synapses in her brain, screaming for her to take notice of the very object on which she was focused, the very thing that had brought her to this place; the Yamani river. The six-day slog through the jungle had been a series of dead ends and backtracks when the landscape closed in around...

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Naked in School Homer

Monday Janet Vargas settled into her office for the day. She had been Principal of Clinton High School for many years but had always hated this task — the annual budget and next year's personnel issues. Books, equipment, paper, pens, replacement desks, replacement chairs, building maintenance, the cafeteria, the list went on and on and on. And personnel! Old teachers retired or transferred, new teachers had to be found and trained, even teachers that stayed on from year-to-year needed skills...

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our first motorhome

We got a good deal on our neighbor's motorhome, and we were anxiously making plans for getting Peggy fucked by some young guys.We bought it as a sexond vehicle, so even though it wasn't cost effective my wife drove it back and forth to work. While she was working one day the owner introduced her to a very young man and told her to show him the way around. They were picking an order to be picked up and she was explaining how to find all the items and where they were. She noticed his eyes were...

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The Homestead

I wish to sincerely thank Jim P. for his assistance in editing my story. His insights and suggestions helped me to make 'The Homestead' one of the most favorite stories I've ever written. I also appreciate the time he took to not only go over this story once, but three times! Thank you! The Homestead by: Anon Allsop I rested comfortably, my boots propped lazily upon the split railing that ran along the sidewalk, and my hat pushed down low over my eyes to block out the afternoon...

2 years ago
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James the Homemaker

"You've got some explaining to do, little Missy! What, did you think I'd call you 'young man' with all those panties and a bra under your mattress? Is that your only undies supply? Why didn't you just put them in your panty drawer? Oh, don't worry. I already moved them so they'd be a little more convenient for you. Oh, and I bought you some more. A girl needs more than five pairs of panties and one bra. I'm sure I got you the right size and I bought the most feminine ones for...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 130 Homecoming

Every day after school the next week, we had basketball tryouts. There must have been fifty of us because Coach Hancock and Coach Mitchell were picking both the varsity and JV teams. Every guy in the school seemed to be there to try out. They ran drills. They ran dribbling practice. They ran shooting skills. They ran layups. They ran rebounds. Mostly, they ran us. I don't think I'd ever run so much. Fortunately, I'd biked a lot. My legs and lungs were strong. Whitney told me I had to do...

4 years ago
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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired...

2 years ago
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=== Homesick === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. ----- We'd all gone to see the new _Tombs of Atuan_ movie, Mom and Dad and Kiara and me. On the way home, we chatted about the movie and got into an argument about whether they'd gotten Ged and Tenar's relationship right. Those were the last normal moments of our lives. Then Dad turned into our subdivision -- still normal --...

1 year ago
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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired up...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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South of Bikini Homeworld

South of Bikini Episode 7 "Homeworld" 0800 hours, Ni'ihau, Hawaii, May 8th, 1944 "Good morning, Empress." "Good morning, Corrine." "'Morning, Empress." "Good morning, Jamie." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, Tish." "Good morning, Empress." "Hi, already! Oh, et too, Alex?" Allie seemed a little upset this morning as I approached on an intercept. We were both on course for breakfast. As usual, the...

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Three Square MealsChapter 47 They arrive on the Maliri homeworld

John sat on one of the sofas in the Officers’ Lounge, with his feet up on the coffee table, and Alyssa and Calara cuddled up beside him. The other girls were spread out on the adjacent sofas, and they watched the colourful expanse of Maliri Space drift by, through the long windows that flanked the room. “John...” Dana said tentatively, looking over at him from the other sofa, her beautiful face burning with curiosity. “It’s nearly time for bed, have you got something planned for...

3 years ago
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Makaylas First Encounter With A White Boy

Jamal was a man of 23, but about an inch shorter than Makayla. His skin tone was that of light coffee and he had medium-length dreadlocks. His figure was rather something to scoff at though; he had a bit of a beer gut. It was early October, when the evenings still had that tiny hint of summer balm. Around 7:30 p.m., Makayla was driving her car from the main campus of her school to the off-campus apartments down the street where other students live. This was where her boyfriend Jamal...

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McKaylas MiracleChapter 4

I awoke with McKayla spooned up behind me. Her breath was warm against my neck. One arm was draped around me, cupping my breasts. I lay there for a long time, wondering what I had done the night before. I had taken another woman as my lover. I didn't have anything against lesbians or homosexuals. I only knew a few, and they seemed just the same as anyone else. I liked guys then; I still do today. Yet, that first morning I woke up in McKayla's bed, I knew there was no turning back. She had...

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McKaylas MiracleChapter 5

The next two months passed in a blur. We settled into a comfortable domestic routine. For someone who said she didn't have much experience in relationships, McKayla was very easy to live with. We spent most weeknights at my place, the weekends at her house. The sex was great, but our relationship wasn't about that. Around her, I felt free. She was The One. Being out in public with her was still awkward and I started to notice that I became snippy with the guys at work whenever they'd make...

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McKaylas MiracleChapter 7

I came home early. I was eight months pregnant and wasn't feeling up to a full day's work. I could have quit my job or at least gone on bedrest, but I knew that being around the house all day would drive me batty. McKayla told me she had a meeting that afternoon and had driven separately. I called her before leaving work, but it rolled into her voice mail. That was no surprise. I left her a message and told her to call me when she got a chance. As soon as I got home, I immediately knew...

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McKaylas MiracleChapter 8

Our baby was born three weeks later. We named her Maureen Rene and gave her my last name, Goin. We toyed with the idea of naming her Christa or Talya (the female equivalent of Jesus, meaning "lamb of God") because of her "immaculate" conception to two lesbians, but instead decided to name her Maureen, a derivative of Mary (as in the Virgin), and Rene after my mother. She was healthy and the most beautiful thing either of us had ever seen. I toyed with the idea of quitting my job, but my...

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McKaylas MiracleChapter 9

When McKayla told me about her disease, the conventional wisdom was that she would probably live for at least twenty more years and could possibly live for another fifty. The disease affected people at different rates and there simply wasn't enough research to predict how long we had together. It turns out we got twelve more years together. And irony of ironies, it wasn't the Huntington's that got her. After our wedding, we spent the next year in denial about her disease. We knew the...

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McKaylas MiracleChapter 10

We all stared at the CT scan images: McKayla, me and the doctor. "It's about the size of a golf ball," he told us. "And based on what we found in your blood work, it's aggressive, too." McKayla shook her head and let out a deep, bitter sigh. I tried not to break down right there. Things had been going so well lately. She was taking part in a medical study testing not-yet-FDA-approved drugs, and the shakes were almost completely gone. Her brain was showing no symptoms of memory loss...

2 years ago
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McKaylas MiracleChapter 11

"Are you sure you don't need anything else, Amberle?" Suzie asked. I shook my head. "No, you guys have been wonderful." The week after McKayla died was one big blank spot in my life with only a couple of memories in between. Maureen said I handled everything well. In truth, there wasn't much I had to do. Before she died, my wife had pretty much planned out her memorial service and had made all the arrangements. I think she knew there were so many things that were out of her hands,...

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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 1

Twenty years. That's how long it had been since I last saw him. We met at a party for a mutual friend. I was 22 and single, having just moved to the beach after graduating from college and starting my job less than a month before. Travis was 24 and almost everything a girl like me wanted: charming, polite, well-dressed. And pretty. Actually, he was gorgeous. Sandy blonde hair, blue eyes. He was built lean like a distance runner, with strong, tight muscles that could really fill out a pair...

2 years ago
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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 2

"Can we talk for a minute, Mommy?" Maureen began nervously. I could tell something was up. She had only been home from school for a couple of days. She was a straight-A student in high school, valedictorian of her class. I wish I could say that I had something to do with that, but I didn't. I was an underachieving, slightly above-average student myself. The fact of the matter was that Maureen turned out the way she did because of McKayla. I see so much of my wife in our daughter, even...

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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 3

Our bodies were covered with sweat. Travis and I were sprawled out on his bed. The pillows and covers were tossed aside. The comforter was nowhere to be seen. I was laying in the wet spot, but I wasn't complaining. I counted at least four orgasms, one of which was of the mind-blowing variety. Two more were probably really just continuations of the first one. "Happy birthday," he croaked feebly. As wonderful as Travis was in bed, I'd like to think I was pretty good myself. It was my...

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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 4

I must have sat in my car for close to half an hour. My stomach churned. Finally, I opened the door and forced myself to walk across the parking lot. My gait was fast and deliberate. If I slowed, I knew I was going to chicken out. After doing a little bit of research, I tracked Travis down. Like me, he never left town. His degree was in accounting and after we stopped seeing each other, he passed the CPA exam and went to work for an auditing firm in town. I didn't know he was working there...

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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 5

That night, I sat on the beach as the sun set. Our house is one set of sand dunes away from the ocean. I often come out here and think back to the days when McKayla and I would hold one another and watch the world pass by. We have this one spot, where the sand was worn away. Often she sat behind me and I lay back in her arms, feeling safe and warm in her embrace. I have never been as madly in love with anyone as I was with McKayla, which is strange since I really don't consider myself a...

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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 6

I felt like I was going to melt into the bed. When I first met McKayla, I knew she was smart. But I didn't quite realise how smart she was until we were together for a couple of years. She was the kind of person who could pick up a new language with ease. She was always naturally curious, and when she put her mind to something, it came to her very easily. As a result, she engaged in a wide variety of activities and picked up a gazillion skills throughout her lifetime. Somehow, she passed...

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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 7

I waited nervously on the back deck to the house. The late morning sun was well over the horizon. A warm breeze blew through my hair. Maureen was inside, doing whatever it was that teenagers do to amuse themselves. I sipped absently at a glass of iced tea. The comforting sound of the ocean calmed me as best as it could. For the gazillionth time, I checked my watch. A gazillion times later, I heard the sliding glass door open. "Are you ready, Mommy?" Not really, I thought, but that was...

4 years ago
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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 8

My ears popped as the plane took off. Maureen was ten and McKayla had survived her first bout with cancer. We had just sold our business as were basically retired. How about that? I was thirty-four years old, McKayla was almost forty, and neither of us had to work another day in our lives if we didn't want to. As always, our daughter pressed her face against the window watching the ground recede as the small jet climbed to a low cruising altitude. McKayla and I sat in the plush captain's...

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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 9

We drove back from our lunch with Travis in silence. A couple of times, I looked over to see Maureen staring out the window lost in thought. When we got back to the house, she squeezed my hand and then retreated into her room. "I have something for you, Mommy," my daughter said later that night. "What is it sweetheart?" She placed a card in a sealed envelope on the table. The number 74 was written in one corner. "Mom told me to give this to you." I smiled to myself. Before she died,...

3 years ago
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It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...

Love Stories
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Kaylas friends birthday

Kayla was getting ready to go to her Carly's party, but she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, but she just ignored it and was on her way to her friends house. When she arrived at the party everyone was there, her 3 friends Sophie, Mia, Donna and 3 other girls that she had not know very well. After being introduced to everyone she put her sleepover gear in Carly's room and then they started to do the usually stuff like eating pizza, watching movies ect. Afterwards one of the girls...

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Coming Back for Homecoming

“That’s crazy. Let’s just stay watch the game. We’re going to get caught.” “No, we’re not. And even if we are, what are they going to do? It’s about two years too late to expel us. And it’s not like they’re not going to call the cops. After all we’re alums. Potential donors.” Clara was right, although that attitude came naturally to her. Although she came from an enormously wealthy family, she was not in the least snobby or stuck up. It was impossible, however, for her to be unaware of how her...

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