Hallelujah Ch. 09 free porn video

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The podium wobbles a little as I reach out to grip it. It’s made of compressed wood, a dark and somber shade of brown, and from afar it looks nice and mournful. But now that I’m right next to it I can see that one of the casters is either loose or broken, and the whole thing is just waiting for someone to lean on it wrong and send it crashing to the ground. I adjust my grip to prevent both the wobbling and its accompanying squeak. It occurs to me that this is exactly how the bored-looking priest placed his hands when he was up here. Now I get it.

Even in this small room, the collected crowd looks abysmal. The aforementioned priest is seated, now, having delivered his churchy service. There are four old women and two old men from the home, none dressed in black, all seated near the door. I vaguely recognize two of them, but Grandpa never introduced me to any of them or gave me any reason to assume they were friends. I imagine they’re here by way of karma. If they go to their comrades’ funerals, they probably tell themselves, then maybe somebody will come to theirs. Even at my age, the idea of an empty funeral feels depressing. For someone who is staring down the face of death…

For the most part, they watch the ground examine the walls, stoically ignoring any possible significance this setting might have for them.

Besides them, there are three nurses who Grandpa must have made an impression on, myself, and Jasmine. One of those nurses is a fat large-breasted thing of maybe twenty-seven. Turns out she was my ‘Mrs. Claus,’ and I’m glad I don’t take any pride in my age guessing skills…I would have been off by twenty years or more. Something about that voice sounds so warm and safe throws me off. It must be all the empathy and grandmotherly calm.

She was a little more persistent than most in offering condolences. ‘He was so proud of you,’ she said over and over again as she constantly sought ways to make physical contact. ‘I’ve never seen anything like it.’ She reached out a fat hand and rubbed my arm.

‘I never knew,’ I admitted at last. ‘He never said much, or asked much, about my career. I guess I assumed he was proud, but it’s nice to hear it.’

She blinked at me. ‘What do you do?’

‘He never told you?’

She squinted, like she was thinking really hard about that one. Her hand came up, and I was afraid I was going to get sweaty-palmed again, but she only stroked her chin. ‘No. No, I don’t recall him ever talking about a job, or anything like that.’

I didn’t expect that. ‘Then what was he proud of?’ I asked.

She mirrored the same flabbergasted face right back at me. ‘Why, YOU, dear. Mr. Cooper was always telling us about YOU, and what kind of wonderful you were.’ By that point she was looking at me like maybe she was reevaluating Grandpa’s assessment. ‘He seemed to think you could do anything in the world that you wanted to do. I don’t think he worried too much about what you chose, because no matter what it was he knew you could do it.’ I couldn’t think of anything to say to that. It didn’t take her long to excuse herself and go sit and talk quietly with the other nurses.

Jasmine overheard. I know she did. But she didn’t say anything to me about it, except to ask me how I was doing the next time I went by her.

I initially didn’t want her to come up for this. I felt like what I needed was more space, more distance, not less. Having Jasmine Knox around me is clearly not conducive to good decision-making or wizened thinking. But Grandpa Cooper was a part of her life, too, and it seemed rude to deny her the chance to pay her respects. They’d always gotten along well, bonding pretty strongly while we were together. He made her laugh, and to an old man getting a beautiful girl to giggle has to be a marvelous sensation. I assume it’s the equivalent of when you had that wonderfully-breasted third grade teacher who never really caught on that third grade boys like boobs too, and who would lean over you from behind so that you could feel their glorious weight brush your shoulder and arm. You know, somewhere between innocent and ‘This sure kicks ass.’ That kind of feeling. And if she hadn’t seen him in the last six years, I knew that he was still a part of her past that had mattered to her and was now gone. She had every right to say goodbye.

Still, in spite of how completely alone (and therefore lonely) Grandpa’s passing has made me feel, I refused to travel up here with her. If we were going, we were going separately. Jasmine thought that just seemed stubbornly stupid, especially when she could get us both airline tickets and all I could afford was to drive up. I was almost inclined to agree when I got halfway from Nashville to New York, but I’m glad I did it. I needed the time to think. And, since Buck was willing to lend me the money for gas, it was an opportunity worth taking. I think he was a bit relieved to have us away for awhile, after having to be on AJ patrol for half a week.

Whether I wanted her here or now, Jasmine’s been something of a godsend. She helped arrange the funeral. She contacted Bennie and left a message with John Kennedy regarding Grandpa’s passing. This was probably unnecessary, I’m sure both of them had already been informed by Teddy Fields that I was no longer welcome to work with his band. She took a plane, insisting that if I wouldn’t do the same then she was at least paying for the motel rooms. I let that happen, under the condition that we stay in separate places. I got another ‘you’re being a stubborn jackass’ look, but no argument. Even a woman has a hard time lecturing a man when he’s grieving.

She’s also been smart enough to maintain a certain distance. I don’t know if she understands why, fully…maybe she figures it has to do with AJ’s appearance, or maybe she thinks I’m moody because I lost my job and my grandfather…but she recognizes that it’s important to me to stay away from her for the time being.

Up until now, I think the whole funeral has been a bit of a joke. Funerals and weddings have one thing in common: you let the church in and suddenly the first two-thirds of the ceremony have nothing to do with you. They are completely interchangeable from person to person. Here we are mourning an individual, someone who stood out from the crowd and who did their own thing, and there’s nothing individualized or unique about the first forty minutes of sermon. Lots of talk about God, hardly anything about August Cooper. No surprise there, really…that’s just the way it is…but I’m glad I insisted on saying a few words near the end. If I hadn’t, we might as well have just all gone to church on Sunday.

Standing up here now, looking down at a poorly mixed handful of strangers, I wonder what the fuck the point even is. One of the nurses looks at her watch. The old man seated nearest the door quietly makes his exit. Even the priest seems distracted. The only person who really cares that August Cooper is never coming back is me. I take a deep breath.

Let me eulogize my grandfather, so that none may hear.

‘After my mother died,’ I say, to no one, ‘my grandfather started to occasionally refer to me as ‘son.’ Not often, at first, but as the years passed he did it more and more. Sometimes, not always, he would correct himself after, without apology or embarrassment. I always assumed it was a slip of the tongue.’ I can’t help but smile a little bit as I continue. ‘You know what? I can’t think of one other time, or of one other scenario, where he slipped and used any word other than the one he intended to use. Not one. If he couldn’t remember a name, or how a story ended, he would simply stop. If it took him four minutes to find the right word, the word he was looking for, then he would take those four minutes to think. He always had the time for the right word.’ I find myself looking at the fat nurse. ‘August Cooper was careful with his words. If he omitted something, it was intentional. If he told the same story over and
over again…it’s because he believed it was worth the telling. I think he knew, as some people instinctively know and as others never learn, that the words are important. Even more important than the story.’ I’m getting choked up, now, and I can feel my smile fade. ‘My grandfather didn’t call me son by mistake. He didn’t call me son as a way of mourning, or hiding the loss of, his own child. And he didn’t call me son as a casual term of endearment. My grandfather, in his own gentle way, wanted to make sure that I knew how much I meant to him. He wanted me to know that, even if I only had the one person left in this world, it was someone who loved me unconditionally and who would be there for me.’ I have to pause for a moment to regain control. One stray tear tickles my cheek, and for some reason it embarrasses me. Where will I cry, if not at a funeral? I look down at Jasmine, and she has a matching tear on her own cheek. ‘When my dad died, it hurt. He didn’t deserve the way his life had been torn apart in the last years before his death, and it still makes me sad to think of where he was when he passed. It makes me sad to think that I was a small part of that. But I learned to cope with my feelings, and in some ways as time passed I got over the loss. When my mother died, it hurt even more…not because I loved her more, or because she was more important to me, but because this time I didn’t have a parent to lean on as I grieved. And yet August Cooper was there, and Jasmine Jones was there. They were there for me. And again, with time, I learned to live with the loss. This, somehow, seems worse. This time, I’m not sure…’ my throat catches, and I can’t speak. I look out at these people, some of them now watching me carefully. Fat nurse wipes at her eyes, and I don’t want to be here. I can’t be here.

I have to get out.

I do my best to maintain some semblance of self-control, at least enough that I’m able to wave my hand apologetically and step down from the podium with quiet grace. I walk slowly, calmly down the aisle, not running or weeping or even hurrying, and only when I’m outside do I begin to speed up.

Across the street from the funeral home is a diner. I go in, take a booth in the corner, and order coffee. Jasmine never shows up, which is good. After a few hours, I pay my tab and leave. The home is closed and my car is the only one left in the lot.

I pull my jacket tight against the chilly wind.

Goodbye, Grandpa.

I spend most of the rest of the day in my hotel room. I don’t have anywhere I really want to go, or anyone I really want to see, although I know that laying around feeling sorry isn’t helping me. If I could get up, if I could move beyond, then I would. But I have no inertia, and that’s just what it is.

Jacob Currie. Currie. I run the name over and over in my head. But it’s not the name, it’s the people. My mother and father, their parents…all the things that made them of this world. It’s all gone, except for what little remains in me. And those remains are likely to vanish, too. There are no little Jake Curries running around anywhere, and I wonder if there ever will be. I’m going to be thirty-two soon, and I haven’t even met the right woman yet. Or maybe I have, and I never gave her a chance because I wasn’t prepared to do so. Or maybe I met her, and she got away.

There is something of August Cooper in me, and it feels special enough that it should be preserved. It feels like the most valuable thing I have to offer this world. For the first time in my life, the idea of looking down at the round, cherubic face of a child bearing my name seems overwhelmingly beautiful. It seems like something to want. Something to need.

I’d never really thought hard about the idea before. I guess I always felt an undercurrent of certainty that I would not make a very good father. My own parents were such a mess by the end, and I feel like I share their stumbling ways more than my grandfather’s calm and timeless wisdom. I just always thought I had to wait until I had my shit together, and that if that never happened then it was okay to not father a child. Now I’m wondering if that was a mistake.

How could it be, though, if I had no one to start my family with?

It’s getting late when a knock on the door pulls me out of my meditation. It’s Jasmine, and she has McDonalds.

‘I was worried that you might not have eaten,’ she says.

‘I haven’t,’ I admit. ‘Thank you.’

She looks up at me, sad empathy in her eyes, and she looks beautiful. She’s changed clothes, donning that peasant skirt that looks so nice on her, and has only the lightest touch of make-up on. ‘Can I come in?’ she asks.

Jacob Currie. Currie.


We sit silently next to each other on the bed and eat our hamburgers. ‘That was sweet, what you said today,’ she says when we’ve finished.

‘No it wasn’t.’

‘It was.’ She turns to me, and I notice that she smells good. ‘Thank you for letting me come. And for…’ she bites her lip, staring at me, and I turn to look at her.

She kisses me. Again, almost without passion or lust. She simply pushes her lips to mine and holds them there. Her hand comes up and touches my cheek through my beard. And suddenly all I can feel is that this is someone who I am close to, who has mattered to me and who matters to me now. I kiss her back, pushing forward so that she lies back on the bed. I follow, crouching over her.

We finish the kiss and I pull back just enough to look down into her eyes. She smiles up at me and strokes my cheek. ‘Please,’ she says softly.

We kiss again, and I feel drunk. Her hand is fumbling with my belt buckle, and then my zipper. She pushes my pants down and hikes her skirt up. Another kiss, and I pull her underwear off of her.

There’s no more foreplay than that, no real sensuality at all. There’s just the driving need to be together, but it’s enough. She’s soaking as I slide into her. She gasps and pulls at my back. I can hardly breathe. We’re moving together, pushing our bodies up against each other, but it’s happening to somebody else. Or it’s happening to all of me. I can’t tell which.

She cries out, and I can see a tear on her cheek. I am more aware of my orgasm in the abstract than from any real sense of pleasure. We share another long kiss.

I stay there, above her, for a long time afterward. She cries for a while, whispering ‘thank you’ through the sobs, and I don’t know what to say. After a while we climb under the covers and hold each other. It’s so intoxicating, I don’t know how I could ever want anything else.

‘Good night,’ she says softly into my neck.

‘Good night,’ I whisper back. And I sleep very, very well.

The next morning is surprisingly easy, and after showering we walk across the street to get some breakfast. The conversation is light and flowing, and neither of us is trying to test the other to see what all this means. The wind is gone and, in spite of the late season, its sunny and warm outside.

‘Your flight leaves tomorrow morning, right?’ I ask as we finish up.

‘It does.’ She dabs at her lips with a napkin. ‘Were you planning on leaving right away? It’s a long drive.’

‘I don’t mind that. The drive is kind of nice. I was actually wondering how you planned on spending your day.’

‘Shopping, I suppose. There’s an outdoor mall not too far from here, and a larger shopping plaza up the road from that. Why?’

I shrug. ‘Thought I might join you, if you don’t mind.’

She looks like she wants to jump across the table and hug me. ‘Of course I don’t mind!’

We spend the day going from store to store. I’d forgotten, but shopping was never a painful experience with Jasmine. The outdoor mall has a craft fair set up in the parking lot, and most of the items are either worth talking about for how neat they are or worth making fun of for what pieces of shit they are. We laugh and kid and eat
well, and even hold hands for a little bit as the sun starts to dip down. It’s almost seven by the time I pull into the lot at her hotel.

‘Are you…’ she gives me a hopeful look, ‘…are you staying?’

I take a deep breath. It’s tempting. ‘No,’ I say. ‘I’ve got a lot to think about, and night driving is good for that.’

‘You’re not too tired to drive?’

‘I’ve got enough money for a stopover somewhere, but no. I’ll just get a coffee and see if I can’t make it home in one rush.’

She smiles. ‘You’ll spend all night listening to music, I suppose.’

I shake my head. ‘No. That doesn’t really appeal to me right now.’

‘It doesn’t?’ She raises her eyebrows. ‘Who are you?!’

We both laugh. ‘Good question. You sleep well, okay?’ I lean over and kiss her. She tastes like lip gloss. ‘I’ll see you in Nashville.’

‘See you there.’ She seems to want to say something more, but she doesn’t. I’m glad. Instead, she just climbs out of the car and shuts the door. Once she’s gotten her packages out of the back seat, she gives me a wave through the window and steps back. I return the gesture and drive on. Looking in the rear view, I can see her watching me pull away.

I look down at the IPod, sitting in the cupholder. ‘Who are you?’ she’d asked. Makes me think of the Tom Waits song. One of the finest bits of songwriting I’ve ever…

And there I go again.

I don’t need music trivia or one-liners from other people’s songs right now. I need silence, and focus.

As I come up the on-ramp onto the interstate, I roll down the window and throw the IPod out, as hard as I can. It bounces on the concrete and ends up lying lonely in the dirt. I roll the window up and start over.

‘Who are you?’ she’d asked…

It takes about thirteen hours in a car to go from the lower New York area to Nashville, Tennessee. Plenty of time to reassess pretty much every single thing going on in my life. Fueled by a steady intake of coffee and a sense that my arrival home marks some sort of significant deadline, I drive the whole way without stopping to do more than pee, get food, or caffeine up.

The list of questions I face is so impossibly endless and all-encompasses that I almost feel as if there’s no starting point. I have no single tract where I can plant my flag and say, ‘Here. This is the one thing that will remain true. Everything else must be build around it.’ Literally every tiny bit of who and what I am feels worth questioning. And as hard as that is…it feels right. It feels like I’m asking questions that I should have asked a long time ago.

Still, as important as it may or may not be, it’s an arduous process. I keep running into some question or feeling that forces me to start over. I keep going back to that question. Who am I? Somewhere around Buchanan, Virginia it starts to feel like pieces are falling into place. It’s like I’m building a puzzle…the more sections I can find a home for, the clearer the big picture becomes. Only this puzzle is three dimensional. And it has a billion pieces.

And like any puzzle, there’s one magic piece that seems to clear everything up. Once that one piece has found its home, everything becomes clearer. By the time I leave Virginia, that piece is in place. Somewhere around the border, I realize something about myself that helps me understand everything. I mean EVERYthing. I know, for the first time, exactly what the problems are and exactly what solutions need to be applied in order to fix them.

And I know that I can apply them.

It’s just after ten in the morning when I pull into the parking lot. My stomach hurts from too much greasy food and coffee. I’m buzzed and exhausted in nearly equal measure. My back thinks its fifty years old. Jasmine isn’t here yet…her flight lands at ten thirty…so I piss in the sink. Then I lie down and pass out.

‘Jake. Jake, I know you’re tired. I think you need to get up.’

Soft, small female fingers run through my hair, and I feel the warm breath on the back of my neck right before she kisses me there.

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In the weeks that followed, the Carters were quite pleased to find Ellen visiting them with increasing frequency. Often she stopped by on her way home from school, then lingered over a glass of soda pop and some ice cream for the longest time. In the evenings she would come by again and they would watch TV, films or play scrabble or go to drive-ins for milk shakes. Several times they took her ice skating at the big rink in Northfield, and despite her voluptuousness Ellen proved to be...

3 years ago
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First time with a black woman

I think we all dream of being with a woman from another race, but being from the deep south, its honestly a bit taboo. I had searched for a while for a fling on AFF, but never had much luck. I wasn’t particularly looking for a black girl, I just wanted somewhere to get my dick wet. But I met this black girl in the next town over. We chatted back and fourth for a few weeks, things seemed to be going good. She was a little on the chubby side, which was fine with me, we seemed to be into the same...

1 year ago
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Cc975692 the Mission

I finally learned that the aliens that had captured me are called the Drakk. They are an ancient race that have grown bored and decided to occupy their time by trying to expand their empire. In their arrogance, self-assuredness, over-confidence or whatever you want to call it; they each believed that they could win any conflict, that their technology was so advanced that they couldn’t lose. After thousands of years they finally realized that their enemies were just as advanced, that they were...

2 years ago
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My Favorite Patient

I love my job. I love taking care of people, making sure that they return to normal, or even better than normal. I work at the local hospital, as a regular staff nurse, and I believe in the traditional nursing attire. I love my white, little cap and my silky, white hose, with the dress that zips down the front. All my peers say that I am totally backward, as I am only 36 years old and dress like it was 25 years ago. I think I look good, and so do my patients. There’s something to be said for...

Straight Sex
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Cousin Ko Buri Tarah Choda

Ye story 2 saal pehle ki hai jab mein apne bade bhai ki shadi attend karne raipur gya tha. Meri university ki exam padh gyi thi isliye mein apne bhai ki shadi mein sabse late pahucha. Mein jab tak raipur pahucha tab vaha sangeet ki function shuru hogyi thi tabhi meri aankhein meri cousin pe parhi uska naam shalini hai. Shalini ka rang gora aur uske boobs baht hi bade jaise ki voh bra ko chid kr bahar aajaye uski size 38-26-34 hogi. Usne uss din saree pehni thi aur saree kamar ke niche tuck kari...

4 years ago
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Surprise secret from my old friend

(The only reason I'm describing this story is 1) His wife would never find out about it because she hates porn and 2) it makes me rock hard just typing it out, because I had been waiting SO long for a trusting cock in my mouth.It was supposed to be just an ordinary day until an old friend called me out of the blue. He was part of our "gang" growing up. We were like the k**s from Stand By Me. Always together. Me, Steven and the person who called me, Greg.Hopefully you read my other story...

3 years ago
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Jenny Learns Her Place

His hands held my hips tightly and his very large hard cock slammed into my asshole again and again, as if he were was going to ram it all the way out my mouth. I whimpered with each long stroke while my own small dick dripped the remains of my orgasm. It was amazing that he was hard so quickly after pumping my mouth full of sweet jism, some of it even spraying onto my face. “Oh! Oh! Oh! Ooohhh fuck me good, baby,” I moaned over and over. I'd known Bobby since grade school and had even enjoyed...

2 years ago
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Rebecca didn't want to be a fucking lesbo. She wanted Todd's cock in her, she knew that. She'd asked for it, countless times, as he laughed in joy, excitement. He wanted her, too, or else it wouldn't have been so much fun, the abject begging. This was different. This was so completely wrong. Olivia was her co-worker, her once-confidante, her partner in several projects. Now her nemesis. Her doom. They'd gone out for a bite to eat after work, to celebrate the completion of the AlphaSix...

3 years ago
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What the Future May BringChapter 21

Kathleen Lehrer was awake within seconds of hearing the clock radio that she had set for 5:45 A.M. Feeling refreshed after six and a half hours of much needed sleep, she was ready to get on with the business of learning about the other issues with which she would have to contend as President. She had set the radio to National Public Radio, and sat in bed listening to it as she gathered her thoughts. The major story, as expected, was the aftermath of the Capitol catastrophe. The most recent...

4 years ago
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Cocoa Delight

It is a hot summer day in August and I am relaxing at home, enjoying the air conditioning. I am feeling very horny and decide to cruise an adult dating site. I open the instant messenger list and notice a local lady listed close to my location. Her screen name is “cocoalicious” and her profile photo reveals her lovely breasts with very erect nipples. I acted on impulse, since it is rare that anyone ever responds to a page. I sent her a page saying “gorgeous chest”. To my surprise, she enters...

First Time
3 years ago
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E103 The Longest Night

Christmas is at hand, and Dorothy and Maude are coming to celebrate with them.  Neither have ever been south to Donald’s home and the warm invitation, which they know is mainly Emma’s influence now, is so pleasing to them.They at first plan to fly down, but then, realizing they no longer have any need to rush around to get somewhere, decide to take the train.  It will be a day and a half trip, but they book a sleeper car and giggle together about the fun they will have while they roll along the...

Love Stories
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WatchingMyDaughterGoBlack Maya Woulfe 12262021

Maya has a total creep perv for a stepdad. He is always saying inappropriate remarks to her and definately wants to fuck her. But Maya, like most girls today, only wants black cock run up inside of her. So stepdad James brings over a black friend of his from the office and asks if she would like to fuck a couple of men at once since her boyfriend Chris was over. I mean, they were fucking all night making sounds that kep the old pervert up listening and rubbing his halfway plump cock. Can you...

3 years ago
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Shaken Awake

(WARNING/DSICLAIMER; This story begins a little slower than most others on this site. If you are after some quick sex-type action read something else, have some patience and bear with this story or just skip and skim through the first few pages till the sexual facets kick in. I intend this to be a big story. All characters involved in sexual situations are eighteen years of age or older. And this aint' necessarily an incest story...it's a bit of a sexual soup. Anyway...let's get on with...

4 years ago
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Free MagusChapter 21

With all of my courage gathered, I headed for the doorway leading to the ante-chamber. I could hear someone speaking softly and knew that Walker and Mom were waiting for me. I donned my armor, as modified and prepared as I could be for anything Walker threw at me. I also dropped a dagger into my hand. I wouldn’t hesitate this time. I had to hit Walker with a dagger as soon as I spotted him. I stepped through the doorway and found the two of them standing in the middle of the room. I...

1 year ago
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A tieup game turns into making love

This is the true story of the first time that I was involved in “bondage”. It happened in the student hostel of the university. On a Friday my roommates travelled home for the weekend, so I was alone. I asked my girlfriend to sleep with me in the hostel. She came, and we had a great night, as you can imagine. The story is however not about this. The next morning we stayed long in bed, and chatted about everything. We caressed each other’s naked body during talking, and I...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 5

I awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking and followed my nose to the kitchen where all four of my brides were working together to put a breakfast-fit-for-a-king on the table. My wives can COOK. Holy cow, they are amazing. I should have paid closer attention, but Ruth was closely watching my every move, and building a catalog of my likes and dislikes, as well as keeping up with what I like to eat, and what I don't. I know this because I asked, "How did you girls know that these are among...

1 year ago
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Sexting Sister Chapter 1Part 1 Inspired by Kinkybelle

“Finally, a day off from work.” Today I am finally off of work. I been working nonstop for the past five days; I’m off for the whole weekend. From the very start of the day was weird for me. First, I woke up around three in the afternoon, the last time I did that was before I had a job. Second, nobody was calling me phone today. Shelly (Girlfriend.) would call me all the time, but today it seemed she has taken a break from that. I spent most of the day on the couch; it’s weirdly been awhile...

1 year ago
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Soldier comes home to wife

Nala & Tyler You have been anticipating seeing me for a week now, and you know as well as I do you can wait no longer. I come to our home, and open the door ever so gracefully; your eyes go from glancing at the ground to gazing into mine. You are taken by my stare, and nearly quiver at the sight of me, as I do you. No words are said, for you and I know exactly what one another is thinking. In the background, tantalizing music is playing, music that seems to set the scene ever so perfectly. Just...

2 years ago
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My Masters Puppet

Introduction: All fantasy, I hope you enjoy! My Masters Puppet Chapter 1: A Costly Mistake I slept comfortably in my empty bed only to be disturbed by a pounding on the front door. The veracity of the knocking startled me, it took a minute to focus the sunlight from the window was blinding. It was a reminder of my sadness, that Im wasting a perfectly good day moping around. I must of fell asleep after I took a shower, I was still wearing my bath robe and my hair was still damp. I stood up...

3 years ago
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Honor Thy Mother Thy Father Ch 04

Note: This is a work of Fiction. Although the areas this story takes place in are real, the landscapes depicted, the people described, and everything else this story uses to make it enjoyable reading are NOT REAL. As you read this story, try to remember: ‘THIS IS A NOVEL.’ The author retains all rights to this story. * 13. Hidden and Found What are the chances of two graduate students from the University of Massachusetts, in Amherst, running into one another, in a city of over 8 million...

3 years ago
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Humiliation of JaneChapter 6

Jane thought to herself that she was really in big trouble now. In the last few days she's been repeatedly fucked in her pussy and ass and has been forced to sucked more cock and drink more cum than she has in her entire lifetime. As she sat in her brother's car trying to imagine what was in store for her this evening - feeling like any man's whore - she started to fall asleep. She drift- ed off. When she awoke, only about ten minutes later, the car had come to a halt in the driveway of...

1 year ago
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The Butterfly

I sat alone in the lunchroom accompanied only by a cold grilled cheese on a dirty plastic tray. Swarms of college students marched in and out of the concession stand of a cafeteria. The food was never enjoyable, even when the grilled cheeses were hot. Everyone was black and white. They were bored, vacant, uninterested in anything going on around them. I’ve never looked in a mirror so I may have been just as bland and colorless as them. It was Valentine’s Day. If you haven’t noticed yet, being...

2 years ago
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Marrying Carol 7

We woke up happy and horny the next morning.  The sun was streaming through the window and we could hear waves crashing on the beach.  We lazed around in bed and talked about yesterday's sexual adventures.Carol said, "If you ever said stop, it would be over.  I love you most of all."We showered together and fooled around but no real sex.  We went down to breakfast sitting with the same group as last night.  Everyone was either nude or wearing very little.  We were all sitting on comfortable...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 54 Normalizing Relations

“My Queen and King,” the royal herald announced in a loud, trembling voice. His brown eyes were wild and his milky skin even paler than usual. Shaking noticeably, his eyes kept flashing back to the six robed figures standing close to him. It was as if he wanted to be sure they were real and was terribly afraid they’d disappear when he glanced away. Or maybe, that they’d consume him if he weren’t watching diligently. The figures were passingly strange. They were all tall, each of them at...

3 years ago
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A Stormy Night

Linda was curled up facing away from him. John as usual lay behind her facing her back. Regardless of what position they ended up in when they woke they always fell asleep that way. Linda turned. In the darkness of the room she couldn’t see him but knew he was looking at her. She moved closer and felt his lips press against hers. They were warm and wet and inviting. His hand went to her shoulder, moving down her arm to her thigh pulling her closer. John felt her breasts against his chest...

2 years ago
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The Bad Girls 2

My name is Ali Andretti I am 35 a teachers assistant at my daughter Susan's High School. Recently Susan was selected for the first XI soccer team. Two of her team mates Christine and Samantha 18 are now our girlfriends.I am now the older woman getting regularly fucked by Samantha (or Sam as she prefers). We usually double date with Christine and Susan.Tonight we have parked the car and are making out. It doesn't take long before my blouse is unbuttoned exposing my breasts and my skirt is around...

1 year ago
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I raped my good friend

Well to start off i will give you some information about the people involved in this fantasy. I have known this woman for the longest time and we are good friends so that is why i know she wouldnt suspect i would do sumthing like this to her. She is one of the best looking woman I have ever seen. She has 40DD tits and the most perfect asses you will ever see. She has the kind of ass that a man that dosent give it to his girl up the ass would dream of giving it up the ass to this chic. Her tits...

1 year ago
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Milfed Rachael Cavalli My Show Is On

Rachael Cavalli is trying to bond with her stepson (Codey Steele) as her husband (G. Turner) tries to watch his favorite game show. Annoyed by his wife and son, Dad tells Rachael to move over so he can concentrate on the quiz show. Ever the obedient wife, she scoots over, right onto her stepson’s hard cock. She bounces up and down on the young, throbbing member right next to her husband. Dad is so absorbed in his show that he doesn’t notice what is happening and he even asks Rachael...

2 years ago
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visit to mexico

Terry woke up the next morning and felt alive and invigorated from a goodnight's sleep. She had felt exhausted from the plane flight and all theexcitement she had experienced during her first trip away from home. Shepulled back the covers and got out of bed, but froze when she noticed herreflection in the floor length mirror. Terry almost didn't recognizeherself in the mirror as she stood standing there in the white, silk thongand lace bra that Rosa had picked out for her the previous...

1 year ago
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Lets Pretend

By Tikiman Based loosely on true events. More fiction than fact. ******************** Chad and I had been messing around for about a year. It started as masturbating together, and progressed to wanking each other, sucking, until finally I let Chad ass fuck me twice. To this day, Chad easily had the longest cock I've ever seen. We never measured it, but if I had to guess, I'd guess around nine inches. Chad was swarthy, and when his circumcised cock got erect, you could...

3 years ago
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Useless Fuck Slut Part 2

It was 9 AM when the two men woke up. Jerry turned the monitor back on, and to no surprise there was Jackie still getting fucked by the machine; but he noticed something different. It appeared that Jackie had pissed herself as there was a large puddle of liquid beneath the captured Latina. “Oh boy, we are really going to have some fun today”, laughed Mike. He got up, went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple more beers, as well as a large box of industrial wrap, the stuff they use for...

2 years ago
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Anal Annie

Annie was not having a good day. It all began when her alarm clock didn't go off when it was supposed to. Luckily she woke up on her own, albeit 30 minutes late. So she had to hit the ground running and scramble to get ready for work. Running behind her already tight schedule, she quickly dressed in the first thing she could grab from her closet and threw it on. Then putting on her nylons, she got a run in one of them! Great! She took them off and put on another pair and then slipped on her...

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my fantasy037

u smile & pull me in2 the bathroom& then pull me in2 the shower with u...as we soap & wash each others bodiesi can feel my excitement growing & i can FEEL that yours is growingas u throb & expand in my hand...then your hands move 2 my shoulders& gently press my body downwardmaking me drop 2 my knees in front of uas my hand slides 2 the thick base of your cock...as i slowly look upward & in2 your eyesi open my mouth & let your cock slide insideslithering my tongue...

2 years ago
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I Love to Lick a Womans Big Butthole3b

Lisa and I enjoyed each other the whole weekend and I really got to know her a lot better. She was a very deep person who liked to think about the meaning of things, including life. She read books by Hugh Prather, Richard Bach, Carlos Castenada, and other great books along those lines. She was surprised when I told her I was currently plowing my way through the Casteneda novels and was reading the third one I think, "Tales of Power."We ate great seafood the entire weekend and licked, sucked,...

3 years ago
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Happy Times

I didn't mean to let so many weeks go by but unfortunately the company I work for sent me on am out of town project. The first time I had chance to go to Jo's shop was Friday afternoon. Looking through the window hoping to catch a glimpse of her proved fruitless, but I did glance at the very sexy lingerie on display. Which was the reason I came here in the first place. I decided to go into the shop and hope for the best. There were several young assistants in there, all beautifully attired. A...

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Ahhh Rosie

My name is Rosie, I work in a diner. I’ve been in this town all my life, I’m 29, basically still a virgin, not quite but nearly. I haven’t dated in, ohh it has to be at least 6 years. Not that I haven’t had the opportunity. I’m no glamour but I’ve looks enough. It was just after I met him and fell madly in love with him, that dating other men became unnatural for me… He comes in here everyday and over the years we’ve talked a fair bit, he still doesn’t know that I’m in love with him and I...

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His girlfriends mom

Tom waited on the porch considering pushing the button again when the door opened. Standing in the doorway was Rachel, Sandra’s mother. At forty Rachel was five six. Blonde hair that hung loose on her shoulders she had deep brown eyes and full lips that drew Tom’s attention as she smiled. “Uh…” he said. “You must be Tom,” Rachel said. “Uh huh.” Tom said as his eyes moved down the long night shirt she wore. From the wide V at the neck that revealed the ample bosom of a voluptuous 36DD to...

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