Il Calciatore. free porn video

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Siamo una coppia normalissima, regolarmente sposata, di circa 40 anni, molto innamorata l’uno dell’altro. Da un po’ di tempo, con scarsi risultati, stavo cercando di convincere la mia lei ad avere uno incontro con un terzo. Con scarsi risultati, sulle prime non ne voleva sentir parlare, poi con il tempo e la mia insistenza sembrava quasi aver deciso positivamente per farmi contento. Nel frattempo nei nostri momenti intimi, fantasticavamo su dove e come sarebbe potuto avvenire il triangolo. Lei ultimamente sembrava gradire molto queste fantasie, al punto che decidemmo di metterci alla ricerca di un buon “bull”.
Sissi la mia mogliettina, dimenticavo di presentarvela: è una donna magnifica, almeno per me, non è una di quelle che quando passa ti giri e fischi, ma per gli anni che ha, ne dimostra almeno 10 di meno, e si fa guardare non è alta, ben proporzionata, un bel seno, e soprattutto un bel lato “B”, un viso sensualissimo, e almeno con me molto ben disposta alla pratica del sesso, il che non guasta mai.
Il tempo scorreva ed ora vi racconto i fatti più’ recenti.
Un bel giorno , di ritorno da un matrimonio lontano 200 km dalla nostra citta , stanchi e sfiniti, abbiamo fatto tappa sulla strada del nostro ritorno verso casa in un albergo.
Era ormai tardo pomeriggio, e su indicazione di alcuni amici ci siamo diretti verso un bellissimo hotel dotato di ogni confort. Una volta arrivati e preso possesso della camera, ci siamo subito diretti nella beauty spa, situata all’ultimo piano dell’hotel.
Location spettacolare, piscina coperta riscaldata circondata da una vetrata nel cielo, attorno al perimetro della piscina lettini in vimini dove potersi rilassare, e poi sauna, bagno turco e docce aromatiche. Il posto ideale dove trascorrere un’oretta di vero relax, eravamo gli unici fruitori delle attrezzature, io e lei.

Indossati i costumi da bagno iniziamo immediatamente con un sano bagno turco. Il locale era grande, ovviamente “nebbioso” molto profumato, io mi adagio su un lato della stanza e lei da quello opposto, sdraiati, ci potevamo intravedere nelle nubi bianchi generati dal vapore. Dopo qualche minuto di permanenza si apre la porta e sempre nella penombra vediamo entrare un uomo. Ed è a questo punto che ho pensato: il posto giusto al momento giusto? Chissà?
Scruto con attenzione mia moglie, la quale non si scompone e sembra ignorare l’ospite. Allora dirigo il mio sguardo su di lui, ma anche lui è sdraiato in totale relax e sembra assorto nei suoi pensieri. I miei pensieri si susseguono veloci, siamo lontani da casa, in un posto dove non siamo conosciuti, le camere a portata di ascensore, sarebbe l’occasione perfetta. A questo punto prendo la decisone di uscire dal bagno turco e lasciarli soli, chissà se nasce l’intesa…??
Una volta fuori mi sdraio su un lettino a bordo piscina e con il cuore in gola inizio a fantasticare su cosa potrebbe succedere, la mia parte irrazionale mi da eccitazione, quella razionale mi fa stare male. Sarebbe stata la prima volta quella di vedere mia moglie nelle mani di un altro, si è vero l’avevo sognata da tempo, ma adesso arrivati quasi al dunque la cosa mi agitava..!
Ma dopo pochi attimi la porta si apre ed vedo uscire Sissi. Venne sul lettino vicino al mio e mi chiese come mai fossi uscito… tesoro, speravo, lasciandoti sola con quel bel ragazzo che forse sarebbe stata la volta buona……per risposta ottenni: ma dai…non sono preparata mentalmente….lo sai non mi piacciono le sorprese…..e poi quello non mi ha degnato neppure di uno sguardo…figurati se gli interessato…..! Allora, le dissi, facciamo una cosa: io vado in camera, tu resti qui sola e quando esce cerca di capire se ti piace, se noti il suo interesse su di te, dai fatti corteggiare.
La lasciai stesa sul lettino, avvolta in un morbido asciugamano e abbandonata ai suoi pensieri. Appena uscito dalla porta che era a vetri decisi di rimanere defilato per vedere come sarebbe finita.
Il tempo passava, ma del tipo neppure l’ombra, evidentemente stava bene immerso nell’umido, ignaro che fuori potesse esserci una lieta sorpresa.
Ma all’improvviso, (e finalmente penso io) il tipo esce dal bagno turco, fa una veloce doccia, e decide di sdraiarsi su un lettino esattamente di fronte a lei. E’ strano penso fra me e me, se messo in quella postazione sicuramente per osservarla…..!
E qui il mio cuore inizia a galoppare…..salivazione azzerata….forse ci siamo.
Lei con fare disinvolto lascia scivolare l’asciugamano a terra, è bellissima, con il costume da mare nero…..! Sono uno di fronte all’altro, li divide il lato corto della piscina, chissà a cosa penseranno….ora lei lentamente divarica le gambe come a volersi aprire…..lui guarda ….secondo me ben intenzionato e pronto a reagire alle provocazioni.
E’ sempre lei a fare la prima mossa, ora infatti si passa lentamente una mano sul costume, quasi a volersi sfiorare intimamente…..lui la guarda e ricambia con una mano che si infila nel suo pantaloncino da mare. E’ fatta penso io…..stavolta .....
A questo punto, a malincuore perché la scena mi intriga decido di ritirarmi in camera ed attendere gli eventi. Dopo quasi 30minuti di attesa con il cervello in fumo sento bussare, mi precipito ad aprire la porta…..e’ lei avvolta in un asciugamano con un mini pareo….mi guarda e mi chiede: sei veramente pronto? Rispondo al volo…..certo amore….prontissimo di vederti godere fra le braccia di un altro. Irresponsabile ? forse….Geloso? immensamente, ma ormai non potevo più tirarmi indietro. E lui dovè ? Arriva fra poco, e in camera sua. Conosco molto bene mia moglie, da oltre 20anni, so scrutare nei suoi atteggiamenti ogni cosa, in quel momento era assolutamente eccitata!!
Va in bagno, e quando esce con aria visibilmente agitata si stende sul letto. E’ sempre in costume.
Mi dice amore voglio che tu stia sempre vicino a me, voglio guardarti e voglio sentire il tuo respiro….certo sarò dove vorrai…tanto è un gioco e come tale faremo.
E’ il momento……bussano alla porta …..eccitazione…frenesia….nervosismo…non so’ più quale sia il mio stato d’animo…..apro….lui con aria disinvolta si presenta: piacere Peppe..! E’ un ragazzo niente male poteva avere non più di 30 anni altissimo, capelli corti, un bel fisico…anche perché l’abbiamo saputo dopo era un calciatore professionista e giocava in una squadra di calcio di serie B e nell’anno successivo in serie A……siamo stati fortunati penso io. La luce è soffusa nella stanza lei è sempre stesa sul letto esattamente nel mezzo quasi a volerci fare accomodare ai due lati. E cosi infatti succede, io mi siedo sul letto alla sua destra e Peppe alla sua sinistra. La bacio, lei concede il fianco e il suo sedere si sposta verso lui. Ora siamo tutti e due concentrati a toccarla quasi sfiorandola….sembra un rito….e’ tutto molto soft….lei apprezza con respiri profondi e leggeri sussulti….Peppe si concentra sulla parte bassa del costume, con le dita la sfiora, io mi concentro, sempre da sopra il costume , sui capezzoli. Già i capezzoli….la parte più sensibile della mia bella “maialina” il centro nevralgico del suo piacere…..Ora mentre continuiamo a toccarla è come se avessimo formato un panino….io, lui, e lei il prosciutto che ci sta dentro. Il più è fatto ora bisogna solo lasciarsi trasportare. Anche le mani di lei cercano di farsi strada, la vedo, cerca di aprire i pantaloni di Peppe che denotano un discreto rigonfiamento, ed è a questo punto che decido di lasciare a loro il palcoscenico e di ritirarmi in platea. Di fronte al letto vi è un divanetto, ed è li che vado a sedermi per godermi tutte le loro performance….Ora lei passa all’attacco…..gli sfila i pantaloni ed inizia con le labbra a sfiorargli il membro turgido e duro, ma ancora ingabbiato negli slip.
I due sono totalmente nudi, in una posizione di piacere per entrambi, lei dona con la bocca piacere a lui, e lui viceversa…..tradotto un bel 69. Quante volte avevo immaginato di vederla così……ora questa fantasia era realizzata……era bellissimo vederla concentrata su un altro membro…di un altro uomo per dargli il giusto piacere. Presi la macchina fotografica, volevo immortalare quei momenti per poi farle vedere quanto fosse stata brava. Mi aggiravo intorno al letto come un vero fotoreporter professionista, in realtà ero solo un marito contento! Dal 69 alla penetrazione passa poco tempo, sono troppo eccitati….lei è un’anima in pena……la conosco troppo bene…..lo vuole dentro….vuole godere….si mette supina e lui da dietro alla pecorina. A lei contrariamente al solito bastano pochi istanti per lasciarsi andare in un orgasmo multiplo…..sbatte…..vibra…..mugola…..a volte vorrebbe urlare ma si trattiene….io mi sposto sul davanti per poterla vedere bene in viso.
Mi vede…..mi guarda…..mi fa capire che è estasiata….e nel momento più bello quando anche io ho il mio cazzo che sta per scoppiare…..con una mano mi fa le “corna”……questo era quello che le avevo chiesto di fare quando fosse capitato, e lei lo ha fatto…..nel momento più bello quando tutti e tre stavamo godendo in un tripudio di sensazioni uniche…..…….
Peppe prosegue senza mollare, continua a spingere, colpi profondi e ritmati….sembra instancabile….lei gradisce … vede….. e soprattutto si sente……i loro corpi sono un tutt’uno. viaggiano in perfetta sintonia…..cambiano posizione senza colpo ferire…..ora lei è sotto…. Lui spinge e io continuo a svolgere il mio compito di fotoreporter….ci risiamo……sta di nuovo per godere…..e’ s**tenata…..poche volte era successo di poter avere l’onore di vedere mia moglie godere in quel modo …..questa era una di quelle ….mi avvicino e le afferro un capezzolo……lo stringo forte….a lei piace cosi….. è uno dei modi migliori per darle immenso piacere…..bastano pochi secondi, lui la penetra e io stringo forte….e lei si lascia andare in un secondo e più godurioso orgasmo… dimena…..parla…..singhiozza…..incita…..sono una troia…. Cerca il mio consenso…e io le dico….si amore sei una vera porcellina da monta…..alle mie parole l’orgasmo si prolunga….sembrava non finire mai…..Peppe continuava senza parlare il suo “lavoretto” spingeva fino a farlo sparire tutto dentro.
Lei aveva ancora voglia e lui ancora benzina, ricambiarono posizione, lui sotto e lei sopra rivolta verso di me…. Ora era lei che si muoveva aritmicamente su e giù……io le parlavo…..ti piace prendere un bel cazzo vero…??? Si tanto…..lo sai che mi piace…! Ero soddisfatto…. Mi avvicino nuovamente al letto e le infilo una piccola parte di dito nel buchino. Solo quello gradisce….ma come lo gradisce….!!! La velocita aumenta…. lei mi chiede di baciarla….mi avvicino la bacio lei salta su quell’asta come una vera atleta…..sta di nuovo per godere…..spingo il dito….e’ allagata …sento il rumore inconfondibile delle palle di Peppe che sbattono vicino alla mia mano…..ed ecco l’esplosione……godo godooo godo cornuto godo…..urlava….era in preda ad un violentissimo orgasmo eccitata stravolta……io mi masturbavo….lui la pompava e lei godeva….!
Sono salito in piedi sul letto e non potendone più le sono venuto copiosamente sul volto….anche Peppe sborrava a fontanella...
Ora c’è la fila per il bagno…..nella stanza si respira, come dice una canzone l’odore del sesso. Peppe si riveste….sembra molto contento….gli offriamo qualche cosa da bere…ci lascia il suo telefono e ci saluta velocemente, con discrezione, cosi come era arrivato.

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Daddy is going to be home all week and I have a little something special planned each day. This morning, I woke up and made daddy's coffee. I brought the coffee in his favorite mug to his bedside table, sitting it down carefully and quietly. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and the vanilla essential oil we keep heating in the bedroom filled the air. The soft whir of the ceiling fan, a few outspoken birds, and daddy's soft snoring were the only sounds. I carefully peeled back the blanket and...

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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...

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Kinky Threesome

Hey everybody! This is Raman & I wanted to share this experience with you kinky readers. I was working as a personal trainer in a gym, so I had a few personal clients whom I used to train one-on-one. One of them was Naveen, in his mid-thirties who started treating me like a friend. He started telling me everything about his life. Things like where he works, what he does, about his wife & kids and pretty much everything. He was a nice guy who had everything but only one problem. He was unhappy...

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Fucking My Awesome Neighbour

Hey guys, this Samar again. After my last sex story ‘the shopping escapades in Dubai’ a lot of people wrote in to me. Everyone thought I was very lucky and some ladies even asked me if I can be their private fashion consultant. So thank you much for all the responses. It’s indeed overwhelming when your first story receives such a huge response. Moving ahead this is another of my experiences where I get lucky again with my neighbor aunty ( don’t take the word aunty literally :p). This happened a...

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White Lactating Wife is a Black Stag Party Slut

It is a little unusual to find a couple who was born and raised in Fargo, North Dakota living in North Carolina. That was the case for my wife Cindy and me when we moved to Raleigh. My father retired from the Army and he and Mom were living near Raleigh when his health declined. Mom needed help taking care of things around the house from time to time, so I agreed to move near them and help. My name is Greg and I went to trade school for a year to become a machinist after graduating from high...

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Shiro the Sensual Samurai

Idling inside a simple inn, the woman in a traditional kimono sipped down her sake and thought. The female samurai had hair of a peculiar shade of reddish blonde, nearly a shade of pink in the sunlight. What showed beneath her robes was all toned and lean, athletic muscle, honed from her life of hardship and blodoshed. On the other hand, her face bore elegantly sharp features (gently accented with some light makeup), her bust was the envy of many other women, and she aimed bright, knowing green...

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Shooting in Hannah Version BravoChapter 12

I heard warning in her voice when she told me to tell her everything. I know that sounds silly, considering the circumstances, but I decided to take her at her word and started again, trying to think of how things happened, and in what order. “We had never kissed,” I said. “We started doing that and it just got worse. Then one night she put her mouth on me ... to find out if she’d puke or not.” “And, of course, you wanted to know if you’d puke or not if you returned the favor,” said...

4 years ago
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Fun With Bus Conductor

Hello Sexy Friends, Few words about me, I am Shiva (Name Changed) and I am from one of the metropolitan city. Currently I am working on one of the US Based Company. Let me start with the story which took place while searching job after my M B A degree and it was the recession period so I have a very time in getting settled in white collar job. One day while returning to home after attending Interview, I boarded a bus it was the pushpak and find the seat in the 3rd row left hand side corner. I...

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Will and Alessia Chapter 1

Alessia was a beautiful young woman.  Tall, blond, long legs, nice ass, and incredible pair of breasts that were all natural.  Nope, no implants for her, she didn’t need them with her lovely set of 38C’s.  Her skin was porcelain, so fair she was.  She knew she was beautiful and she used her beauty to her full advantage, when ever she had to, to get what she wanted.    She had been with her current beau, now for a couple of years, and at 27 she thought she was ready to settle down.  Will was...

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son fucks his mom at a motel pool

During one of our trips abroad, Zachary and I needed to stop for the night near a famous mall. But unbeknownst to us there were no rooms available anywhere in the area due to some sporting event that was taking place. Perhaps we should have made a reservation ahead of time but I had no idea there would not be any rooms available that evening. We finally found a place on the south side of the highway which in my opinion was rather seedy but turned out to be our only option then. One of the...

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The Voodoo that You Do

The Voodoo that You Do by Couture copyright 2009 "Come on Dan," Megan purred. "Don't be such a pussy." "But I feel funny," Dan whined. But funny was not what Dan felt. He felt shamed. A bit humiliated. Yet, strangely aroused at the same time. What guy wouldn't? It had started so innocently at first. He was kissing Megan and it was getting hot and steamy. Then she ran her finger over his lips. "You look so cute in my lipstick," Megan said. "Let me put some on...

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Earths CoreChapter 8 Three Types Of Children

Waking up Zax was joyful to feel his mom's hand on his face and hearing her voice in the morning, even though the hand slapped him and the voice shouted. "Wake up, honey. Your lunchbox is on the counter". If she kissed him in the forehead and whispered softly Laylen was not his mother. That son of her would not wake up even during a Sun Stone storm, for him it will only be an excuse to skip school. "Get dress and go to school. I'll see you at four". She moved the curtain to allow light...

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Follow up to my first gay experience

Not 10 seconds after I said that my Cell rang, "Oh shit thats my girlfriend, what do I do" "Answer it you goofball" said george. I talked to her for a good 10 minutes explaining to her that I had gone on a run this morning and that I had just got home (which I hadn't) I told her I would stop by a litte later on after I had something to eat and relaxed for a bit. When returned to the living room George was no longer in the room, so I made my self at home and plopped some pillows on the...

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My Boss and I

I slowly move the blankets off myself and drag my feet over the sides. The air-condition has the room at a cool 20 degrees and it quickly penetrates my naked exposed body chilling me and causing a slight shiver. I move quickly to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead, thinking only of how quickly I can get ready to beat the morning traffic. The light from the bathroom hits my eyes suddenly as I flick the switch, causing me to squint and lose my vision temporarily. Luckily the...

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Roger The Lodger

My Aunty Tina had a lodger when I was growing up, he always seam to be around on the weekends when I was staying, she liked a bottle, and she was out of it by 9pm.I used to call up to Rodger to help me get her to bed, he would try and pick her up even though she was plump, big boobs, I could always see right up her skirt, white mesh knickers, I followed Rodger up the stairs to her room, it was when he lay her on the bed that turned me on as I was about 16, her legs open wide hair poking out the...

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- - - - - - - - - - Optique - - - - - - - - - - - - Kurt heard the alarm beeping, and rolled over to snooze it. Reeeep! Reeeep! Reeeep! When he reached out his arm, attempting to cling to sleep, he was unable to find the alarm where he usually kept it on the side table. Reeeep! Reeeep! Reeeep! The beeping continued. Kurt rolled over, feeling his blankets pull, and tangle as he reached for the side table to feel around. Reeeep! Reeeep! Reeeep! His hand hit a solid object that lunged...

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Summer Angel

Ah, Elizabeth. What can I say. From the moment I saw her, I wanted her terribly. I suppose that the best way to describe her is to say that she is what every real man wants, in his heart of hearts. So many men are hypocrites. They want a woman at home who is shy and virginal – pure. But they want to go outside of their relationship for sexual pleasure – they want to find a whore. Truly enlightened men, who have been fortunate enough to find truly enlightened women, know that the most desirable...

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An Autumn ChillChapter 1

Are you ready for your first year of high school? I typed. Actually, I typed something that could loosely be translated into that question. No one really types complete sentences when they IM, do they? Yep, came the quick response, followed by, Shay says HELL YEP! I smiled. Leave it up to my fiery redhead to display enough enthusiasm for both of them. The IM window showed Mia was typing again. How was your first week? she asked. This was the first weekend after the start of my school year...

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Jade Box Mums the Word Part 6

Jade Box ; Mums the Word part 6 By Genni Smith Cassie was dressing the next morning when her cell phone rang, well she wasn?t quite sure what was ringing as it was tucked away in the handbag she had used to day before. Tracking down the annoying electric beeping sound she answered the phone a little unsure of herself. It was something that bothered her, she had always been so confident of herself as Rick, well until she shot Jamie Sunderland and found that he wasn?t holding a...

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Making Secrets pt4

Maybe I should pull back a bit... was I moving to fast? I really get turned on by teasing him, but it's becoming more difficult as things keep moving forward... but at the same time, I honestly have trouble controlling myself most of the time. Seeing how much he wants me, and watching him stroke his hard cock while looking at me... I just have a hard time restraining. And I don't want to discourage him, or make him feel bad... I know he's just enjoying 'our secrets'. I messaged Peter,...

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My Tempting Daughter

But tonight, I’m the one that forgot. And I’m lucky she came into my room before stepping outside. Otherwise, I don’t know where I would’ve found her. “Chris, are you in here?” She calls to her boyfriend, who is a senior at the college she’ll be going to next month. “Jenny, wake up, you’re sleepwalking.” I slide out of bed and try not to look at her half-naked body. Instead, I try to focus on her sky-blue eyes and her long mahogany hair, which is slightly messy right now and so fucking...

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Shy Bex nearly fucked bbc

It’s always been a fantasy of mine to watch my wife Bex fucking another man. Especially a black man. I love the thought of her white skin touching his black skin. She’s always known I have this fantasy but has always just laughed it off but after a few drinks would agree going black would be her preferred option but then always says she would never do it anyway and I would never push her. Over the next few months we would often talk about black men while fucking and it was always a big turn...

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The Viagra Incedent

The Viagra incident – just a quick little story.After Jack and I were together for about five years, he started having some little problems with staying hard. To be honest, I wasn’t worried because it gave me a little break from time to time. My dear Jack could have a tendency to leave me with a pretty raw cunt some nights. I was getting more than enough sex as it was.He went to see a doctor friend who fixed him up with a bag of Viagra samples then, he told me about it. The doctor had given him...

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The Uber Driver and the Cheated on WifeChapter 4

Alice collapsed in the driver’s lap with his cock on her cheek. It continued to pump his hot jizz on her face. Her nostrils filled with the musky sexiness of his aroma. She inhaled deeply. It was a narcotic, freeing her mind and lowering her inhibitions. She had come a long way since running from her humiliation at the party. She wiped the cum from her face with her open palm. The iPhone buzzed. Lost in the enormity of what she had done, she lay back in the passenger seat and pressed the...

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veronicas gang bang part 1

We had been married for about 5 years and our sex life was getting a bit boring. Not just for me but for my wife Veronica as well. One Saturday evening we had been invited to a fancy dress barbecue at my boss' house. Well, as I said, things weren't going so well between us at this point and when Veronica tried to cry off going to the party, I just lost my temper and ordered her to 'get ready as we are going, whether you like it or not.' Well, I couldn't believe my ears when she just answered...

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PE Department Punishment Miss Downeys Story Chapter Five

Neither Lindsay Pinkham nor Laura Galley were shocked when their Form Mistress, Helen Downey had read out their names from the list that morning. Both eighteen-year-old sixth formers knew that they were due a punishment for not having their PE kit the previous day.Both girls had deliberately “forgotten” their kit as they hated what they were doing in PE. Gymnastics just wasn’t their thing. Laura Galley, the short, quiet girl who had missed out on being Head Girl to Kim Campbell wanted to be a...

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The Abduction And Training Of Kitty Part 3

This third part picks up exactly were part 2 finished, but goes in a little different direction for this installment of the story, though I don't think the guys will mind too much. (A readers suggestion) I would appreciate any comments, especially from the ladies reading this, because I really had to stretch my imagination to try and write this from a woman’s perspective. I would sort of like to know if I came close or if I didn’t, what I may have got wrong and what to do to improve it...

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Gloryhole Surprise pt2

Just as my nose buried in his kinky public hair and my lips wrapped around the bottom of his cock, I heard him moan, "I'm cumming!" and then I felt him shoot his load down my throat. I was caught off guard and pulled back. The second time his balls burst forth the shot hit me in the middle of my face covering me with gooey cum. Then he shot two more times. One got on my blouse the other missed me, so I thought. Before I knew what happen or could say anything the cock disappeared through the...

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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 15 The California Den

The surrounding environment seemed remote. Laguna Mountain was an expanse of elevated areas with only a highway that traveled by it. Initially owned by the Kumeyaay people before being pushed out by the Spanish, Mexico, and ultimately the United States, the land was virtually uninhabited. Except for a small village in one section miles and miles away, nobody lived there. The area was beautiful, though. Located in the Cleveland National Forest, somewhere one of the endless amounts of mountain...

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Beti Ne Utara Baap Ka Karj

Hello guys and I am Nitika Verma 20years old living in Delhi. I am huge fan of sex stories mostly I read group stories but I never expect one day, I would have also a story. Well, first tell me about my stuff, I have 36d boobs with round ass. I gave so much attention in boys pant while I wore skirt and tight top with sleeveless. I also like so much on boys gave comment on me in my family I have one little sister whose age is 18 years she is so cute and my father and mother. Now come on story my...


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