Il Calciatore. free porn video

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Siamo una coppia normalissima, regolarmente sposata, di circa 40 anni, molto innamorata l’uno dell’altro. Da un po’ di tempo, con scarsi risultati, stavo cercando di convincere la mia lei ad avere uno incontro con un terzo. Con scarsi risultati, sulle prime non ne voleva sentir parlare, poi con il tempo e la mia insistenza sembrava quasi aver deciso positivamente per farmi contento. Nel frattempo nei nostri momenti intimi, fantasticavamo su dove e come sarebbe potuto avvenire il triangolo. Lei ultimamente sembrava gradire molto queste fantasie, al punto che decidemmo di metterci alla ricerca di un buon “bull”.
Sissi la mia mogliettina, dimenticavo di presentarvela: è una donna magnifica, almeno per me, non è una di quelle che quando passa ti giri e fischi, ma per gli anni che ha, ne dimostra almeno 10 di meno, e si fa guardare non è alta, ben proporzionata, un bel seno, e soprattutto un bel lato “B”, un viso sensualissimo, e almeno con me molto ben disposta alla pratica del sesso, il che non guasta mai.
Il tempo scorreva ed ora vi racconto i fatti più’ recenti.
Un bel giorno , di ritorno da un matrimonio lontano 200 km dalla nostra citta , stanchi e sfiniti, abbiamo fatto tappa sulla strada del nostro ritorno verso casa in un albergo.
Era ormai tardo pomeriggio, e su indicazione di alcuni amici ci siamo diretti verso un bellissimo hotel dotato di ogni confort. Una volta arrivati e preso possesso della camera, ci siamo subito diretti nella beauty spa, situata all’ultimo piano dell’hotel.
Location spettacolare, piscina coperta riscaldata circondata da una vetrata nel cielo, attorno al perimetro della piscina lettini in vimini dove potersi rilassare, e poi sauna, bagno turco e docce aromatiche. Il posto ideale dove trascorrere un’oretta di vero relax, eravamo gli unici fruitori delle attrezzature, io e lei.

Indossati i costumi da bagno iniziamo immediatamente con un sano bagno turco. Il locale era grande, ovviamente “nebbioso” molto profumato, io mi adagio su un lato della stanza e lei da quello opposto, sdraiati, ci potevamo intravedere nelle nubi bianchi generati dal vapore. Dopo qualche minuto di permanenza si apre la porta e sempre nella penombra vediamo entrare un uomo. Ed è a questo punto che ho pensato: il posto giusto al momento giusto? Chissà?
Scruto con attenzione mia moglie, la quale non si scompone e sembra ignorare l’ospite. Allora dirigo il mio sguardo su di lui, ma anche lui è sdraiato in totale relax e sembra assorto nei suoi pensieri. I miei pensieri si susseguono veloci, siamo lontani da casa, in un posto dove non siamo conosciuti, le camere a portata di ascensore, sarebbe l’occasione perfetta. A questo punto prendo la decisone di uscire dal bagno turco e lasciarli soli, chissà se nasce l’intesa…??
Una volta fuori mi sdraio su un lettino a bordo piscina e con il cuore in gola inizio a fantasticare su cosa potrebbe succedere, la mia parte irrazionale mi da eccitazione, quella razionale mi fa stare male. Sarebbe stata la prima volta quella di vedere mia moglie nelle mani di un altro, si è vero l’avevo sognata da tempo, ma adesso arrivati quasi al dunque la cosa mi agitava..!
Ma dopo pochi attimi la porta si apre ed vedo uscire Sissi. Venne sul lettino vicino al mio e mi chiese come mai fossi uscito… tesoro, speravo, lasciandoti sola con quel bel ragazzo che forse sarebbe stata la volta buona……per risposta ottenni: ma dai…non sono preparata mentalmente….lo sai non mi piacciono le sorprese…..e poi quello non mi ha degnato neppure di uno sguardo…figurati se gli interessato…..! Allora, le dissi, facciamo una cosa: io vado in camera, tu resti qui sola e quando esce cerca di capire se ti piace, se noti il suo interesse su di te, dai fatti corteggiare.
La lasciai stesa sul lettino, avvolta in un morbido asciugamano e abbandonata ai suoi pensieri. Appena uscito dalla porta che era a vetri decisi di rimanere defilato per vedere come sarebbe finita.
Il tempo passava, ma del tipo neppure l’ombra, evidentemente stava bene immerso nell’umido, ignaro che fuori potesse esserci una lieta sorpresa.
Ma all’improvviso, (e finalmente penso io) il tipo esce dal bagno turco, fa una veloce doccia, e decide di sdraiarsi su un lettino esattamente di fronte a lei. E’ strano penso fra me e me, se messo in quella postazione sicuramente per osservarla…..!
E qui il mio cuore inizia a galoppare…..salivazione azzerata….forse ci siamo.
Lei con fare disinvolto lascia scivolare l’asciugamano a terra, è bellissima, con il costume da mare nero…..! Sono uno di fronte all’altro, li divide il lato corto della piscina, chissà a cosa penseranno….ora lei lentamente divarica le gambe come a volersi aprire…..lui guarda ….secondo me ben intenzionato e pronto a reagire alle provocazioni.
E’ sempre lei a fare la prima mossa, ora infatti si passa lentamente una mano sul costume, quasi a volersi sfiorare intimamente…..lui la guarda e ricambia con una mano che si infila nel suo pantaloncino da mare. E’ fatta penso io…..stavolta .....
A questo punto, a malincuore perché la scena mi intriga decido di ritirarmi in camera ed attendere gli eventi. Dopo quasi 30minuti di attesa con il cervello in fumo sento bussare, mi precipito ad aprire la porta…..e’ lei avvolta in un asciugamano con un mini pareo….mi guarda e mi chiede: sei veramente pronto? Rispondo al volo…..certo amore….prontissimo di vederti godere fra le braccia di un altro. Irresponsabile ? forse….Geloso? immensamente, ma ormai non potevo più tirarmi indietro. E lui dovè ? Arriva fra poco, e in camera sua. Conosco molto bene mia moglie, da oltre 20anni, so scrutare nei suoi atteggiamenti ogni cosa, in quel momento era assolutamente eccitata!!
Va in bagno, e quando esce con aria visibilmente agitata si stende sul letto. E’ sempre in costume.
Mi dice amore voglio che tu stia sempre vicino a me, voglio guardarti e voglio sentire il tuo respiro….certo sarò dove vorrai…tanto è un gioco e come tale faremo.
E’ il momento……bussano alla porta …..eccitazione…frenesia….nervosismo…non so’ più quale sia il mio stato d’animo…..apro….lui con aria disinvolta si presenta: piacere Peppe..! E’ un ragazzo niente male poteva avere non più di 30 anni altissimo, capelli corti, un bel fisico…anche perché l’abbiamo saputo dopo era un calciatore professionista e giocava in una squadra di calcio di serie B e nell’anno successivo in serie A……siamo stati fortunati penso io. La luce è soffusa nella stanza lei è sempre stesa sul letto esattamente nel mezzo quasi a volerci fare accomodare ai due lati. E cosi infatti succede, io mi siedo sul letto alla sua destra e Peppe alla sua sinistra. La bacio, lei concede il fianco e il suo sedere si sposta verso lui. Ora siamo tutti e due concentrati a toccarla quasi sfiorandola….sembra un rito….e’ tutto molto soft….lei apprezza con respiri profondi e leggeri sussulti….Peppe si concentra sulla parte bassa del costume, con le dita la sfiora, io mi concentro, sempre da sopra il costume , sui capezzoli. Già i capezzoli….la parte più sensibile della mia bella “maialina” il centro nevralgico del suo piacere…..Ora mentre continuiamo a toccarla è come se avessimo formato un panino….io, lui, e lei il prosciutto che ci sta dentro. Il più è fatto ora bisogna solo lasciarsi trasportare. Anche le mani di lei cercano di farsi strada, la vedo, cerca di aprire i pantaloni di Peppe che denotano un discreto rigonfiamento, ed è a questo punto che decido di lasciare a loro il palcoscenico e di ritirarmi in platea. Di fronte al letto vi è un divanetto, ed è li che vado a sedermi per godermi tutte le loro performance….Ora lei passa all’attacco…..gli sfila i pantaloni ed inizia con le labbra a sfiorargli il membro turgido e duro, ma ancora ingabbiato negli slip.
I due sono totalmente nudi, in una posizione di piacere per entrambi, lei dona con la bocca piacere a lui, e lui viceversa…..tradotto un bel 69. Quante volte avevo immaginato di vederla così……ora questa fantasia era realizzata……era bellissimo vederla concentrata su un altro membro…di un altro uomo per dargli il giusto piacere. Presi la macchina fotografica, volevo immortalare quei momenti per poi farle vedere quanto fosse stata brava. Mi aggiravo intorno al letto come un vero fotoreporter professionista, in realtà ero solo un marito contento! Dal 69 alla penetrazione passa poco tempo, sono troppo eccitati….lei è un’anima in pena……la conosco troppo bene…..lo vuole dentro….vuole godere….si mette supina e lui da dietro alla pecorina. A lei contrariamente al solito bastano pochi istanti per lasciarsi andare in un orgasmo multiplo…..sbatte…..vibra…..mugola…..a volte vorrebbe urlare ma si trattiene….io mi sposto sul davanti per poterla vedere bene in viso.
Mi vede…..mi guarda…..mi fa capire che è estasiata….e nel momento più bello quando anche io ho il mio cazzo che sta per scoppiare…..con una mano mi fa le “corna”……questo era quello che le avevo chiesto di fare quando fosse capitato, e lei lo ha fatto…..nel momento più bello quando tutti e tre stavamo godendo in un tripudio di sensazioni uniche…..…….
Peppe prosegue senza mollare, continua a spingere, colpi profondi e ritmati….sembra instancabile….lei gradisce … vede….. e soprattutto si sente……i loro corpi sono un tutt’uno. viaggiano in perfetta sintonia…..cambiano posizione senza colpo ferire…..ora lei è sotto…. Lui spinge e io continuo a svolgere il mio compito di fotoreporter….ci risiamo……sta di nuovo per godere…..e’ s**tenata…..poche volte era successo di poter avere l’onore di vedere mia moglie godere in quel modo …..questa era una di quelle ….mi avvicino e le afferro un capezzolo……lo stringo forte….a lei piace cosi….. è uno dei modi migliori per darle immenso piacere…..bastano pochi secondi, lui la penetra e io stringo forte….e lei si lascia andare in un secondo e più godurioso orgasmo… dimena…..parla…..singhiozza…..incita…..sono una troia…. Cerca il mio consenso…e io le dico….si amore sei una vera porcellina da monta…..alle mie parole l’orgasmo si prolunga….sembrava non finire mai…..Peppe continuava senza parlare il suo “lavoretto” spingeva fino a farlo sparire tutto dentro.
Lei aveva ancora voglia e lui ancora benzina, ricambiarono posizione, lui sotto e lei sopra rivolta verso di me…. Ora era lei che si muoveva aritmicamente su e giù……io le parlavo…..ti piace prendere un bel cazzo vero…??? Si tanto…..lo sai che mi piace…! Ero soddisfatto…. Mi avvicino nuovamente al letto e le infilo una piccola parte di dito nel buchino. Solo quello gradisce….ma come lo gradisce….!!! La velocita aumenta…. lei mi chiede di baciarla….mi avvicino la bacio lei salta su quell’asta come una vera atleta…..sta di nuovo per godere…..spingo il dito….e’ allagata …sento il rumore inconfondibile delle palle di Peppe che sbattono vicino alla mia mano…..ed ecco l’esplosione……godo godooo godo cornuto godo…..urlava….era in preda ad un violentissimo orgasmo eccitata stravolta……io mi masturbavo….lui la pompava e lei godeva….!
Sono salito in piedi sul letto e non potendone più le sono venuto copiosamente sul volto….anche Peppe sborrava a fontanella...
Ora c’è la fila per il bagno…..nella stanza si respira, come dice una canzone l’odore del sesso. Peppe si riveste….sembra molto contento….gli offriamo qualche cosa da bere…ci lascia il suo telefono e ci saluta velocemente, con discrezione, cosi come era arrivato.

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The Game First Time Sex Part 11 Attaining the End Game

*** Please read the previous stories leading up to this point. Part 11 is a continuation of the night after Marcus, Tonya, and I met Donnie, Donna's first virgin love, and his surprise fiancé Trish. After dinner at Donna's house, we drove to my house to get to enjoy the night. The house is mine for the week since my parents flew to Bangalore, now spelled Bengaluru, unexpectedly for the week before Christmas. Uncharacteristically of us, we drank my father's beer that he left in the refrigerator so ...

First Time
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 40 You Give Meaning to My Life

April 8, 1988, Carol Stream, Illinois “What services are these again?” Jessica asked. “The first one is Vespers for Great and Holy Friday,” I said, repeating what Andrei had told me when I’d called to get the service times. “The second one is the Lamentations, which is Matins for tomorrow morning.” “Then why do it tonight?” Kara asked. “According to Andrei, all the services this week are celebrated ‘by anticipation’. So the Bridegroom Matins services that are done Sunday, Monday, and...

1 year ago
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A run to remember part 1

At twenty-one years old, I am very fit. I am also the worlds biggest thrill seeker. If I am not at the gym or work I would be skydiving at the airport near my house. Every morning I enjoy getting up at 4 am, before the world wakes up, and go on an early morning run. I would often go on trail runs and run the shoreline of the beach. Sometimes on my trail runs I will even do a portion of the run naked, for I am nowhere near residential neighborhoods. Something about the freedom and forbidden...

2 years ago
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Junglie love

My friend Kamini narrated this to me. I am narrating this in her words. Girl’s horny girls n housewives interested to get the same type of experience can mail me at Hi all of you!! I here am Mrs. Kamini Bhatt. Don’t be surprised but I’m 37 years old and stay in Mumbai. My husband is a rich businessman having not enough time for me. Actually he isn’t interested in me coz he down there. You see, I have a big cunt. He just can’t satisfy me with his dick. So he just blames me. But, I don’t care. I...

4 years ago
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Fucking Dr Monika8217s Maid Madhumita

I am Ashiq again with a new story of terrific fucking of Dr Monika’s Maid Madhumita , what a perfect figure with chiseled body and fleshy at the right places . I have been fucking dr monika her mother and her massi regularly , monika was unaware of my fucking her mother and her massi and her cousin . We enjoyed sex to our hearts content , oral , erotic and violent sex at different places in the house . We love sucking each others sex organs and the house is filled with our sexy sounds and sex...

1 year ago
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Dream Cleaner

Richard dragged the last of the heavy electrical cables across the floor and finished plugging them in. Stepping back, he retrieved a rag from his pocket to mop his brow while he surveyed his work. The floor was covered with a thick conglomeration of cables that lead from a series of panels on one end of the room, across to the one he was working on. From there, they disappeared behind the machine, terminating at a box mounted on the wall beside it. Basically, the machine itself was an...

4 years ago
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Lost Empire 54

0003 - Conner- Thomas                              0667 - Marco - Brown                   0097 - Ace - Zimmel                                    0778 - Jan                     0098 - Lucy                                                  0798 - Celeste  -  Shelby (human) 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick      0908 - Tara - Mara              0125 - Lars                                                   0999 - Zan                        0200 -...

3 years ago
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Try Me Once

Man, am I glad for a beautiful day. Nothing before me but the weekend. My plump 36D breasts bounce happily as I hop into my truck. I hitch my skirt up to my waist so I can have more freedom of movement. I remove my 8" black platform heels - a girl can't drive in those. I stab the key in the ignition, turn the motor over and crank up the radio. It's going to be a wonderful drive home.I weave through the downtown streets as I steer my juicy red truck towards the interstate. At the last red light...

2 years ago
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Cuckold intervention

It had been a few weeks since we had met Pam and we had kept in touch, well rather Linda had been doing a little more keeping in touch than I had. Even so when it was just Linda and me at home the sex was great and when Pam came over the odd time the two of them put on a great show and always made sure I enjoyed the evening.It was a Friday evening and I could see Pam's car in the driveway when I arrived home. Linda greeted me and all she was wearing was a tiny tshirt, too short to cover her...

3 years ago
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Tim and Abbie 09 Friday again a week since meeting

Tim wakes about six am the next day.  His arms still around Abbie, and she is cuddling up against him. This is a fantastic feeling. Tim has never spent a night with anyone before. He stretches a little and sees the back of Abbie’s lovely neck right below him. Tim doesn’t want to wake Abbie, but can’t resist. He leans and kisses that tender spot at the back of her neck.Abbie stirs in her sleep, and almost a purr comes out of her lips. Tim kisses her again in that place, and Abbie wiggles with...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Brittany Bardot Alysa Gap Megan Inky Proxy Paige Orgy

Director Proxy Paige and friends enjoy dinner in Berlin with Evil Angel founder John Stagliano, who documents a free-for-all fuckfest! Tattooed starlet Megan Inky is ready — she strips in the car on the way to the decadent orgy. Angelo Godshack fucks brunette anal queen Alysa Gap and fingers her to a squirting orgasm. Damien Soup and Michael Fly come together with Alysa and Angelo; they treat Alysa to savage double penetration flavored with lewd, ass-to-mouth throat fucking! This chaotic...

3 years ago
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The day was clear and firm when the ceremony began. The wedding, officiated in the main church of Oniera, represented the inauguration of the position of lord of the fiefdom of the city of two hundred thousand inhabitants by Albert, the young son of the former lord, who died of illness. The boy, of only eighteen years of age, looked with lasciviousness at what in a few moments would be his wife, heir to the fief of the population of Santa Barbara, of twenty-eight thousand inhabitants. The girl...

1 year ago
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When younger as I worked security I always stressed to my wife to ensure doors and windows were secure in our house, but with two young c***dren it,s not always easy. One night about two a.m. while I was working nights on security in London a figure dressed in black with a balaclava hood covering its head opened the unlocked patio door to enter our house. Sarah as usual was sat in front of the television watching some early morning movie dressed in simply her nightie with a pair of skimpy white...

2 years ago
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Me and My Shadow

Everybody has had an imaginary friend once in their life. As they grow up, their imagination narrows and sometimes fades away with the imaginary friend. With Jodie Holmes however, her imaginary friend is neither imaginary or a friend. The answers to the questions she has can have dangerous, sometimes deadly prices to pay, along with the experiences in her lifetime.

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Aria Logan Piece Of Me

A simple sundress that covers her red lingerie are all that Aria Logan is wearing as she walks into the kitchen to grab some coffee. She doesn’t make it to her goal before Raul Costa has come up from behind to start peppering her neck and then her lips with kisses. Hitching Aria onto the counter, Raul explores the territory beneath her miniskirt as he slides her dress to the ground. Taking his time now that he has unveiled Aria’s bodysuit, Raul unsnaps the crotch to flick...

2 years ago
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The Naked DormChapter 3

Sean Curry, August 27 I woke up with a pounding headache. My earrings were still in, but I was otherwise completely naked. Of course, that wasn’t exactly unusual any more. I went to the sink and started washing my face, and Gabe came in. “Hey, bro, you want to get breakfast?” “Yeah, thanks.” “Alright, we’ve got more orientation shit at 10:30, so we probably don’t have time to get dressed. Here.” He handed me a pair of sunglasses and I followed him out of the dorm and across the street to...

4 years ago
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Spell Of The BeastChapter 7

If Buzz Henson was an opportunist--which he was--he was not dishonest; his sense of responsibility was strong, especially to the four people who were castaways in this northern wilderness, and his loyalty to them was unshakable. Buzz had been shaken just a few minutes before Joan stumbled sobbing into his arms. Andrew Sloan had ambled over to the hulk of the wrecked airplane; Buzz was busy working on the radio transmitter. Without apology Sloan laid his cards on the line to the young...

3 years ago
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Summer Camp IIChapter 5

Dawn came and, had they been looking, the campers would have found John's head buried in between the legs of Cindy. He had already brought her to three orgasms using just his mouth, tongue and finger; he knew that she had needed more to compensate for all the sex he had been having with the campers. Long ago he had perfected a technique of sucking the clit into his mouth, holding it very tightly with his lips, and then rubbing the end of it with his tongue unmercifully. Interspersed with...

3 years ago
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Cute Horny Client

I’m a repairman for this big renting company. They buy lots of property to places all over town then lease them out. I’m one of four repairmen that they hired to fix appliances, paint, do whatever needs to be done. Usually our hours are pretty reasonable, but sometimes, when there’s an emergency, we get called out at random hours of the day. I’m a pretty stocky man, in my mid-30’s with short hair, but I think I have some good muscle to show. I’ve worked as a repairman for years for a few...

2 years ago
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Autumn Nights

And yet, she did not struggle. Her hands hung limply at her sides. She simply stared at him with her big, hazel eyes. All she could see of him was his white teeth grinning at her from under the hood of his cloak “I forgot how much you enjoy this.” You have no idea… She said nothing, only licked her lip and let her eyes shut. He chuckled and let her go. She fell to the ground, not daring to move without his order. He nudged her with a boot. “Get up.” She...

3 years ago
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The First EntryChapter 2

I was a little late getting up the following morning, and John had beaten me to the bathroom. I stood in the hallway with my clothes in hand, glaring at the closed bathroom door. "What a dick," I grumbled under my breath. As I stomped into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, Mom must have noticed the look on my face. "I'm guessing you should've set your alarm a little earlier this morning?" "I wouldn't be late if Johnny Boy wasn't here." "Just let him know, so he won't do it...

1 year ago
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Dan Jim Part 1

My name is Dan, Jim was my best friend as far back as I can remember. Now that we are both 18 and about to graduate, I am saddened by the thought that we may be separated as we go to different colleges. You see, Jim and I have been lovers since the beginning of high school. It started out as mutual hand jobs and soon progressed to greater intimacies, anal, oral, everything. At first, we excused our behavior as "normal", a substitute for "real" sex with a girl. As time went on however, I found...

3 years ago
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The Post Production Party

Wendy used to meet up fairly regularly with a couple of fellow ‘schoolgirl’ actors who she’d shared digs with whilst filming. A little while ago one Wendy’s friends from that time, Emma, happened to bump into another actor, Pru, who was also in the two films and invited her along to meet Wendy and Mary at one of their get-togethers and the following story was divulged to them by Pru. Firstly she asked if the other girls had been at the end of production party on the second film. They all said...

4 years ago
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Alien Pest ControlChapter 6

"Oh, Shit! Abner, take your squadron after the fighters, and we'll go after the mother ship." Jacob's four ships started to jump almost before Jacob had completed his order. He didn't hear Abner's reply, but Jacob was sure that Abner would know what to do. Jacob's squadron jumped in to help Obgor and Brund with the attack on the mother ship. Obgor and Brund didn't need any help. They had already dumped four nuclear warheads on the enemy and were raking the ship with torpedoes as fast...

2 years ago
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Tricked by my best mate

It was a Saturday night and me and my mate Tom had been invited to a party, it was at one of the local clubs for one of our friends 22nd birthday. The theme was tight and bright. I was wearing a fluro green singlet and small pink shorts that were not’t quite as tight as my boxer briefs but were just as long so they were showing off my man region quite nicely. Tom had gone to the trouble of buying a bright orange, whole body Lycra suit. He looked ridiculous as it may have been slightly too small...

2 years ago
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The Princess and the HoundChapter 3

His name is Tyrell Fickett. He works under Kat’s father in the laboratories on the forty-sixth floor as the head of research. If anyone knows what Silas Bucher is up to it would be him. After her confrontation with her father and then the dream, Katharina knows she needs to get control over everything again. She doesn’t want the dreams to start up again. The good thing is she doesn’t have try and fuck the guy for information, she has been doing that already. Dr. Fickett has worked for the...

3 years ago
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Poppy Weaver

I was driving on my way back from visiting my Mom at her rest home. I had thought that I to make it all the way back in one go, but I was still about half an hour from home and I really needed to pee. I pulled my car into a lay-by, stopping for a moment to watch the setting sun over a small lake, I looked about, nobody else was near at all, I quickly moved to a stand of trees and bushes, slipped in behind then.A final check and I pushed my jeans and panties down to mid-thigh, squatting down as...

1 year ago
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Grey EyesChapter 9

Hank never asked his wife about what had happen about what had happened in Green Bay. That was 10 years in the past. If he even brought it up she'd bite his head off. He loved Moria with all his heart but no matter how much he felt in love with her, there was a part of her he knew he would never have. He knew Moria loved him and loved their children. He never questioned her, to question her was like asking a question into a fog. It would get lost and not come back out, in the grey mist...

4 years ago
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A girl goes to work for her Stepbrother Part 02

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 As we walked down the road Noah said, “I’ve been wanting to go into that shop for a couple of years now, but I never had a suitable girl to take in until you came along Olivia.” “Was that actually a compliment Noah?” “I guess that it was, I would, will be proud to take you anywhere Olivia.” Then Noah spoilt it a bit by adding, “Especially if you are dressed in some of the clothes that we just bought.” Never the less, it was a sort of compliment and I thought...

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