Infernal Machines Ch 02
- 2 years ago
- 30
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This is my first time writing any form of a novel, but with a mix of ideas – both erotic and non – I felt this would be a good start to any form of writing career I may one day hope to have.
This is the first of many chapters I hope to unfold – if you like what you read then please let me know! :3
The marshals caught two more today in the Grand Canyon. It seems they’re getting better by the day, to my knowledge, I’d say that there were only a hundred or so of us left.
The light of the dying sun has finally faded, though, and the marshals seldom traverse the town in the dark. It gives me some peace, at the very least. I find myself sat at the same table most nights, but more so tonight, having received a telegram from an old friend of mine.
Maraldi Pan.
A gentleman, certainly, has a way with words and his manner is equally as persuasive. I have to laugh, to even think he – out of all of us – would be caught out yet.
Sarsaparilla. Not my ideal beverage, but I suppose I need to make an impression, after all these years. I take a moment to slip off the long trench coat, adjusting my monocle as I lean in.
I hope he likes Sarsaparilla. If I’m going to suffer, he might as well join me.
I set up the individual pieces of ebony and ivory royalty on the board, before taking a deck of cards from my waistcoat pocket. Silver-rim – limited edition, to those who could afford it. A collectible, if you will.
Deck to the side, I feel the follicles at the nape of my neck commence an upward wave before a sudden shiver falls upon me. I glance up – a few of the locals. No sign of Maraldi, though – I wonder if they found him on the wagon trail.
I laugh to myself. There I go again. I have no faith – that’s what he would say.
I lean back in the chair, stretching my arms out either side before bringing them up and straightening my hair back. My eyes close. I can’t be tired again already – I’ve practically become nocturnal.
‘Not keeping you up, am I?’
Eyes re-open. I feign what sense of dignity remains by sitting back forward. Like nothing had happened. He just smirks at me.
‘Marzipan.’ I smirk.
He removes his bowler and runs his fingers back through his hair, resting his cane against the table as he sits opposite me. It’s a lovely cane – mahogany in length, with a silver horse-head for the handle, I fear I may have been gazing at it for too long. His eyebrows are raised.
‘There will have to come a day when you can think of something better than ‘Marzipan’.’
‘I’ll come up with something better when you change your ill-ridden name to something I can work with.’
A brief pause for effect, but I manage to break first. Our laughter seems to fill the room for a few brief moments. His hand reaches out, and I return the gesture – we shake.
‘It’s been far too long, Silvanus. How have you kept yourself?’
I sip my drink and replace it. ‘Well enough, for a nocturnal – better for knowing you managed to make your way here safely.’ I scan behind him quickly before returning to his gaze. ‘You did arrive here safely, didn’t you?’
I swear I almost hear a chuckle behind that emotionless grin of his.
‘I hardly imagined you of all people would have little faith in me.’ He barely makes the last few words out – his hand retreating into his coat pocket, retrieving a brass inhaler. One inhale – hold…exhale. Another, rinse, repeat. I suppose I couldn’t deny it – there was a slight doubt. Not that he needed to know that.
‘On the contrary, my comrade – I only believed you would arrive a little sooner. All the good stuff has been drunk.’
Maraldi picks up his glass, studies it, smells its contents and gives a faint wince before replacing his glass. He sighs – is he bored? I ask him this, but as he shakes his head I merely nod.
It’s Chess, but with the addition of tactics, you move a piece and select a card. 2 to 10 counts as nothing, but Jacks, Queens, Kings and Aces will grant you an extra move. I move my first Pawn – I have his attention now, and as he sits forward to study the board I’ve selected my first card.
7 of Spades – no good to me. His turn. He rests his chin in his hand, caressing the soul patch he’s managed to grow religiously over the years I’ve known him. Moves his first Pawn and draws – Ace of Hearts. He was always much better at this game than I.
‘I take it this is your usual spot?’ He also has a surprisingly keen eye. I pry, ‘What makes you think that?’
‘The table is spotless.’ He was right. I hadn’t even noticed until now – every speck of dust that coated the seldom walked-upon floorboards, congregating closer to the few surrounding tables whereby no-one would sit – no-one, except for me. I would keep this table clean because I intended to use it. Everything else might as well have been décor.
I congratulate him with a nod, only he’s managed to move his first bishop AND draw a King of Diamonds. He moves his bishop once more before taking a sip of the sweet black substance. He draws and smiles.
‘4 of Clubs. Your turn, comrade.’
I go to move my next piece, before the cool air stiffens my body. Maraldi watches me and stays, for the most part, perfectly still – slowly, his eyes follow mine and glance around to the bar.
Marshals. Fuck.
I slowly lean into the board, but am very much aware that the Marshals may have finally caught up to us. I give a low whisper to beckon him – Maraldi’s hand rises slightly to try and listen. They’re surprisingly loud for men whose job role requires them to be silent.
‘Barkeep! A round of beers over here. We’d like a word, too.’
My glance returns to Maraldi, who has turned back to face me and slowly leans in, staring at his used cards. ‘They’re out late.’
‘Yes. Very strange’
‘Is there a back way out of here?’
‘Only an under-route through the cellar, but it’s no use.’
‘Why not?’ I reply, ‘The barkeep and I are on good terms.’
He’s doing it again – raising his eyebrows. He goes to say something – too late. He hears the footsteps as I see the figures moving closer. He leans back into his chair, keeping his eyes locked to mine. I hope he brought protection.
‘Well howdy there, fellas.’ One of the marshals speaks, the other removing his hat – a long scar down his eye, but covered nicely with the skin-coloured eye patch. ‘Perhaps you’d like to tell us what you’re doing here.’
Maraldi speaks first – his Texas impression is quite realistic, if not comical. ‘Just playing a game or two, Marshal. Perhaps you gentlemen would like to join us?’ I had almost prayed that would work. I knew better, however.
‘Perhaps I should rephrase, son – what are you doing here?’
Don’t insult him, Marshal. I see his eyes flicker quickly away from me before I interject with my own impression, albeit not the best but certainly worth a shot. ‘I understand you caught out two of those outcasts in the Canyon, Marshal.’ That caught his attention. ‘Must have been quite the chase.’
This time the other Marshal speaks. ‘Well well, they even talk just like us don’t they?’ ‘It’s a disguise, you idiot. Outcasts. Two this morning – two more for a bonus.’
He reaches down for Maraldi’s shoulder – big mistake.
Without a moment’s grace, Maraldi has the Marshal’s arm twisted behind his back, struggling grunts of pain as he pushes him into his partner, rising to help but only to fall back into the table and onto the floor.
Now’s our chance. I grab my trench coat and lead us out of the tavern – I should have tipped Al before I got out of there, but I suppose my ‘guest’ wouldn’t have appreciated the delay.
We got outside. The breeze hit us hard, the sand it’s accomplice – we needed to find shelter. I grab his shoulder and manoeuvre us further West.
Gunshots. I glance back briefly to find the Marshals are already back on their feet, chasing after us and quick-firing their six-shooters. At least we had a little leeway when they needed to reload. I drag us left suddenly, and into one of the town’s larger buildings. I gather the Marshals are close on our tail, but I hide myself and Maraldi into the nearby cloakroom and wait.
Muffled banging – still loud. Shouting. I think they’re calling for us to come out. Doesn’t matter. I hear footsteps down the hall, making their way towards the door. It opens. Silence, briefly.
I press my finger to my lips with a wink – Maraldi just rolls his eyes, frustrated at the situation, but wary of the footsteps returning our way. The curtain opens quickly.
‘Now how did I know it would be you hiding in here?’
Madame ‘Erotique’.
I breathe a sigh of relief. Any of the other girls might have just handed us in then and there. Thankfully, we were well acquainted – not that the harsh slap across the face I soon received made that completely noticeable.
‘Why were the marshals at my doorstep then?’
Hands to hips, she pressed in closer – it was difficult to maintain eye contact with a lady slightly shorter than I (for a 6’3′ gentleman, at the very least) without catching sight of that rather extensive chest.
34GG, if I recall, and nicely contained within a silver-bone corset, red and black silk which led down to a long, frilled dress style – not to mention, those glorious thighs.
‘I’m sure they were mistaken. That’s all. But, just in case, perhaps we could make an enquiry on your vacancies?’
I could only imagine Maraldi’s face as I said that, given his reply. ‘How classy of you, Silvanus – hide out in a whorehouse, why don’t we?’
I was thankful that the lady before us – the owner of this ‘whorehouse’ – knew me, otherwise I couldn’t have guaranteed his safety without finding another establishment to hide out. She looks to us and signals her head towards the opposite door, leading on as we followed closely.
Through brass doors lay a small empire of rich men and other established ladies and gentlemen, sat at separate tables, their tables were either greeted by an exotic, alcoholic beverage or an exotic male or female – ahem – ‘attendant’. I glanced back to Maraldi – he almost seemed embarrassed to be here. I never thought of him to be the shy type.
The Madame led us up a set of stairs – she was always remarkably careful to keep every inch of her establishment clean. Always keeping up appearances. Admirable.
Down a long corridor situated several doors, She continued on, flicking a lock of her long, stunningly red hair from her glance as she moved to the first door. Reaching between her bosom, she retrieved a small set of keys, opening the door and stepping aside. ‘Your friend is welcome to sleep here tonight.’
I have a feeling Maraldi would have preferred to talk longer with me, but I feel he may have learnt from his previous mistake and simply went along with what she said. He stepped into a rather luxurious room, an oak double bed by a small window. He rested his coat onto the bed.
‘There’s a bathroom down the corridor. The girls make their rounds every 30 minutes…should you be interested.’
He turned to me with an eyebrow raised. A talent we both shared – smirking without moving our lips. She closed the door and glanced up to me before proceeding down the rest of the hall. I couldn’t deny that my own glances focused on her sensual hip movement with every step she took.
We reached another door and she repeated the process, this time leading the way in. I followed behind and made my way to the bed – she didn’t feel like she deserved any more than her boys and girls, and so lived simply. It was beautiful.
I took my coat off as my hostess stood before me, slowly unbuttoning my shirt. ‘Can you trust him?’
‘With my life.’ Admittedly, I paused before I gave that answer, I’m sure I would, though, thinking about it. She slid my shirt off slowly and caressed her hand along my right arm. Slowly, her soft fingertips stroked down to my wrist, stopping briefly, she began to stroke a series of patterns.
‘You could have been caught, Attica.’ Her voice showed concern, her amber eyes showing a soft sadness of what may have been. She kept stroking.
‘I can’t imagine they’d get much unless they did what you do.’
She smiled softly, leaning in and planting a soft peck to my lips before tapping the inside of my wrist once.
She was a wonder. She moves away and begins to unfasten her corset. She faced away from me – there was something about the dematerialising of my skin that put her off, and yet, the metallic, clock-work operated arm that took my normal arm’s place gave her some form of satisfaction.
‘Promise me you’ll be careful, Attica, my darling.’ She turns to me as her corset slowly falls to the floor – she was practically naked except for her lower garments – fishnet stockings, black lace underwear. She moved in close, but my gaze was elsewhere – namely, a clog of sand that had made its way into one of my cogs.
I took a small match from the nightstand and studied the cog in question – carefully, I ground the tip against the particles and slowly got them out.
‘I swear, one day I’ll find a town with a little less sand to trouble me like this.’
‘Promise me.’
I glanced up, but found she had already moved herself onto her knees in front of me. Her gentle hands rested upon each other above my lap, and with as sincere a smile I could provoke I gently rested my human hand on top. ‘I promise, Geri.’
She smiled as she slowly kissed my hand. Upon moving it away, she slowly began to remove my belt, unzipping my black trousers. She looks so cute. So innocent – the face of a girl, barely a woman.
I put that thought immediately out of my mind. I went back to studying my arm on the whole, glancing at each spike of each cog, studying them. ‘At least the…’ I closed my eyes briefly as she began before clearing my throat slightly. ‘…the Illusifer works…Mmm..’
She had my attention now. I placed an arm either side so that I could gently lean my head behind me whilst stretching my back. As I wet my lips a tad, I couldn’t help but release a soft moan from my lips.
A shining mess of long red hair, slowly moving up and down – her gaze was down, which made for a change in her usual method of locking eyes with mine. Her soft, plump lips, expertly working my growing erection within her mouth. Of all the people in this building – she was the best. The master.
I felt the pace of my heart quicken slightly, her hands took a gentle hold of the inside of my legs as she sucked slowly, her tongue slithering in a coil around my length. I think I may have been her favourite – it didn’t take her long before I felt her mouth moving faster, coating my cock with hot saliva, making a point that she wanted me.
I bit my lip. She was fantastic at this, and our past experiences made each time more of a challenge for her to better herself.
Unff! She stopped, with every inch of my length deep in her mouth. Slowly, she pulled back with soft suction, slithering her tongue slowly up the final half and quickly around the tip. She gives me a playful wink before she sits up a little more, taking her exquisite breasts in her hands and moving in to press them over my cock.
Those big, soft breasts – she gave me the eyes I wanted to stare into, moving her hands up and down as she began to tug on my cock. ‘Mmmm, that’s it Geri..Ohh..’ I moved my body back to lie on the bed. My eyes closed – I embraced the sensation of her big breasts as they suffocated my hard cock. I don’t believe it took too long before I felt my hips starting to buck.
She beckoned me with harder tugs. ‘That’s it, my love. Cover them – cum for me.’ I did as she commanded – a hot surge of
white gold pooling over her large breasts. She gave a contented sigh as she slowed her pace before eventually stopping, simply and lovingly staring at the mess I’d made, glancing between it and my chest as I finished a long, soft groan. Perfect.
I feel her release my member, and I watch her rise and move over to the mirror, taking a spare handkerchief from the drawer beneath and cleaning herself. I wipe a bead of sweat from my forehead prematurely, for I know she is nowhere near finished with me.
Once I find the strength, I move myself up further onto the bed, remaining laid out on my back. I feel the bed move and squeak softly as her body soon crawls its way slowly up mine – she kisses the tip of my cock, slowly up my stomach and chest, soon reaching me, face to face – I feel her hand stroke me slowly as I wince slightly with the still sensitivity.
She continues until I am stood to attention once more, and carefully positions herself as she brings her face closer to mine. Our lips lock – my cock penetrates her, soon filling her. She keeps her lips locked with mine to sustain a moan – tease.
She parts her lips from mine and sits up. Gently taking hold of her breasts, she played with her nipples, gently rubbing and tugging them until they became erect. ‘Do you…promise me, Attica? Please…please promise me.’
I promise her, breathlessly. I promise her a little louder, and she nods her head eyes closed and mouth gently agape. She believes me.
I feel her hips slowly begin to rock back and forth, and she bites her lip. My clockwork hand grips the duvet beneath us as I let out a slightly harder moan. She alternates between riding me and bouncing her pussy up and down on top of my rehardened length.
‘Mmm..Geri…Mmmm, please…Go faster…Please.’ I’m practically begging by candlelight, but she does so as if she had already planned it. Her hips moved violently, back and forth her pussy massaged the thick length within her, milking me of my precum as she let out debaucherous moans. She was setting herself the challenge – she knew the favourites.
‘God, you’re so big! Mmmm you’re filling me up!’
‘Mmmm do you like that baby? Do you like it when I pleasure you this way?’
‘Ohhhh baby! Please, cum with me – fill me with your hot cum!’
This session felt like it lasted an hour, and it was only the beginning of the evening she had in store for us. I held on for as long as I could, and did my best to keep myself from collapsing as I made sure she orgasmed more than once – eventually, the pleasure drove her wild. Her actions became faster, harder, rougher – she milked me for all I was worth, and got what she wanted. All of my pent-up frustration released deep inside her as I let out a long growl of pleasure.
I looked up to the ceiling as I held her close during our first interval. I felt awkward – my persona as a gentleman, I felt, seemed tarnished by my desire for lust in my later years.
Geri comforted me with a stroke of her hand, caressing over my chest as I kept her close for a while. I kissed her forehead and rested my eyes for a while.
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My fingers shook as I unwrapped the package. Finally. My own Duelling Machine. Actually, I mused as I skimmed the instruction manual, “Duelling Machine” is a misnomer, it should be called a Dream Machine but the wrong name stuck. Unlike Bova’s conception which was brought to life in the DM-90 model and allowed two people to share a dream as a virtual battle, the more advanced DM-92 allows the sharing of a dream without violence and this one, the DM-100, allows one or more people to control a...
This is a true Story we both have experienced. Traudl had published half a year before her death here at xhamster in German. (Öffentlich an der Melkmaschine angeschlossen) For over a decade, we will visit to dance a bar on the outskirts of Vienna. Every April happens there for the regulars a fetish party (PVC, rubber leather). Admission there on evenings only for couples. High-lights are the performances of the female part of the couple. The man is in advance of the management his plans with...
This is a true Story we both have experienced. Traudl had published half a year before her death here at xhamster in German. (Öffentlich an der Melkmaschine angeschlossen)For over a decade, we will visit to dance a bar on the outskirts of Vienna. Every April happens there for the regulars a fetish party (PVC, rubber leather). Admission there on evenings only for couples. High-lights are the performances of the female part of the couple. The man is in advance of the management his plans with...
The Vending Machine "I promise you, Rachel can come out tonight!" said Veronica as she made the short walk from their hotel to the beach. "But tonight is our last night. We head home tomorrow and I was hoping to let her out sooner," her husband, Mark exclaimed. Mark and his wife Veronica had spent a week on the south coast of Spain and were heading to the beach to soak up some rays. In order to find a great place to sunbathe, they had set out early, straight after breakfast....
If you didn’t know, I’m A retired engineer. I worked in the aerospace industry Primarily working with jet engines, so it wasn't a surprise when a friend of mine called me to ask me if I would be interested in looking at a design he had.Don came over to the house that evening. After getting him a beer, we sat at the kitchen table where he pulled out all of his drawings and notes. It turns out that the machine he designed was a fucking machine.Now you see these all the time, but back then they...
Wife LoversWith a side business of building BDSM gear, Guy was making a nice little side income. His most popular item was a Sperm Sponge harness: a rather complicated item of straps, rings, and buckles that the slave wore on her head with a cock-ring pressed tightly to her mouth, and another collection of straps, rings, and buckles that he Dominant wore on his hips with that same cock-ring pressed tightly to his crotch at the base of his cock. With such a garment, a man could wear a woman's head with...
My balls were still drained but I knew she was up for anything that could please her. We still had time so she wanted more. I was beginning to wonder about my ‘not sharing toys’ stance, a pinch hitter might be nice right about now. Well, if not flesh and blood, I had a fair number of toys downstairs in the play room, so we went back down. She could not see but for some of the items touch was enough. She recognized my Magic Wand and a few of the other vibes. Then she found the fucking machines...
Before my daughter Christina got married as a bit of fun she sometimes hosted parties for a well known sex lingerie/toys firm and her close friends would attend and usually buy something to enhance their sex lives and the small amount of commission Chris got from sales helped a single girl sharing a rented house with three other career women. At one such party the firm had recently introduced a range of “fucking” machines, rather expensive items at 200-1,000 pounds not including various...
Mike sat back as he pushed the financial report to the middle of the desk. He smiled as the profits were on a record pace and he looked at the screen. His club was almost full and he recognized his usual patrons as he moved from screen to screen. The warm mouths on his cock made him look down and his smile widened. The identical waitresses looked up at him as their pierced tongues rolled across the head of his lipstick covered cock as their lips brushed together enclosing the hard shaft....
The Lean Mean Fucking Machine By Debra The position he was finally put into was impossible. He knew it could never be achieved. His mind told him it could never happen. But he was there anyway. Bent into this horrible, painful, degrading and very vulnerable position. Totally helpless and totally exposed. Unable to avoid in any way whatever she had planned for him. He had arrived as ordered with a totally smooth, hairless body. An enema before he arrived insured he was clean...
Chapter 1The black corrugated soles of my boots let out a distinct screech as I gave ground to my friends insistent pulling. My resistance cause the knee high – high heel boots to leave black scuffs on the, formerly clean, white tiles. Still my friends continued to drag me along. Jake and Eric held me firmly by my slender wrists and would not take no for an answer. Their continued pulling had caused my black and purple fingerless gloves to bunch up around my wrists. ?Quit it guys! I said...
I kind of expected what we saw, but whenever I do, it never fails to excite me. They were both sitting on the couch. They both wore nothing but thigh-high stockings and high heels. They both had their legs spread with Terry's right leg over Mary's left. They had a hand in each other's pussy.“Mary tells me that she didn’t have a chance to finish my husband off. Well, she’s going to do that right now, and Don and I are going to watch. After that, I’m going to play with Don’s cock.”I stepped up to...
Wife LoversMilly had invited me around to her house for the weekend. Well, it wasn’t her house; she was house sitting for a family friend or something or another. It was a pretty sweet deal, she got this amazing house all to herself for the entire weekend, plus, she was getting paid for doing it. We had known each other for most of our teenage years, her family had moved to town from New Zealand, so Milly had a sexy New Zealand accent, growing up right next door to each other that’s what happens and we...
Note:I realize this story is based off of "The Princess Bride" torture scene. I've always had this fantasy and needed to put it in print. I claim no copyright of "The Princess Bride" dialogue, setting, or other aspects. This is simply for entertainment.?Also, I am always looking for stories like this, if you are an author and would like to write a similar one/continuation, please do so! I would love some help getting this concept in print more, and maybe one day in an actual porno (minus the...
With the prospect of finding a real time travel machine close at hand, we discussed what we would do with the machine. I told them what I knew about Brantwell's travels, how I thought the machine worked, and where we could go. Different motives for traveling surfaced immediately. Andrea and Sue wanted to go in hopes of finding out more about who killed Lucy. Bert and Ernie were interested because time travel sounded more interesting than their routine lives. I was all for going to the...
Something went terribly wrong in Metropolis. At least it did for six of its citizens. And Lex Luthor was one of them. His plan was simple. He wasn’t even TRYING to destroy Superman this time. He was just feeling a little bored and thought he would use a recently invented machine created by S.T.A.R. Labs---a machine funded through his company LexCorp---to cause some minor trouble for the Man of Steel’s marriage to the Daily Planet’s star-reporter Lois Lane. But when the trap was set for Superman...
The Deneril had forged the Ancient Machine countless millennia ago. For what purpose, no one knew, but even after those ancient gods left the Machine it continued with whatever task they had left for it. Continents would be moved, civilizations raised up, only to be destroyed. The Machine was constantly making changes to its surface. And those who lived upon the Machine grew to live with the changes. Cities would be built so that the shifting of the plates would not split defenses. Farms would...
FantasyThe final act before the evening was scheduled to end was for each woman to receive over 22 combined inches in both her now well lubricated cunts and rear ends. Up until now, neither woman had been fucked in the ass. However, the double penetration that each woman eventually received, despite their pleas of mercy at the pain and pleasure their completely exhausted bodies were now being forced to endure, caused each of them to finally pass out as their asses and other orifices were slowly...
Ginger was rather curious to look into the Professor's hut, now that she knew there was a sexual device inside. She had been in the Professor's hut several times, sometimes only wearing a towel, but she had never noticed anything. How small could he make the thing anyway? The Professor entered his hut going straight to his lab bench. He flipped it over to reveal what looked like a standard examining table complete with stirrups and very naughty looking wrist restraints. "Professor, I...
Writer's Note: Based on a story I once wrote on Cyoc, and thought I'd at least bring a version to Chyoa for my first story here. Something looked out onto the world. So much life, and said life had a very intriguing way of reproduction. Involving their special DNA and how their sex and survival of the fittest made them incredibly adaptable... The only issue was how weird some of the animals were. They for sure were hardwired for sex, and often would attempt at least self-gratification towards...
Part 1. "Mr Stephenson is here sir" Arthur Cleghorn was a self made man, a man of vision, a modern man, a man prepared to embrace modern technology to its fullest degree. "Send him up Perkins" Arthur replaced the speaking tube on its whistle and paced up and down the Oak panelled reading room in the west wing of his as yet unfinished brand new mansion. "Mr Stephenson, Sir." "Ah Stephenson, good of you to come so quick, now this is ah delicate, a slight...
The Machine My mother was really gonna do it. She was going to put the Machine on my head. And I was just sitting there. Why wasn't I fighting this? I should have been swearing, kicking, threatening to run away. I mean, I was a boy, and boys aren't supposed to use the Machine. But I just sat there. They took me to the chair, and put the Machine on my head. I trembled, and closed my eyes. Finally the Machine was done, and my mother lead me over to the mirror. And...
Humor"Mr Stephenson is here sir"Arthur Cleghorn was a self made man, a man of vision, a modern man, a man prepared to embrace modern technology to its fullest degree."Send him up Perkins"Arthur replaced the speaking tube on its whistle and paced up and down the Oak panelled reading room in the west wing of his as yet unfinished brand new mansion."Mr Stephenson, Sir.""Ah Stephenson, good of you to come so quick, now this is ah delicate, a slight accident, mishap.""Begging pardon sir I'm buggered if...
Emilia leaned on the railing surrounding the Ghost Machine, tucked away in one of her many rooms at the King estate, watching as her staff put the finishing touches on their restoration project. The machine was polished to a mirror finish, the brass and steel gears and cogs stretching upwards to affix to the high-vaulted ceiling. The dome occupied the center of the room, hanging like an upside-down umbrella, only a few feet off the ground. While the railing was installed for spectators, it...
Again. The subtle beeps grow louder and more frequent, until they have transfigured themselves into a blaring klaxon, now accompanied by the harsh, blue flash of the alarm that tells me I am needed. The utterly shameless display case that is the lid to my chamber now opens, just as slowly and dramatically as ever. It's not as frosty as often it is, so I know I must have really slept in.Some mornings I wonder what it would be like if anybody besides me was ever in here. They'd see my naked...
MedicalBACKSTORY: The year is 2068. Biological weapons of modern times have been designed with the specific purpose of causing mass sterilization among human males. Although none of these weapons has been detonated, the threat is very, very real, and a plan for contingency is imperative. Not wanting to take any chances, the government has contracted with a roboticist specializing in reproductive efficiency named Emily Simms to create methods of maximizing ejaculatory productivity in human...
The sky was spitting rain as Mitch ascended the half flight of stairs that led to the door of his apartment. As he fished his keys out of his pocket, he mused to himself about the drabness of his life. What did he really do with himself? he got up every morning, went to work, did his eight, came home, went to bed, and started the whole thing over again the next day. Maybe he’d go out to eat on occasion, but that was the extent of things. He considered it a great night if it happened to be a...
Author's Note: Feel free to create your own fantasies with whomever you wish. Please do not continue someone else's specific stories. However, you may start a story with the same character(s) someone else already has a story for. The POV (you) can be male or female. The default POV in the intro is male, but the machine can change that. You don't have to follow this, but I am categorizing my stories into two sections. They are: Virtual sex simulator - basic set-up but no story Sex scene - a...