Bloodlust_(2) free porn video

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Fifteen minutes later, she’s forgotten why she needs hers ink pot, her mind a crimson haze. As the bleeding stops, a weak “no’ escapes her throat. “No, don’t you stop. I need this” she whimpers quietly to herself, full of need and regret, whilst reaching for her knife. Before she can begin anew, there is a knock at her door. In a panic, she drops the ink pot and knife. “Shit!” she exclaims at the broken porcelain. “What was the Lexi?” a woman’s voice says from the other side of the door. “Sorry mum,” she replies hastily, wiping the blood off of her mouth and dragging the sleeve of her shirt down,” you just startled me and I dropped my ink pot. Come in” Alexis’s door swings open, and in front of her is a red haired woman in her thirties. “Lexi, are you doing anything tomorrow night?” her mother, Lindsey, asks. “Yeah, I’m going to Olivia’s remember?” Alexis states.
“That’s good, you should get out more,” her mother replies distractedly, exiting Alexis’s room. “Now where were we,” Alexis begins in a mumble, reaching for her knife. Within mere moments, the blade is kissing her pale flesh, reaping a new trail of blood in its wake. She places the knife upon her desk, reaching for perfume and earbuds. She unscrews the vial, and soaks the head in the sweet smelling liquid. As she wipes the bud across her cuts, the alcohol therein seeping into the fresh wounds, her breathing becomes hollow and laboured. Again she reaches for her knife, removes her shirts, leaving her arms cold and bare. With the knife in her left hand, she raises the blade to her right shoulder, and then begins carving slivers of her own flesh off, devouring them like a starving orphan would a five course meal, as her night becomes an investigation in carnal masochism.
Alexis stifles a scream as shampoo filled water cascades down her back, soaking into her knife marks and hashes. “Bitch,” she curses under her breath. She turns off the shower and dresses for school, then brews her morning coffee. “Mum?” Alexis yells, bringing the milk up the stairs with her. “Yes Lexi?” Lindsey replies groggily, rising from the couch. “Coffee?”
“You have to ask?”
“I’m on it.”
That afternoon, Olivia was in a mind state that could be only described as erratic. She could finally tell Alexis how she felt, but a million doubts plagued her mind. What if she doesn’t feel the same? What if she thinks I’m messing with her? Olivia’s mind began doing what it did best, it twisted things. She turned on her stereo, if only to cull her own inner dialogue. “I meant it when I said ‘I wanna get well,’” the speakers blare with a Titan’s voice. Despite the cacophony, the argument in her head rages on. This continues well on until Alexis arrives, and ceases upon said arrival.
Alexis pauses at the door, her fist an inch from knocking. ‘Are we sure we should tell her?’ one of the three other voices in her head begins. ‘Yes? No? Maybe?’ Another chimed. “Since when are we ever sure,” Alexis asks herself. ‘Never, you know this’ the last one retorts. “In that case,” Alexis starts out loud, “Fuck it, at least this way we have a modicum of control over the situation”
As Alexis walks into Olivia’s room, the two girls have the same thought, ‘Do I just tell her? No, not yet.’ “Hey Liv,” Alexis begins. “Hey… do you want a cup of coffee or something?” Olivia questions, rising off her bed.
“Yes please. Coffee is friend.”
“How do you have yours?” Olivia asks, catching a more than friendly glance over Alexis. ‘Oi, if you want that, you have to ask’ an annoying part of her mind chirped as she exits the spacious room. “Double strength, one sugar” Alexis replies, her mind playing her everything she wants Olivia to do to her, much to the dismay of a few of the women in her head. The girls finish their drinks, and Olivia’s eyes flick to the alcohol cabinet. “You know,” she begins suggestively, “My dad probably wouldn’t notice a few missing bottles, and he’s on late shift today.” Olivia nods towards the cabinet. ‘Getting her drunk probably won’t help the situation’ that same annoying section of her mind reminds her. “You’re sure your father won’t notice?” Alexis asks, staring at the cabinet like a jumping spider stalking prey. “Yeah. He only checks when he has to put stuff in it or if he has a date over, which is … almost never.”
“Really? Whatever booze is in my house is effectively logged and tagged. There’d be no way for me to sneak even a sip at my house.” Alexis states as she rinses her cup out. “Hey,” she questions, “how sharp do you think these knives are,” as she points to the knife block.
“Umm…” Olivia begins, unlocking the alcohol cabinet, “I sharpened them last week, so very” Again, Alexis’s mind plays back lewd and depraved scenes while she watches Olivia unlock the cabinet, her face as red as her hair.
“I didn’t know you liked knives Lex” Olivia remarks, brushing away her black hair as she places a full bottle of tequila on the table. “So… why does your dad have so much alcohol if he hardly drinks?” Alexis asks, placing two wine flutes on the table. “Well,” Olivia begins, unscrewing the bottle and pouring out two half glasses, “he won first prize for this work fundraiser thing, and some of it’s from my aunt, mostly because she leaves gifts until the last minute. So the only thing he’s actually bought himself there is a bottle of red wine”
“Ugh. Wine is disgusting” Alexis says, then presses the wine flute to her lips, and Olivia follows suit. As the tequila slides down both of the girls’ throats, both cough from the burning sensation.
30 minutes later, Olivia is grabbing a bottle of rum and a bottle of scotch, and is fumbling with the cabinet lock. Click. Olivia and Alexis head to Olivia’s room. “You know what,” Olivia hints, sitting against the headboard of her bed, “I really don’t know all that much about you. I want to change that. Let’s play truth or dare.”
“Umm… sure. I’ll start,” Alexis slurs “truth or dare?”
“Truth,” Olivia replies with the speed of a whip.
“Are you a virgin?”
“Yes. I haven’t found anyone I’d do that for yet. Ok, truth or dare?”
“Hmm… Dare”
“… Take … Off… your blouse” Olivia orders, emphasising each word.
“…Umm… Ok?” Alexis squeaks, unbuttoning her blouse, starting from the bottom and working her way up.
“You tease” Olivia complains like a five year old being denied a candy bar. As Alexis removes her blouse, Olivia notices hundreds of thousands of cuts and scars over her pale flesh. “Wha…” Olivia stammers, ‘So, is she like us?’ the voice in Olivia’s head asks. “I should just-”Alexis begins, but then is cut off. “No its ok.” Olivia removes her jumper, revealing arms covered in interlocking scars. “Just sit down” she rises, placing her hands on Alexis’s red raw shoulders. “Hiiiifff” Alexis hisses as Olivia’s sweaty palms rest upon the morning’s wounds. Olivia quickly jerks her hands upwards. “Sorry! Are you ok?” she blurts. “You have no idea how many times I’ve thought of you doing something like that to me” she whispers into Olivia’s ear, pulling her friends hands back upon her shoulders, embracing the pain. “Why do you think there are so many scars?” Alexis continues. “But that’s nothing compared to what I want to do to you,” she concludes, biting down on Olivia’s exposed neck, and is met with a cacophony of moans when she begins grinding her teeth against the tender flesh. Despite her best efforts however, Alexis doesn’t draw blood. She spins Olivia around, throwing her into the bed and leaning over her “where do you keep your blade?” she asks demandingly, blood from her shoulders dripping onto Olivia’s sizeable breasts. “Th-there” she stutters through a moan, pointing to a set of drawers on the other side of the room. “When I’m back, you better have yours up” Alexis whispers, and leaves for the knife. Olivia lays on her back, unclasping her bra. Alexis returns, a thin, straight blade in her hands. “I thought I told you to lay back up.” She orders. Olivia grabs Alexis by the shoulders, digging her thumbs into the gashes, pulling her head to her breasts. “Drink up.” Olivia whispers to a moaning and squirming Alexis, “Go on, pass me the knife,” she demands passively, rolling Alexis onto her back, Olivia on top of her. “My room, my rules,” she orders, running the knife along Alexis’s inner calf, drawing a river of blood from the pale flesh. Alexis begins breathing heavily. A wicked smile play across Olivia’s face as she notices Alexis moan and her eyes close. “You really wanted this didn’t you?” she whispers slyly in Alexis’s ear, dragging the knife higher up Alexis’s leg, until it hits her skirt. “Y-ye-yes,” Alexis stammers, fighting through pain and lust.
Olivia held Alexis’s arms above her head, pushing the woman against the wall, kissing her passionately. Olivia began slowly, excruciatingly dragging the knife down Alexis’s body, carving sigils into her breasts. The two girls stare into each other’s eyes, and Olivia blushes, then digs the knife into Alexis’s stomach and twists. Alexis’s breathing become heavy and fast as lust takes control. She moans as Olivia shoves her back against the wall, whispering “You’ve been a bad girl. It’s time you were punished.” Olivia’s hand releases Alexis’s arms, and finds the redhead’s neck. “Yes mistress,” Alexis screams as Olivia rakes her nails down her cuts, digging tearing while she laps at the blood like deer at a pond, knife on the floor in front of her. Olivia drags Alexis by the neck, knife in hand, and throws her to the ground in front of the door. She climbs on to Alexis, and begins driving the blade deeper into Alexis’s collar-bone region, and stops an inch from the hilt, the blade protruding above Alexis’s breast. “Oh gods we love you” Alexis manages to stammer, as she throws Olivia off of her and onto the bed, slowly removing the knife from under her collar bone. Momentarily, Alexis carves a mark of ownership into Olivia’s thigh, about ten centimetres from her vagina, a hatched Fleur-de-lis. She begins lapping up the blood, biting at the wound like a rabid animal. Olivia pulls Alexis away from the wound, much to the redhead’s dismay, and whispers “Why don’t you try something a little sweeter,” placing her hand under Alexis’s chin, bringing her in closer. “My safe word is blueberry,” Olivia whispers, bending to reach Alexis’s ear as she stares at Olivia’s clean shaven pussy.
Olivia’s legs were on Alexis’s shoulders as orgasm hit her like tonne of bricks, and she let loose a hungry moan as Alexis bit down on her clitoris, then began sawing at it with her teeth. “Huh… huh… B… Bl... Blueberry!” Olivia squealed through orgasm. “M... My t-turn,” Olivia pants, fumbling for the knife as Alexis removes her head from between Olivia’s legs, and kisses Olivia, her tongue probing deeply. Olivia’s hand finds the knife, and she rolls Alexis onto her back, growling like a tiger. Olivia flips the knife, her hand holding the blade, and whispers demandingly, “the only sounds I want out of you are moans and the words ‘yes Mistress’. Understood?”
“Yes Mistress” Alexis whimpers as Olivia drags the hilt of the knife up her leg, leaving a trail of Olivia’s blood along the way. Soon, Olivia begins slamming the hilt into Alexis, carving a deep slash in her own palm. “oh-oh-oh-oh- Ol-ii-vv-iaaaah” Alexis squeals as Olivia twists the knife when she reaches orgasm, sweat working its way in to the grooves left from earlier. “A-aa-again” Alexis pleads breathlessly.
“Well, aren’t we greedy? Maybe if you beg, I might think about it,” Olivia states, a cruel smile playing across her lips.
“Pleeeeaaassssee?” Alexis whines, the sheets sticking to her back.
“Please what?” Olivia asks, placing down the knife and licking her bloody palm.
“Please fuck me”
“Please fuck me, what?” Olivia whispers, walking her fingers up Alexis’s scarred stomach.
“Please fuck me, Mistress” She pleads.
“Oh… I don’t know,” Olivia begins, flicking Alexis’s clitoris, “you’re being very pushy. You know I don’t like it when you get pushy”
“Pleeeeaaassssee, Mistress?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” Olivia whispers, stealing a kiss, then cups her hand and begins rubbing Alexis, “yes, Pet.”
Alexis wakes up to a blinding light, coming from the window above the bed on the other side of the room. Holding onto her is Olivia, face blissful, a complete contrast to the blade in her left hand. Alexis lays there, surrounded by a pool of blood and a few empty bottles. She lays there, waiting for Olivia to rise, not wanting the moment to end. “Light bad” Olivia murmurs, turning her face into Alexis’s stomach. As Olivia snuggles in closer, Alexis studies the scars lacing the girl’s back. After semi-careful study, Alexis gazes around the room, and notices the blood stains on the bed, and her clothes strewn across the floor. While this occurs, Olivia removes herself from Alexis, and scans the room. “Did we do what I think we did last night,” Olivia asks groggily. “Well,” Alexis manages to slur, “I’d say the scars on our backs are a pretty sure sign, Mistress.” Olivia scans the room, her mind still a crimson haze. “Did... You did bring spare clothes right?” she yawns, the fugue slowly relinquishing under the weight of the morning light and the tastes of blood and mucus. “Yeah. Mum seemed like she wanted me out of the house for the night,” Alexis slurs, rising and licking the blood off of her body. “How do we taste together?” Olivia probes, helping Alexis out of the pool of blood.
“Why don’t you taste for yourself?” Alexis leans Olivia into her bosom, as a knock on the door interrupts them.
“Olivia? You up?” A man’s voice calls from the other side of the door.
“Uhh… don’t come in, I’m getting dressed!” Olivia yells, thoroughly startled. “Get in the closet,” she whispers to Alexis, throwing a black blanket over the pool of blood. “You can come in now,” Olivia shouts, dressed in black jeans and dark blue long sleeved under shirt. From cabinet’s key-hole, Alexis sees a short, viking-esque man enter Olivia’s room. “Moring sweetie,” the man says, giving Olivia hug, his head at her shoulder height. “Morning daddy”
“You sure you don’t have anything… less Goth to wear?” Olivia’s father, David asks, his hand reaching for the closet door, covering the Key-hole in the process. ‘Well, we’re boned’ all three voices in Alexis’s head state unanimously.
“Alexis?” David states, dumbstruck. He whirls around, and embraces Olivia, lifting her off the ground. “Sweetie, why didn’t you tell me you were gay?”
“Blueberry!” Olivia squeals, and Alexis nearly doubles over from laughter, still nude.
“What?” David questions, putting Olivia down. “Wait, I don’t think I want to know. I’ll go make breakfast, you two make your selves look decent.”
To Be Continued… Maybe


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Cuckold With Curves 2

CUCKOLD WITH CURVES 2 by Throne Larry was hand laundering his wife Tanya's panties. She required him to put the crotch of each pair into his mouth and suck until most of her dried fluids were removed. Then he had to place them into a dishpan of warm water with gentle soap added. The second pair would go into his mouth and stay there while he washed the first. She had been saving them up so there were seven to be done. With his libido elevated by the genetic formula she had been...

2 years ago
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The Wish

Sometimes stories take on a life of their own. Such was the case with thistale. It came to me while I was working on ?A Life With Ariel? and, in fact,stifled the writing of said tale. I managed to begin and complete this taleafter only two nights of writing. Still, the formation of it took a bit longer and it lingered in my head forquite awhile. I hope that I have corrected it thoroughly enough to be enjoyablethough I fear that only one read since writing it will prove to be a mistake.Just the...

2 years ago
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Honeymoon Cruise of Briana and Uncle Jake

If you do not approve of young love, do not read any further. First, some background: my older brother had married a gorgeous woman a few years younger than him, she had daughter when she was younger, so my niece wasn't technically blood related to me. She was only 6 when her mother married into the family, she took a liking to me instantly. We had a playful, typical uncle/niece relationship right off the bat. My brother Dan was a traveling accountant and Marie, his wife was a...

4 years ago
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Ek Chhoti Si Love Story 8211 Part II

Mai: Nahi madam please aisa mat karna varna mai kisi ko munh nahi dikha paunga or badnami bhi hogi or mere mummy-papa bhi muje bahut marenge.Wo: Ye to tere ko pahle sochna tha na Chal sach bata tune kya-kya dekha.Mai: Wo wo madam mai to sirfWo: Abe, Chutiye jyada natak kiya na to teri me ma chudva dungi chal sach bata kya dekh te the tum…? Mai: Wo madam ap roz naukri se ati hai or flat ka darwaza kholti hai.Wo: Hmmmmm fir?Mai: Bad me ap apna purse bed pe rakhti hai. Wo: Hmm fir? wo munh pe hath...

2 years ago
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Transsexual Lust

This is not my story. I found it in a free site a long time ago and I wanted to share it with you. This is not a copyrighted story as far as I know.....I was 23 when I had the only job I really liked. It was after I graduated from college in Philadelphia, and had just gotten a job in the fashion industry. Actually, it was really just a designer dress shop, but it was a start. At first, I wasn't too excited. After all, a dress shop isn't the most interesting place to work, right? Wrong!My first...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 117 Hot Tub Party Pipeline Idea Suggested

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Dinner conversation was very lively, as we entertained the Williams family with incidents from the date. Prof, for example, had us in stitches with the recount of his visit to our room. He'd been tall enough to see over the back of the sofa that the dozen girls had been hiding behind, so was able to see the chaos that had erupted there. It made for some very funny recounting. There were a couple of serious topics. The first was very brief. Prof asked me,...

1 year ago
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The First Time

The first time my wife, Sarah, had sex with other men was a number of years ago now. It hasn’t happened that frequently since then, really, but the memories of that night still come back to me almost as clearly as when they transpired.We were at home on a Friday night, and had invited two guy friends. All of our wives were friends and we’d all attended numerous get togethers as couples. At one particular New Years party we all went to, I’d learned that they found my wife attractive. As it goes,...

2 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 33

Our first lesson of the day was math, something Amara wasn’t all that interested in, so she decided to do something more fun. (Spoiler: It was me, I was the fun thing she wanted to ‘do’) A few minutes into the class, she started to tease me beneath our desks by stroking my cock through my trousers, before unbuttoning my jeans and slipping her hand inside. Beyond a small naughty smirk playing at her delicate lips, she gave no outward indication as to what she was doing. She sat quietly in her...

3 years ago
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Spicy neighbor lady surprise

I was so horny I could hardly stand it. Since I had been with my “spicy” neighbor lady on Tuesday I was being a good boy, and daily sending her pics of my cock and balls all tied up. Sometimes she would text back with instructions to slap my balls hard for 10 minutes, or she would send me a return pic of her juicy, shaved pussy and remind me that she had not washed it so I’d have a good time licking her clean on Monday. Once or twice she also reminded me that she would indeed have a surprise...

2 years ago
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A Time of Conquest and ChallengeChapter 9 Over our shoulder

We had run the horses until it grew too dark to do so. I had wanted to get as much distance between anyone who would follow. We kept a cold camp and didn’t sleep well. Up before dawn and back in the saddle, we ran the horses for an hour before we slowed. I had not spoken with Jasmine since we had sent the men back to their farm and little more than orders when I did speak. We spent all day in the saddle and skirted around the towns. Were they coming after us or not? There was no way to know...

3 years ago
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Sensual Sex With An Indian Sex Stories Reader

What’s up buddies, Rahul here with another sex story of mine. I am 25 yrs old, fair and athletic. My email id is I thank you all for your feedbacks. So, this is my sex encounter, which happened with a reader of mine. She was from Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh. During our conversation of one and a half months, she had said me everything about her. It started slowly though, but soon we got very close to each other. So finally, we both decided to meet. We decided the spot and time of our meeting....

4 years ago
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My wife and friend part 4

I slowly cracked my eyes open upon hearing footsteps coming towards me. I sat up reluctantly and with great effort. The girls joined me as we sat on the edge of the bed. Our naked bodies reflecting the sunshine through the windows. "This weekend just keeps getting better and better!" Sam spoke cheerfully. "And it's only Saturday afternoon." I responded. "Yeah!" Sam chirped gleefully. "Well, what do you want to do now?" She continued. "I don't know, what do you girls want to...

2 years ago
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The Servant

The servant froze; a sound? Perhaps not. He continued preparing the meal. She had returned in a foul mood and ordered that dinner should be served at seven that evening. Fifteen minutes to go and so far everything was on time. A good meal, fine wine, an intelligent book to read and maybe her anger would fade. Another sound; he froze again, A soft tread on a badly fixed board. His hands started to shake as he stirred the food on the hob, dreading the voice that he knew would come. “Where’s my...

4 years ago
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Crossing over to a cuckold

Second time being a cuckold Let me start off by saying. My stories are all true events that took place with me and my ex gf ... My first adventure as a cuckold was amazing. To be there and watch another man fuck your gf harder and better then you ever have. It's a mind blowing experience. How she was in another world. Taking this guys huge cock. Which is at least 5 inches bigger then mine and twice as thick. I knew that sex between us would never be the same.After that great night. Things went...

1 year ago
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Spontaneous Surprise

I had been texting with a beautiful lady throughout the day that I had met online several days prior and we were hitting it off quite well! It was a long day at the office. I typically don’t get off until 8 but this night was an exception as I did not get out until almost 9 with an hour drive home ahead of me. I had been texting with a beautiful lady throughout the day that I had met online several days prior and we were hitting it off quite well. We were discussing my difficult schedule...

Sex With Stranger
2 years ago
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She Came Home

 I felt my lips first, it was as if they were caked in mud or a scab or something. I tried to move them and felt them crack, there was no moisture in my mouth.I heard a slow drip nearby and tried to move to see what it was but I couldn't move, then I remembered.I remembered the big ugly guy bursting out of the bank's twin ddoors. I remembered shouting and in that millisecond of time I remembered wondering why the British police were expected to face people like that with just a...

3 years ago
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tattooed and pierced

This how my life was when I was 32 years old. I am now 38 and have a different life, but a lot is still with me, and always will be for life. When we moved it was a very hot summer here in Phoenix, Arizona. I moved here from a well sheltered life in Ohio. Married when I was only 19, and had only been with one man Mike, my husband who was 24. He was an engineer and very much a cold ass hole, everything was his way or no way, and he was always right. I wonder how our 12 year marriage had...

1 year ago
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My First time

I had just turned 18 that summer and only just graduated it was the mid 80's.. I got a new job and was working evening at a restaurant. I had only been working there a few months and was kinda enjoy it, I wasn't used to being out of the house on my own in the evenings as I was mostly under the rule of mom and dad, but I was a working man I guess so they didn't impose any more restrictions on my time out of the house so long as it was job related. I didn't own a car so I had to barrow dads which...

3 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 66

Cathy had come out of her reverie. Rick was home for good. He still had a bit of a limp, and tired easily. This was just an aftereffect from all the time he had been in bed or in a wheelchair during his hospital stay. Being able to get out and move about, with the aid of a cane, he would soon regain his old strength.He was a bit stiff from riding in a car for such a distance, but, with a strong arm to help, he was out and coming over to greet them. "Hi, Sis. How's my baby sister doin', now....

3 years ago
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Please Give me Something to Remember you by greatest generationChapter 3

Reluctant to open the door Laura stood on the porch. She could see lights through the blackout blinds. Startled when the door opened, she heard her aunt say, “The door’s always unlocked Honey, this is a nice neighborhood. Did you have an enjoyable time tonight?” It was 12:32. Her aunt had been standing at the door expecting her at this exact moment. If you only knew what I was doing she thought. Ushering her inside the door Beth could see the conflict written on her niece’s face. “You just...

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Cruel Delilah

Delilah selected the posh downtown Hollywood hotel for a reason. It had a great location, a great suite with a view, and the lobby held a certain flair that appealed to her. She envisioned bringing many men there at one time in her life – but this time, it was really much more simple. There was one thing she wanted to do, and her slaveboy (well, man, really) was going to assist her with it.This man – Brad – was a simple man, really. He was pleasant, classy, charming. He had traditional...

4 years ago
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Recruiting Letter

Dear Reader: You have been sent this letter, because we have reason to believe you may be qualified for and interested in a position in our firm as an Executive Secretary. Some details regarding the position follow. Policies 1. Executive secretaries are considered to be on duty 24/7/365. 2. Dress code applies whenever secretary is on duty. 3. Each secretary reports directly to one executive. 4. Secretary must address that executive as Master or Mistress as...

2 years ago
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Dorm room fun

Last school year was the first year in college I stayed in a dorm. The dorm I was in kept two to a room, two single beds on each side of the room, and a bathroom that was just down the hall. It was co-ed but ofcourse guys roomied with guys still. And since I was 15 I have had a sort of addiction to porn a beating my meat. Even if I went to a friends house, I would be doing it while they were destracted, and sleeping. Having a roomate was definately not going to stop me. So after my classes...

1 year ago
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Private Hazel Moore Simply Perfect

Brunette, sexy and a perfect pair of tits, that’s Hazel Moore, one of the stars of the moment on, and today this beauty is back in Private Blockbusters, The House Wives Club for a sensational fuck with Maximo Garcia that you won’t want to miss! So watch this sexy girl in all her glory as she offers up her beautiful hairy pussy for a taste before returning the favor with sloppy deepthroat blowjob. Then enjoy the sight of Hazel’s perfect body in action as she takes a hard pounding...

3 years ago
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Kitty A Girl Named Cat Ch 01

I’m a 5’7′ single female, with porcelain skin and hazel eyes. I have long, bright red hair and several colorful, but discrete tattoos. I have been described as being cute more times than I can count, so that is what I will use to describe myself for overall attractiveness. I have beautiful full breasts, an hourglass figure, and have been complimented many times on what a fabulous ass I have. Height/weight proportionate. Professional, looking for…..looking for… I guess this story is more about...

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In the forest

We had been busy the night of your arrival and were now preparing for another night of fun. It was a warm night and I had been making plans and arrangements while we were in the club last night. This was all unknown to you and as my sub cum slut you were there to do as I ordered you. You had spent the day around the house naked doing various chores and making me food as I planned your night of pleasure.I had let you suck my cock while I ate the food you prepared and as a treat I had cum in your...

1 year ago
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The Sexual Saga Of My Family Me 8211 Part I

This is the story of Me, a strapping young guy of 23 years started on my sexual journey. My name is Avi and I live with my mother in a spacious house in a well to do area of our city. My father had died a few years back and my brother had got married and lived with his wife a few miles away. Now it was only my mother and me who lived in our house. My mother, Sheela was 49 years old and she kept herself well groomed and presentable even after the death of my father. We had a roaring trading...

1 year ago
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Mall Urinal Masturbation

Mall Urinal with a stranger.I was shopping at the mall and had to take a pee bad, but do not like mall washrooms! oh well gotta go gotta go. Upon entering washroom a short olderman was at a urinal. I took a urinal 2 away from him and proceeded to release the hot, warm yellow pee , I had been aching to release. Such a build up of pressure and now release, was causing my cock to start to grow. I glanced over at the olderman and he just seemed to be standing there holding his penis ,but I could...

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book store video arcade

I just pulled up in the parking lot of my favorite suburban adult book store, it looked busy inside since I had trouble finding a good parking spot, I was wearing sweat pants and a tee shirt and my sexy outfit underneath. The retail store was bright and a few shoppers walking around, the guy behind the counter was an ass hole and as usual and gave me that look, told me to have a good time,I didn't count my stack of tokens. I walked into the arcade, dark as usual with video box covers...

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