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My name is Dr. Matthew Dorhring. Samantha's father and I met almost 25 years ago while working as teaching assistants at the same institution where I am now a tenured professor. A few years ago, I took a sabbatical from the university during which I traveled and lived in different parts of the world and had missed seeing Samantha develop from c***d to adolescent. It wasn't until just before Samantha's high school graduation that I moved back to the states, and for the first time saw how beautifully she had grown and transitioned from a gangly adolescent into a nubile, sexy young woman, eager for life and new experiences.

Two years ago, I returned to teaching at the university. I had easily settled back into professorial life and duties, and now, after years of waiting, my dream has finally come true. As of this past semester, Samantha has begun her graduate studies here; and I have begun to know her . . . intimately.

No, she was no longer a little girl; Samantha had blossomed into a very attractive and sexually desirable woman. Sam had let her wavy auburn hair grow past her shoulders, and I loved to tangle my hands in it when she sucked me. Her firm high breasts would become erect at the slightest provocation; sometimes when she was on display beneath me, I would caress and play with her beautiful dusky pink nipples as her long, lean legs encircled my waist. She had grown into a striking beauty whose full womanly hips, and soft, smooth-shaven mons begged to be kissed and licked.

Just seeing her walking on campus, even at a distance, was enough to get me hard and begin fantasizing about fucking her in every way I could think of. I knew the fantasizing was becoming obsessive; then one night I awoke from a dream covered in a cold sweat, with an erection so hard it hurt.

I had dreamt I was in a dimly lit room in the middle of which, bent over an old ornate desk was Samantha. I walked to the desk and discovered that she was paging through a large, leather bound photo album. The album was full of naked, salacious pictures of her posing, exhibiting herself, and engaging in various sexual activities. Coming up behind her, I caressed her ass, fully expecting her to pull away but was surprised to find her neither upset nor alarmed as I continued to touch, fondle and press myself against her. In my dream, her hair was loose, and sensually cascaded about her shoulders and she wore a white, lacy, very virginal looking dress that hugged her full, ripe woman's body. As she leaned on the desk absorbed in the album's contents, I lifted her dress up over her hips and pulled her thin, white panties down exposing her lovely ass; then unceremoniously pushed my hard dick deep into her.

I sensed it must have been uncomfortable for her at first, because she squirmed and tried to pull away. "Stop moving or I won't be able to get all of it inside your pussy . . . isn't that what you want?" I shouted at her.

She was so fucking warm and tight, I was afraid I was going to cum too quickly. When she suddenly closed the album and said, "Daddy will be mad if you get my dress dirty," I froze in surprise.

Recovering, I laughed nervously, telling her, "Don't worry, I'll be careful, but you must be still."

Reassured, she stood there silently obedient while I fucked her with abandon. I came, and with a satisfied grunt pulled out of her, and wiped my cum covered cock on her beautiful white dress. As I left the room I looked back and saw that she remained where I had left her . . . bent over the old ornate desk; only now she had my thick, white cum slowly dripping out of her well used pussy.

I lay in bed the next morning, recalling my dream and becoming very aroused. I began to plot how to actually, finally, fuck Samantha and make my fantasy come true.

We were both excited and looking forward to my being the advisor for her graduate project. We had a regular appointment to meet each Thursday during which we'd discuss her project over a cup of tea and I would get to know her better.

On one particular afternoon, I sat across the office at my desk, matter-of-factly confirming our appointment for the following week, and chuckled inwardly while chiding her about daydreaming during our session.

"Me, daydreaming?" she asked.

"Well, regardless of whether you were daydreaming or sleeping, you definitely were not mentally here this afternoon," I responded. "You're going to need to stay focused and that may mean cutting down on the late night sex with your boyfriend."

I observed a flicker of confusion pass over her face as she gathered up her things and gave me a chaste peck on the cheek before departing. I walked over to the window and watched her cross the parking lot and get into her car. Amused by her confusion, I found I enjoyed the game I was playing with her subconscious thoughts, almost as much as I enjoyed fucking her. Yet, as I thought back on our session, I made a mental note to be more careful with her, physically. While dressing her I had discovered the beginnings of a bruise on her breast where I had bitten her as I sucked her tits. Hopefully, she would just assume that it was the result of a little rough sex with her . . . boyfriend.

Over the following weeks, our meetings progressed as usual, typically beginning with my preparing tea for the both of us. While pretending to review a section of her thesis, I'd surreptitiously watch her as she sipped her tea. When finally, I saw her drop her notes onto the floor and lean her head against the back of the sofa, I'd stand up and call her name as I walked towards her.

"Sam . . . Samantha? Sam, are you alright, can you hear me?" I called, and as expected, there was no response. Though it was the middle of the afternoon, once the d****s were drawn the room became quiet and dim. I helped her stand and removed her panties before walking her to my desk and positioning her on her back. There was no struggle, no serious resistance; she appeared to be in a fuzzy semi-conscious state, oblivious to what was happening around her. My cock was throbbing now; I unzipped and freed it. I maneuvered her ass so it was at the edge of the desk, bent down between her legs, and buried my face in her warm, moist fragrance. With my hands on the smooth, pale skin of her inner thighs, I pressed her legs open and hungrily tongued and licked her.

"Oh god yessss, oh yes," she said so faintly, so haltingly I could barely understand her words.

When I started sucking her clit she moaned and sighed softly. I could feel her clit getting swollen and warm, and then without intentionally meaning to or expecting to, my beautiful girl came hard and wet, as her juices gushed into my mouth and an exquisite orgasm swept over her. Afterwards she laid there, eyelids fluttering as her breathing calmed. I slipped my hard, dripping cock into her, and pounded her mercilessly until overcome with my own orgasm.

I helped her onto the sofa, and covered her with a light blanket, having decided to let her sleep off the lingering effects of the tea. When she started to come out of her sleep, my office was quiet and dark, except for the glow of the campus streetlights outside. I heard her stirring and came into the room.

"How are you feeling, Sam?" I asked as she struggled briefly with the blanket, and then heavily swung her legs off the sofa and she sat up.

"Just a little groggy," she said, "but I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"You must have been exhausted. I hope you don't mind, but I was concerned and so I decided to let you stay and rest here in my office before driving home." She sat quietly for a few minutes, still a little out of it and I found myself wishing for a more accurate way to gauge the potency of the tea. It had become obvious that sometimes she would remain u*********s during her visit and would remember nothing at all, while at other times she appeared to be semi-aware while I was having sex with her but still did not seem to remember anything afterwards.

When she finally felt more clearheaded, she stood up and began to gather her things. I felt my cock stir while watching her sensitive nipples harden as they pressed and rubbed against her t-shirt. At one point my cock jerked so hard I had to turn toward my desk so she wouldn't see the growing bulge between my legs. After she left, I immediately began jerking my dick until I came so powerfully my legs trembled and I had to lean against the door for support.

When I recovered, on shaky legs I made it into the office bathroom. Was I out of control? I don't know, but I did wonder for a moment if she was aware of what I was doing to her, and then I remembered a particularly hot session a few weeks earlier when I had her on her hands and knees taking her doggy. She was naked on the beautiful Persian carpet in my office, her round, tight ass raised and presented to me to do as I wished. I fucked her so hard and rough that when I finally came, I swear I saw stars. Pulling out of her I finished cumming on the small of her back and then rolled her over and milked my cock so that the last few drops of cum dripped in spidery strings onto her tummy.

I watched in amazement as she smeared my cum between her legs and then with it covering her fingers opened her legs wider and began masturbating. She started humping the fingers she had slipped inside her pussy and looking straight at me with seemingly, unseeing eyes began whimpering and pleaded with me in that faint, whispery voice that was barely audible:

"Please, please, please . . ."

I was by now fully erect again, my cockhead huge, swollen and purple as I mounted her and fucked her until she came, her pussy walls grasping, gripping my cock not ready to release it.

Afterwards, while the effects of the tea were wearing off I cleaned her up and got her dressed. Because of what had happened, you know the things she had said, the way she had acted, I decided to try to find out just how much Sam really remembered from our session.

I got up, returned with a cold, glass of water, and gave it to her asking:

"Sam, we had a very productive session this afternoon, can you tell me the main issues we talked about and what you need to research before our next meeting?" Without a pause, she launched into a recap of the thesis related issues we had discussed during the first hour of our meeting.

She remembered nothing after drinking her tea; it was as if the sex had never happened. She didn't remember my taking her rough doggy, or her masturbating for me, her begging me to fuck her, none of it. That's when I knew that no matter what I did, no matter if she sometimes participated or not, she wouldn't remember.

The school year rapidly progressed. To celebrate our halfway point, I suggested we have a dinner meeting at a little restaurant near her apartment. We had a nice time; the food was delicious, the wine was wonderful, and over dessert and coffee, we discussed her project a little more until I noticed she was showing signs of drowsiness. I helped her out of the restaurant and into my car to driver her home. By the time I parked she was on the brink of passing out, but I managed to get her safely into her apartment.

Once inside, I led her to the bedroom and laying her on her bed, watched her finally give up her struggle with consciousness and slip into the warm, welcoming nothingness. Gently placing my arm under her, I lifted her upper body and unzipped her dress. Pulling the bodice of her dress down about her waist, my hand lightly brushed over the fabric of her lace bra whereupon her nipples immediately tightened, growing hard and erect under my touch. I knelt at the side of the bed and ran my tongue lightly across her lips, then kissed her hard, opening her mouth and inserting my tongue.

Unzipping my pants I couldn't help but give a deep masculine sigh of relief as my cock sprang free and I brought it to her mouth.

I knew she probably couldn't understand me, but in a cajoling voice I said, "Open your mouth for me, baby."

"Open your mouth!" I repeated a bit more roughly.

I grasped her jaw and squeezed it to force her to open her mouth for me. After I pushed in my cock, I leisurely stroked it in and out of Sam's mouth, holding her head in position so that she took my full length. I felt myself growing bigger in her mouth and wondered if she could taste my salty, slick pre-cum on her tongue as my cock sank deeper down her throat. I pressed her head tightly into my groin and face-fucked her until I came in a thick, warm spray of cum that flowed down her throat and dribbled out the corner of her mouth.

Releasing Sam's head, I rested it against the pillows while I pulled her dress the remainder of the way off and removed her bra and panties. Her pussy was glistening wet, and I crawled between her legs to teasingly lick her until she squirmed and moaned, with me stopping just short of letting her cum.

I stood up, covered her naked body with the bedclothes, arranged my clothing and whispered that I'd return shortly. I turned off the lights and left, quietly closing the door behind me.

When I pulled the bedclothes aside, I watched the sudden contraction of her nipples and small goose bumps form on her arms; her body vulnerable and exposed to me. I grasped each ankle and pulled her towards the foot of the bed, letting her legs hang over the end with her feet almost touching the floor. I spread her legs and fingered her until she began to moan and her hips involuntarily humped against my hand. I could see her struggling to open her eyes when I called her name, and watched her as I stroked my rock hard cock, smearing the cock head with my pre-cum. There were no words, just me pushing into her, repeatedly thrusting deep and then pulling out. I stroked into her long and deep as I rubbed her clit making it hard and swollen and grinned to myself when she began raising and lowering her hips, on some level trying desperately to meet my thrusts, until finally, mercifully . . . I let my baby girl cum for me.

I removed what was left of my clothing, and covered her with my now naked body. The feel of my cock growing hard against her thigh, her breasts pressing against the soft hair on my chest, excited me and I ached to be inside of her. All I could think about was fucking my Samantha until I was sated. With my weight on top of her and my face close to her's, I again saw her eye lids flutter when I spoke to her and called her name. I whispered into her ear what I was going to do to her sweet, sweet pussy, and watched a tear of happiness trickle down her cheek.

"Oh baby, don't cry, there's no need to cry," I told her as I kissed the tear from her cheek and maneuvered my knees between her legs, opening them wider and positioning myself to penetrate her. With only the slightest pressure, my large swollen cock pressed between her glistening pussy lips, into her warm, wet channel. With deep, full thrusts I filled her completely, then fucked into her as if to punish her for making me do this to her. The slightest contraction of her pussy on my cock was almost more than I could handle and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold off much longer. I let my body tense and stiffen in preparation for release, then I pulled back, willing myself to become quiet, and in this way, I repeatedly edged up to my orgasm while remaining deep inside her pussy, until the urge for release finally became too strong. I held onto her and started fucking her with fast, shallow strokes until my body arched and I rammed into her so hard that she began to whimper.

Just as I was on the absolute brink of cumming, she suddenly lifted her hips and opened her legs wider for me. I gave a final thrust and buried myself balls deep, filling her warm, grasping pussy with spurt after spurt of my cum. After I spent myself inside of her, we drifted off, and when I awoke, I found myself spooning behind her, one arm over her breasts, lovingly cupping one tit in my hand; my leg d****d possessively over her hips, enjoying the fragrant, pungent smell of our sex.

I eventually roused myself, and experienced an involuntary shudder of anticipation as my hand trailed down her outer thigh and came to rest between her legs, finding her still dripping core. Inserting my fingers into her pussy, I withdrew them covered in her wetness and started teasing her asshole as I leaned over and quietly whispered, "I want to feel myself inside your tight, warm ass Samantha . . . don't be afraid. "

Even as I ground against her, knowing in her d**gged condition she couldn't resist and wouldn't remember anything I said, I still felt compelled to tell her how sorry I was for doing this. Yet, despite the remorse, I continued to rub myself against her ass, my pulsing cock growing hard as I thought about entering and then cumming deep in her ass.

Gently, patiently I teased her ass bud and succeeded in inserting one finger inside her. Her recalcitrant sphincter muscle tightened instinctively, trying to push my finger out. Not wanting to hurt her more than necessary, I began to lick and tongue her ass until I could feel her body softening and relaxing. This went on for a while and when I could insert two fingers into her ass, I reached over and retrieved a small butt plug from the nightstand. Turning back to her, I began massaging her butt hole with lubricant, and fondling her clit until she purred and moaned in orgasmic release. As she lay there in the afterglow of her orgasm, I rolled her onto her side and inserted the butt plug into her ass.

I pulled Samantha on top of me, and holding her hips, slid effortlessly in and out of her hot wet pussy, letting her ride my cock. I closed my eyes, feeling the outline of the plug rub against my cock with each upward thrust. Her clit was stimulated by the pressure and rubbing along my cock shaft, and each time she rode up on my cock, I could see her hard, swollen clit. It was so engorged it was now fully visible and poked out from underneath its hood. The urge to take it in my mouth and suck made my cock twitch and jerk inside her. I could hear her quietly moaning along with me as her pussy began to contract and squeeze around my cock. Sensing she was about to cum I guided her off me and made her kneel on the bed on her hands and knees. I quickly removed the plug from her ass, and started smearing my cock and her ass inside and out with more lubricant.

She was aroused, yet I could feel her try to pull away when I placed my cock at the opening of her butthole and began pressing into her. I relaxed my weight onto her and let her settle onto her stomach with her hips raised on a pillow. I got myself behind and on top of her so I could fuck her doggy-style. Positioned like this, the idea of her body naked and totally under my control only fueled my already lust-crazed state further. Even more exciting was knowing I would be her first . . . until I heard her quietly grunting and groaning as I pressed the head of my cock insistently into her.

"Shhhhhhh, Shhhhhhh," I said softly, "I know it's your first time baby, but it's alright, I'll try not to hurt you."
I paused to place another pillow under her hips to raise them higher, and then spread her legs further apart. I reached under her and began to talk to her as I simultaneously reassured her and massaged her clit and pussy. Soon I could feel her increased wetness along with a faint quivering of her body against mine as her pussy contracted with anticipation. Feeling her ass muscles relax, I resumed my slow entry into Samantha and just as she experienced a hard pussy orgasm, I gave a final thrust and pushed my hard, purple cockhead past her sphincter and into her most private place.

"Ohhhhhhhh," She cried out with what I knew was the pain of being fully taken anally for the first time; I stopped moving and waited for her body to adjust. The wait was excruciating, but I managed to keep myself under control and give her time. Tentatively, I began stroking my throbbing length in and out of her ass. She turned her head and for a moment, I imagined she actually saw and recognized me, until gradually her pained expression faded. She began that now familiar moaning deep in her throat that never failed to get me hard and hot.

"Oh, damn baby, you feel so good - so warm, so incredibly tight!" I groaned excitedly as I thrust deeper and faster. Finally, pulling her hips tightly to me, she pushed back against my groin, and I ejaculated hard into her ass, shouting her name, swearing that I was sorry and would never do this to her again . . . all the while in the back of my mind, I was already planning the next time.

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The downpour of winter rain monopolized my mind from the time I hit the city limits. Paige talked me through the unfamiliar streets, saying she would remain inside the building until my truck was sighted. "I'll run out and jump in when I see you coming down the street," she said, cautioning me to drive carefully. "These people are crazy. Is it always like this or is it just the rain?" Paige laughed. "The kids are out of school this week. They're in town to exchange gifts that are...

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ObserverChapter 11 Day 27

Peter stirred and opened his eyes. He looked at the clock radio and saw that it was after 10 o'clock. He picked up his watch from the nightstand and saw that it was Monday morning. Then he glanced over to look at Kirsten and saw that she was not in bed with him. For a moment, he closed his eyes again to get a little more sleep, then remembered that he had left Kirsten hanging in the closet. He jumped out of bed and hurried to see if she was OK. When he opened the door, she looked at him with...

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Tales of heirloom gems 15

Universe: heirloom gems Setting: fantasy / medieval Format: short stories Index: 1. Casanova remix 2a. / 2b. Smooth like stone 3. Claimed by Fire 4. Druid wanted, Druid needed. 5. The price of vanity ----- 1. Casanova remix ----- Jean was bored. Not that this was something new. It was another private lecture. Her family was prestigious and merchants for a few generations. As the oldest child, it was her duty one day to carry on the family tradition and trade. Hence the...

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PenthouseGold Savannah Stern The Wicked Cosplay Queen

Penthouse goes retro scifi with lusty busty Savannah Stern as the wicked Queen Xena in a huge blonde wig and Tommy Gunn who shows her the real meaning of the Evil Wang with his big dick that she hungrily slobbers all over in a phenomenal blowjob. The raunchy babe then lays back upon a cold examination table and spreads open her legs clad in thigh-high black boots for some pussy play and hardcore fucking until her trimmed twat is doused with his hot cum. Don’t miss the cosplay duo in XXX...

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First LoveChapter 30

Ryan felt miserable. He felt sick. He couldn't remember what possessed him to say that shit to Jen. She was right, he was different around some of his friends, Darius among them. He felt like the biggest jackass on the planet. And the loneliest. And now Jen was going to have his baby, and he'd never see his child, or Jen, again. She'll forgive me, he thought. She has to. She fucking has to. Thursday he showed up at her house. He had called earlier, but she'd hung up on him again. She...

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Granddads Girly Gals 2 Initiate Ingenue Ing

Grandfather GREGORY Goracy-Goral Gives Granddaughters GALA & GINA Great G-spot Groping===========================================================================Gorgeous Gala Gives Great Granddad Greg Her Horny Hot Head Initiating Intimately Ingenue IngaGreedy Gala Goes all the Way Wild Wanton Women Wants Shy Sister See Self Some SLAVE SEXGorgeous Gala Gives Great Seductive Sensual Slow Show So Ingenue Inga Immediately InterestedGreedy Gala Gives Great Hot Head to Energise & Erect...

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The Librarian Part 5

Hello there. My name is Sloane. Four months ago, my life changed completely. I fell in love with a boy who was twenty plus years my junior. I had just turned forty-five and thought any chance of finding true love had long pass me by. Life had other plans I guess. Me and this boy fell for each other pretty fast, and pretty hard. The second time we hung out we ended up having sex. Really, really, really good sex. I tell him all the time that was the day before I became a new woman. A lot has...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasure Part 2

Unexpected Pleasure Part 2 By: Ms. Jenny Ann I wrote this story it may be downloaded or shared at free sites only. Comments may be sent to [email protected]. Chapter 3 The Best of Both The movie had stopped, and they could not stay in the room, unless more quarters would be inserted, Todd said, "I see no reason to pay for this room and I do not want to lose you, so come with me to my clinic and you can start taking female hormones, I really can and want to help you. ...

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Not having been there for over five years brought back memories. It was an all-new orchestra, with a new conductor, Herbie must have retired or passed on. After getting everyone settled, I walked up and introduced myself and met the new conductor, Harold Watson, better known as Hal. He was aware of who we were and had a large number of our music ready for us. There was no live singer this evening, just a nice meal and dance music. I sat between my wife and my daughter. “Daddy,” Rose said...

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OF COURSE IT ALL MADE SENSE. Logical. Not to mention, the only thing we could do. Not only were Lissa’s kids sick, she was coming down with it, too. She simply wouldn’t—or couldn’t—travel. I decided on the spot that I wouldn’t go either but the heated argument that ensued left me at three to one against my canceling the trip. Lissa said she would send instructions to Allison on coaching me through my first round. Sam would be headed out on Tuesday, but there was no way he’d make the early...

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Adventures of my ex The Nine Inch Dick part 3

"Where ya goin?" he asks. "Just to freshen up, you made quite a mess. These will keep you company" she says as she removes the panties she was just thoroughly fucked in and tosses them to him. Mike inspects them hoping they stayed free of his load and was pleased to see he had not contaminated them with spunk. Joy takes her time to freshen up with a warm wash cloth then brings it back to the bed and begins to clean his cock. Lifting and gently wiping it as if it were a delicate instrument. She...

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GirlsWay Kali Roses Violet Myers Carolina Cortez You Need To Loosen Up

Carolina Cortez and Violet Myers, two friends, arrive for an introductory yoga class. Violet is stressed and stiff, which is why Carolina wants her to give yoga a go to loosen up, even if Violet isn’t too convinced yet. They are then greeted by Kali Roses, the yoga instructor, who happily invites them inside. As Kali leads them further inside, she can’t help but sneak Violet some lustful looks, clearly taking an immediate interest in her. Kali then reveals that Violet and Carolina...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 690

This one is compliments of wcl Well, A Girl Potato and Boy Potato had eyes for each other, and finally they got married, and had a little sweet potato, which they called ‘Yam’. Of course, they wanted the best for Yam. When it was time, they told her about the facts of life. They warned her about going out and getting half-baked, so she wouldn’t get accidentally mashed, and get a bad name for herself like ‘Hot Potato, ‘ and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots. Yam said not to worry, no Spud...

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My Neigbours Kitchen Zink Getting Warmed Up

This Saturday morning I was in an exceptionally good mood. My leggy neighbour had hinted that she wanted me to take a look at her kitchen sink. Apparently the down pipe was somewhat blocked and the taps (faucet for the Yanks) were leaking. This she disclosed on the Thursday afternoon as we supported our kids playing an inter-school cricket game (our sons are the same age) The woman was starting to enjoy our neighbourly encounters (you’ll remember the first was a somewhat forced affair when her...

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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 6 You Sure About This

"You know, my divorce was final on my birthday." I paused, gulped, and asked, "Exactly what do you mean by dusting?" She looked at me and grinned. "I mean, let's see how this might work. You like me. I know that. You said so. I like you and the age difference doesn't mean all that much to me. Besides, I always lusted after Daddy. You might make a great daddy." "S ... S ... S ... Simone," I stammered. "My daughter and I live in the same dorm. She's a 16 year old sophomore. I have...

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dave jake talk

Dave followed his friend Jake into the large living room."Oh, hey Dad," Jake said. Jake's Dad was a solid man with short black hair, a square jaw and huge arms. "This is Dave." Jake and Dave were in their final year of high school and had both recently turned 18."Yeah, I've seen you two out surfing together," Jake's Dad explained."Hi," Dave grunted."Mum's out til later," Jake's Dad said. "How about you get us all a beer Jake."As Jake walked out of the room, Dave thought it was strange his...

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The Wall and GoatChapter 6

It was midnight, the house was silent, the incandescent hands of my little clock told me that a new day was just beginning, another one was just lost. A day where Maxie had kissed me, in the field, under the stars. I had been so angry at the start of that run, half way between the dark sort of sadness that leads to doing really stupid things and the hot red rage that lead to me breaking my sort-of-best-friend's nose. But the body wants what the body wants, and as annoyed as I was when we...

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Cleopatras Masquerade Part Two

Early the next morning… New Year’s Eve Julian and Kenya awoke to the digital sounds of the alarm which was not shut off last evening. Kenya rolled out of bed; drug her sore, well fucked body into the bathroom and relieved her bladder. She crawled back into bed and began snuggling her fiancé. Reaching around his body, she grabbed his dick and stroked it to garner a response as she nibbled his neck. Gentle snoring greeted her as she said, “Sleep already, Julian?” Lingering snores rumbled from...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 16 Potions Master

Chapter Sixteen – Potions Master Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: bf, Mf, x-mast, ncon, reluc, cream pie, exhib, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy It had been nearly three weeks since Harry was named as Hogwarts Champion and basically vilified in front of the entire school as a glory grabbing prat, who only cared about getting his name into as many books as...

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White Tribe of AfricaChapter 2

John was now fifteen, one late afternoon while he was swimming in the cool water of the river with his friends at the other end of the village, they heard much shouting and crying coming from the village. Soon he saw thick smoke rising in the sky. As soon as they got out of the river a few old men with many children led them away into the forest. At the time John didn't know what the commotion was all about but he and the other swimmers followed the elders, getting away as fast as possible...

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Outdoor Adventure

As Kayla settled into her sleeping bag, she couldn't help feeling frustrated. Not only would her husband not share a bag with her, he had already turned his back to her and gone to sleep. She had been eager to go camping, fantasizing about wild sex in the great outdoors. The meadow where they had stopped to pitch their tent was secluded with only a narrow dirt road connecting it to the outside world. The scene was ripe for something thrilling to happen. But another couple had arrived that...

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The Oath

I know you wouldn’t believe anything that happened later on, if I didn’t start from the very beginning. First time I met her, it was a pretty hot morning in May. I was having breakfast in the usual café and I already knew about the Oath: I was aware that my life could possibly change at any moment, but I had decided to blatantly ignore that feeling and keep on going with my normal life as much as I could. The girl behind the bar was the main reason I’d ever come to that Café, to be honest....

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me and daddy

my most darkest fantasy starts with me and my dad (of course) going to one of those daddy/daughter dances in middle school… in my fantasies, i’m way younger… they play ‘complicated’ by Robin Thicke(my favorite song) and we start dancing. we get closer and closer until his hands are on my ass and i start kissing his neck… people start to look. wispering, pointing. we don’t care. daddy puts his hands up my dress. i kiss him and roll my tongue around in his mouth… by then people are gasping and...

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Sept 2017 Meeting 4 Sharing Sally with Sean

Sept 2017We met a guy who we got chatting to on a swinging forum that we had signed up to recently. After dinner one evening, Sally got online and we introduced ourselves to Sean, who lived in Derby. We chatted for about an hour with him, Sally topless for most of the conversation, and he agreed to come to the house that Saturday afternoon.He did at first think that Sally was a whore which made me smile and her horrified, but we put the record straight and the date was booked. He had been...

Wife Lovers
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Jed Finally Drops Anchor

CHAPTER 1 Angrily clenching her fingers to a neck-size shape, Jessica Smart was on the brink of strangling her uncouth brother-in-law from the city who was staying with her and Mike for three weeks, and this was only day four. He’d already told her she had lovely tits — tits mind you, not breasts or in a good mood she’d accept boobs — not that he should be referring to them, and he’d cuffed her ass twice. Jessica’s friend Susie had just left, snapping that it was amazing gentlemanly Mike had...

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Chapter 5 of Helenrsquos Slutty Cunt

This final chapter sees Dan’s slutty wife and her wet hairy pussy turned over and restrained on all fours. Against Helen's will my intent is to lubricate my hard cock by dipping it into her wet hairy fanny then to give her an anal creampie… However, Helen might have something to say about me ruining her tight arsehole....find out in this Chapter how my intent to fuck her tight puckered fuck hole goes! Not for the feint hearted! Helen and Dan can be found at:...

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FogChapter 3

I was attending a large state university some one hundred and eighty-five miles away from home. As a freshman I would be living in a dorm on campus, but with several thousand other freshmen on campus, things wouldn’t be any different for me. If anything, I was slightly older than many of them and had already been away from home by myself for three or four weeks on a couple of occasions. My parents drove me over to the campus but returned home as soon as I had moved my things into the dorm....

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Webmeets Diary Ch 03

Introduction: I become Sarah to meet an older couple. Note to the reader: In this diary I will tell the true stories of my sexual encounters that have come about thanks to the internet. Some more precise details such as names and places will be left out to protect mine and others privacy, and also because they dont matter, but otherwise I will try to be as accurate and truthful as possible. Id been using the swingers site for more than a year but still had not managed to fulfil any of my...

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Dads Dating AdviceChapter 4

“No popping cherries,” Bob moaned for maybe the fifth time. The last gulp of Scotch he’d slammed had been working on him, and now it registered in full, threatening to tip him into peaceful unconsciousness. There was a warm, naked woman in his arms who looked and smelled like Olivia, but he knew she wasn’t. Still, she felt good, snuggled up against him. He knew, in a misty kind of way that it was his daughter, because every once in a while she said something and it was Julie’s voice. His...

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Year Zero The Warning Reverse Angle

Year Zero: The Warning (Reverse Angle) The Warning whose lyrics are used as part of this work was written by Nine Inch Nails All rights reserved Nine Inch Nails. As with the original story. This still uses the lyrics of the song. But this time we look at the events from the opposite perspective. -------------------------- Prologue Still in my bra and panties, I selected a floral top that narrowed to my waist and then widen into a pleated skirt bottom. That was OK. ...

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RayChapter 11

Ray now had gone the full circle with the ladies he had met at Peg's wedding. While it was very enjoyable he was starting to realize that you can have too much of a good thing. Jane had remarked at the wedding that Ray was going to be like a little boy in a candy store. A little boy will get a stomach ache if he eats too much candy. Well, candy wasn't Ray's problem, it was sex. Ray never thought that kind of a problem could ever happen to him. What man would? The ladies that Ray had met at...

2 years ago
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Nicki The Naughty Nurse

‘I hope that Matron doesn’t notice that I’m late again,’ fretted Nicki as she hurried down the hospital corridor, the rubber soles of her shoes squeaking on the polished linoleum. ‘Nicki! In my office, this minute!’ barked the voice she was dreading to hear. ‘What time of the day do you call this, Missie?’ asked Matron Sloan, with a glare that pinned Nicki to the spot much like a lepidopterist crucifying a butterfly. ‘The morning?’ Nicki tried, a little optimistically. ‘It is exactly 9.05...

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Married Preachers Daughters Seduction

This story is unrelated to others, but the story of seduction on a trip I made a friends house. He is married to a prim and proper preachers daughter, whom is also HOT.Her name is Laura, and she is pleasantly plump and curvy in ALL the right places. Nice hanging tits, beautiful long brunette hair, sexy face and lips, and a ass made for fucking. Although, according to my friend and her hubby, it has never been fucked. You see, he says she is a good fuck but very conservative. She reluctantly...

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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...

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Wifes FunChapter 7

I slid the panties and pants back up answering him as I did it "Well I like how they feel as they are comfortable, and she loves me in them especially since they show how much power she has over me" I said. "Cool I got nothing against you wearing panties, just means that I will get in 2 pair of them from now on" Steve said. "Come on, let's get over to your place for dinner" I want to see what happens tonight" he continued. As we both got into our vehicles, and headed to the house, I...

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Romantic Days With My Love 8211 Part 2

    What a figure she has! What a beauty! A complete woman with a perfect figure. I knew the time was right for the next step to make love to Anisha. I can see her side boobs. She was trying to tie the hook. She saw me, “Sohail, you are too much. Why you came here? You will get aroused, just go.” I was like how can she be so cool. I smartly replied, “Why should I get aroused? You are my friend, not my girlfriend.” She said, “Then come put this bra hook. It’s most difficult for me. Always...

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