Barbaria Act 2 Chapter 1 free porn video

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Main Narrative

Princess Alexena’s dark, almond-shaped eyes flashed. A kind of frisson ran through her and one elegant white hand heavily be-ringed, gripped more tightly on the arm of the throne-like chair in which she was seated.
“A woman you say. Captain Varian?” The princess’s tone was sharp, implying that it was an affront that any other woman should be Head of a State ... let alone a State daring to rival the might of Barbaria!
“Yes, Highness,” nodded Captain Varian. He had reckoned the information would intrigue the princess and he had been right.
“I see ...” The words came like a sighing-hiss. Then Princess Alexena relaxed again. “In that case, this becomes an expedition of supreme importance.”
“Agreed, Highness.” The chief commander always showed the greatest respect for the ruler of Barbaria. He was a hard-bitten man in his early forties and could scarcely be called servile. However, he knew where the true and absolute power lay ... acknowledged it ... and devoted himself to it.
“Kindly let me have a sight of your plans of this place called Sythia as soon as possible.”
“Of course, Highness.”
Alexena fell silent. She seemed to be deep in thought. One gold-sandalled foot pressed more firmly into the neck of the slave-girl acting as a footstool before the throne set in the Audience Room of the Royal Palace of Nexos. This throne was supported on the backs of two slaves who knelt on all fours, heads bowed.
“If all this is true,” said the Princess, after some time, “I want this woman ... this so-called ruler... brought to me. And I want her brought to me alive, not dead.”
“I shall make every endeavour, Highness.”
The regal head turned sharply. “Oh yes, Captain, you will make every endeavour. You will! If you know what’s good for you.”
Not for the first time the commander endured the lash of the royal tongue. He accepted it as best he could.
“I meant, Highness, in war, nothing is certain. This ruler might be killed. Or kill herself.”
Princess Alexena seemed to ignore this piece of plain common-sense. “I want her here. Where this creature is!” Her foot pressed even more firmly down and a little suppressed moan came from the slave-girl crushed to the hard, marble floor. It was Flavia, one of the younger and more recent additions to the Royal retinue of slaves. “And I want to see her like this. ”The toe of the sandal jabbed into Flavia’s side. “Up!” came the order.
At once, Flavia knelt erect and placed her hands submissively on top of her head. It was a head which was bowed by reason of the fact that, from the nose-ring threaded through her sternum, two short chains ran, linking up with similar rings threaded through her nipples.
“This is Flavia,” said Princess Alexena, “just about the lowliest of my personal slave-girls.”
Captain Varian, however, had already recognised the shapely, auburn-haired youngster kneeling naked before them. He recalled the time when, on the deck of his ship, ‘The Taurus’, those holes for the rings had been made with a red-hot needle. How she had screamed in pain and horror as those rings had been threaded through and the little chains fitted! Well, the girl would have known a great deal more pain and horror since then ... some five or six weeks ago now. She must have had to keep her head bowed for all that time, he thought. It was a heavy price to pay for having looked at Princess Alexena with what had been deemed ‘undue arrogance’! Captain Varian liked the look of the girl. Lovely firm breasts, high and rounded; the aureoles a rosy pink like the pierced nipples.
“Ah yes,” he said, “one of the captives from our raid on Menos. Daughter of their chieftain, if I remember aright.”
“She had the effrontery to insist she was Lady Flavia, ”said the Princess with a sneer. “That she be treated as such ... be treated with some consideration! I quickly disillusioned her,” A trace of a smile crossed sneering lips.
Captain Varian smiled too. He could well imagine what various forms that ‘disillusionment’ could have taken. It would not be pleasant to be in the power of a woman such as Princess Alexena! “She seems quite docile now,” he remarked.
“Oh yes,” nodded the Princess. “What are you, Flavia?”
“I ... I am your most humble and abject slave-girl, most high and mighty Mistress, ”came the soft, girlish voice. The form of address when answering questions was obligatory. “And honoured to be so.”
“Honoured to be permitted to act even as my footstool?”
“Oh yes ... most high and mighty Mistress.”
A faint look of satisfaction crossed the Princess’s features. It was wonderful what the whip could do, she thought. And by no means for the first time. It would work equally well with this, as yet unknown, woman leader of the State of Sythia. She must, reflected the Princess, be a woman of considerable character and ability. With will and courage. Above all, with pride. It was going to be supremely delightful to bring her to complete submission. Far more so than with a c***d like Flavia ... though that had had its moments. She had been a rebellious creature to begin with.
Suddenly, Princess Flavia snapped her fingers. “Ryar!” she called. A powerfully-built man came through the archway leading from ante-chamber... the Chief Overseer of her Highness’s personal slave entourage. The flesh of his muscular body was the palest coffee colour and, apart from sandals, he wore only a brief white loin-cloth. Although a number of his assistants were eunuches, Ryar was an entire male ... the prodigious bulging of the loincloth gave ample evidence of that!
“Highness ...” Ryar bowed. His dark eyes were hard and eager set in impassive features; his sandy hair was close-cropped. Not only an excellent and faithful servant but an ideal man of his duties.
“Remove this girl’s chains,” ordered the Princess. “But keep on the rings as a reminder. The slightest look of insolence or arrogance in her eyes and the chains go back on.”
“Yes ... Highness ...”
Ryar went down on one knee and the two small chains were quickly removed. Captain Varian heard a low, wondering kind of moan come from the kneeling figure. The auburn head remained bowed as Ryar rose again.
“You may look at me, slave,” said Princess Alexena.
It took a few moments for Flavia to comply. Her head had been bowed for so long it seemed impossible for her to raise it to its natural perpendicular. But then, with another moan, the head came up and, with a convulsive shudder of dread, reluctant blue-green eyes gazed on the ruler of Barbaria.
There is no arrogance in them now, thought Captain Varian. Only a sort of despairing blankness through which terror filtered. He had seen that look in the eyes of many a slave-girl. The soft pink lips, full and pouting, were quivering. With her oval face, wide forehead and delicate rose-pink skin, this Flavia was a very pretty young creature, reflected Captain Varian. Princess Alexena certainly kept the pick of the girls for herself! And, knowing the Princess’s sexual tendencies, those lips would have frequently and assiduously been at work.
Princess Alexena’s dark, diamond-hard eyes bored into her trembling victim. She knew what effect they were having. Power is a many-splendoured thing, she thought. There is no lack of ways of exercising it. Just by looking one could send icicles of terror through a pounding heart.
There was a long silence, during which Flavia trembled incessantly, like a newly-planted tree in the breeze. Captain Varian’s eyes roved over the firm but curvaceous young body. Milk-white belly. Lovely swelling thighs. Young enough to be my daughter, he said to himself. Easily. He felt a faint stirring in his loins. Well, he had plenty of slave-girls in his own entourage ... all at his beck and call.
“Have you anything to say, slave?” demanded the princess in her sharp, metallic voice.
Flavia’s mouth opened and shut several times. She seemed bemused, at a loss for words. But she knew she had to make some answer. “Th-Thank y-you, high and mighty M-Mistress,” she finally choked out.
Princess Alexena smiled dazzlingly, if briefly. It was nice to be thanked after all she had done to the girl! She turned to Captain Varian. “Would you like to make use of her?” she asked.
The Captain was a little taken aback. He had not been expecting such a question, though he could not deny he had been lusting after the young girl.
“Er ... er ... well ... Highness ...” he began hesitantly.
“Show the Captain your wares, slave. We must see if he fancies them or not!”
Flavia looked stunned. A pink colour spread over her soft cheeks. Then crept down to her apple-round breasts. Two milky white orbs with delicate pink centres.
“P-Please ...” she began falteringly.
“Get your backside in the air, girl!” snapped Ryar. “Legs wide.” Now, despite her shame, Flavia moved quickly. She knew she had to unless she wanted to experience pain. She twisted around on her knees... went on to all fours... and thrust her hindquarters high. Slowly, with evident reluctance, her shapely young thighs parted. Cheeks mottling slightly, eyes suddenly glinting, Captain Varian contemplated all that was so blatantly displayed to him. Oh yes... he liked them young. And this one looked so very young. Yet so succulent. The fact that she had been depilated gave her a certain innocence but the girl’s mature ripeness could not be doubted.
“Mmmm ... quite charming,” he murmured under his breath.
“Do you want to make use of it or not, Captain?” asked the Princess, almost sharply.
“It ... it is most kind, your Highness,” said Captain Varian. “I mean, she is your slave ... why ... why should you?”
“You are my most trusted commander,” smiled Princess Alexena. “It is only right that I should do you some small favour now and again.”
“Thank you, Highness... you are most kind.” Captain Varian inclined his head. He felt his pulses beating a shade faster and he glanced back at Flavia’s naked charms once more. Yes... she would be most enjoyable.
“It’s nothing, Captain. The least I can do. Especially when I think of all you do for me.”
“Once again, thank you, Highness.”
“Ryar,” said the Princess, “have this slave sent to the Captain’s quarters whenever the Captain requests. When he has finished with her, have her brought back here. Now take her away.”
“Yes, Highness...”
Captain Varian wondered what it must be like for a well brought-up girl to hear such words. To be moved like a chess-piece on a board. To be transferred from one place to another with no more concern than if she were a piece of furniture. Bitter indeed for her. But rather delightful for him. He saw the smooth white shoulders begin to heave with sobs as the Chief Overseers bent and hauled the girl up by a hank of her rich auburn hair.
“Come on, my little beauty...”
Ryar half-dragged Flavia across the room. When she made some instinctive word of protest... so natural in a young girl... her deliciously rounded bottom received a stinging slap. Then, from off a table, Ryar took a long, slim chain. This was swiftly fastened to Flavia’s nose-ring and, at once, there was no more resistance in her. Trembling, she stood complacently still, eyes down cast. Several large tears rolled down. These were agony to endure if she attempted to fight the nose-ring. Thus she submitted...
And Ryar moved off, leading the girl as if she were a calf going to market.
“Thank you once again, Highness,” said Captain Varian.
Princess Alexena spread her hands. “It’s nothing,” she said. “But you do see why I want this woman ... this so-called Head of State ... alive?”
“Oh yes, Highness, I do indeed. And I shall do my utmost to ensure that she is delivered into your hands. I shall give my life, if need be.”
“I hope it doesn’t have to come to that,” replied Princess Alexena, suddenly grave.
“From what I have heard, this is no ordinary foe, Highness.”
“Hhmmm ... but surely none can match the might of Barbaria?”
“Certainly it does not seem possible, Highness. But as a military man, I must take every precaution. There is no point in being fool-hardy. If the rumours are exaggerated, so be it. I would rather be made to look a little over-cautious than risk the forces of Barbaria.”
“You are right, Captain,” nodded the Princess. This Sythian force was beginning to loom larger all the time. How much a threat was it? The unknown was always more worrying than the known. By the gods, thought Princess Alexena, this woman will pay dearly for even threatening to imperil Barbaria!
Oh yes... yes...
What a day when I have her captive!
“When will I have your plan of campaign, Captain?”
“Within forty eight hours, Highness. In fact, there will be two plans. One for a small exploratory force; another for the main force, if we find ourselves up against a powerful foe.”
“Good... good. I look forward to seeing you again soon then, my dear Captain Varian. ”The Princess raised her hand in a sign of dismissal and her chief commander rose from his seat and bowed deferentially... catching sight of the two kneeling male slaves supporting the throne as he did so. What a fate, he thought! Better death than slavery! But then, especially when one is young, one always hopes. No warrior could truly imagine what being a slave means. Especially being a slave of Barbaria.
“I wish you good evening, Highness...”
“Thank you, Captain. And I you.” There was almost a twinkle in Princess Alexena’s eyes as she said it. She was aware of her commander’s penchant for young girls, though she was not so indelicate as to mention it at that moment!
Her commander, dressed very much in the Roman style of several millenia before, retired from the Audience Chamber. The Princess sat for some time, silent and speculative. Grave dangers might lie ahead...
But exquisite delights, too ...
Excitement sent her pulses throbbing. How superb life was! Oh yes... how superb! When one had power, of course...
Princess Alexena rose from her throne and left the chamber. The two kneeling male slaves remained silent, though both felt like uttering groans of relief now that their burden was somewhat lightened. But the throne itself was heavy enough in all conscious... and they had to bear it on their backs for several hours yet, whether or not it was occupied.
That was the existence of a slave.
To be used.
To be abused.
Yet, once, these two husky males, when warriors, had felt also that life was superb. That it had so much in the way of excitement to offer. Triumph, honours, glory and gold. The pleasure to be had from enchanting young women. Now there was nothing but drab servitude.
And the biting lash for the slightest so-called fault.
As to the pleasures of sex, they were crudely and cruelly denied them. For the penis of each was encased in a tubular device or iron. It ran from just behind the phallic head to an inch or two from the root. Natural functions were possible, but nothing else. Indeed, even the natural tumescence resulting from sexual thoughts or desires was made instantly exceedingly painful.
All male slaves in the Palace of Nexos wore this device.
And that device could not be removed except on the direct orders of the owner of the slave. It was an order only given, naturally, if the owner wished to amuse herself with her slave. In some way or another.
It was a bitter fate.
Especially when one was young and vigorous.
Strong and virile.
For, constantly, these male slaves were surrounded by the naked, nubile charms of seemingly countless slave-girls! Oh yes, a bitter fate indeed!

A slave-girl fell to her knees as Princess Alexena swept into her private apartments. Then another... And another... The were like dominoes toppling.
A fourth slave-girl, at an arched entrance to another apartment, not only fell to her knees but also presented her fulsome naked hindquarters to her Mistress. The switch which dangled from the Princess’s wrist bit into those inviting buttocks.
A breathless little gasp...
A quick squirm-squirm of the hindquarters...
The recipient of the cut was Nerine, one of the Princess’s longer-serving slave-girls... and with the honour of acting as a personal body-slave.
The switch which administered the cut was of tightly-plaited white leather, bound around a core of supple whalebone. It tapered finely to a small knot to which was attached a little tab of hard ivory. It was a switch which hurt considerably.
Nerine had to endure its bite every time her Mistress returned to her private apartment. It was just one of the penalties of being so close to the mightiest power in the land. It was necessary, constantly, to remind a slave of what a privilege it was to serve such a supreme being... and of her own lowly status.
“Disrobe me, girl...”
Nerine, a ravishing picture of young womanhood (as were all members of the entourage) rose quickly to her feet and hurried to her Mistress. No matter that the freshly-raised weal stung sharply. All the more so as she moved. Such a minor detail had to be overlooked. Her Mistress has to be served. That was what mattered.
Princess Alexena was feeling a little tense. The news she had received was exciting but disturbing, too. The destiny of Barbaria could be at stake. That seemed absurd. For she had been born into power. Her father, until his death, had ruled the mightiest State in the known world. Surely nothing could change that now?
Shrugging off any forebodings, the Princess decided she would take a bath, have a massage, and then be further relaxed by one of her slaves. Or several of them. She looked at her naked body in the mirror before her as Nerine gathered up the garments just removed.
Yes... I am beautiful, she said to herself. The most beautiful woman in Nexos. Possibly in the world.
Certainly the body of the Princess was magnificent. Especially for a woman in her early thirties. She was tall and statuesque made. Full breasted, slim-waisted, amply curvaceous in the hindquarters and superbly long-limbed. She was, indeed, what might be called a ‘large-size’ woman yet, so perfectly proportioned was she that this was not particularly noticeable. Her height... over six feet in high-heeled sandals... merely added to her regal authority. The rest of her body simply matched that height.
Two immaculate long-fingered hands firmed up the breasts. They sagged just a little without the support of a brassiere. But surprisingly little in view of their size. Then one hand ran down over the flat smoothness of her belly and lightly touched a neatly-trimmed dark down triangle. For, of course, the Princess was not depilated as were her slaves both male and female. Indeed, most of the ladies of the Court retained their body hair since not to have it was a sign so closely linked with servitude.
Nerine returned and knelt, awaiting orders.
“I shall bathe,” announced the Princess. “Attend me Nerine. And also Mena.”
The two slave-girls, one dark, one fair, hurried after their Mistress as she strode from the room.

The Princess lay in a large, sunken oval bath of black marble; It was full of warm milk. She lay with eyes closed half floating. Also in the bath were Nerine and Mena, gently caressing that body with their small hands. It was a body almost as creamy white as the milk itself. The Princess enjoyed this kind of attention in her bath. The hands were permitted to go anywhere. And did. But most gently and softly.
The big beautiful breasts wallowed in the water; occasionally a long thigh would emerge. The slave-girls were rather like two seal puppies nuzzling around their mother.
An enchanting enough scene. If one could overlook the basic cruelty underlying it.
After some ten minutes... and without a word... Princess Alexena stepped from the bath. Nerine and Mena were pushed aside. They scrambled up after her, enwrapping her in big, soft bath towel. They knew their Mistress did not like to be kept waiting for anything. Not a moment. Had not both of them frequently felt the bite of her switch for what she considered unnecessary delay?
Once dried, the Princess moved in leisurely fashion to a leather topped massage table and lay face down upon it.
The comparison with a slave laying herself upon a whipping bench is apparent!
But, it need hardly be said, no whip had ever sullied that broad, firm back... nor those swelling buttocks, soft and fulsome.
With jars of scented oils, Nerine and Mena placed themselves one on each side of the table. Gently and skilfully, they began to knead the flesh, working in the soothing, relaxing oils. Soon that lovely skin had a sheen to it.
After a while, the Princess drowsily turned herself over... and the process was repeated over the lushness of her breasts, the taut curve of her belly, down the smoothness of her long thighs.
And while the Princess lay there, half asleep, her mind kept roaming towards that woman in an unknown land. Wondering what she was doing at that moment...
Perhaps being massaged by her slaves!
A little smile flickered over the Princess’s lips. By the gods, little did that woman know what was coming to her!
No more slaves... no more leisure for her. She would be the slave. And the lowest, most abject slave imaginable.
How dare that woman consider challenging the might of Barbaria!
She would pay. And pay more dearly than she could ever have remotely imagined!
Yet, when these ministrations were over, Princess Alexena still did not feel as relaxed as usual. Wearing a simple, single-piece, full-length White gown, cinched at the waist with a gold belt, she lolled on a well cushioned couch, sipping at a goblet which contained aromatic wine.
Gold was a recurring motif with the Princess. In fact, she alone in the Palace could adorn herself with it. Her belts, her hair-bands, her sandals, her rings... all were of gold. It singled her out and emphasised her unique authority. Even the handles of her switches and whips were of gold, or chased with it.
Suddenly the goblet was dashed to the floor. Wine spread like a pool of blood over the mottled marble and, instantly a male slave in attendance leapt forward and began to lap it up. It was a rule that if the Princess dropped anything, the slave assigned for such duty had to lick at it until the floor was spotless again. Wine was one of the more pleasant things to lick up.
“Bring me brandy!” ordered the Princess in a harsh voice. Her dark eyes were smouldering. Every slave in attendance was trembling inside. They knew the danger signs. The fact that Lady Judilla had been attending a banquet and was not available when summoned seemed to have made their Mistress’s bad mood even worse.
Another goblet arrived. The princess drank deep.
Yet her nervous tension was still there. Fortunately there were ways of easing that. She would whip some slaves. Or have them whipped.
Yes... that always eased the nerves.
Her Chief Overseer came hurrying in from an ante-room where he had to await the Royal orders.
“Have a whipping frame set up in here.”
“At once, Highness...”
“Bring implements. A variety.”
“Yes, Highness... immediately...” Ryar was a most practiced sycophantic.
“And some slaves. Both male and female.”
“I shall do so at once, Highness...”
With a bow, Ryar hurried off. Princess Alexena sank back on her cushions and drank deep again. Her eyes were glinting as they roamed around her apartment. Of course, she could have used any of the numerous slaves gathered there for her amusement. There were something like a dozen there. All on their knees, awaiting her orders. Ready on the instant to satisfy her slightest whim. To carry out whatever order was given... to the very best of their ability.
Her personal property...
Oh what joy in that knowledge!
However, on this occasion, it might be more entertaining to have something fresh brought to her. Why not? After all, the supply of slaves was, to all intents and purposes, virtually endless.
Not only were their lives held cheap but so, also, what could be done to them!

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Barbaria Act 3 Chapter 7

Miralda and Tavia were having a little fun. After the savage flogging of their two new slaves, Karena and Zena, the two teenagers would do anything that was demanded of them. They grovelled in terror, begged and pleaded to be spared more torment. But, all the same, more torment was constantly forthcoming. Miralda was exorcising all the terrible horrors she had endured for months and months; young Tavia was simply indulging in her natural sadistic instincts. It was mid-afternoon and both Miralda...

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Barbaria Act 1 Chapter 8

Personal Narrative of Leo, Warrior of Cipri given as slave to Karena, 16-year-old Daughter of Lady HelvetiaI have to admit that the savage flogging of Gaymede, and the subsequent fate ordained for him, put mortal fear into me. Naturally, I did not want a flogging like that but, even less, did I want to lose my manhood at the age of twenty two!So am I truly to be blamed if I so quickly abandoned my warrior status and came grovelling forward to kiss the golden boots of the ruler of Barbaria? I...

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Barbaria Act 1 Chapter 2

the first Chapter: TwoPersonal narrative of Nerine, body slave to Princess AlexenaThe familiar bite of my Mistress's switch seared into my flesh, momentarily robbing my of breath, and I sprang quickly to my feet to attend upon their. Faint sounds from the other chambers had indicated she was returning, though one could not be sure. It might have been one of the Palace overseers on a tour of inspection to see what we were not being...

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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 5

It took Xena over an hour to complete the two semi-circles. Some Ladies permitted only a brief kiss on the toe; others made Xena kiss and lick for several minutes. By the time she had finished, Xena’s neck, back and tongue were aching abominably. That was, however, pain preferable to that of the switch falling, which it did several more times on her little tour of submission. “Kneel before the Princess,” ordered the Overseer. Xena crawled into position and knelt erect. She remembered how often...

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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 4

Princess Venetia occupied her throne, surrounded by a dozen or so members of her Court. They were seated on couches set in semicircles on either side of the throne, and included the Ladies Flavia, Cera, Nerine, Miralda, Mena, Nyrene and Tavia. All of them, apart from Tavia, had once been slaves of Princess Alexena - now Venetia’s newly acquired slave and known simply as Xena. In subservient attendance were numerous male and female slaves, ready on the instant to serve these Ladies. The female...

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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 1

Chapter OneXena’s heart was so full of hate and bitterness. She thought it must surely burst. Her hate was directed at Princess Venetia who had humbled her and had her displayed naked to her former citizens in a cage. Xena’s bitterness was directed against her former citizens. They had once held her in awe. Worshipped her, almost. Now that she had fallen and was powerless, they had instantly turned against her. As she made two long circuits of the city, they mocked her, they derided her, they...

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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 3

“Have you seen her?” enquired Venetia of Flavia. “Yes, she was brought back about five pm., Highness.” “And?” “Quite useless, I’m afraid. Deeply u*********s. Pity. I would like to have had some immediate reactions from her.” Venetia smiled. “All in good time, my dear. I expect she’s in a state of shock. Who wouldn’t be?” “Quite...” “The best thing is to have her cleaned up - inside and out - then keep her under sedation for forty eight hours. I’ve dealt with this sort of thing before.” “I’ll...

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Barbaria Act 3 Chapter 3

Iron manacles were attached to the newly-named Xena’s wrists and ankles. Then, by means of pulleys and chains, she was hauled aloft towards the ceiling. There she hung, swaying to and fro, taking the strain of the weight on her arm and leg muscles. Her superb breasts hung pendulously, the dark bush of her mound could be seen, there was a look of maniacal fury, tinged with despair, on her aristocratic features. Princess Venetia did not even deign to look up at her victim. She rose from her...

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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 7

The next afternoon, Xena was taken to Cera’s quarters in the usual totally undignified fashion. She was quaking inwardly with dread and nausea was rising, for she knew well enough why she was there. She knelt before the tall, blonde-haired Cera who, at last, stood up and walked around her. “You seem to have displeased Lady Flavia,” she said. She was referring to the fact that Xena’s body carried the fading, multiple weals from the whalebone rod which still covered her. Buttocks, back, thighs,...

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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 6

Xena was kept in her cell for forty eight hours, always chained and receiving repeated healing treatment. She was amazed and mortified at how quickly the cruel weals disappeared, preparing her flesh ready for yet more punishment. On the next day, Xena was loaned to Flavia for the day... for her entertainment. Venetia was only too happy to do this for the pretty young Courtier who had suffered so cruelly when Xena had been on the throne. In the usual fashion, on all fours, with chains attached...

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Barbaria Act 4 Chapter 2

Xena was having a nightmare. She awoke, screaming. But reality turned out to be worse than the nightmare. She went on screaming. Finally, mental and physical exhaustion overcame her. She sank down into a hideously troubled half-sleep. With fierce desperation she fought to erase any thoughts of the future from her mind. It was by no means completely possible. At some point she jerked up on her plank-bed, hearing the bolts on her cell being drawn back. Were they coming for her? Her mind screamed...

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Barbaria Act 3 Chapter 4

Personal Narrative Lady Miralda I didn’t eat very much at the banquet. I was too excited, bubbling away inside all the time. Many of those just released must have felt as I did. It was like a miracle. One moment, a cringing submissive, obedient to the whip; the next moment, freedom. FREEDOM! And along with it, perhaps best of all, the downfall of the allpowerful Princess Alexena, once Mistress of the known world. How incredibly wonderful it had been to see her naked in suspension... then...

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Barbaria Act 2 Chapter 5

Main NarrativeTwo weeks later, the Barbarian fleet - or rather, the bulk of it - was on the high seas, heading East towards where this land of Sythia was supposed to lie. It was divided into two parts. A reconnaissance force and the main fleet under the command of Captain Varian. He, following the pleasures of his leave in Nexos, felt fighting fit. Flavia was certainly a memory to take away. When he got back - victorious - he planned to ask Princess Alexena if he could add her to his personal...

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Barbaria Act 1 Chapter 7 NarrativeAn Introduction to SlaveryThe next guard who mounted the distraught, sobbing Flavia, was one of the two arabs, who wnt by the name of Abu. Like Cham before him, he used no finesse but quickly and simply thrust deep into the helpless girl. However, his technique was diferent to Cham's for there were no delaying tactics. At once he began to fuck vigoriously, his belly and flanks slapping loudly against the thrusting bottom.„Give...

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Diya Being A Long Hair Actress 8211 Part 1 Movie Name 8211 Act One

Introduction With her short stature of just above 5ft and not so slim body, Diya always wanted to be a model. She always dreamt herself crowned a beauty queen. She was a teen when Aishwarya rai and Susmitha Sen both crowned the beauty queens. Being from village of Coorg, the same place where Aishwarya Rai was born, made up her mind to become a model or an actress at least. Being a village in the interiors, she did not have any access to good photographers or even studios. Luckily the only...

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Wife Becomes an Actress Act 2

Act 2: The Tuesday before our opening night, we had a dress rehearsal. We ran through it perfectly. Ben was a gentleman. Never did he touch me in anyway other than professionally. When we finished, Sandra threw a little party for everyone and we toasted to our opening night. Titan was happy that everything was on the up and up. He was also very happy that he benefited every night with the wild lovemaking that we had, and that helped him deal with the play. The play was rated adult and no one...

Wife Lovers
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Wife Becomes an Actress Act 1

I guess I should try and tell you how I got into this situation. I did not plan on it. It just happened. I had been married sixteen years. We lived in a medium sized southern city where my husband, Titan, worked as a research scientist. Titan is an exceptionally brilliant mind. He was given full scholarships by the military to the best schools where he got two PhDs without hardly ever studying. The fact that this could happen under his nose would have been amazing. His education and street...

Wife Lovers
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Wife Becomes An Actress Act 3

When we got back Sandra caught us as we walked in. She was very excited and said, “Come with me to Ben’s dressing room, we need to talk.” Titan had already told me he was going home and would be back at 10:00 to pick me up and take me home. We kissed goodbye and I went with Sandra to Ben’s dressing room. When she closed the door she said, “Everyone is raving about the play. I spoke with five different critics and they all agree that this is a very, very good play. One of the most erotic in...

Wife Lovers
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 7 Distractions Interaction Satisfaction Reactions

Otto looked up in surprise as I strode into my office in the Fortezza Nuova. “I did not expect to see you until the end of the month, Colonel.” I could see he was disconcerted, annoyed even, by my earlier than expected return, and I sought to assure him of my confidence in his abilities. “Believe me Otto, I was extremely loth to leave Florence. Although you are more than competent to manage the impending inspection I deemed it a politeness on my part to be present when Duke Leopold arrives...

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Memoirs of Ida Mae Jensen RedactedChapter 2

Now that I am all grown up and a full-fledged member of the female sisterhood, I can relate that I sometimes have a sort of yearning to get a lot closer to some of the other girls that work with me in the pole dancing club. I purely get mortified when I hear people use the "L" word when we are sort of congregating real close in the dressing room or even when things get hot and heavy if two of us are taking care of a customer who likes being taken care of by a pair of friendly ladies...

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Wife Becomes an Actress Act 4 The Final Act

The next day we sat at the breakfast table and I had to ask Titan a few questions. “Your friends, they are in decent shape but don’t look like well built, rough soldiers and they have never come onto me like soldiers would. It doesn’t make sense what you said they do.” He stared at me and said, “We are closer than brothers. They would never even think of it. We have a code of honor. As far as their build, they are not special forces. They are covert specialists. They are there for their brains...

Wife Lovers
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Acting Job2nd Act

She wanted us to do the scene again, and this time we were to take off the underwear and get under the covers. This time when Ben got between my legs he did not have anything to hold his dick against himself which made it free to bounce when he moved, every now and then I would feel it bounce onto my tummy. And when he lifted my legs up I felt him a few times touching my right thigh. God, I was so turned on all I could think about was having sex with Jack tonight. We did the acting part of...

3 years ago
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Activa Sikhane Ke Chakkar Me

Mera yani Rajnish Choudhary aaj aapni ek aur kahani me aap sab ka dil khol kar sawagat karta hoon. Jo dost meri kahani padhte hai, wo mujhe kafi ache se jante hai. Mujhe kawari choot ki seal todane ne bahot maja aata hai. Wese dekha jaye toh sex ka asali maja isi me hai. Bhagwan ki kirpya se mera lund ka size bahot hi mast hai. Isko dekh kar har ladki kehti hai, tumhara lund toh bana hi choot ki sea todene ke liye. Kyoki main aaj tak 26 ladkiyo ki seal tood chuka hoon. Aap sab jarur soch rhe...

1 year ago
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Intergalactic Roller Coaster

Wyoming/Ute, Intergalactic Roller Coaster By: Malissa Madison Coyote was sitting across from Otter in the joint Trucking terminal when Little Elk called from Earth. He was wanting to discuss something big with Tim and Old Elk. "Yo, Jumper, you got your ears on?" asked Coyote over the long range Interstellar Radio. "How about it Bull Elk you copy?" began Otter. Bull Elk had just dropped through the Lyconian Portal to the Terrellian System. Jumper was...

4 years ago
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Sienna loves Cactus

"SIENNA LOVES CACTUS"My flat mate is Cactus. No! that is his name. I have asked him in the past for an explanation but to no avail. The more I push him the more cactus he becomes...prickly! He has a tough and tiring job and at the end of each day he returns home exhausted. After the evening meal he'd just say "I'm cactus, I'm going to bed. See you in the morning."My baby sister, Sienna, from the US is staying over on a brief holiday. It was the end of a busy working week and last night Sienna...

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Sienna loves Cactus

"SIENNA LOVES CACTUS"My flat mate is Cactus. No! that is his name. I have asked him in the past for an explanation but to no avail. The more I push him the more cactus he becomes...prickly! He has a tough and tiring job and at the end of each day he returns home exhausted. After the evening meal he'd just say "I'm cactus, I'm going to bed. See you in the morning."My baby sister, Sienna, from the US is staying over on a brief holiday. It was the end of a busy working week and last night Sienna...

2 years ago
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Acting Job3rd Act

I said, "Oh baby, this couch is hurting my back, get up off of me,." you could hear couch groan as Ben got up off of me and you could hear him fumbling around for his pants. Luckily for me my shorts and panties were wrapped around my left foot. I stood up and quickly put my pants back on in the dark and I felt Ben next to me again, we sat down and he began to kiss me. He laid me back and then we shifted so he was on his back and I was on top of him. I said 'God Ben, (getting back to the...

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Gujju Bhabhi Ko Activa Sikhate Sikhate

Hello doston mera naam vicky hai age 27 hai, well educated and well settled hu..This is my first real life experience share kar raha hu plz aap feedback dena ke kaisi lagi stoy. Ab story par aaj jata hu. Doston ye story 2 week pehle hui hai 3 mahine tak maine feilding lagayi thi aur ab jaake puri hui hai.. Ye story hai ek gujju bhabhi jiska naam hai mrs.Mehta age 37 lagbag 2 kids hai. Bhabhi ek dum gori gori paan…..Ek dum gori agr haath pakd liya toh laal ho jaati hai doston. Chalo mrs.Mehata...

1 year ago
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Reddit Lactation, aka r/Lactation! Alright, guys, not going to lie, this is a weird one for me. I know damn well that there’s a fetish for pretty much anything out there. So, when I heard that there is a sub called /r/lactation and it’s a NSFW sub, I just knew that I was in for some weird shit. If you’re into this stuff, then I would probably consider you a weirdo. But even weirdos are welcome to, so I won’t leave you hanging! Welcome to /r/lactation, the best community on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Interactive POV

I’ve dreamed of Interactive POV porn, so when I heard there was a site offering just that, I had to check it out right away. Done right, the first-person POV format can really drop you into a sex scene in a way that ain’t quite possible with the third-person stuff. Take a couple bong rips or smash an edible beforehand and it’s even easier to imagine you’re really the porn stud as you watch those girls bob their heads and back their asses up on “your” dick. The only thing missing is an...

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Condo Wife and Lactation Prostitute Part 1

My husband, Jason, and I were excited about our move to Charlotte, North Carolina from Minneapolis, and especially looking forward to the milder weather there. We were both born and raised in the Midwest, and after graduating from college in Wisconsin, we found job opportunities in Minneapolis. Jason worked in banking there, and after two years he earned a promotion and transfer to the home office in Charlotte.Jason is very conservative and a quiet guy socially, as you might expect for someone...

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Intergalactic Roller Coaster 5

Intergalactic Roller Coaster, 5 By: Malissa Madison Sitting next to her sister inlaw Tarriana beamed with pride as she watch the last TCP Scout deactivate her TCFB, flip the base up with the toe of her boot and catch it on her shoulder as she turned to sprint for the transport as it started past. Already Tom was sprinting for the rear door, his own TCFB in his right hand, his left reaching for the hand bar. "Scouts recovered," reported Saniya. "Transport secure, Commit Markers...

1 year ago
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Memoirs of Ida Mae Jensen RedactedChapter 3

I remember it was a terribly boring Sunday morning when Trixie announced to me that she was planning to leave me for some religious-minded nut-job up in Utah. I guess it was appropriate on a Sunday rather than any other day but since I didn't go to church any more ever since my special problems with a hypocritical clergyman made me sour on the fire and brimstone preaching circuit. She didn't tell me the name of the guy but I suspected it was the little sneaky-looking prick that goosed any...

2 years ago
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I Am A Social Activist Turned Prostitute

It was a very strange feeling. I could not make up my mind whether I should be happy about it, sad, or traumatized! It was the night that changed my life forever. I was talking with my hubby on the phone, who had gone out of Kolkata for a project. I was in a bedroom. “Oh yeah… I’ll… get it for you… I know how much you love Idli!” Every word had to struggle to come out of my mouth. I feared I might utter the wrong word, and Krish might get suspicious. Not that he ever thought I would cheat on...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess7e19 Reece Payne 26 activist

Series 7, Episode 19: Reece Payne (26) from Yeovil We open on a full length shot of this week’s guest. The first thing we notice is that she has a length of duct-tape wrapped stuck over her mouth. She’s slim and pale, no make-up, shoulder length, loose, blonde hair – fairly unkempt. Dressed in a pair of loose jeans and a baggy black sweatshirt bearing the legend “ANIMAL WRONGS”. She folds her arms across her chest and stands there, glaring into camera, her body language reads ‘anger’. She...

3 years ago
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Acting Job4th Act

I grabbed his safety razor, put my foot on the seat and began shaving myself. It did not take as long as I thought it would. I had Jack put a washcloth under the sink faucet and run warm water on it so I could use it to wipe of the excess shaving cream. He did and as he handed me the washcloth I could see the excitement in his eyes. He asked, "Let me wash it off for you, honey." I took the cloth and said, "Go get naked, I'll meet you in bed." I began washing off myself expecting him to...

1 year ago
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Patchwork People XXIV Cactus Country

XXIV. Cactus country. The day was cool and clear. An auspicious day for new beginnings. The cloudless sky stretched tight, a blue tarpaulin snapped to the horizon. It was almost enough to give Marcia a feeling of hope. Between all the preparations, hastily made as they'd been, throwing together a pair of travel bags, gassing up the truck, collecting maps and whatnot, they were on the road a little later than they'd planned. Traveling south on I-640, traffic was still light but picked...

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Galactic Bounty HunterChapter 2

The next morning, on my way to pick up my prisoners, I got to thinking about the piece of shit needle gun I had bought. I was mad at the way it had misfired, the first time I had used it. Since I was spending so much to get into this bounty hunting business anyway, I thought I might as well do it right, rather than use a weapon that might misfire or jam. That could cost me my life. The first thing I needed to do was replace it. Then maybe I should pick up a few others, also. Stopping at the...

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Intergalactic Roller Coaster 3

Intergalactic Roller Coaster, 3 By: Malissa Madison In the second convoy Prairie Flower was positioned between Nipper and Snag on each side. Primrose however wasn't answering any calls from Horn Swallow. But he did let his driver's mother know where she was. On their way through to check on Field Mouse and Porcupine and to invite them to dinner, Swallow and Otter paused to leave her a note. "Your Daddy would like to see the three of you before we reach Titan....

4 years ago
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The Last Galactic Generation

My footsteps echo off the broad ceramic floors, unmarked walls and high ceilings. I am the only type-zero human male alive within more parsecs than I care to think about. The base is empty. Everyone else is dead. I am quite old by anyone’s measure, though I look pre-pubertal. I learned long ago that our society judged it wise to retard the hormonal development in society at large. The incidence of wars and other large-scale anti-social behavior dropped by several magnitudes. I wear the...

2 years ago
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Galactic RangersChapter 1

I sure as hell had no idea what I was getting myself into when I signed up for this crazy gig. I was riding my moped home from high school when it happened. I was tooling along at about 35 MPH in a 25 MPH zone as any self-respecting sophomore would do, when the pavement simply disappeared from in front of me and I tumbled in head first. I later was told that there had been a water main break that had washed out a hole under the street, and I just happened to pick the wrong time to be riding...

4 years ago
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Act Between Actress

I am a great fan of Sonali Bendre, India’s sexiest actress, I have seen all her movies and feel that she has the sexiest body, here’s one of my Fantasy about Sonali. I am a photographer and photograph Models, Actresses and Sonali is a friend as I have done some of her portfolios, she calls me one day and comes to my studio for some private and sexy photographs. She’s wearing a real micro mini and a short top. She wants some real sexy photographs, to be given to some of her new producers &...

3 years ago
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Keep Practising

Keep Practising By Nikkie Silk Chapter One "Oh, I thought you'd be a man." I sighed. It wasn't the first time, and it probably wouldn't be the last time I would hear those words. With my slight build, narrow face, long dark hair held in a ponytail as per Health and Safety regulations, and topped off with the Corby's Plumbing baseball cap, I looked, to say the least, androgynous. It wasn't unusual for me to be mistaken for a girl, so I flashed a smile at the woman and asked her if...

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