Barbaria Act 2 Epilogue free porn video

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Forty naked women were being paraded through the streets of Donopolis, capital of Sythia. Once they had been the all-powerful, overseers aboard the Barbarian vessels. Now they were under the lash themselves, herded along by whip-wielding Sythian guards. In their ears rang the laughter, the jeers, the contumely of the citizens who had gathered to see their downfall and their shame.
Many of the women were weeping but some still kept their head high as they stumbled over the uneven cobblestones. Among the latter was Lady Livia ... even though her ample buttocks were striped with a dozen or more heavy weals. She was determined not to give this Sythian mob the satisfaction of seeing her break. Captive she might be ... humiliated... but she was not going to show it. She walked at the head of the naked herd, big breasts swinging, thick black hair falling to her shoulders. The dark V which surmounted her strong thighs was prominent. As a slave, she would soon be losing that.
They entered the main square where a worse ordeal awaited them. The square was filled with roaring, howling ex-slaves of Barbaria who, if they had not been held back by Sythian guards, would have leapt upon the women and torn them to pieces. Not surprisingly, in view of what they had suffered at their hands!
モFlog them... flog them... flog them...ヤ The chanting rose up. And then the garbage, the rotten fruit, the bad eggs began to be thrown. Soon the women were bespattered from head to foot in filth.
Lady Livia received an over-ripe melon full in her face. It dripped. down over her breasts as she tried to remove the sticky pulp. But she got another. And another. It was difficult to hold oneメs head high under such circumstances! To tell oneself one is still a Lady!
モFlog them... flog them... flog them... モ Twice round the square they went, their ears ringing with the derision and obscenities also hurled at them. Oh what those men would have done to them if they could have got their hands on them! It was, indeed, a terrifying experience.
Then they were led from the square and taken to the harbour. Here they were thrown into the dock, in order to cleanse off some of the filth they had accumulated. Finally they were taken out to one of the vessels and there chained to the oars. Two to an oar, ten oars each side.
In due time, Princess Venetia appeared, escorted by some of her Ladies-in-Waiting... and accompanied by two huge, muscular guards, each armed with the kind of whip the women had been wont to use so frequently themselves. There were moans and whimpers; shudders of dread. This was the end of the line... and they all knew it. The descent into Hell was now beginning.
モWell, ladies,ヤ said Princess Venetia, smiling around as if she were at some social function, モyou are now going to learn what being a slave - a galley-slave - is like!ヤ
The two overseers moved on to the cat-walk and took up station, one at each end.
White backs and breasts awaited them; soft pampered flesh was ready for striping.
モStroke rate to be 20!ヤ came a bellowing voice. モTake the strain!ヤ
Forty backs moved forward, forty pairs of arms stretched out. Backs and arms unused to toil.
There was a kind of communal sobbing-groan as the first drum-beat came. Rather raggedly, the oars swept through the water and the vessel began to move.
Princess Venetia settled herself. This was a moment of triumph. The fall of Barbaria. At least, its beginning. In the front rank, on the first oar, Lady Helen and Lady Livia had been chained. Deliberately so, in view of their once exalted status. The Princess was looking forward to seeing their sweating, back-breaking ordeal at close quarters.
The torment and the degradation which she knew they had planned for her, would be theirs!
So was it not a fate both richly deserved?

Personal Narrative

It would not, I knew, be any use to plead with those two young Sythian sisters after what I had done to them. Yet, such was the stark terror which filled me, I could not check my babbling words.
With cold contempt in their eyes, they stood before me. Now they were clothed and it was I who was naked. Mara had a whip in her hand - like the one I had used on them both - Deema had a dagger-like knife.
モM-Mercy... mercy... I... w-was only o-obeying orders... a... a... soldier doing his d-duty...ヤ
The contempt in their eyes increased. モShall we gag him?ヤ asked Mara, the elder sister.
モNo... I want to hear his screams...ヤ
I began to panic, tugging at the chains holding me to the wall. A futile exercise. Oh in the name of the gods, what were they going to do with that knife? Mara enlightened me.
モDo you know what we are going to do to you, Barbarian pig?ヤ I shook my head, my terror increasing moment by moment. モFirst we are going to whip you within an inch of your life. Then we are going to cut off that revolting cock and stuff it in your mouth!ヤ
I heard myself screaming in horror, babbling out hysterically, struggling wildly. Oh they couldnメt do that! They couldnメt...
モYour lips will be sewn up,ヤ Deema was now saying, モso that you can choke to death on your own filth. It is to be hoped that that will take quite some time...ヤ
モN-NOO... NO... OOOOOOO... NOT THAT... NO... OOOOOO!ヤ I was beside myself with hideous terror. What man, however brave, would not have been at the imminent prospect of castration? At that moment the whipping did not concern me. It was the aftermath. A fate worse than the death itself which would follow!
What does manly pride matter in such moments? Not one iota. I knew I would have done anything... anything... if only I could escape that slicing knife. Oh, if only they would plunge it into my heart at that very moment!
モShall I begin with the whip?ヤ asked Mara.
モIf you like,ヤ replied Deema.
Self-pity overwhelmed me; I broke down into sobs.
モWhat a man,ヤ sneered Mara.
モWell, he wonメt be one much longer,ヤ giggled her younger sister.
A sickness rose up within me; my whole body was wet with sweat. A sweat of dread.
Then, by using pulleys, they manoeuvred me so that I was hanging inverted from a beam above, my legs splayed. My utter, helpless vulnerability was a shrieking horror within me.
モNow, you bastard... suffer!ヤ
The whipping began. Stroke after stroke across my thighs, my buttocks, my back... agonising strokes that had me bellowing like a bull, swinging back and forth, upside down, as if I were a rag-doll.
At some point, Deema took over and the flogging continued. I fainted the first time when the girl laid the whip precisely into the V of my thighs. Across my manhood. The agony was brief, but indescribable. When I revived, the whipping was resumed, whether by Mara or Deema, I know not.
They were killing me!
I would die!
Yet I could not die...
Several more times yet, I fainted. Oh why could I not die? Oh what a merciful release that would have been! In the end, while I hung half senseless, the strokes fell more like blows from an iron bar than a leathern whip.
Then, at long last, it must have been over. But it was difficult to tell, such was the pounding - throbbing agony everywhere in my body. But then I knew it was over ... for I was aware of Deema picking up the knife. And, from my inverted position, I saw her approaching, her eyes shining with wicked glee.
My whole being was screeching out in ultimate terror.
I also was screeching - vomiting, too - as I awaited the slash of thin, cold steel...


Flavia was weeping.
Nothing unusual, it was a regular occurrence. The reason on this occasion was that her Mistress, Princess Alexena, had replaced the slim chains which ran from her nose-ring to her nipple rings, thus forcing Flavia to keep her head permanently bowed.
The reason?
Simply that the ruler of Barbaria thought she had detected just the faintest lack of respect (not quite amounting to arrogance!) in a look which the girl had given her upon being ordered to thrust a dildo up herself.
However, that dildo was now well in place and Flavia was being used, yet again, as a footstool by her Mistress. Little wonder there were tears as, prostrate on the marble floor, Flavia had to listen to the idle chit-chat of Princess Alexenaメs ladies-in-waiting. A little soiree was being given. Doubtless those young Barbarian ladies found the spectacle of Flaviaメs degradation quite titillating.
モWe should shortly have a considerable influx of slaves,ヤ announced Princess Alexena. モCaptain Varian will be returning soon from Sythia. Loaded to the gunwales with flesh, I trust!ヤ
There was laughter and clapping from the young ladies grouped around. Perhaps her Highness might allocate them a male slave or two. モHave you no news yet, Highness?ヤ asked one.
Princess Alexena shook her head. モNot yet,ヤ she replied. モIt is expected daily. Hourly, indeed. The voyage must have been longer than anticipated.ヤ
モYes... it would seem so. But there is no danger...ヤ
モThere is always danger,ヤ said Princess Alexena. She thought, with sudden rage, of this distant, unknown woman who was causing her to expend so much nervous energy. Indeed, one might say, to worry. It was something which had never happened to the ruler of Barbaria before and she vowed, in that moment, she would make this woman suffer beyond all normal, human imagining.
She ground her teeth as she contemplated that.
Her eyes were fiery.
The ladies-in-waiting around sat silent; a little frightened at the look upon the face of their Princess.
Flavia had the sharp heel of a sandal driven agonisingly into one buttock cheek. She screamed hoarsely... and the heel was driven into the other cheek.
It was, after all, essential for Princess Alexena to have some means of relieving the tensions within herself.
Flavia tried to stifle her sobs. If she did not, she knew she could quite easily be whipped. It would pass as a little afternoon entertainment for these idle ladies-in-waiting,
Yet the pain of those heels!
Like knives!
And for what?
Wretchedly - as she often did - Flavia thought of her former life in her beloved, gentle homeland. Where people were kind and considerate. Even to slaves!
This Barbaria was a monstrosity. From which there was no escape.
At least, from which, to Flavia, there seemed no escape.
Little did that enchanting young woman know that, at that very moment, the Barbarian fleet - now under Sythian commanders - was setting out from Donopolis. Heading towards Barbaria. Intent on the elimination of this State which had arrogantly assumed it was all-powerful in the known world.
Shortly, there was to be a reckoning.
But, as yet, feeling the sole of Princess Alexenaメs sandal grinding into her neck, young Flavia was not aware of it.

Personal Narrative

Every night, as I lay exhausted on my plank-bed after more training in the galleys, I was in mortal dread that the door wouldᄋbe opened and I would be dragged off for the amusement of the vile Princess Alexena. As yet, it had not happened. Perhaps others were suffering as I had done.
For I could not rid my mind of that terrible night when poor Lady Flavia had been literally harnessed to that inhuman womanメs body... and forced to service her with her tongue without cessation.
Whilst slaves were whipped to death.
Whilst I was birched mercilessly. Till I thought I must go out of my mind. Birched senseless. Then revived. Again and again. All purely for that womanメs amusement.
Princess Alexena, I was aware, was a monstrously perverted creature. She should not be permitted to exist. Yet she did, And, it seemed, she would continue to do so. Certainly, there was nothing I could do about it! How could the gods permit such a horror to continue in existence? It made one lose faith in them.
The day had been a fairly easy one. Or, perhaps, it was that, I was become more acclimatised to the hideous, grinding toil of the galleys. Pulling and pulling on the oars. Feeling oneメs sinews and muscles at full stretch. Gasping with effort. Wet with swear. Yet going on and on. In terror of the lashing rod the overseer wielded.
In even greater terror of being hauled out, put over the block, and savagely thrashed before all. As I had once been. I think, despite all else that had happened to me, I shall remember that until my dying day!
Rumour had it that soon we would be fit to serve in the Royal Barge. To sweat and strain for the Princess herself. Oh what an honour! And I trembled deep inside in the knowledge that, in the Royal Barge, the overseer did not use a rod but a rawhide whip. My flesh crawled. I felt sick with hopeless dread.
Oh how could I endure such a terrible existence?
Then the bolt in my cell door was drawn back. The key in the lock turned. Terror flooded me. The hairs on the nape of my neck rose.
Not, oh surely not, to be used as a toy for the amusement of the Princess again!
To my shocked surprise, I saw my galley overseer leering down at me. Behind him the cell door closed and was locked again. If I had felt sick before, I felt even sicker now!
モHallo, pretty one... having a rest,ヤ he slurred. Quite obviously he was drunk. モReckon you deserve it...ヤ
I cringed back against the wall. Yet I knew I was helpless. If I resisted, I would simply be flogged. And actually give him greater pleasure as well. There was no escape. I must submit to his b********y. As I had done often enough with others before.
His brief loin-cloth fell away.
モThere...ヤ he said almost proudly. The organ was flaccid, rather shrivelled. It revolted me. モWhat dメye think of that?ヤ
I made no answer... and he lurched forward and slapped my face viciously.
モAnswer, slave!ヤ he bellowed, burping at the same time.
モM-Master... I beg you...ヤ
My hair was being seized. He was sinking down on me. The smell of him added to my nausea.
モR-Reckon... a little... sucking... wonメt do him... no harm... モ he slobbered, hands mauling me brutally. モGet to work, slave...ヤ
I had to do it... however I felt.
Even if I vomited whilst I did it, I still had to do it.
My head went down... and I prayed that some thunderbolt would strike me into oblivion. But it did not.
The overseerメs obscene piece of male flesh remained to be dealt with ナ


Princess Alexena was pensive.
Very pensive. And irritable.
The delay was too long. Her imagination had begun to work overtime on what various disasters could have overtaken Captain Varian. Perhaps the man is too old for his job, she thought. Perhaps I should appoint a younger man, even if he were less experienced.
That handsome Lieutenant Skiro looked a man who was ripe for promotion . She would have to come to a decision soon. Meanwhile, there was all this nerve-racking delay.
Maddening !
Soon she would have to calm her nerves again.
To whip some more slaves.
Always very calming that. Whether they be male or female. Soon this tension would be over.
Soon she would be able to truly relax again.
Meanwhile, Princess Alexena could only wait.
And wait... And wait...
If she had only known it, she would have preferred to have waited for ever. Waited for ever for the return of the Barbarian fleet... now under the control of the Sythians.
But Princess Alexena knew nothing of that.
As yet.
But, very soon, she would.
Meanwhile, several hundred miles away, the bows of the fleet creamed the cerulean sea as they headed west. Headed back to Barbaria .
And the ultimate conquest.

End of Act 2.

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Barbaria Act 1 Chapter 7 NarrativeAn Introduction to SlaveryThe next guard who mounted the distraught, sobbing Flavia, was one of the two arabs, who wnt by the name of Abu. Like Cham before him, he used no finesse but quickly and simply thrust deep into the helpless girl. However, his technique was diferent to Cham's for there were no delaying tactics. At once he began to fuck vigoriously, his belly and flanks slapping loudly against the thrusting bottom.„Give...

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Resurrection of Crazy Jane Pt 07Epilogue

What follows is the epilogue for the six-part ‘Resurrection of Crazy Jane.’ If this is your first exposure to this story, please consider reading from Part 1. I didn’t go out of my way to let this epilogue or any other part stand on its own. If you have read through to this point, make the decision whether to continue. There is no sex at all in this part. It is simply a dramatic epilogue, telling what happens to our protagonist. I’m a huge fan of stories that end on hanging action (E.g.:...

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Pendants of Aeternitas An Epilogue

Pendants of Aeternitas: An Epilogue by BobH (c) 2012 Note: My thanks to Zapper for allowing me to write this coda to his tale. For anyone reading this who hasn't read his story - and though I don't know why you wouldn't, I'm sure there'll be a few of you who haven't- what you need to know is that Mark Thompson believes he has stopped a body thief from stealing his wife Susan's body. He is wrong. What Mark doesn't know is that the thief not only stole his wife's body but also...

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Its Practically What Uncles Are for Catherines Epilogue

- an ever so slightly kinky addition to a romantic story by WTSman So what happened to Catherine, Hannah, George and Colin? This is a very special, personal epilogue for a favourite friend. She let me publish it for all to enjoy. You can read this story "stand-alone", but it will make much more sense if you read "It's Practically What Uncles Are For " first. Chapter 1 The phone started ringing just as Hannah had gotten the baby to sleep. She straightened up her aching back, tiptoed...

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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Fifteen Epilogue

“100%.” I respond, my voice full of confidence I didn’t know I had. “Anything to update from home?” “No, everything has been pretty normal. I have barely heard from her.” “Are you doing alright?” I asked her as a formality. “I appreciate your concern, but I think you don’t need to worry about me right now,” she answered honestly. “You need to worry about both my sister and yourself.” “I mean, that’s what I’m doing, yeah?” I asked her with a shrug. “Yeah.” she answered softly. “For what...

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University Life First Ch 16 Epilogue

Here’s Chapter Seventeen and the Epilogue of my babies! I probably shouldn’t say this but I have to admit that this was my favourite of the lot! I absolutely love this story and I’m a bit gutted that it’s come to an end…shall deffo be missing Nens and the gang…and let’s not forget Minty! Anyway hope you lot enjoy this story and as I said in my bio I shall be going on a little hiatus whilst I sort out a few ish! Thanks for being on this journey with me and Merry Xmas and a splendid New Year...

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An Unforgettable Melody Epilogue

Epilogue Song Titles I’ll Fly Away (Johnny Cash) An Unforgettable Melody - Epilogue To the entire world, they appeared to be a normal, if surprisingly healthy, elderly couple. To each other, however, Mike and Melody were still as young and energetic as the day they first met, over one hundred years ago. Still as in love as the day they married, nothing in the universe could ever hope to crack their undying dedication. Their two children, Harry and Maya, had grown into wonderful...

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The Maid Epilogue

Hello Romance readers and apologies for gate crashing your category with this final instalment of a thing that has so far lived in non-consent/reluctance. To Andi and Stephano fans, I’m sorry about the delay to the arrival to this short piece, it should have come along a lot quicker than it did but tragedy struck in my small literary world. My beloved beta reader Lexi (vmc123) suddenly passed away a few days after the final chapter of The Maid was posted. She was living with a chronic...

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The Deception of Choice Epilogue

The Deception of Choice. ~ The Epilogue ~ Preamble. A night at the opera for Grace and Helen and Francesca. And, as is appropriate, and traditional, and altogether in keeping with the reverence for the eternal verities that has so marked the telling of this tale, the end is signalled when the fat lady sings.. Not that anyone would ever call that epitome of svelte elegance, Grace de Messembry, fat! Even if she were surely no-one would dare? No I speak metaphorically only of...

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Letters from Sky Part 16 and Epilogue

" can Sky not live happily ever after?" Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 16 and Epilogue © 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, May 26th (Morning) Hi, Marsh It's your Sister!! :) You around, Marsha? I still haven't heard from you, I guess 'cuz of the holiday, and things come up. Anyway, I did...

4 years ago
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Just Another Day In Paradise Epilogue

Before you read this epilogue, I should note that I haven't fully decided if this is canon in the story of Alexis and Nick. There are so many potential paths their story could take as Alexis transitions to womanhood, but I haven't decided yet if I want to write a follow-up, particularly as I have no personal experience in that area to draw upon. I didn't feel happy leaving the story completely open-ended however, so this should hopefully tie everything up to some level of...

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The Alpha Club Chapters 7 10 plus Epilogue

THE ALPHA CLUB (continued) BY TRISHA PREFACE Here are the last four chapters and epilogue of "The Alpha Club." The story is finally complete. It follows the same outline I originally schemed out years ago even before I started writing, and it is with great satisfaction that I have at last finished it. This means too that, at this time at least, I don't have any plans to write more about it. However, if other writers would like to take up their hand at writing in this...

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Body Switched The Epilogue

A note to potential readers from the editor. Fans of the prior stories in this series have often asked over the years for us to do more of the story. As much as that is appreciated by the both of us, we feel the story is basically complete. Because of the demand for something more, back in 2012 we finally decided to bat around some ideas and see if we could come up with a nice thank you for the fantastic readers of our little saga. I took our rough ideas and notes on the character's...

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Frenemy Switch Epilogue

Frenemy Switch - Epilogue - Version June 2015 *************************************** This story builds on the Three-some Switch story arc. You can jump in anywhere you'd like, but the intended order to read the installments is: 1) Three-Some Switch 2) Three-Some Switch Back Story 3) Three-Some Switch Back Story Pt 2 4) Three-Some Switch part 2 5) Frenemy Switch part 1 6) Frenemy Switch part 2 7) Frenemy Switch part Epilogue These stories are available...

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My Sons Migraines Ch 5 Epilogue

[Read previous chapters before proceeding] Chapter 1: (4100 words) Chapter 2: (1650 words) Chapter 3: (2300 words) Chapter 4: (3500 words) Chapter 5/Epilogue is 2000 words [AUTHORS NOTE: I hope you enjoyed these chapters. If you did, give them a POSITIVE RATING at the bottom. It helps others find them. This was my first attempt at fiction and sex stories. I've been...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 16 Epilogue

Foreword Many readers requested that various subplots in the Making of a Gigolo series be addressed at the conclusion of the series. To have included all the data requested would have made the last story much too long, so this epilogue is provided to address some of those issues. My thanks go to Norm, for providing the idea for and the data concerning the PP of A. You'll understand when you get to that part. Epilogue If Bobby Dalton was a kind of earthquake in Granger, it should come as...

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An Unforgettable MelodyEpilogue

Well, this is it; we’ve arrived at the end. This has been an incredibly fun and invigorating journey. I can’t thank everyone enough for their support and thoughts as I’ve written this series. The only thing that has made me happier than connecting with Mike and Melody is seeing how many others enjoy connecting with them as well. The epilogue contains no sex or erotic scenes, but I hope you enjoy it all the same, as this has always been the ending I have envisioned for the series. As always,...

1 year ago
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Crazy Twin Sister Final Chapter and Epilogue

Crazy Twin Sister Final Chapter and Epilogue Crazy twin sister tricks her twin brother who got the family inheritance to go to a costume party dressed as each other. She has him drugged, checks him in to a mental hospital as her and pays off the doctor and staff to feminize and condition him to be a bimbo whore. Does Brian escape a life as Leroy's trashy whore? Does Brianna keep the family riches? Private detective Sam Splayed is now on the case. Categories refer to entire story, not...

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The Mist of Time Ch 22Epilogue

CHAPTER 22 I enjoyed Brian’s writing although I thought it somewhat fanciful. Bella was in tears when she finished reading. ‘I feel so much for Adelaide.’ She declared. ‘Finding love with the man she couldn’t have and yet devoting her life to him.’ She stopped and looked at me. ‘When we are married we must go up to the old house and tell them.’ I must have looked as if she had lost her senses. ‘If we kept Bees we would have to tell them, it’s sort of the same thing.’ I shrugged my shoulders,...

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 20 Bittersweet Endings and Epilogue

Mary Ann said, “We’re OK but it’s been a long day and I need some alone time with Tony right now.” Jessica looked at her face and said, “I understand, have a good night sweet girl.” We went into her room, closed the door and lay down in bed. I took her in my arms and the tears really started to flow. “I’m so sad right now Tony,” she said between sobs. “You haven’t done anything wrong and it’s not your fault but I’m still so sad. Please just hold me tight for a while.” My heart ached as...

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A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Epilogue

Epilogue Dave and Maddie sat at a table in the dimly lit interrogation room. Neither knew for sure how this would play out, but whatever came, they would face it together. After several agonizing minutes, the door swung open, revealing Henry Ironside. He strode to the other side of the table and sat down without a word, leafing through a manila folder. “Quite the day you two have had,” Henry said. “You could say that,” Dave replied. “Murder, espionage, treason… the list goes on and...

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Trust Fall Epilogue

Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Epilogue IT’S SATURDAY AND I CHECK the mail. There’s a letter from Ben Sheppard. There’s no return address, but I know it’s from him. It’s postmarked from Milwaukee. It’s nice to see my name and address written out in that crisp script in his usual blue ink. It reads: ‘I had a meeting at a restaurant today. They had a TV on and the Brewers were playing the Reds. Seeing the Reds made me think of Cincinnati and when I think of Cincinnati I only think...

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Prom Ch 16 Epilogue

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Pennys Promiscuity 51 Epilogue

Epilogue‘Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!’Tony grunted angrily as he slammed his hips into the underside of my buttocks, driving his thick cock as deep into my vagina as its stubby length would allow.Well after midnight and with too much champagne inside me, by the time the taxi had dropped me off at Tony’s apartment, I was desperate to put the difficulties of the day behind me and lose myself in an orgy of sexual degradation.“Fuck me! Fuck me! Come on, fuck me!”Tony was really playing his part this time....

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The Beginning of the Domination of Randi Epilogue

Epilogue:Both babies arrive and life goes on.The next nine months came and went quickly for both Randi and Jill and before they knew it both had delivered baby girls. All five of them were very happy and the ladies had no problem listing Mike as the father of their daughters.All the men were in the delivery room with their women and the Dr. was very glad he could make this happen. He didn’t care what the hospital policy was. As he looked at it he was allowing the father in with the mother, even...

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SLuT9 Epilogue

Jennifer ran upstairs and released Molly from the torture she and Olivia had been committing against the girl, Molly was allowed to dress and released from her slavery for the length of a small celebration party. Jenn didn't have cake in the house, so they just had mint chocolate chip ice cream. Dave thought the party might be a little premature considering Rebbecca's past history in saying one thing and doing the complete opposite. It was during this mini-celebration that Megan came to...

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Unexpected Shower with Daddy Part 3 of 3 Chapters 6 7 Epilogue

Chapter 6It took a few days to calm Mom down enough to talk. When she’d caught us, we both quickly sat up and looked around for something to cover up with, but we’d kicked the comforter, top sheet, and pillows off the bed. Daddy grabbed the towel I’d used that morning and handed it to me, then he went to Mom and tried to hug her, but she wasn’t having it.“Don’t touch me!” she yelled.“Honey, I can explain if you’ll just listen,” he’d said with his hands up like he was surrendering.“Explain what?...

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Alexis a moment in time Epilogue

The intention was to tell the story in its entirety, but due to my own reasons, I decided not to publish the remainder of the story. For those readers who was drawn in by the story itself and not only the sex and filthiness of my behavior, the below would serve as the epilogue in the story of Alexis and me. Ten years later. September 12, 2011 - the day the twin Memorial pools opened to the public. I ran my fingers through the inscribed name on the bronze parapets of the South...

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