Rambling ! free porn video

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We were just getting into the second half of the walk when it happened. Initially I wasn’t keen on joining the local ramblers that fine summer evening but the day’s painting had gone well and I felt that a change would do me good. I met the group of about thirty strong outside the church. I knew quite a few of them but there were also some newcomers. The energetic leader set off at a brisk rate and soon the rather hilly route had strung us out fairly well. I was a bit out of condition and found myself at the tail end after a particularly arduous climb. I chatted with a few people and used my binoculars to scour the sunlit landscape below. I loaned them to a couple of ladies, pointing out various landmarks. Shouts from up ahead made us hurry on and we rejoined the main group eventually. The leader gave a rather tetchy reminder for us to keep together, before striding off as quickly as before.
Fifteen minutes later, halfway up another steep ascent , I came across her. The winding route took several paths at this stage and I feared I had strayed from the correct one. I had fallen behind all the others, having stopped to make a sketch. I had to reach up to grasp a sapling to haul myself up an eroded section of path. Then I stopped dead.
A few feet away ,her skirt ruched up around her waist and her back towards me, one of the ladies was slowly lowering her panties. Before I could make a sound a stream of golden piss sprayed out from between her white bum cheeks and started running down the dusty path . I had to hop a foot out of the way of the rivulet. She continued to pee then bobbed her bum up and down in the effort to squirt out the last droplets. One hand was holding her panties away from the stream of her pee while the other grasped a branch to steady herself on the uneven ground. When she had finished she attempted to pull her panties up but the action of releasing the branch unbalanced her. She started slipping on the path…I quickly moved towards her. One outstretched hand landed on her soft bum. Her head turned in mute surprise. She slid on the path and my hand disappeared between her bumcheeks. My palm pouched her damp labia, her fresh piss smearing me. My thumb speared her cunt with a squelch as she slid backwards. We both gasped together. Being so overbalanced it seemed that any effort to move caused my hand to press more deeply into her sex. She flailed for a branch to grip as her legs buckled. Her body pressed into mine but I managed to prevent either of us falling. I held my hand deep between her thighs.
“ Oh..!”, was all she could squeak before one of her palms pressed into my crotch. We stood in silence for a moment, having a mutual feel-up. My cock was already quite hard from watching her piss…now, in the unerring grip of her hand, it throbbed and twitched .I started to push her forwards, up the slope to a patch of more level ground. She held onto a branch as I bent her over. Then I knelt, my thumb still wedged inside her, and started licking her labia. I tasted her fresh pee as I lanced my tongue between her puffy pink lips. Her crotch ground back against my mouth. When I sucked her prominent clit from out of its hood she moaned loudly. I pulled out my thumb, licking it, then undid my belt. My trousers slid to half-mast. Her fist grabbed at my tented-up briefs, wanking my erection through the material. Then I slid the briefs down. She had another play before I moved behind her. Her hands gripped her bum-cheeks, holding then apart. I fisted my cock and slid my slippery glans around her gaping maw. She loved that…her sighs and gyrations increasing in intensity. Then I pushed ..her cuntlips moulded to me before accepting my hard length. I felt her wetness, her heat engulfing me. Hard, jabbing strokes impaled her , ball-deep. I felt a hand on my swinging balls as she reached between her thighs. Then I started fucking her…long fast thrusts to get my cock fully lubricated. Then more deliberate strokes, screwing slightly to tantalise all her nerve-endings.She was holding onto the branch with both hands now. I arched over her warm back and slid my hands up her top. My palms cupped her breasts, sexy handfuls of tit-flesh nestling in silky bra-cups. My thumbs and fingers set to work, teasing at the stiffening buds as she gasped. I pushed her bra up and off her breasts, loving their texture, their weight and their heat ..Her hard nipples stuttered under my working palms. By now I was fucking fast. I felt her tight cunt grip and milk my pistoning cock….we were both in an ecstasy of lust, surrendering our bodies to an a****l craving that could be satisfied with only one ending. I redoubled my frenzied thrusts, slipping one hand into her crotch, my fingers sliding over her juicy lips and twitching clit. I frigged her, fucked her to an intense, delicious climax….her rising gasps and groans urged me on. Then her hips went crazy, threatening to rip me off at the root. She came ! I strove to match her wild movements while still plunging my cock inside her clenching sheath. My ravaged cock was on fire. With a stifled wail I let my bombs explode…white-hot searing streaks of spunk rocketed up my buried length. Cramping spurts started emptying my swaying sac . I clung onto her, my tiring hips going through the motions as my strength suddenly left me. Mini-fuckstrokes pulsed up my dregs, then I felt her pressure start to eject my deflating tool. I jammed hard against her to keep myself lodged inside her but the inevitable happened. I staggered back from her, watching her cunt hanging open and starting to disgorge the white opalescent strings of my glistening spunk. I smeared my softening cock in that surging goo. She looked around and reached for me……

Mags and I stood kissing, panting into each other's mouths. I sucked her flexing tongue and groaned as I felt her fisting my cock back to life. She broke away, appreciative moans accompanied her slide down my body. She knelt and started licking my spunky penis, lapping under the glans and giggling as she felt it kick. Her palm cupped my wrinkled slack sac and her fingernails sc****d over my taut perineum. I clutched her bobbing head, my knees flexing in a slow hip thrust. Though hardening, my cock was not yet fully erect and she was able to swallow it to the root.My pubes pressed against her nose, her hot breath snorting as she gobbled me. Her mouth pulled back, bathing my full length in her spicy saliva. Her teeth clamped behind my glans but she still kept pulling. My slippery , reddened cock was then sucked back inside her mouth. She did this several times . I was nearly fully hard now and the last deep thrust down my pole caused her to cough and gag. She pulled her head away and her hanging mouth drooled a large gobbet of saliva onto the ground. I hauled her to her feet, dying to fuck her again , my throbbing cock tapping out a message of lust on her soft belly as I slid her top up. My hands caressed her fuck-damp breasts, a sheen of perspiration in her cleavage. My thumbs and fingers teased her perfect little nipples, her sexy moans urging me to harder squeezes. She started pulling her skirt up and shifted one leg onto a rock beside the path. "Oooh...look at me!", she said....I leaned back, looking down, and saw a long white string hanging from her cunt. As she laughed a larger loop suddenly squirted onto the ground. Her hand scrabbled in her crotch, fingers reappearing with spunky strands stuck to them...she licked then offered them to me. I was just shuffling into position when voices further up the path cut short our fun. By the time Mags' companions found us we were quite respectable , if somewhat flushed !
The leader was not best pleased with us when we rejoined the main group several minutes later!

By the time the evening ramble ended I was dying to take Mags home and continue our acquaintance over dinner, wine and sex ! I found out her husband was working abroad and would be away for another 3 weeks. She had come on the ramble with two of her friends, Lesley and Anita. Towards the end of the walk Anita had received a text telling her to go straight home, some minor accident or other. I was talking to Mags, outlining how I wanted the evening to continue; she was keen to comply and we were just about to tell Lesley of the change in their plans when Lesley dropped her bombshell. “ I saw you two....back there on the hill…!” she looked from Mags to me, challenging us to deny her claim. Mags was flustered and tried to bluff it out but Lesley’s brief but graphic descriptions confirmed it, ‘And…what are you going to....what do you want, anyway… ?”, Mags mumbled….
“ What were you two planning to do, then? “asked Lesley aggressively..her face reddening slightly,….” Whatever it is…I’d like to tag along !” Mags gave a startled laugh….” But…” , her voiced trailed away as she gave me a pleading look. To emphasise her stronger hand Lesley threw in..” What do you think Hubby would say if he…found out ?”….” You wouldn’t !” Mags almost shouted..” ..You couldn’t..! I thought you were my friend..”
Lesley smirked and said nothing. The dart had struck home. “ I thought you were my friend..!” Mags repeated, almost in a whisper. Lesley’s attitude changed…she cooed her protestations of friendship, her devotion and put her arms around a stunned Mags. I watched the pair move away a little, talking earnestly. I was amazed at this sudden change in events, on the one hand hyped up for a night’s passion with my new friend and on the other perplexed by the added dimension of Lesley. I hadn’t really noticed her before but now I studied her with more interest. Taller than Mags, almost statuesque, I suppose. She had thick auburn hair surrounding a ‘strong’ face, almost pretty but with slightly exaggerated features. Her body was a bit top-heavy but her thick-waistedness disguised to this fact quite well. I got into my car, still unsure how things would develop. Eventually I saw the pair walking slowly back. Lesley hung back while Mags came to the window……… “How do you feel if…we…er…she…came along too…I mean , you weren’t planning to…Oh God ! This is so …!” Her voice faltered but her eyes remained fixed on mine. “ What do you feel about it,?”, I asked…” Is she really blackmailing you into this ?” Mags gave me a mysterious little grin, then winked . Suddenly the penny dropped, “Shall we let her think she’s getting away with this…?” I asked. Mags smiled, gave the merest nod then stood up, beckoning Lesley over. ‘ “ All settled then?” said Lesley breezily, “ Good!”
The girls got into the back of the car and we set off for my house as the first stars appeared in the perfect evening sky.

A few miles down the road Lesley told me to take a right. She directed me up a narrow track to a small clearing at the edge of a wood. I switched the headlights off and turned to see what the girls were going to get up on the back seat. My eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness, aided by a large full moon just rising above the horizon.
Lesley and Mags settled into a clinch, half-turned towards each other on the seat. I sensed Lesley’s hands were busier than Mags’, who seemed happy to be the more passive partner. In a deep kiss, Mags gave a series of moans as Lesley’s hand explored beneath her skirt. Then her shirt was slid up, Lesley’s head moving down. Sucking noises, punctuated by Mags’ sighs, followed . My penis was starting to harden, I shifted to a kneeling position on the seat. Lesley had now moved to a crouch in the constricted space. I quickly slid the passenger seat right forward to give her more room. Lesley knelt and started wriggling Mags’ panties down. I reached over and picked up the damp scrap. I could smell my spunk on the wet gusset, as well as Mags’ own odours. As I sniffed I listened to Lesley licking and kissing the oozing wound of Mags’ cunt. Fierce hissed intakes of breath signalled the pleasure Lesley was giving her friend. My cock throbbed. I reached over Lesley’s back, my hands sliding round . Her big breasts felt heavy and hot. I ruched her T-shirt up and fumbled with her bra clip. As it undid her breasts sagged, the sheer cups falling away, leaving my palms full of her sexy flesh. I sought her nipples, my fingers tracing the textures of her areolae. Her teats were large and getting larger as my thumbs and fingers teased and milked them. I reached between the seats, my palm on her broad bum. She was wearing a pair of bermuda shorts but her thick thighs afforded no access up the legs. She tried to spread but the space was too constricted. I contented myself with jamming my hand sideways in her bum cleft, convincing myself I was stroking over her labia.
Mags was giving short sharp grunts, her bum jerking on the seat. One foot shot upwards, hitting the car roof. Lesley continued snuffling noisily over her cunt. Then Mags shrieked. Her arms and legs flailed as she came , her breath gasping harshly. Lesley remained hunched over her crotch till the struggling died away and Mags slumped to a relieved stillness. Lesley straightened up and turned towards me. I gripped her head, pulling her close for a kiss. I tasted Mags’ cunt on her mouth and tongue. In a moment I felt Lesley unzip me and fish out my hard cock. She gave contented moans into my mouth as she wanked me. Then I heard some rustling and realised that Mags was undoing Lesley’s shorts. My hand was seized, then guided down to Lesley’s crotch. Her pubes were frizzy and thick. Both Mags and I explored this sexy jungle, our hands intertwining and our fingers teasing over her very wet and fleshy labia . Now it was Lesley’s turn to squirm and moan.

The car reeked of pussy, stale perfume and lust. All three of us were occupied with one another’s sexy bits. Mags nearly brought me off several times and Lesley had a strong orgasm on both our delving fingers. It was one of Mags’ finger up her arse that took her over the edge. Both girls collapsed on the back seat and I shimmied my trousers back up over my semi-hard. I had intended driving back to my place but Lesley asked if we could go to hers instead; she had some strap-on fun in mind for Mags. During the 10 minute drive I could hear the girls continuing their play, enticing squelchy noises as well as fresh pussy-odour added to the thrill.
We eventually stumbled into Lesley’s little cottage, blinking at the bright lights in the drawing room as the curtains were drawn. Mags headed for the toilet while Lesley got some drinks for us. Then, under dimmed lights, we all lay back on the three-seater, drinking and nibbling some snacks. I could take in Lesley’s figure now. She looked huge beside Mags’ slighter body. Her big breasts sagged under her T-shirt, her big nipples poking out . I watched as the girls rested their palms in each other’s crotches. Then Mags leaned over and sucked one of Lesley’s teats through her shirt, leaving a large wet stain on the material. Lesley got up and said she’d get the toys. Mags snuggled close to me and gave an excited shiver of anticipation. By the time Lesley returned I had removed Mags’ skirt and shirt.She was stood in grint of me , my mouth plastered over her damp knickers, flicking my tongue up each side of the creased gusset.Her raw powerful taste intoxicated me. She gasped, then gasped again when Lesley produced the big strap-on, as well as a handful of vibrators. Lesley removed her T-shirt . I thought she’d left her bra in the car but it was fastened back round her , with her breasts hanging out of the flimsy cups. Moments later the girls were completely naked. They hugged and kissed, rubbing their bodies together, This got an instant response in my pants. I stripped off and we had a group-hug in which both girls grasped at my stiffening cock while I stroked over their warm soft flesh. There was a large pouffe by the settee. Lesley manoeuvred Mags onto it, her bum just off the edge and her head hanging over the other side. Then Lesley fitted the strap-on to herself…asking me to tighten it for her. Mags glanced along her body at the wicked-looking tool rearing up from Lesley’s groin. She gave a little whimper. I straddled her head, angling my cock right down. Mags’ warm mouth engulfed my knob. I leaned over, hands stroking her milky white breasts. Lesley crouched between her spread thighs. She gripped the strap-on, gently rubbing the realistic rubber knob over Mags’ sex. She was so juicy from all the car fun that a slippery sheen quickly coated the toy. Both hands gripping the base of the tool, Lesley gave a few short hard jabs. The glans popped into Mags’ cunt, her puffy labia distorting around the veined shaft. My cock gave a jerk its sucking mouth as I feasted on the lewd sight. I reached a hand into Mags’ plugged sex, feeling the hard shaft sawing in and out. I pulled her clit-hood right back . Lesley began gently stroked the twitching pink nub. Mags went wild, snorting and shaking. Her body tried to jack-knife; I flipped my cock out of danger as I felt her mouth work wildly, her crisis mounting. I pressed my weight onto her torso. Lesley started longer and faster strokes. A few times the strap-on nearly bent double as Mags’ hips bucked and gyrated. Then Lesley got the angle right and she fucked steadily. Her heavy breasts swayed enticingly before me…I leant over and cupped those big, slapping hangers, my hot palms pressing onto her stiff nipples. I kneaded and squeezed. Mags gripped my erection, her wet tongue licking over the veined underside. Then her head flopped back, her moans rising as her body started convulsing. Lesley was making grunts and groans as all the effort of fucking took its toll.She sagged onto Mags, her hands gripping her small firm breasts, her mouth latching onto a hard teat. Mags’ legs clamped around Lesley’s wide hips. She writhed and bucked through an intense orgasm, her spasming cunt impaled on Lesley’s cock. Lesley leaned forward to kiss her, their bodies briefly still. Mags’ legs flopped down, splayed wide as she quietly moaned and twitched. I held Lesley’s head, raising it by her hair. My freshly stiff erection ached to be pleasured. Lesley put her hand on the shaft and slowly sank her mouth over it. Her hand cupped my balls, fingers and thumb twisting the engorged sac as her lips and tongue worked. Streams of her hot saliva coursed down into my pubes. I stroked her hair as my hips gave short , fucking jabs. I nearly came…she sensed it and eased off. She slowly withdrew from Mags’s body, motioning me to take her place between those trembling thighs. Seconds later my cock was fucking into the wettest, hottest tight sheath. Periodic spasms fluttered along my buried length . Mags gave a contented sigh, her arms slipping round me. “ Fuck me..!”, she whispered before latching her lips onto mine. My feet slithered on the carpet as I sought a secure foothold from which to launch my attack.

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Heather and I became college roommates by chance, neither of us knowing anyone else attending the same school.The first time I saw her I had just started moving my things into our shared dorm room. She was struggling to make her bed and get the fitted sheet to stay in place. Her long wavy dark hair flowed down her back. Tendrils stuck to her sweaty high cheek bones. I smiled realizing right away her mistake. "Colleges all have extra long twin bed mattresses," I told her. "You're going to need...

College Sex
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REMOTE CONTROL SLAVESLAVE 6It was late! All of the shaving and discipline had used up so much time that I wondered what kind of shopping Piss-Master had in mind.He handed me the next size up in butt plugs, which I inserted. We had reached a width now that I had to work at getting it in. He stood there watching, not offering anything other than a contemptuous gaze. Finally it seated itself in my ass, hitting by prostate almost immediately.“Put these on and stand in the tub, slut.” He handed me a...

2 years ago
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Futa Naked in School 02 Winning the Futa VoteChapter 3 Denicersquos Wild Futa Delight

Denice Jenning’s Week, Friday My week had been crazy at Rogers High School. I was chosen for the Program because was I was in the running to be my school’s homecoming queen. The naughty futa-principal, Ms. McTaggart, thought it would cute to have my rival, that slut Umeko Himura, and me go naked for the entire week. That was the point of the Program, to encourage young people to embrace their bodies and sexuality. To not be ashamed about anything. It was part of a new-wave of laws sweeping...

1 year ago
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Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used… Leo received a wedding invitation. It was located in different city, an hour away by plane. He didn’t really want to go but he thought he should go, networking purposes. He used to work with the groom few years ago, and he had a good job with the finance system, so it might open a good chance for Leo...

1 year ago
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Living in Cockington part 22

I sat watching the TV with Veronica, it was mid week and things had been quiet, then Milly my teenage daughter and her friend wandered in.They had been out with friends most of the evening and now it was getting late had returned looking for favour."Daddy" said Milly making my cock twitch in a way it shouldn't."Could you give Gina a lift home, its late and she lives in the next village"I sat for a moment thinking about it."Please!" begged my hot blonde daughter."Just do it" said my wife giving...

2 years ago
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The baybsitter

A long long time ago, When I was still young and my sisters were even younger, the time I wanted to go out, drink beers and chase women. The time to chase women could have been better spent at home. My kid sisters are some years younger then me. So when my parents and I would be gone there would be a babysitter. She was a lovely girl, a few years younger then me and best of all, she only lived a few houses down the road. When I would be home earlier then my parents I would have some chat with...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

3 years ago
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Mutual Masturbation Part one

Hi, my name is Michael and this is a story of how my life changed on my sister's 16th birthday. Let me give you a little info, so you will understand where I've been and where I'm going. I'm 18 years old, about 3 months past my last birthday. I'm 5' 10", I have short, dark brown hair, blue eyes and an athletic body. I play numerous sports in school and workout to stay fit. My sister's name is Sara, she has just turned 16. She is 5' 6" tall, curvy in all the right places, with golden brown hair,...

3 years ago
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The Clarks

"Hannah can you please come down here and help me prepare for dinner?!" called Jane Clark from the kitchen. As Hannah trudged down the stairs she passed her brother laying on the sofa, "Why couldn't Ben help you with dinner?" Hannah asked her mother, entering the kitchen. "He's only just come in from college and he deserves to sit down for a minute," Jane replied, "and anyway, it's a girl's job to help out her mother in the kitchen." Hannah detested her mother's opinions, which...

2 years ago
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Fucking Reader8217s Friend In Her Flat Part2

This is continuous of the last story which I had published in iss.I am Vignesh working in Bangalore, after having our first session in the sofa. Sowmiya and I both were waiting for the pizza to be delivered, which was ordered by sowmiya. The delivery boy rang the bell, I told sowmiya to get inside her bedroom. I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the door got pizza and I paid for it.After the deliver boy left I called sowmiya to come back. She came nude, both sat on sofa nude and ate...

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 29

Lillian I left everyone in the room and made my way to the cellar of the, opening the door to find Violet, on the floor. The chains of the shackles were looped around a metal bracket on the floor, even Davik’s unique strength would not be able to pull it up. I looked down at her, memories of her sleeping after our love making filling my head and alerting me to her ruse. I walked up and planted a hard kick to her abdomen, causing her to scream in pain, as well as curse me for hitting...

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A Husbands Secret Fantasy

Brandon is 44 years old, and Stephanie is 40. Brandon stands 6'2", with dark red hair and green eyes, weighing about 240 lbs. Stephanie stands about 5'6", with long brown hair and blue eyes. She weighs about 190 lbs, with 44DD tits. They had hired a local college student to do their yard work for them. Jamal is a 20 year old junior in college. He stands 6'4", with dark skin, a shaved head, and dark brown eyes. He had a muscular build, weighing 200 lbs. Stephanie pulled into their...

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Lawyer Assistant gets BBC

I work as a legal assistant for a law firm. On this day I had to meet a client we were defending I had to go over to get signatures in place to set a court date. He was charged with armed robbery and was on house arrest so he couldn't leave his apartment. I arrived at the building in a really bad part of town made my way up to the 12th. floor, knocked on the door, his mother answered let me in then called out for Tyrell. his mother invited me to sit on the couch I looked around the apartment as...

1 year ago
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Saali Ke Sath Romance Ka Chance 8211 Part 2

Last part mein maine likha tha kese bandstand pe flirt kar ke car mein saali ko seduce kiya. Dono touch kar kar ke garam ho chuke the. Juhu beach pe bhi masti ki. Ab aage padhiye baki ka hissa. Juhu beach se nikle aur humne ghar ke liye car kar li. Car mein wapas uske boobs rub karte raha main. Main chahta tha to garam hi rahe. Car main usne bhi apna hath mere dick pe rakha tha aur press karti rahi. Hum log ghar pe pahunche. Car se utre aur usko bola awaz mat karna. Phone silent par kar diye...

4 years ago
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Segeltour in der Karibik

Klaus war eigentlich kein Fan von Auslandsreisen – insbesondere nicht nach Südamerika – aber seine Frau Sabine hatte ihn solange bequatscht bis er zugestimmt hatte. Grund waren aber weniger die Überzeugungskräfte seiner Ehefrau, sondern vielmehr die Aufzählung über die Personen die noch mitfahren würden. Da war zum einem die frisch getrenntlebende Kirstin, das befreundete Pärchen Britta und Karsten, und zu guter Letzt die Nachbarn Patrick und Kristina. Kirstin war heiß und Brittas überhebliche...

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The aion Of Jodie

It had been a long day at the Postal Service Jodie had delivered male in the hot Texas sun and was ready to get home to her husband Bob. She opened the door and called to Bob but got no answer. Suddenly a black gloved hand covered her mouth and and an arm pinned her neck. Bob is not here the man said, but if you do as I say and do not scream you may live to see him. Jodie nodded that she did and was d**g into her "play room" I noticed that there are a lot of fun "toys" in here as he shoved her...

1 year ago
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Muslim Auntyai Oothen

Vanakam enathu peyar Krishna vayathu 24, naan vizhuvurathil vasikiren. Naan thinamum kaama kathaigal padipen athil ezhuthapattu irukum athaithu vishayangalum naan unmaiyil pannuvathu pondru ninaithu suya inbam kaanben. Enatyhu veetil naan ore pillai than athnaal enaku chellam athigamaaga kodupaargal. Enathu veetirku arugil oru muslim kudumbam vaadaigaiku vanthaargal appozhuthu athil thirumanam aagiya oru muslim pen irunthaal. Pothuvaaga anaivarum mugathai muudikondu yaraiyum paarkaamal...

3 years ago
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Yes Sir Ill do whatever you want Part 4 Its Illegal

“Well if it isn’t my naughty little office slut who likes to fuck teenage boys, how is my favorite bitch.” He was unusually icy and cruel this morning, but I was still aroused and I let his words wash over my body. My body had become trained for sex. He held the phone away from him saying to me, “I hope you didn’t think I forgot to punish you for fucking Steven. ” I shuddered remembering how big he was, filling up my pussy with his large cock the other night before. He continued, “and for...

2 years ago
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Mistrusting a MemoryChapter 33

Bob was turning in tickets. He'd been approached by no less than six people when he came into the building. Dillworth was gone. News like that travels like lightning in any organization. He'd heard not only that Dillworth was gone, but the circumstances of how he'd gone. The place was still abuzz with it. Nobody knew exactly why it happened, but the manner in which it had taken place had made the detective division euphoric. He didn't think anything about it when his supervisor, Captain...

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Dr Yadav8217s Conquests 2

As always, feedback always welcome at sat in the back of his limo and watched the scenery outside slip by on a subconscious level. Again he thought about the workings of his own mind. Was it the power that he had harnessed? Was he just a weak man? Whatever the reason he knew he would continue. Knew that he had to continue. The limo pulled through the gates of his driveway and approached his home. It was a large brick home patterned after a French villa. It sat on a lakefront lot in one of...

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The Art of Seduction 2

Shannon thought lustfully about their visit to Bull Riders last week. She robotically went through the motions of another work week, high on the memory of Tads eyes mind fucking her as she sat and flirted from her barstool. It was a Thursday night after work when she decided to go through her closet in search of a sexy outfit that would make Tad proud. As she browsed through her closet she began to realize how few sexy outfits she actually had. Her pussy was tingling in anticipation of seeing...

2 years ago
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Subconcious Control

It started with a dream. Chris was sleeping quietly in his college dormitory room. It was his first night away from home. Well, since he had turned 18 in February. Now it was September, and he was alone in the room. His roommate would not arrive for another two days. "Chris, can you hear me?" The voice sounded like his Dad, but was still unfamilar. "Sure. Dad?" "In a manner of speaking. I am part of the person you call Dad." "What?" "More to the point, I don't have a lot of time. I'll get on...

Mind Control
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HandsOnHardcore Liya Silver Sexy Doc Fucking Fantasy

In today’s 4K hardcore premium porn scene, Mugur goes in to see sexy doctor Liya Silver at the DDF clinic. Many patients, male and female, must certainly have had sexual fantasies of the Russian babe, and today we get a peek into Mugur’s hardcore fantasy of fucking the brunette beauty. He dreams of her giving him a handjob and a blowjob, and then having her ride him cowgirl atop the exam table. After deep doggy style sex, he pounds her pink while having standing sex, and when...

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The Pink Dress

My mom and my little sister's best friend's mom, Alicia, are good friends and visit back and forth quite a bit. It started, of course, with the two moms getting their daughters together for play dates and things and the moms have really become close friends. So, Alicia was over at our house while I was using the computer and she asked me, "You're pretty good on the computer, Greg, think you could teach me how to surf the net and all that?" "Sure, it's really pretty easy. Here, sit in...

2 years ago
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The Grooms SonChapter 5

Boorum Academy Edward Venerable was dead. Mathew was stunned. He had seemed so healthy. My father had mentioned the funeral date and I intended to be there no matter what. The immediate cause of death was pnemonia but that was frequently a side-effect of a multitude of illnesses. Fortunately, the funeral was on a Sunday, so it wouldn't inconvenience my students to have me gone. When I arrived at the church, I met my father in the back rows reserved for the hired-help. Edward was a...

3 years ago
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After Alice

I totally consider myself a straight woman, but damn I love that chase—the pursuit and seduction of another straight woman. That moment I meet a beautiful, eccentric woman and start crafting my plan to get under her bed sheets. The moment she realizes I desire her. And the moment she gives in to me… * “Start the night off with shots?” Seth asked me. He turned around and glided backwards, clapping his hands in short bursts. He and I were walking down the pebbled city sidewalk, toward the...

2 years ago
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Bruised Manhood Times Two

For BadSarah...what we discussed in chat lolThe swing had to be strong because the action was going to be vigorous! The cost wouldn't be mine of course but his and it had to be here by the weekend. The forecast was for heavy snow and the threat of cabin fever required us all to have something to keep us entertained. Three cruel women and two, make that one and an half men. The half man was invited because he pressed his girlfriend, a BFF of mine for a threesome and insisted on having two women...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Yui Kyouno Newcomer Yui Kyouno has a fun day in the van giving handjobs to men

Yui Kyouno is going to get a vibrator shoved up her pussy. The vibrator has a remote so that it gets a signal and stimulates her pussy when her master wants her to get a jolt in her pretty little pussy hole. This is all part of the plan for this newcomer. Today is her initiation day to porn and adult videos so we have a whole day planned of sexual fun. We then get her suited up with some headphones that cancels out all outside sound and we put a blindfold on her so she has no wy of knowing...

3 years ago
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??????????????? Iniquity: Prologue The courtroom was packed, the anticipation heavy in the air. The judge was trying his best to appear calm, even though he was as excited as everyone in the courtroom was. After 5 months of waiting, the big verdict was about to come in, and he, the Honorable Judge Laurence, was about to preside over a historic event. The judge motioned to one of the deputies, and the room was suddenly quiet. Slowly, the 12 jurors filed into the room and the proceedings...

4 years ago
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Best friends bitch and the ride home

My buddy was coming to pick me up from the airport because I had just touched down. I was visiting him for the first time in six years, he had joined the Air force. I was going to stay for a week, I asked him to make sure there were some decent bitches around, but to my dismay he told me he was in a committed relationship and that I was on my own in that area. Well as I exited the plane into the airport, I noticed he was standing there with a very hot mess of a bitch, she was wearing a micro...

3 years ago
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Swrong Son Part 1

"It's been a great night," I said to myself, "a really good night, and I'm just about ready for bed." It was one thirty a.m. my sister, my brother and their families had left before midnight as they had small k**s to consider, and the last of the guests for my father's forty sixth birthday celebrations had left a half an hour ago, leaving the back garden looking like a bomb had hit it. I'd spent the past fifteen minutes picking up the rubbish, and was now almost finished.I picked up the last...

1 year ago
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Dreaming of sharing

Dreaming of laying beside you on my side, my arm under your head , that hand caressing your face and your beautiful hard nipples and soft breasts! My other hand free to roam all over your sexy body as you lay there on your back beside me legs spread wide with some hot guy slowly penetrating your delishous swollen wet pussy! Your toned tanned body and soft skin drive me crazy! I run my free hand over your belly and then squeeze it gently between your thigh and your lover and then up to your...

1 year ago
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The Play Room Chapter 4 Trading Pieces

Karen started sliding her pussy back and forth on top of his rock-hard cock again, only more slowly and not pressing down as hard.He stared back at her, and moved his hands to her hips, reveling her slick pussy slipping back and forth on his member. “Karen, are you sure?”She took his hands from her hips, and brought them up to her tits. Kirk squeezed her boobs gently. She smiled, closed her eyes, and picked up the pace with her hips. “Don’t you want to make love to me?”“More than anything. But...

First Time
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A Lesson in Sex A Futanari Story PART 1

Bianca sat in the Cuntsville Public Library, absentmindedly flipping through a book on female sexuality by Dr. Ingrid Muffsniffer, mostly admiring the full color photos of female genitalia. It was a lazy, dreary Friday afternoon, and Bianca found herself without plans for the weekend. While she should have been studying for her exams (she was earning her masters degree in Reproductive Therapy), she couldn’t focus on anything in front of her. All of the study material was dry and boring, and...

1 year ago
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Fiances taken

My penis aches with pleasure. When I drunkenly suggested to a group of female friends that I wanted my fianc?to be taken advantage of as she had taken advantage of me I had no idea they would be so willing, or the ideas they would have, some of which were even wilder than mine. One of them, probably Clara, had spiked her drink with rohypnol after several strong cocktails, after she had already had enough to start sending her to sleep. After finding out from a mutual friend that she been...

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