DanicaPart 6B free porn video

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Danica awoke the next morning and returned to her chambers in the complex atop the hill. She had dreamed about a beautiful woman, created in her mind from the glimpses of what Celes really looked like. The dream image of Celes had slid her whole hand nearly to the wrist inside Danica, stretching her and making her come hard. Danica had used her toy to let off the pressure before she got up to leave, too aroused to think straight until she climaxed.

The dream sparked a memory in Danica as she walked through the complex back to her rooms. She stopped at the library on the way, and found the volume she sought. When she returned to her rooms she sat down to study the spells within.

The spells created forms of magical force that resembled hands. The Interposing Hand created an enormous disembodied hand between the caster and anything coming toward them. It could hold back the strongest of men, and even give pause to a giant. The Forceful Hand added an ability to the hand enabling it to push objects away from the caster, though the size of the magical hand was smaller. The Crushing Fist spell could strike targets with tremendous strength or grab them and crush them in a tight grip.

Over the course of the next five days, Danica mastered the powerful spells. She tested them on the grounds, pushing a large boulder near the bathing pond with great ease. Another casting let her squeeze it until cracks formed a web over its surface. Finally, she shattered it with the Crushing Fist.

The spells were powerful ones, and they would serve Danica well if she ever faced creatures that relied upon physical forces to attack. They also made Danica think of several less powerful, but no less useful ways to utilize the type of force the hands generated. She had never before created an original spell, and she still had the vision of her next magic item burning in her mind.

To that end, she decided to go to the man who managed Zoraster's coin. She withdrew what Zoraster had promised her for the purchase of her tools and materials as a reward for completing her last task.

Danica made her way to the room where Zoraster had instructed her to go. She knocked on the door and it opened for her. When Danica walked inside, she felt the oppressing gloom of a dispell on the place. She knew no magic would function within this room. The only thing to see was a solidly built bald man with very prominent eyebrows, seated behind a large desk counting coin.

The man carefully recorded something in a ledger before him and then looked up, "You would be Danica. I assume you are here to withdraw coin held on account for you?"

Danica said, "Yes, a large amount to purchase..."

He closed his eyes and his face showed concentration. He opened his eyes and held up a hand. "I know what you seek. One moment while I make some calculations, and I will get your coin." He then pulled out a piece of parchment paper and took up a pen to record something on it.

Danica felt her body stiffen suddenly, and she tried with all her might to move. Panic set in when she realized that she couldn't move a muscle.

Danica, Do not panic, she heard the man's voice say, though his lips did not move and he did not look up from his calculations.

A psionic, Danica thought with horror. Wizards of the Art feared Psionics. Those with the gift were rare, and their powers sprang directly from their minds. There were very few spells that could combat such powers, and thus they were a subject of fear and loathing amongst those who practiced magic.

Yes, I am a psionic, Danica heard him say in her mind, I am going to release control of your body now. Do not be afraid. Speak with your mind — I will hear. Do not speak aloud, and keep your demeanor passive. Do not give any outward appearance I am speaking to you thus. Can you do this?

Danica thought, Yes, and felt her body relax. She leaned back in the chair and tried to look as if nothing untoward had happened.

You are unaware, but you have the power of the mind as well, she heard his voice say. Zoraster would disapprove most vehemently to me telling you this, but my loyalty to those who share the gift is much stronger than any loyalty I have to others in this world. If you open your mind, you will find you can hear other's thoughts.

Danica listened to the man's mind-speech, amazed that he could continue to scrawl figures while speaking to her this way. He continued, From the order of your mind, I sense you could manipulate physical objects with your mind to a great degree through telekinesis. You may have even noticed that spells utilizing telekinesis have a much stronger effect when you cast them, for they are reinforced by the powers of your mind. You should be able to speak into other's minds, and perhaps even more. It appears your primary skills are in telekinesis, however. You even have some small amount of pyrokinetic ability, the ability to start fires with the power of your mind, though this is extremely limited.

As he continued, Danica realized he had guessed correctly. The one thing at which she had always excelled was using telekinetic magic. It was a small thing, however, and had done little to convince her she was anything but mediocre, as she had considered herself all her life.

You should open your mind and develop your powers, but do so in secret. To reveal them to the world is to invite scorn and hatred. To reveal them to Zoraster would mean death. Speak not of what I have told you, and reveal me not — else I will be forced to rend your mind asunder. I cannot risk anyone learning I have the power. Do you understand?

Yes — and no, Danica thought.

I understand your confusion. Simply open your mind and feel your powers, they will come in time, he mentally replied.

"I have calculated the amount. One moment while I acquire the coin," he then said aloud. Danica started a bit at his spoken voice, but it would have hardly seemed unusual considering she had been sitting, looking to be lost in thought for some time.

The man brought her a sack that jingled heavily when he lay it down on the counter. "This is the special amount set aside. You still retain a set amount reserved for you that will renew each month. It will compound if you do not use it within a given month."

"I understand," Danica said aloud, and then thought, I thank you. I'll try to do what you said.

The man nodded, and the look in his eyes told her without hearing his thoughts that he was acknowledging both her spoken and mental statements.

Danica stood and next went to obtain permission to enter the city for a short jaunt. She wanted to pay the cost of her tools in full and arrange for delivery of them to her lab.

Danica went first to the smith crafting her tools. He nodded approvingly when she counted out the remainder of the coin to settle her account. He expressed that he had some nagging doubts about her ability to pay at first, but would hasten his work now. When she spoke of the possibility of purchasing a drying stove in the future, he made some inquiries and she told him about her kiln. He told her to save the coin for the stove and offered to construct racks to attach to the kiln, which would serve the same purpose. Danica promised to send a messenger with measurements, and counted out a few more coins.

She then made her way to a man Carolyn had mentioned, in order to inquire about the wood she would need. He was a middle-aged man, not terribly attractive, and he acted quite shy around Danica as she spoke to him. Danica batted her eyelashes at him and smiled wide as she negotiated, and it paid off. She acquired what she needed at a discount, and he promised to deliver it at no cost. She counted out the coin and blew the man a kiss as she left.

Danica felt the weight of the coins still in her purse and smiled. She had managed to get everything she needed and still keep a fair supply of coin. As she left town and approached the path that led up the hill, Danica passed a couple engaged in an almost shameful public display of affection. They were rubbing up against each other and kissing passionately on a bench just off one of the main roads, barely inside a small park area. The sight awakened Danica's desire, and she hurried back to the complex.

Danica thought first of Andrea and made her way toward the young woman's quarters. She heard sounds of passion coming from within when she neared the door. She cast a spell of clairvoyance and saw that Andrea was on her knees on the bed with a young apprentice mounted behind her. Danica knew he was stroking her quickly toward an orgasm, because she knew the signs of the young woman's body well. She slipped into the second sight and noticed no sign of the Nymph Dweomer affecting Andrea. She let her clairvoyance fade away once she determined Andrea was sporting with the young man of her own free will.

Danica followed the winding halls toward Damian's quarters and nearly collided with a disheveled young servant leaving his room when she arrived. The woman had the bright glow of one who has just climaxed — and climaxed well — about her. Danica sighed for herself, but she was happy for Damian.

Frustration dulled her previous state of arousal somewhat, and she wandered to one of the common rooms where people lounged and passed through on their way through the building. She sat down in a comfortable chair near a window and tried to decide what to do about the still glowing embers of need inside her. She thought about what the Psionic had revealed to her, and settled back into the chair.

Danica tried to relax — to clear her mind. She searched within for the untapped power the Psi had said she possessed. She reached a state of calm that felt almost unnatural, and turned to look at a twenty-something student speaking with one of the many women employed as a servant in the building.

The man was laying the charm on thick — too thick by Danica's standards — and it seemed quite false to her. She turned so that she was not looking directly at the man, but kept him in her peripheral vision. She tried to look as if she was lost in thought, staring at a painting on the wall.

Danica opened her mind and tried to look past the man into his thoughts. She felt a strange disembodied sensation for a moment, and then she could hear what he was thinking. The mental voice drowned out the words he spoke aloud.

... warming up. I might not have to go hunt for a wench to use the Nymph Dweomer on tonight after all. Damn look at those tits! That's it, bite baby, let's get back to my room, and show me those tits out of that damn blouse. Come on, Come on... Danica heard him thinking, as he spoke aloud about the serving woman's striking beauty.

Danica turned slightly toward the woman, and found it was easier now that she had a sense of what she needed to do. She heard the woman's thoughts after only a moment of concentration.

Gods he is so full of it. If this cretin wasn't such a friend of the master, I'd tell him what a pathetic jerk he is. Gods how I want to run. Just a bit longer girl, keep him occupied. Think, Think, has to be some way to get away without offending him, the woman thought as she smiled and pretended to enjoy his compliments to her.

Danica laughed silently, and then let her gaze roam over the room. She saw an older man seated alone, looking quite uncomfortable. She concentrated a moment and listened to his thoughts.

Why did I eat that damnable soup? I know what it does to me; I can feel it churning already. I'll run myself out of my own room. I'll be on the chamber pot all night. I'm such a fool, I know better. Why oh why...

Danica pulled her thoughts away, not wanting to hear anymore of that. She saw a servant girl hurrying through the room and concentrated on her.

Hurry now, hurry now — Wizards. Look like you're on an important task. Get through here quick. Get back to your room before one of them starts trying to get under your skirt or sends you on some stupid errand. Hurry, hurry Steph, the woman thought.

Danica stood and walked into the hall. She reached out with her thoughts to those she passed and found she could slip in and hear them with ease.

She heard lecherous thoughts about what men would do to her if they had the chance. A women whom Danica had never seen before acidly thought the word bitch, based upon nothing except Danica's appearance. Mundane thoughts of where people were going and what they planned all came to Danica easily.

Danica had to fight down nausea as she caught the thoughts of a Necromancer making his way to his lab to begin work on a fresh, attractive female corpse. He had plans for her that involved nothing magical. Danica broke the contact with him almost immediately and sat down, having reached another of the common rooms.

She saw an attractive man walking toward an equally attractive woman, carrying two steaming cups of tea. The man had sandy hair and a strong build. He was clean-shaven, and Danica could not help but notice his intense green eyes.

The woman was tall and shapely from what Danica could see. Her hair was a dark blonde, almost brown, and shoulder length. Her hair had an almost kinky curl to it. Her eyes were green just like the man's, and were even more mesmerizing than his were.

Danica was surprised to hear both their thoughts echoing in her head despite having made no conscious effort to connect to them.

The man thought, Who is that? That red hair, that body — she would be amazing. Stop that Grant, you have Heather right here. You should be damn happy to be so lucky.

Oh My, Danica heard the woman think at the same time. She looks so delicious. Gods how I'd love to share Grant with her — to share myself with her. The woman moaned silently in her mind, and then punctuated it with a silent sigh. She'd probably slap me, and Grant would probably leave me forever if he found out I thought about other women that way.

Danica shivered as Grant sat down and handed Heather her tea. She felt her previous state of arousal return and spike even higher. She stood up and walked toward the couple before she even really considered what she was doing.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry to intrude, but I saw the tea and I suddenly have a taste for it. Can I ask where you got it?" Danica asked when she reached the couple.

"There is a kettle over there," Heather said, pointing toward a corner of the room near the window. "Grant, why don't you go get her a cup, Dear? Please, sit down and join us..." She paused, obviously fishing for a name.


"Danica," Heather repeated with a smile. "My name is Heather."

Again, Danica could hear both of their thoughts. Grant was getting up to go get the tea and she heard him thinking, What did I do to deserve such terrible temptation? I'm already getting hard. Down — down. Get the tea. Don't look at her.

Heather, on the other hand, did not share his worry. I can see it in his eyes. He thinks she's attractive. Look at those nipples — so big and pressing against that blouse. I can almost feel them in my mouth. It's been so long. Gods I wish I could find some way to get her into our bed and know Grant wouldn't hate me, she thought.

"Your husband?" Danica whispered to the blonde.

"No, we've never really discussed it. We're just — together," Heather replied.

"You're lucky. He's very handsome. I bet he's incredible in bed too," Danica said and laughed quietly.

Heather giggled and blushed. "Thank you. And yes, he is."

Grant returned and Danica accepted the tea from him. Once Grant sat down and Danica had a sip of her tea, she asked them what they did here. Grant explained he was a glass blower, and that Heather was an assistant to a potion maker. Both had come here about a year ago upon hearing of the fine pay for tradesmen at the complex. They had met as a result of their complimentary trades and started seeing each other.

Danica told them she was a student of magic, and the subject turned toward her trying to learn the artistic skills necessary to create magic items. She expressed interest in working in glass. Grant appeared to settle down when the conversation turned to comfortable subjects.

During the conversation, Danica discovered that Heather had taken up etching glass as a hobby. She said that she had a collection of beautiful potion bottles etched with nature scenes in their small home on the grounds.

"They sound wonderful," Danica said. "I would love to have some to store my spell components. The shelf looks so dull with the plain bottles that I keep them in now."

Danica noticed Heather glancing at her curves numerous times during the conversation. Danica let her glance slide over Heather's body every so often as well. She could hear Heather thinking, Is she looking at me? Does she? Would she? That proved that Heather had noticed the looks.

They finished their tea, and Grant took the cups to return them to the table near the kettle. Danica decided to play her hand at that moment. "If I offend you, please tell me and I will leave immediately. I can't resist any longer. You are so sensual, so beautiful — I can't help myself. Have you ever thought about being with another woman?"

Heather shuddered. "Oh gods," she whispered. "I was thinking the same thing about you. I'm afraid of what Grant will think. He doesn't know I feel that way about women."

"It is a very rare man who would be offended by being pleasured by two women and watching them with each other," Danica suggested and licked her lips.

Heather shuddered again, glancing toward where Grant stood placing the cups and saucers on the table. "I can imagine how incredible it would be, just looking at you makes me so wet. I can imagine tasting you while Grant takes you. I would probably come without being touched," Heather whispered in response.

Grant turned to return to where the two women sat then. Danica hurriedly whispered, "Just follow my lead. We'll hint in that direction and see how he reacts. If he doesn't turn tail, we'll see where it might lead."

Heather nodded, and the two looked up as Grant approached. "What are you two whispering about?" He asked.

"Women things," Danica answered with a smile. "You wouldn't understand," she added and stuck her tongue out at him.

Heather and Grant both laughed. "Quite likely very true," he said.

"I wish I could see your work," Danica said to Heather, looking at her in a way that just slightly hinted at the desire that burned inside her. "I have a great passion for beauty and I might want to commission some of your work."

"You could come see them; we were on our way home soon anyway. Don't you think Grant?"

"I suppose so. It would be good to have something you enjoy doing better our lives," Grant replied.

"It is always wonderful to take something that gives you great pleasure and share it with others who share your passion," Danica interjected. Her voice hinted slightly at something between the lines she had spoken as she looked at the both of them.

Same as Danica
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All Things Come To He Who WaitsChapter 7

February. LUKE'S VOICE The seductive rhythm of work and progress took over my life for the next month. Scarcely a sexual thought entered my head as I prepared classes and helped Ulrika and Karl to absorb new knowledge, working with them while they practised using it, rejoicing with them as it became automatic and natural and their ability to express themselves grew. As the end of the month approached, and with it half term I went looking for Angela. 'Hello, Luke, I haven't seen you for...

3 years ago
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And a Happy Birthday To You Too Chapter 2

Wife got hubby a gift of a coed and he enjoyed the one-night-stand. Wife got a reciprocal gift, a guy, but it gets complicated.Geoffrey’s was a cute twenty-two-year-old coed who simply wanted someone to take her virginity, pre-marriage vows. Jenny hit the jackpot with an urbane Black guy who was skilled in the art of seduction and romance.Jenny had helped set up her husband’s liaison with Gwen and got to watch her husband perform. Both Gwen and Jenny judged husband as doing a good job. However,...

Wife Lovers
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Correct Exposure Teacher Petting

Correct Exposure (Teacher Petting) I was always amazed at how someone from my past unfailingly seemed to turn up on opening nights of exhibitions. It didn’t seem to matter which city I was in, some old school friend, long lost family member or an acquaintance from the photography fraternity seemed to find the ads for my openings in the small print and turn up to say hi. And, to be truthful, I didn’t mind one bit. It wasn’t like my exhibitions were the biggest draws in the art world, and most of...

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Tracy 2

Tracy - 2 by Pamela [email protected] The following Saturday morning was a beautiful day and Tracy's and my parents were off playing golf. I went over to Tracy's house in the morning to clean her bras and panties. As I walked up the stairs to her room I prayed that she'd want me to lick her vagina again. It would be nice to relive that brief moment I had had the week before. Unfortunately, I figured that Tracy probably would have forgotten that I had done that for her, or...

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Picture Story Hotel Softcore Photo shoot

Hotel photo shoot picture story – Softcore first meeting!!I was ready to pull out of the hotel parking lot when the text finally came. “Go to front desk. Ask for envelope for Mr. Holmes in 1335” So I did.The envelope had a room key and the instructions, “Come up to 1335. Knock. When I call you in, just come in and get showered. =R” So I walked down the hall to the bank of elevators and went up stairs. My heart seemed to pound louder as I went higher until I thought it would echo in the...

2 years ago
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Sex In Venice

I had been to Venice several times and was never disappointed by its magic. Yes, there are hordes of tourists throughout the year, but what can you expect if you seek out such a preposterously over-the-top, baroque city-on-an-island? A man-made fairytale confection, doomed to eventually sink into the lagoon that surrounds it, like a latter day Atlantis.I had met Alicea on a European dating site. We 'clicked' from the word go and when I suggested a long weekend in Venice, she didn't need asking...

Love Stories
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18 July 2008Chapter 8

As Tina was questioned by the Police Officer for his report, Dan and Wendy held her hand and Karen rubbed her back. She gave distracted answers, having to watch as the firefighters worked to extinguish the blaze. “All my things!” she cried, then joking added, “I hope the pictures of my ex-husband burnt up!” She stated that her home and contents were fully insured. Then she began to remember the sentimental items that may have been lost. “Do you have a place to stay for now? If not the St....

2 years ago
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Naked at the Truck StopChapter 3

“Oh my god, did you fuck that guy mom?” Rory laughed. We were both naked again – me holding a wad of cash and my Trump shirt in my hand and following her back to the tree. It was exactly like the “walk of shame” where you leave a guy’s apartment in the morning after a random hookup except I had some crusty dollar bills and my daughter was chirping and laughing in my ear about what a slut I am. I didn’t know how to answer that question. I had obviously fucked that guy but I didn’t want to...

3 years ago
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Fucking Series With My Slutty Friend

Hi everybody. This is Arun from Kochi, Kerala. I have read many stories here for last 2 years; thought about sharing my few experiences here. Here I narrate one of my experiences which is still continuing. I’m married but live separated from my wife. This story is about a girl whom I met in Bangalore. She became my friend, now is my sex partner in the absence of my wife. Her name is Saira. She is divorced now. Her age is 31. She is a Mallu. She looks pretty with good body. Her bra size now is...

2 years ago
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Dead Girl on Sumptner BeachChapter 7

During the night I found out that Tracy had an almost insatiable appetite for sex. Or at least, a never ending need to touch me ... sexually. I sure didn't mind being handled all over my body. Her right hand was all over my chest, cataloging the various textures there. I could feel my nipples hardening as she drew the tip of a finger in circles around one of them and then palming my breast. As she lifted her hand away, she would trace her fingers inward, winding up teasing the nipple...

4 years ago
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Andreas DilemmaChapter 4

After my birthday the holiday season ramped up, and soon enough it was finals time, and Christmas break. I made it through finals okay, but I didn’t do as well in two courses as I wanted. The two Bs dropped my GPA down to 3.83. After some anxious moments, the registrar’s office certified that I had completed my degree requirements. I wouldn’t graduate until May, but I could start the MBA program after Winter break. Even better, the Graduate School of Business and Management exempted me from...

1 year ago
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Massage Time With Cousin

Hello iss reader… Mai Sidd hu bahut puarana reader hu iss ka mai hamesha sochta tha ki apni story batai sabko par hamesha darta tha par itne sare stories padne je baad mujhme himaat ayi hai ki mai v apni jindagi me make ke wo khas pal aap sab ke sath baat saku . Waise mai pehli baar koi story iss pe likh raha hu to agar koi galti ho jaye to rahe dil se mafi mangta hu chaliye jada time waste na karne direct story pe ata hu. Ye kuch 2010 ke as pas ki baat hai mai apne papa ke sis ke ghar chutiya...

3 years ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 1 Katies First Fa

....just reupping the first 13 chapters as they have disappeared.... Katie's First Facial Katie and I had been married for 7 years and the sex had become boring. We had two k**s and it seemed we never had time to be alone. We were never spontaneous and it seemed like she always demanded romance. Which meant by the time we made supper, cleaned up, had family time, and finally got the c***dren to sleep there was no time left in the day for romance. I lusted for a****l like type sex with her. The...

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Rainy day with dad

I awoke to see the walls and ceiling of myroom flash with lightning, then crash! Another peel of thunder seemed toopen up the skies even more. A hard rain drove like nails into the tinyhome's roof.Summers were like this in Illinois. In between sweltering July heat, wewere pelted by electrical storms and sometimes high winds. Those days madeit impossible for my dad to work his construction job. As I wiped he sleepfrom my eyes and gave my morning wood a few quick strokes, I could make outhis legs...

2 years ago
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Night at the Movies

One of my most exciting times, and the most unexpected, was in an XXX rated movie house in town. The same movie had been playing for about a week and it wasn't crowded. Hubby and I had been out clubbing and I was a little tipsy, which means I'll try anything. We stopped in the parking lot and he asked me to take off my bra and panty hose. (I don't wear panties) I figured he wanted to have some personal fun on the inside. Inside, we found our seats. I was wearing a skirt, blouse, and heels. We...

4 years ago
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AxemanChapter 33

Natasha spent the night in Nat’s bed, since Nat hardly ever used it anymore, and left at five Friday morning with a wave. I waved back, half awake. I worried about Ed and had not slept well. At 7:30, I dragged her out of bed and drove her to UE’s training facilities. She dressed, located two reinforced foam swords, and came at me. With only a few breaks, we worked on control for the following nine hours only stopping for water and snacks. She was way too erratic to trust in a...

3 years ago
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David woke up feeling groggy and exhausted overall. He found himself lying on a bed in a room that he did not recognize. He couldn't even remember how he even got there. The last thing he remembered was getting into a taxi to return to the hotel room he was currently staying at. He was away on a vacation from work to take his mind off some things. It had been a while since he had taken a vacation, so he felt that he had earned one for sure. The rest of his memory was still kind of...

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Vasshas Revenge

Disclaimer: This story is mine, and may not be copied or reproduced without my permission. To contact me with ideas, reviews and comments, contact ashantai[at]gmail.comThis galaxy is an original creation, and if you would like more information or more stories contact me as above. Prologue She looked so beautiful, despite, or perhaps because of the frightened look on her face. Again she struggled with the hard restraints but could not free herself.?I?ve given you five minutes to...

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Where To Get Off

The need for release was everything.Fifteen miles Jed Martin had driven from the venue, longing through each one to pull over and jack off. Desire didn’t reside in his hard cock alone, it raged in his blood – the tension knotting his muscles and stretching his tendons taut.When he reached his apartment - the one where Patricia no longer resided - that impulse drove him up the stairs to the bathroom. No fucking around. This wasn’t one to savour, it was a fierce erotic poison he had to pump free...

2 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 22 Two Minutes

The second hunt where Rubina was the quarry was a much more interesting one from Ramzy El-Najjar's point of view, and infinitely more galling from hers. After she had calmed down somewhat, he had spent some hours analysing her first hunt with her and showing her not only how she was caught, but when she had been in the most danger of being caught. He told her firmly that she must make her own plans for evading the hunters and not simply use one of the the ones he had used as examples. "I...

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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoBook 2 Chapter 18

The first marker was a split in the trail. Bob guessed rightly that turning left would have taken them into Hempstead, while going to the right was a cross cut to the stage trail from Houston to Bryan. So, everyone took the turn to the right, and they were on their way again. The women were mostly chatting with each other. The ride was a little too bumpy to do anything else. They couldn't read, or work on those little sewing projects that always seem to pop up, so they talked and enjoyed...

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Claires Awakening 13 Punishing Pupils

The lunch time bell rang, sending a bolt of fear down Claire’s spine. She’d spent the last two lessons stressing about what Mr Sunderland had meant by ‘some kind of arrangement’. Surely he couldn’t mean anything ‘inappropriate’… However, it’s hardly standard practice to catch his pupils fucking in his drama studio at break time. Claire’s mind flashed back to the look on his face when he walked in and found her and Scott semi-dressed on the stage. He’d looked so angry, really letting rip on...

4 years ago
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Kalpana The Lover Of Lust

Hello ISS fans, I’m here to share my experience with you.( I’ve changed all the names) I fucked my maid(valli 25) & my house owner(kalpana 29). And I’m Ashok 26 working as a manager in a beauty parlor in chennai. When I came to chennai, I was searching for some PG accommodation. Finally I found one. The owner of the PG was Mr.Aravindan & Kalpana was her daughter. She was married then. Her husband was in Qatar. So she stays with father since her mother was no more. I got a place where I have to...

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Wax On

“Babe?!” Carrie called out from the bedroom. She was sure she’d heard Derrick come in the front door. “In the kitchen, love!” She could hear the sound of bags rustling and cabinets closing. The refrigerator opened, he had been out shopping it seemed. “Babe, can you come in here for a sec?” she asked, moving her heating tools around. She had taken a personal day from work for some self-care, but at the last moment, her technician had called to cancel her appointment. “Be there in a sec!” Derrick...

Oral Sex
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Arzthelferin wird gekidnappt

Einleitung Regine ist eine 20jährige Arzthelferin aus München. Sie ist etwa 1,80 m groß, hat lange blonde Haare, blaue Augen, einen weichen vollen Mund, Titten der Größe 75C, ein schön geschwungenes Becken und unglaublich lange schlanke Beine. Sie ist also eine Frau, nach der sich die Männer umdrehen. Aber sie reagiert verstört und abweisend, wenn ein Mann sie anspricht. Denn im letzten Winter hatte sie ein Erlebnis, dass sie für ihr Leben gezeichnet hat....

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My Mom8217s And Father8217s Property Dealings

By: Preetikul Hello! All nuts and cracks again Preeti Kulkarni had brought you an arousal of my Mom’s late father’s (my grandpa) property settlements. After all the games with Mr. Shinde and Preetam that week was blank as Mom was busy in her office work. On Monday, 27th June 2011 Mom woke up early from her bed and finished all her work to reach her office an hour before. I questioned Mom why so hurry, so she said that she was having a deal back in our house with a non-regular politician from...

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Bone Daddys BBQ

Bone Daddy's BBQ has locations around Texas, the waitress's are in their early twenties and have hot curvy bodies with nice long legs. They wear short shorts and crop tops, the shorts highlight the legs and hips, the tank tops highlight the nice small to medium size breasts and ankle boots. After having dinner here, I contacted the family that owns these restaurants, after auditing their finances I offered to become a partner. My offer had certain stipulations to be met, all waitress's are...

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My Pal Kaylie Wanted Her First Time On A Sleepover

Kaylie's smile sparkled up at me like I'd never seen before as she lay on her bed below me in her matching bra and panties, giddy that I was about to be her first sexual experience. I noticed the clock by her bed, 12:34 in red numbers. We were waiting impatiently to start after her parents went to bed around 11, her brothers before that. It was really adorable that she had picked this set of undies for me because I knew she didn't usually worry about matching."This is cute," I said pawing at...

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Janice is mind controlled and humiliated by Ginger part 1

said, "Hello?" "Janice" a smooth male voice said. "Good morning." "Hello" said Janice wondering who it was that knew her first name when she did not recognise the voice. The voice on the phone said "unlock your front door so that I can come into your house and then go stand in your front room" the voice continued "In five minutes, no matter what you're doing, you'll stop and be unable to move or speak." With out replying Janice hung up a nutter she thought. As she put the...

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Wild College GirlsChapter 6 The New Girl

A couple of weeks passed from the last chapter of farm fucks. The girls had tried more and more positions with the horses. Sarah and Jessica had also been doing double horse penetration as Delilah was forced to. Today talk was around our little group about a new girl who was at the stables for riding lessons today. Her name was Summer, she was 15 years old, 5'1, 90 pounds, blonde and had nice firm medium sized tits and a gorgeous athletic ass. She was from a fairly rich family and seemed a...

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This is the continuation of my narration about the illicit affair of my mom with her paramour. Now in this episode, I am explaining about our trip to Ooty. It was another unforgettable experience in my life. CHEATER MOM. [email protected] WAITING FOR YOUR RESPONSES.

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Tease and Workplace Dilemma

The Tease and The Workplace Dilemma I want you to know that I enjoy thinking of you, reading my stories. I enjoy the power that my seductive language has over you. You are drawn in by the words as they unravel on the screen in front of you. There are no sexy photos, yet your libido is ignited in ways beyond the visual. You have to match my description of our seduction, though you don’t think we have ever met, with your imagination of how it would be.. The first glance as I walk past your...

3 years ago
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Sexual Fantasies Of A Film Crew Guy 8211 Part 2 8211 New Character Maggie

Hi everyone! I am Prasanna. I didn’t mention my name in my past 2 stories. I work in the film industry, as an assistant director. I am based in Mumbai and currently shooting a film in Mangalore. This is an incident which happened after my escapade with Nisha. Suddenly my company in Mumbai wanted me to come back because they were having some issues with contracts. So I had to fly back. We were on a 4-day break as the art department was building a massive set. And we were expecting a few actors...

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