Homecoming 2: Dreams Are Made Of..._(3) free porn video

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Carlota almost choked on her tea when she heard the question. Having child had always plagued her mind but she wasn’t so sure she was ready, Conor always kept saying he was but stayed supportive to her when she said she wasn’t, but she could also feel his frustration of being married for two years now and still have no child to love and cherish. Carlota took a deep breath, “We’re still in the planning stage, mama, I don’t want to go and head in first without making sure we can fully support the baby”
“Heavens, my god, Carlota” said Margaret, “You’re not going to stay young forever, one day you’ll have it harder to make out even with all the sex you two will be doing!”
“I-I know that, mama” Carlota’s face reddened with embarrassment, it was a good thing no one was around to her mum say those words. “I just want to make sure everything’s comfortable for the child one day”
Margaret raised her brow. “Is it because the sex isn’t good?”
“Wha--?! Mama, what are you saying?!” Carlota’s face was totally red and steaming with embarrassment. “Conor’s great in bed, mama”
“Then why do you guys still have no children?” she asked. “I’m getting old, Carlota, I want to still be able to hold my grandchild, you know”
“Mama, I… where is Conor, anyway?” she turned her head towards the front door. “He said he was just going to get some fresh air”
“Don’t change the topic, iha” Margaret placed her hand on top of her daughter’s. “It’s about the sex, isn’t it?”
--- o – o – o ---
Julieta could not stop watching, her eyes were on the beautiful cock in front of her. To her eyes it looked like 9 and a half inches and thick. The lush red hair growing around its base climbed up under his shirt, she imagined the thickness of it across his broad, muscular chest. His balls were big and full of cum ready to burst, bouncing up and down with every pump of his hand along its girthy length. Moan escaped his mouth, and with eyes closed, Julieta could peer her entire head against the window. Mercy was peeking through the other window, her cunt already dripping from such a scene but something else caught her attention.
Mercy’s gaze flicked between the handsome, muscular man jacking off in the toilet and the pitch black room of the garage through the gap Conor had left. Light spilled out from the bathroom but it was not enough to scare off the thing that hovered just above the floor. It was faint, but Mercy could sense something was there, watching not only Conor but her as well, something that carried ill-intention towards him and her. Mercy tried her best to watch the man jack his cock, precum drizzling unto the floor, his hand moved fast, harder, his breathing got heavier, tell-tale signs of what was coming, but Mercy was preoccupied with the thing that was now more corporeal, sitting in the dark, it’s twisted face an image of wailing pain, its writhing body twisted into obscene angles, a mouth that was filled with blood, gurgling and dripping into the floor. Mercy pushed back against the wall and stumbled onto the dry earth. Julieta, who didn’t see the entity—now looking at her—watched as Conor moaned louder and released his building orgasm. White thick ropes of cum jettisoned into the air and landed on his thighs, hand, and cock.
Julieta licked her lips and imagined such a big load being deposited into her pussy, she would definitely get pregnant! She heard him sigh and ducked down from the window to find Mercy on the ground still a fazed by what she had seen. Julieta cocked her head, “What are you doing Mercy?! Do you want to get caught masturbating here?!”
“I-I wasn’t masturbating” Mercy whispered, her cheeks were hot red. “I just… fell, that’s all”
“Riiiigggghht” Julieta raised her brow at her friend before pulling her up. “Well, whatever you were doing, we have to get going now before Madame begins looking for us”
Mercy nodded and before Julieta could say anything else, she bolted towards the mansion, leaving horny Julieta alone. The main took one last look at the window, only to find a face looking back at her, contorted and bloodied, Julieta was taken aback too far that she lost balance and fell backwards, but before her head could hit the ground, her eyes suddenly opened and she found herself squatting naked, legs spread apart, the lips of her sex kissing the thickness of a pulsing cock.
She looked down and found Conor, naked and on her bed, inside her old nipa hut, his back against the hard wooden bed made of thin bamboo planks. “What’re you waiting for, love?” asked Conor, his voice oozed with sexual hunger. “I want to be inside you already” he said with a grin before grinding his cock’s length against her moist, lower lips. Julieta immediately lowered her head as she slid down his body until his cock was in front of her.
Julieta wasted no time and swallowed his cock like a hungry animal devouring his meat and slurping all of his leaking juices. “Ah, fuck!” Conor looked down to meet Julieta’s gaze, she could see the fiery passion and lust inside them. She went deeper and faster, his moan of pleasure reverberated throughout the small nipa hut. “I’m—fuck! I’m cumming!” he announced just as jets of thick cream escaped his cock and into Julieta’s waiting throat. She drank every ounce of his cum, relishing its salty-sweet taste. Julieta pulled away, a dribble of cum on her chin, and looked at the man laying on her bed. His cock was still rock hard and he looked at her expecting more.
Julieta positioned herself above his cock and slowly lowered herself down. “Ahh!” she moaned as she reached the base of his cock. “Fuck you are huge! I love it!” yelled Julieta with glee as she raised her hips and slammed down on his cock once more. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! That is good!”
“Shit, your cunt is so tight!”
“Yeah, baby!” Julieta got into a rhythm, moving in between fast and slow, soft and hard, she bobbed her hips unto his with the skills of a pro. Conor moaned louder, thrusting his hips with hers, both in a union of ecstasy and lust. The sound of their fucking echoed through the thin walls of the nipa hut, Julieta’s screams of pleasure reverberated through the trees that surrounded her small home.
“Fuck! Baby, it’s so tight!” Conor’s eyes rolled upward as the pleasure overtook him. Julieta was surprised at her feral nature, she was wild in bed but never this wild! She growled and clawed Conor’s hairy chest and abdomen, relishing in the sight of drawing blood from such a beautiful man’s body. She licked her lips and bent her head forwards to lick the thing trail of blood on his chest. The coppery taste mingled with the saltiness of his sweat.
“Oh Conor!” Julieta licked his body until she reached his neck and then kissed him with a such intensity, her hunger for his cock grew, her hips grinded against his, his thickness stretched her walls. “I-I-love your co-cock!” She screamed as her orgasm flooded her senses. Her earth shattering orgasm subsided, but her body was still slamming hard on the thick, hard cock under her.
She wasn’t done with him yet.
“Stand up” she whispered in between breaths. Conor followed and stood up. Julieta grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out into the outside. The familiar sound of crickets and glowing fireflies filled the dimness of the forest, not too far from where her little nipa hut stood was the Vasquez mansion, its pristine glass windows lit and carried silhouettes of the people inside, roaming around the spacious house. Julieta, her feet moving on their own accord, guided Conor towards a rickety wooden table, there Julieta jumped unto the mildly unstable surface and spread her legs apart. “Fuck me out here, you Irish piece of meat!”
Conor’s smile grew wider and he obliged to her orders. He positioned his cock—covered by her juices—and slowly entered into her. “Fuucck! Your cock is just sooo big! I fucking love it!”
Conor leaned towards her as the base of his cock kissed the lips of her moist sex. “This cock is all yours, baby” he whispered into her ear before slowly pulling his cock back and then slamming it all the way in as hard as he could. Their frantic fucking began anew as the eyes of the woodland creatures stared at their glistening bodies, heard their ecstatic moans, watched their bodies stiffened and shook with orgasmic bliss.
The night grew darker but their heated passion never ceased. Conor ejaculated more cum than before, all over Julieta’s body, his creamy white semen in contrast to her dark complexion, and against the moonlight, it looked as if she was an ethereal being. The maid was older than most of the other helpers of the mansion, but she was still a sight to behold, her stunning arse called the attention of any man, her thin lips and bony cheeks held her face to that of an authoritative figure, firm and just, but hid a beauty that was unexplainable, even at her age of fifty-five, she was still sashaying that arse in public, often getting cat calls and an occasional blowjob in a secluded area.
Yes, Julieta knows how to use her body… and so did the thing that had given her this pleasurable dream. It watched them, its thin and twig-line fingers clawed at the bark of the tree, its upside-down face contorted into a frightening face of pleasure as blood dripped from the corner of its eyes. It stood up, its long, thin legs ended into bone stilts. It was almost as high as the tree, and its long devilish tongue licked the air like a snake while hunting prey.
Julieta screamed as another orgasm wracked her whole body, Conor’s body stiffened and a moan escaped his mouth as another orgasm hit him as well. His cum flooded her hungry sex, pumping it full with his white hot semen. Conor, exhausted withdrew his cock from her pussy, letting his sperm drip out of her. “Wow… That was… some… fucking intense fuck!” he exclaimed in between heavy breaths. Julieta stood up and licked her lips. She eyes him over, his cock was still hard.
“I think you’re still up for some more fun” she winked at him and he shook his head,
“Nah, my little sword might be saying eyes but I’m beat as a Scott!” he blew a sigh of relief. “I think I’mma hit the—
Julieta grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him backwards. Conor slammed against the table, something was holding his arms and legs back, pinning him on the slick wooden surface. “What’s going on?!” He yelled. “Fuck, what the fuck is this?!” He looked at his wrists and found thick vines had sprouted from the ground and wrapped around them, completely incapacitating him.
“I told you I wasn’t done with you yet” Julieta’s voice came out deeper, it sounded more menacing than before. This was the point the maid realised that she wasn’t controlling her body at all, from the very beginning of the sex-filled dream, she had only been watching, too preoccupied at the phantom feeling of Conor’s thick cock stretching her tight pussy that she never even noticed that her body wasn’t completely hers.
Julieta watched in horror as her body positioned itself above Conor, who was struggling against the thick vines that wrapped around his wrists and ankles. No! This isn’t what I want! she screamed in her mind trying to fight whatever it was that held her body as a puppet. The maid’s body slowly lowered itself unto Conor’s awaiting cock. “Fuck, baby, your cock is so heavenly!” the voice came out deeper and rougher, the laugh that followed frightened Julieta more, it sounded like the devil’s laugh echoing from the pits of hell.
Julieta bobbed up and down his cock, Conor was screaming as his sensitive cock ploughed in and out of her once again. “Stop! Stop! Please! Stop, I can’t—fuck! Fuck, stop it! Agh, arrrgghh!” Julieta felt more of his cum explode inside her body.
“Yes! Yes! Give me your soul!” Julieta’s body leaned forward, her arms reached out for Conor’s head, with one powerful tug, his head tore off from his neck. Julieta screamed in her mind, blood spurted from his neck as his head painted a frozen image of terror.
Julieta rose from her bed in a sweat, her heart was beating so fast she was sure it would bursts through her chest. The sun was shining through the small window of her nipa hut, the thought immediately crossed her mind and she jumped out of bed, her head spinning around looking for anything that would tell her this wasn’t a nightmare anymore. She clearly remembered peeping on Conor jacking off in the garage restroom, then there was… what exactly happened next? She couldn’t remember.
The last thing she could remember was her and Mercy peeping… then how did she end up back in her hut? Had someone found her behind the garage and had they carried her here? Who was it? Was it Conor? Julieta noticed even her clothes were changed, she was wearing her sleeping clothes… what exactly transpired last night?
Julieta immediately got dressed and ran off towards the mansion.
--- o – o – o ---
Julieta searched the mansion and found Mercy who was busy in the kitchen with the other maids. Julieta approached her and gave her a light nudge, “Mercy, what happened last night?”
Mercy turned around and dropped the pan unto the sink. “Julieta, are you sure you’re okay to stand up?”
“What? Why? What happened last night?” Julieta looked at her friend with a confused face, she gave a quick look around the room and found the other maids looking at her with concern. “Why are you guys looking at me like that?”
Mercy wiped her hands on her apron and pulled Julieta to a corner. “You don’t remember what happened last night?”
“I wouldn’t be asking that if I remember, now would I?”
Mercy began to answer but Julieta stopped her, “I was being sarcastic” she said. “Just hurry up and tell me”
“Well, after I left you behind the garage, I came back here to see if madam needed anything else before I went to bed, she was about to say something when you walked in on us, pale faced and out of breath
We asked you what was wrong and you just asked madam to let you sleep in early, she offered you the guest room, but you decline and said you’d walk back to your house, I offered to walk with you but you stopped me”
“I don’t remember any of those things” Julieta was now concerned more than ever. What about the dream? What was that all about, it was as if something was trying to get her… or Conor. “Where’s madam Carlota?”
“I don’t think you should be working today Julieta” said Mercy. “You should just get some—
“Where is she?” Julieta cut in.
“She and mister Conor left for the market, she said she was going to meet a few friends of hers there, why are you looking for her, Julieta, this isn’t like you”
“What are you talking about? I’m fine, Mercy”
“No, you looked pale sick last night and then the first thing you ask about the next morning is someone else, you’re… sorry for the lack of a better word, selfish”
“I am selfish” she didn’t even hide that fact from her companion. “I think I’ll go see madam and tell her I’m fine to work today”
“Suit yourself”
--- o – o – o ---
Conor followed his wife navigate through the thick crowd of people at the market. Both sides of the dirt road had stalls made of bamboo and nipa, displayed in front of the stalls were the produce, chicken, pork, fish, and vegetables. The tinderas or tinderos would swipe at their products with long sticks with cut up plastic bags on the end to shoo away the flies. Conor hurriedly followed his wife, he was easily the tallest person in the market but the sheer number of people made it easy for him to lose sight of her.
“Is it always this crowded here?” he asked her.
“Not all the time” she replied. “The fiesta of San Antiqua is tomorrow; people are getting their ingredients for the feast tomorrow”
“Ah, is that why you wanted to come home yesterday? For the fiesta?” he asked her.
She turned to him and gave him a smile. “Well, that a part of the reason” she said. “The other part is my school reunion’s next week and as I said earlier we’re going to be meeting up with a few of my friends from when I was still in high school”
“Close friends of yours?”
“Yes, they’re my best friends” she said with a cheerful tone. “I haven’t seen them in a while, Lando says he’s built a parlour near the market and he’s managing it”
Carlota walked off, with Conor right on her heel. It took the couple a few minutes of walking down the dirt road before she spotted the white building with the large sign and slogan: Lando’s Parlor! Pag hinid ka gumanda, libre na ang haircut!
“That’s the parlour” Carlota took Conor’s hand and they both went in holding hands. A tall, darkly tanned man with long pink hair and dressed extravagantly flamboyant was giving a haircut to a customer. “Lando?” Carlota voiced out, the man turned and when he spots her, squealed.
“Oh my gawd! Carlota is that you?!” the man dropped the scissor and comb on the counter and rushed to her, Conor noticed the man was wearing high heels. “It’s so so so good to see you again! I missed you, baby girl!”
“Oh I’ve missed you too, Lando! How is Linette?”
“Ah, well she’s still the same as before, only now she’s trying to be like you, trying to find a foreigner for a husband”
After saying this, Lando turned his attention to the tall Irish ginger holding his best friend’s hand. “Oh my gawd! You must be Conor!”
“Hi’ya” he offered. “I’m Carlota’s husband, Conor” he reached out a hand and Lando gently shook it. Conor noted the man had very soft hands.
“Excuse me for a moment, Conor” said Lando. “I just have to borrow Carlota for a moment”
Before he could speak, Lando had already grabbed Carlota by he wrist and pulled her away from him. They stopped a few good metres from the man and Lando whispered to his best friend, “O.M.G, Carlota, you never said your husband was such a hunk”
“I never got to tell you anything because you always dropped our calls” she replied. “You were always busy with your ‘boytoy’, speaking of, what happened with him?”
“Ah well, it turned out that he was using drugs and well, he got killed during a raid at his friend’s house”
“Oh my god, Lando I’m so sorry I asked”
“Ano ka ba, it’s fine. He was just a boytoy, remember? But he did had one of the biggest dick I’ve ever sucked”
“Lando” began Carlota, “You and your vulgar mouth” she chuckled.
“Speaking of dick sizes, I’m sure you can tell me Conor’s” he nudged his best friend at her sides before laughing, Carlota’s eyes widened and her cheeks reddened. “I’m just joking” said Lando. “You don’t need to tell me anything, I know for a fact that he’s big, I mean look at him? He’s what? Seven feet tall?”
“Excuse me? Are you going to finish my haircut or can I just leave?” asked the customer who Lando had left to greet Carlota.
“Oo, maghintay ka lang bes, pwede naman diba? Kita mo the, na ngayon ko na nga lang nakita best friend ko at and asawa nya”
“Asawa nya eto?!” The customer looked at Conor through the mirror. “In fairness, bakla, yang friend mo swerte ha”
Conor looked over at the woman sitting on the barber’s chair. She was pudgy and wore clothes that were not her size. He met eyes with her through the mirror and she winked at him before licked her lips. Conor gave her an awkward smile.
Meanwhile, Lando was busy going telling Carlota about the reunion and about their other friends. “Janice said she’ll be coming and she’ll bring her hot son with her”
“He’s nineteen for goodness sake, Lando, you’re forty-seven, you’re old enough to be a dad!”
“As if” said the parlorista, “I’m never going to be a dad, I just like sucking dick, not taking care of one, oh speaking of dicks, Jordan’s coming too, said he wanted to see you”
“Jordan?!” Carlota’s voice came out a bit too loud. Both the customer and Conor looked towards their directions. She leaned in closer to Lando before saying, “I thought he moved to Manila and never wanted to set foot here in San Antiqua ever again?”
“He lives in Manila now, Carlota” said Lando, “But after hearing news of your coming back for the reunion, he sent a letter to the school saying he’ll fully pay for all the expenses of the event”
“Is there something wrong, love?” Conor tried to stand up to go over to his wife but Carlota shook her head.
“Everything’s fine, love” she gave him a smile. “Just got surprising news about the reunion, nothing you should be worried about”
“Anyways, are you guys going to wait for Linette and Armando? They’re on their way over here” Lando says, trying to change the topic before Carlota became more visibility distraught by the news of Jordan’s involvement with the reunion.
Carlota didn’t answer immediately but after a few seconds of being quiet, she turned to Lando and nodded, “yeah, they’ve got to meet Conor, he’s my plus one to the reunion after all”
Conor watched his wife spend a few more minutes with her flamboyant friend unaware of the shadowy figure that loomed just outside of the parlour’s doors. It’s thin clawed fingers scraping against the wood, leaving tiny indistinguishable marks as it eavesdrops on Carlota and Lando’s conversation.
--- o – o – o ---
Jordan’s eight-inch cock slammed hard into the woman’s cunt. Her ecstatic moaning and groans echoed throughout the small motel room, the bed creaked with his every thrust. “You like that baby?!” he asked her as he pounded into her harder and faster.
“Ye-ye-yes, baby! Your cock’s so good!” the woman screamed.
“Say it’s the best cock you’ve ever had!” he commanded as he pulled it out of her and laid on the bed. “Sit” he looked at her and the woman moved quickly, she speared herself on his cock.
“It’s the be-be-beessstt cock I’ve ever had!”
“Fuck! Baby, I’m about to—
“Inside me, baby!” the woman screamed.
“Fu-fuuuuuccccckkkk!” Jordan’s balls tightened, his cock pulsed inside her as it erupted with large ropes of cum entering her crevice.
The woman fell on top of his furry chest and closed her eyes, feeling his softening cock still buried inside her, his cream slowly dripping out of her sex. “When will I see you again?” she asked him, her fingers trailing circles around his right nipple. Jordan didn’t answer immediately, he just laid on the bed, hand behind his head, eyes staring at the ceiling.
“I’ve got to see Carlota and show her I’m just as rich as she is now”
“Do you really need her?” the woman asked pouting. “You have me” she added.
“You’re my sex toy” said Jordan coldly. “You’re nothing more than that”
The woman didn’t say anything else after those words. She circled her nails around his nipples, letting time pass by until she noticed his cock slowly starting to get hard once again. Its thickness slammed against the hole of her arse. Slowly the woman raised her hips to let his cock be sandwiched between their hips, she grinded up and down his body, the lips of her cunt sliding up and down his length.
“I don’t care if I’m your sex toy” the woman purred. “As long as I get to fuck this thick, long cock of yours, I’m alright with whatever woman you chase after”
Jordan looked down at the woman and smiled, “Atta girl” he said. “Now go suck my cock and drink my cum”
“With pleasure” the woman smiled a wicked grin as she slid down his body and took his length into her mouth once again.


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Homecoming the Epilogue

It’s been nearly four years since Michelle’s ‘homecoming’, her long Caribbean cruise with Brett. I’ve had a lot of people asking about Michelle’s ‘first time’ with Brett, after her month-long forced abstinence. I haven’t told about it because, well – just because I haven’t. I got involved in other stories, Matt and Adriana, Robert and Karen, and a few little tidbits.I probably wouldn’t be now, except for that e-mail from Alec, Michelle’s first extra-curricular lover, in Kodiak while I was in...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Homecoming 1 Provincial Beginnings

“You never told me you were rich, love” Conor said in his Irish accent, in awe of the beautiful mansion in front of them. The walls were newly painted white, the windows were still the old kind, the ones that open outwards and made of wood—neatly varnished mahogany wood. The ground floor was made of stone, too keep its foundation strong and in front of the house was a fountain of intricate design, dolphins, cherubs, and pots circled the base, squirting water into its small pool as water...

4 years ago
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Homecoming Chapter 4

“What Have You Done?” Mrs. Benson stood on my front porch with a look of contempt that I have never seen before. She looked at me like I was a murderer and I couldn’t think of a single thing to say. “Mr. Snead, what is going on?” she asked, her voice dripping disdain. “I saw Mrs. Swanson go into your room after our team meeting and then I saw you run out to your truck with someone wrapped up in a tarp.” I stuttered and lied by saying that I had been working a sculpture and I moved it...

2 years ago
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Homecoming The Worst Week of My Life

I also told you about Adam the nerdy boy I had befriended at college. I had more or less seduced him at our apartment after school. I enjoyed it even more when I found out that Adam was a virgin. I told him I would show him the wonders of sex as long as we kept it our little secret. It was Homecoming week at our college when I started Adam’s lessons. I had only given him one little lesson on how to hold and kiss a woman. Adam was a fast learner; I had enjoyed myself with him that first...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 06

This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Cheers again to Techsan and the wonderful editing job on this piece. I seem to be making the same editing mistakes over and over again. Hopefully, Techsan will train all of this out of me. Also, thank all of you who have read this story and made comments. It really helps me keep on track. Please continue to leave comments — good and bad....

2 years ago
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Homecoming Present

I don’t know how Jen and I ended up in my living room naked and giggling. I asked her to come over and help me prepare a meal for Pete’s return after being out of town for such a long time. I wanted to prepare something special for him, but my culinary knowledge only reached the easy-to-make varieties.  I should’ve known from the wet, open mouth kiss I received from Jen as soon as I opened the door and the way she slid her talented fingers into my panty and quickly finger fucked my luscious...

3 years ago
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She nibbled her lip, nervous, wondering yet again if she had made the right decision. She checked the mirror one last time to be sure she looked okay. Her green eyes stood out against the black eyeliner and double coat of mascara she had painstakingly applied. Her lips were coated with a burgundy stain covered with a shimmering gloss. She had spent a lot of time working on her hair to give it that "effortless" look. Softly hanging to her shoulders, a deep brown with streaks of blonde added here...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 1

I expected to hear from Michelle right away, maybe even as soon as Monday night, to let me know about her coming home plans. She’d implied that she could be home this coming Friday and I haven’t been so anxious about anything in my life before!Tuesday morning, I was in my office looking at a house plan, going over it so that our office manager could issue the building permit when my office phone rang. I answered it as I always do, “Building Codes, this is Bob, may I help you?”“Hi,” was the...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Homecoming from the Sandbox

Hello there, my name is Brian and I just got back from a 10 month deployment overseas. 10 months is a long time to go without seeing any friends or family let me tell you. It is also a long time to go without fucking. Due to the rules of our deployment zone, there was absolutely no sex allowed. That and the lack of available women made sure that everyone slept alone at night. Of course I am no wuss so I used Skype and phone sex as often as I could. Phone sex, Skype, and even porn were not...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Homecoming Present

I don't know how Jen and I ended up in my living room naked and giggling. I asked her to come over and help me prepare a meal for Pete’s return after being out of town for such a long time. I wanted to prepare something special for him, but my culinary knowledge only reached the easy-to-make varieties.  I should’ve known from the wet, open mouth kiss I received from Jen as soon as I opened the door and the way she slid her talented fingers into my panty and quickly finger fucked my luscious...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Homecoming week pt 3

Coming back to my senses, I watch Christie's firm as sway into my private bathroom with big shower. I hear the shower kick on and see her step in. Surprisingly, my sexual appetite wasn’t satiated by my first fuck. In fact watching her perfect ass and slightly tanned, sweaty body enter the shower, I was harder than ever. Almost as a man possessed, I crept into the bathroom and entered the shower. She was still in her post orgasmic haze as she didn’t hear me come in. My 9 inch cock gently...

2 years ago
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Homecoming Donations

Margaret handed a small paper bag to Brandon and Shelly. “Put anything valuable or that you might lose in here, keys, id, cellphone. And don’t worry, we’re going to return them later. You both have to unlock your cells though. We need to be sure to let your friends know where to find you.” Shelly looked at Brandon, wondering if she should hesitate or hold back anything. He just looked back and shrugged. They were outnumbered. So they both just did as they had been told. “Now what?” Shelly...

3 years ago
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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part XXV 8211 Sagar Kinare Chut Pukare

Pyare Doston, Main aap ki Julee, pesh karti hun apni chudai ki dastaan, aur batati hun aap ko apni ek bahut hi khash chudai ke baare me, maine khule aasmaan ke neeche, dariya kinaare apne pati se chudwaya par bina kisi ki nazar me aaye. Padhiye aur aap bhi maza lijiye meri shandaar chudai ka. Main ek baar phir se Goa me thi apne pati ke sath. Is baar ham apna Christmas aur Naya saal apne maata pita aur apne saas sasur ke sath manane aaye the. Main apne Goa me aane ke baad pahle do din apne...

4 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Roller Coaster Part 2

Story so far: Sweet-natured Libby has had her carnival crush Jared stolen from her by fair-weather friend Sasha. When the shameless carny starts to hit on her while still dating Sasha, Libby decides to teach them both a lesson - by dressing to kill at a Halloween costume party. But does she know exactly who she's dealing with in Jared? “Go on, you look fabulous in that. You know it,” the salesclerk at the costume shop said to Libby. If she was going to do this, she had to do it well. Halloween...

2 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Roller Coaster Part 1

“Him?” Sasha asked slyly. “You like?”“He’s … He looks fun, that’s all.” Libby cast her eyes down.They’d been buying pick ’n’ mix when Libby spotted the guy collecting tokens at the roller coaster. He wore the regulation orange security jerkin over a leather waistcoat, both sleeveless (Libby’s mum would have urged him to wrap up that autumn evening) to reveal muscled arms. A pattern of jagged tattoos ran shoulder to elbow on the left. His dark hair was pony-tailed, showing off his broad grin...

Straight Sex
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 3

Languidly, Tabitha walked through the downstairs hall, swaying her hips to maximize the swing of her well-formed ass. The cock-shaft around which her fingers were entwined was resolute in its hardness, primed for the penetration she needed. He might have grabbed her and fucked her against any surface in the house, over any piece of furniture, but he did not.This guy had restraint—he knew how to savour an erotic moment and allowed himself to be led like a lamb up the gently curving stairwell. It...

4 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made of TheseChapter 11 November Nightmares Are Made of This

Never quite even-handed or necessarily fair, life settles on the precipice of endless balances: wealth and poverty, ambition and apathy, love and hate, darkness and light ... dreams and nightmares. Often it seems as if there is an excess of the bad and the good will never come, or not enough of the good, and too soon dispersed. Living in the space between, we try and hold on, to avoid giving up living a dream, just to face hard realities. Jahn had found his aerie, and was trying to keep a...

1 year ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 2

She would have driven all the way into Philly for the hell of it, but the equivalent of about three tequila shots had made their way into her system, so she parked the Maserati on the outskirts of Furlong and made her way into town. Her mind was awhirl with conjecture. What the hell had just happened?She’d been talking to him, that was all—letting it all out because he was there, hot and vaguely sympathetic. Had she been a fool? Was this somehow going to sink another bite into her English ass?...

4 years ago
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Futurevision DreamScape Chris and Sarahs Shared Reality

Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality. by BinaryFellow Summary: Chris and Sarah are hired to test a new revolutionary virtual reality technology being developed that will one day change the world. It's all fun and games until Sarah takes things too far, and the technology malfunctions. Author's Note: This is my first story ever. Please leave honest & constructive feedback. Consider this an open universe. Anyone may write stories about other characters that...

3 years ago
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Carefree Daycare

Welcome to Carefree Daycare! This story will be far more linear than regular CHYOA stories. It consists of 5 days of which all have a specified ending. Because of this you can add chapters on how the main character got into this situation, but you can not change the course of the story. There is a 6th day that serves as a free day a couple months after the original story. You can write any story line here you'd like. Because of the said restrictions, the are strict guidelines for adding new...

3 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jareds Brat School Part 1

Tabitha Chesterfield stood motionless at the granite work-top, staring across the Cranleigh Manor lawn. It rolled half an acre to the treeline and looked magnificent in its lustrous green, or would have, had it not been for the massive pit currently being dug in its centre. The sculpted rockeries would look exquisite around the edges once the transformation was complete—she might even tend the bedding plants herself—but why Grant was insisting on a carp pond she was unsure.Presumably, so he...

2 years ago
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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 10 Jareds Throbbing Penis

Within seconds of that loud scream and long moan dissipating the whole campus burst into one massive round of applause and cheering that seemed to go on for ages. People were standing at doorways and hanging out of windows all over the place as word had spread about this young girl’s performance going on up there on the Matterhorn. It was as if the whole college had come to a momentary standstill to applaud and congratulate Vanessa’s achievement. Even the president of BSC herself was standing...

1 year ago
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Karen and Margaret

Damn it, Margaret, I bought him the most uncomfortable full body brief, and he still enjoyed it. He say's we girls just have to suffer to maintain an attractive girlish figure. I'd love to knock his girlish figure through the roof. How I wish he'd suffer the real cramps we women go through during our periods. I'll bet he'd love it. He uses his tampons and maxi pads throughout the month anyway. He takes Midol and his women's one-a-day vitamins so he can be more like me. It makes me sick to...

3 years ago
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The HummingbirdChapter 11 Dreams and Nightmares

Sleep was a long time coming for Scott that night. When he did fall off to sleep it was restless and filled with dreams. For Angie the night was even worse; since the first night that they had slept together she had found that she slept like she had before her Dad had been murdered. It was as though she drew comfort, love and security from Scott. Gone were the nightmares of her father's wreck and his lonely death. All that was replaced by the warm gentle strength of Scott. Tonight, though,...

4 years ago
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 10 The Two Scarecrows

The scarecrow made its way slowly up to the table where Jared and old Mrs Clusky were seated. The scarecrow then sat down on one of the spare chairs then looked slowly at Jared and Mrs Clusky trying to work out what on earth was going on. Presently, that still very sleepy looking scarecrow spoke up in a soft feminine voice and asked, “Who are you guys and where am I?” Moments later another scarecrow appeared at the end of the passage way and said, “Oh, there you are Vanessa. Where are we...

2 years ago
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HH10 Areeya Wendy and Ramon who becomes Ramona

HH10: Areeya, Wendy, and Ramon TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about...

1 year ago
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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt2

The next couple days, my days off, I still couldn't get the scene out of my head and when home alone on a day off, I ended up online looking at porn, which wasn't out of the ordinary, but what was, is that I was specifically looking for interracial porn. There were, to my surprise, many sites dedicated to white women fucking black men... and without fail the black man had a huge cock that the white woman or group of women were completely enamoured by... as I was. The women were often...

4 years ago
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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt1

I'm the prison guard and Kareem Mwangi is the prisoner, so you would have thought I had the upper hand, and until a few weeks ago you would have been right.When I first heard of the trailer addition to the prison I was furious. A few states permit conjugal visits and the prisoner has to be married (just for a start) before his application to schedule one is approved. The prisoner requests a block of time and the Warden has final approval, but giving prisoners any sort of privileges is something...

1 year ago
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His Hardware Her Software

A consultant meets a beautiful IT Manager at a conference set up by a company hoping to sell their Warehouse Management system. Max’s part of the system makes picking easy using his voice software, instead of a hand held device. She is quite eager to learn more about it, and about him. This story begins with Max, a single, 42 year old software programmer, who owns his own consultant company. He’s been working with a company who developed a software that was used for big warehouses, to keep...

4 years ago
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Kareems BBC Prison Cock Pt3

That night, I ended up home alone, my wife gone for the night as she was a pharmaceutical rep and travelled a few days a month. I ended up searching on white guys and black cocks. I found and read stories about straight white guys becoming enamoured by black cock and then turning into cock suckers and often bottoms. I then found websites dedicated to it. One even had a chat forum. I clicked on it, made an account called ConfusedWhiteBoy and asked in the forum... Do any straight white men who...

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Sarah Carerra 310 Adams Center Arena

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: April 2, 2012) Chapter 10 - Adams Center Arena "Whoa," Madison said as I stepped out of the shower Saturday morning. I jumped slightly, since I thought she was still asleep. If I had known that she was...

2 years ago
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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 1

Verschlafen wachte ich am Samstagmorgen auf und gähnte erst einmal herzhaft. Dann bemerkte ich meine volle Blase und wollte aufstehen, um mich zu erleichtern. In dem Moment klingelte mein Handy. Maren! „Guten Morgen, Maren“, sagte ich noch ganz verpennt. „Guten Morgen, Kleiner! Na steht die Morgenlatte und ist die Blase voll?“, fragte sie ihn belustigtem Tonfall. „Äh… ja, der Schwanz steht und ich muss dringend auf die Toilette.“ Maren antwortete bestimmend: „Nichts da, die Pisse bleibt schön,...

2 years ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 21 Dreams and Nightmares

Gregg lay awake in bed early on Saturday morning. Like most nights, last night was restless ... but this time it wasn't because of those damnable recurring dreams of his, that is to say — his dreams of his former selves' untimely deaths. No, it was a pleasant break from the typical nocturnal horrors in that last night he got very little sleep because of the two women currently sharing the bed with him. Heather's bedsprings had been given a noisy workout through the late hours and into the...

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Deborah buys a Maren everyone loves raymond

Deborah found the mall exciting only when she had the chance to be alone. With Raymond and the k**s it was more like trying to shop with a circus at your heels. But today Raymond was watching the k**s and she had a few hours to browse and window shop in peace. As she entered one of the many mall hallways she noticed a peculiar store she had never seen before and saw the sign above the entrance read: Carol's Curiosities.She looked through the window and saw plenty of unique items that would look...

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Daniel and Madelyn

Daniel is one of my good friends and we were planning on hanging out. He informed me that his girlfriend, Madelyn would be at his house as well. I didn't mind it because I had know her since I was born. Madelyn was a short skinny girl who's in competition cheerleading. She was barely a B cup with a small but very cute bubble butt. Just by looking at her, you know any hole you put your dick in, it was going to be super tight. Daniel was your regular guy who I knew from past experience had a...

3 years ago
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Maren Im Einkaufscenter Teil 02

Maren gab mir die Tüte mit den Einkäufen und wir schlenderten weiter durch die Mall. Ihr Geld, vielmehr das Geld ihres Mannes, saß locker und so schleppte ich schon bald eine beachtlich Zahl an Tüten. Langsam meldete sich meine Blase zurück, da ich mir ja noch nicht so wirklich Erleichterung verschaffen konnte. Als wir dann am Ende des Einkaufscenters an einem Springbrunnen vorbeikamen, wurde der Druck übermächtig. „Maren, ich muss pissen.", sagte ich und blickte mich nach einer Toilette um,...

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My Sweet Experience Of Sodomy By Naresh Manish And Jitesh

This is a true story about my experience of gay relations with 3 male occurred during my teenage as first lesson about sex. I was 18 years old then. My father was an officer and posted in an eastern district of U.P. We were staying with him in his official quarter. He was provided with a male servant Naresh, aged about 18 years and a watchman Jeetesh, aged about 22 years. In addition to that he has engaged a cook Manish aged about 23 years. It was the time, when my curiosity about sex just...

Gay Male
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Fucking Kareena Kapoor Sex Story

I'm a police officer with the LAPD and I was patrolling Sunset Boulevard in the wee hours of the morning when a silverMercedes went flying by me. The driver must have been blind not to see me or just didn't care. I flipped on my lights andstarted following behind the car as the driver turned onto a side street and pulled over. "Car 23 to dispatch, stoppingspeeder on North Palm Drive" I called in as I pulled out my ticket book and got out of my car. The driver put her windowdown as I approached...

1 year ago
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Tunch Mamiji Ki Hui Chudai Bina Saree Utare

Main 20 saal ka hoon, class 12 exams ke baad Jaipur chala gaya, height 6 foot 1nch hai meri. Mama ke ghar aya kyunki gaaon me acche college nahi tha. Mama, mamiji aur Amit unka 10 saal ka beta Jaipur wale flat me rehte the. Mama ki sarkari naukari hai, unka beta school aur mamiji housewife. Mama ne bca me admission karwa di, lekin session teen mahine baad start hota. To mama ne kaha tab tak ghar me hi padhai karne. Amit morning 9 baje school jata tha to sham 4 baje wapas ata aur Mama subah 10...

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Kareena Kapoors Honeymoon Night

As you all know, the sexy and gorgeous Chammak Challo, Kareena Kapoor married the hot and dashing Saif Ali Khan earlier this year.. They had been in a live-in relationship for many years during which he had fucked Kareena senseless many times.. He had also fucked her in the sets of Agent Vinod in her vanity van and then on the set when in a scene, while running from the villain, they fell on a bed decorated for the wedding couple.. After that, the whole cast and crew had enjoyed her creamy...

3 years ago
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Kareena Kapoor having sex

I’m a guy from India. This trust me is a true story. No not a stories it is an incidence which truly happened. So I’m not going to reveal my name & any identities. Here is how it goes. I’m a guy working in a hotel at a hill station in Maharashtra.(I can’t tell my post or name of hotel or name of hill station as I can lose my job. Actually I’m taking a great risk here as if anyone knows abt this I’ll be dismissed immediately but anyways!). It’s a very royal hotel not meant for any ordinary...

4 years ago
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Aunt Margarets VisitPart 2 Aunt Margaret Intercedes

The wail of a mortally wounded soul brought Maggie and I to a startled awakening. My mother's body bent double as she clutched her stomach. She cried out her sister's name as if cursing a demon out to possess her soul. She moaned and collapsed to the floor unconscious. The pounding steps of my father beat a staccato rhythm on the stairs. Maggie didn't panic, but leaped out of bed, grabbed a robe and knelt by her prostrate sister. My father roared, "What's happened to her?" He quickly...

2 years ago
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Dream Come True With Naresh

Hi ISS Readers, this is Harish from Chennai. I am 24 yrs, 5.6′ height, 8′ inch tool, handsome and having six packs which helps me for sex encounter with my neighbors, girls and with my friends. I belong to Kerala and I am working in Chennai. I live here in a rented house. I am a biggest fan of ISS. Now I’m going to narrate one of my experiences with my colleague named Naresh. That was the time he joined our office. He is black, well built guy and his face looks very cute. I was always...

Gay Male

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