Step-Mother's Sex Slave-Cross-dresser Blackma free porn video

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My heart pounds as I tip-toe across the soft, pink carpet in my parents' room. I'm home alone. My stepmother's lingerie collection awaits.

A floorboard creaks as I make my way to the dresser. I'm facing my worst nightmare--getting caught playing with Ann's lacy undies. But I'm totally hooked on wrapping myself in her silk and lace. I decide to move forward. The risk adds to the adrenaline rush.

I stretch out my fingers to grab the drawer's brass knobs. The sensual pleasures of cross-dressing are tantalizingly close when I hear a car door slam outside. The breath leaps from my chest, and I think about scampering out of the room. I hear women's voices outside. Then I realize the sound is too far away to be in our driveway. It has to be the neighbors. I exhale.

I slowly open the drawer and let the scent of cinnamon rise into my face. Ann keeps her lingerie drawer smelling fresh with a lacy bag of potpourri tied at the top with a pink ribbon. I close my eyes and inhale deeply.

When I open my eyes, a treasure chest of neatly folded lingerie is spread out in front of me. Silky camisoles. Lacy teddies. Satin gowns. I have my pick, but I know exactly what I want. A lacy, black bra with matching panties, thigh-high stockings and garter belt. The outfit has been on my mind since I saw it in a Victoria's Secret catalog two days ago.

I begin searching through the stacks of underwear. Just touching all that lace and satin is enough to put goosebumps on my arms. As I peel back the top layers, I do my best not to ruffle the lingerie. I want everything to be in order the next time Ann opens the drawer.

Finding the bra is easy. All I have to do is feel for the stiff wire that pushes up your tits when it's wrapped around your body. It's almost as easy to find the stockings and garter belt because Ann keeps those in one section of the drawer. But the panties are tougher to find. She has so many pairs, and they're divided among all the little stacks of lingerie, mixed with the camisoles and everything else.

I dig. I begin to make a mess but hope it's not so bad that Ann will notice. My hand suddenly comes upon something strange-- something not silk, lace or satin. It's a folded piece of paper.

I pull it out and open it. There's a note-- and it's addressed to me.

"Dear Will,

I know what you're up to. If you don't want your father to find out, call me the moment you discover this note.


The note wallops me like a Louisville Slugger upside the head. I stagger backwards and fall to the floor, slumping against my parents' bed. My whole life flashes before my eyes. I see everything being taken from me. The Lexus SUV. The trust fund. Everything. My father hates fags. No way he'd tolerate one in the family.

I dig into my pocket for my phone and dial Ann's number. She answers on the second ring.

"Hello," she says in her gravely voice-- a dead ringer for Demi Moore.

"It's me," I say. "I found your note."



"I thought you would be. Since you called, may I assume that you would like to keep our little secret from your father's ears?"

"You may."

"Then do exactly what I say."


"Dress up in some of my clothes and make up. Get as slutty as you can. I want to see you in lingerie and a dress. I've left a wig and size 12 high heels in the closet for you. Wear those, too.

"Then drive to the Westin hotel in Longwood. It's just off the interstate at exit 21. Check into a suite and call me back with the room number. Can you do that?"

"I think so."

"You better know so-- unless you want your father finding out about your little fetish."

"I'll do it."

"Good. And one other thing. I want you dressed like a woman when you check into that suite. This isn't my first stay at that hotel. I have friends there. If you're wearing a T-shirt and jeans when you check in, I'll find out-- and you will suffer the consequences."

"This is fucking crazy. You want me to go in public dressed like a fag?"


"And if I don't?"

"You may as well pack your bags right now because your father will have you out of the house before dinner tonight. So, do we have a deal?"

I sigh.


"Good. I'll expect to hear from you soon."

She hangs up, and the line goes dead.

I can hardly believe what's just happened. My whole life has changed in one phone call. I feel used and abused, like a cheap prostitute. It begins to sink in that I'm going to have to go out in public in women's clothes for the first time. I'm horrified but also strangely aroused. My heart is pumping like I've just drunk three pots of coffee.

I don't think I've ever been so confused in my life.

As I strip off my T-shirt and jeans, I begin to absorb the depth of my step mother's sickness. Never before has she shown any signs of being a pervert. She's always been a typical rich-bitch step mom. She leaves the cleaning and cooking to the maid and spends her days at the spa, gym or mall. Ann has always been a little bit of a flirt, but I never would have dreamed that she fucked around on my father or that she would be into anything harder than going doggy style.

It takes a special kind of weirdo to give the kind of orders she did. Almost as surprising was that line she gave me about having friends at the hotel. It's as if she's done this sort of thing before.

I stretch the bra across my chest and fasten it behind my back. My tits get a lift as I lace my arms through the straps. I put on the panties, arranging my cock so the underside presses against the lacy fabric. The panties are "boy shorts" that fully cover my ass and leave plenty of room for my balls.

I unroll the stockings up my legs. I love how the tight fabric feels against my skin. With my cock hardening, I fasten the garter belt around my waist. Hooking the straps to the stockings takes some effort. Every time I think I've got a hook secured it slips out of my masculine fingers. I wonder if women are born knowing how to do this.

I finally get the stockings hooked up and go into Ann's closet to choose a dress. I quickly find a little, black cocktail dress that I pull over my head. The stretchy material forms to my my body. I check myself in the mirror on the closet door. The scoop neck top leaves lots of chest exposed without showing the bra straps. I see that the tops of my thigh-high stockings are just barely exposed. I pull at the hem of the dress. The stockings are covered, but the moment I move the fabric slips and the stocking tops are exposed again. I say, "fuck it" and head to the bathroom to do my make up.

I paint my face as slutty as can be in cherry-red lipstick, black eyeliner, gray eyeshadow and mascara. Checking myself in the mirror, I see that I'm not quite passable as a woman, but I'm getting closer. My prick stiffens.

I go back in the bedroom and search the closet for the rest of the outfit Ann had directed me to wear. A box on the shelf above her blouses is labeled "wig/shoes." I take it down and set it on the bed to open it.

The wig fits snugly on my head. I suddenly have straight, black hair that falls just below my ears. The bottom edge is crisp and sharp like a broom. The bangs are just as dramatic, going straight across my forehead just above my eyebrows.

The shoes Ann has chosen for me are totally slutty. Shiny, black, six-inch heels. I slip my feet into them and take a few tentative steps across the room. I feel the shoes forcing me to perk up my chest and ass. The line from that Shania Twain song flashes through my brain, "Man, I feel like a woman."

I borrow a cute, black purse from Ann and throw my wallet inside.

It's time to leave.

My Lexus SUV is parked in the garage. I climb in and crank it up, thankful that I spent extra to have the windows tinted. At least I won't have to humiliate myself in front of my neighbors.

Longwood is usually about 45 minutes away. I'm careful to obey the speed limit. The last thing I need is a brush with a cop. Once on the interstate, I find myself searching my iPod for Britney Spears, Madonna and Lady Gaga. The drive flies by. When I hit the exit, I'm tapping my foot to "Poker Face."

Not until I pull into a parking spot does the full weight of what I'm about to do hit me. A chill is in the air as I open the SUV door and swing my heels onto the pavement. I'm shaking as I click-clack on the concrete toward the entrance.

I'm noticed for the first time by the bellhop, who can't help but grin as he tips his hat. I return the gesture with a nervous smile of my own. The automatic doors slide open. The lobby's heat envelops me as I walk inside.

I'm hoping to get to the front desk with as little attention as possible. But the floor is ceramic tile, and my heels must be made of some uniquely hard plastic because the clicking reverberates around the cavernous lobby. I feel like the whole world is watching as I approach the clerk behind the front desk. He's got his head down, and he's typing on a computer keyboard. He senses my presence and greets me without immediately looking up.

"Hello, ma'am, welcome to the Westin," he says.

The clerk looks up. His eyes pop.

"Er, I mean, sir," he says. "Terribly sorry-- which do you prefer."

I think about this for a second.

"You can call me Stephanie," I say in my best female voice.

"Very good, Stephanie," the clerk says. "How may I help you?"

"I'd like a suite, please," I say.

"Yes, of course," he says.

I hand him my credit card.

As the clerk taps on his keyboard, I notice that he's handsome, even in the lame red uniform the hotel makes him wear. He couldn't be more than 30, and he's got blonde, surfer-boy looks. His name tag says "Phil."

He hands me back my credit card.

"Thank you very much, Stephanie," he says.

He banged a couple more keys on the computer and then ran a plastic card through a machine next to his computer.

"Here's your room key. You'll be in suite 2204. And I'll be up to see you soon."

"Up to see me? For what?"

Phil smiles.

"Your stepmother invited me to the party."

I'm stunned.

"Party? What party?"

Phil's smile widens.

"We're gonna have fun," he says. "The elevator is around the corner to the left."

I step onto the elevator with a guy in a crisp suit and a briefcase. His eyes linger on me just long enough to register that something isn't right and then divert to the floor. They stay there until he steps off the elevator on the ninth floor. I ride up to 22 and find my room.

The suite opens into a living room with white tile floors and black leather furniture. A big picture window looks out over the interstate, the suburbs and the city skyline off in the distance.

I daintily lower myself onto one of the black leather chairs, careful not to tear my dress. I open my phone and call Ann. She answers on the second ring.

"I'm here," I say. "Room 2204."

"Good," she says. "Order up some porn on the TV, and I'll be there in 20 minutes."

I close my phone and pick up the remote control. The hotel offers an extensive list of pay-per-view sex flixks. One called "Cum Suckers No. 18" looks promising. I order it for $21.95. The movie has no plot, just an endless series of guys cumming on chicks' faces. My cock stiffens. I've picked a good movie.

The 20 minutes flies by. A knock comes at the door. I open it. Ann struts by me without saying a word. She's looking sexy as ever in her tight, gray business suit and black high heels. She reminds me of Sara Palin, except with bigger tits and red hair.

When I close the door behind me, Ann looks me over from head to toe. A massive boner pokes into my dress, making it stand up like a circus tent.

"I see you're ready for our party," she says.

"I don't get it," I say. "What party?"

Ann sits on the leather couch.

"Come over here," she says, while patting the cushion next to her.

I go over and sit. Ann takes me by the hand and looks into my eyes.

"You know your father is cheating on me, don't you?" she asks.

I shake my head.

"It's true." She sighs. "Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do."

"Why not divorce him?" I ask.

"I thought about that. I could divorce him and take half of everything he owns. But you know what? It's not enough. Your father has so much money he wouldn't even notice. He could keep right on with his women and cars and trips to Europe without even pausing to catch his breath."

"OK, then. What do you want?"

She comes in close, boring into me with her brown eyes.

"His son's soul."

I jump back.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Ann?"

A truly evil grin spreads across her face as one eyebrow arcs.

"You are going to be me bitch."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that I'm making you into my sex slave. Your main purpose in life will be to satisfy my twisted appetites. See, I'm a member of a secret little sex club. There are about 20 of us. I think you've already met one of the other members-- Phil, down at the front desk.

"Anyway, we get into all kinds of weird group sex. And when I put the word out that I could blackmail you into being our bitch, I got a very enthusiastic response."

"This is too fucked up to even think about."

"Maybe you can think about this--what would your father do if he knew you liked to dress up in girl's underwear? Think he might kick you out of the house? Think he might write you out of his will?"

"You are one sick bitch."

"You don't know how sick-- not yet."

Another knock comes at the door before I can even begin to digest what Ann is telling me.

"But you're about to find out," Ann says.

She goes over to the door and opens it. Phil, the front-desk clerk, walks in. As Ann lets go of the door, Phil leaps on her. He wraps her in a bear hug and grabs the hair at the back of her head. He jerks back Ann's head and plants a sloppy kiss on her lips. I can see their tongues darting into each others' mouths.

When Phil has enough, he pushes Ann away and fixes his gaze on me.

"Is that her?" he asks.

"Yeah," Ann says.

Phil licks his lips. I squirm and pull at the hem of my dress.

"She'll do nicely," Phil says.

"She's a virgin," Ann says.

"Even better," Phil says. "Can we start now?"

"No," Ann says. "We have to wait for the others."

"Others?" I ask. "What others."

Phil looks at Ann with a smirk.

"You didn't tell her?" he asks.

"Not yet," Ann says.

Phil shakes his head.

"You evil bitch," he says.

Ann smirks back.

"Got that right," she says.

I've had enough. I stand up.

"What the fuck is going on?" I ask.

"You're going to get gang-fucked," Ann says.

"Gang-fucked?" I ask. "How many we talkin'?"

"Depends on how many can make it," she says.

"I never agreed to that," I say.

"It was never up to you," she says. "Now sit down and shut up before I decide to call your father."

She was right, but I didn't have to like it. I dropped down onto the couch and folded my arms defiantly. Before I could think of anything else to say, someone else knocked at the door. Ann opened it and in walked one of the hugest men I've ever seen. He was like a side of beef on legs. The guy was over six feet and at least 250 pounds of pure muscle. He had short, black hair and wore a black shirt that barely contained his bulk.

"So I hear you got a whore that needs some abuse," he says.

"You heard right," Ann says. "That piece of shit on the couch is what you're looking for."

Muscles zeroes in and lunges toward me. I flinch. Ann catches him by the collar, and Muscles stops dead in his tracks. Although he's twice Ann's weight, she has total control over him.

"Not yet, Luke, " she says. "More are on the way."

Phil laughs and claps Luke on the shoulder.

"That's why I like you, Luke," he says.

Luke grunts and relaxes his shoulders. But he never takes his eyes off me. He's like an a****l, working on pure instinct. I stare back at him, wondering where I've seen him. Then it hits me: he's been at the house. He is Ann's personal trainer.

Ann and Phil come sit on the couch with me, while Luke settles into a love seat. We all sit around the TV, silently watching porn for about 15 minutes. The room is totally quiet, except for the moaning and grunting coming from the movie. I sneak peeks at Luke and Phil. They have big bulges in their pants. Pressure in the room is building. It feels like it could blow at any moment.

I'm totally shocked at who knocks at the door next. It's our next door neighbors, Tom Lundgren, and his trophy wife, Lisa. He has good looks like George Clooney and probably as much money. She's about half his age with blond hair and legs that go on forever. Both are in business suits, looking like they'd just come from the office. Ann greets them both with outstretched arms and kisses on the cheek.

"So glad you could make it," she says. "Hope you brought your appetite-- your sexual appetite, that is."

Tom grabs his crotch.

"My fuckin' cock is hard as a rock," he says in that thick New York accent. "Just like always."

Lisa snickers girlishly. Ann winks at her.

"And we all know you're ready-- right, Lisa?" Ann asks.

"Always," Lisa says.

"Good," Ann says. "I don't think anyone else is coming, so let's start."

Luke scoots forward and perches himself on the edge of his seat. He's ready to attack but holds back. It's clear that Ann is running the show-- that she gets first crack at me.

Ann struts over to me and stands in front of me, looking down her nose into my eyes. The rage builds. She winds up and backhands me across the cheek.

"Fucking slut!" she shrieks.

My face stings as Ann pulls up her skirt and straddles my lap. She begins dry-humping my stiff cock and pulling the hair at the back of my head. Her hands find their way to my tits. Ann pinches my nipples and rolls them between her thumbs and forefingers.

I begin breathing hard. I'm beginning to like this.

Just when I'm about to cum in my panties, Ann pushes herself back to her feet.

"OK," she says to the crowd. "Go get her."

Luke lunges. Ann stretches out her hand to block him.

"Uh-uh," she says. "Ladies first."

Lisa comes over to me with a twisted smile on her face. She reaches behind her back and unzips her gray skirt, letting it fall to the floor. Her panties are purple satin with lace trim. With her blue eyes fixed on me, Lisa unbuttons her jacket and slips it off her shoulders. Her purple bra barely contains her voluptuous tits. She reaches into the pile of hair piled on her head and removes a bobby pin. She shakes her head, and wavy hair falls to her shoulders.

Lisa smiles seductively and slides her hand between her legs. She grabs her crotch.

"You want some of this?" she asks.

I swallow hard, thinking that maybe this gang-fuck thing won't be so bad. The words won't come, so I just nod.

Lisa reaches slowly into her panties. I'm thinking she'll go as far as her clit and start fingering herself. But her hand goes deeper-- far deeper-- almost to her ass. I can't figure out what the hell she's doing. Is she going to finger her asshole?

Lisa doesn't leave me wondering for long. Her hand suddenly emerges from her panties with a cock that hangs halfway down her thigh. My eyes bulge. Everyone in the room laughs, except for me. I'm stunned that Lisa-- our sweet next door neighbor-- could have kept that monster hidden so well. In all the years the Lundgrens had lived next door, I never for a second thought that Tom's bride was actually a man.

"Now it's time to play," Lisa says. "Get over here and get on your knees."

Lisa pulls down her panties and steps out of them.

Her cock begins to stiffen as I slide off the couch and drop my knees onto the hard, white ceramic tile. I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do so I just stare at Lisa's manhood for a second. It's sticking straight out of a patch of neatly trimmed pubic hair and pulsating with her heartbeat.

"Go on, bitch!" Ann says. "Suck it!'

I make an "o" with my mouth and slip Lisa's cock inside. The guys whoop as I push my head down her shaft. I think of the blow jobs I've seen on porn movies and try to imitate them. The best cock-sucking queens maintain eye contact, so I turn my eyes up toward Lisa's face. She looks back with her lips slightly parted and a building fire in her eyes. My head bobs. On the down strokes, I'm taking about half of her schlong into my gullet. It doesn't seem like it can go any further.

I'm settling into a nice rhythm when Lisa suddenly jerks her prick out of my mouth.

"Turn around and bend over," she says.

"Why?" I ask.

"It's hammer time," she says.

As I get into the doggy-style position, I see that Phil, Luke and Tom have stripped naked and they're watching Lisa and I, as if we're the floor show in some Vegas club. Phil and Tom are leaning back on the couch and stroking themselves. Luke is laid out on the love seat with Ann between his legs. She's blowing him.

The wig is hanging in my eyes and tickling my cheeks as I wonder what Lisa will do next. My panties are still on, so she doesn't have access to my bunghole. But she solves that problem quickly. Lisa grabs the panties by the waistline and yanks hard. They tear but don't come all the way off. Lisa yanks again, and this time I feel the panties disappear.

"Somebody get me the lube," she says.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Tom scramble to his feet. He darts to the bathroom and comes back with a mini bottle of lotion. He unscrews the top and hands it to Lisa. She dumps a liberal dollop onto her fingers.

I feel a finger slide into my ass. I immediately tense up. Lisa gently works my hole, never going more than a knuckle or two deep. I'm surprised to find I kind of like it. As I loosen up, Lisa starts shoving her finger further inside me. The deeper and harder she goes, the better I like it. My cock is stiff. Pre-cum starts to leak from the blowhole.

The finger suddenly disappears from my bunghole.

"Spread your cheeks," Lisa says.

I reach back with both hands and do as I'm told. The side of my face is planted on the cool tile.

Lisa grabs my hips and eases the tip of her cock against my hole. My first instinct is to squeeze shut. But then I remember Lisa's gentle finger. I relax. Lisa senses the exact moment I'm ready for her, and she pushes herself inside me.

No feeling compares to having a cock thrust inside you. It's pleasure, pain and humiliation all rolled into one inexplicable emotion. I wouldn't say it's for everyone, but I sure like it.

Lisa pumps me with gentle, shallow strokes. I'm breathing heavily. So is she. My cock feels ready to pop, even though no one has touched it. Lisa picks up the tempo and depth.

"You want it harder, bitch?" she asks.

"Yeah, fuck me harder," I say.

Lisa jams her cock all the way inside me. I grunt as a shiver runs up my spine. Goosebumps form on my arms.

"Like that?" she asks.

"Yeah," I say.

Lisa hammers me again, only this time she keeps going. She pounds my hole with everything she's got. Then she suddenly takes one last thrust and blows her wad inside me.

"Oh fuck yeah!" she says.

Lisa pushes back and flops onto the love sat next to Luke. My ass is throbbing as I raise my head. The first thing I notice when I brush the wig out of my eyes is that Ann has gone from blowing Luke next to the love seat to jerking off Tom on the couch. She's naked. Everyone is, except for me. I'm still in my dress and lingerie. Phil has put on Ann's bra. He's standing next to her and Tom, watching them while stroking his meat.

"OK, everybody," Lisa says. "She's all yours."

Luke doesn't hesitate for even a second. He bursts from the couch and rushes toward me. This time, Ann doesn't try to stop him. His cock is hard as he grabs the back of my head and pokes the head into my lips.

"Open up, bitch," he says.

"If I were you," Ann says, "I'd do it."

Luke is merciless. He shoves himself all the way inside me. I gag as my nose digs into a thick patch of pubic hair.

Luke slowly pulls back. A second before the head exits my mouth, he rams himself back into my gullet. He repeats twice more before yanking his prick out of my mouth and jizzing all over my face. I try to keep my eyes open, but it's impossible with all that spunk flying at me.

When I open them, Luke is staggering back to the love seat. Cum is streaming down my forehead and into my eyes. I can taste it on my lips. I reflexively reach up to wipe my face, but Ann yells, "No!"

"Leave it," she says.

This must turn on Tom because he rolls over onto her. Ann lets him do it. She lays back on the couch and spreads her legs with one on the floor and one up in the air. Tom thrusts himself inside her. He grunts as he pumps. Their union lasts for about 20 strokes. Tom shuts his eyes and shudders, then rolls off Ann.

She looks over at me.

"Come get sloppy seconds, bitch," she says.

Tom gets off the couch to make room for me. I ease myself between my stepmother's legs. Her eyes burn with lust, revenge and hatred. My cock is harder than it's ever been.

"Go ahead," Ann says. "Fuck my pussy."

I ease myself inside her. Her cunt is slippery with Tom's cum and her own natural juices. I begin thrusting slowly and gently. She pinches my nipples and rolls them between her fingers. As I hover over Ann, Luke's jizz streams off of my face and drips onto hers. She opens her mouth and tries to catch the droplets on her tongue.

Phil comes over and aims the head of his prick at Ann's face. He gives himself two strokes before blasting his wad. The first spurt lands on Ann's tongue. The rest splatters all over her face. When Phil backs away, it looks like someone has unloaded a bottle of Elmer's glue. Ann closes her mouth and swallows the cum that landed in her mouth.

I can no longer hold back. Watching Ann drink goop pushes me over the edge. My prick unloads what seems to be a gallon of jizz. Ann arches her back. Her pussy seems to be sucking the spunk out of my body. I never knew it was possible to cum so hard.

I'm empty. I begin to pull my prick out of Ann's cunt, but she grabs my ass cheeks.

"No," she says. "Not yet. Clean my face."

Phil's jizz glistens on her face. With my cock still in her pussy, I lower my head. I start by dragging my tongue across her cheek. Phil's salty cum fills my mouth.

"Just like that, you dirty bitch," Ann says.

I lick Ann's skin from neck to forehead. When she's clean, I pull my cock out of her pussy and flop back on the couch.

"You aren't done yet," Ann says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Clean my cunt," she says.

Ann spreads her legs a little wider. I kneel on the tile floor and put my head between her thighs. Cum is dripping from her pussy, leaving a wet mark on the couch cushion. Ann doesn't give me long to look. She forces my head into her twat. I thrust my tongue as deep inside her as I can. Ann squirms with delight. Jizz drips down my chin.

When I can't possibly suck another drop out of Ann's pussy, I pull myself onto the couch and take a deep breath. Everyone but Ann and I have dressed and look ready to go.

"We'll have to do this again sometime," Lisa says.

She click-clacks toward the door with Tom trailing her, followed by everyone else. They leave with a chorus of "byes" and "see ya laters." When the door slams shut on its own weight, Ann and I are the only ones left in the room.

"I liked that," I say.

"Good," Ann says, "You're going to be doing a lot more of it."

"Really?" I ask. "Everyone left so quickly. I thought they were unhappy."

"Not at all," she says. "That's just how we do things. We don't get to know each other, like neighbors or bridge partners. We use each other for sex. Nothing more, nothing less."

"I can live with that," I say.

"I knew you would," she says. "Now go get cleaned up. I've got plans for you."

"Like what?" I ask.

"Well," Ann says. "We've got the room all day. No sense in letting it go to waste."

"What did you have in mind?" I ask.

"I thought we'd fuck a while," she says. "And maybe later, we'll call Phil and order some room service."

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First Time a Cross Dresser Gets Laid Pt 1

Mark was a shy guy who had always found it difficult chatting up girls. There was always some reason. He didn’t like their hair, or their body, or their look, or their personality, or his family would not approve. His upbringing was very conservative, old fashioned and his stoically minded, overbearing, controlling parents, forced their ideology on him. This had left its mark on him and he was a nervous, timid person. Any idea of an alternative life style was just not something he could do or...

First Time
1 year ago
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Gay Experience With a Stranger Cross dresser Sex2 Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

This is the second part of my previous story. I will write about how I had rough Cross dresser Sex with him. Please continue to read the story, I know it’s a bit long story but I wanted to put in all details of my Gay experience. Ok, let’s move on to the story. We reached his place by a Cab. As we entered, he locked the door and grabbed me by surprise and pulled me closer. He planted his lips on mine, and I gave in too as we kissed deeply. He parted lips and walked me to his...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 10

Only 1 chapter left after this installment....I hope you are still enjoying Sandy's adventures Chapter 19: Last Day in Vegas The next morning Tanya left for her house after exchanging numbers with us and promising to visit Peggy in Phoenix next month. The hotel had arranged a car to take Peggy to the airport for her 9:00 flight. I was sad to see them go, but at the same time, I knew I had work to do and I wanted to have some time to myself. I had to go to two accounts and I finished by noon....

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 2

Chapter 3: New York with Linda I didn’t really get a lot of time to think about what I had just done with Carlos. I fell asleep shortly after he left due to all the drinks I put away during the night. I actually fell asleep on my couch, still full dressed except for my jacket and shoes. When I woke up, I had a headache and was starving; I never even had a piece of the pizza Carlos brought. It was 2:00 in the morning and I was scared to look in the mirror.I took a shower to clean off the make up...

2 years ago
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A CrossDressers tale

You may think of me as Fiona, and I am a cross-dresser.A story by Erica inspired me to pen my saga of cross-dressing. I am also a recovering alcoholic, with a few days over 19 years without a drink as I write this, and I suppose the two tales are intertwined to some extent. Not that I am a saint by any means, a lot of people with a lot less time have a better sobriety than I. But I learned that alcohol is a poison to me, so I avoid it. I just do irrational things when I add alcohol to my...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 6

Here are the next two chapters of Sandy’s adventures Chapter 11: Photo Shoot and the Elevator Ride I slept great on Monday night after my craziest night of cross dressing. My body felt great as I slept in late. However, I had to admit, I felt like my ass had been torn up from Stan’s incredible cock. I realized now that almost all men wanted to get their rocks off with strangers. Stan and Bob were perfect examples, they wanted to fuck a girl or at least get a blow job. They were so happy they...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 6

Here are the next two chapters of Sandy's adventures Chapter 11: Photo Shoot and the Elevator Ride I slept great on Monday night after my craziest night of cross dressing. My body felt great as I slept in late. However, I had to admit, I felt like my ass had been torn up from Stan’s incredible cock. I realized now that almost all men wanted to get their rocks off with strangers. Stan and Bob were perfect examples, they wanted to fuck a girl or at least get a blow job. They were so happy they...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 11

Hi All, it required a couple of re-writes to make it better. The final chapter of Sandy’s adventures in book 1. Please let me know if I should publish book 2 Chapter 21: Nikki’s Night and Sandy ’s Night to Remember I finished shaving Nikki spending a lot of time shaving her pubic hair. I made a small heart shape right above her clit and took off all the rest of her hair. When I finished shaving my new love muffin, I took a shower. When I was dry we got dressed together after a couple more...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 11

Hi All, it required a couple of re-writes to make it better. The final chapter of Sandy's adventures in book 1. Please let me know if I should publish book 2 Chapter 21: Nikki’s Night and Sandy ’s Night to Remember I finished shaving Nikki spending a lot of time shaving her pubic hair. I made a small heart shape right above her clit and took off all the rest of her hair. When I finished shaving my new love muffin, I took a shower. When I was dry we got dressed together after a couple more...

3 years ago
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Young Cross Dressers Secrets

Young Cross Dressers Secrets *Sandy was busting at the seams to tell someone some very exciting secrets she was keeping. She couldnt tell anyone she knows. She decided to tell them here. __After reading My Bra and Panties are Missing, my own real story kept nagging at me to be told, but I wasnt sure how. I decided to change all the names and write a story all about this secret world I stumbled into. I started getting very horny just thinking about all that had happened&hellip,. __My story...

3 years ago
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How Hockey predisposed me to be a Cross Dresser

I had a thought the other day, my hockey equipment has a number of striking similarities to lingerie!To set the stage, I am a cross dresser. Like most of us, I love everything about ladies undergarments. I like seeing lingerie in stores, on models, on women, on men and of course on me! I love the feel when I am dressed up. I love the taboo of wearing them. I love the thrill of being "underdressed", that is wearing lots of lingerie under your manly clothes, when I go to work. I especially...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 3

Part 3 of Book #1. Chapters 5 and 6. Please review and let me know if you want moreChapter 5: Da’ Place Adventures Sunday that week was definitely going to be a day of rest. After all my adventures on Saturday including a coast to coast airplane flight, I was exhausted. Collette called me and asked me if I wanted to get together tonight and I asked her for a rain check. I ran some errands during the day and late afternoon I spent watching a football game on my television and around 6 PM when...

2 years ago
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My first time going out as a CrossDresser

MY FIRST TIME OUT AS A CROSS DRESSER A true storyIt was 14 years ago and I had been married to a beautiful petite woman she had long Cole black shiny hair with green eyes.. We had been married about a year and one night I came out playing around in a pair of her sexy blue panties and a sexy blue Teddy and started rubbing on her and having fun it made her so hot we both had the best sex we ever had in our lives.. The next Friday when I got home there was a bag on the table she told me to open...

4 years ago
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AutoRide Made Me A Cross Dresser Whore 8211 Part 1

I’m a male, and cross-dresses occasionally in private. After cross dressing I get hard and then get off rubbing my dick against bed. Sometimes I post my cross-dressing photos online and get excited by comments and chats. I fantasizes about being seduced/forced to cross-dress and made to serve like a whore by dominant stranger(s). I’m darkish brown, lean. Has little hair on my upper body. Thin. Have slender arms. Soft face. And thick lips. And finger thick but long. My butt is rather fine and...

Gay Male
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My First Time with a cross dresser

Growing up, like many children I went through phases. I would climb trees and play football, then as I reached my mid-teens I continued these phases but also became a lot more sexually aware, thanks to the porn magazines and porn films usually belonging to my mates dads or older brothers.Now I am in my late teens and at college.One day my Dad made a pot of tea and breakfast.“Did you sleep well, son?” he asked as I entered the kitchen.“Not bad thanks, Dad, how about you?” I replied.“Pretty good...

4 years ago
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The Cross Dresser and The Big Fat Fuck

As soon as the door closed to her place Debbie started squeezing me tight. Before I knew it I was the one with my dress around my ankles. Soon I was being pulled down the hall to Debbie’s bedroom. While I sat on her bed, Debbie went in her bathroom to freshen up. When she came out she was wearing a sexy red night gown. If it weren’t for the fact it was a size 6X you might have thought Debbie bought the thing at Victoria’s Secret. ...

2 years ago
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The Cross Dresser and The Big Fat Fuck

As soon as the door closed to her place Debbie started squeezing me tight. Before I knew it I was the one with my dress around my ankles. Soon I was being pulled down the hall to Debbie's bedroom. While I sat on her bed, Debbie went in her bathroom to freshen up. When she came out she was wearing a sexy red night gown. If it weren't for the fact it was a size 6X you might have thought Debbie bought the thing at Victoria's Secret. ...

2 years ago
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Stephanies SlaveryChapter 8 Runaway slave

"Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! She's here; she can look after her precious son. I can't take any more of this." Throwing a few items into a bag, she went to David, "I'll pick you up in the morning if you wish to go into work SIR. I'll bring the car back then if you don't. Good night SIR." "No Steph, don't go..." Stephanie could hear him calling to her as she closed the door. Her phone rang a few minutes after she'd entered her old flat. It now seemed a cold and uninviting place but at...

3 years ago
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Cross Dressers First Time

I was in my mid 40's and divorced and living a great life. I ran my own successful from home and lived in a large house in it's own grounds at least 5 miles from my nearest neighbour.Whilst I was single I had an active sex life having been lucky enough to know 3 ladies who were unattached and had no need for a long term relationships but were happy to meet up for sex or go away for a break all no strings attached. They all knew of each other and I was aware they saw other men or ladies if they...

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Crossdressing Domina gets a new slave

I have been a crossdressing Mistress for several years now. I have a petite body and always looked good in a dress. I take on many slaves but my favorites are other men who look great in dress. This is a story about my favorite slave I have ever trained.I had been anticipating the arrival of my new toy all week, and he was moments away. My new slave, eager to be trained under my heels. The first time I saw him I had brief fantasies of my hands and mouth exploring every inch of his petite and...

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CrossDresser Delight

As a cross dresser you feel like such a woman when you have on your sexy panties and bra, and other feminine unmentionables. Sometimes you just wear them underneath your boy clothes. But sometimes I like when you have a dress and even high heels on too. I get to look at you, a beautiful and sexy woman. You get to tease and titillate a guy like me with your sexy body. You make me so horny and hard when you prance around the house looking so pretty. You always wiggle your sweet ass when you...

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AutoRide Made Me A Cross Dresser Whore 8211 Part 4

Thanks for the nice feedback I received for this series about a cross dresser. If not for them, I might have discontinued this as I was making progress at an agonizingly slow pace. Apologies for the delay in the update. I am sending the next part, so for the first time, I sending two parts together. I also have some plans for another 2-3 parts of Rakhi’s journey and her slow conversion into a whore. I will start right from where we left off. Please read part three and parts before that to find...

Gay Male
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Young secret crossdresser8217s 1st experience

Hello everyone. I am  Anuradha / Sameera, a Secret Crossdresser of 29 years old from Telangana. My breast might be around 34-36 as 36 size too fits well. I love sports bras and padded bras. started in my junior college days when my friend became my boyfriend. It started with him sitting beside me. We used to stroke each other’s cocks secretly under the bench. The handjobs slowly turned into blowjobs. I also had my boobs squeezed by a few others in the class. But I was too scared to tell my...

2 years ago
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Step Daddy Slave

Step Daddy Slave Step Daddy Slave.  Part 1: How it all started.  It started on a crisp December morning, I was in the bathroom getting changed and I got caught up in playing with my morning hard on.? I was concentrating so hard on my pleasure I didn?t hear the foot falls in the hall.? Next thing I knew there was a knock at the door but it must not have been latched because it flew open.? I stood there with my cock in my hand looking at my 13 year old step daughter Amy.? I didn?t even...

1 year ago
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Stephanie my slut slave

Stephanie my slut slave 01. Stephanie was 21 years old and an experienced submissive, she came to me through a mutual contact and wanted to spend time as my slave. I was told that her main passion was for being used and abused, in fact she admitted the worse she was used the better she loved it. She was 5? 5? tall weight 130 lbs and had large breasts for her frame size with prominent nipples; her hazel Brown hair was shoulder length. The day she came to my house she was wearing a short...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a Crossdresser June 29 1982

It is 8:35 on a warm summer morning. I hear the front door close and already the excitement is building. I hear the car start and then pull out of the drive way. I run to the front of the house and watch my mother pull up the hill and off to work. My sister left for work 5 minutes ago and Dad is gone until 2PM.I turn and walk up the green carpeted stairs. With each step I feel my heart pounding harder and harder. As I reach the top of the stairs I take one last look out the window to make...

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Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 02 A teenaged slave girl learns her true place

- - I must note before the story starts this is a prequel to Sisters in Slavery that tells the story of the owner of the Sisters Master Robert Sanders coming of age and becoming a master within The Organization leading up to how the Brothel was started. As such there will be some new characters introduced that may or may not be in future chapters of the main story. This also means that all of the established female characters will not be appearing in this part of the story. - - Part...

1 year ago
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Bi Cross dresser thats me part 2

A week later Chris and I met to go cloths shopping. We met at a coffee shop in a town a hour drive from me. She greeted me with a warm hug followed by a deep kiss. Our obvious age difference drew some judgmental stares from a lot of the other patrons. Chris sensed the fact that I was uncomfortable. She whispered in my ear "If only they knew all of the cum I licked from your ass". We grabbed two coffees to go and headed out."So Eric said I needed to get something kinky to wear the...

2 years ago
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Fun with a cross dresser

I had a really good experience with a cross dresser yesterday. A mutual friend had recommended him after enjoying his services so I got in touch and he immediately responded by inviting me to go and meet him. It was most enjoyable. I have never been with a CD before but he seemed okay. He is late 50s and very slim. It was really quite strange. He came to the door in a dressing gown and invited me into the lounge where he explained how he had got involved in all of this by dressing up in his...

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How I Became A Paid Cross Dresser

Hello friends, without making you feel bored directly coming to the story. It was the time when I was in need of money and I asked my friend Rahul. He told that he will help me and when I met him he told me that I have to work his boss. I asked what kind of work then Rahul said that his boss is a bisexual who prefers crossdressers more than gays. Me:- so what I should do for your boss Rahul:- don’t get me wrong, you said that you were in need money so am telling this. You need to get dressed...

Gay Male
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CrossDresser Fuels Feminine Passion In Sai Now Sindhu

Hi, My name is Sindhu (using a female name). Here, I am going to write about how I am smitten by my girlfriend’s brother and turned from a straight guy to a dick-loving cross-dresser. My girlfriend and I started living together after both of us got a job in the same city. Both our families knew about this, and they were cool with us. We were happy together; we were enjoying our life to the fullest until her elder brother came to stay with us and took me to a fantasy world which showed me how...

Gay Male
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CrossDresser Fuels Feminine Passion In Sai Now Sindhu

Hi, My name is Sindhu (using a female name). Here, I am going to write about how I am smitten by my girlfriend’s brother and turned from a straight guy to a dick-loving cross-dresser. My girlfriend and I started living together after both of us got a job in the same city. Both our families knew about this, and they were cool with us. We were happy together; we were enjoying our life to the fullest until her elder brother came to stay with us and took me to a fantasy world which showed me how...

Gay Male
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Tea party for a cross dresser

I decided I'd walk over to her place. It wasn't far and it was a nice day. Once dressed I picked up the bag and headed out the door. I arrived just before 8. She answered the door in her dressing gown. "darling" she said and we kissed each other on both cheeks as I entered. I stood in the hall. The flat had high ceilings. We went to the kitchen. We discussed proceedings over tea and toast. Showers were a must. I had a lot of shaving to do. That would take some time. There was one...

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Family EnslavedChapter 4 SlaveParents

"Undress me, Slave-Daddy," I told my father. "Yes, Mistress," he replied and there was eagerness in his voice, as well there should be, considering I'd been the distant object of his incestuous desires for almost ten years. My mother was recovered from her orgasm, which was something akin to spontaneous human combustion, I thought with a smile. It had happened suddenly and without any real physical stimulation of her sex, but she might have cheated. My attention had been focused on my...

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Stephanie my Cum Slut SlaveChapter 6

As with all sub missive females, there comes a time when they out grow the abilities of a particular master and often move up to more stricter masters or one with different likes and dislikes, this way they continue to expand their limits. So it was with Stephanie, She and I both agreed we had exhausted all the things she needed to learn to be a complete slut slave, however I told her she would not be moving far as I had arranged for Robbie to take on her training as he liked things I did...

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The twin sisters of the cross dresser policewoman

(This post is a fictional story on a bondage forum in China, and I am the prototype of the story. I just translated it into English. The copyright belongs to the original author, and the portrait right of the photos in the original link belongs to the original author and me)In the middle of a gloomy and horrible room stood a woman with a shawl. She was wearing a sexy red cheongsam, a pair of sparkling flesh-colored stockings like cicada wings wrapped around the beautiful woman's slender legs....

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Family EnslavedChapter 2 SlaveMommy

"It's so nice having lunch together, just the two of us again," my mother smiled at me. "Yeah," I smiled back. "I was gone too long, Mom. I'm sorry about that." We were downtown, in a nice little restaurant after doing some shopping together. It had been a long time since my mother and I had done this sort of thing, and we were both enjoying it. I was surprised that I felt no guilt over what I'd done with my dad the previous night and I wondered if he'd followed my instructions...

1 year ago
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My Wife wants to be a Sex Slave

******************************************************************************** Thanks to kyron120867 my story is set in his world, but none of his characters are involved. Story written by Ghostwolf63 Chapter one ********************************************************************************* Hello, my name Will Johnson, I was asked to write this story along with my wife. She will write about her experience and I will be writing my experience. So let's get started. First some info...

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A Cross Dressers Revenge

CROSS DRESSERS REVENGE BY JANICE I was fifteen years old when I was beaten up and raped by three big adults. I was on my way home from Martial Arts school when it happened. I was pretty good, tops in my class, but that was little help to a teen age boy against three big drunks, aside from being beat up, I was also sexually assaulted. The three of them were arrested a few days later but not for what they did to me,...

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African Slave Queen enslaved media babe

The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter. His orchestrated news conference was turning sour. It had supposed to have been his moment on the world stage to impress to show everyone what a great and generous leader he was; but now this. All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. ?I?ll repeat my question,?came the annoying voice of the young...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 11 My day with the kitchen slaves

Three days later I thought I was up to working as a household slave provided they realised I could not do heavy work and would not be subjected to further punishment. Consequently at 5 a.m. the following morning a eunuch came and took me to meet Georgina in the main kitchen. She was a large, stern looking woman possibly of Turkish origin. She looked at me with some disdain but she'd obviously been told I was no longer a slave and now had access to the king so she tried to hide it. As usual I...

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Lois Lane Sex Slave

Lois Lane: Sex Slave By EchotangoCaught snooping around a warehouse Lois suffers a terrible fate?Chapter One: Capture?And it was confirmed today that Superman will remain away from Earth on a top secret mission for the next three months, the white house said?? Lois Lane listened to the radio and smiled, Superman had left town over a week ago and the twenty-six year old brunette had broken the story three days before and now the radio was finally catching up. She felt like chuckling with glee...

4 years ago
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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 4 Lesbian Slave

The story is connected, so please read from part 1. Few comments in the comment section will be appreciable. Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous parts. Hey guys, just wondering, can a lesbian slave story make your dick erect? And dear girls, I hope you get horny and wet. Previous part recap: One night, Divya calls me by phone, and she tells me that she is alone in her home. My lesbian love for her arouses as soon as I meet her after many days. She requests me to have...

2 years ago
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My Sister The Sex Slave

My Sister The Sex Slave My sister Kimberly is sixteen years old, very pretty with nice big tits, and she has really been a stuck up bitch to me. Being her little fifteen-year-old brother makes me the scum of the Earth in her eyes. I am not even good enough to speak too. When Kimberly got a nineteen-year-old boyfriend she got even worse. She became the envy of her girlfriends because she was dating one of the football players. (American football that is.) That put her in an even...

3 years ago
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Boy Made Cross Dresser

Hi, I am a male of 32 years, but I like to cross dress. I used to work as a techie in a company in Bangalore but my love for a cross dress made me leave it. My parents broke relation with me when they caught me with my bf in college days and from then I am living alone. They don’t know even that I am alive or dead. This is my story of why I left my job. I used to work in this it company in Bangalore and my team leader was an arrogant person. I never used to get along with him. I liked to cross...

Gay Male
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My sex slave

For the past month I had enjoyed a lot of success at my new job. Within a two week period I had landed two new clients, the new multi-million dollar contacts they signed gained me a promotion. The big executives in the company were singing high praises about me. The following week I had to report to a new floor and work with a new set of team members. I was teamed up with this African American female named Tracy she was in her late 20’s and had the body of a goddess. She stood around 5’7 145,...

2 years ago
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From Noble to Sex Slave Part 3

Thank you all for all the positive feed back and comments. I'm sorry if the cow stuff isn't to everyone's liking there maybe parts that not everyone likes but hope people do over all enjoy the continuing saga. It had been two weeks since Davon had become Deva well that was the name Killian had given her after she became a cow girl and those two weeks hadn't been idle either. She'd slowly learned how her new body worked. At that moment she was on her hands and knees as Triz...

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A secret romance between a Chinese sex slave and her Japanese master during World War II

A secret romance between a Chinese sex slave and her Japanese master during World War IINote by Jennifer Suzuki:  She was a petite, elegantly dressed Japanese woman in her later twenties.  We had met over lunch.  Me and my white boyfriend; she and her white boyfriend.  She looked elegant, but her dress was conservative and plain, without any urban panache and yet radiant with modesty and intelligence.  Her boyfriend was much taller than she was, overbearing, muscular, with crew cut dark brown...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Cross Dresser Part 2

Chapter 3: New York with Linda I didn’t really get a lot of time to think about what I had just done with Carlos. I fell asleep shortly after he left due to all the drinks I put away during the night. I actually fell asleep on my couch, still full dressed except for my jacket and shoes. When I woke up, I had a headache and was starving, I never even had a piece of the pizza Carlos brought. It was 2:00 in the morning and I was scared to look in the mirror. I took a shower to clean off the make...

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My New Life As A Sex Slave To Black Masters

"The Arrival" Chapter One Cast of Characters Diana A 34 yr old married white woman, 5' 6” tall dark brown hair' green eyes and weighs130# lbs ' 36” 24” 35” and after several children still looked her best, actually younger than she actually is. She, even at this age is still very naive over sexed and insecure as to her looks. Her main asset is her incredible sex drive and a most sensitive clitoris, that with little thought of sex becomes wet and aroused instantly, she is a girl...

1 year ago
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From noble to sex slave part 4

This is part 4 in my series. Hope people continue to enjoy the adventures of Killian, Deva, and all the rest!!. I am very sorry at the delay in getting this out I do hope you all enjoy the story as much as I did eventually enjoy writing it. Killian woke up when she felt a hand moving along her chest. She groaned and slightly opened one eye to see Deva rolled up partly on top of her one hand idly stroking her body. Her slave still seemed to be half asleep, or mostly asleep. She...

3 years ago
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slaver or collecter Anna becomes a slave

A few weeks go by, we are all packed and headed for the airport. Omar's private jet taxis over to us, the door opens and the ladder comes down,we go inside. Anna is wondering who we know who has their own jet. Hours and hours later we are landing in Dubai. The limo picks us up then a hour later we are at Omar’s palace. Omar comes out and escorts us into his living room, there sits Sasha and Jane in their burkas. Omar introduces everyone, then says Anna it is so nice to meet you, I...

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Anniversary Trip ch2 Sex Slave Stripper

Anniversary Trip (II) - Sex Slave StripperThis is the second installment of our trip to Las Vegas on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary. See the story "Tenth Wedding Anniversary" for the first part of the story. By the time we arrived in Vegas, it was very late, almost midnight. We were both too tired to do anything but check into our hotel, get a late snack in one of the open restaurants in the hotel and go to bed.At 8:00 AM, I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. Paula is usually...

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Complete Submission How Annabelle became a sex slave

Complete Submission: How Annabelle became a sex slave This story is completely fictional. It is a fantasy, not a reality. Chapter 1: First Meeting        My name is annabelle, although my Master calls me ‘slave’ or ‘slut’ most of the time. This is the story of how i came to serve my Master, and how He has trained me to be the nympho-sex slave that i am now. Master says that when referring to myself i am only allowed to use lowercase letters, or call myself by my given titles like slave, slut...

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