Aishas Exercise Pt2 free porn video

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"Now, bend down as before."

As Aisha bent forward, her father held her by the waist and fitted his bulge tightly between her ass cheeks.

"Good, darling... good. Now hold the position for a while."

For a moment Aisha lost her balance. She didn't realize that her father had deliberately made her to lose her balance by loosening his hold on her at the waist.

"Daddy!" shrieked Aisha, thinking that she was going to fall face down.

Her father laughed, "Ha ha ha... Don't worry, darling. I did it purposely... scared you, did I? Ha ha ha..."

"funny, daddy!" Aisha chided her father playfully.

"Daddy will hold you, don't worry."

Her father took this opportunity to pull her behind tighter against his bulge. Aisha was still bent forward and the movement of their bodies allowed her father to rub and jab his bulge intimately against and between her ass cheeks several times. Aisha was aware what her father was doing and she was getting aroused more and more.

After at least a full 5 minutes her father allowed her to straighten up. But still hugging her from behind, he asked, "Can daddy kiss you, darling?"

Aisha turned her head and they kissed, open mouthed, exchanging tongues in their mouths and sucking each other's tongues. The hugging and kissing had become very arousing for Aisha. After a while, her father released her and stood in front of her.

Again Aisha had to adjust her tube top. This time even her nipples had slipped out. She saw her father look at her chest and smile at her. She smiled back as she adjusted the tube top. At the same time her eyes seemed to be drawn to her father's crotch area. She could see the bulge... the big round head of her father's penis was pushing his pajama bottom outward and upward. It must be a big head, thought Aisha.

"Shall we do it again, darling?" Her father smiled at her and slowly dropped his eyes to her chest.

Shyly, Aisha nodded, again her eyes seemed to drop to her father's bulge.

Her father again went behind her body and asked her to spread out her legs. This time he did not hold her by the waist. Instead he put his arms around her waist, his fingers and palms resting on her bare body below her navel.

"Bend forward, darling... yes, that's good... now hold the position for a while as before." Aisha slowly let her upper body drop forward and downwards and stayed that way.

Aisha felt her father again adjust his bulge between her ass cheeks. Yes, she did feel the head of his manhood slowly rub and jab against her. At the same time his hands were caressing her bare flesh below the navel, going down to the upper edge of her pubic mound.

"Good, darling, good... this will develop your muscles... here... yes, all over here... (his hands rubbed generously her flesh below the navel to indicate what he meant by " here").

Meanwhile he was rubbing his bulge against and between her butt crack. Because of the thinness of her pants and her father's shorts, Aisha could feel the hard erection against her firm tender flesh. Then suddenly, he pretended to drop her down.

Again Aisha shrieked, "Daddy!!!"

He laughed, "Ha ha ha ha..." And held her again.

"Funny, daddy! Funny... Funny... Funny..." laughed Aisha.

As they laughed and their bodies struggled to regain stability, Aisha felt her father hugging her tighter and, keeping her body bent forward, rubbing and jabbing his bulge more forcefully and more intimately actually dry humping her now. His hands too were caressing her bare torso generously. He caressed her bare flesh from below her breasts to her pubic mound at the edge of her pants, gently squeezing her smooth tender flesh. Aisha of course was stimulated and her juices were wetting her hot pants around her pussy opening.

"Good, very good... do you like this exercise, Aisha?... do you like this?" Aisha wasn't sure whether "this" meant the exercise or the caressing or the poking of his bulge.

"Hmm." She was shy to say anything else.

"Good... I'm glad you like this... I too like this... this is good." To what did "this" refer, she wondered.

After a while her father said, "Straighten yourself, darling.:

Aisha straightened herself but her father still hugged her from behind, pressing his bulge against her butt and kept caressing her bare flesh below her navel, way below.

"Another kiss, darling?"

Aisha again turned her face and offered her mouth. Her father kissed her eagerly and she responded with equal eagerness as she experienced thrill upon thrill. Only after a while he released her.

Aisha found that both her nipples were again uncovered. Her father came around to stand in front. He smiled at her and she smiled back as she adjusted the tube top. Again her eyes dropped to her father's huge bulge. The thin fabric of the shorts was well lifted up by the head of her father's cock. She blushed as she realized that the big knob she was looking at had been rubbing up her buttocks.

"Shall we do the exercise again, darling?"

This exercise was arousing her too much.

"Daddy, this exercise stimulates me a lot."

"Then it's good, darling. Remember what Mr.Cockrin has said? Stimulation produces RH, and RH helps your body shape and sexuality?"

But Aisha wanted to change the exercise.

"We have done this exercise tree times. How about doing the next exercise, daddy?"

"How about one more time, darling? I like it very much. Please, Aisha... I like to do it once more... please, darling... please."

Well one more time wouldn't make much difference, would it? And her father's "please" softened her.

"All right, daddy... let's do it once more."

"Let's make his one a bit extra nice, darling."

"What do you mean, daddy?"

"You still bend forward, but this time you do so differently."


"You stand near the bed and, by leaning forward, rest yourself on your elbows on the bed."

Her father made her stand facing the bed, bend down and support herself by resting herself on her elbows. This thrust her bottom towards her father. He stood behind her and placed his hands on her full lovely pants covered buttocks.

"Now spread out your legs, darling... yes, a bit more... yes, that's good... now relax while I hold you from behind." Aisha knew that her father was going to do more than just hold her.

"In this position you can't scare me, daddy... by pretending to drop me... ha ha ha," laughed Aisha.

"Well, we'll see." Aisha wondered what other tricks her father had.

Just then Aisha felt her father caressing her tender ass cheeks and pressing his bulge against her buttocks.

"Is this more comfortable, darling?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Relax and enjoy yourself, darling."

She felt her father's hands gently parting her ass cheeks and pressing and rubbing his bulge up and down the crevice between her cheeks. After several seconds he asked, "Like this, Aisha?"

Of course she liked that. But she couldn't say yes, could she? So, Aisha didn't answer the question.

Then she felt her father spread apart her cheeks wider, adjust the head of his cock deep between them and then release her cheeks. Her ass cheeks trapped his knob between them. Her father's hands then returned to hold her by her bare waist.

"Good... very good... this is a good exercise, Aisha... I like it... do you like it also?"

Her father now began a steady rocking of his hips so that his trapped knob pressed in and relaxed, and did this again and again between her ass cheeks. As her father pressed in he also pulled her at the hips; when he relaxed he didn't pull her. So her butt rocked back and forth in rhythm with her father's pressing in and relaxing of his cock head between her ass cheeks. Aisha was getting very wet and her juices were soiling the fabric over her cunt lips.

"Oh God! You are good Aisha... very good... in doing this exercise... I like doing it with you."

Her father continued his rhythmic rocking into her ass. And Aisha was very stimulated and was concentrating on her father's bulge in her cheeks. She didn't realize that each time her father pulled her at the hips, he also kept pulling her shorts down over her hips. Eventually he managed to pull them down over her butt but his erection between Aisha's ass cheeks was in the way. So, he pulled out his bulge and pulled down her shorts, completely baring her butt. But her cunt was still covered by the fabric of her pants.

It was then that Aisha realized what had happened. She panicked.

"Daddyyyyyyyyyyy..." She shrieked and flopped face down on the bed and tried to craw farther into the bed by pulling up her right thigh. This only helped to open out her thighs and bare ass cheeks.

Her father quickly fell on top of her, fitting his thin fabric covered long hard erection between her naked ass cheeks. And lying with his face close to hers,at the same time he was trying to pull his own shorts,with out she noticing his stiff penis pop out injecting it self between her two buns, the head of his swollen member right at the entrance of her tight pink sphincter, he gently started to trust his cock into her but, making sure not to penetrate her but enjoying the feeling of her butt cheeks as they griped his cock.

"Daddy,what you doing my pants are down. Please let me up."

"Let's kiss for a while first, darling... please."

Aisha knew there was no other way to get her father off her virtually naked body. So, she turned up her face and they mouth kissed. Her father was rhythmically pumping his cock between her naked ass cheeks, wildly stimulating her. Aisha kissed back, sucking her father's tongue when it explored her mouth. Her juices were wetting her shorts over her cunt.

"Good... very good, Aisha... I love this exercise... I'm also producing a lot of RH." What he meant was that he was also getting very stimulated, Aisha knew.

"Daddy, please let me up."

"Yes, darling but let's produce a bit more RH... is daddy stimulating you enough... to produce RH?"

"Yes, yes... but daddy this is very sexual." Her father was continuing to pump his erection into her bare lush buttocks.

"It has to be, darling... to get you stimulated... to produce RH." He started to kiss her again and she responded. Yes, she was very stimulated. Inwardly Aisha was getting Horny.

Finally her father got off her body and pulled her pants up into place. Aisha raised herself up and sitting on the bed adjusted her tube top. He father smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Lovely, darling. I love doing this exercise with you... it's so exciting!"

Aisha just smiled.

"Are you enjoying yourself? Do you like doing this with daddy?"

Aisha just smiled and nodded, too shy to speak.

"Do you want to do it again? Or do you want to do the next exercise."

"The next exercise, daddy." she smiled at her father.

"All right, Aisha. Come and lie down on your back across the bed... yes, that's good... now pull up your legs."

Her father made her lie on her back, her head resting on a high pillow. He pulled up her legs, by bending them at the knees. He placed her some distance inside the bed deliberately.

"Now we'll do exercise for the hips."

"What am I to do, daddy?"

"Daddy will help you." Her father stood close to the bed and reached forward and placed his hands on her knees.

"Now the exercise will involve opening out your thighs as widely as you can, holding that position for a while and then closing your thighs together. And we do that several times. That will exercise your hips."

Her father smiled at her. She too smiled although she was feeling uneasy because she knew that opening out her thighs will give her father a good view of her crotch where the skin-like fabric will show the outline of her cunt lips and slit.

"You just relax, darling. Daddy will help you to open out and close your thighs." Again he gave a smile and she smiled back.

Holding her knees, her father's hands slowly opened out her bare beautiful thighs wider and wider. At the same time her father's hands kept descending along her bare sensitive inner thighs until her thighs were pointing out in big V and her father's hands were resting on the bare innermost sensitive parts of her thighs on either side of her pubic area. Because he had deliberately placed her some distance inside the bed, he had to lean forward and downward. This brought his face close to her crotch.

Holding her thighs opened out like that her father, looked up and smiled at her, and she smiled back. Then his eyes went back to her crotch, looking closely and intently at the cunt lips and slit, clearly outlined by the wet skin-like fabric which, wetted by her excited secretions, was now quite transparent... The touching hands and the close looking of her loins were arousing Aisha. She was producing more juices and wetting the fabric more and it became more transparent.

Only after a while her father asked, "Can I close your thighs, Aisha?"

The excited and embarrassed Angel said, "Yes, daddy please, yes." Her father brought his hands back to her knees and closed the thighs, and smiled at her.

Her father let her rest for a while like that. "You do this exercise very well, darling. But you have to do it several times... to exercise the hips. Rest your thighs for a while and then when you are ready tell daddy to open out your thighs again." Oh God! She has to ask her father to open out her thighs!

When Aisha didn't respond for a while her father said, "We cannot wait too long, darling. We have several exercises to do before your mother comes back." He smiled, encouraging her to say what he wanted.

"Yes daddy, you can open out my thighs now."

Again her father slowly opened out her lovely thighs until they were wide open. He slid his hands along the bare inner thighs and rested them on either side of her loins and caressed her there. Her father's face was once again close to her pussy.

Aisha knew she was very wet there. Her father could probably see her cunt lips and opening through the wet fabric. She blushed with the realization.

He held her in this position and said, "Good, very good, Aisha" and looked up to smile at her. Aisha smiled back, not knowing what was good, the fact that her thighs can open out widely or the view of her vagina.

Saying, "You must hold this position for a while to strengthen the hips," her father lowered his face close and kept looking intently at her pussy.

"Lovely, darling... yours is lovely." Now she knew that her father was admiring her vagina. Her cunt lips and slit were clearly seen through the thin wetted transparently clinging fabric. Sexual arousal assailed the hot young teenager and she exuded more juice.

Her father was looking at her vagina for so long time, that at last she had to say, "Daddy, can you close my thighs?"

And he closed her thighs, but he kept opening her thighs several times, getting bolder and caressing the inner thighs next to her loins as he looked at her pussy closely. And he kept saying, "Lovely, darling... wet and lovely..." Aisha was very aroused. Finally, Aisha herself wanted to bring it to a stop.

"Daddy, can you do it for the final time? My joints may ache otherwise."

"All right, darling." This time, keeping her thighs spread out, and with his face close to her crotch, he looked up at her and asked smiling, "Can daddy touch you, darling? Please..."

"Is it part of the exercise, daddy?"

"No, but I love to touch you, Aisha... please... I really love to."

"But it's wrong, isn't it, daddy?"

"It's wrong if I hurt you... but I promise not to hurt you, darling... please."

"I don't know, daddy..."

"Just for one minute... for one minute only, Aisha. Please... please... please, darling."

"All right, daddy... for only one minute."

"Thank you, darling. You are a wonderful daughter."

Her father used the index finger of his right hand to touch her vagina lips through the already transparent thin fabric. He kept running his finger up and down the tender young lips and then up and down the wet slit, making sure that the finger made contact with her clitoris through the fabric again and again. Aisha was already twisting her body feeling much aroused. A gush of juices exuded.

"Lovely, Angel, lovely... thank you, darling, thank you very much... you are wet and nice... you feel very nice to the touch."

What could she say except smile at her father. She had thought one minute was a short time but the way the finger was caressing her along the slit and the clitoris, it seemed an hour. She knew she was wetting herself. She liked it and this embarrassed her. Finally when her father stopped, she wasn't sure whether she really wanted him to stop fingering her.

Her father now said, "Aisha, can you now help daddy to do this exercise? To strengthen my hips?"

Aisha couldn't refuse, could she?

"All right, daddy."

Her father now lay as she had done on the bed. "Come and hold daddy's knees and then open out my thighs." He was smiling at her and looking at her chest where the skimpy top revealed much of her big breasts.

Slowly Aisha opened out her father's thighs. "As you open out the thighs, run your hands down the inner sides, like the way I did to you." Again her father smiled encouragement.

So, as her father's thighs slowly opened out her soft young hands slide down along his firm hairy inner thighs until they rested on either side of his crotch. She had to lean forward to do what she was doing and this brought her face close to her father's erection.

"Hold daddy's thighs like that for a while, darling."

What Aisha saw embarrassed her. The fabric of her father's shorts was extremely stretchable. So, her father's monstrous manhood was practically upright, pushing up the fabric, the huge head or knob, (whatever they call it, thought Aisha) clearly outlined! He too had secreted his pre-cum semen and wetted the fabric, making it transparent. The big head and its opening were visible.

"Thank you for helping daddy with the exercise, darling," said her father, smiling at her. Then he added, "Press your hands against daddy's inner thighs a bit harder."

So, Aisha pressed the firm bare flesh of her father's thighs on either side of his crotch. While doing that she had to look at her father's monstrous erect bulge! God! He was a very big man!

After a while her father said, "All right, Aisha, you can close the thighs... unless you want to look at daddy a bit longer." She closed her father's thighs quickly.

"Aisha, you are doing it very nicely. Thank you. I would like to do it a few more times to exercise the hips. So, when you are ready, you can open out your father's thighs again... and look at daddy." Why did her father say "look at daddy'? What has that got to do with exercising his hips?

Might as well get this over quickly, thought Aisha. So, she again opened out her father's thighs, sliding her hands along the sensitive inner thighs until her hands rested again on either side of the massive erect bulge. Her face was again close to her father's loins.

"Aisha, darling, can you please rub the thighs where your hands are... massage the area a bit." Her father again smiled.

Aisha rubbed gently her father's flesh beside his crotch. The huge bulge, especially the knob was clearly seen by Aisha. The wet fabric was transparent. The knob jerked and jerked, lifting up the fabric rhythmically. Her father's manhood was alive!

Aisha saw that the constant lifting of the shorts by the knob enlarged the leg hole of the shorts. And lo behold! One of her father's big hairy balls slipped out into the open, and made contact with her hand.

"Enough, daddy?"

"A bit longer, dear. Rub the flesh... the innermost flesh... give it some exercise."

As Aisha rubbed the flesh on either side of her father bulge, the upper side of one of her hands kept brushing against his bare ball, the one that was out of the shorts. Aisha also saw her father's knob jerking up against the wet fabric again and again. He has secreted more pre-cum semen and the soiled fabric enabled Aisha to see the whole of the huge knob.

After a while she asked, "Enough massaging, daddy?"

"All right, darling. You can do it again later." He smiled again. Aisha smiled back, and closed up her father's thighs.

"Daddy, do you want to rest for a while, or do you want me to open out your thighs again?"

"I like you to open out my thighs again, darling. I also like you to massage daddy a bit more and look at daddy a bit longer."

Again Aisha opened out her father's thighs and rubbed his flesh beside the bulge. In the process her hand kept brushing against that bare ball. Close up, she couldn't avoid looking at her father's erection. It kept jerking non-stop under the now transparent wet fabric. Mighty big penis my father has, thought Aisha.

She had to open out her father's thighs several times and rub his flesh close to the bulge each time. Finally she wanted to put a stop to it. So she said, "Let me do it for the last time, daddy. After that let's do the other exercises before mom comes back."

"All right, darling."

Aisha opened out her father's thighs and was looking closely at her father's knob when her father said, "Can you do me a favor?"

"What's that daddy?"

"Touch daddy's penis, please."

"Is it part of the exercise?"

"No, not really but... daddy would be very grateful to you... I've longed for your touch... please, Angel."

"Daddy, I'm not sure it is right for me to do that."

"Please, Aisha... touch the head... for only one minute... please, darling... for only one minute."

Her father's pleading softened the young girl. Aisha used her index finger to touch the knob through the fabric. Immediately it jerked and shook and escaped from her finger.

"It's so big, daddy... and it moves when I touch it!"

"Yes, but you'll like its size... later... ( Aisha didn't understand what he had meant by that)"

Several times Aisha placed her finger on the knob and each time it jerked and escaped from her finger.

"Darling, hold it still by cupping the head with your hand... cup it, darling."

Aisha cupped her father's big knob. She could feel it throb in her hand. She looked at her father who smiled at her, "That's good... thank you... now keep squeezing the head again and again for one minute, Aisha."

When she didn't do it immediately her father said, "Please, darling... keep squeezing and releasing the head... please."

So, Aisha, smiling at her father, started squeezing and releasing the knob again and again. It throbbed and jerked in her hand. She felt her father's pre-cum secretion wet her hand but she continued, not knowing that her father was secreting semen fluid. To Aisha it seemed a long time before she stopped. All the time her father was smiling at her and thanking her. Then they sat on the sofa together.

"Daddy, couldn't we have done the exercises on our own?"

"Yes, we could have, but it wouldn't have served the purpose."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember? I told you earlier that the most important part of the exercises is to get your body to produce RH?"

"Yes, I do."

"And the only way to get the body to do that is to arouse or stimulate the body. Tell frankly, were you aroused when daddy touched your inner thighs, looked at your crotch closely, and finally touched your vagina?"

Shyly Aisha nodded.

"That means your body must have produced RH to main your shape. Doing exercises on your own will not help... you need daddy to stimulate your body."

"I see."

"When you touched daddy's inner thighs, looked at my penis, and cupped and squeezed the head, I too got aroused. I too must have produced RH."

"Come darling, let us now do the next set of exercises." Her father took her by the hands and, watching her jiggling breasts visible through the tube top, took her to the sofa. Aisha in turn couldn't help noticing her father's erection swaying side to side wile he walk and pushing out the stretchable shorts.

Her father made her sit on the sofa and lean back against some pillows in a reclining position. He then knelt between her now spread legs facing her, since she was at the edge of the sofa his erection was perfectly aligned with her cunt. Leaning close and caressing her face, he said, "You are very beautiful, Aisha. You have such succulent lips. I love kissing you."

"Thank you, daddy." What else could she say?

"As I told you I have been longing to kiss you on the mouth for a long time, darling. Shall we kiss like we have been kissing... that is, shall we kiss like lovers?"

"Lovers?" She asked with a cheeky smile.

"I've always been your lover because I've always loved you. Only you haven't loved me."

"But I do love you, daddy." She said on a serious note.

"Then you are my lover, Aisha. So, we must act like lovers."

"Okay, lover," laughed Aisha, teasingly.

Her father continued, "Thank you, angel. I've always hungered for your love. I hope you don't mind giving daddy lots of love."

"No, daddy, I don't mind. Let's begin with the exercises."

"Okay, darling. These exercises we are going to do will involve kissing and caressing. Some of them we can do together but others I'll do first to you and then you do it to me after that."

"Must we kiss and caress?" She saw her father looking at her breasts visible through the tube top.

"Yes, Aisha. Remember what I told you earlier? The most important thing is to get your body to produce RH?"


"I also told you that this can only be done by stimulating your body?"

"Yes," replied a shy Aisha.

"So, the kissing and caressing are to stimulate your body. Okay?"

Shyly Aisha nodded.

"So, you also must do to me what I do to you... to stimulate my body... to produce RH."

Oh God! What am I in for, wondered Aisha.

"Now daddy is going to kiss you on the mouth like before... you kiss back also, darling."

Her father leaned over and caressing her face with both hands kissed her on the mouth. It was not a hurried kiss. It was slow and wet and his mouth gently opened up her young wet lips. Willingly Aisha offered her mouth, caressing her father's face. When her father gently sucked her she also gently sucked back.

After a while her father placed his hands on the sides of her body below the armpits and explored her mouth with his long fat tongue. Aisha also placed her soft hands on the sides of her father's bare body below his armpits and used her tongue to explore her father's mouth.By now his erection was pushing and poking her cunt opening all that was stopping the penetration was the thin material of they shorts

The kiss was arousing Aisha and unknown to her it was exciting her father too. Now they began to suck each other's tongue. Suddenly, while she was sucking her father's tongue, both of her father's hands cupped her huge breasts.

"Daddyyy..." moaned Aisha into her father's mouth.

"Remember, darling... I have to stimulate you... to produce RH... now put your tongue inside daddy's mouth... let me fondle your breasts."

What could she do but obey? Aisha slipped her young tongue into her father's mouth. Her father sucked on her tongue. He sucked and squeezed her breasts, sucked and squeezed her breasts, sucked and squeezed her breasts. He did that very gently and lovingly. Yes, her father was successful in stimulating her, thought a very aroused Aisha.

"Now, it's your turn, Aisha," said her father and slipped his tongue into her mouth. Aisha placed her hands on her father's chest. Then she sucked his tongue and squeezed his nipples. She did that for a while. Then it was her father who sucked her tongue and this time he caressed and fondled her breasts more intimately, rolling her nipples between his thumbs and fingers, tweaking her nipples and repeating his fondling again and again.

"Hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm..." moaned Aisha, very aroused, as father and daughter sucked each other's tongues and fondled each other, his cock still rubbing and parting her pussy lips, the moistness of her shorts caused by her own juices.

"Like it, Angel? Like it?"

"Hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm..." Aisha was moaning but she knew that her father would take that to mean she liked what he was doing. But that would also be true because she did like what her father was doing, just that she felt confuse and a little wrong.

Her father fondled her breasts and she his nipples while they resumed kissing.

After making sure that he had aroused his daughter enough, Dick stopped. "Let's rest for a while, Aisha, before we do the next exercise."

Her father got up, went to the kitchen and came back with two small glasses of wine. As he walked towards her, Aisha saw that her father's massive manhood was pushing his thin shorts straight out. The head was visible as the fabric was still wet and transparent.

"Have a drink, darling. Good to sip something while we do the exercise."

"What drink is that daddy?"

"It's wine."

"Mom says I'm too young to drink wine."

"In that case, we won't tell your mother. But as far as I'm concerned you are ripe and ready for adult activities."

Young innocent Aisha didn't catch the full import of what her father had meant by "adult activities". She thought he had meant that she was ripe and ready to drink wine. But Dick had meant that his daughter was ripe and ready for sex!

After the drink, her father filled the glasses again and placed them on the dressing table in front of the mirror. He had a plan.

Then he came back to the sofa and said, "Lean back against the pillows... yes, like that... we'll do the next activity."

Aisha lay back, her huge breasts again drawing the attention of her father. He now sat facing her close to her body. "Ready, Angel?"

"For what daddy?"

"For daddy to stimulate you..." Her father smiled, and Aisha smiled back with a puzzled look.

Her father bent over and kissed her for a while and then his mouth descended along her chin to her throat. He licked and licked and licked all over her throat. He alternated the licking of her throat with sucking of her throat flesh, exciting the hot young daughter. Then he used both hands to caress her breasts. Aisha froze for a while.

"Darling, you have magnificent breasts... big and beautiful. Daddy has been longing to kiss your breasts also for a long time... Can daddy kiss your breasts?"

Would her father listen if she said no? Definitely not. So, she just smiled.

"Luckily you have agreed to do these exercises... I can fulfill my long time longing... to kiss your breasts." Oh God! Aisha was shocked to know that her father had been longing to kiss her breasts too!

Slowly and lovingly her father kissed her right nipple and its surround flesh through the thin fabric of her tube top. Then he did the same to her left nipple. Both her nipples turned turgid as her sexual urge intensified.


Her father ignored her. He continued to kiss her nipples for a while. Then he started to lick the nipple and its surrounding flesh of one breast and then the other. Aisha's sexual excitement increased. Unknown to Aisha, her father's erection was throbbing as well.

"Dad! Daddy!"

Her father ignored her and continued to lick, using plenty of saliva. The fabric over her nipples, aureole and surrounding flesh was thoroughly soaked with saliva and became completely transparent. Her father's tongue repeatedly lashed against her nipples keeping them rock hard.

"Daddy... daddy... daddy..." moaned Aisha, her hands behind her father's head, her fingers running through his hair, unknowingly exciting her father by her actions.

Dick knew that he had to slow down a bit before his daughter loses control of herself. He wanted to enjoy her breasts for quite a while. So he stopped licking Aisha's breasts. He smiled at his daughter who trying to catch her breath smiled back.

"Liked it darling?" Shyly Aisha nodded.

"Come, let's have some wine," said her father and took her by the hand and raised her up. With his left arm around her bare waist, he took her to the dressing table and stood her in front of the mirror.

"Look darling... aren't we a good pair of lovers?"

"We are father and daughter, daddy."

"Yes, that's what I mean... we're father-daughter lovers."

Aisha didn't know what to say. She just smiled. In the mirror she saw her father's shorts sticking out, sticking way out, his huge knob still visible, the fabric still wet and transparent. The clearly outlined head of his erection was jabbing the fabric again and again. Dick noticed his daughter looking at his bulge. So, casually he scratched the knob and it jerked more visibly. Aisha noticed it. Quickly she looked at her father hoping he hadn't seen her watching his knob. But his smile showed that he had seen it all. Aisha blushed.

Then her father stood behind her. He put his hands on her bare hips and stood against her ass. Aisha was a little taller than her father, so his bulge fitted between the crevice of her lovely butt.

Aisha tried to move forward to avoid contact but her father followed up against her until she was close to the mirror and couldn't go anymore forward. Her father's erection still nestle between her butt cheeks. She tried to move out sideways but his hands on her hips held her there.

Aisha stood still and their eyes met in the mirror. Her father smiled and pushed his hips forward. Aisha unintentionally clenched her cheeks griping her fathers knob with her butt. Dick let out a soft moan.

"Aisha, your nipples and aureole show through clearly because I've wetted the tube top with my saliva when I licked... I'm sorry for having licked so wetly... I'm sorry, dear... I'm very sorry... I didn't do it deliberately (a lie, he knew)... I'm sorry... but you are lovely."

Four times he had said sorry. So Aisha shyly said, "It's all right, daddy... I understand." Yes, her nipples and aureole were completely visible. Obviously her father liked her that way.

Her father's hand now came up and cupped the big breasts on their underside and gently lifted them up. The massive breasts bulged out some more. The nipples and aureole pressed against the saliva soaked fabric and became more prominent and more visible.

"You have wonderful breasts, darling."

"Thank you, daddy."

Gently his hands squeezed her breasts. Looking at her breasts in the mirror he said, "They are big and beautiful... some have big breasts but not beautiful ones... others have beautiful breasts but not big ones... but yours are wonder breasts, Aisha... they are both big and beautiful... just what I love."

"Thank you, daddy." What else could she say to compliments?

Her father's thumbs and fingers now rolled her hard nipples as he said, "Lovely nipples, Angel... pinkish and hard... lovely aureole too."

"Thank you, daddy." Oh God! What was her father saying and doing?

"I like your nipples, aureole and breasts, Aisha... I enjoyed kissing and licking them a while ago." The thumbs and fingers were still rolling her nipples.

"They were part of the exercise, weren't they, daddy?"

"Yes, I know. I'm going to do more after our drink."

When her father mentioned about drink, Aisha quickly said, "Yes, daddy, let's have our wine."

Her father released her nipples, took the two glasses and gave one to her.

"Wine mustn't be drunk but sipped slowly," said her father. "So, let us sit down."

Her father sat on the only stool in front of the dressing table. Aisha was wondering where she was to sit when her father said, "Sit on my lap, darling."

Aisha saw her father's bulge sticking upright. Holding the glass Aisha tried to sit on her father's thigh avoiding his bulge but her father had other ideas. As she was sitting down he gently pulled her at the hip with his free hand to make her sit directly on his hard erection almost impaling her if not for her and his shorts. Aisha didn't struggle for fear of spilling the wine.

"Now sip your drink, darling," said her father smiling at her in the mirror. Aisha did just that, feeling her father's hard manhood wedged between her full butt. In the mirror she could see her father's big knob sticking out between the V of her thighs at the crotch. Oh God!

Aisha looked down to make sure. Yes, there it was, the big head, close to her vagina! Luckily they were both wearing shorts.

"Aisha, I have been longing for you to sit on daddy's lap like this."

"Daddy, you have been longing for all kinds of things with me... you naughty daddy!" Aisha laughed teasingly. She could feel her father's hard erection was throbbing against her butt.

Her father raised her hips to rub his manhood more intimately against her butt as he said, "Yes, Aisha... because I love you and adore your gorgeous body."

What could she say to that? "Do you like me that much?" Her father's free hand came up to caress her nipple again.

"Yes, Aisha I like you... I love you more than anything in the world... I don't know how much you love me."

"Oh daddy, I too love you."

By now Aisha had finished sipping her drink. "Shall we continue with the exercise, daddy?" Her father finished his drink and placed his hands on her hips.

As she got up, his hands, as if by accident, slid down her hips, pushing Aisha's shorts down over her hips. Before Aisha could realize it, the shorts had come all the way down over her butt at the back and down over her pubic mound in front.

"Oops, I'm sorry, darling, " said her father, as if it had happened by accident. "Let me fix your shorts"

Her father's hands quickly went to work. One hand pulled up the shorts at the back, caressing her buttocks as it did so. The right hand cupped her crotch for a moment and rubbed upwards as it pulled up her shorts in front. Aisha felt her father's fingers caress upwards her cunt lips and slit.

"There, darling, it's okay now." He smiled at her.

"Thank you, daddy. Can we continue with our exercises?"

"Come, let daddy take you to the sofa to continue with the exercise."

This time her father did not let her walk to the sofa. Instead he carried her with one arm under her upper body and the other under her thighs. Aisha put her arms around her father's neck and allowed herself to be kissed sexily on the mouth, partly because she was aroused and partly because her father wanted to kiss her.

It was an arousing kiss. They were exchanging tongues in their mouths and sucking at each other's tongue.

As her father put her on the sofa and made her lean back against the pillows Aisha asked, "What are we going to do now?"

"Daddy is going to mouth your wonderful breasts some more," he said smiling at her.

"But you have already kissed and licked them, daddy."

"Yes, but I haven't done the other important thing yet."

"What's that?"

"I have kissed and licked but... I haven't sucked your breasts, Aisha. So, let me suck them properly now, the way I have been longing to suck your breasts." He stressed the italicized words.

"But is it part of the exercise, daddy?"

"What? Hmm... ah, yes, dear, yes... it's on the tape I saw... it's exercise for your breasts... to stimulate you to produce RH." It was all a lie, of course!

"Then it's okay, daddy." Innocent Aisha didn't suspect anything when her father hesitated in answering her.

Her father kissed her on the mouth for a moment and then lowered his mouth to her chest. As before he licked and nibbled her nipples for a while, stirring up Aisha's sexual urge. Then her father's mouth slowly locked on to her right breast, sucking the nipple and the surrounding flesh into his warm mouth.

Her father sucked her breast very excitingly. His mouth was big and sucked up quite a bit of her breast flesh. And his tongue was licking the nipple and the flesh all around it. The fabric of the tube top was being saliva coated and this was aiding intimate contact of her father's tongue and mouth with her breast flesh.

"Daddy, is this really necessary?"

"Yes... I want to suck your breasts... I've always wanted to... I want to stimulate you, Aisha... tell me, is daddy succeeding in stimulating you?" He didn't say anything about the need to produce RH.

"Yes, daddy, yes..."

"Do you like it?"

"Yes... I suppose I'm producing the RH." Aisha wanted to remind her father why she was allowing him to stimulate her.

"Good... enjoy yourself, darling..."

Now her father was sucking her left breast. Oh God! It felt good! Her father's mouth was good. She liked the way her father sucked. He sucked and sucked very stimulatinly.

"Aisha, daddy is now going to caress your crotch."

"Is it part of the exercise, daddy?"

"Yes, of course... to stimulate you some more... it's part of the exercise..."

"In that case all right, daddy." At least there was a reason for letting her father touch her crotch.

"Also I've always wanted to caress your vagina, Aisha."

Oh God! Ali didn't know what to say to that.

Her father's mouth now sucked her right breast while his right hand cupped her loins. Slowly and stimulating he caressed her vagina, his fingers rubbing her tender cunt lips up and down through the juice soiled thin fabric, causing her hips to shake and writhe.

"Is daddy doing a good job of stimulating your crotch?" Oh God! What a question?

"Yes... yes."

"Do you want daddy to stimulate you some more?"

"YES... YES." Then she realized that her eagerness for thrill showed in her voice. So she added, "If it's part of the exercise, daddy."

"Yes, Aisha, it is... it is, indeed... "

The well-aroused Aisha wanted some more. "Then go ahead, daddy, stimulate me some more."

"Yes, I will... enjoy yourself, darling."

Her father's thick middle finger embedded itself along her slit and rubbed the stretchable fabric inwards. The finger sunk deeper inside the wet groove of her slit and rubbed her up and down slowly and stimulating. Aisha's hips jerked as her sexual arousal received new impetus.


"Is it nice, darling?"

"Hmmmmm... Yesssss..." Now her hips were lifting up again and again to welcome the finger.

Rhythmically her father rubbed her, making her wetter and wetter. After a while the finger bent and slipped inside to the knuckle, pushing in the stretchable fabric.

"Oooooooo... daddyyyy..."

"Like this, Darling?"

"Hmmmmm... yes..." Oh God!

Then her father started to move the finger in and out slowly, rhythmically. Aisha's hips bucked up to meet the finger at each inward thrust. Her father started to suck her breast, the sucking matching the finger thrusts.

"Daddy... daddy... this is good... I like this... I like this exercise..." Aisha thought she had better mention that it was exercise. She hoped that her father wouldn't realize that it was the sex part that she liked.

"Aisha, why don't you now help daddy... to exercise also."


"Do to daddy what daddy is doing to you."

"You mean...?"

"Yes, Aisha... fondle daddy's manhood... the way I'm fondling your crotch."

"Daddy, must I?"

"Yes, darling... stimulate daddy... to produce RH."

Oh God! That RH again! What else could she do but do to her father what he wanted.

Her young soft right hand cupped the head. Immediately it jerked and throbbed.

"Fondle the head... "

"You mean the knob?"

"Yes, the knob, rub it nicely... and then grab the shaft and stroke it up and down, Aisha." Her father went back to sucking one of her breasts and finger thrusting her wildly convulsing wet vagina. Her juices were flowing freely.

Wildly aroused, Aisha cupped and caressed her father's knob through the thin fabric for a while. Then she wrapped her fingers around the shaft. Her fingers didn't succeed in going all the way around her father's erection. It was that thick. And it was alive in her hand, jerking wildly. She held it as best as she could and steadily stroked it up and down. Her father's hips writhed with the stimulation she was giving him.

"Am I doing right, daddy?"

"Hmm... yezz... yezz..." moaned her father with her breast filling his sucking mouth.

Her father's finger began to move faster and faster... in, out... in, out... in, out.

"Faster, Aisha, faster, faster," moaned her father, not releasing his mouth from her breast.

Wildly shuddering with arousal Aisha stroked her father's manhood faster and faster, matching her father's finger in her vagina.

"Daddy... oooo... oooo... hhmmmm... ooooo..." The stimulation was getting very intense. Something violent was happening inside her vagina. Her whole body was rushing towards...

As Aisha approached her orgasm she started to squeeze her father's knob rhythmically and pumped his erection violently and he too was rushing towards...

They both exploded!



Aisha was shivering and shuddering, her vagina pouring out her climatic cum in profusion. Her father's cock squirted and squirted, the sperm soiling her hands. Aisha cupped the head to stop the flow, cupped and squeezed but her father still shot out his juice, flooding her hands and the cum dripping down profusely. Aisha and her father cummed and cummed for a full minute.

Finally her father removed his cum coated finger from her vagina and Aisha released her father's knob.

Kissing her on the mouth, her father asked, "Did you enjoy that, darling?"

Shyly she answered, "Yes, daddy... very much... but... but..."

"But, what darling?"

"We climaxed, daddy... isn't it wrong?"

"No, because we produced RH also... for our good... What is important is that you enjoy climaxing. Did you?"

"Yes, and what about you? Did you enjoy also, daddy?"

"Yes, very much... I have been longing to do this with you for a long time." Oh God! What was he saying?

"Would you like to do this again?"

"Yes... if it's part of an exercise."

"Yes, of course. Shall we now clean up and dress up for the next exercise?"

This time Aisha wore another tube top, smaller than before so that the upper and lower mounds of her big tits were left uncovered. It was also shearer than before, so that again her nipples and aureole were clearly visible. The bottom shocked her. It consisted of strings that held a small sheer mesh fabric smaller than the area of her palm that just about cupped her pubic area. The stretchable sheer mesh allowed clear view of her cunt!

"Daddy, do I have to wear like this? It's so revealing."

Her father turned around and looked at her near nakedness with delight. "Yes, dear... this is what I want you to wear..."

Aisha looked quizzically at her father.

"I mean Mr. Cockrin wants you to wear for the next exercise."

"I see."

" The skimpiness makes you voluptuous, Aisha... you are hot!." Her father's eyes were on her breasts and crotch again and again.

Then she turned around while her father wore his attire. When ready he said, "I'm ready for you, darling. you can turn around."

Aisha was shocked by what she saw. Her father wore a special kind of brief. It was all strings except for the front part which consisted of two portions. The lower part of mesh fabric contained his big balls. The upper part was a cylindrical sheath of mesh fabric. It sheathe her father's long fat penis. The sheath, like a condom, allowed the erect manhood to stand outwards and upwards from the body. And the mesh fabric allowed Aisha to see quite clearly her father's erection and big head. Dick watched his daughter look at his manhood. He was proud he had a good cock.

"Ready, Aisha? as he swayed his semi erection side to side. To do the next exercise?"

"Must we be dressed like this?"

"Yes, darling. Mr. Cockrin's instruction," he lied.

What could she do but nod agreement.

"This exercise is for your knees, Aisha. Do as daddy says."

"All right, daddy."

Then her father sat on the floor with his legs stretched straight out. Aisha was asked to stand over his thighs in front of him close to her father's face.

"Now raise your right thigh and place it on daddy's left shoulder. "

When Aisha did that, her cunt, visible through the skimpy mesh fabric, was close to her father's face. "Come closer, darling, until you make contact with daddy's face."

Her father adjusted her until her right thigh went farther behind him and her crotch came flush against his face. Oh God!

"Hold daddy's head for support... (Aisha put her hands behind her father's head) that's right... now, keep straightening and bending your right leg at the knee." Even as her father spoke his moving lips were rubbing against her flesh through the mesh fabric.

Slowly Aisha began to straighten and bend her leg at the knee. As she was doing that she realized what else were happening. Her father's hands had gone behind her and were cupping and caressing her bare ass and gently pulling her crotch tighter against his face. Her father's face had gone a bit lower. His open mouth was right over her cunt lips and slit. Oh God! Only the small mesh fabric prevented raw mouth contact with her cunt, but the sheerness of the fabric allowed intimate contact of her father's mouth with her hot flesh.

Her father spoke against her cunt, "Keep straightening and bending your leg, darling... yes, that's good. " His mouth was rubbing intimately against her cunt through the sheer fabric. Aisha was getting stimulated again. But that's what the exercise was supposed to do, wasn't it?

To maintain balance Aisha held tightly to her father's head. This only served to pull his mouth tighter against her crotch. Her father now locked his open mouth over her cunt, sucking a lot of the mesh fabric and cunt flesh into his mouth, sucking gently, sucking and sucking and sucking. Oh God! It was nice, thought Aisha. Her hot stimulated cunt seemed to welcome her father's hot mouth.

"Daddyyy..." A pleading of sorts.

Aisha's thighs quivered and her cunt convulsed with intense stimulation. She felt as if her cunt was deep inside her father's sucking mouth. Her leg kept a rhythmic straightening and bending. During straightening her father's mouth relaxed and during bending her father's mouth sucked her cunt into his mouth.

On and on her father sucked, and Aisha's hips bucked with wild arousal. Dick didn't want his daughter to climax yet because that might end the fun too early. So he stopped sucking and said, "Let's rest for a while."

Aisha removed her thigh from her father's shoulder and again stood in front of him. "Was that nice, darling? Did you like it?" asked her father smiling. Shyly she nodded.

"Now rest for a while. When you are ready and want to do the exercise again, tell daddy."

Her father waited, with his hands on her hips and looking smilingly at her. Her hands were still on her father's head and her crotch close to his face. Her mesh fabric was thoroughly saliva wetted already.

After a while her father asked, "Ready, darling? For daddy to help your body to produce some more RH?"

Aisha nodded, partly to get this over with and partly wanting the thrill.

Her father said happily, "Good. Now place your left thigh over my right shoulder... yes that's right... bring your crotch against daddy's face as before... yes that's right... now hold daddy's head like before... yes, that's right"

Again her father's hands cupped and caressed her bare firm butt. "Shall we begin the exercise, darling? To produce the RH in your body?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Okay then... start straightening and bending your knees... daddy will help your body to produce the RH... by sucking and stimulating your cu... body." Aisha knew that her father had almost said 'cunt'. But then, if he had said that it wouldn't have been wrong, would it? After all it was indeed her cunt that he was going to suck and suck and suck. Aisha was very aroused.

Her father's open mouth locked on her cunt and started sucking in rhythm with the bending of her knee. He started doing more this time. His long fat tongue was out, licking her cunt lips up and down. The mesh fabric being so thin allowed Aisha to feel her father's tongue on her hot flesh. Aisha's hips shuddered with wild excitement. The tongue was licking so intimately!

Now her father's tongue, pushing the thin stretchable mesh, slipped inside her slit and licked there.

"Daddyyyyyyyy..." Oh God! Her father's tongue was right inside her vagina!

Her father stopped, and looking up at her, smiled and asked, "Yes, darling? Did you call me?"

"No, daddy."

"Can daddy continue to help your body to produce RH?"

"Yes, daddy."

"So, can daddy suck and lick your... your thing... properly?"

Oh God! How could she say no. "Yes, daddy."

"Yes what, darling?'

"You can do it."

"Do what, Aisha?"

"You can help my body to produce the right hormones."

"How do you want me to do that, darling?"

Oh God! Has she to answer that? Okay, she might as well say it since her father wanted to hear that... "By stimulating me, daddy."

"How do you want me to stimulate you, Aisha?"

"By suck... oh daddy, don't be naughty! Please don't let me say it. I feel shy."

"I'm sorry, darling. I'm sorry."

"Thank you... just do it, daddy, just do it... just do what you have to do." Aisha realized that she was in fact asking her father to suck her cunt!

"All right, Aisha. Swing your leg and hold tight to daddy's head. I'm going to suck you fiercely but nicely."

Aisha started to straighten and bend her leg. Her father caressed her bare butt cheeks with one hand and the fingers of the other hand pushed the stretchable mesh inside her cunt slit. Then he inserted his long fat tongue inside. Aisha's hips bucked but her father's hands cupped her butt and held her cunt tightly to his mouth. His tongue began to plunge in and out of her cunt, the plunging in of his tongue was in rhythm with the bending of Aisha's knee.

Wildly stimulated Aisha held tight to her father's head, pulling him so that her father's mouth was glued to her cunt, the tongue wild inside her hot wet cunt. Aisha loved the wild sexual thrill.

Softly Aisha began to moan, "Hmmm... hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm..." Each "hmm" was in response to each thrust of her father's tongue into her hot juicy cunt.

Unknown to Aisha, her father was delighted by the wild sexual response of his young daughter. He had been longing to do this to his daughter for so long. At last he had found a way. His plan was working out nicely.

"There's more to come, Aisha, much more," he told himself. The way her body was responding, he was sure that she must possess her mother's uncontrollable urge for sex!

"Hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm..." Aisha continued to moan as her father continued to thrust his tongue inside her young hot cunt.

Suddenly her father stopped and a frustrated Aisha screamed silently within herself, "No daddy, noooooo, don't, don't, don't stop..." But there was no sound from her throat. Her father made her stand again in front of him.

"You did that exercise very well, darling."

"Thank you, daddy."

"Now you decide... whether you want to rest a while... or whether you want to continue."

"I don't want to rest. I want to continue, daddy." Oh God! "Did I sound eager for my father to tongue my cunt?" Aisha wondered silently.

"I know you like this exercise, darling. Now, place you right thigh on daddy's shoulder and hold on to daddy's head" She did just that.

" Let daddy make it very good for you this time. Enjoy your exercise, darling."

As before, her father again started to suck her cunt lips, lick them and thrust his tongue inside her very wet cunt. There was only a thin fabric between the inside of her cunt and her father's tongue. Her intense stimulation caught fire again.

"Hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm..." On and on she moaned. She wanted to control the rising stimulation that was beginning to shake and convulse her whole body. But she was losing control and yielded to the wild stimulation, moaning and moaning. How long could she control? At last, after several minutes she suddenly lost complete control. A violent orgasm erupted deep inside her cunt, her hips bucked wildly and her whole body shake.

"DDDDDAAAAAAADDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY..." Dick was delighted! He had succeeded! He had tongue fucked his young daughter to orgasm!

Aisha was embarrassed! But the pleasure was great! Thank you, daddy, she said silently.

For a full minute her body vibrated, her cunt gushing forth copious amount of juice while her father's tongue continued to work inside her cunt.

Finally her orgasm subsided but not her arousal because her father's tongue had made sure of that. Shyly Aisha removed her thigh from her father's shoulder, forcing his tongue out of her vagina. Then she stepped aside.

"Daddy, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!" Aisha saw that her father's lips and the surrounding areas of his mouth were covered by her creamy white juices.

"Darling, no need to say sorry. I'm happy what happened."

"Oh daddy! How can you say that?"

"Yes, darling. It meant you reached maximum stimulation and therefore your body would have produced maximum amount of RH to maintain your shape. That's good, isn't it?"

"Yes, I suppose, but..."

"Moreover it was part of the exercise."


"Yes, darling. Did you enjoy the exercise? Tell me the truth."

Shyly she nodded.

"That's good. The enjoyment part is the most important, don't you see? The more you enjoy, the more RH you produce."

"Shall I go and clean up, daddy?"

"All right, darling. Clean yourself and then wash the bottom, rinse it, squeeze it dry as much as possible and then wear it back."

"It will be wet."

"It's okay. It will dry on your body. It's only a small piece."

Aisha went and after a while returned wearing the wet mesh over her cunt. It seemed to cling more revealing to her crotch. Meanwhile her father had cleaned his face of the cum.

"Come, darling... now help daddy to do the exercise... Let's reverse our roles."

Oh God! He is going to put his thigh on my shoulder and press his crotch against my face, thought Aisha.

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173 Visiting aunt Fiona pt2

173 Visiting aunt Fiona. pt2We left Fiona bound of tits, and cuffed of wrist, laid on the carpet of the living room, Amy beside her had just returned from a multi climax induced faint and the two men were sat naked waiting Amy`s full return Phil just having had a BJ from the cuckolded Rob. The three were glad of the respite, Fiona though found the tender tits a trial, purple like balloons tied and bound, as they had been for near 30 long minutes now, they were causing her some discomforts, the...

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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt2

New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt2 That was Saturday. Then came Sunday. Being dominated completely and being helpless for a 6’3” bull that has been a strength coach is a dream come true. If it is yours as well, Please read. I knocked on the door and she stood there looking at me with a mix of happiness and condescension on her face. She had on black yoga pants that hugged her muscular lower body. Her tanned abs were obvious below the sport bra that fought to control her large breasts. ...

1 year ago
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Taking an XHamster Lover and Teaching Her Pt2

Taking an XHamster Lover and Teaching Her Pt2 In part 1, I took my sexy nymph from the fancy restaurant where we met to the hotel where we enjoyed a very hot evening of sex!!! When I left off the story, we were just getting ready to shower and sit in the in room hot tub. This story picks up just a little while after the tub. I am relaxing she is drying her hair. Can you hear the hair dryer? [/Image]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sitting in my chair I smiled as I swirled the...

2 years ago
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College Visit with Not My Niece Pt2

The college visit with not my niece. Pt2 I hope that you are reading this because you enjoyed part 1 of the story. Ellie and I met a few weeks ago and have shared a few fantasies. I decided to write them down and share them as stories. I do not have permission from her to share her identity, but trust me, she is real and damn.. she is hot! +++++++++ We went back to the hotel by 9:00, washed and changed into jeans and shirts and then hit a club near the hotel I enjoyed the sights of all of...

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Black Mailedpt2

Charlie had positioned himself behind me and was rubbing his huge penis glans over my bung hole. I whimpered as his huge member probed my outer anal muscle ring till it parted and admitted his head to enter my neither region. I begged 'please, don't do me like this, please don't,' Charlie growled 'bitch, you just swallowed my cousins seed, I'm gonna breed this ass pussy, you ain't sucking me dry till I seed your ass.' Charlie pulled his penis back and slid more into me, I gripped the mattress...

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The Roommates Pt2

The roommates pt2When we arrived every light in the house was out. We figured that 2am was a little late for poor Mark and Josh. Mark snoring like a lumberjack and Josh playing soft music and burning inscents burning.Smiling we entered our bedroom and closed the door. The next morning Dash and I had ALOT to tell Mark and Josh, but wehesitated to tell them until we got a feel for what our to new roommates were into, we decided to start doing little things to gauge how comfortable they were with...

4 years ago
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Brad and His Cousin Josephpt2

I looked at Claude's crotch and saw that he was stroking a monster of a penis, Joseph grabbed my feet and Brad held my hands. Claude crawled over my butt and bust my sloppy bung hole wide open with his enormous penis. I cried out all to no avail, Claude grunted and slammed his penis up in my butt without mercy for all of 20 minutes. With a growl deep from with in, Claude erupted a flood of semen that flushed out from around the massive shaft that filled my anus. With each throb of his penis...

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Brad and I pt2

After Bra had left, I filled the tub with warm water and slid down into it. My butt hole was swollen and painful to the touch, the tissue had traces of blood. After I had bath, I dried off and went into my folks room to find something to soothe my aching bung hole. I found some petroleum jelly and smeared a generous amount in and around my tender puckering bung hole. A glance in the mirror told me that it was a bright reddish color and hurt like hell. It was late Wednesday as my folks and I...

3 years ago
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Curious Pt2

For a ... For a recap of the story so far read Curious pt1, and yes I know I have bad punctuation and grammar CURIOUS PT2 By Dake9872 8:05! The clock radio read. There we go! After pinching myself and slapping myself for five minutes it looked like I wasn't dreaming. I really was Brooke Morgan; I felt exactly what beautiful women felt like to touch, from the long hair and killer figure, to the boobs and clit. Hopefully Brooke wasn't me. I mean going to bed Esmeralda and waking...

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Scratch that Itch PT2

Trying to Scratch that Itch PT2 Thanks for all the reviews and some of the ideas! Please read the first installment because this is an ongoing story. Please enjoy Tabitha's adventures. "Don't take any longer than an hour you slut!" as she pokes her head out of the shower and gives me a wink. I blow her a kiss and close the door. I grab my purse and I wiggle out that door. I put my purse in the crook of my arm and have my elbow down and my wrist up and bent forward and my other...

4 years ago
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Exercise One

Jessica flinched at the sound of a knock at the door. She buried her head underneath the pillow, tangling her already messy brown hair into a rat’s nest in the process. She pulled the covers tightly over herself, clenched her brown eyes tightly shut, curled her body into the fetal position and silently prayed that whoever it was (and she knew who it was, she knew who it must be, she knew who she was afraid it was and that was enough) would go away. The knocking continued. Jessica gritted her...

3 years ago
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Sex Exercise To Aditi Bhabi 8211 Part I

Hi friends, this is Abhi again came up with one spicier incident that will blow you up. The incident happened when I was around 18 years old. I was staying with my family having my mom, dad, brother and Aditi bhabi. The incident happened with Aditi, my brother’s wife. At that time she was around 29-30 years old. She was married to my brother 6 years ago. She was very pretty looking girl. She maintained her figure all these years and she looked liked only 22-23 years old only. No one can tell...

3 years ago
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Sex Exercise To Aditi Bhabi 8211 Part II

This is continuation of my story read first the part I:Now I know she was ok whatever I did there. May be she might not noticed that I touched her ass and asshole. She may be thinking that I only did some lower back massage. I was so relieved to hear those words from her. Then I asked her will she is ready for the evening exercise. She said sure why not, after all these exercise is good for me right? I nodded my head. I was so excited now. Then we finished lunch and I came to my room. I was so...

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Sex Exercise To Aditi Bhabi 8211 Part III

Next morning I woke up bit late. All night I was thinking of her and masturbated 3 times thinking of her soft pussy and ass. Now I wanted to see her totally naked but I was bit confused hot to do it. I was sure that she was co operating with me but still there was some doubt and if I misunderstood her then I am gone. I went to the living room and saw Aditi was doing something there. I asked where brother is, she looked at me and gave me a smile and said he has gone to office. Then I asked her...

3 years ago
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Step Brothers Bride Pt2

It was the following morning, the day of the wedding. I woke up early around 07:30, Jim was still fast asleep. I couldn't resist watching the video of Jennifer again. Watching her masturbate for her future brothers in law was something special. I was going to watch the 2nd video of the mind-blowing sex from the night before but Jim started to wake. "What the fuck did we do last night?" Jim said groggily, "Did that really happen?" "Yes Bro," I answered as he looked at me in...

3 years ago
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Badge Bunny Adventures Pt2

After the bar, Kira and I crashed in the barn at my aunt’s house. Years ago, my Uncle Tim fixed the barn up for me, he said a girl always needed a place to hide. I loved spending nights in the barn as a child. From the outside, you would think there were horses inside. When you step inside, the light colored pink walls with black trim kind of pop out at you, black and pink were always my favorite colors. The room was large, set up like a bedroom. I had a T.V., couch and a small bathroom. The...

1 year ago
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Sneaky Panty Smeller pt2

      A couple days had passed and it was time for work at my mother in laws place again. I was anxious and excited in hopes of what I would find this time in Becky's dirty laundry. Wondering if she had seen the mess I had made in her panties from the other day.  As we arrived, I noticed Becky was still home. I got kind of nervous at first, but when we walked into the house, he came up and gave me a big hug, asked how I was and chatted some more about some random things. All I could honestly...

2 years ago
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House Slut 32 Halloween pt2

This is a direct continuation of Part 1 which I recommend you read first. -phenylalanine After a small break to take a breather and as the groups finished up their punishments of their sacrifices, Tegan was taken down from her rack and half carried on wobbly legs back to the table she had been lain upon for the marathon session that had taken place earlier. Her mind leaped to the conclusion that they were finally going to finish the job they had started as she associated the table with...

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How i became a sissy fuckslave pt2

Sir unlocked my cuffs, and my ankle restraints and said"Down the hall, second door on the right is the bathroom, go there, remove the corset, catsuit, boots and hood, remove the plug and clean it and yourself up.When your done I want you to put the corset on, and hood as well as the boots and then go to the room across from the bathroom.Don't worry about cinching up the corset, I'll do that when you get in the room.If you have to pee, your to sit or squat to do so, a girlyboi like you...

4 years ago
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Aunties home tuition pt2

CONTINUED Vigorously it was a while before feeling comfortable then she hit a spot and l became very aroused my erection was spontaneous, and what an erection it was l gulped in air pushing myself on to Silvia and shouted ‘mummy l’m going’, she stopped fucking me and warned l was not to shoot my sticky load then gripped my balls tight causing me to lose my erection quickly, Silvia began fucking me again just as fast, she hit my g-spot ‘Bam!’ my cock was rock hard the sensation was electric it...

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Motherinlaw Her sister me Pt2

The morning came and over breakfast l asked where was the nearest sex shop, Molly said there was one in town but she didn’t want to go there as someone could see her going in but found another in Kingslyn and would prefer we go there, so Kingslyn it was, l suggested we make a day of it and have lunch, Molly liked the idea. She finished her breakfast and went for a shower when l joined her she had her back to me, l reached around to her front to play with her tits then slid one of my hands...

3 years ago
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My Brothers Toy Pt2

My brother and l got halfway through the pizza when he told me to take my knickers off and lay on the table, Dave tore off a slice of pizza and rolled up the slice then forced it into my pussy and began eating the pizza from my hole although it was exciting the pizza was very greasy, l was loving the things my brother was teaching me about sex. When he had finished eating the pizza and my pussy l was half slid off the table and had my knickers peeled off then got my arse fucked hard by my...

2 years ago
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Kate becoming a bitch Pt2

During the following week Dave and I talked about what had happened and what Kate actually men't when she said “I’m yours to do what ever you want with and whenever”. So Dave suggested I talk to her and find out how far she would go I guess pretty far as we have a film of her fucking our dog and me eating dog cum from her pussy. So when Friday come around Dave went to the pub with Tyson as normally and Kate and I stayed in and chatted over a couple of bottle of wine. I built up the courage...

1 year ago
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Master PC Kyles Adventure pt2

What a night I thought. I’m pretty sure I had more sex last night than I have had all year. As I crawled out of bed I noticed Emily still passed out sprawled across the bed. I decided to head into work early so I could go for a run. I threw on some sweats and a T-shirt, packed my bag, and headed out of the house. I haven’t gone for a morning run in ages. It was a beautiful morning, and with the night I had last night, I was looking forward to clearing my head a bit. There is a great trail...

3 years ago
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The stepdaughters revenge pt2

"Have you lost your mind? Please Alicia just get off of me!" I'm done playing her games! "Fine!" With a sly smile she jumps from my lap and a shameful wave of disappointment to washes over me. In my boxers I can feel patches of wet, evidence of my pleasure but on my leg there is another wet patch, this one evidence of her own pleasure. Keeping her eyes on me she slides between my legs coming to rest on her knees. My heart is going crazy as her manicured fingers work first the button...

4 years ago
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Naughty Nick PT2

"She's in here." I hear a voice that I'm sure belongs to "naughty nick" and I no longer have to pretend to sleep. My body instantly seizes up and I lay rigidly still. "What would you like me to do with her Sir?" Its a softly spoken womam, an American by the sound of it. "Clean her, get her something to eat. The usual. But she's a feisty little bitch," His warning to the girl nearly makes me smile until he finishes his sentence. "The boys love it when she tries to fight but be...

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Reluctant Top Pt2

******************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************************* WARNING - Bisexual content FFM, Some Hetero Sex FM, if its not your thing, please dont read. We arrived into port at the same time as the big trawler. The captain was a big solid bald guy, probably early 40s. He waved to us in a friendly way as we tied up to a guest mooring. As...

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The adventures of Tom Matt pt2

Matt would text Tom on his way home and the two would meet at the grate that lead into the side yard of Tom’s house. Once behind the fence and out of sight of anybody, Tom would drop to his knees and open Matt’s pants. Tom would pull out Matt’s soft used cock and Tom would blow him there in the shadows. Since the first time Tom sucked Matt’s cock after he fucked Sara, Tom loved the new way Matt’s cock would taste. A mixture of his and Sara’s cum covered his dick and Tom would suck it clean....

1 year ago
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Adopted Affair pt2

It's Monday morning and we woke up early, I had to go to school and Janice had to work at the school. We are breakfast and got ready, as we drove to school, we didn't talk to each other, we knew what we had to do, go day by day pretending nothing was happening. We made everybody believe that my behavior was and would be better from now on. “Before we go in… remember there's nothing going on between us… we talked over the weekend and you have accepted us as your new family OK” she...

2 years ago
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My Wife is 54 PT2

Call him, tell him you have had a little to much to drink you are going to have your friend Dottie drive you to her house to stay the night ,you be home in the morning. My wife, being ever reluctant started to resist,but Dottie would have none of it. “Call him,cunt,or you will be sorry.” With that she called me, told me the story, and I told her ,”great,that I would see her tomorrow.” No that was not so hard was it baby,Dottie said to my wife, c’mon get into the truck,don’t bother...

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Karen My lover pt2

was getting much more confident. Her naughtiness kept popping up and she was beginning to experiment sexually. She decided to shave her pubic hair off, which when she showed me for the first time, I just couldn't help myself, I pushed her back into her bed, spread her legs and started working her clit with my tongue, and eating and tasting her pussy, while my fingers worked deep inside her pussy, first just one finger, then two, gripping my fingers hard. Even though my cock is quite...

2 years ago
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Summer vacation changed whole life pt2

he held my face in his hands and gave me a deep lip kiss our tongues danced together . he started pressing my boobs from outside he then removed my top and bra he saw no boobs so I got tensed and told him that I am an CD he laughed and started biting my nipples I felt great when he did it , he went down and removed my skirt and panties he made me turn around and started sucking my ass I started moaning mhhhahhhahhh and was pressing my nipples . He then came front of me and I lowered his...

4 years ago
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The unwilling gangbang whore pt2

The next day she didn’t wake up until midday. At first she didn’t seem to notice anything different, not until she sat down at the table and asked me why it hurt her butt sitting on a chair. She also wondered why her pussy and her asshole was so sore. I told her after dinner last night we had some drinks and she had gone a bit crazy with the sex. I told her it turned into a fantastic night of really wild fucking and asked her if she didn’t remember any of it. She didn’t and I told her she...

2 years ago
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Not Strong Enough to Say No pt2

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dad. Did you hear me?" Deb asked for the second time. "Huh" Oh sorry, I was in another world. What would you like to eat? (I know what I want he thought, then mentality slapped himself for thinking that) There is a great BBQ place just short of Dallas called Soul Mans that would be nice if you want BBQ." Sure, sounds great" replied Deb and she turned...

3 years ago
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Whos that Girl Pt2

“Yes” he answered simply staring at her dribbling pussy before him.“Good” she replied and placed the replica of his cock on his sternum before she raised herself up and eased the tip against her vulva. She sighed loudly as she lowered herself down the dildo, feeling her soaking wet pussy open easily to accommodate the girth. Her eyes closed behind the mask as she savoured the sensations feeling every millimetre of the fake phallus ease deeper and deeper inside her. For a moment she forgot about...

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Time at Youth Pt2

“I see you finally got the nerve to ask Anah out, Jesse,” said Amber. Amber is a year older than me, but about half a foot shorter. She has long, dark brown hair tied back into a pony tail. Her wood brown eyes were complimented perfectly by her black glasses. “Actually, I asked her out a while ago, she just interested in a commitment style relationship,” I said having Anah release my arm so I could give Amber a hug. “Yea, follow me and I’ll explain it to you. Jesse, can we have a...

3 years ago
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Brads new computer pt2

I then turned around and moved towards brad, who was lying on his side, his cock pointing at me and holding the jelly stuff in his hand. I told him to put it down, causing to look at me in alarm and say, "your not sticking your cock in my ass if you are not going to lube up first." I shook my head and told him that I had something better in mind than lube. He then put the jelly on the floor next to his bed and I got on the bed next to him, bent over so that his cock was only a few inches...

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The Adventures of Maid Marion Pt2

  Once again comments and suggestions welcome.       Marion road out from her family hall towards Sherwood hoping to catch a glimpse of this notorious bandit they called Robin Hood. Anna her handmaid accompanied her as Marion got close to the woods her called " Careful milady lest the bandits snatch you away". Marion heard but ignored the warning riding forwards into the edge of the forest she knew this area well she had oft played here whilst her father had ridden further in to hunt deer...

4 years ago
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My Therapist pt2

As I left you guys, my friend patch decided that she was going to scare me half to death after a cuddle-therapy session by grabbing the crotch of my pants. The issue is that she's a lesbian and had never been attracted to guys. I guess here and now is the best place to start again. So patch has asked me how big my manhood was. Needless to say my cheeks were getting a little red at this point. It's not that I'm embarrassed about my size, I'm just as average as any white guy. I was just...

4 years ago
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Becoming a hotwife Pt2

Since our night out with Mark and Helen, I started to embrace dressing more sexy. Dave loved it. I was now wearing hold ups daily for work, nearly every morning he would sit and watch me getting ready. That I became to love, modelling my lingerie for him. I also had quite a collection of new heels as well. I was starting to embrace the hotwife idea of Dave’s, but still unsure.Could I do it?Three months after that night. Here I was. In my hotel room, standing naked, assessing my body in the...

Wife Lovers
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Zara A Wee In The Company Sink PT2

Recap: After a deliciously naughty wee in the company toilet sink, Zara has left Mercedes taking an identical piss into the bowl, to go in search of her other office colleagues. Filled with the excitement of catching her friend Rebecca having a naughty leak in the gent’s toilets, Zara bursts through the door. Sure enough, the attractive data processor was indeed answering the call of nature. However, instead of pissing into the tall plastic bin or using one of the urinals, she had instead...

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Mrs Malone and Her Boys PT2

After a while all three boys come into the kitchen for breakfast, Mark and Alex just grabs some toast as they rush out for their lift to school. That leaves Mickey sitting watching his mother. He asks her if she can suck his cock, being the nice caring mother she is Jackie squats in front of her son and gives her 13 year old son a blow job. Mickey wants to come all aver her tits so she slips her night dress down and as he starts to twitch she guides his cock to her tits, he shoots his...

3 years ago
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She loves her Daddy Pt2

True story. Thanks for all the feedback guys, makes the effort worth it and again, to the negative types, you’re reading this, you got here by choice so stop beating up on people who lived it and are prepared to share. I’m not a professional writer just a guy sharing my adventures. Go visit a church or something……….I really don’t care . So, there I was, having a new and very exciting sexual tryst with my 16 yr old step-daughter, initiated by her, moved on by her and leaving me in that...

1 year ago
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Together with Angela Pt2

My sister, Angela, and I had always been close, but now we were tight. We spent nearly all of our time together, shopping, walks in the park and anything else two young people would do. And I always held her hand. Most people probably thought it was a sign of protection after what had happened with Bobbie Moore, but we knew it was more than that. Mom had taken her two weeks vacation and had decided to spend the whole fourteen days with us. Now don't get me wrong, we love our mother, but...

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Red Hot Summer Pt2

The next afternoon the sun was, once more, high and hot, its light glittering on the surface of the Atlantic and beating down on the boat bobbing up and down on the low waves next to a bright yellow buoy.   After the events of the night before everyone returned to their respective rooms for several hours only to emerge once again and gathered for a morning meal in the dining area. Juliana had heated a few rolls and served coffee while doing her best to avoid looking at the big, dumb smile...

3 years ago
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My Sister and Me Pt2

Please vote if you are enjoying this series. It only takes a few negative votes to knock the story way down. Your positive votes will let me know if I should continue. Thanks and enjoy... Julie was up and dressed by the time the alarm went off. I could hear her hair dryer going and was slightly relieved not to have to face her before getting the cobwebs out of my head. I wondered how this was going to play out. Before I could set some order to it all she came out of the...

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