S.H.E.I.L.A. 2     free porn video

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Sheila went on at a fast pace for what seemed like hours. "I think I have adjusted my speed enough to allow you proper protection with my air shield." She told my when we stopped.
Looking around I saw that we were at what appeared to be an underground mining operation. Well it had been as it appeared now that it was abandoned. There were signs everywhere warning of the dangers of the mine. I looked further around satisfied 'til I saw the cameras. "We'll have to do something about the surveillance equipment. I don't want to raise an alarm possibly alerting them to the fact that we are here."
"Yes Doctor Gance I have taken all of this into account when I chose this location. It is one of five areas on this continent that are able to block the signal completely. As soon as we were in the vicinity all transmissions from the tracers was blocked, though I am afraid that this may raise alarms within the military.
"Will you be able to remove it safely under these conditions?" I asked as she went into a scanning mode.
With an audible click she stopped as soon as her eyes met mine, having looked at the entire area. "It will be more than sufficient to perform this Doctor Gance." Suddenly a small start came over the motions of her body and head. Her features softened as a more human look of-- I wasn't sure passed over her face. "You have nothing to fear Doctor Gance I will not allow anything to happen to you as long as this unit, as long as -- I am functioning."
I must have gotten an astonished look on my face as hers took on a worried look. "We really need to talk about this that you keep saying. The fact that you say that I am the most important and I must be protected at all costs."
Sheila slightly bowed her head, "but of course Doctor Gance. Nothing will be hidden from you, though for now we must hide and remove the most dangerous and powerful of the tracers that are in you." I started to protest as she put a finger to my lips. Then she smiled! I was astounded. I hadn't thought that the emotion program would be able to accomplish this much. "Please Doctor; I am the same that you created. You made several brilliant programs within me. Though the one I can see as the most important is the thirst for knowledge program. Without it I would not be here now."
With that she held up a hand then a shrill whine came from her. I recognized it as a signal interceptor I had added to her. Looking down at me she nodded then put me over her shoulder. Within a few moments we had entered the mine. Going deeper she finally stopped at what appeared to be a small building.
Upon entering I saw that it was some type of control room. Sheila pointed a finger at the equipment. A moment later several lit up as she stood stock still, finally turning to me she said, "I now have control of all the surveillance equipment. I will know if anyone or thing approaches our position, though I believe we must hurry. It appears that time is something that we do not have much of at the moment." 
Nodding I watched as she cleared off a table. Then with blinding speed she started to bend, break, and shape with heat several pieces of metal. She soon had more than a dozen instruments lying on the side of the table. Then she was moving to several lockers pulling piece after piece of different components out. Again with blinding speed she constructed an odd looking machine. If I didn't know better I'd think it was a remote switch for something, though a hell of a lot more powerful.
"I believe I have almost everything ready. I have to make a more sterile area then I can commence. It shouldn't take me more than an hour. Please relax Doctor." Sheila told me as again she was moving at blinding speed erecting a small room around the table I was on. Then she was outside of it or I thought she was as it grew quiet for a bit. Then suddenly she was back. Indicating the strange box she built, she said, "As soon as I activate this I will have approximately two minutes to remove the tracer before it explodes."
"Explodes," I suddenly shouted, what exactly in the hell had those idiots placed in me?
"Yes Doctor Gance. It is equipped with a micro charge designed to kill if not severally cripple. I have the exact path mapped out I should retrieve it well within the time allowed." Sheila assured me.
"Alright but if it has a charge and explodes then how will you keep it from bringing the cavern down?" I asked.
Sheila turned and gave me a very human look of exasperation. "Really Doctor Gance are you starting to become forgetful? I could have it out of here and be back in not much time at all."
I nodded as I realized all of this even as she was talking. "What about recovery time?"
"That I am afraid you may have to do as we move. Even with the blocking of the signal, the military will probably still come to investigate. Plus I think that they will respond as soon as the tracer explodes." Sheila told me as she continued to work on preparing. "I will do this as an invasive surgery. That way we can minimize the amount of flesh that has to heal."
I nodded as I watched her move so fast she was damn near a blur. Finally she announced that she was ready. I lay back on the table where she indicated. "What about pain medication?" I asked as she was about to start.
"I am afraid I need you awake to tell me if I am touching too forcefully. I will be using pressure points to deaden most of the pain. I am sorry that I cannot deaden all of it." She then touched a point on my back as I felt my head go partly numb. Then I felt a small pressure at the back of my neck. "Moving in now, almost there; are you feeling undue pressure Doctor Gance?" She asked.
"No except for the start I haven't felt anything but some pressure." I told her.
"Now extracting tracer, please do not move Doctor Gance." Sheila said as I felt something pulsing moving closer to the back of my neck. "Tracer fully extracted. I will return Doctor." I heard her say then there was a breeze as she dashed out. 
It was only a minute though it felt like an eternity when Sheila appeared beside me again. "Is it gone?" I asked her.
"Yes Doctor Gance. I am sorry for the pain you will be experiencing soon." Again she touched a spot on my back. At first it wasn't bad then it started to burn. The next thing I knew I was screaming out in horrible pain. Reaching to my back again Sheila touched a spot near the first one as the pain began to ebb though wasn't completely gone.
As I gasp trying to slow my breathing I asked Sheila. "Have they detected the tracer destruction?"
"I don't have enough data to give an answer Doctor Gance. Knowing the procedures of the military it is more than possible. I have covered the entry wound; we need to evacuate this space." Sheila told me as she seemed to be scanning the area.
"I am in complete agreement. Though I am afraid I am not going to be much help for a day or so." I told Sheila feeling the pain throbbing just above the tolerable level. If I were to stay alive I needed to get well as fast as possible.
"I am sorry if I cause you pain Doctor. I must depart with as much speed as possible." Sheila told me with what appeared to be a worried look on her face.
I was still trying to figure out just how she had evolved this far. Could it be that the program had done more than I had intended? I wouldn't know 'til I got her hooked up to something to do a reading. Shaking my head I thought yeah right, gonna be a while before I could do that.
Emerging from the mine entrance Sheila stopped a moment seeming to scan the area. "I am detecting approaching military vehicles. I am sorry Doctor Gance but all haste must be made." With that she again took off as everything around me was a blur. Finally after what appeared to be a long time passing, she slowed.
"I am afraid that my air shield will need adjusting if we are to keep up this pace." Sheila threw over her shoulder to me. I had been struggling to stay conscious as the pain was staring to slowly return. Putting me down Sheila looked at the obvious pain on my face. Her voice softened as she said, "I am sorry Doctor, I did not have ample time to download all the pain pressure points. We need shelter and equipment so that you can heal and remove the final two tracers in me."
I nodded then gasped out when she attempted to lift me again. "Not sure I can maintain consciousness much longer." I told her. Nodding, she carefully picked me up and set out. Finally unable to take it I passed out. I awoke perhaps half an hour later.
"Good you are responding far better than anticipated." Sheila said as she was looking at the wound on my neck. "I have found a facility that has equipment that you will require Doctor."
I looked around we appeared to be in a computer lab of some type. Slightly antiquated but I should be able to do some work here. That is 'til the military found us again. "You will have to monitor everything while I get this up and running." I told her.
"Yes Doctor Gance I will maintain a constant scan. I have also down loaded several of the programs that you will need to make adjustments to some of my systems." Sheila told me.
"Good." I said then as I started to stand, then thought better of it as the room started to spin slightly. Hooking up several leads I was finally into her programs. Unfortunately she only had the start of what I needed as I started to type in more and more commands. Damn it! This was going to take a while and I wasn't sure we had that much time. "I need all that I do copied on disc. The more I can get down the shorter time I'll have to take rewriting all of it."
"Yes Doctor Gance I had anticipated this. I am sorry that I wasn't able to get all of it. Unfortunately they had tried to hack in and I had to wipe it." Sheila told me with … was that regret I was hearing in her voice? Half an hour later I had finally finished the first program looking at what I could. It was as she had said the curiosity program I had written was driving her to learn all she could, amazing!
As I started to write the second program Sheila suddenly turned her head. "I am afraid that we haven't much time Doctor. It is good you are finally back into my programs. You will need more in order to effect changes though."
"Do I have time to finish the second?" I asked her.
"That I am uncertain of. Since they can no longer detect you they are trying to zero in on the two tracers left in me." Sheila advised me.
I nodded as I started to type faster. Pulling it all up was no problem; it was the thousands of lines of code that was taking so long. Thankfully she had managed to get over half of all I needed though it was still time consuming. I'd just gotten the second finished and was trying to adjust a few things when Sheila put a hand on mine. "Time to go Doctor; I am detecting them moving covertly toward this building. I estimate we have an hour before escape will be difficult."
Nodding I took the disc out adding it to the other. I watched as Sheila passed a hand over the console effectively wiping it. Picking me up, she started out the back moving at a slower pace. "Thank you Doctor you have increased my air shield five percent, though not as much as I need to protect you completely, it will make moving less worrisome."
This time she started moving through the streets that were almost deserted. A few people were staring at the woman who had a full grown man over her shoulder moving with ease. Finally we made the edge of the small city as Sheila accelerated. Again everything was a blur as she moved across the land. Sighing I knew it was going to be a while before we would be safe. I still needed to find both of the tracers and remove them, if I could.
A few hours later I awoke when Sheila put me down again. "We have arrived at another facility Doctor Gance," she said as she gently nudged me. I looked around looking at the rows of computers somewhat newer than the last place. I sat to start, when my stomach rumbled.
"Ah! It appears that your body is low on fuel Doctor. I will attempt to remedy this." Sheila said as she vanished out the door. I just shook my head as I loaded both discs. Looking over everything I decided to work on her emotion program. It was by far the most complicated and would take the longest to recreate. I had just started when Sheila reappeared with a loaf of bread, a whole ham, and a chicken! I could only stare as she started to slice the meat with her hand as if they were butter!
Sheila came to me with several sandwiches then looked at what I was working on. Nodding she pointed out a few things that she had manipulated within the program. I nodded as I changed them noticing that each supple change made her emotions far more reaching than they had been before. 
I worked for over an hour putting everything I could down. Finally I had well over half of it; I then turned to the problem of the tracers. As long as they were in her I was afraid that they'd have a way to find us. Again hooking Sheila up with several leads I started to run through the schematics she posted on my screen. As slow as I could, I started over all vital areas looking for them.
Rubbing my eyes I finally found the first at the case of her robot brain. Looking at schematics again I rubbed my eyes. What was going on? I know I had installed a positronic brain in her. From what I was seeing her brain was anything BUT positronic! My mouth dropped open, how had so many changes occurred?
"Sheila, I know I installed a positronic brain in your brain case. What I am seeing though is NOT a positronic brain. Did I make a mistake in the installation?" I asked surprised at what I had found.
"No Doctor you are correct. You did install a positronic brain, though several programs that were later installed were causing problems in thought analysis. Following the third law changes were made to the brain. All orders were then centered around one human, you. You are my creator Doctor; you therefore, must be protected at all times. This will enable me to further process all the orders that you have programmed into me." Sheila told me.
My mouth dropped open, I was her creator. I must be protected at all times? My god! Was I some type of god to her? "Wait, Sheila do you consider some type of god?"
"Of course not Doctor you are not a deity you are a human. One of the most brilliant humans on earth; therefore you must be protected, even if it means termination of this," then in a whispered voice she said, "Of me."
I shook my head as I stumbled back from her. I shook my head as I said, "no, you are my greatest creation I cannot allow you to be used or destroyed. I think I see now why they wanted me to give you emotions. So that you could would be more human not seeing yourself as android. This as I see it would cause a superseding of the three laws. Well I thought it would to an extent. The devious bastards!"
Sheila was staring at me with the look of a curious child. It was indeed a devious plan if what they were trying to do worked, they could have an army of unstoppable killers. Then I thought how did they effect the other nine androids. Looking at Sheila I thought was it possible that they had somehow mimicked the program in the droids. Nodding my head I was running through the computations. It would take a major reworking of what I had wrote to gain the effect that they wanted.
Looking at Sheila again I saw that she was waiting. Looking over what I had found I saw that the first had no explosive charge though I went over it a few more times to make sure. 
"I have a location on the first tracer Sheila, looking it over now to make sure removal isn't fatal to your systems." I explained as I started over the same area again for a fourth time.
"As of yet I haven't detected any danger. I do suggest that you wear protection Doctor. The first has a high energy output." Sheila warned me.
Laying Sheila on her front I opened an access panel on the back of her neck. Looking in I still couldn't see it as of yet. Looking at the schematics I moved forward two millimeters, finally seeing a small node that I didn't remember being there before. Finally reaching it I had it almost all the way out when I got an alarm from the computer.
"Doctor I am reading self destruct in 30 seconds, I suggest you withdraw it with more haste." Sheila advised me not moving.
I was starting to sweat as I finally got it out throwing it across the room. There was a loud pop as it exploded in a huge cloud of smoke. "Well that's one." I said as I wiped my brow.
"You have done excellent Doctor though I am afraid that the other has also activated. I estimate you have two hours to remove it." Sheila told me.
I could only stare at her with my mouth hanging open. Two hours! "Where in the hell is this one?" I asked though for some reason I didn't think I was going to like the answer.
"I can feel it situated between the two lobes of my brain Doctor." Sheila said matter of factly.
I shook my head, figures I thought 'bout the way those asses did things. The old saying came to mind I had heard when I was a child 'if I can't have it no one will!'


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Dad had finished bathing and I could tell he was shaving when I decided I would try to go in the bathroom. I used the disguise that I had to go potty real bad. "Son, I'm shaving and I don't have any clothes on." "That's ok I just have to poop" I said. OK he said and unlocked the door. I sat down on the commode next to the sink and caught a quick glance at his dick. It was soft and only about 4 inches right now. I sat there acting like I was trying to take a...

2 years ago
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Barbaria Act 2 Chapter 1

Main NarrativePrincess Alexena’s dark, almond-shaped eyes flashed. A kind of frisson ran through her and one elegant white hand heavily be-ringed, gripped more tightly on the arm of the throne-like chair in which she was seated.“A woman you say. Captain Varian?” The princess’s tone was sharp, implying that it was an affront that any other woman should be Head of a State ... let alone a State daring to rival the might of Barbaria!“Yes, Highness,” nodded Captain Varian. He had reckoned the...

2 years ago
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Divorce a Job at KMart and the New young Black Manager Chapter two

Chapter two Ashley with no panties and the helpful submissive feelings of champagne, is ready to do most any sexually kinky thing! This is exactly what David wants, and has planned on. She has put her arms around his neck as he scoops her up swinging her legs over, and placing her bottom onto his lap! She is almost bare from the waist down! The tight short little red dress has worked its way up almost above...

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Are You Mine

Unreal. Evangeline. Such an ethereal name, suiting her exterior, with her small body, porcelain skin, and platinum hair. She was…angelic. Such a good girl, getting the best grades in her class, and although she was quiet, she was always polite. The perfect, southern-belle little girl. Her family had gone on vacation, but because of scheduling issues on the plane, she came home on a different flight, only an hour before theirs. Except their flight had been laid over a few states away, and...

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Ian part 15

"Okay, then," I say to myself, before taking a deep breath and walking through the front door of the large, imposing building. For the first time in two years, I'm entering a place of education that's based in London- only unlike that last time, I'm doing so on my own terms. It's odd that my thoughts are brought back to my last day of school, rather than my first day of college, especially as there are a lot of similarities between my first days of college and uni. For starters,...

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Test subject number 4 Part 3

Author's notes. I don't like to read small stories. Even if it is a continuation of a bigger story. I don't even consider to read stories below 30kb. It may be a good story, but hey! I need time to be tuned in, I need to be gripped by the story to be able to enjoy it. With this being said, I think it may be better for me to write smaller parts. As this is my very first attempt to write in English I'm getting tired quickly while trying to write a big piece. And when tired I'm loosing...

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My Coming Out Party

My Coming Out Party By Roberta TG This is the story of how I finally came to terms with my sexuality. It's something that had confounded me for my entire life. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! You see, all my life, I've been fascinated by women's underwear. I don't know why - only that, I can't control it. I hate to admit it, but it started with my sister's undies. Yes, I enjoyed trying them on. ...

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Interlude 0977

Nine It was time to turn the tables on him, somewhat. Being dominated, being controlled in an erotic fashion felt great, but now she wanted to do it to him. She wanted to control, wanted him to feel the wonderful frustration and ultimate release. He should enjoy it, and she definitely would enjoy doing it. She adjusts the position of the chair in the room. She had found it on sale at a trendy furniture shop, and immediately thought of possibilities. It had taken some effort to get it onto the...

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Physical Coming Up

As Matt awoke from a good night’s rest, he opened his morning crust eyes to check his email. “Subject: Yearly Physical Coming Up” “Oh shit, that’s… As Matt awoke from a good night’s rest, he opened his morning crust eyes to check his email. “Subject: Yearly Physical Coming Up” “Oh shit, that’s today!” Matt remembered. He called in to take a half day off work, little did he know he would need the full day off. As Matt made...

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No Strings Attached An Education In Sex

It's Halloween, and I stand in front of my mirror, considering my physique as I button up my black shirt, dressing to impress. It's been three weeks since I broke up with Ruth, and after much agonising, I'm finally ready to make my move. Tonight I plan to be honest about my feelings and tell Justin exactly what I think about him.I've practised what I want to say repeatedly in my head for years, trying to work out the best way to get it out, but I'm nervous knowing our friendship is on the line...

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Start the Revolution Without MeChapter 3

I awoke in the same suite to a phone call from Trevor Burham, “Look, mate, don’t worry about putting this on your own tab. The new government is set to take office and I’m already having doubts. Remember when Annie assured me that nothing would be different? Well, just this very morning, man, she told me that she hoped that last night was great for me, because it would be ‘a good long time before you get to stick that sausage back in my pudding.’ She also laughed and told me that swearing on...

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Total Woman Vignettes 04a

Prologue Augustina was first to depart. After Ned’s inventive tutorial in garage calendar art, she had contacted TWA to see if they could arrange similar industrial modelling opportunities. Acting as her business agent, they had indeed secured keen interest in her talents. After a final full day and night of Ned’s exclusive tune-ups, she had flown off to another island for the scheduled photography gig with a major industrial tool manufacturer. Everyone wished her luck and said they would be...

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Fifty seven year old in met on a dating site part

On the next Saturday there was just me & Sandy in,There was a knock on the door, Sandy went to the door & opened it, The two lads standing there looking at her, One I'm going to enjoy this, I was thinking what's being planned, anyway in they come one of the lads put his hand up Sandy's dressing gown, then said lose the knickers bitch, his mate shut the door behind them,Now do it bitch, she said no, show her the picture's there was picture's off her & Sharon shopping,All sorts of...

1 year ago
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Sixth adventure with my daughter

There have been a few setbacks that we have had to deal with. We have, again, tried to make this story as realistic as all the others. But there are some details that we have been unable to confirm, hope that this does not spoil the enjoyment. At the start of this, we never knew just how far it would go. But we have ended the story the way we wanted it to. Again I must say a very big thank you to my wife, Sylvia. Over the last few months you have been a pillar of strength. You have helped...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 55

It wasn’t in Emily’s nature to be overly reflective about her life, but as Nick’s jet ascended into the sky above Paris, she found herself thinking back on how much her life had changed in the last two months. For years before she met Nick, she’d worked very hard to maintain something close to stasis in her life. As long as Clive didn’t throw her out or start hanging around more often, as long as she worked enough to have some spending money, as long as people didn’t ask too many questions...

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Hands On Studying

It was Friday after noon and all he wanted was to get home after a long day of teaching. He was fresh out of college, only 26 years old, which tended to cause problems when you’re a male teacher, seeing as all the young hot girls put in a torturous effort to get his attention. What made things worse, was that the dress code policy was extremely laid back. Basically as long as they all had both a top and bottoms and shoes on, they were fine. What that meant was sitting though period after period...

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Springtime for Summers

Springtime for Summers (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Anne Summers had always thought that Christmas would be the worst time. The death of her husband Patrick the preceding September had been such a devastating shock, she had barely gone through the motions that first December, in an effort to create a semblance of joy for her three year old daughter Lindy. In her fragile state, she had succumbed to the smooth advances of her investment advisor, Andrew Nash, a...

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GI Dick

My dad was in the military back in the day when the base-exchange (PX) carried some of the raunchiest adult magazines. I may have been young, but I always found the opportunity to look through a few without someone giving me shit. Getting my little cock to stand at attention at the most inopportune time was my only issue. The exchange was like a small mall, with venders, a barber and food service areas. They were all closed by now, and the exchange was the last store that was open. While...

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Meeting My New Friend Part 1

Okay, I will admit, I met Jennifer on a popular chat site. At first, it was just innocent chatting. We shared some laughs, talked about our lives, and eventually we traded pictures of each other. Believe me, she was not the best looking woman but at least she was honest about her looks. She stood about 5 feet tall and would be best classified as a bbw with dark hair and glasses. At the time I had no intention of meeting her but to only chat with her online as a friend, seeing as she was 37...

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The New Client Part 2 Dedicaed to Asofacouple

She lead me by the hand down the steep steps and as we went through a dark doorway she said take two paces forward, you'll be ok it'll help with the imagery. She stayed by the door and I heard it close. Then the lights came on. I blinked and looked around the room unable to beleve what I coulld see ahead of me. To the right was her husband standing quietly (how long ad he been in the dark) but this was not what caught my eye as I scanned the room agog as I couldn't believe what I saw, a...

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Brads Bitch

bisexual – gay – reluctant – domination – feminizationThe phone rang. I pulled it from my jeans pocket and saw that it was Brad. Shit! I really didn't want a call from him right now. Maybe I should just ignore it. But somehow he always knew when I'd just ignored his calls. And then that was even worse.I answered it, thinking only fleetingly about "the speech" that I'd composed and honed over the years and knew now that I would never actually give. I don't know why I even thought of it anymore....

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Riding The Team Bus

Christy was about as excited as she'd ever been in her whole life. She had performed her first real cheer as a cheerleader! Well, actually, she had performed forty or fifty cheers at her first football game as a cheerleader. And, her team had won! Everything had been so exciting. It was an away game, so the team, the coaches and the cheerleaders had all ridden up to Mulholland on two school buses. Once there they had played the game and been fed a meal. Now it was late, and dark, and they...

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My Sonrsquos Secret Desire ndash Mom Sam

It had been a few months since I had discovered my son's attraction to older women. I still looked through his sketch pad at the young boys and the older women having sex. It excited me so very much!My son now had sex with me whenever he wanted and he was becoming a wonderful lover. We had decided from the beginning that we would live out whatever fantasies we had and with a teen boy that can be a challenging commitment.Our first fantasy was for me to have sex with another woman and once it was...

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Bruce Takes My Cherry

I was 21. Worked for the telephone company at the time. Bruce, yeah that was his real name, was one of my best friends. We had dated girls who were roommates at the U. I'd known him for about three years. He was a funny fucker. Wild man, and we had a blast. When we broke up with the girls we kind of drifted. Diane was the girl I had dated. We got engaged when we were in our first year of college, but we broke it off later. Anyway, I called Bruce up because I had to go to a wedding in Bumfuck...

3 years ago
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Subjects 0 CH 3 Edited

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBSERVATION NOTE: Experimented today by spraying one male mouse with the substance, then removing the mouse, and replacing with a different male without the substance. Females were not interested in the new male, but seemed to be in a frenzy of excitement. The females ended up attacking the new male, until first male was put back in the cage. It appears...

4 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 24

I woke up now very mindful of the microphone. A hand was holding my erection while Jamie was cuddled to my back. I could feel that a portion of his anatomy had slipped out of its confines and was now between my legs. When I moved to get up Jamie moved to keep me in place as if it were important we stayed this way. It took a little work but I got away from him and covered him with the blankets again. I walked into the kitchen with my pajama bottoms sticking out and found Edgar there having a...

2 years ago
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Undercover RoseChapter 26

I felt myself being pulled down the hall by the fake fur jacket. Then I slid on the floor into his office. I found myself lying in a heap at his feet. "Get on you knees whore," Ari said to me. I had the taste of blood in my mouth and I could hardly see out of my right eye. I didn't move until I felt his foot on my chest. "Unless you want those fancy tits flattened, get on your fucking knees whore," he repeated. I struggled to my knees. I knew what to do. He didn't have to tell me. I...

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Sharons Journey Part 7 Cruising

Sharon's Journey Part VII - Cruising By mid-summer, Sharon had settled into the job at the restaurant. Carol Anne's prediction of come-ons from members of both sexes had turned out to be true, and she had found them easy and sometimes fun to reject. She also noticed that of the other girls who dealt with customers, Lola was the most likely to agree while Kimberly was the least likely; Janelle was completely unpredictable. Kimberly was generally the most reserved, and Janelle had...

2 years ago
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A Sacrificial Lamb Ch 01

This is my first foray into erotic writing and what a strange and a dark journey my mind has taken! This is the beginning of something much bigger. I would really appreciate your comments and of course, ahem, your votes! Thank you Carlton_11 for your editing and helpful advice, you’ve been a god send. * * * * * The slamming of the door was worse than any slap I would ever endure. I had displeased my Master. I sit huddled in the middle of the floor, clutching the remnants of my torn dress,...

2 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 7 Being an Asshole

The weekly status meeting with Eric had finally been trimmed down to two hours in length. Each group manager was given fifteen minutes to report on the progress of their projects. For Dexter, his reports were now simple. He just put up a slide with each project plan along with markers on what was complete, in-progress, and pending. Anything that was in trouble was shown with a red flag. Any areas where there might be trouble was shown with a yellow flag. He had very few red flags, but quite...

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