My Mum's Holiday free porn video

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I usually phone my mum about once a week to see how she is. On this occasion I was quite nervous, considering what had happened between us the previous weekend (see stories: My Mum's Birthday, and parts 2 & 3). I thought she might be quite stand-offish, or even blame me for taking advantage of her when she was so drunk. But to my relief she seemed quite her normal self, and didn't even mention what had gone on over her birthday. Either she can't remember, or she's too embarrassed, I thought, or maybe she's decided to accept the fact that our relationship had fundamentally changed.

Anyway, when I phoned her again the following week, I felt confident enough to try something more ambitious. I knew she hadn't had a proper holiday since my dad had left her, so after we had chatted for a while I asked her if she would like to go on holiday, all expenses paid. Oh crumbs, she said, I don't know; who's paying anyway? I'm going to take you, I said, it'll do you good, you'll love it; plenty of Sun, Sea and Sangria. I didn't say the other S word, but I knew the mention of Sangria would get her attention. Well, it would be nice, mum said; when were you thinking of going? I've seen a good deal leaving in a couple of weeks, I replied, do you think you could get the time off work? (she works on the checkout in a supermarket). Well, I'll certainly try, she said, I'm owed a few days anyway. I'll let you know. She was really beginning to sound quite excited by the idea, and I thought: I've got her hooked! I'll wait to hear, then, I said.

I didn't have long to wait. She phoned back the very next day to say that she was coming. That's brilliant, I said, I'll get it booked straight away. Where is it anyway, she asked, but I said I'll keep you guessing, but I can guarantee it will be warm and sunny. Lovely, she said, I must sort out some clothes. All you'll need is a few bikinis and some skimpy dresses, I said. Oh, and can you pack your shiny leggings and your one-piece swimsuit. Ok, she said.

On the appointed day I had arranged to pick her up at 10 o'clock. She opened the door to me and I nearly choked. She had bought a new outfit for the holiday. It consisted of a pair of unfeasibly brief shiny white hot-pants, which were cut high at the rear so that half of her bottom cheeks were hanging out, and cut low – below her belly button – at the front, so that her tummy bulged out over the top of them. There was no disguising the fact that she had put on a bit of weight. It was also noticeable that the thin material was outlining a bit of a cameltoe, which could mean only one thing: she had shaved herself! She was also wearing a brief basque-style t-shirt, which looked to be a couple of sizes too small, and her bosom was ballooning out of it to an alarming degree. Needless to say, she wasn't wearing a bra. How do I look? She asked me. Didn't they have a bigger size of top in stock, I said, laughing. She giggled for a moment, but then frowned, and said: You don't think that I look like mutton dressed up as lamb, do you? Well, that's exactly what you look like, I thought, but what I said was: You look terrific, I think it's great when a more mature woman has the confidence to dress in a sexy way. She looked pleased and gave me a little kiss.

She was travelling light, her only luggage was a holdall and a handbag. We got into the car and set off. She looked so amazing I could hardly keep my eyes on the road, and I knew I was going to have an erection all day just looking at her. I had allowed time to stop off on the way to the airport, as I thought mum would be wanting a drink or two. But I also knew I was going to have to be a bit careful; there would be more time for drinks at the airport, and I didn't want mum to get too drunk, or they might prevent us getting on the plane. I didn't tell her I'd planned a drink stop, but as I expected, she'd had the same thought, and presently she said: Have we got time to stop off on the way, I'd love a drink. Oh, I should think so, if the traffic's OK, I said.

So when we'd got nearer to the airport, I pulled in at a roadside pub. The bored looking barman immediately perked up when he saw mum, and as the pub was very quiet, he was able to give her his almost undivided attention. He kept coming over to talk to us whenever he had the chance, so that he could have a closer look. Mum was onto her third pint of lager within the hour. I supposed she must feel a bit self conscious in her revealing outfit, and needed some Dutch Courage. I was about to say that we really must be going, when she handed the barman her empty glass and asked for another. Steady on, I said, we really ought to be going, but mum said, with a pout: Just a quick one, I'm just getting into the holiday mood. The barman was already pouring her pint by then, and said with a leer: you're getting me in the mood as well, and mum giggled.

She knocked back her fourth pint, and we got in the car for the last part of the journey. We parked at the airport and got the courtesy bus to Departures. Once in the departure hall, mum was looking around and asked if I knew where the toilets were; not surprisingly with 4 pints inside her. But I said: there's a bit of a queue at the check-in desk, I really think we should get the formalities over with first, we don't want to miss the flight. (In fact, we had plenty of time, but mum didn't know that.) Somewhat reluctantly she said: Oh, all right then, and we joined the snake. As we shuffled forward, it was very clear that those around us couldn't help giving mum a second and a third look, the women as well as well as the men. You could see them registering first her bulging boobs, then her exposed belly, and the more observant studied her cameltoe as well. Those with a rear view were ogling the hemispheres of her bottom. By the time we reached the head of the queue about 20 minutes later, mum was starting to fidget quite badly, and I knew her bladder must be getting very full.

Once we'd checked in we went straight through to the security scanners. Mum went first and was taken to one side by a female security officer who seemed to be talking to her for a long time. I went over and said: is anything the matter? Is this your mother the officer said, and I said: No, she's my girlfriend. (I had decided to adopt this pretence for the purposes of the holiday.) Both mum and the security officer looked a bit surprised, but the officer said: Your girlfriend answers the description of someone we suspect of being a d**g courier, I need to do a body search. Don't worry, it won't be too invasive. Mum looked rather alarmed, but we had no choice, and the officer led us to a small cubicle and locked the door.

Her manner was quite brusque. She told mum to remove her top. It was so tight, I couldn't imagine how the officer thought anything could be concealed within it, but mum did as she was told, and her full breasts sprang out, . Ok, said the officer, having a good look at them. Now remove your shorts. Mum slithered out of them and put them on the table with her top. The security officer went right up close to her and inserted an exploratory finger in her vagina, whilst firmly cupping an arse cheek with her other hand. She seemed to be taking much longer than necessary over this, and mum was starting to let out little moans. This is really weird, I thought. You seem to be enjoying this, the officer said to mum, and I could see she now had 3 fingers inside her. She must have been using them very expertly, because mum was getting flushed and her breathing was becoming faster. After a few minutes, the officer must have moved her attention to mum's clit, for mum started gasping and was soon trying unsuccessfully to stifle a huge orgasm.

What the security officer hadn't bargained for, though, was the fact that mum had an extremely full bladder, and as she came, she let out great spurts of piss, soaking the lower part of the officer's uniform, and forming a huge puddle on the floor. The security officer backed away, looking shocked and surprised, as well she might. You better put your clothes back on, was all she said. I could see that mum was trying not to laugh. Mum squeezed back into her clothes, the officer unlocked the door and we went out. As soon as we had shut the door behind us we both started laughing uncontrollably. Eventually I managed to say: I think you've had your first lesbian experience of the holiday. Well, she certainly knew what she was doing, mum said approvingly.

Well I guess you don't need to use the loo for the moment, I said, so we should have time to go and get a bite to eat. Ok, mum said, and we made our way to one of the airport pubs. As we walked around, mums boobs, chubby belly and bottom were wobbling in the most inviting way, and all the men we passed couldn't take their eyes off them. I knew mum was aware of this, but she showed no sign of being embarrassed by it. Mum ordered her food, the barman taking far longer than he needed to put the order through,and then he asked her what she wanted to drink. Without hesitation, and to my alarm, she said: a bottle of white wine please. I ordered my food and drink, and as we waited, mum drank steadily from the bottle of wine. As we ate, the tell-tale shine of inebriation began to appear in mum's eyes. When we had finished I said that it was time to go through to our boarding gate, and as we stood up it was evident that mum was already unsteady on her feet.

We had a look at the departure screen, and I saw to my horror that our flight was delayed. I knew that mum would want to carry on drinking while we were waiting, but I was worried that she had had enough already. Anyway, I gave her the news, and she said: that's good, we can have another drink. So reluctantly I allowed her to take me to another bar, where she ordered a pint of lager. I'm sure she had chosen this bar because there was a group of young men in it, and she was now drunk enough to be flaunting herself. Sure enough, the lads made no secret of their interest in her, and mum stood in front of me facing them so they could get a good view. To give them a good show I couldn't resist groping her bottom and fondling her soft belly Mum's bladder must have been refilling rapidly, as she was starting to jiggle up and down, making her exposed boobflesh wobble tantalisingly. I also pressed my fingers against the base of her belly where her bladder was, making her squirm even more.

The departure screen continued to show Delayed. Mum finished her pint, and asked me to get her another. I said: I really think you should stop, mum, if you're too drunk they won't allow you on the flight. I'll be all right, she protested, and one of the lads came over and said: I'll buy you a pint then, which he did. This gave the others an excuse to move in. Unfortunately, the lads had heard me calling her mum. Are you really his mum, one asked, and mum giggled by way of reply. I wish I had a mum like that, said another, and yet another said: Are you sharing a room then? Mum turned and looked questioningly at me, and I nodded. One lad sniggered: well, I hope you're very happy together, it's good to keep it in the family, and the others all laughed. They continued to ask indiscrete questions about our sleeping arrangements, but mum was too drunk to be offended and once again was revelling in all the attention.

She was squirming with the effort of containing her bladder quite openly now, and I was getting more and more concerned about the rate at which she was drinking. As soon as she had finished the lager another lad put a pint glass in her hand. My heart sank. God, I'm going to be so pissed, mum said with satisfaction. At last a gate number appeared on the screen. We'll have to go, I said. Mum poured the rest of the beer down her throat and said goodbye to the lads, and with my arm firmly round her waist, she staggered out of the bar. I think you'd better use the loo I told her, it may be a while before you get another chance. She did so, and we made our unsteady way down the travolators for what seemed like miles to the departure gate. I was dreading the next bit. Mum was swaying and giggling as we went up to the desk to have our boarding cards inspected, but to my immense relief the stewardess made no comment.

The waiting area was crowded, with only a few seats vacant. I sat down on one and placed mum on my lap. You're a very naughty girl, I told her. I know she said, and laughed. We kissed and I started fondling her boobs through her t-shirt, gently squeezing the yielding flesh. We were in full view of the other passengers, and somebody said: Get a room! But fortunately, most of those near us were in their teens or twenties, and instead of being offended they just viewed it as an entertaining diversion. Mum sighed contentedly as I continued to caress her and our kissing became more hungry. We carried on in this way as we waited, but there was no move to board the plane, just an occasional apology for the delay. Although mum had had a pee, there was no way she could have expelled anything approaching the quantity of liquid she had already consumed, and that was now over an hour ago. So I pressed down again with my hand on her lower belly against her bladder, and sure enough, she moaned a little and said: I really need the toilet again. That's what comes of having so much to drink, I scolded, now you're going to have to wait until we're on the plane. Oh God, she said, I hope we board soon, I can't hang on much longer.

At last, they were ready to board the plane, and we all made our way through the connecting corridor. Fortunately, there were no steps to negotiate, as mum was having a lot of trouble just walking. We found our row, I took the window seat, and mum sat in the middle one of the three. I passed her seatbelt over the bulge of her belly, which now looked even bigger, and buckled her in. I tightened the belt over her full bladder, which made her wince. To pass the time we started snogging again. I was feeling her up, and manoeuvred my hand inside her t-shirt to give her boobs a good grope and tweak her nipples. After a while we became aware of someone getting into the aisle seat next to mum, and we hurriedly broke off. It was a ruggedly handsome guy in his twenties, well built, with a what looked like a wrestler's body confined within his white vest. But what really had mum's attention was his black lycra cycling shorts, which didn't hide the fact that he was well endowed. It was really quite comical: mum staring hungrily at his body, and him staring with equal fascination at all the mature flesh on display.

I'm Pete, he said eventually. Oh, I'm Paula, and this is my son, mum said without thinking. You're his mum? he asked incredulously. Er, well, yes, mum stammered, realising her mistake. Well, you two certainly seem to have a good relationship, he said with a smirk. At this point one of the stewardesses came down the aisle checking seat belts etc. Mum leaned over Pete and said: Is there a toilet I could use. Not until we're airborne and the seat belt signs are switched off the stewardess replied. But I'm bursting, mum pleaded. Then you'll just have to cross your legs, said the stewardess. Mum looked around helplessly for a moment, and then slumped back in her seat. The cabin crew now did the usual safety brief, as the plane pushed back and taxied towards the runway.

The plane took off, and as it climbed into the clouds and banked round to set course for the Med, mum kept her eyes anxiously on the seat belt sign. As soon as it went out she was out of her seat, pushing past Pete, and stumbling as fast as she could up the aisle to the toilets, holding onto the seat backs for support, but several people had got there ahead of her. So the whole plane was treated to the sight of mum doing a frantic pee-dance in her skimpy outfit. There was an older gentleman next in front of her in the queue; you could tell that he thought he really shouldn't be looking, but he stood transfixed by the sight of mum's boobs bouncing up and down, threatening to escape from her top at any moment. When his turn came, he took pity on mum, saying: I think your need is greater than mine. Mum gave him a big smacker on his lips, and more or less fell into the toilet cubicle. After some minutes she reappeared, and proceeded to walk slowly, if rather unsteadily, back down the aisle, obviously conscious of the many eyes upon her, and posing like a model on the catwalk.

Once mum was back in her seat, Pete started talking to her, asking where we were staying etc, though it must have been difficult for him to understand her slurred responses. All the while mum was staring at his wedding tackle, and I knew she was plucking up the courage to have a feel of it. Presently, the drinks trolley made its way down the aisle. Pete ordered a can of beer, and mum ordered the same plus a bottle of wine. My heart sank. Of course, they are only half bottles on the plane, but on top of all the alcohol she had already consumed I was wondering how on earth we were going to get her off the plane. Mum soon finished the beer, and started on the wine. You're a big boy, aren't you, mum said as she cupped her hand round Pete's genitals. He looked a bit taken aback, but didn't stop her, so mum started gently stroking up and down the shaft clearly outlined in his shorts. You'd better go easy there, Pete cautioned, I'm saving that for later. I bet you are, mum replied, I wonder who the lucky lady is. Pete just smiled, and gently removed mum's hand. It was obvious mum was extremely turned on by him, and wanted his cock up her cunt, but I doubted if Pete felt quite the same way. After all, with his looks and physique he could have his pick of many younger, fitter and prettier women. Anyway, Mum carried on flirting outrageously with him as she drank her wine, leaving him in no doubt that she was very much available.

It was not a long flight, to my relief the drinks trolley didn't reappear, and before too long the captain was asking people to return to their seats and fasten belts in preparation for landing. There was the usual pointless rush to get off the plane, and Pete waited until the press of bodies up the aisle had eased before moving. Mum had considerable trouble getting out of her seat, and I helped support her as we followed Pete to the exit. No corridor connection this time, it was a long flight of steps down to the tarmac and a waiting bus. There's no way mum's going to get down there in one piece, I thought, but Pete was already on the case. He turned around, lifted her effortlessly, despite her weight, and carried her down the steps, as mum squealed in delight. I thanked Pete profusely as I helped her onto the bus. There were no seats left, and as soon as the bus moved, mum fell over into the lap of a young lad sitting behind her. The lad didn't object, so there she stayed until the bus deposited us by the Arrivals Hall.

We made our way through Passport Control and onto Baggage Reclaim. Mum said she needed a pee, but I was not at all sure she could stand unaided, so I went with her into a disabled toilet. I put my hand between her legs to feel the blast of hot liquid as she emptied her bladder, and I was about to insert a finger, when I heard someone trying the door handle. Damn! I thought, we'd better get out of here. So I hauled mum to her feet, pulled her hot pants back up and helped her to the door. The old lady in a wheelchair waiting outside gave us a filthy look, but I ignored her and steered mum to a seat whilst I got the luggage off the carousel.

But now I had a real problem. There was no way I was going to be able to carry the luggage, and support mum, to get to our transfer coach. Once again, Pete came to our rescue. All he had was a large backpack, so he supported mum whilst I carried our luggage out to the coach park. He carried her up the steps onto the coach and right to the back, where five seats went across the width of the vehicle. Pete sat himself in the corner, with mum next to him, and I occupied the middle seat of the five. Nobody else sat in the rear two rows, and mum was soon having a really good feel of Pete's body, pushing his vest up and pawing his chest. Pete responded by pulling mum's top down so that her boobs burst into full view. By now it was getting dark, and as the bus pulled away the saloon lights were dimmed. Pete now eased his shorts down, releasing his erect penis, but before mum could grab hold of it, he hoisted her up by the waist, pulled down her hot pants, and sat her down onto his waiting cock. Mum must have been really wet, because despite its size, his cock sank up to the hilt in one easy motion, and mum let out a huge sigh of pleasure. Pete could afford to take his time, the sensation of that huge cock filling her cunt was stimulation enough for mum, as Pete fondled and squeezed her boobs. When he eventually did start to thrust more urgently, mum lay back against him gasping, with her chest arched out, boobs bouncing with abandon, and eyes bulging. Suddenly, with a huge cry she started convulsing in the throes of a massive orgasm. Although pop music was playing on the coach's p.a., those sitting towards the rear clearly heard mum's cry, and looked around in alarm, but mum and Pete carried on quite oblivious. Some people looked shocked and turned away in disgust, but a young couple stood wide-eyed on their seats to get a better view, and two lads who didn't look more than 18 came right to the back of the bus, watching in disbelief.

Mum's orgasm seemed to go on and on, but then Pete gave vent to a prolonged roar as he came inside her. They slumped back, breathing hard, bodies glistening with sweat. Mum looked as though she was about to pass out. The two lads just stood there, still watching intently. Pete looked around, suddenly becoming aware of his surroundings again, and told the lads to scram. He lifted mum up off his still erect penis, with difficulty hoisted her hot pants up and placed her back in her seat. He then did his best to repackage mum's boobs back inside her basque top, but it was like trying to get a quart into a pint pot! Pete was staying in the same resort as us, but at a different hotel, and it was now time for him to get off. Thank you for a lovely ride, he said to mum, have a great holiday, I'm sure you will. He gave her a brief kiss, but mum only seemed semi-conscious.

The coach arrived at our hotel, I just about managed to get mum off the coach and into the lobby to check in, without her falling over. I tipped a porter to take our luggage up to the room, and we went up in the lift. I knew mum must be bursting for a pee again by now, so once in the bedroom I took her straight into the shower room and peeled off her hot pants. By luck, there was a plastic chair in there, so I sat her on it, and buried my head between her legs. But before I had a chance to start licking I almost drowned in a great flood of pee, which soaked me from head to toe. When the deluge had finished, I pulled her top off and turned the shower on us both. I then towelled her off as best I could, and half carried her onto the bed. To stop her getting dehydrated, I managed to get her to drink a glass of water, then she flopped back on the bed and closed her eyes.

(to be continued)

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The Holiday

Bridget had grown up on a small holding in Ireland in a Roman Catholic parish and had enjoyed her sister's company through their teens. They were told to leave the small holding when the stallion visited their mares but of course they always found a covert way to creep back close enough to see the mating.Bridget had been a bright young girl and encouraged by the parish priest's sponsorship she had been sent to boarding school and then she won a place at University and trained as a pharmacist....

3 years ago
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Family Holiday to Turkey Mums holiday

We chose Turkey because it has the best golf courses within our budget, or at least that’s what hubby thought. We chose Turkey because I find Turkish men attractive so I would also have some eye candy, and a bit or harmless flirting! The journey out was a bit of a nightmare but after a lengthy delay we eventually arrived just in time to go to sleep!! From the next morning I was proven right as hubby went off for a round of golf straight after breakfast and by the time I’d finished my coffee...

4 years ago
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Rebel Holiday

"So where have I gone wrong?" "You have not gone wrong Jane, its just that we are not going anywhere in this relationship" "Graham, I gave everything in this relationship, I gave up promotion opportunities,hobbies, you name it". Tears were now in her eyes, there was also a pause. She thought about the holiday in Spain she had booked for them both. "Jane we have both tried, but I find it hard now." He did not want to say it, but before he could even think about it, Jane asked...

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True Story Holiday

Me again with another true story, I've told a couple of story's now but none with my partner james as the star and i think its time to change that. I often feel so sorry for him, because he is a fucking great shag, yet i still fuck others and he's non the wiser. It isn't because he is shit or treats me bad its just because i love sex so much i just cannot help myself.Now this Particular story happened when a few weeks after mine and James's 1st date which was in my previous story. Now me and...

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Mature BBW I met on holiday

It all started back in the summer of 2017 in Fuerteventura while me and my girlfriend enjoyed our long awaited holiday abroad. We had a great 1st week there in the beaming sunshine among beautiful views and beautiful people. We soon realised we had booked ourselves into a predominantly German hotel. It soon became aparent that this holiday would probably be a very pirvate affair with there been a language barrier between us and the other guests. So we went about having a good time and enjoying...

2 years ago
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Mature BBW I met on holiday

It all started back in the summer of 2017 in Fuerteventura while me and my girlfriend enjoyed our long awaited holiday abroad. We had a great 1st week there in the beaming sunshine among beautiful views and beautiful people. We soon realised we had booked ourselves into a predominantly German hotel. It soon became aparent that this holiday would probably be a very pirvate affair with there been a language barrier between us and the other guests. So we went about having a good time and enjoying...

4 years ago
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Life changing holiday

Some years ago when I was around my mid 30's, married with a couple of k**s. My family and I were on holiday in Cyprus. We had a ground floor 3 bedroom apartment on a quiet part of the complex. It was just off peak season so the place wasn't too busy. The apartment had a patio overlooking large grassed area dotted with small shrubs and trees where people would sit during the day to sunbathe. This area had a path running round the perimeter and it ran past the patios of the apartments.One...

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Happy Holiday

When I was around 16 my parents decided to take me and my sister on a family holiday to a resort on one of the Spanish Islands. The day before we were due to leave, something came up in my father’s job and he had to stay behind. Ten days of sun, sea, sand and my sister and mother nagging me, and dragging me around the shops.We arrived late in the evening and had a quick look around the resort. It seemed to be your standard holiday resort, a group of buildings surrounding a large swimming pool...

3 years ago
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Working Holiday

Just back for a works tip to Spain, 11 days in a place i wont name as I dont want to give the game away, but I had a great time.Last time I was there was a lads holiday 9 years ago, this time I ended up with a house to myself because the guy who was supposed to cover the job was planning on bringing his wife and k** so the house was booked, when he dropped out I said I would do it.Ended up in a nice house with a little pool, was not too busy around there so no neighbors to complain. Good...

3 years ago
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Wifes fun holiday

It was the final day of what had been our best holiday so far. Never had we wined and dined and fucked and sucked so much. We had been at it from the moment the plane landed and taken our love making to new heights and destinations. From the beach to tree lined woods and from our hotel balcony to the back seat of taxis we had reignited the flame between us and tried many a new position along the way. Tonight, for our last night we were going back to our favorite restaurant where the manager...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Making Friends On Holiday

This is my first story... I yawned and stretched as the barman left my pina colada on the small table beside my sun lounger. 'Thank you Paulo' I said as he lifted my empty glass, smiled and walked away. I watched as he walked back to the bar, he was wearing white, lightweight linen trousers and I could easily see that he was wearing nothing beneath them. Damn his bum looked fine!. I stretched again, sat up and reached for my cool drink. I could get used to this life I thought, too bad I...

2 years ago
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I Want a Holiday

It had been a long hard winter in Cornwall but finally the first hints of spring were appearing. The sun was breaking through the clouds for a few hours each day and there were no longer icicles hanging from trees past midday. A few brave green shoots were appearing and even the odd bud was beginning to open. Instead of rabbit tracks in the snow there was the sounds of birds singing again. Indeed, the season had turned. As dusk began to fall one evening, an old tramp came trudging down a...

1 year ago
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Our Second Incest Holiday

Note : This story is completely fictional! The farmer couldn't wait to see us again,after we'd arranged to go down and stay in his fields again. As the time got nearer,my wife couldn't contain her excitement,knowing that being in the nude for two weeks,would allow our son to fuck her whenever her tits and cunt caused his cock to rise and show it's head! The previous holiday had seen us be nude for the whole two weeks,and our good friend,the farmer,also had the pleasure of getting into her...

2 years ago
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Our walking holiday

We rented a house for a week in September near a coastal path so that we could explore sections of the coast. We chose late September as the weather would still be fine and the schools had returned for the autumn term. On our first day we woke up to a clear blue sky and thick dew on the grass. We planned to walk along the coast path for about two hours, have our lunch at a bay we wanted to explore and return by some of the inland paths. We weren’t in a rush and stopped to look at the views as...

3 years ago
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Family holiday to Turkey Dads holiday

At breakfast that morning they all discussed their plans for the day. “Well I think we’ll lie by the pool, what do you think Amy”. “I think that sounds like a plan” she chuckled back. “I don’t know how you do it girls” Dave said, “I need to register at the golf club and get familiar so I’ll probably just do 9 holes today and then see you later for a swim and a drink”. While the girls sunned themselves, Dave was enjoying a beer after his round of golf. He met up with a two older guys who were...

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The Coach Holiday

Karen Lister was a sixty-year-old lesbian who, a few months previously, had suffered the break up of a long term relationship. In the time that followed she had quite a lot of lesbian sex but did not meet anyone that she felt that she wanted to have a serious relationship with.As part of her recovery from the end of the relationship, she had booked herself on a six-day/five-night coach holiday in Scotland.She was onboard the coach and she had a window seat but she knew that the coach was fully...

2 years ago
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A Brother And Sister On Holiday

Their parent’s holiday in Spain is ruined when their father breaks his leg. So 18 year old Ryan and his 17 year old sister Clare go instead. Although they intended to enjoy the holiday in their own way, the two find that they want to spend all the time with each other. (MF-teens, inc, 1st, mast, oral, anal, rom) *** “Wow, Clare, this is some apartment,” gasped Ryan as he unlocked and pushed open the door of the timeshare apartment, between Malaga and Marbella on Spain’s...

4 years ago
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A Much Needed Quickie on Holiday

She watched her husband with an air of disbelief as he lay on the bed of the hotel room in the most unsexy underwear imaginable; the TV remote control in his hand as he flicked through the channels, never stopping on one longer than to recognise it as junk and move on to the next.Melissa just stood there and stared at him.  A pout formed on her lips as she imagined a young virile man in place of her husband; his cock hard and erect, just waiting for her to lower herself upon him. When she...

3 years ago
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We have a holiday home, we go on holiday. It is a beautiful place, by the sea and mountain views. Pool on the terresen.It is a great place to relax.After Christmas my boyfriend has had a new girl to fuck one day a week. Normally he comes home after having sex, but lately he has more often stayed. After becoming a father, his dick has become harder, leaking more sperm during the act and making it horny. He invites this girl on holiday this summer. It's a sweet, kind, Spanish girl, pretty much...

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Aunt in law on holiday

I had fucked my wife’s aunt while on holiday it all began when my wife and I had booked a holiday to Singapore and decided to invite her Aunt and her husband. She wasn’t much older than us the age difference was one year. She was married shortly after our wedding. My wife and her aunt were very close from c***dhood as the age gap hasn’t that big and they were more like sisters than aunt and niece. They had always planned a couples holiday and it was finally going to happen. We had booked...

2 years ago
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deepest darkest descent holiday

hi its maria if your up to date with my story youll know that my husband is back very easily he accepted my new lifestyle but we felt we needed a holiday to discuss a few things especially what to tell the c***dren i spoke with jerome about our issues and he said fine you can go away but im going to tell you where to go and what to wear and remember what you are a black cock slut so dont be suprised if i dont pop along for the odd day or send some of the guys from the bar around to keep you in...

3 years ago
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Better than any holiday

It was holiday time, but not for me anyway. I live only with my father in a small town with not much to really do and usually me and him would go on holiday as families do. This year was different. He would be off to the fascinating world of Australia while I was off to stay at my Aunt's a few miles away. I have nothing against my Aunt, she is a lovely woman but I felt betrayed by my father as he originally said that there was not going to be a holiday that year. I asked many times if I could...

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Catching Mum Having An Affair On Holiday

HiI'm Kyle.......My Mum Is Called Debbie , she is 48 years old she is about 5 ft 7 ,slim decent figure she has blonde hair and natural 38d tits This is how I caught her cheating on my dad on holiday ......Recently my dads been working away a lot and a few weeks back he had to fly over to dubia for a week or 2 with work They have also been arguing a lot more when my dad is actually home.When my dad went to dubia my mum suggested we went on holiday ourselves , just me my mum and my younger...

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On Holiday

The moon shone over the ocean, casting it's light over the small beach. A girl, walking slowly in the dim light, her face casting a beautiful picture. Lisa had been on the island for a few days, but was already feeling very at home with the gentle pace of life there. And now, strolling along in the moonlight she wondered if she could be happier than she was right at that moment. It hadn't been a good start to the holiday. Nothing like an airline to bring the excited mood of a holiday right...

2 years ago
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On Holiday

In May 2006 on my 41st birthday I went to Lanzarote on a cheap holiday i.e self-catering. I was lucky because where the complex was there was a large bar/restaurant next door so the majority of food and drink was bought here, also the back door of the bar went into my complex, ideal for going back and forth. I had an apartment with a roof terrace so I could sit or lie in the sun instead of going to the beach. the second day there I met the 'neighbours', they were two women, Anne and Yvonne,...

4 years ago
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On Holiday

In May 2006 on my 41st birthday I went to Lanzarote on a cheap holiday i.e self-catering. I was lucky because where the complex was there was a large bar/restaurant next door so the majority of food and drink was bought here, also the back door of the bar went into my complex, ideal for going back and forth. I had an apartment with a roof terrace so I could sit or lie in the sun instead of going to the beach. the second day there I met the 'neighbours', they were two women, Anne and Yvonne,...

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Lady Anns Extended Holiday

LADY ANN'S EXTENDED HOLIDAY Original Story by Eric - Expanded Edition by Emma ENGLAND 1908. It seemed to Burt that his life was always spent with his face pressed against the glass. He worshipped Lady Ann Neville more than he did god in church. But Burt was only the stable hand at her father's vast estate. His job was to muck out and groom the horses and perform manual labour around the estate. He was forbidden even from entering the manor house. He scraped an existence in the...

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an unexpected holiday

An unexpected holiday As a 40 year old man I have had a good life with sexual activity being one of my main pursuits from which I have had both great pleasure and a frustrating lack of My desires being achieved .As a married man I found the ?normal ?sexual   pleasures quite easy to find but my true desires had to be hidden away which occasionally made me feel quite low and unsatisfied. From being a quite young man I did stray from the straight path with the infrequent slight detour from normal...

3 years ago
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Summer Holiday

Summer Holiday pt 1 By Ashtree The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. It is not meant to condone orencourage forced sexual acts between females. Hello again, it's Jenny here with more tales of my favourite sexual pastime;raping other women. These ones are from the best holiday I ever had in my life,and the first episode, which is what I'm going to tell you now, was a strangeone, but as they say never look a gift horse etc. Normally I've always targetedwomen my own age or older, young...

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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xThis story isn’t related to our swinging exploits as it happened way before I even knew Ted however we have been reflecting on our sexual past as...

3 years ago
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Abby Abby Matt and Jim on a Holiday

The Chronicles of Abby: Abby, Matt and Jim on a Holiday(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This episode is the continuation of Abby, after getting fucked by her teacher, Mr. Davis. After Abby’s teacher, Davis fucked her doggy style and came in her. She went home and cleaned herself up without telling her daddy, Matt about it. It was past midnight, shadow of a man could be seen ramming his hard cock in and out of a girl’s pussy with her butt arching upwards and her chest and hands planted on the...

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Abby Abby Matt and Jeff on a Holiday

The Chronicles of Abby: Abby, Matt and Jeff on a Holiday(Abby’s Perspective)Synopsis: This episode is the continuation of Abby, after getting fucked by her teacher, Mr. Davis. After Abby’s teacher, Davis fucked her doggy style and came in her. She went home and cleaned herself up without telling her daddy, Matt about it. It was past midnight, shadow of a man could be seen ramming his hard cock in and out of a girl’s pussy with her butt arching upwards and her chest and hands planted on the...

2 years ago
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Jades Holiday

Jade grinned as the heat overwhelmed her. It was so hot! She loved it. She gave a little skip of delight as she made her way across the concrete apron of the runway towards the terminal building. I am free... Free... FREEE! She felt like screeching in delight. The first time in her life she was having a holiday on her own. Paid for by her parents as a present for 4 grade A passes in her A levels. In three weeks she would start university at Oxford. But for now study was the last thing on her...

2 years ago
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Drawing on the Dark Side of the BrainChapter 34 Holiday

We were through! No more classes for a month. It seemed like the entire town emptied out in twelve hours. The campus was deserted. The house next door was empty. The guys had carried suitcases out to their last exams and didn’t come back. I saw all three blonde bimbos from two doors down load into a Ford Focus that looked like it was dragging bottom under the weight of everything they packed with them. I didn’t know where they were headed, but I hoped they made it. I got out of my final in...

4 years ago
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First day of our Holiday

The two hour drive was finally coming to an end, mom and dad were taking me to the same place we always holidayed at for as long as I could remember. Since I was able to walk we always came to the same apartment in a villa in the hills. The four apartments surrounded the swimming pool. Each apartment had a private terrace, and if there was anybody else staying at the villa, the only time we saw them was at the pool. What made this place so attractive to them was the fact they could go nude for...

3 years ago
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My Friend MumChapter 6 Just Friends on Holiday

Over the next few days she showed me the joys of using the vibrators and it was wonderful having the ability to put the toys deep in me and be fucked properly. With all the excitement I had forgotten my period was due until I got the tell-tale cramps. Mum gave me some tampons and showed me how to insert them. I didn't want to use them while I was a virgin but now I was free! Our love just got even better now I had thrown off the shackles of the hymen and it became harder to switch back to...

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The Broken Holiday

K-BAY 92.3 FM started sprinkling Christmas songs into their playlist in November, starting on Thanksgiving. For the first week or two thereafter, Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Burl Ives, and Gene Autry made casually rare appearances, surfacing between Huey Lewis and The News, Madonna and Depeche Mode. By the time The Big Holiday was actually at hand, airwaves were so saturated with holiday cheer that even Top 40 pop songs were festooned with jingle bells. On this Christmas Eve night, the fop...

2 years ago
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A Misty Holiday

Misty left her third department store frustrated. The advertised sales weren’t really as great as she thought they would be. She hoped that this late November shopping trip would get her holiday season off on the right track, but it was beginning to look like this year was going to be another holiday disaster. To top off her miserable trip, the weather was lousy. The wind blew sheets of rain onto the pavement. They weather forecast was calling for snow, but so far it was just this unforgiving...

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Sue gangbanged on holiday

Introduction: How Sue was gangbanged whilst we were on holiday in the south of France. My wife Sue and I went on a camping holiday a couple of years ago which led to more than was in the brochure. We went to a wooded camp site in the South of France and on arrival, found that the nearby beach had a nudist area. This was a bonus to us as we went almost every weekend to a nudist beach on the south coast where we lived at the time. Our tent was a large family sized permanent tent with proper...

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Angelicas first holiday

Hi everybody, this is my first try in writing stories. Excuse my english, it’s not my native language. Hope you enjoy reading it. There is much more to come. Comments are welcome. Angelica’s first holiday Introduction (F/M/MM) This is the true story of my reunion with my first girlfriend Angelica. We broke up after a 10 year relationship. We shared everything, she even was singing in my band, where I played the guitar. She kicked me out, because I was not willing to marry her. Shortly after...

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