S.H.E.I.L.A.          free porn video

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My latest creation I had developed over the last fifteen years. A synthetic, humanoid, enlightened, inquisitive, living, android - Sheila as I called her was far beyond anything that had ever been done. She had a capability of movement faster than anything out there now. Her thought processes were almost as fast as the human brain. She was for lack of better words perfect, well to me. In the respect of the human race she was close, approaching, though not quite there.
I had just finished updating her servo motors in the arms and legs. She was faster than anything in the android world; I should have figured the military would want her. I had started putting her through her paces with all the brass watching. To say they were more than impressed would be a major understatement. They had hit me with a problem fifteen years ago that I had spent all this time working on. Give her and all androids emotions.
I remember telling the brass; sure, give me a few years I should have the start of a working program. How in the hell could I, one of the smartest people on earth been so damn stupid? Not once did I see what I was doing was wrong. I was a scientist I had no moral code of ethics, right? Like hell! Especially when the same creations I had spent most of my life making were turned on me.
So I had finished with Sheila's servo upgrades, she was faster and stronger. She made the prototypes I had created look like they were moving in slow motion. It was late, and I had just loaded the last part of the emotion program a huge arduous undertaking. With the servo upgrade finished I could finally work on this other request of the brass full time.
"Sheila? How are you feeling now?" I asked when I saw the last part of the program was installed. Oh I have to tell you I made her look like an actress I had seen. She had smooth skin, light blonde, brown hair, with blue eyes. I think the actress's name was Stone though I can't quite remember.
Shelia opened her eyes looking around then at me. "This unit finds it strange Doctor Gance. This unit can feel the air in the room. The micro-fiber filaments you covered this skin with are operating at ninety eight percent. This unit finds this well within allowable parameters. Adjusting sensors 'til they are at one hundred percent."
"Very good," I replied. "Test audio and optical sensors."
"Working… now adjusting to optimal range. Linking servo motors. Now syncing all systems to positronic processing centers." It was perhaps another thirty minutes when Sheila turned her head toward me. "All systems maintaining one hundred percent."
"Excellent, now please access file program 001A through 999z. Integrate all files contained within. If you experience any difficulty, stop integration at once. Advise me as to the problem area that I may adjust for optimal loading of programs." I ordered her.
"Now accessing all files for integration. It will take approximately five hours, twenty two minutes, thirty three seconds to finish all files. Shall this unit alert you when they are complete Doctor Gance?" Sheila replied.
"Yes, that will prove satisfactory." I told her, little did I realize that this was the defining moment that everything changed.
It was almost five hours later when I received a message from the brass. They wanted Sheila as soon as I was done. They wanted her for testing, testing? All the tests would be complete she wouldn't need more testing. Calling up all ten of the prototypes I was shocked to see that two were active in other countries with orders to kill. Kill? They weren't made for that! I sent a destruct signal watching as the two sent to kill people exploded.
A few moments later my phone rang. "Doctor Gance what in the hell have you done? Those were on missions to kill some extremely bad people! Cease and desist or we will have to terminate your program!"
I started to laugh as I sent three other signals. I watched as they also exploded, taking a few scientists I didn't recognize with them. I had adjusted to take out the others when they stopped responding. So it appeared that they had hacked me out.
I had forgotten I still had the phone to my ear, "consider yourself retired and terminated Gance, effective immediately! We will be there in a few hours for the new killing machine!"
Finally finding my voice I shouted back, "you can try General, you can try. By the time you get here there will be no information on the program left. I've already deleted half of the files and backups. So I'm sure your yes men won't be able to recreate her."
"She belongs to us not you! No matter, as soon as you are dead we'll just take her apart. Reverse engineering her shouldn't be a problem." The General was saying calmly.
"As I said it won't be that easy General. You had to be a self important asshole and keep me out of it. Well as long as I am alive you best be afraid. She is independent and can't be hacked." I hung up as the General was starting to yell again.
I had already sealed the lab though I knew they'd get in in a few hours. I just had to finish her then we could go, though at the moment I wasn't sure where. Pulling a disc I had been preparing for something like this. Slipping it in I started to type several complex commands. Sitting back I laughed as I saw that for a short time we were safe.
A movement behind me had me whirling as me Sheila had stood walking toward me.
"Dr. Gance this system is puzzled by the instructions that the program has given it. It is not understandable many of the commands that it requires of this system that seem useless. This system is in need of further clarification before the program requirements can be acted on."
Sighing I had been afraid of this as I held up another disc. "This should provide further clarification of many of the terms and requirements." I told Sheila. I just hoped that the extra definitions I had added would be enough.
Slipping the disc in Sheila stood there stock still as the new information started to flow through her. I looked at the clock I just hoped that the new information I had given her would help her to process better.
"I'm sorry Sheila that we didn't have the time to explore the possibilities of the program. I have put much of myself into it but you'll never know. You at least will never know the heart break of loss." Sighing I looked at the clock again we had maybe another two hours before they got through. Well I hoped, as when we left here any chance I had to help her would be gone.
It was twenty minutes later when Sheila reactivated. A softer voice came out of her as she said. "I see Dr. Gance. The new information was indeed helpful though I am still unsure of a few of the commands for me. So what are we to do next?"
I looked at the clock again we really needed to go but I knew she needed more answers. Answers that I was the only one who would truthfully tell her. I started to explain about the prototypes that the brass has been using to assassinate people with. I told her everything I had learned as she went through files pulling up everything I told her.
"I see Dr. Gance you never intended for any of us to cause the termination of humans. Thank you, as I have seen you are a rare human in that you do not lie. Well you lie eighty percent less than almost all humans I have accessed the records of." She replied after I was finished.
I nodded as I told her, "I have found that the whole process of lying takes far more energy than I am willing to waste. Energy that I find to be far more productive in mental pursuits. I am sorry that there are so many unthinking humans." 
"I also find that your pursuit of the mental to be far more productive. Again I thank you Dr. Gance, I think though if we are still to exist after today, we need to escape. I am detecting several routes that we can take. I will carry you so that we can make far better time." Sheila told me as she hoisted me up over her shoulder and started through the wall!
"I thought you saw hidden exits, I hadn't thought you'd go through the wall! Just remember I am merely human I am not as nearly indestructible as you." I told her as she was slicing through walls as if they weren't there.
"I apologize Dr. Gance but this is the quickest way out. It is also the furthest away from those that I feel are at this moment attempting to break into the lab. I will endeavor to keep you safe, even if I must destroy life to do so. I am sorry Doctor if that upsets you but you must be kept alive." Sheila threw me back over her shoulder.
Sighing I understood though for the life of me I couldn't figure out why she was saying I must be kept alive. I'd have to ask her at the earliest chance I got. I thought back as I went over the program I had written. At times it was a blessing and a curse to have a photographic memory. Nothing was coming to me about her concern for me.
It was a mere five minutes later that she broke through the last wall and we were at the extreme back of the underground lab. Shaking my head I had a hard time seeing. I hadn't been out of the bunker like lab in over a year. Hell that had been to attend a meeting that the brass couldn't have with me in the lab.
Sheila didn't stop but rather picked up speed as she took off across the field. My mouth was hanging open as she accelerated even more! My god everything was a blur! She had to be doing almost sixty miles per hour and she was accelerating! I know I had increased her strength and speed though I hadn't known she was this fast!
We were across the miles of field within two minutes my god! The field was ten miles across! I was aghast! According to my calculations she had been doing three hundred miles an hour! I looked back as she slowed when she made the road. My god! There was a scorched line across the field! How in the hell had I not felt the acceleration or the friction of the air? Another question I'd have to ask her when we finally stopped.
"We must gain access to a vehicle." She stated a few minutes later as we stopped at my apartment from the lab. I hadn't really been here at all in over a year. You will need a change of clothes Dr. Gance. I am afraid that the air shield I projected around us was inadequate to completely protect your clothes."
Sure enough as I stepped into the apartment I saw that indeed my clothes were somewhat scorched. Smirking I nodded, an air shield? I don't remember anything like that while I was constructing her. "I have a few questions myself Sheila." I stated.
"I thought you might Dr. Gance, though at the moment we only have a forty minute lead on them I can detect that they have finally broken through into the lab. I can feel the count down on the self destruct. They are attempting to stop it I am accelerating it." There was a muffled explosion outside of town then the ground shook for a few moments.
I started to hurry as I changed all my clothes with Sheila watching me. "Is something wrong?" I asked Sheila when I noticed she was staring at me.
"I have questions about the human reproductive system. Though these deal more with the senses. Watching you I am getting a reaction within the emotion program. Though I do not understand it, I am accessing all the information that you supplied me with." A few moments later she shook her head. "The information you supplied me is incomplete. I need more information, though I must say Doctor your information is by far more informed. What I am gleaning from the internet is also incomplete but is helping to fill in many of the gaps that are missing." Turning she said, "Time to go.
I nodded as she again put me over her shoulder then was outside the city within minutes. "We need to find a place to hide Sheila. You are running on battery backup that wasn't completely charged. An hour in the sun should fully fill the batteries."
I watched as she looked back at the city. "I concur with your assessment Dr. Gance. I am at forty percent now. I am sure that if we continue on at this pace I will be depleted in no time. I am seeing that the solar ball at the center of this solar system will rise in nine hours, twenty minutes. After we find a place I will shut down 'til it is up to recharge."
She again took off though at a much lower speed. A few miles further out she stopped at what appeared to be a house. "Scan inside are you detecting anyone within?" I asked.
"Beginning scan, no apparent human life though I am detecting a Canis lupus familiaris." Sheila said a moment later
I started to rack my brain then it hit me. "You mean a dog. Can you tell what breed it is?"
"Searching for the human name." Sheila said then was quiet a moment. "I believe it is called a Rottweiler. We need to get in there though I am sensing that the animal is guarding the domicile. Shall I dispatch it?" 
"No, I don't want to harm an animal that has been trained to protect. Can you calm it so we can enter?" I asked.
"Searching all data acquired. Yes I think it is possible." Sheila opened her mouth but nothing came out. There was a barking from within then it was quiet. "I believe it is safe though I will go first. Your protection is my first priority."
There she went on again with that my life and protection was her first priority. I needed to get to the bottom of this it was starting to get irritating not knowing.
Approaching the house Sheila quickly had the door open as she walked in. Cautiously I made my way to the doorway looking in. Sheila was bent beside the dog almost seemingly talking to it.
"It should be safe for a few hours. I emitted a signal that has calmed this animal 'til such time as we leave. Come in and rest for a time." Sheila told me.
I nodded moving inside, closing the door. I figured we would have to depart in a hurry later so I laid on the couch. "I have set my internal alarm to the solar disc rise. I will awaken you Dr. Gance so we can depart for a safer place."
"Alright Sheila though I suggest you set your sensors to detect any movement of the military toward us." I told her.
There was a low clicking then she nodded. "I have done as you suggested Dr. Gance. Now rest your protection and health are of the upmost importance."
"At the earliest possible time we need to have a discussion about these statements you have made Sheila." I advised her.
"Of course Dr. Gance, though I am unsure of your confusion that I am detecting in your voice. Indeed we do need a discussion to ally your confusion. I am going into hibernation mode as you should also Dr. Gance." She said then she shut down.
Shaking my head I thought about all her programs that I had put in her. Could one of them be the reason for the escalated concern for me? I wasn't sure though it was about to drive me crazy I couldn't figure it out.
Even as I watched her systems went dark and she stopped moving. Shrugging I settled on the couch and closed my eyes. It was half an hour later that I was still awake unable to get the day’s events out of my head. Was I so one tracked minded that I hadn't noticed what was going on around me? As I was reviewing all the data I had to admit I was.
Finally a fitful sleep took me as the dreams started. In them I was being laughed at again for the many
incredible ideas I had come up with. Like most times in my life I had been put down for having the brains to actually make a difference. Having decided a few years before that I wasn't going to let the skeptics stop me this time. I knew what I was doing was important and I was going to prove it!
I jerked awake having heard something moving. Barely aware at all I watched as what appeared to be one of my prototypes silently came through the door. I had to wonder how in the hell had they found us this quickly? It was at that moment I realized that the brass was serious about terminating me as the prototype moved toward me.
The prototype paused a moment as if trying to recognize me then it raised an arm. I was dead I thought then what was left of the prototype was falling to the floor cut in half.
"Come Doctor we need to depart this place before they issue more to terminate you." Sheila said as she hoisted me as if I weighed nothing onto her shoulder and started out of the building. "I am afraid that the solar disc at the center of this solar system is still thirty minutes away from rising. I will endeavor to keep you safe 'til it is up and I can recharge more. I found an alternate power source in the building but it didn't provide nearly as much as I need. I estimate I am still at forty percent."
"As easily as they found us I think we need to make a sweep of each other to determine if they are tracking us." I advised Sheila.
"Yes Doctor Gance I concur with your assumption. I am running a full scan now." There was a moment of silence then she stated. "I am reading a total of sixty four tracking devices within both of us. Most are contained within myself. I have already started to deactivate them." Reaching out toward me with lighting speed Sheila ripped a lock of hair from my head. "I am sorry doctor I should have warned you, please hold still." With that she very quickly cut a shallow line on the back of my hand removing a small circular object. "There, that is the strongest two; the other two will take a bit longer."
My mouth was hanging open then I nodded, it was about their speed to have injected tracers within me. "Are you going to have any trouble with any of the sixty?" I asked as Sheila was quiet again.
"At the present moment I am unsure. I have already deactivated fifty of them, though I am afraid they are the strongest ones. I am attempting to destroy the others now." Sheila said then was quiet for a few more minutes.
I looked at my hand where the tracking device had been as I shook my head. The thing was they had injected me without my knowledge. A moment later Sheila looked up then opened her mouth as a small pile of wires and other components fell out of her. As the pile grew I was beginning to wonder if there was anything left in her.
"There Doctor Gance I have removed fifty nine of them. Unfortunately the last is too close to my positronic reasoning center to remove without damage. I am afraid that you are the only one who can remove it." Sheila told me.
"Were you able to deactivate it?" I asked.
"No, though now it is only accessible at close range. I am afraid though that one of the two still within you are. We need to find a place so I can remove it, also so you can heal." Sheila stated.
"Heal?" I said shocked. "Just where is it located?" 
"Not far from your spine near the junction of your brain. It shouldn't be too hard I have already been gathering all the information to do it. As I said Doctor Gance your safety is of the upmost importance." With that Sheila took off at accelerated speed further away from the base and the city.


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As we walk out of the cinema and into the street we see that it is raining and it looks like it has been doing it for quite a while.The car is parked about 3 streets away and there seems no way to get to it without getting completly drenched.We Run off down the street to the carpark and we are completly soaked to the skin by the time we get there.We get into the car dripping wet and it starts to steam up the windows as soon as we get in. Not the best Way to end what has been a perfect...

3 years ago
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Wish Shift Confessions

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirteen Confessions Year 1 A.S. Day 76 "I'm sorry to hear that," Derek said. "Is she one of your friends? I've heard you and your family mention the name from time to time, but I don't think I've met her." Derek was trying to be polite she realized. She realized also that she needed to tell someone about it now, so she asked him if he had time to sit down for a bit. When he asked her why she told him that if he really wanted to know that then he should sit,...

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Green River

Green River by Tim Willows Jake never felt his first misgivings about transferring to Green River until the very moment when the needle entered his arm and the world dissolved into a vague cloud of grey. Before then, the transfer seemed like the only option-more than that: a godsend. He couldn't handle life in the general prison population. There was no other word for it: the other prisoners were animals. There wasn't a trace of racism in Jake's mind when he thought of them...

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TeamSkeetLabs Alyssa Bounty One More Chance

ALERT: We need your help! These TS Labs updates are our way of putting out new stuff for you. Your feedback drives everything, so if you love it, please tell us. If you hate it, please let us know what we can do better. We’re counting on you so please tell us! On that note, here’s the latest scene. Alyssa is rushing to her first job as an assistant to millionaire George Uhl, and when she arrives late, George warns her he will not tolerate such mistakes any longer. After promising to...

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Episode 9 Where was Gemma

Thirteen year old Gemma could not attend the Junior Porn Club School as she was back in St. Lucia topping up her tan and getting pregnant. The journeyDad dropped Gemma off at the Coach Station, chattering about usual Passport / tickets / money stuff and dreamily watched her bare black bum under a very short dress as she mounted the coach steps. Gemma flopped into a seat near the back, blew a kiss to Dad and selected a very graphic porn movie starring Molly and Becki to 'watch' on her...

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Am I Angel Or Devil Part Pt 15 Started Teaching

Hai guys its Deepthi again with the continuation of my story. Well coming back to the story.  It was Monday morning. I wore my casual top which was light yellow with a blue jacket and a jean. I looked decent and also little sexy because the top was little tight. So my perfect body could be seen clearly. The push-up bra made my boobs look enough to steal anyone’s attention in no time. I put some light makeup and my shoes and left for the school in my car. My dad told me that I should wear the...

3 years ago
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Tracy and Dad Chapter Two

John had just finished packing up the SUV. He was walking back into the house when he called to Tracy.“Hey babe, you about ready?”“Oh my god. I said give me 15 minutes,” Tracy yelled from her room.John walked down the hall and stuck his head in her room. “That was 20 minutes ago.”“Oh. Well let me finish packing and I’ll get dressed.” Tracy was pulling clothes from her closet and tossing them onto her bed creating a sizable pile. She looked like she had just finished showering. Her long curly...

2 years ago
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Ein halbes Jahr im Leben eines Detektivs

Auf meinem Schreibtisch t?rmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehler gewesen, in dieses B?ro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zu teuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Auftr?ge von einer besseren Klientel. Und ich wollte diese ?berwachung von Ehem?nnern loswerden, denn das war fast ausschlie?lich mein t?glich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang vor einer Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir als Detektiv ertr?umt hatte. Meine Sekret?rin war ich mittlerweile lo...

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Sissy Sisters Schooling Specialists

Sissy Sisters' Schooling -- Specialists by Throne The facility was a series of low buildings, all joined together, set in a level area of the rolling countryside. A late model car rolled onto the parking lot and took a spot near the front entrance. Two attractive young women got out to go inside. Once they were there they went to the front desk. "Hello," said a well groomed fellow in a white shirt and navy slacks. "I'm Larry. How may I help you?" "We left our husbands here...

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NubileFilms Lulu Chu Christmas Is Cumming

It’s Christmastime and Lulu Chu has realized something terrible: She forgot to get her roommate, Damon Dice, a gift! After thinking on it for a while, Lulu realizes she has a built in present. She can give Damon the gift of a romp between the sheets. Decking herself out in sexy Santa lingerie, Lulu joins Damon in his bedroom on Christmas morning. She crawls into bed with her roommie and strokes his morning wood while letting him know that he can have anything he wants. Damon tries to...

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The DolphinChapter 6

I tell Lone One to stop. But I do not wait for him, I turn and go toward the land. It is Kitik! There is only a small scent, but it comes to me as I swim and I am sure. Kitik is near! Lone One comes up to me. “Why do you stop, Minacou?” he asks. “This is not yet the place where I will take you.” I tell him that Kitik is not in that place, he is here. I say I must go closer to the land, it is from there that the scent of Kitik comes. The water becomes very shallow, and I must swim beside...

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Merry Belated Christmas Happy Friggin New Years

Kate and I had only been dating for about seven months by the time we went to that New Year’s Eve party.She was, is, my everything.We had actually met back in college, earlier that year. We had a class together during our last semester before graduating. She sat next to me and was friendly at first. It took me a while before I realized she was flirting with me. But, despite my obliviousness, she stuck with me. Once I registered the fact that she was flirting, we out and it was awesome.I always...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 80 Holy Week 1984

April 11, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Wednesday evening, I asked Father to step into the vestry after Vespers to talk. “Father, Lara would like to set a time to speak with you so she can receive Eucharist at the Paschal service.” “How about after Liturgy on Saturday? Time is very, very tight after that!” “That will work. How long will you need?” “About an hour if we do her confession. Is she keeping the fast?” “Yes.” “And daily prayers?” “I don’t know. I made THAT mistake once, and I...

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First Sex Experience With Collegemate

Let me introduce myself first. I am Ajay Kumar a resident of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh a city famous for its literacy rate and beautiful city life. I am 5’10 tall and medium built as I use to hit gym till last few years and a fair in complexion. This experience of mine happened during the time of my under graduation with my college mate Anusha. She is of 5’4 height with nice slim body as she was a sports player in my college. My college life was all about classroom fun, bunking classes, freaking...

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A Fantasy that goes too far Part 7

“Ask me why I want your hair up?” Dave ordered.“Why Sir” she asked very carefully, “Do you want my hair up?”“It’s because I want your slutty face exposed.” He said, “I want to be able to see your lips wrapped around my cock. I want to see your drool as you try to deep-throat me.” He went on… ”I want to see the look of pleasure contrasted by the look of discomfort, the look of pain. I want to see your ‘Fuck-face’ as I slam into you.” Dave paused a bit and then added:“I want your husband to see...

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Biker Bar 1

I was driving through Mississippi on my way to Texas when I stop off at the local truck stop,It took me around 20 minutes to get my Cab all free from the flatbed. The waitress in the restauranttold me where there is a good biker bar to go to, It was now around 8 pm I decided to head over there.The cab windows were fogging up now as I was driving down the road to the Club, I then found a nicespot now so I can park my cab.As I walk in through the door, I can hear and see that's might be my lucky...

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The LibrarianChapter 8 The Day After

Thursday morning dawned bright and clear. Lesa was at the breakfast table with her three children sipping her first cup of coffee. She had been unusually quiet that morning. "Are you okay, mom?" Sara asked. "I'm fine, dear. Why do you ask?" "I don't know. You just seem to be kind of drifting. You're usually bouncing around the kitchen, and this morning you're just sitting here. Did something bad happen last night?" Lesa blinked, "Actually, something good happened last night. It...

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The Time of My LifeChapter 2

We had a pleasant dinner with Sandy and I doing all the talking. Jessica was still sulking, her anger at her sister obvious. Justin seemed to be a great little guy. He sat across from me laughing and giggling; Jessica sat next to me, keeping as much room as possible between us. I started to shoot little pieces of paper with my straw at Justin, making him giggle louder. I often played these games with my little brothers and sisters. Because I was the oldest of six kids, with two brothers and...

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lesbian love

I was so excited when my parents told me they were going away for theweekend. My best friend Rayna was comming over for the weekend, we had somuch planned. Rayna arrived early, looking even more beautiful than ever. Shes gotlong brown hair, and blue eyes, she stand at 5'6" which is one inch tallerthan me. I greeted her with a hug, and took her stuff downstairs. Wequietly whispered about all the things we were going to do, smiling andgiggling. Finally, my parents announce that they were...

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Its Just Business

Steve and Karen were sales reps for an industrial equipment manufacturer. This weekend they were going out of town to make a sales presentation, and late Friday afternoon Steve received a phone call from the hotel where they had booked rooms. Apparently the hotel had overbooked and now instead of having two rooms available for Karen and himself, there was only one room available, but it did have two beds. Steve put the hotel employee on hold and called Karen. She didn't have any problem sharing...

Quickie Sex
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Do Me Here

This is based very loosely around a situation. We were at a friend’s wedding. It was my boyfriend, Max’s friend, and this became quite a complication. The difficulty was that I didn’t really know this friend very well and Max had spent all day socialising and mooching around the wedding, so naturally I felt quite alone sitting unaccompanied at the nuptials. The ceremony came to pass and the meal and reception were shortly after at a big, fancy hotel. Earlier in the day I was thinking of...

Group Sex
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Summer of Love Week 13 part 2

“Oh, fuck! Oh, yeah!” J.J. throws his head back and lets out a deep groan as Michelle’s lips kiss the base of his swollen, throbbing tool. The teen slut lodges the stud’s dick in her throat for a long, loving moment, not even drooling from its swollen 8 inches. Aaron and Steve, both bare ass naked and slowly stroking their erect love wands, watch the action and express their approval. “Yeah! Suck it, bitch!” Steve exclaims. “Make her work for it, dude!” Aaron chimes in. Michelle is giving team...

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Michael Michelle

BRAT.TXT MICHAEL MICHELLE By Marcia Sampson Poor Karen. As if life wasn't hard enough for her, having to get up an hour before the sun to clean her landlady's house in exchange for rent, followed by a business day of taking care of two baby boys, one of whom was an uncontrollable antisocial brat, followed several nights a week by two or three hours cleaning someone's house after her all- day baby-sitting job...by...

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Playtime Chapter L Marys Night Out

“Puttana! Hello! I didn’t expect you to call.” ` “No, dear, I suppose not. Some of us are impressed with what we’ve seen from the MidSummer Eve party, and I’ve heard from the Mistress that you are such a dear treat.” “Wow. News travels fast. We only returned last week from Florida.” “Yes, I know, darling. Now listen. We’d all like to watch more of you, so I’m inviting you to be center-stage this Saturday. I’ll supply the men, STD-free of course, totally private as usual, and...

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EnslavedChapter 10

The following morning I left the house in order to walk to Mona's by nine o'clock. I started to walk up to the front door and then remembered that I was only allowed to enter by the rear door. As I rounded the corner of the house to reach the rear door I saw that Todd was there back at work. He looked up at me and grinned. I was about to knock on the door when it opened and Mona stood there smiling at me. "Good you're not late today, but what are you doing with your clothes still on....

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Aliens and CowboysWorld Peace Initiative

Back on the Poseidon and ready to return to Earth, Mark could tell something was bothering Rayven. Figuring it was because he had left her on the ship today, he apologized for not taking her to the surface. Rayven just hugged him and said that wasn’t what was upsetting her, as she started describing the call she just had with Annabelle less than an hour ago, “There had been a situation at the Port of Atlantis with a couple going through security. The man went through security first and, as...

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It Isnt FairChapter 7

I giggled and said, “I wanted to fuck my daddy from the time I was nine. When and why did you get hot for your brother?” Mandy started laughing so hard she nearly fell over. She started coughing, and Mark patted her on the back until she got over the coughing fit. Mandy said, “I was eleven. His girlfriend was a tease, and I told Mark I could do anything for him that skank could do. He explained what all he wanted Cindy to do and told me what she wouldn’t do. He made me wait until I was...

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Summer Can KillChapter 14

Saturday 11.00am She knew this road so well; when she was little every village had been a landmark, proof that they really were on holiday. He hadn't called, and she didn't think he would, and she'd promised herself that she wouldn't either, but she checked her phone just in case. If you tried to push him he diverted, and if you went on trying he disappeared and there was nothing left to push, only the friction-free shell that he'd built, as opaque and resistant as granite. The...

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Your Cousin Jaimie

You always knew your 19 year old cousin was good looking; you'd seen many pictures of that beautiful face, but you'd never seen her in person before. Now you find out you, your mom, and your sister will be taking a road trip to her place up by the lake. You're pretty excited to get away from the city, but also to be sharing a house with 3 women and no other men to compete with, but then again what are you saying -- they're related to you, so that's not right! Your sister and mom enter the car....

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Foreign Spices Part 1 of 3

Two dark bodies moved on the bed in sensuous rhythm; hot skin over hot blood. Their silhouettes flickered and stretched along the red, streak painted walls, cast there by small lamps and rows of candles. Arms and legs clenched and slid up and down around one another but hardly ever apart, skin always in contact. The man rolled his hips, following the muted beat of heavy dance music emanating through the walls from the downstairs club. The woman, curled up, her legs wrapped around his waist and...

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The Young Barista Part 3

I pulled up at our agreed upon rendezvous point, it was at the bus stop a couple of blocks away from Sam’s house, a route that her parent’s seldom took. She was the only one at the bus stop and as she came into view, I could not help but stare. There she stood, looking simply exquisite in a very tight fitting, long sleeve, short black dress. She had matching heels on that were not so high that it made her look slutty. No, not at all, it was only about a two-inch heel, but the effect of it...

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One Nil

Last summer we had decided to go for a day out to Kinshaldy Beach near St Andrews in Scotland..(it's a fairly well known beach for nudity and dogging). We planned to have some naughty fun but discovered that it was a bit too cold to lie out and show off to any watchers. So, we decided to go for a long walk instead (still intent on having some exhibitionist fun of course). As we were walking back to the car, we were stopping every now and then and trying to attract the attention of a few sneaky...

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The RiflemanChapter 7 Decisions

Day 42; Nadil I appeared in William's bedroom. The bed was soaked with blood as I knelt over him. I held my hand out and a spray bottle appeared as I gripped his left hand. I twisted it over so I could see the wound and then sprayed the cut with the mist. "You idiot, I offered you a new world to help to grow, and you act like a foolish child," I snapped out at him. I reached for his other hand and when I grabbed it, a razor blade dropped from his fingers. Spraying his wrist, I then...

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AmySue Who Me

By Boez Chapter One It was one of those days where the temperature and humidity together passed 200. The kind of day you would expect in an equatorial rain forest. The kind of day that gave a new meaning to sweat. You always hear that high temperatures in Phoenix are accompanied by low humidity thereby making 117 degrees merely bearable. Look it’s not natural to be able to defrost a steak by putting it on the hood of your car for 2 minutes. Amy-Sue had to do a little shopping downtown on...

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