Sex Games free porn video

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He hears the door close behind him and the key twist in the lock. He turns around. He watches as she places the key on the small table by the door, she smiles at him, then walks toward the bed that occupies most of the far side of the room. He follows her voluptuous figure with his eyes as she moves.
She wears a white loose fitting blouse above a knee length black skirt. Her legs are covered in skintight black nylon and he wonders if they are tights or stockings, he studies the way her skirt hangs against her thighs but can make no conclusive decisions. He finds himself distracted by the provocative movement of her arse, under her skirt, as she walks.
On her feet she has a pair of black leather high-heeled shoes, maybe four inches high, raising her almost level with him. She strikes him as elegant and smart and a shiver of anticipation makes the small hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.
She turns and sits on the edge of the bed running her gaze over him as she does so. He feels almost nude under her scrutiny even though he is fully clothed. His cheeks flush with colour.
“Take off your clothes” she commands.
He hesitates not sure what to do.
Her voice is soft but firm and again the shiver thrills though him.
He feels himself comply. He drops onto one knee and starts to untie his bootlace .He looks up to see her smiling. She brushes a lock of hair away from her cheek and he returns her smile. To which she raises an eyebrow.
“Keep yours eyes on what you’re doing”.
Instinctively he drops his eyes to finish removing his boots and socks. He stands and starts to unbutton his shirt. As he does this she gets up and walks over to her dressing table. She opens a top draw and takes out a box of matches which she uses to light candles, placed strategically around the room. Then she goes over to the CD player by the bed. She fingers through the collection of CD’s until she comes to one called ‘Ambience’. She opens the draw in the player, places it inside and presses the repeat button. As she moves he admires the sensual curves of her body, averting his eyes whenever she turns. She notices this and feels a buzz of excitement at her apparent power over this man. Finally she turns of the lights transforming the room, with candlelight and soft music.
She seats herself in the armchair by the bed, crossing her courtly legs as she does so. She Settles, to watch him finish undressing, he slips of his shirt and lets it fall to the floor, revealing a black PVC corset, she chooses this moment to adjust her position in the armchair. He senses a lump rise in his throat at the gentle rasping sound of nylon against nylon as she re-crosses her legs.
He starts to unbutton his jeans. Once unfastened he pushes them down, to reveal black lace panties encasing his genitalia. As he drops his trousers further black lace top hold-ups become apparent. His Mistress looks up with a raised eyebrow.
“Do you like wearing ladies underwear?”
She asks.
is the only word he can manage as his throat starts to dry.
She gets up and goes over to him, then walking a round him she gentle touches his stocking-ed thighs.
“That means you’re a Sissy. Do you think you’re a sissy?”
She asks.
“I don’t know”
He mumbles.
She circles him once or twice more, inspecting his body as she goes. He stands still, waiting for her to make her next move. He senses his penis start to strain against the material of his panties with his rising excitement. She notices and starts to gently stroke his penis feeling it twitch through the lace under her touch. She slowly moves her hand up his abdomen and across his chest until she can feel his erect nipple between her fingers. She pinches it gently at first but slowly increasing the pressure until her fingernails bite deep into the flesh around his nimbus. He feels his breath quicken and he raises his hands to stroke her waist. She stops and slaps his hands down. Turning away as she does so. He jerks to attention shocked by her strike, suddenly he feels silly and a little awkward unsure what to say.
She addresses him still with her back turned toward him
“These are the rules”
She pauses placing her hand on her hip.
“You don’t do anything unless I tell you too, you don’t touch me unless I tell you too, you don’t speak unless I tell you too, you will address me as Mistress and you will answer to Sissy or Slut”.
She waits for a moment to allow her instructions to register.
“Do you understand?”
He rasps his throat dry from his ever-increasing excitement.
She turns around to face him. In an instant he feels a sharp slap against his cheek.
“Yes Mistress”.
She corrects him.
“Yes Mistress”.
He repeats dutifully.
“Now, turn around Slut”
She relishes this last word as she says it.
He does as he is told and turns to face the door. Behind him he hears her opening draws and rummaging about. Then she walks back over to him until he can feel her warm breath on his neck.
“Kneel, Sissy”.
This he does steadying himself on the door handle as he drops slowly to the floor. Gently she starts to massage his shoulders slowly moving up until her thumbs are rubbing the nap of his neck. His face flushes with pleasure; he closes his eyes and releases a soft sigh. She gently places a hand under his chin, firmly tilting his head back. With his head thus positioned she fastens a leather dog collar around his neck.
She moves away from him and returns to her armchair
“Turn around you dirty little slut”.
He obeys still on his knees, eyes down.
“Look at me”.
He raises his head in the direction of her voice.
She is in her armchair smiling. Her clothes have changed, now she is wearing a thin satin gown tied in the middle revealing a nylon-clad shin and knee where it falls open around her legs. Under the gown her cleavage is framed with black lace. He wanders when she changed.
“Crawl over here on your hands and knees”.
Once more he feels the excitement rise, as he gets closer. He arrives at her feet and she presents the bottom of her shoe to his face
“Lick it,”
She orders. This he does. After a moment she moves it a way and places it on his hand. She reaches down beside her chair and produces a long lead. She holds the lead in front of his face.
“Kiss your lead Sissy”.
He places his lips on it, kissing it slowly. She grins revelling in her dominance over her new sissy slave. With a practised hand she clips the lead onto the ring at the front of the collar and pulls it forward, slowly opening her legs as she draws his face closer to her.
She pulls until his cheek is resting against her thigh. He thrills at the touch of his face against the soft nylon. He remembers his thoughts of a few moments ago, now he has his answer. He looks longingly at her pubic mound framed by the same laced topped soft nylon, as his own legs.
She strokes his head running her finger through his hair as she does so.
“You want to kiss it, don’t you”?
“Yes Mistress”.
He replies softly.
“Only good sissies get that honour”.
She teases.
“Are you a good sissy Slut?”
He thinks for a moment.
“I hope so Mistress”.
She smiles, good answer she thinks, he’s learning fast, this one will be easy to train.
“Let me hear you beg for it”
“Please may I be allowed to kiss it mistress”?
She says nothing. She just puts her hand on the back of his head and pushes it toward her vagina. His lips press against the flower of her womanhood as he lavishes hungry kisses on her.
She shivers betraying the weakness of her pleasure. She moves her hand down between his and her lips allowing him free access to her swollen clitoris as she does so.
“Lick it,”
She says with a slight tremble in her voice. Giving in to her passion.
After a few moments she pushes his head away, trapping it between her thighs as her first orgasm of the evening rips though her body. She gasps shocked by the speed of her climax. He’s good, very good, she is going to enjoy this evenings games.
She regains her composure, releasing her grip on his head and lifting his chin so that they make eye contact.
“You’ve been a naughty little Slut, haven’t you?”
He looks at her confused, surely he had just pleased her, his brow creases as he wanders what she could mean.
“You made me all wet”.
She grins as she sees realisation dawn on his face.
“So you must be punished.”
He wanders what his punishment may be, no doubt he will discover in due time.
“But first, as you did please me, I will reward you”.
He looks up at her with anticipation
“You must be thirsty after all your hard tongue work; I think I’ll give you a drink”.
She leads him on his hands and knees to a door in the far wall, which reveals it’s self to be an on suite bathroom.
“Now, put your arms in ring around the top of the bowl. As if they were the toilet seat”
She watches him get into position.
“That’s right, lovely now rest your chin on the edge as well”
She stands back to admire his obedience.
She says as she rests her sexy arse on her new toilet seat, pulling his lead between her parted thighs.
“Open your mouth”.
He does so, guessing at where his drink will be dispensed from, as his lips part under her vagina. She closes her eyes tenses and then slowly releases her full but not bursting bladder.
His tongue jerks as a few droplets of warm golden liquid splash onto it. She releases stream after stream, of her warm pee, into his waiting mouth. He gulps them down thirstily one after the other. Finally she empties herself with a sigh of relief. He licks hungrily at the last few remaining drops revelling in his depravity
“There you dirty little slut this is all you’re worthy of. Some times I will call you Loo Loo as well now, lick it dry, every drop”.
She tightens her thighs around his cheeks as she says this.
“I think you shall be my toilet seat, forever, would you like that?”
“Oh yes Mistress”.
He sighs in reply.
“Did you like that?”
She enquires
“Yes mistress”.
He replies”
“Good coz there’s plenty more where that came from. Aren’t’ you going to thank your Mistress, for letting you drink from her?”
“Thank you Mistress”
She steps away and leads him back into the main room.
“Now for your punishment”.
This said she fastens his lead to the leg of the armchair.
“Just to make sure you can’t go anywhere”.
She moves away from him and picks up a foldaway wooden chair leaning against the far wall. She opens it and places it on the floor. She steps over to the bed and feels under the covers bringing out pair of steel handcuffs. These she hangs on the side of the wooden chair.
Untethering her slave she leads him over to the chair, until his chin is resting on the edge of it.
“Hold the wooden rod at the back”.
He obediently complies. She takes the handcuffs and secures his wrists tightly. She steps back over to the bed reaches underneath it pulling out a long piece of garden cane; she swishes it through the air testing her swing. He jumps, jerking against the seat, as the cane cracks above him. She smiles seeing his reaction and strokes it down his back and across his buttocks.
He hears a swish. This is swiftly followed by the sting of the cane across his behind, he gasps with the shock of it, she does it again, this time there is less shock, and a wave off strange pleasure.
She sighs.
“I like doing that slut, and I’m sure you’ll learn to love it”.
This said she straddles the seat of the chair, nuzzling his face with her crotch as she settles herself. She braces her Stilletoed feet against his thighs.
“Now, please me, and make sure you keep pace with my rhythm.”
He happily starts to lick, kiss and suck her moist pussy with passion, long slow strokes of his tongue lapping at her heaven. As her passion mounts she starts to whip his bottom with the cane. Increasing the speed and frequency of the strokes with her climbing arousal. He responds licking and sucking faster and faster, keeping pace with her strokes. It seems to go on for hours. The red track marks on his arse glowing under the whip of the cane as he jerks and convulses with each hit sending a new wave of Pleasure, to his very core.
She cums in a blinding rush of ecstasy her whipping becomes weak under the onslaught of the orgasm. She relaxes smiling at her slave as she does so
“Good boy” she says rewarding his efforts. She kneels next to his face and kisses him on the cheek.
“Mmmm, that was wonderful”.
She swoons.
“You’re good with your tongue; I like that in a sissy”.
She sidles up to his still restrained form, his hands held firm by her steel embrace, and rests her head on his shoulder; gently she strokes her fingers through his hair, now showing genuine affection. She starts to kiss the top of his arm and shoulder, gently moving her hand down his back just her finger tips touching his skin, a shiver of delight runs down his spine, and a breathy “oh” leaves his lips. Her hand continues its gentle journey down his back, arriving at his corset; she places her hand on the PVC garment, and enjoys its coolness. She moves her lips close to, almost touching, his ear and allows her warm breath to caress it for a moment, before planting gentle but passionate kisses on his neck and ear.
These subtle combinations of pain and pleasure she was arousing in him excited him like he’d never felt before. His head was a wash with the joy of her touch; whether it be strike or caress, all he knew was here and now, and the thrill of her hands and lips. His penis continues to strain against the confines of his knickers the head poking over the top of the lace.
Slipping down past his corset, her fingers find the top of his panties, softly she pushes them down, he flinches slightly as her fingers find the embossed like raised welts of her earlier ministrations, and she touches them gently, like a blind woman reading brail.
As her hand moves gently stroking his reddened cheeks, she traces her finger soothingly along the line of the pattern, enjoying her handy work and he sighs.
Her hand maintains its course down his body, revealing his glowing arse in all its glory, as his panties slip down further, his penis finally gets its release as it pings out like a fleshy jack-in-a-box. Her lips follow her reach planting soft gentle kisses up and down his back. Sliding her hand over his thighs, the tops of her fingers brush against the side of his cock, which jerks as if startled. One finger starts to trace the line down the back of his member which starts to spasm virtually slapping her fingers as it does. She moves her lips back to his ear and whispers.
“Is this for me?”
She squeezes her new toy gently to indicate what “this” is.
In his highly aroused state he manages just a nod of his head a barely murmured.
“Yes Mistress”.
“This is mine?”
She enquires further, as if to make sure she’d heard him right.
“Oh yes Mistress”.
He sighs.
“Everything I am is yours, my beautiful Mistress”.
He says as if to lend weight to his prior affirmation.
“Oh good, I do so love new toys”.
She says with glee.
“Mmmm, and it’s so hard, mmmm? Do you think it wants to cum?”
She says continuing her gentle manipulation of her new cock.
“Oh Yes Mistress”.
He gasps.
“I have, haven’t I? I’ve had three orgasms, and they were lovely”.
She leans in close to his ear and once again, her warm breath caresses his cheek.
“This is making me so horny.”
She takes a deep breath filled with passion and grips her cock tightly, making him breath a lusty sigh.
“I want you to make me cum again”.
This said she once more places her beautiful bottom on the chair and muzzles him with her pussy, he hungrily starts, to worship her still moist, wet, and warm vagina. As her passion, yet again, starts to mount, she grabs the back of his head and grinds her pussy against his mouth, virtually fucking his face, harder and harder, till another wave of pleasure ripples through her body. She sighs relaxing as he continues to shower her gorgeous pussy with gentle soothing kisses. Eventually she resumes her place sitting on the floor next to him.
“That’s four I’ve had now, and you haven’t had any, have you?”
She says as both her hands now, find his, sorry, her cock. It swells even more at her touch.
“I love that you’re so horny. I like having a horny sissy, I bet you’d like to cum out of my new penis, wouldn’t you?”
She asks innocently.
“Oh yes Mistress, I would so like to cum.”
She sighs deeply once more and gives it a good squeeze.
“The things is my pet, every time I cum knowing you haven’t it makes it just that little bit better, you see, it just turns me on so much knowing that you are so aroused for me, and yet haven’t had an orgasm. It makes me so happy being in control of your sex and you want me to be happy, don’t you?”
“Your pleasure is my pleasure Mistress”.
He says revelling in her control and his submission.
“Oh good I’m so pleased”.
She says again stroking her toy she changes the subject slightly.
“Do you masturbate?”
“Er, yes Mistress I do”.
She enquires further.
“How often do you do it?”
“Well, Mistress, it varies, but pretty regularly”.
He offers as an answer.
“Ok then, how many times have you done it, say, this week?”
He thinks for a moment, casting his mind back over the two or three days of the week that had already past.
“Maybe three or four times Mistress”.
“And the last time was?”
“After I woke up this morning, Mistress”.
She considers this for a moment as she plays with the balls over which she had so recently claimed ownership.
“Well, just this once I’ll let you off for playing with my cock without my permission. I suppose it still was yours then after all, but from now on, if you do it again, you’ll have to be punished”.
Using his back to steady herself, she gets up and makes her way to one of her draws
“You know, I don’t think I want my new cock to cum that much, three or four times a month will be quite sufficient I think; if you’re a good sissy of course”.
Opening the draw she gets out a bag.
“I realize that resisting the temptation to wank will be very difficult, but don’t worry I’ve just the thing”.
Returning to his side, she kneels by him and places a device made up of a plastic sheath with a slit at the front and slightly larger slits on the sides, a ring and some plastic pins, all held together with a padlock.
“This is a CB6000 and it’ll keep my cock nice and safe from straying hands, even when I’m not with you”.
This said she unlocks the padlock with a small key, attached to a sliver chain around her neck, which he had until this time not noticed.
A combination of thrill and fear races around his passion addled mind at this new and exciting turn of events. The thought of being so thoroughly controlled brought his intense arousal to new highs. She reaches under his prone body to feel her cock.
“That’s far too big to fit; we’ll have to do something about this”.
She goes back over to the on suite bathroom and runs the cold tap until the water is nice and chill. Filling a handy glass, and picking up a bottle of baby oil and a small towel, she goes back to her sissy slut and slips her toy into the cold water. The engorged member rapidly begins to shrink. Putting the glass to one side, she pats it dry with the towel. She then slips the plastic ring behind the balls, securing it with the pins. Using the baby oil she lubes it up a little and slides the plastic sheath over her cock. With the padlock through the last pin her toy is safely locked away until she’s ready to play with it.
“I’m so horny”.
She breaths this last, into his ear.
I want you to fuck me, but now my lovely new toy is locked away you can’t”.
She feigns suddenly having an Idea.
“I know!”
She exclaims jumping up and getting the key to the cuffs from the bedside draw she releases him and leads him over to the bed, she pats the bed inviting him up and taking to opportunity he has a little stretch before sitting on the bed, and leaning back on his elbows enjoying his release.
Opening yet another draw she produces a device of straps with a six, or maybe seven inch dildo attached, and joins him back at the bed.
“You can use this to fuck me, I mean you gave me your cock, it’s only fair I give you one in return. Then I can keep, my cock all safely locked away, can’t I?”
“Yes Mistress, thank you”.
Is his dutiful reply.
She has him stand in front of her and after attaching the strap-on; they lie on the bed together and start to make love. Their lips meet in a tender kiss, and their hands explore each others bodies. She reaches down and tenderly touches his balls held tightly in her plastic grip; his penis starts to grow filling the plastic cage. They kiss each others bodies, breathing each other in, loosing themselves in each other, as worldly concerns slip form their minds, and they give themselves over to pure passion. His fingers find her wet pussy as her mouth and fingers find his nipples. Her tongue flicks across one as her fingers pinch the other.
Meanwhile his fingers find her swollen clitoris. He traces a swirling motion around it, gently brushing it as he goes. Her ardour rises and she pins him down on to the bed. Straddling him she grabs his new cock slowly rubbing her hand up and down as if it were real teasing him.
The knowledge that “her” cock was safely locked away, knowing that once again she would cum and he would not, added yet more moisture to her already wet pussy. She moans deeply as she slides her self down the dildo. Stopping for a moment to enjoy the feeling of it filling her inside, she starts to move up and down swirling her hips. The dildo starts to slide in and out, rubbing against the sensitive spots inside her as she moves, her passion mounts and she starts to move little faster, closer. Then as she starts to feel her final orgasm of the evening build. She remembers her nice new cock all locked up for a moment which pushes her over the edge, and a wave of rapture like ecstasy washes over her. She slumps down finally spent. They snuggle up together under the covers and drift into a happy satisfied sleep.
The end.

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BDSM Games

BDSM GamesSynopsis- There is several BDSM games which can be played by the Masters with their slaves.Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.? If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Author- This is my first attempt of story writing so please forgive me if there is any mistake in the story.Please e-mail comments to...

2 years ago
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Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid

Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...

2 years ago
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The Cuntlympic Slave Games

(Coverage of female slaves in competition. Contains body mod, piercings, humiliation, degradation, lactation ponygirls, bondage, slavery, orgasm control and more. Enjoy!) “Welcome back to our network coverage of the thirtieth Summer Cuntlympic Slave Games,” a clean shaven blonde man with boyish good looks said to the television camera in front of him. “I’m Bob Cuntas and joining me here in the studio today are Bambi Bimbofuck and Howard Cocksell. It’s great to have you here...

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Night Games

This may be archived/posted anywhere. Just give credit where credit is due, thanks! Night Games By Pretzelgirl "Most games are lost, not won." -- Casey Stengel * * * Evenings are the best for sporting events. High school, collegiate, or the pros --there's nothing like the brilliant white glow of halogen lights in an emerald field set against a jet black sky. So the field wasn't emerald. It was concrete. And the lights weren't white. They were dirty yellow. For...

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Group Sex Games

Sex can be a taboo subject in certain circles. It's a damn shame because those people don't know what they're missing. Sex is one of the great pleasures in life that no one should deprive themselves of, especially for some childish sky daddy with the frontal lobe of an eight-year-old.Building Homemade SlutsI've turned many a sexual conservative into a sexual liberal and, in that time, have come up with some tried and true ways to make the switch happen. Though you'll never get the chance to use...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Sex Games

 OK, so I was at home alone minding my own business (masturbating) when one of my best friends blows through the door to my condo. I swear I never keep that door locked. It's gonna bite me in the ass eventually. "Ally your such a little slut. Are you ever satisfied?" Sarah says."Well I don't know you tell me ya apartment invader!" I smiled at her as I put on some clothes."Lock ya front door bitch." She shot back.I laughed."So what's up girl?""Ally let's go to the beach. I'm aching to have a...

Straight Sex
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The Bimbo Games

"WELCOME TO THIS YEARS, BIMBO GAMES, Sponsored by the Wet holes Corporation" yelled the announcer. "Now, as you know, every 4 years a group of 8 girls will be forced to compete in the competition, but before we get to the girls and the start of the games, lets go into some history for anyone just joining us here today" THE BIMBO GAMES History The bimbo games was started back in the year 2102, girls stopped acting sexy, as well as giving up on sex all together unless it was to have a baby,...

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Underground Games

A/N: I want to try to do something interesting with this story. So I'm only going to voluntarily write one main route. But I'd like readers to request what they want the main character to do. So I won't leave off on boring questions, like "What's next?". All end questions will end with a situation where the main character has to make a choice. Sometimes, it might be as simple as "Go left or right". Other times, it might be something more complicated, like stat point allocations. And I'll listen...

4 years ago
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Brother and Sister remember childhood games

IntroductionIt has been a very strange year, but exciting at the same time. Really a complete turn around from last year. I am in my third year of college, and had to move back home. The circumstances that led to this included my roommate disappearing one weekend and leaving me with rent and all bills. I replaced him but with a roomie who wanted nothing to do with me. Then my best girlfriend from high school fell in love with some guy from Chicago, they got married and moved away. I ended up...

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Meri cousin ko video games

Hi dear readers i m Prem from Gujarat 26 years old chest 36″ inch height 5.7″ inch aaj me jo aapko kahani sunane ja raha hu vo meri aur meri cousin ki he. Aaj se karib ek sal pahele meri mummy ka accident huva es liye ghar ke kam kaj ke liye meri cousin ko bulaya tha vo bahut hi sundar thi uski umar karib meri jitni hi thi vi uska rang shyam tha lekin fir bhi bahut sundar lag rahi thi uske boobs gol gol aur bahut bade bade aur ekdum tight the mera lund to usko dekh kar hi khada ho jata tha vo...

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The Naked Games

“Hello, and welcome to the Naked Games,” said a well dressed woman with a clipboard, walking into a room full of other excited, yet bashful girls. “You’ve all come here in hopes of winning a fabulous cash prize of one million dollars, but remember, not all of you can be winners!” She said brightly. “The rules of the game are quite simple. You will all be searching this island for a key that unlocks a chest. The chest contains the cash prize, and when you find it, you will be declared the...

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Familiar Games

It has been a very strange year, but exciting at the same time. Really a complete turnaround from last year. I am in my third year of college and had to move back home. The circumstances that led to this included my roommate disappearing one weekend and leaving me with rent and all bills. I replaced him but with a roomie who wanted nothing to do with me. Then my best girlfriend from high school fell in love with some guy from Chicago, they got married and moved away. I ended up dating my...

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Night Games

Introduction: This is my first attempt at writing. This story is true, and happened when I was very young. If you have a problem with that please dont continue reading. If you decide to keep reading, Id love to have any feedback. If it is well recieved I may continue writing. I grew up in at the edge of a fairly small town. From my house, 2 blocks to the north was marshland, 2 blocks west was fields, mostly corn. In my neighborhood there was a group of 10 of us who would play together. We...

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Patricias Rainy Day Games

Sitting up in bed, Jordan looked over at the clock on the Night Stand. It's two o'clock in the morning, he thought. He could hear Patricia and Jane, the two petite little women he had spent the night with, breathing relaxed and light. He felt such warm affection for both of them as he watched them sleeping peacefully on each side of him. The two attractive women had indeed made his ultimate fantasy come true. For several torrid hours the evening before, they had given him a night of sweet...

2 years ago
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Marine GamesChapter 10 The Girls Games

The excitement after their mission made it extremely difficult for the girls to sleep that first night back. Of course all the questions and answering didn't help. The kids of the family were especially enthralled by the stories the girls told. They already had real life heroes in Bret and Bob1 but these were people that they could more easily identify with. Kelley and Kim hung on the girls listening to every word. Bret and Bob1 finally gave up and went to bed deciding to let nature take its...

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A Night Of Games

Title: A Night Of games Author: Syren Jenny was sixteen years old and despite already being an absolute stunnerwas a bit of a tom boy, all four of her closest friends were boys and she muchpreferred staying in and playing video games to going shopping with a bunchof screaming girls. She was an avid user of the Internet and had been known to stay up all nighton chat rooms or browsing porn sites. Although she had had very little experiencewith boys and sex, she had been very adventurous in the...

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Nadines Submissive Games

Nadine’s Submissive GamesBy ReddbunnzChapter One?I’m gonna kill that fuckin’ Carol!? I mumble as Henry’s cock continues to plow into and out of my ass.  ‘Who the fuck are you kidding?’ I ask myself.  ‘You love every minute of it.  It’s consensual ass rape.  Something that you’ve fantasized about for years.  Only, it’s by the pizza guy!  Not your hubby.  Shit, the prick’s probably fuckin’ some whore in his hotel room right now!’But, in reality, I can’t believe what is happening.  Here I am,...

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Away Games

Authors note: This is a follow up story to Friday Night Games. If you haven't read Friday Night Games, their might be parts in this story that you do not understand. All comments would be appreciated. Away Games By Jillian O and Deborah Edwards "How will I ever get this off?" I wondered aloud as I stood over the washing machine. The stains on my new cocktail dress were going to be hard to get off. All three of the guys had ejaculated on me last night and now I had to clean up the...

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Card Games

I looked at Michelle's cards spread out on the floor showing a ten high. That was the low hand so it was her turn to take something off. I looked at her and wondered if she'd call off the fun and games at that point. Instead she sighed, smiled shyly and reached behind her back, unfastened the clasp to her bra and slipped if off without hesitation. She put her left hand back on the floor and leaned on it while sitting on her left hip. She smiled again at a few "ooohs" and "aahhs" and a...

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Sexting Forum

Hmm, SextingForum? Of course, I prefer the actual act, fucking and all that, but sexting can also be fun foreplay. Who knew that there is a forum chat designed just for that, and if you ever liked sexting, now is your chance to explore a wonderful world you might have never known existed. It is called, and while it mostly revolves around Snapchat sexting, it involves other types of that shit as well.I was honestly surprised to see that this forum site was more or less quite...

Porn Forums
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The Sexual Hunger Games

Note: All 24 tributes are 18 for this story. Also the names of the other tributes are not their real names. All characters belong to Suzanne Collins. "May the odds be ever in your favor." - Effie Trinket Since the first Hunger Games, twenty-four Tributes, two each from each of the twelve districts within Panem are chosen to fight to the death, and only one would survive. However, the 74th Hunger Games would bring in a new concept for the idea of appealing to the perverted audience. Once the...

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my sis child games

hi iss readers this is my original story with my sis i wnated to share it with u people because these are the things tht can’t be shared with any one if u like it mail me to if any bro or sister had such experience plz share with me.This is a chat i done with some one who asked me for my real story rahul_shadow2000: if i lie, u pay something too me rahul_shadow2000: ur wish, Sudha Kumar: oh boy Sudha Kumar: i will tell u a real incidnet Sudha Kumar: t happened when my age is 10 and my sis is...

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Sexyaana Sithaalai Ookum Kothanaar

Naan oru engineer, oru katidathil velai paarthu varugiren. Ippozhuthu en sontha uurai vitu vitu thali vanthu irukiren aanal naan en kanaal paartha sexyaaga kaama anubavathai ungalidam pagira vanthu irukiren. Naan pothuvaaga kaama kathaigal niraiya padipen athanaal enaku en vaazhvil nadantha sila suvarasiyamaana anubavangalai ungalidam pagira pogiren. Naan velai paarkum idathil athigamaana aatkal velai parka maatargal 10 perku kuraivaagave velai paarpaargal. Athanaal naan eppozhuthum avargal...

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Marine GamesChapter 3 The Games

By the middle of the century the Defense Budget for the United States had grown to where it was unmanageable. Since the entertainment industry controlled the power in the world they decided to kill two birds with one stone. Reality television had taken control of programing. But ideas were coming few and far between for new shows. ESPN, Fox Network, NBC, and Showtime combined forces and offered to sponsor a show showcasing the finest attributes of the Marines. They proposed an Event where...

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Family Sex Games

I’m sixteen years old, male, and horny all of the time. I guess it’s just natural when you live with a beautiful mother and two very sex sisters. The fact that all three look alike and can wear each other’s clothes might have something to do with it too. Mom is thirty-six years old, five feet six inches tall, and weighs one hundred and ten pounds. She wears a 34-B bra and has beautiful brown wavy hair halfway down her back. She was homecoming queen in high school. Dad was stupid to have...

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Games By Cassandra Morgan Molly Givens hated it when the phone rang. It was usually a phone solicitor looking to pull of an easy scam. Sometimes it was a forgotten relative with bad news. Sometimes it was a wrong number. But almost always, it was a pain in the ass. Close relatives, bosses, friends called your cell phone. Hell, Molly didn't even know why they had a landline anymore. But they did. And now it was ringing like an intruder. Molly picked up the phone and turned down...

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A New Spin On RolePlaying Games

A New Spin on Role-Playing Games By: Shawna Summers I've always been something of a geek. I love sci-fi and fantasy books and movies; I can recite countless bits of useless trivia back to you about all kinds of movies. So, it was no real surprise that I took to role-playing games, or RPGs, as we like to call them. You know the kinds, Dungeons and Whatnots, all that kind of Tolkien-esque stuff. I had a couple of groups that I games with in high school, and it was fun, but it was never...

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Essex Girl

by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Okay, so I’m an Essex girl. I may be blonde and reasonable looking but I like to think that I’m not your stereo-type Essex girl. I’m slim, and have small breasts and I have a degree in Forensic Accounting. My name is Millie and after I left university I was lucky enough to get a good job with a big bank. It was in my home town, Loughton, as well; but after living in a hall of residence, then a shared house, I decided that I wasn’t going to move back in with my...

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African slave queen daughters dirty games

Rachael had not been ravished again since little Mobana had taken his own personal revenge nearly a week ago. His games of torture had pushed her to the edge; but since then marooned in this remote palace harem she had spent her captive hours trying to make conversation or rationalise with the other concubines. They were from around the world and although English seemed to be spoken by most it didn’t really help. They acted mute either through fear or by the continual practices of sexual...

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Sex Games

Mistress Elizabeth watched Todd walk through the door. Sitting regally in her chair, she slapped her leather paddle against her hand. The impact stung a bit, but seeing Todd flinch at the impact was worth it. "You're late," she said. Todd looked at his watch, caught off guard. "No, I'm not, Mistress -- I'm..." "Did I hear correctly, slave?" Mistress Elizabeth's voice was threatening. "Did you just contradict me?" Flustered, now, Todd replied, "No, Mistress, I was just--" "The...

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Sex Games

mistress Elizabeth watched Todd walk through the door. Sitting regally in her chair, she slapped her leather paddle against her hand. The impact stung a bit, but seeing Todd flinch at the impact was worth it. "You're late," she said. Todd looked at his watch, caught off guard. "No, I'm not, Mistress -- I'm..." "Did I hear correctly, slave?" Mistress Elizabeth's voice was threatening. "Did you just contradict me?" Flustered, now, Todd replied, "No, Mistress, I was just--" "The forbidden word,...

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Breeding Games

Disclaimer: In case you didn’t know, CHYOA has rules and writing guidelines. The three rules are that excessive gore and violence shouldn’t be used, all characters partaking in sex must be the age of consent, at least 18 years or older. The last rule prohibits bestiality, where a human and animal have sex. For those who think this might cross the border, the breeding creatures in this story are sentient. They may not speak the humanoid languages, or understand the humanoids, but they are...

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The Olympic fun and Games

Dear reader, if you are unfamiliar with the locations described in this story please check out my profile. There is an album of photos taken on the day on which this story takes place. I had two Olympics tickets in my hands. They weren’t the greatest seats and it was a morning athletics session of qualification rounds. But that didn’t matter. I was going to the London Olympics and I knew who I wanted to take with me. When I called Heather I could hear the excitement in her voice. Was that due...

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The Olympic fun and Games

Dear reader, if you are unfamiliar with the locations described in this story please check out my profile. There is an album of photos taken on the day on which this story takes place. I had two Olympics tickets in my hands. They weren't the greatest seats and it was a morning athletics session of qualification rounds. But that didn't matter. I was going to the London Olympics and I knew who I wanted to take with me. When I called Heather I could hear the excitement in her voice. Was that due...

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Doubleheader Games

Doubleheader Games By Deborah Edwards and Jillian O "You would look great in that," the friendly sales clerk said. "I'm sure we have one in you size." Obviously this teenage girl with the big smile was getting paid some sort of commission. "I can go to the back and check for you," she said with a question in her voice. "Ok, I'm a size 8, I'll browse while I'm waiting." I answered while she scurried away. I hadn't come to the mall for a wool skirt, but it wouldn't hurt to...

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The games

My name is Emily, I am 21 years old and finished the free education that is available to the public. Being born in the slums I got the education fit for the slums. My dad has been stuck here his whole life and I’ve decided I’m getting out of here for good. Only problem is I’m broke, and it costs money to move between districts. The only kind of work for girls like me around here was manual labor such as house work which payed nearly nothing. It’s designed that way to keep the district...

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Capture Games

Capture Games by Tory Spencer CD, Bondage, Real Life, SIBC, Preteen-teen I get introduced to the neighborhood bondage game, a new girl friend, and a dream week with nail polish and dressing. Chapter One When I was about 11 (two years after discovering bondage and dressing), we moved to the suburbs like many. The neighborhood was full of kinds of all ages. It was kind of ruled by a group of older boys who played lots of games on a large tract of woodlands next to the houses...

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Girls in Games

You've always been happy to have gotten all the latest game systems before anyone else you knew, or that they knew, for that matter. But when your local Best Buy offered a special super-limited, one of a kind game system, you HAD to have it! You looked with pity at everyone camping outside for the chance to push past each other to get it. You, however, had played too much Splinter Cell to do that. Instead, you go in through the back way, using the employee uniform you borrowed from a friend who...

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The Eddie Puss Gamesbyclinton09 Sure, it was a terrible thing to do, but don't blame me until you've heard me out.I was living alone with my parents. Mom's old man, as I called him, oddly enough looked like an old man, a 59 year old going on 70. He had long ago lost his hair, a sense of style, or a sense of humor. He ruled over us like 'lord of the manor'. It was an unhappy home, and I felt sorry for mom having to endure this just for the concept...

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Sexing It Up

Sexing It Up By Cal Y. Pygia What catches your eye when you're viewing sample pornographic video clips on the Internet? When it comes to sex, my own tastes are eclectic, although I find myself watching videos involving anal sex, bisexual threesomes, cum shots, gay males, lesbians, oral sex, public nudity, shemales, and spanking the most, with occasional forays into vaginal intercourse, tit fucking, and interracial sex. With rare exceptions, I rule out films in which the actors...

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Essex Hot Lovin

It had been quite a few months since Michelle Dean had returned back to Essex, England from Ibiza. Everything looked the same way she left it back in June 24th, 2005, eight years ago. Michelle returned to live with her Mum in Essex who 'd found a new lodger, a strikingly good looking doorman down at the club called David Watts. One dull Thursday morning Michelle came down the stairs in just a slinky pink nightie and went through to the kitchen to make some breakfast. The front door opened and...

Straight Sex
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The Chauffeur 21 Games

By: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 When Fred pulled the limo into the porn store's limited parking lot, he had to park the car straddling several parking spots. For the first time ever, I heard Fred curse. Although he did only say ‘Damn' it was still a curse word. That made me smile hearing him use such profanity. We went inside the store and saw ‘Dolph' behind the counter. He inquired about Amy. Dakota once again told him to never mind about her gal Amy. Jennifer and Tina...

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