The Winter Hike With Mother free porn video

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We decided to go camping up North. It was 7am and my Mom and I were headed out for a 12 mile circular day hike in what we hoped was solitude, the popular game seasons now being over.

"Hah!" she said, turning to me with a smile. The parking lot was deserted. When we hiked we liked to be completely alone and pretend we were in the wilderness. She'd picked me up from Philadelphia where she worked and we'd driven up west of Harrisburg for a three day weekend of hiking in the wilds of central Pennsylvania. It was mid-February and about 15 degrees below freezing. But the sun was forecast to be shining all day.

I grinned back at her, and went to get my gear out. It was only a day hike but I wanted to break in a big new backpack. More importantly, I wanted to see how I could cope with a 12 miler and a 60lb load. I was going to the Rockies in the summer with some buddies, and I would not be shown any mercy if I could not cut it.

Mom helped me with it; she only had a small day-hike pack. She also had the maps, trail mix and Garmin GPS. She looked good in her gear, a short shell jacket, form-fitting hiker slacks, over high tech thermal underwear. When we were ready she turned to find the trailhead out of the car-park. I followed her, and off we went.

Let me tell you something about my mother. She is an unusual woman. She had me when she was twenty, at college. I was an 'accident' with her then-boyfriend whom I now call 'Dad'. The pregnancy might have put an end to her higher education (or me), but fortunately she comes from a rich family who welcomed my entry into the world. I expect some harsh words were said at the time, no doubt. She carried on in college and I was brought up by nannies and sent to private boarding schools as soon as I was old enough. My father and mother split up soon after I arrived, but he kept in touch and I saw him as often as possible while I was growing up. Mom went on to Med School and graduated as an MD, but found she did not enjoy medical practice and switched to research. She currently holds a senior position in a well known medical research institute in Philadelphia. I'm not going to tell you which one because her face is on their website. I'm also going to refer to her as Mom, although in real life I often use her first name. But my name really is David.

Mom is an attractive woman, approaching forty. She is very fit, slim, and looks a bit like Shania Twain although to be truthful Shania has the edge on her in looks. I had seen Mom regularly but not often as I was growing up. I loved her deeply although perhaps more like an aunt than a mother. Mom has her weird side. She has an impish sense of humor. Like many docs she sees people as bags of flesh, bone, muscles and nerves to be maintained, just like an engine or other working machine. Consequently she has no hang-ups whatsoever about bodies and their functions - be it pee, p*o, sex, or anything else. She had boyfriends in the past, but was on her own at the time of our hike, had been for two years. I think the last one hurt her a little. I was glad they split up, I never liked him much.

Once out of the car-park we walked silently through a landscape of bare ground and snow. It had fallen a week ago and there was still plenty of the white stuff around. After a while Mom's voice interrupted my thoughts as we trudged through the woods up a gentle slope. She has a nice voice, gentle and sweet.

"Talk to me, Davy. What are you thinking about?"

At that particular moment I had been thinking about sex, so I cast around for a more suitable subject. I took too long and she was on to me.

"Thinking about sex again, Davy? When are you going to get a girlfriend?"

Darn. It was true. I didn't have one. I was eighteen and a half and not only did I not have a girlfriend, I had never had a girl. Sad, isn't it? Not to mention embarrassing, as it seemed to be obvious to everyone I met. I was obsessed with it. All I ever thought about, outside of studying, was sex. Yes, I was attending an Ivy League school. But what comfort was that?

"I'm trying Mom. It's your fault for sending me to an all-boys school. You're lucky I didn't turn out gay."

"There's still time if you are that way inclined. I wouldn't care as long as you are happy."

My mother led the way. I focused on her behind, watching her butt-cheeks make interesting creases in her hiker slacks as we walked. We stopped for a breather as the trail got steeper near the crest of a hill.

"I think you are just shy. Maybe you are trying too hard."

"No Mom. My problem is that I'm 18 but I look 15. Girls of my age are just not interested. I could probably date a f******n year old."

"Go for it. I'll visit you in prison. Now where are we, I must check."

She got out her map and GPS and decided on the next leg. I stood there miserable. I hadn't come out here to talk about my sex life, or lack thereof. It was frustrating. I am hung like a horse. I come like a champion bull. I have a lot to offer beneath the waist. But can you walk around displaying your wares? No. Not in Pennsylvania anyway. I got no sympathy from my father, who lives on the West Coast, either: "You're lucky. There was no internet porn around when I was growing up. At least you've got something." It didn't help that my father had a really attractive girlfriend who I had a puppy-like crush on. Dammit.

There was a squirrel on a tall branch looking down at me. He knew I was a virgin. I could see it in his sneering little eyes.

"This away," said Mom, striding off over the ridge.

After about two hours on the trail, we came to a section of recently fallen trees blocking the way forward along a low ridge. The sun had come up showing a landscape of small wooded hills with plenty of snow still around, especially in the gullies and North-facing slopes. To the right was a slope down to a flat snow-covered area in a bowl with fallen trees lying around at interesting angles. From there was a clear way back up to the trail on the ridge. Mom was standing still, looking around for options. I was getting hot so I unzipped the air vents on my clothing. I was in gung ho mode and started down the slope, reached the flat area in seconds, and climbed onto a fallen tree-trunk. I leaped off onto the flat area and crashed feet first through thin ice into about four feet of freezing cold water.

The icy water soaked my clothing almost immediately, because I had loosened it. I had never felt anything so cold in my life and my chest was paralyzed immediately. The heavy pack weighed me down and my entire body was under water in a moment, including my head. I couldn't breath and I couldn't move with my pack on top of me. Seconds later there was a crash beside me as another body entered the water and hands grabbed me and my pack, pulling me up. My face surfaced and I spluttered. I swear I thought the cold would kill me there and then. Mom was battling to keep me above water and lift the pack so I could straighten up. My feet found the bottom. Pushing away the thin snow-covered ice we grabbed onto tree limbs as we hauled ourselves out of the water, emerging soaking wet and white with shock and cold.

We both started shivering violently almost immediately.

"We have to get wet our clothes off right now. Did you pack your new bag?"


Mom opened my backpack, fumbling with the connections as the cold made her fingers numb.

"Get your clothes off. I hope the bag is not too wet." It wasn't. Tightly packed, and inside the rucksack it was pretty dry. Nothing else was. We pulled off our clothes, flung them down, unzipped the bag and climbed in. To this day I don't know what would have happened if I had not brought the bag.

The sleeping bag was a tight fit. I was shivering violently and so was Mom. We held on to one another in the bag, both massaging each other's backs as we held one another. But the sleeping bag was doing its job. It was designed to keep you warm in much colder temperatures than 15 below freezing. Mom had zipped it up behind me and our faces were very close, our cheeks brushing as we looked past one another's ears. Of course, our bodies were entwined to gain each others heat. In any case the bag was forcing us together like two sardines in a very small, cozy can. The effort of getting in and zipping up had made us breathless. I was still cold.

"We'll be alright now, David," said Mom quietly as we both shivered against one another.

"We'll need to stay here for at least an hour to regain our body core temperatures. Then we can get out and return. How do you feel, honey?"

"I'm OK."

Actually I was euphoric that I had survived. I could not believe the temperature of that water. But now, as the warmth slowly returned, I was starting to relax. And with relaxation my mind, a low base part of it, realized that I was cuddling front to front with my mother and we were both naked.

We were lying on the ground in the bag, our heads upward a gentle slope, perhaps fifteen feet from the true bank of the small lake. It was shady, in the bottom of a gully, so the air was very cold and still. But the bag was getting warmer by the minute. As it did so my mind started to think about things that should not be thought about in a sleeping bag with your mother. The warmth was feeding my cock and balls which I could, with horror, feel growing. Mom rubbed my back a little more and wriggled a little against me to get herself more comfortable.. That sent a shockwave of desire racing around my nervous system and my cock was rapidly getting bigger and longer. A part of me found this delightful, but the more rational part was filled with embarrassment. I could feel it getting hard and the tip pushing down against Mom's lower belly and crotch. I was taller than her. The thing was pointed down, not up. It was rapidly getting uncomfortable.

"I know you are getting an erection, Davy," said Mom gently. "Don't be embarrassed. It's a perfectly normal reaction to our situation. There's nothing you can do about it. It feels uncomfortable; do you want to move it to a more upward position? We're here for a while and I don't want to be uncomfortable either. It's pressing on me."

Now Mom had mentioned me getting hard, my dick -- which was listening - was rapidly becoming a fat rod of steel. It had to be moved or it would be very painful.

"I think I need to move it. I'm so sorry Mom."

I was wondering how to do that for quite a while when Mom lost patience.

"Here. Let Mommy help."

With that she removed a slender arm from my back and slid it down and between us. In what was the high point of my sexual existence to date, she slid her fingers around it and gently but firmly tugged it around and up so that now it was nestling against her belly pointing up. Of course I could feel it myself, it was huge, stretching from my balls, squished up against her crotch with its pubic hair, all the way up to well beyond her belly button.

"That's much better. You have a very large penis, David," she said in a strange voice I had not heard from her before. It occurred to me that perhaps I was not the only one getting aroused. My balls, close to her vagina, felt a little wet. And my upper leg too.

We were silent for a time, I don't know how long. I was as hard and long as I have ever been, pressed up against my mother's naked belly. I knew that sooner or later I was going to come, it was just a question of when. The slightest movement was dangerous. Perhaps Mom sensed where this was going to end. She had, after all, had sex with a person before and I hadn't. She wriggled a little against me. Her arms were around my back once more.

"Now Davy, if you can't help ejaculating don't be embarrassed. We'll deal with it. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. It's really just a clean-up issue. This is a new sleeping bag."

I was still rock hard and tense minutes later. It wasn't going down. I could feel Mom's heart beating a little faster. She was breathing a little faster too. I was now sure I could feel wet dripping down my leg from her crotch. Precum was issuing from my cock in appreciable quantities, making the skin of our bellies and chests slippery.

"You really are enormous, Davy. Let me just estimate your size. I may never have another chance." I kept quiet. I knew what was going to happen. The tension in my body was unbearable. I wondered if Mom knew what was going to be unleashed. Mom's hand snaked down once more to between us. Very easy this time because of all the precum.

"You know Davy, this pre-ejaculation fluid volume is more than most men's semen ejaculate. I just want to examine your penis now."

With that Mom's hand slithered over between our bellies and took a hold of my giant cock. She cupped half of it with her hand, then gripped it and started to pump it. After two strokes I felt the feeling we all know so well.

"I'm going to come, Mom. I'm so sorry," I gasped.

"Don't worry, Davy." With Mom's other arm she held me tight to her while I did the same to her with both of mine. Then I erupted. As I came I thrust at her in a reflex reaction pumping my cock up and down her belly and chest, even reaching up to her small breasts. Squirt after squirt of thick semen flooded out of my dick into the space between us.. She held me tight, murmuring, but I could not hear what she was saying. It seemed I was never going to stop. We were soon coated in sticky pungent semen. Mom seemed to be having issues of her own. When I started coming, her hand stopped pumping me and moved down to her crotch where she started rubbing herself. I could feel the back of her hand against my balls. She was quivering over and over.

Finally, it seemed I had stopped. Mom's hand reappeared sliding up between us to check on my cock, which was still hard.

"Let's see," she said breathlessly. Her hand was in the sea of goo that now was sealing us together in a wet sandwich. It found my cock and squeezed it. Another involuntary jerk from me as the last spurt squirted out between us. Mom shivered and moaned in what I think, looking back on it was her final orgasm.

"I think you're done for the time being. What are we going to do with all this semen Davy? I can't see it, but I can feel it. There must be a half pint down there between us, coating our bodies. Here, try to keep your arms by your sides to stop it seeping out onto the inside of the bag."

We just lay there with all sorts of thoughts going around in my head. It was warm and very wet. It was still very erotic for me. We both wriggled around a bit, trying to stop my semen from coating the inside of the bag.

"It's easier to wash us than the bag. Davy, don't be embarrassed or ashamed about what just happened. It was an unavoidable situation and our bodies just responded as they have been designed to do. I don't mind at all. Do you?"

"No Mom."

"OK. So let me think what to do. How do we get back to the car with the least mess. Hmmm."

After a while, as the time passed the semen coating us started to stiffen and turn into smelly glue. The erotic component diminished and we were stuck in a smelly mess in my new sleeping bag. Worse, I was needing to pee. Badly.

"I need to pee, Mom."

"Me too. Boy I can smell those amines of yours, Davy! I have an idea for getting us back to the car at least semi-clean. But it needs to be executed quickly or we will end up as frozen as we were when we entered the sleeping bag. Now here's the plan. Listen carefully"

By this time I was past caring. I would do anything I was told, even this bizarre plan.

By now it was midday and the sun was as high as it was going to get. But our location was still in shadow and it remained very cold.

"One, two, three, go!" said Mom, suppressing a giggle. Out we wriggled, arms by our sides, trying to keep the goo off the bag. We made it out in ten seconds and stood there in nothing but our socks. There was no wind in the gully so we had a few minutes before the cold really bit us.

"You first, David. Let me have it."

Mom stepped back to a snow-free log and carefully knelt down on one knee on it, facing me.

"Hurry up I'm getting cold".

I looked at her naked body, trim, athletic, with small breasts, slim waist and an inviting pussy. She was looking at me, nodding encouragingly. Her body from neck to groin was covered in my dried semen, crusting up in the cold. I did what I was told, like a good soldier, pointed my dick at her before it could get hard again and release my yellow piss stream straight onto her chest, aiming for the top of her breasts. She shivered in excitement.

"Oh, it's so warm, Davy. You're going to love it. Functional, too."

Mom immediately started rubbing herself down with the wet piss, systematically from throat, chest, breast, belly, to crotch, which I noticed she gave a good going over . Clouds of piss-steam were rising in the still air. It was a beautiful sight. She looked great. My pee was running out after a couple of minutes, but I had shot a pint or two over her. It ran off her body, wetting the ground around her. Now, as I dribbled to a stop, she picked up small handfuls of snow, rubbing herself all over vigorously to get rid of the pee, or most of it any way. In a minute she was done. She turned to look at me, with a twinkle.

"It worked well. Now you."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. You can't walk back to the car covered in smelly dried sperm. Stay still and kneel down."

I knelt on two knees directly in front of Mom. She leaned back a little, put her fingers between her pussy lips and gave me as good as what I had given her. A huge stream of piss hit me in the belly. It was so warm and relaxing.

"It's as high as I can get. You'll have to work it up with your hands. Hurry up!"

I did as I was told, rubbing mom's piss up over my chest and stomach, then down across my lower belly and rinsing off my cock and balls. My cock seemed to like the process, and started to perk up hopeful. Mom was watching attentively, directing the stream as well she could. Her eyes seemed excited, they were flashing. Then she stopped, her pee stream dribbling down her leg as it wound down.

"Now the snow."

I did what she had done. That killed off the erotic moment. But it did work. The snow melted easily against my piss-soaked skin and I seemed to get rid of most of it. The semen crust was completely gone.

"Good enough," said Mom, "Now lets put our clothes on and get back to the car. I'm sorry, David, they are going to be very cold."

Well. I walked over to mine and tried to pick them up. They were frozen stiff!

"Shit!" Mom said. She very rarely swore. Hers were frozen solid, too. We literally could not get them on. I broke my glove, it snapped like a sheet of plasterboard. Now we were getting cold again.

"We'll have to thaw them out in the sleeping bag. This is going to be cold and unpleasant. Come on, Davy, help me stuff them in."

We frantically stuffed in our frozen undershirts, pants, everything in fact except our outer jackets and boots into the bag. Most went to the bottom, some we tried to arrange around the side. Then we miserably climbed back in the bag. It was an even tighter squeeze than before. And it was cold, so cold. Our feet on the frozen clothing at the bottom were painful. There was nothing to be done. We just lay there, face-to-face, cuddling as before, waiting for the bag to heat up. It was miserable for the first hour. At least we still had plenty of daylight.

Gradually, we warmed up and we could feel the clothing around us thawing out. And guess what, my cock started to grow again. Now in our situation Mom knew as much about the state of my cock as I did. Once again it was pointing down between her crotch, harmless enough while we were shivering. But slowly, ever so slowly, it was coming to life. This was terrible. I stayed silent, waiting for her to say something. She sighed, and wriggled a bit, rolling slightly from side to side, which made it worse. But she said nothing and it continued to grow. After another five minutes it was getting so hard it was uncomfortable. Again. Shit, this was like Groundhog Day the porno movie.


"I'm sorry, Mom."

"I know you can't help it. But David, I don't want a big mess in the sleeping bag again. We just went through all that cleanup. Let me think."

Mom was a great thinker.

"OK I have a plan."

"What is it Mom?"

"I'm not going to tell you, it's only for an emergency. In the meantime can you think about something else. I don't know, sport or something. I'm going to reposition your penis because it's becoming very uncomfortable. I have to do it. Try your best not to come, OK?"

"I'll try." And I meant it. Below my waist I wanted another go at Mom. Above the waist I wanted to get back to the car and return to the hotel. Mom's hand snaked down once more and gently grasped my cock, moving it around so that once again it was pressed against Mom's belly facing up towards her face. I tried to keep still and think about the Superbowl. No good. My cock was hard as steel again. Ridiculous, really. The thing was, just like Mom could feel me, I could feel her. Moistness in the crotch. Dampness on my thigh. To cap it all, precum was starting to dribble out of my cock between our bellies. It could make quite a mess on its own.

"Oh, for heavens sake," said Mom in resignation. "We really are just slaves to our bodies."

As she said that one hand reached up behind my back onto my shoulder, while the other slipped back down and grasped the base of my cock. With one fluid motion she pulled herself up my body just high enough and guided my ecstatic cock into her sopping wet pussy. Then she let go my shoulder and wriggled down so that I was all the way inside her. It felt marvelous. Unbelievable. I was like a statue, not moving, trying not to come like she had asked. I wanted the moment to last as long as I could make it. Mom sighed in pleasure with me inside her and shivered a little.

"Davy, your penis is so large its tip is pushing up against my cervix and rearranging my internal organs"

That was not helping. Just dirty talk in doctor language.

"What happens now, Mom?" although I knew the answer to that one.

"The only solution is to come inside me. I will hold your semen inside my vagina until we can get out of the bag. Then we put our warm but wet clothes on and go back to the car."

I just lay there with my cock deep inside my Mom. She was slippery, warm, soft and my brain was exploding in erotic ecstasy. Her pussy was so wet, whether from my precum or her own juices. I so wanted it to last.

"I though you'd ejaculate as soon as I put you in me. What's wrong Davy? We can't stay here all day."

"You told me not to come."

"That was plan A. This is Plan B. If you really can't come just withdraw from me and get out of the bag. But don't come as you withdraw or you'll make a big mess. OK?"

"Can you help me come?"

"Davy! Oh, all right." With a moan of abandoned pleasure Mom started to move and wriggle around on my cock. I was on fire.

"Thrust inside me, Davy. It should get the job done." So I did. Starting gently, then rapidly building up I pounded my poor Mother inside that bag. Thrusting, thrusting while she moaned and moaned. I think I lasted a minute tops when I felt the white lava rising up my shaft.

"I'm coming Mom." She shook and moaned so I knew for sure she was having an orgasm. As she did a blast of hot semen shot out of my cock deep into mom's pussy. Over and over again I shuddered as the spasms of ejaculation took over all of my body. Mom was gripping me tightly with her arms clasped around my back and her legs locked around mine. She was pushing with them. I don't know how long it went on, but I kept on thrusting over and over until I gradually lost my erection. I was done. We lay there entwined and I could feel Mom's pussy clipping the base of my cock.

"I don't want it leaking out. Davy, thank you. It's been a while and I'm human too. I lost myself in it completely. It was wrong, really, but we didn't plan it. What's done is done. Now, let's get out and go home. I'm going to get out first and you hand me out some clothes."

Mom's ass moved upwards and my dick reappeared with a squelchy plop. Mom quickly cupped her pussy with a hand and moved out of the bag. It was till bright, mid-afternoon and she crawled out standing up in just her socks, with one hand still covering her pussy.

"Just hand me out some tops, Davy." I retrieved some vests and a fleece from the bag and handed them to her.

"Thank you" She put them on immediately, leaving her naked from the waist down. I crawled out with some of my own clothes and started to put them on. They were wet but warm. Not too bad.

Mom was standing, looking around. Her hand was gone from her pussy.

"Look at this you naughty boy," she said in amused surprise. Now her hand was gone, thick rivers of gooey sperm were dribbling down her leg, both legs actually, from her pussy. I watched it descend lazily down her lovely thighs and calves.

"Can you fetch me some tissues from my bag. Try the zipped pocket on the left." I found them quickly. Enough had remained dry, and I handed them to her.

"Thank you. I just don't want to hike for two hours with this in my pants."

She bent down, dabbing the tissues at her legs, and washing off with snow. I was sorry to see her cleaned up. I liked her covered in my sperm.

We finished getting dressed, packed up our bags and set off back to the car. We barely spoke, each deep in our own thoughts. I think the whole experience had dented even my Mom's scientific detachment. When we got back to the car, she turned to me with a soft affectionate look on her face.

"Davy, no-one must ever know what happed today. Promise?"

"I promise. But, one thing Mom. I can't quite think of you in the same way ever again. It's impossible.'

"I know. Same for me. Let's go get some dinner. I expect you are very hungry. I am" She kissed me lightly on the lips and we got in the car. As Mom reversed out of our space and head for the car-park exit she spoke.

"You know Davy, I wonder what would have happened if you had been with your father on the hike? You know, with him in the bag."

"It doesn't bear thinking about, Mom"


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Take a Hike

“I’ve never known anyone so uncoordinated in all my life.” Evan laughed as he gripped the handle on the top of Zoe’s backpack. “You’re hopeless,” he said, dragging her none too gently up onto the granite boulder where he’d spent the last five minutes waiting for her. “Oh, fuck off.” Zoe gained her footing and shoved his hand off her, annoyed by the way everything physical came so easily to him. She turned her back on him and stood facing the valley below, taking in the peaceful scenery so at...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Service SocietyChapter 10 The Hike

Dexter looked down at the map and then around at the parking lot. The trail clearly started from this parking lot. It took him a moment to spot the sign denoting the trail head. Supposedly, the trail went straight to a small pond, and then around it. The trail was listed as being three and a half miles in length, and of ‘moderate’ difficulty. He figured that a short hike like that would be simple enough. Pointing to the trail head, Dexter said, “There it is.” The sign had the trail name on...

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The Hike

She knew they were going on a hike at the base of the local mountain that morning. It was warm enough out to be comfortable, but not so hot that she was left sticky after stretching. The mountain was beautiful with the sun just high enough in the sky to cast a long shadow off the fence in front of her; the entrance to the park. A large group of walkers just went by, back to their cars after a morning stroll. Her feet wide, she reached down to touch the ground between her feet, feeling the...

3 years ago
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A Short Hike

It was a typical Saturday for her. She got up in the morning and did her regular routine. She showered, ate breakfast and brushed her teeth. Just as she did every morning. I had told you the night before that I had a surprise for her today but she did not know what it is. I told her to be ready to go out for lunch around 11:00 am and to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. I knocked on the door and she answered. I saw her and she looked amazing. Well, she always look amazing. She was wearing...

4 years ago
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I Needed A Pay Hike But Ended Up Getting A Lucrative Job Offer

Hello readers, Welcome to my secret diary & thank you for stopping by. I’ve wanted to start this blog for a while ,but have really no idea why I waited. It took me a while to be truly convinced that I should start it. Wanting is one thing but actually believing, I should because someone would want to read it is another. In the battle between my heart and mind, my heart won eventually and here I am! I am sharing my experience whilst the stories and characters are real, the names are fictitious,...

2 years ago
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Hike Shower Bondage Fuck

Carrie, Huda & Carlin Photo’s, Voyeur, Tweaking, Mud, Girls Showering, tied and fucked, Deepthroat Several days passed and the weekend approached as the girls got through there workweek, they got together Friday for a hike and trekked nearly ten miles in mud and sunshine. Carrie sent some pics of them on the trail having a great time but my favorite was the photo of Huda flashing a profile, Carrie appeared to be tickling her stomach as Carlin took the image close up showing the chill...

4 years ago
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Relaxing Hike and Swim

The mountains and forests of New Hampshire are beautiful in the summer. We had been enjoying the sights and activities of the White Mountain National Forest for the last four days; hiking, exploring, and kayaking on the streams and trails around the little town our  B&B was in. The trip had been somewhat last minute, a week away without any kids or job distractions. The hiking was especially nice up there. Whereas at home, hiking in any location meant crowded paths and not always pleasant...

Wife Lovers
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Damsels In Distress Inc A Good Day for a Hike

Damsels In Distress Inc. : A Good Day for a Hike Alex took a deep breath and pushed the car door shut, locking everything but her keys inside as per her instructions. Not that she needed all that much. She was used to travelling light when hiking; car keys and a water bottle. And a cell phone for emergencies. She was nervous about not having it with her but that was the point. She glanced at her watch. It was a few minutes before the start of her ‘adventure’. Just enough time to stretch. Once...

3 years ago
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Hedonics Part 2 A hike and a ranger

With summer slowly fading away, we took a short vacation in early September and enjoyed what I would like to write about here, hedonism. The first two days the weather was quite fresh and unquestionably not bare boob-friendly. The third day, early afternoon, Paul and I took a hike in the nearby woods and meadows. It was sunny, breezy, and thankfully pretty warm. We had a break, a brief look around, no one to see, and I was topless. I got pretty used to bare skin outdoors, and I love to show off...

4 years ago
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A Hike To The Meadow

‘What would like to do today?’ ‘I thought maybe we could take a hike in the woods, try to a meadow full of wild flowers. Are you game?’ ‘That would be wonderful. Let me get dressed and we can leave right away.’ While you are getting dressed I pack a knapsack with a blanket and a bottle of wine and patiently wait for you to get ready. You come out dressed in a flannel shirt and pair of tight jeans and your hiking boots. ‘You look ravishing!’ ‘Thanks! Are you ready?’ ‘Absolutely, lets go.’ ...

3 years ago
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A story about a hike I took a few months ago and the hairy friend I met

I live in Rhode Island, but take trips to Seattle about once a month. The following happened on one of my trips last September. It was cool and raining lightly, perfect weather for a nude hike. I doubt there will be many people (if any) on the trail, so I can be bare and play with myself as needed in nature. I drove to my work and parked my car near where the trail starts. I got out of the car and stripped everything off and locked my clothes in the car, then headed off onto the trail....

2 years ago
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The Bastien of Winter

‘Mmm, Bastien…’ Sebastien Byrne looked down in dismay, watching as his new bride lovingly faked her way through another orgasm. She was very good at it—soft and sweet, and imminently realistic. No glass-shattering screeches, or siren-like banshee wails. In fact, if he hadn’t been inside of her when it happened, he would have sworn that it had been real. His pleasure greatly diminished, he rolled over onto his side, and pulled her body tightly against his. Winter wrapped her arms around his...

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Asked For A Pay Hike

I was waiting outside Suma’s office to meet her. Suma was the head of the department at the PU college where I was working. I had joined as a lecturer soon after my Masters and worked in the same department as Suma. I wanted to speak to her about a pay hike and she had set an appointment. After about 5 minutes, Suma called me in. I went in and sat facing her. ‘So you wanted to see me about a raise in your pay, right?’, Suma asked. ‘Yes, ma’am, that’s right’ ‘Please call me Suma. Ma’am is for...

1 year ago
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Mom banged in family hike

this is the story of my mom getting banged hard by neighbourhod uncles in family hike Hi this is Ravi and am 22 years old and am from kerla.My dad is a accountant and he wroks in a private sector good pay and my mom name is Velamma and she is 38 years old house wife.We live in a apartment and our life is good always.My mom is a sexy maal and she is so hot. fairy skin,long dark haired thick and silky smooth hairs.Pinky lips and big round eyes.Her sizes are 36-34-46 and her boobs are 36dd huge...

4 years ago
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The Goddaughter Winter Part Three

Winter and I played in the bathtub together. Our fingers,lips and tongues,teased and caressed each other,until the water took on a chill and the bubbles from our bubble bath were almost gone. I drained the tub,turned on a warm shower and as we rinsed off I could not help but notice how beautiful she really is. Winter will grow to be be a stunningly gorgeous woman. I am sure of that.Once again I wrapped her in a towel and carried her back to the bed. She, snagged another towel from the rack as...

3 years ago
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East of Nowhere Part 4 Meeting Winter Revised

The wagon finally pulls up to the shop, Grayson immediately jumps down and embraces his family in a huge hug, exclaiming “How I’ve missed you!” as he kisses his wife quickly and hugs each of his kids. Turning, he motions towards Sasha. Sasha then turns to the girl, and says “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” As the girl is waiting next to the back of the wagon, Sasha walks over to Grayson and he introduces her to his family. “This is Sasha, she’s the knight who escorted me all the way here.”...

4 years ago
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The homeless and poor peoples winter feast

The homeless and poor peoples winter feastBy RotnebSynopsis: Every year there was organized a charity festival in the village hall for the city's homeless and poor people, a feast where all the poor once a year get filled stomachs and amused. This year will be something special when Lisa and eight other young women voluntarily donate their naked meat to the feast banquet and to entertainment for the homeless and poor. The story is only fantasy.The meats The first Sunday in February came the...

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Young girl extreme winter nudity experience

Introduction: Story about brave girl winter walk At first I have to start with me, that this project requires to give also self-experience. I have practiced winter nudity many years, but not regularly. There have been some pauses. I have been lucky to share winter nude walk with some girls, like here: These are my photos and my car can be seen in two photos of these series. In previous winter I began from 1st January and then...

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A hike in the woods

What would you do if you looked up and realized another man was watching you fucking your wife? It happened to us and the rest of what happened is something neither of us have ever been able to explain all these years later. Looking up and seeing a man watching me fucking Lisa is exactly the situation that happened to us. It happened when my wife and I were spending a late summer day hiking. The state park we were at was a large, very large and after a few hours of following the paths, we...

4 years ago
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Naked girl day outside in severe winter

Marlene was a princess of the 9thB class in her school in little town of the northern country. She was an excellent student and also beauty – long blonde hair, pretty face and model-like legs. She was aware of her charm, but she wanted more. She tried to figure out, how to impress stronger. Marlene was ready to show up naked in front of the boys, but she wanted to find a good reason, which does not seem too easy. Suddenly she found a way – it must be an extreme nakedness like naked in...

3 years ago
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Young girl extreme winter nudity experience

In previous winter I began from 1st January and then every weekend, but not only the coldest (4-5 Feb), from which I wrote main story later. Longest time was at 26th February 1 h 47 min and temperature in this day about -4-5 (23-25 F), but sunny. Feeling of cold is not the same every time. Generally it can be very different. But normally after some 30-40 minutes is the warmest moment, then you don’t feel any cold. After some 1 h – 1h 15 min body started to feel colder again, but not too much....

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 20 Winter or Summer

October 12, 1996, Rutherford, Ohio Rutherford, Ohio was a relatively small town; but then again compared to Chicago, Cincinnati was a relatively small town. Rutherford was bigger than Milford, but not by a lot. It had the regional trauma center, the BMV, and the Harding County courthouse and other government buildings, as well as the Sheriff’s Department. I could imagine Milford being like Rutherford if all those facilities had been in Milford, instead of Batavia, which was the Clermont...

3 years ago
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Girl walk every day naked at severe winter

Siberia, morning of 23. December, second day of school holidays. Yulia xxxxxxx (family name secret), 11, unlike other girls, is nudist, which means, she spend holidays mostly naked. In summer it is not a big problem, only for community maybe, but here in xxxxxx (place name secret!) village nobody is complaining about matter. But now is winter. This year weather has been more severe already before winter solstice. Temperatures has been fallen below -30 and today is not an exception....

2 years ago
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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 15 EEEE

Richard Hyder was apoplectic, “Your Honor! This is outrageous! Trial by ambush! I’ve never seen anything so ... underhanded, so deceitful, in my forty-one years before the bar.” “Is there an objection in there?” Judge Graves seemed more amused than annoyed. “Yes! Yes there is. The Defense hasn’t even begun to present its case and this ... this ... private eye miraculously points the way ... I object! This ... these items cannot be entered into evidence.” “Grounds?” “Illegal search and...

2 years ago
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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 11 A Bouquet of Pheasants

On a hunch, Clint asked his Vanguard counterpart in Boise to go through the old surveillance videos before the raid on the Gunther compound in northern Idaho. A raid clandestinely approved and funded by Senator Harper Wainwright. And orchestrated by his chief of staff, Constance Grayson. And field-directed by Matt Striker. Boise called back the next day. Winner-winner, chicken dinner! Martin Folsom again. That tied him to two American Nazi compounds. And also made me start reconsidering...

4 years ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 15 Eagle

I woke up in Palo Alto feeling ... refreshed. More like my old self. First time since ... well, it had been a while. Feeling morning-naughty, I sat under the shower spray and treated myself to a quickie. Dressed for success, I was checking myself out in front of the hotel mirror. Picked up my cell, “Hello.” “What are you doing in California?” I smiled, sat back in the club chair, Clint Callahan. “And this is your business ... why?” “I made it my business.” “Oooh, tough guy. I’m still...

3 years ago
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The Necessity of Winter

The Necessity of Winter By Armond *** 1. Arthmael. I ripped the dagger from her heart... ...and held it, inches from the girl's fur wrapped chest. My hand refused to sheath the blade, pleading instead for release, to plunge it back. How I longed to; for the first time in my life, I would raise my wishes over duty to my people. Time stilled, as I fought my nature. The single movement in the room was bright red blood falling from gleaming blade.... drop...

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Sweaty Hike Ass Licking

I was 3 days into a hiking trip in the mountains in California. I came upon 2 girls hiking together that were taking a break. I introduced myself and they said their names were Kate and Eva. Kate was brunette that was about 5'4 with small tits, but thicker hips. Her ass was exceptionally round and she was wearing some short running shorts. Eva was hispanic with brown hair in a ponytail halfway down her back. Her skin was a golden brown and she stood at about 5'6 with a much larger and full set...

4 years ago
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The Hike

Introduction: What were those muffled sounds echoing in the canyon… Myra spread the bushes apart to reveal quite a sex act. One woman was on her knees sucking a gigantic cock while another male was just about to enter her from behind. Two other males stood around jerking their oversized cocks, pre-cum glistening on the heads. Myra decided early that morning to take a hike up in the desert trails that surrounded her Arizona home. She absolutely loved the weather. Always hot and dry. She dressed...

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National Park Winter and Group Sex

The churning and merging is so vigorous that surrounding objects tremble with the movements, and so wet that a continuous sloshing sound is noticeable above the din of heavy breathing, rhythmic throbbing intonations and voices that betray heightened excitement and arousal. With pressure rapidly building and heat rising, the white frothy liquid reaches a point where it must burst from its dark enclosure. The bright juice sparkles in the sunlight as it is spewed, in copious amounts, into the air...

Group Sex
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hike with mom

Mom knew I crossdressed since I came out to in school and help me dress supported me. She even new about guy I was with an how since my bad divorce I was dressing fulltime. Well she called me and said that she wanted to go on a hike in the mountains just to get away.I told her to go but she said she wanted to spend time with me.I said ok I knew Ihad to go buy some hikeing boots so went and got pair that were nice with pink in them.The next day was very nice and warm for our 3 hour trip to...

2 years ago
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Summer Hike

This is not a sequel to ‘Summer Camping’. It is inspired by the memory of the same girl but otherwise is entirely fictional. Alas, we never hiked. Given that it is not a sequel, I made no effort to compare ‘Summer Camping’ with this story for any continuity errors. All characters are over 18. Thanks to LarryInSeattle. ============= Your mouth tasted of apple and wine, of chocolate and cheese, and was altogether a wonder to me, as were you and the fact that I was sitting there with you....

3 years ago
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Michelle slowly backed her car into the parking space. Here at last she thought. Three days of peaceful solitude among the redwoods, oaks and streams. She locked the car doors, set her backpack against a tree and started stretching. Her long smooth legs were tight from sitting in the car for three hours. After she stretched her legs out, she swung on her backpack and started up the trail. She had picked her favorite trail for this weekend. The forecast was calling for a nice hot weekend on the...

4 years ago
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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 9 A Pitying of Turtledoves

The police responded in under three minutes; two ambulances right behind them. One of them said, “Gun!” and I felt, but couldn’t see, one cop grab my shoulder bag where he removed the .38. The other one cuffed me, hands behind my back. Morales and I were rushed to University hospital. I ended up on the second floor of the Critical Care Tower. Morales was in the same building, but in the burn unit. When Suzette aimed at me, I had ducked my head and squeezed my eyes shut. That helped, but my...

4 years ago
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The Hike part two

The Hike (Part 2) Sam adjusted herself straddling the log as she rubbed her hands with a gentle grip and quickly up and down his shaft, rotating her wrist as she worked, the swirling motion over his swelling head giving Roy a little lift with each upward stroke. Sam scooted down the log, hands on his muscled thighs, lightly circled his purple glans, licking his salty pre-cum and savouring it before engulfing his cock. Her tongue danced around his cockhead as Sam moved up and down his shaft...

3 years ago
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The Hike part two

The Hike (Part 2) Sam adjusted herself straddling the log as she rubbed her hands with a gentle grip and quickly up and down his shaft, rotating her wrist as she worked, the swirling motion over his swelling head giving Roy a little lift with each upward stroke. Sam scooted down the log, hands on his muscled thighs, lightly circled his purple glans; licking his salty pre-cum and savouring it before engulfing his cock. Her tongue danced around his cockhead as Sam moved up and down his shaft...

Straight Sex
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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 3 A Pandemonium of Parrots

2019 That was then; this was now, four years later. A lot had changed in my life since I told Carol Sue Parker goodbye at O’Hare. Of course, a lot would change in any four-year period; it’s just that I ended up measuring that particular span in terms of a young woman I had thought I’d never see again. Life goes on. Walker was now 15; I was 33. I was married, deliciously so, to Vanessa Henderson. Walker had a live-in girlfriend, his second, named Pilar Paloma. I was still doing a daily...

3 years ago
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The Cave In Winter Wonderland

Chapter One“Damn it! Where did they go?” I mumbled to myself as I came to a fork on the icy path on this icy alpine mountain. Derrick, my boyfriend, thought this trip would be a great way to spend our winter break from the University we attended in Chicago.Susie, my BFF, and Sean, her boyfriend,  all were excited about the trip. I guess I was the only one who didn't like the idea. The news has a way of making the world seem dangerous. Chicago doesn't have the best reputation, but I feel safe...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Weaver And The WindChapter 19 The Woods in Winter

The new year had passed long ago on Earth, but our start of the new year was just another day on Arbor. The Arborian New Year started on the first day of spring, the vernal equinox. I chose that propitious day to deal with the alaspore and its master. I wove a new trick out of something Cor showed me how to do using the wind. I wove a cocoon out of moving air as she had shown me. I was able to use it, as she did, as a method of transportation, but I couldn't become the wind as she could, so...

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Hard WinterChapter 3 Autumn A Trip into York

We both awoke around six-thirty and we still smelt of sex, I think it turned us both on because she was soon all fours wiggling her arse and demanding, "Fuck me, come on, I'm horny!" We had a fast, furious five minutes of hard sex and we both came again. We then sat up to get our breath and Kelly said quite matter-of-factly, "What else turns you on? Would you fuck my arse, do a threesome with me and another girl? Would you tie me up and fuck me, spank me, piss on me, or me piss on you,...

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Big Bear and White Dove Or Winter in the Mountains

aka “Winter in the Mountains” By Louishoney This story is written for ADULT entertainment ONLY! If you are not at least 18 years old, LEAVE! She ran as fast as she could through the forest and past the pines steepled atop the golden hills of grass. She was in a panic. Her footsteps were being dogged by a band of Chippewa looking to make her their sex slave again. Four or five of them had jumped out of the forest three days ago and ran after her across the meadow while she was...

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Winter girl experience

Here is talking not me, but one girl about her winter nude experience.In the middle of December my friend suddenly proposed that I could ski nude. My first reaction was: what are you talking about!? But then very quickly I realized that it is good idea. I can't explain why I liked it but when that day came when we drove to the ski center, I was overexcited and I really had irresistible desire to go there nude and start to skiing. All my life I had always proper clothing according to weather and...

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Winter Forest

"Master, more slowly go! I pray you, less haste!" Ranulf reined in impatiently under the frost-rimed trees, brushing his red hair back from his forehead. The cold was growing more intense as they plunged ever deeper into the forest. His squire's hissing speech was slurred as the cold slowed all his bodily functions. "We'll make camp as soon as we find a place that gives us any shelter. That I promise." His voice was brusk but not unkind. The lizard man had served him well in his...

5 years ago
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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 9 Fantastique

Pilar: “Guy walks into a bar and is shocked to see a horse behind the bar.” Walker: “Horse says, ‘What’s the matter? You can’t believe that a horse can tend bar?’” Pilar: “No. I just can’t believe the ferret sold the place.” Alicia Collins called me from New York. “Bear told you.” “Yes. Have to admit it shocked me. Vanessa too. And the kids.” “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything. But I felt it was Bear’s news to share.” “No, I understand. And he would have wanted to be the one to tell...

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Play Ball Winter JenningsChapter 16 O say can you see

Walker: “A rabbi, a priest, and a Lutheran minister walk into a bar.” Pilar: “Is this some kind of joke?” Walker and Pilar, holding hands, bowing, “Thank you, thank you. This ends our Kansas City engagement.” xxxxxxxxxx Douglas ‘Duke’ Arlington. A new trial, his second, for the murder of Gustav Hindenburg in Ft. Payne, Alabama. Different courtroom, different judge, different jurors, different defense attorneys. New evidence. Ned Daniels and Hilary Dunne would reprise their prosecutor...

2 years ago
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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 2 Riles

For some reason, crime in America follows railroad tracks. And Kansas City has plenty of both. My first, and I hope last, shootout took place near my office in the Stockyards. Besides gunplay, it involved ramming my bright red F-150 into a larger Dodge Ram. The Ford Motorcar Company told me, and I verified it through an independent mechanic, that the frame had been wrenched out of shape. It could be straightened, but wouldn’t drive the same, not really. I sat down with Vanessa and Gertie...

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Hide Seek Winter JenningsChapter 16 A Murder of Crows

Saturday morning breakfast, Walker and Gregory in charge of provisioning. Vanessa smiled at Pilar, “Is Walker still servicing himself?” Sucking his own cock. “Sometimes. Depends on what I’m in the mood for.” Gregory turned to Vanessa, not one whit of embarrassment, “I can’t suck it yet, but I can lick the very tip. Pilar thinks I’ll be able to if I keep practicing.” Vanessa gave him her glorious smile, ‘How often do you practice, honey?” “Every night when I’m home.” Pilar said, “I have...

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