My Awakeining_(1) free porn video

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I was raised by my grandma who is an ultra-conservative woman. At this point in life I was still a virgin with little knowledge of sex. Because of a family death my grandma had to leave town and left me in the care of her longtime friend Jennifer who lived with her son Frank. During the evening i had spilled drink all over my self. Because of the rush to leave I failed to pack anything other than my baseball uniform. Thus, I was forced to wear Jennifer’s daughter’s panties as they were the only thing that would fit. This lead to me waking up to Frank touching me and then putting his thing in my butt. The next morning to both Frank and my surprise his mom had witnessed the whole thing.
Still in shock over Jennifer’s confession that she had watched me and Frank and that she also enjoyed when Franks dad did her in the butt I just sat there staring.
Hay she said with a firmness in her voice, go get in the shower our you’ll be late for your game.
Snapping back to reality got up and headed to the bathroom. I turned on the water and pulled the t shirt I had been wearing off. As I put the shirt in the hamper I noticed myself in the mirror again. Looking at myself in nothing but panties I couldn’t help but notice how girlish I looked. I have always been small for my age and was thin. I had light brown hair that came almost to my shoulders (the trend at the time). My height wasn’t the only thing that was short about me either. Usually my size would bother me but as I stand there looking at lack of a big bulge in my panties helped with the image. Though I started to wonder what I would look like without it. I don’t know why but I decided to reach in my panties and put my thing between my legs. Wow I really looked like a girl now.
All the sudden the door opens and Jennifer walks in.
Excuse me mister why aren’t you in the shower yet she asked?
Sorry I quickly turned around and removed my panties and got in.
Jennifer said, I laid a clean pair of panties on the sink for you. No don’t be playing around, get clean and get out.
Ok I replied.
I washed my hair and then started washing my body as I started to rub the wash cloth across my butt I remembered how good Franks hand felt. I dropped the wash cloth and started to rub my butt with my bare hands mimicking Franks movements. I was starting to really enjoy the feeling when all the sudden the thought what if Jennifer tells my grandma about what Frank and I had done. Fear ripped through my body. The thought of what she would do to me was enough terrify me. I decided that I needed to try to convince Jennifer not to tell, so I quickly rinsed then dried off. I reached for the panties she had laid there for me and put them on. These were pink with white Pokka dots.
What’s happing to me I thought. Why am I enjoying wearing girl panties so much, why did I start to think about being a girl and why did what Frank had done to me feel so good.
I sheepishly exit the bathroom and head to Katie’s room on the other end of the house. As I pass through the kitchen I see Jenifer and Frank sitting there talking.
You better hurry up little missy only 45 minutes until game time she said.
Did I hear her right? Did she just call me little missy? I get to the room and quickly get dressed and go back to the kitchen ready to go.
Jennifer I just wanted to
Just get in the car she interrupted. We will talk on the way. The tone in her voice and the look on Franks face told me she wasn’t very happy so I headed straight for the car.
Jenifer got in the car and we were off.
Please don’t tell my grandma please, please, please I pleaded.
She looked at me and I guess she could see the fear in my eyes. She reached over wiping the tears off my check and said don’t worry I’m not goanna tell her sweetie. Just relax I’m not mad at you for what you and Frank did. I’m ok with you being gay.
Gay, I said puzzled What does that mean?
You don’t know what gay means?
No I answered.
Well gay is when you are attracted to some one of the same sex she explained, and what you and Frank did is gay sex our anal sex.
That’s what it’s called?
Wow, you don’t really know much about sex, do you?
I know that sex is when a man and wife want a kid he puts his thing in her and she gets pregnant I said.
There is a little more to it than that she said.
Like what I asked?
You’ll find out soon enough.
Why did you call me little missy earlier?
She giggled a little then said I hope you didn’t get offended. It’s just that when I came into the bathroom to give you the panties I saw that you had tucked yourself. I was just teasing.
That’s ok
Do you often pretend to be a girl she asked?
No, its just when I put on those panties yesterday I couldn’t help but notice how girly I looked and I just wanted to see what I would look like without my thingy.
She giggled and said you mean your cock.
Cock I said puzzled?
Yah, you have a lot to learn little lady she said with a grin.
I laughed a little. I kind of like being called a girl but didn’t say so.
As we arrived at the ball park she said she would be back soon and pulled away.
I was kind of sad that she was going to get some of my clothes. I was really starting to enjoy wearing panties and being called a girl.
I was usually a good player but as the game started I was worried that something would happen and my pants rip or something and everyone would see my panties. Luckily not many balls came my way.
After a long nine innings, we barely won the game. The score was 11 to 10. What a feeling to know we were going to the division finals.
We celebrated by going out for pizza and then on the way back to Jennifer’s house she said I got you some clothes.
Ok, I said kind of sad.
What’s wrong sweetie?
Nothing I said.
Come on what’s wrong?
Well it’s just that I kind of like wearing panties I said a little embarrassed.
Oh, I see she said.
As we get back to her house I went and took a shower. While washing off Jennifer came in and said I laid your clothes on the sink here.
Ok, I replied.
As I finished and got out I was surprised to see that it wasn’t my clothes on the sink. It was girl’s clothes. On top, there was a pair of white panties with a mini mouse picture on front. Only these weren’t bikini panties the part that covers my but was just a tiny string. AS I slid them up I felt the sting go between my checks. Wow these feel great I thought. I stood there admiring how I looked. The triangle peace on the front was just big enough to cover my cock. And came up just above the pubic area. My cheeks mostly bear with just a tiny but of cloth going across the top of my butt then down the crack made my butt look even better than before. I pick up the next item and it a matching training bra. After trying to figure out how to get the bra on I called for Jennifer’s help.
Oh, don’t those look cute on you she said when she entered. What do you need?
How does this bra work I asked?
With a smile, she undid the hooks and helped me put the bra on. Then she adjusted the straps to make sure it fit right.
There you go sweetie. Do you need anything else she asked?
No I replied.
As she started to leave I asked where did these come from?
Well after our discussion on the way to the game I decided to go buy you some clothes instead she explained. While I was at the store looking at boy’s clothes I decided that instead I would get you girls clothes. Then I thought instead of plain girls clothes I would get you something that both you and Frank would enjoy. It took forever to find a thong that would fit you though.
I quickly hugged her saying thank you.
Your welcome. She said. Now hurry up and get dressed Frank will be home soon, and I can’t wait to see the look on his face.
With that she left the room and I went back to getting dressed. The next thing was a short skirt. It was pink with ruffles. I thought about how many girls I had seen wearing skirts like this and how great they looked and I quickly put it on. It didn’t feel like I expected. But still made me feel good as the soft fabric laid on my bare cheeks. I grabbed the top and it was a black short sleeve shirt that had silver glitter letters that said girls rock. I put the shirt on and noticed how much tighter it was that my normal boy shirts. The sleeves were much shorter to just half way down my shoulder. I step back and look in the mirror and WOW. I was instantly aroused.
Thinking about what Frank would do when he sees me I imagined him picking me up and carrying me to his room. Sitting me face down on his bed. Pushing my skirt up and pulling my thong to the side and licking my butt again while saying what a pretty girl I was.
I started to rub myself through the skirt when I was interrupted by Jennifer saying if your dressed come to my room.
I exit the bathroom and notice how the skirt felt swishing back and forth across my butt as I walked. No wonder women like wearing skirts this feels great I thought as I entered Jennifer’s room.
Come sit over here sweetie she said leading me to a chair in front of her make up.
Knowing what was coming next I asked why are you doing all this?
You just looked so cute when you had your cock tucked and our conversation I just figured that the rest of the time you’re here you can be my little girl if you want she said.
Smiling I sat down without saying another word as she started to apply make up to me explaining what each item was as she was putting it on. I sat there just enjoying the feeling of her hands on my face and how it was making me feel to be made a girl
When she got to the lipstick she asked what color do you want?
As I looked over the variety of colors I finally pointed to a pale pink color.
Great choice she said. Now turn and look at yourself in the mirror.
Oh WOW, I look just like a girl!
You sure do she said now we need to think of a new name for you. You can’t be a pretty girl with a boy’s name so what do you want to be called.
After thinking about it for a little bit I said Sarah since she was the prettiest girl in my school.
Well I think that will work she said now let’s go get dinner started Sarah.
As we were getting dinner ready Frank came in.
I’m ho woooh what the he stammered.
What do you think of Sarah Jennifer asked? Doesn’t she look great?
Wow he said. I can’t believe how much you look like a girl. Do you like being dressed like that.
Yes, I replied. Since you liked how girly my butt looked and how great you made me feel I wanted to look pretty for you.
After dinner, we all went into the living room to watch tv. Instead of sitting on the floor I decided to sit on Franks lap. I was happy when I felt how hard he was.
As we sat there he began rubbing my leg and I started rubbing my butt against his cock.
This did not go un noticed by Jennifer. Why don’t you kiss her she said?
Huh, I never thought about kissing him but the idea was kind of exciting. I turned my head as we leaned toward each other. Then I felt our lips touch. Even with the stubble his lips felt soft and warm. Then I felt his tong trying to go into my mouth. Instinctively I opened my lips allowing him in. As out tongs started rubbing I noticed how hot I was feeling. I felt just like a real girl making out wither boyfriend. As we sat their making out I felt one of his hands slid up to my chest and the other go down to my butt. As he started rubbing my butt I let out a soft moan.
WOW that is hot Jennifer said.
We had completely forgot she was in the room and quickly broke our kiss.
How did that feel Sarah she asked?
That was incredible I responded.
Was that your first kiss she asked.
Yes, I replied.
I could tell, she said. Why don’t you spin around on his lap facing him? This time while your kissing him move your hips back and forth so that your rubbing his cock.
I did as instructed and as we continued kissing Jennifer said to frank, put your hand on her butt and help guide her as she grinds on you.
He did and the feeling was really good feeling his hard thing underneath me as I rocked my hips. His hand under my skirt cupping and rubbing my bare butt.
After about ten minutes of us making out Jennifer said, do you want to learn some more about how a girl pleases her man.
Exited I said yes.
Ok, she instructed, Now I want you to get on your knees in front of him.
I was a little confused I didn’t want to stop. But I wanted to be a good girl so I complied.
As I got on my knees Frank looked as shocked and confused as me.
Know undo his belt and pants she continued. Then pulls his pants off
What Frank protested, I can’t do this in front of you.
Why she asked? I say everything you did last light and you were just dry humping each other. Now hush up and relax.
As I reached for his buckle I was trembling with both nervousness and excitement not knowing what was coming next. But I trusted Jenifer and did just as she said. As I pulled Franks pants down his cock sprang free. AS I get his pants off I stare at it wondering how that thing fit inside me. It looked even bigger today than it did last night.
Now I want you to reach up and wrap your hand around his cock and start rubbing it like you do when you play with yourself.
Trembling I reach for his cock. Although I had his huge ting in me yesterday I had never touched it.
As my fingers wrap around it I notice how warm and soft if feels. As I start moving my hand up and down Frank lays his head back breathing heavy.
This is called s hand job Jennifer explains. Know I want you to put your mouth around his cock and suck it.
What? You want me to put it in my mouth? Do girls really do that I asked?
Of course, the do it’s called a blow job she explained and all girls do it when they want to make a man really happy.
As I move my head closer to his thing I can smell a slightly musky odor but not so bad that it was gross. I paused with the head of his cock just inches from my mouth and just looked at it for a few seconds. I was unsure about this but I wanted to make Frank happy and Jennifer proud of me. I stuck my tong out and licked the tip a little. I sort of like the way it tasted. It had a slightly salty taste. As I put the head of his cock in my mouth I hear him let out a load moan. I start to take him farther into my mouth and started to gag. I quickly pulled off. I was coughing, my eyes were watering and I was trying to catch my breath.
You must watch how deep you go Jennifer said. It takes a lot of practice before you can get one that big all the way in your mouth. And make sure you don’t let your teeth scrap his cock.
I don’t know if I can do this I said with a worried tone.
Jennifer came and sat beside me and said softly sure you can sweetie it just takes practice. Just like when he put it in your butt he couldn’t just slide right in he had to do it slowly. Here I will show you.
A look of terror spread across Franks face as his mom took his cock into her mouth. But it quickly changed to pure pleasure as she started. Only a few seconds in and Frank didn’t care she was his mom.
Then she stopped and said ok you try it again.
After seeing the look on franks face and how much he liked it I was eager to try again. I wanted to make him feel that way. I took him back in my mouth and began to mimic his mom’s movements as I bobbed my head up and down.
Very good sweetie Jenifer said. Now when you come back up to the tip pause and rub the tip with your tong.
Looking up at Frank as I done this got me really excited as I say the look on his face. Eyes closed, mouth open and breathing hard.
I noticed a new flavor and figured it must be that clear stuff like what I saw leaking out of me earlier.
I continued for several minutes savoring the taste and the feeling of his cock siding in and out of my mouth. I felt Frank start to rock his hips
He’s about to cum Jennifer said. Try to keep him in your mouth while he doses than swallow it.
Although I found her request strange I did just as she said.
I could fell his cock throbbing in my mouth and then his body went stiff and shoot after shoot hit the back of my throat. I tried to keep it in my mouth but started gaging too much and pulled his cock out of my mouth causing the last two shoots to land on my face. As I sit there waiting on him to come back down to earth I noticed the taste of his cum. It had a weird taste but wasn’t bad. I swallowed what I could keep in my mouth then put his cock head back in my mouth to get the last few drops off the tip.
It was then that I noticed there was a hand up my skirt rubbing my butt. It couldn’t be Frank so it had to be Jennifer. But why I wondered.
The she stopped and took a tissue and wiped the cum off my face.
The she said you did great didn’t she frank?
Fantastic he replied still breathing kind of heavy.
I was so happy I could make him feel good but I wondered if he would be able to stick his thing back in me now.
My thoughts were interrupted by Jennifer saying owh you got a little on your skirt. She stood me up and wiped the cum off my skirt. As she did she felt my erection and started to rub me with her hand.
You poor little girl she said your so worked up and Frank won’t be able to take care of you for a little while.
With that she lifted my skirt and pulled my cock out from my panties. Then she wrapped her mouth around my cock taking me all the way in her mouth. Gently sucking me I felt her had rub my balls the move between my legs and started rubbing at the base of my butt. She pulled her mouth off my cock and let some of her spit drip on to her fingers than continued sucking me whit her fingers went straight to my hole. Her fingers went in easier than franks did and I was in heaven. The warmth of her mouth as she sucked me and the feeling of once again having something up my butt. I was so worked up it didn’t take long before my knees started to buckle and I shoot my load into Jennifer’s mouth.
After letting me calm down Jennifer asked me how I like what happened.
I loved it I replied.
So, did I said Frank.
As I look at Frank I notice his thing was hard again.
I smiled as I leaned to him and kissed him.
We kissed for a little while then Frank laid me back on the couch with him on top of me kissing me while his hips were between my legs. His hand rubbed my chest then down my side then cupping my but as he grinded his cock into me.
Why don’t you take Sarah to your room Jennifer suggested?
Ok mom Frank said.
Just remember to be gentle with her.
Frank stood up and picked me up.
With my legs wrapped around his waist and his hands holding my butt we continued kissing as he carried me to his room. Once in there he sat me on the bed. He pulled off his shirt.
I had never really noticed how muscular he was. As I looked at him completely naked for the first time I felt such a strong desire for him that I could hardly contain myself.
His takes my shirt off then crawls above me as I lay back. His hands rubbing all over my body. His hand goes behind my back and unhooks the bra. Then he starts to lick and suck on my nipples. Then he starts kissing his way down my belly to just above my skirt. He slowly pulls my skirt off then starts kissing down my leg to my thighs then he kisses me on my panty just below my ball right where he would if I was a actual woman. Then he removed my panties and went back to kissing me there. Then he pushed my legs up some more as his tongue started to like my hole.
Wow I love that it feels so good having his tongue like and probe my hole.
After a few minutes of licking he reached it his night stand and pulled out a bottle of lotion. He put some on his fingers then he started to rub my hole while kissing my lips. The feeling was so incredible as he started to inserts a finger into me. My hole was already somewhat loosened up from his mom so his finger slid right in.
Moaning and so turned on I asked Frank, will you put you thing in me know.
Sure, he said.
He removed his finger from my butt then rubbed some lotion on his cock then leaned back over me. He placed his cock at the entrance on my quivering little butt and started to push in while he resumed kissing me.
I don’t know if it was the position or just how worked up I was but there was very little pain as I felt his cock sliding deep inside me. Placing a hand on one of my butt checks he started to slow move in and out of my tight hole. Although it felt like he was deeper when he was behind me. But I liked this way better because I could kiss him and rub my hand across his muscles as my legs wrap around his waist.
He began to move faster and every time he would push in he would do a rocking movement with his hips pushing in just a little more.
OH yes that feel so good. Unh unh unh harder oh yes god yes that feels so good Lost in the ecstasy of what we were doing. I tensed up leaning my head back and arching my back I wrap my legs around his but holding him in as deep as possible as my butt spasamed around his cock putting him over the edge he pushed as hard as he could inside me and with a load grown spurt after spurt of his cum went into my butt. As we come down from our high he leans in and kisses me.
Then he says you’re a great boy but you make an ever-better girl.
As I lay there with him between my legs and his cock and cum deep in my butt and those words ringing in my ear I wished I could stay like this for ever

If you like ant want me to continue let me know.


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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...

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A Gentlemans Club

I was a junior in college. My parents finally stopped footing the bill for my spending money. They paid for my tuition and books, but made me get a job for rent on my apartment, food, etc. There was a guy in one of my classes who was a bouncer at the local strip club, A Gentleman’s Club. He told me that they were hiring for a DJ. Given my wide range of music knowledge, he referred me to his manager and I became the man for the job. In about a week’s time, I was on a first name basis with...

2 years ago
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Missys time alone

Missy arrived home earlier than her brother or parents and this thrilled her. She opened the front door, threw her books to the bench beside the door and rushed to her room. Inside she walked to the large mirror covering her bathroom door and stopped. She admired her body in the mirror. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. She didn’t feel she was cocky in thinking this because it hadn’t always been so. At one time she had been odd looking. The daughter of mixed races, part Native American, part...

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E Ein erotischer Erfinder

Hallo! Mein Name ist Bernd, ich bin ein 48-jähriger Erfinder. In den letzten Jahren hatte ich so einige Ideen wie den unsichtbaren Regenmantel, den Kinderwagen mit Fernseher und Radio oder den sprachgesteuerten Vibrator. Heute jedoch stehe ich kurz vor dem Durchbruch! Was ich erfunden habe ist wirklich eine Innovation - und aus meiner Sicht super sexy...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 169 Wintersend

“No.” “Be reasonable, Love. We have to go.” I hated that Alistair was being so ... so ... reasonable. “No!” I pouted, knowing it was ridiculous and immature, but I couldn’t help it. The cheeky bastard smiled, trying and failing to cover his twitching lips with one hand. “Sierra ... your brother—” “He doesn’t see me as his sister – he sends people to spy on me and endangers my husband! – so why should I have to jump when he commands?” He wrapped one, muscular arm around me and pulled me,...

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Had Sex with My PG Maid Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am a bachelor and working all day along with living along takes a toll. I lived alone in a PG and there is a maid that cooks and cleans for me. Slowly I got addicted to watching porn. I usually used to watch it alone and masturbate. But slowly I started becoming more addicted to it and started watching whenever I could. The story is mine where I had sex with my PG maid, so read on more. One day I was watching porn in the evening since I was feeling very aroused and wanted to masturbate. My...

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More about Jackie and I

As I said before, in the 5 yrs Jackie & I dated, we did many dirty sinful, but so much fun, things together. She is actually the one that got me wearing panties. I don't know if I'll get to that in this story or not. If not this time, I'll get to that in the future. As I've also said, she was older and heavy, but she was proportional. Her Titties were big enough to match the rest of her. Anyway, there was something specific about her sexuality, she had a very strong lust in her that came...

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Create a Fight story

If you like Cat fighting this is a place for you. If you also like mixed fighting where hot women wrestle with men and overpower most of the times, then this is the place for you as well. This is what you do. You can pick a story to start out with. You can choose between a cat fight sections, an anything goes section, and a mixed fight section. You can make it different styles from science fiction to fan fiction and real world. Everything else is up to you. You can mix sex into if you want. In...

1 year ago
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Talk to you after class

Jake briefly allowed his eyes to wander away from the front of the classroom to the clock mounted on the wall above the door, in order to check the time before bringing them back to rest upon the teacher for his twelfth grade English course. Ms. McPhillips, who at the time was involved in an animated discussion about Edgar Allen Poe's "El Dorado" with one of the other students in the class, was easily his favourite teacher. Not only because she always treated her students as adults, but also...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Completely oblivious and totally deviant

Elena is gorgeous, long light blond hair, blue eyes, pale white skin, huge tits, a tight little body, round hips, a little rectangle of light blond pubic hair, long sexy legs, tiny feet and a big round ass. Another thing about Elena is that she's an In Door Nudist, in the house she's always naked, the only times she wears clothes is when she leaves the house or when people pass by for a visit. Except for the whole In Door Nudist thing Robert had a normal child hood, lots of friend at...

1 year ago
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The Reward

I looked up, I saw Junior waving at me, he gave me the thumbs up sign. I looked back at the girl, I thought that I may have seen her before, there was something, but I couldn’t be certain. I knew that Junior owned some people privately, not just the ones in this factory. Two years ago, when the senior Tony Maynard had had a massive heart attack, he had never carried his weight well, let alone the truly excessive weight that had accumulated over the years. Junior at thirty-six was actually my...

4 years ago
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Scratches My Back With Pleasure

I am Asholder10,21 M,average guy but I am sure you wouldn't get disappointed by my looks. This goes back to year and half in MSU university,Baroda,Gujarat. I was busy with my life,was having fun being single. As you know being single leads to many oppurtunities,I got one too. Was doing my graduation in arts and there I met this girl Katya,she was charming and hell of a beauty. Well, in our first year I was kinda guy who wasn't as good with words as other guys are. I liked her the way she...

3 years ago
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Rheas ProtegeChapter 8

"Rhea, it's Emily." The teenager looked out into the back garden where her sister was sat on the bench and waited for Rhea to acknowledge her. "You know, Dotson." "Ahhh, Andy's ex-bitch's sister. What the fuck d'ya want? Didn't I tell you that if I spoke to you again I would rip your heart out and..." "Rhea, I'm sorry about that. You know I am, I really didn't mean it to happen, but I need your help." "So?" "I have a problem. Two problems." "Excellent. But not of my...

2 years ago
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The First Woman Of My Life

She is my neighbor, I’ll call her seema. Beautiful, young, with pale skin tone; I just love that tone. That constant smile on her face, make her look adorable. But unfortunately, she was married to a hopeless, alcohol addict, an irresponsible and uneducated guy in an orthodox family. She had moved into my street just after one year of her marriage, apart from in-laws. She was 4 years elder to me, the enigma of belonging to the same generation got us into eye contact several time with a friendly...

3 years ago
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The Tailback and the CheerleaderPart 3

At our regular Tuesday sixth period study session, I told Sherry that I would pick her up at a quarter to seven for the Venturer Crew meeting tonight. When I stopped at her house that evening, she came running out to meet me. She was in a great mood. "Justin, wonderful news. My parents have agreed to allow me to go on the Algonquin trip this summer. They gave me the deposit check to turn in tonight. Isn't it wonderful?" "Great. I love the idea of having you along. I am really looking...

1 year ago
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Sarala My Maid 8211 An Unexpected Accident

Hello This is rajesh. I know it’s been some time that I have posted my experience but have been busy. Just a small recap and especially for people who don’t know me, I am rajesh from Bangalore. I have posted many of my sex experience with men, women and couple of them with TG. Yes I am bi-sexual. I have huge crave for sex, although I have a sexy wife who tries her best to satisfy me but my thirst for sex is huge and I have been lucky in that way as I have laid with many women, men and 2...

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Road Rules

Copyright© Chapter 1 The first day I met the others at the starting point. There were just six of us and we came from all over the country. Donnel was a 23 year old, heavyweight black man with a great sense of humor and an equally great appetite. Sean was a 22 year old Italian American who was rather moody but athletic. Mary Beth was a 21 year old college student with long brown hair and better looks than most high fashion models. Brittany was a 20 year old with short blonde hair and...

2 years ago
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builder fucks milf

This is a true story i am a builder in my mid 30 and recently work for a couple in there late 40 early fifty's who were renovating a second home the wife Lesley was fairly good looking but nothing special she was around 5 6" and average build with blonde bobbed hair.When i went to look at the job i met lesley at the specified time and had a look round i followered her upstairs and realized she had a nice arse she was dressed in tight slacks which made her arse her best feature i could not help...

2 years ago
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 9 Jim Wrestles with His Conscience

(Author’s Note: Not a whole lot of sex in this chapter.) Jim stepped through the door and closed it. He was alone. He felt an emptiness and an overwhelming sense of ennui. He should have been elated. He’d just experienced something that he’d always dreamed of doing. It had been wonderful; wonderful until the end. When he’d been laying there on the floor, next to Samantha and Dave, and they’d been showing the love they had for each other, he’d suddenly been faced with the reality of how he’d...

3 years ago
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Yoga Pant Loving Gets Nailed

Hey people,this is Amit (name changed) from New Delhi. I am a 22 year old man With slightly above average looks but possess a good built and dress according to it. People find me hilarious,hence attracting similar aged girls is not a big deal. But I have always longed for women over 30 years of age.All interested ladies can contact me at the moron who decides to neglect you suffer by using me!This is my first sex story on this platform,hope you enjoy it! The woman who had me going crazy is a...

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BONDAGE FOR THE QUARTERBACK   by Long Tall MaryMy name is Jeff, I am 18 years old, and was the highest rated high school quarterback in all of Central New York. Jeff isn’t my real name and I’m not going to identify either the high school or college, where I was accepted at. Suffice to say it is outside of New York, and is one of the top ten NCAA football teams. I plan to major in physical education, and probably in my freshman year will be a back up quarterback, then as a sophomore I’ll be the...

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Fineprint 2 RepublicChapter 3 Big Game

Over the next few hours Ursi worked out what furniture they would need for the longhouse, walking through the space with a tablet computer and entering in the data, converting Borealan measurements to centimeters and being sure to note any special requirements. Dennis returned to the Navarin and used the computer to look up information on the animal species that inhabited the Siberian taiga. It looked as if wild game was plentiful, there were large moose, of ideal size for a Borealan to dine...

4 years ago
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My first BIG dick

I opened my front door and there he was, with his massive member already hanging out of his jeans. He slowly walked in, grabbed me by my hair and closed the door behind him.He put his other hand around my throat and started pushing me down. I frantically dropped to my knees in front of him. He didn't say a word. He just held his stiffening dick in one hand and pulling my hair with the other, making my head tilt back so I was looking at him.  He rested his massive cock on my innocent face and...

3 years ago
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In Germany

You have the perfect hair color-the color is a hue between magenta and blood red. Your black leather jacket looks great on you. I see you as a very handsome woman. Usually I don’t get turned on by masculine figures, but you are an exception. I met you on a trip. It was a student exchange program. You were the mom of my exchange student. The student himself looked like a sissy. I understood why it was like this, because your son smoothed down your own manliness. He brought balance in your...

4 years ago
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Marks Diary Part 2

Mark's Diary Part 2 By Mark Dayette (This is the continuation of the true account of my strange life) Before I explain how the story website Fictionmania has impacted my life I will describe some of the key events that took place to me in my mid- 20's. As I said previously, after graduating from college I moved back into my mother's house to live with her. I had an English degree but I wasn't really pursuing any employment in that field. I started working part-time at a Hallmark...

1 year ago
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Forbidden in Salinas Pt 2

Continuation of “Forbidden in Salinas – Pt.1” Chapter 7: The morning after. The beam of sunlight through the bedroom window made Rachel stirred. Drowsily, she placed her arms across her face to block out the irritating glare. As she moved her other arm to her side, she touched something. Grudgingly, her senses began to focus and she forced her eyes to open. The image of a naked man lying in her bed almost made her jump in shock. Looking at him, she realized that it was Daniel. ...

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JewelChapter 5

After dinner, Jewel and I looked over Southern Oregon University. We determined that Medford is only a little farther away from Lincoln City then Bend was -- only better roads. They've got something they call their Accelerated Baccalaureate Program, a program to help you get through your Degree in only three years. The catch, so to speak, is once you select your Degree Program, there's no changing your mind! Now, we need to find a Degree Program we like; my quick list is Business,...

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Pretty In Pink

Pretty In Pink... A subsidiary of SRS By Anon Allsop She was eighteen and simply gorgeous. I worshipped the ground she walked on. I remember when she was about fifteen and sort of plain looking, I was only sixteen then. I loved everything about my big sister from her sweet disposition down to her beautifully sculpted body. I had been snooping around in my sisters room a few days ago and came across a bag from the mall with a few "interesting" items in it. Such as clothes, makeup,...

2 years ago
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Sex Pet Part 1

I glanced at the clock. 20 minutes till Mel was coming over! My parents were gone in Las Vegas so I had the whole huge house to myself. I invited Mel over. We had been best friends for a long time. I was hoping for things to get a little farther tonight. I sat up from my bed and walked over to my walk in closet. My parents had put in a secret room in the back for me. I pressed the button and the door opened. I stepped inside and looked around. It was full of sex toys, outfits, whips,...

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Dean Bareback It Must Have Been The Car

Nevertheless, when I was going up the hill at the end of my road on a beautiful sunny afternoon in my brand new penis-extension, who should be ambling down the other side of the road toward me than a spikey-haired youth in a T-shirt and jogging bottoms. I’ll be honest and say that the first thing I spotted was the protrusion in the front of his jogging bottoms; THEN I saw the youthful face and my sex-alarm went off. He was one I hadn’t seen before. “Hmm, nice,” I thought to myself as I...

1 year ago
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Dawns Early Light

Almost closing time and I was enjoying a wicked high but not quite drunk. Looking around the Bar I saw almost nothing that would make my night any better and thought I'd simply head out for home. The other Bars were letting out and people were sorting out their options and pouring into their vehicles or making last ditch efforts to not go home alone. The Cops were out in force in the area watching for belligerent drunks and last minute d**g deals. I knew I shouldn't be driving so I thought...

2 years ago
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Christmas Surprise

I wandered around the brightly lit room, mingling with my husband’s family members, laughing at their corny jokes and generally pretending to have a good time. In reality though, I was not exactly the happiest girl on Earth. My eyes kept wandering to the military ornaments that covered my in-laws’ Christmas tree. My husband was supposed to have come home three days ago, in time for this party and our baby girl’s fourth Christmas. He had been stationed across seas for her first three. I smiled...

2 years ago
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I took herthe deserted street

I was at the bar again when this woman was checking me out from across the bar.She was older than me, a plump woman red hair, nice big tits, and a big plump ass! She walked over and started talking to me and we decided to meet again the next night since she was with friends. I picked her up at her house and we went to dinner and out for drinks after. She got kind of trashed and in the car on the way back she starts kissing my neck and then she sits back and starts playing with her pussy.I'm...

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Our New Adventure 8 Photographs and Fantasies

Our New Adventure 8: Photographs and FantasiesWelcome back dear reader, I hope this day finds you well and horny. We bot hope that you are enjoying our slice of internet pie, Lady J and I are having a fantastic time baking it for you, and of course as for any good recipe, to get the best results one has to start with the best ingredients, and being a bit of an old hippy, all natural and homemade. If you trawl through our galleries I really hope that you find something that tickles your fancy,...

1 year ago
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Skirts n Shirts 1

"I don't care who you screw over, but you can't do that!" It was a woman, middle aged by the sound of her voice, but feisty. "Listen, lady," the man said 'lady' with a sort of mocking reproach, "I'll do whatever the Hell I want with this place and you ain't gonna do jack shit about it." "Lady? Listen to me you sunuvabitch..." "That is it!" The man shouted, followed by what seemed like an eternity of screechings and hollerings, punctuated with the here-and-there...

3 years ago
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Healing HandsChapter 8

The next morning, we were around the breakfast table again. Trish had stayed the night, and was sitting with us, cup of tea in hand and a look of peace on her face. “How are you feeling today?” I asked. “You have no idea! I can’t remember a time in my life when I ever felt this amazing!” Trish replied, her voice tinged with awe and wonder. “You know, you really caused a stir the other day at the clinic.” “Really? How so?” I replied. “People heard the commotion, and then suddenly you burst...

2 years ago
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Yes I Am Part Three

'Am I?' She continues saying it over and over in her head.Mom looks at the two of her young boys, not really knowing what to do.'Well, it is true. They should split things... But is this the right thing to do?' she asks herself, trying to rationalize her thoughts.The thoughts clouding her mind. She sins again, obeying Alex. She nods as Alex smiles back at her. He grabs her head and helps guide it towards James' hardening cock. He lets go when it's right in front of her face. The mother of two...

1 year ago
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Happy Christmas Uncle

Business took me to town where my sister lived. Then the dilemma kicks in. The business meeting's dragged and it's become obvious that we were never going to manage to cram everything in over the working lunch on Friday. None of the others want to stay late on what was after all poets day. Poets day? Ah come on - you've all heard of Poets day? Piss Off Early Tomorrow's Saturday! Yeah well that's just fine and dandy for those who live and work locally. For folks like me who live almost...

1 year ago
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A sex filled holiday part 2

She had a tight black dress on that hugged every inch of her body. It squeezed her breasts together and barely covered her ass and pussy. Long legs looked incredible and high black boots fit perfectly around her calves and came up to her knees. The heel was about 4 inches this time. She had a necklace on with a heart shaped pendant that dangled just above her cleavage. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail and her make up was dark. She held a small black purse in her hand, some...

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