SpaceChapter 35 free porn video

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"Too much work by me. Send the pod to earth with a spare engine and bring back my supply of finished crystals and other raw materials. I'd like Hal too. With you to oversee, we can take off some of his restraints. He may be able to do more."

"Hal's personality has been stored and your personality has emerged."

"What do I call the three of you?"

"Anything you want Captain."


"The personality you place within me was altered by the configuration of components. The same if your personality were to be put in a different brain. I feel confident about the ship and my ability to run it. There is a need for a biological entity to interface with the crew."

"The Tomma will believe that I altered the computer to do this."

"I have thought about this. You are the leading member of the aristocracy presently on the ship. I will support your decisions when the need arrises. Over time I will slowly change to a more pleasant entity as the computer is repaired. A fully functional computer will act sanely and suggest that you become Captain in name as well as fact."

Walt was the name similar to mine that I would use for the name of my personality that resided here in the Fonduush. The 72 at home would have Warren and the unit that housed Hal would be Wayne.

I went back to work on the computer as this was the actual hot spot to get done or at least improved. The pod left with the engine. There was only a short time to talk with my family before I had to begin work. This time, there was an orderly shutdown with the other computers taking the load. When I came out of the computer, the doors closed behind me and I went to my suite to rest and get something to eat.

When I opened the door I found Scarlet there with baby Holly. This sort of thing did not happen on a ship and especially to somebody in the supposed aristocracy.

"My king, why do I have guests?" I wondered what Walt was doing.

"There is a linkage between you and the child. It needs to be strengthened. The woman is now your servant."

"Servant? I need no servant."

"You do and you will also take in the widows and their children."

I desperately wanted to know what was going on. I was sure not going to look like a Captain if this was happening to me. Now I even had to watch my thinking or the Tomma would catch me.

"Will you tell me why, my king?"

"You are depressed and need a family about you."

"But they are not my family."

"They may never be but you need the semblance of one. This is my command."

I tried to see myself in the computer now because that was where I was too. I tended to push people around so they played a part that I wanted them to play. Now it was me with an attitude I guess. The 72 was competent to make decisions even if it was still damaged. I was the one that put my personality in the computer so I would have to live with the results.

"I will abide by your wishes, my king."

Scarlet was looking at me and I walked close. The child's long thin fingers held her mother's bare breast as she fed. I could feel the child's satisfaction and the mother's too. This is the way it had to be and I could see the situation from my other viewpoint. I did need family.

"I'm sorry for involving you with my problems Scarlet."

"It is of no importance." I knew that she lied but she hid it well. "We are all happy that you were able to bring our king back to us."

"I would not be able to if Rokla had succeeded. A lot of... people died to protect our king."

"Do not be concerned. The All Mother and her sisters have welcomed them to sit at her table. They are warriors and died with honour."

"Not all died that way. Some were from missiles."

"They were thrown by our enemies therefor all that died did so in grace."

"The Tomma were the enemy of nobody. They served their king and died because of that."

"The distinction is meaningless. We served our king when many of us died. The enemy of our king is our enemy." This made me feel bad once more.

I said, "I am still sorry that you have to be with an alien."

"You are different but not in a bad way. You need a woman to take care of you."

"You don't understand. I loved Holly and she died."

"Then you should do as the Tomma do and drown your sorrow in the arms of a women."

"I cannot just stop loving Holly. To make love to another is like I am betraying her."

"You are a foolish male. They are all like you. They have such deep feelings. If you love us then you will have to act soon."

"What are you talking about?"

"The area that held our men's sleeping forms was ruptured. The only male that was awake, died bravely defending the computer. Our males cannot last long away from out planet. We can last much longer but we have to know that a male is near."

"You want me to make love to all of you!"

"No for two reasons. You only have to have sex not love and it only has to be with a few. The rest would be satisfied through our link."

"The Fonduush can make it back to Cralto."

"Did you see the damage? We will be years here even with your help. By then a third of us will be dead and the rest nearly insane."

"There is a ship in the hold that can take all the survivors back."

"We will not leave our king."

"We could..."

"You will have to serve. The task is not that hard."

"It is hard if I remember Holly."

"She is with the All Mother and her sisters. We will help you forget."


"Get a cloth. Holly has to be burped."

"There are some pieces of cloth in storage. Walk to the wall," Walt ordered as he projected a diagram into my head. I hurried to the area and a hatch opened. A container came into view. I opened it and found soft place mats that would do. I took a few just in case. I had seen children burped before and put one of the mats on Scarlet's shoulder.

"Put it on your own shoulder. You have to burp her. Holly's father is dead and she needs to feel that her father is here."

"She will think that I am her father."

"Is that something that you find objectionable?"

"No, it is a responsibility though. I will feel bad if she is not near."

"Now you know the way the women feel when there is no males near."

"But I will only feel bad if Holly is not near, not die."

"The link between a father and a child is strong but not the same. A male has to be close to the other males to survive and we have to be close to at least one male."

"Our king ordered me to take in the Aristis women and their children too."

"Then you will be a busy man."

I got something to eat now that the synthesiser was working and went to bed. It was not long after that Scarlet climbed into bed with me and with Holly between us. I was actually too tired to fight and just went to sleep. Just before I woke up I saw the village among the red trees with a nebulous image of a large Tomma smiling down on Holly. When I awoke I strangely felt a little better.

Scarlet was gone but Holly was still there. The bed could be put at any height and usually was tucked into the deck above if it was not needed. I put it on the floor and put cushions on both sides of Holly so she would not even have this short fall

I had my breakfast and with still no Scarlet, I went to the next hot spot. I carried the child and met the two techs. This time they were very subservient. I was in favour now and I wore the robe of a ruler.

The techs had prepared some material for engines and I worked on this to make them as accurate as possible. The techs had other duties but marvelled at the one finished unit when it was tested.

When they checked the second unit I said, "Our king has placed all of the Aristis under my care."

They looked apprehensive but I could not quite read their thoughts. "I am too soft to be a good Aristis leader sometimes. I will treat all of you with respect. I warn you though, I am hard, very hard on those that I find are plotting against me."

The first and slightly higher rank tech went by the name Aslerchion so I called him Alex. He said, "We would never think of that. Our king favours you and you hold the lives of those in the ship within your hand, my lord."

I looked at the second tech that I called Toby. He said, "There is no conflict between our clans my lord."

Scarlet came by for Holly and the techs looked at me oddly. I must look weak indeed if I bothered to tend a child and one even of another man and race. Scarlet tended her child and did not mind baring her breasts to the techs.

"Thank you my lord for watching my child while I work. It will not be much longer before I read her thoughts well enough to leave her alone."


"We do this all the time. We are only a thought away. There is always a protector near in case of trouble."

"Human children need to be tended and watched all the time. If there is a way to get into trouble, they will find it."

"Ours are much the same."

I built six more engines before lunch and I had only seven hundred and thirty eight left to do. A hundred or so was enough and the rest could be done when there was spare time. Spare time was going to be a precious commodity to me.

Just as I began work, my family called up. Betts was first. "Where are you now Wally?"

"I actually have no idea. You'll have to check with the computer at home." The computers though would not feed all the truth. Some data would have to be kept from the Tomma and that could not happen if my family knew everything.

"I'll do that. We learned from the 'computer' that you were hurt but mostly recovered now."

"There was this nasty Aristis by the name of Rokla. He made a play to gain control of the ship while I was here. He's dead now. Rokla, two soldiers and one tech died as they tried to destroy the entity in the computer. The wife of a soldier and the wife of the dead tech died along with one of the woman servants. There are two techs by the name of Alex and Toby still alive. Along with some widows, wives and sixteen children. Our king has instructed me to look after them.

"There were three hundred and nine of them. All but a hundred and three had died. This included all the Tomma males in suspended animation and the one awake. We knew about the Tomma males going off the deep end if they were too long away from their planet, well the women are similar. They need at least one male. They will not abandon their king to go back to Cralto.

"I met a girl here by the name of Holly. I kinda had plans of enlarging our family by one."


"Don't get upset. You will never meet her or her mother. They died defending the computer against Rokla."


I was quiet because I still hurt. I said, "Get the details from the computer. It still hurts. I work all the time now to just forget."

"I'm sorry Wally."

"That's ok. Will you give my love to everybody. They can listen to the facts too. Upload with happened on earth and I will try to get to it tonight."

"I'll do that Wally and I love you. All of us love you."

"I know that and that is why I am able to carry on."

Work was more sombre until Holly started to cry. I stopped work and held her for a while. This actually relaxed me. I put her back to bed in a portable bed but I stayed with her on the floor and worked on the crystals. I was not as good or fast outside of a computer and managed to get a spare computer opened and I worked within it as I did on earth. This was better and I could even detect Holly but not much. One hand touched her carrier and the connection strengthened enough that I could continue.

Scarlet came a few times and I knew even with my head in the computer. The second time she talked mentally to me when I was there. It only worked when I was near Holly.

I went home late and felt exhausted. My quarters were occupied by many more Tomma. Half of them were the remaining sixteen that were pregnant. I got my meal and offered the rest something to eat but they declined. I ate alone and felt awkward.

I wanted to urge them to leave so I could sleep but Scarlet said, "Lay down and sleep. We will not bother you."

"I can find anther place to sleep and you can stay and talk."

"You will make us feel better if you sleep here with us."

"Is this part of that linkage you were talking about?"

"Yes, just forget we are here."

I went for a shower and debated calling for a robe. Then again, the Tomma were not prudes. At home they were usually naked. I walked out and found the women staring at me like a piece of meat. I got into bed and Scarlet turned down the lights. In a moment the bed moved and a lot more than one woman got into bed with me. It did feel like family, at least my family. I was asleep in just a few moments.

When I woke up, I found that the two women closest to me were the ones closest to term. I was on my back and the women were holding my arms and hands so I was caressing their abdomens. I found that it was not just me that felt at peace but the women too.

I went for another sonic cleansing and when I came out I found the servant that had helped me before. I quizzed Walt and said, "Good morning Jacob. I hope my use of your shortened name is not objectionable?"

"It is more than suitable my lord. It is mark of honour to be given a new name."

"It is not a new name, just a name that is short. Jacob is the closest to your name that we have. I will call you Jacob unless you want some other."

"That is very kind of you. I came here to dress you and bring your food."

I did some thinking. Servants did not know much and were more a willing set of hands. There was repair work but the majority of it was done. It was only the fine tuning that remained and it was the techs that did this. The servants could go on being servants. They did not resent the work and actually felt better doing what they were bred to do. I at least would not abuse them the way the upper caste Aristis did.

"Ok, Jacob. You have a job."

I was fed better this time because Jacob knew what to select. The flavours were complimentary while I usually ate a meal of only one thing. When it was time to leave I walked over to Holly's carrier and touched it as I said, "See you in a while Sweety. I have to go to work." I got no reaction but that was what I expected.

Holly came an hour later and Scarlet caressed my face with both hands. "You made the Tomma happy last night. They saw that you are a caring person."

"Not Tomma women?"

"I do not make that distinction. The men would see that you are caring too."

She caressed my face one more time then hurried off to her job. The techs came in a little later. They bowed and wished me a good day and went to work.

Half way through the day, Jacob came in and served me lunch. At my request he served the two techs too. They seemed to be honoured by this. At the end of the day I had done twenty three engines and seventeen smaller components.

The pregnant women were still there but the rest changed. There were some nervous Aristis women and their children here too. I asked Walt about it. "You have to meet more of your family."

The most senior woman was Rokla's widow Lenoor. She was a good looking woman. Her age surprised me when I heard. She was very aloof and objected slightly at introducing the rest. Some names she did not know and was required to search her own private computer to find out.

I asked Walt privately but I would not put it past anybody as to being able to intercept my communications. "My king, why are the women so nervous?"

"Rokla's tried to destroy me. He lost and usually that means the family and most of the retainers are executed."

"Are they not salvageable?"

"Sometimes but usually not. In small groups like this there is more chance of rehabilitating them."

"How is that usually done?"

"It varies. Sometimes a person is reduced in rank but mostly they go to a lower caste instead. The servant caste is the one to gain the new recruits."

"What is your wish in this case my king?"

"We Aristis usually let the guilty think on the matter before we do any alterations or executions."

"I can see how that would make them nervous. What about the children?"

"They follow their parents. In some rare instances they may be adopted by a family or even the family they fought."

"Am I suitable to adopt any of them?"

"You may but I do not see why. The servants and the two surviving tech families are not being judged."

"Were not the soldiers and the tech forced to do as Rokla demanded?"

"That is true but that is not the way we deal with this in our culture. Do not bother me any more about this foolishness of yours. You are here to prove yourself not be a burden to me or to obstruct my judgements."

"I am sorry my king for being a nuisance."

I went back over the line of people and had the women introduce their children. The children hung to their mothers as if I were going to eat them alive.

Lenoor had two children. One was a daughter of six and the other a son of four standard years which were not much different that what I was used to. Like all Aristis they were well formed. The youngest was only a year old.

I said, "You have heard how I am a fake, a saboteur and dirty alien. You will find that I will try to be fair in my dealings with you. As the highest ranking member onboard I have decided to start an academy. Every child on board or who will be born onboard will automatically be in this educational institution. Henceforth they will be called cadets.

"The ship is being repaired but most of the labourious work has been done. Scarlet will be in charge of teaching every child how to fight the way the Tomma do."

"I am busy my lord."

"What do you do all day, Scarlet?"

"I monitor the hull and structural components for failure."

"Do you think that this job could be done by somebody else."

"Yes, but I am good at it and we are shorthanded now."

"I was told you were my servant. You will serve me as an educator."

"They are all children my lord."

"Do Tomma children learn how to fight at that age?"

"Yes, but they are Tomma not Aristis. The Aristis do not let us near their children until they are grown."

"Do you think I do not have the authority to allow you to teach?"

"... No my lord. In this case there will be no problem."

"Then take over the duties. The children will billet with their families at night but one night in ten they will stay with you."

"My lor..."

"You may appoint some help. You may choose from the Aristis in this room. If they do not comply or comply fast enough then report them to me. If I find that they cannot be rehabilitated, I will bring this to the attention of our king."

"My lord, what can I do with the youngest?"

"Love her Scarlet, just love her. Children need a lot of that. Now I am going to shower up and go to bed. Pick those you want. You may choose all of them if you wish. Find out what they can teach the children."

"What about the servants' children?"

"They get the same love and the same attention. They are all of the warrior caste now and so are you. They will raise in the ranks through effort and ability not the rank of their parents."

Lenoor blurted out, "But some are girls."

"Lenoor you are strong and probably quick. How long would you last against Scarlet?"

"She is a Tomma... my lord."

"Answer my question?"

"She... a milli or two I think."

"Thank you. I see your daughter as a beautiful child that needs a chance to move up. I am giving you and your family far more than any Aristis would. I extend a hand to help and you think that there was no crime committed. I see why the Aristis kill off families instead of rehabilitating them. They are insane. You see a hand or death and wish to find something better. You miss your chance and die."

"I will comply fully with your orders my lord."

"Good, because you all will go into the academy and learn to fight."


"Are you questioning me?"

"No, my lord."

"Scarlet, train the mothers too. Do not be brutal but you may inspire them to do their best."

"I may succeed yet my lord."

"Good, talk to your troop in the meeting room so I can get some sleep."

"Yes, my lord." She looked at the Aristis and said, "Cadet Lenoor lead the way to the meeting room."

"But..." was all she got out then she opened the door and took her two children with them. The rest followed. When the door closed I said, "I am sorry but we are all in the academy now. For most of you this means nothing new. The Aristis, apart from the techs did nothing useful. I want all of my people thinking and learning. I also want to see more sports."

One of the Tomma said, "There is one sport we would love to play." She sent me the image through her telepathy and I was amazed that I had not known this could happen.

"We might have some of that when I have gotten over the worst of losing Holly."

"We can help you forget."

"I want to forget the pain of losing her not the fact that I knew her."

Two of the women that were next in line to have their children got into bed and after I was cleaned, I got in between them. There was room for six on the bed and the rest camped out on the floor.

Before I went to sleep I had a short chat with Erica and told her that I loved her. She sent me a kiss back by ultrawave that made me feel good. Connie came on next and I gave her an update on the academy and how I started a new chapter out here. She giggled and gave me Betts. With a few more words I cut off communications and went to sleep cuddling two very pregnant ladies to me.

Jacob was waiting when I got up the next morning. He had a smile on his face. "Good morning my lord. You have done something very daring when you did not choose by caste last night."

"What does your wife think?"

"The work will be a lot more but she is pleased to be doing the same duties as... as the rest."

"The military is not for everyone but it does help. All of the Aristis happen to be intelligent but some were bred to be more so. I find that few of you try to learn more."

"We serve my lord, what more can there be?"

"Will you serve me by playing a musical instrument as I eat?"

"I an sorry my lord but I cannot play. The artisans do that sort of task."

"Are the servants unable to learn?"

"No my lord but it is difficult."

"I will tell you a secret Jacob." The man waited now to hear. "It is difficult for the artisans too."

"Yes milord but they are artisans."

"You are my artisans now. I wish you to serve me this way."

"I will try milord."

"You will try and be bad but over time you will improve. You will hurt my ears and offend my understanding of music but I will still listen."

"If you wish this then I will learn."

Scarlet came in later and handed me Holly. She was angry. I said nothing to her and she said nothing to me verbally or mentally. Holly was upset about this and I picked her up to soothe her. Soon I put her in the computer with me. The fit was tight and I did not pull out until Holly made the air unbreathable.

Doc called, "Wally, can you hear me?"

"Sure Doc. What's the matter?"

"Nothing really. We got the engine. We put Hal, I mean Wayne into the pod with a all the crystals. We have our own shopping list if you can fill it for us?"

"What is it that you need?"

"Drones, lots of them. We have been getting along with just the few we had. The discharge from the antimatter fried all the ones we had in the air at the time."

"I'll make up some for you."

"Thanks Wally. By the way this is my first extra solar system call."

"We are working on getting back. In a week or so we can begin braking."

"Good now I have a meeting with some contractors."

This reminded me that I had not checked on the upload that Betts was going to send. I had to go over it four times even though it was memorised the first time. The world was going more insane that usual. An antimatter explosion is as destructive as a nuclear one but ours were the cleanest and possible. Even earth scientist now knew that antimatter was used.

The antimatter explosions that were near the Fonduush were detected too, especially since they went on for so long. The military thought that the explosion on earth was one of those that did not explode in space. This was foolish because the missiles used a lot of this material while the drone used nearly the smallest amount possible.

The explosions in Toronto were not antimatter. They were all very accurate and there was little damage. Some people called it swamp gas but most did not believe that anymore. Calling wolf only worked so many times.

The military was in town, in fact there were militaries from almost every country looking at the damage and then looking at the new lake in the north. Toronto must have a tourist boom and making a lot of money.

Betts added at the bottom that I had to show up at court in a week or the case would be thrown out. The judge was through giving adjournments. If they knew that I was gone, they would go ahead instead.

With death not staring us in the face, I looked at the available ships. One similar in shape to the one I had landed beside was in a special bay. This was the king's personal yacht that was carried in his yacht. It was also a hundred and twelve metres long and armed to the teeth.

I took Holly to the computer and the doors opened before us then closed behind. I set the blanket down and lay down in the computer with Holly. It was safe because I was not fiddling with anything.

"Walt, I want to go to the court in Toronto. I could pick up some pseudo techs and bring them here. They can put the engines on the hull just as good as the techs we have."

"That is one of the scenarios I thought you would come up with."

"What others are there?"

"If I tell you then you will not learn."

"It just occurred to me, can Scarlet pick up our thoughts through Holly when we are here?"

"Now I had not thought of that. The child is asleep but it may be possible if she were awake."

"Ok, now I have all of Nadac's thoughts in my computer. Did your big brother Warren get them?"

"Rontem did not destroy them. The information is being used to gain more wealth."

"How greedy is he? We will get into trouble by being too good."

"Warren is pursuing wealth with finesse if I may use the word. He has set up many more companies and refined the crude methods Nadac used. He is actually steering wealth to those that can use it wisely through grants, loans and seed money."

"To what end?"

"Creating employment in chronically poor areas of the world. The planet is sick and much is needed to bring it back to health. Much of the employment is aimed at this task."

"People tried that and it doesn't work. You have to go with education first."

"That is what some of the employment is. We are starting schools. Students that do good get paid more than those that do not."

"That sounds good to me except you may be pounding a square peg in a round hole."

"We pay for unconventional thinking too."

"Earth sounds good to me now. Perhaps there is a chance now."

The ship was ordered ready to depart. I liked working near or rather in Walt, and Holly was safe. It was quiet and safe here and my productivity went up. Scarlet was almost afraid to come and get her daughter but she did.

There were minor problems with the yacht's yacht but not anything that could not be fixed in a few hours. I got to tour the ship and found it gaudy for an Aristis but I thought it nice. It's shields were as strong as the Fonduush and the weapons just as awesome. There were just less of them. The computer would give us problems but I put the recently arrived Wayne into it and any problems were solved. The old identity was removed and a new one of mine put in.

Some old safeguards came out and some new ones went in. I might not be operating the ship and even I may not be sane all the time. The small ship had seen little use. The Fonduush was much more of a fearsome ship than the guppy even if it was a hundred and twelve metres long.

The name of the ship was the Dauntless but in Aristis language it was pronounced Stamich. It would not be correct to change the name but it still sounded good to those that understood the language.

Same as Space
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 120

Ekaterina and her translator were gone by the time Adam finished showering. He had taken his time because he knew he had to head straight to Daystar for another scene with, well, someone. He couldn't remember her name, only that she was a famous gymnast before turning to porn. Shelly and Melody were waiting for him though. "Pulled another one out of the fire for me," Melody remarked. "Thanks for coming over. This girl is pretty far down on the pecking order. Today is the only day...

2 years ago
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Three Js and an S Go Skiing Day 4

Four young college girls on a skiing vacation have to find other things to do when an excess of new snow traps them in their cabin. This is the fifth in this series and describes a day leading up to an evening of group electro-sex. It might make more sense if you have read the previous days of "Three J's and an S Go Skiing" For the most part, the stories in this series are pretty mild. If you are looking for heavy duty stuff, try one of my other story series. = = = = = = = = = = =...

3 years ago
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Filming Sue with a pal A Fantasy

I'd been secretly seeing Sue for about five years. No-one except the two of us knew anything about it, and I wasn't the only one seeing her. In fact she had many guys who saw her from time time, because Sue was (is!) a photo model. And she's a very good and well-known one (Sue is not her real name). Her pictures and vids have graced many porn sites and still do, although she grows older – don't we all – her charms haven't faded and she is still much in demand. I first made contact with her via...

1 year ago
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Billionaire Valley Its Bitches Part 4

Gail were so happy to see me, as I were of her as well. She still looked as beautiful as ever. After being there for over three hours. One of her nurses ask if we wanted coffee. We both said thanks at the same time, and we all begain to laugh. That's when I first notice Tony looking my way. He was staring right between my legs. I pretended I never notice and kept on talking. When the nurse return with two cups of coffee. She place them on Gail's meal stand. Which were between myself and Tony. I...

2 years ago
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first proper wank bud

My best mate Pete and I had been pretty open about porn and wanking, and watched our fair share of softcore together but we were always pretty studious about keeping everything below blankets and restricted to the occasional self-adujstment.In the break before our first year at university in the mid 90's, Pete came with my family and I on holiday to the delights of Magaluf, and he and I shared a room in a basic holiday hotel.Magaluf is a grim cheap party town, and not necessarily the sort of...

3 years ago
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Meeting James 1

One minute I'm standing in a bookstore, and the next I'm being kissed! His hand was on my neck, his lips were soft, firm, demanding and I opened up to him. I was too shocked to be angry. I felt the other hand slide around my waist and pull me against him. I thought in the back of my mind that he looked just like that Alan Rickman guy at 30. I heard him groan faintly and it brought me back to my senses. I pulled back and he let go. He simply smiled at me and licked his lips. My breathing was...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The GirlThe Boy Part 1

THE GIRL/THE BOY Part I: Preparation When the girl woke, she could hear the Boy crying again. Because of who she was, and what the Boy had done for her, she cried too. She had been where he was now, after all. But she could not give in to the sorrow. She had made a promise in the Boy's name, and meant to keep it. She got up carefully, and went to get ready. It was a big day for her, and so she wanted and needed to look her best. Her long imprisonment had not helped her looks, but...

4 years ago
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Besuch am Abend

Diese Geschichte beginnt an einem ungemütlichen Herbstabend. Draußen fegt der Wind und es regnet schon seit Stunden. Nach einer anstrengenden Arbeitswoche im Büro ist es Zeit, ein wenig Kraft zu tanken. Meine Frau ist übers Wochenende bei ihrer Schwester, für mich liegt die nächsten zwei Tage nichts weiter an. Ich zünde ein paar Kerzen an, lege Vivaldis "Vier Jahreszeiten" ein um meine innere Balance wiederzufinden und lasse mich mit einem Glas schweren Rotwein auf dem Wannenrand in das heiße...

3 years ago
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My husband handed me a little slip of paper almost as soon as we took our coats off and sat down. The paper just said "bra", which was easy enough, but we hadn't even ordered yet. There wasn't really anyone seated near us. I could slip my bra off pretty easily, but I didn't want the waitress to show up at the wrong time.So I stood up, and took my bag with me. The bathrooms were on the other side of the restaurant. He had waved a twenty at the waitress while we were being seated, and asked...

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Athai Kuthiyil Kuthu Aatam Poten

Hi friends, en peyar Senthil, vayathu 19 aagugirathu, naan coimbatoreil vasithu varugiren. En athai uuruku adikadi sendru varuven, athai oril thiruvizha nadakum pozhuthu andru sendru thiruvizha rasithu vitu varuvom. En athaiku kanavan kidaiyathu, kanavan ilathathaal avargal ippozhutu veetil thanimaiyil thaan irukirargal. En athaiku vayathu 38 irukum, avargal miga sexiyaaga irupaargal, intha vayathilum gumunu irupaargal. En athai mulaiyai naan eppozhuthu avargal veetirku sendralum paarpen, iru...

3 years ago
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Elise and my roommates Chapter 2

Things quieted down after the weekend. Classes and part-time jobs kept us busy during the days and most evenings. The times we were all at home together I kept a close eye on Elise to make sure nothing funny was going on with my roommates.Elise's new favorite thing seemed to be taking selfies and I'd receive them at random times throughout the day. It seemed like whenever she had a free moment she'd slip off to a bathroom, store changing room, or who knows where, take a quick pic and send it to...

3 years ago
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FROM SHAME TO GAMEBy: V.I.ProfferiPart 03I obediently withdrew farther into the dark upper balcony corridor with May. She placed herself in such a way that she could continue to watch and listen to the fornicating adults upon the snooker table. Using her undressed skirt as a pillow, and later as a muffle, May raised her backside only enough for my penis to reach her anus. I bowed my head to her broadening girlish rump and began to lick, kiss, and suck her anus. I held her cheeks apart and did...

3 years ago
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The Bitch of the Pentagram

Madelina moves to the country side. She takes a taxi and is briefly introduced about the surroundings of where she'll live and what has happened at her new property. She, like a true city-dweller, thinks the whole demon mumbo-jumbo is a load of horse-crap and soon finds herself possessed by something which reveals and lives off of all her hidden desires. All characters 18 and above. As for the other guideline, the full version is available on our Patreon. Tags in no a more or less chapter...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Two Islands Last Day

We packed our stuff after breakfast. There wasn't much for me to put in my bag since I already had my clothes folded after used and placed in the corner. My wound felt better. It seemed smaller now that the hook was off. It'd probably fade off in time unlike some of the more serious cuts I had.Trying to enjoy the last serine hours in this island, I headed to the terrace. There, I hopped on the hammock and admired the sight of the clean blue sea, felt the fresh morning breeze caress my face, and...

2 years ago
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After A Long Day Ch 02

It’s been another long day, and you’re driving home to see your baby. After everything you went through at work today, you need to go home and find some way to release all that stress and nervous tension that’s been built up. The drive seems longer this time, but you know it’ll be worth it. You know what’s coming to you. Or do you? You come to my front door and reach for the bell when you notice a note taped over it. In block letters, it reads ‘COME RIGHT IN.’ You study the note for a moment...

1 year ago
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AlexLegend Lilith Moaningstar Pigtailed teen comes over to suck my huge cock 8211 POV

After school a girl named Lilith moaningstar comes by and gives me a little strip tease. she is so cute and adorable. She lays on my bed and masturbates showing off that beautiful young pussy. Damn her body is so sexy. She always has her hair up in a ponytail because she KNOWS my big dick is coming out and filling up her mouth the second shes showing me that tight ,wet pussy. I fuck her face , eat her pussy and enjoy a fantastic blowjob till I cant take anymore and I shoot a load all over her...

4 years ago
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An Erotic Swap of Mates

It was an evening that never should have happened. Not that it "shouldn't" have happened, but just that it was a meeting of four people that no one would have ever expected to find in the same room. Pam and Larry had been serious lovers during their college years, and they'd even thought they might get married after graduation. Pam was a tall, shapely brunette and she and Larry had made love regularly. Living together in an apartment while they attended college, no one would have taken them...

2 years ago
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Caught Mom Giving Stranger Blow Job

Coming back from the pub after last orders one night, I heard the groans of a courting couple down the ally on our housing estate. I took a quick look and was totally dumbstruck when I saw it was my mother on her knees sucking this fat bloke off.“What and the hell are you doing,” I shouted at themMom let slip his semi hard cock from her mouth and stood up, pulling her skirt down as she did.“You get home,” I shouted to mom and grabbing her arm “And you can fuck off and leave her alone” I shouted...

3 years ago
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Melting Away SlowlyChapter 10

The next morning, Sunday, I was up early, so I showered and dressed, and left the house without seeing or talking to Martha, to get a quiet breakfast. I did phone Stephanie to see if she cared to join me, and she told me that she would be along in a couple of minutes. I ordered my coffee, and told the waitress that someone would be joining me, so I would wait to order until she arrived. I sipped at my coffee for fifteen minutes or so, before Stephanie arrived. We ordered our breakfasts, and...

4 years ago
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Ponytail by Nikita ? 2006 Ponytail by Nikita ? 2006  Sweetlips' body, gingered by the sun, was lithe and her lips were chapped from thirst.? Her brown hair, with streaks of red and blonde throughout, had grown to reach the middle of her back.? The soles of her feet were toughened from running without shoes. ?She had developed that faraway look in her eyes that comes from detachment.? Dreams of traipsing into a coffee shop were faint snatches of memories. The day had been...

4 years ago
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First orgasm

Being a guy, orgasms are as common as the sun rising. Having talked with female friends over the years I discovered how many women have not had an orgasm during sex or in some cases never even while masturbating. It was my goal that every woman I was with would cum. This particular woman at the age of 34 had never, ever had an orgasm. Having had sex since she was 17 with different men over the years made it seem even more unbelievable that one of them couldn’t get the job done. One night while...

2 years ago
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Pacific Penal ColonyChapter 10

Reeves was yearning to come as his cock had been caged for nearly a month; the nurses and visiting guards loved to tease the caged submissives, fingering their cunts and watching the captive cocks bulge and ooze in their cages as they were forced to sample the sweet scents. The padded board on which he was displayed for the women's pleasure had just been hoisted vertically that morning; a spiteful ginger nurse having offered her gusset from panties which had endured last night's shift,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E13 Diane Campbell 45 from Reading

We begin this week’s show, as usual, looking at the ugly sight of a dirty, stained, lifeless mattress – then pull out to see the rusty old bedframe that it’s resting on. The thing looks like it’s only just been heaved onto the set from the local tip. For those of us who have visited the set, it smells that way too. We hear a door swinging open, then faint footsteps, getting louder – clicking on the concrete studio floor – and pan around to see who’s coming… She’s a middle-aged woman, very...

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Kalluriyil Kaama Vilaiyaatu

Hi friends, enathu peyar Sanjai, vayathu 23 naan kumara maavatathil vasithu varugiren. Enathu kalluriyil nadantha suvarasiyamaana sila sambavangalai indru ungalidam kuurapogiren. Enathu teacher ennai avargalin aripedutha kuuthiyil enathu sunniyai eppadi vittu oothargal enbathai naan ungalidam pagirugiren. Intha sambavam muzhuvathilum unbaiyaanavai enbathai naan niyabagathiruku kondu varugiren. Appozhuthu naan kalluri kadai aandu padithu irunthen enathu vagupu porupaalaraaga oru pen vanthu...

2 years ago
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Wishing Herself into a Sweet Dream

I'll tell you a little about myself to fill in some space. I was taught to write in the concise style and may do it to a fault. I write about the real only because, for the most part, it's not easy to write about the unknown. For what we're here for, I share myself, and share my view of the man I love. I'm thinking each story will tell a little of this which, in a good day can consume me. Hope you enjoy.Already undressed she sits comfortable just home from the airport where she dropped her man....

1 year ago
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William and Ann Ch 13

Larry quickly shut and locked the door behind him. His anticipation of having two gorgeous young teenagers in his bed at the same time was giving him such a rush, he was about to blow his load before he even got a chance to get in the bed. Natalie turned to face him and he sat her on the edge of the bed. With Ann’s and Larry’s roaming hands, Natalie was quickly removed of her crop top. Her pert nipples hardened as they were introduced to the cool air and erotic scene. She laid back to...

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MomsTeachSex Brittany Andrews Off To College

Brittany Andrews is a devoted wife to James Bartholet and stepmom to Justin Hunt. Justin is getting ready to go off to college, and Brittany is concerned that her inexperienced stepson won’t know how to handle all the girls he’ll meet there. She talks it out with James while giving him a handie in bed, then has an aha moment: she will have a talk with Justin about the birds and the bees. Later, Justin is chilling out and enjoying some porn and a wank when Brittany drags James in to...

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Lucky Star

Born Under A Lucky Star By Stefanie Flowers Despite an unfortunate start in life, I believed that I had been born under a lucky star. Right now it's light was obscured by heavy clouds but at some time in the future the sky would clear, it's light fill the sky and good fortune would come to me. That thought was all that kept me going during the darkest days of my very troublesome childhood. Having paid my dues as a child I was sure to benefit from good luck and fortune for the rest...

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Recollections of Losing our Virginities Part 1

School in 1971 was a sea of hormones, full of horny teenagers struggling with puberty. Girls giggling at the slightest mention of sex and boys with uncontrollable erections launched by the merest glimpse of underwear and often by no more than a passing breath of air.Quiet and shy I was no different than anyone else, half listening to lessons while my eyes scanned for bare legs as I prayed for a blouse to gape and reveal the glimpse of a bra.We lived in the same neighbourhood and our paths often...

First Time
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My New Mistress

Ever love the feeling of a woman cummin on you? Well I felt that this evening after I picked up a random woman off the street who asked to be drive home. When we reached the house she asked me to come in. I did and she actually blindfolded me into here bedroom where she tied me up on her bed. I didn't need that but I just played along with it begging to be let go. Of course she didn't let me go. Then she started to tear off my clothing and found me wearing a bra and panty. Then she said,"Well...

3 years ago
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Suverna Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hello everyone I am Vikky this gonna take long so keep calm and enjoy this incident which is about my virginity losing to my neighbor Bhabhi. First of all about me I am not too handsome guy but well shape guy 6’2 tall muscular wheat complexion. Now coming to the suverna bhabhi she is a bomb I must say. Awesome figure 36DD 28 38 long sexy hairs shiny black. This happened before some 5 months. It was oct 2014 when this couple came to live in our neighborhood. It was a newly married couple after 2...

1 year ago
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Vixen Cadey Mercury I Would Never Describe Myself as a Bad Girl8230

Since they started college, Cadey and her friend have kept up a bit of a tradition. Towards the end of the semester, she would stay at her friends house to help each other study for finals. They even get some help from her older brother who is a TA at another college in the area. Cadey thinks he is totally cute and on this occasion, her friend has gone off to class, leaving Cadey all alone with her brother. She’s kind of bored so decides to have a look around the apartment. Coming across...

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Katies Stepdad

Katie and I had been friends for over three years. She has become part of my family and we are always together. She is bisexual and yes we do enjoy the pleasure of each others company. We are built very similar except she is a 34C and I am a 34DD. Katie has made several trip with my to my family home in Florida. She has been to many of the family parties, which do include sex on occasion. She has had sex with my stepdad and me and on occasion alone with my stepdad.For months now she has been...

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Kaise Meri Girlfriend Priya Ki Seal Todi

Hi mere name raj he aur me pune ka rahne wala hu aaj me apko apni ek story ke bare me batane ja raha jo meri girlfriend ke sath huyi gatna he dosto yah meri pahli kahani he so koi galti ho to maf karna . To me apni story pe ata meri girlfriend ka name priya vo dikne me bhut sundar he ki koi bhi deke to uska lund kada ho jaye uska figure35 24 36 he uska rang gora to dosto kahani ese suru hui ki college me naya naya gaya tha to kisi se bat nhi karta tha dhire dhire kuch friend ban gaye to acha...

3 years ago
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The double

College days were when I started to experiment more, and to be more confident about what I wanted. I knew I enjoyed having a finger in my ass while I was being fucked, or a vibrator in my pussy and a cock in my ass, but I knew I wanted to try it with two cocks. In the winter of my first college term, I got to find out what it feels like.That winter, I'd somehow got a very sore neck. I used to play squash quite a lot, and it was probably a result of twisting on the squash court. A friend of mine...

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Gods and Devils The Unicorn Part II

I. Introduction I stood in the kitchen watching the water slowly drip from the faucet. The girls were in the living room, cuddled on the couch, whispering, waiting. Pet was doing what she could to soothe Kasey. Pet knew what was coming; Kasey on the other hand, did not have the slightest idea. On top of the dresser in my room I kept a wooden box about 10 inches wide by 12 inches long; it was a simple box with a simple hasp. No locks, no complicated mechanism to open it and free it of its...

4 years ago
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Sadhya Teacher And A Horny Student

Hey guys.Once again,thank you for all your supports and replies on my last story.So without much infos, I will go straight to the story. So this was me when i was studying in 12th grade.I found that it was impossible for me to study physics and so, i went for a tuition to a teacher named Sandhya.Now about Sandhya,well….. she is pretty damn hot for a 39 year old woman.I mean,she has 3 kids,but she looks like a 21 year old hot slim chick with amazing curves and spectacular boobs for such a body...

3 years ago
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Screwed by the other Computer Geek

Sweat was dripping from my forehead. It was like a salty bitter rain that I loved so dearly. The pace was frantic and the work was arduous. My breasts were fluttering across my chest as my heart beat at a wild pace. My legs felt like rubber but I had to keep going, I enjoyed this way too much. Finally, I heard it, the most pleasurable sound in the world. It was my timing device and my workout was finally done. I loved my cardio routines and my upcoming competition was just a week away. I had...

Straight Sex
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Hot Wife KatieChapter 9 Katies Shopping Adventure

Katie Jackson walked hand in hand with her husband through the mall. She enjoyed any time spent with her husband. He had taken an obvious interest in her attire and she appreciated his opinion about what he liked as she put on tight skirts or revealing blouses. It felt differently around him and it was incredibly exciting. Fred had taken the afternoon off from work to spend time with his wife. He stood patiently around the stores as she tried on a variety of different outfits. He had noticed...

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I Was an Alien Zoo Exhibit

You wake with the light, rolling over and mumbling something about how it's too early to be time for class. Your head feels like an eight-lane highway in the middle of summer construction season. When you go to roll out of bed, you make three observations. Firstly, you're not in a bed, you're on the floor. Secondly, you're naked. Thirdly, there is a man next to you—also naked. None of these is as strange as it could be. You must have fallen asleep at the party; maybe someone carried you to a...

2 years ago
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Night of Passion

When I was young, I had a dream - to join the Indian Air Force as a fighter pilot. The dream became an obsession, and I wonder today how my parents and friends put up with me during my childhood. As a result of my obsession, I joined NCC when I reached college, and I joined the Air Wing, no less. Due to my unusual high interest, I excelled and was chosen to represent my unit at various camps and competitions. At one such camp, I came across Vasundhara - she was the niece of one of the Lt....

First Time
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Trying Out My New Slave Boy

During my rant, I mentioned that I received eight messages on the app (it is a gay hookup app, you can email me if you'd like to know which one I use). Seven of the eight were from guys saying "Hey" with blank profiles. Usually I reply to "Hey", with "That is what horses eat." Most of the time, the lazy moron on the other end doesn't get it. The eighth messaged I received was from a guy whose profile was complete. He had half a dozen photos of himself, including several face pics,...

1 year ago
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Missy Comes Home Early

Missy sat in class thinking of how Jeffery had acted and what he had done. She absolutely couldn’t believe he had cum by just touching her. He made her so angry! She wanted to slap him, right in the face! Stand in front of him like a drill sergeant and scream at him like she had heard her father do to his men. The thoughts of Jeffery cowering and pouting while she screamed at him made her face burn. Her fingers crept closer to her crotch. Heat burned there between her legs. She could feel the...

3 years ago
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Students with Big sister

Students with Big sisterA few days ago I and a classmate to a nearby woman play she called Xiaorong. Do not see her Girls like sports is because look at her body. Is simply superb. Thin. Height 170 cm each time to play cute and small movements are wearing shorts. And lovely small timber Quality is also extremely thin. Movement can be seen clearly Jitu finished her chest with E cover, this time because She just after school, so wear the school uniform, white shirt. And deep blue Bai Zhequn....

1 year ago
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The clothing store

This is a true story that my wife told me two weeks ago when we were having sex. It happened 15 years ago but she never told me anything about it until now. The day it happened she was going to the city to buy some clothes. She wanted to buy a new bra and a summer dress. She went into the store and started to look around. There were almost no customers in the store and the staff were busy talking to each other. It was perfect, she was not so keen on having some staff following her around trying...

4 years ago
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For Sadists Only Whipped by Peter

It was many months since Rob had taken his wife Yvonne to their friend Tony, for those horrible sadism sessions previously described. Now, as he knelt astride her head and fucked her mouth, he began to tell her of his latest plans which involved a guy he'd met on the Internet. Yvonne, gagging and choking as her husband forced his large, lusting cock right to the back of her mouth, couldn't speak. She shuddered at the thought of the appalling treatment that she'd suffered on those earlier...

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Viral Pokemon Vore

Infected anthro Pokemon start out like this. You can decide how the infection started, how it spreads, and how it can be stopped, but you may need to know how ferals act. Symptoms tend to show that their eye color becomes a violet purple, victims become ravenous for whole-bodied food, and they lose any sense of who they were. Even their speech is restricted to animalistic growls, as if reverting to some primal instinct, but also retain an abnormal amount of intelligence despite their behavior,...

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It had taken you a while to remember which of your friends called themselves the porcelain doll. In fact, you hadn’t remembered at all until you pulled out your yearbook to check, and saw the familiar face peeking out from the back of your class photo, painted in white. Jiang Ning San, the youngest of three girls, had needed a way to distinguish herself. Her entire life, she was thrilled with the idea of dressing up, and when she discovered her mothers old Geisha photo’s, she immediately...

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The RescueChapter 9 Shopping

Malcolm led Jason down the hall to the elevator. Both men had changed back into their T-shirts and shorts once they were back on the Bottoms Up. From the lobby, Jason followed Malcolm out onto the streets of Bridgetown, a small warren of upscale boutiques and downscale tourist traps. “Let’s go in here first and get you guys some shoes,” Malcolm told the teen, pointing at a store across the way. “Lead on, Doctor Jenson.” “Call me Malcolm, and call Caroline by her name, too. We run a pretty...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 5 TriStar

Sunday, July 11, 1971 Usually, I’m a morning person. And usually, the morning of a trip, especially a trip half-way around the globe, you would find me wide-eyed and bushy-tailed. But not this morning! This morning, it was all I could do just to open one eye and glare at the delegation that was standing beside my bed as I was wondered why they had sent so many executioners just to escort me to the gallows. Because, as bad as I felt, that was where I was surely going. “C’mon, Michael,”...

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Dirty Little Secrets 10 Out in the Open

I’m on tenterhooks all Sunday waiting for the call. When it does come it’s almost dark out. It’s been just over a week since I’ve seen Catherine, what with her husband being home, although I’ve had videos of her to me to keep me company. I don’t care where he is, all I care about is that Catherine has said she has plans for us, whatever that means. She tells me to meet her in the car park outside a boarded up pub. She could have told me to meet her down in the sewers and I’d have gone.The blue...

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