Learning A Few Lessons - Chapter 3 free porn video

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I considered staying there all day, ignoring the certain humiliation that would come that day. But there was some obedient voice in the back of my head beckoning me to get up and get dressed. Dallas would surely be angry if I disobeyed his commands for the day. With a small sigh, I forced myself to uncurl from the warm comfort of my bed.

I tossed the blankets to the side and stood from my bed, glancing over to my dresser. Just before bed, I’d tucked the small vibrator Dallas had given me under my panties in the top drawer. Even the thought of what might ensue today was enough to make me cringe with nerves. Either way, I powered myself to the bathroom, turning the water in the shower on and testing it with my hand until it ran hot enough.

I hopped in, allowing the steaming water to rush over my curves, then exfoliating my skin gently with my lavender body wash. I ran some conditioner through the locks of auburn hair to help with any tangles that may try to form later in the day. And once I was clean, I exited the shower, drying myself thoroughly. Normally, getting ready for my day wasn’t so lengthy. Normally, I didn’t pay as much mind.
Today, I was stalling. Anything to prolong the insertion of the little buddy hiding in my top drawer. But once I was completely dry, I knew it was time. I could no longer put off the inevitable. I opened the drawer, taking in a deep breath as my hands busied themselves tossing the panties to the side. I plucked the 3-inch dildo up as if it might bite me, gulping nervously.

Remembering the rules Dallas had laid out, I forced myself to follow each one of them. I turned the vibrator on then spread my legs while standing. I spit a little on the index and middle finger of my free hand, gliding the spit over my slit to wet it lightly. Slowly, I brought the dildo down to my hole and lightly pressed it in. It was small, so there was barely any resistance, but I couldn’t keep the small gasp from exiting my lips.

Not at the size of the dildo, no. Because that was nothing compared to what I’d felt just last night with Dallas. It was the vibrations the dildo sent up much deeper than the dildo itself could reach and just barely tickling at the nub of my clit. I bit on my bottom lip, standing still and silent for a moment after putting it in place.

How was I going to make it through a whole day with this thing if I could barely stand a few seconds?

Still, I found that strange sense of excitement in thoughts of feeling this way for an entire day—having to face my friends and professors all the while being pleasured beneath the surface. It was thoughts like these that drew me to grab a pair of panties and pull them up over my hips. They held the dildo nicely in place. I held back moans beneath my breath, having a feeling that I’d be doing that a lot today.

As I finished dressing in one of my casual outfits, some black yoga pants and my blue district thespians t-shirt from high school. I had no intention of actually seeing Dallas today so I wasn’t concerned about impressing him. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and quickly scattered on some mascara and eyeliner. I left my room with my backpack slung over my shoulder. Already, I could feel myself nearing my first orgasm.

The small dildo between my legs continued to vibrate vigorously and my juices were already wetting my panties, I could feel that much. Every step I took, I could feel the toy moving slightly within me. I kept my eyes down, trying my best not to draw any attention from my peers who certainly all had their own classes to rush to. But as I was walking, I could feel it. The tensing up of my lower muscles, something brewing in my abdomen. And suddenly, a wonderful feeling of release. I fought off the urge to moan in the midst of the rushing students.

Although, I did have to wait a few moments before I could continue walking. And as I did, I could feel my juices rushing down around the dildo in my pussy. A pink tint covered my cheeks as I walked, hoping no one would hear the soft buzzing coming from within my pants. What was I doing? This was crazy. I considered going to the bathroom and simply pulling the thing out.

But then I remembered Dallas. I remembered what he’d done to me that first night and how much he’d filled me up in his office. I wanted that- I’d asked for it even. There was no turning back now. I was his, and he had demanded I do this.

I reached my first class a few minutes late since I’d been walking so slow. And as I came through the door, the professor made sure to stop me and ask my excuse for coming late. I kept my head down, feeling ashamed. Not ashamed that I was late, but ashamed that I was secretly being pleasured immensely within my panties while speaking to the middle-aged man who taught Calculus. I mumbled something about menstrual cramping to him and he immediately dropped the subject, allowing me to take my seat.

Luckily, in this class, I had no friends to bother me. I sat in the back corner, the only seat that was still available at that time. At first, I’d really tried to pay attention and take notes on what was being taught, but after the first few minutes of class, I felt another orgasm coming on. I leaned back in my chair, sighing softly and clenching my legs together.

My hips squirmed back and forth in my chair, trying to fight it off little by little. But my attempts were futile and I succumbed to my second orgasm of the day. I bit down hard on my lip, tightening my grip on my pencil and holding back all but a little groan. The professor shot an uncomfortable look at me. He must have thought it was more menstrual cramping.

Once the orgasm had passed, I felt exhausted. My entire body seemed to melt into the seat. I no longer paid attention to the class, the professors lecture sounded like a distant murmur. I leaned forward, doodling mindlessly on the edges of my paper. One of said doodles was interrupted by an explosive climax, resulting in a scribble off from the bunny rabbits I’d been drawing at the corner of the page. That time, I couldn’t hold back the noise.

A moan escaped me loudly.

The whole classroom went quiet. The students looked to me, the professor stared. My face was beet red, my heart thumping away in my chest. I felt as if I may just be expelled then and there. The professor cleared his throat, then spoke as calmly as he could given the situation, “Is there a problem?”

My eyebrows furrowed together, the vibrating between my legs continued on and on. For a moment, I fought back an urge to roll my eyes to the back of my head in pleasure. “I…” I was having a hard time coming up with an excuse for the sound I just made, “I just don’t feel very well…”

Two boys about my age sat a few seats down in the same row as me. They stared with smirked on their lips and whispered back and forth. It seemed they knew what was going on, but perhaps I was too paranoid in that moment. The professor spoke again, “I see. Well next time you’re not feeling well do us all a favor and don’t come into class. I don’t appreciate interruptions in my classroom. You may go.”

I took the opportunity as soon as it was set before me. I stood from my seat, gathered my books and shuffled past the chuckling boys to exit the classroom. They probably heard the hissing of the vibrator as I passed them. As soon as I was back outside, I took in a deep breath as if I’d forgotten to breathe throughout the whole ordeal. I probably had.

I couldn’t help but to think how humiliating it would be to be in the same class as those people for the rest of the semester. Once again, I wanted so badly to take the damn thing out of me and go back to my dorm. But I didn’t. I left it in. Some small invisible string was tying me to this man, some intrigue I had in him. I couldn’t give up now.

I decided since the class was meant to be two hours long, I would use up the rest of the hour and a half in my room. I started marching across campus, stopping every so often as another orgasm rocked my body. I was going to go insane by the end of the day. My pussy was aching to be fucked by something that was not plastic or rubber. Aching for Dallas. Damn it, he had a hold on me.

Just as I was approaching my dorm, though, a friend approached me. She was taller than me, a little bit heavier, but not by too much. Her skin was dark and she had short black hair and dark brown eyes. “Hey, Jessie! I haven’t seen you much the past couple days… Everything okay?”

“Oh, hey…” I spoke quietly, knowing well that my face was either ghostly pale or glowingly red in that moment. The vibrator continued its work in my slit all the while. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I just… I almost got caught the other night, so I’m trying to stay under the radar. Maybe I’m just…” My jaw dropped slightly as another orgasm neared my. I tensed up, my hands curling into small fists at my sides. Biting down on my lip, I held it back as best as I could, then looked back to Diandra with a look of desperation in my eyes, “I really gotta pee. Could we maybe pick this up another time?”

“Yeah, yeah!” Diandra had let out a soft laugh, “Go, girl! Run!”

And I did. I practically ran from her and all the way to my dorm. And once I was in the confines of my room, I allowed yet another orgasm to overtake me, this one the best of them yet since I was not holding back. My knees nearly buckled beneath me as a sea of pleasure washed over my entire body. I clenched my fists tightly, moaning out loudly, “Oh…. Fuck…” My eyelids felt heavy after I had finished cumming, but I knew I couldn’t very well climb into bed and sleep. Hell, I didn’t even know if I’d be able to with the vibrator inside of me.

I felt myself leaking through my panties. They must have been soaked. From pure curiosity, I reached my hand into my panties to feel the wetness just around the edge where the vibrator buzzed furiously. When I pulled my hand out, my fingers were covered in a clear, semi-sticky liquid. I was shocked. Dallas would have been so proud to see how many times I’d cum so far.

Shit, I realized suddenly I’d forgotten one of the rules. He had told me to count, but it had entirely slipped my mind. How many times was it already? Five? Six? I could make up a number and bring it to Dallas, but would he know I was lying? And how would he punish me for lying to him and breaking his rules. I sat in my room for the next hour, making sure to count every orgasm I had precisely, consciously. By the time I needed to leave for my next class, I was up to ten orgasms. My mind was racing and my heart rate was in a repetitive cycle of speeding up and slowing down.

Damn, I was going to sleep good tonight.

I sighed, taking up my bag again and shifting uncomfortably as I stood. I walked out into the hall, shocked to see Dallas replacing trash can liners only a few doors down. My eyes went wide. I wondered whether I should approach him or simply walk past him. But I figured the man would be somewhat angry if I passed up the opportunity to speak with him.

Casually as possible, I strolled over to Dallas. He looked up from what he was doing, quiet for a moment as he held up a finger. I didn’t speak, just allowed him a moment of silence the way he obviously seemed to want. Then he finally spoke, “You’ve still got it in, hm?”

I bit my lip, nodding my head silently.

“I asked you a question.”

Snapping out of my embarrassment, I answered him quickly, “Yes, Master.”

He smirked, pleased with himself, pleased with what he was putting me through. “How many more classes do you have today?” he asked, cocking his head a bit to the side.

“J-Just one more, Master…” my voice was hushed as a few students passed us in the hallway. I couldn’t help but to ponder how humiliating it would be if anyone found out about this- or about how it began. “But it’s… a long class.” I thought for a moment, furrowing my eyebrows at the center of my forehead, “May I please take it out..? It’s been driving me crazy and I don’t know how much more I can--”
He cut me off, “No. The rules were clear. You’ll keep it in until you go to bed tonight. Once you’ve gotten into your pajamas and are about to lay your head on the pillow- then and only then, you can take it out. Unless you’d like a whipping.”

I was tempted to just take the whipping, but I knew he wouldn’t be easy on me. I’d probably leave with bruises that would ache for days. “Yes, Master. Under… Understood,” I replied with a short nod, “I’ve got to get to class…”

He hummed, the smile ever present on his lips, “Get going. And don’t forget to keep count, my little whore.” Just before I turned away from him, he shot me a wink. I walked away, breathing deeply and trying to calm the urges for yet another orgasm. But of course, just as I approached the lecture hall, I couldn’t hold it off any longer. I stopped, pressing my back up against the brick wall of the building and fighting hard to keep myself from screaming out. I clapped my hand over my mouth, panting like a dog once the climax had subsided.

Once I was able to compose myself, which took a good five minutes or so, I made my way into the hall. I took a seat in the back of the class, concentrating on my breathing and counting every orgasm. It seemed I was slowly becoming used to the small dildo inside of me and the orgasms came less frequently during the class. It was a long two hours of World Roots of Literature and by the end of it, I was absolutely exhausted. My head was spinning like a top.

I was up to fourteen orgasms. Fourteen in one day. More than I’d ever experienced in a week, nonetheless one day. I was shocked and surprised by how much Dallas was already pushing my limits, but in some way I was enjoying every moment of it.

As soon as class was dismissed, I packed up my things and slung my bag back over my shoulder. I checked my phone to see what time it was, relieved that it was already five in the evening. Relieved that I’d be returning to my dorm to enjoy the rest of these orgasms to myself. I would no longer have to hold back. Thank God.

As per usual for the day, my eyes barely left the ground as I trudged across the campus and back to my dorm. I half-expected to find Dallas when I returned, but knew better. He had a job to do, there was no way he was waiting around for me for two hours. Surely enough, Dallas was nowhere to be seen as I walked down my hallway. I entered my dorm without any unwanted interruptions, having had only one more orgasm on the walk there.

Once the door was closed behind me, I felt my knees giving way. I staggered over to the bed and collapsed on top of it. Not able to think of anything else, I just focused on the coursing vibrations in my pussy, giving way to another orgasm every half hour or so. My panties were beyond soaked by the this point, and I swear I could feel myself start to leak through to my pants even. But I couldn’t move. I felt as if my body was a stone, my muscles too tense yet too relaxed all at once. I was just melting into the bed and pillows beneath me.

And slowly but surely, I fell asleep.

I know it seems strange that I even could what with a vibrator inside of me. And believe me, every orgasm woke with ferocity. My eyes would pop open, a few loud moans escaping through parted lips. I’d thrash my legs just a little. Then, once it had passed I’d be left feeling even more exhausted and passing out again. I didn’t even get a chance to change into my pajamas. And I most definitely was unable to keep track of the orgasms that may have occurred while I was sleeping. In fact, I was so dead to the world that around ten at night, I didn’t hear my door creak slightly as it opened, nor the footsteps approaching my bed.

I awoke to a harsh hand over my mouth and nose to keep me from screaming. In a sleepy daze, my mind went into a panic. I thrashed about, trying to defend myself but I soon felt duct tape wrapping tightly around my wrists and ankles. The hand came from my lips. I blinked my eyes tiredly, trying to distinguish the features of this man’s face in the dark room, but was only able to make out the shape of his lips in a sinister smirk.

It had to be Dallas, right? I didn’t know, though. I was scared of the possibility someone had noticed me with the vibrator and taken that as an invitation for this. I almost gained the sense to scream for help before a piece of tape was slapped hard against my lips and a hood much like a pillowcase was forced over my head and duct-taped in place around my neck.

I couldn’t see anything, I couldn’t say anything, I couldn’t move. And if this wasn’t Dallas by some odd chance, I was entirely vulnerable to a complete stranger. I felt him moving to pick me up, cradling me in his arms at first, then boosting me up so that I was slung over his shoulder. Smart move because if he’d kept me cradled for much longer, I’d have aimed a hit for his face.

Muffled pleas escaped my lips through the tape. He didn’t listen, just took me… somewhere. All I knew was that I could feel his footsteps as he carried me away. That’s when I realized that the vibrator was still inside of me, still buzzing. And I felt myself tightening up. I cursed inwardly—how the hell could I climax over something so terrifying.

I tried to kick my legs to no avail, but the orgasm inched nearer and nearer and it seemed that my lack of breath control only made that worse. I panted, panicked and afraid, but suddenly that same wave of pleasure washed over me like high tide. I moaned, body relaxing in this man’s arms for a few seconds following it. But once I’d regained full consciousness, I squirmed violently against the man’s strong arms. I mumbled something of a ‘let me go!’ through the tape.

Still, he didn’t even seem to hear me. Or at least, whatever I said didn’t faze him at all.

After a while, I have to admit that I just gave up. I comforted myself with the thought that this was Dallas, and just for fun. I hoped it was. I tried to focus on my breathing and would not allow another orgasm to flow through me. This man walked for a long time, but finally, I felt him shifting to put me down. There was a small cushion under my ass, and something cold and metal pressing against my back. I groaned a ‘please’ through the duct tape.

Once again, no response.

I huffed in irritation, but didn’t bother to speak again. What’s the use? I heard him clammering around with something, then felt cold steel against my wrists as he cut the duct tape from them. I had half the mind to swing my fists at him, but he grabbed one of my wrists and yanked it forcefully out to the side, pressing it against the cold metal on the wall, I felt a wrist suddenly wrapped around my wrist pinning it there. He tied it off, then did the exact same to my other wrist so that both my arms were held out long-ways against metal.

“How many times did you cum?” he asked as he cut the tape from my neck and yanked the hood from me, then ripped the duct tape from my mouth. My heart could have jumped out of my chest at that point with excitement. I recognized that voice. This wasn’t some stranger, this was him. Quietly, I thanked God, but I must have been quiet too long and his voice got louder, “Answer my question, whore!”
I stammered to find an answer, “I-I don’t… I don’t know… I’m…”

I didn’t get to finish apologizing before the man roughly cut through the duct tape around my ankles, then brought each of my legs up as far as they could go. I was small and I was flexible, so Dallas was able to tie each ankle to the wall, up above my head. By the time he was finished, I was entirely vulnerable and unable to move barely an inch.

“I’m very disappointed in you,” he said simply, “I gave you a simple task. You failed me. Now, why should I keep you as my cockslut?”

I frowned, shaking my head a little, “I… I’m trying, Master. I’m trying so hard… Please, just give me another chance. I p-promise, I won’t let you down again…”

For a moment, Dallas just stared at me. Then, he turned away and walked into another room. I had the first chance now to examine my surroundings. I looked up, realizing that I was up against a wall lined with various pipes which my ankles and wrists were tied tightly to. The walls were plain old concrete, as was the floor. Boxes on the opposite side of the small room where labeled with a stamp that read: Turner Industrial. I was seated on some sort of tall step stool, a towel folded beneath my ass for padding.

I waited, shifting a little against my restrained. Minutes later, Dallas returned with a pair of scissors, fully naked, and a leather whip in his other hand. My eyes widened, “Oh, please… please, don’t, Master…”

“Punishment comes for bad sluts,” he explained nonchalantly. He placed the whip down atop one of the boxes, then approached me with the scissors, “I hope you didn’t like this outfit too much.” He put a small cut into the hem of the leg of my yoga pants, then simply ripped them all the way up as if they were only paper. He did the same to the other leg. Then to my panties. Then my top, and lastly my bra. After a good ten minutes of ripping filling the tense air between us, I was naked and helpless before him.

I looked at Dallas with doe eyes, wondering what he would do next. When he turned away from me to replace the leather whip with the pair of scissors, though, I knew exactly what was coming. I braced myself for the pain. “How many whips do you think you deserve for disobeying me?” he asked.

I froze, but then sprung to answer him, “Um… th-three?”

“You’re too easy on yourself, whore,” he laughed, shaking his head, “With punishments like that, there may as well not be a punishment at all. I think you deserve… ten.”

My heart skipped beats, I was sure of it. My breathing staggered. “I… Oh, please… Not that many, Master, please…” I tried to beg and plead my case, “I’m s-s-sorry, it will never happen again.” Dallas just smirked. He didn’t seem to care much for my pleading, if anything it seemed to egg him on. He stepped closer so that he was just lined up with my pussy. If he wanted to enter me, all he’d have to do is yank that vibrator out and I’d be plenty wet for him.

But he didn’t. Instead he rose the whip up over his head and slammed its tassels full force over my exposed breasts. I cried out loudly, a stinging sensation covering nearly every inch of my chest. “Quiet the hell down, slut,” he shot me a glare. I knew I needed to obey. I couldn’t test this man’s limits. I breathed deeply, biting down on my bottom lip and waiting for the next blow.

Dallas hit me again in my chest, the thin leather straps seeming to fall in perfect alignment with all the spots they’d hit before. I held back any cries, only allowing a soft whimper to escape. He hit me again, this time on my stomach twice. Then on the back of my right thigh. The back of my right thigh. It seemed almost as if the man had worked out a science to this. My pale skin was covered in tiny red welts by the time eight whippings were up.

Tears boiled up in my eyes, but I blinked them down. Inhale, exhale.

“Two more,” Dallas reminded me, as if I wasn’t already counting it in my head, waiting for it to be over. He reached out with his free hand, though, pressing on the edge of the vibrator until it was as deep inside me as it could possibly go. He held it there. I moaned, rocking my hips slightly at the motion. Then, I felt the tightness approaching. Another orgasm was on its way—was that his goal?

Just as I was about to climax, Dallas stepped back, aiming two hard and precise lashes directly to my pussy. As the first one hit, I came, moaning and groaning loudly, eyes rolling to the back of my head in pleasure and in pain. As the second one came in succession, I lost it. I bucked my hips, nearly knocking the stool over. Dallas dropped the whip and rushed to settle me down, pressing down on my hips until I’d managed to regain my composure.

He chuckled, “Good girl…”

My breaths came in shallow pants, my slit stinging wildly. I nodded at him nonetheless, looking desperately into his eyes as I said, “Th-Thank you, Master.”

“Maybe you’re not a hopeless cause, hm?” the man smirked. His hand glided down to my pussy, fingers picking at the edge of the vibrator and pulling it out. The relief I felt as the toy exited my hole was incredible. I’d never felt anything like it. I sighed in relief, breathing softly. I could feel my juices leaking from inside my slit out over my ass cheeks and inner thighs. I was humiliated and a light blush covered my cheeks. “What do you want?” he asked me.

I bit down on my bottom lip, wriggling my hips slightly as I rose my pelvis to show him exactly what I wanted. A vibrator in my pussy all day had left me craving the real thing. And with my eyes locked on his hard member, I spoke softly, “I want your dick, please, Master…”

“Where?” Dallas asked, rising the flogger and landing it hard, but not as hard as before on the back of my right thigh.

I whimpered lightly, legs shaking, “M-My pussy… Please, Master.”

He smirked, stepping forward so that he was mere inches from me. I watched him with an innocent gaze, brows furrowing together at the feeling of his tip at my entrance. But he didn’t enter me just yet. Dallas instead took his cock in his hand and rubbed it up and down slowly at first, then quickly. He felt sensational against my overly sensitive clit and pussy lips. I moaned, closing my eyes and running my tongue along my bottom lip.

But I was soon met with another hard whip right across my breasts. My eyes popped open, directly at the man standing before me. I gave him a look as if to ask what I’d done wrong, but before my lips could even move to speak it, he answered me, “Yeah, that’s right, whore. Keep your eyes wide open and watch me fuck you.”

I frowned and nodded my head at him. Another rule to follow. And obediently, I would. Dallas slowly slipped himself between the wet lips of my pussy. I rose my hips just as much as I could to meet him, wanting him deeper. I kept my eyes on him, on his every single movement. His lips were we curled into a smirk, glancing down to watch me buck my hips.

“Oh, you want to work for it?” he asked, arching a brow.

I whimpered, resting back onto the stool. “I-I don’t know, Master… What do you want me to do..?”

He laughed, “Well, I was just going to fuck you hard. But it seems you’re eager to get a work out. So I want to see what you can do. Come on. Fuck me, whore.”

A soft sigh escaped from me, but he had given me an order. And I always followed his orders at least to the best of my abilities. I struggled at first, bending my knees in the position my ankles were tied to the wall behind me, using them for leverage to lift my hips entirely off the stool beneath me. Dallas’ length slid entirely into me. I moaned, slowly lowering myself, then raising my hips back up.

I did this a few times, allowing his length to enter me, then exit up to the tip. Back and forth, back and forth until finally, my thighs were burning. I stopped, steadying myself on the stool and looking to the man expectantly. He didn’t seem amused, “Did I tell you to stop?”

“No, Master, but…” I shook my head a little, “It hurts…”

“So, what do you want?”

“I… Please, fuck me, Master,” my eyes lowered from him for a split second in shame.

Dallas shook his head, then paused as if to think for a moment. After a short moment, he finally looked at me again. I felt small underneath his gaze, nervous that he would no longer want me as his prospect. He made three ‘tsk’ sounds of disappointment before speaking sternly, “We are going to have to build up your stamina, dear. Because this- this just won’t do.”

He placed his hands on either thigh and pulled me into him harshly, burying himself deeply within the walls of my pussy. I moaned out loudly, eyes rolling to the back of my head. All day, somewhere in the back of my mind, I’d been hoping for this. It felt almost like a dream come true. “Oh… Thank you, Master…” I moaned out the words between each slow, deep thrust, “That feels… so good…”

“Good girl,” he whispered, continuing the steady thrusts and from the look on his face, he was enjoying this just as much as me. “You know how wet you are, you little slut?” he asked, running his fingers along my slit which was still stuffed full with his cock. He raised his hand up, fingers soaked with a slightly sticky clear liquid.

I bit my lip, feeling my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

But then, he rose his hand closer to my face, ordering me, “Open your mouth. Taste your juices.”

The look on my face must have been one of fear. I’d never done that before, I had no clue what my own juices, nor anyone else’s must have looked like. Either way, though, I knew if I refused the order, I would be punished. And the spots in which Dallas had flogged me stung furiously and reminded me that I did not want or need any more welts upon my pale skin.

Slowly, I parted my lips and Dallas took the opportunity to stick his fingers inside. “That’s right, baby…” he chuckled under his breath, “Lick it all up, use your tongue.” I followed his demands, closing my lips around his fingers and swirling my tongue around his two fingers. Surprisingly, the taste of my juices was something sweet, yet slightly salty. Like salt sprinkled over watermelon. And once the taste was gone, I released his fingers to lick my lips. “You like that, whore?” he asked.

“Yes, sir…” I blushed again. I couldn’t believe I’d just done that.

He withdrew his hand completely, placing it back on my thigh and bucking his hips into mine hard. From here, Dallas picked up his pace. He buried himself inside, pulled back, then back inside once again. Harder and harder each time. The sounds coming through my lips were entirely uncontrollable and so loud. I found myself glad that the campus was closed, and thus empty. Because if this had happened during open hours, we would have certainly been caught in the act.

He fucked me so hard that the pipes to which my ankles and ankles were tied rattled. I thought they might come unhinged if he continued on at this rate, and yet I wished for him to continue. Every single thrust he gave to me brought complete ecstasy. My mind was racing, yet I found myself more at peace than ever before.

And he was so deep. Every time he dove into me, I felt myself swimming, floating. I knew this feeling well by now, approaching orgasm ever-so-slowly. My breaths became more ragged and at times, I even held my breath unconsciously.

Then suddenly, I knew it was about to happen. My muscles tightened up, I found it hard to speak. But I knew what Dallas would want in this moment and I could not disappoint him again. “Master, can I please cum? Please, please, please!” He grinned widely, moving one of his hands over to the crest of my pussy and running his thumb along the small nub that was my clit. He nodded at me, eyes locked on mine.

That was permission enough. I gave in to the urge that had been building up for so long now. My hips bucked, legs struggling against their restraints to no avail as my entire body spasmed with a mind-blowing orgasm. I moaned so loudly I could have sworn it echoed through the small room. And once I’d finished, Dallas continued to fiddle with my clit and fuck me hard.

I couldn’t keep my eyes open, as hard as I tried. I closed them tightly, biting down on my lip to fight back the vulnerable sounds escaping me at once. While Dallas continued to fuck me, he took his hand away from my clit, bringing the whip down hard over and over on my breasts. The first few times, it stung. It hurt. But after a little while, I barely felt the tassels as they made contact with my reddened skin.
He kept going like a race horse, a finish line in view apparently. And just as I was about to reach the feeling of another orgasm building up within me, he plunged himself deeply inside of me and groaned. His body convulsed slightly. He stopped whipping me at this point, but remained buried in me for a few moments. I felt him emptying his load inside me. And as he pulled out, I felt it leak from me, down my pussy and my ass crack.

My body was aching from the position I’d been tied in, but quivering from the pleasure mixed with pain he’d given me. My eyelids felt heavy as I looked up at the man, “Thank you, Master.”

“You’re very welcome, beautiful,” he winked, leaning over me to lay a soft kiss upon my forehead. And I felt proud. For pleasing him, for following his every order. At some point, it just clicked in my mind that this was what I was made for. Whatever he wanted, whatever he needed – I was his. I would do whatever it took to stay that way.


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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 7 Lessons Learned

They took their bags and went to the car. Michael placed this all in the trunk with the other stuff and then let her in the car. Then got in and started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. “Where do you want to eat?” Thinking on it she said, “I don’t care, we can go to that truck stop from this morning if you like. The food was great.” “Okay the truck stop it is,” he told her, pleased that she like his favorite diner. She thought on how to ask Michael about the money as...

2 years ago
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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt1

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

1 year ago
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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt3

Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life By Frodov This story is based entirely on true experiences from...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt2

Life is a tapestry, a cloth woven of many different threads that create the whole. This story is a thread, one of many, contributing to the waft and weave that is the Whole cloth, being Jim. Being Jim Ch.6 Lessons of Life By Frodov This story is based entirely on true experiences from my past. Names and a few details have been changed to...

1 year ago
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Learning a Few Lessons Chapter 10

I was 18 at the time, freshly graduated from high school in the top ten percent of my class. I was short for my age with no real hope of growing any taller than my 5 feet even. I weighed 130 pounds, a bit thicker than most girls my height, but I felt comfortable and fit in my own skin. Hell, I was in the best shape of my life. And where my stomach was mostly flat, my ass and thighs had no shortage of lean meat. I had b-cup breasts – something I’d once felt insecure about, but had now accepted...

4 years ago
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The driving lessons

Rachel Doyle stirred drowsily in the fragrant bubble bath as the shrill ring of the alarm clock woke her from her slumber. She had fallen asleep for 20 minutes in the warm scented water and reached drowsily for the bath-tub plug to release the soapy suds and quickly shower. The pretty 24 year old brunette was 6 months into her in-turnship with JP Morgan and was anxious to climb the corporate ladder and join the rat race in the world of investment banking. Thus far she was well on her way, with...

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Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad

Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad- Chapter 1 I am in my Stepdad's room. My parents are divorced. I am living with my Stepdad. I turned 18 yrs old a few months ago, young and horny and very curious. My Stepdad is at work (or so I think). Being the horny k** that I am - I am snooping around my stepfather's bedroom hoping to find some porno. After going through his drawers, under the bed and not having any luck, I go to his closet. Above the rack of hanging clothes is a single shelf with folded...

2 years ago
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Swim Lessons

I'm sitting here in my car, soaking wet and wearing nothing but my boxer briefs with three things on my mind: 1) how the hell did that just happen? 2) why didn't I bring a towel or a change of clothes? and 3) when can I fuck that tight little pussy again? But I guess I should start a bit earlier in the story...I met her a couple of months ago, but I had heard about her long before that. See Cat was the talk of the men's locker room. Almost every guy in the club either knew her or knew of her,...

1 year ago
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Private Lessons

Brenda Richter was one of those girls that every other girl in the school either loved or hated, but all envied. Michelle was no different. She had admired the girl's curvaceous, perfect body and cover-girl looks since she first met her. Brenda had a confident air about her that was disarming too, though this didn't seem like a great mystery to the lesser blessed girls of the school; with looks like Brenda's--those penetrating green eyes, long, flowing wavy blond hair, and silken, flawless...

3 years ago
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Her Advanced Driving Lessons

A few months after Sue passed her driving test we were married. Two young people free from the constraints of living with our parents, renting our first flat and working hard to keep our heads above water.Sue had managed to find a well paid job which, unfortunately, required her to drive 25 miles each way daily. There was nothing for it but to buy her a little car for work, which we managed to do with a loan from her parents. But it didn't stop there, the insurance on the car for a 20 year old...

4 years ago
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Flight Lessons

After my divorce following nearly twenty years of marriage, I settled into a condo in Central New Jersey. The combination of not having a wife and the freedom of condo living gave me newfound opportunity. The time saved by not having to maintain a house combined with the free time afforded me by being single was something I really made use of. It gave me the chance to do things I had always wanted to do but never had the time. Travel and time for my hobbies such as my guitar playing were no...

4 years ago
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Flight Lessons

After my divorce following nearly twenty years of marriage, I settled into a condo in Central New Jersey. The combination of not having a wife and the freedom of condo living gave me newfound opportunity. The time saved by not having to maintain a house combined with the free time afforded me by being single was something I really made use of. It gave me the chance to do things I had always wanted to do but never had the time. Travel and time for my hobbies such as my guitar playing were no...

1 year ago
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Anatomy Lessons Part Two

Anatomy Lessons - Part TwoBy billy69boyMy heart skipped a beat for several reasons, but I didn't spend any time contemplating them. I was more interested in my early morning guest floating around in my pool. I wondered how long she'd been there."Hello, Kendra, and a good morning to you," I responded, trying not to sound too excited."I hope you don't mind me being here so early. Actually, I came over as soon as mom left for work." She explained, answering my question before I asked."No, no...

2 years ago
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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 06

As Chloe & Cedric were resting from their coupling, he was wondering about what had transpired that evening. He had never met any female like Chloe before. Her aggressiveness took him by surprise. In his experience when girls were aggressive, they invariably wanted something from him. Usually they wanted a committed relationship, and by sleeping with him, they were hoping to get him trapped into one right away. In such cases it was always a hassle to get rid of such girls. However in Chloe’s...

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Flight Lessons

I had discussed it with an old friend from high school who had done it years ago. He had his own plane for a while and found it quite enjoyable and rewarding. I thought even if I never own my own plane it would be fun. I knew it would not be cheap. I was told it would set me back approximately eight to ten thousand dollars with all the lessons and fuel costs to get my Private Pilot certifications, so I knew what to expect. I was single, had no child support and my job was doing well so this...

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Piano Lessons How It Bega

When my husband left me, saying he has fallen in love with another, I felt numb. I couldn't believe it. But, I had no time to wallow in the pain I felt. I had two kids now to take care of, alone, full-time. I decided a part-time job, along with the job I already had was the answer. I could do it at home as well. Piano lessons had always brought me joy. I let it slip as the children got older, focusing more on them. * Now it is a year later, my husband is now my ex, my kids are stable, happy...

3 years ago
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Learning Lessons

Night was falling on the small town. Kendra and Mariana were both stumbling back to their dorm. The women attended the small town’s local college. It being a Friday, in true college form there were parties to be had and clubs to hop and the pair had been partying for hours and were quite inebriated. As they stumbled down the darkened street, the spotted one of their classmates, Mary Jones. She was dressed in her typical black jeans and torn black tank top, with her usual heavy black mascara and...

2 years ago
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From Teen Bride to Hot Wife 8 Lessons for her Driving Instructor

Joe is home, and for a while, their lovemaking becomes that of their first months together all those years ago when Caroline was just sixteen. When they surface again and lie limb knotted and fused in the hush of their darkening bedroom, Caroline begins to sob quietly from the joy of her man back at her side. And in the silence of the deepening night, before she drifts off to sleep, she wishes tonight could be a new beginning, that the world would leave her alone and that she had never set foot...

Wife Lovers
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Good Bad Fucking Lessons From Porn Movies

In addition to its ability to cheer you up in times of need, porn has some useful lessons to impart to its viewers. On the other hand, some of these are hideous faux pas that every man should avoid like the plague -- or gonorrhea, for that matter. Then there are the great lessons porn has to offer us all. Pornography is generally a healthy staple of any man’s life, but beware: Not all porn is helpful to your sex life. Watching porn with your girlfriend can be a great way to learn about each...

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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt6

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

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Lessons from Duddy Lesson two

Lessons from Duddy (Lesson two)A play on the story written by tuggit4me.https://xhamster.com/stories/lessons-from-duddy-9745876It was one week after my first lesson that duddy asked me to join him back in his office.I was a tad less enthusiastic about going back in, because the taste of his sperm was still lingering in my mouth, and I did not particularly enjoy it that much.However I obeyed like a good girl and entered promptly when he called me over.He sat in his chair behind his big wooden...

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 18 Lessons

"No! No! No! You must relax! Clear your mind and feel the tranquility of peace wash over you. You cannot force yourself to feel peaceful! There is a diametric opposition in the concepts of force and peace. Would you not agree with me on this principle? Good! Well, then have you not heard a single word I have said? You are attempting to force a meditative state, which is not possible. Trust me! Now, try again. Close your eyes. Relax. Listen to the sound of your breathing. In and out. In and...

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Dance Lessons Continued

I put the shower on to cover up any sounds that might have escaped the bathroom that might sound like I was pleasuring myself. I put some lotion on my hand and began to stroke my already very hard cock. I sat on the toilet, closed my eyes, and my mind went right to the dance lesson. How good it felt to have my hands on Joanne’s soft body as I listened to her instructions on how to do the hustle. As my right hand continued to stroke my hard shaft, my minds eyes saw Joanne down on her...

3 years ago
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New Neighbor Lessons End

I am so thankful to everyone who has posted comments and helpful suggestions to my first two stories. I plan to continue to write and try my hand at this. Writing erotica has always been a secret desire. I didn’t know if anyone would like it or care to read it. I appreciate your encouragement and guidance. Donna and her daughter Dawn had just spent the last hour milking my cock for all it was worth. I had never been so completely satisfied orally in my life. By the end of Donna’s...

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Salvation Ch 27 Davids Painful Lessons

teachers at Avondale, but Lady Bennett his sponsor, enjoyed nothing more than to watch the young Adonis as he struggled to cope with the all the pain and humiliation of his punishments. At the sound of the wake up bell, David made his way to the cleansing room, never minding to put anything on. Morning ablutions at Avondale are always assisted, and he smiled as a naked Rebecca Allcot eagerly awaited his arrival. "Come along David!" she told him, holding an enema nozzle in one...

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Roja Love Lessons

1981-82 Roja : Lessons in satisfying a woman With help from Ragini15, a member who writes delightful stories about Odiya passions ***** Sexual activity in engineering college days consisted of groping willing female workers, and if the time and price was right a romp in the bushes. During the festival of holi, the last on campus, some guys got the idea to seduce a couple of sexy ones for a romp. While I did not screw any, I managed to grope a few and shagged a couple of times. For the less...

4 years ago
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Babysitter Gets Caught Then Gets Schooled Shocking Revelations Final Lessons Collecting Debts

Introduction: When the twins walk in on a lesson session, thats when more secrets are revealed. And so both Jason & Joey give the babysitter her final lesson. As Jason and Joey both just sat there still stunned by what theyve just walked in on, Joey notices the wine bottle I bought for me and their mother for our wedding anniversary that was half empty. Then Joey begins fuming(as they both begin to put two & two together, immediately suspecting Kayleen),.., Let me take a wild stab, this is the...

3 years ago
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Riding Lessons

Riding Lessons----------It was almost unbearably quiet all day, virtually too hot for most to venture to the farm and ride horses. Even the boarders who always visited to care for their horses had called out, making the workload heavier. By noon, I had pulled my bra off and tied off the bottom of my blouse with only one button remaining. The sweat poured down my chest causing the blouse to cling tightly leaving little to the imagination.I stood under the huge fans in the barn praying the air...

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Private Lessons

My name is Adaeze, am 30 years old, am married, my husband is in Europe. I am fair, slim, and tall and my stats are 34 28 32. One day my neighbour came with her daughter who was in class 12 and asked me to take science tuitions for her as I was a science graduate as she requested very much and also I did not have much work to do as I was staying alone in my house. So I accepted. Soon more students started joining.It was only one more month to exams and regular students only came once in a week...

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Learning the Lessons of Love

The tightening of your arm around my shoulders brought me out of the light slumber I’d fallen into but a few moments before. I glanced up at you, my eyes half-closed in the urge to drop off to sleep. You simply smiled and pulled my head against your chest. I cuddled against you a tiny bit, and sighed when your fingers began to run lazy patterns through my coppery hair. I was a kitten, safe in the paws of a gentle mother. In front of us, the waves crashed noisily against the earthen barrier...

1 year ago
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Learning from the Expert Jennifers Blowjob Lessons

Amber woke up this morning feeling very excited. Today was the day she had been asked to be a guest speaker at a Medical Symposium. She couldn't believe it! A roomful of prominent physicians and surgeons would be listening to her every word as she told them all that she knew about her favorite subject. .. blowjobs. At first, she was shocked when her husband’s doctor had approached her about it. “Why would they want me?” she asked. "Well...," the doctor said. "The symposium is all about male...

Group Sex
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Guitar Lessons

As we grow older, it’s only natural to think back on the events of one’s life. Every now and then, I do the same. Religiously, I read through the ‘Irish Sports Page'. (For those unfamiliar with the term, I refer to the obituary column.) One Sunday, one of them caught my eye. It read, “Antoinette Dellasandro, 85, widow of the late Mario Dellasandro, survived by a daughter, Dierdre.” It brought me back to when I was a teenager. It was the spring of ’66 and I was halfway through my senior year of...

First Time
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Cousin Julies Sex Lessons

Last night my 19 year old cousin Julie showed up at our door all in tears. Babs let her in and tried to find out what was wrong. Julie’s tears kept flowing for nearly ten minutes before Babs was finally able to calm her down enough to speak.Julie told her that her boyfriend dumped her because she was terrible at sex. They had been dating for two years and only recently had she given in to his sexual longings. Julie told Babs that she tried to give Clint a blowjob but he told her she was...

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09 Gay Beginnings Part2 Further Lessons Other Wonders

Gay Beginnings Part-2 Further Lessons Other Wonders. Bunty was true to his word. When we returned from our respective schools on the evening of what was to be the fourth night he was spending in my room, he asked me to go with him to a rather secluded and lonely spot near the river. He said he had much to tell me and that would be the ideal spot where we would not be overheard. Initially the things he told me made me go red with embarrassment and confusion. But Bunty was clever. He...

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Salvation Ch 15 Cruel Lessons

the facilities fresh on her mind. Having Herbert to take care of all the paperwork had freed her to entertain her many distinguished visitors and to be able to indulge herself in her greatest passion, the abuse, punishment and torture of her young charges. Jim Cosgrove appeared from the side entrance, three young girls in front of him, all with that special glow and look to their faces that spoke of a secret knowledge, a special knowing of what was in store for them. "Miss...

4 years ago
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The Backpackers 1 ndash Lessons

The author kindly advises that this story is not entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionist hardcore sex and is not suitable for persons under 18 years old.The Backpackers 1 – Lessons(A Thai woman teaches two Swedish teenagers the pleasures of exhibitionist sex in front of an audience.)Fjällgatan, Stigberget. Early Sunday morning. I sit on my bike in my blue Lycra, out of breath, sweaty, as I lean on the fence alongside the elevated road. I look out over the panorama in...

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Swim Lessons Get Sexy

Jason groaned as his turned off the alarm clock. Summer was winding down and instead of spending it at the beach or out with friends this was yet another day he would be spending at work. He couldn’t really complain though. After all teaching swim lessons was a great job to have during his summer breaks from university. After a quick shower and bowl of cereal he hopped in his truck and drove to work. He walked into the pool deck with in his trunks and faded lifeguard shirt. The staff room was...

1 year ago
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Craft Lessons Lead To Lesbian Encounters

I’d finished my second lesson for the day in card making to groups of ladies at the two-day craft fair in a nice country town. As I talked to a number of ladies about their crafting problems I began to think about packing my equipment and looking for a motel. One last woman patiently waited my attention. We had a pleasant discussion about cards when she put out a hand to introduce herself. Liz had a firm dry handshake. She asked me where I was staying. I told her I hadn’t booked anywhere just...

2 years ago
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Swim Lessons Get Sexy

Jason groaned as his turned off the alarm clock. Summer was winding down and instead of spending it at the beach or out with friends this was yet another day he would be spending at work. He couldn’t really complain though. After all teaching swim lessons was a great job to have during his summer breaks from university. After a quick shower and bowl of cereal he hopped in his truck and drove to work. He walked into the pool deck with in his trunks and faded lifeguard shirt. The staff room was...

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AmlieChapter 23 French Lessons

[Early Autumn, 1678] At the print shop, Oxford THE MOST BEAUTIFUL woman in the world. When he reached his majority his parents had insisted he learn French at the small college where he’d enrolled several years earlier. Exceptional promise brought him to the attention of his instructors. For his first years he was among the youngest students at the college. He did not understand the reasons for learning French, but he was used to doing what his parents told him to do and so he set out to...

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Extra Curricular StudiesChapter 6 Another pupil for extra lessons

Stephen A few days later Clarissa arrived back and stood in the kitchen and glowered at me. "Stephen Faulkes, I apologise for my behaviour on Boxing Day. I am sorry for what I said and I hope you will forgive me." The words came out as though she were reciting a piece of poetry. "Clarrie, that is about the most insincere apology I have ever heard; an apology that wasn't an apology. However, for now we'll let it go. It seems that we have to live together even if neither of us like the...

1 year ago
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Daddys Lessons VI

“I want to suck on you,” Abby says into Mat’s mouth. His hand is down her shorts as they lay on the couch. He pauses the motion on his daughter’s clit, warm fingertips playing in her wetness.He shakes his head.“Not tonight, baby.”“Why?”“Because.”“When, then?” she says softly. She knows he enjoyed what she did to him a few days ago. She also knows he has always been reluctant to let her gratify him. What she doesn't understand is why.Abby did a fantastic job sucking Mat’s dick for the first...

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Lessons In Life

This story is basically about my first lessons in sex and maybe my appreciation of mature women to this day. At the time I was sixteen and had my second girlfriend. Second girl I had had sex with that is. The first one was a girl who lived on the other side of Birmingham who was more of just a sex thing than anything else. The second one was closer to home who I sometimes took out on dates and we acted in proper boyfriend/girlfriend manner.One day Mrs Hood ( changed for obvious reasons ) was in...

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Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons----------The new pool was a great hit at the farm with many visitors taking swims after riding in the hot summer sun. While it was posted that there was not a lifeguard, we did manage to have many faithful visitors and farm helpers present to oversee the activities in the pool to keep them as safe as possible. My girlfriend, Kelly, had again arrived unexpectedly, to spend 2 weeks unwinding and relaxing from her job. She worked out constantly in the gym keeping trim and slim....

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Sailing Lessons

I had taken two weeks off to vacation at the lake. It was going to be sort of a working vacation, since I would be working on Uncle Ed's cabins. Uncle Ed is my wife's uncle, who has more money than he knows what to do with. He owns a whole resort on the lake, complete with about twenty cabins. He usually sets aside ten or so cabins in the middle of the summer for all of the shirt-tail relatives to use and a sort of loose family reunion ensues every summer.This summer was a little different for...

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Babita Driving Cum Sex Lessons

Hi guys , your naughty professor is back. So After I got good response to my previous stories I am back to share another experience of my sex life/For those who don’t know me myself naughty professor, Sachin, age 24, average built , creative guru in satisfying any girl or ladies known for being a funny sex maniac. Any bhabhi or girls from Delhi and Chennai can contact me for sex chat and confidential relationships.100 % satisfaction and privacy are guaranteed from naughty professor. Waiting for...

2 years ago
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Salsa Lessons

Growing up as a guy, I hated to dance - almost never did it, too self- conscious, would rather sit and watch others than try it myself. As a girl, I love to dance, but still have this nagging feeling that I am not doing it right, don't have rhythm or girl moves, that I look like a dork. So, I signed up for salsa dance lessons given through a local community college adult education. I went in guy-mode for 6 weeks of lessons - the other students were mostly girls and 1 or 2 couples....

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Retirement Home Lessons Learned Harmony

The Retirement Home Lessons Learned - Harmony Achieved As Kathy arrived home for the night, she couldn't help but to wonder what Pete had in store for her. She went ahead and got ready for bed as instructed, and hoped that Pete would be able to remove the lock from her special panties, so she could be free of the nasty pad she had dealt with all day long. She was happy that this was not something she had to experience on monthly basis, and considered how lucky men and...

4 years ago
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Cindys Lessons

CINDY’S LESSONS   Part  1Author’s Note: This story is related to the story ?My Daughter Becomes My Mistress?.  For those of you that haven’t read that story, I will give a brief setup to this story. For those of you that read ?My Daughter Becomes My Mistress?, you can skip this ?setup? and start at the ?beginning? of the story. Although this story relates to the other, it is separate and can stand on its own without necessarily knowing the other story. That is why it is not just a continuation....

2 years ago
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Lessons From The Librarian

Codes: M/f, caning, school setting, BDSM, real, romantic, consensual, Real Life Synopsis: Shannon routinely gets into trouble at school, until she finally meets her match, in the form of the school’s librarian. Her lessons eventually extend beyond those the school teaches. Author’s notes – This story started based on a photo as a task for Qmoq. I enjoyed writing it so much that I’ve continued working on it. There are more chapters to come. I have to thank Q for being the inspiration behind...

1 year ago
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Being Jim Ch6 Lessons of Life pt4

I would like to apologize in advance to my readers. In the retelling of this story it sort of took on a life of its own. Normally my tales are fairly brief and concise, this one however seemed only to grow as I put pen to paper. (Figuratively speaking). Since it did turn out to be rather long I have decided to break it down into several smaller portions both for ease in posting and for reader consumption. That said… I hope you enjoy this long winded tale. It is...

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Sharon The professor gives lessons again3

I did know she had several boys before me and she wasn’t a virgin. I knew the one she was seeing was a bully, so I used him as a reason if she asked why . Ryan was her boyfriend and he found out I had a date with her and was pissed off. He cornered me the next day and threatened to beat me up if I even talked to her again. That seemed like a good excuse , and surprisingly she told me later that he threatened all the boys in school. Finally the call came from Sharon telling me to come over,...

1 year ago
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Cabin Story 3Chapter 3 More love lessons

I woke to the smell of sizzling bacon. Aunt Marti was making breakfast. I looked over to see her bare ass as she bent down to put the cooked strips into the oven to stay warm. Her cunt lips winked at me from between her gorgeous ass cheeks. "You've got a great looking ass, Aunt Marti." She turned around to look at me. I was disappointed to see that her breasts were concealed behind an old-fashioned apron. The disappointment must have shown on my face. Aunt Marti laughed. "I've learned...

3 years ago
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Extra lessons from Mrs Renauldrsquos

It was just under two and a half years before l finished my education to joined the big wide world as far as l was concerned there was nothing else anyone could teach me, but l was wrong very wrong. I was part of a small group who needed extra English lessons and as you read my story, you’ll see l didn’t pay much attention. I never took much notice, but the teacher Mrs Renauld’s would run her fingers through my hair as she passed me while l was sat at my desk and often tell me l had soft...

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Extra lessons from a woman

It was just under two and a half years before l finished my education to joined the big wide world as far as l was concerned there was nothing else anyone could teach me, but l was wrong very wrong. I was part of a small group who needed extra English lessons and as you read my story, you’ll see l didn’t pay much attention. I never took much notice, but the teacher Mrs Renauld’s would run her fingers through my hair as she passed me while l was sat at my desk and often tell me l had soft...

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the Music Lessons

The student was a young, petite, pretty Japanese girl who had come to New York from her home in Japan to sing jazz. She often felt alone in New York city. So many faces, and music pouring out of the clubs downtown. She gravitated towards the small community of Japanese students, often spending her nights with them. Her teacher was a bassist, and came highly recommended by the staff at the school. She had no idea that the lessons were to cover far more territory than music. She had...

4 years ago
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Driving Lessons Chapter 2

Her daddy, Louis, had given her a driving lesson each day for the past two weeks; they even had multiple lessons each day that he was home from work. And, without fail, each lesson ended with Sarah taking a load of her daddy's hot cum in her twat. A few times she had given him a blowjob first, because she had heard that guys could fuck longer if they had already cum. It hadn't taken long for Sarah to discover that she loved the taste of her daddy's cum, almost as much as she loved feeling...

2 years ago
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New Neighbors Lessons 2

This work is 100% fiction and there is no one or life experience I am basing this on. Donna had told me that her daughter Dawn was going to ask me some questions about sexuality. surprised but I accepted the responsibility because she didn't have a father to talk to about such things. Long story short, she wanted to see and feel a penis. Now she wants to continue her lessons and her mother just told me that she wants to learn more ...We finally came up for air and then she said, "Now,...

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