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"Bless me Father for I have sinned. In the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit, my last confession was six months ago."

"Go ahead, child. What grievous sin have you committed since your last confession?"

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to gain my composure before I confessed.

"Father, I keep having these sinful thoughts about a man, I know it's wrong but I cannot stop these feelings. I keep thinking of ways to attract his attention. I have also started smoking cigarettes."

I closed my eyes and winced on the other side of the screened window, waiting for Father McGowan's response.

"And just who is this man?"

"He is my Math teacher, Father."

"Oh, child, and just what did you intend to do if you got this man's attention?"

"I ... I don't know, Father."

"And what of these feelings you have been having?"

"Well, I get feelings, Father, feelings inside me ... I ..."

"Go on, child, confess all before God."

"Well, I have sexual feelings, Father."

"All right, child. I understand. You have just turned eighteen years old and these are confusing and dangerous times for a young girl. You are entering into womanhood. But do not engage with this man, or any other men. There are people out there, especially men with authority who will only take advantage of your innocence. You must wait until you are married. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father."

"As for smoking, it is only sinful if you abuse it. The virtue of temperance disposes us to avoid every kind of excess, the abuse of food, alcohol, tobacco or medicine. Do you understand, child?"

"Yes, Father."

"However, I suggest you stop smoking as it will only become addictive and damage your health."

"Yes, Father."

"For your penance I shall speak to your parents and tell them you are to help out around the church after school for two evenings a week and every Mass for an entire month. Now let me hear your Act of Contrition."

"O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because I have offended you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen."

"God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good."

"For his mercy endures forever."



I left the church feeling a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I went straight home and waited for Father McGowan to phone my parents. When I arrived at the house my mother opened the front door with a non to happy expression on her face.

"I don't know what you have confessed to Father McGowan, young lady but you will serve your penance, your father and I will make sure of it."

"Yes, mum." I said trudging up the steps and into the house.

The next morning my mother decided that I had better start my penance right away. She insisted that I go straight from school that very evening and told me she would be informing Father McGowan.

I arrived at the church about thirty minutes after school had finished and I was greeted by Mrs Thomas, who was a real volunteer helping Father McGowan. She welcomed me inside telling me how delighted she was that I had volunteered to come and help out. I assumed Father McGowan had lied to protect me, but then hadn't he sinned in doing that? No, that couldn't be possible, Mrs Thomas must have her wires crossed I told myself.

After about an hour of cleaning Father McGowan's rectory, Mrs Thomas came to check on me, explaining that she had to leave a little earlier than planned and that Father McGowan would be along shortly to see me. I told her it was no problem and went into the kitchen to do some more cleaning.

A short while later Father McGowan entered the kitchen. I was finishing off cleaning the dishes when he came up behind me.

"Ah, Sophie, I see you're keen to start your penance." He said, stinking of alcohol.

"Um ... yes, Father." I replied turning around but stepping away from his bad breath.

"Are you ok, Sophie?" He asked concern on his face as I eagerly stepped aside.

"Yes, Father."

"Very well, come and sit with me for a few minutes, I'd like to have a chat with you." He said, pointing towards the lounge.

I sat down on the large chocolate brown sofa and was a little shocked when Father McGowan came and sat right next to me. He draped his arm on the back of the sofa behind me.

"You look nervous. Are you ok?" He asked, moving his arm down over my shoulders.

I stiffened at his touch. "Yes, Father, I'm ok." I lied.

"I'm so happy you had the courage to come and confess your sins the other day, Sophie." He said smiling warmly at me.

"It's what I'm supposed to do, Father." I told him.

"Yes it is, but at eighteen years of age not many girls stick to their Catholic beliefs I'm sad to say. But you, Sophie," he went on, moving my hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear, "you came to see me, and I will help you, my dear."

I looked down at the floor, trying to hide the warmth in my cheeks as he touched and stroked my hair.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Sophie?" He asked.

I shook my head no. "I'm not really allowed to date until I've finished my exams. I said.

"That's very good parenting if you ask me. You should get your education sorted first then meet a fine young man who is on the same level as yourself, a handsome Catholic man." He chuckled. "You don't want to end up dating some drop-out." He said. "And besides, these young men today can't be trusted."

I laughed. "That's what my father says."

"That's because he knows what he is talking about." He said, gently tracing a finger down my neck and along the collar of my school blouse. "We will both have to keep an eye on you, wont we?"

"No harm in dating though, is there, Father? I mean I wouldn't do ... you know ... anything."

Father McGowan smiled at my innocence. "You'll have finished school in no time, you'll be in university getting your well deserved degree and then you'll be all grown up experiencing adult life. Honestly, Sophie, there is no rush."

"I suppose so." I shrugged.

"Anyway, back to work, your mother will be here soon." He said, brushing his hand against my breast as he stood up and left.

For the next few weeks this sort of behaviour by Father McGowan continued. At some time during the evenings whilst I was cleaning he would come and see me, Mrs Thomas had always left by this time, and he would sit me down on the large sofa. We would talk about school, my hobbies and friends, and he would always play with my hair, stroking it before running his fingers down my neck and back. After a while I learned to relax and enjoy it as it always felt nice, but it also turned me on and I felt guilty. I didn't think Father McGowan ever meant for it to arouse me.

Halfway through my penance I stayed later than normal one evening to tidy up after Mrs Thomas was called away to attend to a sick friend. She gave me the keys lock up and said that if Father McGowan wasn't home by 9pm then I was to lock up, go home and call her. She explained Father McGowan was visiting an old friend and would no doubt be having a glass of wine or two.

After Mrs Thomas left I went upstairs to clean the bathroom and vacuum the bedrooms. I was in Father McGowan's bedroom pushing the vacuum cleaner back and forth when I accidently knocked over a bag. Noticing some books come sliding out onto the floor I quickly dashed to pick them up. They were all books on the church and one on the Vatican, but as I was putting them back into the bag a magazine slid out of one of the books and onto the floor. I picked it up and gasped at what I saw on the front cover.

The magazine was no bigger than A5 but it was thick with pages and on the front was a picture of a naked woman spreading herself in a pose. An uneasy feeling washed over me as to why a priest would have such a sinful thing in his possession. I went to put the magazine back where I found it along with the other books when curiosity got the better of me.

I opened the magazine and started giggling. I knew it was a pornographic magazine and that it was forbidden. I had seen a few boys in school with magazines like this but I had never had the chance to look at one properly. I leaned over to the vacuum cleaner and switched off before walking back out onto the landing and making sure Father McGowan hadn't returned home yet.

Happy I was still alone I went back into Father McGowan's bedroom and sat on his bed, opening the magazine back up. I flicked through the pages and there were scores of young naked models. The pictures started with a model in a sexy outfit before she slowly stripped off throughout the photo scene. Eventually the models were naked, playing with themselves. I'm not a lesbian but the pictures were hot and I quickly realised how hot when I felt the moisture in my panties.

I turned a few more pages and found some dirty stories. I had never read anything like it before and one in particular had me lifting my skirt and sliding a hand between my legs. I read how a young girl was seduced by her school teacher and I instantly pictured myself with my Math teacher. The words were so descriptive I began to breath heavy and massage my clit. I was so turned on.

"What on god's earth are you doing!!!!!!?" I heard a voice demand angrily.

I looked up and saw Father McGowan standing in the doorway looking down at me furiously. I quickly jumped up from the bed dropping the magazine.

"What are you doing with that magazine, Sophie?" He asked, looking straight at me.

"I ... I ... I found it, Father." I stuttered trying to leave the room.

"Don't lie to me," he demanded blocking the door way, "you were snooping in my room weren't you?"

"Yes, Father." I replied, bowing my head, too frightened to argue with him.

"You are a very bad young lady, Sophie?" He said, stepping towards me.

"I'm sorry, Father, I won't do it again I promise."

"You've said that before," he said, in a calmer tone, "your here to serve your penance. Do you understand, Sophie?"

"Yes, Father," I started to sob, "I'm ever so sorry, really I am."

"This simply won't do. I have no choice but to inform your parents that I cannot help you, god cannot help you."

Tears filled my eyes as I started to panic. "No, please Father, don't tell my parents."

Father McGowan stood watching me for a few moments as I continued to sob.

"Come here, Sophie." He said gently, opening his arms to me. "I never meant to upset you; but it is god's way, you have to live by his rules if you truly want to go to heaven. You do want to go to heaven don't you?"

I walked towards him and into his open arms. "Yes, Father, I do.

"I confiscated that disgusting magazine from a boy at church, I meant to destroy it." He said.

He wrapped his arms tightly around my body, hugging me, crushing our bodies together. I blocked out the smell of alcohol on his breath and hugged him back, feeling his warmth and reassurance.

We hugged for a few moments before he started rubbing my back softly with his hand. It felt nice and I thought nothing of it until he started smelling my hair, nuzzling his mouth and nose against the top of my head.

Scared to make him even angrier I allowed him to carry on as he rubbed his hand up my back, onto my neck before resting under my long brown hair. I held my breath, my skin tingling at his touch as I trembled slightly. I had never experienced a sensation like it and I didn't understand it at first, until I felt those sinful feelings again.

Father McGowan pulled me tighter against him and began stroking my hair. "Your hair smells so nice, and it's so soft."

I began to feel uneasy. His hug seemed to be changing from comforting to something else. Nobody had hugged me like this before, and nobody had ever stroked my hair and told me how nice and soft it was. Father McGowan pressed his lower body against me before he started swaying back and forth very slowly, and then I felt something hard pressing into my tummy.

I tried to push away but he grabbed me closer, bending his head down and kissing my neck softly.

"Oh, Sophie, you must be washed of your sins." He said calmly, tickling my neck and sending warm shivers up my spine. "Did you find the magazine arousing?"

"Yes, Father, but ..." I tried to protest before he interrupted me.

"You are a young temptress, Sophie; I knew it the day you confessed your evil sins. And now I find you looking at filthy magazines, with your school blouse revealing more than is appropriate.

"What do you mean, Father," I pleaded, "please, you forgave me."

"Look at me, Sophie." He said.

I looked up at him and he eased his hold on me before he gently brushed my hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear. He then traced a finger down my cheek, then my neck before finally placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I can help you, Sophie." He said softly. "And I believe the Lord has brought us together so I can help you."

"Yes, Father." I said, naively.

His hand slid down from my shoulder and, hesitating briefly, slid it inside my school blouse and into my bra. He cupped my breast and closed his eyes, moaning quietly as he began massaging it. I felt a warm feeling inside my body, the one I get when I become aroused thinking about my Math teacher. I often imagined him doing this to me; I imagined it being different and not as nice as this.

"Oh, Sophie," he moaned, "lead us not into temptation."

He opened his eyes and we looked at each other for a moment, and then he lowered his head and kissed me on my lips. His tongue probed until I opened my mouth and allowed his tongue inside. At first I winced at the smell and taste, but then I felt his hand slid up my leg to my inner thigh. He was nice and tender and I liked how it felt. But I also felt confused. Wasn't this wrong?

Father McGowan then led me back into his bedroom and sat me down on the end of his bed. He quickly sat down beside me and we resumed kissing. His hand returned back between my thighs, rubbing up and down. I sighed as we continued kissing and then he pulled my leg towards him, spreading my thighs apart. His hand moved up the inside of my leg, shots of adrenaline shooting up my spine and into my brain, causing all sorts of conflicting emotions, but it felt so good.

I leaned my head back and sighed again as his mouth moved to my neck. His tongue licking my skin as he inhaled my scent and his hand reached my private parts. He began to rub me through my cotton panties, little circular motions with his finger tips pressed tightly together. For the first time I was experiencing a new and different sensation. How could this be wrong? I thought.

Then Father McGowan stopped everything he was doing and stood up. He walked towards the bedroom door and closed it. I jumped at the sound of him turning the key and locking us inside. He stared at me for a moment. "I can help you, Sophie." He repeated, before unbuckling his trousers, his fingers shaking as he removed his belt and pulled down the zip. My eyes widened like saucers as I stared at his hard penis. "I can help you, but first we must clear you of all your sinful desires."

"Yes, Father."

"Take my cock in your hand," he instructed, stepping closer to the bed, fulfil your needs with me, use me to rid your soul of these desires you have.

"But, Father ..." I started to say.

"Don't question me, Sophie, you must be washed and purified of your sins. Or would you prefer I excommunicate you from the church?"

Nervous, confused and a little excited I slowly moved my hand towards his cock. I watched it as it pulsed, throbbing as if it had a mind of its own. I had heard some of the other girls discussing different boys and their sizes, I had no idea if Father McGowan was big or not, but he looked big to me.

"Are you a virgin, Sophie?" He asked, gasping and moaning as I took his cock in my hand. "Yes, Father, I am." I replied.

"Oh, Sophie, now move your hand up and down."

I followed his instructions feeling how soft the skin was as I moved it back and forth.

He cupped the side of my face, tracing his thumb over my cheek. "Have you done this before?" He asked, dropping his hand down inside my blouse. He took turns with each breast, caressing and massaging them. He was gentle and I enjoyed the way they swelled and became sensitive in his grasp.

"No, never, Father." I replied.

"You like it don't you?" He said, looking down at my hand stroking him.

Heat flooded into my cheeks and I knew I was blushing. "I don't know, Father." I told him, ashamed to admit that I was aroused.

"Lick it, Sophie," he said, his voice suddenly shaky, "go on, lick my cock and cleanse your soul."

I felt myself go warm all over, especially between my legs. My heart beat quickened with excitement at being locked in this room with Father McGowan. I leaned towards him and slid my tongue out, licking the end, not really knowing what I was doing. I slid my tongue all the way around the swollen head, moistening it with my saliva; it tasted salty, forcing me to move back.

"What's wrong?" He chuckled, watching me.

"It tastes weird and ..." I started to say, trying to explain the strange taste. Then I felt his hand gently stroke into my hair before he softly grabbed a handful of my brown locks and guided my head back towards his groin.

"You will get used it, I promise." He encouraged, as his cock touched my lips and entered my mouth.

Father McGowan let out a long slow breath as he filled my mouth with his cock for the first time. He was right; I did get used to the taste and found it not to be unpleasant. I looked up at him to see if I was doing ok and our eyes met as he too was staring down at me, smiling proudly. It made me feel good as I really wanted to make him happy.

His eyes never left me, his hands stroking my hair and breasts. I did notice his breathing becoming erratic, and I knew that feeling having experienced it myself many times before whilst masturbating. Another sin I was yet to confess.

"I'm close, Sophie, I'm gonna cum soon. God your mouth is so soft." He gasped. I didn't know what to say or how to respond to his words so I just kept on sucking and swirling my tongue around his cock. The salty taste in my mouth grew stronger as I felt and tasted what appeared to be little droplets of liquid on my tongue. I swallowed them down with my saliva and continued to suck.

"Ohhhhhh fuck!" He cursed, suddenly withdrawing his cock from my mouth and hand.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried I had done something wrong.

"Nothing, nothing is wrong," he panted, opening a wardrobe and retrieving some towels.

I stood up off the bed and looked at him oddly as he walked towards the bed holding the towels. He then pulled back the covers and neatly opened up the towels, placing them on the bed sheet, making a large square shape.

"Come here, Sophie, take off your shoes and get onto the bed." He said. "Make sure your lying on the towels."

I removed my shoes and followed his instructions, climbing onto the bed and laying with my back flat on the towels. I began to feel nervous and started to shake slightly.

"Don't be nervous, Sophie, I'm not going to hurt you, this is for your own good, you want to banish these thoughts don't you?"

"Yes. Father," I nodded, but not feeling any less nervous.

He climbed onto the bed naked, his penis still hard, bouncing about as he then climbed on top of me, opening my legs before finally laying between them. He began kissing me again and pressing himself into me, his hard penis pushing against my soft lips through my panties. It felt nice but I began to shake again with fear.

As we kissed, Father McGowan unbuttoned my school blouse and opened it. He pulled himself up off my body, kneeling back on the bed as he looked down at my chest and gasped. He stared at my bra covered breasts for a few moments before he leaned forward, tucked his hands around my back and unclasped my bra.

It was my turn to gasp as he exposed my breasts for the first time. He pulled the bra off my body along with my blouse and dropped them on the floor beside the bed. I suddenly felt cold as my nipples stiffened. Father McGowan smiled as he lowered himself back on top of me, grabbing and groping my breasts, licking and sucking them before taking each nipple in turn into his mouth.

He started to explore my body with his tongue, licking and kissing my breasts and body, leaving no patch of skin untouched before he reached for the zip on my school skirt and pulled it down. By the time he had reached my belly button with his tongue I was gasping and panting for air, my body trembling as he pulled my skirt completely off, taking my white cotton panties with it.

I was suddenly naked for the first time in front of a man, and not just any man, but Father McGowan, the man I trusted more than any with my confessions, the man who baptised me eighteen years ago.

His hands went back to my breasts and his fingers played with my nipples, teasing them as I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feeling. I began to moan softly at his touch as he started caressing my breasts again, this time with each of his hands firmly holding my young bust.

Laying on the bed between my legs he let go of my breasts and ran his finger tips down my arms as he leaned forwards and took a nipple into his mouth, a soft innocent groan slipped from my lips.

"Your skin is so soft." He murmured, before scoping a breast into his hand and sinking his mouth onto it. He sucked hard but causing me no pain before doing the same to the other one. He teased, groped, sucked and attended to every inch of my breasts as my hips moved in little circles on top of the bed.

I was drifting with my eyes still closed; swaying from side to side before I felt his hand on my thigh, stroking me delicately up and down, inching closer to my opening. His mouth was still sucking on my breast, his sucking growing furiously as his fingers worked ever closer to their target.

"Yes, Father," I moaned, "yes." I moaned without thinking, as my body and mind beckoned for him to continue.

"Yes, Sophie, give yourself to me, give yourself to god." He moaned.

He moved his hand forward and felt the dampness between my legs. I moaned again as I felt his fingers linger in my pubic hair.

Both of our breathing quickened when he started feeling around between my legs, tracing his fingers gently up and down my moist lips, feeling them and spreading them open slightly. Without realising until I had done it I spread my legs wider, allowing him better access. Slow and tender he continued to run his fingers up and down my entrance, inching just the tip of a finger inside.

I closed my eyes and cupped my breasts. I heard him inhale a deep breath as he went back to teasing me with his fingers. I gently began to caress myself as I felt him part the soft, wet folds between my legs.

Then suddenly, I bucked my hips squeezing my breasts hard and groaning loudly as I felt something soft and slippery enter me. It could only be his tongue I thought as I felt it probing inside me before suddenly it was gone, and then it was sliding across my lips, upTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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 It would be very helpful if you read part one of this story to get a better idea of the context of the situation and characters.  But in case you just want to start here, I will provide a synopsis of the first story to provide a starting point for this one.My name is Ed, and my wife Sue and I were both forty-one years old at the time of the first story. We had just moved to the Atlanta area when our son Tommy was sixteen years old and going into his junior year in high school. Our home is only...

2 years ago
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And Baby Makes ThreeChapter 4

Weena had a great time looking at face plates. She decided that the two switch plates should have animals on them, but rejected giraffes and zebras. She picked macaws because they were "close enough to galahs." I agreed. They were both psittacoids. The fact that galahs were grey and pink and macaws were brightly coloured was irrelevant. That Weena was happy was relevant. I asked her about door handles. She looked at me blankly until I pointed out that we had knobs at home, but hospitals had...

4 years ago
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A Fling To Remember 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, this is Christian (modified) and for the record I’m an Indian and basically from Mumbai. This happened to me a year back when I was away from home, doing my engineering studies. I had rented an apartment and was staying there with a couple of friends. Few days after I got familiar with the place and the people, I saw this woman. I could tell she was in her 30s with an ass that didn’t quit. I used to enjoy playing with the kids and that is when I met Divya who happened to be the mother...

3 years ago
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The daughter of the boss

After losing my virginity not long ago, my life took a different, better, direction. This Friday I woke up as usual. I sipped my espresso on my balcony while watching the sunrise. After a fast shower I shaved and — fresh and clean with an odor of a cheap after shave I got on sale at a super market — headed to work. On the way to work I had the same excitement I had when I first started working at the small local rent-a-car and tourism company that employed me. I remember my first days when the...

3 years ago
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My Clan Family First Wedding To A Slave

Copyright© 2000-2003 Who walked down the street in the nude. A bobby said, "Whattum Magnificent bottom!" And slapped it as hard as he could. Clan weddings can happen any where - all that was needed, was a elder or a priest to reside over one... and a little privacy from the rest of non-Clan society of course. On one side stood of the meadow stood Anne, with her large extended family behind her. On my side stood mother and Mr. Duncan. In the middle, the Clan priest, with...

2 years ago
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Control over man

The beginning It was a regular night, in your bedroom. As you lay down in your bed and close your eyes you feel as though you are not alone but you push this feelng away and eventually fall asleep. During this slumber you have a dream of someone, or was it something? But during this dream this thing said "When you awake you shall have control over man" it was after this that you awoke. Sitting up you reialised three things; 1) You are covered in sweat 2) You are extreamly aroused 3) You feel...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Sissy Summer SchoolChapter 11

That morning I woke up to the sound of my Cousin groaning above me. She had a hangover, and although I had no experience with it personally, I knew that my Aunt had them after drinking too. “Good morning, Ma’am,” I said from the bottom of the bed. I usually waited for my Aunt or her to unbind me to start my morning rituals around the house. “Don’t be so chipper, Fart face,” she called me. I was used to the names my Cousin liked to call me. Blair was quite creative, but fart face was one of...

2 years ago
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3 Teen Cross Dressers Misadventure Part 1

Two friends and I decided to take a trip to upstate New York for a weekend of skiing and some messing around. We were friends since elementary school and have been dressing in our sisters and mothers clothes for over a year and then play around with each other. All of us were young and dumb; 18 and quite petite,under 5'7 and lean. With our bags packed full of our dress wear,skiing gear and lots of liquor we were on our way. We were about 4 hours into our 6 hour drive in the pouring rain when we...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 52

It was close to midnight when I got back to the motel. Osborn still wasn't in. I had a message, but I hadn't seen her for any amount of time since we arrived in town. I decided that I would phone her and request her presence. I need her to do some background checks on the major players in our move. I didn't want to call in Swamp Dog, when she could do it just as well. Okay not just as well, but well enough. I called her cell. As usual there was no answer. I went to bed, even though I was...

3 years ago
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Baby Boomers TaleChapter 15

When we were out of sight of the church I pulled Mum's skirt up and placed my hand on her pussy. She made no protest, just spread her thighs and thrust her groin forward. "My, you are horny this morning, aren't you? You're pussy's decidedly moist and I just bet you want to stop on the way home. Let's go to that lay-by that we visited last week and see what happens." She never answered, just drove down the side road and turned into the lay-by. When she had parked behind our bushes she...

1 year ago
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MaureenChapter 9

The next few days went by without anything major happening at work. I continued to work on the false trail that I had started to investigate. I even spent time out of the office checking on things that came up as a result of the research. It was good to get away from the building and my cubicle for a while. I also hadn’t heard anything from the Equipment Department. The same could not be said about Maureen. She was still worried about me being discovered. She was so worried, in fact, that...

3 years ago
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GardnerChapter 10

JJ took the elevator to the lobby and was surprised to see so many friends remaining. The Redmon family, along with Grandma and Grandpa, were in a circle chatting, as well as his mother. He approached and the women gave him a hug while Dr. Redman shook his hand. Dr. Redman pulled him aside, "Son, if you'll come by and see me in a day or two, we'll talk about your car." JJ nodded, and looked at Grandpa, a serious and determined look on his face. JJ nodded his acknowledgment to Grandpa,...

1 year ago
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Nicoles Ultimate Payback

Nicole stormed through the hallway as angry as can be. She passed by Andrea, who used to be her friend but now was her enemy when she betrayed her and left her just to be Reha's friend. Reha was good at winning friends over people, nobody even knew how a 5 foot tall indian girl was so popular, a lot of girls really liked to chill with her. It all happened the last week, Nicole was texting her then best friend of 5 years, Andrea. But Reha decided to put things in her hands when she spread rumors...

2 years ago
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Banish All the WorldChapter 4

All over town for the last week or so, people had suddenly started to act strangely, as if they were seeing and hearing things that no one else around them could detect. Some began muttering in strange unknown languages and others just went barking insane mad. Mass dementia, some at BMA were calling it. There had been a peak of this outbreak last weekend, but so far this week things had been relatively quiet with only a few new cases every day. Still, this was much too dangerous to be...

4 years ago
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Falling for Emily and her Daughter part one

This may start a little slow for some but the wait is worth it. Promise.This happened not too long ago. It is my story. I got home from work the other day and saw a moving truck in front of the house two doors up the street from me. It had sat vacant for over a year and to keep people from thinking it was abandoned,I had been mowing the lawn each week. No-one asked me to do this. I just thought it was the neighbourly thing to do. Well,being brought up in the country there was something...

3 years ago
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School Teacher Shalini

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil school teacherai eppadi usar seithu sex seithen endra kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar susi vayathu 26 aagugirathu, en veetin arugil oru palli irukirathu. Antha palliyil niraiya teacher irupaargal, pengal matum thaan irupaargal. Enathu veedu schoolku naduvil irukum athanaal enaku anaithu teacheraiyum paarka vaaipu kidaikum. En vettu motai madiiyil oru room irukirathu, naan work from home thaan velaiyaaga...

4 years ago
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Friday night

My hubby said Herb wanted to bring someone with him again, that was not a strange request as over the years Herb has found out somethings I like too, I told my husband I would make up the guest bedroom for him to sleep in, he kissed me and told me how much he loved me I told him the same, I set about my chores of cleaning the house, laundry and making the bed, took out somethings for dinner, I had to pee as I was in the bathroom my mind started to wonder, who was Herb bringing with him, was it...

2 years ago
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Summer Nights

I came home from college every summer. My family had a pool and we always had people over. My Dad just left my mom and it would be would be one of the first summers they wouldn't be spending together. We ate dinner that night talking about the situation. I told her that i will always be here if she needed anything.We finished dinner and i started cleaning up. My mom went up stairs and said she would be back down. She came back down with her bathing suit on and started heading out the door. At...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 192

The Flight Attendant... The flight attendant sees a suspicious looking couple on board, so she reports it to the Captain immediately. “Sir, I think we have a case of human trafficking! There is a very pretty, hot & sexy looking female passenger on board, who looks sad & quite frightened. The man sitting beside her is a fat old slob, who looks like a lech, very sullen, mean, and dangerous!” The captain responds... , “Patricia, I’ve told you this before. This is Air Force...

3 years ago
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It Started in the Steam Room Last Chapter

When we pulled into Matt’s driveway, I heard Terri take a deep breath. “Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked her. “Yes,” she said. “Just a little nervous.” ‘Me, too,” I said. “A lot nervous, actually.” “Ok, me, too. A lot.” “Two weeks ago, would you even have dreamed we’d do something like this?” I asked. “Ha!” she said. “Not a chance.” We both laughed a little at that, which seemed to relieve the tension. It was a few days after Terri and I, during a wilder night of sex than we’d...

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Erikas Adventure Part Eleven Biker Chick

Part eleven I woke up the next morning feeling quite odd after my weird date with Wayne. He has never acted like that before, so it kind of surprised me, but the biggest thing is that I wasn't sure how I felt about it. There was a part of me that was hurt by how dominant he was with me, but another part of me was quite turned on by how feminine and submissive being treated like a little housewife. I left for work a bit late and on my way out there was a knock at my door, it turned...

1 year ago
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My best firends girlfriend and sister

My name is Brian. This story took place lat week and it is an event I will never forget. It all started when i came home from college for the weekend and decided to visit my best friend from back home. When I lived at home we would always just walk into each other's houses without knocking on the door or anything, but this time I'm especially glad i did not knock. I drove over to my friends house to sureprise him because he had no clue i was comming home for the weekend. When I pulled up to his...

1 year ago
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Trainee Secretary RequiredChapter 10

“Dani was saying this used to be two gamekeepers’ cottages,” I couldn’t help being a bit formal still, over breakfast. It was hard to believe that Rachel really was happy for me to have slept with her beautiful, protectable younger daughter and her equally young girlfriend. It was even a bit obvious that they’d both helped themselves to my morning boner, what with their glowing faces and how they kept touching me and nudging up against me, but Rachel didn’t seem to mind. “Yes, that’s why...

1 year ago
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Is your dick ready for adult webtoons at Manhwa Hentai? One of the most popular porns that have come out in the last 5-10 years is manhwa, which is basically Korean comics. Korean porn comics get millions of views these days and are some of the most jacked off to porn in the internet, thanks to more modern digital art and sexy storylines.Manhwa porn is different from Japanese hentai in several ways. First, the art style is very different. Hentai tends to follow the classic anime style, with...

Hentai Manga Sites
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How Was Your Day

Copyright© 2003 There was a young lady named Rose With erogenous zones in her toes. She remained onanistic Till a foot-fetishistic Young man became one of her beaux. "God what a beautiful day!" "It feels like a cool breeze is coming up - it should cools things down before supper time." "Hum... its just wonderful." Doris carefully stands up and then lowers her weight upon the edge of the marble hot tub, one hand bringing her nearly full wine goblet up for another sip. A...

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The Intern Ch08

I believe, and I see no reason to doubt it, that we change position continuously while we sleep. It is curious therefor that when I woke in the morning I was in exactly the same place as I had been when I had fallen asleep. To be fair it took me a while to work this out. I was still lying on my side, but it took some time to decipher some new sensations and I was puzzled until I worked out that the weight on my waist was an arm and the feeling at my back was of another naked body. Slowly...

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Abby Ch 31

Later that week Abby took a day off to drive over to Coolton Grange. She wanted to pick Richard’s brains a little, and felt that time with Maggie would give her some relaxation. Richard was a mine of information about many things, but what gave Abby great hope was his mention of refrigerated transport. The slaughter house in Paverton could do the transport, but at a huge cost as Abby would be using the lorry for a whole day with only a small load. Richard mentioned that he was using transport...

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The ParkersChapter 32 The fun began and it wont stop

Julie didn't move. She was naked in her brother's bed, and Matt had just called Martin, their older brother. She didn't move. She wanted to fuck Martin. And everybody else in her family. Martin, downstairs, knew what he should do. And so did Jill, Jack and Sally. They knew Matt's plan. Laurie, Amy and Sally were watching a movie on TV. Martin came with Jack and Jill, and said: "Laurie, Amy, Sally... Matt's calling us." Laurie asked: "Why?" "Dunno. He's in his room." Laurie...

1 year ago
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My Foster Mom Part 1

My name is Chris and I am now older, but I will be reffering to myself as a younger boy and telling you all my story in the form of a 'story'. I am not the best writer and will probably make lots of mistakes. Sorry about that. I was always a thicker boy. I wasn't that tall, but I had a slightly chubbiness about me as a little boy. I often did get picked on about my little gut or my butt. I had brown hair and brown eyes and a slight overbite. I loved playing catch or four sqaure with the...

2 years ago
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Fun With Office Maid In Store Room

Hello guys and ladies its Vaibhav here come to share my sex experiences with all of you.I am 28 male living in Pune. This is my first story here I am big fan of Indian sex stories from last 5 years.Now lets come to story directly instead of boring you all. After completing my engineering I joined one design consultancy in pune. The company is not that big so within short time I developed good relations with all my office mates. After some days I noticed one more silent member of our office...

1 year ago
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Satan and his sissyboi wannabe

Got inspiration to write this from a friends profile and content ( http://xhamster.com/user/pornperve666 ). Satan is a strong figure for many of us whether its love or hate....worship or revulsion. This story is just a fictional story of a young sissyboi who worships Satan.Billy had always been different from the other boys his age. At 16 he had never been into sports or chasing after girls, he had always been a shy and reclusive boy. This had been due to his timid nature many assumed but the...

3 years ago
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This Is Your Lies Chapter 6

After a last look at Ellen, naked under a blanket in the trunk, I shut the lid and drove home by a roundabout route with Angus sat beside me, giving me a chance to size him up a little. I reversed the car up to the door and had Angus lift "Eve" as he thought she was called, out of the trunk and carry her into the house over his shoulder. She was still wearing the hood. I figured that if her feet never touched the floor and she could see nothing, she would have no idea where she was.He took her...

4 years ago
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RelocatingChapter 4

The Christmas Holidays along with welcoming in the New Year can be a wonderful time of the year. That is if you have someone to spend that time with and unfortunately that was not the case for Don. Diane had gone to spend the holidays with her sister and her family in Trenton, New Jersey. Besides basketball practices did take up some of his time, overall was a lonely time of the year for Don. The golf outings were suspended because of heavy rain on both Monday and Thursday. Chuck and his...

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Claudia IncarnataPart IV

Hast thou heard the butterflies What they say betwixt their wings? Or in stillest evenings With what voice the violet woos To his heart the silver dews? – Tennyson, Adeline.   Claudia awoke and saw that the sun was already well above the horizon. The view from her bedroom window was of a cloudless azure sky and a sea more tranquil than any she had yet seen. It was a calm day and the cool of the night still lingered in the airy room. Her Sicilian summer wore on and with each passing day she...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Emma High School Girl Tries Anal

My goodness ladies and gentlemen we’ve got another petite treat for you! It’s 18 year old Emma! Coming in at 4’11 and 80 pounds she is one of the tiniest things I’ve ever seen. Gorgeous blue eyes, amazing blonde hair, giggly, bubbly, just the whole package. Another fun and interesting fact is that she’s actually STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL!!!! That’s right, pick your jaws up off the floor. This is like the perfect storm, or the great white buffalo ya’ll. When she first arrives, we exchange some...

3 years ago
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Der Fremde

Ich bin auf dem Weg nach Hause, es ist dunkel und ich hab´ es nicht mehr weit...als ich nur noch zweimal um die Ecke biegen muss, werde ich von hinten gepackt...Jemand verbindet mir die Augen und fesselt meine Hände hinter meinem Rücken - er ist ziemlich stark, ich habe keine Chance! Dann drückt er mich mit dem Rücken gegen die Hauswand und zwingt mich in die Knie - er drückt mir seinen großen, harten Schwanz zwischen die Lippen...und er schmeckt gut! also öffne ich den Mund und er schiebt mir...

1 year ago
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The Incredibly Lucky Ron Stoppable

Ron runs up towards the stage area, where Kim is currently fighting Shego. Its another one of Drakken plan to take over the world thats drawn the two here. This one involves the kidnapping & brainwashing of the President, so this Mission is High Priority. Shego & Kims battle is heated & epic, more than normal, with no one having the clear advantage. Dr. Drakkens up high on a podium, holding the President hostage, and hoping for protection from Kim. Ron reaches the platform stage just as Shego...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Luna Lovely Cum On My Tattoo

Luna Lovely was home masturbating in sexy lingerie when her dear Tommy Pistol arrived with a bouquet of flowers just for her! It was truly a wonderful gesture, but what she would really like is cum on her tattoo! He was too far away upstairs, so he came down to go down on her sweet twat like a real gentleman. In order to receive his sticky loads, she’d have to be a little rough with his cock meat- no problem! Luna enthusiastically sucked and fucked every last drop of sperm out of her...

3 years ago
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Chachi Ki Gaaliya

Hello, i am ajay from allahabad.Currently i am in one of the iits.Story starts now aunty ki age 32 years shape 36,28,34 hai.She is beautyful and sexy.Jab wo chalti hai to choli ke under se unke boobs jump karte.Gand hilla ke chalna unki adat hai.Unki gand football ki tarah badi hai.Jab wo bathati hai to sadi unki gand ki darar me ghus jati hai aur kadi hokar use nikalti hai.Ye dekh kar kisi ka bhi lund kada ho sakta hai.Hum logo me bahut pyar hai.Wo meri aunty hai lekin aunti majak me mujhe...

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Official Pussy Inspector

Official Pussy Inspector I have always been in love with pussy. My wife and every girlfriend that I have ever had knew that. Even my sister and my mother know that too. Hell I have a diploma hanging in my den that was made up special, certifying me as the “Official Pussy Inspector.” I have a T-shirt and a baseball cap that have FBI on it, which stands for “Female Body Inspector.” As much as I like the female body I really like pussy. Like they say, “You spend nine months getting out of...

1 year ago
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Five Years Later

"Hello, Maya. It's been a long time." It had been five years since I had said a word to her, since that terrible, awful day when she walked out of my life, our marriage. Five years of pretending to forget her, trying like hell to. "Are you surprised to see me here? Probably not as surprised as I was when you left me." Even as the words left my mouth, I knew I was lying. I had known it was coming. Hindsight 20/20 and all that, the signs had been there. She had been distancing herself,...

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Office wife

Hello friends I am a ISS reader. I read many stories and now I m giving my true experience here. First I have to introduce myself. I am a male from Noida age 32 year well built body (used to go to gym)5 feet 10 inch height fun loving guy .I m running a import export firm in partnership in Noida. In my office there are around 10 person working in which of them 6 are women (because all are married).in our office everybody likes me n there was nothing to say before it happened to me around one...

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