CLAIMING ISA free porn video

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“Still haven’t found a place to move in. That is why I wanted to see you.” I said shaking my head.

“Kush” Isa smiled brightly, “do you want to rent my place then?”

“I do. But I will pay what you asked for only after you get that place fixed.” I said calmly, not wanting to argue with Isa this time. The previous time we talked about rent, there was a huge difference of opinion on the amount; neither of us wanting to lose ground and the deal was off.

That was a month ago when I had plenty of time to find myself a new place. Now I only have 2 days left before local authorities evict me and bring down my current apartment building because it was illegally built. This road reclamation and expansion drive will make me homeless if I don’t find a new place to move into soon.

“The place is being fixed. You know how hard it is to find workers now that construction work is running in all neighborhoods throughout the city.” Isa said, smiling brightly.

“Mind to show me around again then?” I asked, unsure how much is actually fixed.

“Meet me here at 5 in the evening. We can go check out my place together.” Isa had a mischievous smile before walking back to her workstation.

Knowing Isa, I didn’t think she had gotten that place fixed but I was simply out of options and I had to make it work until I found a new place or be homeless.

It was end of work, I found Isa waiting for me in the lobby. She was out of her work outfit and was wearing tight black jeans, a low cut white blouse and black heels. God she looked beautiful. To be honest I did have a crush on my would-be Landlady.

“Someone looks lost!” Isa knew instantly I was checking her out.

“Lets take my car to your place.” I said, before walking out of the door and heading to the parking lot.

Isa followed, I opened the door for her and watched as she wiggled her sexy butt inside. That was one delightful sight. I got in myself and soon we were out in the roads.

“So how much of it is fixed?” I asked.

“Well, I got the bedroom sorted myself.” Isa replied.

“That was already okay if I remember.” I nodded.

“Yes, but I got in a new bed.” Isa said smilingly.

“That sounds good.” I was still checking her out.

“I like how you multitask.” Isa smiled beamingly. “Most men are just dumb quiet while staring at my breasts.”

“What? I was not staring…”

“No need to lie!” Isa shut me off. “I don’t want to get in an accident. Look ahead and drive carefully.”

The rest of the drive went insanely quietly. Isa was busy with her phone. I was trying hard not to look at her.

Soon we reached the place. It was Isa’s old apartment. It had got minor damages from the big Earthquake last year. Luckily it was not red coded, which would have prohibited it from living due to safety hazards.

We got out of the car and inside complex A. I was reluctant to get in the elevator but we got into it and up to the 7th floor smoothly. “Well your elevator is fixed.” I said, remembering how I got stuck in it for almost half an hour the last time I was here.

Isa smiled and headed for the door, unlocked it, and gestured for me to walk in. “Well, do you think you will live here Kush?”

The place was still a mess. The place still needed a new paint job, new flooring. I didn’t know what to say. I just stared at Isa.

“Look I know I haven’t got the living area restored but the kitchen is usable, the bedroom and bathroom is livable. Give me one week and I promise I will get it done.” Isa was trying hard to make me take it. Then she took some courage and boldly stated, “I heard you will be evicted from your current place in a matter of days. This is your last option. You can’t find another green coded apartment that soon. I know this place is a mess but at least it is safe from earthquake.”

I was mad at Isa for lying to me but she did make a good point. It is this or living in my car for me. I was simply out of options.

“Okay. But I need your word that you will get it fixed in 1 week and we need to settle the rent.” I said with bleak voice.

“The rent will be the same as we discussed before, plus I need 12 months advance payment.” Isa said with a chilling voice.

“What? Advance payment for a full year? Are you fucking joking?”

“No! I am serious. Take it or leave it, your choice.”

I wanted to just walk out but then in the back of my mind I was expecting it. I took a deep breath and said, “Show me the bedroom.”

Isa walked through the hallway, unlocked a door on the far left and step in. I followed.

“What the fuck?” The room was a mess as well. It needed new wallpaper and carpet and there was an unassembled bed lying in the corner.

“You need a place to live. I feel guilty tricking you but I promise I will get it fixed. Here let me give you a little something else to change your mind.” Isa makes a sultry face as she turns around. Her blouse is unbuttoned halfway through, showing a sexy lacy white bra.

“I know you have always wanted me Kush.”

“Are you trying to seduce me so that you can trick me?” I snapped at Isa.

“I need the money Kush.”

“Why do you need it Isa?” I barked angrily.

“Well I haven’t been able to pay mortgage for this apartment since ages. My debts are piling and my credit cards are maxed out. I wanted to make some money by renting this place out so I went to live with my classmates. But nobody wants this place. You are the only person desperate enough that could accept my conditions. Now if I don’t pay up soon, the bank will confiscate this apartment and put up fraud charges on me. I have no other option left.”

“What? So you being on the verge of trouble is justifiable for you to drag an already troubled man into more problems? I am going to be homeless in days, you want me to move into a place from where I am going to evicted again?”

“Well, don’t worry. The advance payment you give me will settle the bank’s debt. Then I promise I will get this place fixed. Plus you get to have me around as well. I know you like to peek at me.” Isa states in sexy way.

“So you are going to be homeless soon as well then?” I smirked.

“Yes, I might even end up in prison! I admit I am in as much trouble as you Kush.” Isa begins to plead, “Help yourself and help me as well.”

“If I help you I am going to want more than just peeks from you.” I snarl back.

“What do you mean Kush?”

“I know how big a tease you are Isa. I have heard how many guys you have teased to do your bidding and in the end leave them high yet dry. You just tease but give nothing.” I say boldly, and then add, “I will clear your mortgage but in return I want ownership of not only this apartment but of you.”

“What the fuck Kush? You are asking me sleep with you for your money. Do you think I am a whore? ” Isa screams angrily.

“Yes, I am asking you to sleep with me and much more, I am asking you to be my personal whore. But to our friends we will act like a normal couple. And you are not doing it just for money my dear; you are doing it for your future. You don’t want to be involved in legal charges do you?” I smiled as I continued, “Just like me you don’t have a choice Isa.”

Isa is staring at me, her eyes fuming.

“An advance for 1 year would help you but it definitely wouldn’t be enough to settle all your debt would it?”

Isa let out a sigh and said, “I would probably need 5 years worth of rent for that.”

“I am giving you the opportunity to clear all your debts. I have the money. I will buy this place than rent it. It is a mess but it is safe and can be fixed. But you will have to do more than being a tease and showing your cleavage to earn that. Think about it Isa.” I spoke slowly while gazing deep into Isa’s hypnotic brown eyes.

Isa brings out tears in her eyes, her pride is at risk, her world has fallen. She has been such a tease. Every guy in the office wanted her, they would do her bidding to get her attention but she never gave anyone what they actually wanted. Now she was at a perilous state.

“Give me time to think it through.” Isa said with watering eyes.

“You have two days. If the answer is yes then, take that time to fix this place. I am wiring you some money. It should be enough to get this place fixed.” I left there leaving Isa shaken and crying.

The next morning, I got a text from Isa, it read, “YES. I have called people to put on wallpaper, a new carpet, and to fix our furniture. I am on leave today. Come by after work.”

I put up a big smile on my face. I have always wanted Isa since I first laid eyes on her and now she has agreed to be mine.

The day at work drags on to be probably the longest ever. Every minute seemed to be lasting for hours.

Finally end of work and I rush on to my new apartment. I knock on the door and wait impatiently.

Isa opens the door. She is wearing a pjs and tees.

“I just finished cleaning our room. The wallpapers are up, carpets come on tomorrow and the bed is made.” Isa feigned a smile.

I just grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the bedroom. That room was all cleaned and very livable.

“Strip.” I said dominantly.

Isa started having a terrified look, “I was hoping we could take things slow. No guy has ever seen me naked before.”

“What? I know you have dated a lot.” I was confused by Isa’s reply.

“Yes I have but I have never reached at that state in any relationship before. Like you said, I am used to teasing and tempting guys for my benefit but that’s all. I am still a virgin.” Isa said shyly.

“What?” I mumbled. I couldn’t believe what I just heard. The hottest girl I know, the biggest cock tease is a virgin.

“Yes. I have never had sex before. Nobody has seen me naked before.” Isa is blushing deeply.

“Well, today is that then.” I lunged forward and kissed Isa. As our lips met, I could feel a bulge growing in my pants.

Slowly Isa parts her lips and my tongue enters her mouth, exploring every part of it. My hands firmly grabbing and squeezing Isa’s bum as I held her tightly.
We broke the kiss and caught our breath. I looked into Isa’s eyes and we stood holding each other for what seemed like ages.

Isa was smiling, she seemed happy. I held on to her t-shirt and pulled it over. I unhooked her bra and let it fall to the ground. My eyes glued to her breasts, Isa has one of the most magnificent pair of tits I have ever seen in my life.

I grab both her breasts and fondle with them while kissing Isa deeply again. Her nipples are getting harder with every passing moment. Soon they are standing up and I am pinching them, making Isa break our kiss and moan in a delightful mixture of pleasurable pain.

I kiss my way down through Isa’s neck and chest and reach between her breasts. I kiss her right breast in circles revolving around till I reach the top. I take her nipple in my mouth and lick it. I start sucking on it gently before biting it hard.

“Ahhhh, Fuck!” Isa screams but I continue playing with her nipple.

I move on to the other breast. Isa seems to be expecting the same treatment for her left breast but she is surprised when I go straight to her nipple and bite it.

“Ouch!” Isa screams.

“Who owns these breasts Isa?” I ask.

“You.” Isa states coyly.

I pinch on her left breast hard enough to leave a mark. “You will use the term ‘Master’ when replying to me.”

Isa nods her head.

I pinch harder and say, “Understand?”

“Yes Master, I do. You own my breasts Master.” Isa replied.

I smile, remove my finger, and lick her breast.

I remove my coat then say,” Unbutton my shirt Isa.”

“Yes Master.” She fumbles with my shirt buttons.

I pull in Isa for another kiss after my shirt hits the floor. As Isa embraces me tightly her firm nipples push into my chest. I feel my dick ready for action.
My hands grab Isa’s butt yet again and squeeze them before my right hand slips inside her pajamas. I feel Isa’s crotch through her panties and it is silky smooth.

“mmmhhh.” Isa purrs breaking the kiss.

Isa comes back for my mouth while my finger finds its way inside her panties. My fingers explore the secluded area and soon I find her clitoris. A slight touch on it makes Isa to jump and squeal in pleasure.

Watching that reaction on Isa’s face is heavenly. I let go off her and say, “ Strip.”

“Yes Master.” Isa removes her pajamas and hurryingly pulls down her panties.

“Next time you do it slowly and seductively, just inch by inch, turning around and bending. Be the tease that I know you are.”

Isa was completely shaven clean. I like that in a girl. Her pussy lips were puffy and almost covering her vulva.

“Get on the bed and spread your legs.” I ordered.

“Yes Master.” Isa did as told.

Isa’s pink pussy was glistening with her juice, her clitoris peaking up beyond its hood and her hymen covering her vaginal opening up.

“I need to keep this for memory.” I took out my phone and was about to snap a photo.

“No.” Isa shut her legs and covered up her breasts and crotch as much as she could by her hands.

I pull out my belt and whip Isa across her abdomen in a flash. The belt cuts through the air and stings Isa’s delicate skin leaving behind a red stripe on where it landed across her abdomen.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!” Isa screams in pain and writhes around in bed. She is facing the bed with her towards me.

I whip Isa’s ass with my belt and there is a linear red mark on her beautiful ass.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Master please stop, I am sorry I disobeyed you.” Isa screams in pain.

“You are a quick learner. I thought I needed a few more attempts to make you realize that.” I laughingly said.

I let go of my belt and picked up my phone. I took plenty of photos Isa’s ass before saying, “Spread your ass cheeks.” Then I continued to take photos including detailed pictures of Isa’s virgin pussy. “Turn around.” I ordered.

Isa complied and I continued with my photography session admiring how much wetter Isa’s pussy had gotten while neglecting the wails of tears flowing from her eyes.

“You liked that didn’t you Isa?” I smirked.

“You just whipped me Master, it hurt as hell.” Isa sobbed.

“Either you are lying to me or your pussy is lying to you. Look how wet it has gotten.” I laughed.

Isa just blushed. She loved the spanking and now I know that too.

I pull Isa to the edge of the bed, spread her legs then kiss her pussy on her clit.

“Mhhhh.” Isa moans out loudly.

I lap at her pussy all the way and my tongue picks up more and more juice every time I do so. Isa tastes wonderful, just like pineapples. I push my tongue deeper to taste Isa. I feel like I am already getting addicted.

“Mhhhh….. Ahhhhhh…… Yeahhhhhh…..” Isa’s moaning is getting louder and louder. She is shaking and trembling, raising her body up in the air, pushing her pussy deeper in my mouth, rubbing her crotch in my face. “go go go go fasterrrrrrrrrrr…. Iiiiii ammmmm cummming…….” Isa shouts while catching her breath.

I stop abruptly. Pull my face away from Isa’s pussy. Isa tries to rub herself to orgasm. I hold her hands and say loudly, “No.”

Isa stares at me for what seems like ages, catches her breath and shouts, “What the fuck, why did you stop?”

“I own your orgasms now, you cum only if I allow you to cum.” I smiled.

Isa stares at me in disbelief. She realizes what being owned includes.

I slap her thigh hard to bring her back to reality. “I own you bitch.” I say proudly.

Isa starts crying, wondering what she has gotten herself into.

I pull down my pants and my trunks relieving my dick from its confinement. It springs out, rock hard and ready for action.

Isa looks like she is going to be sick. “Will it hurt?” Isa asks softly.

“Yes, a little, but the pain will be over soon and you will start to enjoy it, I promise.” I reassure Isa.

“Here, take a closer look, I walk towards Isa’s head. My dick is going to be your favorite toy.” As I stood inches away from Isa’s face.
Isa nervously touches my dick.

“Don’t be scared. It won’t bite.” I say laughingly.

“It is huge, are you sure it won’t hurt when it goes inside me Master?” Isa anxiously asks as she explores my dick.

“In time and with practice you will be able to take it entirely inside all your holes I promise. You definitely are going to get a lot of practice.” I smile and say, “Give it a kiss.”

Isa timidly kisses my dick. It is going to take a lot of training for her to learn to suck me like I love it. Well that’s for another day.

I head between Isa’s legs and spread them open then position my dick at her entrance.

Isa takes a deep breath and psychologically prepares herself to be impaled.

I take my time, rubbing my dick up and down her slit before slapping her pussy with my dick. Then pushing it in, stretching her hymen and then backing away right at the moment when Isa felt like her cherry popped. This is frustrating for Isa. I can see it in her eyes. Then I lead in and kiss her.

After teasing Isa for a while, I suddenly push in rather unexpectedly for Isa and she shuts her eyes and cries out in obvious pain. Her body tenses up and she grabs me tightly. I feel wetness in my dick. I am halfway inside her and hold there, giving Isa the time she needs to let the moment of her defloration sink in.
Isa opens her eyes and says, “That really hurt.”

I laughed and kissed Isa then withdrew my dick from her. The top of my dick and Isa’s pussy is covered in blood from her ruptured hymen.

“You are finally a lady now!” I grin before pushing my dick back in her.

Isa continued to shout in pain and soon as I slipped into a rhythm, her screams of pain evolved into moans of pleasure intensifying with every pump of my dick inside her pussy.

I cannot remember how long it lasted as the both of us were in euphoric heaven. Isa would scream harder and her body would go in a sort of spasm with her torso arching up, head bending over and eyes rolling up and her pussy gripping my dick like a vice every awhile. Isa’s orgasms would slow me down but I would pick up my pace again and to be paused by a stronger orgasm from Isa.

I sense myself getting hotter, breathing harder, my heart beating faster and faster and sweat drenching my skin. I feel getting closer to my climax and with Isa’s xth orgasm I blew my load deep in her pussy as well.

I fell into Isa’s waiting arms and we continued to hold each other tightly.

Next thing I remember I wake up in bed with a sexy hot nude Isa beside me. I smile to myself and relieve yesterday’s moments of claiming Isa as I watch her sleep peacefully all the while eagerly waiting for her to awaken.

**********THE END**********
(to be continued if i get enough positive feedbacks.)


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ISABELLESex on legsEvery now and then you may come across a young lady such as Isabelle. They are though very rare in my experience. I have only met two or three in all my years. However; when you meet such a girl I think you will know it without a doubt.My Isabelle was quite simply ‘sex on legs‘. She even smelt of sex; it would drive me wild just to sit next to her; her sex was overpowering. She; of course, knew this and she exploited it to the full. She wore flimsy clothing that barely...

3 years ago
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A First Time for Isabella

Wow! I couldn't believe it. My girlfriend, Isabella, an amazing girl, yet one whom if you were to see her on the streets, you might think she was one of those stiff ladies. Normally she's businesslike, commanding, straight and narrow. You know the type!But, tonight... We were at dinner and we were discussing what to do. We had a late dinner, as she was busy in the office and couldn't get out late until her projects were caught up for the weekend. I myself had the evening free and was just ready...

2 years ago
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Our producers had determined to stage Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare, one of the strangest of all his plays. The wild boy Claudio is sentenced to death for having sex by the uptight bureaucrat Angelo. Hypocritical and corrupt, Angelo offers to let Claudio go free, if he, Angelo, can have sex with Isabella, Claudio’s sister. Isabella, of course, intends to become a nun and not just any nun but an uber-chaste nun. Presented with the lascivious bargain as a way to save her unjustly...

3 years ago
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Losing My Virginity to Isabel

After taking my new lover's cock into my mouth and sucking her off, we quickly found a taxi and went to Isabel's house. She was in her early twenties and lived there with her cousin. We rushed inside when we arrived and as we went into her room, we tore off our clothes.There she was before me completely naked with her huge engorged cock pulsating and ready for a fucking. My cock was hard too in anticipation of what was about to happen. Now I wanted Isabel to take my anal virginity and make me...

1 year ago
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The lust of Isabella

Isabella is stuck in the middle of a shootout with police in midtown new york where she is saved by officer Taylor, tension arises between them. what will happen?, will they surrender to each others lust, Isabella finds herself down a road of sordid fantasies but will she get her man? Shots fired, shots fired, officer involved, two suspects, one suspect leaving the scene heading East toward the Queensboro bridge, the other suspect may still be in the area, consider them armed and dangerous....

3 years ago
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Kaiser Friedrich II und Isabella

Die Hochzeit von Kaiser Friedrich II. und Isabella von BrienneDiese Geschichte ist nicht frei erfunden, sondern erzählt eine historisch gelegte Begebenheit! Die erwähnten Personen haben tatsächlich gelebt (siehe die Anmerkungen am Ende).Die Hochzeit und die Ereignisse in der Hochzeitsnacht haben wirklich stattgefunden. I. Die Verlobung Palermo, 1223Friedrich II. mit seinem Falken. Aus seinem Buch De arte venandi cum avibus („Über die Kunst mit Vögeln zu jagen“), Süditalien zwischen 1258 und...

1 year ago
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The lust of Isabella

he kissed her neck and she could feel his erect manhood press against her belly, she could feel herself swelling. Her finger moved faster making her moan louder, she pushed her fingers inside and softly called his name. Shots fired, shots fired, officer involved, two suspects, one suspect leaving the scene heading East toward the Queensboro bridge, the other suspect may still be in the area, consider them armed and dangerous. Officer Taylor screamed at his police radio. ‘Officer Ramirez...

3 years ago
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Rick arrived back at his abode earlier than expected. It had been a hectic day with the new agenda for the ‘adult education studies’ that he had been involved with for a couple of years, now with the new semester coming up he knew he wouldn’t be able to pick up Isabella again. ‘She was getting to be a bit of a nuisance’, he muttered as he checked the names on his enrolment form. ‘I don’t want to cross her off but I know she doesn’t have transport and in the early days picking her up was icing...

4 years ago
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Getting to know Isabel

Some context first:I haven't always liked women. After one of my friends opened my eyes to the joy and pleasure of making love with a woman, I was lucky to find a couple of eventual partners who taught me a lot... you get the idea.Then, at a wedding party in February this year, I met Isabel. She is 28 (34 years younger than me), slender but curvy, with black hair, gray eyes, and 5'4" tall (I'm 5'8"). We were introduced by some friends we have in common, and we had a brief conversation, mostly...

4 years ago
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Getting to know Isabel

Some context first:I haven't always liked women. After one of my friends opened my eyes to the joy and pleasure of making love with a woman, I was lucky to find a couple of eventual partners who taught me a lot... you get the idea.Then, at a wedding party in February this year, I met Isabel. She is 28 (34 years younger than me), slender but curvy, with black hair, gray eyes, and 5'4" tall (I'm 5'8"). We were introduced by some friends we have in common, and we had a brief conversation, mostly...

1 year ago
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Emilie and Isabella

The London flat lay almost empty, containing just: stacks of books and papers in one corner, a violin case, a dresser with a suitcase on top of it stuffed with ratty clothing, a small kitchen, and a computer lying half hazardly on the floor, a statue of the Laughing Buddha on the counter in the kitchen with empty liquor bottles around it. The walls were lavishly decorated by skilled painting hands, and reds, purples and browns leapt out brilliantly, and in the centre of the room, a bed. Pillows...

2 years ago
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Hot HusbandChapter 3 A Date With Louisa

We had a quiet breakfast, making the usual married couple chit-chat, neither of us seemed to want to bring up our “game” right then, though we knew we couldn’t put it off forever. We worked on our chores, talking much less than usual, only what was needed to accomplish our tasks. The near silence continued through supper, but as we finished the clean-up I saw a change come over Wallace’s face. After he dried his hands he turned to me. “On your knees,” he said sternly. I was frozen in...

3 years ago
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Demi and Isabella

Demi lay between her friend’s legs. Her face was wet with pussy juice and she was smiling so much her cheeks hurt. Finally. At last. Unbelievably. She had her first taste of pussy, and it was all she had ever dreamed of and more. She couldn’t believe she was doing it with the cutest, most perfect little lipstick lesbian ever! Isabella was her girl-friend from work, here on a work visa as an IT engineer. Isabella had the most beautiful dark skin, lush deep brown hair, tiny hips, tiny boobs and...

First Time
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Claiming Lucy

"Ah John," My father greeted me as I arrived at Greatby in great haste as the summers afternoon became the early evening, "You're here at last." "At last?" I queried as I stood in the entrance hall all filthy from the road, tired and hungry as I had ridden like a madman and quite ruined my horse in the process, "What do you mean at last?" "I sent for you to come at once," he insisted, "Mr Braithwaite has gone long since." "Braithwaite," I queried, "Who is...

4 years ago
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Claiming Her Kid Sister

I never dreamed I'd fuck my girlfriend's sister, but I don't regret it. In fact, I'm going to do it again.If you'd asked me beforehand, if you’d stopped me before I knocked on their door that warm summer afternoon, I would have been offended at the suggestion that I would ever cheat at all. But an hour later I was in the shower, washing away the sweat of sex as my body tingled with the afterglow of nailing that luscious teenage beauty.I'd left her red-faced and trembling, eyes unfocused...

2 years ago
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Claiming Kerri

During her senior year at West Dover High, Kerri Roberts skipped her ceramics final to sleep in, costing her the class valedictorian distinction bestowed upon her by her classmates. Her thighs ached from pushing herself passed her physical limits, but the main issue was the throbbing within her cranium. The night before she had done as many tequila shots as the rest of the girls track team after they won the state finals championship and twenty years later, Dr. Kerri Roberts didn’t regret it....

3 years ago
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Claiming Kristen

"I was just calling to see what we were doing tonight" "Nothing much, Kristen's hanging out with us tonight since Sam (her fiancé) is out of town on a camping trip with his friends. We're just going to watch movies and stuff." My dick stirred a little in my pants. I had such a boner for Kristen, my girlfriends best friend. "Ok, cool" I said." I got to go now, Love you." "Ok, I love you too" she said. I waited for her to hang up but the telltale beep didn't happen. Instead I...

3 years ago
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Seth interviews Isabella

Someone knocked on his door and Seth looked through the window. One of his employees, a middle aged Cuban man named Juan stood in front of the door, waiting to be allowed in. Seth never liked the man. He smelled like cigarettes, and had an irritating cough. 'Come in.' Seth spoke, wondering was this man was bothering him with. The man opened the door and started groveling. 'Sir I am sorry to disturb you while you are very busy but I noticed that you have yet to find a new secretary.' That...

1 year ago
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Naked Society Volume 1 Isaac

We were in his garden, at the back of his house. Or at least, that's what I thought, but everything seemed a bit hazy. Like I couldn't quite focus properly. "I'm right here Isaac." Came the soft yet masculine reply from behind me. I smiled and turned to look into those intense, dark eyes and there he was; my best friend, the coolest person in the world. To me anyway. Immediately I began to relax, having been reunited with Zack. But something was wrong. There was a passion and a...

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‘Elisabeth’ By: Eeric Blog: name is John and I go to the West college, it’s a rather small college. My girlfriend Elisabeth also goes to the same college. We met a little less than a year ago and have been dating ever since. I’m 22 years old. I am not what you would call an athlete, I have a rather skinny body. I’m really into computers so I help the teachers at the college with the computer classes. I also help out with students who don’t really care for computers and try to get them to use...

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Claiming Her

Johnny and Alexa were playing a game: One person acts a scene in any book of his liking, and the other person has to guess the name of the book. If that person wasn't able to guess the name of the book, then he has to commit to a forfeit. Now I had been newly introduced to the family, so I wasn't used to their fetishes, or 'games' as they call it. And so it was that Alexa, handed over the privelidge by Johnny, acted a scene which I presumed to be part of a Shakespearen play. She busts...

1 year ago
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Claiming His Cock Part One

"Ms. Hintern, your next appointment is here. Shall I send him in?"  Molly, her bookkeeper and receptionist, stands in the doorway in her 'date night' attire - a sexy, but somehow still work appropriate little emerald dress paired with smokey eyeshadow and juicy lip gloss. Everything the woman wears out is meticulously chosen to enhance her naturally golden skin and exotic appearance. From what Ms. Hintern can tell, she gets satisfactory results. "Ms. Hintern? Your appointment with Simon...

2 years ago
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Claiming His Magic

I've always wanted to have sex with a guy who is utterly gorgeous on every level, but for years I've held off because of my moral principles. I was in a faithful and committed relationship with my boyfriend, Andy for six years. Things were good between us, but kind of tame—I'm not going to lie. Two months ago, however, we mutually agreed to end our relationship after drifting apart.As a 27-year-old woman who was raised in a conservative family, I've never had the greatest sex life. I've...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Claiming the New Office Slut

“That will be all Bri, thank you,” I said, dismissing my secretary and watching her leave my office. My eyes were fixed to the sight of her sexy heart shaped ass swaying from side to side as she walked away in 4 inch heels, making her already long legs seem like they led straight to heaven. My cock, which was already hard thanks to the glimpses of her bra covered tits on display through the low cut white blouse she wore, gave another throb in my pants. It had been over a week since I’d last...

1 year ago
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Claiming Whats Yours

You have me pinned on the bed, ours mouths on each other, your fingers teasing my clit. Im moaning into your mouth. I move against your hand, my body begging you for more. You continue teasing me with your fingers and tongue. Im moaning into your mouth and trying to move against you. I feel your fingers slide into my hot wet pussy. You are fingering me, so the palm of your hand smacks against my clit. I start whining for more, you do what you want, taking your time, driving me crazy, making me...

3 years ago
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Claiming Katrina

Luke sat at the hotel bar and watched the couples on the dance floor.  He was scanning the room casually, feeling slightly bored, when he noticed the woman sitting at one of the high tables just off the dance floor, alone.  His previously wandering mind focused in on her, taking in every detail.  She had on a short, black dress that showed off her long, shapely legs. The dress had thin straps and a low neckline that framed the soft fullness of her cleavage.  Her neck curved gracefully into her...

Straight Sex
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Claiming Her Ass

Her boyfriend hated her talking to me, and I honored his request at first. I did not want to come between them. But it was obvious she couldn’t stop. She had dark fantasies and like so many women discovered it was difficult finding men serious enough and not afraid to think or do the things she wanted. I surprised her because I have a dark, sadistic side and vivid imagination. Even better, I had actually done these things. Like most women, she didn’t believe me at first, but after seeing a few...

2 years ago
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Claiming My Virgin Girlfriend

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re beginning our final approach into Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport. The temperature outside is 27 degrees and the weather looks to be sunny for the next few days” said the obviously British captain of my British Airways flight from London to Mumbai. On a typical flight, I’d probably be snoozing at this point. Or thinking ahead to clearing customs. Or even thinking about switching the bills in my wallet to pay for the taxi ride. This time however,...

3 years ago
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Claiming Victoria Victory 1

There was the sound of our door and commotion from the living room. My wife giving muffled pleasantries, then I heard it, her bell voice that so perfectly matched her spite-like features staring up from the computer screen. Shit. I pulled my shorts up and deleted my search history. I exited the room and tried to play it cool. What the fuck was she doing in Phoenix? “Hi hun!” my wife said hugging my spank bank, “Victoria’s here!” “I see that” I managed. Victoria was my wife’s sister’s...

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Claiming a hot Jewish girlfriend

You laugh as you are meeting Jennifer Weinstein in the restaurant and begin talking to her about the newest roleplaying game that she is taking part in. You smile politely and engage with her, and her beautiful blue eyes, and behind her glasses frames. She is absolutely gorgeous, standing at 5'11 with curly light red hair, a small B cup, and a slim body that comes down to her great heart shaped ass. She isn't large by anyone's imagination, but she has curves in all the right places for her body...

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Claiming Erika

When my wife died from breast cancer five years ago I was devastated. We had been married for nearly forty years, and it had been a good marriage in every way, including a very active and satisfying sex life which gave us both great pleasure.We weren’t swingers in the literal sense, but for the last ten years of our married life, we had enjoyed posting explicit photos and videos on a voyeur website for other’s enjoyment and arousal. We hooked up online using the chat option on the site with a...

3 years ago
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Claiming Him

Mac hadn't seen Jet or Shannon in a while. He'd heard from his friend that they were settling in to married life. Then Shannon had called. As soon as they got back to her place, he realized Jet's mark was all over the place. This was going to be very interesting, in a what wouldn't kill him would make him stronger mindset. She motioned him to the couch and left the room, returning with a couple of icy beers. He popped the top on the one, and arched an eyebrow to her. "What is this...

2 years ago
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ENF Prone Isabel

Isabel wakes up from a good night sleep and opens up the curtains to get the daylight into her room. The 5"7 tall 23 year old is ready for this new day. The blonde is so looking forward to this day, but little does she know that this day would become a terrible one, or a great one. That depends on which point of view one see it from, if it's Isabel or a spectator. Where is she going today? (Where is the em(bare)ass-ment going to start?)

1 year ago
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Amity 2 CoercionChapter 2 Misadventure

David James cussed when he banged his busted knee on the old trunk. He rubbed it and noticed the knee was swelling up again. He was supposed to stay off it for at least another week, but that wasn’t happening. While in the hospital, he had been contacted by a lawyer about his Father’s estate. He owned an apartment building containing sixteen units in the city of Cairns, Queensland, on the northern end of the Esplanade. The lawyer had a buyer. UNSEC (The United Nations Security...

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