Claiming Katrina free porn video

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Luke sat at the hotel bar and watched the couples on the dance floor.  He was scanning the room casually, feeling slightly bored, when he noticed the woman sitting at one of the high tables just off the dance floor, alone.  His previously wandering mind focused in on her, taking in every detail.  

She had on a short, black dress that showed off her long, shapely legs. The dress had thin straps and a low neckline that framed the soft fullness of her cleavage.  Her neck curved gracefully into her delicate jawline and he imagined what she would smell like when he nuzzled his face in the soft place below her ear.  She was beautiful with high cheekbones and full lips that begged to be nibbled on.  Her dark, wavy hair was tied low and to the side so that the length of it was over the front of one shoulder and cascaded over her breast.  Her delicate fingers played with the stem of her wine glass and he felt a twitch in his pants as he imagined what those fingers would look like wrapped around his shaft.

As if she felt his gaze, her eyes pulled away from the dance floor where she too had been watching.  Their eyes met and the room melted away.  He watched her breasts heave slightly as her breath hitched and her eyelashes fluttered.  He didn't pull his gaze away, and she shifted slightly in her chair.  A smile played at his lips.  Oh yes, she was his.  

Their visual connection was severed abruptly by a man who approached her table.  He was tall but soft-looking.  He had a bald spot on the back of his head that shined in the lights from the dance floor. Luke felt a little bad for the guy as he was obviously nervous to approach her.  She turned on a smile that he could see didn't go any deeper than the surface.  The man said a few words and her eyes darted back to Luke's for a brief moment.  She lifted her hand and placed it softly into the man's and she slid off the high stool.  Luke saw that the back of her dress was very low cut, showing off the smooth expanse of her back.  

The man took her hand in his, pulled her close, and began to sway in what Luke could only assume was an attempt at being in tempo with the smooth jazz that was playing.  The man's face was triumphant and Luke could see his lips moving with incessant chatter.  She was smiling politely and nodding at regular intervals, but her eyes were trained over his shoulder and on Luke.  The man was spinning a slow circle and, as they got to the point that she was facing away from Luke, he noticed that the man was pulling her closer to him.

A wave of possessiveness washed over Luke and he was about to get up and cut in on Sweaty McNot-A-Chance, when the song ended and she pulled away from him.  She said something to him, shook his hand, and returned to her table.  Sweaty looked supremely disappointed but walked away in the opposite direction. 
Luke ordered a glass of wine, paid the bartender, and then walked over to the woman.

"I saw that your drink was low so I took the liberty of ordering you another if you'll join me."  He pointed to a table in the corner.

"Thank you," she smiled, a real smile this time, and he found himself staring at her mouth.

She stood and started walking toward the table he had indicated.  He was enchanted by the way her strappy high heels shaped her calves and lifted her ass.  Her hips swished slightly as she walked with effortless sex appeal.  He followed her, set the wine glass on the table, and pulled out her chair for her to sit. He sat beside her and pulled his chair close.

"I'm Luke," he said.

"Katrina," she replied. "It's a pleasure to meet you."  

He listened as her voice seemed to caress around the word "pleasure".

"I think the pleasure will be mutual," he said.

He reached up and used the backs of his fingers to lightly brush over the exposed mounds of her cleavage. She broke out in goosebumps at his touch and her breath hitched and shuddered.

He looked out over the dance floor and then turned to her and put his mouth near her ear.

"I like to watch the dancers. I like to imagine that I can read all about their relationships in the way they move with each other.  I like to fantasize about what those couples will do after they leave the bar, buzzing from their drinks and dancing and ready to get more physical with each other." He glided his hand down the outer curve of her breast and waist and slid his hand down her thigh to her knee.

"Some will make slow, sensual love, unhurried and enjoying each others' bodies," he said as he began smoothing his hand up her thigh.

"Others will barely get into their front doors before their want turns into physical need that will not wait another moment."  He reached under the hem of her dress and moved his exploration farther up her thigh until he reached what felt like damp silk.  

"And that young couple there?" he indicated a couple in the corner of the floor moving together drunkenly, "Well, they have 'blow job in the parking lot and separate cabs' written all over them."

She swirled her hips in the chair, reaching for his fingers that were barely grazing her at the apex of her thighs.  

"Tell me, Katrina," he mused, "Why did you come here tonight?"

She looked at him and replied, "I came to have a drink, dance a little, and maybe meet someone and have some fun."

"Well, you've had your drink and you've danced." He pressed his fingers firmly against her and rubbed in a circle.  She groaned and swirled her hips against him again. "Would you like to have some fun?"

"Yes," she sighed.

He began pulling his hand from under her dress, "Katrina, Kitten," he reprimanded her softly, "good things come to those who know how to ask nicely."

"Please!" she burst out and he stilled his hand. "Please show me how to have fun tonight."

"Good girl, Kitten," he praised. "Let's go."

He stood and she followed suit.  He ran his fingers down the soft skin of her exposed back, following the gentle curve of her spine, and rested his hand at the small of her back.  She shuddered and the goosebumps were back.  He guided her out of the bar and to the elevator with gentle nudges from his hand in her back.  While they waited for the elevator doors to open, he moved in close to her and pressed himself up against her back.  He was getting harder by the moment. Her ass cheeks cradled his manhood and her soft curves conformed and molded to the hard planes of his body.

The elevator arrived and they stepped inside.  As the doors closed, he pressed her against the back wall and took her wrists in his hands.  He drew her arms slowly above her head and held both for her wrists in place with one hand.  He nuzzled her neck and used his other hand to knead her breast. She sighed and pressed her hips into him and wrapped one leg around his.

The doors opened and he released her.  She reached down, straightened the skirt of her dress and stepped off the elevator.  He followed and took her hand.  He led her down the hall and stopped in front of one of the doors.  He unlocked it and led her inside.

The room was very nice with a large, king-sized bed covered with a fluffy duvet and pillows.  There was a small sitting area as well with two comfy-looking armchairs.  Luke went over to the mini bar and poured himself a drink.  He leaned against the wall, drink in hand, and watched her as she explored the room a bit, ran her fingers over the duvet and took in her surroundings.  After a moment, she turned and looked at him.

"What would you like to do next?" she asked him.

He set his drink on the coffee table in the sitting area, walked over to her and took her face in his hands.  He leaned down and brushed her lips with his before he took her mouth and began exploring with his tongue.  She made a small sound of pleasure in her throat and melted into his kiss.  She kissed him back and they devoured each other.  His hands moved from her face to her neck and shoulders.  From her shoulders, to her back and hip.  From her hip, to her thigh and then hitching up her dress to cup her ass and pull her close, grinding her against his hard length.

He broke off the kiss and they were both panting.  He left her standing at the foot of the bed and went over and turned out the lights.  He opened the curtain to the balcony and moonlight flooded the room.  He pushed one of the armchairs into the moonlight with his back to the window.  He could see all of her clearly, but he was silhouetted with the glow behind him.  He picked up his drink and sat in the chair.  

"Your dress is beautiful but it would look better on the floor.  Undress for me, Kitten."

She drew her hand up her arm, hooked her fingers under the small strap of the dress, and slowly pulled it off her shoulder and down her arm until it was left hanging open and exposing her bare breast.  She repeated this process on the other side and soon her dress was hanging at her hips and her upper body was fully exposed to the moonlight.  Her breasts were full and round and her nipples were already hard. She turned around and pulled the hair tie out of her hair.  She shook out her waves and they cascaded down her back.  With her back still to him, she reached down and undid the small zipper in the side of the dress.  She smoothed her hands under the dress and pushed it over her ass and down her legs, letting it drop to a puddle on the floor.  She was wearing a black thong and her strappy heels.

"That's enough for now," he said, "turn around and let me see you."

She turned and his gaze raked over her exposed skin.  She was luminescent in the moonlight and he was taken aback for a moment at how perfect she was. 

He sipped his drink, "Show yourself to me, Kitten."

She slid her hands up her hips and over her flat belly.  She moved them up and under her breasts to cup and knead them.  She lifted each of them and took her nipples between her fingers and rolled them around.  Her head fell back and she sighed.  After a moment, she moved one hand down her belly and to the waistband of her thong.  Her fingers snaked under the band and reached her apex.  She rolled over her clit and she shuddered. 

He watched her show and got uncomfortably hard. He took the last mouthful of his drink and stopped her.

"Come, kneel here and help me with my tie," he commanded.

She obeyed and got to her knees in front of him.  She reached up and with slow deliberation, she undid his tie until it hung open around his neck.  She undid the buttons on his shirt and smoothed her hand over the warm skin of his chest and over the ridges of his muscular torso.

"Now my belt," he instructed.

She complied and soon he had not only his belt undone, but his pants as well and she was releasing his throbbing manhood.  He was rock-hard now and at full attention.  She looked at his cock with admiration and hunger.  He put one of his hands in her hair, tangling his fingers into the strands tight enough to control her head.  He pulled her toward his cock and she opened her mouth eagerly.  He guided her mouth down and she took him in shallow a couple of times and then deeper.  He controlled her speed and depth and watched his cock sink between her lips again and again. 

His head rolled back and he reveled in the feel of her tongue and her teeth and her hot, tight throat.  She was moaning her pleasure around him and the sound vibrated through his shaft.  He was losing himself in the sensation of her and he stopped her before it went too far.  She pulled off his cock with a wet, slurping sound.

"You are a dirty girl," he said with a smile. "Stand up, go strip the top covers from the bed, and lay down."

She complied quickly and he walked over to one side of the bed.  He pulled the tie from around his neck and tied it to her wrist.  Bending down, he tied the other end to the frame of the bed.

"Whatever happened to a good old-fashioned bedpost?" he lamented.

He walked to the other side of the bed as she watched his every move.  He pulled the belt free from his pants and looped it around her wrist and tied the other end to the bed frame as well.

He stood at the foot of the bed and admired her sprawled out, waiting for him.  He ran his hand up her leg to her thong and rubbed.  She moaned and pressed against his hand.  Her thong was soaked.  He reached up and pulled it down her thighs and off her completely.  He admired her again, stark naked except for her heels and her bindings.  So beautiful. He undressed himself and settled between her legs.

"You've been such a good girl so far, Kitten," he told her, "I'm going to reward you."

He ducked his head down and licked her slit from bottom to top in a slow, deliberate motion.  

"Oh, God!" she groaned.

Her legs fell open, exposing herself to him and giving him access to everything he wanted. He flicked her clit with his tongue and her legs shuddered.  He lapped at her and flicked her nub until she was quivering and moaning and dripping wet.  She ground her hips against his face, trying to get him closer. He knew she was close to cumming and he brought up two fingers and poised them at her opening.  He laid into her clit with his tongue, swirling and flicking it as she moaned and squirmed and ground against him. As her cries got louder, he listened for that note of pique, that sound of urgency and slight panic that comes before a woman's orgasm explodes through her.  He waited and when he heard the first notes of her impending climax, he pushed his fingers inside her.  

It was the push she needed and she shattered around him.  Her orgasm was intense, shaking her legs and causing her to try and squirm away from him.  He hooked his free arm under her ass and around her hip and pulled her back to him while he continued to push her through the sensations.  She was crying out her pleasure.  He forced her through to the other side of the storm and listened for the sound in her voice that said that she had reached the point of pain that was almost pleasure but not quite.  He heard it in her voice now and slowed to bring her down from the heights.

Her eyes were closed and she was panting. 

"No, no, Kitten," he chuckled, "it's not time to sleep yet."

He leaned down and kissed her deeply while reaching down and playing with one of her nipples.  She moaned and responded, lapping up her juices that covered his mouth and tongue.  He released her mouth and leaned over to her ear.

"I'm going to fuck you fast and hard until I'm ready to cum."

"Yes," she moaned.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, please fuck me," she begged.

He smiled wickedly, "My, my, Kitten, you are a bit of a slut, aren't you?  Coming up to my room, giving me great head, climaxing so brazenly, and now begging me to fuck you..."

"Yes. I'm a slut.  I'm YOUR slut.  Please fuck me hard."

"Dirty girl," he said as he sat up and grabbed her behind her knees.  

He brought her knees up as far as they would go, opening her cunt to him.  She was still dripping and he wasted no time positioning the head of his cock at her opening.  He slid inside her slowly, allowing her to adjust to him as this position tightened her inner walls.  He made a couple of slow, deep strokes and when he felt she was ready, he started increasing his pace.  She moaned her pleasure and he went even faster.  Every thrust slammed his balls against her asshole. He let go of her legs and grabbed her hips, pulling her to meet each stroke.  He pounded into her and her moans were stilted and staccato with the force of his thrusts.  

"Oh God, Luke!" she cried.

He heard the implication she was going to cum again.  He was not ready for her yet.

"No," he commanded, "You're not allowed to cum yet.  Hold back, Kitten, I'll tell you when."

She whimpered but nodded to him.  He focused on her pussy again, getting lost in his thrusts.  Her inner walls were grabbing at him and the friction was incredible.  They were both panting and covered in sweat.  She was moaning and saying his name and pleading with him.  He was grunting and groaning and he felt his balls tighten.

"Are you ready?"

He found a last burst of energy and he slammed into her over and over.

"Come for me, Kitten," he growled.

She screamed and spasmed, her pussy walls tightening even more and sending him over the edge.

"OH FUCK!!!" he shouted as he burst inside her, shooting load after load deep in her womb.  He was still pumping his hips and he had cum so much that it was spilling out of her and dribbling down her asshole.  He was suddenly spent and he collapsed next to her on the bed, both of them panting and incoherent.

After a while, he came back to himself enough to get up and untie her.  He brought the blankets up over them both and he lay with her spooned to him, kissing her hair and massaging and caressing her wrists where she had been bound.

The next morning, Luke woke and hopped in the shower.  When he was finished, he wrapped a towel around his waist and watched her sleep for a bit.  She was beautiful with her hair splayed against the pillow and the sheet down low around her hips.  She woke up slowly and, after blinking her eyes into focus, she smiled at him.

"Hey, Sleepyhead," he teased.

She smiled wider. "Last night was phenomenal," she gushed.

"I couldn't agree more," he said.

She sat up in the bed and stretched. "Maybe next time we should create characters," she said.

"That could be fun," he replied, "For now, you need to hurry. It's 9:00 am and we told your parents we'd meet the kids and them for brunch at 10:00."

She hurried over to him, kissed him deeply, and shimmied into the bathroom.

God, he loved his wife.


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Her boyfriend hated her talking to me, and I honored his request at first. I did not want to come between them. But it was obvious she couldn’t stop. She had dark fantasies and like so many women discovered it was difficult finding men serious enough and not afraid to think or do the things she wanted. I surprised her because I have a dark, sadistic side and vivid imagination. Even better, I had actually done these things. Like most women, she didn’t believe me at first, but after seeing a few...

2 years ago
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Claiming My Virgin Girlfriend

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we’re beginning our final approach into Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport. The temperature outside is 27 degrees and the weather looks to be sunny for the next few days” said the obviously British captain of my British Airways flight from London to Mumbai. On a typical flight, I’d probably be snoozing at this point. Or thinking ahead to clearing customs. Or even thinking about switching the bills in my wallet to pay for the taxi ride. This time however,...

3 years ago
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Claiming Victoria Victory 1

There was the sound of our door and commotion from the living room. My wife giving muffled pleasantries, then I heard it, her bell voice that so perfectly matched her spite-like features staring up from the computer screen. Shit. I pulled my shorts up and deleted my search history. I exited the room and tried to play it cool. What the fuck was she doing in Phoenix? “Hi hun!” my wife said hugging my spank bank, “Victoria’s here!” “I see that” I managed. Victoria was my wife’s sister’s...

2 years ago
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Claiming a hot Jewish girlfriend

You laugh as you are meeting Jennifer Weinstein in the restaurant and begin talking to her about the newest roleplaying game that she is taking part in. You smile politely and engage with her, and her beautiful blue eyes, and behind her glasses frames. She is absolutely gorgeous, standing at 5'11 with curly light red hair, a small B cup, and a slim body that comes down to her great heart shaped ass. She isn't large by anyone's imagination, but she has curves in all the right places for her body...

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Claiming Erika

When my wife died from breast cancer five years ago I was devastated. We had been married for nearly forty years, and it had been a good marriage in every way, including a very active and satisfying sex life which gave us both great pleasure.We weren’t swingers in the literal sense, but for the last ten years of our married life, we had enjoyed posting explicit photos and videos on a voyeur website for other’s enjoyment and arousal. We hooked up online using the chat option on the site with a...

3 years ago
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Claiming Him

Mac hadn't seen Jet or Shannon in a while. He'd heard from his friend that they were settling in to married life. Then Shannon had called. As soon as they got back to her place, he realized Jet's mark was all over the place. This was going to be very interesting, in a what wouldn't kill him would make him stronger mindset. She motioned him to the couch and left the room, returning with a couple of icy beers. He popped the top on the one, and arched an eyebrow to her. "What is this...

3 years ago
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Reclaiming Nadia

 Troy and I had been seeing each other for about three months, with our relationship being purely physical. We did end up having an official date after that enjoyable Sunday morning, but I reaffirmed my earlier conclusion, that aside from the bedroom, we had nothing in common. Almost all the time we spent together involved either drinking with the group, or being naked in bed.We had opposite tastes in movies, music and TV shows. We were basically fuck buddies, who drank together. At least...

Straight Sex
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Amanda stood outside a high-rise apartment in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. The cold January wind ruffled her long hair and sent a chill through her body. She felt her nipples harden and press against the rough texture of her lace bra, concealed only by her shirt. She shivered. Should have dressed in more layers. But layers aren’t sexy and she needed to be ready if she saw him tonight. Amanda had visited this apartment before. Had been taken up to the top floor. Had been taken sexually in a way...

1 year ago
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Claim my Anal Hole Sweetheart Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Andy knew me like no one else. My likes dislikes he knew everything. No wonder I was smitten with him. We were dating and going strong now for 6 months. Our sex life was explosive and we couldn’t get enough of one another. However, he hadn’t touched me anally. He hadn’t gone there and fucked my ass. So I decided to surprise him. I wanted him to claim me in every way. I was planning for a session so he can claim my anal hole and fill me up. I waited for him to finish the Sunday breakfast. I was...

2 years ago
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Claimed by Hiroshi

When Hiroshi entered the club room, only Ranma was inside. Red haired girl was still wearing her one piece costume. She wore it not so long ago, trying to atract more people to join the martial arts club. Hiroshi smiled, looking at Ranma's body. She spent a day on the sun, a drops of sweat shone on her bare skin. He could feel her smell. Controlling himself, remembering that he has to work according his plan, he placed the small incense next to the door. He waited a minute, listening...

1 year ago
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Claimed by Khan

She’d been on the sunny hill side, tending their livestock when she saw the group of mounted soldiers appear at one of the ridge lines. Her father had always told her to run and hide when strangers appeared, but the sparse vegetation offered nowhere to shelter. She made a dash for a rocky outcrop to try and hide in one of its crevasses. She hoped she wasn’t seen, that the strangers had other interests and would ignore her and leave them be. This hope was quickly extinguished as she heard the...

1 year ago
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They had been talking excitedly about their outing for weeks. Whenever Jill, Ariadne and Xenia went for lunch in the university cafeteria, the subject of their wild weekend would soon come up. I usually had lunch with them, so I followed their discussions and made a few suggestions. Jill was big and sassy, Ariadne was small and athletic, and Xenia, my favourite, was quiet and clever. I referred to them collectively as Jax. We were faculty, but young and single, and still fooled around like...

2 years ago
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Claimed Women

In this world, if you are a woman then when you turn 18 you will become the property of the first man who fucks you. Prior to this women are raised as normal, they go to school, have mixed classes, but when they turn eighteen they will submit to their role in society. After this she will do whatever her master tells her too. If her master tires of her there are several options. She may be auctioned and sold to the highest bidder, or sold to a breeding farm. A master may also dispose of his...

1 year ago
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Claimed by Ben

This is a story about Ben, my 3 year old German Sheppard/Cross, Mostly Cross, and me. I got him as a puppy before I married Lee.I'm a 24 year old woman, and for the past 2 years, married to Lee, a wonderful man who is 2 years older than me. I had known him from high school. He is a truck driver and owns a couple of trucks that cause him to to be gone for anywhere between a week and a month at a time. I asked him to put a driver in to the second truck too, but he insisted we couldn't...

2 years ago
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They had been talking excitedly about their outing for weeks. Whenever Jill, Ariadne and Xenia went for lunch in the university cafeteria, the subject of their wild weekend would soon come up. I usually had lunch with them, so I followed their discussions and made a few suggestions. Jill was big and sassy, Ariadne was small and athletic, and Xenia, my favourite, was quiet and clever. I referred to them collectively as Jax. We were faculty, but young and single, and still fooled around like...

2 years ago
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There was something so familiar. This was not the first time she had looked into the intensity of those ice grey eyes, Asia was certain of it. Who could forget such a hauntingly unique color, the distinct clarity, the way they seemed to bore through her and create a rush that could only be compared to actual physical intimacy. The fact that he was a stranger and on the opposite end of the room only left Asia in a confused state of uneasiness. His eyes almost seemed to glow in the low lighting...

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Claimed by Mom Johns Education

Hearing the soft thump of feet walking by, John woke. Peeping through eyelashes he saw Marge. The firm moons of his mother's ass moved up and down enticingly as she walked. He could tell she was freshly showered as she unwrapped her toweled head and bent over. With her hair flipped forward, she shook her head side to side, spacing her feet wide for balance, the long slit of her cunt fully exposed. The hair-fringed outer lips ran to a thatch of dark hair. Her exposed clitoris looked like a...

1 year ago
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Claimed by Carnal DesireChapter 2

Martha had one more spiteful tease to taunt her new slave with, before she indulged herself with the pleasure of his initiation; it would be one which would sharpen both her dominant appetite and that of her new submissive, though it would be a shock to his system and confirm his eventual fate; something which made her clitoris swell with a deeply cruel and erotic pleasure. She opened the door to the main bedroom and then paused, her cunt now oozing in readiness for the pleasure to come. She...

3 years ago
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Claimed by Carnal DesireChapter 3

Dean's anus tingled as his asshole clenched at the plug, stretched to the limit and enhancing his sense of fear; his cock was rock hard under him as the women laughed about the news articles, he had read about his own shameful death and now knew he was at the complete mercy of Martha but would be shown none. She could now dispose of him at her leisure, he was already a dead man; the sweet realisation of his predicament and the women's cruel laughter brought him close to emptying his balls...

4 years ago
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Claimed by Carnal DesireChapter 4

Dean was saved from any sharp internal components by a cordon of blankets, as he assumed the foetal position and bumped around in the trunk; Suki driving him to an unknown destination where he would meet Madam Zara. The bumping eventually stopped, he felt the handbrake creak, and he was then momentarily blinded by brilliant sunshine as the trunk was opened. As he peered out, two very feminine young ladies smiled down and helped him out as Suki stood with arms crossed and head high. He looked...

4 years ago
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SunnyChapter 11

Carl’s turn: “Mom, I got news you might find interesting.” “Son, you’re still in Arkansas, right?” “Yes, Mom. But we’re gonna be home this coming weekend.” “For a while?” “No, ma’am. Just long enough to introduce you to your new daughter-in-law.” “Son, don’t be messin’ with your mother...” “I’m serious, Mom.” “Hang on. Let me get your dad in on this.” I could hear her yell “Hugh, pick up the phone. Our son’s got news.” I heard a click, then “Hey son. Still in Arkansas?” “Yessir. But...

2 years ago
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Little Chain Gang BangsChapter 2

Mindy and I didn’t have to ask each other. We would help Huso find the other escaped boys. The question was, how? I put it to the scrawny boy. “Were they the ones who helped you escape?” “Don’t know.” He picked his nose and ate the booger. “But find them easy!” Huso stepped away from the car and went to an edge of the swamp that he chose after surveying the haunting trees. He cupped a hand to his ear and listened. He looked ridiculous with my pants dangling from his upper arm. Mindy and I...

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Russian Roulette

I sat in the dark shadow of the Victorian mansion, with the engine idling.At 6.00pm sharp they appeared in the doorway. He, portly - leaning heavily on his stick for support; she, wraith-slim, clad in a sleeveless silver evening gown that went down to touch a pair of silver satin stilettos. Her slender, porcelain-white arms were clad with elbow-length silver snakeskin gloves and her diamond choker sparkled in the light of the crescent moon. The old man grasped her arm tightly as they cautiously...

2 years ago
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The Gift Book IIChapter 15

It was the first of September, 2001, and I was changing the fuel cell on my car. I had come to the point where I had finally had to refill the damn things. I did it, though. Everything I needed to recharge the thing was available in this time, except one vital ingredient. This ingredient had been provided in a large enough quantity by my older self, to last until it became available in the near future (according to the elder 'me', and the computer). I now had two fully charged fuel cells,...

2 years ago
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The story of my life part 2

After finishing the water, Maria said she needed a shower and went into the bathroom. After a 2 minutes she yelled that Eric had to come to the bathroom. Eric stood up an walked into the bathroom. Maria told Eric that he was still a slave and so ordered him to start to clean here body. Eric moved into the shower and started to put liquid soap on Maria's shoulder. He moved behind here and started spread the soap all over here body. He fondled here tits, carefully massaging Maria's nipples...

1 year ago
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Making it on your own

A little over a month after turning 19, you finally got a place of your own. Living with your father has been a nightmare, polar opposites, you have always been a disappointment to him. After deciding to take a year off before starting college, your father decided you were no longer his problem. Numerous fights ensued before you were finished, better to cut ties and begin anew. You and a friend found a shit-hole rental house for cheap, just on the outskirts of downtown. The place is a two...

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We were on holiday in Devon. Every one else, my wife, kids and our friends and their children wanted to go into town shopping. The weather was not good (another British summer) and I preferred to finish the book I had started that morning. There was one other dissenter, our friends 8 year old daughter, Sally who was complaining of a pain in her stomach. As their car had broken down on the way there we were restricted to trying to go out in the one remaining vehicle, ours, and that made...

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Ms Marca Mother and I

  MS. MARCA                   My teen years   Mother and I       Part 1   After getting back from my week with Bert at the trade show in Houston and school was just a month away, mother and I took a trip that made our relationship a whole lot different toward each other for the rest of our lives. After our 7 days in paradise mother had help further my education in how to be a more perfect woman or a better slut than I already was. She didn’t just tell me about the facts of life, which...

2 years ago
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Fuck I mumbled under my breath as I looked down. 20 miles over the speed limit. Not too shabby but I knew I could get out of it. Slowly I pulled over to the edge making sure no one would scratch my new baby. When I first seen him get out I instantly smiles. The way he strutted toward me you could tell he was confident. As he got closer I didn't notice a ring. I unzipped my hoodie and adjusted my hefty size DD tits in my bra. Making sure they popped out the top just making sure to show...

1 year ago
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Strawberries For BreakfastChapter 2 Melissa

I love crystal glasses. The sound of crisp clear ice cubes ringing into a tall, heavy-bottomed cut-glass tumbler is as sensuous as nylon-covered legs whispering against each other. The feeling is rendered even more delightful on a sunny Saturday afternoon fresh from a round of golf. The pristine sound of ice dropping into a glass on this particular afternoon was overwhelmed by a staccato of conflicting sounds. Garage door opening, car driving in, garage door going down, all heard through a...

3 years ago
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Vasanthi athai

Hi this s Chucky. I m 6′ tall and havin Brown complexion and athletic body. My cock is 5″ long and 1 inch thick. I have fuckd a few gals. But this s an experience which was my memorable one. I m studyin in coimbatore in a college. This happnd jus a couple of months ago. I went home to chennai and my family consists of dad, sis, mom and bro. As it was summer holidays they all went to USA for tour except my bro he is working there. I was alone at the house for the summer as i had exams at the...

2 years ago
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Sunset and Rain Love til the End

Italy – Tuscany: May 4th Sun is high on the sky, limitless crystal clear sky. All around the house are long green g****vines, it’s so quiet. Only person standing on the porch is Emma, she is holding the glass of red vine in her hands. She seems distant, lost in a horizon. Wind chimes made a noise that pulled her out of her daydreaming. That’s when she realized that Anne-Marie hasn’t returned from Grosseto. That is a town near the village they were living in. “She must have bumped into some of...

1 year ago
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Nylon Fun

Nylon Fun By edward peter Adjacent rooms at the hotel had been pre-booked by Charles, and I booked into my room an hour before our scheduled time of meeting up. Everything had been arranged via long emails to each other over a period of approximately six months. We had never met before but it seemed as if we knew everything about each other... we were both divorced, both about the same age and both of us had discovered that we shared a curiosity about having sex with another man,...

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