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Chapter Five (Part Two)

After Tariq had his fun and left, Millie and I sat looking dolefully at each other across our cell.
„I shall propably be on the next Punishment Session,“ she said, her eyes misting.
„Oh, why's that?“, I asked.
That cow of a woman I was sent to yesterday. A fat, middle-aged horror. Said she wasn't satisfied with my performance.“
She had all my sympathy. „ sorry...“ I said and went across and kissed her. „Perhaps she'll forget.“
„I doubt it. Probably be down to watch me getting it.“ A sob shook her.
„Oh, it's so unfair.“
„I know...Iknow...“ And it certainly was. No matter how hard one tried to obey those disgusting demands, one still seemed to get punished. We sat in silence, hopeless and defeated.
About a couple of hours, Miss Pohl entered.
„You're both wanted,“ she said. Millie and I got off our bunks and stood meekly while our collar and chain was attached. I wondered what we are wanted for...but, of course, was not foolish enough to ask. „You're on the midday Punishment Session,“ said Miss Pohl to Millie. Another sob shook the girl but she said nothing.
We were led out and along the corridor, like a****ls. Then across the vast building which housed the guests quarters. Everything was luxurious. Thick carpets, heavy curtains, beautyful pictures. Such a contrast to our bare cell-block.
Up the stairs we went, then we stopped at a withe and gold door. Miss Pohl knocked then entered, leading Millie with her. I was left standing in the corridor. I just had time to see Millie getting down to the standard obligatory posture before the door closed. A male voice guffawed.
Miss Pohl emerged a few moments later and led me further down the corridor.
„This is where you are required, Tania,“ she said, knocking and entering. I was led in and went down, at once, in the humiliating posture demanded, just having time to see a naked woman lay on the bed. My gorge rose. „I have brought you a slave, Mrs Penrose,“ said Miss Pohl. „You didn't make any specifications, but I think she will suffice.“
„I hope so,“ said this Mrs Penrose, with a hard edge to her voice. „Henry,“ she called out, „the slave's here. Do you want to look at it?“
There was a hissing of a shower from the bathroom. „No...“ called a male voice, „one slave of Bianca's is much like another. They all know how to use their cunts.“ Mrs Penrose gave a harsh little laugh.
„Thank you, Miss Pohl,“ said Mrs Penrose. My Overseer left and I remained, nose to the floor, straining my bottom as high as possible. I heard the man come into the room, towelling himself. Could this be Mr Penrose? It was quite possible. A number of wives accompany husbands to Bianca's Island, to have their own fun.
„Is that it then?“ he said.
„That's it,“ replied Mrs Penrose.
„Not a bad arse,“ said Mr Penrose.
„If you fancy it, we'll keep it,“ said Mrs Penrose. „Otherwise, we'll send for another.“
„Looks ok to me. Kneel up, girl.“ I knelt erect hands on head, breasts thrusting. „Mmmmm...quite good tits too.“
„All you want then, Henry.“
„Guess so,“ said the man. He was about forty, lean and hard-featured. I could well image imagine him being a sucessful criminal. „Name, girl?“ he asked. „And age?“
„Tania, Master,“ I answered respectfully, „aged 17.“
„You're very dark in colour,“ said Mrs Penrose. „What nationality are you?“
„Half english, half italian, Ma'am,“ I said.
„A nice combination,“ said Henry Penrose. „Like the mouth, Muriel?“
„It looks fine. We'll soon see how it works.“ I realised then I was going to have to perform a double act. Service her and cervice him simultaneous. Well, it had happened before.
Henry strolled across the room and fondled my breasts. „You've got good tits, k**,“ he said.
„Thank you, Master,“ I replied meekly. It often surprised me that a wife did not mind her husband behaving in this fashion. Broad-minded, I suppose you call it. I kept my breasts thrusting, letting him squeeze and maul at will. I hated him, but it was the only way. He was grinning down lecherously at me.
„Nipples getting firm...liking it, eh?“
„Yes, Master,“ I answered. One could'n help one's nipples getting firm whether one like it or not.
„Let's have you up here on the bed, c***d,“ said Muriel Penrose, „you're going to tongue me while Mr Penrose fucks you.“
„I understand, Ma'am,“ I said with all the humbleness I could muster. I was only a slave, there to serve. „May I move, Master?“ I asked Henry Penrose.
He gave my breasts a little slap. „I suppose so,“ he said.
I slid on the bed, then in between Muriel Penrose's wide-parted thighs. She drew up her knees, presenting me with her revolting sex. I kissed it delicately and felt the cow shiver. Meanwhile, I had got my hindquarters raised high, legs open, so that Mr Henry Penrose could take me whenever he wanted.
I kissed Mrs Muriel Penrose's sex lips fervently for quite some time. Then I began thrusting my tongue. I heard her sighing happily. Meanwhile, Henry Penrose had seated himself on the edge of the bed and was stroking my buttocks...and also probing a finger into my sex from time to time.
I began to work on Mrs Penrose's clitoris.
„Oh...oh...yes...yes...“ she gasped. „Lovely.“ I was glad I was pleasing the cow. „H-Henry...aren't you going to fuck her?“
„When I'm ready,“ answered Mr Penrose, still fingering at me. It made me feel sick but I kept working away at Mrs Penrose's clitoris. Then I knew I'd got her going. Her haunches jerked and jerked; she gasped and cried out. Then she came to her orgasm. I slowed my mouth and let her rest for a while. Mr Penrose's fingers left me and I guess he was about ready to take part in the act. It scarcely concerned me. One fuck is very much like another and I was often fucked several times a day.
„More, girl,“ commanded Mrs Penrose. I put my lips and tongue back to work at once.
Then I felt my flanks seized and had Mr Penrose's knob probing at me. He fiddled around a good deal, sliding up and down my lips before finally penetrating me.
„Nice, Henry?“ enquired a panting Mrs Penrose.
„Not bad,“ he admitted. As he had fingered me quite a while, I was a little hot, also I was working my ass to the maximum. So `not bad´ probably meant very good. He thrust slowly and strongly. He was long but not thickly-girthed. I didn't like him. But I had to pretend I did. I worked even more feverishly on his wife.
I brought her to a second orgasm and she was threshing about all over the bed. It was impossible for me to keep in contact with her.
„Steady, Muriel,“ said Henry, still thrusting away.
„Ohhh...ohhh...that was so good...“ Mrs Penrose actually patted my head as I got my mouth back into contact. She was really hot and juicy. No doubt I had done a good job. „Everithing allright, Henry?“ she asked.
„Fine...fine...“ he said. He sounded cool and calm. A man in charge. He was heaving a really good fuck, I was sure. But then, that was what I was there for.
„Let's have that mouth again, slave,“ said Mrs Penrose, her voice a little tremolous.
I put it to work again and she moaned with delight. God, how that cow loved it! She shivered and shuddered, squirmed and jerked.
She was crying out. „Hhhhaaahhh...aaahhh...hhhhaaaahhhh...“ In ecstasy.
Henry Penrose was working up his pace. Thumping away. „Let's come together, Muriel,“ he suddenly cried out.
I went crazy on Muriel's clitoris and she spent herself wildly. At the same time I felt Henry spurting into me. Groaning and gasping. Slaking himself. To the utmost.
They collapsed down together. They had their full satisfaction.
And I had done my duty.
Yes...poor helpless slave...
I had done my duty.

Miss Pohl took me back to the cell where I had a douche and a shower. Millie had not yet returned. Poor girl. I was sorry about her midday punishment but it can happen to any of us at any time. Just or unjust. I lay on my bunk and tried to make my mind a blank. Not easy. There is always what has just happened to you to think about...and then imagining about what might be going to happen to you.
After about half an hour, Tariq entered. I thought he might have come to fuck me but that wasn't so. As I knelt on my bunk he fastened on my collar and chain. „Some old buzzard wants a fuck,“ he said casually. „I reckon you'll do him nicely.“ He spoke as if a guest had asked for a fruit drink to be sent up and I was the right flavour. A slave has to get used to such humilitations.
I looked at Tariq's lean, muscular body as he led me along. Frankly, I would much rather I was going to be fucked by him than some `old buzzard´.
Into an apartment I went and went down in my `display posture´ immediately.
„You asked for a slave, Sir,“ said Tariq politely. „Thanks,“ said an American voice. „Just leave it there. I'll call you when it's no longer required.“
„Very good, Sir,“ My collar and chain were taken off; I remained on my knees, nose to the floor. It was all too familiar. I recalled how I used to tremble and sob when I first had to do this. No longer. I recalled the hideous shame I felt. That was now much reduced, though not entirely absent.
There was a long silence, I didn't think he was studying me in the miror because I head rustling of papers. Possibly he was dealing with some business matters. I think I must have knelt there for a good half hour. That was unusual for most guests, once they've sent for a girl, want to get on and enjoy her. At last he spoke.
„Kneel up, girl.“ I did so, hands on head. He was grey-hayred and lean-looking, wearing a dressing gown. About sixty or so, I reckonned. He eyed me with what almost seemed like indifference.
„Name and age?“ he said.
„Tania, Master. Aged 17.“ He nodded.
„I was going to have a wank,“ he said, „Which I quite enjoy. Then I thought it might be better if I had a girl wank me. And if I happen to get it up nice and strong, I might even fuck her. That's the situation, Tania.“
„I understand, Master,“ I said. I did, too. Here was obviously a man who was partially impotent who I was going to have to please, one way or another.
Bianca gets quite a few guests of this nature.
„My Name is Carson,“ he said, taking off his dressing gown. Big deal! Mr Carson, eh? „I once used to be very good in bed, but no longer. But I still like to have fun.“
„I understand, Master,“ I said again. He had a rather shrivelled looking prick which I found rather distasteful.
„Nice tits,“ said Mr Carson, fondling them.
„Thank you, Master. I'm glad you like them.“ All the usual slave-girl responses. He kissed and sucked my nipples and I sighed as if I were enjoying it. Horrible old bastard. He fiddled a bit with my sex but it didn't seem to do anything for him.
„Can I do anything for you, Master?“ I enquired helpfully. I expected he would want me to suck him, but he didn't.
„Yes,“ he replied, „You can start playing with me, girl. Put some of that ointment on to your hand.“ He pointed to a jar of white cream at his bedside. I anointed my palm then got hold of his shrivelled prick. At first, moving my hand gently but persistently to and fro, I got no reaction. He was lying back with eyes closed, seemingly relaxed. Gradually, very gradually, he began to swell a little.
„Good...ahhh...good...“ he sighed. Filthy old sod, I thought. He was lucky to have a 17-year-old girl doing this to him. Only on such a place as Bianca's Island could it be happening. In the real world, a girl from my age would have run a mile from him.
Gradually he swelled more. „Oh...oh...that's lovely,“ he said. He got his hand under my bottom and began to frig me. Thought it nauseated me, I cooperated, moving my haunches back and forth.
„Mmmm...what a nice young cunt,“ he said. „Do you get fucked often, girl?“
„Quite often, Master,“ I replied. He was getting harder all the time. Perhaps he would fuck me after all. I hadn't thought so at one time. Then he got really hard, even if not very big. He was shuddering with pleasure.
„That's it...that's it...girlie...come on top of me...oh yes...but be quick!“ He was panting his list.
As quickly as I could, I twisted over on to him taking his rather pathetic weapon into me. It had no sexual relevance for me. No stimulation. I just worked on it, bouncing my bottom up and down.
„Ohh...oooh...yes...yes...YES...“ he was gasping out.
Talk about premature ejaculation! He didn't last more that half a minute. Then he was jerking his puny spunk into me. All the same, he seemed perfectly satisfied....running his hand up and down my back, over my bottom, mussing my hair.
„Good girl...good girl...“ he kept saying. I found myself wishing that most guests were so easyly satisfied. I thought he had dozed off but then he put out his hand and took up the house phone. „You can take the girl away now,“ he said abruptly.
A couple of minutes later, Tariq was back, putting on my collar and chain.
„Everithing allright, Sir?“ he asked.
„Quite satisfactory, thank you,“ said Mr Carson. He was already picking up his business papers again. Not even looking at me. Not caring. I was simply a female object which had briefly satisfied him.
Tariq led me out, then turned grinning at me. „I bet he gave you a whale of a time, my pretty,“ he said.
„I satisfied him,“ I replied.
„But did he satisfied you?“ asked Tariq.
„Hardly,“ I replied.
„Well, I think I cam remedy that,“ said Tariq. To be honest I was no altogether displeased by this announcement.
Millie was still absent when we got back to the cell. Then I realised it was time for the midday Punishment Session.
„Get your arse up, girl,“ said Tariq, removing his bulging pouch. His massive cock swung down, I shivered. Fear? Anticipation? Perhaps a bit of both. Tariq grinned at me.
„Now you're going to get a proper fucking,“ he said.
I got up my bunk, thrust my bottom high and parted my thighs. He came up behind me, fondling my buttocks. It didn't take him long to get an erection. Then I felt him running his big knob up and down between my sex lips. Third fuck of the day, I thought, and it was only just past mid-morning. Then tariq thrust fully in, stretching me to the limit. As I usually did, I cried out. Oh what a size he was! He remained for a good half a minute or more, savouring me as it were. Then his haunches began to move. Long, slow lunges which soon had me moaning.
„Good, eh, girlie?“ he asked, squeezing my tits.
„Yes...oh yes, Sir,“ I had to admit. There was no point in pretending otherwise. This man conquered me always. But perhaps you can imagine how terrified I was when I first had to serve him with my mouth and my pussy. All that had changed. Now, I have to confess, I wanted him.
„You like a nice big prick, don't you, Tania?“ He had started to lunge slightly faster,
„Like mine?“
„I...I love your prick, Sir,“ I said, beginning to pant. He was bringing me to my first orgasm.
„There's a good slave,“ he said, patting my flanks. The pace increases further.
„Hhhaaahhhh...aaaahhhhh...“ I gasped. „Oh...OOOOOH...I'M GOING TO COME!“
„Come then, my pretty,“ urged Tariq. „Get nice and hot and juicy.“ He really began to pound into me...and I was lost. I spent and spent like mad, wriggling all over the place. I bet he enjoyed that.
Tariq slowed, but he didn't stop fucking me. I knelt there, weak but content. As a slave, if you're going to be fucked, you might as well be properly fucked.
The great solid truncheon continued to ravage me. Then I heard the cell door being unlocked. Tariq just went on with his good work. I heard the sound of sobbing and realised Millie was being brought back. I glanced across the cell and saw her weal-striped buttocks. It looked as if she'd had a dozen. Well, she could scarcelyhave expected less. Miss Pohl removed her collar and chain and she slumped down on the bunk. Face down. Without so much as a glance at Tariq and I, Miss Pohl left the cell.
Tariq went on fucking steadily. „Had a good hiding, Millie?“ he asked.
„I got a dozen, Sir. With the Number 2.“
„Could have been far worse.“
„Yes, Sir,“ said Millie with a little sob. What Tariq had said was true but, as I know, a dozen with the Number 2 is still very painful. I wonder, sometimes, if Trainers and Overseers realise quite HOW painful it is.
„Coming again, slave?“ Tariq enquired of me.
„S-Soon...aaaahhhh...soon...Sir...“ I answered.
„I'm going to let you have my lead this time,“ announced Tariq. „So start really working that lovely arse of yours, girlie.“
I did just that, giving him everything I could, driven to new heights by his overpowering driving.
I mounted, mounted and mounted. Gasping, squealing. Lost.
As I came to a peak...a verytable jelly of lust...he explodes within me.
It went on and on, with Tariq groaning hapily. Nice for a slave-girl to be able to satisfy her Overseer so completely, isn't it?
Before he departed, Tariq went over and examined Millie's bottom.
„Miss Pohl give it to you?“ he asked.
„Yes, Sir.“
Tariq gave a little laugh and slapped Millie's bottom hard, several times.
„Lucky it wasn't me,“ he said. „It would have hurt a good deal more!“
Then he was gone.
I heard the cell door lock.
The day was not half done.
How many times was I going to be fucked, I wondered?


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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 19 Norfolk Island

FRANK WAS SITTING in the Qantas Club in the international terminal at Sydney airport, when he heard his name paged. He quickly stood up and walked to the front desk and there was the tall, athletic and beautiful Sandy, dressed sensibly for travelling, but still looking good. He greeted her with a gentle kiss, showed his membership card to the receptionist and then led her to his table. She accepted his offer of coffee and once she had drunk it they both got up and selected a few things from...

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Thunder Island

Thunder Island is the most beautiful of the coastals. It’s still beautiful, in spite of now being filled with condos, motels, gigantic mansions and tourists ... it’s classy and scenic and just fabulous. You are a lucky motherfucker if you can afford to live there. The foliage is still thick and rich, with red cedar, oaks, loblolly and longleaf pines everywhere. The businessmen that turned the beauty of the island into money were careful, at least, and much of the natural beauty of the place has...

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The Island

The Island The small plane leaped into the air. Roger Kramer watched the dials nervously as his older brother Vince took them out low and fast. Behind him, Dashel Conroy chuckled, running his hands through the money. The armored car job had been perfect. Roger had come home from Iraq with ten kilos of C4 hidden in his bags. He had also spent four years learning how to blow things to hell, and a year disarming IEDs at about two bucks an hour. Vince, his older brother, had been in stir...

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Whipple Island

SEAN: Good gravy it was hot! Oh, sure, there's hot, but then there's the hot you get in the summer in the Midwest. If you didn't grow up here, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about! It's the kind of hot where the humidity is higher than the temperature. Your clothes stick to you. The air doesn't move. You keep hoping to find shade on the trail ahead, but when you get in the shade, it isn't any better. So far, this Independence Day weekend was the hottest weekend of the year. It...

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cuckold island

The breeze that came in from the Atlantic ocean did not do much to quell the baking sun on the beach of Marabogo. The small island laid approximately one hundred miles off the coast of Namibia, Africa.John Morton and Henry Larsen sat on the beach in their sunbathing chairs looking at all the skimpily clad women and ripped black men. Both men were nude, wearing nothing but chastity belts, something that was customary for white men on the island. John felt his penis strain against the inside of...

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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 6A Learning More About The Island You both go and take showers to clean some of the mutual cum off and there is plenty of heavy petting and another round of orgasms. Coming out of the shower was when it got interesting for me reasons. "I can't believe that your makeup stays in place and doesn't have to be reapplied. It's not fair. Especially the deep painted red of those lips. It still looks like they were painted next to an old '55...

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Hospital Island

I never used to believe in the spiritual world. Psychics, seances, Voodoo, Santa Rosa and all the rest always bored me. I guess you could say I didn't believe in Ghosts or the Supernatural. What changed my mind about all that was a strange event in my life. It happened the summer after my 25th birthday. It was a warm August day. A couple of my friends and I decided we'd crash a local nude beach. The only place where clothing optional beaches on Long Island where I live, were either...

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Threads The Island

Edwin looked at the pile of paperwork on his desk and rubbed at his eyes. It had been a really long day, and only midway through what was bound to be a long week. It had begun with his friend Danny's death two days ago, and since then the Island had been a hive of activity getting things prepared. In a couple of days time Danny's c***dren would arrive on the Island, having just found out that they were triplets given up for adoption, and they'd be meeting here for the very first time. On top of...

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The Scat Island

This is not an advertisement for the scat island, but instead description and narration of activities and events that take place there. Somewhere in pacific, there is this island not shown in any maps and can hardly be seen on google-maps! The island has a rim of narrow yellow sand beach and in the middle it is mainly green. On one side the island is slightly elevated like a small hill, and where this elevation starts, there is a small plain strip where woods are less and if you look down...

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The Hidden Island

My name is John. An ordinary name, and it fits, because I'm an ordinary guy. I'm fifty-seven, short, and not particularly well-built; I have thinning hair, a weak chin, and ears that kind of stick out. I'm not exactly ugly; I just have the kind of face you don't remember two minutes after you see it. I'm a corporate accountant, which is every bit as dull as it sounds. I drive a twelve-year-old Toyota, and I live in a small one-bedroom apartment. I have no close friends, no brothers or sisters,...

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Treasure Island

Part one I was born under a lucky star, had a fairy for a godmother, whatever. Anyway,for some reason I'm a winner. And now you expect me boasting about my successfulcareer, how I surged to the top in no time, the power I hold, the fabulousamounts of money I earn. Sorry to disappoint you. I never entered the rat race,actually I'm unemployed, permanently, never in my life had a proper job. Aha,you think, spoiled son of a wealthy family. Nope. My old man was a truck driver,who died of a heart...

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Wonder Womans Sexual MisadventuresChapter 7 Wrong Island

Based on the story line idea (expanded by me) of John T at Used with artist permission. To see his art, go to the above website and click on art/erotic stories. John T will be down in the right hand column. Princess Diana had finally been restored to health by the healing device on Paradise Island. However, her restoration had depleted the Amazons supply of Amazonium. Queen Hippolyta had promised that, if all the Amazonium was used to heal her, Princess Diana would...

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Glimpses of the Island

Glimpses of the Island Prologue Isla Del Sur, known simply as the Island to its inhabitants, was first discoveredin the 16 th century when a Portuguese merchant shipbound for Japan went off course after rounding Africa. Lost in the Indian Ocean,the ship stumbled across the uninhabited island group. The captain marked iton a chart, refreshed his supplies of food and water, and headed due west,eventually finding the African coast, where he continued on his way. Upon hisreturn to Portugal the...

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Sable Island

Chapter One At twenty nine years old Joe and Marcie Streeter were the average couple with aspirations and dreams that so many couples their age had. He was a research executive and Marcie was a staff person in marketing at Fielding and Croft. Joe had sandy hair that he wore a little on the long side and he had a winning smile that he didn’t use enough. Marcie was on the tall side, close to five feet eight inches tall in fact and she was painfully aware of her height. She had a bad habit of...

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The RescueChapter 13 A Deserted Island

It was shortly after one when a small island was spotted off the port bow, and Captain Jimmy adjusted the yacht’s course to approach it. He and the other frolicking fornicators had come back on deck at noon, for a hearty lunch, and he had taken the wheel on the main bridge. Most of the others surrounded him as he described the island as they came closer. “It’s not really all that much of an island, maybe a mile long and half that wide, at best. It’ never had anybody living there permanently...

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Patricias Wild Week On Penkor Island

Patricia felt her heart skip a beat when she caught sight of Dr. Mackenzie coming through the doors of his office the following Monday morning. Having just spent a most enjoyable weekend with him, she thought, WOW... ! Talk about being handsome and sexy... , I go weak in the knees every time he's around me. Looking out his office door, Jordan could see Patricia was busy preparing for their first surgery of the day. Knowing he was unobserved, he couldn't keep his hungry eyes off her....

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Celebrity Island

Chapter 1Karl Newman was pretty messed up – the result of a sexually confused Colorado childhood.  Around the time he hit puberty he was introduced to sex through the keyhole of his mother’s bedroom door.  It was seldom that the single mother needed to satiate her lustful urges but, occasionally, strange men would visit and nights of forceful love-making would ensue.Always curious, Karl would watch through the spy-hole and masturbate as his mother was ridden hard from behind or from the front...

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No Man Is an Island

Greg slowly twisted his hand, slowing the outboard motor behind him to a stop. The vibrations, which had been traveling up his arm and shaking his poor middle aged body for the past half hour, eased as the ship began to coast towards the rocky shore. Ship. Really, that was a grandiose term for the "True Blue". It barely rated being called a boat. Ten or twelve feet long (he'd never bothered to measure it), the True Blue was just an old aluminum rowboat with an outboard motor. His father had...

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Delta OriginalChapter 5 Kazan Island

Nyoni looked up when she heard the noise. Another machine was traversing the sky heading towards the north-east. She had felt a shift in the magical energies from that area and now believed that the visitors had found the Giants. She knew it wouldn’t be long before they found them too. She sighed. Unlike the Giants, it wasn’t a spell that kept her people tied to their islands. It was their fear. Her people hadn’t fared well at the hands of humans in the past. While the Genteli were more...

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B7 Chapter 16 Epilog The Island

Chapter 16: Epilog - The Island Dee Dee placed the copy of the tape backup of her computers onto the shelf, so that it was now a complete set again, with the others. The missing file folder which contained a large number of technical documents on Dee Dee’s lab machines and procedures was now back where it belonged also. Dee was familiar enough with her own work, that a quick inspection of it proved that none of the pages were missing. “It’s good to have you back again where you belong,” she...

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The Island

This story contains graphic sex and the main character is turned into a human toilet. If this does not interest you read no further. THE ISLAND by Lauren Westley Chapter One I'll never forget how it all started. I was in the Caribbean fishing with 5 other guys. We were about 200 miles south of Florida when a squall suddenly appeared making the sky ominous and the waves quite treacherous. Our boat road the waves pretty well and we managed to radio for help but a half hour...

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The Island

Authors note - This was my first foray into writing. I had intended to rework this story after a lot of unfavourable criticism but I could not do it. This is how it was first published and this is how it stands.The Island Chapter 1ArrivalAs Ashley and I stood on the dock waiting for her friend Carol, I wondered why I was here. Was a two-week vacation on a lonely island in Northern Ontario really what I wanted, or had I let Ashley talk me into it? Had I capitulated to this trip in the hopes our...

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Harrigans Island

HARRIGAN'S ISLAND © 2010 by Anthony Durrant Harrigan, the harbour's errand boy, entered the room of David Parker, the first mate of the S.S. Marine, and found him lying on his bed in a drunken stupor. With him was his captain, Jacob Grumbly, an old hand in the Hawaiian Islands waters. Harrigan took one look at Parker and told Grumbly: "It looks bad, doesn't it, Skipper? I came in here and found him this morning. I think he's dead to the world for...

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The People on the Other Side of the Island

When I was a kid, fifteen as I recall — and that was long enough ago that I don't care to dwell on it — my dad, my mom, my cousin and I lived for three years on a small island off the northern coast of Maine. My dad was a botanist who worked for the state and he'd been assigned to catalogue as much of the flora of the islands as he could. Three years was all that had been funded for. So we moved to this little island for no other reason than it had an available house on state-owned property...

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MasterbuilderChapter 2 The Island

I found myself standing on the beach, wearing, I imagine, the stupidest face in human history, and absolutely nothing else, not even my wedding band or my four-metal bracelet, which was meant to control rheumatism. Since there were no mirrors about, I could only guess that my face reflected my feelings of utter consternation. I remember thinking so much for Alfred and his big mouth the one moment, next I'm here. The sand felt soft and warm underfoot, the sky was clear, the sun hot but not...

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Sex on Manness Island

Sex on Manness Island. The island would have passed undiscovered but for the fact that it held a magical secret. And that secret was, that it helped you overcome any sexual hang-up you cared to think about. Anything. Some people had problems with getting it on with another human being. Man or woman, they just could not manage it. But here on Manness Island, you could find a solution. Some said it was already buried here, like Pirate treasure. Some said it was brought here during the war, and...

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TV Island

TV Island by Mike R. Pen This story is for adults. If you are under 18 do not read. Except for Fictionmania, this story may not be copied to any other website without written permission from me. Enjoy. John woke up and groaned. His head was throbbing with a massive headache. He guessed he had really tied one on last night. With his eyes closed, he continued to lay in bed, trying to summon up the strength to move, and at the same time trying to calm down the rumbling his...

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Why in the world anyone would choose to build a tiny little cabin on a tiny little island in the middle of a tiny little lake is something I've never figured out. But there it is and there I was going. It'd come down from my wife's side, and when her parents died she and her siblings had turned it into a sort of family trust. We all split the costs of the upkeep and share a vacation destination. The unwritten by-laws still work fairly well. The obvious hot dates are doled out democratically;...

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The Island Introducing Ourselves To The Island

I often find myself wondering how we all became so open-minded with regards to sex on the island. I think that when we arrived, the majority of islanders already enjoyed each other and they were more or less gagging to get us involved too. It was some years ago that I got involved. I remember it well and it was when I did a favour for Tom. That led on to a wonderful New Year’s Eve party and we have never looked back after that. Steve and I had decided at an early age that we would be...

Group Sex
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Crash Island

Crash Island I was on an unbelievably beautiful vacation that I had won in a contest. I was going to island hop around the Caribbean for the entire winter. It would last a full six months from November first to April thirtieth. Getting out of New York was a wonderful thing once in a while. At my age of sixty this was also a dream vacation, one that I had actually dreamed of for most of my life. When I won it I was speechless then I jumped for joy. When I told my boss that I needed six...

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Welcome to pleasure Island

The cruise ship was steadily making its way toward a far-off island in the Caribbean. The people on the ship were anxious to arrive at the place called Pleasure Island. This all included resort was supposed to be the best place on earth to spend some vacation. It was open for single and young couple only. The resort was offering a unique experience to their client, they called it the game. Visitors could only bring the clothes they could wear on arrival and even after that, they are asked to...

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Changes In Paradise 06 The Battle for Mermaid Island

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. This "spurt" of activity was both energizing and highly distracting for me. My job demands much of my time, as does my wonderful partner and lover, and I now...

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Slave Island

ISLE D?ESCLAVES ???????????????????????????????? ISLE D?ESCLAVES  Day One ? the arrival. Lauren and Barbara learn the ropes. LAUREN MICHELLE stretched out languidly on the long leather bench in the luxury speedster as the young woman who had met them at the dock steered the sleek 40-foot Silverton convertible out into the open sea. Lauren had changed into a bright yellow PVC bikini on the way to the dock in Lady Barbara Kleinhold?s stretch limo soon after landing at Faa International...

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The only woman on Shipwreck Island

Introduction: What happens when there are 4 men and only 1 woman marooned on a deserted island? The only woman on Shipwreck Island This happened in the late 1950s before technology would have made it easy for us to be found and rescued. My husband, David and I had chartered a small yacht for a long weekend cruise around a large group of small mostly uninhabited islands a few hours run from the port we started from. We shared the boat with another couple that we were friends with and there was...

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Boygirl Mouths of Auvee Island

On Auvee Island in French Polynesia, we are called Mahu while in other lands we might be termed "girly-boy". We are born with some male anatomy but we are almost entirely female. For hundreds of years, we have lived as third-gender females with full acceptance and encouragement of our people. I am Brynn and I am Mahu.Since our mouths are our natural “receiving” orifices, we orally copulate males, not just because our elders have for centuries taught that such unions are appropriate for those...

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Aunties IslandChapter 10 Return to Aunties Island

FRED: I have no idea how I let the whole thing happen. It was as if the entire world was conspiring against me, and for some idiotic reason, I just let it all come to pass. I mean, it's nice when things work out, but there had been almost no margin for error at all. Stupid! It was the first week in October. Brenda was in her 37th week, and she was at that stage where everyone wished she would just have the baby and get it over with. Simply getting out of a chair was a chore for her, and...

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Shipwrecked on Lust Island

After six months on her new job, Melissa found herself summoned to Masters’ office. At first she was worried she had done something wrong but the boss quickly put her at ease. “Melissa, you’ve been a great hire and a wonderful asset to the office,” he said. “It’s about time you had a vacation.” “Well, um, thanks, but I don’t really know if I’ve saved enough to afford a trip,” Melissa said. “I thought you might say that,” Masters said with a smile. “I’ve talked this over with your folks and...

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