A Romance Story free porn video

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Jennifer is a 17 year old girl who meets the man of her dreams in a movie theater...and he's old enough to be her father.

M/f, slow, romance, first,consensual

Jennifer's Story (complete) fiction by rache

I was at the mall waiting for my friend, Shelly, who was supposed to be
meeting me there so we could see a movie. But she was late, as usual, so I
was just sitting by the food court. I'd have been in trouble if my parents
knew I was there alone, they didn't let me go anyplace by myself since I
had just turned 14 a month ago. I didn't know why, since I knew what was
going on anyway, it wasn't like I was a little k** anymore. And besides,
it wasn't my fault Shelly was late, was it?

There were a lot of people around, especially teenagers, but they were
mostly with someone, or in groups of three or four, all laughing and
joking. That made me feel even more alone, and sort of dumb, since I was by
myself. I noticed guys looking at me too, which always made me feel a
little funny about myself. Guys have been looking at me all my life
though, it seems like sometimes, so I was sorta used to it though.

Mostly they were older guys, like I don't know, in their twenties or
thirties, I guess, maybe even older. Some of them were with their wives
and they looked at me sort of sneaky, like they didn't want to get caught.
Other guys, who were with their friends, wouldn't be sneaky at all, they'd
just look and sometimes give their friend a nudge so he could look too.
And the guys who walked around alone were the worst. Some of them tried to
look like they were looking for someone, and they'd let their eyes go over
me and come back, lingering longer and longer every time. Other guys would
sit down and just watch me. That made me a little nervous, and I'd blush
and look down, or even turn around if it was really bad.

I finally got tired of waiting for Shelly. She was like half an hour
late already and I didn't know what to do, really. I didn't want to go
home, especially since it was sort of boring there. But I didn't much feel
like walking around the mall alone either. That was pretty boring too,
unless you had a lot of money, which I definitely didn't. I decided I'd go
watch the movie anyway, even though I wondered how much fun that would
really be, sitting there in the dark all by myself.

I didn't really pay too much attention to what was going on around me. I
sort of kept my eyes open for Shelly, but that was about it. We always met
at the same place, so I seriously doubted she'd have been waiting for me
anyplace else. I got in line and bought my one lonely ticket, trying to
look like I was expecting to meet a whole bunch of friends inside. But the
old lady selling tickets probably didn't care anyway.

I always like popcorn. It tastes better at the movies for some reason.
But it's kind of expensive too. I figured I could get a small one, maybe,
and so I got in the line for the concession stand, which was sorta long,
like it always is.

"What movie are you seeing?" Some guy asked, and it took a couple
seconds before I figured out he was talking to me.

I turned around a little, expecting to recognize him, but I didn't. He
was older, like in his thirties, I guess, maybe as old as my dad. He
wasn't really tall, but bigger than me, and he looked pretty normal with
brown eyes and black hair. He had a nice smile, I thought, and it sort of
reassured me for some reason. Maybe he knew me or something.

"Bring It On Some More" I told him. I brushed a little bit of blonde
hair out of my eyes; it's long and I keep thinking I should cut it, but I
never do. I just had it loose that day and it kept blowing all over the
place, even when it seemed like there wasn't any wind.

"Me too." He smiled some more.

"Oh." I didn't really know what else to say. I took a little step as
the line moved, but it was slow.

"I was supposed to meet my friend here, but I guess she couldn't make
it." The man explained after a few seconds. "She goes to college."

"Yeah." I nodded sympathetically, he was pretty nice, I thought. "My
friend was sposed to be here too, I don't know where she is."

"Really?" He frowned a little, as if it were no big deal that he was
alone, but it made him sad to know that I was by myself too. "That's too
bad." We shuffled forward a couple feet. "What college do you go to?" He
asked me.

"What?" I laughed and he blushed a little, looking confused. "I don't
go to college..."

"Oh, I thought you said you..."

"I go to the middle school." I smiled at his embarrassment. "I'm only
in the eighth grade."

"Oh wow, um..." He sort of looked away, probably feeling pretty dumb, I

"That's okay." I stopped giggling and just smiled. "You really thought
I was in college?"

"Well, yeah...I mean the way you look, sure." He nodded seriously. "I
thought you were 18 or 19 maybe."

That sort of warmed me up all over. I guess I always knew that I'm
attractive, without being all stuck on myself or anything. But I didn't
think I looked like a full grown woman yet. I was just 5'3" tall and kind
of thin, but not like skinny. My boobs were growing, but just still A
cups, with bubblegum pink nipples that got kind of sore and puffy
sometimes, like I could feel them trying to grow. I had nice legs,
everybody said so, and I wasn't sure, but I guess my butt was pretty nice.
I'd heard guys talking about it at school and it had made me seriously
embarrassed, but kind of happy too.

"I wish I was." I giggled and we moved up a little more.

"You'll get there." He chuckled softly. "My name is Paul." He held out
his hand and I shook it without thinking too much about it, really.

"I'm Jennifer." I felt his hand smooth and dry and holding mine gently,
he didn't let go right away, but just looked at me for a long count of
three. I sort of liked it.

We kind of stood there for a little while, not saying anything and just
moving slowly with the line. "So I guess you must have a boyfriend, huh?"
He said to me. "I'm surprised he's not taking you to see the movie."

"Oh no." I shook my head with a little self-conscious smile. "I don't
have a boyfriend, my folks don't want me to date or anything until I'm

"Older?" He looked me up and down, taking in my skechers, and loose
khaki painter pants, and the white cotton halter top I was wearing; it had
a green and yellow daisy stitched into the front. "How old are you?"

"f******n." I told him. "My dad says I can have a boyfriend when I'm
16, maybe."

"That doesn't seem fair." Paul shook his head. "That's just a number,
anybody can see you're not some little girl."

I blushed at that, smiling and looking down at my hands. That was
exactly what I thought too. It really made me feel good to hear someone
else saying it, especially a nice guy like Paul. He really believed it
too, I could see it in his eyes when I glanced up, brushing hair from my
bright blue eyes again.

"But, maybe it's a good thing too." Paul told me with a smile and before
I could ask him why he was telling me. "I mean a girl as beautiful as you
is going to have a lot of guys asking her out."

"Ah, no..." I giggled, rolling my eyes a little like I knew he was
teasing me.

"I'm serious." Paul insisted, smiling and looking into my eyes. "I'd
love to have a girlfriend like you."

"You would?" I didn't really believe that. Paul was so nice and he had
a girlfriend in college. I bet she was really pretty too, way more pretty
than I was. "You're teasing." I laughed nervously.

"What? Me? No, I wouldn't ever tease you, Jennifer. No way." He
grinned and leaned a little closer. "Not unless you wanted me to."

I wasn't sure why anyone would ever want to be teased, but it didn't
matter. He was making me smile again and I really started to wish I had a
boyfriend like him to take me to the movies. This was way more fun than
listening to Shelly's gossip.

We were getting close to the counter now and I suddenly realized that in
a minute or two I'd get my popcorn and then I'd be alone again. I can't
say I really thought about it, but sometimes that's what happens, you know?
You just do stuff for no good reason than it seems like a good idea.

"Hey do, uh..." I was nervous and my heart was beating a little faster,
but I didn't know why. This wasn't a big deal, was it? "...do you want to
sit with me?" I looked at Paul's face and spoke quickly. "I mean um, you
know, just sit by me and we can sort of watch the movie together?"

"Uh, well..." Paul seemed to think about it and he smiled and nodded.
"Sure, yeah, I'd like that a lot, Jennifer. But..." he tilted his head a
little, looking serious. "...only if you let me buy your popcorn, okay?"

"Uh, sure, okay." I said, smiling with relief. I hadn't known what he
was gonna say!

"Good." Paul smiled down at me. "It'll be nice to watch the movie with

"Yeah." I agreed.

We were sort of late getting into the movie, since that line for popcorn
had been so long. Paul had got me a super large popcorn and a giant coke
and even some of those sticky candies that get stuck in your teeth. I
hardly ever got those cause it was like two dollars for a box of them.
Paul didn't care though, he just smiled at me and paid for everything. The
previews were on already though, like I said, and so we just ended up
sitting close to the back of the theater, instead of up front where me and
Shelly usually sat. That was okay though. At least we weren't sitting
behind anybody really tall, or close to those people who talk too much
during the movie. We had some space around us, and I liked it.

Paul sat to my left and we shared the popcorn, sort of resting it on
both of our knees. Our legs were touching a little so it wouldn't fall
down, and sometimes our fingers would touch too, when we were both reaching
for popcorn at the same time. But I didn't mind. It was nice just being
there with someone. We shared the Coke too, but that embarrassed Paul a
little, I think.

"I should have got two straws." He whispered, slipping low in his seat
so that his mouth was close to my ear.

"That's okay." I giggled. "I don't mind." And I took a long sip right
after he did just to prove it. I wasn't a little k**, after all, I didn't
worry about cooties or anything stupid like that.

He smiled in the flickering light, his head turned to look at me.

"What?" I finally whispered, smiling and blushing from his stare, but
not really looking away either.

"Nothing." Paul shook his head. "I was just thinking about how
beautiful you are."

"Right!" I said, just a little louder than a whisper, and I covered my
mouth giggling again. I pushed him a little bit too, feeling his chest
under my hand. I felt really warm in that theater and my heart was beating
a little faster, just like it had before. I looked at Paul, but he was
watching the movie again.

It was maybe halfway into the movie when I felt Paul's arm slipping
around my shoulder. It surprised me and I jumped, just a little.

"I'm sorry." Paul looked at me, but didn't move his arm at all. "I just
thought this would be more comfortable. Is it okay?" He hugged me a
little, his hand closing gently on my shoulder and actually pulling me a
little so I rested against him with just the arm of the chair between us.

"Yeah." I swallowed hard and felt my lungs getting heavy or something,
like it was hard to breathe. I'd never had a man, or even a boy, put his
arm around me before. I had little goosebumps on my arms, but I wasn't
cold. I was too hot, really. My mouth was dry and I licked my lips.

"Are you okay?" Paul was looking at me, his face just a few inches from
mine as I looked back at him.

"Yeah, I...I think so." I was so scared, just being held like that. I
wondered what he was thinking, if Paul was nervous too. But he was older,
his girlfriend went to college, I reminded myself. This is probably what
all the college girls did, letting someone put his arms around you wasn't a
big deal. I tried to breathe, but it was hard, and my breasts were aching
a little as my lungs labored beneath them. My nipples itched for no good
reason and even felt hot and cold at the same time.

"Can I kiss you, Jennifer?" Paul asked me very quietly, very seriously,
like he'd been waiting his whole life to ask me that one question.

"I...I don't know...." I licked my lips again, staring into his eyes.
They were dark, but shining too with the light from the movie projector
reflecting off of them.

"If you don't want to, it's okay." He promised me. "I like you a lot
and I don't want to do anything you don't want to do too." His voice was
calm and tender and so reasonable. I closed my eyes, thinking that it
would be so nice to be kissed. And to be kissed for the very first time by
a real man, by someone who really liked me, who thought I was beautiful and
older. He wouldn't ask if I was just a k**, would he?

"Okay." I breathed, and kept my eyes closed, waiting anxiously without
knowing what to expect. My body was tense, like all my muscles were coiled
springs and it felt like the hair on my head was standing straight up.

"Relax, sweetie..." Paul's voice was in my ear and then I felt his lips
for the first time on mine. They were soft and moist without being wet and
they stayed on mine for 5 seconds maybe before he pulled back slightly.

"Ohhh..." I let out the breath I was holding and swallowed thickly. My
body felt like it was on fire on the inside and I was just trying to figure
out what else I was feeling when he kissed me again.

This time it was different though, the tip of his tongue slipped between
Paul's lips and flicked lightly across and between mine. I felt it all wet
and warm, trying to work its way into my mouth and I gradually surrendered
to it without even realizing what I was doing. It just happened, really,
and the new and wonderful sensation of Paul's tongue sliding over my teeth,
wriggling and tickling and exploring my mouth, was incredible.

I felt little explosions behind my eyes and my tummy was doing
flip-flops. Paul had brought his other hand up to touch my face while he
cradled me in his arm. I didn't know what to do with my hands, I couldn't
even think about it, it felt like everything I was feeling was pushing the
thoughts right out of my head. I was touching him though, one of my hands
finding his leg and squeezing Paul's thigh, while the other was on his
shoulder, squeezing him there as well.

His tongue filled my mouth over and over, and soon I was learning from
it, trying to do the same things he was doing. I pushed my tongue
tentatively into Paul's mouth, and explored the warm softness I found there
slowly. I tickled his tongue with mine, and somehow we were playing
suddenly, our tongues seeming to wrestle with each other, first in his
mouth, then in mine, and than back again.

When we finally had to stop, we were both breathing hard. I felt hot
and damp all over and my tongue felt tired and thick. Even my lips were
sore from Paul sucking them tenderly on and off between kisses. I felt
wonderful inside, like I could do anything. It was the best feeling of my
life and I never wanted it to end.

We kissed for the rest of the movie, making out for a good hour I bet,
and the experience had me shivering with excitement. I was tingling all
over, but especially my nipples, which just seemed tormented and begging
for some sort of attention; and down between my legs, between my thighs
where my sex was, I could feel myself moist, like I was having my period or
something, but it wasn't that. I wasn't even close to the end of my cycle.
This was different, a new wetness that I'd heard some of the girls talk
about at school, but I'd never felt it before. I felt greasy and there was
a little ache, like a tiny cramp, but it didn't hurt, it felt sort of good.
And somewhere else, where the butterflies were, it was like I was getting
little shocks sometimes, just once in awhile, but enough to make me gasp
softly into Paul's mouth.

As the movie ended, Paul slowly let me go. I didn't want him to, and
part of me just wished we could have stayed in that movie theater forever.
We sat there in the dark, watching the credits and catching our breath as
anonymous shadowy people walked up the aisle past us.

"Do you have to go home right away?" Paul asked me, leaning close.

"No." I whispered back immediately, not thinking about it at all.

"Do you want to come to my house with me?" He licked his lips and again
I didn't hesitate; I just didn't want to leave this moment, even if it
meant going to Paul's house to keep it.

"Yeah." I nodded and Paul stood, reaching down to take my hand and lead
me out of the theater and into his car.


I was nervous, yeah, getting into Paul's car with him. But I wasn't
scared, not like you probably think. He held my hand gently all the way
out of theater and across the parking lot, and we talked about the movie
and how good it was, but I couldn't remember very much of it and I felt a
little silly. My legs felt like they belonged to somebody else, like I
couldn't even feel the ground.

"Are you sure this is okay, Jennifer?" Paul was rubbing my leg softly as
he drove and I was smiling.

"Uh-huh." I nodded, but inside my heart was still pounding, like it had
been all afternoon it seemed like, and I wondered if I was going to have a
heart attack or something.

"You are so beautiful." He was smiling and always saying nice things
like that. Asking me about school and my friends, and sometimes I'd say
something funny, or silly maybe, and he'd laugh and I'd laugh too. I think
we went a long ways, but it went by so fast it just seemed like we were
flying instead of driving, you know?

He lived in a normal house, on a normal street, and clicked the little
button for his garage and we pulled in with the big heavy door closing
behind us. I had a little bit of doubt right then, like maybe this wasn't
a good idea. I was only f******n, I thought, and that suddenly didn't seem
so old for some reason.

"It's okay." We were still in the car, just sitting there in the garage,
and Paul was looking at me. "I'm nervous too..." He leaned over a little,
his hand squeezing my thigh gently, reassuring me.

"Really?" I turned my head a little, looking at him. "Why are you nervous?" I wondered out loud, but it made me feel a little better knowing he was, like it wasn't just me.

"Because I've never met a woman like you before." He smiled and maybe
blushed, just a little. "I really want you to like me."

"I do like you!" I giggled, wondering why he didn't know that. I mean
we'd been kissing and everything! And then I realized that he'd called me
a woman as my brain caught up with my ears. I smiled to myself and took a
little breath, feeling like I was growing, right there in the car.

I thought maybe Paul was going to kiss me again, because I was a woman
and he was a man, and I wouldn't have minded at all, in fact my tummy
seemed to tighten up in little knots, getting ready for it. But he didn't.

"Let's go inside, I'll introduce you to Sugar." He gave my leg one last
squeeze and then gave me a serious look. "You're not allergic to cats, are

I shook my head. "No. I love cats."

"Good!" He smiled. "Because she thinks it's her house, not mine."

I giggled at that and we got out, and I followed Paul into his kitchen
through the side door. Sugar was there waiting for him, a small white cat
with long hair that rubbed up against Paul's leg, mewling for attention.
She was adorable and Paul picked her up, stroking the cat for a moment and
handing her to me.

"Do you want a coke or something?" He asked.

"Um, can I use your bathroom?" I had to pee cause that coke at the
theater had been sort of big.

"Oh, sure. It's this way..." He led me out of the kitchen to where the
house kind of split, with a big living room to the left and a hallway to
the right. There were 4 doors, a couple on the left, and one to the right,
and one at the opposite end. They were all open and the bathroom was the
first door on the left.

I closed the door and locked it, feeling a little self-conscious, and
silly too, like maybe Paul would forget I was here and just walk in or
something. That thought made me giggle and when I was done, I washed my
hands and looked in the mirror, frowning a little at my reflection. I was
pretty, I thought, but not really beautiful, was I? I hoped so, I wished I
were, and Paul had said I was, but...I tried to see the woman that Paul
said I was, and I wasn't sure about that either. I sorta looked like a
k**, I thought and I dug in my little purse for my brush, trying to fix my
hair, but it just hung long and straight and boring blonde, like always. I
wished I had some lipstick, or perfume or something, but my parents
wouldn't let me have real makeup. I bit my lip and sighed, a little unsure
of who I really was.

Paul was in the living room when I came out. He'd fixed us some sodas
and he had a little bowl of chips. He was holding Sugar in one hand,
stroking it with the other, and the cat was purring loudly.

"Here, you can sit by me." Paul was on the sofa and he scooted over just
a little, making some extra room for me. He put Sugar on the floor while I
took a sip of my Coke. "Feel better?" Paul smiled and I nodded.

"Yeah." I looked around, wondering what we were going to do. It was a
nice house, pretty normal with pictures on the wall, a bookcase and
television on a stand, a little stereo, everything you'd expect. "Is um,
is your girlfriend going to come here?" I asked, just cause I wondered
about her.

"Oh, I don't think so." Paul shook his head. "If she couldn't make it
to the movie, then she probably had to go into work or something." He
shrugged. "She'll probably call me later, making it all my fault." He
laughed and so did I. "Do you want to see her picture?"

Paul was already getting up before I could nod, going to the bookcase
and getting out a photo album, one of those big kind. He sat down next to
me, getting close so we could open it on both our legs. "This is all her."
Paul smiled and opened the cover. "I like to take pictures."

"All these pictures are of your girlfriend?" I sort of thumbed through
the pages, flipping the edge really quickly, and the thick album looked
like it was full.

"Yep." Paul nodded. "This is all Nina. Here we go, this was when I
first met her, we were camping up in the mountains." The first pictures
were of a girl who looked about 13 maybe, not much older than that, wearing
a t-shirt and shorts, and little hiking boots, smiling as she sat on a
picnic table. She had short black hair and a nice smile.

"I thought you said she was in college." I giggled, feeling confused.
There were more pictures, mostly of her on the picnic table, posing in some
of them, and in others she was laughing, or talking it looked like, just
snap shots.

"She is now." Paul nodded. "But when I met her she was just in the
seventh grade." He turned to look at me. "She was like you, Jennifer, a
special young woman and not a little k** at all. Nina has been my
girlfriend for six years almost."

"Six years?" I thought that was a long time and no wonder he had so many
pictures of her. They must really love each other I thought, and that made
me a little sad somehow, like maybe I was sort of hoping he'd be mad at
her, or something and...

"Uh-huh." He was flipping through the pages and we looked at Nina doing
all sorts of things in all sorts of places; riding a horse, hanging out at
a swimming pool, playing badminton with some other girl. She was always
smiling and cute, even beautiful I thought, in some of the pictures. It
made me feel a little jealous and I felt bad about that.

We leaned back on the couch and Paul put his right arm around me,
hugging me to him and it felt nice. I'd look at the pictures and he'd tell
me about them, where they were, what they were doing, stuff like that. It
was fun and I wished someone liked me that much, taking all those pictures,
spending all that time with me.

"I bet you really love her, don't you?" I finally had to say, because
looking at all those pictures was making me a little sad. I wished Paul
were my boyfriend and not Nina's.

"Oh yeah." He nodded, smiling at me as I looked at him. "But..." he
shrugged and acted like he wanted to say something, but he was shy or
nervous maybe.

"What?" I asked him.

"Well, I don't know...six years is a long time and I think she wants to
date someone else maybe." He looked kind of sad, I thought, but not like he
was going to cry or anything. "It's okay though, that's how much I want
her to be happy..." He put on a brave smile for me and gave me a little

"So, she's not...your girlfriend anymore?" I asked slowly, trying to

"Mmmm...She sort of is, but I don't think we'll be together much
longer." He chuckled softly. "Besides, she's getting too old for me
anyway, right?"

I laughed, since he was pretty old, but he didn't seem like he was old.
There were boys at school that I thought I liked a lot, but Paul was way
better than they were, I realized. He was sweet and smart and nice and I
felt kind of bad for him. But I felt sort of happy too, in a bad way
though, because part of me was thinking that maybe if Nina wasn't his
girlfriend anymore, then maybe I could be...But just thinking that made me
blush and I looked down quickly, flipping to the next page and seeing Nina
smiling happily in a short red skirt and black tank top, posed by a statue
of some indian with a peace pipe.

"What?" Paul was smiling at me. He'd caught my face turning red and
that just made me even more shy. "What is it, Jennifer?"

But I didn't want to tell him, so I just smiled a little and flipped
another page. There was Nina making a face at the camera, pulling her lips
apart with her fingers and sticking out her tongue.

"You better tell me." Paul teased me gently and his fingers slipped down
to tickle my ribs and I squirmed. "Oh, you're ticklish? You're going to
be in real trouble now!" He was laughing and I refused to talk, so pretty
soon he was tickling me with both hands, scratching my sides and making me
roll around on the big sofa, the album falling to the floor forgotten. I
was practically howling with laughter and trying to curl up to protect

I was breathless and red faced and hot by the time Paul stopped. He was
half laying on top of me, my legs spread around his thighs as he knelt on
the carpet. I could feel his chest against my breasts and his face was
close to mine. I stared into his eyes and my stomach churned because I
knew he wanted to kiss me, and he did. I wrapped my arms around Paul as
his tongue slipped into my mouth and I accepted it eagerly, kissing him
back. It felt so good, my body was already hot on the outside, but it felt
like I was burning on the inside too.

Paul was moving a little while we kissed, and so was I, squirming
beneath him and I felt him against my pelvis, pressing me down there
between my legs. The contact felt good and made me move all the more, sort
of lifting my hips, just a little so I could feel more of it. My legs
seemed to wrap themselves around his hips, without me even realizing they
were doing it, and I felt him rubbing himself against me too, like he
needed to feel me the same way.

I gasped when I felt one of his hands move to my breasts. He was so
gentle though and my boobs felt all achy and tender, my nipples itched and
burned under my bra, and he squeezed my left breast, rubbing it and making
me moan a little into his mouth. Paul pulled at the straps of my halter
top, slipping them off my shoulders and working it down. I didn't stop
him, or do anything like that, I was feeling too good kissing him. He
massaged my breasts some more, through the soft padding of my bra and then
he was slowly sliding a hand behind me, and I was dimly aware of his
fingers working at the little hook in the back.

Paul kissed my neck and I sucked cool air into my lungs as my bra
suddenly came loose. He kissed my ear and nibbled on my ear lobe so that
all I could do was squeeze him to me, it felt so different and wonderful.
He had his hand on my bare boob now, and I arched my back a little, as if
trying to get more of my smallish tit into his large hand. His thumb
played across my nipple, rubbing it and pressing the hard puffy knob of
flesh until it felt so good it almost hurt.

When he started kissing my breasts, that was the best though. I could
barely breathe anymore as he slid his mouth down a little, shifting his
whole body lower so that my legs were around his ribs and his stomach was
between my thighs. He took my left breast into his mouth, practically the
whole thing it seemed like, and sucked on it. I could feel his tongue
moving around and over my tit, bathing me in wet warmth and I just clutched
him to me. I'd never felt anything like that before and it was making me
almost crazy for more. I found myself pushing him gently, urging him to do
the same thing to my other breast, and it was so nice like that.

I couldn't have stopped him, even if I'd wanted to, and I didn't even
say anything when I felt his hands sliding along my waist and tummy to find
the top of my painter pants. I just moaned softly, digging my fingers in
his hair while he sucked my boobs, alternating between them and making me
see stars behind my closed eyes. He was unbuttoning my pants, unzipping
them and pulling them down, but I didn't care. I felt so hot all over and
especially between my legs. It was new and exciting and I couldn't stop
him, I couldn't even stop myself.

I lifted my hips, getting my butt off the couch enough for Paul to get
my pants down, over my hips and to the tops of my thighs. He brought his
lips back to mine, kissing me again and I sucked his tongue lovingly,
tickling it with my own tongue. I felt his hands guiding me, pushing my
left leg so that it was next to my right and he was pulling my pants down,
past my knees, and ankles, and finally off completely.

The thought that I was laying there with my top around my waist, my bra
undone completely, and now wearing just my panties, sent a little shock
through me. I was suddenly frightened and nervous and I shook my head,
pushing Paul away from me. I took a deep breath and then another as his
hands slid up and down my bare smooth thighs. He was watching my face as
he moved my legs back the way they were, spread apart around him as he
knelt in front of me.

"I don't know if I should do this." I whispered, feeling very small.

"It's okay, Jennifer." He kissed my forehead and looked into my eyes.
He brought his hands to my shoulders, squeezing me gently. "I just want
you to feel good..."

"But I...I shouldn't..." My heart was pounding and I'd never felt so
frightened in my life. What was he doing to me, I wondered. How had I
ended up here, like this?

"I love you, Jennifer." He whispered and kissed my lips softly. "Don't
you love me?"

I didn't know. I thought I did. I wanted to, I thought, and his words
sent a secret thrill through my veins. I wanted him to love me and do the
things with me that he'd done with Nina. I wanted to hear him say all
those nice things, again and again and again. I was beautiful, he'd said.
I was a woman and special and...and he loved me. I felt drunk somehow, but
entirely clear too, which was a different sort of confusion for me.

"Yes..." I said softly, looking at him and swallowing hard. "I love

Paul kissed me gently again, a slow kiss, but deep and meaningful and I
felt like I was melting into it. His tongue moved inside my mouth slowly,
working across mine, and his hands rubbed my breasts and down to my waist
and tummy and thighs. It felt like he was touching me all over and I had
my eyes closed, hearing him tell me he loved me, over and over.

As Paul's hand slipped between my thighs it was all I could do to keep
from trying to run away. I didn't want to run. I wanted to stay there and
feel him holding me. We were still kissing and I had my arms around his
neck. My whole body was flushed and sweaty and tingling all over. But
still, it was the first time anyone had touched me there, in my private
place. My secret place that mom had said nobody was supposed to touch. I
felt the urge to get up, to get away, like I was in trouble. But I fought
it. I wanted to be a woman, I wanted to have a boyfriend and be loved and
in love.

My body tensed as I felt his fingers brushing across my panties. I was
wet down there, I knew, moist and super hot and I wanted to
feel...something. I wanted to push myself against something, the way we'd
done it before, just rubbing our bodies together. When Paul touched me
there, on my sex, my hips thrust against him like he'd pushed a button or
something and turned me on. I pressed my crotch to his hand, groaning and
kissing Paul's cheeks and lips. My sex was aching, like I had a cramp or
something, but much different from anything I'd ever experienced before.
This was coming from someplace else, some part of me that I'd never dreamt
of before.

Paul rubbed my vagina slowly, playing with me it seemed, or maybe
teasing me, and it was like torture almost. There was a spot down there
that was begging for more, and I was squirming against him, trying to find
it. Paul sucked my nipples again, distracting me with a little rush of
pleasure as he pulled my panties aside. His fingers touched my bare flesh,
exploring the humid folds of my vagina, my...pussy, I thought wickedly,
although I'd never said that word in my life. I knew what it was, I wasn't
a k**. Paul was touching my pussy, rubbing it with his fingers, squeezing
and pinching and probing me carefully.

All I could do was hug his neck and rock my hips, with my head tilted
back and gasping for air. Every part of me was alive and most especially
my sex, more than anything else, the feeling of Paul's hand rubbing my
pussy was pushing me headlong over a cliff and into a place I'd never
imagined. When he touched the part of me that burned the most, that little
spot on the top of my slit, it was like something burst inside of me.
There was a sensation of my vagina curling up into itself, getting tighter
somehow and throbbing way down inside. I felt a rush of wetness seeming to
pour out of me, running down to my butt. Paul was rubbing my clitoris,
barely mature and inexperienced, and something of which I'd barely been
aware existed until that moment. I could feel his fingers on it, caressing
and teasing me, bringing that knot of tender flesh to life.

I couldn't breath and I had tears at the corner of my eyes. Sparklers
were dancing in the darkness and I was telling Paul how much I loved him.
My whole body shook and my thighs squeezed against his body until I felt
the muscles in my legs burning from the effort. It lasted minutes or
hours, or just seconds, I had no way of knowing. It just seemed like time
had stopped just so I could live the first orgasm of my young life forever.

I felt exhausted and I lay there, barely aware that Paul was no longer
kissing my breasts, or touching my sex. I sensed, rather than saw him
undressing and I didn't care, or didn't understand, or didn't realize what
we were doing. I just knew I was in love and that I'd never felt so good
about anything ever before.

"Did that feel good?" Paul was whispering, his body back on mine. He
was between my legs, kneeling like before, and he stroked my thighs with
his hands slowly.

"Yeah..." I nodded, smiling at him.

"You're such a special girl, Jennifer." He kissed me. "My special
girl...my sexy little girl..."

"Uh-huh..." I moaned softly and felt something between my legs, hard and
blunt, working slowly up and down the slippery folds of my vagina. It made
me gasp and I blinked as I realized what it must be, looking down my body
and seeing Paul's hand around the shaft of his hard penis, rubbing the head
of it against me.

"I'll be careful..." Paul was saying. "...very slow, okay?"

I nodded, feeling terrified and thrilled all at the same time. "Are we
going to do it?" I asked dumbly, as if I couldn't believe what I was

"We're going to make love, Jennifer." Paul leaned down, pressing his
lips to mine and I accepted his kiss as his swollen penis found purchase at
the entrance to my virgin womb. He held it there, unmoving, barely
penetrating me at all, and brought a hand to my face, and then lower, so he
held the back of my head in his hand.

Paul's tongue filled my mouth and at the same instant I felt the
pressure of his manhood forcing its way inside me. I gasped with surprise,
and then with pain as it seemed to split my body in half, tearing inside my
flesh and hurting me. I pushed my palms against his chest and tried to
turn my head away from his kiss. I wanted to scream and tell him to stop!
He had to stop, it was too big! I wasn't a woman at all, I was just a
little girl and it was too big!

But he didn't stop, or even let me go, he just held my mouth trapped
against his and his much larger body against mine. I felt a sharp stab of
pain and Paul stopped for a moment, pulling his penis back slightly, and I
realized he must have reached the bottom of me. That was all he could get
inside, because he was so big and I was so small. I thought maybe it
wasn't so bad afterall...I was wrong though. He'd just gotten a few inches
inside me and found my hymen. He held me even tighter and lunged forward
with his hips, spearing his penis into and through the tiny barrier that
guarded my womb. I felt my flesh tearing inside me, ripping with a
heart-stopping explosion of pain. It felt like I'd been burned, or cut, or
stabbed between my legs and I was screaming then, but only into Paul's open
mouth and he seemed to breathe in all of my pain.

After that he was inside me, all the way inside, so that there was no
part of his penis...his cock, that wasn't touching me. I felt a deep
aching pain in my guts, worse than any cramp, but it was dull, not sharp
like before. My vagina seemed to clasp itself to Paul's penis, and I felt
little contractions and spasms of muscles that I had no control over. He
held me like that for awhile, kissing me until finally the pain had faded
to something I could bear and I was kissing him back.

"I'm sorry." Paul whispered, his cock inside me and his mouth close to
my ear.

"It hurt." I told him.

"I know." He kissed my cheek and I realized I'd been crying. "I'm
sorry." He repeated. "It'll be better now, I promise, Jennifer."

I'd felt angry and frightened, but mostly angry when he'd torn through
my cherry. It had hurt a lot, but I was forgiving him. Every girl has to
go through that, I thought, and Paul had tried to make it not hurt. I
really was a woman now and I tried to ignore the lingering pain and
discomfort as Paul began to work his cock slowly in and out of me, moving
carefully and kissing me tenderly. It still hurt, but it was getting
better as my vagina stretched around his repeated thrusts. I wished I
could have felt like I had before, when he'd been touching me, but I
didn't. That was sort of okay though too, because it let me focus on
everything I was feeling, memorizing the moment and the sensations of
losing my virginity. I'd lost something forever, I thought, kissing Paul
deeply as he worked himself in and out of me, but I'd gained something as

Paul kept his rhythm nice and slow, pausing if I gasped, to kiss me and
make sure I was okay. Mostly I was, but once in awhile his penis would
touch some part of me that was new, stretching me and bringing a sharp
little spike of pain, but those went away quick. My body was made for
this, I told myself, trying to relax and enjoy it. I'd heard girls talking
about sex before, mostly the ones that did it the most, or said they did
anyway, seemed to like it the most. They talked about how good it felt and
how it was way better than getting fingered. I wondered if I'd ever feel
like that, maybe I just needed to do it a whole bunch of times.

"You're so hot, Jen...So tight for me..." Paul was whispering in my ear.
"...I'm getting close, baby...Do you want me to cum inside you?"

"I...I don't know..." I was breathing hard and staring up at him.
"Wha...what if I get pregnant?" I asked him, feeling a little rush of dread
filling my tummy.

"It's okay..." Paul kissed my cheek . "I love you, Jennifer..."

"I love you too." I answered, swallowing hard.

"Then tell me you want me to cum in your pussy, Jen..." He was moving
faster and it was hurting me, but I ignored it, biting my lip and closing
my eyes. "Tell me you want it, baby."

"I...I want it..." I gasped. "Cum in my...my pussy..." I hugged him
tight, wishing it were over. His cock was like a red hot piece of iron,
splitting my pussy in two over and over again.

"Oh yeah, Jen...here it comes, girl...uhhh..." And Paul really pushed
himself into me hard, crushing his chest against my breasts and kissing me
passionately as his cock seemed to swell and jerk deep within my tender
aching vagina. I felt his sperm as a strange and indistinct warmth
spreading through me. He was moaning into my mouth as our tongues played
against each other and we stayed like for a long time until he finally
pulled back, smiling and licking his lips as he slipped his penis out of my
sex with a little wash of our juices.

I looked down to see his cock semi-hard and shining darkly. It had
traces of blood on it and there between my legs I could see some of his
semen leaking out of me, pinkish and streaked with crimson from my lost
virginity. I touched my pussy gingerly, exploring with just my fingertips,
but it seemed only the inside was hurting, outside everything okay, I was
just wet and a little sticky, and everything looked a little plump. My
lips, my labia, were swollen and pulled out a little and my clit was
half-hiding in the crinkly soft skin around it.

"Let's go to the bathroom," Paul was saying, reaching to take my hand.
"I'll wash you up, okay?"

I felt a little dazed and I nodded dumbly, letting him lead me to the
bath. He ran warm water and as I sat in the tub, Paul washed me gently.
His hands were soft and thorough, soaping every part of me, especially my
vagina and even my ass, although I was a little embarrassed by that and I
blushed terribly when he wiggled a soapy finger into my tiny anus. Paul
just kissed me and told me that I shouldn't ever be shy in front of him.

"You're my girlfriend now, right?" He smiled, massaging my aching pussy
as I lay in the tub, my legs spread wide for his fingers.

"Am I?" I giggled a little nervously. He hadn't said anything before
and I'd been too busy, or too worried maybe, to ask.

"Do you want to be?" He worked his thumb across my love button and I
felt my clit growing hot.

"Yeah." I sighed, moving my hips just a little because it was feeling so
good between my thighs. "But what about Nina?" I asked him, suddenly
remembering her and sitting up a little.

"Shhh...Nina's a big girl; she can take care of herself." Paul chuckled.
"Are you ready to get out, or do you want to stay in the water a little

"Mmm...just a little more." I sighed, settling back and wondering
briefly what time it was. What time it was? I felt a little rush of panic
as I realized it had to be late. I was supposed to be home by seven and...

"What's wrong, Jen?" Paul looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"What time is it?" I asked him, fighting to stay calm.

"Mmmm..." He picked up his watch from the counter next to the sink and
looked at it. "Almost ten."

"Ten?" I stared at him. "Ten o'clock at night? Oh God! My dad's gonna
kill me!" I started getting up, looking around for a towel and feeling my
heart ready to burst.

"Why don't you just stay here?" Paul asked gently, making it sound
almost reasonable. He was standing too and reaching for a towel.

"What?" I grabbed the towel he offered, but all I could do was hold it.

"Stay with me." He took the towel back and dried me slowly, working the
soft cotton down my body. "You can call your parents, tell them you're
staying with a friend..."

I laughed a little, wishing I could do what he suggested. "They'll tell
me to come home, you don't know my parents. They're...uh..." I tried to
think of the word.

"Dicks?" Paul offered and I laughed at him.

"Yeah, they're dicks." I agreed. "They're gonna ground me for a year."

"What if you didn't go home?" Paul wondered, looking like he was
thinking hard about something. "Ah, nevermind..." He shrugged and wrapped
the towel around my body, covering me from my breasts to my thighs.

"What?" I asked him, sort of forgetting I should have been in a hurry to
get home. But a little voice told me that if I was that late already, a
few more minutes weren't going to matter.

"Well, I was just thinking you could stay with me." He shrugged. "But
if you have to go home, I understand." I sensed his disappointment and I
felt bad, worse than that, I felt like a little k** again.

I was going to go home and get yelled at and spanked probably, even
though I was 14 already, and then grounded, just because I was a little
late on a Friday night. It wasn't fair at all, I thought. Why couldn't my
dad be like Paul? He understood that I was grown up already and he treated
me like it too. I used to get along okay with my parents, but as I got
older they got worse and I didn't understand it at all. If it were up to
them I never even would have met Paul, let alone come home with him. And
if my mom and dad found out I wasn't a virgin anymore I was going to be
really sorry. They'd made that clear plenty of times.

So is it any wonder I made up my mind the way I did?

"I can stay with you." I said softly, feeling shy and wondering if Paul
could hear the pounding of my heart in my chest.

"Are you sure?" Paul smiled at me. "I can take you home if you want

"No, uh-uh, I don't want to go home." I hugged him, pressing myself to
his body. "I want to stay here with you."

"Okay Jen, okay." Paul whispered, kissing the top of my head.

I didn't know what I was going to do later, because eventually I would
have to go home. But I didn't care about that, later was going to be
tomorrow, or maybe even the next day, since tomorrow was Saturday. I'd let
them worry, it would do them good, sort of a punishment, I thought, for the
way they ignored the person that I really was on the inside.



Paul was taking pictures of me and I was giggling, blushing and feeling
very shy. I'd just lost my virginity an hour before and now he had me
modeling like I was one of those girls in the magazines my daddy hid in the

"Just like that!" He was laughing too and moving this way and that as I
posed for him. It was almost impossible to believe what I was doing, it
seemed so ridiculous, and not like me at all to be such a...slut? Or
something. That was the worst word that came to mind though, and who else
but a slut would let a man take pictures of her naked after they made love
for the very first time?

But I did love him. I knew that now, and he loved me, so that made it
okay. I'd do this because he really wanted me to, and I really wanted to
make Paul happy. It was like having sex, losing my virginity, had changed
me in some big way. But I couldn't define it, or anything, I just felt it.
I wasn't a k** anymore and the things I'd been so afraid of, well they
didn't frighten me so much anymore, at least not right then with Paul
smiling and teasing me and telling me I was beautiful and sexy.

I looked down at my pussy. It had just a little hair, slightly darker
than the hair of my head, a kind of a light brown, and beneath that my
vagina, which was pink and puffy looking, but not so bad as before. Right
after we'd made love it had really seemed sort of raw, but the bath had
felt good and so had our little supper. We'd eaten Ravioli and peanut
butter and jelly sandwiches and mostly giggled while we did it., especially
when Paul told me he wanted to take some special pictures of his new

Paul asked me to spread my little pussy lips a little, and I did it,
just because he asked me to, but I was really blushing hard. He took his
pictures and it was exciting for him, making his penis swell and grow stiff
so that it stood out from his body. And for some reason, that excited me
too. I didn't know what I was doing or why, but I'd just discovered sex
and it was weird and fun and I just didn't seem to care...if that makes any

Paul finally put his camera down and walked over to the sofa where I was
laying with my legs spread for him. "I want you to try something for me."
He reached down, taking my hand and pulling me to sit up.

"Okay." I stared up at his face, trying to ignore the fact that his
penis was right in front of me. I'd never really seen one until that
night, making love with Paul, and it was fascinating, but I had been too
shy to do more than take little peeks at it.

"Touch my cock." He smiled. "Put your hand on it."

"Uh, okay." I swallowed and looked at his penis, feeling my body getting
hot again. I reached out tentatively, touching it with my fingertips at
first and then slowly wrapping my fingers around the middle of it. "It's
hot!" I giggled and felt a tiny throb of pleasure in my tummy.

"Mmmm...it is hot..." Paul agreed with a little laugh. "Now just slide
your hand up and down...gently...there you go...nice, Jennifer...jerk me

I stared at his penis as I listened and learned how to make Paul feel
good. His cock was heavy and long, so that I could put both my hands on it
and not cover it from the base to the head. My fingers wouldn't even go
all the way around it either, they almost did, but not quite, and it seemed
like it was getting even bigger as I stroked him.

"Now, kiss it for me, baby." Paul reached down, caressing my face with
his fingers. "Go on, just the tip...kiss my cock, Jennifer..."

I wasn't sure I wanted to do that! But Paul was talking to me, urging
me to do it, and I didn't want to disappoint him. If I was going to be his
girlfriend I'd have to do stuff like that, right? I mean stuff that maybe
I wouldn't like very much? My parents had always taught me that if you
loved someone you'd do things for them that you wouldn't do for anyone
else. This seemed like one of those things to me.

I stuck out my tongue and closed my eyes, but then thought maybe I
should see what I was doing, so I opened them again. Paul stood still and
waited patiently for me to lean forward until the tip of my tongue touched
the head of his penis. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't bad or
anything. It didn't hurt, or even taste funny. I almost laughed at myself
for acting like a k** and I licked around the smooth round head, then
finally touched it to my lips, giving it a real kiss.

"Ahhh yeah, Jen...that was good...keep licking it, baby...go up and down
the shaft...yeah...like that, honey..." Paul was giving me encouragement
and he had his hand on my head, guiding me gently.

I licked along the length of his penis like he wanted, along the sides
and underneath, and kissed it too, dragging my lips across the silky smooth
skin. He seemed to like that a lot and I sort of liked it too, actually.

"You do that great, baby..." Paul smiled down at me and I smiled back.
"Now open your mouth...more...real wide...I'm going to put it inside, okay?
It won't hurt...just inside a little bit..."

I was nervous, but excited too. Licking and kissing it hadn't been so
bad, so how bad could having it in my mouth be? I opened my mouth like
Paul wanted and let him pull my head a little while he held his cock in his
hand and guided it between my lips. It seemed so huge I didn't think it
would fit for a second, but it did and I quickly found myself with a
mouthful of warm penis. He pushed a little with his hips as he held my
head steady and it seemed like he'd shoved the whole thing in my mouth, but
it was only a couple inches or so, maybe a little more. Even so, that was
enough to make me gag and I started coughing and choking as it bumped into
the back of my mouth.

Paul pulled his cock out and stroked my head, waiting for my little
spasm to pass. "It's okay, Jen...relax, we'll try again..." He said
patiently, but I was feeling like that was enough. I didn't say anything
though, I just nodded and cleared my throat a little, swallowing hard.

"Open up...Mmmm...good girl...oh yeah, just the head, wash it
baby...wash my cock with your tongue..." Paul didn't push this time, he
just let his cockhead and a little of the shaft sit in my mouth while I
tried to wriggle my tongue around it, but there wasn't a whole lot of room.
At least I got good at breathing through my nose though.

"Okay, Jen, I'm going to push a little...move your mouth on it...up and
down like it was your hand, okay?" And he gave just a tiny push and I felt
the shaft sliding between my tightly stretched lips. I moved my head down
a little too, so that I almost thought I could feel the tip of his cock hit
my throat, but not quite. Then Paul let me move my head back again, so
that just the head was between my lips.

"Good...more like that...just like that...you're doing it, Jen...you're
sucking my cock, baby..." I was moving my head slowly back and forth, along
the thick shaft that split my lips. I started getting used to the feeling
of it, and the way my mouth filled up quick with spit and something else, I
wasn't sure what it was but it didn't taste like anything anyway, and I
knew Paul wasn't going to sperm in my mouth. So I was swallowing every
chance I could, and breathing through my nose, and I thought I was doing

"Mmm...that's good, Jennifer, now let's do it a different way...lie down
and put your head back, over the cushions..." Paul had me on my back with
my head tilted back too, so he could kneel above my face and push his cock
in my mouth that way. "I want to fuck your throat, Jen, okay? I'm going
to really push this time...so just relax and try to swallow my cock...just
open your throat and let it in..."

I had no idea what Paul was talking about really, but I did as he asked,
or at least tried to. It was strange looking up and seeing his big hairy
balls right over my nose, in fact they were almost touching my nose and I
could smell him. It wasn't a bad smell, I sort of liked it, kind of a sexy
man smell that made me warm all over. He put the head of his penis to my
lips and I opened up like before, except this time I was upside down and
that was weird.

He moved his cock in and out a little and held my head tight, but gently
too. One of his hands was sort of under my jaw, or over my jaw I should
say, since that end was up now. His other hand was on the right side of my
face and when he pushed his cock all the way into my mouth so that I
started choked he held me even tighter.

"Swallow it Jen...come on girl...eat my cock, baby...deep throat it you
little whore...oh fuck...yeah...come on slut...open up for me..." I
couldn't believe the things he was saying, but I was barely aware of his
words anyway. I was too busy trying to breathe around his thick penis as
he shoved it hard against the entrance to my throat. I was close to panic
as my lungs started heaving and I was choking, almost gagging when I tried
to swallow and Paul's cockhead suddenly found the entrance to my throat
open. It was like he just lunged straight into me, his cock spearing into
my tight throat until his balls were pressed to my face, and his wiry pubic
hair tickled my nose and chin.

"Ohhh fuck yeah, Jen...you did it...Oh feel that..." He was touching my
neck gently and telling me how good and tight my throat was around his
cock. All I knew was that I couldn't breathe and my body jerked as I tried
to push him away.

Paul pulled his cock out of my mouth and I coughed hard, gulping cool
air into my lungs and staring up at him with tear stained eyes. "I know it
was hard baby, but you did good. You did real good." Paul was stroking my
face. "You're going to learn how to do it so it won't hurt, okay? So
it'll feel real good for both of us."

"Why...why did you call me...those...names?" I gasped quietly.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry." Paul looked embarrassed. "I just say things
sometimes, but I don't mean them. Look, if I call you a slut, or a whore,
or a little bitch, it just means I really love you." He looked at me,
seeing the confusion on my face and chuckled. "I know, it doesn't make
sense does it?"

I shook my head. "Do you think I'm a slut?" I asked him.

"No, of course not!" Paul shook his head. "It's just, sometimes words
can make us feel even better when we're having sex, that's all...Some girls
like to be called those things, even though they aren't really true."

I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to be called dirty names, but I
believed him. Paul wouldn't lie to me and if he liked to say those things,
I guessed it was okay. Just so it was only sometimes and nobody else was
around to hear him.

"Here, let's do it this way." Paul said, seeing that I really wasn't
enjoying whatever it was he was trying to teach me. "Let me lie down
here...and you get like this..."

Paul had me lying down on top of him, but my vagina was right over his
face and his penis was right in front of mine. It seemed funny and he
called it 69 for some reason. I wasn't sure exactly what the whole idea
was, but I learned quickly! When Paul began licking my sex it was like I'd
died and gone to heaven. I knew he wanted me to lick his penis too, at the
same time, but it was hard for me to think about doing that. Paul was
kissing my pussy and using his tongue to touch every part of me that he
could reach. He spread my thighs wide and used his fingers to open my
pussy lips, stabbing his tongue inside me like it was a little pink cock.

I mostly just held his cock in my hands, moaning and wriggling my butt,
moving like I was on fire down there. Paul held my ass in his hands,
squeezing my firm round cheeks and holding me still while he seemed to take
my whole pussy into his mouth and just chew on it, but gently like he had
soft gummy bear teeth or something. It was a crazy feeling and I wondered
why he'd waited so long to show me that stuff! It was way better than
trying to get his penis in my throat, and even better than making love, but
I had a feeling that would get better too eventually.

I had another orgasm, the second one of my life and it was different
than the first one I'd had when Paul was fingering me. This was like a
hundred orgasms just rolling over me like sugar-coated steamrollers. I was
really noisy too, out of control almost, and practically screaming about
how good it felt. I even said some of the dirty words, like "...eat my
pussy...oh yes...suck my pussy...please!!!" or something like that. But I
know I didn't call Paul a slut.

And he didn't stop either, even when I was begging him to stop, he
didn't. My whole body was electric, all of my hair standing straight up,
and it was like the fourth of July, new years, and homecoming all at once.
Just fireworks and shouting and marching bands filling my senses until I
collapsed completely and Paul let me rest there on his body.

I think I was sleeping for a little while maybe, because when I was
finally able to open my eyes we were in Paul's bed. He was beside me with
our legs scissored sort of and I realized his penis was inside my vagina
again. But it didn't hurt hardly at all, in fact it kind of felt good. He
was moving slowly and touching my breasts, just rubbing my body slowly
while he watched me. I smiled at him and he asked me if it was okay.

"Yessss..." I sighed. "It feels good." And I wasn't lying at all. My
pussy felt sore, but it was nice and he was moving so gently I felt like he
was just massaging me sort of, on the inside of my pussy.

We made love like that for a long time and I p

Same as A romance story Videos

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Doris and Grace had not crossed paths, expect for telephone and email exchanges, for almost half a decade. That said, as sisters, they remained close; it had been that way since their earliest c***dhood days in England. The two women had both 'married well' and settled into their lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic -- Doris in Los Angeles; Grace in Paris. They had both managed successful careers and the demands of being both wives and mothers. When Doris's marriage had ended in divorce...

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Romance With My Crush Amrita

Hello everyone of indian sex stories dot net, I am Sumit Sarkar. I am a 4th Year student of engineering. I am 21 years old. I am an unsmart boy, who is extremely polite and shy; and is always ready to help other people. I am an introvert boy. I am a person who has never smoke or tasted the alcohol. Whenever anyone falls in any danger, or they need any help, they come to me, and I always try to help them as much as possible. Though, I am not that much famous when I am not beneficial to them;...

3 years ago
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Romance Kiya Barish Ka Maza Liya

Ye story me mene ek paise wale ladki ke sath kese romance kiya woh bataoonga. Mera name maddy he or me delhi ka rahene vala hu.Main handsome hu .Mere pass badiya sa hot tool he..Jise mene us ladki ko satisfy kiya. Chalo abhi story suru karta hu…. Bahut saal pahele me apne bike me kahi kaam se ja raha tha.Baarish bhi ho rahi thi thodi thodi. Rasta bahut shumsam tha aur raat hone wali thi…tabhi mene ek ladki ko uski scooter ke paas khada hote hue dekha…aur mene apni bike slow ki..Aur dekhne...

2 years ago
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Romance And Sex With Friends Daughter And Wife

Deepak and I are college time friends and we both are working in same city. We both are in good positions now. Deepak has a beautiful wife Deepti and a daughter Rasika. Deepti is house wife and Rasika is in 11th class. We are family friends. We meet almost every weekends, go out for movies, parties, outing, etc. Deepak is in Sales and Marketing, so he has to travel a lot. Once Deepak told me to guide his daughter Rasika for software programming, since I am into software field. So Rasika used to...

4 years ago
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Romance Ka Punchnaama

Beauty, yes this could be a name which I would say for the experience I had. Walking on a beach having a smoke and a coke tin (vodka mixed with coconut water – my fav), the cool breeze effecting nerves to think beyond your existence. This amazing feel makes me write about this incident. We the team of 4 guys for a small week end trip, nothing much booze and fried chicken were on menu cards. We had all the fun we could have on the beach of alibaugh, we do this often for the small chill leaving...

2 years ago
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Romance 8211 A Hill Station Holiday Sex Story

Hey readers, my name is Vineet (name changed). Today i am going to share with you guys and girls about me and my girlfriend’s first time experience. My girlfriend and I are both studying in the same university in the city of Bangalore. But both of us belong from north India. My girlfriend and i are in a serious relationship, and it’s almost 4 years since we have been together. My girlfriend’s name is Ruhi (name changed) she is 20 years of age, average looking, and stunning bosoms. The best...

2 years ago
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Romance from the Personals

Many readers expect my stories to be strictly descriptions of fun sex, and usually that is what I write. This story, however, is about a relationship between a man and a woman. Sex is part of it, near the end, but it is only a part, not the entire story. If you want pure sex, I advise you to read the tale by Damppanties or some of my other stories. * ‘Tall,’ Aaron finally decided was the right thing to call himself. He wanted to mention his height and, at five feet, ten inches, he was, after...

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Romance at Sea

NOTE: This is a story about developing attraction and companionship rather than pussy being pounded on every page. Be warned. EG. CHAPTER 1 Fog drifted over the city as former celebrated international pianist Gwendolyn Chappell was into her thirteenth session of being interviewed by her biographer, Stephen Miles. ‘What do you recall as your naughtiest moment of your life Gwen?’ Dressed as if going to a ball, although it was only just after 8:30 am, Gwen said she would have to think about...

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Romance Is for Suckers

‘Romance is for suckers,’ that’s what I’ve always said. I’ve always enjoyed women but just for sex and I’ve been lucky enough not to need to enter into a relationship to get all the sex I’ve wanted. I’d pick up a girl somewhere, like a bar or a grocery store and sometimes-even bookstores. We’d have sex a few times and then I’d stop seeing her. When you operate that way, you avoid all the entanglements and it keeps you free. Then I met Lonnie and my whole life changed. I don’t know what it was...

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Romance comes to a small town farm girl

Likewise asses, everybody has one and some people like having them played with and licked, touched, penetrated….it’s part of love play. Sex should be FUN, and that’s part of it. Lastly, women’s feet are pretty, why else would they spend the money on ankle bracelets and toe rings if they didn’t want to bring attention to them? Plus the thousands of dollars spent each week on nail polish… For some there is a direct (and I mean direct!) connection between a...

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Romance with aunty

That was a weekend and after office I was come to my room and getting relaxed. I have got a missed call from a number and I call back again to that number. There was lady voice and she said it was wrong number.I just took it as lite and moved on to the streets for eye feast. After some time I have got message from the same number that they have called me intentionally.I have called the number and the lady introduced herself to me. Her name is vishala, age 28 and she lives in some area in...

3 years ago
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Romance Coast to Coast

I'm flying in my plane from IAD to SFO... My girlfriend is going to pick me up in her truck and drive me back to santa cruz... She's thin, with auburn hair, and a cute smile... She's a child of the sixties, still into free love. I have my head and foot hanging out of the window in her truck. Sometimes she likes to bottom, sometimes she tops.... sometimes, we just make love.

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Romance of Lust part 11

Next morning I was awakened by uncle alone, who told me that my aunt was somewhat poorly, and could not come.“I am sorry it is so, for this little fellow is as hard as usual.” “Oh, I am so sorry dear aunt is poorly, both on her account and my own.What shall I do, dear uncle? It is so hard and painful.” “Well, my dear boy, I must try to allay it myself. I love you too dearly to leave you in this state. I am not so good at allaying this painful attack as your aunt, but as you know you were...

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Romance On The Rails Chapter 1

I love trains. I have since I was five years old, when my grandfather took me on my first train ride. I never forgot the thrill of waiting on the train for it to start moving, the feel of the gentle side to side rocking as it went down the tracks, and the views out the windows as we rode through the countryside. It wasn't a long ride, just a day trip, but it left a hell of an impression on a young boy. Now fast forward about 30 years, and I was once again at the train station purchasing a...

Straight Sex
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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XLI

Chapter XLI – Fashonista Lust (based on Secret Romance No. 5 cover, Charlton, February 1970)When everybody mentions a fashion designer, mostly pop up ideas of someone with bold ideas, daring, intelligent, a genius who can understand the latest trends of fashion and use it or create of its own… you know, the kind of thing you see at the fashion pages in magazines and newspapers. Yes, those are all truths, but people like us are also human beings like anyone else, people that need to feel the...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XXIII

Chapter XXII – My Husband Cheated, and We Fucked the Maid (based on All True Romance No. 15, Comic Media, January ?)The worst thing that can happen to a woman is to be cheated by her husband. To me, there is no doubt about it. But, unfortunately, I found out there is something worse than that: a husband who cheats you with someone you really trust, your maid.When I found out Stephen was betraying me with Maria I went totally down. My whole world fell apart. Five years with him and I thought he...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XVI

Chapter XVI – My General (based on All True Romance No. 2 cover, Comic Media, June 1951)Being a army wife it’s not easy. Not at all. Being wife of a high ranked man like a general is even more uneasy. Other than dealing with someone who has a high power inside the Army, the fear of of being wounded or even dead frightens me everytime he has an assignment anywhere. Not counting, of course, the time I spend without him by my side, without hearing his voice, without feeling his touch, without...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XV

Chapter XV – Red and Green (based on Young Romance No.12 (2v6) cover, Prize, July/August 1949)They were Marge and Grace, but for most of people, they were knew as ‘Red’ (Marge) and ‘Green’ (Grace), two friends of mine that are always together, no matter what happened, nothing will take them apart of each other, with the nicknames given because they mostly wear hats and dresses of those respective colors.They were together in everything, specially on the matters of dating and mating. They always...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter I

(work of fiction based on the romance comic cover above, without any financial gain from it. All rights reserved)Chapter I – Adding to the Engagement (based on Romantic Hearts No. 4 (Story Comics, Jan of a year in 50s)When I found out my fiancé was cheating me with the nurse of the hospital he was, I went in shock. How could him betray me that way? How could he? And how could that nurse give in with my man?I had so many doubts that when I came back home, I was pretty much enfuriated. But also,...

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Romance With A Beautiful College Girl At The Theatre

Hi guys. I am Harish, 25 male, 5 ft 8 in tall from Hyderabad. I am going to narrate an incident which happened a couple of years back. After completing my engineering from a reputed college in Hyderabad, I shifted to USA (i.e; United States Of Ameerpet!). I took a room with my B.Tech friends and started attending interviews as well as talking java and C language coaching. Every day I was waiting at the big bazaar near Ameerpet for my friends who used to pick up me to the institute. This was a...

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Romance With Virgin Cousin

I am Mr. Nikhil from Mumbai,.I always read most of the stories of indian sex stories dot net.I am going to tell you, how I and my innocent cousin had romance in her house.You can give feedback me on my email Any girl and woman can contact me and give me feedback Now I am coming to my story.This happened when I was in college doing my engineering I used to go to my aunties house on vacation.She has two daughters, one was elder to me and another one was 1 year younger to me.Elder one was already...

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Romance Turned To Wild Action With My ExGirl Friend Part 8211 1

Hello, guys!! This is Sagar Sharma from Bangalore I am a lonely guy ditched by my girlfriend (for another guy). I am 5’7” and weigh 77 KGs fair in colour. Really starving for sex, nowadays attracted more towards aunties of around 30-40 years old. Now get ready to read my story. This is a real incident happened in my life, so it is a bit longer than usual. Please over look any grammatical mistakes. As I said, My GF ditched me for another person who is doing PhD abroad. I am also a research...

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Romance With The New Office Joiner

Hi, Today I would like to share an incident from my past of my sexual experiences. It is bit awkward as I never thought of this incident will ever take place in my life and have an eclipse in my friendship with my childhood friend. Mail me at It happened in 2015 when as usual I used to work and at my office a new comer came and joined as she was fresher. I was senior at office in my field and she was been appointed to me. Her name was shreya. Shreya – may I come in? Me – yes! Looking at my...

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Romance At Cinema Hall With Reader Radhika

Hi, friends myself Vignesh from hosur, working in Bangalore. I had written three episodes in iss and I got some good response for my stories. After submitting my third story”First time in devi virgin ass” I got a mail from a girl name was Radhika. I opened the mail and there she messaged as ‘wow nice story!! You really made me cum on last night.I replied her, thanks for your comment on my story.She told me she is from Vizag ap, working in mnc company in Bangalore and she also inquired about...

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Romance In The Train

Hi Horny Guys of ISS. Firstly, I would like to thank ISS for publishing my couple of true stories. I would like to get your comments/feedback for this story too. You can reach me on : I would love to chat with girls who are indeed very horny by nature and share their experiences too. I am 38 years young guy, married with a kid. Have my own business. I am 5’10’, average body and am great kisser. This is a real life incident which happened few days back while traveling in A.P. Express from...

1 year ago
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Romance With House Owner

Hi, I am name change Kishore, from chennai 25yrs old, working as a technician I used to stay in apartment which is of two floors, I was rented on the top floor, coming to my house it is single bedroom with nice ventilation and attached bathroom and a nice terrace.Evening I used to spent time on the terrace with friends Coming to story, my house owner name Shanti, nice figure(33 yrs) age and having a son studying in 4th class. I m staying in that house for last two years, till now I never had...

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Romance With 27 Years Old Young Lady

Hi friends .my name is kumar frrom East Godhavari born in 1990 . Inka chepalantay .ummm black ga untanu present bussiness chedthunanu. Inka inka .5.7 height . Inka inka chepalantay . il.com Edhi na mail id . Nenuu amchelooo comments evan the please guys Sareee! Na life loo gurthundi po a story edhi . In my story JOYTHI na ex-girlfriend . Young married aunty .pure white skin. Good physics .shee loking so fair. Thanatho campare chesthe nenu avarage.Kaneee nenantau chala antay chala love(estam )...

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Romance And Sex With My Sister

Hi to all ISS readers. Forgive me for any mistakes. I Raj aged 21. We are a family of 4; dad, mom, I and sis. Let me give a brief intro of sis. Her name is Padma aged 19 avg color awesome boobs and size of 32 -28-36. My sis uses my laptop for net and other purposes. One day she used laptop for much time I got doubt seen history she is using social networking site. I kept silence for a week later one day she forget to logout it. I seen her conversation with 2 boys one of them is her bf and other...

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RomanceChapter 1

Romance: Another country heard from: 1. Sultry asked herself, WHAT IS HE DOING??? Jack just drove. Odd, isn't it? She's a psychological mess and I'm calm as a cucumber. The dinner went like a first date and Sultry was impressed. No movie though. They had to watch Television. Since the house was the highest point and John/Jack has had the phone company install two phones in the house ... the telephone pole was the tallest point and the TV antenna was able to pull in broadcasts ......

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RomanceChapter 2

Romance: Another country heard from:2. She's a natural, thought Jack, as he watched Sultry cut lazy circles in the sky. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Slow down heart! Stop shaking knees!, thought Sultry. The preflight was straight forward, Jack put the card in her hand and said, "This tells you what to tell me to do." So ... she started to read and Jack showed her what each written direction meant. Like shake. The chart meant SHAKE! Jack SHOOK it. There were a few times that it seemed like...

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RomanceChapter 3

Romance: Another country heard from:3. "Colonel?" The intercom had buzzed and the Command Chief Master Sergeant spoke. "Yes, Tom?" "Sir. We have an incident." The door to the colonel's office buzzed and the CCMS stepped into the Base Commander's office. He stepped around the room and closed the infrared and sound canceling curtains. The colonel switched on the white noise. "As you know, Sir, there are always combat ready aircraft in the air at all times. They carry the...

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RomanceChapter 5

Romance: Another country heard from:5. Landing at the mine, they fueled up, oiled the 710 tank, pushed the plane back in the huge white shed locked everything up and Jack held the door so Sultry could climb up and sit. "Good thing I'm wearing jeans," Sultry said. "That's twice you've mentioned that my vehicles are too tall," said Jack. "I never," she said ... but started laughing. "I did, didn't I?" "Yup," Jack said. "Supper?" "I had the folks at Regas put the leftovers...

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RomanceChapter 7

Romance: Another country heard from:7. "Medieval Europe?" Sultry asked. "What ever for?" "It's not really Europe ... it's another planet." "We'll go!" said the Seven in One, "Hello Sultry, you're looking ... Geese, I almost said Well Fucked." Sultry grinned. "Didn't Cassie... ?" asked Jack. "She didn't say we couldn't come back," said the disembodying Powers that Be. "I distinctly remember her saying..." Jack started but was interrupted. "She said she hoped she...

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RomanceChapter 9

Romance: Another country heard from:9. "Jack? What are we going to do with all this?" "I don't know," he answered, "All I wanted was some swords to train with." "Why did you buy all this junk?" That particular piece of junk was a Priest Gorō Masamune tachi, similar to one recently returned to Japan and worth half a million dollars. "That Rheinmettal 88 is a pretty rare bird. I couldn't pass it up. It's a Flak 41. Uses a longer casing than the original Krupp designed...

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RomanceChapter 10

Romance: Another country heard from:10. Major Austin, "You can call me David," and his band of slightly daft 'excavators'..."We like to dig into things" ... showed up two days later. Sultry and Jack were digging their way through the first cabinet of firearms. Sultry was writing, Jack was digging. In two days, one cabinet was all they had accomplished. Sultry was writing because she watched Jack start a list and was horrified. "Give me that! You won't be able to tell me what's in...

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RomanceChapter 11

Romance: Another country heard from:11. Virginia 610 was deserted. Turning left they negotiated the dirt road into Frogmorton. They parked the electric blue 1965 2 door hardtop, four on the floor, SS 396 Chevrolet Impala on the graveled street and took Sultry's brand new four cylinder green Jeep CJ-5 the rest of the way home. Dirty Sally the lowrider Chebby, doesn't like railroad tracks or the road to Jack's house The exhaust is set up so the tailpipe and mufflers slide back on foot long...

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RomanceChapter 12

Romance: Another country heard from:12. Rather than spend hours hoping to sell another knife, Kevin Pipes and John Parker loaded everything back up into their old U Haul van and followed us back to Frogmorton. "I had no idea this place was here," Kevin said. "I've seen the house on the hill when I was hiking the Trail ... but ... never ... I mean never knew there was a village here ... and there's a bank. You mean your check would have been good?" Sultry nodded. John added, as he...

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RomanceChapter 15

Romance: Another country heard from:15. The announcer, chosen for his deep and manly voice, announced, "In the normal course of events, a Hero and his caretaker have three Damsels to chose from. To make the event more interesting for you, the audience, we are passing out small tablets of paper and a writing instrument." There was commotion in the studio as this years flock of interns, chosen from the Communication and Broadcasting College of Cassandra, distributed small packets of paper...

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RomanceChapter 16

Romance: Another country heard from:16. Jack called for his box ... ok ... he stuck his ID finger in the hole. The box whooshed in and Jack started passing out weapons, saddles and tack. He left some Conchs for a rainy day. The lid closed with a snap ... air molecules rushing and colliding with other air molecules. A small thunderclap. Seven said, "Jack? I don't think we should go out there right this minute. Somebody is robbing ... or trying to rob the bank." "How do you know?" "I...

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RomanceChapter 17

Romance: Another country heard from:17. Oh, she showed him alright. The working folks ate the excellent stew, drank the watered wine, and left. The ones who stayed decided that Sultry was worth fighting over ... until she, and that stick she carried, killed two of the more experienced fighters. One with a jab in the throat and the other, a thump in the chest that broke his sternum and stopped his heart. A good doctor could have saved the man ... if there was such a thing on Chaos. As it...

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RomanceChapter 19

Romance: Another country heard from:19. No matter what Sultry tried ... she couldn't get Jack to take care of the bodies ... or get to the bank. Sultry was stuck spending the night in the Inn. Chaos had a dearth of readers along with a lack of writers. The sign painter couldn't spell Jack's Place. So he painted a ball and jacks. Hey! It worked. First man to pass the signboard, said, "Jacks Place," and went inside for a drink. "Great name," he said to Art. Art hadn't seen the sign...

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RomanceChapter 20

Romance: Another country heard from:20. "If I'm going ... let's go," Sultry said. "We can't," said Jack. "Why not?" "Our spies aren't back yet," Jack said. "Spies? Jack? We don't have spies." "We do now." "Jack? Who did you send?" Sultry asked. "Wait. Don't answer that." Who is missing? She mumbled and fumbled for a minute. "Jack? You sent Two and One?" Jack grinned. "You didn't!" Sultry said, "Jack ... Two is always looking for trouble and One is usually...

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RomanceChapter 22

Romance: Another country heard from:22. There were two possible plans. Hide out well past the cave and wait for the well to do single rider. Capture him and subject him to a reduced dose of the sleepy drug. Sultry said the drugged always got chatty for a few minutes before sleep and ... according to what she learned ... the drugged always told the truth. Drug him and ask him why he was on the road. "Might work," Jack shrugged. "Might not," said Seven. "Fifty fifty?" asked Two, "Or...

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RomanceChapter 23

Romance: Another country heard from:23. When Ted awakened, he wished he hadn't. Four corner tied to the bed, he was certain he felt something wet hot and slippery. At his center he saw a mane of coal black hair ... ready to say something, a golden blonde wig stared at him from the bedpost. He groaned and attempted to struggle. Something sharp bloodied his hip and he jerked away only to bloody his other hip. She pulled off with a long slow slurp. If that poke in the hip didn't sting like...

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RomanceChapter 25

Romance: Another country heard from:25. "There's some shit going on here and I'm about to wipe somebody's nose in it," Jack said. "Wait!" said Cassie, "There are these damsels that come first." "Stick 'em in stasis," said Jack. "I know you can do it ... I read it on Stories On Line." Well, that stopped 'em. Every one of the high mucky mucks started trying to get away, or looking at the ceiling or looking at their feet or each other. For a bunch of ivory skinned seldom out...

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RomanceChapter 27

Romance: Another country heard from:27. It was just about time for Seven to pass judgement ... or what ever happens in interplanetary politics ... which have absolutely no bearing on the gods, even if they do call themself... yeah, yeah, yeah, not acceptable grammar or syntax ... you tell 'em ... maybe they'll listen to you ... scientists, when Ceiling said "Company coming. Ooo, they're pissed." They crashed through the door, mostly unaware that the battering ram used in the assault...

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The Orchid The Storyteller

This story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...

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Necromancer of KemmrillChapter 5

Arakel awoke at about the same time as Saern, Dai and Dorn began to ascend the mountain, and he began to prepare himself for the day. Today, of all the days of his long life, would be the most important, certainly since the Ryu-Sincar swept through the Isle of Dreams. He opened his wardrobe, and pulled on a rust-splotched quilted shirt, and then a pair of cotton trousers. Over that he pulled on a chain mail shirt and trousers, the steel links polished until they shone. A black-enameled steel...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XLIII

Chapter XLIII – Un Ménage-a-Trois in Office (based on Love Romances No. 23 cover, Marvel, July 1952?)For the last ten years, I have been married with Ruth and I have always been faithful to her. I know you’d might expect that I confess something about cheating my wife. Well, you are partially right. I had a sexual intercourse with someone that isn’t my wife. But what I am going to tell you is not what you were expecting from a story like this.Even before I got married, I became employee of a...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XLII

Chapter XLII – Love and War at the Beach (based on Girls’ Romances No. 16 cover, DC, August-September 1952)What might happen if you know that your best friend likes the same guy as you do? Maybe be angry with her, even to fight and cause harm. I know and understand, it’s not easy for anyone to see a person you trust your deepest thoughts to love the same boy as you do. That’s why me and Nicole found it weird that, for a long time, we shared the same man without any kind of trouble between...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XL

Chapter XL – Air Orgy (based on Pictorial Romances No. 12 cover, St. John, March 1952) I know what people think about us, stewardesses. People always rate us as the ones who care about the passengers, gently help them if they need something, serving our customers the way they wish, and so on. This is totally true, you know that. But there is the other side, the kind of thing you don’t usually share with anyone but yourself and your co-workers. The kind of acts that aren’t appropriate for...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XXV

Chapter XXV – Fun Before Wedding (based on Girl’s Romances No. 37, DC, Feb-Mar 1956)The wedding day can be thrilling, specially to a bride. The dream of walking the aisle, meeting the man you are meant to marry, share your vows, marry in the presence of God, confirm the love you share with other people. It has to be the perfect day, where everything has to be perfect in the details.However, sometimes one can feel nervous about what might happen. When I married Edward, I was incredibly nervous,...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XIII

Chapter XIII – Bisexual Girl Wants Sex I/The Hunk and the Babe (based on Pictorial Romances No. 10 cover, St. John, November 1951)I know what people think about bisexuals, that we are just people that can’t decide between men and women and rather pick both and also too much ‘keen’ to sex. Well, in my case, that wasn’t me. I am bi, but not that kind of bi girl people usually think. In fact, I had only eyes and my pussy tingled for only two people, Mary and Scott.Mary and Scott are my friends...

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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter VI

Chapter VI – We Both Fucked Tony (based on Love Romances No. 84 cover, Marvel, November 1959)Kathy and I are best friend since high school. We share mostly everything, make-up, secrets, records, books, all sorts of things. Well, except one thing we never shared so far: boys.Men were always a subject for us when we talk, and we share virtually everything we did with them, but one thing never came to mind: both of us sharing a man. Not until Tony arrived.Tony is my boyfriend, and we are together...

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Romance at the Smash Mansion

The foyer of the Smash Mansion was rarely an empty place with all the contestants traveling between modes. Hardly a day went by where half the cast didn’t crash into each other. But busy as it was, that meant rumors between the residents spread quickly. If anyone snuck off together, people would take notice— a relationship couldn’t stay unknown for long when so many nosy characters passed by. But being found out rarely stopped love in the mansion, and even the oddest couples kept kissing,...

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