College Fantasy Comes True Decades Later free porn video

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A bunch of us are at a party, having a good time and having a few drinks. At first you are a little uncomfortable looking me in the eye after the chats we have had, but after a few minutes, it actually becomes more enjoyable - knowing things about each other that others don't know. Easy to make comments to each other to try to get a reaction, like the ultimate inside joke.

A little later in the evening, you and I are talking and Susan shows up holding her wine glass, giving you a hug and saying hi. Checking her out, you comment, "Damn, Susan, you look great in that outfit. I wish I had your body to pull that off." She looks hot in her skirt that is a few inches above the knee, 4 inch heels and blouse that's unbuttoned at least one or two buttons too many.

She laughs and jokes, "Well at least someone finds me attractive, I think my hubby gets tired of me."

With a wicked smile, you add, "Well, with a few more drinks and you looking that good, might have to think about my college fantasy."

You look right at me with your comment and then playfully add, "Be a sweetie, and get us another drink."

I come back with another drink for each of you and you thank me, then lean in and whisper, "I want you to take care of us tonight and help make sure when our drinks start to get low, bring another one for us."

I make a joke, "What about the other people at the party?"

You lean in and pull my shoulder a little lower to get closer to my ear and command, "I told you I like control and if you listen, you might get to have fun too." You give me a little sly grin as you say it and squeeze my forearm to convey you're serious.

You don't say anything else, just smile. Over the next hour, you notice I do keep a good eye on your drinks and make sure they are full all night. I bring another round later and Susan makes the comment, "Are you trying to get me drunk to take advantage me?"

I blush a little and before I can answer, you laugh and say, "He's not, I am."

She laughs a little and responds, "Well, it's working."

You use this for an opening and ask, "Have you ever kissed a woman?"

She is caught a little off guard but has enough of a buzz that she answers, "Well, I did back in college when I was young and silly."

After a second, you respond, "Well, I wish I would have tried it in college. I always wanted to, but always chickened out." You smile at her and add, "If I was going to break my girl cherry, it should be with a hot girl. Do you mind if I kiss you tonight?"

Even though she's pretty drunk, she likes the flattery and compliment and leans in for a small kiss.

You lean in too and kiss her softly at first and then I see your hands go on her face and your mouth open as your tongue explores her mouth just for a second. You totally catch her off guard and she backs up a little.

You both giggle and you tell her that was fun and joke, "I kissed a girl and I liked it." You know I am watching and can see I'm a little shocked but go back to the party.

I see you ladies chatting for a while, giggling and laughing, looking at me time from time. About 30 minutes later, you come up and say, "Can you be a good boy and drop me off? I can barely walk, so don't think driving is a good idea."

You grab Susan's hand and say, "You better not drive either, come with us."

We get to your place and you ask, "Do you want to come in for a drink?"

Susan is out of the car before you as we head in and another round comes. We are sitting in the living room chatting and then out of the blue you look at me and say, "Do you know you and Susan both have something in common?"

I look at you puzzled, not sure what you're saying and then you say, "You both like women to control you in the bedroom."

I turn a million shades of red as Susan looks at me and you see my reaction. "After I kissed her at the party, I told her about my fantasy of wanting to be with a woman and if she'd be interested," she said. "She only did it a few times in college with the same girl. She said it was fun because the girl knew exactly what to do and she was very much in control. Susan commented how hot it was to give up control and let someone use her for her pleasure and desire."

She and I both turn red and then you add, "I asked her if she missed it and she didn't answer, but blushed when I said 'Don't worry Susan, I will be in control'."

I look over at Susan, and even though she's pretty drunk, she's a little red that you told this story to me.

You look at her and say, "Sorry, Susan, I didn't mean to embarrass you, I think it's fricking hot as hell. And don't worry about him saying anything, in fact he's very much like you."

She asks what you mean and you tell her how I was drunk one night and how you commented you liked giving blowjobs. "He asked why I liked it so much and I said it's fun to do and it's so powerful to have a man in a position like that, wanting you so much and you have all the control."

You add that I made a comment about how sexy it is for a woman to be in control and you commented, "You probably couldn't handle it."

Then you recall how I smiled and said, "I'd love to try."

You tease me in front of her a little saying how I made little comments over a few times about it. Then you smile and say, "You could help fulfill two fantasies in one shot."

Susan says, "Oh god, no, I'm not gonna do a threesome."

You laugh out loud and correct her, "No, not a threesome. But it would be hot for him to watch us two, BUT ONLY watch and maybe help with a few things."

You look me directly in the eye and comment, "You won't get to touch or play, isn't that right?"

I look surprised and nod. You look at me and say, "Tell her, promise her."

I look at Susan and say, "I promise, I won't get involved or touch."

She looks a little surprised. You giggle and say, "That wasn't enough, you need to beg more to convince her," and you whisper something in my ear.

I get up and stand in front of Susan and then kneel and kiss her heel and say, "Will you please fulfill our fantasies tonight? Her taking you and me watching."

You can tell she's a little nervous and you say, "Don't worry, he will be a listener or else he'll regret it badly," as I feel a hard swat across my butt. I look up surprised and you give me a wicked grin as you hold a crop in your hand. You lean in and give Susan another kiss and she kisses you back and you know you have your chance tonight.

You tell Susan to stand up and you sit down on the chair where she was. You smile and say, "Never did this, control a guy and a girl," and you smile broader.

You look at me and say, "Undress her for me. But remember, its for me, not you. And no touching."

I get before Susan and start to unbutton her blouse and slowly take it off her shoulders and arms and she's standing there in a lacy, push up bra. You smile and say, "Very nice, very nice indeed. Look at her breasts, aren't they fantastic?" As they are, perky and high in her bra.

You hear me moan, "Yes," as I stare at them.

You smile and teasingly say, "I bet you'd love to play with them right now, but you can't, they are mine tonight."

"And now her skirt," you add and I drop to my knees and unbutton it and unzip it. It falls to the floor and she steps out of it.

She's wearing a pair of lacy boy shorts and you say, "Turn around," to Susan in a slightly commanding tone.

She turns around and you smile and say, "Damn, that's a nice ass, isn't it?" and I nod.

You smile some more and comment, "I bet you're thinking about how you'd like to bend her over the sofa and just ravage her," and you see your comment torments me.

With a wry grin, you add, "Too bad that's my plan tonight, not yours," but then conclude with, "You are a good submissive boy that likes to please, I bet you'd love to just kiss an ass like that. Why don't you ask her if you can?"

I get nervous and you say, "Go ahead."

I look at you and her nervously. You nod at me and I sheepishly ask, "May I please kiss your ass, Susan?"

She gets nervous and says, "I thought you said it was just you and I?"

With a giggle you say, "That's all, he doesn't get to see an ass like that everyday, Just let him worship it a second, it will be a good fantasy."

She's a little nervous but says okay and you smile as I lean in and kiss it gently right on the area where the fabric meets the skin.

You add, "This is sexy as hell but I can't take much more, it's my turn soon," and you tell me to undo her bra next and you see me struggle as it fastens in the front. It's hard to get it off without touching much.

Seeing you watch me as I do it and finally get it open. You're sitting there watch her be undressed by me and you smile and stand up and kiss her deeply and hard.

Your hand pulls her hair back a little which causes her to squeal just a little as your other hand caresses her. You continue for a few minutes and then look at me still on my knees, watching you like a schoolboy seeing something new the first time.

Looking at her, you comment, "Your heels are sexy but make you too tall," and then look down at me and add, "Be a good boy and take them off for me."

I try to undo her shoes. There are a lot of buckles and I struggle with it and you two are making out in front of me. The sounds and sight is so distracting, it takes me a long time. Her movements and sounds make it virtually impossible but I finally get them off. I look up and my face is next to Susan's panties and I notice a growing wet area.

You smile as you step back and see what I'm staring at and you pat my head, "God, I can imagine what's going through your head, but too bad it's all mine."

You go to a drawer and take out a few pairs of restraints and tell me to tie Susan to the one side of the bed for you. She is nervous and says, "I'm not sure."

You kiss her and add, "Don't worry, you'll love it," as you help her lay down. You keep kissing her as you watch me tie her hands for you. You see me struggle as I'm so turned on and have both of you there, but I can't do anything but watch and listen.

I get her hands bound and ask about her feet and you say, "That's fine, she needs to move some." I see a beautiful woman laying there, looking so sexy and so turned on and aching but then you snap your fingers.

You then tell me to go into the other drawer and get out a few toys and I go over and pull out a vibrator and two dildos. You instruct me to lay them next to Susan, you'll be having fun with them later. You can tell I'm curious to see what else might be in the drawer, but then tell me to get more restraints.

I'm thinking you are going to do her ankles but then you have me lay on the opposite side of the bed and you straddle my chest and lean in, letting your cleavage show as lean down and push my arms up above my head and fasten and tighten them. You get another set of restraints and bind my ankles to the bottom of the bed.

You move up on top of me, giving me a wicked smile as you feel my excitement and whisper, "I was gonna put you in the chair, but thought it would be more fun to have you next to us, helpless, knowing how bad you want us, hearing the sounds, smelling the sex and there is nothing you can do but ache and throb." I see Susan next to me, smiling as you torment me, wanting you so bad.

You go over and slide off her panties and come up and run them across my face, having me feel the wetness and you playfully lay them across my face, distorting my vision.

For the next hour or so, it's quite a show I hear and partially see. At first, I hear a vibrator for a few minutes as I feel the bed beside me shake from Susan's orgasm.

Her panties are still covering my vision, but this time, I see her legs pinned up as I hear you going down on her. The sounds of licking, kissing and sucking, your moaning mixing with hers. I hear her climax at least two times before I feel the bed move again.

I'm caught off guard as I feel you lean down and kiss me, pushing your tongue into my mouth and tormenting me with, "God, doesn't she taste incredible, I bet you wish you could have eaten that pussy just like I did. It's better than I thought it would be."

Then I feel your foot on my arm as you get on top of Susan and have her give you oral. I hear, "God, eat my pussy, I want it so bad, eat it, lick it, own it, Susan."

As the time goes on, the bed moves faster as you get more into it and after a while, I feel you roll over and collapse next to me, laying between her and I. After you're both spent you tell her thanks and she thanks you too.

At that moment, you both look at me and giggle a minute, seeing me there, totally bound, fully erect and helpless. For the past hour, you got so into, you almost forgot I was there. You smile as you look at me and I hear you say, "Susan, can you help fulfill another favorite?" and then you lean in and whisper to her.

I hear you add, "If you don't want to, that's okay too."

You move from that side of the bed to where I'm tied and I feel your hands move her panties off my face and then your hands run down my chest and start to unbutton my shirt. You feel my breathing pick up and see a bulge growing and you giggle. "Don't get too excited, you're not getting any," you say as you unbutton the shirt. I feel you start to play with my nipple with your fingers and then start to nibble and the start to bite it.

You look at Susan and say, "He told me he loves his nipples bitten and hard enough for him to be sore so he remembers it hours and days later. I thought it would be hot to help fulfill this fantasy and it will be fun for every time he feels the soreness, it will bring him back to this moment," and then you start to really go to town on my right nipple.

I close my eyes with the mixture of pleasure and pain and then I'm shocked as I feel my left one getting attention too and I look down and this time it's Susan. It's a wild sensation, two different beautiful women, both driving me crazy and doing it a little different.

After a few minutes, they are aching and sore as you stop and look at your handiwork. You smile and say, "I think this will be in his mind for a while," as you get up and undo my hands and ankles and let the blood return to my limbs.

You get up and put on a robe and Susan starts gathering her clothes and you look at me and smile with, "You undressed her, dress her again."

And you watch me get the clothes and help her get dressed. You sit and smile and watch me struggle with the clothes. You say, "No touching, just help." It's so hard to help her get dressed knowing what happened.

You have me go on my knees as I help her back into her panties. This time as I help her pull them up, I see how excited she is and the smell is filling the room. I take the bra and try and put it on her without copping a feel, but as my hands brush her nipples, mine ache from the attention you two gave to them. I get the blouse and skirt on and she takes the heels in her hand.

You thank her for an incredible evening and she says how much fun she had. As she stands there, you get up and kiss her again and say, "Oh god, I can taste me on you. I can't wait till next time."

You kiss me on the cheek and tell me to drive Susan home, and then rub against my nipples and you hear me moan and you give me the wickedest smile as we leave.

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My wifes fantasy comes true

My wife and I have been married for 12 years. In that time we have had so much fun with her being my submissive and I can say that sometimes it is hard to constantly come up with new and inventive way to surprise my beautiful little pet. She is 5ft 2in of dynamite with big beautiful breasts and a tight perfect bubble butt that can take amazing amounts of punishment. She has a perfect shaved pussy that tops off a set of killer legs. After we were married for about four years and after a...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Came True

I have been recently started reading stories on ISS were fascinated to see the real hot stories put up by you all. Inspired by this I wanted to put a real story of my own which happened four years back but still the memory of it make me horny and turn me on. Actually this was my fantasy, which came true. This was not different from the fantasies of my other friends who love watching there wife fucked by a stranger. Since time ago this was my fantasy to see my wife have other cock in her pussy,...

1 year ago
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Decades Ch 04

‘Your fondness for these floral patterns continues to elude me, Doug,’ Kelly said. Setting down her beer, she took yet another look down at the loud print dress she’d found herself in after playing ‘Stayin’ Alive’ on the jukebox. ‘Feels like acres of fabric here.’ ‘Too much fabric beats too little, doesn’t it?’ Doug replied. ‘I feel like somebody must’ve poured me into these pants.’ ‘But you sure look cute in them,’ Kelly said with a laugh, shamelessly admiring the taut bulge in his too-tight...

3 years ago
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A Fantasy Comes True 8211 Part 1

I am a 40 yrs old male from Mumbai.I am married to a beautiful woman and we have active sex life. I had a Girlfriend in college we had sex regularly but we didn’t marry each other as we broke our relationship. She got married to very rich guy & went abroad for few years. After she came back we met & our sex relations started again. Our spouses don’t know about it as it is our secret. I share about it some other time. Today I am sharing a true incident that happened with me sometime back. I...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Gangbang Fantasy Comes True

I have finally lived out one of my greatest fantasies. My name is Kathy and I'm a late 40's housewife and part time swinger. My husband Dave and I have done some swinging and we love the adventurous lifestyle. I've had a fantasy of enjoying and being enjoyed by a group of men. We've considered running an ad on a swingers website for a group to fulfill my fantasy. I do some online chatting from time to time and that is always good to make me nice and horny. I very rarely cam with the guys I...

3 years ago
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Fantasy come true

The IntroductionThe night begins as any other for three good friends meeting up for a drink. The only difference is that all three are bi and all are totally hot for each other. Alex is sat next to Craig and opposite me. I am wearing a low cut top and Alex can't help but stare at my chest as I breath heavily, knowing all the time I'm thinking about how much I want to grab him and kiss him. Then Craig suggests a game of vodka shot drinking. We take random numbers and must drink the flavoured...

2 years ago
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My Fantasy Come True

Hello Readers on ISS. I am one of the devotees of ISS. I read stories here daily. This is the first time I am posting my own real life experience. Let me first tell you about myself. I am Sonika here in this world from Surat, Gujarat. I am a regular not that handsome and not that ugly looking Man, aged 30 still single due to some of my internal fantasies and liking in the regular world. I am doing business. I smoke and chew supari and also drink while sex only. But in the world of sex, I am...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Fantasy Comes True

It was late one night when my doorbell rang. I opened up to find my best friend Jacob standing on the front step. He looked like hell so I knew something was up. “Hey Dave, sorry I know it’s late, but can I crash here tonight?” he asked. Jacob and I were friends since we were in diapers so of course he knew my place was his place if he ever needed. “Of course dude”, I replied gesturing him inside. “What’s up? Where’s Kathy?” Kathy was Jacob’s wife, a rather sexy blonde with a great...

4 years ago
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Decades Ch 01

Doug had a photograph of Grandma and Aunt Doro on the beach, which he had kept on his desk throughout his four years at Columbia. Snapshots of various buddies and girlfriends had come and gone, and for appearance’s sake he had occasionally also displayed a picture of his mother when he could stand to, but Grandma and Aunt Doro were there with him throughout the four years. ‘That’s my grandmother and my great aunt,’ he would explain to anyone who asked. ‘I lived with them in high school because...

2 years ago
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Cuckold Fantasy Comes True 1

My wife and I been together for about 20 plus years and are in our early 50s. We exercise and take care of ourselves so we're in good shape and look much younger for our age. We have a good sex life and we’re very open, often talking about our fantasies while having sex. I'm not a submissive husband, but one of my favorite fantasies is for her to cuckold me with a well endowed black man, which is a fantasy talk about quite often while having sex.We decided to make the fantasy a reality and...

1 year ago
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My fantasy comes true

I am a 15year old boy. I knew I was bi-sexual because I had feelings for this beautiful boy who was two years younger than me. He was dark and extremly cute. His legs drove me wild each time I managed to get a glimpse of them, he had hairless dark brown legs and a beautiful bubble butt to go with them. His face was had a real look of innocence when ever I saw him. His smile just made me have an instant hard-on. His name was Ambrose. I didn't have much chance to get close to Ambrose because he...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Come True

Have you ever been completely captured within your own fantasy? No matter how hard you try to get it to go away, you can't, you think about it constantly, it invades your every thought when you're awake and when you're asleep. I have had that problem, and no matter how hard I shook my head the dream wouldn't leave. I knew how to get it to go away, and that would have been to commit the acts that I thought of, but I never thought I would. I live a pretty normal life. I am a house wife,...

4 years ago
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Niharika8217s Fantasy Comes True

My girlfriend some years ago was Niharika A (34B-24-36). She is now Niharika D, married to Alan D, and stays at Powai in Mumbai. (All names and places are changed) Although we were very intimate, I did not penetrate her (so that she would be a virgin when she got married) even though the relationship lasted for 10 years. I used to lick her cunt, and after some hesitation, she started sucking me off. She had extremely small nipples, a little bigger than a man’s (the auroelae were a little bigger...

2 years ago
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Best Friend8217s Wife Fantasy Comes True 8211 Part II

Last Month I visited my native and after staying for a week, my wife left for her mother’s house and I was like an unleashed dog in town, at least I got a free pass to drink every evening with Samir. That evening after 2/3 pegs, the same topic came into our discussion and Samir was so excited by seeing my wife around for last 5 days and expressed his inhibition that I am so lucky to fuck a bitch like my wife every day. We started describing the figure of each other wife’s and which position...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Come True With My Friend8217s Wife

Hi readers, I am a big fan of ISS as all other, its more than year that I am hooked to ISS, many of the stories are really fascinating and interesting, though many are just scribbled on the paper without any serious thought put into it but as experience cant me measured I am sure each and every one have put an effort to do so, whether the story is real of fake doesn’t matter to much till the time you are able tell your narration/experience. I am sure the reader is more and more engrossed in the...

3 years ago
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my wifes fantasy finally comes true

So this is how it all began.My name is Tom, I am fifty years old and live with my wife of twenty years we have two children who are nineteen and sixteen.Back when I first met my wife I had a very high sex drive, I loved sex and would have sex five times a day if my wife had let me, sadly she did not feel the same way and was quite happy with maybe sex once a week or even every two weeks. So through the years my sex drive has had to take a back seat. My wife and I are very happily married and I...

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Couples kinky shocking fantasy come true

The following story is true but the names have been changed to protect our privacy. Shannon and I dated for about a year back in the 90s in college, It didn't last and we went our separate ways. Fast forward 10 years and she had just ended a long term relationship that she ended mainly for the age difference as she was 42 and he was 27. So we started seeing each other and after a couple weeks, I asked her about him and she brings out a picture of him in a towel and he looked like a model. I...

3 years ago
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Bar Fantasy Comes True

I had told my boyfriend Chris about my fantasy of being taken in a bar full of black men, but it was just a fantasy, I had never even been with black man. Being the holidays we both had the week off, Chris wanted to go out on a Tuesday night, what the hell I thought we have the whole week off. I dressed in a black mini skirt and a white spaghetti strap tank top with a strapless bra, I knew Chris loved this outfit. We went to the next town over to a large dance club, it was Ladies night, 2 for 1...

1 year ago
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fantasys can come true

20 YEAR OLD FANTASY COMES TRUEI was heading up to my grand-fathers cabin and decided I'd spend the night but I had to stop for some groceries on the way. A little country store was my only choice so I pulled in. While gathering some steaks and goods to go with it , from 3 isles over someone called out my name. I looked up to see my cousin Deb who was as surprised as I was. What are you doing here"? She said. I'm heading to grandpa's cabin I replied. So am I. How I asked, my car is the only one...

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My Sex Fantasy Came True

Friends, i am a normal guy in my mid twenties. I am working in Delhi. Though i am not deprived of sex and often have sex with number of girls both friends and call girls but still there is a fantasy left regarding sex. I have always have a fantasy of a place where i am the only guy and about 20 – 30 girls of different kind. All of them are naked and ready for sex of any kind 24 x 7. No one is there to question or stop you from having sex with any girl. But this is only a fantasy which i also...

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Hotwife fantasy finally comes true

It was a month of uncertainty, trying to explain and asking for forgiveness, she asked if I wanted a divorce. Of course not, that was the last thing I wanted. I was still in love with my wife and had to figure a way of showing her. She finally started to accept my transgressions and decided to work on restoring the marriage. We took a long weekend and drove down to the coast just to get away for a couple of days. That weekend we made love like never before, especially when she would...

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Gay fantasy come true

I had always wanted to play with a cock other than mine. My fantasy led eventually to my being gangbanged. This is what happened.One day talking to a male friend of mine about our wives sucking our cocks it was mentioned how it wouldn't matter who was sucking your cock really, male or female. Your right said my friend Ian, maybe we should try it for real one day. And we did. It started by chance with my calling at his house one evening. Unknown to me his wife was visiting their daughter who...

2 years ago
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A fantasy comes true

It is the day after my fifteenth birthday as I am writing this, and I thought it was time to share my story. I have read and heard many stories or fantasies that are similar but thought people might like to read about what happened to me.A year ago mom and dad had brought me out for the day to celebrate my birthday and spoil me for the day, we had a great time as a family and had got back to our apartment late. We were all tired and basically went straight to bed. I felt thirsty and as I was...

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Fantasy about my wife comes true

This is a true story and like a lot of husbands I had always had a fantasy about a hung guy fucking my wife. However,I never thought it would really happen. My wife and I were in our mid thirties and my shy wife has a voluptous body that catches the eye of a lot of horny men. Linda is 5-7 139 brunette 38d,26,39 with very curvy legs and a sexy dark bush. We went to partys with another married couple Bob and Sue and little did I know Bob had his eyes on my wife. He danced with her a lot when she...

2 years ago
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Stacy Makes Our Fantasy Come True

Several years ago, my gorgeous young girlfriend Stacy got a new job as a waitress in a classy restaurant. She was from a small town and was new to the big city. This was the first time she had ever been around openly gay, lesbian, & bisexual co-workers. She would come home with all the gossip of who's dating who & who got laid over the weekend. We had only been dating a few months and had a very active & creative sex life. She confessed early on that her secret fantasy was to watch...

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Lauras Hunger Fantasy Becomes Reality

It starts off as a wonderful day, it’s the first day of Laura’s new job as stay at home mom and Lydia has already left to pick up Ray Jr. at the airport so he can spend the summer at home. It would be a perfect day if Ray had been able to put off the business trip he had planned, but as usual, business comes first. As long as she can quit her job and relax at home for a while its worth Ray’s frequent out of town trips. Maybe with her added free time she can begin fixing herself up and try to...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Comes True A Greek Tale

“Good morning, Beautiful.” John comes in with a tray and all I see is two glasses of orange juice standing tall. I smell bacon, pancake syrup and eggs. A smile forms on my face as I sit up. My tank top askew on my body and my long, auburn hair resting on my slightly tanned shoulders. “Breakfast in bed? This is much better than hotel room service.” John sets the tray of food on my legs and crawls into bed next to me. His hand gently touches my cheek and he pulls me in for a soft but...

1 year ago
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Threesome fantasy comes true

 It all began one Saturday afternoon when one of Vickie’s friends called. Vickie spoke with her then came to me to share their conversation. She said her friend had run into an old acquaintance of Vickie’s named Wayne. He had asked about Vickie , wanting to know if she still lived in town, if she was married and so on. Her friend had told Vickie that Wayne had asked her to call our house and see if maybe Vickie would agree to meet while he was in town that afternoons they could catch up on old...

Group Sex
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My Exhibition Fantasy Come True

This is a true story.It was the day before my 25th birthday. I was having dinner with my girlfriend at the time, Julissia. As we sat at the table waiting on our appetizers she pulled a pretty large gift out of her overly large purse. She slid the gift across the table to me and said "Early happy birthday. I couldn't wait any longer to give it to you." Being the present whore I am, I was elated. I didn't waste any time ripping the decorative paper off. What was under the wrappings shocked the...

1 year ago
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A Fantasy Come True

Believe it or not, this is a true story, some of it told from my recollections and some from my wifes. First let me say, I am a truly blessed man, my wife would rather fuck than eat and she is sexually submissive. It took me four months to get in to her pants, but since that time, she will fuck anytime, anywhere or any place and our best I think, was in a department store fur coat section. The first time we watched porn together, one of the tapes was a lesbian tape and it didn't take long after...


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