Creampie Cafe free porn video

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This was one of my favorite stories from another site
It is not written by me so give thanks to the original auther

Wendell Nebbin locked the door of his car and pressed the button on his keychain to activate the alarm. He looked around nervously. He hated parking on the street in a part of town like this: the black part of town. He considered skipping the appointment, but then remembered that Mr. Roosevelt had paid him rather well for his accounting services so far. Professional ethics demanded that he see things through.

He walked slowly down the street, looking for the address of the cafe owned by Mr. Roosevelt. The Sweet Cream Cafe. It should be on this block, but he could see nothing that resembled a restaurant. The address he was looking for belonged instead to "T. Jackson's Athletic Club". Beads of sweat appeared on his brow as he considered the fact that he was a well dressed white man lost in a black neighborhood. He tried to look nonchalant as a group of young blacks dressed in shorts and tanktops wandered noisily past him toward the club entrance. He tried to look like he knew where he was going and walked in the opposite, but slowed again when he realized he was getting farther from his car.

"Hey, white bread!", one of them shouted from the steps to the club.

Panic came over him as he heard the call. He froze, afraid to turn around.

"You lookin' for the cafe?" the same voice asked.

Relieved that he was at least on the correct block, Wendell turned. "Y-yes. Yes I am," he called back.

"I thought you might be." A smirk came over the young man's face as his friends began laughing among themselves. "It's jus' down that alley on the right there," he pointed, indicating the corner of the building that housed the athletic club.

"Th-thank you. I a-appreciate it," replied Wendell moving quickly away.

"You enjoy yourself now, y'hear?" shouted the young man with a grin, causing yet another burst of laughter from the others.

Wendell ignored them, glad now to at least be on the right track. He turned the corner down the alley indicated and was surprised that the dark, dingy alley could possibly contain a business like a cafe. But, sure enough, he spotted a sputtering neon sign protruding from the side of the building with an arrow that pointed to a nondescript solid door. The neon sign read "Sweet Cream Cafe" over the faded logo of a giant white droplet. It was from an era gone by; alleyway businesses just didn't survive these days. Further proof of the cafe's age was found in the faded sign on the door read, "Whites Only". It must have been a remnant from nearly 50 years ago, he thought; odd that something like that could survive that long in this neighborhood. Shaking his head, he turned the handle and walked on in.

Inside, the cafe was a total surprise to him. It was spacious and well lit with rather nice looking tables, chairs, and appointments. It looked like a classic diner setting from any movie: checkerboard tile floor, lunch counter with bar stools, padded red vinyl booths, and even a gaggle of pretty uniformed waitresses wandering around with notepads and pencils behind their ears.

Spotting him at the front door, a perky young blonde headed his way and smiled broadly as she approached. "Party of one, I assume?" she asked with an inquiring eyebrow that looked almost ... sultry.

"A-actually ..." Wendell was a bit stupefied at her obvious beauty. Her hair was long, straight, and silky. Her ample breasts and small, shapely ass were barely covered by a pink uniform that looked about 2 sizes too small. Her bright red lips curved into a knowing smile as an eyebrow over her too-blue eyes continued to rise as she waited for him to finish his sentence.

" .... a-actually, I have an appointment with Mr. Roosevelt to d-discuss a business matter."

"Oh! You must be Mr. Nubbin!" she exclaimed with a smile. "I'm -- "

"Actually, it's 'Nebbin'," he interrupted.

"Of course. As if that's any better. Anyway, I'm Candy, the manager. I was told to expect you. I'm afraid Mr. Roosevelt will be delayed for awhile, but he told me to show you around and answer any questions you might have about how our establishment is run."

"W-well, I do have to admit, there are some v-very odd numbers I'd like to discuss. Your receipts are very, very high, but somehow your costs absorb all of your profits and --"

"I know, I know. We're a very unique operation. I can see you need to understand a bit more about us, Wendell. Why don't you have a seat over here at the counter and I'll go over things with you."

She led him over to the counter and offered him an empty stool between two other patrons. Wendell sat quietly and nodded politely at the others already seated there. He noticed that despite the obvious flavor of the neighborhood, everyone in the cafe was white -- including all the waitresses.

"I need to take care of a few things, Wendell, but I'll be right back. You caught us right at the start of the lunch hour, so I'll ask you to be patient. If you'd like anything, Susie here will take care of you."

Wendell tried unsuccessfully to peel his eyes away from the view of Candy's lovely posterior as she walked away from him, even failing to look at Susie when he heard her voice.

"What can I getcha, hon?" she asked.

"Just some coffee, thank you."

"We don't serve coffee," she said dryly.

"You ... " Wendell finally turned to look the redhead in the face, finding her just as attractive as Candy, in her own way, " ... you don't serve coffee? Excuse me?"

Susie's eyes rolled back in her head in a friendly look of exasperation. She grabbed a laminated card from a holder on the counter and set it in front of Wendell. "Here, hon. Look this over and let me know when you're ready."

As Susie turned and walked away, Wendell turned his confused look toward the menu and examined it. He found it to be rather brief ... and rather strange.


#1 Pie ............ $50 #2 Pie ............ $50 #3 Double Pie ..... $100 #4 Snowball ....... $50


Extra Fresh ....... $25 Chaser w/ Meal .... $25 Chaser a la carte . $50

Wendell looked up from the menu with a look of even greater confusion than before. The prices seemed outrageous -- especially for a small diner -- and the descriptions were sorely lacking in detail. He looked around for Candy or Susie to ask some questions.

Just then, the door marked "Kitchen" in the back of the diner swung open. A sound of great commotion -- dozens of intermingled, unintelligible voices, laughter, and shrieks -- swept thru the room along with the distinct odor of ... sweat. And something else. The door swung shut again as a young, thin waitress with light brown hair staggered out. She laughed a goodbye to someone inside as she hopped along, pulling a high-heeled pump onto her foot. She feebly tried to arrange her hair, wiped the sweat from her brow, and tried to pull her uniform into some semblance of order.

"Wooo! That was a good one," she said absentmindedly to herself and the room. Her heels clicked on the tile as she walked unevenly behind the counter, steadying herself occasionally by leaning on the edge. She past by Wendell without a second glance and approached the man sitting two stools away.

"Are ya ready, Ernie?" she giggled.

"Y-yes, Lulu. I-I'm always ready for you," the man stammered.

"Ok, then. Here ya go. One #1, hot and fresh." With that, she turned around, placed her hands on the counter, and pushed herself up as she jumped. She settled into a special shaped 'lazy susan' than Wendell just noticed was there -- one in front of each stool, as a matter of fact. Lulu then spun herself around on the swiveled seat, swung one leg over Ernie's head, and set both heels into perfectly sized notches in the counter on either side of him.

Wendell watched with silent amazement as the short uniform skirt fell back to reveal the spread-open crotch of the waitress. She wore no panties. Her thighs were wet and shiny. The smooth-shaven vaginal lips were covered in a filmy glaze. A thick, white liquid oozed slowly from the opening. Wendell was stunned. That was obviously ... semen. This woman had apparently just had sex and was presenting her womanhood to her customer with another man's ejaculate oozing out of it. He was speechless. He was appalled. He was ... strangely fascinated.

Then came the next surprise. Wendell let out an audible gasp when he saw Ernie leaning in and lowering his face toward her crotch.

"Ah ah ahhhh," scolded Lulu. Her thighs slammed shut with a wet slapping noise. "You know the rules, Ernie. You gotta pay before you play."

Ernie put on an 'aw shucks' look and reached into his pants pockets for a set of folded bills. He passed them up to Lulu without looking at her -- his eyes remained glued to her closed thighs. Lulu accepted the money, examined it quickly, appeared satisfied and re-opened her legs exposing the cum-covered pussy. Ernie lurched forward and dove in to her crotch, making wet slurping noises as he rabidly licked at the oozing white goo.

"Oh my God!" exclaimed Wendell in disbelief.

"Oooh! He's an eager beaver ... for cummy beaver," giggled Lulu. She pulled at a latch and a back rest rose from behind the counter. She leaned back and closed her eyes, obviously enjoying the attention being given to her dripping snatch. She began to moan softly.

Wendell stared open mouthed and wide eyed at the spectacle before him. He looked around at the other patrons, wanting to scream out, 'Can you believe this?!'. But no one else in the cafe had even blinked. In fact, the few other men at the counter simply sat patiently, occasionally looking hopefully toward the kitchen door.

As if on cue, the door opened again and another young girl emerged with her hair and clothing in disarray. Before the door closed behind her, Wendell got a better look at the room within. It was lined with grey metal doors which he quickly realized were lockers -- gym lockers. As the gap closed, Wendell could make out a dark skinned male ass pumping up and down between a pair of lily white thighs. The sounds emanating from the room made perfect sense now: There was an all out orgy going on in there.

The man on the other side of him perked up and grinned -- this 'order' must be his. Even though he'd just witnessed the same turn of events a moment ago, Wendell was still shocked and amazed as the man quickly surrendered a wad of bills and then turned his attention the the cummy crotch of the young waitress. This particular patron spent more time licking the dripping cum off the girl's thighs, giving Wendell a better view of the quivering mass of pink flesh covered with thick white semen.

It was disgusting. It was revolting. It was ... intoxicating. He found himself leaning closer and closer until the back of the man's head rose up to block his view.

"Amazing, isn't it?" came a soft voice in his ear.

"Huh? Oh!" exclaimed Wendell, surprised to find that Candy had returned and was leaning over his shoulder. "What?"

"I said it's amazing how you white boys are so strongly drawn in by a white pussy filled with black man's sperm, isn't it? It's like there's a magnet stuffed up there and your front teeth are made of iron," she said with a smirk.

"Oh ... well ... I ... it's just that I've ... I've never seen anything like it!" he said, still exasperated.

"I can tell, Wendy, yet you've already got a cute little boner popping up there, don't you?" she giggled.

Wendell looked down and found that she was right. He coughed and tugged his suit jacket to cover his lap. He looked around nervously as if he'd just realized his fly was open.

"Oh, don't worry, Wendy. It's perfectly natural. You wimpy type white boys just can't help it. The sight and smell of a white pussy pumped to overflowing with hot, gooey black cum is essentially irresistible to you," she explained. "You're no different than any white man here." Wendell looked around the cafe and watched as another 'order' was delivered to another happy customer -- a white customer.

"No ... no ... wait. This can't be right. This can't be natural," Wendell whispered in disbelief.

"Of course it is, Wendy. No one understands it fully, but there's something about a good solid blackfucking that makes a white woman's pussy draw in wimpy white men like dogs to a bitch in heat." She lowered her voice and slowed down her speech to add emphasis to her words. "Add to that the addictive, musky scent of a black man's cum, and no white man can resist plunging his face into the warm, sticky mixture of pink flesh and spermy white fluid."

There was no way Wendell could deny his hardon now. Her descriptions were causing a swelling like he'd never felt before. He thought back to his initial reaction at seeing Lulu spread her legs on the counter. While the shock of it was foremost in his mind at the time, he had to admit now that he definitely felt 'something'. Something about the sight ... and the scent was attractive. Sexually attractive. And he still felt it as his eyes were glued to the sight of the man's head next to him nestled between the slim white thighs. Subconsciously, Wendell's hand reached down to the tent in his pants and gave it a squeeze. Absolutely. There was no doubt about it. It was sexually attractive.

Wendell heard an odd metallic sc****, then a whoosh. Next, he felt a sharp pain on the back of his hand. He snapped back to reality with the realization that Candy had just smacked his hand with a spatula retrieved from the counter.

Candy leaned in and said in a angry whisper, "Listen, Wendy. I know this is your first time here, but we do have rules. This is a respectable establishment and I will NOT have a bunch of white boys fondling their disgusting little weenies, do you hear me?"

"Y-yes, ma'am," replied Wendell instinctively, shaking his stinging hand.

"That's better. Now, you're obviously interested in our menu selections. Would you like to try something while you wait for Mr. Roosevelt?" Candy asked, smoothly returning to her sweet demeanor.

Wendell looked around the room again. By now, there were four faces buried between the thighs of moaning waitresses. Four white men sucking black sperm from the crotches of young white women. It seemed so wrong. But it seemed so right ... for reasons he couldn't explain. The door to the kitchen swung open again as a tall young brunette staggered out. As it swung closed, Wendell spotted one of the muscular young black men from the street. He could hear the sound of flesh slapping against flesh as he mounted a pretty blonde from the rear. The look of ecstasy on her face was exquisite.

He turned to Candy, looked her in the eye and softly said, "Yes. I think I'd like that."

"Wonderful!" squealed Candy. She signaled to the tall brunette. "Trixie, what order have you got?"

"A number one ... for Wally down there," the breathless girl replied, clearing the strands of hair from her sweat covered brow.

Candy turned and called down the counter, "Wally, I've got a first timer here. Would it be ok if I intercepted your order?"

The face that had been looking eager and excited at the prospect of getting Trixie's thighs wrapped around his head suddenly fell. He licked his lips nervously and replied, "Well, um ... actually, I ..."

"I'll deliver it myself, Wally. And how about we throw in a free chaser?"

Wally brightened visibly. "Oh ... Ok! That would be g-great. Thanks, Candy."

Trixie hopped onto the counter and swung around to assume what Wendell now understood to be the standard position. On the shaved patch of skin above her clitoris where the hair would normally grow was a neatly printed script tattoo that read 'Black Cock Only'. Her puffy, cum spattered pussy lips lay just in front of him. He most definitely felt the attraction -- the irresistible attraction -- that Candy referred to and started to lean forward, his mouth watering. Then he heard Candy's voice:

"Now as you've heard, Wendy, we require payment in advance. You've seen the prices on the menu, right?"

"Y-yes," replied Wendell, reaching for his wallet, but never removing his eyes from Trixie's crotch. He glanced down briefly to pick out a $50 bill from the sheaf of bills inside. As he refolded his wallet, Candy said quietly, "Um ... Wendell. The 'meal charge' is paid in full to the black stud who ... uhh, 'filled' your order. Don't forget to tip Trixie here for delivering it to you in such a nice manner."

"Oh ... of course," said Wendell as he fished out a additional $10 bill.

Candy cleared her throat and muttered into his ear, "Wendy ... a 100% tip for the waitress is customary."

Wendell looked at Candy with a surprised look. "100%? That seems a bit ..."

Candy just looked at him and tipped her head to gesture at Trixie's crotch. Wendell looked again at the shiny skin and pink, goo-covered folds of flesh. He put the bills back in his wallet, pulled out a crisp $100 bill, and handed it over to Candy.

"I'm paying a black man for the privilege of eating his semen, aren't I?" he asked as his gaze returned to Trixie's spermy snatch. His tone was that of both realization and acceptance of what he was about to do.

Candy handed the bill over to Trixie. "I'm glad you understand our system, Wendy. This example will help answer some of the questions you had regarding our pricing structure. I know it seems expensive, but a black man's got the right to be compensated for his sperm .. especially if it's not going to be used for its proper function of actually impregnating a white wom--"

Candy stopped talking when she realized that Wendell was no longer listening. His face was buried between Trixie's thighs and the soft squeals coming from her throat told Candy that Wendell's tongue was snaking up inside her reaching for the thick liquid treasure that lay within.

* * *

Wendell's sheer ecstasy was interrupted by a hand grasping the scruff of his neck and pulling him away from the heaven he'd been enjoying. "Whoa there, Wendy," he recognized Lulu's voice. "Let's not be greedy. Fifteen minutes is the limit. She's got other customers to serve."

Wendell's eyes never left the warm flesh before him. It took him a moment to remember where he was and to realize that he was still pulling forward, trying to reach the juncture of the outspread legs before him.

"Wow," he uttered involuntarily as he relaxed and sat back.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Lulu giggled.

"Y-yes," he stammered.

"I just love watching a white boy swill down black sperm for the first time. The look on their faces when they realize just how much they need they to swallow that thick semen is just priceless."

"I-I just couldn't help m-myself," said Wendell, still staring at the glistening flesh of the now-fully-cleaned pussy in front of him.

"You're disappointed that it's all gone, aren't you?"

"Yeah," he admitted, surprising himself. He straightened his glasses without bothering to wipe off the glaze of sexual fluids that covered the lenses.

"You really went to town, Wendy," Lulu beamed. "Don't tell me you haven't done this before! You made her cum at least three times."

"Four," Trixie corrected breathlessly as she jumped off the counter and straightened her uniform skirt.

"I ... I've never made any woman cum before," he admitted.

"Well, you're GOOD at it, Wendy. You're an excellent cumsucker! Now ... would you like some more?"

"Oh, God yes."

"Of course you do! I took the liberty of ordering for you, Wendy. One #2, Extra Fresh! It costs a bit more, but it's worth it." A murmur of agreement came from the growing crowd of men who now lined the counter.

"O-Ok, sounds good. How do I ... I mean, who--"

The 'kitchen' door popped open once again as Candy stumbled out, giggling as she made her way along the passage behind the counter. Even though everyone in the place knew she'd just been seriously fucked, somehow there wasn't a hair out of place -- just a beautiful glow about her.

"Oh, yesss," mumbled Wendell as he stared open mouthed at her lithe, tender form. She caught the look and smiled at him, but his expression quickly turned to disappointment as she glided smoothly past him.

She chucked him on the chin as she went by. "Sorry, Wendy, but this cuntful is already promised to Wally. You know that, silly! But don't worry ... you order is up next!"

Wendell's gape-jawed stare never left her as she smoothly took spun into place on the counter in front of the literally drooling Wally. Every head in the place that wasn't already between a pair of thighs turned to watch as the lucky man slowly lowered his face toward the Y of her legs. His head lolled in a slight circle as he inhaled to savor the heady aroma. A chorus of soft moans was the only break in the silence as Wally's tongue pressed gently against ...

The loud smack of a door being kicked open along with a loud shriek caused all the free heads to turn back toward the kitchen. Wendell's eyes widened as he watched a stout, muscular black man walk toward him with an oddly wide stance. The reason for his unusual gait was the fact that he was carrying a petite, young brunette against his chest. Her back was to him and his arms were looped under each knee, pulling her legs open in a lewd spread-eagle formation. Even more amazing was that this young girl's ass was speared onto his huge cock.

Wendell gripped his thighs so hard that he heard his knuckles pop. He'd grabbed his thighs earlier to keep himself from touching his aching pecker, but now it was an incredible battle just to keep them still.

"Uuungh ... uuh ... unngh," cried the brunette as each step thrust the cock in and out of her stretched hole. Wendell's breath left him when the young man stopped and turned toward him; Wendell realized that this order was for him.

"Glad you ... (guuhh) ... found the place, white bread." Wendell didn't need to look at his face in order to realize that this was the black youth who'd given him directions on the street. "You ready for dis, boy?!"

"Yes. Oh yes, please," rasped Wendell, never taking his eyes off the juncture of the black cock and the girl's ravaged asshole.

The young man grinned, pulled back with his arms to lift the poor girl higher, then began pumping his hips upward with rapid strokes.

"Oh-h-hhh ... mmm-y-yy ... G-o-dd-d!" she cried as tears began running down her ecstatic face. "P-p-aaay ... m-m-eee. Ple-eease ... p-aa-y ...." Her hands flopped loosely at the end of her arms, but her fingers grasped at the air.

"Wha-?" stammered Wendell, barely able to understand her.

"Pay up ... boy!" shouted the black man between the wet whaps of his thighs against the girl's asscheeks. "Pay ... the bitch ... for my cumload!"

Wendell quickly did the math for an 'extra fresh' #2, fumbled with his wallet, and yanked out two bills -- a hundred and a fifty. He reached up and slapped them into the girl's hand just as her screaming reached a crescendo and the young man groaned and made his final thrusts into her, obviously flooding her innards with his rich cum. The waitress flopped around like a rag doll, blubbering out an orgasmic chain of unintelligible nonsense.

With one final burst of effort, he hoisted her up off his cock and lifted her smoothly into the seat on the counter in front of him. Even though a thin strand of filmy liquid stretched out between the cock and her hole, Wendell could tell by the slight popping sound her ass had held tight as that black monster pulled out. Once seated on the counter, her muscle control obviously began to relax as her hole began to quiver and fall open, revealing the pulsating red flesh coated with white slime.

"Eeeeat m-me," he heard her whisper through a sly, closed-eye grin. "Eat that ... b-black cum out of m-my ass, you ... n-n-nasty little white boy," she giggled.

As Wendell moved his head into her crotch, he noticed some odd squiggle-shaped tattoos on her inner thighs. He never turned his eyes away from his goal long enough to examine them, but his peripheral vision told him they were ... ears. A tattooed outline of pink, whiteboy ears. And as his face settled into place, he realized they were a perfect fit.

* * *

Wendell drew the back of his hand across his chin, wiping it clean. Without even thinking, he then licked it clean just as he'd licked every square inch of the brunette's supple thighs, ass, pussy and anything else she let him reach with his tongue. Any portion of her that bore even a thinnest glaze of semen. Especially the warm, silky depths of her butthole where most of the delicious cum was deposited.

The brunette was gone, having pried his head from her crotch when his time was done and given the top of it a giggly pat goodbye. He looked down the counter to find Wally's head just now being lifted gently from the lovely Candy's warm nether region. Part of his brain registered complaint that Wally had obviously gotten more than 15 minutes, but then he smugly remembered that he'd gotten to suck out two cumfilled holes in the time when Wally had gotten only one.

But ... he did get Candy, after all.

Her golden hair fell in silky sheets as her head rolled in a gentle circle. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked down at him with those amazing, sultry blue eyes. "Wallllly ... that was amaaaaazing," she purred. "Why didn't anyone tell me you were getting soooooo good at this?"

"I ... I g-guess you just inspire me, Miss Candy," replied Wally with a shucksy-darn grin.

"Oh, we know what inspires you, Wally. That gooey, yummy negro sperm, that's what," she teased as she reached forward and ruffled his hair. Wally actually giggled like a schoolboy. "I decided to break the rules and treat you to a double, Wally. Did you notice?"

"I sure did, Miss Candy! I noticed there was an awful lot in there. I sure do appreciate it."

"Well, you helped me out with the newcomer over there, Wally!" said Candy, waving her hand toward Wendell. "It's the least I can do. Now, are you ready to show him how we serve a 'chaser' here?"

"Oh, yes. Yes, I am, Miss Candy. I'm ready."

"Is this your first chaser, Wally?"

"Yes. Yes it is, but I can do it. I promise not to spill."

"Ok, then .... open wide."

Wally leaned down to her crotch again and opened his mouth wide about three inches from her pussy. Candy looked over and Wendell, made eye contact, and smiled. Wendell gasped as a golden stream of piss erupted from her freshly cleaned pussy directly into Wally's mouth. Wally slowly closed the gap and eventually sealed his mouth against her flesh. Wendell watched in awe as his adam's apple rose and fell as he swallowed. He swallowed every drop. And true to his word, he didn't spill.

Wendell had to look away. His dick was throbbing so hard in his pants that it became seriously painful. But even as he averted his eyes from one erotic scene, they fell upon another. A perky young blonde approached two men one of the booths against the wall, lifted her eyebrows in a questioning look, and raised four fingers. A happy looking young man raised his hand, handed over a few bills, then ... opened his mouth. Wendell exhaled slowly as he watched the girl gently drizzle a thick cumload from her mouth into that of the eager young man. She then grasped his face with both hands and gave him a long, deep, whimpering kiss ... thereby assuring that every drop was transfered into his mouth.

The cramping sensation in his crotch made him look in yet another direction only to witness a lovely young lady climb onto a table and squat over the face of the man who had just laid on top of it. She made sure everyone saw the stream of piss start, then lowered herself down to seal against his face. Much to the giggling delight of the waitress, the man's companions at the table jovially counted out the number of swallows that were indicated by the motions of his throat.

Wendell closed his eyes to avoid seeing any more. His hands shook from the sheer exertion of *not* touching his dick. His breathing was shallow. He'd never seen or felt anything as erotic as what was going on seemingly everywhere inside the diner.

"Don't worry, Wendy. You'll get used to it, soon. This happens to first-timers sometimes, especially when they're natural cumsuckers like you." It was Candy's voice that he suddenly heard, it's reassuring tone instantly making him feel better. A little better, but not much.

"Don't worry, Wendy. You'll get used to it, soon. This happens to first-timers sometimes, especially when they're natural cumsuckers like you." It was Candy's voice that he suddenly heard, it's reassuring tone instantly making him feel better. A little better, but not much.

"Wh-what's happening ... why ... why did I ... ?" Wendell coughed out.

"Aw, Wendy. It's okay. It's okay. I know you have questions, but you've got to calm down. You enjoyed your lunch, right?"

"Why ... it was delicious, but ... what's the ..." Wendell gasped, but then stopped and took a deep breath. "Candy ... why did I eat all that ...? Am ... am I gay?"

Candy laughed out loud, "Oh, goodness no, Wendy! What you're feeling is a far baser reaction than anything defined as homosexual or heterosexual -- it's totally instinctual. It's one of the few truly instinctual reactions left in modern white men ... you really can't help it."

"In-- ... instinctual?"

"Sure. Instinct. That's why you feel the way you do right now. You're fighting the instinctual urge to dive in and lick up every ounce of black semen in the place. But just like a soldier learns to fight his instinct to flee from danger, you'll soon learn to control your reactions."

"I ... I don't understand."

"I know, Wendy. It'll take some time. I'm sorry to introduce you to your baser instincts with this trial by fire method, but Mr. Roosevelt thought that it was best that you get first hand knowledge as to what it is that makes our business so successful. Plus ... " she leaned in close and ran a hand along his chest, " ... you looked soooo cute slurping down that black sperm with your little polyester accountant pants all tented upward and everything."

Wendell ignored both the mention of business and the beautiful woman's touch -- both of which would normally gain his attention easily. He was obviously still caught up in his unexpected desires. "Ok, I'm not gay. Good. But I ... I really wanted that sperm. I mean, God that was good. I still ... I still don't understand."

"Don't worry, Wendy. A lot of white men have tried in the past to understand their compulsion to suck down that negro cum. It's not exactly widespread knowledge, but a few select minds have done some serious thinking on the subject. Emmett ... that's his bald head you see over there between Brandy's thighs ... is a college professor. He thinks it's a pheromonal thing. Y'see, since the majority of white men -- especially you little dicked fellas -- never truly satisfy a woman, you've never actually been around a woman who's exuding the aura of true sexual ecstasy. Only a man-sized black cock can truly do that."

Wendell twitched slightly at the idea of being called 'little-dicked' ... but realized that he had nothing that could compete with what he'd seen here today.

"When a white woman has been properly blackfucked, her body is just bursting with pheromones that draw in you white boys like moths to a porchlight. It's only natural for you to go straight to the source of her pleasure ... the fuckbattered orifice that's been stretched by black cock and filled with black sperm."

Wendell's body convulsed slightly and his dick ached anew as it swelled just from the sound of her vivid descriptions.

"Emmett also thinks that there's a genetic preference toward semen sucking in you boys. It seems to be passed most strongly along with wiry builds and remarkably small penises. The impulse to swallow black cum exists in nearly all white men, but those with tiny peckers are the most likely to have their women go out seeking a true fucking from a black cock. With me so far?"

Wendell nodded, "But wh--"

"Let me finish, Wendy. Now, given the innate superiority of black sperm, the only chance a little white guy like you has to actually reproduce is to suck those stronger little wigglers out of his woman's cunt. The fact that the act of doing so excites him immensely also helps; it means that he might actually shoot enough of his own miserable juice to actually stand a chance of impregnating her. Therefore, the best white sperm suckers who are most aroused by the act thus become the only ones to pass on their genes. Thus, the natural desire -- the instinct -- to suck down black cum has been reinforced genetically for millennia." She paused for a moment, then added, "You were born to eat Negro sperm, Wendy."

Wendell thought silently for a moment, then nodded in apparent acceptance. "Y-you sure seem to know a lot about this, Candy."

"Oh, well I'm working my way through college. I'm getting a Master's degree in Male Sexuality ... with a minor in African Studies. Emmy over there is my faculty adviser. I've learned a lot from listening to his muffled voice coming from between my legs. So, any more questions?"

Wendell nodded. "I guess what you say makes sense, but ... but I sure liked that #2. It was ... delicious. Th-that's got nothing to do with human reproductive instincts, does it?"

"Well, it could be simply that your instincts aren't all that focused ... and any cum in the general vicinity gets treated the same," Candy explained. Then she leaned in closely again and drew a single finger along Wendell's jawline as she whispered in his ear, "Or it could be that you enjoyed it simply because you're a nasty little white boy who loves sucking and slurping a black man's semen from the well stretched asshole of a young white woman. Just like Wally loved clamping his mouth on me and drinking down my sweet piss." She moved her mouth an inch away from his ear so he could feel her breath as she whispered, "Does that explanation work for you, Wendy?"

"Yeah ..." Wendell swallowed hard as his body shuddered again. He turned to look at her and she looked him dead in the eye, waiting for an answer. "... that ... that sounds good to me."

"Good! So now you understand!" she chirped. "Now, as I said, the arousal of the white male results in a drastic increase in sperm and seminal fluids ... which is evident in the fact that your bag is leaking." Candy glanced at Wendell's lap.

"Bag?" he questioned, looking downward. A small, wet circle in the center of his crotch was obviously what Candy was referring to.

"Oh my. You're such a natural cumsucker, Wendy, I keep forgetting that you're a newcomer. Come with me."

Candy grabbed Wendell by the hand and yanked him off the bar stool. She headed toward the back of the restaurant and right through the Men's room door without even slowing down. Once inside, she tugged something from a dispenser on the wall, turned and immediately reached for Wendell's belt buckle.

"I should have remembered to tell you, Wendy, but leakers like you are required to bag up before dining," Candy calmly explained as she yanked down his pants and boxers. Wendell looked helplessly around the room, but only saw two other patrons standing at the urinals against the far wall. They stiffened noticeably at the sound of Candy's voice, but stared straight ahead, seemingly ignoring what was happening behind them.

Some part of Wendell's brain suddenly realized that the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen was now kneeling down in front of him pulling his pants to his ankles. But before he could think to enjoy or even to react to the moment, he felt a sharp snap around the base of his penis.

"Owwww!!" he cried in obvious pain.

"Oh, sorry Wendy, but it's the only way I can get your bag on there without actually touching that thing."

Wendell looked down and saw that she'd fitted a plastic bag with a tight elastic band built into the opening around the base of his dick and balls. With the tight ring around the juncture of his testicles, the end of the bag was just too short for the length of his erect penis. He winced and looked at Candy pleadingly.

"Don't look at me like that, Wendy. You're the one who's practically creaming his shorts while sucking down a black man's cum. Now, pull up your pants and we'll get back to your tour." Candy then turned around and spoke loudly to the men against the wall, "Whack off all you want, boys, but remember to lick the urinals clean when you're finished."

Seeing the surprised look on Wendell's face as he buckled his belt, she whispered an explanation, "Too much white boy sperm tends to clog the drains, y'know."

Candy took his hand again and Wendell placidly followed her back out to the restaurant. As they walked amongst the rows of white men feasting on the cum-filled crotches of the uniformed young girls, Candy took on a business-like tone once again. "Well, I hope you understand a little better how our business works now, Wendy. It's the oldest business strategy around: Find something that people with money want and charge a lot for it. And heaven knows that you tiny-dicked cumsucking white boys sure can't get enough black man's cum, that's for sure."

Even in its aroused state, Wendell's mind was able to focus once the topic turned to business. He thought about what he'd seen and asked, "B-but, if the girls keep the tips and the, uhh ... 'meal charge' is given to the young black men, how does this place make any money?"

"Good question, Wendy! I can see that Mr. Roosevelt chose you for a reason other than your tiny white weenie. You see, Wendy, Mr. Roosevelt has been independently wealthy for years. He's a silent partner in businesses owned by white men all over the city. He didn't start the cafe in order to make more money; he considers it a way of giving back to his community by employing promising young black men and teaching them how things work in the white man's business world. You see, once a white man has eaten black sperm, he's forever addicted. He'll do anything to get it. That's an obvious winning business opportunity for any enterprising black man."

"I ... I'm not sure I understa--"

"Wendell, if that muscled young stud over there offered to come into your office and bang your secretary every day, filling her pussy and ass with daily loads of cum for you to eat, yet only asked for 49% of your company in exchange for his services, would you do it?"

Wendell stared open mouthed at the stud in question as he pumped his huge cock in out out of the upthrust ass of a young blonde, then turned and answered with complete honesty, "Yes."

"You see my point then?"

"God yes, I understand completely."

As Wendell watched the final thrusts into the girl's ass, he shifted uncomfortably, trying to make his crotch less painful without touching it.

"Sorry I had to bag you, Wendy, but we can't have your sickening whiteboy seepage leaking through your pants. It's just unseemly. I can't have that in a family establishment."

Wendell looked around the room. The place was now filled to capacity with white men from every walk of life. It might have been the crowd from any suburban neighborhood bar & grill in America. Except the only thing on the menu was black man's sperm and the only thing on tap was white girl's piss.

His face took on a puzzled look. "I .. I don't mean to criticize, but ... a moment ago ... did you say family establishment?"

"Sure, Wendy. You don't need to sound so surprised. See the little man with his head between Lulu's thighs? The one in the blue sweater vest? Well, that's Walter Middlebury. The one seated next to him with his head between Chelsea's thighs is his son Miles. Miles is headed off to State next year and Wally wanted to get him used to the taste of black sperm. Y'see, even though Miles couldn't hit a basketball with a golf club, his parents expect him to be extremely active in the University athletic program ... if you know what I mean?" She grinned with inquisitive eyebrows.

"I ... I think I do."

"And seated in that booth over there ... where Jasmine is preparing a #4 Extra Fresh ... are three generations of Dickey men," said Candy as she gestured toward the young lady actively sucking off a completely naked black youth. All three men were mesmerized, but the already-glazed faces of the older men told Wendell that this load was for the youngest of the trio. Wendell's pecker strained anew against the confines of the plastic bag as a pair of large, dark hands grasped the girl's head and filled her mouth while she whimpered with pleasure. When she sat in the young white man's lap and clamped her mouth against his, the two older men smiled their best 'That's my boy' smiles.

"See, Wendy? Now that's family bonding, right? And you can tell from the way Jasmine's cum-filled kiss is lingering that's she's a bit sweet on the young Dickey boy there." Candy leaned in closely and said softly, "Don't tell anyone, but I think she's been sneaking him a few 'to go' meals every once in awhile."

"That's allowed?" Wendell asked in an oddly hopeful voice.

"Well, not officially, but it's one of those 'acceptable losses'. Call it an employee discount of sorts. We tolerate it ... especially if it looks like there might be a future for the young couple."


"Well, sure! Can you think of a better way for a young lady to pick out a decent little white cumsucker to keep her clean and happy? Who knows, Wendell ... maybe one of the girls will decide you're the spermlapper of her dreams and bring you a little snack after work sometime."

"Oh, that would be wonde--"

"Oh! I've got one more thing to show you!" said Candy excitedly. She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him toward the bathroom door. Wendell groaned slightly, hoping this wouldn't lead to something even more restrictive than the bag already bound tightly around his aching genitals.

"That's good enough, boys," Candy shouted to the two kneeling white men who were licking the white porcelain inside the urinals. "Out. Out! I've got business to attend to." The men jumped up and scurried out the door.

Once they were gone, Candy tugged at the chain around her neck and fished a key out from between her ample breasts. She put it in the hefty-looking lock of the plain brown door marked 'Utility Closet' that sat against the back wall of the restroom. The door opened with a creak. "Hurry, Wendy, before anyone sees!" She pushed him through the door into the darkness. His eyes slowly adjusted to the dim surroundings.

"If you had any doubt we were family oriented, wait till you see this!" said Candy as she quickly shut the door again.

"Hi, Candy. What's up? My time's not up already is it?" asked a female voice.

Having been shoved into the room, the source of the voice was now behind Wendell, but he didn't turn to look at her. He was too mesmerized by the scene in front of him.

"No no, you're good for the whole afternoon," said Candy calmly. "I'm just showing the new accountant around."

"Oh, so this is Mr. Nubbin! Mr. Roosevelt mentioned that you two might be stopping by. How nice to meet you."

Wendell didn't move.

Candy started to giggle. "Don't forget, Fiona, he's new, so you'll have to pardon his rudeness." She nudged Wendell in the side with her elbow.

"Huh?" grunted Wendell. "Oh, I'm sorry. Nice to meet you to. It's just that ..." Wendell's eyes were still locked forward.

"Don't worry, Wendy. Anyway, this is tonight's clean up manager Fiona Fulmouth ... and the boys with the black cocks in their mouths are her twin sons, Neville and Nigel."

The scene that had so strongly caught his attention was a row of softball sized holes in the wall ahead of him. Through two of the holes were thrust a pair of large, half-limp black dicks. And kneeling below each dick was a young man suckling and licking along its length.

"After filling an order," Candy explained, "our chefs place their ... 'utensils' in the care of our clean up crew. Each black cock is carefully lapped clean of all residual semen and female juices. The chefs balls are licked and stroked to promote further semen production. Once stiffness begins to return -- which often takes only minutes -- the cock is returned to service in the kitchen. Understand, Wendy?"

"Huh? Oh, yes ... I think so," Wendell mumbled, not quite listening

"Oh, I know it sounds complicated, but you'd be surprised how quickly young white men pick up on it. We constantly bring in new white boys for family training and they almost always just seem to know exactly what to do."

Part of that actually caught Wendell's attention. "family t-training?"

"Of course. You see, Wendy, in the interest of supporting strong family relationships, Mr. Roosevelt rents out this space for the city's mothers and their sons. Make sense?"

"N-not reall--"

"It's simple, Wendell. Obviously, it's every mother's duty to get her sons ready for married life. And we all know that cleaning sperm and white woman's juices off of a black cock are things that every good husband needs to learn to do well. Another few weeks of this and the boys will be all ready for their respective weddings. And just in time, too. Right, Fiona?"

"Right. Nev's wedding is next week," Fiona replied cheerily.

Candy touched Wendell on the shoulder. "There's quite a waiting list for this spot, of course."

"Of course," he replied absent-mindedly.

"It's a shame, really," Candy continued. "So many white boys are totally unprepared when the half dozen or so black men their new wives invite to the honeymoon suite arrive. Sure, they catch on just as soon as they're presented with their first blackfucked pussy -- just like you did. But a lot of unnecessary kicking & screaming can be avoided by proper training by caring mothers like Fiona here. The ability to properly clean pussy and ass juices off a thick black cock will make the wedding night more enjoyable for everyone. Plus, these boys are now so good at sucking a black man hard again that they're basically ensured 3 or 4 loads from each cock. And more cum means more fun for everyone, don't you agree?"

"Oh hell yeah," mumbled Wendell. "But ... " he turned to the two ladies for the first time with a look of consternation, " ... I didn't see this on the menu."

Fiona snickered, "They always want to head straight for the dick, don't they?"

Candy rolled her eyes. "Wendy, weren't you listening at all? This is a specially reserved dining area. We couldn't put this on the menu. The line would be around the block!"

Wendell shook off the spaced out look on his face as Candy's previous descriptions sunk in. "Right. Ok ... that explains the locks."

"HEY!" came a cry from Fiona. "Nigel, I told you, no pumping!" The young man quickly removed his hand from the cock it had been stroking rapidly. Fiona turned to the two of them. "Excuse me, I've got to keep watch on the boys. You know how they are: Give them an inch ... and they'll try to suck off ten!" She grinned at her own joke. "Now if you'll excuse me," she said as she turned away. "Nigel, so help me, if you milk a single cumload today, you'll be grounded so long ..... "

"That's exactly why we keep the black dick under lock and key," Candy explained. "With all the cumhungry white boys out there, we've got to keep them away from direct access to black cocks. While I'm a firm believer in the idea that every drop of African semen should end up in the belly of a white man, it's our policy that a fine establishment like ours should offer cum that's properly served in the pussy, ass, or mouth of a pretty young white girl. It's a lot more fun for everyone, in my opinion ... plus it keeps the queers away."

Wendell twitched slightly at the mention of the word 'queer' ... especially since he had the biggest hardon of his life watching two young men suck black dick.

"And that's a firm rule here, Wendy. No faggots allowed. Only heterosexual cumsuckers. There will be no faggot action in the men's room. You white boys whacking off into the toilets is expected, but don't let us catch you sucking each other off, Wendy. That's the surest way to get 86'd for good."

Wendell looked shocked. "What?! Me??! No way! I ... I'd never do that!"

Candy's face scrunched up. "Yeah. I feel exactly the same way, Wendy. Wimpy white pricklets are just ... gross. I wouldn't suck one either. But since you've expressed an obvious interest in chowing down on the good, dark stuff, you should know that black cock IS on the dinner menu."

Wendell's face brightened, then changed to a confused expression. "Wait .. I thought you were only open for lunch."

"Oh, true. The cafe itself is open only for lunch because the chefs are busy in the evenings ... with deliveries. See, it's every white wife's responsibility to have dinner waiting for her husband when he gets home. We have very affordable rates for everything from a simple snack to a full 6, 7 or even 10 course meal. And, of course, all our dinner selections come with full cockcleaning privileges for the husband. It's a wonderful service for married white couples."

"But ... I'm not married," said Wendell, sounding truly disappointed.

"Well, Nubby, there are many advantages to married life for a white man ... and the chance to suck a combination of white woman's juices and black man's spent cum off of a long thick black cock is one of them."

Wendell simply nodded and turned back to watch the Fulmouth boys. Fiona was breaking up a squabble over the next cock to appear for cleaning. Fiona awarded it to Neville, apparently because of Nigel's previous bad behavior. His jealousy was very apparent by the look on his face.

The two of them stood in silence for a few minutes ... watching. Whenever one of the young white mouths leapt on a fresh, glistening black cock, Candy let out a slight whimper and Wendell let out a slight groan. Finally, he turned to Candy with a look of discomfort, "Could we maybe leave now? I ... I don't know how much more of this I can take."

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, Wendy. I realize that you're probably miserable in that bag. We made them to properly fit the 3" fellas. At 3-3/4", your lil pecker is probably pretty cramped, huh?"

"Y-yes. It is." Wendell pondered for a moment, then asked, "Candy, how do you know exactly how long my penis is?"

"Oh, Wendy ... first of all, 3-3/4" is how 'short' your dickie is ... not how 'long' it is. And second, did you think Mr. Roosevelt found you at random? Nurses all over the city know they can win a 10 course meal for their husbands as a finder's fee by reporting exceptionally small white peckers. You really didn't think that the measurements taken last year at your doctor's were really 'for your file', did you?" Candy giggled.

Wendell said nothing, but silently questioned the validity of the 15 minute 'prostate check' he received at the same time.

"As with any product, you've got to find the customers who are most willing to pay for it. Strong market research is key to any successful busi-- ... ooooooh ... that's hot ... "

Candy's attention was diverted momentarily as Nigel crawled up to a massive, shiny, limp, black dick and gobbled its entire length into his mouth and throat. Wendell felt his dick swell further against the restrictive plastic bag. He groaned as he reached a full 4" for the first time in his life.

"I'm just lucky to be able to work here," Candy moaned. "Most women have to get married in order to see such a beautiful sight." She sighed and actually laid her head on Wendell's shoulder, "See, Wendy, there are those purists that believe that only legally married white wives' cunts and husbands' mouths should be permitted the honor of being flooded with negro sperm. But Mr. Roosevelt has a more liberal view. He started the cafe to give every white male -- even unmarried ones -- the chance to perform his natural function of swallowing black cum. Those purists accuse him of being in it just for the money, but he believes strongly in the sanctity of a white marriage ... and that black sperm should be an integral part of daily married life for white couples. Can you see that, Wendy?"

"Uhh, sure. I gue--"

"Sure, we do an active business up front, but we believe that the pleasure of cleaning cum & pussy off a black cock is rightfully a married man's role. But too many white couples are completely missing out! That's exactly the purpose for these training sessions!" Candy became more animated. She obviously had some strong beliefs about this topic. "Once fully trained by their mother, these boys will be eager to find a lovely white girl and introduce her to the pleasures of black cock. It's our way of spreading the word! And white girls' legs! And white boys' lips! Understand?!"

"Yes, I se--"

"And THAT's why we keep the cock locked up, Wendy!" she chocked him on the shoulder for emphasis. "By giving 'em just a little taste of the dark side, we're showing them just how to find years of wedded, cumsucking bliss! Limiting access encourages them to develop the kind of relationships that will lead to future happiness for all involved. That makes sense, right?"


"It's beautiful, isn't it, Wendy? Makes you want to run out and get married to some black cock loving little slut, doesn't it?" asked Candy. She smiled, finally giving him a real chance to speak.

He turned and looked at her with a longing like he'd never felt. "Yes," said Wendell softly. "Yes, it does." His voice cracked slightly as he spoke.

If she heard the unspoken message in his voice, Candy didn't show it. She appeared lost again in the sight of the cleanup chores being performed before her. "Ok, yes ... ok," gasped Candy as she recovered. "We can move on. Sorry, Wendy, but like most white women, I just get mesmerized at the sight of black cock stretching the lips of a white man's mouth. It's just so ... hoo! Let's get out of here before we both cream ourselves."

As they turned to leave, Candy nudged Wendell and pointed at Fiona with a grin. She was seated in a chair with her legs flung up over each arm. Her hands worked furiously between her widespread legs.

"I guess she couldn't hold out any longer," whispered Candy with a wide smile. Wendell doubted that anyone in the room noticed as they closed and relocked the door.

"Oh gawd, Wendy!" exclaimed Candy as they passed back out into the diner. "Speaking of holding out, I'm being so cruel showing you all of this. Your bag must be completely slimy on the inside by now from your dribbling dick. I'm sure your body is simply demanding some more black semen down your gullet right now, right?"

"Yes," he admitted freely.

"Well, I like you, Wendy, so let's see if we can intercept you another order," she whispered. "Let me take a look back here in the ... " She propped the door open with one hand. "Oh, hey! Wendy, come look at this!"

He certainly didn't have to be told twice. The sounds and smells of the kitchen were intoxicating. He moved up and looked in over her shoulder.

"That's my baby sister, Tammy. That's her with that fat 10-incher ramming her tiny ass -- wow, that girl can take it! She's earning a little extra cash before she heads off to college this fa--" Candy's eyes widened and her voice dropped to a whisper, " ... well, damn that girl! Her cunt is already sopped with cum and I don't think there's a #3 on order right now."

Candy looked at the rotating spindle and checked the paper slips containing the current orders. She put her hand to her chin thoughtfully and leaned in close to Wendell.

"Wendell, I'm hoping you can help me out here. The #3 is our most expensive dish and Tammy can get in big trouble for cooking one up that's not on order. Can I talk you into ordering a nice double shot of negro love? I'll even see if I can get Tammy to throw in a free chaser, ok?"

Mesmerized by the sight of Tammy's ass being stretched to nearly impossibly proportions, Wendell simply stammered, "Why y-yes ... that's very k-kind of you."

He didn't blink until Candy finally dragged him away and pushed him toward a seat at the counter. The lunch rush was still in full swing, so Wendell slid between two other eagerly licking patrons and tried not to concentrate on the combined sounds of soft moans and hungry slurps. He stared straight ahead and clamped his hands on his thighs again while Candy disappeared to the back room to check on his order.

After a moment, Candy returned and leaned in from the other side of the counter. "I really appreciate you helping me out here, Wendy." She smiled a sly smile, "I almost hate to take advantage of you. The way your body must be screaming for a taste of semen, I could probably sell you anything right now. But it's a win-win situation, right?"

"Yes. Yes, I'm glad to help," said Wendell as he fumbled with his wallet in preparation for Tammy's arrival. He shifted uncomfortably as the tugging on his back pocket tightened his pants in the front.

"I know you're miserable right now, Wendy, with your dickie straining so hard in your pants. In the past, you might have been tempted to go whack off, but you'll soon learn that the presence of black semen in your mouth will ease that desperate feeling in your crotch much more completely than a mere orgasm would. Following those primal whiteboy instincts is infinitely more satisfying. Think about how you're feeling right now; you want a load of manjuice from the thick cocks you saw much more than a trip to the jackoff stall in the men's room, right?"

"Absolutely," he admitted while shuffling through his remaining cash.

"See? It's simple biology. Your body knows what it needs and rewards you with pleasure when you provide it. Therefore, the longer it's been since your last orgasm, the stronger the pleasure from cumeating is in order to overcome that silly desire to spurt your own juice. That's what's so fantastic about this -- intense pleasure for everyone involved without having to worry about a drop of that icky white boy slime soiling the tender body of a white girl.

Wendell wasn't listening; he was panicking. "Candy, I only have $193," he gasped.

"Oh, don't worry about that, Wendy. We've got sort of a 'table stakes' policy. You've got to at least come close, but none of our girls will turn down your last dollar in exchange for a load of cum."

"Thank goodne--"

He was interrupted by the giggling entrance of Tammy. She deleriously stumbled along behind the counter and nearly collapsed, leaning against Candy for support. "God, I love my job!" she exclaimed.

Candy giggled. "Well, you're about to love it even more, I think. Wendy here is new at this, but I can tell he's going to vacuum you out like no one ever has. Trixie swears he licked her cervix!" said Candy as she helped her sister into position.

As Tammy's leg swung over his head, Wendell quickly pressed the last of his cash into her hand and moved his attention to the swollen flesh of her crotch. As she leaned back far to permit better access to her well-fucked ass, Wendell noticed a tiny straight line that ran horizontally across the bridge between her pussy and asshole. Leaning in closer, he saw that it was a neatly lettered (almost typewritten) tattoo: 'If you can read this, eat me, white boy.'

Wendell smiled and whispered to himself, "Gladly."

As he first felt the warmth of the semen against his tongue, Wendell felt a zing of pleasure shoot from his mouth to his crotch ... then spread throughout his body. It was a wonderful, all enveloping feeling. It wasn't orgasmic, really. It was ... better.

"Can you feel it, Wendy? Can you feel the special pleasure of eating black sperm? It's better than an orgasm, isn't it?" Candy's voice asked softly in his ear.

"Mmm mmmph"

"See? Now that you're all primed up and in need of a good cum, that joy of cumsucking can really take hold. The longer you hold out, the better this will feel, so as you lay in bed tonight fantasizing about black cocks and cum, try to avoid squirting yourself, ok? That way, when you come back tomorrow with a big ol' fresh supply of money, you'll be able to experience even greater pleasure. Will you do that, Wendy? Will you do that for me?"

"Yephmph!" cried Wendell's muffled, ecstatic voice. There was no question he'd be back for more of this. In that instant, this was everything he'd ever wanted. This was right. This was beautiful. This was destiny.

* * *

Wendell sat on the barstool facing outward into the rest of the cafe. He was leaning back against the counter, his elbows supporting him. He looked relaxed. He felt relaxed, in fact. On his face was a wide satified grin ... along with a thin glaze of drying sexual juices. His dick was still throbbing painfully in his pants, but he didn't care. Or more correctly, he didn't mind.

Everything Candy had said was true. He felt a sense of sexual satisfaction like he'd never felt before in his life even though he hadn't cum. Jerking off never felt this good. By god, none of the few, fumbling experiences he'd had with a woman had felt this good. He'd come here today to gain a better understanding of ...

As if on cue, Candy appeared next to him. "Well, don't you look like the cat who ate the canary?"

"Oh no, my dear. I'm not a pussy who's eaten something ... I look this way because I've been eatin' pussy!" he said with a suave grin. It would occur to him later that it was the most 'suave' thing he'd ever said to a woman.

Candy giggled appropriately. "Oh gawd, Wendy! You're too much!" She laid a hand on his arm as she laughed. Wendell looked at his arm where she'd touch him. He liked the way she touched him.

She moved around in front of him, swung her leg over his and sat down straddling his thighs. She wasn't sitting on his dick, per se, but her weight tugged his pants in such a way that the fabric pressed down agonizingly on his rock hard pecker. He ... liked it.

She leaned in inches from his face. "Y'know, you're kinda cute when you smile in that just-sucked-down-four-loads-of-black-sperm way. I may just have to find a way to ..." she placed a finger on his lips and drew it downward over his chin, " ... wipe ... that smile off your face."

"I ... I'd l-like that," said Wendell, returning to his usual stammer.

"You'd better!" chirped Candy. "You made me lose a bet, you natural-born-cumsucker you!"

"A bet?" Wendell asked, ignoring his new title.

"Well," she said with a sigh, "I didn't believe Mr. Roosevelt when he said you'd take a chaser without spilling a drop on your first day. No one's ever done that before, but I should have just assumed that Mr. R knows a talented white throat when he sees one."

"Oh", said Wendell, feeling an odd sense of pride. "What did you bet?"

"Oh, the usual -- my ass," giggled Candy. "See, Wendy, Mr R is so big that none of the girls can take him there. None except me, that is. When he reams me, I cum so hard that I

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Hot Blowjob Sex At The Internet Cafe

Hey fellow readers, I am Immanuel Kari Kalan, 22, and this is a story about how I have been given a surprise blowjob and masturbated by a stranger who later became my slave. The main protagonist of the story is my Radha. Of course, her name has been changed to make her not feel cringe because she is also an ISS reader. Now 31 years, she is an average Indian housewife, but really good dressing sense and figure. I don’t know her exact stats, but she is one hell of a woman, her structure is...

1 year ago
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Creampie Is Best Served Hot

There I was in the kitchen, washing my hands, when I heard the phone ring. I didn’t know where my wife, Jill was. I had been out working on the truck. She had gotten mad at me, because we weren’t going to spend the day together. I needed the truck for work the next day. Well, back to the story. I picked up the phone and was about to say hello, when I heard my wife say, “Hello.” I thought to myself that this was good. She didn’t leave after all. Apparently, she didn’t know I had picked up the...

1 year ago
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There I was in the kitchen, washing my hands, when I heard the phone ring. I didn't know where my wife, Jill was. I had been out working on the truck. She had gotten mad at me, because we weren't going to spend the day together. I needed the truck for work the next day. Well, back to the story.I picked up the phone and was about to say hello, when I heard my wife say, "Hello." I thought to myself that this was good. She didn't leave after all. Apparently, she didn't know I had picked up the...

2 years ago
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There I was in the kitchen, washing my hands, when I heard the phone ring. I didn't know where my wife, Jill was. I had been out working on the truck. She had gotten mad at me, because we weren't going to spend the day together. I needed the truck for work the next day. Well, back to the story.I picked up the phone and was about to say hello, when I heard my wife say, "Hello." I thought to myself that this was good. She didn't leave after all. Apparently, she didn't know I had picked up the...

3 years ago
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Creampie is Best

There I was in the kitchen, washing my hands, when I heard the phone ring. I didn't know where my wife, Jill was. I had been out working on the truck. She had gotten mad at me, because we weren't going to spend the day together. I needed the truck for work the next day. Well, back to the story.I picked up the phone and was about to say hello, when I heard my wife say, "Hello." I thought to myself that this was good. She didn't leave after all. Apparently, she didn't know I had picked up the...

1 year ago
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Fucking in internet cafe

Hi all, I am male from Kerala. I am very much fond of erotic stories. So I have decided to share one of my experiences with all of you. This incident happened between me & my staff jasmine. First I would like to introduce myself. I am Ashok, 35 yrs old, smart & good looking married guy from Kerala. I am a business man who is running an internet cafe in Kerala. About Jasmine, she is 23yrs old and average looks & a sexy body and her figure is 34, 28, and 34. She was appointed in my cafe to look...

1 year ago
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Prologue Stealthy Times at the Cafe

The vibe wasn’t uncomfortable, but Daisy couldn’t ignore its presence. Shaped roughly like a U, there were two halves molded to the contours of her body. The internal end was bulbous and about four inches deep. It was designed to stimulate her g-spot. The external half was slender with a flat, round end roughly the size of a quarter, which fit snugly against her clit.La Petite sat near the corner of Post and 3rd. It was one of Daisy's favorite places to study. The storefront overlooked 3rd...

2 years ago
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Indore Cyber Cafe

I am an electronic professional living at Indore. I a good looking tall 6 feet guy of 24 year old and it all was happened in last year winter. I usually went to cyber cafe in evening time between 6 to 7 pm. It was my daily routine that time to check mails and chat with my friend in evening. I remember the day, it was Monday and time in the watch was around 6 pm and I went to cyber cafe which is situated on RNT marg and ask for a cabin. He saw his list and told me that all cabin are busy for...

1 year ago
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The outdoor cafe was filled with people, tourists and locals alike, all searching for a small piece of blessed shade in which to escape the brutal noonday sun. On the spice laden breeze drifted snatches of conversation in a dozen languages, most of them unfamiliar to Kyle but he found the rhythm of the strange words oddly relaxing. As he took a slip of the strong, sweet brew that passed as coffee in these parts, he glanced over the many patrons and amused himself by trying to guess where they...

3 years ago
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Creampie Eating

This is the story of how I came to love nothing more than licking my wife's well filled pussy. It all started after the birth of our c***d. For the last two months of pregnancy, she was too uncomfortable for sex. Other than the occasional handjob, I had nothing going on with her sexually. After the baby was born, we had the 6 week waiting before sex was allowed, so by the time I got to be inside her it had been well over 3 months. To say I was extra horny would be the understatement of the...

3 years ago
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Creampie Cuckold Humiliation

I have been married to my wife for just over 4 years. She's perfect. I met her just out of high school and she was a suppressed, hot and horny church girl. I was the first boyfriend she ever had so needless to say she was a virgin. We got married after a couple years of dating. The sex was great.After a while, the sex was still great but my wife didn't seem to be into it anymore. She never said anything, but I had the feeling she was getting bored with me even though she was always willing to...

2 years ago
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creampie Wife

Kevin recently had an experience with his wife who was totally disgusted with him after a long arguement. It concluded where she grabbed her car keys and left the house around 5:30 in the evening. Like any arguement they both felt they were right defending their positions and held stern with their convictions. The fight was in no way sexually related, just day-to-day events. About 10:00 Kevin realized she was either waitng for him to be asleep before she came back home, or possibly not planning...

1 year ago
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Kitty Cafe

For as long as anyone can remember, human-cat hybrids have existed. They are known as nekos, catpeople, chimeras, and dozens of other names. Physically they aren't too different from humans, possessing all the same organs but a tail and pointy ears on the top of their head. Emotionally, nekos crave attention but still retain their independence. They're personalities can vary wildly just like humans, but on average you will never meet a neko who doesn't enjoy being the center of...

2 years ago
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The Cafe

Mac loved young girls. They had to be of legal age, barely, to keep him out of jail but his pleasure was in big titted horny youth. Today he was meeting a young gal at the cafe. She was told to wear just a tank top and short skirt. As they took a table to the rear of the cafe, he sat beside her. He looked her over loving her big firm tits in the tight top. They got their drinks and ordered and her ran his hand over each tit making the nipples pop against the thin fabric. He slid her chair...

1 year ago
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The Cafe

This is my first attempt at some writing. Please feel free to comment, good or badIt starts like thisWe meet in a cafe for lunch on a sunny day, not too hot and not too cold. You're wearing jeans that hug your butt and a top that shows off your wonderful cleavage. Not too much exposed but plenty for the imagination. I'm dressed in jeans and a short sleeve shirt.It's a slow day at the cafe and we're the only couple there at a booth near the back. We have our drinks and we're talking about this...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Creampie Fun to Make and EAT

When I got home from work, I knew I had to hurry.My wife Wendy and I, were going to my employers Halloween costume party. The party was being held at a very nice hotel that was far across town. I work for a large electronics firm and knew that they could certainly afford to throw a big party for everyone.Wendy was already dressed in her costume, when I got home. She looked really sexy. She was dressed as "Elvira".Wendy has a gorgeous figure and the costume was definitely showing off her...

3 years ago
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Creampie Eating For Fun

I am a fairly normal guy except for I have a problem. Ever since I was a teen, I have cum very quickly. It doesn't matter if I was masturbating, getting a hand job, blowjob or sex. If there is constant stimulation, the longest I have gone before cumming is 4 minutes and most of the time it is 1 1/2 minutes. As you can imagine, this has caused a lot of embarrassment and humiliation in my life. Below I will share with you my relationships and what has happened. The bad part about this is, I have...

3 years ago
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Creampie Chrissy by loyalsock

Chrissy was alone in her apartment, on her bed with her slender legs spread wide. She had masturbated herself until she was creamy, without coming to orgasm. Her trembling hands reached for the ear syringe; she dipped it in the powdered sugar and water solution and picked up some of it into the syringe bulb. She closed her eyes as she inserted the tip of the syringe into her pussy."Oh, yes, cum in me now!" Chrissy exclaimed aloud as she pulsed the fake semen into her creamy receptacle. "Mmmm,...

4 years ago
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Creampie 2

I walked past the spare bedroom where my wife's older brother and wife was staying for the weekend.Both our wife's were out for lunch Richard was laying on the bed with the laptop open I walked in not realising at first he was wanking his very hard cock while looking at porn.He was very embarrassed that I had caught him wanking his quite large cock. It was then that I noticed that he was wanking with a pair of panties.I told him not to be embarrassed and confessed to him that I also like to...

1 year ago
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I walked past the spare bedroom where my wife's older brother and wife was staying for the weekend.Both our wife's were out for lunch Richard was laying on the bed with the laptop open I walked in not realising at first he was wanking his very hard cock while looking at porn.He was very embarrassed that I had caught him wanking his quite large cock. It was then that I noticed that he was wanking with a pair of panties.I told him not to be embarrassed and confessed to him that I also like to...

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The Cafe

This is my first attempt at some writing. Please feel free to comment, good or bad It starts like this We meet in a cafe for lunch on a sunny day, not too hot and not too cold. You’re wearing jeans that hug your butt and a top that shows off your wonderful cleavage. Not too much exposed but plenty for the imagination. I’m dressed in jeans and a short sleeve shirt. It’s a slow day at the cafe and we’re the only couple there at a booth near the back. We have our drinks and we’re talking about...

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The Cumslut Cafe

Welcome to the Cumslut Cafe! Here, we dedicate ourselves to providing our customers with the highest quality dishes using only the finest cum. Our cafe is ever changing. Sometimes we cater to the rich and famous. Sometimes we are there for the common whore. No matter what the circumstance, everybody is here to eat cum! On a given day, you could see celebrities pop by to enjoy the carnal sensation of semen coating their tongues under the guise of a good meal. Perhaps one of the guests is unaware...

3 years ago
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Blue Cafe

Andy entered his local coffee shop. He was on his lunch break and liked to spend his hour using the free WiFi to browse the web on his tablet, catching up with emails and so forth. On this particular day, the coffee shop was jam-packed and, as he looked around, he could see nowhere to sit. He joined the queue anyway, confident that by the time he had purchased his drink, there would be a free table.A couple of minutes passed and Andy reached the end of the queue, paid for his drink and looked...

Quickie Sex
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The Cafe

"All right," you had said. "Come over. I can meet you over here, if you like. There's a cafe next to the railway station. It's a nice place; very friendly. We can meet up, have a chat and just see how things go from there. Play it by ear. No commitment, no promises. However, I will expect you to buy me a coffee."I had liked the closing line. It was always good to break the tension, had there been any but as it happened, there was none. I mean; here was an offer to meet, so that could only be...

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Dirty Teacher in Internet Cafe

Have you all noticed the increase in young female teachers having sex with their students, boys in their teens, whereas in the past, it was the sole domain of girls like myself, who were dropping our knickers for Sir enjoy.As menstruating teens we girls have more hormonal problems to contend with, our ovaries start producing eggs and our bodies go into heat, a craving for sex and men, its not that we are bad or naughty, we simply have no control over our cravings and are turned on quickly,...

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Reddit Creampies, aka r/Creampies! If you've never used Reddit before, you might be interested in this site since it is one of the perfect ways of sharing and viewing free porn. Reddit is basically a giant online forum with the ability to create new topics and share information and photos with likeminded people. There are tons of boards on various topics and you can find people to connect or debate with on pretty much anything you can think of under the sun. This is a primo place to look for...

Reddit NSFW List
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creampie and licking

Waking up another day away from home the only good thing about this day was I knew I would be going home either later today or tomorrow. I made a pot of coffee got my notes together are you getting ready to check out of the hotel room. Put my bags in the truck you called my wife say good morning to her and ask her how things were she said it was good wish you were here I told her I hopefully tonight or tomorrow but I wasn't sure she said that's fine the conversation was pretty straightforward...

2 years ago
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Creampie gangbang in a van Chapter Thee ndash Creampi

The slutty adventures of big titted nypmho mommy whore Diannaromo continues . . .Chapter Thee – Creampie fill up for big titted mommy whoreDianna knew as she lay there with her very wet pussy leaking her juices she was one filthy whore slut. And yet she could just not help herself. She needed this, she wanted this, she deserved to be gang fucked like this. She was a whore, it was her fate to be used like this as her husband and boys were at home fast asleep. The van screeched around another...

4 years ago
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"What's the matter, s*s? Can't get off?" My brother, Rick, leaned against my bedroom doorway, his arms crossed. I'd been at it for nearly an hour. My MP3 player had a vicious porn video playing and with the ear buds in, and trying with all my might to cum on my vibrator, I simply hadn't noticed he'd been watching me.Never the one to turn down an opportunity to get myself off, I didn't bother to do anything more then pull one ear piece out and snarl, "Fuck no! I'm horny as hell and nothing seems...

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Creampie weekend 1

Ted and Mike were prepping up the boat, moving rods about and stowing away gear as Anna approached with, "Ahoy!" The men both smiled and waved, and Ted reached out to escort his wife aboard. Anna slipped out of her sandals and stepped aboard, taking Ted's hand. "So this is where the cocks hang out," Anna quipped before leaning into Ted with a passionate kiss. Mike blushed a bit, turned away, and began unmooring the bow; his dick twitched beheath his boardies. Ted fired up the Mercs...

3 years ago
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Short Stay Cafe

A street light flickered fiercely above Dean as he stood silently on the dark pebble street. He could hear a wave of cheering and the thump of bass coming from just down the road. Dating was not something he was used to, nor was he used to nightclubs. But tonight he planned to break out of his comfort zone and jump into the deep world of social gatherings and sex. He hoped. For years he’d been visiting various local cafes, hoping for his true love to wander in and speak to him. He was...

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Creampie to go

So I had been chatting with this guy online for awhile. He was a fly in worker so perfect for a toy to play with when hubby is busy with work. So after a few failed meetings work life etc getting in the way we made plans to meet the following Monday evening. I told hubby when he got home on the Friday that I’d made a date to fuck this guy for the Monday. Hubby said why not tonight then you can bring home a nice fresh creampie. I got back in touch with him and asked if he would like to meet down...

1 year ago
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Creampie Training

My husband fucks me every night. But I don't allow him to ejaculate every time.I didn't allow him to penetrate me before our wedding night. When we dated, I taught him how to eat pussy and lick me to orgasm, and I also gave him intense ejaculations by hand, or by having him pump his member between my legs.It never took him very long to cum, which is why I insisted on my orgasms first. He nearly always ejaculated profusely, which gave me a thrill when I would hold his spurting member in my hand...

4 years ago
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Creampie for Husband

"Will you eat your semen off of your partner?" That was the card I drew in the middle of a game called Sex is Fun. My wife, J, and I were sitting just in our underwear in front of our fireplace and enjoying its warmth on a cold winter's night. J said that I would answer "no" without realizing that I had been hoping to bring the subject of creampie eating up with her one day. I quickly answered "yes" meaning that I should have got the point for that round and we would move on to the next card....

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Creampie My Cointern

Hey readers, this is my first sexstory here. It’s a fictional story of how I fucked my co-intern and ended with a creampie. So it was the last posting of my compulsory one year rotational internship that I had to complete before I graduated as a MBBS Doctor. Our college normally took interns from other colleges due to the huge workload. So I was on duty and my co-intern who was in duty with me was an intern from another college. She was 5 feet 3 inches tall, fair, perky boobs and the best...

1 year ago
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"Will you eat your semen off of your partner?" That was the card I drew in the middle of a game called Sex is Fun. My wife, J, and I were sitting just in our underwear in front of our fireplace and enjoying its warmth on a cold winter's night. J said that I would answer "no" without realizing that I had been hoping to bring the subject of creampie eating up with her one day. I quickly answered "yes" meaning that I should have got the point for that round and we would move on to the next card....

4 years ago
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"Will you eat your semen off of your partner?" That was the card I drew in the middle of a game called Sex is Fun. My wife, J, and I were sitting just in our underwear in front of our fireplace and enjoying its warmth on a cold winter's night. J said that I would answer "no" without realizing that I had been hoping to bring the subject of creampie eating up with her one day. I quickly answered "yes" meaning that I should have got the point for that round and we would move on to the next card....

2 years ago
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Ingrid in the cafe

   Ingrid's lips moved up and down on My shaft with such fragile want that it was amazing to watch. Her right hand was underneath her pussy with her right forefinger deep inside. The sound of her juices flowing matched the slurping suckles her mouth made on My Dick. I knew she was sucking Me off so she could feed but there was something more about this act of devotion, it was her way of getting off like she had grown up getting off. Ingrid stayed a virgin until she was married because she had...

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The Cafe

I was sitting in the cafe enjoying lunch as it was a very hot day. I was wearing a tight white tank top that was really stretched across my DD tits. I noticed a young man staring at my tits and that made my nipples hard and poke against the thin fabric. He watched me till I got up to leave then he followed me out. I walked down the back alley to my SUV and he followed me. As I got to my car he said "Hey, can I chat with you?" I turned to him and said "What about?" He got real close and ran a...

1 year ago
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Sex With Best Friend Internet Cafe

Hi guys, I have been reading Indian sex stories dot net in this site for the past 6 years but never had the opportunity to post one, so this is my first story. Let me introduce myself, I am Rahul (Name Changed) living in Chennai and I have also completed my engineering in Chennai. I do have a 7.5-inch black dick and a 2.5-inch girth, but I am fair and I do have a muscular v shape body.This story is absolutely real which had happened during my 3rd year of engineering with my best friend.To tell...

3 years ago
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The Pussy Cafe

The Pussy Cafe8-25-2012I am walking around my apartment. I am naked and horny. Pussy juices are sliding down my inner, brown-skinned, voluptuous thighs. I felt bored and restless wondering what kind of activity I can fill my time with. Then I thought, why not become “A Pussy Café.”I talk to many men online who are desperate for pussy. They are the single men, the men in between relationships or the ones in sexless or infrequent sex relationships. It seemed to be a crime to have so many men in...

4 years ago
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Freeuse 1 Cafe

She was with a group of friends at a streetside cafe, one of those kinds where every table only has two stools, so she stood, hand casually on the table around her drink. They were chatting about how much groceries were when a man came up behind her, drawing his cock out of his athletic shorts. Her friends noticed him, and Chelsea noticed their expressions change and felt his presence behind her. She looked rearward in time to feel his hand on her back, pushing her torso forward, while her...

1 year ago
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With the recent interest in Fifty Shades of Grey, BDSM is becoming increasingly popular in both porn and erotica. If you're looking for bondage and kinky stories, you might want to give a try. Some would say that this story is geared more towards women. They say that many women enjoy reading erotica rather than looking at porn. The layout is pretty feminine and modern in design, with short stories and novels being added constantly. It's simple to use and get into the actual content...

Sex Stories Sites
2 years ago
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Creampied and All Holes Fucked in Dance Club

Creampied and All Holes Fucked in Dance Club Hi! My name is Emma, I live in Boston, going to college and staying at my sister and her husband’s house. (Please check my other stories about how my sister’s husband creampied me and my other sensual adventures!). I am a typical all American girl who turns heads when walking down the street, with my blue eyes, blonde hair and cheerleader type mini skirts I always wear. When I turned 21, I wanted to celebrate my birth day with my best friend...

1 year ago
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Creampie In Asia

CreampieInAsia! With such a straightforward name, I am pretty sure we all know what has to offer. If you are not able to tell what the fuck this site is all about, then you must be on a whole new level of stupid, and I honestly feel sorry for you. Now, for those who came here to learn more about this wonderful place filled with creampied Asian beauties, I have a lot to say.First of all, before we get down to business, you should know that I have a soft spot for the Asian...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Creampie debu

My name is tom, i’m writing this to kill some time until my wife gets back from wherever she is tonight. She never tells me in advance about what she does when she’s out, or when i’m out for that matter, but she does seem to take great pleasure in sharing the details with me when she’s ready. Let me start at the beginning, so that you can understand how our marriage ended up in the erotic state that it’s in. My wife katrina (kat for short) and i have been married for 6 years. We’ve enjoyed a...

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It all started when I was a young teenager. I found some really hard core porn and, like so many other men, I got to watch two men fucking one woman on tape. In my youthful enthusiasm I studied the video over and over for years, watching every stroke as I jacked off and then came in my hand. It became a wonderful fantasy and a way to get my rocks off. Over the years, my idea of "normal" sex was sex where two men gave all of their attention to one woman. Of course, my idea of hot freaky sex was...

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Creampie Surprise PT2

It was about three weeks later after Sally had let our good friend Mandy film us as we made love that Sally told me that she wanted to fulfil her part of our sexy bargain. Sally had finished her period the week before so sex between us had resumed once again I realised that when we were discussing our sexual fantasises Sally had not actually told me what she had in mind for her 'special' evening. However I had been so keen to get a video taken of us making love I remembered agreeing that Sally...

3 years ago
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Creampie Surprise

One night as we were lying in bed before we settled for sleep we had a long honest talk about sex, what we enjoyed and what fantasies turned us on. We both decided that we had enjoyed a fulfilling sex life in our marriage and that we had tried to add variety to our lovemaking. For example Sally knew that at times I liked to be submissive and would take control in the bedroom, she also understood my enjoyment of sometimes eating my own sperm out from her used pussy after we had made love. We had...

1 year ago
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Creampie Eater to CockSucker Gay

I first met my wife at a party where she was the center of attention, fucking one well-hung guest and blowing another. And she kept repeating that pattern, again and again. I had spent a good part of that afternoon impressing a few of the women attending with my love for eating pussy. And since I'm a little bigger than average in the dick department, (8 inches), they appreciated pretty much everything I offered them. I was taking a recuperative break from my actions when I wandered into the...

2 years ago
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Creampie fantasy

So lately I've been having a of thoughts about fantasies regarding what some may consider dirty, smelly, hairy pussies I feel the need to write these down and share them as a form of catharsis. By no means am I a professional writer, I apologize for any grammatical errors. More entries will come as I find time to write.By far one of my favorite things is being "forced" to clean my cum from a pussy. I have no interest in cleaning up another mans cum or having another man clean up my cum from a...

3 years ago
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Creampie No CockSucker Yes Gay

This began simple enough but turned into a total fucked up mess with me in the middle and center of attention. Having been married a long time it's easy to become very definitive in your lifestyle. For years my wife would always bug me about tasting my own cum or dining on a cream pie. Weather she blew me and fed it to me or eat her out after I came in her pussy didn't make any difference to her, she just wanted to see me eat my cum. With a very emphatic "SORRY I don't go there" statement I...

1 year ago
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Nicole had this thing for public sex,and so did I. The chance of getting caught and a pair of extra eyes was an enormous turn-on.We would meet in a bar and after a few drinks I would feel her hand in my crotch, rubbing my dick. She was always dressed for the occasion in a way I would have easy acces: short flimsy skirt and a wide shirt. This time it was a summer night and we standing at the bar of this grand café and she was really in the mood rubbing her crotch against my leg"I'm already wet,"...

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