Short Stay Cafe free porn video

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A street light flickered fiercely above Dean as he stood silently on the dark pebble street. He could hear a wave of cheering and the thump of bass coming from just down the road. Dating was not something he was used to, nor was he used to nightclubs. But tonight he planned to break out of his comfort zone and jump into the deep world of social gatherings and sex. He hoped.

For years he'd been visiting various local cafes, hoping for his true love to wander in and speak to him. He was incredibly shy, lost in his own mind of worries. Whenever a beautiful woman walked into the cafe, he'd freeze up. He would not even be able to eat his purchased food.

At one point he noticed a beautiful girl catching the same bus at the same time every day. Her hair a flowing brown with curls through.

She wore a short sleeve top and short skirt revealing her arms and legs to the world. Her eyes were shaded with mascara as she sat calmly at the front of the bus, always on the chair that faced the rest of the passengers, mostly smiling to herself. Dean never learnt her name, he caught the same bus at the same time for over a month. He hoped every morning he'd pull up the courage to introduce himself.

But alas, this never occurred and the girl's friend caught on. She gave him some verbal abuse during a bus journey. The public glared on as she shouted, "You've been fucking following her for weeks and staring at her so fucking back off!"

Dean was since curious as to whether the girl of his dreams saw it like her friend, like he was some kind of stalker. But her occasional smiles back at him told him different and he left the story with that in mind.

Dean lived alone is a small apartment, it was a bit grotty but he'd given it a great amount of character. The walls were covered with TV and Film posters, lined from top to bottom and if you looked hard enough you'd see a cuddly toy or two.

There was never much to Dean's days, he would mostly sleep cosy under his covers. Then, at whatever time of the day his lazy eyes widened, he would slide his left hand under the covers and take hold of his manhood. Images of various women would appear over his eyes, sexual scenes he recalled from pornographys or imaginings of making love to the girl of his dreams. His penis just lightly touching the underwear covering her vagina. Pressing his lips against her nipples, the feel of her soft bum under his hand. When finally the moment got closer he'd pull back the covers and his hand would push the last sensation outwards. He'd breath hard, with a heated body as the liquid lay over his chest, and drip down his hand.

At all times, Dean would have beside the bed his mobile, a laptop and a toilet roll for such occasions.

The music got louder as he stepped closer to the nightclub. A very different atmosphere, a whole different world he was walking into. He did not drink and never really liked loud noise.

He had joined up to a dating site recently, finally giving up the chase. Dean was always against them in a way, he never really knew why, but he was against them. Something about not naturally meeting someone was like giving up his fight with anxiety. He was not going to break the shy bug this way but his thoughts were getting wilder every day.

When he was not horny his mind would jump from cafe lunches and conversations to marriage and living together. Then when the time would come he'd see women slowly taking their clothes off, revealing at a pace, their beautiful assets. But with no real experience he could only imagine. Porn and staring weirdly at girls on the street could only get him so far. He was concerned about his mentally and jealous of everyone else out there living their lives.

Her name was Lottie, the girl on the dating site. Her picture showed off her brown eyes and cute face. She had short black hair and dimples. She was extremely beautiful and so he instantly decided to contact her.

Her interests were vaguely similar to his. When it came to films, she liked rom coms. Dean also enjoyed rom coms, but only the good ones. In his opinion, most of the ones she listed on the site were pretty terrible.

She did enjoy blogging though, putting a link to her blog on the site. This was something Dean could relate to well, he'd always blog various different posts about his life and some of the books he'd read. Her blog jumped from dream shopping experiences to philosophy's of the world. An example would be at one point she was speaking about whether she believed destiny existed, and her inner thoughts on that. Then the next post would be asking for help on choosing some new high heeled shoes.

Either way she was obviously very attractive and relatively interesting.

She took a day to reply.

"Dear Dean,

It is really nice to meet you. I had a look at your profile and I love that you love movies! You also went to the primary school my friend went to! I'd love to talk more, do you want to talk on here first or meet?


He had nothing to lose, they organised to meet in a nightclub.

The music was pounding and the lights flickered purple and green and whatever colours onto the pebble street. A stern looking bouncer stood at the door glaring at him. "ID please." He mumbled. Dean held out his passport, without a driving licence it was the only form of ID he had.

The bouncer moved aside and Dean entered the terrifyingly loud nightclub experience. But his whole mood changed when he saw all of those dancing bodies, girls grinding up against their men or women, or strangers, who knew.

These girls were wearing their night out dresses, shiny and tight, or short shorts revealing their smooth legs. They bounced up and down, their breasts following on.

Lottie had been standing close to the door, waiting for him to enter. She stood there staring at him, half her face disappearing every so often as the lights shot across the room. "DEAN???" She seemed to scream.



"YES!" He smiled awkwardly, so did she.

Lottie grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the noise. Her touch on his hand shocked him, so smooth and cold. He'd not been touched by a girl in too long.

They entered a room a lot quieter and found a booth with a table. They both slumped down on the booth. "You want a drink?" Lottie smiled, finally he could hear her. She had a sweet voice to match her cute face. The dimples were very visible, as well as her thin dark eyebrows. She was wearing a shiny lipstick but no mascara. Her black hair was short and curled today, unlike her profile picture, she was looking spectacular. "Um.. coke, I'll get a coke. I'll come with you."

He had a smile stuck on his face, partly because of how lucky he felt but mostly because of how scared he was.

First failing of most nightclub dates, when they realize you don't drink alcohol. Dean placed his sparkling coca-cola down on the booth's table. Lottie sat down next to him with a bottle in hand.

"Okay, first, nice to meet you!" Lottie was smiling, rather relaxed.

"Nice to meet you too!" He drank down some coke as he shook.

Lottie was grinning, "You're cute, you ever been here before?"

"Nooo.. noo, I don't really do nightclubs." Dean was so thankful that he could hear his own thoughts. Lottie's grin got smaller and became more of a neutral look, "Oohh, where do you go then?"

"Just, stay home most of the time. A bit of a.. uh.. you know, a mole or whatever. I do like cafes though."

"Cool, cool. You not drinking tonight then?"

There it was. Unfortunately most sexual antics came from the confidence given from alcohol. Dean rarely ever wanted to drink, he always felt concerned that he would not have full control of his own body.

"Sorry, I don't..drink " He thought the coke was doing it though, as he found himself staring wide eyed at her cleavage.

She shifted on her bum a little, noticing and obviously not minding. She leaned forward on her elbow, her eyes so beautiful."Do you want to dance?" She asked, her smile returning in false hope.

Through the doorway Dean could see the movers, the dancers erotically swaying from side to side and up and down to the music, 50% anonymity as the lights shot from the faces and only left darkness. But what went on in that darkness? Hands touching places forbidden, body parts grinding against other body parts. After noticing Lottie's cleavage, breasts squeezed into that dress, Dean decided it was worth the shot.

"I would love to dance."

He sat up from the booth and she held her hand out. He felt so lifted as she grasped hold and pulled him into the furious noise.

They chose a corner with a few steps of space and began to laugh and jump to the fast beats of pop. Her dimples occasionally appeared as the light flashed past her, and her eyes literally twinkled. As Dean moved closer in, he saw the curves of her breasts bouncing slightly in the dress as she moved.

He made a slight plan and began to move his arms above his head to the beat, then follow it with slowly placing his hands on her waist. If she found him attractive, this should get her a little less tense and a little more involved.

Before he could do anything else she grabbed his arms and pulled him in closer. Suddenly the whole front of his body was pressing against hers, her breasts pressing against his chest. Their noses touched lightly as she stared deep into him with those alluring eyes. His hands moved slowly down and slid over her pelvic area before changing root and sitting on her bum.

Her hands lowered from under his arms. Slowly over his shirt downwards until one hand was pressing fingers against his dick. A rush of excitement shot through Dean.

He knew nothing much about this girl, but what he did know was she was as horny as he was. She whispered in his ear, "Don't be shy."

Shy was his middle name, but in the darkness of the club, no one could hear his hunger. He had a woman dancing up against him. Her fingers sliding against his jeans.

While her lips were still in range of his ear, he noticed her delicious neck hiding under her short curled hair. He lightly kissed it. She felt the sensation and placed her lips on his. In a succulent manner their mouths moved together as her hands stroked through his hair. His fingers drifted up her back as they made out in the flashing lights.

Dean felt a slight bump on his side, he pulled his lips away slightly and looked down to see another female backside rubbing against him in a tight dress. She had long, swaying blonde hair, she turned away from the shadowy figure she was dancing with and joined us in dance.

Dean felt a little uncertain at this point as of what to do, but his hard on was at its largest point. The girl screamed through the music, "LOTTIE! HI!"

In a second the mystery blonde was kissing Lottie. The kiss was passionate but short, their lips parted in a glow of colour. "UM, HI!... I'M JUST..." Lottie pulled her arm up and pointed at Dean repeatedly.

The woman smiled in understanding, leaned in to give Lottie another peck, and then disappeared into the mosh of people.

As if to distract Dean, Lottie threw herself at him, kissing him closely, pressing her body against his. Her hands once again drifted down to his jeans, this time to delicately pull down the zip. Her hand slid in and lightly touched his penis through the underwear. Then, she corrected her position and placed her hand inside the underwear, grasping hold of his thick, hard cock. She began thrusting up and down slowly. Joyousness shot through Dean's body, his hand drifted down her backside again. He wished she was not wearing a dress, he wished it was easier to access all areas.

He put his hand under her dress and felt along her smooth, sexy legs, up and up until he felt the fabric of her knickers. His fingers drifted over them lightly, enjoying every touch he came across. She continued to wank him, gradually getting faster. The smell of cum drifted through the air, he did not know whether it was his, or someone else's... but it was sexy. He leaned over and kissed her neck again, then lightly hovered down kissing lightly as he went, until he reached her breasts. He pulled the top down lightly revealing a nipple. He licked it once, twice, three times delicately. Then began to lick fast and faster and she played faster. Below the dress, his fingers slipped under her fabric knickers and he felt a light brush of pubic hair, sexy. His fingers admired the touch of the hair and she waited, on the edge, for him to touch her vagina.

His fingers lightly touched her most delicate areas, slyly cruising over them, rubbing her clit lightly. He sucked on her nipple and then went in, fingers sliding deep inside her. She was so wet, she was so easy to slide into.

Her mouth opened and her eyes closed as he began to play faster, her thrusting hand on his cock slightly slowed down as she began to enjoy her own pleasure. His finger moved faster and faster, deeper and deeper, sliding against the g spot.

She pulled her hand out of Dean's jeans and pressed her fingers into his shoulders as she breathed heavily in his ear.

In one movement she grabbed Dean's arm lightly and suggested he stop. Dean was a little shocked, had he hurt her? He had not done this much before but...

"Lets go your place."

Dean fumbled to find his keys in his pockets, among mobile, wallet and various bus tickets. Lottie stood next to him, with his coat wrapped around her dancing in the moonlight.

"Quick," she giggled as the door swung open. Dean walked in and followed through up the stairs before he came to his apartment.

Dean closed the door behind him and turned to see Lottie staring at the tiny room. He was concerned she might be disappointed. "I like this room, it's very you... I think." She smiled.

Dean laughed in reply, "You think!" They both smiled towards each other.

Dean paused and looked over this curvaceous woman standing in his room, with her short black curls and cute dimples. They grabbed each other in embrace and locked lips. Her hands swayed along his back, his hands along hers. Their lips merging, her tongue lightly entering the kiss, followed by his. They touched half way, a feeling like no other.

She pulled away sharply and pointed towards the double bed. Dean did as she wished and went to lay, his head pressing into the pillow. His body vulnerable.

Lottie slowly grasped her dress and pulled it upwards. As it slid off the higher region of her legs became visible, then her knickers, small and black, with lace patterned edges. Her belly button appeared as well as her smooth, sexy stomach. The dress rose higher and her red, lace bra was in view, her breasts squeezed into it.

The dress swooped off of her head, flicking her hair. She dropped the dress on the floor and delicately placed her fingers at the rim of her knickers.

Dean's hard on was screaming to escape as she slowly pulled down the lace. The knickers fell lightly down her smooth legs and patted around her feet. She stepped away from them and revealed her beautiful bush to Dean. Before he could take it all in her bra hit the floor and his eyes were on those perfect curves and succulent nipples. The full beauty of this woman, stood naked in front of him was the best feeling he'd ever had. She wanted him, and he wanted her.

She climbed onto the bed slowly, her arse facing the door and breasts hanging beautifully. She leaned over him and pushed her lips against his. His fingers stroked her naked back and lead down to her bum. He could feel her nipples just lightly touching his chest as he lay back making out. Her hand moved down to unzip the jeans once again and she whispered, "I'm the best."

Lottie shifted Dean's jeans and underwear down his legs to reveal his hard, throbbing cock. The head was popping out of the rolled back skin in excitement and it stood up facing Dean. He wanted to get a good kiss of her soft boobs but before a chance she placed her mouth around his cock. Her hand holding on as she thrust her lips up and down. He watched her hair move as she did, he saw her lips closed in tight around his cock moving up and down.

While one hand was grabbing hold, the other was placed on his chest, moving lightly around as she sucked. He breathed harder and harder, he saw her breasts jiggle as they hang. That was it, the feeling was rising, it was becoming the best thing in the world.

As it got closer he patted her on the shoulder slightly while breathing in pleasure. "What is it?" Her lips parting the head.

"I'm gunna, you know." Dean replied.

"Oh." Lottie smiled loudly and lightly licked the head of his cock. "Ok." And so she pressed her lips around his cock once again and began to suck faster, harder. "Hey.." Dean said breathlessly, concerned.

But she continued, and the more he spoke the faster she went, sucking and sucking until the pleasure ran through him, ran to the top. The feeling shot through him and released erupt, his cock still sheltered by her mouth.

She pulled away and opened her mouth giggling, cum dripping from her tongue. She ripped a toilet tissue from the side, spat a little and wiped her mouth, then threw the scrunched up paper at the wall. "You like that?" She asked with lustful expression. Dean was lost in a heavenly feeling, skipping along clouds in another world.

He opened his eyes and noticed her lying next to him staring closely, admiring his emotions. He smiled and stared down at her naked body. In a second he'd pulled himself up and was kissing her neck. He thrust a little, reminded how close his penis was to her vagina. The sexual feeling rushed through him again, even if a little exhausted.

His lips lightly pressed against her right nipple with a kiss. He followed this with gradual licks, building up her sensations once again. He squeezed her breasts a little and kissed them all over, then began to lick her left nipple. He licked faster and faster, lightly, but a good pace.

Her eyes closed in pleasure as she leaned back relaxed. He passionately kissed her nipple again and flicked the other lightly with his finger.

Then, as his pleasurable plan all along he slowly drifted downwards kissing lightly every where in his path. He kissed her breasts, then her stomach, he loved her smooth stomach. Most likely because it led to his two favorite places.

She felt his lips kiss her bush and his hands lightly holding both of her legs. He delicately pulled them open to reveal her delicious slit. The lips were dripping wet, tiny liquid droplets sat nested in her bush.

Dean held Lottie's legs up around his head and went in to pleasure her. His tongue began lower and lightly moved upwards, then, when he felt the clit under his tongue he rotated it, over and over, up and down, all around. Colourful feelings stormed through Lottie's body, from her clit, up. Dean used one of his hands to finger her nipple as he continued to lick delicately but fast.

She began to thrust herself towards him as his tongue shot one way and then another, her clit rapidly patted by his tongue. She thrust harder and harder, Dean slid his hands under her bum to hold her closer, he felt the sweat of it, the heat. She pressed her vagina up against his mouth harder, grinding against his tongue. He continued and she stopped him.

"Hold on," she leaned up in a breathless rush. "Get inside me."

Dean paused, he wanted nothing more than to put his cock inside her. "I.. do you have any condoms?"

Lottie frowned suddenly, "Of course not, I was wearing a dress. You don't need one. I'm on the pill."

"Ahh.. okay, I'd feel.. better with a condom though." Dean was anxious.

"Are you fucking with me?"

Dean felt unnerved all of a sudden. "Sorry, I'm just over anxious. Sorry."

Lottie thought for a moment and sighed, "I'm sorry, okay, well I've always wanted to try 69. What do you think?"

Dean weakly smiled, "Yeah."

The sun shone brightly through the apartment curtains. The two naked bodies, covered vaguely with a soft blanket lay peacefully asleep.

It was Saturday morning and the birds sung brightly outside, awaking Dean and Lottie. Her naked body glazed in the morning light, the light hairs along her skin shone. Dean could see every detail on her skin, on her nipples. He kissed her lightly on the lips, then sneakily crawled down to kiss her slit lightly. She didn't much appreciate it, but he did get a sunny morning few of her delicious pussy.

"So what do you do in the mornings?" Lottie smiled, her eyes sleepy.

"Sometimes I go to the cafe down the road for breakfast, do you want to go?" Dean pulled himself up and chucked a shirt on.

Lottie's hand had found it's way to his penis, she held it for a moment, feeling it's tip. "Yea, sure."

Lottie and Dean found a seat in a charming local cafe. It was quiet and the walls were showered with old posters and mirrors. There was even a small stage with a keyboard sitting quite lonely.

Dean sipped his morning drink of orange juice, "So, are we going out now?"

Lottie smiled, then became lost in thought. "I don't know. We really don't know anything about each other."

"Oh... Yeah." Dean appeared to remember their non existent conversations.

"Okay you start, tell me about yourself Dean. What did you want to be when you were at school, what is your job now? Um, what hobbies you got? Ahh.. What kind of girls you into?"

Lottie smiled, then sipped her tea.

"Okay, when I was at school, I wanted to be a film maker."


"Yeah, and... my job now, I'm unemployed. I'm living off... savings from a previous thing I had. Door to door thing you know."


"Hobbies, I love watching films. Love it. Have you seen Elemental Love?"

"No." Lottie frowned.

"Okay, it's a great film, it is a romance. But it's indie, and a bit twisted at times. It has some really good shots and cine..." Lottie's face began to drop. He could not work out whether she was bored of him, or still a little tired.

"And I'm into you. Girls like you." Dean smiled.

Lottie glared, "No, really, before you met me. What kind of girls you into?"

Dean sat lost in thought, he sipped his orange juice and then thought some more. He could hear the clanging of cutlery coming from in the kitchen and the bubbling of the coffee machine in the background.

"I don't know, someone a bit quiet like me. Someone who likes art and films. Cool films you know. Someone sexy and beautiful. You're sexy and beautiful." Dean laughed to himself them coughed up on the juice.

Lottie looked over at a couple sitting at the other side of the cafe. They were making uplifting conversation and laughing.

Dean and Lottie sat through an awkward silence. "I'll tell you about me, Dean. When I was at school I wanted to be a model. Dean. I work in a shoe shop, I fuck for a hobby. I fuck men and women for a hobby. I love it, and... yes, I wanted to find my true love. I am looking for them but... What person am I into? Well I don't know, because no one has clicked with me. Not properly, not long lasting enough..."

Dean sat in silence. He put his hand lightly on hers as she reminisced.

"We did okay though, I think we're good."

"Dean, I hate films. I fucking hate watching films, except rom coms with Jennifer Aniston in. I want to spend my time fucking drinking and fucking drowning my life away because it makes no fucking sense."

The lady at the counter turned to their table, shocked at what she was hearing.

Dean lifted his hand and leaned back in his chair saddened.

Lottie spoke once again, "I like you, You seem so sweet. I just don't think we're going to work."

A depression ran through Dean's body, a sense of loss and rejection suddenly, "But we..."

"You're a good fuck," Lottie smiled. "But we are not clicking."

Lottie stood up from her chair and slid it back under the table. She then turned away and walked out of the cafe. Gone, forever.

A lost and lonely Dean sat in his favorite cafe. The lady at the counter walked over to his table and handed him a fresh croissant on a plate. "That was harsh. On the house," She said and sat down on the chair in front of him.

Their eyes suddenly met and Dean recognized this was the girl from the bus. His dream girl. The mascara. "Thanks..." He said stunned.

"Do you remember me?" She said,a huge grin on her face.

"Yes. Well, yes I guess I do."

"I was on the bus, all those years ago?"

Dean smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry I never said hello," Dean said glugging down the rest of his orange juice.

"It's okay. I thought you were really cute, but was unsure that you actually liked me. I thought maybe it was just coincidence you caught the same bus.. heh, silly. But when Georgia shouted at you and you never caught the bus again... I dunno."

"Yeah, she was horrible." Dean laughed, bringing up the past.

"Yeah, she's a bitch haha, well I mean, she was just trying to be a good friend."

"Mm... I was catching it to see you. I had a big big crush on you." Dean paused, "It's okay, it's gone now though, heh heh."

The girl from the bus' smile faded.

"No, well I still think you're pretty. Very pretty. You know you were my first crush!" Dean smiled brightly and so the girl from the bus followed suit.

"First crush! I feel special!! So... shall we introduce ourselves now?"

"Yeah okay..... Hi, I'm Dean. I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever ever seen in my fucking life and have always compared every girl to you since I saw your face the very first day I caught that bus."

"Hey, language in the cafe, come on I'll get fired."


The girl from the bus pushed the croissant towards Dean, "Eat up. That was very sweet. My name is Ingrid, and um... my favorite movie is Elemental Love."

Dean and Ingrid shared the croissant.

Short Stay Cafe

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Have you all noticed the increase in young female teachers having sex with their students, boys in their teens, whereas in the past, it was the sole domain of girls like myself, who were dropping our knickers for Sir enjoy.As menstruating teens we girls have more hormonal problems to contend with, our ovaries start producing eggs and our bodies go into heat, a craving for sex and men, its not that we are bad or naughty, we simply have no control over our cravings and are turned on quickly,...

2 years ago
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Ingrid in the cafe

   Ingrid's lips moved up and down on My shaft with such fragile want that it was amazing to watch. Her right hand was underneath her pussy with her right forefinger deep inside. The sound of her juices flowing matched the slurping suckles her mouth made on My Dick. I knew she was sucking Me off so she could feed but there was something more about this act of devotion, it was her way of getting off like she had grown up getting off. Ingrid stayed a virgin until she was married because she had...

2 years ago
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The Cafe

I was sitting in the cafe enjoying lunch as it was a very hot day. I was wearing a tight white tank top that was really stretched across my DD tits. I noticed a young man staring at my tits and that made my nipples hard and poke against the thin fabric. He watched me till I got up to leave then he followed me out. I walked down the back alley to my SUV and he followed me. As I got to my car he said "Hey, can I chat with you?" I turned to him and said "What about?" He got real close and ran a...

1 year ago
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Sex With Best Friend Internet Cafe

Hi guys, I have been reading Indian sex stories dot net in this site for the past 6 years but never had the opportunity to post one, so this is my first story. Let me introduce myself, I am Rahul (Name Changed) living in Chennai and I have also completed my engineering in Chennai. I do have a 7.5-inch black dick and a 2.5-inch girth, but I am fair and I do have a muscular v shape body.This story is absolutely real which had happened during my 3rd year of engineering with my best friend.To tell...

3 years ago
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The Pussy Cafe

The Pussy Cafe8-25-2012I am walking around my apartment. I am naked and horny. Pussy juices are sliding down my inner, brown-skinned, voluptuous thighs. I felt bored and restless wondering what kind of activity I can fill my time with. Then I thought, why not become “A Pussy Café.”I talk to many men online who are desperate for pussy. They are the single men, the men in between relationships or the ones in sexless or infrequent sex relationships. It seemed to be a crime to have so many men in...

4 years ago
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Freeuse 1 Cafe

She was with a group of friends at a streetside cafe, one of those kinds where every table only has two stools, so she stood, hand casually on the table around her drink. They were chatting about how much groceries were when a man came up behind her, drawing his cock out of his athletic shorts. Her friends noticed him, and Chelsea noticed their expressions change and felt his presence behind her. She looked rearward in time to feel his hand on her back, pushing her torso forward, while her...

1 year ago
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With the recent interest in Fifty Shades of Grey, BDSM is becoming increasingly popular in both porn and erotica. If you're looking for bondage and kinky stories, you might want to give a try. Some would say that this story is geared more towards women. They say that many women enjoy reading erotica rather than looking at porn. The layout is pretty feminine and modern in design, with short stories and novels being added constantly. It's simple to use and get into the actual content...

Sex Stories Sites
1 year ago
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The cafe

The late night café was getting ready to close when the 3 girls walked in and asked for coffee before sitting at a table, 18 year old Abdul sent his younger brother home telling him to locked the shutters as he went, Abdul prepared the coffee’s watching the girls as he did, he knew all 3 girls were from the local estate and were 2 years younger than him, he slipped a couple of pills in each cup before giving the coffee to the girls, he dropped the blinds and watched as the girls drunk their...

3 years ago
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Sitting in the Cafe

I was just sitting, minding my own business, enjoying a cup of the café’s freshly brewed Sumatra coffee flavored with only a pack of sugar, with some righteous book Freud in front of me, when I saw her. She was standing in line, one from the register, legs spread slightly apart as she drummed her short black polished nails on the wide leather strap of her book bag. I wouldn’t exactly call her ‘drop dead gorgeous’ or a ‘man killer’ or whatever they categorize women these days. This girl was...

3 years ago
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Blue Cafe

Andy entered his local coffee shop. He was on his lunch break and liked to spend his hour using the free WiFi to browse the web on his tablet, catching up with emails and so forth. On this particular day, the coffee shop was jam-packed and, as he looked around, he could see nowhere to sit. He joined the queue anyway, confident that by the time he had purchased his drink, there would be a free table. A couple of minutes passed and Andy reached the end of the queue, paid for his drink and looked...

3 years ago
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The Car Club Cafe

Sitting in my 1967 Ford Galaxie XL 500, waiting for the other classic car owners to arrive for our weekly drive , I see a tall brunette young woman in a loose fitting blouse and tight skirt and high heels walk by. She turns and we make I contact. This woman has an hour glass figure big pendulous breasts, a tight waist and a nice shaped big bottom. A size 16 my ex wife would tell me. She adjusts her walk to a strut and sways her hips my eyes are popping out. My dick is getting hard in the...

3 years ago
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At the Cafe

Amanda leaned over the breakfast bar. The tall mature gent she had met at the beach used one hand to hold her down the other hand had two fingers fucking her wet pussy. "Oh god I need this" Amanda moaned. He had moved his hands on her hips. His blood engorged circumcised head split her pussy lips. The long thick shaft stretched her cunt as he roughly thrusted forward, ramming the shaft deep inside her. The stranger continued his rough fucking of Amanda reaching forward ripping open her blouse....

4 years ago
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Boobs in the cafe

Paul is an extroverted braggart, but nevertheless, I liked this story he wrote me:“I had a late morning meeting. It was dull and a waste of time. I walked out of the office building. It wasn’t even 11:00AM yet, but feeling a little bit hungry, I thought I’d grab a coffee and a bite to eat. It was a nice spring day, the streets were quiet. I walked for a few minutes and found a little place on a corner. A couple of older men sat a table outside smoking . Inside there was no one, just a big...

3 years ago
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WiFi Cafe

She watched him from two tables over. He was tall, with dark brown hair and brown eyes so dark they got lost in his eyes. He was clean shaven with a strong set jaw, his shoulders were broad, and he looked like he worked out.She had been in the café for a good two hours, searching the internet for various things, and instant messaging friends that she had in cyber-world. A twinge in her bladder told her it was time for a bathroom break. Making sure she had her purse, she got up, and walked...

2 years ago
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The Cafe

I'd see you come into the café every morning for coffee unable to take my eyes from your body, your ass straining your tight faded low cut jeans, your tits stretching the various t shirts you wore each day, your long, red curly hair hanging loosely past your shoulders. Our eyes would meet briefly before you went to the counter to serve yourself coffee. You would turn away, pour your coffee, glancing at me over your shoulder with your dazzling eyes then back at the white mug you were filling. I...

2 years ago
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Fuck Session With GF In Cafe

Hi Friends, Rinku once again with another new story. This is my 46th story on this site. This story will satisfy you. This story is about two lovers. They love each other very much but they are not getting place for fun. One day they found one cyber café with cabin facility then all things happened. Let us come to the story. Read this story till the end and I promise all my readers can’t stop themselves from masturbating. My name is Sonu, 24 year old. I have one girl friend her name is...

2 years ago
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Pune Hard Rock Cafe

Hi, I am 23 male living in koregaon park Pune. Agar pune ki koi ladkhi party enjoy karna chati ho yaa fir sex.. then mail me at Aapka jayda time na waste karte huye siddha story per aata hun… Ek bar mein Koregaon park ke hard rock café gaya apne dosto ke sath… waha per humne ache se enjoy kiya… and humaree samne wali table per ek thodhi moti si lakdhi bhathi thi.. wo continuous mujhe dekhe ja rahi thi. Dost sath mein the is liya mein jakar lakdhi se hi hello bhi nahi kar sakhta tha. Per thodhi...

3 years ago
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Fuck Session With GF In Cafe

Hi Friends, Rinku once again with another new story. This is my 46th story on this site. This story will satisfy you. This story is about two lovers. They love each other very much but they are not getting place for fun. One day they found one cyber café with cabin facility then all things happened. Let us come to the story. Read this story till the end and I promise all my readers can’t stop themselves from masturbating. My name is Sonu, 24 year old. I have one girl friend her name is...

1 year ago
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Sex in cyber cafe

Hello readers of this great site. I am now 25 male handsome and good looking guy. It’s really nice to share your sex life anonymously with someone else. I’m not professional writer of porn stories. So, this is not story. This is real world experience that I want to share with you. Let me introduce myself first. I’m Sachine currently working in Noida. The time, when these incidences happened, was final year of my university. I’m good looking, handsome, well educated and from high middle class...

1 year ago
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Abduction from the BDSM Cafe

Some people keep journals. Some keep diaries. Sarah revealed much of her life on the Storiesonline boards. She was young but wild, a true submissive with a masochistic streak a mile wide. Nick was more of a lurker. Sarah had caught his eye early but he dismissed her as a potential sub. Not only was she much too young, Sarah was a Libra. Nick had much better luck with fellow water signs. She lived four hours away along the same road he'd traveled to visit Connie, the last younger woman he'd...

1 year ago
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Futa Milk Cafe

Veronica: Hi! I’d like a medium milkshake, please. Lilly: Cumming up! The machine whirrs and beeps, jacking Lilly off rapidly. In seconds she is jizzing into a cup. Veronica: Mmm! This tastes delicious! I can’t wait to tell my friends about this. Jasmine: Hi, I was gonna order a medium, but after hearing that, I’ll order a large! Lilly: A large? Just a moment! Lilly hits a button and the machine starts back up. It runs the large load program. Jacking her off a little harder. Lilly:...

4 years ago
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Shorty Philpott Derelict Drunk Cock Sucker

“Fuck you,” said Shorty Philpott after being fired for the ninth time from the Snack House restaurant located in the old Bus Station complex in downtown Fort Myers, Florida.The Snack House was kind of unique having all male employees and the only business to continue successfully in the old Bus Station complex after the Bus Station relocated out on Cleveland Avenue better known as the Tamiami Trail.Shorty had been an award-winning Marine having served in the South Pacific during WWII. Shorty...

2 years ago
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Shorty and his friends hung out on the corners in the neighborhood. They would check out the girls and women who walked by going to or coming from the store, the bus stop or work, or those just looking for something or someone to do. The boys as they called themselves were always looking to hook up. They commented on the weaves, the Jeri curls, the fine looking mamas and most of all the bodacious asses that passed by. They were always courteous to elderly women and church going ladies. All...

3 years ago
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The Cafe

It was a warm summer afternoon and she was sitting in a sidewalk café, a file folder open on the table, its contents weighted down with the silverware. She was intently reading a paper. Just as he walked by she crossed her legs and her skirt fell open at the side slit to expose the lacy top of her stocking and the clip of black garters. His stride slowed, as he neared her table she leaned forward and reached for another sheet of paper. The edge of her blouse opened just enough for him to get a...

1 year ago
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Free X Cafe? I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably thinking that finding a good site for the best porn pictures of hot babes is impossible. Moreover, you’re probably thinking that the only way you’re ever going to get some high-res pornstar goodness in image form is by paying for premium sites. I’m here to debunk that shit piece by piece. Not only are you able to find porn pictures for free, as you already know, but there is a site out there that offers high-resolution porn images as...

Naked Girls Galleries
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Websites such as might seem to be very average at first glance and to be honest. There isn't much that separates from the rest, as the design of the page is very simple, the content is pretty normal, there are no unusual categories...and so on. However, I wouldn't say this is a bad thing because in my book simplicity is valued when it comes to pornography. To put it short: The Porn Dude wants his porn, and he wants it quick. It's as simple as that.Now, this doesn't only...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Sissy Staycation

The Sissy Staycation Dennis was so close to cumming he couldn’t see straight.The vibrator up his ass hummed against his prostate. His meager dick was slick with precum, with the head just popping out over the top of a pair of lacy panties.He planted his feet on the coffee table in front of the couch, spreading his legs. He caressed his aching balls through the panties with one hand while the other hand toyed with his nipples under the thin, lace babydoll that covered his top. He watched the two...

2 years ago
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My homestay student forced me

In the past there had been some embarrassing situations between our homestay student, David, and I, of a physical nature. I imagine his behavior stems from his culture or some genetic endowment as I'm sure i have done nothing to encourage this. On one occasion he had basically forced me to kiss his genital area and had become completely carried away with it, developing a huge erection. And then on a later occasion he had forced himself on me in an overly intimate fashion where i had again...

2 years ago
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Stayover at Grandparents House

I remember years ago when I was young, maybe 18-19yo, I stayed around my Grandparents house one weekend as my parents were away and they told me to bring a couple of movies to watch and one of the movies I liked (and still do) was called Roadhouse starring Patrick Swayze, anyway (if you have not seen it) about halfway through the movie Patrick Swayze spends the night with this Sexy Blonde girl (although to be honest I thought she as a bit skinny, but had awesome tits), but I forgot about this...

3 years ago
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Farmstay With Mother And Two Daughters

Farmstay With Mother and Two Daughters The work task set for me involved four weeks in a regional town north of the city. Away from home for so long I felt private accommodation a better option than the usual motels or hotels. I selected and booked a farmstay providing breakfast and dinner, about twenty kilometers out of town. My arrival confirmed the wisdom of my selection. The house was about half a kilometre from the road, a large modern place with verandahs on all sides. Jean, the owner,...

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Ken still lusts and loves me and we are overstayin

Over 2 weeks in the UK north of London. Like fish, guests start to stink after a while. Ivy's terrific but it's time we moved on to the next port of call.I don't think it's us as much as Brian and Zoe. Turns out Ivy has a history of riding Ken from back in the school days. She told me she wished she had snagged him as she could have had many "Oops you got me pregnant" events. Just like I did she said. Ken jumped into the conversation and stated "Oh no, we planned this and he held my hand up...

1 year ago
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iCarly iStay Over For The Night

(I do not own the right to the characters, I am just having fun with them)“C’mon Sam! Hurry up!” Laughed Carly, bouncing on Sam’s bed.It was rare that Carly slept over at Sam’s, usually it was the other way around, but Spencer was out of town on a trip with his friend Socko, and Sam had begged Carly to sleep over, promising an awesome time of it.Carly had given in to the blonde girl, and was now actually looking forward to spending some time alone with Sam. It always seemed like Freddie or...

4 years ago
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Weekend Stayover

I was about 32 when I went on a business trip in a city my cousin lived in.  I thought that I would do a weekend stay over and stay with him and his partner.  It was the late 90s and he had come out a few years earlier.  It was back in the day where coming out was way less accepted by most families than it is today.  I thought it would be good to reach out and see how he was doing.That Friday I arrived at his house.  I visited with him and his partner for hours and had lots of laughs with...

Gay Male
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So my guy invited me to go with him to Wilmington, North Carolina, to see his favorite band — and rented an RV which I wasn't happy about. I didn’t want to go and I scanned my usual websites for any locals in the lifestyle but it was slim pickings. After a few weeks of searching, I told hubby I really didn't want to go to Wilmington and he was sad about that but I don't like the band or cities that are not much fun. I then asked if I could go to the playground solo and he was clearly upset...

1 year ago
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What’s your Stay Home POV? If you’re like a lot of motherfuckers, you’ve spent the last year or so working from home or just watching TV all day. It’s been shitty if you’re used to going out, doing things, or interacting with other humans, but hey, at least we’ve all had a lot of extra time for whacking off. I’m sure you know that as well as I do, otherwise you wouldn’t be here and you wouldn’t have the ol’ Fleshlight all lubed up, dripping on the carpet and ruining your security deposit.Do you...

Premium POV Porn Sites
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Stay Casino! Slots are, by far, the most popular game at any casino, whether online or on land. The barrier of entry is extremely low, the gameplay is simple, and the rules are clear. You don’t have to spend time learning confusing strategies or dealing with upset players at a live table. It can just be you, your machine, and a big jackpot.Slots are inherently games of chance, but that doesn’t mean you can’t employ some tips and tricks to help you maximize the opportunities to get a big win. Of...

Betting Sites
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Shortcut Home

There is nothing I wouldn’t give not to have seen it. If I could erase it from memory I would. But see it I did. It appeared suddenly, a stutter in the corner of my eye. I turned my head slightly expecting to see a fox or a cat, maybe a drunk, the usual scavengers or miscreants with business in a skip at the back of the shops in the dark of night. Instead I saw … it. At first the shape of it puzzled me, its silhouette an oddity. Curious, I stepped closer. Oh how I wish I hadn’t. Beyond the...

1 year ago
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Shortcut Through Ovid

As usual, you are free to archive wherever and whenever. Adult material, so use good judgement. Shortcut Through Ovid The Professor "Do you have any fucking idea where we are?" "Can it, Steve," I said calmly as I watched mile after mile of gently sloping farmland cruise by at eighty miles an hour. "Randy knows where he's going." I hope Randy knows where he's going, I thought. For the last ten miles, I hadn't seen a road sign of any kind. I didn't know if we were...

1 year ago
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What happens in Abu Dhabi stays in Abu Dhabi

I’d never really looked at my boss in ‘that way’ until about a year ago when one of the other girls joked over a glass of wine that I had the best looking boss in the company. She went further to say she thought he was the sort of guy who would know what he was doing with a girl. I laughed it off at the time, saying that I’d never be so unprofessional as to have a crush on my married boss. That was true when I said it, but the thought planted a seed, and a few months later, whilst masturbating...

Office Sex
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What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS, STAYS IN VEGASI’d never been in Vegas before, but the other day my sugar daddy called me and asked me to go meet him there. Seems he had some kind of a conference and that would give him an excuse to stay a few extra days and he wanted me to be there with him. I said sure, why not; I’d never been there and I liked spending time with him, plus I was going to stay in a fancy hotel suite (he had to book two rooms for appearances) and he was surely going to buy me lots of...

4 years ago
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Shortcuts are always the best Part I

“He’s sort of hot, isn’t he?” Statements and comments like these were heard everywhere I went. The new school year had just commenced and apparently, there was a new, hot male teacher. I hadn’t seen him just yet but judging by the rumours that had been flying around, he was definitely something. My name is Rachel and I’m a senior at Vanguard High. I had just turned seventeen, I stood at around 5’7”, had a lean, athletic figure, dark hair that swept around my shoulders and firm C-cup...

2 years ago
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Shortcuts are always the best Part I

Introduction: This is a fantasy. The characters in this story are real — names have been changes — but things didnt actually go this way. The initial set-up is a little too long and the actual sex part a little too short so Ill try and work on that. I hope you enjoy it. ???? Yep, hes new. And pretty young, too! Hes sort of hot, isnt he? Statements and comments like these were heard everywhere I went. The new school year had just commenced and apparently, there was a new, hot male teacher. I hadnt...

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What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas

Chastity is curable, if detected early. -- Anonymous I was walking along the promenade looking at all of the overpriced stores when I saw her. I'm not sure exactly what about her caught my attention. In many ways, she was a typical teen, dark hair, cute face, and a nice little body, but a typical teen. Maybe she looked like I felt; alone and bored. I strolled up next to her as she too looked into one of the store's windows. "Too expensive, huh?" I said. "Yeah," she agreed. Then she...

1 year ago
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This Stays Between Us Right

Not expecting company I sat for a moment before rising, giving a fast stretch and opening the door. Standing there was an unexpected surprise, a pretty little red head with wide green eyes, a curvy little body, and a nice little rack, make-up streaming down her face. With no rain in sight, I quickly sensed she was distraught. “Are you okay?” I asked her, “Can I do anything to help?” It was apparent that there were many things that I wanted to do to her and I made no attempt to hide...

3 years ago
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At The Stables ndash Miriam Stays Over

At The Stables – Miriam Stays Over.Preamble/Characters I’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown...

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