Abduction From The BDSM Cafe free porn video

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Some people keep journals. Some keep diaries. Sarah revealed much of her life on the Storiesonline boards. She was young but wild, a true submissive with a masochistic streak a mile wide.

Nick was more of a lurker. Sarah had caught his eye early but he dismissed her as a potential sub. Not only was she much too young, Sarah was a Libra. Nick had much better luck with fellow water signs. She lived four hours away along the same road he'd traveled to visit Connie, the last younger woman he'd had a long relationship with. Physically though Sarah was so different from Connie. Connie was a tall fiery redhead with full breasts. Sarah was small and petite, almost childlike.

Sarah used her real pictures as avs, and Nick saved every one. He began to study her words, learning what made her tick, stalking her as if she was a straggling deer and he was a lion. At some point, she became more than a want. She became a need. And he knew that one day she would be his. Perhaps not forever, but he would possess her. And train her in his ways.

If only he could somehow get into her head. She would be particularly tough because she had never met anyone from online. At only 20 years old and beautiful, finding suitors wasn't difficult for her. His only hope was getting the timing right, picking a time when Sarah would be vulnerable. Then put his cards on the table. The worst case scenario would be her saying no. She wasn't the only fish in the sea. But she was one that he wanted hanging on his wall. In his chains, that is.

Slowly, he began to make contact. Not being obvious in the direction he wished to take her. Just being a friend. She was in a relationship at the time that seemed perfect. But relationships, like icebergs, have a lot going on under the surface. The relationship ended and the window of opportunity opened.

He wanted to call her, to break the cold barrier of typed words and hear her voice, her breath, her sighs, her moans. Many others had fallen under the spell of his voice, hanging on each word, each direction, begging for release that was sometimes allowed and sometimes withheld. He knew her well enough to know this was unfamiliar territory, so he decided to ask for five minutes. Just enough to satisfy his curiosity of what she sounded like, but it was a half-truth. Yes, he wanted to hear her voice, but more importantly he wanted to have her number. Giving him her number would begin to lay down a foundation of trust. He knew if they could cross that hurdle, then it wouldn't be long before her flesh would feel his whip.

He was somewhat surprised at how quickly she agreed. The call was longer than five minutes, closer to twenty actually. The conversation did get somewhat sexual and kinky and he could sense that she was aroused. Later conversations would reveal that she had been. He didn't attempt to control her, not until the goodbye's were being said.

"Well, Sarah, it was a pleasure talking to you," he said.

"Good, I enjoyed it as well. Call me again sometime." "I have an assignment for you once we hang up, " he said.

"So you are going to be my teacher now?"

"It is not that kind of assignment. I want you to get your jelly toy out and fuck yourself with it."

There was a brief silence followed by a giggle.

"Ok, I just may do that," she said.

"That's not the response I expect from you. You know better than that."

"Yes, Sir." "Good night, Sarah. I will write you later."

"Goodnight, Sir."

Things progressed rapidly from that day forward. In the weeks that followed, he called often. She was required to obey his commands. Slip ups were punished by spankings. He would have her spank herself on each ass cheek and then her pussy. She would count these out loud, "one Sir, two Sir, " all the way to ten. For each slap that he felt wasn't loud enough, she'd would pay with three more. He would take her right to the edge of orgasm and deny her the release she was begging for. She would get so wet that she'd soak the sheets. He loved to have her put the phone right next to her pussy lips and make squishy sounds with her fingers and pussy lips.

He began to train her in his ways. Teaching her a few slave positions that she was expected to perform on command. The first was called "Obey". She was to drop to her knees and bend down resting her cheek against his shoes. This was expected to be performed each time they met in private. She was expected to always ask before she orgasmed, unless her mouth was full with a cock or gag. At those times, she was expected to ask with her eyes. She was expected to suck his cock within her first waking seconds unless he was still asleep. And if it was time to get up, she would wake him that way. In private she would dress as he wished, usually wearing only her play collar, wrist and ankle restraints.

A face to face meeting was scheduled exactly one month from the first phone call. He decided on a neutral meeting in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She was to wear her schoolgirl outfit and the pink thongs he had mailed her.

He reserved a room at the downtown Holiday Inn. They would meet in the hotel restaurant at one o'clock. They could talk and spend a little time together without the commitment that a room meeting would imply. He expected the best, and planned for the worst. If she didn't show or left after the initial conversation, he would do his best to have a good time. The Chattanooga BDSM group happened to be meeting that same night, and while he had never been, he had a friend that did attend.

On Wednesday he called and told her she was to have no more orgasms until they met. She didn't mind. She was tired of her touch, hungry for the taste of his cock and the feel of his strong hand on her tight young ass. It had been a very long month for her and she had been tempted to find some play on her own. But she didn't because she knew he would have known. He always seemed to be one step ahead of her.

It was a beautiful crisp autumn day the Saturday that they met, the leaves just starting to turn. It was a little too cold for a schoolgirl dress, Sarah thought as she dressed for the meeting. What would people think? Nick was 45 years old. She was 20 and looked 16. He was more than old enough to be her father. She was getting nervous, and it was time to leave. Driving seemed to help her nerves as she headed east on I-24. Each exit brought a new mileage sign to Chattanooga, a countdown of sorts to what she thought she wanted. As the numbers got smaller, her doubts began to grow. He had told her that this would be the hardest part and for his little one to be brave. She smiled, thinking of the pet names he called her, and turned the radio up to drown out her doubts.

Chattanooga 15 miles.

Nick got there an hour early to check in. He didn't want to intimidate her with the four-foot long archery case he used as a toy case. He had planned to build a couple of spreader bars with a telescoping action so he wouldn't have to lug that huge case around. But it did contain all his toys, and Nick really liked his toys. The room had two queen-sized beds. He began to lay out his toys on the extra bed. The crop, imported from England, was one of his favorites. His bison flogger, the moose flogger, and the stingy cowhide flogger, a string flogger, the three tailed kangaroo whip, two canes, his evil little birch paddle, a quirt, two spreader bars, two feather tickling toys, wrist and ankle restraints, hogtie connection, over-the-door D ring, the cock gag, blindfold, nipple clamps, bit gag, a remote-controlled vibrator, bag of clothes pins, a candle, vampire gloves, panic snaps and other connectors soon covered the bed. He had ordered Sarah to bring her jelly dildo and the vibrating egg. He lay down on the bed to relax for a few minutes and fell asleep. The phone awakened him, and for a few seconds he was confused about where he was and what time it was. He picked up the phone.

"Hello," he said.

"Hi Nick this is Sarah. I've been looking for you. They told me at the desk that you had checked in. Is there something wrong?"

"Damn baby, I'm sorry. I just meant to lie down for a minute and I fell asleep. I'll be right down."

"Well, if you can sleep now, I know I'm a lot more nervous than you," she said with a giggle.

"Get us a table and I'll down in just a minute. See you then."

"Yes, Sir, bye for now"

Nick went to the bathroom and washed his face off with cold water. Then went down to meet her, mentally kicking is own ass on the way. He knew her instantly when he entered the restaurant. There weren't many other beautiful girls in short skirts down there. She smiled as he approached. He sat down and reached for her hand. It felt tiny and cold.

"I'm so glad that you didn't leave. I don't know how to explain this other than to say I'm terribly sorry," he said.

"I was afraid, afraid that you saw me coming and ran away"

"Oh sweet little one, any man seeing you coming for them would be running toward you," he said as he squeezed her hand tight.

She blushed and smiled, her green eyes dilated, and at that moment he knew she was his.

They talked about many things over lunch. Both BDSM related and not. Sarah seemed to have lost most of her nervousness. As the last plate was taken away, it was time for the moment of truth.

"You have a choice to make, Sarah. You may leave if you wish. Or you can stay. I hope you will stay. If you do stay, once we enter the room you will be mine to do with as I please within the limits we discussed. Are you staying?"

"If it pleases you, I will stay, Sir."

"Good," he said, "it is time to leave. I will hold your hand on the way, little one, so you don't change your mind."

"I promise I won't change my mind. But I do need something to hold on to," she said.

They got on the elevator. He pushed 5 then stood behind her with his arms around her waist pressing against her. She smelled like lavender and clove. He bit her softly on the neck and felt her shiver. The elevator stopped on the 5th floor. They walked down the hall to room 511. Nick unlocked the door with a card, and followed Sarah in with his hand on her ass.

"Damn," said Sarah as she gazed over the bed of toys, "I've never seen such a collection of stuff. Are you planning on using all that on me?"

"Well, little one, it is not a goal to use everything. But it is nice to have a few options. I'm going to get some ice. While I am gone, you need to call your friend and let her know that you got here, and that things are ok."

Sarah picked up the phone and dialed as Nick walked out.

"Hello. This is Jane."

"Jane, it's me. I'm here at the Holiday Inn. Room 511. I'm staying the night."

"No way! The guy is more than twice your age Sarah. And you sound a little nervous. What is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. I don't have long. I will call you back in three hours."

"Ok, you nut. Be careful."



Nick came back with the ice and set it in the bathroom.

"Sarah, haven't you forgotten something?"

"What, Sir?"

"I only gave you a few simple rules and you can't remember them?"

"Oh shit, the obey thing, I forgot, Sir. I won't forget next time."

"I think that thought needs to be reinforced. Now get your ass to the middle of the room. Turn around. Bend over and grab your ankles. Oh I know you love this. You've written about how much you love the belt and hand and the hairbrush. Tell me honestly before we begin. Did you forget on purpose to get punished?"

"No, Sir, I just forgot."

"Good, I want no topping from below games from you. I know what you need and I'll give it to you. No acting up to get it. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Are you frightened, little one?"

"Yes, Sir" "This is your punishment position. When I say 'punishment' this is how I want you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm very sorry. I won't forget next time. Can we just overlook this error?"

Nick stood silent for a moment, drawing out the moment he would answer. Then without speaking he lifted up her skirt and threw it over her back. He noticed the oval of wetness on her pink panties.

"If you are frightened why is your pussy so wet?"

"Because I'm excited, Sir. Please have mercy on me."

"Ok. Your hands do not come off your ankles, do you understand me?"

"Yes, Sir."

"You will get five strokes to the upper thighs with the cane. You will count them like I taught you. Go ahead and get out of the skirt. And assume the position."

Sarah would never forget the sound of the cane cutting through the air as he took a few practice strokes above her. Nick smiled as he watched Sarah remove her skirt and return her hands to her ankles. He would not hit her that hard, he just wanted to put the fear of God into her. He could see that it had worked with one glance at her shaking knees.

Sarah cried out as the first stroke found its mark.

"One, Sir, thank you, Sir."

It was a sharp stingy pain that dissipated for a split second then got worse again. She felt him moving the cane back and forth across her ass for a few seconds, then that awful sound, and whack.

"Two, Sir, thank you, Sir."

"Very good, little one, you are going to have some nice marks to show your chatroom friends. Only three more my dear."

She didn't know if she could take three more on the thighs. She almost asked for them on her ass, but thought better of it. That might get her five more. He was toying with her ass again making her wait, causing her to guess when the next one would come.

"Three, Sir, thank you, Sir, " she said, as a tear ran down her cheek. Four and five came a half second apart with five landing on her ass.

"Four, Sir, thank you, Sir. Five, Sir, thank you, Sir," Sarah said with more of a sob than a voice as she started to cry.

"All done, little one. I trust that you have learned your lesson. Now, Obey."

Sarah dropped to her knees in front of him. Bent down and placed her tear stained cheek against his shoes.


Nick held her head and began stroking her hair.

"You did very well. I am pleased."

"May I ask a question, Sir?"

"Only if you promise to never ask a question asking if you may ask one."

"The Obey ritual, is that to be done each time you come in the door."

"No, not every time. Only if I have been gone for an hour or so. Or if we go out to dinner and return. But if I step out to get a Coke, no it is not required. But you will never be punished for doing it."

"Thank you, Sir. I want only to please you."

"Now let me introduce to you what will be called your play gear. There are five items: wrist restraints, ankle restraints, and play collar. I made these just for you, and they are yours to keep."

"They are lovely, thank you so much, Sir."

"Stand up, and take everything off but your panties." His command was like a hot tongue against her clit. She stood, and with her eyes cast downward, began undressing, anxiously awaiting what would come next. He stuck the restraints in her mouth.

"Here, my pet. Hold these for me," he said.

He put the collar around her neck. It had a 3-inch diameter brass O ring. He fastened it and smoothed her hair down. Next came the wrist restraints made of nice soft latigo leather.

"Now, sit back on the edge of the bed. Put your feet in the air. Spread them wider. That's a good girl. You are very wet Sarah. If I stuck my tongue inside of you now and licked your clit, how fast would you cum?"

"Very fast, Sir."

Nick secured the ankle restraints around her ankles. He placed his hands underneath her knees and pushed both legs back until her knees were touching her soft small breasts. He began alternately kissing and biting down her thigh till he reached the edge of her panties which were soaked in her pleasure.

"Roll over on your tummy, little one, and put your hands behind your back."

Nick connected the two restraints with a metal connector, turning them into cuffs. She felt his strong hand kneading her exposed ass cheeks. She moaned, waiting for the spanking that she so much craved. But none came. Just a playful swat.

"Are you feeling frustrated, little one?"

She hesitated, not sure of the correct answer.

"A little, Sir."

"I know you are. You are used to getting your spankings when you want them. Now you will get them when I think it's time. Do you understand what is expected when I say get into your play gear?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, now follow me to the bathroom on your hands and knees."

Nick stopped just short of the bathroom and placed the bondage device over the top of the door. It was a simple leather device with a D ring and panic snap one side, and a dowel on the other. Once the door was shut completely, he could bind her with her arms above her head. He cuffed her wrists once again and lifted her hands to the connection.

"There now, don't you look pretty. Perhaps I should put you in a spreader bar to keep your legs nice and open for me. Lets get those panties off first."

Nick pulled her panties down slowly as if he was treasuring the moment. Her pussy was completely shaved, glistening with wetness. He attached one end of the spreader bar to her left ankle, and then the right. At only 5 feet tall, she was spread wide. He began pulled on her pierced nipples and pinching them. He watched her face for reactions.

"I can't believe you pierced these yourself years ago. I also can't believe I've let things go so far without you sucking my cock. It's not good for a Dom to get blue balls. He loses his concentration. But that's not your fault, Sarah. You want to suck my cock, don't you." "Oh yes, Sir, I will do anything to please you."

Nick stuck two fingers in her mouth and grabbed her by the hair. He loved the look of her full lips as they sucked them in and out.

"Keep sucking my fingers. Don't speak. Answer by shaking your head yes or no. Do you want to suck my cock?"

Sarah nodded yes.

"Do you want to feel my hot thick cum shooting in your mouth?"

Yes, she nodded.

"Your mouth is an instrument of pleasure. Ready to please at any time, correct?"

Yes "But that wasn't always true, was it? There was the guy that fucked your face roughly. Not that rough fucking is bad, but he didn't teach you properly did he?"

She shook her head no.

"If he had taught you correctly, you would have learned that your mouth is much like your pussy. Able to give and receive pleasure, right?"

She nodded yes.

"I am going to play with your pussy now while we have this chat. Make sure you ask with your eyes before you cum."

Sarah squirmed as Nick's fingers began exploring her wetness and clit.

"That is why I have come to a decision today. That I'm going to teach you how to receive pleasure in your ass. Is it ok if I fuck your virgin ass?"

She hesitated for a brief moment. How could she think about a question like that when she was so close to cumming? At last she gave a weak nod yes.

"Good, it will happen tonight. You still have a few hours of virginity left. Are you close to cumming?"

She shook her head yes. She was moving her hips, straining against the leather restraints, moaning into his fingers, her eyes pleading for release until at last he gave her the command.

"Cum, my sweet little one."

A powerful orgasm rolled through Sarah as she cried out and tested the strength of the leather around her wrists. Nick filled her pussy with three fingers and could feel her contractions. His hand was soaked with her wetness. He removed his fingers from her mouth, and replaced them with the pussy juiced ones.

"Clean off your sweet nectar, my little one. Good. It's time to put that mouth to better use."

He clipped a leather leash onto the collar ring and put the handle in her mouth to hold while he got her hands down and removed the spreader bar. He removed the handle and kissed her hard, like a sailor just back from a long cruise. She felt small and protected in his arms. Then, without warning, he grabbed a handful off hair, and pulled her head back. He looked at her with piercing brown eyes.

"Obey," he growled.

She dropped to her knees and placed her cheek against his shoes. He slipped the leather handle of the leash around the doorknob of the bathroom. She felt him step over her head as he walked to the spare bed and took off his clothes. He picked up the riding crop and returned. Letting the leather tip run down her spine and ass. He picked up the leash. And tugged on it slightly.

"Now crawl to the bed slowly."

She started to crawl and felt the crop come down hard on her ass.

"Slower damn it, or I'll take you for a walk down the hall."

She was now in slow motion, but he continued to slap her ass with the crop.

"You like this don't you little one. My little pain slut. And don't you start crying either. I'm not hurting you that bad. Not yet, but I'm not done with your ass. I haven't even begun. Now when we get to the bed I will get on first and I want you to straddle my face and suck my cock. Now I know you said you can't concentrate very well when you do 69. And I won't be eating you all the time, but I may some. You will just have to focus. If I feel you are losing focus, you'll feel a spank on your ass. It should be an easy suck. I am well past needing to cum. Savor the moment of my cock's taste and feel that we've talked about so much. You may crawl faster now."

He got on the bed and she crawled over on top. His cock was very thick and meaty. And she wanted it. She began to suck. Finding a nice rhythm while Nick moaned in the background. Then she felt his fiery hot tongue on her clit. She stopped and moaned into his cock. And then felt his hand slap her ass hard. She began again and like before was met with his tongue. This time she spit out his cock and cried out.

"Please, Sir, I implore you, let me finish."

But the only answer she got was the slapping of her firm ass, which didn't stop until she began again.

"I'm close baby, I'm going to cum, " he cried

"Thank God, " she thought and sucked harder. But then he started sucking on her clit also. She could feel his dick start to spasm and knew he was cumming but she was so close too. At last there was an explosion of cum in her mouth. Squirt after squirt and she was being louder than he trying to hold off till at last he was done.

"May I cum now, Sir?" she screamed.

"Yes," he said, his husky voice pounding against her pussy.

It would have made no difference if he had said no, as she was in a quivering mind-blowing orgasm that began right as she asked. He continued to suck out her cum until she was quiet, then pulled her into his arms and held her tightly.

"Sir, you are truly amazing," she whispered quietly.

"Rest, little one, we are only getting started."

He turned over on his side and she spooned against him. His cock was still hard and very warm between her cheeks. He began to kiss her neck, and bite her shoulders. Even though she had two orgasms, what she really wanted was his cock deep inside her. Her pussy was throbbing as she pushed back against him. She reached back and ran her hand through his hair. She felt his lips hot on her ear.

"Tell me," he whispered, "that your pussy is mine."

"Oh, Sir, my pussy is yours. Please fuck me."

"First things first, my pet. I'm going to tie you up. Well, hook you up to the bed. With the restraints there won't be any rope burn. I think I'll leave your feet free for now."

He blindfolded her, and centered her in the bed. Her arms were stretched out and secured at the corners.

"Do you trust me?"

"Completely, Sir."

"Good. I am going to put earplugs in your ears. You will feel a slight pressure as they open up. Then I want you to lie here for a bit. Be very still. Try not to think about anything. Breathe through your nose and concentrate on the air moving in and out."

He sat in a chair and watched her. Such a beautiful sight to behold. It was time to start enjoying his good fortune.

She felt him sit on the edge bed. He leaned over and kissed her. Her tongue found something sweet. Chocolate. She licked it off his lips and smiled. His warm hands touched her. He began running them up and down her body as if he were blind and was trying to see her with his hands. They stopped on her breasts. She felt him pinching both nipples. Nothing for a moment, then two clothespins clamped down on both nipples at the same time. It shocked her more than anything and she cried out. He put a finger to her lips as if to say quiet.

She felt his breath on her pussy. Sweet little kisses landed on her lips. She felt him spread them, pulling on them, then the pain of a clothespin. Quickly another, then another, then three more on the other side, each one adding to the pain. Mercifully, he removed them quickly. She was getting very wet, forming a wet spot on the sheet. He lapped at her pussy with his tongue, long wide licks.

He tugged gently at the pins on her nipples. They felt good, but she shrieked when he took them off. She felt tails of leather cover her face. The smell was divine. Another set of tails hovered over her pussy tickling her. A heavy thud of tails came down hard on her chest. Then another, then they rained down about every half second. It is hard to put into words how if felt. More thuddy than stingy, but there were stings as the 40 or so ends found their marks. They stopped abruptly.

"More, Sir," she whispered.

He removed an earplug.

"And who gave you permission to speak? Open your mouth."

She felt something that felt like a cock fill her mouth, but it was rubber and no more than two inches long. Around the cock was leather that sealed around her mouth. He lifted her head and brought the straps around to hold it in place.

"Yes, dear, it is a penis gag. Now snap your fingers, either hand. Good. That will be you safe sign now. If you get into trouble or just get too uncomfortable, please use it. Also, you are allowed to cum freely. Snap twice if you understand. "

She snapped twice and felt the ear plug slide back in. He got off the bed and went over to his toy case. He returned with three burning candles, and an ice cube. Her body almost lifted off the bed with the first drops, more from surprise than pain. He had used these before and knew the correct height so they wouldn't burn. Soon he had a nice pattern of dots running from each breast to her pussy. He wished he had more time to finish his patriotic masterpiece, but in the interest of time he had to stop. His fingers were back at her pussy. She was still very wet. He put her knees over his shoulders. At last she felt his cock at her lips. She felt him guiding in between her lips and over her clit and back down. It was making squishy sounds like she did on the phone, but she could only feel. It was starting to torment her. She wanted in her so badly, but yet, that felt good too. She had to resign herself to the fact that he wasn't going to put it in, and go with the pleasure. Right as she started to cum, he thrust it in all the way to his balls. Had she not had the gag to bite down on, she would have screamed. It was the most intense orgasm she had ever had. He just held his cock in deep until her pussy stopped sucking it.

He removed the gag, earplugs, and blindfold. Her tight little pussy felt so good. She fought against the leather, wishing she could touch him as his cock kept pounding inside her pink walls. He kissed her lips roughly matching the pace of his cock with his tongue, then pulled her head back by her hair and bit her neck.

"May I cum again, Sir?" she asked breathlessly.

"Only when I cum, then you may."

"Please cum inside me, Sir. Your pussy is so hungry. Feed it, Sir. Feed your sweet pet its cum," she said, as she squeezed her pussy tight.

"Oh little one. I'm going to cum. Cum with me. Cum now. Ohhhh. God yes."

Nick shot his hot cum into her quivering pussy. Sarah wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him tight as she came hard once more.

He pulled his cock out. It was semi-hard and really wet with Sarah's pleasure. He straddled her chest as he freed her hands. She sucked his cock clean of the sweet juice.

"Free at last, little one. How does that feel?"

"It was wonderful Sir, but I do need to go to the bathroom."

"Ok, I will take you. You need more crawling practice. Take off your cuffs."

Once again the leash attached to the collar and he led her to the bathroom. He had the crop and smacked her ass every few feet. Once inside the bathroom, Nick shut the door behind them.

"On your feet, little one. Now get in the shower and pee for me."

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Start Of Relationship With Girlfriend In Cafe

Hi friends… this is Sree from Cochin… Would like to narrate my sex episodes with my first girl friend…. please send your comments to Thsi story is a real incident and all names used in the story are fake. I was working in an IT firm at cochin. The heroine of the story, Meera was my collegue. We both were at the age of around 23 at that time. She is wheatish in colour, well maintained and with long hair. She always wear tight dress so that everybody in my office was well aware about her vital...

3 years ago
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Abduction Trilogy

First Abduction She heard a noise but kept walking. She was just being silly and scaring herself. She had just finished working and decided to walk home that night, as it was cool and slightly breezy. There, she heard it again! She laughed, probably a cat. She turned the corner and as she passed the alleyway, a hand came out and covered her mouth and yanked her into the alley. A soft hood was thrown over her head and she was shoved into a car. She was too startled to do anything but gasp...

1 year ago
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Prologue Stealthy Times at the Cafe

The vibe wasn’t uncomfortable, but Daisy couldn’t ignore its presence. Shaped roughly like a U, there were two halves molded to the contours of her body. The internal end was bulbous and about four inches deep. It was designed to stimulate her g-spot. The external half was slender with a flat, round end roughly the size of a quarter, which fit snugly against her clit.La Petite sat near the corner of Post and 3rd. It was one of Daisy's favorite places to study. The storefront overlooked 3rd...

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Fucking in internet cafe

Hi all, I am male from Kerala. I am very much fond of erotic stories. So I have decided to share one of my experiences with all of you. This incident happened between me & my staff jasmine. First I would like to introduce myself. I am Ashok, 35 yrs old, smart & good looking married guy from Kerala. I am a business man who is running an internet cafe in Kerala. About Jasmine, she is 23yrs old and average looks & a sexy body and her figure is 34, 28, and 34. She was appointed in my cafe to look...

3 years ago
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Abduction and rape of June

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF JUNE. June's only daughter Megan, while walking to school had been abducted and was probably by now being raped and tortured. It brought back memories of when June was a little girl of 12 years of age and she had also been abducted, raped and tortured. June was thinking about that awful day. How she had been lured into a van by a "nice man and his wife". She had then been tied up and driven to a quiet place and there she had been stripped naked, raped and tortured. Before...

2 years ago
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Indore Cyber Cafe

I am an electronic professional living at Indore. I a good looking tall 6 feet guy of 24 year old and it all was happened in last year winter. I usually went to cyber cafe in evening time between 6 to 7 pm. It was my daily routine that time to check mails and chat with my friend in evening. I remember the day, it was Monday and time in the watch was around 6 pm and I went to cyber cafe which is situated on RNT marg and ask for a cabin. He saw his list and told me that all cabin are busy for...

4 years ago
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BDSM Club in Netherlands Chapter 1

It was my second month in Amsterdam. I came here from Russia to study at Visage Academy. But as it turned out it wasn;t very funny. I'd say it was very boring. I already knew most of the stuff so I basically spent a lot of time looking at internet porn masturbating to BDSM videos. One time my computer got broken and I have a hole free day so I went to the room next door."Anybody here? Cherry?""Yes I'm here, Vik. Just a little busy." I've heard from the bathroom.Cherry was my classmate from...

1 year ago
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SkyPrivate BDSM

Do you love watching BDSM videos? Well, knowing the pervert you are, you probably do! Your masturbatory habits know no fucking bounds! But has it ever occurred to you that BDSM videos you can watch on most websites lack that personal touch? Again, you probably have, but where can you get BDSM videos that are more intimate?That’s where I come in. The way I see it, the easiest and the most realistic way for you to access such a service would be using a live cam platform. We both know that you do...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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The outdoor cafe was filled with people, tourists and locals alike, all searching for a small piece of blessed shade in which to escape the brutal noonday sun. On the spice laden breeze drifted snatches of conversation in a dozen languages, most of them unfamiliar to Kyle but he found the rhythm of the strange words oddly relaxing. As he took a slip of the strong, sweet brew that passed as coffee in these parts, he glanced over the many patrons and amused himself by trying to guess where they...

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Series Of Incest BDSM For My Brother 8211 Part 1

Hi iss readers this is my first story here and this story is about how me and my friend seduce my brother and use him to fulfill our bdsm fantasies (all the names used here r fake) Let me introduce myself I am kavitha from a small town in kerela.My brother arjun and my friend keerthi are others involve in this incident. Me and keerthi were collage mates and our friendship get deep in 1st year as we both were in same hostel room.We both are in same age of 22 and my bro was 20. She introduce me...

2 years ago
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Abduction Taking Care of Our Need Chapter 5

I woke before Tom at 8AM and watched him sleep and thought that he certainly is a good looking man and man does he ever know his way around my body. I got up sometime in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom when I saw that he shot another load on my tits and face. I lost track of how many times he got off but it had to have been at least a half a dozen and then he came on me again while I was sleeping. God knows what he did to me besides fuck my tits. Now I’m more confused than...

3 years ago
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Abduction... that never happens. People go missing all the time. Jerry had seen it so often on the news that stories of disappearances or abductions didn't even register. He always thought that happened in bigger cities to people with skeletons in their closets. Jerry was twenty, mild mannered and didn't have an enemy in the world. That kind of shit didn't happen to him. So regaining consciousness in a small padded cell didn't make much sense to him. His movement was severely...

4 years ago
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Abduction and rape of Megan

ABDUCTION AND RAPE OF MEGAN. I was watching the young bitches as they walked to school in groups or in pairs. I needed to get a bitch on her own so that I could force her into my car. Then I saw her, a bitch walking on her own, her high heels clicking on the pavement. She was young and pretty a gorgeous little redhead. She was wearing a short skirt and high heels that showed her sexy toes. She was just the sort of bitch I wanted to rape and torture. My cock went hard as I thought of all the...

3 years ago
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Mahi always enjoyed the atmosphere of The Ice Dragon. Unlike most modern bars, it was pleasantly quiet, with the voices of excellent jazz singers and the sound of small combos playing softly. Mahi’s Indian mother and massively mixed-race father were jazz and classical music buffs. Mahi grew to appreciate complex and sophisticated music. She dismissed rock, and especially rap, as crude and simplistic. Mahi’s jumbled genetic background had gifted her with dark skin, straight black hair, brown...

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The BDSM club1

Everything written here is a pure sexual fantasy. If any scenery reminds you of something you have seen you should blame yourself only! The following story is hardcore, extreme female debasing piece of erotic literature. You have the tags in front of you and I believe you will be able to see wheather or not it is to your liking before you read it rate it. Consider yourself warned! Introduction: Girls from the BDSM club prepare for a naked paintball tournament Part I: Paintball...

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Reddit BDSM, aka /r/BDSM! I am pretty sure that everyone has heard about reddit.com before, and if you have not, I think it is about time that you do. This is a site that pretty much has it all, and I am sure that you will love their content, as long as you are not an utter choosey idiot. Then again, I tend to be very choosey, to begin with, so if I like reddit.com you will like it as well.However, I am not here to talk about the overall state of reddit.com or any of that shit, I am here to...

Reddit NSFW List
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World BDSM

WorldBDSM! Well smack my ass and call me The Dude; it’s time for some BDSM action. I’ve never really gotten deep into the BDSM lifestyle, to be honest. It’s really hard for me not to be all sweet and appreciative when I’m with a girl. I mean, don’t get me wrong, when I go I go hard. But BDSM is all about chains and whips and pain thresholds and it’s just not my forte. I kill them with pleasure, not with pain. But I have to know everything there is to know about the world of BDSM because it’s...

Hall of Fame
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Chaturbate BDSM

Chaturbate’s BDSM shows don’t always take center stage on the website. After all, most masturbators are looking for something that’s arguably a little more vanilla, like pretty girls flashing their tits, twerking, or diddling themselves for the webcam. Some perverts appreciate something a little bit kinkier, though, so I thought today might be a good day to dive into the cam giant’s live offerings in the world of bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, even sadism and masochism. Where...

Live BDSM Sex Cams
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Kitty Cafe

For as long as anyone can remember, human-cat hybrids have existed. They are known as nekos, catpeople, chimeras, and dozens of other names. Physically they aren't too different from humans, possessing all the same organs but a tail and pointy ears on the top of their head. Emotionally, nekos crave attention but still retain their independence. They're personalities can vary wildly just like humans, but on average you will never meet a neko who doesn't enjoy being the center of...

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BDSM Library

Looking for free femdom, bondage or BDSM stories at BDSMLibrary? Tell me. Were you neglected as a child? Did your father beat you? Were you bullied? Is there a gripping childhood trauma in your soul that comes to the surface every time you face a crisis? If so, then you’re a top candidate to be a BDSM fan. BDSM Library is an iconic XXX website dedicated to delivering nothing but the best BDSM porn to the world in all formats, shapes, and sizes. This is a real haven for the worldwide BDSM...

Sex Stories Sites
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Time for a BDSM quiz at BDSMTest aka Kink Test! If you’ve read through a few of my reviews, then you already know that I can get down with some kinky BDSM. Well, I guess all BDSM is kinky. But, still, I like all that shit. There’s nothing hotter than tying up some chick, gaping her drooling mouth open, and shoving your cock down her throat while you call her a worthless cunt. Once you start fucking around with BDSM, then you’ll never be able to go back to vanilla, boring sex where some bitch...

Fetish Porn Sites
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The Cafe

Mac loved young girls. They had to be of legal age, barely, to keep him out of jail but his pleasure was in big titted horny youth. Today he was meeting a young gal at the cafe. She was told to wear just a tank top and short skirt. As they took a table to the rear of the cafe, he sat beside her. He looked her over loving her big firm tits in the tight top. They got their drinks and ordered and her ran his hand over each tit making the nipples pop against the thin fabric. He slid her chair...

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The Cafe

This is my first attempt at some writing. Please feel free to comment, good or badIt starts like thisWe meet in a cafe for lunch on a sunny day, not too hot and not too cold. You're wearing jeans that hug your butt and a top that shows off your wonderful cleavage. Not too much exposed but plenty for the imagination. I'm dressed in jeans and a short sleeve shirt.It's a slow day at the cafe and we're the only couple there at a booth near the back. We have our drinks and we're talking about this...

Oral Sex
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Abduction Under the Sign of the Hummingbird

ABDUCTION UNDER THE SIGN OF THE HUMMINGBIRD It seems such a shame, she says, to outright kill him, as she signs the contract for them to do just that, or whatever might be its moral equivalent. She signs it in his own blood, extracted by black-clad "ninja nurses" who crept into his bedroom and drew it from his sleeping body just the night before. Though surely weird, it isn't as surprising as it initially seems; this business entails so much superstitious bullshit. The agent, if...

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Ah, a TubeBDSM! It looks like a great BDSM tube! In a sea of so-called "lukewarm" websites that are filled with entry-level pornography, even people who are seeing titties for the first time in their life are watching, a page such as TubeBDSM.com is very much needed. Matter of fact, there aren't enough pages like this on the internet, and it is a shame. Why? Well, this isn't the most popular kind of pornography, sadly, as people aren't that into violence, discipline, and shit like that. It...

Fetish Porn Sites
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At BDSM Chat, what would you chat about? It’s funny how many kinks and fetishes you can encompass with just a small handful of letters. You could talk about Bondage and Discipline, get your fill of Domination and Submission, or yammer on about the topics of Sadism and Masochism. No matter which letters of the freaky alphabet get you going, you’re guaranteed to find other likeminded deviates on this next website. Who ever said it had to be lonely being a sexually depraved pervert? Certainly not...

Sex Chat Sites
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Build up to Archanas bdsm session

This is my bdsm session story. I have divided the story in parts. This story is about how I came up with the idea of getting involved in a BDSM session. We are talking about a beautiful Indian girl named Archana. She is basicallya Tamil girl. She is a sweet natured girl with whom anyone can get closeeasily and within days of meeting her for the first time. She has many friends, mostly boys, who are very close to her. All her friends take full efforts to respect her and take care of her like a...

3 years ago
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Abduction Taking Care of Our Need Chapter 4

Tom went upstairs to get us some drinks and I laid back on the bed and marveled at what he did to me. Did he really just make me cum six times in a row? I didn’t think that was even possible. And then when he shot his cum there was so much plus I wanted it in my mouth. It was only one day ago that I had never even seen a real cock and now I’m begging this man to let me drink his cum. I guess I never realized the power of passion and sex. He’s turned me into a cock hungry slut in two days...

2 years ago
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Introduction: In the several days following her own abduction and rape (which she coincidentally ended up enjoying) at the hands of her mother and her mothers boyfriend, Max, Katie had been coming up with a plan to allow the 3 of them to kidnap her bitch of a friend named Stephanie. She thought the best way to get Stephanie would be to invite her over to walk their dogs together and catch up, then they would drug her when she arrived so that they could take her to Maxs sex dungeon without any...

3 years ago
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Abduction Blues

ABDUCTION BLUES. by Cassandra Anaconda Morrison This is what happened: It was late one cold and comfortless night when I first noticed the bright light in the Western Sky. It was hovering at about tree level and?for the life of me?I couldn't quite figure out what it was. It didn't seem to be an airplane?at least?not an airplane such as I had ever seen before. So I just stood there shivering on the porch and staring at it. Finally I could stand it no longer. "I'll just...

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Abduction of Lisa

Abduction of LisaBy: Taylor.M        It was a beautiful day, bright sunshine and not a cloud in the sky, on a slightly breezy afternoon.  Lisa decided to go to the coffeehouse to study. Lisa loved this coffeehouse because at the back, there was a table just off the street. It is a quiet spot and she could study without disturbance from the hustle of all the patrons and shoppers. Ordering her favorite mocha hazelnut double espresso latte and venturing out to the empty table along the back of the...

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Bdsm In Pune With Kaku

Hi, this is a sex story of my BDSM encounter with Marathi kaku. About me, I am Rahul from Pune 25 years old and working in govt 5.9 feet height with body fair enough to attract a girl and about my boner(bulla) its 6” and 3″ thick. Namaste to all my beloved choots and lunds I am master in degradation and humiliation those who have fantasies of BDSM I can full fill all your fantasies ping me at am from Pune only BDSM lovers and who craves BDSM msg me others pls dont I am from Pune would prefer...

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MyBDSMGF! BDSM porn’s popularity is increasingly growing rapidly with people pushing themselves harder and coming up with bolder tricks in the bedroom. Whether it is rough bondage discipline, submission or sadomasochism. Well, I am guessing this turn about has also been majorly contributed by diminishing societal stereotypes stigmatizing those who indulged in this sexual prospect as psychopaths. There has also been lots of research by leading psychologists over BDSM fanatics, all just proving...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
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FapHouse BDSM

So let me get this straight, moron, you're not the same person who has been flocking to my website looking for blowjob porn, passionate and romantic porn – the most vanilla smut in our world. Now I am supposed to take you as the master of the domain. You have become a crazy sex freak who tends towards life's bizarre and kinky side. It is what it is. BDSM is kinky and requires you not to be fainthearted to like it. Getting turned on when others are getting subjected to painful experiences is...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
4 years ago
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For people who dont know the basics of BDSM

As you know, it is not just the SSC that exists.BASES: SSC, RACK, PRICK, RISSCK, PCRM (included by me in the text), CCC, SSSIn the 1980s, with the growth of the internet, in online forums, many discussions and debates were taking place in search of a balance and definition of "rules" to prevent people from being abused and to "standardize" and make the community a more diverse group. concise and cohesive, the creation of the first BDSM Base began.In 1983, David Stein, a New Jersey slave, aiming...

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BDSM Was Sexier than I Expected

BDSM was the last thing on my mind when I met my husband.Dave and I had been neighbours for ten years before we started dating. We had spoken on numerous occasions, but he was slow at asking me out.In fact, he never did. When Dave needed a date for the prom, his mother came over to the house and asked me if I was interested. I wasn't because Dave had not asked himself.We had a great time at the dance. I saw that he wanted to kiss me but was shy. He pecked my cheek when he walked me to the door...

2 years ago
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BDSM The alternative lifestyle of BDSM had always intrigued him. The thought of it aroused him. Myles had been more than curious about bondage, discipline, submission, dominance, sadism, and masochism long before he became a gigolo, but now that he made a living from sex, Myles had many opportunities to wander in and out of the lifestyle with many of his clients. Myles also knew that most people wouldn’t believe him if he told them that as much as twenty-five percent of the general population...

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Meri BDSM Ki Fantasy Wife Ne Puri Ki 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, I’m Manish this is the second part of my sex story. Let me give you guys a quick recap of the last part. I had cross-dressing, BDSM and women domination fantasies, and used to jerk off my small 4” penis. One day my wife Koel came to know about this. Unusually she accepted it and promised me help. Now this part follows , enjoy. Last night was quite stressful for both of us, probably the most important night in our relationship. I woke up in the morning by the sound of her beautiful...

Gay Male
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Innocence Lost An Early Introduction to BDSM

Innocence Lost: An Early Introduction to BDSM, Pt. I ? Hannah Sullivan was not your average schoolgirl.? She was not interested in most of the things that excited her schoolmates.? People might have confused her demeanor as being shy or even stand-offish.? Actually she was just basically independent.? She was a pretty little teen but lagged behind her classmates in body development.? She was a virgin who had not yet developed much of an interest in boys.?She had an experimental and adventurous...

2 years ago
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Abbie Cummmms a real time BDSM Journal

Abbie Cummmms – a real time BDSM Journal (The Beginning) 4/14/2008JayMac I just wanted to let you know that i loved your story!  I just recently really got into any BDSM stuff!  But i felt like i was really in the story itself not just because of the way you wrote it, but it was close to home!  I live not very far from Santa Barbara, and i am moving to the Inland Empire in about a week... your story really turned me on, and especially on a personal level... i just thought i would share a few...

4 years ago
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Spanker Joins A BDSM Society Part 2

The next morning, Saturday, was devoted to group sex. More society couples joined us, including a black couple, and the fucking went on freely for two hours. Spanker and Ann loved it and were kept busy as newly arrived BDSM Society couples wanted to try out the new members. They especially enjoyed the black couple, a tall athlete and his petite chubby wife with broad hips and a broad smile and black pubic hair all tightly curled on her pussy that called Spanker’s cock to action. She fascinated...

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My First Foray Into BDSM

Hello and welcome. This is a little story about my foray into BDSM. Firstly, it wasn’t my idea. I just need to get that out of the way from the start. It all began with my friend Mary. Her birthday was coming up and I asked if there was anything special she would like to do. If you haven’t read any of my previous stories, then you will have no idea who we are. Explaining now would take up too much time.Before I continue, I must warn you that if you start giggling I’m going to stop, I mean it....

1 year ago
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Characterless Mother Turned Into BDSM Sub By Son

Hello everyone, I have turned incest since I figured out my own mom had multiple sexual partners. Since then, I have been reading a lot of incest stories on this page and eventually developed an interest in BDSM as well. This story is a projection of my fetish of how I would make my mother my BDSM slave when I got to know about her dirty deeds. So, let’s start with her description. My mom is a dusky beauty, 43 years old and she is a professor. Her name is Payal. She is quite modern, wears tight...

2 years ago
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Last part BDSM Remember the Leatherparty039

Part II (Final part) of "Remember the Leatherparty's COC Amsterdam ?""Well trained boy you have here..." the Co-organiser said to Mark. - "Not really, he's still quite new to the scene, so tonight is sort of D-day for him". "Well, it looks like he already capitulated, don't you think ?" - "I'm not so sure, he's got quite a reputation of being a little smartass. So i want to break him in good!".Ofcourse Mark was right, i've been around since young, like i told you. With the opposite of a...

4 years ago
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The Girl In The Lift 8211 Part 8 BDSM Slave Girl

Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the story where Simi and I explored our BDSM fantasy. If you haven’t read the previous parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story about the BDSM slave girl. I woke up in the morning at around 8.30 AM and found my slave was awake and struggling with her bondage. From her face, it looked like she didn’t have a sound sleep. I reached near her. She was expecting me to...

3 years ago
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The Girl In The Lift 8211 Part 6 A BDSM Slave

Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the part of the story where Simi and I explored our BDSM slave fantasy. If you haven’t read the first parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. I started preparing for the BDSM session. I had the bondage tools with me but required more items like ropes, wax, and other stuff. I purchased and kept my bag ready for the day. I messaged Simi that I am ready. I also...

14 days ago
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The Knot of Submission A BDSM Fantasy

Foreword: The Allure of BDSM and Fantasy Exploration In the world of BDSM, the boundaries of pleasure and pain blur, creating a realm where trust, communication, and consent reign supreme. For many, this exploration is not just about physical sensations but also about discovering deeper aspects of themselves and their desires. Among the various tools and toys used to enhance these experiences, the knotted dildo stands out for its unique design and the intense sensations it can provide. This...

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The first BDSM session of Alice

Alice was a young bisexual girl. She was never into love or marriage. And she was definitely not into the mainstream. She was into something that's very different- BDSM. “Ugh. This assignment is so boring.” Said Alice with anger in her voice. Alice hated doing college assignments. In fact she hated this life of studies, job, retire and die. She also hated the concept of marriage. All she wanted was to serve someone dominant and she ne facing their wrath. As a bisexual girls, she...

2 years ago
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The Cafe

"All right," you had said. "Come over. I can meet you over here, if you like. There's a cafe next to the railway station. It's a nice place; very friendly. We can meet up, have a chat and just see how things go from there. Play it by ear. No commitment, no promises. However, I will expect you to buy me a coffee."I had liked the closing line. It was always good to break the tension, had there been any but as it happened, there was none. I mean; here was an offer to meet, so that could only be...

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The Cumslut Cafe

Welcome to the Cumslut Cafe! Here, we dedicate ourselves to providing our customers with the highest quality dishes using only the finest cum. Our cafe is ever changing. Sometimes we cater to the rich and famous. Sometimes we are there for the common whore. No matter what the circumstance, everybody is here to eat cum! On a given day, you could see celebrities pop by to enjoy the carnal sensation of semen coating their tongues under the guise of a good meal. Perhaps one of the guests is unaware...

2 years ago
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Meri Bdsm Ki Fantasy Part ndash 1

This story is part of a series:keyboard_arrow_right Meri BDSM Ki Fantasy, Wife Ne Puri Ki – Part 2View all stories in seriesHi everyone, I am Manish (liked to be called as Manisha). This sex story is all about how my naughty and kinky fantasies were fulfilled by my wife Koel.First, let me describe myself, I am a 29-year-old male, with a little-tanned skin tone, height is 5.5 ” with a small penis of 4″ size, currently working in a private bank, i am straight but always had a fantasy regarding...

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