CREAMPIE GIRL free porn video

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"What's the matter, s*s? Can't get off?" My brother, Rick, leaned against my bedroom doorway, his arms crossed. I'd been at it for nearly an hour. My MP3 player had a vicious porn video playing and with the ear buds in, and trying with all my might to cum on my vibrator, I simply hadn't noticed he'd been watching me.

Never the one to turn down an opportunity to get myself off, I didn't bother to do anything more then pull one ear piece out and snarl, "Fuck no! I'm horny as hell and nothing seems to be working." I continued to pump my favorite dildo vigorously into my weeping cunt.

"Want some help?" He raised an eyebrow, taunting me. We'd made suggestive comments to each other since I'd turned eighteen, but this was a new situation for us. He'd never caught me red handed fucking myself like no tomorrow before.

Normally, we'd blow it off, or say something witty and sexy without any real commitment to a later rendezvous, but this time, I was desperate. brother or not, he was the sexiest man I'd ever met and I had no intension of letting him off the hook this time. He'd had it coming for years.

"Definitely. Get over here and eat my pussy."

The sexy little smile never left his face as he shed his clothes. I turned my egg vibrator on high and mashed it against my clit. I continued to pump the fake cock as hard and fast as I could into my pussy. All the while the porn kept a stream of sighs, screams, groans, and obscenities that really turned on piped into my head.

When he'd undressed, Rick snatched the little player out of my hand, plugged in a cord, hooked it up to the big TV in my bedroom, and turned up the volume. Screams of, "That's it you fucking prick! Cum in my pussy! Blow that fucking load in my fucking cunt!"

Knowing my brother was about to mount me and fuck my brains out gave me the "something" I needed to finally get off, but Rick knew me too well. He snatched the egg from my fingers and slung it across the room.

"Oh no you don't. I've been waiting for this for five years. You're not coming until you're well and truly fucked, little girl."

Rick pulled out my dildo and inserted three fingers. I cried out and arched into him. "That's it, s*s. You like the feel of a man, don't you. I bet it's much better than that damned piece of latex and a vibrator."

"Absolutely," I breathed. "Especially when it's you. Do you have any idea how long I've waited for this?"

"Five years, one hundred twenty-nine days?" I answered.

"And eighteen hours, twenty four minutes, and --" he glanced at the clock on the night stand," -- thirty-two seconds. Probably before that, but I pretty sure it's i*****l to admit it."

I would have laughed at that, because I'd fantasized about Rick since I was old enough to be interested in boys, except he chose that moment to add another finger. He twisted and, screwing his hand into me. His thumb brushed and manipulated my clit in the most delicious way. I was stretched erotically and wondered how in the world Rick knew of my fantasy for fisting and all thing kinky on the rough sex scale.

"Oh yeah, Rick. Fuck me hard. Get the rest of your hand inside me. Hurt me with it, baby. Stretch me. Fuck me!"

He chuckled and pulled his hand out of my cunt only to rub his thumb and other potentially dry parts of his hand in my pussy juice. I had to be positively drenched. I know my cunt throbbed and ached with need. I wanted to come more than I'd ever wanted to in my life. Looking at the face of my beloved brother enhanced my need rather than dampen it. Taboo or not, I wanted to fuck my brother. And keep fucking him until we both were condemned to the seventh pit of hell.

"Don't worry, Grace, I plan on fucking you all you can stand. And I'm going to fill you up with my cock... after I cram my hand inside of you."

I almost came when he said that. I wanted to. Had he still been manipulating my clit, I probably would have, but Rick knew how to fuck a girl. He knew how to maxmize her pleasure too. By not letting me come, he definitely made me hotter and I suspect he knew exactly what he was doing. Eight years my senior, he'd definitely been around the block more than I had.

"Damn, your wet, baby." He spread the sloppy mess of my own lubricant around my pussy before he screwed his fingers back into it. This time, he added his thumb. I sucked in a breath. It burned. I was stretched beyond anything I'd ever experienced and I loved every minute of it.

I sat up, bracing my upper body on my elbows so I could watch his hand disappearing up my pussy. Slowly, carefully, he screwed and pumped his hand until finally, it slipped into the wrist.

"Fuck yeah!" I yelled at him. "Fucking fist me, you sister fucker. Fist me. Lick my clit." He snorted a laugh but immediately dipped his head to my pussy and tongued my cunt.

He pumped his hand in and out, occasionally coming all the way out only to slip back in with only a small amount of resistance. When he raised his head, his hand was again wrist deep inside me.

Rick gave me that wicked grin that had always driven me crazy. "My fucking sister. The sex maniac. I wish I'd known you were into this -- and me -- I'd have fucked you senseless along time ago."

"Just shut the fuck up and fuck me. Now!" The fisting was fun, but I wanted him on top of me, and his dick in my pussy."

He pulled out of me, wiped his hand on the bed sheet, and crawled up my body. Rick didn't waste any time, he simply plunged his cock balls deep inside my cunt. He was bigger than I'd expected. I couldn't' be sure exactly how big, but he was definitely bigger than my favorite dildo. Even stretched as he'd made me, his dick still burned inside me with it's girth. He was long too. Every stroke touched my womb with almost painful intensity.

Rick found my mouth with his and plunged hit tongue inside me, fucking my mouth as vigorously as he fucked my cunt. I wrapped my legs tightly around his hips to pull him closer. God! This felt good!

"Get ready to come, little sister. I can't hold out much longer."

As he said those words, I happened to glance at the TV. The girl was being pumped full of cum by one of the five men surrounding her. He groaned and his cock spasmed, the head still inside her. When he pulled out, his white, cum oozed out of her pussy to drop on the bed.

"Wait!" A sudden flash of lust that could not be ignored surged through me. "I want you to do that, Rick." I pointed to the screen across the room. Rick didn't stop his movements, he simply turned his head. He groaned when he saw what I meant.

"You've got to be fucking k**ding me, s*s. You actually want me to come inside you?"

"Do it, or I'll never let you fuck me again." That was a bluff. If I had my way, he'd fuck me every chance we got, but he didn't need to know that.

"Oh hell yeah!" Rick wrapped his arms around me, latched on to my neck with his mouth, and pistoned his hips at me like there was no tomorrow. I squealed and spread my legs wide. I wanted him to have freedom to move as he wanted, and the extra room allowed him to move a little deeper inside my cunt. His cock hurt me, but the little pain mixed with the abundance of pleasure he gave me sent me over the edge in a huge way.

"I'm coming, Rick! Fuck me! Fuck your dirty little slutty sister! Come in my fucking pussy, you sister fucker! Fucking come in my fucking cunt!"

Rick screamed his release at the same time I did. His warm seed filled my cunt and his cock twitched and jerked inside me as his spunk filled me to over flowing. It dripped down to my ass and no doubt soaked the sheets.

At the thought, my cunt spasmed with another orgasm. I screamed and screamed as I wrapped my legs around him again, holding him inside me. This was where I wanted him to be all the time.

"Fuck, Grace. That was fucking awesome." Rick panted. "Give me a second and I'm going to fuck you with that giant dildo in your night stand."

"Rick! Have you been going through my things?"

He grinned, unapologetic. "Every chance I get."

"Just because you let me live here until I get a steady job doesn't mean you can snoop around my stuff."

"Probably not, but it was definitely enlightening." He wagged his eyebrows at me. "I'm not letting you leave here, though. If that means I have to support you, so be it. You're not moving out."

I laughed. "Getting possessive on me already, huh."

"Well, you are my sister. I brother has to protect his little sister."

I pushed him over onto his back and followed him, impaling myself on his big cock. Despite just coming, he was hard again already. "And fuck her. Keep me satisfied, and I won't ever leave."

I started moving up and down. Rick immediately fingered my clit, heightening my pleasure. Then he remembered the little egg he'd tossed away earlier and grabbed it. With a flick of his thumb, her turned on the buzzing little device and held it against my clit. Pleasure jolted through my sensitive little nub and I screamed again. I'd never had more than one orgasm without at least an hours rest, but my pussy started to c contract again. I squeezed Rick's cock with every spasm of my cunt until he let loose another wad of cum into my pussy.

We both screamed and jerked. Rick grabbed my ass in a bruising grip, holding me onto his pulsing dick. Again, I felt his sticky cum slide from my pussy, this time no doubt covering his balls.

Without warning, the door burst open. Rick threw me off him and was on his feet in the blink of an eye. Not a stitch of clothing on, he was still doing his best to protect me.

"Well, I'm so fucking glad you invited me to this party, thou I confess I'm a tad over dressed."

I'd recognize that voice anywhere and it filled me with dread.

What the fuck was Dad doing here?

Ever hear of knocking, Dad?" Rick asked, keeping himself between me and our father. Dad would never hurt either of us, but apparently Rick wasn't taken any chances given the circumstances.

"I came here to give you the money you'd asked for, Rick. When I heard the two of you screaming, I was afraid something was wrong." My dad was ex-military. If we really had been in trouble, he was definitely the one I'd want to come to my rescue. Unfortunately, it also met he didn't bend the rules. For anyone.

Right now, he looked pissed as hell, but there was something else in his eyes too. I'd seen it there before, but never this strong. I'm not sure why, but I decided to throw caution to the wind. I'd already fucked my brother, and my dad was a very hot man. He may have been retired on paper, but he trained like expected to be called back to duty any day. As a result, he was very physically fit. I was still horney -- probably even worse than when before Rick and I had fucked since Dad showed up -- I didn't really have anything else to lose. He was already mad. If he was going to stay mad, there was not much I could do about it. Why not just go with the flow?

I stood up and walked over to my dad. He stood his ground. "I've been a bad girl, Daddy." I pouted. "Don't blame Rick. I'm the one who asked him to fuck me." I grabbed Dad's hand and brought it to my slit, still dripping with Rick's cum and my pussy juice. "I even talked him into coming in my pussy. See?"

"Son of a bitch." Dad growled. "I can't believe you two. If you're going to screw, at least use protection."

I grinned. I had him. "Relax, Daddy." I smiled my prettiest smile at him. "I'm on the pill and I never miss one. I love to fuck too much for that." I moved his hand through my pussy lips, riding him. The hair on his arm abraded my sensitive clit and more moisture slid from my cunt.

"You're positively drenched," Dad said quietly. "I take it you liked fucking your brother."

"I loved it, Daddy." I leaned forward and whispered into his ear, licking the shell. "I'd love it just as much if you'd fuck me too." Quicker than I could have expected, Dad wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around him and his mouth found mine as he threw us both to the bed. He kissed me over and over, his tongue delving deep into my mouth. Dayum! My dad was an awesome kisser! "Oh. My. God. You're kissing Dad." My brother was apparently having trouble keeping up. We'd gone from being in deep shit to one hell of a fantasy in two point four seconds.

Dad rubbed his crotch against mine, mimicking the act of fucking. No doubt his sharp pleated, perfectly pressed kaki pants would be wet with my cunt juice and Rick's cum. Dad growled as he ripped his mouth away from mine and looked up at my brother. "I'm going to do more than kiss her. If the little slut wants to fuck, I'll damned well fuck her raw."

"Oh yeah!" I cried. "That's what I want, Daddy. Fuck my cunt and cum in it. Fill it full of your cum and I'll do anything you want."

"Damned straight, you will. You're life is about to change, Rose." And he slapped me. Hard. It smarted, and my ears rang for a second, but I found his rough treatment actually excited me even more. My eyes got big and a slow, wide smile spread across my mouth. "Are you going to punish me, Daddy?"

"Oh yes, my little princess. I'm going to punish you. How could I not after catching you fucking your brother, then humping my arm? But if you do what I want without a fuss, I might let you cum again tonight." Dad's smile was full of heat and lust and knew that he was as excited as I was. Maybe even more.

"I always knew it would come to this, you know." He stated mater of factly. He stood and undressed. His erection was even bigger than Rick's and it was only semi hard. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off it. "I remember the first time I caught you masturbating. You were still in high school. It was shortly after your eighteenth birthday and I watched you sticking your cunt full of a cucumber. I wanted to fuck you then, but I knew it was best to wait. You're just like me, you know." He stroked himself, his cock growing so big, I wondered how in the world he'd ever get it inside me. The damned thing had to be at least ten inches long and as big around as my forearm! Where did he put that piece of meat so it didn't bulge out of his pants? "You love sex. You need it. Crave it. Well, I'm going to give it to you. Rick and I are going to fuck you until we're both sated. If you're lucky, we might even let you rest before I let my buddies fuck you."

I grinned. "Setting me up as a sex slave, Dad?" It was my ultimate fantasy. And Dad had some HOT buddies.

"Any whore who'd fuck her brother deserves it." He knelt beside the bed cramming three fingers into my already creampied pussy. "I'm sure I can make some serious money selling this hot cunt." "Are you serious?" Rick looked more excited than outraged. "Watch her get fucked every night? Pumped full of cum? Do you think we can keep her naked and dripping cum twenty-four, seven?" "Absolutely," Dad said, still pumping my pussy with three fingers. He easily added a fourth and jerked his head for Rick to join us. Dad spread my legs even wider and moved to the side. "Stick your dick in there, Rick. Beside my fingers. Fuck your sister again."

Rick didn't waste anytime with questions, he simply pumped his cock a couple of times before kneeing down a bit and added his cock to Dad's fingers inside my pussy. I was stretched almost unbearably so. It burned, yet when Dad dipped his head to my pussy and tongued my clit, I came again.

"Fucking hell! I'm coming, Daddy! I'm fucking coming!"

"That's it, princess. Come for us." Dad's voice was gruff, husky. He was definitely turned on. My ears rang with my orgasm and I had the vague sense to wonder how good it would feel to finally get Dad's cock inside my pussy. Would he actually cum inside me? I hoped so.

As the wave of pleasure ebbed and my body quit tingling, I smiled at the two men playing my pussy so expertly. "Oh yeah," I breathed. "Do that again."

Rick kept pumping into my pussy, Dad eyeing him carefully. "You gonna come again, son?" "I think so," he answered between gritted teeth. "It's just so fucking hot! Your hand in her pussy, jerking me off." Rick looked at me, his eyes wild and glazed. "Did you know his hand is closed around my hard dick, Rose? He's jerking me off inside your cunt. Want me to full your slutty little pussy with my cream again?" "Fuck yeah!" I screamed, raising up on my elbows like I had earlier to watch again. "I want your sticky spunk deep inside my fucking pussy, Rick." "Oh yeah, baby. Yeah!" He was close, so close I could almost feel him filling me yet again.

"Then do it, you bastard! Cum inside me. Now!" On cue, he let out a tremendous roar and lunged at me one last time, burying himself deep. I knew I had yet another load up my pussy and I loved it. I was definitely shaping up to be a creampie slut.

Rick finally pulled out of my pussy, his dick still twitching and throbbing, followed closely by dad's cum covered hand.

"Good." Dad whispered. "You'll both do well when we introduce little Rose to the guys." As always, Dad was contemplating things. He never did anything without planning it through to the end. It was the marine in him, I guess.

"When Tom and Joe come over, Rick, I want you fucking Rose with your own hand inside her jerking yourself off. I'll fuck her then and when I'm done, they can stick both their dicks in her pussy." He winked at me. "Would you like that, little Rose?"

"Oh yeah, I'd love it, Daddy." I grinned at him, dropping my hand to my sloppy pussy. "But right now, I want your big dick in my cunt. It's your turn to fill me with spunk."

Dad took his dick in hand and stepped up to me, dropping its heavy weight on my belly. It was truly a monster cock. As big as a roll of salami. I couldn't wait to get it inside me. Dad never took his eyes from me. "Spit on my cock, Rick. Make me wet enough to cram this meat inside your sister."

Rick did as he ordered, spitting several times onto Dad's cock and rubbing his own hand over it. Finally, with a groan, Rick simply sucked the head of Dad's cock into his mouth. Dad didn't make a sound, only pumped his hips toward Rick's face.

"You like watching your brother suck off your Dad, Rose? How would you like to see him take me up his ass?" Rick eye's widened, but he only sucked harder. Slurping sounds echoed loudly in the room. Rick pumped his own cock as he sucked off Dad's.

"I'd like to see that," I breathed. "I'd like to watch you fucking Rick while he fucked me. Will you do that for me, Daddy?"

He grunted. "Later, right now, I want inside that tight little cunt of yours." He pulled away from Rick and put the massive head against my cunt and pushed. He was met with slight resistance, but my pussy soon opened up to let his head pop inside. I whimpered.

"Oh yeah, Daddy. That's it." I moaned my pleasure. "You like it?"

"I love it," he growled. "I'm going to fuck you until I cum in that sweet pussy. You're already the best buttered bun I've ever had. I want to cream you until you'll never be able to get my spunk out of your pussy."

Dad pumped my pussy hard. Flesh slapped against flesh in a fierce, staccato. Sweat beaded on both of us and I had to grip the edge of the bed to keep in an effort to stay at the edge. It was a loosing battle. Before I knew it, I was in the middle of the bed and Daddy finally had to cover my small body with his large, muscled one. His hips pumped into me. His balls slapped my ass, and he bit down on my shoulder.

"Ah!" I screamed. "Bite me again, Daddy! God! That hurt so good!"

Instead of making him move faster, Dad slowed his pace. I was so pleasure dazed it took me a moment to figure out why. Rick had moved behind Daddy and was slipping his own cock inside Dad's ass. I looked at them in awe. This was the headiest fantasy I could have ever imagined. "That's it, Rick. Get that cock inside your Dad's ass." Daddy commanded. "Get in there, soldier. And don't get out until you've fill me full of cum."

It didn't take long for us to resume our rhythm and soon, Daddy was pumping me at a good steady clip. It was hard to say which sound was more invigorating; Dad's balls against my ass, or Rick's against Dad's ass.

Dad looked over his shoulder at Rick. "You ready to come, son?"

"Fuck yeah, Dad. Way up your ass while you fuck my sister."

"Then do it, bitch!" Dad yelled at my brother. "Fucking come in my ass!"

Rick's face was bright red. He strained for yet another release and found it. With a war cry, he filled my dad's ass with his cum, just as Dad's cock swelled inside me and he yelled his own release. I hadn't come, but I didn't really need to this time. Just knowing I could have this anytime I wanted was enough.

After several seconds, they got off me, but Dad wouldn't let me up. "Oh, no, Rose. Wait a second."

Rick left the room and came back with a shot glass. Dad stuffed the rim up my cunt and commanded, "Push it out."

I did. I could feel the cum inside me ooze out into the glass. When Dad brought it out, he held it to my lips.

"Drink, little slut. This is the first of many, so get used to it."

Happily, I turned up the glass, drank what I could, and scooped the rest out with my tongue and fingers.

"Tomorrow, I bring a couple marine buddies over, Rose. You're going to show them a good time, just like you did Rick and I tonight. If you don't, you won't' get our cocks when it's over." He didn't have anything to worry about though. I was definitely looking forward to it. Two big marines, and maybe my Daddy and brother too? Oh HELL yeah!

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Creampie to go

So I had been chatting with this guy online for awhile. He was a fly in worker so perfect for a toy to play with when hubby is busy with work. So after a few failed meetings work life etc getting in the way we made plans to meet the following Monday evening. I told hubby when he got home on the Friday that I’d made a date to fuck this guy for the Monday. Hubby said why not tonight then you can bring home a nice fresh creampie. I got back in touch with him and asked if he would like to meet down...

1 year ago
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Creampie Training

My husband fucks me every night. But I don't allow him to ejaculate every time.I didn't allow him to penetrate me before our wedding night. When we dated, I taught him how to eat pussy and lick me to orgasm, and I also gave him intense ejaculations by hand, or by having him pump his member between my legs.It never took him very long to cum, which is why I insisted on my orgasms first. He nearly always ejaculated profusely, which gave me a thrill when I would hold his spurting member in my hand...

4 years ago
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Creampie for Husband

"Will you eat your semen off of your partner?" That was the card I drew in the middle of a game called Sex is Fun. My wife, J, and I were sitting just in our underwear in front of our fireplace and enjoying its warmth on a cold winter's night. J said that I would answer "no" without realizing that I had been hoping to bring the subject of creampie eating up with her one day. I quickly answered "yes" meaning that I should have got the point for that round and we would move on to the next card....

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Creampie My Cointern

Hey readers, this is my first sexstory here. It’s a fictional story of how I fucked my co-intern and ended with a creampie. So it was the last posting of my compulsory one year rotational internship that I had to complete before I graduated as a MBBS Doctor. Our college normally took interns from other colleges due to the huge workload. So I was on duty and my co-intern who was in duty with me was an intern from another college. She was 5 feet 3 inches tall, fair, perky boobs and the best...

1 year ago
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"Will you eat your semen off of your partner?" That was the card I drew in the middle of a game called Sex is Fun. My wife, J, and I were sitting just in our underwear in front of our fireplace and enjoying its warmth on a cold winter's night. J said that I would answer "no" without realizing that I had been hoping to bring the subject of creampie eating up with her one day. I quickly answered "yes" meaning that I should have got the point for that round and we would move on to the next card....

4 years ago
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"Will you eat your semen off of your partner?" That was the card I drew in the middle of a game called Sex is Fun. My wife, J, and I were sitting just in our underwear in front of our fireplace and enjoying its warmth on a cold winter's night. J said that I would answer "no" without realizing that I had been hoping to bring the subject of creampie eating up with her one day. I quickly answered "yes" meaning that I should have got the point for that round and we would move on to the next card....

2 years ago
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Creampied and All Holes Fucked in Dance Club

Creampied and All Holes Fucked in Dance Club Hi! My name is Emma, I live in Boston, going to college and staying at my sister and her husband’s house. (Please check my other stories about how my sister’s husband creampied me and my other sensual adventures!). I am a typical all American girl who turns heads when walking down the street, with my blue eyes, blonde hair and cheerleader type mini skirts I always wear. When I turned 21, I wanted to celebrate my birth day with my best friend...

3 years ago
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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

1 year ago
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Creampie In Asia

CreampieInAsia! With such a straightforward name, I am pretty sure we all know what has to offer. If you are not able to tell what the fuck this site is all about, then you must be on a whole new level of stupid, and I honestly feel sorry for you. Now, for those who came here to learn more about this wonderful place filled with creampied Asian beauties, I have a lot to say.First of all, before we get down to business, you should know that I have a soft spot for the Asian...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

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Programmed Ponygirl

Programmed PonygirlBy Sarah        ?Sarah, you know I love you, and want to spend my life with you.?        Sarah and Jim cuddled in each others arms.  Sarah, having turned 18 the day before, was dressed in her boyfriend’s favorite outfit, her cheerleading uniform.  She had her hair in a ponytail, and was laying her head up against his shoulder, as he reached over and cupped her C cup breasts and rubbed her pussy over her skirt.        Jim was 23, and a junior in college.  He had met Sarah on a...

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Amy Criminal Ponygirl

Amy – Criminal Ponygirl By Arnold Puttwyn? This story is a work of fiction, made up entirely in my own mind. Any similarity to any person or persons living or dead is coincidence.This is a story using the society from ‘Kari in Training’ The time is fifteen years after the finalization of the Slave Act.     Society had to change because an unknown genetic disorder caused men to have many more X chromosome sperm cells, so the birth of females 2 to 1 over males made the population change to 67%...

1 year ago
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Forced to be a Ponygirl

This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...

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The Jokers On Batgirl

INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...

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The Jokes On Batgirl Sequel to The Jokers On Batgirl

(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...

2 years ago
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Creampie debu

My name is tom, i’m writing this to kill some time until my wife gets back from wherever she is tonight. She never tells me in advance about what she does when she’s out, or when i’m out for that matter, but she does seem to take great pleasure in sharing the details with me when she’s ready. Let me start at the beginning, so that you can understand how our marriage ended up in the erotic state that it’s in. My wife katrina (kat for short) and i have been married for 6 years. We’ve enjoyed a...

1 year ago
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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Batman and Batgirl

Batman and Batgirl By Alana I anxiously paced back and forth, scarcely believing I was in the world famous Batcave, taking in the sights, in awe of the incredible high tech crime-fighting equipment. I was waiting for Batman to make his decision, but I already knew what it would be. I was going to be his partner! Me, Dick Grayson, partner to the coolest crime-fighter the world had ever known! Batman came into view. He was carrying a garment I didn't recognize. "You may...

2 years ago
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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

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Harley Quinn and Batgirl

Batgirl was out in gotham it had been a long night and she was ready to head home as nothing much was going on. Just then something caught her eye a shadow in the next street.She moved stealthy over and knelt down peering around the corner, she saw harley quinn trying to break in to the back of a jewelers store, batgirl sighed thinking she was in the mood for this but moved round the corner sneaking up behind harley."need a hand there harley" batgirl said, harley jumped around "no im ok...

3 years ago
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The Erotic Adventures of Supergirl

Beads of cold sweat ran down Susan Wienczorkowski’s neck as she carefully navigated the long dark and empty warehouse corridor. Clad in lightweight body armor, the newest addition to the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit looked like one of the troopers from Star Wars. Close behind her followed a similarly clad associate. “Wienczorkowski ... west corridor clear.” she said into her helmet’s comlink. With a nod she motioned for her partner, Sergeant Mike Robinson to cover her as she dashed across...

1 year ago
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Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Perils of Dating Supergirl

Hi my name is Robert Shephard...yeah I see you scratching your head. Don't worry I get that a lot. Needless to say I'm a nobody, however you've probably heard about my Girlfriend people call her Supergirl. Wait don't go, I'm serious. You see six months ago I met an amazing girl named Linda Lang. She was Smart, Funny and very very passionate about....things. We started going out almost every night but every once in a while she'd leave for one reason or another. It got to the point where I was...

1 year ago
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The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls

The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...

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The troubles of Supergirl

Hunting down a speedster was hard business - impossible for most people. For Kara In-Ze, also known as Supergirl, it was far less so. First, Kara had her Kryptonian Vision that enabled her to search large areas despite all obstacles - she was tracking the supervillain even then. Secondly, while she wasn't as fast as a speedster in her moves, she could fly, taking shortcuts the speedster could not. And third and most important (at least as far as Kara was concerned), she was eighteen now. Gone...

2 years ago
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It all started when I was a young teenager. I found some really hard core porn and, like so many other men, I got to watch two men fucking one woman on tape. In my youthful enthusiasm I studied the video over and over for years, watching every stroke as I jacked off and then came in my hand. It became a wonderful fantasy and a way to get my rocks off. Over the years, my idea of "normal" sex was sex where two men gave all of their attention to one woman. Of course, my idea of hot freaky sex was...

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Creampie Surprise PT2

It was about three weeks later after Sally had let our good friend Mandy film us as we made love that Sally told me that she wanted to fulfil her part of our sexy bargain. Sally had finished her period the week before so sex between us had resumed once again I realised that when we were discussing our sexual fantasises Sally had not actually told me what she had in mind for her 'special' evening. However I had been so keen to get a video taken of us making love I remembered agreeing that Sally...

3 years ago
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Creampie Surprise

One night as we were lying in bed before we settled for sleep we had a long honest talk about sex, what we enjoyed and what fantasies turned us on. We both decided that we had enjoyed a fulfilling sex life in our marriage and that we had tried to add variety to our lovemaking. For example Sally knew that at times I liked to be submissive and would take control in the bedroom, she also understood my enjoyment of sometimes eating my own sperm out from her used pussy after we had made love. We had...

1 year ago
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Creampie Eater to CockSucker Gay

I first met my wife at a party where she was the center of attention, fucking one well-hung guest and blowing another. And she kept repeating that pattern, again and again. I had spent a good part of that afternoon impressing a few of the women attending with my love for eating pussy. And since I'm a little bigger than average in the dick department, (8 inches), they appreciated pretty much everything I offered them. I was taking a recuperative break from my actions when I wandered into the...

2 years ago
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Creampie fantasy

So lately I've been having a of thoughts about fantasies regarding what some may consider dirty, smelly, hairy pussies I feel the need to write these down and share them as a form of catharsis. By no means am I a professional writer, I apologize for any grammatical errors. More entries will come as I find time to write.By far one of my favorite things is being "forced" to clean my cum from a pussy. I have no interest in cleaning up another mans cum or having another man clean up my cum from a...

3 years ago
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Creampie No CockSucker Yes Gay

This began simple enough but turned into a total fucked up mess with me in the middle and center of attention. Having been married a long time it's easy to become very definitive in your lifestyle. For years my wife would always bug me about tasting my own cum or dining on a cream pie. Weather she blew me and fed it to me or eat her out after I came in her pussy didn't make any difference to her, she just wanted to see me eat my cum. With a very emphatic "SORRY I don't go there" statement I...

1 year ago
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Nicole had this thing for public sex,and so did I. The chance of getting caught and a pair of extra eyes was an enormous turn-on.We would meet in a bar and after a few drinks I would feel her hand in my crotch, rubbing my dick. She was always dressed for the occasion in a way I would have easy acces: short flimsy skirt and a wide shirt. This time it was a summer night and we standing at the bar of this grand café and she was really in the mood rubbing her crotch against my leg"I'm already wet,"...

4 years ago
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Creampie Snowballing Try It

Dusty and his wife Christy are an average couple with not-so-average sexual tastes. You see, in this relationship cum is shared by both! Hers or his! They have been snowballing cum kisses throughout their relationship, in fact it was a key ingredient in the entire courting process.Christy considers herself a cum addict or a cum slut since she loves cum and wants it in her mouth every single day! First thing every day when she wakes up is to coax a nice warm load out of her husband. Of course he...

3 years ago
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Creampie Training

My wife, Carol, was 5'4", 115lbs, short brown hair, blue eyes, and nice 34C breasts with beautiful round pink nipples that stood out against her milky white skin. My name is Tony and I am 5'7" 128lbs, hairy guy, from my Italian decent, brown hair, brown eyes. Carol was just going to school at the time. I like my job as a night manager at a big chain grocery store, my hours were mostly set at 2pm to 11pm during the weekdays and Saturday, and I had the 11am to 8pm shift on Sunday. The time and...

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Creampie gangbang in a van big titted Mommy whore

This story is based on an exchange of emails with Diannaromo, a big titted filthy whore MILF exhibitionist on this website, where we discussed a gangbang fantasy.Here are some of the messages the massive titted filthy bitch was sending me as we played out this fantasy and I was talking her through her a*****ion:“Oh fuck... keep going baby I'm so wet now” …..“My pussy is so wet you could stick your dick in dry and fuckme” . …“Oh I need this so bad”“Oh baby that's hot”“Oh please keep going!...

3 years ago
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Creampie Tales Vol1 A True Story

Names have been changed to initials to respect privacy.It was R's birthday and we had returned with her girlfriend, D, from a night out with friends and family. We had all tied one one and finished off the night in our basment suite, watching the Southpark movie. D sobered up and left for home, leaving us to enjoy the night.I was in the office chair in front of our computers, when R pulled my cock out of my pants and slipped it into her mouth. She took my cock in and slid up and down the...

2 years ago
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Creampie Cafe

This was one of my favorite stories from another siteIt is not written by me so give thanks to the original auther Wendell Nebbin locked the door of his car and pressed the button on his keychain to activate the alarm. He looked around nervously. He hated parking on the street in a part of town like this: the black part of town. He considered skipping the appointment, but then remembered that Mr. Roosevelt had paid him rather well for his accounting services so far. Professional ethics...

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Erik and Beth sat together, watching the scene unfold on the TV in front of them. They’d been married for 2 years, and had started watching hardcore porn together about a month before to jazz up their sex lives a bit.There were two men and a woman having sex, and Beth was mesmerized. They had seen this in several other movies, but in this one the men were bi-sexual. They alternated between fucking the woman, and sucking on each other’s cocks.Beth asked, “What do you think of that honey? You...

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Creampie Surprise

My girlfriend Laura and I were very open with each other, especially sexually. Of course we enjoyed 'normal' sex (whatever the hell that is) but we also weren't afraid to get a little kinky. When I told her I sometimes liked to be on the receiving end of anal sex, she quite happily fingered my ass with a well lubed finger to loosen me up and then fucked my ass with one of her dildos while she sucked on my cock. She even surprised me one night during a canoeing trip with a strap-on, the orgasm...

4 years ago
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Creampie Wendy

When I was in my early 20's some 2 decades ago, I worked with this hot 17 year old named Wendy. From our first meeting she made it clear she wanted me to fuck her. I made it clear that I was going to wear her out with my cock & make her my little slut, but not until she was 18. She took that as a challenge, & teased me relentlessly for the next few months. My shift was after hers, she would fuck her boyfriend in his van in the parking lot & come back in to tell me about it, & do...

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