Moonlight Lover free porn video

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I dropped into the chair that I had dragged onto the beach. I swirled the drink in my hand, hearing the music of the party, but trying to focus on the waves going gently back and forth. With each sip of my glass and the waves crashing on the beach, I was slowly falling into a blissful numbness.

I turned around and looked up at my house where my friends were having their party. I watched as couples gyrated on the make shift dance floor that we had constructed just that afternoon. Couples were pairing off and finding quiet places to be alone. I was bored.

Sighing, I turned back around towards the waves. I pull on my long blonde hair, staring at the split ends, thinking it’s time to get a cut. I have hazel eyes and a shy smile. I am 5’6” with long legs and ample breasts. With the temperature being in the 100s today, all I had on was a simple sundress. The breeze from the water was at least helping.

I sighed again, leaning back, and staring out at the bay. I spread my legs hoping some of the breeze would go up my dress and relieve some of this oppressive heat. The moon was full tonight and its reflection gleamed across the water. It almost looked like a stairway to the stars. Part of me wished that it were true. Getting away from this heat would be nice.

I took another drink and out of the corner of my eye I saw a huge fin come out of the water. I put my drink down and stared hard, thinking I had been seeing things. Then there it was again! I stood up and staring out into the water. What was that? I focused on the light the moon was providing. A body popped out of the surface and then dove back into the water followed by a tail and a large fin.

I blinked and sat back down hard on the chair. I stared hard at my drink. I had only had this cup and it wasn’t even finished. I’m a light weight but I was only warm, not tipsy. I heard splashing and it was close. I looked up and it looked like whatever it was, was making its way towards the shore.

I turned to see if anyone besides me had noticed the noise. Not a soul was looking this way. The music was way too loud for anyone to hear. It had to be some swimmer taking a leisurely swim in the middle of the night that just happened to be wearing fish fins.

I stared hard at the shore, my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. The figure was now close enough to shore that it could stand and walk. I squinted as it walked closer and gasped when he came into focus. It was a very big man. With each step, I was able to make a more detailed shape of his body. I licked my lips as the water fell off his body. Whoever this man was, he was built nicely. He had beautifully defined shoulders and arms. His chest looked solid and his abs looked solid There was a dark trail of hair that lead down to…

I involuntarily squeaked, accidentally biting my tongue. This man walking towards our beach was naked. I quickly stood-up looking around aimlessly, trying to figure out what do. I looked back just to make sure he was there and I met his eyes. He had been watching me and he was smiling at me. I jumped yet again; embarrassed. (Which I found hugely ironic, he was the one standing around naked.) He then continued walking towards the shore again. I couldn’t help but look down again. Two more steps and I noticed his thighs were strong and firm, and moved with each step. When his feet hit the sand I slowly looked back-up into his eyes, and instantly stopped breathing the moment we locked eyes. There was heat.

He was a good 10 feet away from me, and my body was aware of every inch of it. I could feel my breasts firming and hardening, along with a growing warmth in between my legs. I closed my eyes and shock myself. I wasn’t some horny teenager. I was a full grown woman. I breathed in deeply and tried to focus on something else besides the naked man. It worked only for a second, then the thoughts running through my mind made me blush.

While trying even harder on containing my thoughts, I hadn’t noticed him coming closer. When I did I squeaked and quickly took a few steps back. He seemed to notice that he had spooked me and stopped. He was only 5ft away from me right now, and I could feel the heat from him. I allowed myself then to take his face in for the first time. His jaw was soft and had a tiny cliff; his lips were thin but still defined enough that the desire to kiss them grew strong. His skin was the whitest I had ever seen on a person. His eyes were a piercing blue that seemed to swirl and constantly change shades. I had to close my eyes because the effect was dizzying. When I opened my eyes, he smiled and I then realized he had taken another step towards me.

I blurted out, “Are you on drugs, because your eyes are doing something crazy weird?”

He smiled, and then broke out into a huge grin, "No, I’m not on drugs.”

“Oh,” I nodded, still fascinated with his eyes. I then ran my eyes down to his neck, down to his arms, and then down to his big hands. I frowned then, he seemed to have fish scales on his arm. I took a tiny step towards him and tentatively reached out and touched his arm. It felt that they were actually attached to him. I looked up into those eyes and asked, "What are you?”

His mouth opened and what came out was the sound of the sea and then he said, “I am a man of the sea.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. I tried to push away but he just kept me locked close to his chest. He pulled me closer and rubbing his nose in my hair, whispered, “You smell of earth.”

I stopped. Did this guy just sniff me? Then I realized I was being held tight against a naked man. “Thank you. I guess.”

My ear was being pressed into his chest and I could hear his heart beating incredibly fast. Way too fast for any healthy human. While listening to his heartbeat, I began to relax against him. Taking in a deep breath and breathing him in. He did smell of the cool sea and something I could only describe as man.

I pulled away gently and looked up at his swirling eyes. He began to say something and all I could think about was how I wanted to just nibble on his ears. The longer I stood there in his arms the more I just wanted to take just a little nibble. He had been talking to me for a while when I finally reached up and nipped his ear. He stopped talking, loosening his grip slightly and looked down at me.

“I’m so sorry. I do not know what came over me. I just saw your ear and then wanted to nibble and so I did. Then I realized that was probably the wrong thing to do since I barely know you an...”

I continued stammering on with whatever excuse popped into my head, but I knew I had crossed a line. I tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let me go. I stared at him, I just took a bite of this guy and he wouldn’t let me go. I struggled even more, seriously embarrassed. Then his lips were right in front of me and he kissed me.

I stopped moving for a second, then slowly returned his kiss. He tasted of sea salt and warmth. I parted my lips slightly and flicked out my tongue gently across his lips. He grinned, opened his mouth and kissed me deeply. His tongue gently flicked across mine and beckoned for mine to respond. I felt his hands begin to slowly rise up my side. I questioned for a tiny second on whether this was a good idea. When his hands finally found my breasts, I let out a moan and forgot everything else.

His hands gently massaged my breasts and then slowly began move to the top of them and finished with a slight pinch. He grinned at me at what I would describe as a devilish grin and reached down in one quick movement had me out of my dress. I was left standing there in just my underwear. He got down on his knees in front of me and I instantly shivered at the knowledge of what he would do next. He looked up again with those swirling pools of blue eyes and he grinned as only a man would and began to pull down my underwear. I quickly stepped out of him and he wasting no time, lifted my left leg over his shoulder and dove in between my legs.

“Fuck”, I grabbed the back of his head for leverage, and that is when I felt his tongue graze against me.

He started all the way from the bottom and finished with a quick flick on my clit. I let out a tiny cry as I dug my fingers into his back of his head. First his tongue was down, then up, flick, down , up flick. My legs where beginning to quiver and he grabbed firmly onto my ass to support me against him. He began to suck on my click, and then did tiny, quick circles over it. After only a few minutes I was ready cum, and he must have felt it for he stopped focusing on my clit and began to fuck me with his tongue.

I began to move my hips against him, while his tongue moved in and out. I begged him to finish me. Finally he took one his hands and began to finger my clit. Within seconds I came. I screamed with such release, my nails digging into his skull and my back bent backwards. He grabbed my ass firmly to make sure that I wouldn’t fall over. After the blissful release I dropped down onto him. I was spent and my body felt like a pool of butter.

He stood me up, quickly grabbed the back of my legs, and picked me up. With only two steps, he pushed me onto the beach wall. He kissed me hard and I could taste myself on his lips and on his tongue. I wanted this man full inside me and I began to squirm above him, and he grunted.

After what seemed like eternity he braced himself and then slowly lowered me onto him. Painfully slow, I felt him come inside me. After only an inch, he would pull out. I cried out from frustration, but then again he would enter me slowly. Repeating this process; slowly in and then slowly out. Every time only a inch more of him would be inside him.

I began to fight and wiggle, trying to get more of him in me. I tried to pull him up to me somehow with my hands. He just grinned up at me, knowing he had full control. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above him. He lowered his other hand right under my ass to adjust.

I was being tortured. I was begging for him to speed up whatever he was doing. I began to promise him anything he wanted to just get a move on. I began to whisper that if he would just finish me; I would take him in my mouth. The second the words came out, he looked at me straight in the eyes with that heat. I grinned, I had him and he knew it. I began to tell him how I would start from the base of him and then slowly work my way up with the tip of my tongue. When I reached his head I would make slow circles. Then I would wrap my mouth just around the tip and suck like I would a lollipop.

He shoved fully in to me right then. I let out a surprised gasp.

He growled in my ear, "Have it your way woman.”

I smiled nibbling on this ear and whispered, “Please.”

With that there was no more control. He dropped my hands, and he braced himself against the wall. I kept my hands where they were, scraping my fingers into the wood above me, trying to get some sort of leverage. After a minute of futile efforts, I just sunk my nails into his back and let me ride me.

As he thrust himself in and out of me, my back was being slammed into the wall and I knew that tomorrow I would be in pain. Tonight though, any pain I felt was masked by the pleasure he was giving me with each sweet movement of his hips. I was beginning to come close to an orgasm and I could hear his breath change into a more panicked urgency. I let go of his back and grabbed his face as he looked straight into my eyes, wrapping my legs tighter around him. I quickly kissed him, and as I felt my orgasm come closer and closer I held on to his face. I wanted to see his eyes as he came.

Closer the build-up came, more and more the rolls of pleasure where coming faster. Then the wave began to start and I tried so hard to keep contact. I let out a tiny moan and bent backwards in a defeat, crying out. Two more thrusts and he growled, bit into my neck and came inside me.

He held me there for a couple of minutes, him still inside, his teeth still of my neck, listening to each others breaths. We were riding the after effects of one of the best orgasms I had ever had. He pulled me towards his chest, turned around till his back was against the beach wall and slowly lowered us down into a sitting position. He murmured nonsense into my ear and rubbed my cheek against his cheek. He slowly fell out of me and I cried out from the loss of connection and he kissed me. He pulled me back into his arms and held me. Feeling safe in his arms, I slowly drifted to sleep.

As the sun began peaking over the horizon, I woke up. I was cold and it took me a second to realize it was because I was naked and alone. I quickly sat up looking around for him, but the only sign of him was foot prints that led back to the water. I pulled my hair behind my ears, breathing in deeply, grabbed my dress and pulled it over my head. I felt something drop down to my feet. I looked down and it was a beautiful shell that I knew was from him.

Every night since that night, I waited for him to come back. After many nights, sitting there waiting, and feeling foolish; I began to accept that I was just a simple one night stand. Then the full moon shone on the water and I saw a familiar tail waving in the moonlight. I let out a cry and quickly got up and ran towards the edge of the shore, and waited in the sand for my lover to come and claim me again.

 This is my first story, please comment and be merciful. This story was part of challenge to myself. I hope you enjoy it.

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Moonlight Romance Part 2 of 3

The tears came quickly and steadily for Lucy. Holding her face in her hands, Lucy was starting to believe that her fiancée, Sarah, had been unfaithful. Even though their lovemaking the previous night was amazing, Lucy felt that she might have to break off their plans to marry.Lucy stood up from her chair and wiped her eyes. Still wearing shorts and a tank top, she gulped down the rest of her morning coffee, pinned her hair up and started to tidy the cabin. Sarah had gone sometime in the night,...

3 years ago
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Moonlight candle magic

This is based on a true story I am Mia female30 Some things are destinythe rain showered the window of my haunted home. Creak. Creak went the floors. I loved that haunted home. The thunder from outside Howling as I fell Asleep to the breeze. Suddenly, I felt a pressure rolling on My skin. A hot touch . Twirl. Inside me. Was this a dream? A hot touch. Heat of a hand rubbed against my legs. As I was massaged deeply between my legs. In silence, my vagina was caressed. Layered with hot wet...

2 years ago
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Moonlight kiss of flame

* based on true story I am Mia female30 Laying in the dark I fell into a slumber. Like a ghost, a touch grazed my thigh.. feeling soft fingers graze my hips and caress my vagina. Caressing my vagina slowly.. .deeply. Was this a ghost..? Soft touched circled my vagina. Kisses hot flaming on my vagina as I was circled with flaming hot kisses . Feeling my vagina pulled. A fire like touch apron my vagina, pulling. Hard. As my vagina was circled with flaming hot kisses.. a toungue dove into my...

3 years ago
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Moonlight love

I am mia this is based on a true story * The sun shone heard as the thunderstorm shattered down on the cat hid under the covers..and I fell into a slumber..drifting to a legs fell to the side of the bed. I felt her hot touch. .on my skin. Caressing my breast firmly. Suckling my nipple softly. ..pecking my nipple...tugging softly... stroking..rubbing...rubbing... Stroking my nipple softly.. moaning,as she pecked me. nibbling my nipples.aand covering me softly with her...

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Moonlight Fun Night

Some people from where i work were throwing a big summer party and just about everyone we work with was going to be there so i decided to make an appearance as well. It was at this guy Rogers' House. I didnt work much with Roger but he was a fellow cigarette smoker so wed always run into each other at work outside on break. He told me he gave my friend Sarah directions and that the party started at 9pm sharp. I got the directions from sarah as i was getting all dolled up and ready. She told me...

1 year ago
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Security guard isn't the most glamourous job in the world, but it suits me fine. After all, who else gets paid for sitting around watching a monitor all night? It's a bit monotonous, but it gives me time to think. You can go into a kind of zen trance watching all the nothing going on. Lately I had been working this university gig – campus cops. It wasn't bad. I got to walk around a bit, and the worst I had to do was break up a frat brawl or escort a panicky girl back to her dorm. It was...

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Moonlight SerenadeChapter 2

The rest of the week went pretty much the same; with Mike always watching Michelle from afar, too nervous to go up and just talk to her, and Chuck trying to tell him "Mike, she's never even going to know that you like her if you are too afraid to even go up and talk to her. I know you said you know how to romance her. Even so, how does that work if she doesn't know that it is you?" "I'll talk to her at the right time. However, the time is not right yet. She is still going with Brad...

2 years ago
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Moonlight SerenadeChapter 3

Having received a phone call from Chuck early Sunday morning asking him to come over, once there, Mike discovered not only Chuck but Kathy Hetherington waiting there for him. "What's going on Chuck was Kathy here?" he asked. "Don't get excited there Mike! I got to talking with Kathy here and told her a bit about your plans, and she thought maybe she could help since she was in most of the classes with Michelle and could let you know her reaction and the things that she'd say to the...

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Moonlight SerenadeChapter 4

They met each night after school at Chuck's house to compare notes. Rumors at school seemed to be abuzz, trying to figure out who Michelle's secret admirer was. So far, the consensus was that it had to be one of the jocks or one of the other big men on campus, and that the note stating it was not from a jock was just some sort of red herring to throw everyone off. On Tuesday night, the three were meeting at Chuck's house. Kathy said, "So, what is the next step in your evil plan O' wise...

1 year ago
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Moonlight Sail 2

As she came on deck Jim noticed immediately her nude condition. He took the advantage to scope her out intensely. Her light brown nipples were swelled up hard and stood out in contrast to her small perky little breasts. Glancing downward he saw her flat tummy and further down he could see her full forest of light, almost white, blond hair. As light as it was allowed him to see every little detail, every fold, and, admittedly, he enjoyed the view immensely. Flaunting herself allowed him to see...

1 year ago
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Moonlight Sail

Jim was having no luck finding a partner to accompany him on a  cruise. He couldn't understand what the problem was. Heck, he reasoned, he'd only be gone about a month or so. He knew it wasn't just the size of his sailboat that contributed to the lack of interest. He had talked his voyage up, around the dock, for the better part of a week with no results, not even 'maybes'.  After a week of frustrating results, he decided to advertise in the local newspaper. He had decided, due to limiting...

2 years ago
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Turned Out By My Wifes Lover

"Trish, I think this is taking it all a bit far," Joel complained to his wife. Trish was Joel's wife of 8 years. She was watching Joel take a scented bubble bath. She had him shaving his underarms. They were the last body hair remaining on Joels's body, after she'd instructed to him shave his entire body. Trish had helped out with any areas he couldn't reach. Trish smiled and laughed gently. She reached down and stroked Joel's erection. "Honey, this tells me something different....

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It was raining outside, Cats and Dogs, so Thomas Baxter sat on the porch, knowing Angel would be home soon. She hated thunderstorms, they had terrified her ever since she was a little girl. Even when Grandma would tell her thunder was just "Angels bowling, honey", Angel would roll her eyes back in her head in disbelief.Bethany came out on the porch and smiled at her son. "Waiting for Angel to come home early from work, dear?" she smiled, putting her hand on his shoulder. He looked up at his...

3 years ago
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A Dark and Deadly Lover

Carla sighed in frustration as she scanned the packed nightclub. He just was not here, she growled silently. Every man she looked at did not attract her in the least, too skinny, too heavy, too blond, too redheaded. Not that she had any problem with the later; she was just in the mood for a dark haired lover tonight. Weaving her way through the mass of undulating bodies as they danced, drawing angry or jealous stares from the women, ogling drools from the men, Carla ignored them all. She was...

3 years ago
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Marcy Takes a Lover

Marcy Takes a Lover byFurryDevil©Disclaimer: This story is about a white married couple finding a black man for the wife to have sex with. It is completely consensual on both of their parts, and therefore is just good, clean, fun. If you don't like this kind of thing, you should probably find something else to read. *My name is Marcy and I have something I need to get off my chest. I live just outside of Detroit, but I was on a "weekend getaway". I still can't believe what I had gotten myself...

1 year ago
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You Know This Lover

You drive through the night, the only sound your tires singing on wet black pavement and the rhythm of your own heart. You watch your small hands griping the steering wheel so tightly your knuckles are white with anticipation. You are amazed, why should you feel this tension? You have done this many times. This is no new experience, you know this lover. This is no single night’s lust with a stranger. This is more than your lover you meet this is your love. But then you think. "Can I ever know...

2 years ago
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Marcy takes a lover

My name is Marcy and I have something I need to get off my chest. I live just outside of Detroit, but I was on a "weekend getaway". I still can't believe what I had gotten myself into this time. I was standing in a hotel room in Boston, getting ready to go meet a black man that my husband had found for me online, a black man that I had already agreed to have sex with.I'm 34 years old, and I've been married to Jason for 11 years now. Jason is 2 years older than me, 5'11" tall, and is in pretty...

3 years ago
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With My Lover

Hi friends I thank you for the overwhelming response to my previous stories, my mailbox is flooded with your love and that motivates me so please keep them coming here I am posting one more story I hope you will love it too, mail me your comments and requests on and add me on yahoo I once again want to tell you all that all my stories are fictitious so please do not mail me asking the contact info of the girl just read enjoy and appreciate Rashmi looked into the rearview mirror of her minivan...

4 years ago
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Sarahs Teen Lover

Sarah is a sexy housewife in her early 40's that has spent her entire 20+ year marriage cuckolding her very happy husband. She decides that she wants to try out some "young stuff" and hubby is more than willing to help her find a new lover! ***Sarah and I have been happily married for about twenty years now. We have raised our c***dren and find ourselves now in our mid-forty's. We are still both in very good physical condition and enjoy a freedom that most couples our age are quite envious...

2 years ago
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A chinese wife decides to have a lover

I and Tanya had been car-pooling for about a year now. She and I work in an office and live close to each other and carpool three days a week. Tanya is 41 years old Chinese wife with a handsome looking husband and a beautiful 18 years old daughter. After some time we would have chat on various topics, one day I told her I like women who wear dresses/skirts/blouses that show her curves a little. This was just an innocent remark. A few days later, it was my turn to drive, she parked her car in...

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How it really is for hubby when wife has a lover

I just wanted to share this with the guys, as what you think you want may not be what you want. I’ve been very lucky in my marriages – been married more than once and each of my wives liked to play, although at different levels. My wife and I are older now, but both of us have experienced threesomes with extra males in our bed and we found we preferred longer term relationships with an extra male for her – it kept her feeling good and kept me horny. Speaking only of my current wife of 30 years,...

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She said she was going to take a lover. We were sitting at the dining table for dinner when she told me. I did not even hesitate before I answered. I said “OK.” This is a story of someone who finally had enough of the social climber world heaped on him. I am Jack (short for Jackson) Walden, 34, married for 12 years. I am a very successful inventor and technical writer. I own a small manufacturing plant. That stuff doesn’t mean much to me. Money is just a scorecard, and I ain’t playing the...

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The Vampires Lover

Vampires. They're the lords of the night, the stalkers of the living. Each one was an irresistible pale beauty with powers far greater than any creature who lurked in the darkness. With one simple gaze they can trap you in their lustful spell and turn you into a mindless puppet. They held the strength of ten men and the speed of a cheetah. For countless Centuries, Vampires reigned dominion over lands, towns, and kingdoms. Villages have paid them tribute in exchange for safety. They were truly...

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Policewoman And Her New Lesbian Lover

Last Friday I was still in my police uniform when Gretchen’s motorcycle roared as she drove into my driveway. My 43 year old new found lesbian lover had arrived and I knew I was in for a long passionate night. I had become bi-sexual after my divorce, I wanted to try women and found out I preferred the tender lovemaking and soft body of a women. I had no problem attracting women, I knew I was still hot for a 34 year old, I had the large body of a full figured Scandinavian women, I am six feet...

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