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Security guard isn't the most glamourous job in the world, but it suits me fine. After all, who else gets paid for sitting around watching a monitor all night? It's a bit monotonous, but it gives me time to think. You can go into a kind of zen trance watching all the nothing going on. Lately I had been working this university gig – campus cops. It wasn't bad. I got to walk around a bit, and the worst I had to do was break up a frat brawl or escort a panicky girl back to her dorm.

It was Tuesday night, so things were particularly uneventful. I was on my usual 1 AM sweep of the campus. The only sound was the wind flowing between the branches of the auburn trees, knocking off a few more leaves. I flicked my flashlight around, casting a sweep of light over the ground, not really expecting to find anything. But I did.

She was lying on the grass of the quad, covered in a blanket of leaves. Her black hair fell around her in clumps. Looking serene in sleep, she was unconsciously sucking on a blade of grass between her pale pink lips. I stood there for a minute, stunned at both her beauty and the strangeness of the situation.

The girl slowly began to open her eyes, stirring at the beams of the flashlight. She sat up, yawning and stretching her arms, then seemed surprised that it was still night. "What's going on?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing," I said. "You need some help getting home?"

She stood up, flushed, and dusted herself off. "No – no, I'm fine. I'm so sorry, it's just..." The girl trailed off.

I tried to smile cavalierly. "Don't worry, I see it all the time. Here, I'll take you to your dorm."

She stared at the ground. "I don't have a dorm."

"Well then, do you have a friend here you could stay with or--"

And that's when she started crying. I stood there stiffly. I was never any good around crying women. I wrapped my jacket around her and gave her an awkward pat on the shoulder. "Here. Let me take you into the office and we'll get this straightened out, okay?"

She nodded dumbly. Well, it was a start.

My office wasn't really an office, just a small amount of room behind the security desk, but since it had a computer I liked to imagine it was an office. I lead the girl to a seat and told one of my co-workers that I would take over manning the desk. He shuffled off to get his sixth coffee of the night.

I turned to the girl, who was pulling her thin jacket tight around her. "So, who are you?"

"My name's Rebecca," she said.

I gave the officious response. "Nice to meet you, Rebecca. I'm Joanne, Campus Security." They said doing it like that was supposed to help you remember the person's name. "Why don't we see about getting you home, or at least somewhere safe and warm for the night?"

"Don't got either of those." Her eyes were green like verdigris, and a little frightening in their intensity.

Upon prodding Rebecca provided her last name – Rose – and I did a quick search on the campus database. It turned up two parents as emergency contacts. "Why don't you stay with your parents? It says here that they live in the city..."

"My parents kicked me out," Rebecca said, trying to act casual. "For being a dyke."

My throat dried. "I'm so sorry. Do you have any friends or anyone else that you can stay with?"

She shook her head. "Nah. You'd think I would at least wait until I had a girlfriend to come out, but no. I just wanted that happy touchy-feely moment of family togetherness and acceptance so bad." She laughed bitterly. "Didn't really work out the way I'd planned."

On impulse I grabbed her hands and squeezed. "Hey. This isn't your fault. Whatever ends up happening, remember that they're the assholes here, not you."

Rebecca looked a little amused. "I thought you were a security guard, not a shrink."

"I'm a woman of many talents."

"Whatever ... anyways, the past week or so I've just been sleeping on campus. It's actually kind of nice. You know, sleeping under the stars, communing with nature – all that shit."

"What are you going to do when winter comes?"

That shrug again. "Haven't really thought about it yet." I felt sorry for Rebecca, but there was a part of me to reach across the desk and throttle her when she said things like that.

I tapped the desk. "Hang on there. I'll make some calls, see if we can work something out."

"It's not like I've got anywhere to go," Rebecca said. She was right. Beyond her personal situation, campus at these dead-of-night hours was like a cage – no buses, few cars, nothing around for miles but student slums and highways. You had to wait for whoever let you in to come around and let you out again.

I did indeed make some calls, but of course no one was answering this early. I left messages hoping they wouldn't be overlooked or chucked into the labyrinth of university bureaucracy. I returned to my room to tell Rebecca the no-news, but she was already asleep in her seat, head tilted to rest on her own shoulder. She looked really cute. I'll confess that I sat there and stared for a couple minutes, taking in the smoothness of her face, the serenity of her closed lids, the heave of her sizable chest as she breathed ... it felt a little wrong, but I figured there was no harm in looking. Looking was all I was getting lately after all.

With a sigh I sat down and started up another round of Tetris.

Morning came, and with it a round of answers, none in the affirmative. There were no free spaces in residence she could use, no funding to get her a hotel room, nothing but condolences and helpless shrugs from the few staff or agencies that bothered to reply. The campus LGBT organization said she could stay in their clubroom, but that didn't sound like much of an improvement, unless these kinds of organizations had come far from the dingy plastic-chairs days of my youth.

Rebecca woke up and grumbled that she needed some coffee. I went with her to the nearest coffee shop, not mentioning that my shift had been over for an hour. She tried to pay with a pile of change, but I waved her off and got it. She mumbled a thanks.

"Well, the bad news is that I haven't been able to find a place for you yet," I said as she slurped up her coffee tongue-burningly fast.

"I already did the rounds," she said. "Believe me, this is my best option for now. Thanks for pretending to care though."

That desire to strangle her was back. "What do you mean pretending? I'm really trying to help you here."

"Well," Rebecca said. "Unless you're living out of a dumpster too, you've probably got a place to stay. But of course, that's too good for me."

I hadn't even considered having her over at my apartment. Up until this point I was just working, thinking of what I could do as part of my job. Sure, helping strays wasn't technically part of the job description, but I had been thinking of myself as Guard #372193 and not as Joanne Dickinson, as an institution and not a person. Which raised the question – did I actually care, personally care, about Rebecca? Beyond my job?

It was unfair of her to ask me, of course, and at first I wanted to curse her for the grenade she had thrown in my lap. But I didn't, just staring out at the campus walk as it slowly filled with students. Rebecca was pointedly watching me.

If I let her crash on my couch, I would feel like a sap, like someone whose kindness and loneliness turned them into a doormat. But if I turned her away, I'd feel like a bitch, someone so low as to let a young girl sleep on the streets. It didn't take long to choose which bad things other people (well, mostly me) would say about me.

"Alright," I said to the table. "You can sleep on my couch. But only until you find somewhere else, okay?"

Rebecca got up and flung her arms around me, pressing her cheek to mind. An illicit thrill, a wave of warmth went through me as her breasts descended to touch mine. "Thank you so much! I knew when I saw you that you were a good person. Trust me, I'll be out of there in a few days, I promise."

"Don't worry, there's no rush," I said, feeling benevolent. "And I'd save all those comments about me being a good person until you see my pigsty of an apartment."

Rebecca finally gave me a smile. "I think we're going to get along just fine."

I woke up as the sun was beginning to set. My bulk took a little while to respond to my thoughts, but I eventually managed to haul myself up out of bed. I was briefly puzzled as to why I could hear the dull chittering of the TV – I couldn't have left it on, could I? Belatedly the events of last night came back to me. I remembered coming back here with Rebecca in the morning, despite her playful protestations about breaking her perfect attendance record. She had been wide awake, having spent most of the night snoozing in my office, but I needed to hit the hay.

I wandered out into the combination living room/kitchen of my tiny one-bedroom apartment. Rebecca sat there in the same clothes she had worn yesterday (and for who knows how many days before then), watching the 6 o'clock news while digging into a bag of no-name cheese puffs that had been sitting on top of my fridge for a couple weeks. "Hey, have a good afternoon's sleep?"

I shrugged. "The usual."

"I had a shower and some of your food. Hope you don't mind."

I shrugged again. It was all I could do this closely removed from sleep. Having made sure Rebecca hadn't burnt the place down, I went to the bathroom for my usual start-of-day routine. It was pure basics, not like the elaborate make-up rituals some of my girlfriends did. Had done, I supposed, back when they were still my girlfriends. They were getting older too and might not have the energy (or immaturity, I thought) to fight an increasingly uphill battle.

Back to the main room, with Rebecca looking oh-so-sweet. "So Joanne, you didn't tell me you were gay."

I stopped dead, hand reaching halfway towards the drawer with the cereal. "How do you know that?"

"Photos on the fridge," said Rebecca. "Pretty sure that other girl isn't your sister."

I cast my eyes to the photos she was talking about. Me and Kristin, taken almost a year ago, the two of us smiling with our arms around each other. God, I should have taken those down. We had been broken up for months after all. Plus there was something almost taunting about those images – her ethereally pretty form, slender and young, next to my chubby body and butch-plain features. But there was always something more pressing than cleaning up my place, or even paying attention to it.

"No," I said. "She's not my girlfriend either. Not any more, anyway."

"Sorry to hear it. She looks hot."

"You know, I'm not one of your straight friends. You don't have to try and act dykey to shock me or look cool or whatever."

She looked genuinely hurt at the accusation. "What? I just thought she was a cute girl, is all. Not everything I say has an ulterior motive."

She was right, I guessed. But the kind of shamelessness she displayed still irritated me. "Sorry. You're right, she was pretty cute."

Rebecca looked triumphant. "So, you got anything to eat around here? I don't mean to be rude, but it's kinda suppertime. I would go and get something myself, but I'm running a bit low on funds right now, as you can imagine."

"Well, for me it's kinda breakfast time. But there's this diner place down the way that serves all day breakfast, so we can go there. I'll pay."

"Thanks for offering, but after weeks of campus fast food I kinda want a home-cooked meal." The girl was infuriating. What did she think I was, a waitress?

I grudgingly opened my fridge. It was pretty bare – either Rebecca had done a number on it during the day or I needed to go grocery shopping soon or both. But I had both bread and a quarter-eaten brick of cheese hiding in there.

"How does some grilled cheese sound?" I said.

"Fan-fucking-tastic," she said.

"All right. You make the sandwiches and I'll fry 'em up." Rebecca looked a little surprised at being conscripted for the cooking – maybe she did think of me as a waitress after all – but dragged herself off the couch and did her part.

While I was waiting for the frying pan to warm up I wondered why I was doing all this for a girl I barely knew. The standard shrink answer would be that I saw a younger version of myself in her, but I really didn't. When I was her age I was reserved, brimming with subdued anger, and in the closet to everyone I wasn't fucking. For me lesbianism was something you did in private and didn't talk about, not because it was shameful but because it created unnecessary complications – it wasn't an identity you claimed without any experience. I was still like that, to some extent.

The other answer was that it was lust, that I was hoping to get this baby dyke in bed. But I was pretty sure that wasn't it either. I mean, she was hot, but I could get plenty of girls that looked like her without all the hassle. So why was I cooking for her?

After we had finished making the simple meal we sat on the couch and ate, as the news blared on the television. "Man, this reminds me of home," Rebecca said. "Thanks a lot."

"No problem, kid."

She gobbled down her sandwiches at twice the rate that I did. It was understandable, I guess. When she was finished Rebecca sat the plate down on the table and put a hand on my thigh. I froze. Even through my jeans I could feel the warmth and a strange kind of shock.

"What are you doing?"

She rolled off the couch and knelt between my legs. "Well, I figure since you're taking such good care of me I should repay you somehow. And this way sounds best to me."

"Rebecca, I don't need a whore."

I don't know what I expected her reaction to be – relief, anger, something at least – but her expression didn't change one bit. "It's not like that." She undid the button of my jeans. "Don't make a big deal about it. Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

I wanted to. I really wanted to. But at the same time, I didn't want to take advantage of the situation. Rebecca didn't know what she was doing, not really. I stood up abruptly, grabbing a fistful of denim to stop my pants from falling down. She looked up, confused.

"Look, honey, in this situation I think it's better if we don't..." Had I just called her honey? I never said things like that.

Rebecca nodded glumly. "I know what you mean. But I just don't want to be your charity case, you know."

"You won't be. Trust me, something will open up soon enough."

Of course, nothing opened up, at least nothing above the level of a homeless shelter. I wanted to leave Rebecca somewhere she would be safe, but with my salary there was nothing left to offer but my couch. Hell, affording food for two people was straining things as it was. The situation wasn't sustainable for long, and I knew it. But what was I going to do, kick her out?

I woke up a bit more than a week after first meeting Rebecca to a smell that instantly made my mouth water. After throwing some clothes on (one of the things I missed most was being able to wander around my place in various states of undress), I stepped out to discover Rebecca with two frying pans over the oven. Pancakes and bacon. She was wearing an apron and had her hair tied back in pigtails, looking like some kind of domestic goddess.

"Wow," I said.

Rebecca looked over and beamed at me. "Just thought I would make you something for your 6-PM-breakfast. You like?"

"Smells great," I said. "Where did you get this stuff, though?"

"Back of your fridge, back of your cupboards. Hope the bacon's still good." Rebecca had become a regular excavator of my home, finding little treasures I had forgotten about months ago. She was wearing some of them now – Kristin's old clothes, found crumpled on the floor of my closet. My clothes were too big for her, but my ex's fit her eerily well.

The food was great. Rebecca served herself some too, but spent most of the time watching me eat. I almost suspected the apron of being another ploy to attract me, play into some kind of fetish thing. She had been pulling out all the stops over the past week – brazenly changing right in front of me, dropping innuendo at every opportunity, walking around after a shower with a tight pink towel wrapped around her body, riding up above her creamy thighs, dangling precariously off her generous breasts, the type of thing that you could just grab a corner of and gently tug and there she would be for you, unwrapped like a Christmas present, in all her glorious--

I needed to stop. The apron was, I assured myself, just to stop grease or whatever from getting on the clothes. I couldn't let my filthy thoughts get away with me. "So how were your classes?"

"Good," she said. "I've got a ton of reading for next week, but I should be able to get it done. Thinking of taking a Women's Studies minor. I dunno, after all this it just seems really... relevant, y'know."

I did not, in fact, know. Rebecca was an English major, one of those students I had resentfully glared at before. I had never gotten to go to college, but if I did I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have wasted four years and God knows how much money studying old books and feminist screeds. Which reminded me...

"So, what's the deal with your tuition?"

Wrong question. Rebecca looked up at me with a frown. "Well, my parents already paid it for this year, and that's locked in. But after that..."

The silence loomed. "I'm sure they have scholarships for people in your situation," I said, trying to make myself believe it as well as her. I'm not sure why it was so important to me that she get her useless degree, but for that moment it was.

Rebecca shrugged, but the shrug couldn't hide her sadness. On impulse I swept her into my arms and gave her a bear hug. She took refuge in my body, pressing herself close. For all she tried to affect nonchalance, I realized, she was going through some tough times.

I released her and she looked back up at me with a smile, looking refreshed. Well, that was my good deed of the day. I guess she could have accused me of leading her on, but it wasn't like that. It was just a hug. A hug between friends.

It was a couple days later, and I had just gotten back from escorting a staggering girl back to her dorm. She kept rambling about how drunk she was and about some boy named Dylan, and I wondered why girls like this got dorm rooms and free rides when Rebecca (or I) didn't. Well, I never expected the world to be fair.

When I got back to my station I found Lewis waiting for me. As far as I can figure out he's my boss, heading up the university security team, although with the mystic academic bureaucracy it's sort of hard to tell who's actually in charge around here. "Hey Joanne. Mind if I talk to you for a minute?"

I nodded, trying to dispel the sinking feeling. He invited me into his office (he actually had an office, albeit a closet-sized one) and had me take a seat.

"I don't want to worry you," he said, which is never a good start to a sentence, "But we've been getting some reports about you having ... a relationship with one of the students."

Rebecca. How had they found out? "It's not a sexual relationship, if that's what you're implying."

"Well, a couple students have said you're living with this girl, which I think may be cause for some concern, given that you're an authority figure here." Who were these students? Why did they care so badly about who I was living with?

"Look, all I'm doing is giving her a place to stay for now. Would you prefer she was homeless? Because that's the alternative. I've tried getting her some space--"

He put up a hand to stop me. "Okay, okay. Look, it's just not a very good looking situation all right? Don't put her out on the street, but try to find another place." There was an implicit or else in his tone, for all he tried to seem friendly. The message was pretty clear.

When I returned from night shift Rebecca had just woken up. For some reason she made sure to be awake whenever I came in and pester me with a bit of conversation when all I really wanted to do was get to sleep. Today was no different. She sat on the couch in her T-shirt and a pair of my boxers which went down past her knees.

"Good morning Joanne," she chirped. "How was your day?"

"Fine," I said automatically. "Say, have you been telling anyone about our ... I mean, you staying here? Any professors or people like that?'

Rebecca shook her head. "Well, no professors, but I might have mentioned it to some friends ... some people I met at the LGBT org ... they didn't get it though, they thought I was being manipulated or something."

A surge of anger hit me. She was going around bragging to try and make friends, and it might cost me my job. And she just said this to me so fucking innocuously, like she had done nothing wrong. It was just the perfect end to days and days of irritation as this inconsiderate carefree girl waltzed through my life without any concern as to what she might be stepping on, in her tight little towels and revealing clothing and...

I grabbed her by the shoulder and shoved her down to a prone position. She looked startled, like she hadn't been expecting me to get angry at all. "You want to play dyke so bad? I've given you everything I can out of the kindness of my fucking heart and you can't even keep quiet? You realize that I might lose my job now, right?"

Rebecca was shivering. "I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

I grabbed her boxers by the hem and pulled them off her in one smooth motion. Her young cunt was there quivering along with the rest of her, with the lightest thatching of brunette hair, so pink and fresh and promising. "You want me to fuck you so badly?"

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The Spell

Charlie was your average middle class suburban kid, currently studying at college. He was good looking, had an athletic body, a decent enough sized dick and did OK with getting girls but was certainly not a lady's man. Like every guy at college, he jerked off regularly and particularly enjoyed watching porn where the girl would be fucked by a big dick which also meant an enjoyment of interracial porn. Additionally, Charlie weight trained and despite being in good shape, he dreamed of being...

3 years ago
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This Little Piggy takes 2

I rolled my head and arched, opened my eyes….and screamed. Master stood there in my bedroom doorway watching me, arms crossed, sexy arrogant smirk on his face. I stared, frozen, as he said to the man standing next to him. “Filthy whore always has her hands in it.” He walked over and grabbed one ankle pulling me to the edge of the bed, running his hand up my leg. I opened my mouth and gasped, lifting and spreading my legs prettily. He shook his head and grunted a short laugh as he...

3 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 24

Flashback – Ben – Leaving the hospital – earlier Elena walked back into my room and pushed a gurney which contained ... I couldn't believe it and profusely complained, "What the fuck is that body bag doing on the gurney." She smiled at me and explained, "What better way to get you out of the hospital! With all the other bodies which are being taken out of here no one will notice you." I continued, "Isn't it bad luck to get into a body bag before your dead?" Elena countered, "I...

2 years ago
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A Holiday Surprise

Just passing the Holiday season brought back a memory of and experience a few years into my exploration outside my marriage. By this point in time, I had had additional affairs with a few men...almost all of them were in tandem with my friend and neighbor, Nadine who was also a coworker of mine. This was during a period in both of our lives in which our husbands were otherwise occupied and away on business and there were a few company trips out of town for both Nadine and I. We had become...

1 year ago
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Mothers and Daughters

Mothers and Daughters: So, in the course of a very short space of time our home had gone from having two women and three men to having five women and no men. Somehow, when it had just been Mum and Cara, things had been kept relatively tidy but now there were bras, panties, suspenders, stockings and tights all over the place. Not just in the laundry room, but in Dad's garage, although she was now Aunt Robyn, in the kitchen and dining room, in the living room, literally...

4 years ago
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Boston Solutions IncorporatedChapter 10

Stephen sat down in the chair heavily. Looking over at Magus, he asked, “Why did I take twenty-one hours this semester?” “So that you can get your degree in three years,” Magus answered. “That’s right,” Stephen said. “Are you signed up for your summer classes?” Magus asked. “Yes. Nine hours,” Stephen answered. It was going to be a busy summer taking three courses on the shortened summer schedule. “Excellent,” Magus said. “The final examinations nearly killed me,” Stephen said. He was so...

4 years ago
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BiofeedbackChapter 2

We return to Bethany's session with Dr. Cohen, where she had just relayed some version of the preceding events. "Thank you for sharing that report with me, Bethany." Dr. Leo Cohen turned the laptop on his desk around so that its display was visible to the fourteen-year old girl. "Now you are familiar with this readout – it is a multigraph of the biofeedback measurements communicated wirelessly from the headband, armband, and waistband you are now wearing, just as in all of our sessions...

2 years ago
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Strangers In Bus

Dear Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. My name is Sankar, age 30. The heroine of the sex story is Neha (name changed) and her age is 22. Further details will be revealed sooner. I have tried a new concept and posted an online chat with one of the girls I have met. We agreed to do a role-play and the conversation goes like this. Its bit lengthy, but I believe it will make you wet. So be ready with your boobs, pussy or cock and start reading. Happy reading and happy masturbating. Sankar: whats...

2 years ago
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A New Day The Other Me chapter 7

My whole career in a shit sling because my original case had nothing. Now I’m looking at more nothing and a larger list of suspects. Captain Miller is unsympathetic to my situation informing me that ‘if I’d got a confirmed suspect the first time maybe the suspects wouldn’t have tried again’. Yeah boss that’s really going to help me. Forensic evidence reported they have their total findings ready for me and I find myself stuck in that familiar rock and hard place. “Nothing? Not a single...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Cousin Sister

This is the real incident happened last month. Even I am not bad or my sister is not bad.Everything happened just like that.I am 26 years old guy working in private company in Chennai. My cousin sister studying 3rd year in engineering college which is also in Chennai. Her age is 19 & she stayed at college hostel. Directly coming to the incident. Once fine evening at 8.15 pm, she sent me what’s app msg “Bro.Can you please pick up me & drop me in my aunty home”. By seeing that msg , immediately I...

3 years ago
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Finally the door opened and his heart leapt into his throat. He was supposed to protect Cho last year, and had turned on her instead. If she really was orchestrating some grand scheme against the others from behind bars, then he hated to think what she had planned for him. Feeling cowardly for his thoughts, he straightened up and put on a smug face. After all, he would be the one getting to leave after they were done here. They sat her at the small table and shackled her to the chair,...

2 years ago
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At the beach with Grampa

I went to spend a month at my grandparents place in Naples,Florida.They lived in a beautiful apartment complex that was complete withswimming pool. An added plus was that it was only a few blocks fromthe beach and the Gulf of Mexico. My Grandfather and Grandmother weremy father's parents so I felt comfortable with them, although I hardlyknew them. The last time I had seen them was when they moved here.They had moved to Florida five years before. when he retired fromthe civil service. I had very...

2 years ago
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Drafted Into SpaceChapter 6 Fighting Back

Daryl said that missiles should work in space as rockets did. The engineers and weapons mates agreed that the fighter launch tubes could be used to launch something other than a fighter at a pretty fast rate of speed and it would go fairly straight too. I asked if recoilless rifles would work as the recoil would leave the back end of the rifle as the round left the other. Again the engineers and weapons mates said that the force should not be that great against the size of this ship. Using...

4 years ago
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The CureChapter 51

“Cure David, could you follow me please? You have a call,” Herald Forimisto requested. He led me through to a private office, indicated a tri-dee cube, and then left me to my privacy. The cube then flickered into life and I found myself facing Kirim. “My love,” I greeted her. “As you can see, reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” “My love,” she sobbed out. “I was heartbroken when Amantil told me; Kiria and Dayyev were in tears.” “I’m so sorry, my love. I will make them pay...

2 years ago
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A Boy and his Dungeon XVII

I awoke to the girls whispering and giggling across me. When they noticed I was awake, I got kissed by both and managed to pat them both on the ass. They jumped out of bed so I could get to the bath and padded downstairs. I pulled on sweats and a t-shirt and headed down to join them. For some reason, despite common attitudes, the girls seemed to enjoy being domestic. Unsurprisingly, they were both still nude. They had me sit down, served me a cup of coffee, and chattered away while...

3 years ago
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my first threesome

It was something Paul and I had discussed a few times but never had it got this far today was the day we had found a girl on the site and she was coming round on Saturday night. It had been on my mind all week getting more excited as the day drew near then when i woke up this morning there was excitement and possibly alot of nerves too kind of a weird feeling so we tried to busy ourselves during the day. It was nearly 5pm we had our dinner early tonight then I went off for a bath to get ready...

3 years ago
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I Will See You When I See YouChapter 2

I got up at 6:45AM and looked at my phone. No calls, texts or e-mails. I turned off the alarm that was set for 6:50, went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet while I laid out the day’s duties. When I was done, I took a quick shower before I put on deodorant and the clothes I had worn for only a few minutes last night. I opened my door to find Renee standing there at exactly 7AM. “A punctual woman. That is a novelty.” “A man who keeps his word, an even greater novelty.” “Breakfast?” “And...

3 years ago
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Mark and Andrea plus two One Last Time

It had been days since Mark and Andrea had fucked in the men's room at work. Their days off from work kept them apart. By the time work was starting back up again, the two were horny and ready to fuck at the drop of their clothing. But Mark had time to think about things and knew this little affair was just that and couldn't last. Though Andrea knew how to suck a dick and loved to swallow his cum, he loved his wife and needed to the affair.He drives over to Andrea's house prior to work. His...

1 year ago
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Against My Will

© copyright 2002 - all rights reserved When I dropped out of college to get married everyone told me I would be sorry. They were right. Unfortunately, when you're are twenty years old, excercising your right NOT to take good advice is consistant with the stupidity of youth and a total lack of common sense. Within nine months I was divorced, no job, botched education and living back home with my mother. It was like a bad dream... stuck in a little one horse town, a place I swore I...

2 years ago
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Captain David Humatha ran down the corridor toward the high speed gravity tube that would take him down the fourteen levels to the bridge. He shouted into his comlink to be heard over the loud alarms and the sound of running spaceboots which was echoing all around him in the hallway. Between loud squawks, the alarm was repeatedly shouting in a mechanically calm, and yet very urgent voice, “Level Three Intruder Alert. Level Three Intruder Alert. All crew to battle stations. All families to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The time I asked my cousin to fuck me

I woke up at 4 am. I had been tossing and turning, able to really sleep all night, just thinking about what I was about to do today. My husband, lying there in the bed next to me, and I have been trying to get pregnant for nearly a year now, but it just isn't working. He is great in bed, but apparently the little swimmers can't quite make it to the finish line. To solve our little problem, in a few hours, I was going to let my cousin Jake give it a try. I had been wet all night just thinking...

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Chance encounters strangers on the train

Chance Encounters: Strangers on the train. (c)By Legion999 2010To set the scene, it was a warm sticky night as the people traveled to and from where they did or didn’t wish to remain. The train wasn’t particularly busy for a Friday evening, a man and woman shared a carriage and sat on the opposing side as one would expect.As the journey wore on they were both feeling the stifling evening air.Peter, 42 year old blue collar worker, he was not over weight and had a good physique. It was so hot he...

Quickie Sex
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So much porn is getting made these days. I do what I can for myself and my perverted brethren of readers, but even I can’t keep up on everything. Despite my best efforts, thousands of porn websites slip my grip every day.Many aggregate sites attempt to wrangle the mighty porn beast into submission. They catalog and organize a vast swath of filth every minute. It’s in these places you can hunt amongst the chaos in search of that perfect fuck video.Those sites often try to do too much by amassing...

Porn Pictures Sites
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The Best Gift 8211 Virginity

Dear readers, the conversations of the story obviously were in ‘Bangla’, some places I have used ‘Bangla’ as happened and translated into ‘English’, otherwise I have tried to use translated English. It was 1994, I was then posted at Khulna and resided in the service quarter in the colony. Private Tution after office time was my secondary profession and I was very familiar for that in the colony. Because who studied to me scored well in the examination, so I got many offer from the guardian of...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Magic Part One

Kate and her four friends were coming back from a trip when their car broke down. They were in the middle of nowhere and their cell phones couldn’t pick up any signals to get any help. They were a little scared and decided to walk until one of their phones got a signal. It was getting a little dark but they saw a light from a distant house and none of them remembered one being there before.Kate checked her phone seeing that there was still no signal and decided that they should knock on the...

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Two and a Half BitchesChapter 3

When I awoke in the morning, I was snuggled against Pam’s soft, naked backside. My morning wood was wedged in the cleft of her ass and my left hand was cupping her breast. I stayed there, looking at each blonde hair that strayed across the side of her beautiful face. Finally, I had to get up to release the buildup of hydraulic pressure. When I finished, Pam was standing in the bathroom doorway grinning. “Don’t you believe in closing doors?” she asked. I shrugged. “Why? It’s not like I’ve got...

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Mothers Day

This is a short story based loosely upon my wife and her ever-continuing quest for big black cock. First off, you need to know a few things about my wife. She is a very small, skinny, petite white woman who stands about 5'1" tall in high heels, weighs in at about 93 pounds, soaking wet, and has very small breasts, (32A) with nipples which stand erect at close to one full inch when aroused. She is a natural blonde, has her hair on her head cut short in a pixie style cut, and closely crops her...

1 year ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 8

Donnie made a point of greeting Heather and her parents at Church that Sunday. Rob MacAuley introduced his wife, Isobel, who was an older version of Heather and just as bonny. The adults turned to talk with friends and neighbours, giving the teenagers a few minutes to themselves before they entered the church. "I really enjoyed yesterday," Heather told him. "Loch Tay was stunning and the meal was fantastic. I've told mom and daddy about the restaurant. They've never eaten there, but I...

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This is my story Part 2 God send me an angel

How do you explain what happened. We had the perfect relationship, love and trust friendship, no sex but we didn't need it what we had was better than sex. I can explain what happened it was my fault. I did it I admit there?s nothing I can blame it on. I loved that girl more than I loved myself and I fucked it up. It all started after graduation, the ceremony was over we both had family waiting for us the usual grad night requirements, dinner with the family, stories about our child hoods from...

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In the Locker Room

They had just won their final game of the season and were headed to state at the end of the month. Joey and Tyler, generally called Gainer by his teammates, were still in the locker room after the game after everyone else had left. They were catching a ride together, but it was cold and snowing outside, so they had decided to wait inside. Gainer checked his phone and read the text that had just come in: Sorry, will be late, roads are bad. Mom Well, it looks like well be here a while, dude,...

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A hole in the wall Chapter 6

Sunday became a turning point in my life. I arrived and Mona said she had a favour to ask me. “Are you bi by any chance” she asked me. I wasn’t sure why she was asking. In fact, back in the day I did have a brief affair with a woman at work. It lasted two weeks, was very intense and she decided she liked men and it ended. “I have dabbled” I said. “Oh good” she replied “this couple have booked and I was hoping you could take it”. I had to laugh. She had already booked it so what was she...

4 years ago
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Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark 5

Becoming a Sissy Maid for Mark & Rebecca, Part Five - Ms. Rebecca Tells Mark About Meeting Stephanie and More I continued telling Stevie about Stephanie and how I got to know her and her sissy, picking up from where I had left off with my having just finished sucking Mark to a climax and being told to share the news of my good fortune performing the research he had assigned me to complete for him. "Good girl, Rebecca," he said smiling. "I'm glad you still like sucking your...

2 years ago
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Life imitating art the 70s partial creampi

I previously blogged this on this site, but it wasn't long enough to allow for a 'story.' So I'm adding some funny dialogue that I found in my journal at the time of this awesome tryst, not present in the original blog entry. When I was in college in the md-late 1990's, I bought a vintage porn flick on DVD called Bel Amie (1976). It starred Harry Reems (of Deep Throat fame) and featured a very hot scene with Reems and a gorgeous African actress (whose role was a sort of Nubian Princess). She...

3 years ago
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Blue For Boys

Jessica let out a high-pitched bark of pleasure with every powerful thrust of Matthew’s hips. She looked over her shoulder at his sweaty body, blotched red with exertion, and they shared a mischievous grin as he caught her eye. The headboard thudded against the bedroom wall each time he drove his cock deep into her from behind, steady and deliberate, and the ripple of her round ass as his thighs collided with them was utterly hypnotic. Matthew could tell he was close to bringing his gorgeous...

Strap-On Sex
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Christmas Threeway

She had caught the eye of my best friend at the time, Don. Don had invited her over to my house on Christmas eve, I wasn't home yet, I was with family. I was a little worried, I knew what his plan was, to nail her. She wasn't legal yet but he had brought a forty of Jack and was pretty bent on getting all of us, once I arrived, pretty wasted. We had a good time, laughing and playing video games for a while, my room was large and dimly lit by the TV. She still liked me, I could tell,...

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Girls Guide for How to Get Daddy to Do You

The divorce had been Alison’s idea, but Mark wasn’t particularly opposed. He wasn’t going to grovel. And now they were separated he mostly felt it as a big relief. Katy, their 13-year-old daughter -- even that wasn’t such a problem. Alison naturally got custody. Mark got every other weekend. They also had dinner together every Wednesday. Because they had so little time together, he made it a point to clear his schedule and focus on her when they had time together. In fact, they spent as much...

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The Busty Blonde Wives Of TitshurtChapter 3

"Don't you have any regular bras? Bras that don't torture my breasts?" "I'm beginning to lose patience with you, Mrs. Brinks," Sheriff Williams scolded as she hurried across Main Street toward him, her wobbling jugs still unfettered by a bra. "But I went back to the hotel room to get a bra out of my suitcase, and all of them were gone! All of them! Someone broke into our room, and stole nothing but my bras!" The sheriff's expression changed from anger to alarm. "Stolen? Right...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Violet Monroe Tiffany Watson Tickle Fetish

When athlete Tiffany Watson comes in for a massage after some hardcore ab training, masseuse Violet Monroe offers her tickle treatment, because it really works the core. Tiffany follows the fiery haired masseuse into the massage room and takes off her clothes. She lies on the table face down and Violet begins with a soothing massage, loosening the knots in her shoulders, her back and her glutes before starting the tickle treatment. After relaxing her with a full body massage, Violet begins the...


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