Former Miss Teen Seduced Into First Time Sex free porn video

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As the party droned on, Ashley found it harder and harder to concentrate on what was going on. All of the conversations seemed to merge into one and the music seemed to enter into a slow motion mode. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the couch, quickly falling asleep. She woke with a start to find that the blaring music had been quieted down and that the crowd was gone. Soft music was gently playing in the background and the bright lights had been dimmed to mild shadows. As her eyes adjusted, she realized that a older man had joined her on the couch.
Looking away, Ashley felt flushed, wondering where she was at and who this man was. I introduced myself to her, " I am John" telling her she was in my hotel suite. I was sitting next to her with my arm around her shoulders."So, what is your name?" I asked her quietly. The sound of my voice made her jump. "I am Ashley, I guess I fell asleep," Ashley replied. "I'll say, you were out for about an hour. You OK?" I asked. "I think so." I leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek. Ashley felt herself flush and, in spite of herself, getting excited.
"What do you want to do?" I asked. "I don't know," Ashley replied, answering honestly. She had only ever kissed a guy once before and that guy was as nervous as she was. She had heard girlfriends talk about going all the way and about sex, with older men but had figured most of them were lying about it. Anyway, John was a nice guy and she figured he wouldn't press her for something she didn't want to do. She felt my arm wrap around her shoulder and pull her closer to me. Ashley again felt me reach to kiss her only this time I pulled her closer to me. As she tried to relax, she felt my tongue press against her lips.
"Relax," I whispered softly, "Just relax and let your self go some." Ashley let her lips part a bit and felt my tongue enter her mouth. A combination of the drinks, and being overly tired played against Ashley's ability to resist. Besides, she was enjoying all of this too much to stop.
As we sat there kissing, Ashley felt my hand slide up her blouse and cup a breast through the material. No one had ever touched her like that before and she felt a low, soft moan escape her lips, " oooooohhhhh". I took that as permission to go on. I slowly pulled away from her and leisurely began to unbutton her blouse from the top. Ashley leaned forward and grabbed my hands, stopping me, but I gently released myself from her grip and continued until her blouse hung softly open.
She tensed as she felt me reach behind her and to undo the hooks of her bra. Again she leaned forward and tried to stop me, this time by trying to divert my attention with a kiss. I kissed her back, again thrusting my tongue into her mouth, but continued to undo the hooks.
She felt a sudden relaxation of material as the bra hooks snapped open. Pulling away from her slightly, I lifted the bra cups above Ashley's breasts. She felt a shiver as I leaned forward and took a small nipple into my mouth. She looked around the room; wondering what she was doing here allowing this stranger to molest her. “No... Wait. Please stop.” She said as she gently held my hand. “Relax.” I whispered
Quickly, Ashleys attention was turned back to me. She felt herself being pushed sideways towards the couch as I lowered my head to her breasts. She could feel the warmth of my body beside her. I was gently sucking a nipple shooting feelings through her body that she had never known before. As she tried to relax she felt my other hand slowly slide over her shoulder and come to rest on her bare breast, lightly fingering her other nipple. “Please. Please, I can’t. Please. Please. I can't .” She pleaded.
She felt my hand high on her thigh, slowly moving up her thigh until it came to rest between her legs. There she felt me slowly start to caress her through the course jean material. Ashley's mind began to race. She wasn't sure she was ready for all of this but she really didn't know how to go about stopping it. The idea of having sex was both exciting and frightening, the idea of sucking on guy's cock with her mouth, was terrifying. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt me grab her hand and urge her to the floor below. As she slid from the couch, my other hand, had been feeling her breast gave it one last firm squeeze, sending a chill of almost pleasant pain through her body.
Ashley began to lie down on the floor but I stopped her and began to undo her belt. She thought to herself that this was going to be it, if she let me do this, she would have let go of all control. She allowed me to loosen her belt and unhook her jeans. Lifting herself a bit, she felt my hands work the tight slacks down her hips and off of her legs. Now laying there clad only in her panties and loosened bra and shirt, Ashley felt herself wanting to cry and run out of the room. “ OMG STOP! STOP! OH PLEASE STOP!” Ashley screamed
But things had gone much too far for that, and she didn't want John to think of her as a child. She wanted him to like her and, because she was terribly afraid that I wouldn't if she didn't go along, she let me proceed.
I laid almost on top of her and began to kiss her, thrusting my tongue deep inside of her mouth. She felt my hands roving over her body, cupping and lightly squeezing her breasts, running across her stomach and laying gently between her legs. Slowly she felt my head leaving her face and, gingerly licking her neck, moving down and again taking a nipple into my mouth. She felt her breasts grow sensitive under my touch, again sending new and exciting feelings throughout her body, " AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" she screamed. But, this time, I did not stop there.
Pausing only for a few moments, I continued downward, letting my tongue flow easily across her stomach. She felt every muscle in her body tense as my tongue caressed her skin. As I reached her naval, she felt my hand slide under the elastic of her lace panties and touch the crease of her leg, sending shivers through her entire body. Again lifting up slightly she allowed me to push the thin material over her hips and down her legs. I pushed them off her legs.
Again sliding slowly down, She felt my warm breath now against her thighs. Closing her eyes she focused on the man between her legs and my soft kissing of her skin. Slowly she felt me move my tongue up towards her pubic area and, in a move that almost caused her to moan out, felt me touch her gently there with my tongue. She laid her hands over my head and gently fingered through my hair.
Ever so slowly, I let my tongue probe through the light hair that covered her mound. A slight dampness there and almost continuous involuntary twitching on her part told me where to touch, lick and kiss. The taste was fresher than I had recently and, slowly inserting a finger into her; I came to the realization that she was a virgin. More excited than ever, I left my place and quickly moved up to again kiss her deeply on the lips. Ashley tasted herself for the first time. "You've never done this before, have you?" I softly whispered in her ear.
Ashley shook her head, almost imperceptibly. "I'm going to make it nice for you honey. I'm going to show you things you've never dreamed of." Ashley smiled at me, not sure I even saw her face in this darkness, then hugged me tightly against her. "Isn't there a bedroom we can go, someplace with a bed?" Ashley asked softly. "This is OK. It's all OK." "But," the words were cut off in mid-sentence as I again was kissing her.
Ashley lay there holding me in her arms and wondered if this was what love making felt like. She thought to herself that I must really like her to be doing all of this and the idea that here was a 52 yr. old wealthy lawyer and business mogul making all of this fuss over her was more of a turn on than anything I had actually done. Ashley felt me again pull away from her slightly and expected me to again let my mouth find her breasts. This time though, I knelt up a bit and undid my belt. She lay back and watched as I pulled my jeans down to my knees in one motion, then lay back and kicked them completely off. She realized that I was not wearing any underwear. I repositioned myself between her thighs, leaning down kissing her lips and nicely developed tits. Ashley was very quiet at this point, so I asked her I if there was something wrong. She blushed and said she was surprised how long and thick my cock was. I gently rubbed my 14 inch long wide rock hard cock aganist her clit and pussy.
Ashley moaned " Ohhh. Ohhh. Uuhhh. Uuhhh. Uuhhh. Ohhh," and shivered. I pulled away sitting back on my knees, taking Ashley's hand, I placed her hand on my hard cock. Ashley started to pull her hand away, pulling her hand back I whispered " First time touching and holding a hard cock?" She replied " Yes." She felt the hard member under her hand pulsing as she held it softly. She slowly began to rub it up and down in her hand. "Oh, baby, that's it," Ashley heard me whisper. I let my right arm slide under her neck and I urged her to rest her head on my chest. Through the dim light she gazed down at the thing she had in her hand. She had, of course, seen erect cocks on animals before but had never seen one on a man.
I began caressing her hair, placing light downward pressure on the back of her head. Ashley knew from watching the other girls, what I wanted her to do. Maybe it won't be so bad. Slowly she started kissing my chest and then my stomach, She let her head slowly slide down towards my cock. When she reached what she considered to be an adequate distance from it, she lay her head back down on my lower stomach and continued to caress my cock with her hand and lightly blow a cool stream of air across the head of my cock.
"Oh baby, yeah. That's it, that's it," I half said and half moaned. "Yeah, that's it." She slowly moved her head forward and lightly kissed the tip of my cock. As she moved back away from it, she licked her lips and tasted something salty on them. I now was pushing on the back of her head and she again moved forward, again kissing the head of it, all the while stroking it with her hand. "God, baby, yes. Oh, God," escaped my lips.
"This isn't bad," She thought to herself. In fact, she was enjoying it, it made her feel much older than her nineteen years to have a guy responding so readily to her touch. "Take it in your mouth," I whispered. "Suck on it." She let the head of it slowly slide between her lips and sucked it lightly. The salty taste was stronger now but she found it somehow pleasant. She felt me strain my hips upward and let me move my cock into her mouth. As I relaxed downward, she went with me, letting her tongue slide against the side. She felt involuntary spasms in it. He had done that to her and it had felt great. Besides, she was now positive that he really liked her and she certainly didn't want to risk losing him. She attempted to act like she had been in this position before.
Both of us adopted a slow, steady rhythm as I moved my hips up and then down, letting my cock slide slowly in and out of her mouth. After several minutes, Ashley felt me gently pull her head back towards me, carefully easing her onto her back. I climbed between her thighs again, leaning down kissing her lips and nicely developed tits. Ashley was very quiet at this point, she blushed and said my cock was so big and thick that it would not fit. I gently rubbed my 14 inch long thick rock hard cock aganist her clit and pussy. I slowly began to push the bulbous head inside her, she was a virgin. The walls of her pussy were so small and tight that I literally could not push further. The lips of her pussy were wet, but her pussy was so small and tight, the more pressure I applied it caused pain, she screamed " OMG! OMG! AAAAAHHH!"
As I pulled back some, she placed her hands on my chest trying to push me away. I tried again, but she was sooo small and tight, I told her that, and Ashley blushed. The more I tried to penetrate her the harder my cock grew. I decided to lubricate my cock with gel to help open the tight walls up of her pussy. I lubricated her pussy and my cock, then thrusted the bulbous head aganist her pussy, the shaft sank four inches into her. " STOP!", you're hurting me. Stop!" I pulled out of her, then she felt the bulbous head of my hard cock poking aganist the tender lips of her cunt. As my mouth covered hers my hand slipped between our bodies and I positioned the tip of my cock at the opening of her pussy. I groaned into her mouth as I pushed into her, I could feel her pussy was now lubricated. I could feel a part of her liked it. I thursted hard into her driving the head of my cock into her stopping at her hyman, “ OMG STOP! STOP! OH PLEASE STOP!” Ashley again screamed. " Oh! Baby, your so tight. My God, ssssoooo tight!' I pull completely out of her.
We kissed again, with our tongues fucking each other's mouth, and the aroma of her pussy got stronger making me even hotter. I grabbed her ass with both hands causing her to spread her legs further apart. Then with the head barely touching her lips again, I drove my hips forward using all of my might. For a brief moment, like a hundredth of a second, her lips resisted, and then split to allow the instrument enter her, slamming through her tight vaginal canal tearing her hyman and driving itself at least 6 inches in on the second thrust. so I wasn’t surprised at all when her whole body jerked in response to the white hot pain of the instrument slicing into her small tight young pussy as she emitted a screech " OMG! OMG! AAAAAHHH! ". She screeched " AAAAHHH! TAKE IT OUT! AAAAAHHHH! " Pulling back several inches, I saw lots of blood covering my cock, and dribbling down on to the floor.
Then I drove forward again, slamming the head right up against her cervix. I still had a few inches of shaft to go, but that would take a bit of pile driving action. I drew back and started ramming the tight young woman as she howled pitifully " OMG! AAAAAHHHH! AAAAAYYYY! AAAAHHHH! ". Whatever it felt like for her, the feel of her underprepared and tight undersized virgin pussy milking my cock sent shivers of excitement through my body as I slammed her with my cock. The pain took her by surprise but in a moment she felt my large balls resting against her pussy flesh and she knew she had taken all of me. The feeling of fullness was incredible! In a way she was proud of herself. She had taken all 14" of me. I began to pull out but quickly thrust deep back home. I was building a rhythm gradually taking longer and longer deeper strokes until I had sheathing and unsheathing of my full 14" on each stroke. Her pussy resisting each thrust, clamping down in a vain attempt at stopping each subsequent penile impalement. Tears were pouring from her face as her tight canal was stretched, scrapped and torn by the sustained ramming I was inflicting on her. Gradually, the continued ramming of my cockhead gave to the back of her pussy caused it to give a bit, and I was able to ram the last few inches in. It felt great, having her tight young pussy grasping the entire shaft including the base of my cock, convulsing from the trauma, continuely spasming as her whole body heaves from the sobs and screams she was emitting " AAAAAHHHH! AAAAHHHH! OOOOOHHHH! PLEASE STOP! Pleeesssse Sttttttoooopppp! ".
I gently wiped away the tears on her cheeks, I placed my left arm under Ashley's shoulders, holding her close as my right hand softly stroked her hair. My lips touched hers in a long, soft kiss. Slowly, Ashley's arms moved up and around my back, pulling me close as she lifted her legs and wrapped them around my hips. I continued kissing Ashley and softly massaging her soft supple body with my free hand. Ashley started returning my kisses as she caressed and rubbed the back of my neck. I whispered in her ear, " You just became a woman." Slowly her hips began moving in time with me as I slowly moved deeper inside of her. " Ooooohhhh." Ashley moaned as she nuzzled into my shoulder. " Oooohhhh."
These were the moans of escatsy. They were moans of one body responding to another. Moans of acceptance. " Ohhh. Ohhh. Uuhhh. Uuhhh. Uuhhh. Ohhh." Ashley continued responding to my gentleness. Ohhh. Ohhh. Uuhhh. Uuhhh. Uuhhh. Ooohhhhhhh." Ashley was moving in time with my hips and thrusts now, her pace increasing as I did, her pelvic area grinding against mine. Ashley felt the stirrings deep inside her. Slowly, she was becoming very aroused. " Ohhh. Ohhh. Uuhhh. Uuhhh. Ohhh! OHHH! UUHHH! UUHHH! MMMMMMM!" Ashley clamped her mouth onto mine, darting her tongue in and out of my mouth as I did the same. Our tongues intertwined as the pace of our thrusting increased. " OHHH! OHHH! UUHHH! UUHHH!" Ashley moaned as she pulled me tighter against her. She felt the feeling of arousal growing inside her, felt her body responding more and more to my attentions. " OHHH! OHHH!! UUHHH! OHHH! UH-UH-UH-UUUHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Ashley groaned as her body was wracked by multiple orgasms. Her entire body shaking, pushing me over the edge as well. " Oh God!!" I moaned as I began shooting my load into Ashley. Ashley was still in the throes of her own orgasm as she felt the heat of my sperm filling her insides. The throbbing of my cock inside her caused her to groan as her orgasm began abating. " Mmmmmm." Ashley sighed, holding me close, her legs still wrapped around my hips, as the trembling of her body slowly ceased. I collapsed on her with a sigh of contentment. Ashley opened her eyes seeing my face above her, feeling my softening cock still inside her. I rolled off her, smiling at her. I pulled her up off the floor, placing a pillow on the floor in front of the sofa. I asked Ashley to kneel on the pillow and lean aganist the sofa. I whispered to her, " Let me fuck your tight virgin ass". " NO! Please not there! It will hurt!" she answered. " Let me finish making you a woman, baby. I will be gentle." I responded.

I parted her legs, sliding between them. Ashley feeling my hairy thighs rubbing aganist her thighs. I parted the cheeks of her ass, licking my finger then I slide my finger up and down the crack. Stopping at the pink bud of her rectum, I lightly rubbed it causing her to jerk and moan " nnnnnnnooooo! please don't!" Relax baby, I then slide my finger in her tight asshole in and out slowly, and while it did hurt at first, I knew exactly how to distract her by tweaking her nipples or slamming my hard cock back into her cunt really hard and deep. She began to love the idea of me filling her tight ass and pussy at the same time, and she soon learned to love feeling my finger inside her that way.
I tried a couple times to push my hard cock in with little success. As much as she wanted to please me, she was really afraid. I tried to be gentle. I lubricated myself well and placed the tip of my cock against her asshole, and worked it gently, stretching her a little at a time. I tried to be a little more assertive, lubing it and telling her to relax while I tried to just push my way in. That might have worked if I had been less considerate, but I wanted her to like it, and each time she tried to like it, she panicked. I had her bent over the sofa and when that did not work out, over a chair. I laid her down on the floor and put her legs in the air, and when that was unsuccessful, I put her on her hands and knees doggy style. I tried to make her feel more in control of the situation by sitting down and having her sit on my cock as if she were sitting in my lap. Pain again, and panic, " OMG! STOP, Please STOP!" SHE screamed.
I was gentle in all the attempts, patient and gentle and reassuring. I insisted that she just needed to relax to enjoy it. she tried to relax, but as most people realize, when you "try" to relax, you do not. She was frustrated and annoyed with herself. she wanted to do this because it was clearly important to me. However, having never have done this before the pain caused me to panic. I asked Ashley to stay the night. She awoke during the night entangled with me. We were laying on our left sides sensuously together. She started to adjust herself a little to get more comfortable, when I felt her move, I immediately tightened my arms around her and pulled her closer. The sleep position being unusual for her, She was a little confused when she felt my cock against her ass. I was still mostly asleep, so although she could feel movement against her butt, as if I were slightly aroused, I was not fully erect. I was pressed into the crevice, and she could feel the length of me with the head an inch or so away from her pussy.
It felt pleasant, and she started to wriggle slightly, adjusting herself against me. My cock began to stiffen, and she started to kind of grind herself against me gently with a slow, steady rhythm. It felt sexy and sensual, but very relaxed, the feeling of my cock so close to her pussy, my body so close to her, and my arms holding her so tightly. Neither of us was fully awake. .
She felt my hard cock as I matched her rhythm and pressed more tightly against her. I stroked her absentmindedly, softly and gently with my fingers. It was very erotic to her - the contrast of my gentle, endearing touch, so different from the demanding, rough pulls and grips of the night before. I slipped my fingers down to her pubic mound and continued my soft gentle strokes, no pressure at all, just light, feathery brushes across her skin.
She felt a lust between her legs. Deep in her cunt, She felt the start of that familiar ache. She jutted her ass back against me, attempting to position her pussy against the head of my cock. I responded by pressing myself into her closer, and moving my fingers to her labia. I continued the soft feathery strokes around the folds of her pussy lips. I teased my way up and down, strumming and brushing my fingers against her slowly, never parting the lips, never moving to her clit, and it was deliciously maddening.
She could feel herself melting, liquid starting to flow from her yearning cunt. She pushed herself against me and tried to wiggle her pussy onto my hard cock. I remained still, letting my pulsing, hard cock rest between her ass cheeks, and moved my other hand to her swollen, hard nipples. She has average tits, 30B, and prominent, rose-colored nipples that are extremely sensitive. She can come just from having her nipples touched, and I discovered that the first time I made love to her. I know exactly how to turn her into a writhing, begging, lusting virgin wanting her virginity taken by an older man by playing with them.
I moved both hands to her tits and began brushing the palms of my hands, then my fingertips, across her nipple tips. As she began to grind her ass against my cock, I took her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and began rolling them gently. As she started to squirm even more, I began to pull and tug on them softly, allowing them to pop loose and kind of bounce free every few minutes. I alternated the plucking and pulling with flicking my fingers against the sides of each nipple rapidly but lightly.
The feelings that coursed through her young body were exquisite and unbeliveable, but the ache in her cunt had become an intense craving, and as the muscles inside tightened and squeezed involuntarily, the churning sensation made her squirm. My cock was so hard it ached and She could feel it against her stiff and pulsing. She wanted to feel it inside her instead, plunging and filling her full. She arched her back, and reached her arms back over her head to wrap her hands around my neck. I nuzzled against her, breathing into her ear, alternately blowing lightly and running just the tip of my tongue around the orifice.
I also had started to alternate the gentle flicks against her nipples with periodic pinches, jarring her senses and making her moan, " OOOOOOHHHHH! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!." She pushed her body against me desperately, needing to feel me in her. I spread her pussy lips with my fingers and dipped just the tips of my fingers into the edge of her wet velvety box. I pressed there, just inside the edge of the opening, teasing in and out from the swollen, wet inner walls to the puffy, outer lips, wiggling my fingers just enough for her to feel the motion.
Her body was on fire and aching for cock. She needed to feel my long thick hard cock in her. She wanted me so bad, and I knew I was making her crazy. As she moved against me, I continued to toy with her body, flicking and brushing her nipples, circling just inside her pussy with my fingertips only and licking and kissing her neck and shoulders. I started to press my cock against her, and she responded by grinding her body against me.
I worked my cock against the lips of her pussy from the rear, dipping slightly into her wet, dripping cunt, then suddenly I plunged my fingers into it from the front instead. She didn't care how I did it, she was just grateful to feel something filling the emptiness between her legs. Just as quickly as I had pushed my fingers deep, I pulled them back out and began to play them around her swollen clit. She felt like screaming in frustration.
However, I began dipping the head of my cock into her wet pussy and then sliding it back to her ass. It made her body quiver. She pressed against me, wanting my cock inside, needing to feel me in her. The head of my cock was coated with the wetness from her pussy, and as her cream had oozed out, I had used my fingers and cock to smear the slippery natural lubricant around on her inner thighs and the crack of her ass. I pressed my wet, throbbing cockhead against her tight asshole, and continued to stroke and rub softly against the lips of her pussy and her shaved pubic mound.
I did not increase the speed at all, even though I could feel her straining frantically against me. I continued to finger fuck her slowly and gently, teasing her body mercilessly, and although she was aware of my cock pressing against her asshole, her attention was focused on the feelings flooding through her nipples, clit, and cunt. Even though the movements of my fingers were slight and measured, her erect nipples and swollen clit throbbed and pulsed. I continued pressing my cock into her ass with the same slow steady rhythm.
She was beyond any thought other than being fucked. She had become my young virgin in heat, wiggling, twisting, and writhing to get my cock inside. Position was irrelevant, she just needed cock. I inched my cock into her tight ass, pressing steadily but slowly and continued to finger softly around her clit. As I further penetrated her virgin ass, she stiffened as she became aware of the pain as my long thick cock stretched her open. I immediately thrust my fingers into her creamy cunt and continued pushing my hard rod further into her tight tunnel.
My fingers made her crazy. I knew that when she got really wet, she loved the way I finger fucked her. I shoved three fingers in her deep and hard. The thrusts and plunges were in a way that made her feel almost like, she was being fucked with a cock. I held her pussy cupped in one hand, thumb pressed close to her clit, fingers digging relentlessly into her dripping wet cunt. The muscles in her pussy squeezing and contracting with pleasure as I shoved my fingers in and spread them slightly, then withdrew to the tips only to ram them in deep again.
As I fucked her sopping wet twat with my fingers, I continued to work my rigid cock into her asshole. She felt the intrusion, but my fingers, which I was now alternately using to thrust into her wet, cunt and brush and pluck her swollen nipples, had her so excited and stimulated that it was simply a subconscious awareness somewhere in her mind.
The distraction worked exactly as I intended, focusing all her energy to that burning ache between her legs deep in her pussy. She gyrated and pumped her throbbing hot box against my fingers frantically and purposefully, completely relaxing her ass and offering no resistance as I pushed my cock in completely.
Suddenly, she realized that I had buried my cock to the hilt in her ass. I had played with her tight puckered asshole with the head of my cock which was wet and slippery from the cream oozing from her cunt. I had teased her that way creating a pleasant, interesting sensation that was new to her. And as I stimulated her tits and twat to the point that she was excited almost to delirium, I had slipped my thick cock all the way into her virgin asshole. She was amazed, pleased, confused, and enthralled all at the same time.
Thoughts and sensations flooded through her mind. She concentrated on how my cock felt deep inside where no other man had ever touched her. She loved the new feeling of fullness and the depth. I was still inside her, so she could feel my cock throbbing, and she loved the thickness and stiffness of me. Her ass was so tight and snug around my throbbing cock, she was slightly uncomfortable, She remembered thinking, but the idea of me inside her that way distracted her from the minor discomfort.
I remained motionless for several minutes, allowing her body to adjust, and to allow, me to savor my conquest. She felt stuffed, my cock was so long and thick and pulsing, and I continued churning my fingers slowly in her wet cunt and gently brushing my fingers across the tips of her nipples. Every nerve ending in her body seemed to be alive, with every stroke of my fingers, she felt jolts. she was keenly aware of the connectivity of her body, because it seemed like a continual flood of electrical currents coursed from one nerve to the next with every touch.
She liked the feeling of me being in her ass and her cunt at the same time, and as she turned to look at me, I thrusted my tongue into her mouth probing, then sucking. She felt like she could simply melt away in ecstasy. I began to move my cock very slowly, kind of grinding into her, but not backing out at all, and increased the speed and motion of my fingers in her pussy and on her nipples. She moaned " OOOOOOHHHHHH! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!."
As I intensified the stimulation between her legs and on her tits, I began to pull my cock back slightly, and made gentle, short thrusts into her ass. She moaned again, " OOOOOOOHHHHHHhhhhh".
It felt unlike anything she had ever experienced, my body seemed melded to her. I began to work my fingers on her pussy and tits again, and moved my tongue from her mouth to her neck, one minute fucking her mouth with it, the next licking the hollow of her neck with rapid flicks. I then began sucking the same spot until she felt a twinge of pain, and quickly moved to suck her tongue as she tried to draw away from me.
I knew her body well, and I teased and plucked her nipples and began to ram my fingers into her wet pussy, pushing her toward orgasm. Her body responded just as I knew it would, sensations raging, cunt aching, and she moaned, " Ohhh. Ohhh. Uuhhh. Uuhhh. Ohhh! OHHH! UUHHH! UUHHH! MMMMMMM!" and pummeled her cunt against my fingers wildly. As she tried to ride my fingers, her ass swivelled and gyrated on my long thick cock Again she moaned, " OHHH! OHHH!! UUHHH! OHHH! UH-UH-UH-UUUHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!."
I knew she was flooded with desire, desperate to cum, and in that ridiculous place of need that encompasses all else. Nothing mattered to her except that insane insatiability. She wanted me slamming into her, ramming her with full long deep thrusts, forcing her body to respond. I pulled my fingers out of her quivering pussy and grabbed her nipples and held them between my thumbs and forefingers as I began to ram into her newly penetrated ass. She was screaming, "OMG! OMG! OHHH! OHHH!! UUHHH! OHHH! UH-UH-UH-UUUHHHHHOOOOOOOOO", " OHHH! OHHH!! UUHHH! OHHH! UH-UH-UH-UUUHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!."
She felt the length of my cock slide about half way out, and then felt me slam back into her, causing her body to jerk and again to scream, , "OOOWW, that hurts," AAAAAAAAAHHH, OWWWWWW."
It was painful, and it was uncomfortable. It felt intrusive. I pulled her nipples as if I were milking her tits and I pulled my cock about three quarters of the way out at the same time. She moaned, "OMG! OMG! OHHH! OHHH!! UUHHH! OHHH! UH-UH-UH-UUUHHHHHOOOOOOOOO" as I continued milking her nipples, and she felt me slam my cock back and deep inside, then started slamming in and out of her ass like a pile driver. She was screaming, " OHHH! OHHH! UUHHH! UUHHH!," " Ohhh. Ohhh. Uuhhh. Uuhhh. Ohhh! OHHH! UUHHH! UUHHH! MMMMMMM!".
It did not hurt really, but she was conscious of being full in a way she never had experienced, and the sensation was very different from my cock in her cunt. She felt her insides tugging against my hard thick shaft, and as I pulled out, it felt like my cock was scraping the walls of her asshole. She guessed, I knew that her ass was tight, and that it would be painful, because when I pulled the length of my cock almost all the way out again, I shoved my fingers right back into her empty, wet, aching cunt.
I then moved them to the spot close to her swollen tender clit that I knew would make her cum every time, and I began to work on her. As she became hot and frantic again, I began to fuck her in the ass. I would pull almost all the way out, then slam my long thick rod back in deeply. I had her nipples and her cunt on fire again, and although she was aware of pain as I continued to give her, her first ass fucking , she was again beyond caring because it was minor compared to the pleasure coursing through her body.
I pumped in and out faster like a pile driver, periodically grinding and sort of rocking my cock, She guessed to loosen and stretch her muscles some. As her body adjusted, I began to slam into her with long deep strokes. I pulled most of the way out, then plunged back in a few times, then settled into a rhythmic, steady long deep strokes. This was the moment when she really knew and accepted that not only had I put my cock all the way up her ass; I was really, actually fucking her in the ass. She could feel her asshole tugging against my rod with every stroke. She could feel my balls slapping aganist her pussy, Wap, Wap, Wap.
I was clearly enjoying the tight grip and pull on my hard, swollen rod, because I increased my tempo again. As I masturbated her toward orgasms, I fucked her ass deep and hard. I wanted to make sure that her first time taking it up the ass was one she would never forget, because I kept changing from one type stroke to another. I fucked with short, quick jabs, then deep, long penetrating strokes, grinding gyrations and rapid, hard deep pumps.
As I felt her close to cumming, I began to hammering my cock into her ass the same way I pounded her pussy. I withdrew my cock to the head and then plunged it back in deeply in rapid fire motion, fucking her ass with the same demand. She had felt in her pussy. Shockwaves of pain from the unexpected assault on my senses fought with waves of ecstasy exploding in my body while I came all over the fingers I had thrusted back into her cunt. "OMG! OMG! OHHH! OHHH!! UUHHH! OHHH! UH-UH-UH-UUUHHHHHOOOOOOOOO" she was groaning.
As her body spasmed with pleasure, I rammed my long thick heavy cock into her asshole with complete abandonment...slamming my rod harder and harder into her tight ass. I was in extasy fucking her tight virgin ass so completely, I wanted to make sure she understood how it could feel when I pounded her instead of making love to her gently. She realized that being seduced by an older man was thrilling and a totally different experience. That my timing was perfect and intentional. She guessed that I knew that while she was cumming, the elation would distract me. " OHHH! OHHH!! UUHHH! OHHH! UH-UH-UH-UUUHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!" she groaned.
Within seconds after she came, I exploded, letting my load fill her ass. In addition to the strange sensation of my cum flooding her ass, she felt my cock spasming and jerking in her ass sending pleasure sensations through her body. Then a sudden, intense burning sensation from the salty cream. Her ass was raw and sore, but she had not realized it until that moment. I pulled out quickly, leaving her empty and sore but satisified. We wrapped around each other again, and I held her close and tight, basking in that feeling of complete satisfaction and oblivion that comes after really great sex. The first time I took it up the ass may not be my last.


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Seduced by My Daughters Teen Indian Friend

My wife, Megan, and I were born and raised in the Dallas area, and we were able to find good jobs here after college. We live in an affluent suburb, which is a wonderful place to raise our daughter, Julia. Megan and I got married right after college, and by the ages of twenty-three our daughter was born. Julia turned sixteen at the beginning of the summer before her junior year in high school, and Megan and I were still relatively young, thirty-nine-year-old parents.It was a lot of fun raising...

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I could not sleep! Images of Beki, my 18-year-old teenage neighbour filled my head. Beki with her lips wrapped around my stiff prick. Her pushing her wonderful tits together and allowing me to slide my knob between them. Me pounding into her with a passion I hadn’t known I was capable of. Me lapping at her moist sex as she held onto my head and moaned loudly. “Lick me, daddy! So good!”. Why would an 18-year-old even look at an old man like me? OK I was still in my early 50s so didn’t like to...

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Miss Teen Ohio Part 2

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Big Boobs Teen Seduced And Fucked

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Teen Neighbor Girl Loves Mature Cocks and Oral Sex

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She Seduced Me

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Hello friends , this is my story of how my mom seduced me for sex. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Rohan and my mom is Sushmita. My father Jacob had died in an accident when I was just about 10 years old . Now I am a young stud of 19 years and my mom is 40 years old. We are very conservative and orthodox family of Roman Catholic Christians and we live in Mumbai. My mom was quite young when my father died of an accident, and she could have easily got remarried to someone as she is...

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My Friend And I Seduced My Wife 8211 Part 3

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Me and my oldest teen sons first encounter

Me and my oldest teen son's first encounter. Part One.As promised this is my first attempt at writing.This story series is all about my taboo experiences. This first part is about my morning first-ever time sucking and later fucking with my virile hot randy Eighteen-year-old son.On my profile page, I created a post explaining the background. For those that have not read that I have included a shorter version of it here so new readers who have not read my first post on my profile will fully...

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Miss Teen Ohio Part 1

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My First teen experience STORY BASED ON OUR PARTY

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Seduced Into Frillies

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Adult Family Friend Gives Me My First Teen Blowjob

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Adult Family Friend Gives Me My First Teen Blowjob

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Gay Boss Seducing A Beautiful Straight Teen Boy At Work Part 2

I received an email in my secret account from Brent, my hot and sexy, totally straight, eighteen-year-old employee, from his secret email account.  I was immediately excited just to get a secret email from him, and my excitement was enhanced with Brent’s very straightforward and kind of commanding language and tone.Brent just wrote, “You wanna suck on my junk again?”I wrote back, “Of course I wanna suck on your junk.  I’ll do anything you want, any time.”Brent’s reply was immediate, asking,...

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Finally Seduced My Aunt

Hi ISS readers,i love ISS very much,this is the true story happened between me and my aunt… My self I am from andhra pradesh aged 20,looks good and average skin tone,my story is about how I seduced my aunt,getting in to the story,my aunt was 55 years old,having good body structure with medium sized boobs, I love her boobs very much,since I was at 18 years old I have a crush on her to fuck,one day I went to her place,she is washing clothes,i called her she suddenly turn back and smile and asking...

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Brother8217s MotherInLaw Visited And Seduced Me

Hello guys, this is Armaan from this side of the story. This is a real incident, which happened about 6 months ago in Pune. This story is about how I fucked or rather got fucked by my brother’s mother-in-law. So, without wasting a lot of your time, I’ll come to the story. This is a long one as I’m going to explain how I seduced my brother’s mother-in-law and got seduced instead. Brace yourself for the ride! Are you guys ready to shag your wands and girls get ready to feel your pussies dripping...

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NaughtyBlog Teen

If your idea of heaven is having access to a seemingly endless blog featuring beautiful teens sucking dick and getting their pussies fucked six ways to Sunday, you don’t have to wait for the afterlife anymore. It probably doesn’t even exist, so don’t get your hopes up. Anyway, it would help if you directed your browser to (Teen).Is (Teen) really a porn company? Fuck if I know; fuck if I care! What I know is that the domain has been around for a long fucking time...

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StripChat Teen

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CamSoda Teen

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How I Seduced My Student Into Hot Sex

Hello Friends…… all hot guys and gorgeous girls….. Thanks for your wonderful comments on the email for my previous story (Heena – the baby sitter seduced…). I received so many responses that i found it tough to answer all of them….. Also met a couple of you post the email conversations and had a blast….. Anyways coming to the story….. I am a teacher in part time at one of the leading engineering colleges in the city of Mumbai. This particular college is my favorite as a teacher since the...

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Innocent teen Sammies very first gang fuck

Like to be stripped down to just a thin bra and thin panties then laid on her back onto a bed as 1 by 1 each limb gets handcuffed to a corner bedpost. Then as Sammie is softly moving her hips and eager to get to her penetration she looks to the door in time to see a group of men walk in. Every one of them already have thier dicks pulled through the hole of thier bottoms and each cock each bigger than the last. Then Sam's completely helplessly watches the men surround the bed. Each man...

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Chaturbate Teen

Do I really have to explain Chaturbate to you? Something tells me that every dude on this planet has been to this site at least once. But why the fuck would you not? When you have access to live camgirls playing with their pussies, and you can watch them for free, why in the ever-living fuck would you want to stay away from that?!Chaturbate has a massive amount of camgirls that perform shows for you to jerk off to. That much is fucking true. So there is enough room for you to get picky. And if...

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Seduced by Stranger in Train in presence of Husban

In 2005 the incident happened, when I was travelling from Patna to New Delhi (India) in Shramjivi express. I was going with my husband on LTC to Rajasthan. We were in 1st AC compartment, and alone in the cabin. When the train reached Buxer, one gentleman boarded in the train and came in our cabin. He was a handsome man around 38 yr, 5’9” and a bit like muscular body. I was quite impressed with him. He said hello to my husband and smiled at me and sat on seat. As we were alone, me and my husband...

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My Moms Big Ass Seduced Me Part 8211 2

Hi, I am Rony 18.In the previous story, I told you that how I seduced my mom and was able to fuck her hard but when we had sex and at the last, my dad came.I wore my all clothes and went to my room.Who ever don’t know my previous story just go and read it my mom’s big ass seduced me. I was peeping from the door and my dad was getting ready to fuck my mom .He took out his 7 inch cock and started rubbing my moms juicy ass ….She was so tired as I had already fucked her so hard ….Bt my dad was in...

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Daughter Seduced and Degraded

Daughter Seduced and Degraded  Daughter Seduced and Degraded  By The Jellyman [This story is completely invented, and has no relationship to any real people or activities.? Also, we do NOT advocate that any actions in this story be acted on, and in fact strongly disapprove of anyone who would even contemplate these actions.? This story is complete fantasy, and intended to remain complete and total fantasy.] This story started in late September of Katie?s sophomore year of high school.?...

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Barely legal teen Ashleys babysitting goes wrong 18 year old

the sexy cheerleader to be laying naked on his bed watching one of his porn DVDs with her legs spread in mid air fingering herself and moaning. He wasted no time, as he went inside though one of the back entrances. He snuck into the room with his fake grandson and told him if he left though the backdoor quietly and went to wait for him in his car, he would give him extra money. He quickly agreed as he left the house. Perfect, he thought. Just me and 18 year old Ashley in the house alone, he...

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PornKTube Teen

I never thought there was a good thing as a ‘positive burglary’ until I walked into my home a few years ago. I caught some teen bitch stealing my shit, crying to me that she needed the money for college. Fuck that! I’m not giving anybody any handouts, no matter how fucking hot she may be. And let me tell you, she was fucking smoking.So I decided to do what any rational man would do: give her a high-dollar piece item and fuck her brains out. That's exactly what I did! I gave her a gold necklace...

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Kumar Apartment Part 13 Teena Ka Hardcore Lesbian Anal Surprise

Sabko mera bahut bahut thanks mere story ko padne ke liye, aur also thanks for mail replies. Mujhe kaafi khushi hai ki mera gmail aplogo ke mail se bhara hua hai aur aap sab kitne besabri se meri kahani padne ka intzaar kar rahe hai. Last episode mein aap logo ne dekha ki Shobha aur Akash sham ko hone wale Shobha aur Rakesh ke live sex show ka plan karte hai. Par usi waqt Teena ke ghar Teena ne Swati ko uska surprise diya jiske bare mein aaj ka lesbian episode hai.. Hope you enjoy this part too...

1 year ago
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YesPornPlease Teen

It's hard to beat the feeling of watching a teen getting fucked so good she can't take it anymore. It's even better when you're the one giving her that dick! She's moaning so loud that you think she's going to wake up the neighbors; once it's over, she wants it all over again. Or what about those teens that are barely legal yet they're so experienced and know just how to ride the cock? It's like they have the experience of a MILF…but with a tight hot body.It seems unnatural that someone in...

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DaftSex Teen

I don’t know about you horn dogs, but it’s hard to beat a fucking woman that knows how to satisfy a man. I fucked a mom last week that didn’t say a goddamn word: she blew me exactly how I wanted, swallowed, then left. Some women have a sixth sense and know the best way to satisfy a man.A lot of times, these women are aged like a fine wine. Other times, they're teens that look like they shouldn't know how to suck a cock - never mind how to ride a dick that gives you a mind-bending orgasm before...

Teen Porn Sites
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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter VI Prissys Playtime

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a (mostly) softer touch than many others. There is sugar and spice and everything sissy-nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy milk-sop behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated X, as there is...

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Seduced And Fucked My Advocate Bhabhi 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, this is anay again, with next part of my story which was seduced and fucked advocate bhabhi. If you haven’t read my last part here’s the link Https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/seduced-fucked-advocate-bhabhi/ … After we have a small erotic session, I told her to get ready for full night stand and we will celebrate it as our honeymoon, she agreed and so we decorated full room as honeymoon suite and asked her to wear red saree with all inner-wears, to which she said “your...

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Seduced My House Maid8217s Daughter

Hi all, in this story I am going to tell you how I seduced my house maids daughter. This happened after a week I had sex with Bala. Since that was December month Sita aunties hubby was there and I couldn’t even kiss aunty, by that time only I got my first gay experience with my friend Bala… Since we finished our model exam we got 10 days vacation, so everyone in room planned to go to their native, since my parents went to a marriage I planned to go my home one day later. That was the day got is...

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XVideos Teen

Ah, my favorite category of porn. Teen porn. Who doesn’t like seeing a tight teenage pussy get demolished in a porn video? I know I do. I love it when the tiniest of teens get bent over and destroyed like they’re someone’s property. Anyway, if you want to talk about an excellent place to find teen porn on, you can’t just gloss over the fact that has one of the biggest selections of porn in general, and it’s only one of those places that you go to no matter which genre of porn you’re...

Teen Porn Sites
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A young cute str8 teen boy washed my trailer with a brush then I washed his penis with my mouth

I was camping and planned to stay in an RV park for several weeks. I knew it was time to wash the roof of my RV, but I wasn’t looking forward to the work.  I had been chatting with an old-timer RV’er (Josh) who said, “There’s a kid living in that trailer (pointing to an older rig) that did a great job washing my roof, and he washed and waxed my whole rig.  He’s a nice kid.”I had returned to the RV Park from grocery shopping.  Making my way back to my RV site, I looked over at the trailer where...

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FapHouse Teen

Hola, dickheads! Welcome to the house of fap, the place that is teeming with tight pussies, braces, pigtails and those goddamn plaid skirts that make my blood rush down to my balls! Superb shit! Teen porn is kinda unique, but the teen smut on takes things to a whole new level of unique. The thing is that all porn that you are gonna see here is 100% exclusive, but it's still dirty to the core. One could say that presents the best of both worlds - crude, amateurish,...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
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Teen Age Memory

Teen Age MemoryBy: LondebaazIt amazes me today to remind myself that my 2 years older sister Ally and I were both in high school wrestling team and we both have been enjoying wrestling as sports and great exercise. We even watched wrestling entertainment on the tube quite often. Like most siblings we horsed around a lot at younger age playing and pretending to lock arms and pin the other person. As Ally matured, she became a very attractive girl but still she enjoyed horsing around with me;...

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Bikini Beach Teen Angel

Bikini Beach: Teen Angel ElrodW A young man blames himself for the accidental death of his sweetheart. His futile attempts to escape his guilt have put him on a path of self- destruction. A punk girl takes him to Bikini Beach, and he gets a new perspective, and maybe, a second chance. Notes: This story uses a few characters from Ellie Dauber's "Purse Snatcher" and "A Punk's Story" (Ed, Ken, Mel, Frankie, Tina, and Felicia). They are friends of...

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iXXX Teen

Every man has his own set of features that attract him to a bitch the most, but some things are universal. For example, everyone loves a nice set of perky tits, no matter the size. Big, small, medium, gigantic, it doesn’t matter. Ladies obsess about titty size, and men have preferences, but in the end, every titty is a great fucking titty.A smooth ass that separates itself from the back is another treasured feature. Once again, men have their size preferences. Some like a big fat ass that...

Teen Porn Sites
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Another Trailer Park Teen

When we last left Cal, he had just pleasured one of Mountain View Mobile Home Park's many MILF's, the lovely Kelley, or as he had affectionately renamed her, “my dirty little fuck princess.”She was one of the girls of Mountain View that he had his eye on, the other was another teen that was a friend of Kaylee's and likely in her classes in the local high school. He knew it was a little dangerous to be fucking two high school girls who probably knew each other, but what the fuck? The worst...

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Bhabhi And Me Seduced Each Other For Lovely Night 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, I am back with something more. My name is Anay, I am from Pimpri, Pune. My last sex story was about how me and my neighbour bhabhi seduced each other into getting a fuck. And this time I will share what and how I did things to two pussies. After we had our first fuck that night, I went in to meet her the very next afternoon, she was ready for fuck, but her kaamwali bai was present. So we couldn’t start it, but while kaam wali was in kitchen, I kept my hand on her body. She was...

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Watching My Younger Wife Lori Being Seduced and Th

My wife Lori is 27 and I am 34. We have been married a couple of years and she is without doubt the cutest, sexiest woman I have ever known. Her green-grey eyes, pouting lips and sparkling smile are captivating. Her long legs, slender body and firm real breasts invite exploration and she shares herself with me passionately in every way. She has a prominent pussy mound that she keeps immaculately shaved, showing off her full labia lips that flower open when she is aroused. I love to drink from...

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Fuck WeedChapter 11 Teen Titty Party

The drive home was extremely difficult for Chase. He had missed the worst of the rush hour traffic, but his head was spinning from so much Kali making it difficult to concentrate on driving. Added to that was the distraction of his balls throbbing, trying to make up for so many ejaculations, and his overly sensitive cock hardening and softening in the leg of his pants. He was so tired that he wished he could just go to bed. Arriving home, he ended up parking down the street from the house....

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BimBim Teen

How often do you find yourself creepily staring at a hot young piece of ass and wishing that you could fuck every hole in her body? Yeah, you know the kind I’m talking about. The ripe bitches that just turned 18 or are in their early 20s. Their bodies are in the prime of their lives, and they are super naïve, but still, somehow not enough to believe your bullshit.Let’s get fucking real for a second. You don’t stand a chance with these goddesses. So the next best thing is watching them do some...

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Scrolller Teen

Porn offers us something no woman ever could, perfection. Let me rephrase that. Porn offers you something you could never have otherwise. Perfection. Physically perfect women exist, but you won’t be fucking any anytime soon. Let me rephrase that. You will never be fucking any perfect woman.If we are talking about you getting laid, the uglier, the better. At least as far as chances of your approaches working go. Fortunately, your brain is so full of porn you can close your eyes and pretend you...

Teen Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Teen Titans Chronicles 4 Young Justice

Hi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...

3 years ago
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He Teaches His Teen Daughter About Sex

Jeff Wright watched through the barely-opened door of his daughter's room as a teenage guy fucked his sixteen-year-old daughter. Jeff's cock was stiff and throbbing as he watched the guy screw his cock into his daughter's pussy. His daughter, Shellie, had her arms and legs wrapped around the guy as he pumped his cock into her cunt. Jeff rubbed his crotch as he watched his sexy teen daughter being fucked. This wasn't the first time Jeff had watched. He had known that when his teen...

4 years ago
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Teen Titans Chronicles 5 Quiver Full of Toys

This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...

1 year ago
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I seduced a teenage virgin

I was having some roof tiles replaced and when the lads turned up the older one realised he had the incorrect ladder, after some thinking and talking to his younger apprentice he announced he was going to get the correct ladder. "Is it alright to leave him here" he asked me "Of course" I replied, and he said "I won't be long maybe 45 minutes" and he was going. I gave the lad a coke and we began talking he was 18, Josh, and learning a trade.As we spoke he told me that he'd just 'come out' a few...

1 year ago
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xHamster Teen

Teen girls are the best. I like teenage girls because they’re hot, tight, and too naïve to understand that I’m not really a casting agent. You love them because the last time you ever spoke to a woman other than your mom without having to pay for the privilege was in high school, so somehow you’ve deluded yourself into believing that young girls might like you and might have sex with you. Only one of us is truly correct, but we both agree where it counts—teen girls are the best.But if you’re...

Teen Porn Sites
1 year ago
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HotMovies Teen

Some prude cunts might try to talk shit about men's obsession with young teen pussy, but I'm not a prude cunt. I'm a lude cunt. The kind of lude cunt that loves to watch a babysitter's pussy get destroyed by a lonely father. The kind of lude cunt that loves to watch school girls be anally punished for being late to class. The kind of lude cunt that picks up young hitchhikers and offers them a ride in exchange for their virginity. That's just the kind of guy I am.The World Depends on my CockI...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
1 year ago
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SxyPrn Teen (formerly YourPorn) is quite a mouthful for a porn site, don’t you think? I mean, of all the site names they could have picked, these fuckers decided to do away with the vowels from Sexy Porn to give you a porn site whose name you can’t even pronounce! Anyway, I think you are here because your horny little prick knows that I can direct you to a great source of smut to rub your schlong too. Well, your small porn-addicted brain is spot-on on that one.Don’t let the name deceive you;...

Teen Porn Sites
1 year ago
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HQporner Teen

Ah, the world of teen porn! The tightness of the pinky pussies you will find in these 18-year-olds. That's what you get when everything is packed in its place. All you can imagine are the sweet sensations rippling down your spine as you see these little sluts walking down the street in their shapely bums and recently sprouted boobs. Few things slap harder than a teen pussy. After all, these bitches are just learning how it feels to have their meat pockets full of hard cock. What they lack in...

Teen Porn Sites
3 years ago
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“My libido is sky high, I have decided what my next challenge is,” Sarah told me as we watched some lesbian videos that night. “Lick me to orgasm while I tell you about it. Some of those older women having lesbian sex who we have watched fucking hung men are an absolute turn on for me. Lots of them appear to more comfortable with women than men. And I love watching them seducing younger women. “Lay on your back so I can sit on your face and watch the lesbian clip with that older, glamorous,...

1 year ago
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Seduced Buddys Mom For Kitchen Sex

I felt Mrs. Ellison trembling as I held her against the kitchen island with my body, my erection pressing into her tummy through my jeans as I probed underneath the elastic of her sensible panties. Her breathing came and went in surges. I felt her uncropped pubic hair, curly and thick, the pubes of a woman who was not getting any sexual attention. Her sundress was unbuttoned down the front, falling to the left and right to reveal her cotton bra, disheveled from me groping her. Now, my hand was...

2 years ago
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Seduced By Sexy Neighbor For Erotic Sex

Hi everyone. My name is Seenu (real name), aged 28yrs staying in Andhra Pradesh. I am a regular reader of ISS since I was 20 years old. I love aunties a lot and had many encounters. This is all about how my neighbourhood lady, of age 27 years seduced me and finally ended up in bed. I lived in a five-storied apartment consisting of 20 flats, with each floor having four flats. Most of the people are job holders, so during the daytime, very few people will be at home. My neighbour there is a...

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