Moonlight Moody s Escape To The Country
- 2 years ago
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Jessica Williams sighed in resignation as she entered the restaurant to meet her family and friends. The sigh was caused when she read her sister’s text. It informed her James (not Jim) Calhoun would be in attendance at dinner. Jessica had hoped to enjoy a drama free vacation, her first since her freshman year in college, eight years prior. She really didn’t feel up to dealing with the dominating personality of the man so intent on making her his wife.
“It could be a lot worse, Jess,” pointed out her best friend and fellow MD, Willow Barkley. “Hell, we made it through four years of med school and we’re still facing the joys of residency. You can handle it. Mr. James Calhoun’s style may be a bit heavy handed, but he’s very wealthy and he adores you. Everyone should have your problems.”
“I’m not really complaining, Willow,” responded Jessica. “I’ll probably have a great time this week. It’s just that he’s a bit overbearing at times. He always wants to control everything, right down to what vegetables I eat. I’d like to be able to just relax for a few days.”
“Now I think you’re exaggerating a little.” Willow chuckled. “Let’s find your family’s table and get something to eat. I’m starved!”
“Hello, ladies. Can I help you?” asked a male voice originating from Willow’s left.
Jessica was unable to see the speaker since he was off to the left side of the doorway, but it was obvious that Willow was quite impressed. Her mouth hung open and her face flushed as she openly stared. Jessica had to nudge Willow gently so she would move ahead a step. She managed to gain access to the interior and soon discovered what had flummoxed Willow so thoroughly.
“We’re here to meet my family,” managed Jessica as she forced herself to not stare at the man standing in front of her. He was wearing the typical white shirt and dark vest she had seen on countless waiters and waitresses over the years. She had to admit to herself she had never before seen a man make the outfit look so sexy.
“That would be the Williams family?” the man stated more than asked. “They’ve already been seated and are waiting for your arrival. Please follow me.”
By this time, Willow had regained her equilibrium and almost stepped on Jessica in her haste to remain close to the man directing them to their table. For her part, Jessica felt brief annoyance at her friend for cutting her off so effectively. Jessica felt a small smile on her face as she replayed her friend’s reaction when she first saw the handsome waiter, or maitre d’, or whatever he was. She and Willow had been friends since the first day of med school and Jessica had never before seen her tongue tied.
Jessica spotted her family sitting at a large table near the back of the restaurant and waved to them. She broke into an even bigger grin when she saw how her eighteen year old sister stared intently at the man leading Willow and her to their table.
James suddenly stood and hurried toward Jessica. In his haste and with his typical disdain, he bumped into the maitre d’ rather roughly as he reached out to hug her. Jessica saw the surprise flash across James’ face when he appeared to carom slightly to the side from the contact. James had played rugby in college and was accustomed to other men bouncing off his muscular frame.
The surprise on James’ face quickly morphed to a big smile as he wrapped Jessica in his arms and kissed her on the lips. That was not the greeting Jessica had expected. It was a public setting and she felt her face turn red from embarrassment as James finally stepped back and held her at arm’s length while slowly surveying her from head to toe.
“You’re more beautiful every time I see you,” declared James as he tightly gripped Jessica’s arms. “We’re going to have a great time in this quaint little one horse town this week. If we get too bored we can drive up the coast a few hours and go to some clubs, or maybe find a concert.”
Even as Jessica listened to James speak, she noticed Willow placing a hand on the waiter’s arm and warmly thanking him for showing her to the table. Jessica wondered to herself why Willow’s actions irritated her. Her sister, Heather, didn’t even try to hide her annoyance at Willow. As the handsome man helped Willow with her chair, Heather reached over and gently rubbed his arm to get his attention.
“Could you ask our server to bring another Coke for me? I’m eighteen and expect to talk Mom and Dad into allowing me wine with dinner before long. I’ll be a freshman in college this fall,” concluded Heather as she continued to gently slide her hand over the man’s arm.
“You’ll have to release his arm if you expect him to pass that request on to our waitress,” suggested Jessica’s mother as she looked meaningfully from her younger daughter to the arm she was caressing.
“Don’t worry, Mom. I’m not hurting him,” laughed Heather before once again turning her attention to the good looking man. “When she brings my drink, tell her to ask for Heather. That’s me.”
“I’d like a nice rum and coke,” stated Willow as she briefly glanced at Heather. “Tell your wait staff it’s for Willow, the woman who just graduated from medical school.”
“Of course,” replied the maitre d’ as he smiled to the two women. “Heather, the college freshman, would like another Coke. Willow, the newly minted doctor, would like a rum and Coke.
“What can I get for you, Miss?” asked the man when he turned his attention to Jessica. She was about to sit so he quickly stepped behind her chair and guided it under the table.
“Thank you,” smiled Jessica. “I’d like a margarita, please.”
Once the maitre d’ left, Jessica’s mother spoke to Heather. “Sweetheart, he’s a delightful looking man, but he’s a bit old for you. You’ll be meeting quite a few boys closer to your age this week, and in college.”
“The key word being ‘boys’, not men,” retorted Heather. “I’ve never seen a guy as handsome as that waiter. He’s tanned, rugged and confident. Boys don’t compare to guys like that.”
“Are you kidding me?” laughed James. “He’s a loser! He’s pushing thirty and working as a waiter. That’s okay for a boy your age, but by the time you hit thirty, you should have something to show for your life.”
“You mean like your father’s business?” retorted Heather before her mother managed to silence her.
“Heather! Snide remarks like that are beneath you,” chastised Mrs. Williams. “James has done very well. I’m sure he would have been successful regardless of where his career took him. There’s certainly no shame in taking over the family business.”
“I apologize,” relented Heather immediately, which caused Jessica to wonder about the sincerity of the apology. Her sister was not one to back down on any issue.
“So, Dave, that was a very attractive woman you just escorted to a table,” teased Diane to her brother when he returned to the front of the restaurant. “Did you manage to get her number?”
“She was too busy trying to swallow her boyfriend’s tonsils to give it to me,” chuckled Dave. “Both her friend and her sister seemed a lot more willing to share their information. The friend is actually a doctor. She told me she just finished medical school.”
“You work pretty fast,” observed Diane. “She told you that while you were taking her to her table?”
“Yeah. She and the other woman’s sister, who’s a freshman in college and eighteen, by the way, were a little overenthusiastic in their interactions with the hired help.”
“I don’t have to tell you that eighteen is still too young for you, do I? You’ll be thirty in a year. A girl ten years younger than you would kill you within a month,” asserted Diane.
“Possibly, but what a way to go!” responded Dave with an exaggerated sigh.
“It looks like the young man is very friendly with that beautiful woman next to him,” observed Mrs. Williams as Jessica and Willow studied the menu. “Men that good looking are seldom on the open market very long.”
“So you admit he’s handsome?” quizzed Heather. “That woman’s probably his sister or something. She won’t be any competition.”
As Heather finished speaking, their waitress arrived at the table with the drink orders and a big smile. “Rum and Coke for Willow, the doctor. A Coke for Heather, eighteen and a freshman in college, and a margarita for the pretty woman with the boyfriend.”
“I’m not sure I care for your attitude,” declared James as he glared at the waitress. “We’re substantial people and expect to be treated with respect. We certainly don’t want to be part of the kitchen help’s little fantasy world.”
“I’m very sorry, Sir,” apologized the suddenly nervous waitress. “Can I take your orders now?”
Jessica noticed her father’s face had darkened at James’ treatment of their server, but he said nothing as the ladies placed their orders. James interrupted Jessica before she finished placing hers. “I think the broccoli would be a better selection this time of year. There’s no telling how old the corn is, or how far it traveled to get here.”
“Holy crap!” gasped Willow before breaking into gales of laughter. “That was too funny!”
“Why would suggesting broccoli rather than corn cause so much mirth?” asked a confused James.
“As we were coming in the door, Jessica said you’d try to tell her what vegetable to eat and you just did! Talk about controlling,” laughed Willow as a very embarrassed Jessica squirmed in her seat.
James’ face went dark for a second as he studied Willow. He weighed the wisdom of verbally berating her in front of Jessica’s family and decided it would not help his cause. Then he noticed the waitress was unsuccessfully trying to maintain a straight face!
“You’re laughing at us again!” declared James to the suddenly sober faced woman. “I want to speak to the manager immediately. We’re not going to put up with this kind of behavior from the help.”
“Yes, Sir!” sobbed the young woman as she hurried away.
Jessica was beyond mortified at James’ treatment of their server. She glanced at her father and realized he was upset as well. Heather was staring down at her plate while Willow as looking at James in shock.
“What bug crawled up your ass? I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs. Williams,” apologized Willow to Jessica’s parents before continuing, “but that girl was just doing her job. There was no reason to go off on her because you’re afraid to try it with me. I don’t think I’ve ever been this embarrassed in a restaurant in my life!”
“Is there a problem?” asked a well dressed woman in her fifties. “Sarah said that you wanted to speak to the manager. This is my restaurant, so feel free to speak to me.”
Jessica admired the control the woman exhibited. She was obviously an experienced business woman and was comfortable handling the situation. Something about the woman looked familiar, but Jessica was too upset to dwell on what that might be.
“Your waitress lacks proper respect for superiors. She was trying to laugh at these ladies and make them feel foolish,” replied James before anyone else could comment. “You need to fire her immediately or we’ll take our business elsewhere.”
“I see,” replied the owner calmly. “In that case, your drinks are on the house. Now I have to ask you to leave the premises once you have finished them. No one dictates personnel decisions to me. Sarah has been with us for over two years and she’s one of our best waitresses.”
“You’re asking us to leave?” repeated an incredulous James. “Have you lost your mind? I spent more on my clothes last year than that little bitch will ever make. I demand an apology!”
“And I’m asking you to leave this restaurant,” repeated the owner firmly.
“I’ve had enough! Come on, Jess, let’s get the hell out of this shithole,” seethed James as he reached for Jessica’s hand.
“I won’t be leaving with you, James. I don’t know what I ever saw in you, but I was mistaken,” stated Jessica with emotion. “Please leave and do me the courtesy of never contacting me again.”
Jessica’s pronouncement pushed James completely over the edge. “You miserable slut! You’re turning me down? Maybe I should tell ‘mommy’ what a lousy cock sucker you are. I’ve fucked...”
“I think you’ve managed to make a complete ass of yourself,” interrupted the infuriatingly calm maitre d’ as he placed himself between James and Jessica. “We don’t want to hear another word out of your lying mouth. Just get the hell out.”
Perhaps if James had given it some thought, he might have realized the scene he had created, or the mistake he was about to make. Being unaccustomed to rejection, James was far from rational as he stood and took a roundhouse swing the damn ‘hired help’.
Dave easily avoided the punch. As the fist went past his head, he simply grabbed James by the wrist of his other hand, jammed it behind his back and then pushed it up. James had to bend forward to prevent his opponent from breaking his arm or dislocating his shoulder. Dave proceeded to frog walk James across the dining room and toward the door. Diane gave her brother a big smile as she held the door open for him.
Jessica’s father was concerned about how the situation would develop once James was released in the parking lot, so he followed the two men to the door. Dave gave James a little shove as soon as they left the confines of the restaurant and he went sprawling face first in the parking lot. Once he got his feet back under him, James turned and shouted in Dave’s direction.
“Your daughter’s still a damn slut! She couldn’t get enough of my cock!”
“That’s an indication you have a small cock,” retorted Dave as he stood on the sidewalk watching to see if James intended to re-enter the restaurant.
Hearing guffaws, Dave turned to see Mr. Williams flinch while several other people who had gathered to watch the scene chuckled softly. Dave then noticed Jessica standing in the doorway behind her father. Her face was ashen and she trembled as she leaned against the doorjamb.
Sensing James lacked the heart to continue the fight, Dave turned his back on the defeated man, walked past the father and wrapped an arm around the distraught woman. He spoke quietly to her as he led her back to her family’s table. Jessica could no longer contain her tears as she took in the expressions of pity from her mother and sister. Ashamed and embarrassed, she began to sob heavily. Dave simply pulled her into his arms and stroked her back as she cried into his chest.
The restaurant owner, Dave’s mother, signaled for Diane to join them as Jessica’s crying began to subside. “Take this girl upstairs and help her out. Take as long as you need.
“My daughter will look after the young lady. You folks now have a choice to make. Do you wish to dine here with Sarah as your server, or would you prefer to leave?”
“We’ll stay if you’ll allow us, Ma’am,” answered Jessica’s father as he returned to the table. “We owe both you and Sarah a heartfelt apology. Is this young man your son?”
“Dave is my son. I’m Gail Sanders, the owner of this establishment,” offered the woman as she beamed at the young man standing at her side. “His twin sister, Diane, just went upstairs with your daughter. She’ll take good care of her.”
“I knew she was his sister!” proclaimed Heather. “Did you see how easily he handled James? I wish I had a video of that to show my friends!”
“I can help you with that,” announced a young man from a nearby table. “I knew Dave wasn’t going to let that guy get away with yelling insults at a lady, so I had my phone out and recorded it all. Give me your number and I’ll send it to you.”
Heather quickly moved to the next table to exchange phone numbers with the boy who had recorded the video. Soon the two were sharing contact information.
“Son, have you been in the military?” asked Jessica’s father, Ben, as he closely studied Dave.
Seeing her son simply nod to the older man in response to his question, Gail expanded on her son’s answer with obvious pride. “Dave was in the Marines and served two tours in Iraq. He was highly decorated and...”
“Mother! These people don’t want to hear my life history. I’ll tell Sarah to come back to take your orders, everyone. Thanks for dining at The Moonlight Bay House,” concluded Dave before heading toward the kitchen to find Sarah.
Above the dining area, Jessica was surprised at how large and well decorated Diane’s apartment was. She immediately noticed several photos of Diane with the handsome maitre d’ and asked about him.
“Is this man your boyfriend, or husband? He’s certainly good looking. These photographs are lovely,” managed Jessica as she looked over the pictures on Diane’s wall.
“I’ve been asked that my entire life,” laughed Diane. “Dave’s my twin brother. Mom and Dad own the restaurant and we help out when we can. I share the apartment with Dave. There are three bedrooms, so there’s even room for company.”
“Oh! He’s your brother?” repeated Jessica as she mulled over the information Diane had just given her. “I have to thank him for being so kind to me when that jackass ex-boyfriend of mine made that embarrassing scene. He must think I’m a total slut.”
“My name’s Diane, by the way. I’m sure Dave thinks you’re a beautiful woman that made a bad choice. He’d never think poorly of you.”
“Even when he heard my boyfriend announced to my parents that I was a lousy cock sucker that couldn’t get enough of his cock?” asked Jessica with tears once again running down her cheeks.
“Well my brother might be disappointed that you’re not a good cock sucker, but he’d never make you feel badly about it. Just don’t expect a second date,” stated Diane with a straight face.
“Don’t expect a second date?” gasped Jessica before she realized Diane was teasing her. “It would take a lot more than one date to find out what a lousy cock sucker I am, although he really is good looking!”
“That’s what I call playing hard to get. Make him wait till the second date!” laughed Diane. “Seriously, you don’t have to worry about anything your ex told your family, or Dave. No one expects a woman your age to be a virgin.”
“I almost qualify as one,” replied Jessica ruefully. “I just completed medical school and I’ve seen a lot of naked men. My impression of James is he’s pretty much on the low end of the spectrum, if you get my meaning. He told my father I couldn’t get enough of his cock. Your brother told him it must be small if that was the case. James is the only man I ever slept with, but I’m under the opinion he’s really not a very good lover. I really didn’t enjoy the sex very much.”
“That speaks volumes about your former boyfriend!” observed Diane. “With the right man, it’s something you very much enjoy, and you’ll be eagerly looking forward to the next time. I bet James was a selfish lover, and wasn’t much at eating pussy either.”
“He never actually did that,” admitted Jessica. “I asked a time or two, but he wasn’t interested. Do most men do that?”
“They do if they want to jump into bed with me!” laughed Diane. “I never had a guy refuse and usually they’d do it without being asked.”
“I guess you’ve had a lot more experience than I have. I was always studying to get the marks for medical school. Then I met James and he sort of swept me off my feet. He’s a very strong personality,” stated Jessica.
“Yeah, he’s a controlling prick. I’ve had a half-dozen lovers over the years and I never had one yell insults at me or my parents when we broke up,” admitted Diane. “Of course, the guys all knew my brother would kick their ass if they tried something like that. I think your ex even figured that out.”
“You seem to be very fond of your brother,” pointed out Jessica. “It’s nice to see siblings get along so well.”
“Dave’s a really good brother,” responded Diane. “We’ve always had each other’s backs. Every girl he ever met hated me until they discovered I was his sister and not his girlfriend. We still spend a lot of time doing things together, so strangers naturally assume we’re dating. I guess most brothers and sisters don’t hang out as much as we do.”
“My friend, Willow, and my sister, Heather, were practically drooling over him when he showed us to our table. I thought they were going to get into a catfight over him.”
“Speaking of your sister and friend, we should get back downstairs. Dave just texted me that your dinner is ready and your family is waiting for you,” replied Diane as she looked at her phone.
“Just let me fix my makeup and I’ll go back and face the music,” answered Jessica as she stepped into the bathroom.
Sarah waited until Jessica returned to her table before serving everyone. Dave helped by carrying several meals on a large tray. Jessica received hugs from her parents, sister and Willow before taking her seat. Dave once again guided her chair under the table for her.
“Thank you, Dave, for being so kind to me,” Jessica managed without tearing up.
Once the servers left and the family was finally enjoying a somewhat subdued meal, Willow spoke. “Has anyone noticed Jessica came in here with a boyfriend, dumped him and now she’s working on her next one? She plucked the very guy her sister and I were setting our sights on!”
“Willow! That didn’t happen, at least not the part about me stealing the guy you and Heather were flirting with,” protested Jessica.
“It’s okay with me, Sis. James was a total ass and I’m glad you dumped him. Tomorrow, I’m meeting the guy sitting at the next table on the beach,” revealed Heather. “He’s going to show me around this week. You can deal me out of the maitre d’ contest.”
“We did break up, but James pretty much dumped me. I certainly didn’t get a new boyfriend while I was being dumped. What man would want me after the things James said?” wondered Jessica.
“I would say a very good looking one,” quipped Willow. “He knows James is full of shit.”
“Is that the way you’re going to speak to your patients?” asked Jessica’s mother, Nancy. “You may want to work on your communication skills.”
“They kept telling me that during my rotations,” laughed Willow. “I’m working on it, but it’s not easy to break lifelong habits. My father is a firefighter and a pretty plain talker, if you know what I mean. I guess I got that from him, but he’s the best dad in the world.”
“Mom and Dad?” began Jessica. “I’m sorry you had to hear what James said about me. I hope you don’t think I’m some kind of slut.”
“Jess, you’re a beautiful young woman that just graduated from medical school. We’re nothing but extremely proud of you. Learn from your mistakes and move on,” advised her father.
“I’m just glad you finally stood up to that pompous ass,” added her mother, Nancy Williams. “He was extremely overbearing. He actually tried to hit Dave when he intervened in your defense.”
“Yeah, and for a tough rugby player, he got marched out the door pretty damn fast,” laughed Willow. “He made a serious miscalculation when he went for Dave.”
By midmorning of the next day, Willow and Jessica were reclining on lounge chairs watching Heather playing in the surf with the boy she met the previous evening. Nancy and Ben Williams were sitting under the shade of a beach umbrella nearby. Jessica was beginning to drift off to sleep when she heard Willow’s exclamation.
“Oh my God! Look at those two guys giving those kids surfing lessons! All I can see are their silhouettes, but I like what I see.”
Jessica, Ben and Nancy all turned to see two men with surf boards along the water’s edge. There were surrounded by a dozen kids between the ages of eight and fifteen. The kids gathered around listening and watching as the two men demonstrated various surfing techniques. The morning sun reflected off the water behind them so it seemed to sparkle and made details difficult to discern.
Gathered a little farther from the group were what appeared to be parents of the kids, keeping an eye on their children as they prepared to learn how to surf. A smile came to Jessica’s lips as she watched. All the spectators were female and they appeared to be paying closer attention to the instructors than the young students were.
“Maybe you two ladies could persuade the guys to give you private lessons,” teased a voice off to the right. Turning her head, Jessica saw Diane standing a few feet away with a big smile on her face and a sexy one piece bathing suit enhancing her impressive figure.
“We didn’t see you coming,” apologized Jessica. “I don’t think we’ll be taking surf lessons. Neither of us are great swimmers.”
“Speak for yourself!” chided Willow. “I wouldn’t mind spending some time learning from those guys. She didn’t say anything about what kind of lessons they were.”
Jessica was shocked when her mother joined the conversation. “That’s right, Jess. Perhaps a few lessons will prevent your next boyfriend from expressing his dissatisfaction to your mother.”
“Mom! How many mimosas have you had already?” asked an embarrassed Jessica as Diane and Willow broke into fits of laughter. “I don’t think I’ll be taking lessons of any kind from a couple of surfer dudes, so you’ll just have to live with the complaints from my ex boyfriend.”
“That’s too bad,” grinned Diane. “Dave’s a really good instructor. He’s very thorough and always insists on safety first and doing things by the book. For a few lucky ladies, that book is the Kama Sutra.”
Willow sprayed her drink out her nose when Diane mentioned the Kuma Sutra and coughed a couple of times before finally finding her voice. “Dave, as in your brother, is the teacher? Where can I sign up? I’m going to need a lot of one on one, personal instruction!”
“Dave and our cousin, Tim, come down to the beach a few times a week, weather permitting, to work with kids on surfing and learning to be comfortable in the ocean. They think there will be less chance of drowning and accidents on the beach if the kids learn about things like rip tides and how to identify them and escape them if they get caught in one.
“As you can see, the mothers, aunts, and even older sisters enjoy watching the lessons for some reason. I think a lot of them would sign up for the private lessons if Dave and Tim actually gave them. I like to help the guys out when I can,” added Diane.
“For some reason, fathers and brothers seem to drift over to watch the lessons when I’m there. That’s why I wear the one piece swim suit. I made the mistake of wearing a bikini once and my top was around my waist when I came out of a big wave. I didn’t realize it until Dave held his board up in front of me and told me I was giving a free show,” laughed Diane. “He said the other guys wouldn’t speak to him for a week because he told me.”
Jessica found herself laughing at Diane’s story as she turned her attention back to the water’s edge. The sun had risen slightly higher in the sky and now she was easily able to identify Dave as he showed a girl where to place her feet and to bend her knees. The kids were all smiling and laughing, but always seemed to pay attention when Dave or Tim spoke to them.
Diane joined the group and soon the trio was taking kids out one at a time for a few practice runs. When the kids lined up for a turn with the instructors, Jessica noticed that some of the boys made certain they were in Diane’s line, while most of the girls were quite content to take instruction from Dave and Tim.
“I know you like Dave, so I’ll be a good best friend and ask Tim for some lessons,” volunteered Willow. “Not that I’ll be suffering very much. That whole family is great looking and those two guys have amazing physiques, speaking as a doctor of course.”
Once again, Jessica’s mother, Nancy, surprised her. “You should take Willow up on her offer. He seems like a very nice young man. He certainly isn’t full of himself like that ass, ‘James, don’t call me Jim’ obviously was.”
“Mom, he’s a waiter and a surfer dude. You always told me to choose a man that would be successful and able to support a family,” reminded Jessica to her mother.
“His mother owns a very nice restaurant. I’m sure he’s not exactly impoverished,” responded Nancy Williams to her daughter.
“James’ parents owned businesses in seven states and that didn’t stop him from being a total ass. You’re sending me mixed signals, Mom,” complained Jessica. “Do you want me to marry for money, or for love?”
A few dates with a nice young man aren’t exactly the same as marriage,” pointed out Nancy. “I want you to marry a man you love that has the ability and willingness to take care of his family. I want you to find a man that respects you and the love you give him.”
“Well said, Mrs. Williams,” agreed Willow. “You do know I wasn’t talking about surfing lessons, don’t you?”
“I know exactly to what you were referring, Willow,” chuckled Nancy. “Apparently, Jessica could use the help of a qualified instructor.”
“Mom! I can’t believe you said that!” admonished Jessica. “James was just trying to be cruel. He thought he’d hurt me and my entire family with his ridiculous comments. I don’t need any damn lessons or instructions!”
“That’s great to hear, but as a doctor, you know the value of a second opinion,” pointed out Willow. “Maybe Dave would give you one.”
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I awake in the night. For a moment I am lost but when comprehension dawns I smile to myself and cuddle into your warmth more closely. Your scent comes back to me as I hold my hands to my mouth and breathe your essence in one more time. The sweat that you poured from my body hours before is alive on my tongue as I flick it across my nipples while you sleep next to me. My legs open, a knee rests high up on your thigh. As I reach for my swollen and still moist mound you stir but do not awaken....
As people mingled at the party he felt her wide eyed stare, fixed on him, from across the room, From the corner of his eye he caught her gaze, fixed on this thighs. She wanted him to know, but only him, as the party continued noisily around them both.Without looking directly at her, he paused for a moment taking a sip from his glass. The golden liquid single malt against his lips, and he immediately imagined her now moistening between her legs, delighting in the thought of how her sweet honey...
We have been out celebrating your birthday. A nice dinner out, dancing after, and now we are heading home. I am wearing khaki pants, long sleeve white shirt, and black loafers. You are wearing a simple black cocktail dress, cut just above the knee, black stockings, black heels, and hoop earrings.A brilliant full moon brightens the landscape around us. As I drive, I move my right hand from the steering wheel and place it on your knee. There is a comfortable silence between us, and you lean over...
Straight SexTrue story.The time is Southern California 1982, the bay of Coronado.I was stationed as a Navy sailor at one of the local bases and took to the ocean and the great weather of California. I grew up in the northern and much colder states so any chance I got I was outdoors and on the water.By great luck I found a sailboat that was ready to sail and at a price I could afford. The sail boat was a 21ft bay sailor, great for one person operation with a single mast and only one main and one stay sail....
After a while I got called back to Flying Arrow. Tony, Eric, and the Commander were fairly confident that they wouldn’t need all of our soldiers to take the citadel. They wouldn’t be sure until they actually saw Safety Bay, but if their new information was right they could release a lot of the transports to go with us on our sweep around the island. I appreciated the heads-up, and we modified our plans accordingly. The whole fleet would all go to Safety Bay, which was a inlet on the south...
100% fiction! Whilst Emerald Bay was working at her job as a Care Assistant, she was talking to one of her work Colleagues about sunbeds her colleague told her about a local hair salon which had a sun capsule. So the next day when Emerald Bay had her day of work and Emeraldbay paid a visit to the salon and booked a sun capsule session of 35 Mins at the rate of £25.00,after the session was booked Emerald Bay was in the sun capsule every other day then going of to the local bar for a Latte or a...
First TimeAs the summer breeze blew gently across the bay, Dixie knew that their weekend retreat was coming to an end. Tonight would be the last night her and Drew would spend in the secluded little cabin away from the hustle and bustle of the city, she thought as she walked along the bay shore. As the sun began to set, Drew watched as Dixie’s silhouette walked at the water’s edge. The sun cast colors of reds and oranges across her white cotton dress, as the breeze cast sprays of water upon her...
It had been a long day. Bailey was tense, worn, and couldn’t sleep. She lay in bed listening to the sounds of the house. The whirring of the fan above her bed, the distant hum of the dish washer from the kitchen, and what sounded like a little storm beginning to rumble in from somewhere outside. She couldn’t stop thinking about the day. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. Maybe the day would have been okay if it hadn’t been combined with mixed feelings about David. Things had been going...
I take a deep breath and open the door, it’s a summer night, nearly dark. The street is quiet, dumb to the scandal about to unfold. I doubted anyone would recognize me, in my short fur coat, denim mini and trademark purple heels. Not unless they were a fan anyway I just need no-one to see me leave the house, once a few yards away, I could be anybody. The coast is clear, I step out and shut the door as quietly as possible and walk away from the house, praying I don’t activate the neighbour’s...
I take a deep breath and open the door, it's a summer night, nearly dark. The street is quiet, dumb to the scandal about to unfold. I doubted anyone would recognize me, in my short fur coat, denim mini and trademark purple heels. Not unless they were a fan anyway :) I just need no-one to see me leave the house, once a few yards away, I could be anybody.The coast is clear, I step out and shut the door as quietly as possible and walk away from the house, praying I don't activate the...
The moonlight was bright, shimmering on the water of the pool, bathing the whole garden in an almost ethereal light. I lay on the poolside lounger, deep in the shadows of the veranda, enjoying the last of the evening’s warmth from one of those typical summer super hot days. I drew slowly on one of the few cigarettes I’d allowed myself that day as I desperately tried to cut down and perhaps eventually stop. I sipped a cool drink also as I just allowed the tensions of the day to melt away. I...
IncestWhen I saw her she was dancing on the sand in the moonlight. All day long I had been restless. The hot sun beating on the bleached sands, normally a source of delight, had made me seek shelter. The salty water had been too warm. I felt as though daylight was holding me prisoner. Even the roar of the surf seemed to be too loud, troubling a mood that I could not put into words. Evening came. As the sun sank below the horizon I felt freer, but the lights of the hotel completely hemmed me in....
Moonlight flooded the huge room, making the soft white curtains that danced in the wind look ghostly, giving the room a surreal other worldly feel. It highlighted the slender figure that lay under the satiny sheet, shining in the silky length of her black hair, glowing upon her pale skin. The sheet followed the curves of her body, clinging to her hips and breasts like a faithful lover. He stood in the doorway, his chest bare but for the light trailing of hair, a pair of breeches his only...
The park around the mansion is only illuminated by an impossibly bright full moon, casting the gravel lane surrounded by cypress trees on which I am walking in a ghostly silver light. The moon's rays are so strong that only a few stars, far away from the silver orb, twinkle in the dark. Even if I knew the constellations, I couldn't make them out. There is no sound, save for the grsssh, grrsssh that my sandaled feet make on the coarse gravel. I look down and see that I am wearing a chiffon...
Author’s Note: This is my submission to Lit’s Summer Lovin’ Contest. I hope you enjoy it and votes and comments are appreciated. ============================== I worked like a dog for that company for eight years and what happened? They fired me. Bright side? Nice severance package. So screw it. Instead of diving right back into the overcrowded pool of job hunters, I decided to take it easy for a while. I deserved it, I’d barely taken a day off for the last eight years, so I was going to...
The planning sessions of Admiral Maynard with Sir Hew Dalrymple and other Army officers were indeed plagued by Sir Hew’s indecisiveness, and Asia‘s crew enjoyed a full two weeks at anchor in Gibraltar. Tony made the most of it, spending much time with his family, but he also saw to it that Asia received as much repairs and cleaning as was possible. Bilges were fumed, water casks cleaned and refilled, and the seams between the planks carefully patched. When a second week of deliberations...
Who doesn't know The Pirate Bay, aka TPB? But, do you remember Napster? How about Bear Share? Kazaa? Lime Wire? Back in the early aughts, programs such as these are what introduced me to a whole lot of fun. I remember the feeling of excitement that came with downloading an album or a movie from one of these programs back in the day. I was young, too, so it was a little tinged with nervousness. That nervous excitement led to a fuck ton of burned CDs (full albums and customized mixtapes) that...
Porn Torrent SitesMoonlighting By G.K.S "Down With The Sickness" (song) -Disturbed (band) Can you feel that? Ah, shit Drowning deep in my sea of loathing Broken your servant I kneel (Will you give in to me?) It seems what's left of my human side Is slowly changing in me (Will you give in to me?) Looking at my own reflection When suddenly it changes Violently it changes (oh no) There is no turning back now You've woken up the demon in me [Chorus:] Get up, come on get down with the...
Moonlighting By: Lyrissa Selena Keysmith jogged up the last few of the stone steps leading to the door into her private laboratory. She panted from the exertion as she opened the door and entered, trying to remember if her time scaling the stairwell was improving at all. As she strode through the shelves packed with arcane tomes and the tables laden with magical equipment the beautiful female human mage quickly forgot about her self-imposed training schedule. She ran one hand through...
Before I get into the details of our next recreated character, I'd like to give some general updates and information on my women so far. One impression I'd like to correct is that we all got along all of the time. We actually do get along very well, given the variety of people living in the house, but there have been some noticeable arguments and even one catfight. However I hadn't recreated any characters who were mean-spirited or thrived on conflict, plus we had a special advantage when...
CUNTANAMO BAY Part 1 of ?by SensoryOverlord, 2007 Time:? September 2012Place: What was once America. Timeline-------- 2007-2008???? 110th Congress Jul 3, 2008?? 911 Truth Riots across USA. President Bush declares National Emergency, invokes????????????? special powers. Aug 10, 2008? President Bush????????????? Executive Order: Strengthening Federal Efforts to Defend the Security of America Nov 4, 2008?? Rudy Giuliani (GOP) wins presidency; in shock move offers VP to Hillary (DEM),...
When he finally broke off the kiss, Sheila could feel in her soul just how much the pine scent filled the landscape. She knew her blouse was ruined from the pitch that was ground into her back when he pressed her against the widest tree in the patch of woods behind the barn but she didn’t care. She was wet, the moon was making his hair shine, and she could think only of getting him to tame her wet hunger. He moved around behind her and began to run his fingers through her hair and then let one...
They lay on the couch, ostensibly watching a movie. Neither one was paying attention, more interested in the closeness, the snuggles and handholding they were indulging in under the blanket that covered them from the inquisitive eyes of the friend on the other couch. Both knew it was absolutely insane, that no matter what they felt it could never, ever go anywhere. They had been so close, so close before and held themselves back. This time, they knew there would be no going back. Hands slid...
Damien watched her, her ivory skin glowing under the moonlight. The bed clothes were a rich royal blue that made her cream colored body stand out against them. Her hair shone like a golden river and her eyes shimmered like aquamarines. She was naked, cloaked only in the light from the moon. Her breasts moved with every breath she took, her nipples hardened to pink rosebuds. Her stomach, not as flat as it had been a few months ago, was beginning to show the evidence of his heir growing within...
The evening began with a soft gentle breeze coming in off the gulf, the feel of the coolness on my bare skin was heaven, as Cassandra and I walked, hand in hand down the deserted beach, listening to the soft crash of the waves, and going nowhere. The thought of her next to me, the feel of the soft skin of her hand, the smile when she looked up at me were like some sort of hypnotic drug throwing me into a trance that was dominated with thoughts of her. The beauty of her bronze skin, soft and...
InterracialDamien watched her, her ivory skin glowing under the moonlight. The bed clothes were a rich royal blue that made her cream colored body stand out against them. Her hair shone like a golden river and her eyes shimmered like aquamarines. She was naked, cloaked only in the light from the moon. Her breasts moved with every breath she took, her nipples hardened to pink rosebuds. Her stomach, not as flat as it had been a few months ago, was beginning to show the evidence of his heir growing within...
Love StoriesI dropped into the chair that I had dragged onto the beach. I swirled the drink in my hand, hearing the music of the party, but trying to focus on the waves going gently back and forth. With each sip of my glass and the waves crashing on the beach, I was slowly falling into a blissful numbness. I turned around and looked up at my house where my friends were having their party. I watched as couples gyrated on the make shift dance floor that we had constructed just that afternoon. Couples were...
SupernaturalMoonlight and Magic Jesse sighed and leaned back in her creaky wooden chair. She wanted to rub her eyes, but until she washed the remains of the potion off, she didn't dare. Twenty small, tightly sealed vials sat on the scarred table before her. The other tools - a black cauldron, the small brazier with now-cool coals, various bottles and vials containing other spell components - were scattered around the table. She knew she should put everything away. She cringed inside at what her...
Mike was busy the next couple of days with work and trying to get ready for Friday night. Friday after school, the trio, once again, met at Chuck's house to go over the plans for later that night. They were both anxious to learn what the plans were to find out what Mike considered the "ultimate romantic gesture". So he told them. "The ultimate romantic gesture, as you see in all the old classic movies, has got to be a Moonlight Serenade, even though it may seem corny to you." Chuck...
Strolling in as smooth as sin, I looked around the room before heading to the bar. The room was full enough that no one noticed me noticing them, though few seemed worth noticing. I ordered a scotch and dizzy with success handed over a larger bill than I’d ever been used to giving barkeeps. “Take it from that, and I might be back.” He smiled and poured from the better shelf.I moseyed over to a table in a far corner of the other room and relaxed in the low light; as my eyes got used to the...
InterracialWe chartered a sailboat out of Oyster Bay, leaving the channel markers behind us and headed north with the wind in our sails. The next course of action was refreshments and letting the wind gods grace our bodies. Anne went for the beers and I kept the boat on course while taking off my clothes. Anne returned with the cold ones and handed them to me so she can follow suit or should I say suitless… We spent the mid morning sunning ourselves and working on our allover tans while enjoying the...
N. was my first boyfriend…the first man with whom I got infatuated. True, he never took advantage of me…and true, he never promised me anything in the longer terms – I guess, my future plans were just castles I built in thin air. If anything, N. had been completely honest with me…and I really appreciated that. Even though, there would not be a future for us, he was the one I wanted my first time to be with. There was no point to get away from each other before we really had to. Let’s make hay...
For once we were having a good summers day so as I live near the beach in Gosport Hampshire, yes I know saying gosport has a beach is a bit of a stretch but its got the sea and pebbles. I parked up by stokes Bay Toilets as I used to enjoy some of the glory hole action from there until the miserably fuckers at gosport council spoiled our fun!As I was walking down the beach I walked past the beach huts and noticed one door was open a bit and inside could see this couple having some fun! and at...
We chartered a sailboat out of Oyster Bay, leaving the channel markers behind us and headed north with the wind in our sails. The next course of action was refreshments and letting the wind gods grace our bodies. Anne went for the beers and I kept the boat on course while taking off my clothes. Anne returned with the cold ones and handed them to me so she can follow suit or should I say suitless… We spent the mid morning sunning ourselves and working on our allover tans while enjoying the...
ExhibitionismDeepthroat Flip: Watch the Bay Just Working Heat radiated off the sand. The little fan over the counter tried feebly to keep the air circulating in the little shop. Old wooden walls kept the sun from beating on anyone. The wide windows let the sea breeze help the poor fan to keep the air at least from becoming too stagnant. A slurping sound came from one of the seats that the little shop had. A young man sipped from a drink through a straw. The cool iced cherry went up the straw...
At some point I must have drifted off. I awoke still on the gurney in the alien ships med-bay. I had to escape, I had to get a message to feet command, I had to let them know what horrors where out here, I didn't even know where to begin, the Dauntless had found some alien technology and used it to build an army. The people must all be slaves to the A.I., they too looked to have been modified by the alien technology. I got off the gurney looking around the room, I couldn't find anything to...
Outed by EBay I've been an opportunity cross dresser since I was a child. By the term opportunity cross dresser, I mean whenever there was an opportunity to dress in women's clothes, I did. As a child and later as a teen living in my parent's home, it was difficult. In college, living in a dorm, it was near impossible. The only time of my life when I had free reign was after graduation, when I was single and living on my own. But even then I had to hide my clothes from girlfriends who...
It was their first night together in a truly long time. They had been together for 3 years, both of them 21, but Maria had gone away on a business trip. True, she was rather young to be working for a big name company, but she and Thomas had been working their hardest since 14 so that one day in the (hopefully near) future, they could buy a house and move in together as quickly as possible. Finally, after 6 months of suffering, they could see each other again, and they were doing so on this date...
We have been out celebrating your birthday. A nice dinner out, dancing after, and now we are heading home. I am wearing khaki pants, long sleeve white shirt, and black loafers. You are wearing a simple black cocktail dress, cut just above the knee, black stockings, black heels, and hoop earrings. A brilliant full moon brightens the landscape around us. As I drive, I move my right hand from the steering wheel and place it on your knee. There is a comfortable silence between us, and you lean over...
I dropped into the chair that I had dragged onto the beach. I swirled the drink in my hand, hearing the music of the party, but trying to focus on the waves going gently back and forth. With each sip of my glass and the waves crashing on the beach, I was slowly falling into a blissful numbness. I turned around and looked up at my house where my friends were having their party. I watched as couples gyrated on the make shift dance floor that we had constructed just that afternoon. Couples were...
We finish eating and sit down on the couch like we always do after a meal. We talk casually for a while, continuing the conversation we had been having, and the sunset turns to twilight outside. I turn on some music at some point, and play it in the background.I'm calm and comfortable around her, and she keeps talking away, lying down with her head towards me and her eyes closed. It's dark out by now, and our conversation is slowing down. My hand has made its way to play with her hair and touch...
Seduction* this is true story* This night..was magical. Rain fell upon my Victorian style home as it was darkly lit. And I,and my cat ; fell asleap. In slumber,sensing a form in the shadows. It was my aunt kim. Gazing,upon me. A ghostly touch massaged my nipple softly. Slow..deeply. Shivering,I heard ‘ hush’. Cupping my breast with one squeeze she caressed my breast softly. Rubbing my breast gently. I felt my nipple pinched. And tugged. Twisting,pinched harder. Rubbing my breast and she...
* this is a true story * This night. ..magical.rain fell upon my Victorian style home as it was darkly lit. And,I and my cat. ; fell asleap laying in slumber.sensing a form in the shadow. It was my aunt kim. Gazing,mystified upon me. ‘Hush’ I heard. As she rubbed,stroking my vagina s,s lowly. And I felt her rub . A ghostly touch massaged my nipple softly. Warmed me. Slow touch.. stroking my nipple. Cupping my breast and squeezing slow. Sliding her tongue gently on my breast nibbling my...
The tears came quickly and steadily for Lucy. Holding her face in her hands, Lucy was starting to believe that her fiancée, Sarah, had been unfaithful. Even though their lovemaking the previous night was amazing, Lucy felt that she might have to break off their plans to marry.Lucy stood up from her chair and wiped her eyes. Still wearing shorts and a tank top, she gulped down the rest of her morning coffee, pinned her hair up and started to tidy the cabin. Sarah had gone sometime in the night,...
NovelsThis is based on a true story I am Mia female30 Some things are destinythe rain showered the window of my haunted home. Creak. Creak went the floors. I loved that haunted home. The thunder from outside Howling as I fell Asleep to the breeze. Suddenly, I felt a pressure rolling on My skin. A hot touch . Twirl. Inside me. Was this a dream? A hot touch. Heat of a hand rubbed against my legs. As I was massaged deeply between my legs. In silence, my vagina was caressed. Layered with hot wet...
* based on true story I am Mia female30 Laying in the dark I fell into a slumber. Like a ghost, a touch grazed my thigh.. feeling soft fingers graze my hips and caress my vagina. Caressing my vagina slowly.. .deeply. Was this a ghost..? Soft touched circled my vagina. Kisses hot flaming on my vagina as I was circled with flaming hot kisses . Feeling my vagina pulled. A fire like touch apron my vagina, pulling. Hard. As my vagina was circled with flaming hot kisses.. a toungue dove into my...
I am mia this is based on a true story * The sun shone heard as the thunderstorm shattered down on the cat hid under the covers..and I fell into a slumber..drifting to a legs fell to the side of the bed. I felt her hot touch. .on my skin. Caressing my breast firmly. Suckling my nipple softly. ..pecking my nipple...tugging softly... stroking..rubbing...rubbing... Stroking my nipple softly.. moaning,as she pecked me. nibbling my nipples.aand covering me softly with her...
Some people from where i work were throwing a big summer party and just about everyone we work with was going to be there so i decided to make an appearance as well. It was at this guy Rogers' House. I didnt work much with Roger but he was a fellow cigarette smoker so wed always run into each other at work outside on break. He told me he gave my friend Sarah directions and that the party started at 9pm sharp. I got the directions from sarah as i was getting all dolled up and ready. She told me...
Security guard isn't the most glamourous job in the world, but it suits me fine. After all, who else gets paid for sitting around watching a monitor all night? It's a bit monotonous, but it gives me time to think. You can go into a kind of zen trance watching all the nothing going on. Lately I had been working this university gig – campus cops. It wasn't bad. I got to walk around a bit, and the worst I had to do was break up a frat brawl or escort a panicky girl back to her dorm. It was...
The rest of the week went pretty much the same; with Mike always watching Michelle from afar, too nervous to go up and just talk to her, and Chuck trying to tell him "Mike, she's never even going to know that you like her if you are too afraid to even go up and talk to her. I know you said you know how to romance her. Even so, how does that work if she doesn't know that it is you?" "I'll talk to her at the right time. However, the time is not right yet. She is still going with Brad...