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"Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter One

All I remember is a searing pain in my ass.

After a short two yard gain on a power sweep I got speared on a late hit by
an over zealous linebacker on the opposing team.

I was helpless on the ground and he was going full steam. Bam -- helmet
into my right buttock -- and a pain so intense shot through my body that it
caused me to momentarily black out.

I quickly came back around and was helped off the field by a couple of
teammates. Any attempt I made to put weight on my right side caused an
intense cramp in my buttock and made my legs buckle.

It was really bad. A deep bruise and bone contusion complicated with
sciatic nerve pain. My right buttock was bruised black and I was out for at
least four to six weeks.

My name is Josh, an eighteen year old senior and starting running back for
my high school football team. Up until now, I had basically lived a charmed
life. I was a handsome k** from a great family who was motivated and
charmed physically. You know, the type of guy that you want to hate but
have to admire.

I had smarts, looks and skills on the gridiron. I was fast and strong -- at
6'2" I could run like a gazelle and pound through a hole.

Speaking of pounding through a hole -- I also had a great girlfriend --
Becky -- one of hottest girls at school. We were totally crazy about each

Being injured was totally new to me and I was extremely depressed. I
couldn't play football and my chances of getting a college scholarship were
badly diminished. I had to get back on the field as fast as I could.

There was only one choice -- buck up and throw myself into rehab with as
much enthusiasm as I did everything else in life.

My parents hooked me up with the best sports medicine facility in our area
and I started therapy almost right away.

The first couple of weeks were filled mainly with rest and a few stretching
exercises that the doctors prescribed. My buttock would still cramp badly
when I put weight on it, but I could tell it was slowly getting better.

By week three I was to start twice a week deep tissue massage to help work
the kinks out.

I limped in for my first massage feeling pretty excited about the next
phase of my recovery. I was eager to do anything I could to heal this
injury as fast as possible.

When I met my masseuse for the first time I immediately knew I was going to
be in good hands.

To put it bluntly -- Dev was built like a brick shit house. He was a light
skinned black man, probably around 28, who stood around 6'4" and carried
himself like a king. I was instantly impressed by his manner and his
incredible physique. I prided myself on being in excellent shape but Dev
put me to shame.

We talked a lot about my injury and Dev told me about his background and
philosophy. He was into bodies and fitness and he talked a great game about
how he was going to improve my recovery. He had me totally at ease.

Stepping out of the room, he told me to strip naked and lay face down on
the massage table under a sheet and he'd be right back.

I relaxed under the sheet and Dev was back within a minute or two.

"Okay, let's see what we're dealing with" he said as he lifted the sheet
exposing my ass.

"Ouch -- that is a nasty ass bruise" he said causing me to laugh. "Okay,
Josh I want you to relax -- this is going to be painful but you gotta get
through the pain to get to the healing -- you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good" I said as I braced myself.

I heard him apply some lotion to his hands and then it happened -- he
touched my ass.

Up until that time in my life -- I don't think anyone ever touched my
ass. It was a brand new sensation and I was immediately entranced. Despite
the discomfort from my injury -- his hands felt amazing.

As his hands and fingers kneaded my injured butt I started to anticipate
his movements and gasped a few times as I felt his fingers get close to my

"You good Josh?" he asked and I breathlessly answered I was okay. In fact I
was more than okay -- I was in heaven. In a matter of seconds I was
sporting major wood and I had to stick my butt up a bit to make room for my
dick rubbing against the table.

I was hoping Dev didn't notice but as if he was reading my mind he said
"That's okay Josh -- erections are perfectly normal -- this area can be a
pretty active erogenous zone for some men"

I'll say! I loved his hands on my ass -- my dick was leaking like crazy and
I was in a sexual rapture trying to keep myself from building into a

I hadn't had sex with Becky since my injury and no doubt that the
nooky-less period contributed to my horniness. But Dev's hands were making
me crazy -- I was silently moaning with pleasure as his wonderful hands
worked my receptive butt.

All too soon, it was over. Dev said in a very matter of fact tone that we
were done and to get dressed. He left the room and I was shaking in stunned
pleasure with a huge hard on. My leaking dick had left pecker tracks all
over the table's sheet.

I got dressed as fast as I could and shoved my hard dick in my pants -- it
wouldn't go down! I quickly limped out of the office trying to conceal my
hard on.

To my chagrin, Dev stopped me at the door and gave me a bunch of exercises
to do before our next session. Thankfully he was all business and seemed
oblivious to my state.

I couldn't get home fast enough to jerk off. I blew a huge load as I
replayed the sensational rub down over and over again in my mind.

Twice a week, for the next three weeks, the scene replayed. I couldn't wait
for my sessions with Dev. Every time I sported wood and every time Dev made
no bones about it. I loved him working on my ass and openly gasped and
panted as he seemed to get closer and closer to massaging my hole as each
session went by.

My jerk-off sessions were all about these new found sensations coming from
my ass. I couldn't get over how hot it made me and how much I wanted Dev to
touch me. I wished that he could be working on my butt everyday for hours
for the rest of my life. I was totally fixated. Not necessarily on Dev, but
on the incredible pleasure he generated.

I was also getting better. The physical therapy, exercises and massage did
the trick and I was quickly closing in on being 100%.

Therapy and massages were coming to an end.

After my last massage Dev dispassionately said goodbye and good luck. I
shook his hand and walked away with my hard on wondering how I would ever
experience this pleasure again.

On the drive home -- my phone rang. "Hello Josh? It's Dev." I practically
drove off the road.

"Hey man, what's up? Did I forget something?" I nervously asked.

"No buddy, I just wanted to talk to you about something."

"Okay, sure" I answered not knowing exactly where this was going.

"Well, in addition to my work at the sports clinic, I also retain a few
private clients who I work on in a strictly confidential manner. I was
wondering if you might be interested in continuing -- first session is on
the house", he said as always -- matter of factly.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. "Um, yeah, I'll think about it. What
do you mean by confidential?"

"Well, I don't want to have any conflict of interest with the clinic, so
I'd like to keep this arrangement strictly between us, if that's okay".

"Sure," I answered. "So you think I still need some work?"

"You definitely could use some more work." He said with a slight chuckle --
it was the first time I'd ever heard him break his business like façade.

"Um, okay man, I'll let you know. First session on the house?" I asked

"Absolutely. If you like it after the first session we can figure
something out. I think you'll like it."


I was titillated and mortified. I desperately wanted to see Dev again but
the whole thing seemed unseemly. Up until this point he pretty much ignored
my obvious arousal and was totally businesslike. Now he calls me with a
"confidential" offer for private massage? What did it all mean?

It seemed kind of seedy and more than a little bit gay.

Despite the incredible pleasure I enjoyed from Dev working on my ass, I was
pretty sure I wasn't gay. I had no interest in guys at all - I just enjoyed
my ass being played with.

I admired Dev as a physical specimen, but I didn't think of him sexually --
I just wanted him to work my ass -- a hired hand so to speak.

I decided to ignore Dev's offer and get on with my life. Things quickly
went back to normal. I was playing again and doing really well.

Becky and I were also having a blast. We were having sex as much as we
possibly could and my libido seemed to be on overdrive. I was especially
enjoying sticking my thick 8 inch dick in her pussy from behind and playing
with her ass a lot -- something new in our sexual repertoire. She would get
so turned on as I gave her light slaps and kneaded her hot, beautiful ass.

She seemed to be in bliss and yes, in the back of my mind I was jealous
that she was the one who got all the pleasure while I did all the work. I
was too embarrassed to ask her to play with my ass and things started to
get stale. Dev's offer was always in the back of my mind.

I finally gave him a call.


I was nervous as hell as I showed up to Dev's apartment. He greeted me at
the door with a smile and led me in.

He dressed more causally than in the clinic - in shorts and a tight
T-shirt. But he was still pretty much business like. He had a table set up
in his living room and told me he would leave as I got undressed and on the
table. Pretty much the way we always did.

The big difference was the atmosphere -- the lights were dim, scented
candles flickered and there was dreamy music on in the background.

I got on the table and closed my eyes as Dev approached the table.

"You okay stud?" he whispered as he started to rub my shoulders. Stud? That
was definitely different.

"Yeah, I'm okay" I answered quietly.

He started to work my back. "You know, for a lot of men, the ass can be an
extreme pleasure center" He worked down to my lower back. "I couldn't help
but notice that you are one of those men" He moved his hands to my ass. I
moaned and was already hard as a rock.

"I like working on bodies Josh. Especially hot bodies like yours.
Especially hot jock bubble butts like yours." Dev stated as he began to
massage my cheeks apart. I gasped as I felt his breath on my asshole. "You
like it too, don't you?"

"Yes -- I do" I answered as I stuck my butt up to make room for my hard on
and give him unfettered access to my pleasure palace.

"Well let's get to work then" he said as he grabbed my leaking cock and
buried his face in my ass.

I was transported to another world. I was moaning and squirming like a
bitch in heat as I felt his tongue flick my hole and his hand stroke my
leaking cock.

I was in heaven. "Oh God!" I exclaimed as I shot a forceful load into his

"Wow, guess you like that, huh?" he exclaimed with a laugh in his voice and
keep on with his insanely hot rim job.

I was panting like a dog but still hard as a rock, "Oh my God, that feels
so good!" I moaned out in exasperated passion and shoved my ass back to
greet him oral ministrations.

I was grinding my ass against his face as he took both hands and spread my
cheeks wide. He lightly slapped my ass.

"Oh yeah", I exclaimed and wiggled my ass. I couldn't believe how much I
loved this ass play. I was acting just like Becky when I played with her
ass. It turned me on even more.

He continued with light spanking and rimming when I started to feel the
fingers working my hole.

"Oh yeah, baby, play with that hole", I couldn't believe the way I sounded
-- like a wanton slut -- but it felt soooo good I couldn't help it.

I was in a sexual haze. A finger. Bliss. The feeling of fullness, the
strange sensations were unbelievable. Two fingers. OMG! Within minutes I
was moving my ass back to greet his double-digit assault.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I exclaimed.

"You ready to get fucked baby?" Dev asked sexily.

Get fucked? Time stopped and my world stood still. Get fucked by a guy?
His dick up my ass?

"That's the next step in your training" he said as he rotated his fingers
in my stretched hole.

I know it sounds silly, but I didn't really think about the end game here.
I was enjoying getting my ass played with. I never thought about the fact
that he would want to fuck me.

But I couldn't stop this incredible sexual experience. I needed him in my

"Fuck me" I said weakly.

"Yeah, you want my black cock up your ass?" he asked aggressively.


"Yeah what?"

"Yeah, please stick your black cock up my ass" I said exasperatedly.

"All you had to do was ask baby" he said coyly.

The initial insertion hurt a bit. His cock was definitely thicker that the
three fingers he was using to stretch me out.

But I was in another plane of existence at this point. He had worked me up
to such a point that the experience was washing over me and I almost felt
like I wasn't in my body anymore.

As my ass relaxed around his cock he began to fuck me: light at first then
leading to what I can only describe as an ass pounding. I was making noises
that almost seemed inhuman. I was drooling and my eyes were rolled into the
back on my head as my rock hard dick slapped up and down as he pummeled me.

I was making noises to the rhythm of his fucking - "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
fuck, yeah, oh," matching every time he bottomed out and stretched my ass
to the limit. I screamed as I shot another huge load unexpectedly out of my

He didn't stop. He held me up like a rag doll and sawed into my ass. I was
literally putty in his hands.

With one last thrust and a forceful moan -- almost a scream -- he shot his
load and dropped me back on the table.

He pulled out of my ass and I started to cry and laugh at the same time. It
was joy, bliss, pain, disgust -- everything was too much.

"You okay baby?" he asked sweetly.

"Yeah" I croaked, totally out of breath.

He walked to the kitchen as I collected myself. I looked up to see his
incredible naked body walking back towards me with a glass of water -- his
condom covered dick leading the way.

Up until now I had not seen his cock -- I only felt it. It was pretty big
-- I'd say 9 inches and reasonably thick. I couldn't believe it was up my

He handed me the water and stood in front of me as he stripped off the
cum-loaded condom.

"Well, that was good -- how'd you like your session?" he asked as he wagged
his dick in my face.

"Unbelievable" I said in total exhaustion.

"You want to do this again sometime?" he asked.

"Um, sure" I said somewhat tentatively. Coming down from the whole ordeal I
wasn't quite sure of anything anymore.

"Okay, well this is the last free session. So if you want to do it again
there will be a price to pay." he answered.

"How much?" I asked.

He moved his dick closer to my face -- the smell was pretty ripe. "Next
time, you suck my cock and swallow my load -- that's the price of

Well that's the first part of this sordid tale. I hope you enjoyed the

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Seminar part 2

He wanted to just stare at her, had waited so long to be with her like this, wanted to know all of her, her mind her body. She smiled at him, he couldn’t help run this fingers along her lips, so soft, so moist. She started to laugh, can’t help herself, buried her head in his chest, ‘I’m sorry, the thought just flashed though my mind that I better check to see if I brought a spare blouse’ he laughed too, remembering the passion & forced he had used. ‘ that’s what always made you different,...

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The adventures of Silenos Heros his tail Masha

Silenos and hero (he has his own life)The lovely naked Masha lies on the earth, bounded at a radiator! A junky, addicted to the juice of her twat has caught her and suck always her twat…Silenos and MsCockTail, the sympathical masturfant want deliver her…Silenos is an ambitious amateur masturbator, he has began in c***dhood. You know him, he often exercises rubbing his tail by visiting MsLily from Myfreecams. From her he has learned to fortify the tickling by stimulating the sphincter with...

2 years ago
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MistakesChapter 7

Next morning, she came down to breakfast in a loose pair of silk pyjamas, the top of which hung from her sharp breasts, outlining her nipples, and the bottoms of which clung to the crease in her bottom leaving little to the imagination. The girl just couldn’t help being sexy! What did we do that day? Well, I showed her my utter devotion by – going shopping for Christmas presents with her. She gaily told me how much she loved us shopping together. From my side it wasn’t so bad, she held...

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Cheating With 56 Years Old Milf

Hello everyone !! It’s Mayank , 26 years old married guy from Gurgaon .This sex story is about my extra-marital affair.Before my marriage I was on many dating sites and used to chat and meet many ladies !! Now after an year in marriage with all excitement gone.One day sitting in office I opened my all old accounts.Most of which were fake and started chatting again.But this time cos I was married and could just do it in free time at office I was not succeeding in meeting anyone. Then one day...

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Plus 1 at the works do

It's getting late, the wine is flowing, people are laughing and chatting. My husband is deep in conversation with one of his colleagues. I leave him to it and wander off to the bar. Tom is there. I've met Tom before - every lady in the building has probably met Tom, he makes it his business to meet ladies. Tom is tall with piercing blue eyes and confident charm. He smiles at me. I love his smile. I order a gin and tonic, and he tells the barman to make him one too. "Been abandoned?" he asks,...

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ValerieChapter 22

Dinner was a merry affair with Bonnie giving us the news about her promotion and getting our fulsome congratulations. "Mum and Dad have even agreed to let me store my stuff temporarily at their place till I can get it shipped," she remarked. "Won't that cause a problem if they actually move before you can do that?" Jan asked. "It might," Vonnie replied for Bonnie. "But I was hoping if that was the case you two could help out." "Of course," replied Jan, after glancing at me and...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 270

What’s the difference between The Rolling Stones and an Aberdeen sheep farmer? The Rolling Stones say: “Hey you, get offa my cloud.” And an Aberdeen sheep farmer says: “Hey McLeod, get offa ma ewe.” ---- Paddy and Mick are two Irishmen working at the local sawmill. One day, Mick slips and his arm gets caught and severed by the big bench saw. Paddy quickly puts the limb in a plastic bag and rushes it and Mick to the local hospital. Next day, Paddy goes to the hospital and asks after...

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Horses in the City Ch 06

As Christmas approached, Emma found herself ever busier at the diner. One of the waitresses slipped and fractured her leg, and Millie couldn’t find anyone to cover, so everyone worked extra hours. Luke was deep in his novel when he wasn’t driving the carriage, and their time was limited, although he made a point of walking her home after her shift. It wasn’t much, but Luke would come up and they would talk for a while, and kiss for a while more. Emma smiled as she thought about the kisses....

3 years ago
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Awesome Night With Ramesh 8211 By Preethi

Hello Chennai! This is Preethi, working as a HR manager in Chennai. I am newly married, tall, and slim and I have a wheatish complexion. And because of this, I don’t get much attention as the fair women, thanks to all those stupid cosmetics commercials. Coming to the story – I was having a naughty chat with my junior colleague Janani, about her love life. She said she had a date that night with Ramesh, a friend of her. When I asked further, I was shocked to hear the full story. Janani and her...

4 years ago
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She walked in late as her dad stood waiting for her. He grabbed her by the hair and told her "Get into the basement. You are going to be punished. When you act like a whore you will be treated like a whore." She was scared as he d**g her down the stairs to the basement. He shut and locked the door. "Now take all your clothes off. I want you naked and do it fast. If I have to rip your clothes off you will be very sorry." She stood with tears running down her cheeks and removed her clothes. When...

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Impregnating my uncles wife

This was some time ago in Manila. A family secret. My uncle was married for 7 years to a very beautiful woman who was only 22 when they married and that time she was already 29 and still didn't have any k**. The only artificial process to get pregnant were done by few very expensive doctors because most doctors wouldn't do it for morals sake. Some would go to Hongkong but it needs lots of money. My uncle had zero sperm because he was damaged while working on extreme high temperature. His wife...

3 years ago
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The Girl That I Was The Girl That I8217am

Hi all, my Name is Joyonita Das gupta (). I’m a normal girl with normal desires. I just wanna convey through my stories, that sex is not a bad thing. We must all enjoy it. My story starts from about a year after that when my parents sent me to Delhi for college. I joined my elder brother who was already at college in Delhi for 2 years. We lived in a small apartment with 2 rooms. Delhi college culture was really cool and I was enjoying my new found freedom. I’m not a hot chick, but with a pretty...

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Lessons Learned Lesson 1 Respect

I walk into class and take my seat in the middle. My girl, Lacy, takes her seat next to me. "What's up girly?" she asks. "Hey!" I say excitedly, maybe too excitedly. "Okay, spill.” “Spill what?” “Who is he?" "Who is who?" I say with a sly smile. The bell rings and a man walk’s in closing the door behind him. "Saved by the bell." I think to myself. I look at the man. He's tall with dirty blond hair, blue-eyes, and very handsome. Sexy I must say. "Good morning class. I am Mr. Miller. I will...

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After Midnight Chapter 8

Candy was sitting out of bed when Andy arrived on the ward.“Hey, that looks good.”“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” she said gripping the arms of the chair and pushing herself upright.“Wow. Can you walk now?”“That’s the tricky bit,” she said, sitting back in the chair. “I can’t do it like this without my foot telling me to stop... but... they think I may be able to walk with crutches.”“That’s fantastic.”“Up to a point. I won’t be able to go far, but I could probably get myself to the bathroom. In...

4 years ago
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keep it in the family part 2

My Mum has gone to work. I, Sarah, was at home with my brother, Paul. My dad was out. It was a horrible day, so we stayed in. Dad came back with some beer.“What shall we do?” my dad asked.I looked at Paul and smiled.“Hmm.”"Let’s play a game of spin the bottle." Now dad looked at Paul. “What’s this game?”“Well dad, if it lands on you. You get to do something to one of us.”“Oohh I see.” Dad got some drinks to relax us.We sat on the floor. “I’ll start,” dad said.He spins the bottle. It landed on...

1 year ago
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I banged a MILF

For everyone who has been following my stories, sorry to say but this is going to be my LAST story. For now at least. I have ran out of my previous sex experiences! Anyone who wants to volunteer and be in one of my stories send me a message! This all happened when I was 18. My b*****r had a webpage which he was friends with this older white lady. She was 23. I sent her a friend request and we started talking. After a week she invited me over to her house. When i finally got to see her in...

4 years ago
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Niharika8217s Fantasy Comes True

My girlfriend some years ago was Niharika A (34B-24-36). She is now Niharika D, married to Alan D, and stays at Powai in Mumbai. (All names and places are changed) Although we were very intimate, I did not penetrate her (so that she would be a virgin when she got married) even though the relationship lasted for 10 years. I used to lick her cunt, and after some hesitation, she started sucking me off. She had extremely small nipples, a little bigger than a man’s (the auroelae were a little bigger...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 32

The guys took Adam's car. Sean sat in the passenger seat and Walt lay across the backseat. Adam decided to get the hard part out of the way early. "Are we OK about this morning?" he asked. There was a hint of nervousness in his voice that caught his friends off guard. "I am," Walt said. "I don't think I'd want things to go further but I didn't mind getting a little attention from Allie and Sarah." "Me, either," Sean put in. "I agree that going further would bother me. I mean,...

2 years ago
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Elevator Elevations At The Hotel

Hi, I am Lisa. I was really happy today for my night duty. I worked as a receptionist at a 4 star hotel. I had recently met Vikram, who was also receptionist in same hotel. He was handsome and we instantly connected. We had great chat yesterday and both ended up looking into each other’s eyes with lustful looks. I had been single for some time, so was really excited with him. I have good figure and pretty face. Being a receptionist allowed me to use my make-up and dressing skills to full...

4 years ago
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Life Changes Through HypnosisChapter 8

As Jackie walked into Kevin’s office, she was shocked to see Dr. Packard standing there. “Hello Dr. Packard, what are you doing here?” “I own the place Jackie and now just sit down and relax and listen to my voice. She sat in a chair and a glassy look took over her face and Packard began to induce her into a deep hypnotic trance. “Jackie, how do you feel?” “I feel wonderful, Dr. Packard. Do you want me to strip and suck your cock?” “Yes, Jackie. You are always to be nude when you are with...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 41 Fate Intervenes

When Vanessa realized that she no longer had her scripted speech notes with her her mouth went all dry as a huge wave of panic swept over her. She stopped hearing anything that was going on around her as her mind raced back frantically over all the events of the last hour or so. She wasn’t even really hearing anything Tracey was saying to her or anything she was saying to him. Once Vanessa’s mind was back at the house and she knew where her speech notes were she knew she had but one option...

1 year ago
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Happy Trails With My Sister

It's funny how things turn out. Seemingly unconnected events conspire to cause little things to happen and sometimes those things can be life changing. So for my story I'll show you the "unconnected" things. The life changing part will become clear. First of all let me tell you a little about our family. Dad is this big beefy guy with wide shoulders and muscles a pro wrestler would be proud of. Mom died when we were younger, but I remember she was this little slip of a woman who was...

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Fortunes of war

Packed earth crunched beneath her hands and knees. Her torn and ravaged body shuddered and continued to leak the cumulative essences of hers and the horse’s sexual organs. She stayed quite still, head hanging down and reeling, waiting for recovery; the strength to return enough so that she could once again stand, once again look up and study the faces of the crowd. Her lover was being led away by his halter. The animal had no more interest in her now that he had fulfilled his need. All...

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Chennai Aunty8217s Virgin Ass 8211 Part I

This is a story of me in capacity of a gigolo had deflowered a longing aunty’s ass. I have a strict clientele with mainly mail id as contact point and only act on references. I am quite happy with my small clientele, when one of my clients referred this lady and said she would mail me. After a couple of days I received a mail from say lets call her Shiela and she told about the reference and said she wanted to be fucked in the ass. As my policy is no personal questions I did not ask her about...

2 years ago
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Back Troubles

All my stories have a semblance of truth, some more than others.Like clockwork, every 8 months or so Ann’s sciatic nerve seemed to act up. She wasn’t sure if it was her desk at work or her car, but it happened, she tried the chiropractor, muscle relaxers’, stretching and nothing seemed to help. She would just have to let it work itself out over the next few weeks.After the Monday morning staff meeting her co-worker Julie commented that she was getting old the way she was getting out of the...

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Jack and Noah Part 1

My name is Jack Zachary Walker, I’m 17 years old and have dark brown short hair, I play football even though I’m not into it anymore on the team at school, I’m average height and quite fit and muscley because of the footy and the fact that the coach makes us go to the gym a lot. I have a mum and a dad and then an older brother who is 21 called Hamish and a younger sister who is 13 called Emily. I have a lots of friends that are on the football team and let me just say that they hate gay guys....

1 year ago
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Bhabhi Ke Boor Kar Ras 8211 Part III

Hello dosto. mai karan fir se laut aaya hu apke samne apni nai kahani ke sath. meri pichli kahani “bhabhi ke boor ka pani” ap logo ko bahut pasand aai iske liye thanx. mere pas bahut logo ke call aye. bahut sare mail v ayye. kuch auntiyo ke v call aye the. Bahut logo ne mjhse meri bhabhi ka number manga. Par sorry mai nahi de sakta. Kiu ki mai jinke sath v sex karta hu unse related koi v bate mai apko nahi bata sakta sorry…..thanks for supporting me…umhaaaa.. Ye kahani may 2010 ki hai jab mai...

4 years ago
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My First Tranny

I met Charkara (her real name) through an adult dating site. You can find her pictures on my xhamster page titled, "My First Tranny". We corresponded through the dating site quite regularly before we decided to take it to next level and exchange phone numbers and email addresses. We talked on the phone getting to know each other, what we liked to do sexually, etc. She came off as a total freak willing to do most anything which was an extreme turn-on for me. We then begun having phone sex...

2 years ago
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The Aunt and her friend part one

The Aunt, and her friend. (part one).Tony was in the kitchen, when Ellie came in through the back door. “Hello gorgeous,” she said. “Decided what you want for your birthday yet?” “You, of course,” he replied. She smiled, “Where’s your aunt?”“Upstairs, she’s…….”She kissed him on the lips and was gone.“What a total fucking idiot,” the thought, “what you want for your birthday ? You! For fucks sake.” Ellie opened her friends bedroom door, “Fiona,” she called. Fiona was in the en-suite shower....

1 year ago
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Teaching The Teacher 8211 Part 2

We suddenly heard some noise. It was Simran mam and she was shouting,”whose there out?? I know somebody is there please return my clothes back.. Please” and started crying. We all got scared but Sam asked us to calm down and wait. We waited for some more 15 minutes. Then suddenly the door opened. Simran mam came out in towel. The towel was very small. It came just near her ass. We could clearly see her but cups in the towel. She came out searching for her clothes. And made sure she doesn’t make...

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