F.O.O.L.S. free porn video

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Its 2:30 AM. I'm awakened by the sound of a car pulling in my driveway and the flash of its headlights through the bedroom window.

The lights go out. There's silence. After a few moments and not hearing the sound of a car door opening or closing, I lay still, but anxiously awaiting the next noise from the driveway. I don't get up to investigate because I'm almost sure that it's my wife returning home.

Almost 20 minutes later, I hear the familiar opening and closing of a car door and a few moments later, the sound of a key in the front door. Almost simultaneously, I hear the car start up and once again see the flash of light by the window as the auto leaves the driveway.

I hear the muted footsteps approaching our bedroom. I turn on a bedside lamp. My wife enters the room carrying her high heels in one hand and her coat and some other garments in her other.

"Hi honey." I greet her in a low tone of voice, so as not to awaken the baby or our other two k**s.

She gently places her heels on the floor and throws the other apparel she's carrying in a nearby chair. I make out that beside her coat, the bundle she was carrying also included her camisole, panties and nylons. Things she was wearing when she left home earlier in the evening.

She waves instead of replying to my greeting, she hurriedly comes over to my side of the bed. She has a smile on her face. In the dim light, I see her lips are puckered. Having seen her this way before, I know she wants a kiss.

We kiss passionately, in an instant I feel her transferring the creamy fluids from her mouth to mine. Knowing what she desires, I don't resist but let my mouth fill with what is almost assuredly a load of semen freshly collected from the dick of the man who brought her home.

As we break the kiss, for a brief moment, there are a couple of lingering ropey slimy strands between our mouths.

"Hi darling, I just had to share some of Steve's cum with you. He was nice enough to let me blow him in the driveway so I could bring it to you while it was still hot. He likes the idea that I share so much with you."

I say nothing in reply to her humiliating comment, but only watch as she undresses. Even in the dim light cast by the small bedside lamp, the reddish outlines of big hand prints are clearly discernible on her shapely hourglass body, especially her ass, breast and back.

"He and his two buddies, Leo and Wes, who we met later in the evening, also told me how lucky I am to have a husband that loves to share my experiences. They both said it really pleased them to know that you'd be tasting their left over jism in my pussy when you suck it for me tonight."

"Rita, I-I wish you wouldn't tell perfect strangers I do that for you. You know I do it because I love you so a-and as part of the therapy."

"Reginald darling, you can't blame me for being so much in love and so proud of the love of my husband that I want all the men that fuck me to know how wonderful you are to me." My wife says as she slips in bed beside me and cuddles up close. We wrap our arms around each other.

It at this moment when my beautiful shapely wife is back in my arms that I can at last enjoy her soft supple bodily charms. Even though she's used, with both her mouth and cunt coated with other men's sperm, I still feel that all the marriage counselling and therapy we've been through was worthwhile and has paid off.

No longer do I feel the pang of worry that I can't hold onto her or that she will leave me for somebody who is better endowed than I. You just don't know how comforting that is.

"Oh Reggie darling, you're so good to come home too after I've been so thoroughly fucked. Here feel my pussy darling. Feel how slick and puffy it is."

I let my wife guide my hand to her still very warm, but very damp cunt. More accurately, it was still slimy. Even, so it was still good to have the opportunity to touch and caress her even in the condition she's in. Her swollen labia are very pronounced.

"Your hands feel so good because you're so gentle after the rough manly way they do it to me. The guys really did work me hard tonight in getting rid of their stiff dicks. They really had me dripping there for a while. I wished you could've been there to take care of that for us. However, I know you had to baby-sit the k**s tonight. By the way, did Stephanie give you much trouble tonight?" My wife was asking about our newest family addition, our 10-month-old daughter, whose biological father is the same man whose semen my wife shared with me earlier.

I answer my wife's question as well as give her a verbal rundown of my evening in the role of cook, nanny, and maid. All the while doing so, I let my hands roam over her body, enjoying the pleasure that others had earlier in the evening. As I give her my verbal report, I anxiously capture one of her nipples, it's still somewhat erect, and I suckle it eagerly like a baby. Even though her tit has a dried substance splattered over it, which I'm certain is dried semen, it's still delightful for me to have its softness in my mouth. As my wife moans due to my caresses, I move to the other tit and suckle it for a long while.

"Now Reggie darling, give me what I really need. Let me have your mouth on my pussy. Here lay back dear, I want to ride your mouth tonight." She says with a sense of urgency in her voice.

I flip over face up, like I've done so many times before and await the wet contact of her moist syrupy, jism coated and gamy cunt to cover my face.

"OH yes!, Give me your tongue darling. Show me you love me!"

Before, I get to work, I warn her not to make too much noise, which might wake the k**s, especially the baby.

"Okay, okay, but get busy sucking my pussy, I need you honey. I want to feel you sucking the juice out of my muff."

My wife slowly rotates and scrubs my face with her hairy, slightly squishy snatch. I can tell she's enjoying herself as I supply the tongue power for her happiness.

Finally I get her off with my lips and tongue and sucking action. I hear her mute the cries of pleasure from the umpteenth orgasm she's had tonight. As she slumps in the bed totally exhausted from an evening of intense sex, I feel very good because I gave her the final come of the night.

"That was so delightful as usual darling, I'm totally wiped out, you always do that to me when we make love sweetie. You're so good for me. Goodnight honey." She said so sensuously. Time she rolled over she was asleep.

I grabbed a tissue and slowly wiped the drying fuck and pussy juices from my face. I also sipped a drink from the bedside table, which I'd intentionally placed there upon going to bed. As I lay back trying to get back to sleep since I have to go to work in a few hours, I'm fighting the erection I have. It's aching and palpitating and not contributing to me getting back to sleep easily.

However, I know I have to endure this condition for the good of our marriage.

Again, as I try to fall back to sleep, I think back to the way it was before we took the therapy that saved our marriage and enabled me to not have the worry of having a wife that was not pleased at my sexual capabilities as a husband.

It all started about six months after we were married. It was then that I first noticed that my wife was making frequent comments about my sexual equipment and the fact that it was taking me longer to get her off. I found it difficult to last longer than the four minutes in her hot juicy cunt. It seemed that even with my mouth action, that is after my four minutes of humping glory, she still wanted more.

Our seemingly perfect marriage was becoming stranded because of my sexual inadequacies. Rita was not a virgin before we married, however, she wanted us to save ourselves for each other until our wedding night.
I was a bit puzzled by this, but she insisted on not letting me have some until we were wed. However, after I put a ring on her hand and we became engaged, she did let me go down on her delectable pussy. I became hooked from the first time I slipped my tongue in her warm wet gash.

Even though I'd had sex with a girl before, but for all practical purposes I was a virgin. You see, just as I was about to put it in the teenage girl I was about to get some from, I lost my load. The sight of her bush and tits forming that lovely triangular sight as you look up toward her tits and cunt, was just too much for me.

My date laughed at me. She was rather experienced for 16. But to save the night for both of us, and now I think back on things it probably was more for her benefit, she guided my head to her warm pussy and had me lick her to an orgasm. Even though I ended up licking up a bit of my cum that sprayed on her bush, eating her juicy warm cunt was not a bad experience. However, that was my first and last serious sexual experience until meeting Rita.

Rita and I have been though 3 trial separations. Each time we reconciled and got back together. I've always sweated if I could win her back each time. I did. Even though each time she came back home she was pregnant by one of her old boyfriends, I still welcomed her back with open arms. The last separation was almost 18 months ago. She returned inseminated with our baby daughter, Stephanie.

The only good thing about these trial separations is that they tend to only last a few months. I'm always glad that my wife comes back home to me, even if she's pregnant and wants to have the other man's baby.

Fearing it would cause her to become upset or at worse, leave again, I generally say very little except ask what decor she desires for the baby's room.

The three c***dren we have were all added to our family in this manner. They are each about 18 months apart in age. Based on this Information, when our youngest daughter reached about nine months, I was fearful that Rita would get the urge to go through another trial separation, as this fit the pattern over the last few years. I wanted to prevent this if at all possible.

Rita and I talked about our marital problems as well as the need to have her own space from time to time.

Rita and I both had talked to her mom about our situation. Her Mom called me and gave us the name of a marriage counsellor, who was a high school friend of hers. The counsellor was a Dr. John Richards.

It was Dr. Richards that put my marriage back on track with his Focus On Oral Love Strategy Therapy. For short, it's called F.O.O.L.S Therapy, or more commonly FOOLS.

"The FOOLS approach is perfect for your situation, Reginald." The doctor told me upon my first visit.

"You see the FOOLS Therapy permits the wife to have outside lovers and for the husband, since you're so much less endowed than her lovers, to use the FOOLS therapy to strengthen your marital bonds."

I listened intently at Dr. Richards.

He went on to say that what I currently do is best for my wife. Me performing oral sex on her constitutes the way we should have sex together. That is, at least until I can pass the 200 stroke test, but I'll talk about that later.

But for now, all he encouraged me to do was to do is lick and suck her pussy for her when we have sex. My wife is really happy about me doing that for her, especially when she comes home with her cunt freshly fucked by one or more of her lovers or some other man or men. She's also admitted to doing a few gangbangs for pleasure too. You see that's also allowed under FOOLS.

"Reginald, you know the rules. If you accidentally come, you must start the timetable all over again, no matter that you accidentally came in your shorts. It doesn't matter if the sight of your wife's charms were the cause or some other cause. You still must go six months under supervised masturbation before you are permitted to do so on your own. No exceptions! Understand!"

"Y-Yes Dr. Richards, w-whatever you say. B-But I just c-can't seem to help it sometimes when I-I some intimate with her."

"That maybe true Reginald, but we are trying to build up your stamina here and there is no other way. You still are not to try putting it in until you go through the full year of stroke exercises and training, otherwise you haven't given the FOOLS Therapy a chance. And you do want to be a good FOOL husband, don't you?"

"W-Well y-yes I want to make sure it all worked out b-but..,"

"No buts Reginald, your goal should be to be a perfect FOOLS patient ,nothing less. Now say you want to be a good FOOL. It'll be good way to build your confidence."

"I-I want t-to b-be a g-good FOOL."

"Good! Again!"

"I want to b-be a g-good FOOL."

"Good, but with a bit more conviction this time Reginald."


I repeated the phrase for Dr. Richards several more times until he thought I sounded sincere. I have to hand it to him, I said it so much that I could hear it echoing in my head as I left his office. I have to admit it did help me stay more determined to work with my wife to make the FOOLS therapy a success for me. It already seemed to be working quite well for my wife.

My wife has let me know so many times how good it is to have me sucking other "men's fuck" out of her wet gooey pussy. "Darling, I know you love me each time I hold your head to my crotch and hear you slurping up what the fellows worked so hard to fill me up with. They please me and you do it even better, cause you do for me by your sucking what they never could do. I really am thankful for Dr. Richards and his FOOLS Therapy. I'm also glad that you're man enough to do the right thing and became a good FOOL husband, because it sure has improved our marriage a thousand percent."

Being a FOOL husband means knowing your responsibilities in relation to those of your wife's other sexual partners, that is the one who are permitted to have coitus with her.

The responsibilities are pretty clear. They are to use their endowments to fuck her and I to give her pleasure they can't by sucking her cunt after they've finished with her.

Dr. Richards has told me often how lucky I am to be able to save my marriage this way.

At first I thought I was being humiliated by being the clean up man, but the more I see how happy my wife is as I put my mouth on her red, raw and inflamed sperm soaked snatch, I have come to accept, adapt, and find the pride Dr. Richards said I would find in carrying out my share of responsibility in the FOOLS Therapy.

Dr. Richards has also encouraged me to go with my wife as she meets with her various fuck studs, especially when there is going to be what they call a "gang" meeting. My wife always told me that whenever they have such meeting, they have a "bang up" good time. I heard one of her partners refer to it as a "gang bang".

However, Dr. Richards gave my wife some pills for me to take so as to reduce my nervousness and anxiety as I attended them with her. For a few months she never told me about them, just put them in my coffee or other drinks before I went with her to these "gang bangs".

The pills apparently worked. My nervousness went away and I felt mellow and at ease as I watched her have sex with her various partners.

To not feel left out, my wife had her sex partners invite me to participate. To my surprise, I felt comfortable in helping out. Besides inviting me to keep her cunt from getting too slimy, sloppy and mucky from all the hot semen they shot deep in her, the studs also invited me to lick their dicks clean after each fucked her.

The men praised me at how well I kept her pussy freshened up for them. I'm also sure it was the pills, but I didn't feel the least bit humiliated at their praise. And so as to not feel left out while one set of men had their dicks in my wife, the others, at her suggestion, had me licking their cocks and balls and to act as a "fluffier".

That's a new term I learned. It means to help the men get properly prepared to fuck my wife again. In other words, besides cleaning their dicks with my tongue, I would suck them up hard again so that they could completely empty their balls and give her their last loads of jism.

After the last of the 8 men had left the room, I had my head buried in my wife's gamy sloppy messy crotch, fulfilling my last responsibility for her that evening as I diligently sucked and slurped her bruised, but well fucked pussy lips. As Usual, she had that Mona Lisa smile on her face as I glanced up occasionally to steal a peep at her face through her slime coated plastered muff bushy pubic hairs twat surrounded my face.

I really felt blessed to be able to do what I was doing to provide my wife the love and pleasure I was at that moment. It was so good to know that my wife would be going home with me and not have to worry about her leaving or being stolen away by another man, because he's better endowed or more handsome than me. And it was all due to me following Dr. Richards's instructions and adhering to my set of responsibilities under the Husband's FOOLS program. Me being a FOOL Husband has really paid off by helping me keep my wife.

I don't need the pills anymore. As Dr. Richards had told my wife, after a while the d**g in the pills would condition me to be comfortable around her studs without me being given the d**g.

When my wife revealed the good news that I didn't need the pills anymore, my first reaction was that it was underhanded and outright trickery to d**g me without my knowledge. However, I had to admit that my wife was right. The d**g had helped me be a better FOOL than had I not been given them. Besides, it was a moot point now that I'd been conditioned to accompany her to her various "gang bangs" and "train pulls". If nothing else, I've learned many new street terms for group sex.

Another thing, even though my wife has had other men's babies, and may have others in the future, she has not expressed any desire to leave me. Dr. Richards told me that would be the case, and I must admit that too has pleased me so much.

My wife has been very supportive also of my failures with the Stroke Stamina Building Regime. Just listen at what she told me the other day.

"Darling, don't fret about not being able to do so well on the Stroke Stamina Building Regime he has you on. After seven years, you get to put it in by default." My wife was trying to console me. I thought that was nice of her.

And to further take the fire out of men getting the urge to steal her from me while she's pregnant with their babies and emotionally vulnerable, Dr. Richards' suggestion that I suck the men's dicks for them during this time. It seems to have really worked. Not one has been successful in influencing my wife to leave me when she was swollen up with their baby.

As you can see, it's a lot of work being a FOOL husband, not to mention: being a Daddy to other men's babies my wife has had by them; having my lips stretched to the limit by the big dicks of my wife's studs; and also sucking down a lot of hot gooey jism from all the abundant loads they spurt. However, all in all, I've come to believe it's worth it to be able to keep my beautiful wife and to have a harmonious marriage. Don't you think?


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Vickis Furry Friend

Chapter 1 The cold, winter rain beat a relentless tattoo against the glass panes of the bedroom window, and Victoria Young shivered involuntarily beneath the thick quilt covering her firm young body. The curvaceous brunette drew it tighter around her chin, listening to the gurgle of water in the roof drains, and wished her husband, Kirk, were home on this afternoon of all afternoons. It was New Year's Eve. But he wasn't home, and he wouldn't be home until six...

4 years ago
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Jacks Internship Part 4

Introduction: Debbie doesnt know it but Sara knows all about Jack and Debbies encounter. Sara wants Debbies cooperation in Jacks rehabilitation. This is a rewrite from previous techniques (Parts 1-3). It seems I got a lot of very, ah, degrading comments asking for better writing of the dialogue sections, better punctuation, quotes, etc. I have revised the entirety of this section to attempt to comply. Constructive comments are greatly appreciated!! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy. Part...

1 year ago
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My mums holiday part 7

(Day 5 continued)I had intended going straight back to our room, but mum objected. I'm parched, she declared, I need a drink. You'll have to make it a quick one if you still want to go on the pub crawl this evening. Of course I do, she confirmed, so we headed for the bar, where she made swift work of a large beer. We went back to our room and freshened up with a nice long shower together. There's no nicer feeling than mum's big soapy boobs and belly squishing against me. In no time at all...

3 years ago
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Cruising Ch 02

Sunday It wasn’t a particularly restful night for anyone. Everyone let loose with a few farts over the night and the odor seemed to linger. Probably every one of us did some snoring. I’m sure each one of us tossed and turned for at least an hour or two when someone else was snoring loudly. I awoke with my usual morning wood. After detaching front Laurie I ran to the bathroom to relieve myself. Laurie followed me into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. ‘So, what are this morning’s...

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Brendas Dirty Mess

Brenda hated the holidays. She was expected to cook for her husband’s entire family.  She hated it more than anything.  I guess if she liked her husband the task would be more enjoyable.  He had a big family and they all liked to gather at Brenda and Kevin's house.They had been married for ten years.  It’s not that her husband didn’t care for her anymore.  It’s just that their love was stale.  They had sex but not as often as she’d like.  Kevin traveled a lot and was always busy with his...

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The Bank Ladies Red Heather

I had been so busy at work that my first time back to the bank was the following Friday night.  As I walked in, Red was taking care of another customer, so I turned and waved to Heather.  We exchanged "hellos" before she curled her finger at me discreetly. As she silently beckoned me to her cubicle, I quickly glanced back at Red.  The other customer still occupied her, so I stepped toward Heather.  "Where are Goldy and Lisa?" I inquired. "It's Goldy's day off, and Lisa is at a late appointment...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Fairy Gobblers Pt 03

The two set up camp at the site where Vince has spent so many evenings enjoying his fairy friends. It was still early, so there were no fairy’s around to distract them or entertain them as they set up camp. “Where are the fairies, stupid Vince?” Thomas goaded. “Be patient, we have a few hours. Let’s set up camp, eat and go for a swim.” Vince replied. “I don’t want to swim, I want to fuck a fairy. I want to fuck a hot one and make her have half human half fairy babies.” “That’s not...

2 years ago
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My Hot Classmate Took My Virginity With Her

Hi readers I am Sri Vathsav from Hyderabad, came to chennai for studies. As this is my first story in ISS please do understand if there are any mistakes. I am around 5’11 height average body and cool attitude and bit shy. Coming to the story the girl name is Harika she is a bit beautiful. According to me she sex goddess , because she is in such a great shape I would love to look at her for hours and hours. Her shape is of 38c , 28 ,30. I guess by now the structure of the girl would have come to...

3 years ago
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Middle Ages Sex Adventures

Your name is Jenny. You are a homeless girl living on the street and the only way out of your situation is to travel to the Mystic Ponds far beyond the Troll Mountains for this place is said to give mystical powers to those who drink out of them. This could be your only way out of your misery. It is dusk and you walk through your hometown, a little village called The Dumping Spot. You are wearing a rather tight tunic and rugged pants and in your belt is a sword which you are proud to own. This...

2 years ago
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Emmas Daliance

Emma strolled aimlessly along the sea front, the warm summer breeze carrying with it the hint and scent of a thunderstorm. 'I knew I should have brought a coat, ' Emma sighed to herself, knowing that three successive days of hot English weather was about the best she could really hope for. The approaching storm had turned the air humid, making her flowered cotton sundress stick to her in places she really wished it wouldn't. Emma loved being able to wear summer clothes and wished she could be...

4 years ago
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From Stranger To Sex Mate

Hi Indian sex stories readers, this is my second experience. I thank you all for your feedbacks and reviews on my previous sex story. I’m 23 years old with average body and fair looking. It all started one month back, I was waiting for my office cab at morning 6 am and I saw a woman in her early 30’s waiting at the same stop. She was very attractive and had very perfect structure. She got on to her cab and went on mine. This continued as a routine for someday and I was so attracted to her and...

2 years ago
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Chapter 4 “So…” I murmured after about half an hour. “…ready for Round 2?” “Just about,” Laura replied, sitting up. “What do we do this time?” “I don’t know about you two, but I’m definitely up for some ass action,” Tom said frankly. “I fancy a spot of rimming myself,” I agreed. “But it would be nice if we could figure out a way to service all three of us at the same time.” Laura grinned. “Then let’s get creative,” she said. She turned onto her back and lay down on her back with her head...

4 years ago
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10 Book2Chapter 9

We drove near the Knox property. It was different now. I could detect the minds that had searched for us but they were not currently in search mode. We didn't dare probe their minds because they would detect us. The best we could do was watch from a distance with a pair of binoculars. Herb was here, both Kim and I were sure of it, but he had his block up. We could also feel fear and it had to emanate from him. It was possible we weren't detected because they were studying him. The house...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Ashley Red Shy Newbie Ashley Red

Ashley Red may be new to the industry but she is not new to sucking a hard large cock! Once this horny babe gets naked she wastes no time giving Jake a nice sloppy blowjob doing her best to take it all down her throat! She loves to submissive letting Jake do whatever he wants just as long as she gets that hard cock in her. She grinds him hard in reverse cowgirl and lets him smack that ass when he bends her over in doggy. All she wants is to feel that hot cum spray all over her face. She will do...

4 years ago
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One kinky night part 1

It all started late one evening, we sat on the couch watching television cuddled close. She sat so close I could hear her breathing and feel her chest press against mine as her breasts moved with the motion. I slide my hand down towards thighs, rubbing the inside as her nipples began to perk up. She turned her body more towards me and we began to kiss. I unbuttoned her jeans and slid the zipper down. The warmth from her pussy radiated underneath her navy blue panties. She asked me to make her...

1 year ago
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Going Down on Daniel

It’s been two weeks since I’ve heard from him. I don’t think a day’s gone by where I haven’t regretted that night. I’ve been listening to the same sad songs on Spotify on repeat. Routinely checking my phone, checking my messages to see not a single reply. Last online 40 minutes ago. Message seen, ten days ago.  Two weeks ago to this day, he and I had been drinking. I know we shouldn’t have been meeting during lockdown, but we’d never gone that long without seeing one another. Daniel had been my...

First Time
1 year ago
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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 20 A Birthday Spanking

Emily heard her brother’s request, but she didn’t move. Instead she just said, “Tommy, I haven’t heard an apology yet.” Quickly turning to Shelly, Tommy blurts out, “I’m sorry Shelly.” Then he turned back toward his sister, and with his eyes, he implored her to untie him. Instead of moving toward her brother to satisfy his wishes, she now felt herself slipping back in her unusual, but now not uncommon, role as his disciplinarian and teacher. She looked back at her brother, shaking her head...

2 years ago
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My Week With Tommy PT2

Names have been changed for the safety of people featured in this article this article has underage sex and if you are not into it GTFO! Part 1 is TOTALLY True, Part 2 is pretty much exaggerated into a story It Felt like we had been doing this for hours, but when I looked at the clock it had only been about ten minutes. I looked back at Tommy and he was fast asleep, soon we are both naked and sleeping next to one another...

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Amber Friday

I saw Amber every day at the bus stop that week, but frustratingly, we were never alone. A serious-looking woman spoiled our fun by wandering around the shelter, talking endlessly into her mobile phone while waiting for a car to pick her up. She seemed indifferent to the obvious hatred and frustration rolling off me. Didn’t she know this was my special time with Amber? She could wait for a car anywhere. This bus stop was ours. Despite the company, Amber conspired to show me her knickers every...

3 years ago
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Amity 1 StormChapter 10 Ladies

The rest of that week was busy. I collected a heap of new crystals and Wally, Walter, and I went around the house embedding them in the walls. We then went room to room, and we decided on a colour scheme for each. Once we were all happy, we liked it, I transported the furniture I’d picked for the room, and we arranged it accordingly. Pammy suggested we move some to different rooms, so they didn’t look cluttered, so the boys moved it. I then inspected the alteration and approved the moves...

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Ashley Part 2

It was almost ten in the morning. I was laying in bed. My wife was lying next to me in bed. Knowing that she was wearing nothing but shorts and a t-shirt, no bra or panties did nothing. It never did. I hadn't been sexually aroused by her in years. What was doing it was hearing my step daughter in the other room breathing and lightly snoring. Because I knew what I saw the night before when we celebrated her birthday. I knew what she'd done the night before. And I couldn't stop thinking about...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 559

Are you smarter than a 60 yr old? THIS MAY BE HARDER THAN YOU THINK. THE ANSWERS WILL BE ON THE TIP OF YOUR TONGUE, BUT YOU JUST CAN’T QUITE REMEMBER THE CORRECT ANSWER. DON’T LOOK BELOW FOR THE ANSWERS UNTIL YOU HAVE TRIED TO FIGURE IT OUT. So have some fun my sharp-witted friends. This is a test for you ‘older kids’ The answers are printed below (after the questions) but don’t cheat! Try to answer them first... After the Lone Ranger saved the day and rode off into the sunset, the...

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A Wife8217s Temptation

I was five months pregnant, but not showing much. Not enough to start with maternity clothes anyway. The problem was my husband. He was treating me like a porcelain doll he was afraid he’d break. I assured him that the doctor had said that sex would be okay as long as we were careful toward the end, but he was still reluctant. Maybe pending fatherhood had something to do with it. Who knows what men are thinking? I had an afternoon off because a construction crew had cut a gas...

1 year ago
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my first sex

when I was a p*****n I had a couple friends. we did the usual things k**s do and one day my friend and I ended up showing each other our penis. this became a usual thing and one day he bent down and after pulling on my dick, leaned forward and put my dick in his mouth. well needless to say it felt great and when it was my turn to do the same to him I was very happy to try out on his dick all the things he had just done to mine. we would have sleep overs. and soon I had my other friend over and...

3 years ago
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Ashwini Aunty Ki Chudai

My sexy married Ashwini aunty age 35 Gori Sexy thi uski size 34 30 36 thi…Dikhne mai hot hone k karan mai us ko har roj dekhta tha us ko dekh k mera lund khada ho jata tha kyu ki us ki matak ti chaal aur uski sexy figure dekh k mujhse control nahi hota tha. Roj sochta tha ek baar ise chodne ka mouka mile to maja aayega lekin mujhe nahi pata tha wo din itni jaldi aayega Us din Saturday tha mai aur mere dost bahar khel rahe the tabhi maine dekha k ashwini ka pati AMIT aur Beti POOJA kisi kaam se...

2 years ago
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Karla Pulls a Black Train PT2

Victoria was at home sleeping one morning when she received an untimely phone call. The phone had startled her so that her adrenaline brought her to her feet fast to answer it, but her mind was still sleeping so she was half out of it. Vicky: "He-Hello? Oh Hi Karla...It's kind of early isn't it? Noon? Yeah I guess I could be there. Okay Bye."Vicky looked at her clock it was almost 4am. She put her head in hands as she tried to completely wake up and process the call. Why was Karla calling her...

3 years ago
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Dinner for Twins

Hannah sat there, alone on the couch, watching TV. It was lazy day. Still warm from a long bath, she flipped through the various channels. It was getting late and she wondered where her sister could be. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She quickly got up and ran to the door. After unlocking the deadbolt, she opened to door. To her relief, her sister, Samantha was standing outside."Overtime today?" Hannah asked as she walked in, "You normally come earlier." "No," Samantha grinned...

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Jet Slag

As the plane touched down Jane felt butterflies in her stomach. Not from some fear of flying, but nerves about the guy she was going to meet.They had fallen for each other on xhamster, but was he actually going to be there when she got off the plane? she knew she was taking a risk meeting a complete stranger. If he was, would he be as handsome in real life as he was in pictures? would he find her attractive? and most important of all would he fuck her? That is what she wanted so desperately...

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Sissy first time blacked

I had been at a family event in Gloucestershire and was driving back home on a Saturday evening at about nine thirty. As usual I was wearing panties and hold ups under my male attire, but as soon as I could, I pulled into a quiet lay by on the A40, removed my jeans and shirt, and pulled on my lovely black dress with a pretty little lace panel across the top. It was dark now, and I was happy to be driving, dressed in my sissy clothes. I knew there was little chance of anyone seeing me anyway, as...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilms Aliya Brynn Horny Old Men

Marcus London arrives home one day to find Aliya Brynn, his teen girl’s best friend, at his home. When he asks where everyone else is, Aliya informs him that his ex-wife had to rush to the hospital, so everyone left to make sure that she’s alright, leaving Aliya behind. Distraught by the news, Marcus goes to make a phone call and learns that his ex-wife is stable and that the rest of the family will be away for some time to look after her… Aliya comes to join Marcus, and...

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Ana neeeds a very huge and hard cock

That late evening my sensual wife admitted she was completely horny and she wanted more than my hard and thick cock inside her. Anita told me she really needed some “black action” and then she convinced me to attend an interracial party out of town. The place had been recommended by her slutty girlfriend Helena, of course…We arrived there early, finding that were already several couples and single black studs at the party house. After about an hour of chatting with many of the dark skin men,...

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Neighbour Bhabhi Ke Saath Haseen Pal

Hello, dosto main sahil loverboy wapis aa gaya hun… aap sabka bhoot bhoot thanks meri pehle story ko like karne ka.. mujhe itne saare mail aayi ki main sabka reply bhi nahi de paya… meri pehle story ka link (http://indiansexstories2.net/stories/Desi/mere_pyar_wali_dastan_meri_girlfriend_ke_saath_125664.html) … Main sahil delhi ka rehne walla hun.. 24 yrs ka hun.. aur ladkiyo so bhoot pyar karta hun… isi wajah se mujhe unhe izzat aur unse baat karne ki akal hai…mera mail address : bhaabhi ya...

3 years ago
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2 Fast 2 Feminine

This is my first, and last story of any kind. This was a one shot deal. I've been reading stories like these for about 3 weeks, and I thought I'd make a story that didn't follow the stereotypes as far as the characters, their interests, their attitude, and how they handle changing. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading about it. In not any of the races thats in the story, but they should be well represented. If you know places that this should be posted, tell me. If you like...

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