RoomersChapter 2 free porn video

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'Uh, Mr. Taylor?' He was standing at the door, looking nervous. The new guy, third floor front. I was feeling pretty good. I'd put in an hour at the gym, first time for a while, and my body didn't like that much, but the first beer of the day had hit the spot and Stevie Ray Vaughan was doing incredible things with a guitar.

'Doug. No mistering in this house. Whaddya need, Nick? No need to stand in the doorway: you been here a while, you'll discover I'm easy, long as the rent's on time.' He flushed scarlet.

'Uh, that was it, actually. I wanted to show you this, and I don't really want to ask my folks; this is costing them a bunch of money already.' He meant college. He handed me an official-looking letter. I looked at him suspiciously, then scanned the half-page of jargon-filled crap. Long and short of it was that his State funding was gonna be ten days late because a bunch of pissants had decided to go on strike. Sorry for the inconvenience, etcetera. People nowadays plain won't work. I glanced up at him.

He was one of the ones who'd had his parents with him when he viewed the room. Shy boy, looked like a good gust of wind would knock him over. His Mom and Dad ordinary folk, proud as hell that their son had made it to a good school; if he qualified for funding then they were probably not rolling in the long green. I checked the letter again closely. Seal looked right, raised letterhead at the top. He was definitely going to be late with the money. I did sums in my head. OK, just this once.

The house is big enough for five renters, and five renters is a nice piece of monthly change when you collect, but big old houses have big old yards and big old maintenance costs, and hired help isn't for the simple chores.

'Yard work this weekend, Nick, you lemme see the check when it arrives. Good enough?' Save me having to do it, I thought, feeling pleased. 'You know how to rake leaves?' He nodded anxiously, then realized I'd made a joke, smiled in a relieved way.

'Yessir, Mr. Taylor.' Polite kid.

'Call me Doug or I throw your ass out now. Say it.' He gulped.

'Uh, yes ... Doug.' Good enough for a first try. He fled and I settled back down on the couch. College is a mixed experience. I learnt to enjoy reading, iron shirts, polish my social skills, drink beer, discover the joys of grass; made me kinda sloppy mouthed though. The polite High School kid who'd arrived pretty soon turned into a guy who cussed up a storm without realizing it. I guess that shows some, even just telling the story. Poor ol' Nick was still in his first week though, bewildered, feeling like an ignorant jerk, trying to act like an adult. I been there too, and I almost felt sorry for the kid.

After a while I got up and looked out of my big bay window. When I bought the house I remodeled the first floor to make a nice apartment for myself, closed the hallway, except for my door and the staircase; upstairs was the original six bed floorplan, except I put in an extra full bath and a utility kitchen where the sixth bed used to be. Way too much effort, but it works pretty good, and I got an income, privacy, the nicest rooms, and a big bay window to stand in and think and watch the world go by. I thought back to my first year here, in this very town. Shit, don't time fly?

Julie Anderson had howled and cried and carried on like an unmilked cow when the time came for me to leave. Turned out she was dreaming of engagement and marriage and babies and a lot of stuff that plain didn't interest me, so the last week was kinda stressful. More stressful, because I'd spent the summer goofing off and doing as little as possible, and my body was slack and my mind was pure putty. No way my gift was going to work until I straightened out. But hell, Julie was happy to blow me regularly, long as I returned the favor, and I plain wasn't willing to get off my ass just to give her a soft landing.

Being a slacker has a downside though, and I felt kinda bad as the Valiant rolled along the Interstate. Mom was pretty pissed at me: Julie had gone so far as to catch her one weekend, sob and whimper, tell her what a cruel jerk I was, how I'd ruined her rep and a lot more stuff that plain wasn't true; what the hell: she wasn't pregnant, but Mom had told Dad and ... you know how it goes. So I left home unescorted, and, tell the truth, a little nervous.

First month was pure hell. Biggest town I ever seen, most people ditto, new schedules, new guys to impress, new girls to check out and be too shy to approach, new economic problems, way too much schoolwork: Julie and babies almost began to seem like an attractive option. Truth was, I felt like a fuckin' hick, way outa my depth. Finally, reluctantly, I realized I wasn't gonna cut it unless I made an effort. Bummer.

'Gotta do something, ' I said out loud. My roommate looked up from his book.

'You say something, dude?'

'Gotta do something, or I'm gonna be overwhelmed by all this shit. There a gym round here?' He looked at me strangely.

'Dude, this is a college. Of course there's a fuckin' gym. In fact there's two. There's a library as well: you found that yet?' I heaved myself off my bed, looked for my shoes. Smart-ass, but a good guy: little too serious for my taste, but hell, most people are. So what? What I needed now was to think what I wanted. Some pussy, of course. That was a given: I was getting a sore wrist already. I needed to keep my grades up too, least till I figured out how to live easy without too much work.

'Which one's closest?' He looked at me strangely again.

'Dude, you are a piece of work. The closest one is the one that's closest.'

The second month was miserable too. I made myself work out, hated it; found the library, started hitting the books, hated it. Only good part was deciding which particular pussy to dream about. Hell, I thought: it worked with Patty, it'll work again. Plan for success.

By Christmas my body had firmed up some and I was getting B's, the occasional A. I was also going outa my skull. I'd fixed on a sophomore girl I saw in the library occasionally: mostly to see if the ability could cut it; way outa my league really, but the cutest little thing you ever did see. Short red hair, long slim legs, handy-sized set upstairs, big smile, pair of green eyes looked like she could get real physical if she wanted to. She didn't seem to date much. I managed to find out that her name was Judy Olsen. I thought about her a lot, but it never got quite vivid enough, so I took a deep breath and stopped masturbating. Bummer.

Like I said: outa my skull. On the other hand, the first three lines on my secret activity graph were moving upwards in synch. The fourth one, quality time with Judy, didn't exist yet, but I left space for it, kinda hopeful. If things hadn't improved overall I might have given up, but it seemed like my life was on an upswing. I did my best to keep up the gym time and the library time, and mostly I managed. Four days out of seven anyway. Hated it though.

College is pretty cool once you find your rhythm. I wasn't gonna make the dean's list, but I was up where I wanted to be, and I was discovering how to read stuff for pleasure as well as information. I wasn't totally buff either, but my extra twenty pounds had moved back up to my chest and arms and I looked a helluva lot better for it. I'd plotted Judy's library schedule and was trying to match it, sitting in her line of sight and keeping my head down, running through the conversations we might have.

You want to be an ace slacker, you gotta be realistic. Most of me hated all the shit I was putting myself through, but there was one small part that remembered this was a means to an end, not a lifestyle choice. A little patience and some short term pain was going to pay off if I did it right. That kept my bitching down to a private minimum.

Social life. Well, yeah: the fact of the matter is, third week of January I managed to get laid. Not Judy, hell, that woulda been too corny, but a lot better than nothing. A sign that the effort was beginning to pay back. 'Bout fuckin' time too.

She worked in the head shop that all college towns have, fitted the ambience like a hand in a glove. Old-fashioned hippy look, though she couldn't have been a real hippy, ever; twenty-something, ash blonde and way skinny, looked as if she needed a month of feeding up, but she had something. I didn't stop imagining Judy's eyes fixed lovingly on mine as she removed her clothes, but I took to browsing the shop occasionally, flicking through the Freak Brothers back issues while I checked blondie out.

Third week of January. I'd done the gym and the books, was on my way for a pizza when I stopped in there. Nearly closing time, and she was alone. Usually there was a genuine old hippy there as well, wanting to impress with his tales of Woodstock or some such shit, but today he wasn't about. I moved to the racks of comics, picked one at random. Fat Freddy's fucking cat had crapped in his shoe again, and I pretended to read and snicker while I watched her. She looked kinda impatient.

'You gonna buy anythin' or what?' I looked up, for the first time in months felt a soft click in my head. Way to go.

'Buy you a pizza, you want one. Every time I see you I get the urge to feed you.' She stared for a moment, then smiled.

'Good line. How come you're always in here and never buy anythin'?'

'Waitin' for my chance. Plus, it's kinda nice. Makes a change from the dam' college library. You like anchovies? Me, I can take 'em or leave them alone, but some folks plain can't handle them. Give you a hand with the shutters if you like.' She stared again.

'You coming on to me? I'm old enough ta be your goddam mother.' Click.

'Not unless you were a child bride, and then some. Sister, mebbe, you wanna be kinky. Us country boys, we know all about that sorta stuff.' She shook her head and looked at me quizzically, then cracked a smile. She looked like a tough lady with a dirty mouth and a soft spot ready to be massaged: I reckoned the experience could be a good one.

'You gotta better way with you than a lotta the dumb-ass kids come in here. No anchovies, shutters wind down real easy. I'm Annie. Who are you, country boy?'

'What was that crack about feedin' me?' she asked when the first slices had been dealt with. 'You callin' me skinny?' Click.

'Hell, Annie, slim is what I'd say, but you gotta kind of a hungry look about you. Tell the truth, buyin' you dinner was the plan all along, but I guess I tried to dress it up a tad too fancy.' Her eyes softened a little.

'Nice thing to say, but hell, you were right: skinny's where I am. I eat like two horses and I drink those dam' protein messes the goddam gym rats use and nothin' happens. I was a skinny kid and now I'm a skinny woman and I guess I'll be a skinny old lady pretty soon.'

'That day's a long way off. Howd'ya get to sell bongs and incense for a living?' She shrugged.

'You seen my Dad. Last of the fuckin' hippies. Hell, time's passed him by and what else can he do? I was born a hippy and raised a hippy and I don't much mind. Better than workin' in a goddam office.' Woman after my own heart. I gestured at the remains of the pizza.

'You want the last slice? And then brownies?' She rolled her eyes.

'I've died and gone to fuckin' heaven. How old did you say you were?' Click.

'Nineteen and working on it.' She raised her glass to me.

'And a dam' fine job you're doin' too. You planning on walkin' me home?' I shook my head, tried to grin boyishly.

'My Mom raised me real good, Annie. I was gonna say why not hit a movie and then see if you want me to walk you home.' Her eyes changed just enough that I knew getting physical was right there on the cards.

'Fuck the movie. You can walk me home now, we'll have an early nightcap. Dad's at a Deadheads' reunion all week, why I gotta look after the shop by myself.'

'Whaddabout your Mom?' She shrugged.

'Hippied off somewhere when I was seven. Dad raised me after that.' Click.

'Man did a helluva job. You want another brownie, keep your strength up?' She giggled like a teenager.

'You are a piece of fuckin' work. Howd'ya get to be so smart?'

'I read a lot.' She snickered again.

'Not the dam' Freak Brothers, that's for sure. You're gonna be dangerous one day.' She wiped her mouth and drained her coke. 'C'mon then. Nightcap time.' It was only about seven o'clock but I wasn't gonna argue and we left. All I could think, the clicks were there again and I was gonna get laid, just like I wanted. Not my first choice, but not a total stranger either. I'd need to figure this out some when I had the time.

In January this town's colder than a welldigger's ass, and we had to hurry to keep our blood moving. Turned out she and her dad lived above the shop in a second floor apartment, looked like nineteen sixty-eight. Pictures of the Maharishi and everything. I gazed round the room in amazement.

'Wow. Makes me wanna go pluck a guitar with my teeth.' She smiled lopsidedly and nodded.

'Dad's true to his dream, I guess. Gimme your coat and go sit on the couch. I'll get the nightcap.' When she came back she'd changed and was wearing one of those floaty hippy dresses you can almost see through. No trace of underwear though, not even almost. She was carrying a small bong.

'You ever done weed?' I shook my head.

'I start chokin', you gotta promise to help me.' She sat on the couch beside me and crossed her legs under her. The neck of the dress was way loose, I could see her tiny breasts clearly. Her nipples looked to be hard and thick.

'Bongs are pretty good. Ice in this one, so the smoke's chilled; you don't take too much you won't choke. Results are fuckin' ace too. You sure you wanna do it?' Click.

'New experiences is what college is all about. Besides, I plan to major in laid-back and easy.' She reached up and ruffled my hair.

'You're doin' OK.' She plucked a Zippo out of somewhere and fired up.

Well, shit. You might say that Annie was a key part of my downfall. I read somewhere, your first drug experience is a good one, then the odds on carrying on go up by ten million percent or something. Guess they're right: Annie made mine better than good.

Three hits each, small ones for me, and the bong was finished. She set it down, got up and went over to a music centre, only modern thing in the room. Don't know what she put on: Pink Floyd, maybe, but I for sure can't remember now. She came back to the couch, settled herself comfortably, her head on my shoulder.

'Listen, and let it come onto you.' I sat and did as she said, listening to the music, real aware of her slight weight leaning against me. In a while I began to feel kinda different. More relaxed, more sensitive, wanting to express deep thoughts that seemed to make a lot of deep sense. Pure crap of course, but luckily I was too interested in something else to express them.

I felt horny. Hell, not just horny, jumping outa my skin. Wanting to stick my cock into something soft, even if it was a slice of apple pie. I could smell Annie's hippy scent and something else underneath it, and when I sneaked a peek at her I could see that her breath was kinda rapid, her thin chest rising and falling fast under the flimsy dress. Click.

'Mind if I hold you some, try to keep in touch with reality? I feel like I need some kinda human contact.' She opened her eyes slowly and I could see they were huge and slightly bloodshot. She smiled and smothered a giggle.

'Fuckin' Oregon grass. Always hits me like a truck. You know what I wanna do?' I was stoned, but I didn't know it, so I just waited. She began to laugh again. 'Hell, Doug, you're so sweet: hold me as much as you fuckin' like.' She shifted slightly and somehow we were pressed together on the old hippy couch, our bodies molded against each other, noses almost touching. I could feel her skin, fever hot under the thin material of the dress, so I let my hands wander down her back, checking and probing, fascinated by the sensations floating through my fingers. No underwear sensations, I noted fuzzily. Her own hands were roaming too and although it seemed hours before they dropped to my ass and crotch it was probably only minutes. She pulled me close against her, pushing herself into my groin, peeked up.

'Whaddya got in there that won't lay still and chill out?'

'I was kinda thinkin' about how good you feel and smell and all, and it just sorta happened. This stuff always have that kinda effect?' She nodded, still smiling up at me.

'If you're with the right person. You planned for this, didn't you?' I squinted down at her and tried to look sincere.

'First time I came into the shop I noticed you.' She looked pleased and chewed my ear some, then swung herself upright.

'Weed always takes me like that too. I'm gonna go lay down, hope I get some human contact before too fuckin' long.' She floated delicately across the room, the dress rippling round her, and I was right behind, floating kinda clumsy, but definitely floating.

In her bedroom she watched me undress with hungry eyes and when I crawled in beside her she reached down and grasped my cock firmly.

'Looks kinda painful. I deal with it for you, what you gonna do for me?'

'This.' I curled my tongue out and rubbed the tip over the end of my nose and she dropped my cock and sat up.

'Do that again.' I obeyed, and a big grin spread over her face.

'Looks like I for sure got lucky. You a strong boy?' Click.

'And cheerful and thrifty and reverent. Eagle Scout with attitude.' That started us both giggling again and we lay laughing with each other while the weed sang through our veins and our hands carried on exploring.

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Alone again naturally

Anything can trigger the mood. An advertisement on TV showing a girl moving in a tight skirt as only a girl can move. A sexy picture in a magazine showing a certain pose or piece of female clothing. It can be anything and is as individual as a fingerprint. It can happen at any time during the day. You might spot a pretty young girl in jeans. She is faced away from you and for some reason bends over to pick something up. This action gives you a heavenly view of her jean-covered ass and as she...

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The Incestomatic TM or How blank Fucked blank

The appetite for incest stories far outstrips the capacity of a.s.s.m. authors. As a public service, this do-it-yourself Incest-o-matic (TM) may be used by writers attempting to meet the demand or readers too impatient to wait. For best results with the Incest-o-matic (TM), first flip a coin -- heads is a man, tails is... OK, stop giggling... tails is a woman. If it lands on the edge, use your imagination. Then randomly pick five numbers, each between one and 15 inclusive, applying each...

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Milf Erlebnisse

---------------------in Arbeit--------------------- In dieser Geschichte geht es um eine verheiratete Frau und Mutter die Sex mit jungen Männern hat. Entweder mit dem Bully vom Sohn, der ihren Sohn schon lange in der Schule ärgert. ODER mit dem besten Freund von ihrem Sohn. Der Sohn wird sie dabei früher oder später sehen, mitmachen wird er nicht. Sorry... gibt einfach zu viele Inzest Geschichten. In der Geschichte wird es die Sachen geben: viel Sex, viel Sperma, versauten Dirty Talk,...

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In Your Hands

@@@@@@@The restaurant, her choice, was as fine as she'd said it would be, and the play, my choice, was as good as the reviews had promised. Her dress, black and slinky, teased me all evening, with her shoulders and back semi-hidden under a filmy shawl, and the skirt slit up to just there... She had learned that part of me rapidly and well. We had learned each other actually, and surprisingly. A short stroll from the theater had brought us to a bar for a drink and dessert, but the tastes of the...

Straight Sex
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Transgender Latex Lust Samanthas Story

Several years ago, I was asked by a major latex clothing designer, to model for her latex- wear catalog. I had done it once before, with my then girlfriend, Karen, so I had no reluctance to doing it again. This time, I again agreed to do it, as it was so much fun wearing all those hot, skin-tight outfits, especially under the blazing studio lights. Teamed with me this time was Samantha, a very attractive girl of mixed parentage. Her Father is an American, her Mother is Japanese. Samantha is a...

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Stay the Course part 7 Day One in Toronto

Please read the previous chapters to get the idea of the story line. Master John opened the door and we walked into the lounge of our suite. The double doors to the right led to the bedroom with a King size bed. I needed to get out of the clothes I was wearing and shower! I slipped my coat off and dropped it on the floor, then unzipped my skirt and let that drop too. I stepped out my clothes and took my shoes off. Master John was watching me as I stripped, I turned and looked at him and...

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Glen WisemanChapter 16

The Metchettes’ mobile home was nice as far as mobile homes went. It was a small mobile home, but the Metchettes had picked it up for almost nothing. It had been repossessed and they had paid only the balance due. Their permanent house was being built a little ways down the street. In fact, the construction crew was down there working on it right now. Glen sat in one of the cheap chairs that came with the mobile home and looked around at the living room. It was very small, but he recognized...

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The Apartment on Tabor Road

After picking up the key, I turned around and drove back to building thirteen. My section sat across from the others which meant I had a hike to the laundry room. Still, I liked how the first floor unit felt tucked snugly away under the stairwell. The key slid into the lock and opened smoothly. The door needed a little push but that was okay. Upon entry, I sat down the box I had brought with me from the car and took a look around. The living room seemed smaller than the model I’d seen a few...

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Alexandras only hope

I am presenting a true story about a woman called Alexandra.Alexandra was a skinny,hot and desirable woman in her thirties.She lived in a ukrainian town with her husband and their only son,Robin.Robin was a growing young k**,sweet and innocent.Alexandra was very inquisitive and adventurous as a teenager.Unfortunately, she was too shy to make boyfriends.Her hunger for sex was insatiable,and this was killing her from inside.She sharpened her masturbation skills over the years as she was turning...

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GirlsWay Emma Hix Bella Roland You8217ll Never Go Back

Emma Hix and Bella Rolland, two friends, are curled up on the couch watching a rom-com together. Emma is thoroughly enjoying herself while Bella bites her tongue every step of the way. When the movie is over and Emma is gushing about how romantic the guy was, Bella can’t help but to poke fun at her. Bella can’t understand how Emma doesn’t find being with women even MORE romantic! After all, women smell nice, have soft skin… Emma is flustered, insisting that women are...

2 years ago
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Sheltered from the storm

This will start slow as my events are real life I feel background leading up is necessary to the finale. But first if anyone cares, my wife's home country (UK) kept her away for 6 months. I am not happy, but she feels it was worth while, it was supposed to be 4-6 weeks.The park is starting a new season in 5 weeks and as usual everything is different. Who knows how this year will unfold. This goes back to September 2019. I was already tired of being alone, a break is good, sometimes, but being...

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My White Wife Becomes a Black Cock Gangbang Slut

If my husband, Paul, had known how things were going to turn out, I don't think he would have gotten himself into the situation he now is. Paul and I met at college, married soon afterwards and have been together for 18 years. He is 42 and I am 41, but people tell me I look ten years younger. I guess I'm lucky in that I'm naturally slim and the little weight I have put on over the years has gone straight to my breasts, giving me a 36C 25 36 figure. I would be naïve if I didn't admit that most...

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My boy friends sexy orgy

One day I left my friends house about 10 pm. I got to the top of his road going past a shop and this fat bird was walking up to me. Then she stopes so I stop and she asked me if I had a spare fag. So I said yeah hang on a sec. As I reached for my fags she asked me where I was going. I said i'm going home. All of a sudden she asked me do you find me atractive with my big tits and my fat ass. So I said yes I do. Do you find me atractive. She said yeah do you fancy a fuck. I said where shall we...

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C is for Camerawoman

"I didn't watch that particular video. I am pretty sure it was yours, though.""There are many available on the internet, Honey. Different days, different camera angles."As the tintinnabulation of coin jingles and slot machine jangles harmonized around us, I observed the woman eating lunch with me at our table in the sandwich market. She was clearly abashed about her online activities."Barb, I think it's cool."She blinked at me, her wavy, red tresses framing her beige cheeks. "You...

4 years ago
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The Magic of my first Black Cock

Wow ! This was my first real experience with Black Cock. it was right after my divorce. I was in my late twenties. I ran my ads as a crossdresser on a few dating sites and on Craigslist. I recieved a message on my AFF site from a member whos profile mame was BBCRicky. My interest was immediately peaked. His profile discribed him as a dominant black male 6’4′ with a 10 inch thick cock. He was older in his late 40s, Interested in meeting petite submissive white sissys which fit me perfectly. I...

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Our Night In St Louis Chapter One

Throughout our lives, we search for that special connection that completes us. If we’re lucky, we are able to find it at least once in our lifetime. While I doubt she is a member here, maybe someday she will read this and know that she still holds a place deep inside me. I have taken a few liberties with the storyline, but the names, location and connection are genuine. It’s a bit long, but I hope you find it worth reading. Constructive criticism is welcome. I watched as the three young ladies...

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Lockdown with Daddy 2nd Episode

“Grrrh, don’t go,” he grumbled, putting an arm over her. He had woken from a beautiful dream, he had felt that warm wet pussy nestled on his cock, those cheery tipped breasts hanging down, tormenting him. The face smiling down at him, the beautiful face…..of his daughter. “Stop it Harry,” Ann said, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. “Let’s not have a repeat of yesterday shall we, and stop pressing your erection against my bottom.” “Oh come on Annie,” Harry groaned, “just this once, you know...

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Housewife1On1 Brenna Sparks 24513

Your wife Brenna Sparks is still at work, but you leave the office early because you’re too damn horny and you need pussy NOW! But the thing is, she’s a housekeeper for another residence, so you have to race over there before the work day’s over and the family starts arriving back home! She’s surprised to see you when you get there, but she gets turned on knowing that you and your hard dick tracked her down midday to fuck! While nobody’s home, out come your wife’s big tits and down she goes on...

1 year ago
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Hangover: I woke next to a pool of vomit. I didn't realise that I had had that much to drink. I realised somehow I had got to bed. I had no idea how. I threw off the sheets to get up. Then I realised that I was dressed as a French maid. I had never even put on any women's clothes before. How could I describe this? It was like when I was learning to swim. I remember that I wanted to step slowly into the water but instead I was thrown in the deep end. I panicked and had...

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Choose your own SexVenture Page 01

Welcome Reader! You are at the beginning of a sexual adventure where you get to choose the direction of the story. That’s right, you control the actions of the story. Start on page one (below) and begin reading until presented with your first set of options. Continue reading by clicking on the links to the indicated pages based on your choices. Warning: Do not read straight through from Page 01 to 24. Because all pages will be publicly available, each page will have a disclaimer at the top to...

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Sex Studio Secrets 29 Hot Hime1

Hot Hime is horny, she loves my polite proposition to erotically expose herself at my sexy studioHot Hime is my fine friend from the other side of the globe, she is a juicy Japanese cute beautyHot Hime is dreaming for a fortnight about my idea of a three-some with her and my great grand-dodHot Hime is ready to go and come in Amsterdam: she books a direct flight to be our sexy guest hereHot Hime is warmly welcomed by pretty Petra and Professor Pete Poet at the airport and in our studioHot Hime...

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YBWL2 Tylers revenge

If there was one thing young Tyler didn’t like, it was having his shit stolen. Young Josh was a star athlete on his school’s track team. He had been mentally conditioned by his father (who was once an young, handsome athlete himself.) to believe that he was truly better than everybody else. A strong ego is healthy for a growing boy, after all. The 14 year old had been working out his whole life, and was thus a fine physical specimen. His young coltish legs were particularly muscular, but...

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Beta Boyfriend

BETA BOYFRIEND by Throne Let me tell you about life with my girlfriend Maggie. I'm like a love- sick puppy around her. She's a few pounds overweight, with a soft face and substantial curves. She has glasses with big round frames. Her honey-colored hair is shoulder-length and cut in bangs. I am soooo smitten with her. Despite everything that's happened recently, I know I won't leave her. When we first met she invited me out instead of the other way around. I've always been...

4 years ago
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Virgin Gets Threesome Experience

It is the first time I am posting a sex story which happened in my life. If any girl or aunt interested in having a sex chat with me you can reach me at I promise I will keep things secret! This sex experience happened to me when I was in my bachelor’s degree. I was so addicted to sex since I was in my teens. I used to jerk myself every morning but I never had the chance to getting laid until I was in college. I used to have a friend shalini (name changed) who is elder than me but she was so...

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A Post Divorce Celebration

So, the time’s right I try to convince myself for the umpteenth time. My divorce is through and I’m a free woman for the first time in twenty three years. It’s time for my celibacy to end, to take a new man into my bed, or his bed or any bed for that matter. The difficulty is that my husband, or now ex-husband is the only man I’ve been with, and to give myself openly to another is a somewhat scary thought. But I’m ready, I tell myself, to be loved again. There is no turning back, for tonight I...

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An Accidental Love God Ch 103

Bernie’s Big Day While my wife was off having her adventures at the rodeo, I was entertaining my business guest, Bernard Gui, another day. I had gotten up early this Saturday – easy for me as I had not gotten particularly drunk and the energy I get from being an incubus does wonders for preventing hangovers. ‘Little’ Hector – all 6 foot 3 inches of him – was home from college and helping his mother by preparing a simple breakfast for us. His mother made wonderful breakfast rolls from an old...

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The Box

THE BOX By Hungry Guy     Gail drove down the quiet suburban street on a Thursday evening and pulled into a driveway of a house that looked like a cookie-cutter image of all the others in the neighborhood.  She picked up her clipboard and glanced at the couple in the back seat of her car.  "This home is right in your price range, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.  It has a finished basement, and two large bedrooms."    The woman in the back glanced at her husband and said "Looks okay from the outside. ...

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Anitas RescueChapter 11 Plans

Mornings in New Jersey so far had always provided surprises. This one seemed no different when Tony awoke to someone screaming for Tina. Rebecca was in bed but was waking up as fast as he had. It only took him a second to recognize that it was Anita screaming Tina's name. Rebecca managed to grab her robe and wrap it around her faster than Tony could get into his shorts and a T-shirt and she was out the door like a shot. By the time he made it to the hallway both Rebecca and Tina were...

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Pantyless Vacation

I wrote about our vacation about a month ago in a story titled “A tourist in a local bar” in the exhibitionism section.   I told you I would write about how we ended up having an vacation without underwear.   I decided to put it in the reluctance section because my wife, Linda, has been reluctant to relive our more adventurous days when we were dating and first got married. I have been trying to get Linda to wear more skirts and dresses and going without underwear for a number of years...

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Money isnt everything but it makes getting laid easier

I was at my private table in the club I owned in Vegas looking over the crowd. The club was packed with good looking people I noted with pleasure. My staff was doing just as I asked. Only the well dressed got in and more ladies than men. The dress code was strict. The girls were all in their best sexiest dresses and heels and the guys all looked very sharp. My eyes scanned the crowd when I saw her. She was with a small group of hot females but she was the only one with the shiny thick black...

Straight Sex
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Sex at the Movies

“I think we got here just in time,” Johnny says as he pushes his way through the double doors and into the theatre. Samantha follows quietly behind. Once they’ve found their seats, conveniently right at the back in the corner, the screen comes alive and the trailer for a new romance comes on. Johnny looks at Samantha and smiles. She smiles back, shyly. “What’s up, Sam? You didn’t seem so shy online,” he says. Samantha smiles politely and looks up at the screen. That doesn’t answer his...

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On the Rocks0

obscured the view of the blue sea which stretches far beyond the horizon on a clear day. All that was visible in the fog was the Hopewell Rocks. These giant stone monoliths rise from the beach floor to a height of over thirty five meters. The rocks tower over the seascape below. Their imposing size and dominance over the coastal vista have made them a major attraction in New Brunswick. And on this morning their ability to penetrate above the thick carpet of fog gives them an almost...

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Mall Mein Mili Bhabhi Ki Pyaas Bujhayi

Hello doston!  Mere pichli do experiences aap logon ke sath share kiya, bahut mails aye mere pass. Aap logon ke is pyar ke liye aap sabka dhanyawad. Jaisa ki aap sab jante hain ki main basically Lucknow se hun lekin business ke silsile mein travelling karta rahta hun. Ye kahani hai mere experience jo abhi kuch din pahele hua. Ek bhabhi ke saath, halaki shuruat 3-4 mahine pahele hui thi jab main ‘1920 Evil Return’ dekhne gaya tha. Woh mujhe paheli baar Phoenix mall mein mili thi. Bhabhi ki age...

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